The world was dark, but since Jesus came, it is no longer dark
What did the Father send for you and me?
Apa yang Bapa kirimkan untuk anda dan saya?
What kind of light the Lord has given us?
Terang seperti apa yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita?
I am not afraid of hitting other car or motorcycle, except becak. Others will not hit me because I have back lights
Now I have Waze or Google Map, I will reach my destination, even in overseas
Sekarang saya punya Waze atau Google Map, saya bisa sampai ke tujuan saya, bahkan di luar negeri
Fuce & Tetty are adventurous couple
Will it reach its destination?
The Lord has given us much more than those lights.
Tuhan telah memberikan kita lebih banyak dari lampu2/cahaya tersebut.
He is the light
How powerful is the Light of Jesus?
Seberapa kuatnya Terang Yesus? Let’s see His transformative power
You are my all in all
He lived in the dark. He could not get himself out of his struggle.
Dia tinggal dalam kegelapan. Dia tidak dapat keluar dari pergumulannya.
One day, he found the Light or better word, The Light found him and shone in him. He was delivered from his homosexuality
Suatu hari, dia menemukan Terang itu atau kata yang lebih tepat, Terang itu yang menemukannya dan bersinar dalamnya. Dia terbebaskan dari homoseksual
You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a fool You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
Living in sin and darkness is living in guilt and shame. Others might not know it, but there is great conflict within our soul. Dennis experienced the same thing. But that Light has set him free.
Hidup dalam dosa dan kegelapan adalah hidup dalam rasa bersalah dan rasa malu. Orang lain mungkin tidak tahu, tetapi ada konflik besar dalam jiwa kita. Dennis mengalami hal yang sama. Tetapi Terang itu telah membebaskannya
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame Rising again I bless Your name You are my all in all When I fall down You pick me up When I am dry You fill my cup You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
What has the Light done to him?
Apa yang Terang telah lakukan baginya?
The Light shone on his real identity that he was created in His Image. He is now happy with 9 kids
How powerful is the Light of Jesus?
Seberapa kuatnya Terang Yesus? Let’s see His transformative power
This woman was living in darkness. She sold herself, living as a garbage of the community and in shame
Wanita ini hidup dalam kegelapan. Dia menjual dirinya, hidup seperti sampah masyarakat dan dalam rasa malu
Moreover, someone is looking for her to kill her. The Scribes and Pharisees
Selain itu, seseorang mencari dia untuk membunuhnya. Ahli Taurat dan orang Farisi
She was having affair and was caught in the very act.
Dia berselingkuh dan tertangkap basah
Poor lady
She was heading to hell, people were ready to stone her to death until...
Dia sedang menuju ke neraka, orang2 siap untuk melemparinya dengan batu sehingga mati sampai... The Light shone on her
tempat yang paling gelap
Let us see what the Light has done
Mari kita lihat apa yang Terang itu sudah lakukan
The Light has set her emotion free first before her behavior
Terang itu telah menyembuhkan emosinya terlebih dahulu sebelum perilakunya Will I make it? Will I die?
Jawabnya: "Tidak ada, Tuhan." Lalu kata Yesus: "Akupun tidak menghukum engkau. Pergilah, dan jangan berbuat dosa lagi mulai dari sekarang.“ Yoh. 8:11
The light gave her power to manifest Godly life
Terang itu telah memberikannya kuasa untuk memanifestasikan kehidupan Ilahi
Jawabnya: "Tidak ada, Tuhan." Lalu kata Yesus: "Akupun tidak menghukum engkau. Pergilah, dan jangan berbuat dosa lagi mulai dari sekarang.“ Yoh. 8:11 She now had the power to live Godly life
The Scribes and Pharisees got it wrong
Ahli Taurat dan orang Farisi salah mengerti, terbalik-balik
Sin no more, then I will not condem you Performance vs Identity base
Maka Yesus berkata pula kepada orang banyak, kata-Nya: "Akulah terang dunia; barangsiapa mengikut Aku, ia tidak akan berjalan dalam kegelapan, melainkan ia akan mempunyai terang hidup.“ Yoh. 8:12 Spiritual vs Physical base. Seeing His Light empowers her & Dennis to walk in light
What is darkness?
Apa itu kegelapan?
When we don’t see the light of our real identity in Christ.
That is why Jesus said, ‘follow Me’, not follow the devil or your own strength
Itu sebabnya mengapa Yesus berkata, ‘ikutlah Aku’, bukan ikutlah si iblis atau kekuatan anda sendiri In Him there is no darkness
What make light so powerful?
Apa yang membuat terang sangat berkuasa?
Dalam Dia (Yesus) ada hidup dan hidup itu adalah terang manusia. Terang itu bercahaya di dalam kegelapan dan kegelapan itu tidak menguasainya. Yoh. 1:4-5 Because it is derived from LIFE
Akulah terang dunia; barangsiapa mengikut Aku, ia tidak akan berjalan dalam kegelapan, melainkan ia akan mempunyai terang hidup.
Walking seeing the devil, self or Light