This catalogue is published in conjunction with the exhibition
CIPUTRA ARTPRENEUR YOUTH ART APPRECIATION 2015 The exhibition will be held from 25 April – 3 May 2015
Produced and Organized by :
Editor and Translator :
Ciputra Artpreneur
Sally Texania
President Director :
Designer :
Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata
Astrid Natalia
Director :
Social Media :
Sri Muliani Arief
Hendro Widianto
Head of Project :
Exhibition :
Sally Texania
Jerry Ferdinand Andri Hilary
Contributors :
Kennylia S Koentoyo
John Torr ( SIS Bona Vista ) Tina Kamihadi ( Global Jaya School )
Opening :
Queenie Allison ( JIS )
Rika Octaviany
Jessica Atmanto ( SPH-Lippo Village )
Wellen Paramita
Jane Mitchell ( NJIS )
Cahya Adhi
Kania Yuliandini ( Mentari School Bintaro ) Martina Greaney ( NZIS )
Project Assistant : George Ante
PRAKATA Kami sangat gembira bahwasanya program pameran khusus siswa-siswi tingkat menengah ini dapat terselenggara untuk pertama kalinya di Ciputra Artpreneur Gallery. Ciputra Youth Art Appreciation 2015 kami adakan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan minat anak -anak Indonesia terhadap seni dari sisi produksi dan kewirausahaan. Melalui program ini, kami berharap dapat menumbuhkan minat dan bakat baru di bidang seni pada anak-anak Indonesia. Indonesia sangat kaya akan seni dan budaya, kini kita sebagai warga negara perlu menghargai dan mengangkat seni dan budaya kita sendiri. Adanya lebih dari 100 karya dan banyaknya variasi media mulai dari gambar di atas kertas hingga karya instalasi dalam pameran ini menunjukkan bahwa sekolah semakin memberikan perhatian terhadap perkembangan terkini dari seni rupa dan desain. Ciputra Artpreneur Gallery ini memiliki luas sekitar 1,500 m2, yang terdiri dari 3 ruang dimana masing-masing dirancang dengan nuansa netral dan dapat dikombinasikan untuk beragam kebutuhan. Ditambah dengan integrasi Ciputra Artpreneur Gallery dalam kompleks Ciputra World 1 Jakarta yang memiliki akses ke hotel, perkantoran dan pusat perbelanjaan, memungkinkan seni dan kegiatan didalamnya berinteraksi dengan masyarakat secara lebih mudah. Untuk ini saya ucapkan terimakasih dan selamat kepada para sekolah, guru dan anak-anak siswa-siswi dari Global Jaya School , Jakarta Intercultural School, Mentari School Bintaro, North Jakarta Intercultural School, New Zealand Indenpendent School, Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village dan Singapore School Bona Vista yang telah berkarya dan berpartisipasi dalam pameran ini. Semoga bersama dapat kita wujudkan generasi-generasi mendatang yang lebih kreatif dan berinovasi. Akhir kata saya ucapkan selamat datang di Ciputra Artpreneur dan selamat mengapreasi seniman-seniman masa depan Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata President Direktur Ciputra Artpreneur
PREFACE Greetings from Ciputra Artpreneur. We are pleased to host the first ever Ciputra Artpreneur Youth Art Appreciation 2015, a special art and design exhibition dedicated to secondary school students held in Ciputra Artpreneur Gallery. Ciputra Artpreneur Youth Art Appreciation 2015 was initiated to encourage the growth Indonesian children’s interest on developing their creativity of producing cultural product and it’s entrepreneurial potential. By having this exhibition we aim to foster the new breed of creative talent as we believe it is time for us to appreciate and elevate our own art and culture. This exhibition shows more 100 artworks in a wide range of media from drawing on paper to new media approach. It shows the increasing attention and appreciation of art and design. Ciputra Artpreneur Gallery covering an area of approximately 1,500 sqm, comprising 3 artistic galleries. Each of them is designed with neutral nuances and can be combined with various needs. These galleries can also be connected to main prefunction lobbies to provide larger space. This gallery have a direct access to hotel, offices and shopping center that the arts and the activities connect with broader audiences. Finally, I would like to give my highest appreciation to participating schools, teacher and students of Global Jaya School, Jakarta Intercultural School, Mentari School Bintaro , North Jakarta Intercultural School, New Zealand Independent School, Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village and Singapore School Bona Vista that have worked and participate in this exhibition. Together we support the enlightenment of the more creative and innovative future generation Welcome to Ciputra Artpreneur and support our future artist Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata President Director of Ciputra Artpreneur
SIS Presents two types of works in this Exhibition : Collective and Individual. We collaborate and work in collectives through an installation entitled “ Trashion”. "TRASHION" is the title given to the Secondary 2 & 3 Art & Design assignment, in which students explored how trash can become visual art. TRASHION is our response to the motto, REDUCE, RECYCLE & REUSE. The two most important criteria in this assignment are that the artwork is three dimensional and that it is constructed of at least 75% trash. To achieve this objective, Secondary 2 students, parents, and teachers were invited to contribute their household trash to the production of the artwork. Even though the art room was trashed for three weeks, we chose not to refuse anything, including a dusty wall fan and two broken umbrellas and despite all the rubbishy comments we surged ahead with no time to waste, with trashion in our hearts and this is what we came up with. Showcasing student’s individual work "SHOCKING SELF-PORTRAITS" was the Secondary 2 Art & Design first assignment for 2015 and incorporated a number of interesting techniques: Stage one was the styrofoam reduction print process for the 3 colour repetitive design background and stage two was producing a stenciled screen-print self portrait in black, based on a 'shocking' self portrait photograph. We also exhibit CCB SELF PORTRAITS, The Secondary 3 students explored self-portraiture using charcoal and chalk on black paper. The images were scaled to A3 from a small, funny self-portrait photograph.
SIS mempresentasikan dua pendekatan karya : karya kolektif dan karya individual. Karya kolektif di tunjukkan melalui instalasi ‘Trashion’ dan karya individual melalui karya potret. “Trashion” merupakan judul yang diberikan pada instalasi siswa secondary school kelas 2 dan 3 dalam eksplorasi sampah sebagai media karya seni. ’Trashion’ merupakan respon kami terhadap motto “ REDUCE, RECYCLE & REUSE”. Kriteria penting dari karya ini adalah bahwa 75% dari material ini harus berasal dari sampah dan merupakan karya 3 dimensional. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini siswa, orang tua murid dan guru diundang untuk menyumbangkan sampah rumah mereka sebagai bahan produksi . Walaupun ruang studio penuh sampah selama 3 minggu, kami memutuskan untuk tidak menolak apapun seperti kipas yang berdebu, dua payung rusak, dan juga komentar disekitarnya. Kami berpacu dengan waktu dengan keyakinan akan ‘trashion’ dalam hati kami yang hadir di ruang pamer ini. Pada presentasi karya individual kami tampilkan shocking self portrait hasil siswa secondary tingkat 2 yang menggabungkan beberapa teknik menarik : tahap pertama adalah membuat background 3 warna dengan teknik cetak styrofoam reduction yang kemudian ditumpuk dengan teknik stensil hitam yang dikembangkan dari foto. Kami juga menampilkan CCB Self Portrait dengan teknik charcoal dan kapur diatas kertas hitam. Foto ini dibesarkan ke ukuran A3 dari foto potret kecil.
133 MILK TOP BOX RICHARD GAGE, MR. TORR 25 x 25 x 25 cm Styrofoam, papier maché, milk-bottle-tops and cable
ROBOTRASH CHANG JAE YOUNG, LIM CHAE SOUNG 82 x 15 x 55 cm Cardboard, trash, AC piping, computer parts
132 TRASH CUBE TOTEM HONG JUN YOUNG, KANG SOO HOON 86 x 15 x 15 cm Styrofoam, papier maché, items of trash
137 COMPULATION SANG MIN, JANG SUNG, SANG RYUK 105 x 22 x 45 cm Computer Frame, styrofoam and assorted trash
138 DALI FLIPFLOPS CHRISSY, JOHNSON, ERYKA RASHID Small: H. 14 cm x W. 14 cm x l. 14 cm Middle: H. 13 cm x W. 18 cm x l. 18 cm Big : H. 7 cm x W. 24 cm x l. 28cm Cardboard (papier maché), trash and old flipflops
TUBULAR CHOPSTICKS SHIVAM VIJARVARGIA, WILLIAM TAN 74 x 44 cm Cardboard tube, used chopsticks and paint
139 TRASHMAN RICHARD GAGE, ALISYA MUSTIKA ALI, CHRISTINA, CHALISTA NUFIANSYAH PUTRI, RIN KANEKO 110 x 100 x 80 cm Cardboard (papier maché), wire and trash
127 BAUBLE MASK VENICE WONG, XUE-ER 47 x 25 x 30 cm Cardboard (papier maché) and old jewellery
135 CUBULATOR JIN MIN YOUNG, KIM DONG HYUN 30 x 40 x45 cm Styrofoam, papier maché and assorted electronic trash
128 PERM “O” CUT ALEX TAN CHONG YI, REYHAN AKMAL MALIKI ADI N. 60 x 45 x 35 cm Computer frame, cardboard (papier maché), trash and acrylic paint
131 TRASHION BOXES 2015 ; 13 glass boxes size 30 x 30 x 30 cm, 5 glass boxes size 20 x 20 x 20 cm The Glass Boxes are each filled with different items of trash and were worked on collaboratively by Secondary 2 Students and Mr. John C. Torr "TRASHION" is the title given to the Secondary 2 & 3 Art & Design assignment, in which students explored how trash can become visual art. TRASHION is our response to the motto, REDUCE, RECYCLE & REUSE. The two most important criteria in this assignment are that the artwork is 3 dimensional and that it is constructed of at least 75% trash. To achieve this objective Secondary 2 students, parents and teachers were invited to contribute their household trash to the production of the artwork. Even though the art room was trashed for 3 weeks, we chose not to refuse anything, including a dusty wall fan and two broken umbrellas and despite all the rubbishy comments we surged ahead with no time to waste, with trashion in our hearts and this is what we came up with.”
134 "SHOCKING SELF-PORTRAITS“ 2015 50 x 40 cm "SHOCKING SELF-PORTRAITS" was the Secondary 2 Art & Design first assignment for 2015 and incorporated a number of interesting techniques: Stage one was the styrofoam reduction print process for the 3 colour repetitive design background and stage two was producing a stenciled screen-print self portrait in black, based on a 'shocking' self portrait photograph
NJIS artworks are based on the idea of using unconventional materials and waste materials from the art room to generate new works. We have looked at the idea of deconstruction in art and inspired by the work of Vic Munik, Christo and Rodin. Students were inspired by artist Vic Munik’s documentary “Wasteland” where he gathered recyclable items from the dump and use these discarded things to recreate amazing, vibrant, yet complex portrait. In the end, We began to work with unconventional materials such as coffee to create a series of portraits of members of our school community. Other works were made from recycling old papers and taping them together to create workable compositions and grounds. Christo’s drawings provided inspiration for the large scale architectural works. Students were asked to photograph spaces around the school then to transform them with the use of mixed media. NJIS’s site specific installation ‘The Thinker Angel’ references Rodin’s original marble sculpture. The idea for this work evolved quite by accident as students began to work with the shadow of the rubbish heap. As the work progressed students were inspired by British artist’s Tim Noble and Sue Webster, who create incredible figurative artworks with shadows made from carefully arranged materials, and found objects. Our ‘Thinker Angel’ began to rise out of the rubbish, trash regenerated, old into new.
NJIS bekerja dengan perhatian pada penggunaan media non-konvensional dan penggunaan limbah untuk menghasilkan karya baru. Ide siswa juga berkembang melalui pembelajaran ide dekonstruksi dalam seni. Siswa terinspirasi dari beberapa seniman seperti Vic Munik, Christo dan Rodin. Seniman Vic Munik “Wasteland” yang mengumpulkan barang daur ulang untuk membuat sebuah potret cenderung menghasilkan karya yang hidup dan kompleks. Karya ini mendorong siswa untuk untuk menggunakan kopi dan kumpulan kertas bekas sebagai bahan dalam menghasilkan karya. Gambar-gambar seniman Christo menginspirasi siswa untuk mengembang karya yang cenderung arsitektural dan berskala lebih besar. Disini, siswa mengambil foto dari berbagai lokasi di dalam sekolah untuk kemudian mengeksplorasinya kedalam komposisi media campur. Dalam pameran ini NJIS juga menampilkan karya site specific berjudul ‘The Thinker Angel’ , mengambil inspirasi dari patung marmer Rodin. Setelah berproses dalam penyusunan sampah, siswa juga mempelajari pengkaryaan seni kontemporer dari Tim Noble dan Sue Webster yang gemar membuat proyeksi imaji dari tumpukan sampah. Kami pun membangun ‘Thinker Angel’ dari tumpukan sampah, yang dilahirkan kembali menjadi karya baru.
74 THE THINKER ANGEL DAPHNE YONG . LU HENG LI . MELFINNA TJUGITO 2015 2 x 2 meters Projection shadow
84 FRAULIN SEONG YUN PARK 2015 100 x 80 cm Coffee on paper
86 ADIVA KELDA SUNJAYA 2015 113 x 90 cm Coffee on paper
85 KELDA AND JOSLYN KELDA SUNJAYA 2015 110 x 90 cm Coffee on paper
80 BOX EVANIA WIJAYA 2015 42 x 60 cm Coffee and mix media on paper
79 WOMAN WITH FLOWERS DORIS CHU 2015 100 x 80 cm 60 x 42 cm Charcoal, coffee and mixed media on found paper
SPACE AND TIME KYEONG RIM BAEK . NATALIE SIAPUTRA 2015 335 x 87.5 cm Paint on paper
76 ARCHITECTURE AND NATURE LU HENG LI 2015 90 x 200 cm Mixed media on paper
77 INTERIOR DAPHNE YONG 2015 150 x 90 cm Mixed media and spray ; Paint on paper
87 MR. PINDER DORIS CHU 2015 90 x 120 cm Coffee on paper
81 ORCHIDS JOSLYN MAMOTO 2015 60 x 80 cm Mixed on found paper
81 ORCHIDS JOSLYN MAMOTO 2015 30 x 42 cm Mixed on card
82 SELF PORTRAIT ADELIA ADAMHAR 2015 30 x 42 cm Mixed media on card
The New Zealand Independent School’s collection includes artwork from students from Year 7-12. Students have explored a range of themes and experimented with a variety of media. Varieties of media ranging from pencil, pen, acrylic paint, watercolour, screenprinting, stenciling, papier mache to mixed media. The prominent subject matter in this collection is portraiture, with students responding to their own personal emotions and those of their subject by creating both black and white as well as colour compositions. They have explored movement and emotion through expressive lines and paint applied using paintbrushes, palette knives and their fingers. There is a small selection of still life compositions and perspective drawings that show the students understanding and skill development in recording three dimensional, inanimate objects. Other than conventional media, students also worked with new media approach such as photography, experimenting with photographic manipulation such as digital art. Students are influenced by artists around the world, researching the work of both contemporary and historical artists from Leonardo Da Vinci to Simon Birch, investigating a variety of techniques and discovering their own unique and individual signature style during this process.
New Zealand Independent School menampilkan karya siswa kelas 7- 12. Siswa mengeksplorasi berbagai tema dan media. Variasi media yang digunakan antara lain menggunakan pensil, pena, cat akrilik, cat air, sablon, stencil, papier mache dan media campuran. Adapun dari sisi subject matter, potret merupakan pilihan yang cukup menonjol, dimana siswa merespon emosi personal kemudian menciptakan komposisi hitam putih maupun berwarna. Eksplorasi gerakan dan emosi ini teraplikasi dengan pengggunaan kuas, pisau palet, dan jari. Dalam pilihan ini, terlihat pula beberapa komposisi still life dan gambar perspektif yang menunjukan pemahaman maupun keahlian siswa dalam merekam objek tiga dimensi. Dalam pendekatan media baru, siswa bereksperimentasi dengan manipulasi fotografi menghasilkan karya digital art. Siswa mendapat pengaruh dari berbagai seniman di dunia mengeksplorasi seni rupa historis hingga seni kontemporer, dari Leonardo da Vinci hingga Simon Birch dengan tujuan menginvestigasi berbagai teknik untuk kemudian menemukan keunikan dan kekhasan individual.
73 CAVING IN & TRAPPED AISHAH ALHADY 1.2 x 1 m Mixed media on canvas iGCSE
1 00:00 AISHAH ALHADY 1.2 x 1 m Mixed media on canvas iGCSE
63 CHINESE MASK KIM, SO YEON 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 9
59 x 42 cm Mixed media on paper Year 9
25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 9
65 CHINESE MASK MENA FRENG 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 7
66 CHINESE MASK LIM, HYUNGWON 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 7
67 CHINESE MASK SOO, EUNHOO 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 7
68 CHINESE MASK DWILARISA YUDANTY 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 9
69 CHINESE MASK JASMINE FREUR 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 9
70 CHINESE MASK MANGARADJA PARLINDUNGAN 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 7
71 CHINESE MASK NOELLA SPITZ 25 x 18 x 10 cm Acrylic paint on mask mould Year 7
54 DAYLIGHT WAKANA FURUSHO 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper iGCSE
55 DEWDROPS WAKANA FURUSHO 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper iGCSE
56 PATTERN MAKING WAKANA FURUSHO 59 x 42 cm Stenciling on paper iGCSE
57 DEPARTURE STEPHANIE CHRISTY 59 x 42 cm Acrylic paint on black paper iGCSE
45 HUMAN CONDITION 2 AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper iGCSE
51 ARTIST STEAL AISHAH ALHADY 59 x 42 cm Mixed media on paper iGCSE
52 SNAPCHAT AISHAH ALHADY 59 x 42 cm Mixed media on canvas iGCSE
53 ED SHEERAN PORTRAIT KARTIKA NAFIA 59 x 42 cm Mixed media on canvas Year 9
50 HUMAN CONDITION 1 AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper iGCSE
46 TEENAGE DREAM WAKANA FURUSHO 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper A level
47 PORTRAIT OF GERARD DEPARDIEU 42 x 59 cm Acrylic paint on card Year 9
2 FOUX DU FA FA BASKET OF FRUIT 35 x 18 x 13 cm (cheese) 38 x 46 x 3 cm (beef) 45 x 30 x 2 cm(bread) 40 x 24 x 20 cm (pineapple) 23 cm diameter x 10 cm (grapefruit) Mod roc & papier mache Year 9 collaborative work
48 WAITING FOR TIBET AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 59 cm Portrait on photography iGCSE
49 PORTRATIT AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 59 cm Acrylic on canvas Year 9
58 THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND HEIDI . JUSTIN . NATALIE . EZAR . TOBY 42 x 59 cm Acrylic on canvas Year 9
59 PIXILATED PORTRAIT STEPHANIE CHRISTY 42 x 59 cm Acrylic paint on black paper paper iGCSE
60 NEILLY INSPIRED PORTRAIT NAYA SUWARSO 59 x 42 cm Acrylic on newspaper Year 9
61 PORTRAIT RITA HIRANO 59 x 42 cm Mixed media on newspaper Year 9
62 PORTRAIT SEAN AMADEUS ELBERT 59 x 42 cm Mixed media on newspaper Year 9
41 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 59 x 42 cm Worksheet 1 - FireALpaca A level
38 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 29 x 21 cm Initial sketches - pencil on paper A level
39 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 21 x 29 cm Comic strip characters Gel pen on paper
37 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 59 x 42 cm Worksheet 2 - FireALpaca A level
40 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 29 x 42 cm Observational drawing - pencil on paper A level
43 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 29 x 21 cm Facial expressions - pencil on paper A level
42 GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE NATALIA BRENN 42 x 59 cm Mural wall plans - mixed media on paper A level
BACKHYUN PRINTS JUNG, EUN BIN 42 x 59 cm Lino prints portraits Year 10
GEUN SUK PORTRAITS SERIES JUNG, EUN BIN 19 x 59 cm Spray paint & pencil on paper Year 10
18 EXPRESSIVE PORTRAIT JUNG, EUN BIN 26 x 28 cm Acrylic on paper iGCSE
19 FIGURE IN MOVEMENT NAYA SUWARSO 59 x 42 cm Acrylic on paper Year 10
20 FIGURE IN MOVEMENT ARISA KOBAYASHI 59 x 42 cm Acrylic on paper Year 10
11 EZAR RAFFIN BLACKADDER 42 x 59 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
12 ART CLASS JUNG, EUN BIN 29 x 42 cm Pencil on paper iGCSE
13 UNDERWATER GIRL NATASHA PHOEBE 28 x 20 cm Pencil on paper iGCSE
14 MEMORIES REINA HARANO 42 x 59 cm Pencil on paper iGCSE
15 CONTINOUS LINE PORTRAIT KIM, SION 29 x 42 cm Acrylic on paper Year 9
3 ABSTRACT STILL LIFE BILLY JACK JOSEPH 30 x 40 cm Acrylic on paper Year 7
LANDSCAPE NUR ERDINA AZRAI 17 x 42 cm Ink on paper Year 10
5 WHERE IT ALL BEGAN JUSTIN CHEAH ENG 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper iGCSE
6 EXTERIOR SPACE KANG, MINJI 42 x 29 cm Pencil on paper iGCSE
7 PERSPECTIVE ARSYAD AZRAI 29 x 42 cm Pencil on paper Year 7
8 LANDSCAPE JUNG, EUN BIN 28 x 32 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
9 EIFFEL TOWER REINA HARANO 29 x 39 cm Chalk on black paper Year 10
10 EIFFEL TOWER TOBY JESSOP 42 x 29 cm Pen & pencil paper Year 10
21 PORTRAIT OF RIRIS REINA HARANO 32 x 29 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
22 PORTRAIT OF RIRIS NUR ERDINA AZRAI 42 x 18 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
23 PORTRAIT OF RIRIS JUNG, EUN BIN 26 x 35 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
24 PORTRAIT OF RIRIS HIMEKO KATO 19 x 39 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
25 PORTRAIT OF RIRIS RANIA 42 x 21 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
26 CLOSE - UP NATALIE SIRING 42 x 59 cm Mixed media on paper Year 10
27 PORTRAIT OF RIRIS EZARIDHO IBNUTAMA 22 x 42 cm Pencil on paper Year 10
29 ANGRY GIRL AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
34 FASHION TRIBAL AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
35 FIESTY KNIGHT AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
28 LEATHER AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
31 LITTLE GIRL AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
36 MELTING GIRL AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
30 MODERN FRIDA AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
32 RED, PINK, ORANGE AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
33 TRIBAL AISHAH ALHADY 42 x 29 cm Digiart A level
140 FIGURE IN MOVEMENT KIM, SO YEON 38 x 54 x 30 cm Card, mod roc & mosaic tiles Year 8
The art on display at “Ciputra Artpreneur Youth Art Appreciation 2015” reflects the caliber of craft from the Creative Arts students at Jakarta Intercultural School. They also represent the diversity of approaches fostered in course offerings including: Design Technology, Art 1, Advanced Art, 3D Forms, and International Baccalaureate Visual Art. The pieces submitted range from furniture and instrument design to sculpture to painting. We are honored to have our students work exhibited with the superlative talent of young artists in the Greater Jakarta area. Influence begins with disciplined grounding in the principles, elements and technique of their chosen media. Lending their collective years of experience and expertise, their teachers guide and encourage the developing artists to discover and study acknowledged practitioners. Inspiration is elusive for all artists. To some degree it comes from their broader study, but the largest part emerges from the labor of craft – when they do, they are inspired.
Karya pada pameran “Ciputra Artpreneur Youth Art Appreciation 2015” merefleksikan kaliber keterampilan siswa Jakarta Intercultural School. Karya-karya ini juga menunjukkan keberagaman dalam kelas-kelas yang ditawarkan yakni : Teknologi Desain, Art 1, Seni Tingkat Lanjut, 3D dan International Baccalaureate. Karya yang disertakan memiliki jangkauan yang luas dari furniture, desain berbagai instrument, patung, hingga lukisan. Merupakan kehormatan bagi kami untuk dapat memamerkan karya siswa - siswi kami bersama karya-karya luar biasa dari talenta siswa se-Jabodetabek. Dalam prosesnya, siswa mendapat pengaruh dari pengayaan prinsip, elemen, dan teknik dari media yang dipilih. Setelah memupuk pengalaman dan keahlian, guru akan membimbing siswa untuk mulai mempelajari dan mengenal praktisi-praktisi. Inspirasi merupakan gabungan dari proses ini, dimana pada tahap tertentu saat studi dan kerja praktik melebur saat mereka terinspirasi.
116 SG KILIAN DRUGGAN 2015 96 x 32 x 5 cm Teak wood
115 REVOLVING GUITAR RACK JACK SCHNIEDERS 2014 70 x 56 x 56 cm Camphor wood, mortice and tenon joints
112 THE STAINS OF BATTLE HA YOUNG SHIN 2015 36 x 32 x 18 cm Clay and acrylic paint
110 THE SKULL JUNG WOO CHOI 2015 92 x 61 cm Charcoal
113 UNTITLED YOON JO LEE 2014 24 x 19 x 14 cm ; 20 x 14 x 14 cm Clay
UNDER THE SEA ANUSHKA JAIN 2014 20 x 12 cm ; 15 x 10 cm Clay
109 INVISIBLE SEYNABOU DIOP 2015 90 x 60 cm Painting
RATTAN CHAIR AXEL GLIPMAN 2014 75 x 68 x 71 cm Wood, rattan, and metal
Visual art is a part of everyday life that helps us to communicate through creative expression. During early stage of school, most of us must be enjoying art class since we could make ‘cool’ and colorful stuff with fun activities, while art class in high school, not as much. We were not only expected to produce artworks, there are a lot more steps for that. We are expected to appreciate, observe, and analyze other art, object, image, or artifacts to finally respond and relate it to our own art making process. Inspirations are all there around us, art exhibitions, museum, or even a movie or song lyrics. This view is in line with Kirby Ferguson statement below : “Our creativity comes from with-out, not within, we are not self-made, we are dependent on one another. Admitting this to ourselves isn’t an embrace of mediocrity and derivativeness. It’s liberation from our misconceptions. And it’s an incentive, to not expect so much from ourselves, into simply: BEGIN”
Seni Visual merupakan bagian dari keseharian yang membantu kita untuk berkomunikasi melalui ekspresi kreatif. Pada tahap awal sekolah, sebagian dari kita harus merasa nyaman untuk berada dalam kelas kesenian karena kita belajar untuk membuat produk yang keren dan berwarna. Pada tahap selanjutnya seni tidak hanya berputar pada kesenangan, karena kita akan mulai belajar berapresiasi, mengobservasi dan menganalisa seni, objek, imaji dan artefak untuk kemudian direpson melalui pengkaryaan kita. Inspirasi dating dari semua yang ada disekitar kita seperti pameran seni, museum atau bahkan film dan lirik musik. Pandangan ini sejalan dengan pernyataan Kirby Ferguson berikut : “Kreativitas kita datang dari luar, tidak hanya dari dalam. Kita tidaklah tercipta sendiri dan sangatlah tergantung pada dunia luar. Mengakui hal ini bukanlah penerimaan posisi medioker dan menjadi sebuah derivatif. Pemikiran ini merupakan pembebasan dari miskonsepsi kita sendiri. Ini merupakan insentif untuk diri kita untuk akhirnya rela untuk semata-mata : Memulai”
89 STRETCH JASMINE EFFENDI 30 x 45 cm Graphite on paper
97 #FOODPORN SHAN ANNABEL 60 x 60 cm Still life
91 PROBLEMATIKA KLASIK ANISA SHAFIYYA 90 x 40 cm Acrylic on canvas
93 DISTORTED VIEWS KIANALIS R. WIDODO 60 x 60 cm Acrylic on canvas
94 FIGHT IN PROGRESS IKRA PUTRA 70 x 50 cm Acrylic on canvas
95 INDONESIA IKRA PUTRA 120 x 60 cm Card, cigarette and bottle caps on polywood
90 COLOUR MY HEART KIANALIS R. WIDODO 42 x 59 cm Mixed media
96 THE SQUANDERER NEYSA AZALIA 42 x 59 cm Acrylic on canvas
92 SALMAN VERMONTEE 50 x 70 cm Acrylic on canvas
88 PRETTY HURTS SASKYA CITRANANDA 90 x 90 cm Flat-head screws on wooden board
All of the artworks shown in this exhibition were made by the students to meet the exam requirement from IBO Diploma Visual Art programme. Each of the pieces was created as it's own project, with it's own concept, theme and purpose. We proudly selected some of our best collections, produced by our Year 12 Visual Art Diploma students this year, to show the potential that can be achieved by Secondary students in the Arts discipline. During the making of their products, students were very open of any professional artist and artisan both local and internationally. Some well known artists influence can be seen immediately within their artworks, such as: Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, Senbazuru, Walt Disney, Chris Mason, Martinho Pita, Eko Nugroho, Basuki Abdullah, Affandi, etc. Not only artists around the world, the students also were inspired by cultural art produced from different areas such as wayang, zen garden, tarot card, and the architecture of Istana Taman Sari in Jogja. With all these different elements, the students had to combine their creations well to make their own statement in Art.
Seluruh karya yang ditampilkan dalam pameran ini merupakan karya akhir siswa untuk ujian Program IBO Diploma Visual Art. Setiap karya diciptakan sebagai proyek khusus, dengan tema, konsep dan tujuan yang khusus pula. Kami dengan bangga menyeleksi koleksi terbaik dari karya siswa kelas 12 yang menunjukkan potensi artistik yang dapat dicapai siswa sekolah tingkat menengah. Selama proses berkarya, siswa sangat terbuka untuk referensi artis dan artisan dalam lingkup lokal maupun internasional. Beberapa seniman yang cukup berpengaruh antara lain: Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, Senbazuru, Walt Disney, Chris Mason, Martinho Pita, Eko Nugroho, Basuki Abdullah, Affandi, dsb. Tidak hanya seniman dari wilayah seni rupa, siswa juga menarik inspirasi dari bidang lain seperti : wayang, taman zen, kartu tarot dan arsitektur taman sari di Jog ja. Dengan paduan berbagai elemen siswa mengkombinasikan kreasi mereka sambil membuat statement tersendiri dalam kesenian.
123 A THOUSAND CRANES CLARISSE 2015 ; 3 x 2 x 2 m Installation made of origami, branch, sand, and stones A Thousand Cranes, is characterized by the presence of a thousand origami paper cranes, nearly all of which I folded myself. This installation was inspired by the Japanese legend of a thousand paper cranes (senbazuru) that could grant one wish or eternal luck, and the true story of Sadako Sasaki who transformed these cranes into a symbol of hope and peace. The sand is shaped into a Zen garden that portrays yin and yang, giving off a peaceful feeling and enhancing the harmony in the installation.
121 BLOOM CLARISSE 2015 ; 1 x 1 m Book sculptures Bloom is a collection of sculptures made entirely out of books. Having many old and unused books in my house, I decided to preserve their beauty rather than let them wither away and go to waste. These sculptures convey my love for books and reflect the beauty to be found in them, be it fiction or non-fiction. They take the abstract form of a flower to emphasize this beauty and symbolize how knowledge can grow and flourish through books.
125 THROUGH HER EYES CLARISSE 2014 Animation ( 34 seconds ) Through Her Eyes is an animation that combines both traditional and digital animation techniques. This animation depicts a dreamlike state wherein a girl opens a door to another world. It’s later revealed that she’s blind and the world we see in the beginning is all in her imagination as she’s reading a book. This story depicts the imagination that stems from books and the fact that she’s blind emphasizes the magic of stories.
125 METAMORPHOSIS CLARISSE 2014 Animation ( 9 seconds ) Metamorphosis is a short animation based on pictures of my little sister, me, my mum, and my grandma, showing the time lapse of a girl growing up in the span of 9 seconds. This animation is a reflection of how fast time flies, how we will never be as young as we were a second ago. The different hairstyles sported by the girl as she grows up indicate how personalities change as we grow and mature. It begins with a blooming flower to symbolize the beginning of life and the innocence of a child, and ends by gradually disappearing into nothingness, symbolizing death.
RUMAH LAYANGAN JESSLYN 2015 ; 100 x 158 x 200 cm Wooden structure and wall paint on kites (Installation)
UNETHERED JESSLYN 2014 ; 65 x 66 x 68 cm Kites (Abstract Light)
“Rumah Layangan” was inspired by the condition of poverty in Indonesia. Houses like these (in much worse conditions) scatter all over the country and people actually live in them. These houses are not ideal living conditions but almost 50% of Indonesia’s population are below the poverty line and have no choice but to live in such conditions. Poverty is a big issue here because our government is corrupted; they keep stealing their people’s money away. The designs on the walls were inspired by Eko Nugroho’s street art-like works. The street-art style gives off a rebellious and chaotic vibe– the chaotic issue of poverty in Indonesia. It’s to exaggerate how big the issue is and how it’s obviously happening but no one is doing anything to fix it. It also shows what corruption leads to, because the government steals away the nation’s money, it has led to poverty where people are forced to live in houses like this aren’t suitable for living. The kites add on to how unsuitable the house is for living, it helps create a fragile look, as the kite itself is fragile. “Untethered” means that you are free or aren’t restricted to a form, person or even definition. This is an abstract piece meaning it doesn’t depict a real shape or form. I wanted to experiment with the kites’ diamond-like shape and came up with this geometrical abstract piece. This piece is also called “Untethered” as it’s not attached to only one form but you can actually reorganize the kites to create your preferred kite look. So this is actually a very flexible piece.
122 LAYANGAN LIGHT CLARISSE 2014 ; Diameter 66 cm, Height 150 cm Iron structure and water color and white ink on kites Layangan is Indonesian for ‘kite’. Local Indonesian children often play the game of kite fighting where they try to cut their opponent’s kite string to win. As a result I often find stray kites caught on my trees. The way the tree branches were holding the kite from falling gave me the idea of designing a standing lamp. This became the inspiration for “Layangan Light”. I like the clean geometrical shape kites create with its diamond shape; I thought I could create an interesting shape by organizing them in a certain way and tried designing the lamp to look like a kite stuck on a tree, in this case the angled pole is the tree trunk/branch and the kites are caught on its head.
119 POLITICAL FLOWERS GHEA 2014 ; 168 x 166 x 200 cm Spray paint, hanging lamps, wires and netting This artwork represents the political frenzy during the 2014 Presidential Elections Campaign. The different colored flowers are a representation of the images used by the different political parties. Large and beautiful petals overpower the gruesome and dirty roots that convey the truth of their vile actions. This is because, in truth, the images of kindhearted men and empty promises are what distracts the audience from the reality of the party’s past scandals.Again, to link the artwork to politics, newspaper clippings with ‘politics’ as the headlines are placed at its roots. The hands on the flowers are reaching up towards the sky, attempting to grasp power and fame, but they are merely grasping air, as fame and power cannot be held.
119 INDONESIAN DIVINATION (SERIES #1 - #5) GHEA 2013 ; 42 x 29 cm Picture, drawing pen and copic markers on paper This artwork represents our journey through life. At the beginning of life, we are fools (The Fool), unknowledgeable and inexperienced. However, as we live through life, we start to become enlightened (Ace of Wands) and we learn about the cycle of life (The Wheel of Fortune). Towards the end of our life, we will inevitably greet death (the Tower). The lesson of life is that where you started with no knowledge, you end with lifelong knowledge. As the issue is very serious, the cards are designed with bright colors as a form of contrast. The cards are designed to have Indonesian influences, to represent the artist’s heritage.
THE EYECATHERS JANICE 2013 ; 40 x 40 cm Acrylic paint and thread on canvas The Eyecatchers is about the buildings in a city that make up what people imagine when they think of the city. The bright colours of the background signifies great symbolism to the building itself and/or to the city in which these buildings are found. The thread is included to give a sense of attachment and detachment of the building itself to the city in which these iconic buildings often overshadows or prevents people from exploring greater things in the city that are not always publicised. They are made to emphasise the eye catchers, that are these iconic buildings.
124 ARTISTIC INFESTATION FATTAH 2014 ; 80 x 30 x 14 cm Clay, paper mache, and acrylic on wood A sculpture that depicts how I as an artist express emotions through the combinations of colors within an artwork. Note that the hand is a left hand which represents myself, since I am left handed. The colors exerted from the fingers combine into a face symbolizing expression or emotion of an artwork. The swirling motion of the colors represents the enjoyment when expressing myself through art.
120 ISTANA TAMAN SAFARI ASA 2015 ; 100 x 150 cm Oil on canvas This painting is a form of a flashback towards the condition of the Palace at its glorious era and it’s presented through the color. It’s a hyperbolic naturalism in which can be similiar as impressionism.
Most of the works that are displayed are grade 12 IB (International Baccalaureate) DP (Diploma Program) Visual Arts students works. Each student has his / her own theme that he / she had developed since grade 11 throughout the DP Art course. This exhibition is an extension to show the community, both locally and internationally, that Indonesia has world-class young and talented artists. The students are inspired with many different things. Most of their inspiration comes as they look into their personal lives, what’s happening in the world around them and by looking at works from other artists. In other words, I would say that their work is a response and a journey of life. It is a way to express themselves, to give back to the community and ultimately to their Creator.
Mayoritas karya siswa SPH dalam pameran ini merupakan hasil dari siswa kelas 12 IB (International Baccalaureate) Program Diploma Seni Visual. Tiap siswa mengembangkan tema masing-masing semenjak kelas 11 dalam program yang sama. Pameran ini diharapkan dapat menunjukan pada publik lokal maupun internasional bahwa Indonesia memiliki talenta seni kelas dunia. Karya-karya ini terinspirasi dari berbagai kejadian dalam kehidupan masing-masing siswa. Kebanyakan inspirasi datang dari kehidupan pribadi dan cara mereka memandang dunia maupun karya seniman lain. Seni menjadi cara mereka mengekspresi diri mereka, untuk memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat dan juga kepada sang Pencipta.
99 KERETA IGNATIUS KRISHNAYA 2013 ; 70 x 90 cm Oil paint, acrylic, charcoal, soft pastel, masking tape, board marker, pen, oil pastel on canvas
101 HOPEFUL ANDREW SUSANTO 2013 120 x 100 cm Oil on canvas
104 HARAPAN UNTUK TIONGKOK TRICIA SADA 2014 50 x 65 cm Pen and ink
102 VISIONARY MINDS ALEXANDRA MARSHA 2015 42 x 59.4 cm Mixed media on watercolor paper
105 FACING REALITY STELLA WIDJAYA 2014 50 x 61 cm Constellation
100 BEHIND JAKARTA’S SKYCRAPERS SHEINA RIJANTO 2014 150 x 120 cm Oil on wood
107 COMMON LUXURY IRIS SUDJARWO 2014 100 x 150 cm Pen on watercolor paper
98 PATTERNS NADIA SUHERLAN 2013 150 cm Fiber mix media
106 BOTERO UNICORN NATHAN JESSE TOLIB 2013 39 x 19.5 x 30 cm Resin
103 THE LIGHTS AND DARKS OF WAR JEANNE SANTOSO 2013 59.4 x 42 cm Pen on paper
Bapak Triawan Munaf Ibu Judy Uway Ibu Rita Daeunuwy Ibu Astari Daeunuwy
Singapore School Bona Vista Global Jaya School Jakarta Intercultural School Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village Mentari School Bintaro North Jakarta Intercultural School New Zealand Independent School