THE EDITING PROCESS OF TRANSLATED NEWS ITEMS AT RAKYAT MERDEKA ONLINE: A CASE STUDY Christie Stefanie, Drs. Muhartoyo, M. A English Department, Faculty of Humanities, BINUS University Jln. Kemanggisan Ilir III No. 45, Kemanggisan/Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract The research was conducted to analyze the process of news writing, international news translating, and news editing applied in Rakyat Merdeka Online. Research method applied was field research through the observation of writing, translating and editing international news. The data for analysis were obtained by collecting and comparing ten translated news drafts and ten published translated news. The result of the research shows several things: (1) the outline of news writing is the same with the essay writing, (2) the dynamic translation is the most frequently used in translating international news item, (3) the correctness, consistency and accuracy are the most important things in news editing. Keywords: essay writing, news writing, news editing, translation, International news item
Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa proses penulisan berita, penerjemahan berita internasional, dan penyuntingan berita yang digunakan di Rakyat Merdeka Online. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan melalui pengamatan terhadap cara penulisan, penerjemahan, dan penyuntingan berita internasional. Data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian diperoleh dengan mengumpulkan dan membandingan sepuluh rancangan berita terjemahan dengan sepuluh berita terjemahan yang telah dipublikasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa hal: (1) garis besar penulisan berita ternyata sama dengan penulisan esai, (2) terjemahan dinamis adalah metode yang paling sering digunakan dalam menerjemahkan berita internasional, (3) kebenaran, konsistensi dan akurasi adalah hal yang paling penting dalam mengedit berita. Kata kunci: penulisan esai, penulisan berita, penyuntingan berita, penerjemahan, berita internasional
INTRODUCTION Human beings are social creature. Contact with other people is a basic human need. In comparison with other creatures, human beings are thoroughly proficient using communication system for different purpose such as self-expression, the exchange of ideas or information. Information itself can be defined as facts or details about somebody or something (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2010:798). Getting more information has become an essential need in people lives. Information can affect some aspects of people lives, such as the way of thinking, behaving, and even in making decision. People can get new information by speaking and listening to others. Furthermore, new information can also be obtained through reading, and watching. As previously stated, there are many ways to get access to new information. Communication can be used to exchange information with others. More information can be accessed by listening to the radio, reading book, newspaper, magazines, journals, theses, news website, etc and likewise watching the television. News is an example of information which can be accessed anytime. What is news itself? News is new information about something that has happened recently. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2010:1028). The news can be national news or international news. Indonesian news agencies get international news from international sources such as, CNN, BBC, Aljazeera, Korea Times, USA Today, Huffington Post, etc. Then, the journalist will translate it into Indonesian language. Basically, news translating is similar with essay translating. There are three kinds of translation; literal translation, dynamic translation, and free translation. The translation also consists of four steps, which are reorganization, addition, deletion, and substitution. There is a research that has conducted the similar topic. The research entitled Analysis of News Translation from English to Indonesian at Metro TV: A Case Study by Elliawati, Abdul Aziz and Fenny. This research focused on how the news translators apply the translation and broadcast journalism theory in their work. It also reveals the process and procedures of the news translation. The research was done by doing field research. Moreover, this research used translation as part of editing theory by Hursti (2001), translation theory by Nida and Taber (1982), and the theory of translation by Newmark (1988). Furthermore, this research also used journalism theory from some experts. In the end, the research found that the news translation for Metro Pagi program at Metro TV is acceptable. However, the author thinks that it needs some improvement because there are some factors which affect the quality of news translation in general. Those factors are the staff’s lack of experience in news translation for broadcast journalism, the lack of time in news translation. Moreover, the writer suggests that the staff should be more careful when translating the news to reduce the unnecessary mistake. Based on the previous research, a new research entitled The Editing Process of Translated News Items at Rakyat Merdeka Online: a Case Study is developed. There is significance that this new research has. This research focuses on the news editing by comparing the draft and the published translated news item. Moreover, this research is conducted at Rakyat Merdeka Online. The new research is using some theories, such as journalism theory by Assegaff (2006), and Ishwara (2005), essay writing theory by Clouse (2000), and news writing theory by Sumadiria (2011). Moreover, the new research is also using the translation theories by Larson (1984), Newmark (1988), Robinson (2000) and Nida (2003). Same like the previous research, the news research is also using the theory of translation as part of editing by Hursti (2001). In the analysis, the new research is also using the editing theories by Rude (2002). There are some goals to be achieved through the new research. First, To find out how the essay writing theory can be applied in to Indonesian online news writing. Second, To find out the most frequently used method of translation in online news translation. Last, To find out the factors which affect the news editing. Therefore, the functions of this research to share knowledge with the readers about the writing process of news on online media. Furthermore, the writer also expects that the readers can derive expertise in news translation from this research.
RESEARCH METHOD The writer uses two kinds of methods in making this research. The first method is field research. The writer goes to Rakyat Merdeka Online (RMOL) to do some research as a journalist, and collect the data, and information which support the study about the process and the procedures of news writing, news editing and news translation. The second method is library research. After having enough data to analyze, library research has to be done in order to collect more information which
relates to this study. Library research also has to be done in order to give more understanding about journalism, the news writing, editing, and translation theories. This study uses two instruments in its analysis. The first instrument is the documents which needed for the research. The documents are ten translated news’ draft, and ten published translated news. The draft news is the articles written by the writer and sent to the editor. Then, the published news is the news which has been edited by the editors and published on the RMOL website. The documents are collected by doing the field research. Next instruments are the theories and the concept which gathered from numerous sources. The main theories used in this study are the theory of translation which was developed by Peter Newmark, Eugene A. Nida, and Charles R. Taber. The other theory is the theory of editing which was developed by Barbara Fine Clouse. There are several theories and concepts which are also used in this study for analyzing the process and procedures of news writing. Then, the writer compares the news draft which sent to the editors and the news which has been edited and published on Therefore, the writer also looked up for theories and concepts which support and relate to the study through various books, articles, and previous research. Figure 1. Data Analysis Journalism News Writing
Collecting theories
Translation Editing
Finding the topic and deciding the problems
As a journalist Observation As a translator
Field Research
Making and collecting the draft Collecting the published news
Comparing the draft of news writing, news translation and the published news based on theories.
Writing report and finishing the research
RESULT AND DISCUSSION The result of this research is divided into two sections. First, the translated news’ drafts analysis. Second, the published translated news analysis. The Translated News’ Drafts Analysis There are ten international news which translated into Indonesian. Based on the analysis, free translation is the most frequently used method in translating the title of the news. However, dynamic translation is the most frequently used method in translating the news’ content. It can be seen through the tables below. Table 1. The Translation of News’ Title The Title Source Language Target Language Derek Medina Posts Photo of Suami Bunuh Istri dan Wife’s Body, Murder Mempublikasikannya di Confession to Facebook Facebook Morsi’s Wife in Surprise Show Istri Morsi ikut Berunjuk Rasa at Egypt Rally Nelson Mandela ‘Concious and Responsive’ Egypt Military Behind Sinai Air Raid Heat Wave to Continue Freed Mexican Drug Lord’s Accomplices Could Soon Walk Free Gunmen Abduct Two Turkish Airlines Staff in Beirut Missing Californian Teen Safe, Accused Kidnapper Killed Apple vs Samsung Scorecard More than 100,000 want to go to Mars and not Return, Project Says
Mandela Mulai Sadar dan Responsif Mesir Kembali Luncurkan Serangan Udara Gelombang Panas Berkelanjutan Gembong Narkoba ini Dibebaskan dari Penjara Pilot dan Awak Turkish Airlines di Libanon Pembunuh dan Penculik ini Tewas Tertembak Pertarungan Sengit Apple dan Samsung Tiket Satu Kali Perjalanan ke Mars
Kind of Translation Free Translation
Free Translation Dynamic Translation Free Translation Free Translation Free Translation Dynamic Translation Free Translation Free Translation Free Translation
Table 2. The Translation of News’ Lead
The Lead of News Source Language Target Language A horrifying crime scene in South Miami hit Facebook Thursday when a man posted a photo of his dead wife -- and a confession that he had killed her.
Sebuah bentuk kejahatan menghebohkan Facebook hari ini. Seorang pria di Miami memasukan foto istrinya yang telah meninggal, dan membuat pengakuan bahwa dialah yang telah membunuh istrinya.
Kind of Translation
Dynamic Translation
The wife of Egypt's deposed President Mohamed Morsi has addressed thousands of his supporters at a protest rally in Cairo, in her first appearance since her husband's overthrow.
Naglaa Mahmoud, istri dari Mohamed Morsi, telah mendukung ribuan pengunjuk rasa di Kairo, ini adalah tampilan pertamanya semenjak suaminya digulingkan dari jabatannya.
Free Translation
The South African presidency has said that former president Nelson Mandela is still in "critical but stable condition".
Pemerintah Afrika Selatan menyatakan bahwa mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela masih dalam kondisi kritis namun stabil.
Dynamic Translation
Egyptian helicopters have launched a fresh assault on armed groups in the Sinai region, as Egypt's military confirmed that Friday's air raid that killed four fighters was carried out by one of its planes.
Helikopter Mesir telah meluncurkan serangan baru kepada pasukan bersenjata diwilayah Sinai, pihak militer Mesir mengkonfirmasi bahwa serangan udara yang diluncurkan pada hari Jumat telah menewaskan 4 orang pasukan yang menerbangkan salah satu pesawat tersebut.
Literal Translation
Two people died and more than 600 cases of heat-related patients have been reported.
Gelombang udara panas yang terjadi di Korea Selatan telah memakan banyak korban jiwa. Lebih dari 600 pasien yang masuk rumah sakit akibat panas ini telah dilaporkan, yang 2 diantaranya telah meninggal dunia.
Free Translation
Outraged by the release of an infamous Mexican drug boss jailed for ordering the brutal 1985 murder of a U.S. drug enforcement agent, the United States may soon face the galling prospect of watching his accomplices walk free.
Gembong narkoba Meksiko yang terkenal jahat, Rafael Cato Quintero yang dijatuhi hukuman karena menyiksa dan melakukan pembunuhan terhadap agen anti narkoba Amerika Serikat tajun 1985, dibebaskan dari penjara Jumat, 9/8 lalu. Pemerintah Amerika sangat tidak setuju dan sangat marah atas langkah pembebasan Caro Quintero yang dilakukan oleh pengadilan di Meksiko.
Free Translation
Gunmen abducted two Turkish Airlines pilots in Beirut on Friday, forcing them from an airport bus in the early hours of the morning and prompting Turkey to urge its citizens to leave Lebanon.
Dua pilot Turkish Airlines diculik di Libanon pada Jumat pagi tadi oleh pria bersenjata yang memaksa mereka saat mengemudi bus dari bandara Beirut semenjak subuh tadi.
Dynamic Translation
California murder and kidnapping suspect James DiMaggio was fatally shot by an FBI agent and missing teen Hannah Anderson was found safe, San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said late Saturday. DiMaggio was shot and killed by an FBI tactical agent.
Sheriff San Diego Bill Gore mengatakan bahwa James DiMaggio, pelaku pembunuhan dan penculikan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini di California, telah tewas. Bill juga menambahkan bahwa Hannah Anderson, korban DiMaggio yang terakhir telah selamat. DiMaggio tewas akibat tembakan yang dilakukan oleh agen FBI.
Apple and Samsung's fiercest battle isn't playing out in the smartphone market.
Pertarungan sengit antara Apple dan Samsung seperti tiada habisnya. Sampai saat ini sudah 4 persidangan yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat terkait hak cipta antara dua perusahan besar itu.
The companies are currently embroiled in dozens of highstakes patent disputes, four of which are playing out in the United States. Billions of dollars are on the line, and the titans are fighting to take each other's products off the shelves. More than 100,000 people are eager to make themselves at home on another planet. They've applied for a one-way trip to Mars, hoping to be chosen to spend the rest of their lives on uncharted territory, according to an organization planning the manned missions.
Berdasarkan Organisasi Misi dan Perencana, sudah lebih dari 100.000 orang yang sangat ingin membuat rumah sendiri di planet lain selain bumi. Mereka telah mengajukan trip perjalanan pergi ke Mars, dan berharap menjadi yang terpilih untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupnya di wilayah yang masih belum tersentuh.
Dynamic Translation
Free Translation
Dynamic Translation
As seen above, the theory of translation as part of editing also applied. There is some unnecessary information deleted in the target language. However, there are also many new words added and substituted in the target language. The Published Translated News Analysis After translating the internasional news, the drafts are sent into
[email protected] to be edited by the editors. The analysis will compare the draft with the published news below. Table 3. The Editing of News’ Title
The Title The Draft The Published News Suami Bunuh Istri dan Suami Bunuh Istri dan Mempublikasikannya di Mempublikasikannya di Facebook Facebook Istri Morsi ikut Berunjuk Rasa Pertama Kali Setelah Kudeta, Istri Morsy Ikut Demonstrasi
Editing Process
None Diction, Typography
Mandela Mulai Sadar dan Responsif Mesir Kembali Luncurkan Serangan Udara ke Sinai Dua Orang Tewas Akibat Kepanasan Gembong Narkoba ini Dibebaskan dari Penjara Pilot dan Awak Turkish Airlines Diculik di Libanon Pembunuh dan Penculik ini Tewas Tertembak Pertarungan Sengit Apple dan Samsung Tiket Satu Kali Perjalanan ke Mars
Nelson Mandela dalam Kondisi Sadar Namun Kritis Mesir Kembali Kerahkan Apache ke Wilayah Sinai Dua Warga Korsel Tewas karena Cuaca Panas, 600 Orang Masuk RS AS Geram Meksiko Bebaskan Gembong Narkoba Pembunuh Agen DEA Pilot Turkish Airlines Diculik Pria Bersenjata di Lebanon Pembunuh dan Penculik ini Akhirnya Tewas Ditembak Pertarungan Sengit Apple dan Samsung The Mars One Siap Antar Manusia Jajah Planet Merah
Diction Diction Diction
Diction Diction None Diction
Table 4. The Editing of News’ Lead
The Draft
The Lead of News The Published News
Sebuah bentuk kejahatan menghebohkan Facebook hari ini. Seorang pria di Miami memasukan foto istrinya yang telah meninggal, dan membuat pengakuan bahwa dialah yang telah membunuh istrinya.
RMOL. Sebuah kejahatan mengerikan menghebohkan para pengguna Facebook hari ini. Seorang pria di Miami, Amerika Serikat, mengupload foto istrinya yang telah tewas berdarah-darah, dan membuat pengakuan bahwa dialah yang telah membunuh istrinya.
Naglaa Mahmoud, istri dari Mohamed Morsi, telah mendukung ribuan pengunjuk rasa di Kairo, ini adalah tampilan pertamanya semenjak suaminya digulingkan dari jabatannya.
RMOL. Ribuan pengunjuk rasa pro Mohamed Morsy di Kairo mendapat bahan bakar tambahan untuk melanjutkan perjuangan mereka mengembalikan Morsy ke jabatan Presiden yang direbut pihak militer pada 3 Juli lalu. Untuk pertama kalinya sejak suaminya dikudeta, Nagla Mahmoud, tampil di depan publik dan bahkan ikut memimpin lautan massa anti militer.
Pemerintah Afrika Selatan menyatakan bahwa mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela masih dalam kondisi kritis namun stabil.
RMOL. Pemerintah Afrika Selatan menyatakan bahwa kondisi mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela masih dalam kondisi kritis namun stabil.
Editing Process
Diction, Screen Design
Diction, Screen Design, Typography
Diction, Screen Design
Helikopter Mesir telah meluncurkan serangan baru kepada pasukan bersenjata diwilayah Sinai, pihak militer Mesir mengkonfirmasi bahwa serangan udara yang diluncurkan pada hari Jumat telah menewaskan 4 orang pasukan yang menerbangkan salah satu pesawat tersebut.
RMOL. Angkatan Bersenjata Mesir kembali melancarkan serangan balasan terhadap milisi di utara Sinai, dengan mengerahkan helikopter tempur Apache.
Gelombang udara panas yang terjadi di Korea Selatan telah memakan banyak korban jiwa. Lebih dari 600 pasien yang masuk rumah sakit akibat panas ini telah dilaporkan, yang 2 diantaranya telah meninggal dunia.
RMOL. Gelombang udara panas yang melanda kawasan Korea Selatan telah memakan banyak korban jiwa. Lebih dari 600 pasien dilaporkan masuk rumah sakit, dua di antaranya dinyatakan tewas.
Gembong narkoba Meksiko yang terkenal jahat, Rafael Cato Quintero yang dijatuhi hukuman karena menyiksa dan melakukan pembunuhan terhadap agen anti narkoba Amerika Serikat tajun 1985, dibebaskan dari penjara Jumat, 9/8 lalu. Pemerintah Amerika sangat tidak setuju dan sangat marah atas langkah pembebasan Caro Quintero yang dilakukan oleh pengadilan di Meksiko.
RMOL. Gembong narkoba Meksiko Rafael Caro Quintero yang dijatuhi hukuman karena menyiksa dan melakukan pembunuhan terhadap agen anti narkoba Amerika Serikat tahun 1985, dibebaskan dari penjara (Jumat, 9/8) lalu. Pemerintah Amerika sangat tidak setuju dan sangat marah atas langkah pembebasan Caro Quintero yang dilakukan oleh pengadilan di Meksiko.
Diction, Typography, Screen Design
Seorang pilot Turkish Airlines beserta rekanny diculik di Libanon pada Jumat pagi tadi oleh pria bersenjata yang memaksa mereka saat mengemudi bus dari bandara Beirut semenjak subuh tadi.
RMOL. Seorang pilot Turkish Airlines beserta rekannya diculik di Lebanon pada Jumat (9/8) pagi oleh pria bersenjata saat mengemudi bus dari bandara Beirut menuju hotel tempat mereka menginap.
Diction, Typography, Screen Design
Sheriff San Diego Bill Gore mengatakan bahwa James DiMaggio, pelaku pembunuhan dan penculikan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini di California, telah tewas. Bill juga menambahkan bahwa Hannah Anderson, korban DiMaggio yang terakhir telah selamat. DiMaggio tewas akibat tembakan yang dilakukan oleh agen FBI.
RMOL. James Lee DiMaggio, pelaku pembunuhan dan penculikan yang terjadi akhirakhir ini di California, dilaporkan telah tewas. Informasi ini dikemukakan Sherif San Diego, Bill Gore seperti dilansir USA Today. Masih kata Bill, Hannah Anderson, korban DiMaggio yang terakhir telah selamat. DiMaggio tewas akibat tembakan yang dilakukan oleh
Diction, Screen Design
Diction, Typography, Screen Design
Diction, Screen Design
agen FBI. Pertarungan sengit antara Apple dan Samsung seperti tiada habisnya. Sampai saat ini sudah 4 persidangan yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat terkait hak cipta antara dua perusahan besar itu.
RMOL. Pertarungan sengit antara Apple dan Samsung seperti tiada habisnya. Sampai saat ini sudah empat persidangan yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat terkait hak cipta antara dua perusahaan besar itu.
Berdasarkan Organisasi Misi dan Perencana, sudah lebih dari 100.000 orang yang sangat ingin membuat rumah sendiri di planet lain selain bumi. Mereka telah mengajukan trip perjalanan pergi ke Mars, dan berharap menjadi yang terpilih untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupnya di wilayah yang masih belum tersentuh.
RMOL. Banyak orang sudah jenuh dengan hiruk-pikuk keramaian di Bumi. Planet yang masih tenang dan memungkinkan untuk dihuni pun kini menjadi incaran para pencari ketenangan itu.
Berdasarkan data dari Organisasi Misi dan Perencanaan, sudah lebih dari 100.000 orang yang sangat ingin membuat rumah sendiri di planet lain selain bumi. Mereka bahkan telah mengajukan trip perjalanan pergi ke Mars, dan berharap menjadi yang terpilih untuk bisa menghabiskan sisa hidupnya di wilayah yang masih belum tersentuh itu.
Diction, Screen Design
Diction, Screen Design
CONCLUSION Based on the analysis, there are eight of ten titles were translated by using free translation. Therefore, two out of ten titles were translated by using dynamic translation. It had been done in order to make the title was more attractive and provocative so the readers were curious about the content. The translated news’ drafts consisted of sixty one paragraphs. Fourty five paragraphs were translated by using dynamic translation. It meant the percentage of dynamic translation was 73.77%. It was followed by the free translation. The percentage was 21.31%, fourteen paragraphs were translated by using free translation. Last, only three paragraphs were translated through literal translation. The percentage was 4.92%. After translating the news, the translated news item cannot directly published on the website. It still needs to be edited by the editor. The editor has to check and correct the spelling, punctuation, grammar, and consistency in texts. By doing editing process, the readers are able to read the texts without being distracted by errors or inconsistencies. There are three factors which affect the news editing. Those are correctness, consistency, and accuracy. They consist of diction, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, syntax, style, typography, and screen design. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the diction is the most frequently edited by the editors. The editor changes some words in the published news to make the news more attractive, easier to read and to understand. Besides, it can be seen from the analysis that the published news has its style, such as the published news is using block paragraph. Then, it also has icon “RMOL.” before the first paragraph, and all news sources are written in italic.
SUGGESTION The writer highly expects that this research would help the readers to enrich their knowledge about news writing and editing of translated news item. Furthermore, the writer suggests that the editors at Rakyat Merdeka Online should be more careful and can keep their consistency and their style in news writing. Moreover, the editors also should be able to make the title of the news more attractive and provocative since the title is the most important part in news. The title also can affect the number of clicker. The more attractive the title, the more readers will read news at RMOL.
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Christie Stefanie was born in Jakarta, on January 31th, 1993. The writer graduated her Bachelor degree of English from BINUS University in 2014. She had been working at Rakyat Merdeka Online for a year. However, she is currently working as a journalist at