A.B. van Dijk Publicatie Evaluation of different strategies for reduction of extra cardiac activity in myocardial perfusion imaging. M.G. Schalken, I.A.C. Rutten-Vermeltfoort, P.G.H.M. Raijmakers, J.A.F. de Jong, R. Pijpers, A.B. van Dijk. 26th Annual Congress of the EANM. Lyon, 19-23 oktober 2013. (Poster presentation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013; 40(Suppl2): S517) Mw. T. Donkers Publicatie Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) A.M. Engelen Voordracht De rol van de radiotherapeut in de palliatieve behandeling van blaaskanker. (A.M. Engelen) Bossche uro-onco avond. Den Bosch, 8 oktober 2013. Mw. M. Essers Voordrachten Image-guided radiation therapy. (P. Poortmans, M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol) Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. Intracraniële stereotaxie voor hersenmetastasen in Instituut Verbeeten en werkgroep CZS Zuid. (M. Essers) Stereotaxie werkgroep Zuid. Eindhoven, 1 oktober 2013. Publicaties Dosimetric accuracy and clinical quality of Acuros XB and AAA dose calculation algorithm for stereotactic and conventional lung volumetric modulated arc therapy plans. P.S. Kroon, S. Hol, M. Essers. Radiat Oncol. 2013 Jun 24; 8(1): 149. Locoregional radiation therapy for left-sided breast cancer: should volumetric modulated arc therapy and breath hold be combined to minimize heart dose? M. Essers, S.O.S. Osman, S. Hol, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster discussion) Breath hold and volumetric IMRT for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI). S.O.S. Osman, M. Essers, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster abstract) Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract)
Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) S.P.G. Franken Voordrachten Wat is radiotherapie? (S.P.G. Franken) Dag van de Zorg. Instituut Verbeeten locatie Den Bosch, 16 maart 2013. G-controles en FU in de Radiotherapie. (S.P.G. Franken) Klinische les radiotherapeutisch laboranten. Instituut Verbeeten locatie Tilburg, 6 november 2013. Panellid/spreker. (S.P.G. Franken) Wintersymposium Prostaatkanker. Vught, 12 november 2013. Mw. S. Hol Voordracht Image-guided radiation therapy. (P. Poortmans, M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol) Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. Publicaties Dosimetric accuracy and clinical quality of Acuros XB and AAA dose calculation algorithm for stereotactic and conventional lung volumetric modulated arc therapy plans. P.S. Kroon, S. Hol, M. Essers. Radiat Oncol. 2013 Jun 24; 8(1): 149. Locoregional radiation therapy for left-sided breast cancer: should volumetric modulated arc therapy and breath hold be combined to minimize heart dose? M. Essers, S.O.S. Osman, S. Hol, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster discussion) Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) J.A.F. de Jong Publicaties High failure rates after (131)I therapy in Graves hyperthyroidism patients with large thyroid volumes, high iodine uptake, and high iodine turnover. J.A.F. De Jong, H.M. Verkooijen, G.D. Valk, P.M. Zelissen, B. de Keizer. Clin Nucl Med. 2013 Jun; 38(6): 401-6. Evaluation of different strategies for reduction of extra cardiac activity in myocardial perfusion imaging. 3
M.G. Schalken, I.A.C. Rutten-Vermeltfoort, P.G.H.M. Raijmakers, J.A.F. de Jong, R. Pijpers, A.B. van Dijk. 26th Annual Congress of the EANM. Lyon, 19-23 oktober 2013. (Poster presentation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 40(Suppl2): S517) Mw. M.A.J.M. Kennis Publicaties Oesophaguscarcinoom. (M.A.J.M. Kennis) In samenwerking met De Wever en Ziekenhuis Bernhoven. KWF, Kracht. Editie juni 2013; (6e jaargang, nr. 21): p 33. Smaakverandering door chemo- en radiotherapie. (M.A.J.M. Kennis) In samenwerking met De Wever en Ziekenhuis Bernhoven. KWF, Kracht. Editie september 2013; (6e jaargang, nr. 22): p 33. Laryngectomie en voeding. (M.A.J.M. Kennis) In samenwerking met De Wever en Ziekenhuis Bernhoven. KWF, Kracht. Editie november 2013; (6e jaargang, nr. 23): p 33. Zorgmodule palliatieve zorg. CBO expertgroep i.s.m. belangenorganisaties en beroepsverenigingen (lid: M.A.J.M. Kennis), in opdracht van Coördinatieplatform Zorgstandaarden en het Kwaliteitsinstituut Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. Oktober 2013. Mw. F.L.A. Koppe Voordracht Radiotherapeutische behandeling van het cervix- en endometriumcarcinoom. (F.L.A. Koppe) IKZ-minisymposium, Topics in de oncologische gynaecologie: ontwikkelingen binnen cure en care. St Elisabeth Ziekenhuis. Tilburg, 2 oktober 2013. Publicatie Additional weekly Cetuximab to concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma: Efficacy and safety outcomes of a randomized, multi-center phase II study investigating. M.M. van den Heuvel, W. Uyterlinde, A.D. Vincent, J. de Jong, J. Aerts, F. Koppe, J. Knegjens, H. Codrington, P.W. Kunst, E. Dieleman, M. Verheij, J. Belderbos. Radiother Oncol. 2014; 110(1): 126-31. Mw. P. Kroon Publicatie Dosimetric accuracy and clinical quality of Acuros XB and AAA dose calculation algorithm for stereotactic and conventional lung volumetric modulated arc therapy plans. P.S. Kroon, S. Hol, M. Essers. Radiat Oncol. 2013 Jun 24; 8(1): 149. W.J.M. de Kruijf Voordrachten MRI voor radiotherapie van de prostaat. (W.J.M. de Kruijf) St. Elisabeth ziekenhuis, afdeling Radiologie. Tilburg, 4 juni 2013. Absolute tafelverificatie. (W.J.M. de Kruijf) VaBeNe, Varian Benelux meeting. Maastro, 24 juni 2013. Voorkomen van fouten bij bestralingen met een breath-hold techniek. (W.J.M. de Kruijf) PRISMA scholingsdag, UMCU. Utrecht, 31 oktober 2013. 4
Failsafe, 2 voorbeelden van NG en RT. (W.J.M. de Kruijf) Veiligheidsweek, Instituut Verbeeten. Tilburg, 18 en 21 november 2013. Publicatie Patient positioning based on a radioactive tracer implanted in patients with localized prostate cancer: a performance and safety evaluation. W.J.M. de Kruijf, J. Verstraete, D. Neustadter, B.W. Corn, S. Hol, J.L.M. Venselaar, R.J. Davits, B.P. Wijsman, L. van den Bergh, T. Budiharto, R. Oyen, K. Haustermans, P.M.P. Poortmans. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013. 85(2): 555-60. R. Martens Publicaties Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Mw. E. van Mierlo Publicaties Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Mw. J.M. van Miert-Verhoef Voordrachten Voeding bij kanker. (J.M. van Miert- Verhoef) Open dag Instituut Verbeeten. Den Bosch, 16 maart 2013. De anamnese bij de oncologische patiënt. Screening en behandeling op ondervoeding bij de oncologische patiënt. Klinische redeneren bij de oncologische patiënt. (J.M. van Miert- Verhoef) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven. Leuven, 19 september 2013. Klinisch redeneren bij hoofd-hals tumoren. (J.M. van Miert- Verhoef) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Leuven, 26 september 2013. Voeding bij kanker in vogelvlucht. (J.M. van Miert- Verhoef) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven. Leuven, 26 september 2013. Klinisch redeneren bij long tumoren. Refeeding. Jodiumbeperktdieet. (J.M. van Miert- Verhoef) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven. Leuven, 14 november 2013. 5
S.B. Oei Voordrachten Radiotherapeutische pijnbestrijding. (S.B. Oei) Symposium: Palliatieve zorg voor de longkankerpatiënt: een multidisciplinaire zaak. IKZ-symposium lokatie: TweeStedenziekenhuis 21 maart 2013 Bestraling en gevolgen voor de patiënt. (S.B. Oei) Themadag Hoofd-Hals Oncologie. St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg, 16 april 2013. Local heating: the Tilburg experience. (S.B. Oei) Symposium Hyperthermia: Local heating or global warming? T.g.v. het afscheid van Paul Zum Vörde Sive Vörding. Amsterdam, 24 mei 2013. Herbestraling en hyperthermie bij patiënten met een recidiverend mammacarcinoom (S. Oldenborg, S.B. Oei) Refereerbijeenkomst Instituut Verbeeten. Tilburg, 12 november 2013. Publicaties Effect of a combined surgery, re-irradiation and hyperthermia therapy on local control rate in radio-induced angiosarcoma of the chest wall. M. Linthorst, A.N. van Geel, E.A. Baartman, S.B. Oei, W. Ghidey, G.C. van Rhoon, J. van der Zee. Strahlenther Onkol. 2013; 189(5): 387-93. Herbestraling gecombineerd met hyperthermie als behandeling voor radiatie geassocieerd sarcoom. M.A.A. de Jong, S.B. Oei, G. van Tienhoven. Ned Tijdschr Oncol. 2013 Feb; 10: 3-9 Mw. S.O.S. Osman Voordracht Image-guided radiation therapy. (P. Poortmans, M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol) Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. Publicaties Locoregional radiation therapy for left-sided breast cancer: should volumetric modulated arc therapy and breath hold be combined to minimize heart dose? M. Essers, S.O.S. Osman, S. Hol, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster discussion) Breath hold and volumetric IMRT for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI). S.O.S. Osman, M. Essers, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster abstract) Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) 6
R. Pijpers Publicaties Sentinel Node and Recurrent Breast Cancer (SNARB): results of a nationwide registration study. A.J. Maaskant-Braat, R.M. Roumen, A.C. Voogd, R. Pijpers, E.J. Luiten, E.J. Rutgers, G.A. Nieuwenhuijzen. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013; 20: 620-6. Evaluation of different strategies for reduction of extra cardiac activity in myocardial perfusion imaging. M.G. Schalken, I.A.C. Rutten-Vermeltfoort, P.G.H.M. Raijmakers, J.A.F. de Jong, R. Pijpers, A.B. van Dijk. 26th Annual Congress of the EANM. Lyon, 19-23 oktober 2013. (Poster presentation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 40(Suppl2): S517) R.L. Poorter Voordrachten De mogelijkheden van (chemo)radiatie bij rectumtumoren. (R.L. Poorter) Symposium Darmkanker, Diagnostiek en behandeltraject bij een colorectale tumor. Tilburg, 18 maart 2013. Radiotherapie bij het mammacarcinoom. (R.L. Poorter) Onderwijs Interne Geneeskunde, St. Elisabeth ziekenhuis. Tilburg, 13 augustus 2013. P.M.P. Poortmans Voordrachten Cooperación en la investigación clínica en oncología radioterapeutica. (P.M.P. Poortmans) San Pau Barcelona, 31 januari 2013. Radio-quimioterapia y tratamiento de soporte en OR: la contribución de los fármacos a la práctica médica personalizada. (P.M.P. Poortmans) Meeting Advances in Radiation Oncology: Personalized medicine, science and society. Madrid, 14 februari 2013. How to optimise radiation treatment in breast cancer? (P.M.P. Poortmans) 8th International Scientific Conference. Moskou, 13-15 maart 2013. Brachytherapy for the closest boost in breast cancer. (P.M.P. Poortmans) 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 18-23 april 2013. ESTRO Teaching Course on the multidisciplinary management of breast cancer. (P.M.P. Poortmans; diverse voordrachten) Praag, 11-14 mei 2013. L’utilisation des techniques modernes pour diminuer la risque des effets sécondaires dans le cancer du sein. (P.M.P. Poortmans) Institut Gustave Roussy. Parijs, 17 mei 2013. Diverse voordrachten. (P.M.P. Poortmans) 4o Congreso de Radioquimioterapia y Braquiterapia. Cordoba, 12-16 juni 2013. EORTC clinical trials and protocols. (P.M.P. Poortmans) XVII SEOR Meeting. Vigo, Spanje, 18-21 juni 2013. Target volume delineation in breast cancer. (P.M.P. Poortmans) ASTRO. Atlanta, 22-23 september 2013. Radiotherapy and breast conservation. (P.M.P. Poortmans) 2nd ESSO Advanced Course on Breast Cancer Surgery. Amsterdam, 25-27 september 2013. 7
Image-guided radiation therapy. (P. Poortmans, M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol) Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. Diverse voordrachten. (P.M.P. Poortmans) Joint ECCO 17. Amsterdam, 27 september-1 oktober 2013. European Radiotherapy Oncopolicy in teh coming years. (P.M.P. Poortmans) International Conference Nuclear and Personalized medicine development in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Kazan, 4-5 oktober 2013. What after AMAROS and EORTC 22922/10925? (P.M.P. Poortmans) 26th JASTRO, Regional treatment in breast cancer. Aomori, Japan, 18-19 oktober 2013. What after AMAROS and IM-MS? (P.M.P. Poortmans) Scientific seminar of the Radiation Oncology Department Brussel. Brussel, 21 oktober 2013. La importancia de las técnicas de irradiación regional en cáncer de mama. (P.M.P. Poortmans) Máster Internacional. Murcia, 7 november 2013. Chairman clinical case discussions geweest en panelist tijdens 9th Meet the Professor. (P.M.P. Poortmans) Advanced International Breast Cancer Course. Padua, 11-13 november 2013. Breast cancer recurrence: is second breast conserving therapy an option? (P.M.P. Poortmans) Masterclass. Milaan, 14-16 november 2013. Introduction lecture. (P.M.P. Poortmans) GEC-ESTRO Workshop. Brussel, 22 november 2013. Publicaties Optimal approach in early breast cancer: Radiation Therapy. P.M. Poortmans. EJC Supplements. 2013; 11 (2): 27-36. Breast Cancer Treatment Innovations in radiation oncology. P.M. Poortmans. Eusoma Newsletter, 2013 Dec; issue 15. Radiotherapie voor maligne lymfomen recente ontwikkelingen. P. Poortmans. NTvHematologie. 2013 (jun); 4: 132-8. Target volume delineation in external beam partial breast irradiation: Less inter-observer variation with preoperative- compared to postoperative delineation. F. van der Leij, P.H. Elkhuizen, T.M. Janssen, P. Poortmans, M. van der Sangen, A.N. Scholten, C. van Vliet-Vroegindeweij, L.J. Boersma. Radiother Oncol. 2013 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print]. The requirements of a specialist Breast Centre. A.R. Wilson, L. Marotti, S. Bianchi, L. Biganzoli, S. Claassen, T. Decker, A. Frigerio, A. Goldhirsch, E.G. Gustafsson, R.E. Mansel, R. Orecchia, A. Ponti, P. Poortmans, P. Regitnig, M. Rosselli Del Turco, E.J. Rutgers, C. van Asperen, C.A. Wells, Y. Wengström, L. Cataliotti. 8
EUSOMA (European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists). Eur J Cancer. 2013; 49(17): 3579-87. Effectiveness of routine follow-up in the detection of contralateral breast cancer in young women with early breast cancer. M.S. Koedijk, M.J. van der Sangen, P.M. Poortmans, P. van Mierlo-Jansen, W.T. van den Broek, B.H. Storck, A.C. Voogd. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013; 39(11): 1186-91. Prostate cancer patients continue to have excess mortality up to 15 years after diagnosis. O. Husson, L.N. van Steenbergen, E.L. Koldewijn, P.M. Poortmans, J.W. Coebergh, M.L. Janssen-Heijnen. BJU Int. 2013 Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]. Primary breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. E. Senkus, S. Kyriakides, F. Penault-Llorca, P. Poortmans, A. Thompson, S. Zackrisson, F. Cardoso; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Ann Oncol. 2013; 24 Suppl 6: vi7-23. Results of a phase II pilot study of moderate dose radiotherapy for inoperable desmoid-type fibromatosis - an EORTC STBSG and ROG study (EORTC 62991-22998). R.B. Keus, R.A. Nout, J.Y. Blay, J.M. de Jong, I. Hennig, F. Saran, J.T. Hartmann, M.P. Sunyach, S.J. Gwyther, M. Ouali, A. Kirkpatrick, P.M. Poortmans, P.C. Hogendoorn, W.T. van der Graaf. Ann Oncol. 2013; 24(10): 2672-6. Diminishing differences in treatment between patients with colorectal cancer with and without diabetes: a population-based study. M.M. Zanders, L.N. van Steenbergen, H.R. Haak, H.J. Rutten, J.F. Pruijt, P.M. Poortmans, V.E. Lemmens, L.V. van de Poll-Franse. Diabet Med. 2013; 30(10): 1181-8. Local recurrence following breast-conserving treatment in women aged 40 years or younger: trends in risk and the impact on prognosis in a populationbased cohort of 1143 patients. C. van Laar, M.J. van der Sangen, P.M. Poortmans, G.A. Nieuwenhuijzen, J.A. Roukema, R.M. Roumen, V.C. Tjan-Heijnen, A.C. Voogd. Eur J Cancer. 2013; 49(15): 3093-101. Reduction of the treated volume to involved node radiation therapy as part of combined modality treatment for early stage aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. M.H. Verhappen, P.M. Poortmans, E. Raaijmakers, J.M. Raemaekers. Radiother Oncol. 2013; 109(1): 133-9. Prognosis following local recurrence after breast conserving treatment in young women with early breast cancer. M.J. van der Sangen, P.M. Poortmans, S.W. Scheepers, B.M. Lemaire, C.L. van Berlo, V.C. Tjan-Heijnen, A.C. Voogd. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013; 39(8): 892-8. Normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) parameters for breast fibrosis: pooled results from two randomised trials. M.B. Mukesh, E. Harris, S. Collette, C.E. Coles, H. Bartelink, J. Wilkinson, P.M. Evans, P. Graham, J. Haviland, P. Poortmans, J. Yarnold, R. Jena. Radiother Oncol. 2013; 108(2): 293-8. Detection of local recurrence following breast-conserving treatment in young women with early breast cancer: optimization of long-term follow-up strategies. M.J. van der Sangen, S.W. Scheepers, P.M. Poortmans, E.J. Luiten, G.A. Nieuwenhuijzen, A.C. Voogd Breast. 2013; 22(3): 351-6. Quality assurance of the EORTC 22043-30041 trial in post-operative radiotherapy in prostate cancer: results of the Dummy Run procedure. P.A. Fenton, C. Hurkmans, A. Gulyban, J. van der Leer, O. Matzinger, P. Poortmans, L. Collette, M. Bolla. Radiother Oncol. 2013; 107(3): 346-51. 9
Always on a Friday: referral pattern for metastatic spinal cord compression. E. Koiter, P. Poortmans, B. Cloin. Radiother Oncol. 2013; 107(2): 259-60. The role of radioactive iodine-125 seed localization in breast-conserving therapy following neoadjuvant chemotherapy. P.D. Gobardhan, L.L. de Wall, L. van der Laan, A.J. ten Tije, D.C. van der Meer, E. Tetteroo, P.M. Poortmans, E.J. Luiten. Ann Oncol. 2013; 24(3): 668-73. The impact of socioeconomic status on prostate cancer treatment and survival in the southern Netherlands. M.J. Aarts, E.L. Koldewijn, P.M. Poortmans, J.W. Coebergh, M. Louwman. Urology. 2013; 81(3): 593-9. Patient positioning based on a radioactive tracer implanted in patients with localized prostate cancer: a performance and safety evaluation. W.J. de Kruijf, J. Verstraete, D. Neustadter, B.W. Corn, S. Hol, J.L. Venselaar, R.J. Davits, B.P. Wijsman, L. Van den Bergh, T. Budiharto, R. Oyen, K. Haustermans, P.M. Poortmans. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013; 85(2): 555-60. Infiltrating lobular breast cancer: truly a separate entity! Consequences for radiation therapy. P.M. Poortmans, M. Bollet, E. Van Limbergen. Radiother Oncol. 2013; 106(1): 1-4. Clinical and technological transition in breast cancer. P. Poortmans, H. Marsiglia, M. De Las Heras, M. Algara. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2013; 18(6): 345-52. eCollection 2013. Review. Locoregional radiation therapy for left-sided breast cancer: should volumetric modulated arc therapy and breath hold be combined to minimize heart dose? M. Essers, S.O.S. Osman, S. Hol, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster discussion) Breath hold and volumetric IMRT for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI). S.O.S. Osman, M. Essers, P.H. Poortmans. Joint ECCO 17, 38th ESMO, and 32nd ESTRO Multidisciplinary Congress. Amsterdam, 27 september – 1 oktober 2013. (Poster abstract) Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Varia Jury member promotie Ann Smeets, KU Leuven. Leuven, 10 oktober 2013.
Mw. E. Raaijmakers Voordrachten Introductie Radiotherapie in Instituut Verbeeten. (E. Raaijmakers) Instituut Verbeeten, gastles voor AVANS radiotherapie. Instituut Verbeeten locatie Tilburg, 15 mei 2013. NCS subcommissie Stereotaxie. (E. Raaijmakers) Stereotaxie werkgroep-zuid Catharina Ziekenhuis. Eindhoven, 1 oktober 2013. T. Rozema Voordracht Hersenmetastasen in de palliatieve fase. (T. Rozema) 3e Regionale symposium Palliatieve Zorg. Vught, 7 november 2013. Mw. I.A.C. Rutten-Vermeltfoort Publicatie Evaluation of different strategies for reduction of extra cardiac activity in myocardial perfusion imaging. M.G. Schalken, I.A.C. Rutten-Vermeltfoort, P.G.H.M. Raijmakers, J.A.F. de Jong, R. Pijpers, A.B. van Dijk. 26th Annual Congress of the EANM. Lyon, 19-23 oktober 2013. (Poster presentation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 40(Suppl2): S517) Mw. M.G. Schalken Publicatie Evaluation of different strategies for reduction of extra cardiac activity in myocardial perfusion imaging. M.G. Schalken, I.A.C. Rutten-Vermeltfoort, P.G.H.M. Raijmakers, J.A.F. de Jong, R. Pijpers, A.B. van Dijk. 26th Annual Congress of the EANM. Lyon, 19-23 oktober 2013. (Poster presentation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 40(Suppl2): S517) L.J.E.E. Scheijmans Voordrachten Radiotherapie in de palliatieve zorg. (L.J.E.E. Scheijmans) IKZ-bijeenkomst Palliatieve zorg, Eindhoven. 25 januari 2013. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen en mogelijkheden binnen de radiotherapie in de palliatieve zorg . (L.J.E.E. Scheijmans) Consulentendag 2013. Eindhoven, 1 maart 2013. Radiotherapie bij het gemetastaseerde mamma- en longcarcinoom. (L.J.E.E. Scheijmans) V&VN Masterclass. Amersfoort, 15 april 2013. Mw. L. Swalen Publicaties Combining VMAT and breath hold to reduce heart and lung dose for locoregional treatment of left-sided breast cancer. M. Essers, S. Osman, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, R. Martens, L. Swalen, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract) Accelerated Partial Breast irradiation: should breath hold and / or volumetric radiation therapy (RT) be applied? M. Essers, S. Osman, T. Donkers, S. Hol, E. van Mierlo, L. Swalen, R. Martens, P. Poortmans. 2nd ESTRO Forum. Genève, 19-23 april 2013. (Poster abstract)
Th. Veninga Publicaties Number of involved extracranial organs predicts survival in patients with brain metastasis from small cell lung cancer. L. Gerdan, B. Šegedin, T. Veninga, S.E. Schild, D. Rades. Anticancer Res. 2013; 33(9): 3887-9. A new survival score for patients with brain metastases who received whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT) alone. D. Rades, L. Dziggel, V. Nagy, B. Segedin, R. Lohynska, T. Veninga, M.T. Khoa, N.T. Trang, S.E. Schild. Radiother Oncol. 2013; 108(1): 123-7. A validated scoring system to identify long-term survivors after radiotherapy for metastatic spinal cord compression. D. Rades, T. Veninga, A. Bajrovic, J.H. Karstens, S.E. Schild. Strahlenther Onkol. 2013; 189(6): 462-6. J.L.M. Venselaar Voordracht In-vivo dosimetrie in de Brachytherapie. (J.L.M. Venselaar) NVMBR Landelijke Brachytherapiedag. Instituut Verbeeten locatie Tilburg, 1 februari 2013. Publicaties Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. J.L.M. Venselaar, D. Baltas, A.S. Meigooni, P.J. Hoskin, editors. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. Introduction and innovations in Brachytherapy. J.L.M. Venselaar, D. Baltas, A.S. Meigooni, P.J. Hoskin. In: Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. Venselaar et al. (Eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. p3-7. Standard technology in Brachytherapy. R.K. Das, J.L.M. Venselaar. In: Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. Venselaar et al. (Eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. p9-27. Quality assurance of equipment. J.L.M. Venselaar, F. Mourtada. In: Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. Venselaar et al. (Eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. p43-58. Historical development of predictive dosimetry “systems”. A.S. Meigooni, M. Bidmead, J.L.M. Venselaar. In: Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. Venselaar et al. (Eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. p107-15. Quality management of treatment planning. A.S. Meigooni, J.L.M. Venselaar. In: Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. Venselaar et al. (Eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. p177-90. Uncertainties associated with clinical aspects of Brachytherapy. P.J. Hoskin, A. Polo, J.L.M. Venselaar. In: Comprehensive Brachytherapy. Physical and clinical aspects. Venselaar et al. (Eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. 2013. p225-33. Patient positioning based on a radioactive tracer implanted in patients with localized prostate cancer; a performance and safety evaluation. W.J. de Kruijf, J. Verstraete, D. Neustadter, B.W. Corn, S. Hol, J.L.M. Venselaar , R.J. Davits, B.P. Wijsman, L. Van den Bergh, T. Budiharto, R. Oyen, K. 12
Haustermans, P.M. Poortmans. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys. 2013. 85: 555-60. Fraction dose and irradiation technique appear predictive factors for rib fractures after re-irradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent breast cancer. C. Valk, S. Oldenborg, M. van de Kar, R. van Os, S.B. Oei, J.L.M Venselaar, J. Crezee, A. van Randen, P.J. Zum Vörde Sive Vörding, G. van Tienhoven, C.R.N. Rasch. NVRO, Wetenschappelijke Vergadering, Amersfoort, 14 juni 2013. (Voordracht en poster/abstract) Efficacy of re-irradiation plus hyperthermia in 415 patients with recurrent breast cancer S. Oldenborg, V. Griesdoorn, Y. Kusumanto, R. van Os, S.B. Oei, J.L.M. Venselaar, J. Crezee, P.J. Zum Vörde Sive Vörding, C.R.N. Rasch, G. van Tienhoven. 28th Annual Meeting of ESHO, München, June 19-22, 2013. (voordracht en poster/abstract) Second primary cancers after radiation for prostate cancer: a review of data from planning studies L. Murray, A. Henry, P. Hoskin, F.-A. Siebert, J.L.M. Venselaar, and on behalf of the BRAPHYQS/ PROBATE group of the GEC ESTRO. Radiat Oncol. 2013. 8: 172-83. P.H. Vos Voordrachten Inleiding over radiotherapie. (P.H. Vos) Samenwerkingsverband Goede doelen. Tilburg, 4 maart 2013. Inleiding over radiotherapie. (P.H. Vos) Rotary Boxtel. Boxtel, 26 november 2013. Fysica vanuit een historisch perspectief. (P.H. Vos) Lustrumcongres “Breaking the waves” NVRO. Rotterdam, 28-29 november 2013. Publicatie Planning of radiotherapy capacity and productivity. B. Slotman, P.H. Vos, Radiother Oncol 2013. 106: 266-70.