Abstract E-learning, nowadays has reach the capability to fullfil the learning activity outside campus. To provide a good e-learning services, it means prepare a good learning object as a curricullum driving force. Learning Object (LO) is the most important part of the e-learning environment. LO creates communication among resources which enrich the content and strategic capability of E-learning system. Open source as an alternative, is the breakthrough on applying an E-learning system. Keyword: Learning Object, E-learning, Model, UML 1. E-LEARNING E-learning is the effective teaching and learning process created by combining digital content with local community and tutor support aline with global community engagement.[Mar]
21" century
Figure 1 E-learning Evolution [Abd 2004] As e-leaming evolution has reach a complex era which is the default of e-learning not only about getting online but the quality of content and knowledge management inside. The quality of content was a big issue that uprising today. To rise the quality of e-learning system is done by enhancing the capability of interaction between LO. The involvement of a large meta-data is quiet uneasy for LO management. " Dosen Tetap Jurusan Teknik Informatika, FIK-UPH Learning Object Interaction... (I Made Murwantara)
2. LEARNING OBJECT According to Cheryl J. Hamel and David Ryan Jones, a learning object, narrowly defined, refers to a small, stand alone unit of instruction that can be tagged with descriptor and stored in repositories for reuse in various instructional context. [Lim 2003] learner 1. *
unit of learnino
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Figure 2. The relationship between object of learning, publications, runs, roles, staff and learners
The basic way of LO is to avoid learning resources used only on a specified system or a platform. It means not depend on a specific system or a platform. LO resides on an LOM (Learning Object Meta data). Table 1. Learning Object Characteristics [IEE 2001]
Smaller units of learning Self contained Reusable Can be aggregated Tagged with metadata
Typically from 2 and 15 minutes of learning Can be used independently of other learning objects Same learning object can be used in multiple context for multiple purposes LO can be grouped into larger collections of content to create more substantial learning units ALL Los are tagged with metadata the describes LO and allows it to be the easily retrieved in search
LO can be stored in a database. As objects, LO can be easily stored in a database according to its capability of being found and repurposed. Of course the computing power and network infrastructure support must be aligned proportional to its use. To know LO further we need to know exactly the LO anatomy. First is the location of LO is centered around a learning objective. The objective of learning must be define explicitly. Second of anatomy LO is the content or information resides must supports the objective and promotes the achievement of the learning outcome. And the last, the measurement success LO depend on its practice or feedback to ensure mastery of the object.
Jumal llmiah llmu Komputer, Vol. 3 No. 1 Januari 2005: 69-75
Practice & Feedback
Instructional Content
Figure 3. Anatomy of Learning Object
Based on anatomy of learning object, the learning object model can be constructed. Object reusability on object-oriented paradigm could be implemented on LO. As seen on figure 4, the learning object reusability is applied to enhance the capability of content on LO. It's remarkable on account of its interdependency between objects, lessons and courses which impact on curriculum design.
Cour»© Collection of L«/ssons.
Reusable Learning Objects: Ltimtng obj»
Reusable Learning Object infoft&rftai Obpcl
Reusable Learning Object
R*u»»l>t» tnh»rm*(i*m Ofejsct
Hnt»M* Object
Reusable Information Objects: Concepts, Fact. Principle, Process. Procedure. Assembled \ from mi content Kent?
fttuoMa fciferroation Object
Raw Content Items: Text, Media, Sound. Imagas, etc...
Figure 4. Learning Object Model
To allow the reuse of learning objects, various standards have been developed to describe learning objects, their relationships, etc. the IEEE LOM draft standard for learning object metadata specifies a variety of bibliographic and technical properties of learning objects, as well as different relationships between learning objects and make exchange, reuse and search of learning objects based on these metadata possible. [RJ 2004]
Learning Object Interaction... (I Made Murwantara)
nils LOM Resource
LOM Type
Figure 5. LOM Meta-model
3. WHY OPEN SOURCE E-LEARNING According to Intel Corp, Open source match the criteria when the source code of a computer program is made available free of charge to the general public, it's known as open source. The basis of open source software is to produce more useful and bug-free products for everyone to use. The concept relies on peer review to find and eliminate bugs in the program code, a process which commercially developed and packaged programs do not utilize. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) reviews then certifies open source programs. They have a stringent list of criteria that include making sure no one collects a royalty on the software and no person, group or field of endeavor can be denied access to the program. [SPM] Open source benefit besides its freeness, also combine a user as developer. This benefit increase the capability of software system when it is applied to e-learning system. Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Distributed Learning Environment) is one example of masterpiece on the development under open source. E-learning Environment full of learning criteria and dynamic interaction between user and provider. Interoperability, portability and reusability are the main menu on choosing the right e-learning system. Is open source fit to the growing up institution?, unlike software company, open source community never slept away. It's developer working 24 hours a day and 7 days a week without any break. This kind of working life cycle happened because open source community are spread all over the world, or without limit. It means that user could have support only one click away from their PC mouse. 4. LEARNING OBJECT INTERACTION Learning object can be separated into its functional and capability on providing the learning information. The idea behind the form of object on learning is to enhance the interoperability that usually exist between objects. In Smart Spaces for Learning the distinction between two different types of learning objects, namely Learning Materials (LM) and Learning Activities (LA), is essential and also drives the requirements for the application profile [1]. Learning materials are available asynchronously and can be consumed independent of time and location. An LM is manifested in a physical or digital good. Learning activities, on the other hand, are alive events that are delivered according to a schedule at physical or virtual location. LA is manifested in a synchronous service, which is frequently supported by information technology nowadays. A course constitutes an example of a learning activity, a book an example of a learning material. 72 Jurnal llmiah llmu Komputer, Vol. 3 No. 1 Januari 2005: 69-75
A smart space for learning which is based on an application profile aligned to requirement mention above, is able to provide and can be tested against the following research capabilities: a. Learning Object meeting a user's language preferences are selected b. Learning Object within a specific price range are selected c. Learning Material meeting user's media format preferences are selected d. Learning Activities meeting user's location preferences. e. Learning Activities that are available in the preferred time period.
Learning Object
Figure 6. Simple UML class Diagram of the Semantic Model
Learning object can be defined as any kind of material or activity that is made available by learning object provider under specified conditions for the purpose of facilitating learning. Semantic model will be fit properly in LO conceptual model.
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m a t Is a Message
What Is an Object^
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Relations To Code
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Control Flaw IPsgiNssii-iLi-UiwCoiiSit . tr=!^NsmB=LG ftfA7tfar=L0 QD 10 Naw^Caitral Hcw^
Figure 7. Semantic web on learning object interaction generation code
Learning Object Interaction... (I M a d e Murwantara)
Learning object interaction to shape lesson on the e-learning system is the most important even. Neglected of thinking this interaction could create a new complicated problem, especially when the curriculum is trying to combine or to use the reusability and interoperability of learning object. 5. FUTURE WORKS Obtaining a flexible and unlimited e-leaming is not by preparing only the content and the flow of learning management, but should prepare the interaction dynamic of learning object and fast search combination of curriculum design using artificial intelligence. Learning Intelligence (LI) is not the way e-learning treated their object interaction and create new combination that suited and fit the student and learning provider to provide a new different way of learning by creating extra ordinary learning object using Intelligence of software system.
Student 1
Learning Intelligence
Learning Object Model
Learning Object Meta-Data
Figure 8. Learning Object Combination into Learning Intelligence
The Formalized learning object model is also the power factor on e-learning system development. It's justify the existing value on learning object interaction. Nowadays, Formalization on learning object still absence of its existency on e-learning crowded discussion.
Jurnal llmiah llmu Komputer, Vol. 3 No. 1 Januari 2005. 69-75
6. CONCLUSION Learning Object (LO) is the most incredible value of Learning Object Meta-model which builds the learning environment. Interaction among objects of learning object at e-learning system, creates a dynamic interaction that finally evolve into multifunction of learning object capability. Reusability, interoperability and portability on elearning environment is the most important thing . Managing interaction on learning object could improve the performance of learning model by creating a state of the art learning model. UML is the fit modeling tools on an investigation of learning model creation. REFERENCE: [Abd 2004]
E-learning: Concept, Reality and Implementation, Dr. Abdulla Al Karam, Presentation in the GULF "The First Annual Forum", 2004.
Learning Object Metadata Working Group, Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata, IEEE P1484.12/D6.1, April 2001
[Lim 2003]
What are Learning Object, Lim Kin Chew, Executive Manager, Elearning Competence Centre, Presentation, 2003.
E-learning, Presentation.
[RJ 2004]
Improving LOM-Based Interoperability of Learning Repositories, Rivera, Bernd Simon, Juan Quemada, WOSE 2004.
Model-Driven Design of Web Applications with Client-Side Adaptation, Stefano Ceri, Peter Dolog, Maristella Matera, Learning Lab Germany and Politecnico di Milano.
Website: [1]
Open Source Definition, Intel Corp., www.intel.com/home/glossary/body
Learning Object Interaction... (I Made Murwantara)
6. 7.
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[CHS 1998]
[DFA 1999] [EN 1998] [Yog 1995] [Wei 2003]
Cabena, Peter; Hadjinian, Pablo; Stadler, Rolf; Verhees, Jaap; Zanasi, Alessandro, Discovering Data Mining from Concept to Implementation, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p. 22, 1998. Dix, Alan J.; Finlay, Janet E.; Abowd, Gregory D.; HumanComputer Interaction, Prentice Hall, 1999. Elmasri, & Navathe; Fundamentals of Database Organization, Prentice Hall Inc, 1998. Yogiyanto H.M; Analisis dan Disain Sistem Informasi, Edisi 5, Andi Offset Yogyakarta, 1995. Weir, Jason; Data Mining: Exploring the Corporate Asset, in IS Management Handbook, eds. Carol V. Brown and Heikki Topi, 8th edn., Auerbach Publications, Boca Raton, p. 307, 2003.
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, 2002. [2] Conklin, E. Jeffrey; Designing Organizational Memory: Preserving Intellectual Assets in a Knowledge Economy [online], Group Decision Support Systems, available World Wide Web , 1996. [3] Maki, Eerikki; and Jarvenpaa, Eila; Building Knowledge Sharing Culture to Promote Knowledge Creation [online], available World Wide Web, 2002. 9.
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