Departemen Farmakologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Pelita Harapan 1D"purt"rn"n Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universutas Padj adj aran ,Departemen Farmakologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Padjadjaran
Infection events, both in hospital environment called nosocomial and beyond hospital, are very Infection increasei morbidity and mortality rates, as well_as-prolongs ltospital stayiLqir"t. "Prisently, ir*"rout plant are proved impirically having antibacterial effect; one of them is uirgin coconut oil (VCO). bherefori, this stuiy was io invesiigate the antibacterial effect of VCO on wound that iad bien infeited with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.(MRSA). eompJgte .Randomized - Design. The Oii"iiiriil laboratory study was conducted withpigs. The de.rmis o! gach animnl were guinea ixlperiiental animal *as tS iale strain albino wound was infected with MRSA the then bise, with muscular wound inbised to be a 9-cm2 ,isp"ition. Subsequently, three dffirent treatments, i.e., no treatrnent, daily 3cc.oral VCO, and daily 0 .4 cc topicai VCd were oplili"a tu control group , oral_VCO qrouP and topical VCO group, iispecttvely. ih, doto obtained-were analyzed usiig ana.lysis ^of v.ariance^(ANOVA) and two tifipiit-itt.ihe study results showedthatihe admiiistrationof topical^VgOwiththe dallyanimnl Qoseexperimental ;if.i;; iii iUt, to trLot infection and accelerated the wound iealing of-the ignificantly (p=,\t.043 a =0.05).^The administration of-3 experim.ental the in leukocytes_ of blood number the to ieduce were able Vbd ind 0.4 cc topical animal. The administration of 0 .4 cc topical VCO daily was able to kill the bacteria resulting in^ reduced wound bacteria significantly ip=O.0092