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DINAS KOMUNIKASI, INFORMATIKA DAN KEHUMASAN Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9 Blok G Lt. 13 dan 3 serta Blok F Lt. Dasar Telp. 3823355 Fax. (021) 3848850 dan Fax. (021) 3823253 JAKARTA10110
NOTA DINAS Nomar :J4.WI ~o'1-q-4
Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Segera 1 (satu) berkas Permohonan Izin Penggunaan Logo Jakarta Smart City dan Logo Jaya Raya dalam acara Collaborative Government (Unified Communication)
Kepada Yth. Dari Sifat Lampiran Hal
Sehubungan dengan permohonan kolaborasi dari OpenGov, CIO Network Pte, Ltd mengenai Collaborative Government (Unified Communication), dengari ini kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Acara diusulkan dilaksanakan pad a tanggal 28-29 Oktober 20'15 dengan topik Collaborative Government (Unified Communication), dengan agenda: hari pertama akan diadakan sesi Breakfast Dialogue yang akan dimulai pad a pukul 08.00 - 11.00 WIB. hari kedua sesi 10 T Leadership Forum dimulai pada pukul 08.00 - 16.30 WIB. 2. Acara ini akan dihadiri oleh 6 sampai 8 pembicara internasional dan SKPD terkait di Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang akan berdiskusi mengenai pengalaman mereka tentang Smart City. Topik yang akan dibahas adalah Smart Government, Smart Health, dan Smart Education. 3. Sebelum acara ini terlaksana, OpenGov meminta waktu untuk diadakan preliminary meeting pad a tanggal 8 September 2015, pukul 13.00 - 14.30 WIB. Selain membicarakan Collaborative Government, OpenGov juga akan membahas tentang peluncuran Award Pemerintah yang berbasis analisis. 4. Pihak OpenGov berharap dapat menempatkan logo Jakarta Smart City dan Jaya Raya pada acara Breakfast Dialogue. Demikian disampaikan, mohon arahan lebih lanjut. Atas perhatian dan perkenaan Bapak diucapkan terima kasih.
Tembusan: 1. Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta 2. Asisten Pemerintahan Sekda Provinsi DKI Jakarta
2 e AUG
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Gmail - Re: Brl:!akf3st Dialogue & $mart City Forum
arnit yapranatsari
b",;, .' I, ~~~h.:
-_ .... Re: Breakfast Dialogue & Smart City Forum 4 messages -_._.Wise Dewi <[email protected]> Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 8:20 AM To: Syali Gestanon <[email protected]> Cc: Ellen Quek <[email protected]>, Noviana Putri <[email protected]>, Ai aja , arnit yapranatsari Dear Ellen, after discussion with Pak Setiaji for preliminary meeting, based on his schedule, the meeting propose 2nd of September 2015 (8 Septem!:Jer 2015, at 1 PM) is it sUi!bale for Mr. Mohit's schedule? Feel free discussion with us about that. For the logo, we need time to get fully approval from Head of Communication, Informatics and Public Relation Department. Once it's done, I will give it to you.
Bes t Regards, Wise
2015-08-1218:52 GMT+07:00 Syali Gestanon <[email protected]>: Dear Ellen, for the pre event meeting on 1st I 2nd week of September, what time (specific date) would you suggest for the meeting? so we"can prepare for it. and how many person from your team will attend this meeting? I assume that this meeting will held in our head office, is it right? thanks.
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Ellen Quek <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Wise Thanks for getting back.
Can you send me both the logo. Do I have to use both or I only use either or? ,
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the event. The Smart Cities event will be an event collaborated by Smart City division and OpenGov. This means we will work with the team to craft the agenda based around your objective and fly in the International Speakers for the Indonesian govemment to le'arn from. In addition we also want to discuss about launching an Award to benchmark government based on analytics. Can you please provide me your contact details. Thanks With gratitude
Ellen Quek General Manager, Asia Publisher View our video: Singapore OpenGov Leadership Forum 2015 1
hnps :lIm ai l.gOO9Ie.com/m ai1Iu10/7lJ=2&ik= ?f736113a711vl ew= pillsearch= Inboxlllh= 14f24a55357317aellsIm1= 14f24a55357317aellsl m1= 14124072893c92036. ..
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Ulalague &. ~art City Forum
CIO Network Pte Ltd Address: 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #05-28 E-Centre @ Redhill 8(159471) DID: +65 6303 06831 Fax: +65 6589 8980 Mobile: +65 9737 0030 Email: [email protected] Website: ~.opengovasia.c61Tl
OpenGov is a content provider that creates platforms, enabling government from around the world to share and exchange ideas on their use of technology In this digital age,We are a team that has revolutionised the traditional conferenr-e platform, having developed a method to return real and tangible value to the delegates that attend. By creating an environment that enables and enhances tnue collaboration and knowledge exchange, OpenGov enhances the experience which provides tnue insights from lessons learnt. Due to the eiler changing digital environment, CIO's struggle to keep up with all these changes. To assist these CIO's, Opef1Gov 11as embarked on a journey of exploration, finding solutions and best practice examples to assist CIO's in bridging this knowledge gap through out Digital Platform.OpenGov has organised many types of events. These events being small training seminars, large scale conferences and industry based exhibitions. They specifically focus on Government, in the areas of PUblic Sector ICT, Health care and Education. To add further value to these events, we have included private sector representation, w1hich has further expanded on our knowledge based and understanding in the delivery of services to our citizens. . Our tag lines says It all -> OMG Open My Government!
Disclaimer: The information transmitted, including attachments, is intended only for the person(s) or entity to w1hich it is addressed and may Contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information, The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any vi nus transmitted by this email. On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Wise Dewi <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Ellen, Very nice 10 know you well. First of all, My name Wise - staff on Jakarta Smart City. Follow up email from Mr. Mohit, may I know this event such as : . 1. 2. 3. 3.
Venue to be placed for this event Date and Time The audience Jakarta Smart City as a speaker or as a participant?
For the logo, we have Jakarta Smart City's logo and Capital Provincial Goverment's logo. Wilicn one that you prefer? Prelimenary meeting for discuss this event will be arranged and will inform to you as soon as possible.
Dear Novi, Pis arrange the lime for the meeting ( first or 2nd week of September)
Thanks So. Regards, Wise 2015-08-1212:32 GMT+07:00 Ellen Quek <[email protected]>: Dear Syali and Mrs Wise I hope this email finds both of you well. https:/f01all·900g10.com/01alllutOl?ui=28Jk=7f736113<17&view=pl&soarch=inbox&lh= 14124a55357317ao&oi01I=14124a55357317ao&5I01I=14124a72893c9203&..
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U'e:t'V!:IllC Cl .:Jll'dl t \,;IIY I-ur lin
As per Setiaji email below, I like to get the logo from you for the upcoming breakfast dialogue which we are holding in Indonesia. In addition we like to meet with Setiaji and the team on the Smart Cities event and awards in Jakarta. We would like to be in Jakarta first or 2nd week of September, will yO!J be able to advise me when is a good day. : hope to hear from yOll soon. Thanks With gratitude
. Ellen Quek General Manager, Asia Publisher View our video: Singapore OpenGov Leadership Forum 2015 , ': .
~ ~
cia Network Pte Ltd Address: 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #05-28 E-Centre @ Redhill 5(159471) DID: +65 6303 0683 I Fax: +65 6589 8980 Mobile: +65 9737 0030 Email: [email protected] Website: www.opengovasia.com
OpenGov is a content provider that creates platforms, enabling government from around the world to share and exchange ideas on their use of technology in this digital age.We are a team that has revolutionised the traditional conference platfonm, having developed a method to return real and tangible value to the delegates that attend. By creating an environment that enables and enhances true collaboration and knowledge exchange, OpenGov enhances the experience which provides true insights from lessons learnt. Due to the ever changing digital environment, CIO's struggle to keep up with all these changes. To assist these CIO's, OpenGov has embarked on.a journey of exploration, finding solutions and best practice examples to assist CIQ's in bridging this knowledge gap through out Digital Platform.OpenGov has organised many types of events. These events being small training seminars, . large scale conferences and industry based eXhibitions. They specifically focus on Government, in the areas of Public Sector ICT, Health care and Education. To add further value to these events, we have included private sector representation, which has further expanded on our knowledge based and understanding in the delivery of services to our citizens. Our tag lines says it all -> OMG Open My Governmentl
Disclaimer: The infonmation transmitted, including attachments, is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential andlor privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other tha8 the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, p.lease contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information.The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. ------- Forwarded message - - From: Mohit Sagar <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 12:57 PM SUbject: Re: Breakfast Dialogue & Smart City Forum To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected], Ellen Quek <[email protected]>
Thank you very much Setiaji. https:/lmail·9OO9le.com/mail/u'O/?ui=2&ik=7173611307&view=pt&search= inbox&th-14124a553573f7ae&sim1= 14124a553573f7ae&sim1= 14124a72S93c92()3&. ..
_........ .' .. ..... cut""'"
UI"I~ 0. ;:>lllal\
Will work with your team to get it all done.
With Gratitude, Mohit
. .
Mohit Sagar
OPEN .,GOV ;~. ~
Group Managing Director CIO Network Pte Ltd. Address:. 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #05-28 E-Centre@RedhiIlS(159471) Phone: +65 6303 0681 / Fax +65 6589 8980 Mobile: +65 8111 1400 Email: [email protected] .Website: www.opengovasia.com Watch our latest video: Singapore OpenGov Leadership Forum 2015
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 12:37 PM, <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Sagar Sorry for miss email toMrSyali([email protected])&Wise([email protected]) I have also cc to them Thanks
----Mohit Sagar <[email protected]> wrote: --To: [email protected] From: Mohit Sagar <[email protected]> Date: 08/10/2015 09:20AM' Cc: "Ellen Quek <ellen.quek@opengl)vasia.com> Syali Gestanon <ellen.quek@opengovasia. comellen.quek> Wise Dewi" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Breakfast Dialogue & Smart City Forum
Thank you very much Setiaji Please copy in Mr. Syali and Mrs. Wise and I will get Ms. Ellen to work out the details. Have a great day. With Gratitude, Mohit
Mohit Sagar
.OPEN .·'GOV . ~.
Group Managing Director CIO Network Pte Ltd. Address: 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #05-28 E-Centre @ Redhill 8(159471)
https :/Imail·90ogle.com/mail/ulOI?U=28Jk= 7f736113a7&vlew=pl&search=inbox&th= 14f24a553573f7ae&siml= 14f24a553573f7ae&siml=14f24an893c9203&...
............. , .... C.
DI t:dKIClSt Ulalogue
& Smart City Forum
Phone: +65 6303 0681 / Fax +65 6589 8980 Mobile: +65 8111 1400 Email:·[email protected] Weosite: www.opengovasia.com Watch our latest video: Singapore OpenGov Leadership Forum 2015
On Mon, Aug 10; 2015 at 8:39 AM, <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Sagar Thanks for your call and info about this event A valuable opportunity for us to be able to collaborate with you For further <.Jetails please coardinate discussions with Mr Syali and ~~rs Wise (1 cc aIso to them) Thanks
-----Mohit Sagar <[email protected]> wrote: To: [email protected] From: Mohit Sagar <[email protected]> Date: 08/06/2015 11 :48AM Cc: Ellen Quek <[email protected]> SUbject: Breakfast Dialogue & Smart City Forum
Hello Setiaji, , It was great talking to you and once again well done on the hard and great work you are doing. Please let me know where I can help out. , am looking to multiple events in Jakarta in the space you are woking and no cost to governTTient while flying in international gcvernment speaker who can share their insights to ,. the Indonesian government.
.Breakfast Dialogue ' Topics _ Collaborative Government (Unified Communication) - proposed date 28th October Security - date to be confirmed - please suggest OpenGov to provide • Moderated by OpenGov • OpenGov to Invite an international Guest Speaker who will share their journey with the delegates • OpenGov and City of Jakarta to invite the delegates • OpenGov to pay for all expenses of the event • Duration of event - 8.00 am to 11.00 am Jakarta Smart City Division, at the City Government to provide • Supported by Jal<arta Smart City Division • Assist in inviting key decision makers to the event • Advise on the agenda based or. your blue print for the Jakarta Smart City plan
Smart Citv2,O· Powered bv loT Leadership Forum, OpenGov to provide • Moderated by OpenGov • OpenGov to Invite an6 to 8 international Guest Speaker who will share lheir hnps :/lm ai1.90091e.eom/m aiI/ulOI?ui=2&ik=7f736113a7&vi",,=pI&searelF1nbox&tIF 14124a55357317ae&s1m1= 14124a55357317ae&si ml=14124a7289309203&. ..
.... '01011 -
IjreaKlasl Dialogue & Smart City Forum
journey with the delegates • OpenGov dialogue table format where delegates will move from table to table giving them a chance to learn from their intentional and local peers • OpenGov and City of Jakarta to invite the delegates • OpenGov to pay for all expenses of the event • Area of focus for discussion.- Smart Government, Smart Health, Smart Education • Duration of event .. 3.00 am to 4.30 pm • Possible workshop on day 2
Jakarta Smart City Division, at the City Government to provide • Supported by Jakarta Smart City Division and other key agencies involved in the "Smart City" initiative • Assist in inviting key decision makers to the event • Advise on the agenda based on your blue print for the Jakarta Smart City plan and on the intematiomil speakers • Assist OpenGov in short listing technology partners - international and local to support the event
I would like to come and see you in the first or second week in September. Can you let me know what day and time suits you. In the mean time can you please get someone from your team tolsend aGross a logo so that l'CiIn get the'agenda for the'first topic.prepared for you to view, Talk to you soon. With Gratitude, Mohit
Mohit Sagar Group Managing Director CIO Network Pte Ltd. Address: 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah #05-28 E-Centre @ Redhill 8(159471) I Fax +65 6589 8980 Phone: +65 6303 0681 Mobile: +65 8111 1400 Email: [email protected] Website: www.opengovasla.com
Watch our latest .video: Singapore OpenGov Leadership Forum 2015
Terimakasih ,
htlps:/lmai I.google.com/maj I/ulOI?Li =2&;k= 7f736113a7&vjeov= pt&search= inbox&th= 14f24a553573f7ae&sim1= 14f24a553573f7ae&sim1= 14124a72893c9203&. ..
m "
Jalan Madan Merdeka Selalan 8-9 Blok G Lt 13 dan 3 serla Blok F Lt Dasar Telp" 3823355 Fax. (021) 3848850 dan Fax" (021) 3823253 JAKARTA10110
NOTA DINAS Nomor: / Kepada Yth" Dari Sifat Lampiran Hal
Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Segera 1 (satu) berkas Permohonan Izin Penggunaan Logo Jakarta Smart City dan Logo Jaya Raya dalam acara Collaborative Government (Unified Communication)
Sehubungan dengan permohonan kolaborasi dari OpenGov, CIO Network Pte, Ltd mengenai Collaborative Government (Unified Communication), dengan ini kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
'l'1 1" Acara diusulkan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28/0ktober 2015 dengan topik Collaborative Government (Unified Communication). Be.dangsung-sel<:lma-dua-l:lari, dengan agenda: hari pertama akan diadakan sesi Breakfast Dialogue yang akan dimulai pad a pukul 08.00 - 11.00. YI'\ hari kedua sesi 10 T Leadership Forum dimulai pad a pukul 08.00 - 16.30. 'A'II\ 2. Acara ini akan dihadiri oleh 6 sampai 8 pembicara internasional dan SKPD terkait di Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang akan berd!skusi mengenai pengalaman mereka tentang Smart City. Topik yang akan dibahas adalah Smart Government, Smart Health, dan I Smart Education.
3. Sebelum acara ini terlaksana, OpenGov meminta waktu untuk meetmg pad a tanggal 8 September 2015, pukul 13.00 - 14.30 VV1B-:--Serarn membicarakan Collaborative Government, OpenGov juga akan membahas tentang peluncuran Award Pemerintah yang berbasis analisis. 4. Pihak OpenGov berharap dapat menempatkan logo Jakarta Smart City dan Jaya Raya pad a acara Breakfast Dialogue. Demikian disampaikan, mohon arahan lebih lanjut. Atas perhatian dan perkenaan Bapak diucapkan terima kasih. Agustus 2015 Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta,
Drs. Ii Karunia, M.Si. NIP 196501011991121001
Tembusan: 1. Sekretar!s Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta 2. Asisten Pemerintahan Sekda Provins! DKI Jakarta
DINA'S KOMUNIKASI, INFORMATIKA DAN KEHUMASAN Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9 Siok G U. 13 dan 3 serla Siok F U. Dasar Telp. 3823355 Fax. (021)'3848850 dan Fax. (021) 3823253 JAKARTA10110
NOTA DINAS Nomor: / Kepada Yth. Dari
Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Segera 1 (satu) berkas Permohonan Izin Penggunaan Logo Jakarta Smart City dan Logo Jaya Raya dalam acara Collaborative Government (Unified Communication)
Sifat Lampiran Hal
Sehubungan dengan permohonan kolaborasi dari OpenGov, CIO Network Pte, Ltd mengenai Collaborative Government (Unified Communication), dengan ini kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: th I (.I '" XW\u- k ,,-V' 1. Acara diusulkan tpada tanggal 28 Oktober 2015 dengan topik Collaborative Government (Unified Communication). ~'19,( fferlangsung selama dua hari, dengan agenda: hari pertama akan diadakan sesi Breakfast Dialogue yang akan dimulai pada pukul 08.00 -11.00. hari kedua sesi loT Leadership Forum dimulai pad a pukul 08.00 - 16.30. 2. Acara ini akan dihadiri oleh 6 sampai 8 pembicara internasional dan SKPD terkait di Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang akan berdiskusi mengenai pengalaman mereka tentang Smart City. ~yang akan dibahas adalah Smart Government, Smart Health, dan w ( 11 . Smart Education. ~ IO~)\I,
3. Sebelum acara ini terlaksana, OpenGov meminta waktu prelimenary meeting pad a tanggal 8 September 2015, pukul 13.00 - 14.30f Selain membicarakan _8Clara ). tEit-s~bnt, OpenGov juga akan membahas tentang peluncuran Award ( Pemerintahan)fang berbasis anal isis. I c.= '-_""
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4. Pihak OpenGov berharap dapat menempatkan logo Jakarta Smart City dan Jaya Raya L,ll'Hlztk-Eti!)E1HakaR pad a acara Breakfast Dialogue. Demikian disampaikan, mohon arahan lebih lanjut. Atas perhatian dan perkenaan Bapak diucapkan terima kasih. Agustus 2015 Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta,
Drs. Ii Karunia, M.Si. NIP 196501011991121001
Tembusan: 1. Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta 2. Asisten Pemerintahan Sekda Provinsi DKI Jakarta