THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Meirista Kurnia Putri 112011027
THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Meirista Kurnia Putri 112011027
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text. Copyright@ 2015. Meirista Kurnia Putri and Rindang Widiningrum, S. S., M.Hum. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga. Meirista Kurnia Putri
TABLE OF CONTENT COVER PAGE INSIDE COVER PAGE…………………………………………………………………...i APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................................ii COPYRIGHT STATEMENT ............................................................................................iii PUBLICATION AGREEMENT DECLARATION……………………………………...iv TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................................v LIST OF FIGURES THESIS BODY ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1 THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………...……4 A. Cooperative Learning 1. Cooperative Learning in Foreign Language Teaching Classes..……...4 2. Advantages of Cooperative Learning………………………………....6 3. Limitations and Challenges of Cooperative Learning………………...8 B. Attitude 1. Definition of Attitude………...……………………………………….9 2. Previous Research Studies on Students‟ Attitudes……………….......9 THE STUDY...……………...……………………………………………………..10 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION…………………...……………………………...15 The Students‟ Attitudes towards Cooperative Learning in English Classes………………………………..…………………………………..15 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................33 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................................35 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................36 APPENDIX A...........................................................................................................38 APPENDIX B...........................................................................................................41
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they willingly participate in Cooperative Learning activities
Figure 2.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that when they work with other students they achieve more than when they work alone
Figure 3.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative learning can improve their attitudes towardss work
Figure 4.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative learning helps them to socialize more
Figure 5.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative learning enhances good working relationships among students
Figure 6.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative Learning enhances class participation
Figure 7.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that creativity is facilitated in the group setting
Figure 8.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that group activities make the learning experience easier
Figure 9.
The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they learn to work with other students who are different from them
Figure 10. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they enjoy the material more when they work with other students Figure 11. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that their works are better organized when they are in a group Figure 12. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they prefer that their teachers use more group activities / assignments
Abstract This study attempts to find out students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning in English classes, especially in grade 8 of Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School, Salatiga, Central Java. It is intended to see how students view cooperative learning, in this case working in small group, in EFL education. This study was conducted in the 2014/2015 academic year. It used both quantitative and qualitative research procedures and the participants of the study were 77 students who had ever experienced cooperative learning in their English classes. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires and conducting semi—structured interviews to get students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning. The analysis of the data shows that the use of cooperative learning is really helpful and plays important roles on EFL education i.e. boosting students‟ motivation, reducing students‟ anxiety, enhancing socialization, developing students‟ creativity, and reinforcing class participation. Key Words: Students’ attitudes, Cooperative Learning, English classes
INTRODUCTION Cooperative learning, for some students, is a helpful method in learning because it can decrease the amount of work which they need to do. Cooperative learning is small group of learners working together as a team to solve a problem, complete a task, or achieve a common goal (Artz & Newman, 1990). Besides that, group work or cooperative learning or collaborative learning is confirmed as one of the greatest success stories in the history of educational improvement (Slavin, 1996). Moreover, this method can be used at all age levels, from kindergarten to university students. The cooperative learning is considered as being an effective and mostly favored teaching methodology in
all level of academic phases (Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 2007). According to Johnson and Johnson (1987), it is important that students learn skills that will enable them to work cooperatively in groups. According to them, students cannot be expected to know how to work collaboratively unless they have been taught these skills. There is a previous study conducted by Carroll (1994) about students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning. The study reported in a one-year study of an 11th grade English class that there were a large number of students with negative responses to cooperative learning. Many of the students were unwilling to talk over personal ideas with their group mates as they have fear that their group mates might have different opinions. Second, there was also a previous study entitled “Implementing Cooperative Learning in EFL Teaching: Process and Effects” that was conducted in July 2002 by Tsailing Liang, in National Taiwan Normal University. The purpose of this quasiexperimental study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning on EFL junior high school learners‟ language learning, the high- and low-achievers‟ academic achievements in a heterogeneous language proficiency group, and motivation towards learning English as a foreign language. The major findings of this study suggested that cooperative learning helped significantly to enhance the junior high school learners‟ oral communicative competence and their motivation towards learning English. Besides, the researcher has an experience in implementing cooperative learning to the 3rd grade-students of Bethany Primary School Salatiga in the researcher‟s teaching practicum. When the researcher asked the students to work in groups of three to do a
group task, many students looked so excited, but some of them did not show their positive responses towards the group task. Some students may not like cooperative work in groups because they were not convenient enough with the members of their groups or may not like to communicate actively in doing a group task. As a result, the objectives of the researcher‟s teaching could not be as good as what the researcher hoped. That was why the researcher thought that it is better if teachers know the attitudes of their students first, before they decided to use a certain method in their teaching as the objectives of the teaching is the most important thing. Teachers need to know whether the method is really useful and facilitate learning or not based on students‟ point of view. Finally, the researcher‟s own experience strengthened the researcher‟s willingness to conduct this study, which is about student‟s attitude towards cooperative learning. To be more specific, this study aims at examining the attitudes of 8th graders of Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School towards cooperative learning, especially in English classes. Thus, the research question of this study is “What are the attitudes of 8th graders of Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School towards Cooperative Learning in English Classes?” By this study, the researcher expected to get better understanding about students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning which is used by the English teacher of 8th graders Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School. Lastly, by knowing students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning, this study is also aimed at giving some insights for English teachers, so that English teachers can implement cooperative learning as one of beneficial methods in teaching English as a foreign language.
A. Cooperative Learning 1. Cooperative Learning in Foreign Language Teaching Classes Cooperative learning has been applied to foreign language teaching in the classroom in current years. According to Kagan (2001), cooperative learning and English as a second or foreign language in classrooms are a perfect match. There is growing research based on the effect and effectiveness of cooperative learning in foreign language teaching, especially in the classrooms. Cooperative learning is a process which the students are working together in groups and showing their good performances which can reinforce their motivation and satisfication in learning (Felder & Brent, 2012). Next, Felder and Brent (2012) added that cooperative learning is an active method. In a group discussion, there are strong students and weak students. Both of the weak students and strong students get benefits from the group discussion. In this case, the strong students can help the weak students, so that the weak students can feel the benefits of the cooperative learning. On the other hand, the strong students also get the benefits because when they help the weak students, they will have an opportunity to improve their own understanding. In addition, by working together with the strong students, the weak students will be motivated more to accomplish the task as well.
According to Yi and LuXi (2012), cooperative learning is a teaching approach which is purposed to reach a certain goal. Therefore, students need to consider about what they should prepare and make a good plan in order to reach the goal. Moreover, teachers need to guide the students if the students find difficulties. Additionaly, Wichadee and Orawiwatnakul (2012) stated that cooperative learning is a teaching approach which students work together in small groups. Each group consists of some students who have different levels of ability. Therefore, the students use various learning styles in order to understand a certain subject. According to Johnson (2000), there are several ideal procedures on how cooperative learning should be implemented in the classroom. The first one is “forming team”. It is recommended to form teams of 3-4 students for most tasks. Then, the second is “promoting positive interdependence”, for example the teacher may assign different roles to team members (e.g. coordinator, recorder, checker, etc.) and rotating the roles periodically or for each assignment. The third one is “providing individual accountability”, in which the teacher may give individual tests that cover all of the material on the team assignments and projects. At last, the teacher should “help students develop teamwork skill”, for example by establishing team policies and expectations. In this case, the teacher may keep groups intact for at least a month.
2. Advantages of Cooperative Learning There are many advantages of cooperative learning, especially in growing students‟ self-esteem, students‟ communicative skill, and students‟ achievement in learning English. According to Kagan (1994), research findings showed that cooperative learning approach can sponsor student learning and educational achievement, improve students‟ satisfaction with their learning experience, help students to develop skills in oral statement, increase students' social skills, enhance students‟ self-esteem, and also help to promote positive competition relations. Supporting these findings, there is a similar view from Singapore‟s Ministry of Education (1997) that regards cooperative learning as “a powerful tool to motivate learning and [it] has a positive effect on the classroom climate which leads to encourage greater achievement, to foster positive attitudes and higher self-esteem to develop collaborative skills and to encourage greater social support” (p. 7). In addition, many research studies told that cooperative learning is associated with benefits in such key areas as learning, self-confidence, motivating for school, and interethnic relations (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1993). Furthermore, a study which was conducted by Crandal (1999) showed that cooperative language learning has the positive factors on language learning, growing motivation, reducing anxiety, inspiring the motivation, promoting self-esteem, and supporting different learning styles.
Besides that, another positive effect of cooperative learning is that the cooperative learning strategy promotes students‟ active learning by creating simulated real-life language environment. Borich (2007) explained that within the implementation of cooperative learning in the foreign language teaching, students are provided with more opportunities to participate, experience, interact and cooperate in foreign language learning. Then, in the cooperative group, the students are not only able to work together, but they are also able to interact face to face and help with each other, because they have same certain goal. In addition, Suwantaratbip and Wichadee (2010) observed the efficiency of cooperative learning in reducing foreign language learning anxiety and examined its effect on language proficiency scores of 40 university students. The finding of the study said that the students' foreign language learning anxiety was significantly decreased after learning through cooperative learning approach. Moreover, the students were also interested in learning cooperatively as a whole. Another research study was conducted by Ning (2011) that focused on the adaptation of cooperative learning methods into tertiary ELT in China. The aim of the study was giving students more opportunities for language production so that they can enhance their fluency and effectiveness in communication. Interestingly, the test results proved that students‟ English competence in skills and vocabulary in cooperative learning classes was
higher to whole-class teaching, particularly in speaking, listening, and reading. 3. Limitations and Challenges of Cooperative Learning Though
recommended for language teaching and learning, it does not mean that cooperative learning can solve all the educational problems. Like all other teaching methods, there are limitations in cooperative leaning. One limitation of cooperative learning has to do with the inability of teachers to implement the cooperative structure carefully. If the teachers just put the students into groups to learn and did not structure the positive interdependence and individual accountability (two important elements in cooperative learning), then it would not be difficult to make sure that all of the members in a cooperative learning group did a group task as well. There was a big possibility if in the group there would be a “bossy” student who did not allow the others to take part, or even there would be other group dynamic problems that might come from not setting the basic rules for behavior and carefully craft the group dynamics (Kagan, 1994). Another concern deals with the result of Carroll‟s study (1994) about students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning. The study reported that in a one-year study of an 11th grade English class, a large number of students responded negatively to cooperative learning. Many of the students were
unwilling to talk over personal ideas with their group mates because they feared that their group mates might have different opinions.
B. Attitude 1. Definition of Attitude Many people have different definition about attitude although basically, attitude is someone‟s perception towards a particular thing. According to Ajzen (1987, p. 96), attitude is “a statement to respond favorable or unfavorable to an object, person, institution, or event.” In addition, “attitudes and beliefs are a subset of a group of constructs that name, define, and describe the structure and content of mental states that are thought to drive a person‟s actions” (Richardson, 1996, p. 102, as cited in RimmKaufman & Sawyer, 2004). From these definitions of attitude, the researcher will go with the definition from Ajzen (1987, p. 96), which is “a statement to respond favorable or unfavorable to an object, person, institution, or event” to be the basic concept of attitude in this study. 2. Previous Research Studies on Students‟ Attitudes Several studies on students‟ attitudes have been previously conducted. The first reviewed study entitled “Learning in ELT Classes: The Attitudes of Students towards Cooperative Learning in ELT Classes” was conducted by Sühendan ER & Bengü AKSU ATAÇ in 2014.
This study aimed at
investigating the University prep school ELT students‟ attitudes towards
cooperative learning. The findings reported that there was a difference related to gender in the attitudes towardss cooperative learning. Most of female participants had more positive attitudes towards cooperative learning, whereas most of male participants had negative attitudes towards cooperative learning. Second, there was a study entitled “Attitude of Students towardss Cooperative Learning Methods at Knox Community” conducted by Keritha McLeish in September 2009. The study was conducted to determine the attitude of students towards cooperative learning at a community college. The results indicated that due to various fears such as possible low grades students prefer to work on their own rather than within a group.
THE STUDY Context of the Study In order to find the students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning in English classes, the researcher chose Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School as the research site. The school was chosen because English is one of the school subject and it was located in the small town of Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia, where English is regarded as a foreign language. In this school, English was used as a medium of instruction in the English language learning. The primary reason for selecting this school was because this school had some English teachers who had used cooperative learning as a methodology which was implemented in their EFL teaching learning process. In this school, the teacher practiced several procedures for implementing cooperative learning, such as “forming team” and “providing individual accountability”. In “forming team” 10
procedure, the teacher divided the students into groups, which consisted of three until four people in each group. In “providing individual accountability” procedure, the teacher gave individual tasks that cover all of the materials on the group assignments. In addition, by giving the group assignments, the teacher encouraged the students indirectly to “promote positive interdependence” and “develop teamwork skill” by themselves.
Participants A total of 77 8th graders from three different classes (VIII A, VIII B, and VIII C) have participated in filling in the questionnaire. The 8th graders of LAB Junior High School were chosen because they were in the medium level and had experienced cooperative learning, so they already had enough experiences in cooperative learning. Besides that, the 9th graders were not chosen because the researcher did not want to disturb the learning process as they had to prepare themselves for the national and school examinations.
Instruments of Data Collection The study was a descriptive qualitative study that used three research instruments: class-observation, questionnaire and semi-structured interview. First, in the observation, the researcher wanted to observe English learning process in three classes in order to make sure whether the classes used cooperative learning or not. Then, the researcher used questionnaire as the second instrument of data collection because it was the fastest, the easiest, and the most effective instrument to dig participants‟ perspectives, experience
and/or thought about the topic discussed in this study. The questionnaire used in the study was adapted from a questionnaire developed by McLeish (2009) which had 12 closeended items. In those close-ended questions, the participants were allowed to rate each item on a scale of options which were numerically coded as 1 (strongly disagree); 2 (disagree); 3 (neutral); 4 (agree); and 5 (strongly agree). Besides that, the researcher added one open-ended question to know whether or not the participants had any additional opinion related to cooperative learning. The questionnaire was also translated into Bahasa Indonesia to make it easier for the participants to fill it. Those questions from the questionnaire, later on, could lead to the general findings about students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning. Next, in order to get more in-depth data about how students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with 8 students (10% of the whole participants) as the third instrument of data collection. If there was less or more than 8 students who were willing to be interviewed, the researcher chose the participants of the interview randomly. The semi-structured interview was chosen to get more data from the participants in explaining more deeply about their answers in the questionnaires. Thus, in the interview, the researcher asked the reason why the participants chose a particular answer in the questionnaire and asked them to explain it further.
Data Collection Procedure First, the researcher observed the classes two or three times. After knowing that the classes being observed used cooperative learning, the second step was distributing questionnaire. However, before distributing the final questionnaire (post-piloted questionnaire) to the whole participants, the researcher piloted the pre-piloted questionnaire first. This piloting section was done by distributing 10% of the whole amount of the questionnaire to the piloting participants, which were eight 8th grade students of Kristen Lentera Junior High School Ambarawa. Third, after piloting section, the researcher distributed the whole questionnaire (the post-piloted questionnaire) to the real participants according to the criteria. The participants were given some time to respond to the questions they got directly. Besides that, demographic information such as name, class / level of the study (e.g. 8th grade of junior high school) and phone number were obtained from the participants themselves through a personal information form included in the questionnaire. The participants were also asked to provide a written response whether they were willing to be interviewed. Thus, the researcher could know which participants were willing to be interviewed. After all of the questionnaires were filled, the researcher started to analyze the data. Fourth, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews to the students who were willing to be interviewed. The semi-structured interviews took about 10-15 minutes on average. The interviews were done in Bahasa Indonesia to make it easier for the participants to understand the questions and respond to them. The interviews were recorded and transcribed to be analyzed.
Data Analysis Procedure In this step, after the data has been collected, the questionnaire and the interview results were analyzed by the researcher. First, the researcher counted the result of the close-ended items of the questionnaire. If the students answered “agree” and “strongly agree” (the higher scores), it indicated that the students had more positive attitudes towards cooperative learning in their English classes. Similarly, if the students answered “disagree” and “strongly disagree” (the lower scores), they had more negative attitudes towards cooperative learning in English classes. If the students answered “neutral”, the researcher indentified whether the students had positive or negative attitudes towards cooperative learning by using their interview data. Furthermore, the results of the twelve close-ended items of the questionnaire were presented in per-item diagram, so that it was easy to be understood. Besides that, analyzing the open-ended question, the researcher grouped the participants‟ answers that had a similar theme. Thus, a brief description was presented to give a clear explanation of the questionnaire results. Second, from the interview data, the researcher has got the reasons why the students answer “strongly agree”, “agree”, “neutral”, “disagree”, or “strongly disagree” in the questionnaire. In order to analyze the interview data, similar answers were put in group so that it would be easier to discuss and draw the conclusion. The recordings of the interviews in Bahasa Indonesia were transcribed and translated into English, and were presented in the form of clean transcriptions to be analyzed descriptively using the literature review used by the researcher.
In this chapter the process of data analysis and the results achieved were presented. Overall, the result of the questionnaires showed that the students generally had positive attitudes towards Cooperative Learning. It was because most students agreed or even strongly agreed towards all the items (12 items) in the questionnaires which stated about positive views towards Cooperative Learning in English lesson. In addition, the detailed results of the questionnaire were discussed further in this chapter. In this chapter, the data analysis aimed to interpret the results of per-statement analysis of the questionnaire which were also supported by the interview data.
The Students’ Attitudes towards Cooperative Learning in English Classes The results of per-statement analysis were discussed in details in this part. There were 12 close-ended items in the students‟ questionnaires for them to answer. In analysing the data, the researcher divided the result into 3 groups: agree (absolutely agree and agree), neutral, and disagree (strongly disagree and disagree). Besides that, the additional answer of an open-ended question in the questionnaire (which was asking whether the participants have additional opinion related to cooperative learning or not) was also used in completing this data analysis. Then, the results of the interviews were used to support the data from the questionnaire. Below were the results from the students‟ questionnaire and interview data.
The first statement: I willingly participate in cooperative learning activities. Figure 1. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they willingly participate in Cooperative Learning activities 9 respondents 11, 68 %
Agree Neutral Disagree 68 respondents 88, 3 %
From this first statement, more than half of the total respondents 88, 3 % or 68 respondents stated that they agreed that they willingly participated in cooperative learning activities. Therefore, it could be said that the vast majority of the respondents believed that they were perfectly willing to participate in such learning activities. On the other hand, 9 respondents (11, 68 %) stated that they were neutral on the statement. In contrast, there was no respondent who disagreed on this statement. From the interview data, almost all of the 8 interviewees agreed because they enjoyed doing group English tasks more than doing individual English tasks. Student 1
: “Di dalam tugas kelompok, kalau saya mengalami kesulitan saya bisa bertanya kepada teman saya. Selain itu, bekerja bersama-sama dengan teman akan terasa lebih nyaman.” (In group activity, I can ask questions to my friends if I have difficulties. Besides that, working together with some friends is more convenient than working individually).
Student 2
: “Saya dapat lebih mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris saya di dalam kelompok.” (I can improve my English skill more through group work.)
Based on the interview result above, the interviewees were willing to participate in Cooperative Learning activities as their group mates could help them if they had difficulties and they could also improve their English skills within their groups.
The second statement: When I work with other students I achieve more than when I work alone.
Figure 2. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that when they work with other students they achieve more than when they work alone 2 respondents 2, 59 %
30 respondents 38, 96 %
Neutral 45 respondents 58, 43 %
From this second statement, only two respondents (2, 59 %) of the 77 total respondents disagreed that they achieved more when they worked with other students than when they worked alone. Then, about 38, 96 % of the respondents or 30 respondents were neutral on this statement. Besides that, 45 respondents (58, 43 %) stated that they agreed on this positive effect of cooperative learning. Thus, from the data above, most of the respondents agreed on this statement which said that when they worked with other students, they achieved more than when they worked alone. It was supported in the interview data where most of the interviewees said that “group-mates” are the crucial
factor that could determine whether they can achieve more when they work in groups or not.
Student 4
: “Kalau saya dan teman-teman saya saling share, saya pun dapat pengetahuan baru dari teman, lalu teman kita pun mungkin juga dapat pengetahuan baru dari saya. Pengetahuan yang saya maksud ya dalam Bahasa Inggris, misalnya vocabulary atau verb.” (When I am sharing with my group mates, my group mates and I get new knowledge from one another. The examples of knowledge in English classes that I get are vocabulary or kinds of verbs.)
Student 5
: “Saya sangat setuju karena temen-temen kan punya pendapat yang lain yang mungkin saya tidak tahu. Jadi kalau teman-teman memberikan pendapat mereka, pengetahuan saya juga bisa bertambah.” (I strongly agree because my friends have their own opinions that I may not know. So, if they give their knowledge in group discussion, it can help me achieve more.)
Based on those two opinions in the interview, the interviewees viewed Cooperative Learning could be „a tool‟ or „a facilitator‟ to help them achieve more, especially in developing their knowledge about English, because through cooperative learning, they could discuss the task with their group mates, share their English knowledge, and even support each other‟s learning. Thus, these two opinions are in line with a theory from Singapore‟s Ministry of Education (1997) which explained that cooperative learning is viewed as “a powerful tool to motivate learning and has a positive effect on the classroom climate which leads to encourage greater achievement and to encourage greater social support” (p. 7).
The third statement: Cooperative learning can improve my attitude towardss work.
Figure 3. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative learning can improve their attitudes towards work 3 respondents 3, 89 % Agree 32 respondents 41, 55 %
42 respondents 54, 53 %
Neutral Disagree
On this third statement, almost a half of the total respondents or 32 respondents (41, 55 %) stated that they were neutral on this statement. Nevertheless, the biggest percentage of the respondents (54, 53 %) or 42 respondents agreed that cooperative learning can improve their attitudes towards work. In addition, the rest 3 respondents (3, 89 %) disagreed on this statement. In the interview, two of the interviewees explain their reasons why he answered „strongly agree‟ if cooperative learning could improve their attitudes towards work. They stated that they enjoyed cooperative learning more than individual learning because they were excited when they were working together with their group mates. Moreover, their group mates could help them if they had difficulties in completing the task.
Student 2
: “Selain saya bisa mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kita, saya dan teman-teman saya bisa sharing antara satu dengan yang lain, misalnya kalau saya lupa tentang kosakata atau vocabulary, teman saya bisa mengingatkan. Jika saya mengerjakan secara individu, menurut saya rasanya seru karena 19
kalau ada teman-teman saya bisa mengerjakan sambil saling bercanda.” (Besides developing our English ability, we can share knowledge with one another. For example, when I forget about some synonyms in English or some vocabulary, my group mates can remind me. When I do the assignment individually, it feels less exciting than when I do it with my group members. We can do it while sometimes chitchatting with one another.) Student 4
: “Menurut saya lebih asik (nyaman) sama temen-temen belajarnya daripada belajar sendiri-sendiri, karena saya dan teman-teman saya bisa saling bercanda, saling main, tetapi tetap fokus.” (Because I think that it is more interesting when I do the task together with my friends rather than individually. I found my enthusiasm to learn because I can learn while sometimes joking with my friends, but still focusing on the task.)
These two opinions showed that the participants were interested in cooperative learning as they could work together and help each other to accomplish their tasks in a „convenient‟ setting. When they were interested in and enjoyed the learning process, their motivation increased as well. Thus, these opinions were in line with Crandal (1999) who showed that cooperative language learning has the positive factors on language learning, growing motivation, reducing anxiety, and inspiring the motivation as well as supporting different learning styles.
The fourth statement: Cooperative learning helps me to socialize more.
Figure 4. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative learning helps them to socialize more 2 respondents 2, 59 % 16 respondents 20, 77 %
Neutral Disagree 59 respondents 76,61 %
According to this chart, 76, 61 % of the total respondents or 59 respondents agreed that cooperative learning brings positive effect that especially it helps them to socialize more. Besides that, there are 20, 77 % of the total respondents or 16 respondents who were neutral on this fourth statement. In addition, there are only 2 respondents (2, 59 %) who disagreed on this statement. In the interview, some of respondents stated their explanation why they agreed on this fourth statement because they could absolutely communicate and socialize with their friends in group setting when they were discussing their group tasks. Student 4
: “Di dalam kerja berkelompok kan anggotanya pasti saling berkomunikasi. Dari komunikasi itu, saya bisa berbaur dengan anggota kelompok saya, maksudnya belajar bersama-sama.” (Group work is absolutely related to communication. From the communication, it can make me socialize more with my friends by learning and doing the task together.)
Student 7
: “Kalau saya berada di dalam satu kelompok dengan teman yang tidak terlalu akrab dengan saya, saya bisa lebih akrab dengan kerja kelompok itu. Jadi, karena mengerjakan tugas kelompok, saya pun 21
dapat berbincang-bincang dan menjadi lebih dekat dengan teman saya itu dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya.” (If I am in same group with my friend who is not too close with me, I can get more friends through cooperative learning. So, what I mean is that by cooperative learning we can be closer than before.) Based on two opinions above, the participants explained that through cooperative learning, they could have good cooperation with the other group members, communicate with each other, and also try to utter their opinions in their groups, even with some friends who were not too close with them. These two opinions were in line with Kagan (1994, p. 44) who stated,”Cooperative learning approach can help students to develop skills in oral statement, increase students' social skills, and also enhance students‟ selfesteem”.
The fifth statement: Cooperative learning enhances good working relationships among students.
Figure 5. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative learning enhances good working relationships among students 1 respondent 1, 29 %
16 respondents 20, 77 %
Neutral Disagree 60 respondents 77, 91 %
From this fifth statement, 60 respondents (77, 91 %) agreed on this statement. It clearly shows that most of the students agree if cooperative learning enhances good working relationship among students. Next, 16 respondents (20, 77 %) were neutral on this statement. There was only 1 respondent or 1, 29 % of the total respondents who disagreed on this statement. Below are some respondents‟ further reasons that said that they agreed if cooperative learning could develop their good working relationship with their group mates, for example they could unite the idea of each member in their group to achieve the best result and also make a job description for each group member so that the task could be finished faster rather than when they did the task individually. Student 1
: “Kadang kalau mengerjakan tugas sendiri, saya susah untuk mendapatkan ide. Tetapi, kalau misalnya ada banyak pendapat di dalam kelompok, saya dan teman-teman saya bisa saling berbagi.” (Sometimes when we do an assignment individually we find the difficulty in developing our ideas. However, when we do it in group setting, we can share our opinions with each other.)
Student 5
: “Misalnya di dalam tugas kelompok kita bisa membagi tugas, sehingga tugasnya bisa cepet selesai dengan hasil yang lebih bagus daripada mengerjakan secara individu.” (If we get a group assignment, we can divide the assignment with our group members. So we can do the assignment faster and the result will be better rather than when we do it individually.)
From these two opinions, it could be concluded that cooperative learning could make the participants build good working relationship by conducting good cooperation and discussing how to accomplish the task with the other group mates, so that they could reach the result that they wished.
The sixth statement: Cooperative learning enhances class participation.
Figure 6. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that Cooperative Learning enhances class participation 1 respondent 1, 29 %
32 respondents 41, 55 %
Neutral 44 respondents 57, 13 %
On this statement, 44 respondents (57, 13 %) agreed on the statement that cooperative learning enhances class participation. Then, there are 32 respondents (41, 55 %) who were neutral on this statement. As the rest, there was only 1 respondent (1, 29 %) who disagreed on this statement. Several interviewees stated their agreement that cooperative learning can enhance their class participation in learning English as it could decrease their boredom in learning English.
Student 1
: “Saya dan teman-teman saya di kelas merasa lebih semangat kalau bekerja secara berkelompok, jadi tidak bosan.” (My friends and I feel more motivated when we do a group work in class as we don‟t get bored.)
Student 5
: ”Dengan mengerjakan tugas kelompok di kelas, saya bisa bekerja sama dengan anggota kelompok yang lain. Saya pun melihat bahwa teman-teman saya pun lebih minat untuk berpartisipasi karena kami yakin dengan bekerja sama hasilnya pun bisa lebih baik.” (I can cooperate with my group mates when we are doing a group task in class. I can see that my friends are more willing to participate in doing a group task as we believe that we will get a better grade if we do our task together.) 24
From these two opinions, the participants stated that they would participate more in cooperative learning because their motivation was increased when they were doing a group task and they did not easily get bored. Moreover, the students believed that by doing a task cooperatively, they would get a better grade than when they do it individually. Because they did the group work in class, it also means that the group work enhanced the students‟ class participation.
The seventh statement: Creativity is facilitated in the group setting.
Figure 7. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that creativity is facilitated in the group setting
29 respondents 37, 66 %
Agree Neutral 48 respondents 62, 34 %
From this seventh statement that creativity is facilitated in the group setting, 62, 34 % of the total respondents or 48 respondents agreed. Next, the other 29 respondents (37, 66 %) were neutral on this statement. There was no respondent who disagreed on this statement. Below are several views which were spoken by some of the interviewees who agreed on this statement. They stated that their creativity was really facilitated in group setting as they could combine the idea of each group member. 25
Student 1
:“Jadi kalau kita punya beberapa pendapat berbeda malah bisa digabungkan jadi satu, jadi idenya lebih luas.” (If my group mates and I have different opinions, we can unite it, so that we get broader idea.)
Student 4
: “Ide-ide anggota kelompok kan berbeda-beda. Nah, kalau misalnya ide-ide itu disatukan, kreativitas di dalam kelompok pun menjadi lebih berkembang. Kalau misalnya mengerjakan secara individu, saya belajarnya sendiri, jadi ide-ide yang ada di otak saya juga cuma berasal dari saya sendiri.” (In group setting, each member has his/her own idea. If we try to combine the idea, our creativity will also increase. If I do a task individually, I only think alone. That is why I only get idea from myself.)
From the statements above, it clearly showed that they can develop their creativity by the help of cooperative learning because they believed that each member had individual idea. Then, if they combine all of the idea, their creativity could be developed as well. For example, if they had an idea, their group mates could add more and more idea so that it would bring them to a great achievement rather than do an individual task.
The eighth statement: Group activities make the learning experience easier. Figure 8. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that group activities make the learning experience easier 5 respondents 6, 48 %
23 respondents 29, 87 %
Neutral 49 respondents 63, 63 %
On this eighth statement, even though 23 respondents (29, 87 %) stated neutral on this statement, almost a half of the total respondents or 49 respondents (63, 63%) stated that they agreed that group activities make the learning experience easier. The other 5 respondents (6, 48 %) disagreed on this statement. Below are several interviewees‟ opinions who agreed that they can learn easier as their group mates can help them if they have difficulties in the learning process. Student 2
: “Kadang-kadang guru itu menerangkannya mungkin terlalu cepat, mungkin ada hal-hal yang saya kurang memahami, jadi saya kurang mengerti bagaimana pelajaran ini. Nah, teman-teman di dalam kelompok yang tau bisa sharing atau bisa mengajari bagian yang saya tidak mengerti.” (Sometimes my teacher teaches too fast, I cannot understand enough about the lesson. In this case, if I work in group, my group mates can share their knowledge or help my difficulties.)
Student 8
: ”Kalau misalnya ada bagian yang saya belum tahu, contohnya kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris gitu, saya bisa bertanya dan menambah ilmu dari teman-teman. Selain itu, kalau saya bertanya ke teman apa dijelaskan oleh teman gitu kadang membuat saya nyaman, maksudnya lebih mengerti daripada penjelasan dari guru yang tidak terlalu dekat.” (If I have some part that we don‟t understand enough, for example about the vocabulary, I can ask my group mates and add my knowledge from them. Besides that, if I ask them, I feel enjoy more and understand more than when I get explanation from my teacher who is not too close with me.)
Based on these two opinions, the participants stated cooperative learning could make them learn more easily because their group mates could help them to understand the lesson such as vocabulary or grammar, by giving explanation using simple language. In other words, the students would also experience, interact, and cooperate in doing the task together. These opinions were in line with the statement from Borich (2007) who explained that, “Within the implementation of cooperative learning in the foreign 27
language teaching, students are provided with more opportunities to participate, experience, interact and cooperate in foreign language learning”.
The ninth statement: I learn to work with students who are different from me.
Figure 9. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they learn to work with other students who are different from them 13 respondents 16, 88 %
Agree Neutral Disagree 64 respondents 83, 11 %
Similar with the previous statement, on this ninth statement, most of the respondents (83, 11 %) or 64 respondents agreed on this statement. It is absolutely clear that most of the respondents agreed if cooperative learning help them to learn working with other students who are different from them. Besides, 13 respondents (16, 88 %) were neutral on this statement. There was no respondent who disagreed on this statement. In the interview, several interviewees stated that when they were in group, they realized that they had to respect others‟ opinions and not become a selfish person. Student 3
: “Karena kalau dalam kelompok itu setiap anggota kelompok memberikan pendapat, nah dari situ saya bisa belajar untuk menghargai pendapat orang lain yang berbeda dengan pendapat saya, jadi saya belajar untuk tidak memaksakan pendapat saya.” (In group setting, each member gives his or her opinion one by one, so that I can learn to respect others‟ opinions which are
different with our opinion. Thus, I should not force our own opinion.”) Student 5
: “Kalau teman saya punya pendapat yang berbeda dari pendapat saya, saya dan teman-teman sekelompok saya bisa menyatukan pendapat. Jadi kami bisa berlatih untuk menghargai dan tidak mementingkan diri sendiri.” (If my group mates have different opinion with mine, my group mates and I can unite all of the opinions together. That‟s why I can learn to respect others‟ opinions and become people who are not selfish.)
Based on the two statements above, the participants believed that they should not force their own opinions, but they should respect other people‟s opinions that might be different with them. Also, they believed that the best way to solve the different views in a group was by discussing together to reach the best result for the group.
The tenth statement: I enjoy the material more when I work with other students. Figure 10. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they enjoy the material more when they work with other students 4 respondents 5, 18 %
Agree 29 respondents 37, 66 %
44 respondents 57, 13 %
Neutral Disagree
On this tenth statement, the biggest percentage (57, 13 %) of the total respondents or 44 respondents agreed that they enjoy material more when they work with other students. Then, (37, 66 %) or 29 respondents were neutral on this positive effect of
cooperative learning. The rest 4 respondents (5, 18 %) disagreed on this statement. In the interview, the interviewees explained that they enjoyed the material more when they worked with other students because they mostly liked the situation in a group setting, for example as they could chitchat with their friends while they were doing the assignment. When they enjoyed the condition, they also enjoyed the material more. Student 1
: “Saya bisa lebih bersosialisasi, kadang kalo kelompoknya asik, mengerjakannya pun nyaman.” (I can socialize more. Moreover, if we enjoy cooperate with the group members, I also can get more enjoyment when I am doing the task.)
Student 6
: “Kalau kelompok itu kan banyak temen jadi bisa sambil bercanda, daripada individu itu kan sepi, suasananya jadi tidak ramai, jadi kadang bosan.” (When I did a task in group, I was doing the task while sometimes joking for a while. However, if I do the task individually, I sometimes feel bored.)
Based on these two statements above, the participants believed that doing a task while sometimes joking with their group mates could make them enjoy the material more because they would not feel bored in group setting. Besides, they could also socialize with their group mates.
The eleventh statement: My work is better organized when I am in a group.
Figure 11. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that their works are better organized when they are in a group 5 respondents 6, 48 %
25 respondents 32, 46 %
Neutral 47 respondents 61, 03 %
On this eleventh statement about positive effect of cooperative learning, again, most of the respondents (61, 03 %) or 47 respondents agreed that their works are better organized when they are in group setting. In addition, 32, 46 % of the total respondents or 25 respondents were neutral on this statement. The other 5 respondents (6, 48 %) disagreed on this statement. In the interview, the interviewees stated that they could cooperate with their group mates so that the assignment would be better organized. Student 1
: “Kadang kalo saya sedikit malas mengerjakan tugas, teman kita bisa melengkapi, jadi lebih cepat selesainya. Kami pun juga bisa membagi tugas. Tetapi walaupun dibagi-bagi, saya tetap bisa minta pendapat yang lain juga walaupun kita punya bagian yang dikerjain sendiri-sendiri. Selain itu juga hemat waktu.” (Sometimes when I feel not in good mood in doing a task, my group mates can help me to complete the task, so that it will finish faster than when I do it individually. My group mates can also divide the task into several parts, but each group member can still ask to our group mates although each person has different part to do. Besides that, doing a task in group setting can save time.)
Student 5
: “Di dalam kelompok, kita bisa berbagi pendapat yang bikin tugas kita jadi lebih maksimal.” 31
(In group setting, I can share opinion with my group mates so that my task will be finished as well and my group can get maximum result.)
Based on these two statements above, the participants stated that they could share their opinion in group and tried to accomplish the task cooperatively so that it could make the task better organized.
The twelfth statement: I prefer that my teachers use more group activities/ assignments.
Figure 12. The students' attitudes towards Cooperative Learning that they prefer that their teachers use more group activities / assignments 5 respondents 6, 48 %
Agree 40 respondents 51, 94 %
32 respondents 41, 55 %
Neutral Disagree
From this last statement which says that the respondents prefer that their teachers use more group activities / assignments rather than individual activities/ assignment, most of the respondents 51, 94 % (40 respondents) agreed on this statement. The following (41, 55 %) or 32 respondents were neutral on this statement. Then, there were only 5 respondents (6, 48 %) who disagreed on this statement. In the interview, the interviewees stated that they prefer group task rather than individual task even though sometimes they were not too close with their group mates. 32
Student 1
: “Walaupun saya kadang tidak nyaman dengan anggota kelompok, secara keseluruhan saya memilih mengerjakan tugas secara kelompok karena kalau kita dapat bekerja sama menyelesaikan tugas kelompok dan saling membantu, jadi tugasnya lebih efisien.” (Even though sometimes I do not enjoy with the group members, overall I still prefer having a group task rather than an individual task. It is because I can cooperate and help each other in group setting to finish the task efficiently.)
Student 6
: “Bekerja di dalam kelompok itu memang kadang lebih ramai, tetapi kreativitas di dalam kelompok bisa lebih berkembang. Tetapi kalau saya mengerjakan tugas secara individu itu terkadang justru merasa bosan.” (Indeed, working in group can make the situation become more energetic, but I can develop our creativity in group. In addition, doing a task individually sometimes make me feel bored.)
Based on the statements above, even though sometimes there were negative effects of cooperative learning such as make the situation in group setting become more energetic and the participants sometimes did not like their group mates, most of the students still prefered group activities/ assignments to individual activities / assignments.
CONCLUSION This study aims to determine students‟ attitudes towards cooperative learning in English Classes. The research question of this study is “What are the attitudes of 8th graders of Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School towards Cooperative Learning in English Classes?” Answering the research question, the study revealed that most of the students have positive attitudes towards cooperative learning. It was because most of the students agreed with all of the twelve statements in the questionnaire, which are about positive views towards cooperative learning in English lesson. After 33
distributing the questionnaire and interviewing the participants of this study, there are some positive effects or the advantages of cooperative learning claimed by the participants. For instance, cooperative learning can help the students to develop good working relationship with their group mates, increase their participation in English classes, develop their creativity, make their assignments better organized, and so on. Regarding to the result of the study above, English teachers are recommended to give cooperative learning activities, so that the students will not only learn English or do the task individually, but they can also learn English with their friends cooperatively. Therefore, it is hoped if teachers gave cooperative learning activities in English classes, the students‟ language proficiency would be better and it would result in the language acquisition. There are two limitations of this study. First, this study was only involved 8th graders of Junior High School who mostly “agreed” towards all positive statements of cooperative learning. Therefore, this study could not show how the cooperative learning helped the students who had negative attitudes towards cooperative learning in English classes. Besides, the range of participants in this study was quite narrow as the researcher only took 8th grade students as the participants. For further research, it was suggested to conduct a similar study in a broader context. The future research may choose all of junior high school level (grade 7, 8, and 9) or senior high school students. In the researcher‟s opinion, it is important because students from different ages may have different attitudes towards cooperative learning. On the other hand, it is also important for further research to suggest solutions and 34
suggestions to the problems faced by students in learning English especially if it is done in groups. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In this great occasion, I want to say many thanks to the following name. By their presence and availability, I can do my best and finally finish this thesis. 1. Great thanksgiving to Lord Jesus, my God, my guide, my great inspiration. By His grace, I can stand as I stand now. He is the source of my everything. 2. Many thanks are also delivered to my lovely dad, my super mom, my brother, and my family for they have become my good listeners, advisers, and supporter of my education from their prayer, strength and finance so that I could finish this last fulfillment of requirements for my S.Pd degree. I am so blessed having you all. 3. My supervisor, Rindang Widiningrum, S. S., M.Hum, who guided me and made me able to sharpen every idea which appeared during my supervising time. Your advice has helped me a lot, Ma‟am, so I thank you. 4. My examiner, Gita Hastuti, S. Pd., M.A., who checked and also sharpened ideas and values that I had written in my thesis to be the best of my knowledge. I am so glad having you, Ma‟am. 5. All of my participants from Laboratorium Kristen Satya Wacana Junior High School Salatiga, who were willing to answer my questionnaire. Big thanks for your help, guys. Also, Mrs. Ike and Mr.Anggung, who gave me a chance to meet their students for my data collection, so I would like to say, thank you so much. 35
6. My dear, Johanes Rendy Restu Aji, who gave me his best support in completing my thesis. Thank you for always listening to me, giving me supports, and never saying that I cannot do this even though at first, it seemed very impossible. 7. My best friends, Danesh, Riry, Ratna, Rengganis, Rinta, Endah, and Errisha, who gave me more spirit in doing my thesis. My college life here would be incomplete if I did not meet and befriend with all of you. 8. The last but not the least, for those who I cannot mention one by one, your wishes, prayer and support have been so worthy to me. Let everything you have given to me be paid back by God for your goodness. God Bless You all.
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Kepada partisipan, Saya adalah mahasiswi Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) yang sedang melakukan penelitian untuk tesis saya. Untuk meneliti sikap siswa-siswi terhadap pembelajaran kooperatif, saya membutuhkan bantuan Anda untuk mengisi kuesioner ini dengan jujur. Kuesioner ini saya susun untuk meneliti tentang “Sikap Siswa-Siswi Kelas 8 SMP LAB Salatiga terhadap Pembelajaran Kooperatif, khususnya dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris”. Jawaban yang Anda berikan pada kuesioner ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai Anda. Anda dapat menjawab kuesioner ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. (‘Pembelajaran kooperatif’: bekerja secara berkelompok (3-5 orang) untuk menyelesaikan masalah, menyelesaikan tugas, atau menyelesaikan suatu tujuan bersama.)
I. Beri tanda centang () pada jawaban yang Anda pilih.
No 1.
Sangat Setuju
Saya bersedia berpartisipasi di
Tidak Setuju
Sangat Tidak Setuju
dalam tugas kelompok dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas. Saya merasa lebih sukses ketika saya mengerjakan tugas secara berkelompok dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris daripada secara individu. Saya merasa lebih minat dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris apabila mengerjakan tugas secara berkelompok. Saya merasa mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok dapat membantu saya untuk berbaur (bergaul) dengan teman. Saya merasa dengan mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok, saya dapat mengembangkan hubungan kerja yang baik dengan teman. Saya merasa dengan mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok, partisipasi saya dan teman-teman saya di kelas menjadi meningkat. Saya merasa dengan mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok, saya dapat mengembangkan kreativitas atau ide-ide saya. (daripada belajar secara individu) Saya merasa dengan mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok, saya menjadi lebih mudah belajar/ mudah memahami pelajaran. Saya merasa dengan mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara
berkelompok, saya dapat belajar menghargai pendapat orang lain. Saya merasa lebih nyaman/ senang mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris di dalam kelompok daripada secara individu. Saya merasa tugas saya menjadi lebih terorganisir (terselesaikan dengan baik) apabila mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok. Saya lebih suka apabila guru saya memberikan tugas Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok daripada secara individu.
II. Isilah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan pendapat Anda.
Apakah Anda memiliki pendapat lain berkaitan dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris secara berkelompok yang pernah Anda ikuti di kelas? Tolong jelaskan pendapat Anda. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………
III. Informasi Demografi Nama Lengkap Kelas
: :
IV. Bentuk Persetujuan Jika saya membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut, apakah Anda bersedia untuk saya wawancara? Ya / Tidak (pilih salah satu) Jika Anda menjawab “Ya”, tolong lengkapi data berikut: Email
Nomor Telepon
: Terima Kasih. Tuhan Memberkati
Interview Transcription (Student 4) Interviewer
: Selamat pagi dengan participant ke empat dari kelas 8B, namanya siapa?
Student 4
: Thomas.
: Ya, saudara Thomas, apakah bersedia untuk diwawancara?
Student 4
: Bersedia.
Interviewer : Terima kasih atas waktunya sebelumnya. Di sini saya akan menanyakan alasan lebih dalam tentang jawaban yang telah adik berikan pada questionnaire saya minggu lalu, jadi urut nari nomor satu, ya? Student 4
: Iya.
: Baik. Untuk nomer satu jawaban adik 'sangat setuju' untuk pernyataan bersedia berpartisipasi di dalam tugas kelompok Bahasa Inggris. Kenapa sangat setuju?
Student 4
: Ya karena di kelas kita bisa saling share, antara pendapat teman yang satu dengan yang lain, jadi kalau digabung hasilnya bisa semakin bagus. : Oh..jadi bersedia berpartisipasi untuk mencapai hasil yang baik ya. Apakah ada alasan yang lain?
Student 4
: Karena saya merasa mengerjakannya lebih nyaman, kalau mengerjakan bersama teman itu walaupun tanggung jawabnya masing-masing, itu untuk kepentingan bersama. Dengan kata lain, saya tidak mengerjakan secara individu.
: Apakah ada paksaan ketika Ma‟am Ike (guru Bahasa Inggris SMP LAB) memberikan tugas kelompok Bahasa Inggris?
Student 4
: Enggak, sih.
: Jadi itu alasan kenapa jawabnya sangat setuju itu, ya.
Student 4
: Iya. 41
: Yang nomer dua, kenapa jawabnya 'sangat setuju' juga, untuk pernyataan tugas kelompok dalam bahasa Inggris dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan. Kenapa sangat setuju, dek?
Student 4
: Ya itu, tadi. Jadi kalau teman saya punya pengetahuan, trus di dalam kelompok kami saling share, ya saya dapat pengetahuan baru dari teman. Lalu teman saya pun dapat pengetahuan baru dari saya juga.
: Nah yang dimaksud pengetahuan di sini, menurut adek pengetahuan di dalam Bahasa Inggris atau pengetahuan tentang apa?
Student 4
: Ya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Misalnya seperti vocabulary atau verb gitu.
: Apakah menambah pengetahuan lain selain Bahasa Inggris?
Student 4
: Mmm..iya mungkin sedikit.
: Contoh real-nya apa?
Student 4
: Tergantung. Kalau misalnya guru saya memberikan soal yang berkaitan dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang lain, tentunya saya juga mendapat pengetahuan lain, tidak cuma dalam Bahasa Inggris.
: Pengetahuannya apa contohnya?
Student 4
: Mungkin ketika membahas bacaan yang berhubungaan dengan IPA atau IPS gitu. Saya lupa persisnya, tetapi pengetahuan yang lain pasti ada.
: Lalu untuk nomor tiga jawabannya 'sangat setuju' juga. Dengan belajar kelompok dalam Bahasa Inggris adek menjadi lebih minat. Kenapa dek?
Student 4
: Ya...karena lebih asik sama temen-temen belajarnya daripada sendiri.
: Lebih asiknya di mana?
Student 4
: Lebih asiknya kan bisa saling bercanda, saling main, tetapi tetap fokus.
: Oh..jadi mungkin bisa dibilang serius tapi santai gitu ya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Apakah ada alasan lain mengapa kerja kelompok bisa membuat adek lebih minat?
Student 4
: Tidak.
: Baik, untuk nomer empat, jawabannya 'sangat setuju' juga ya, kerja kelompok dapat membantu berbaur dengan teman. Kenapa sangat setuju?
Student 4
: Di dalam kerja kelompok kan pasti saling berkomunikasi. Nah, dari komunikasi itu, saya pun dapat berbaur dengan teman-teman saya, terus belajar bersama-sama.
Interviewer : Kalo misalnya dapet temen kelompok yang biasanya kurang dekat, apakah dengan kerja kelompok ini bisa membantu adek untuk jadi lebih berbaur sama teman yang kurang dekat dengan adek itu? Student 4
: Ya..awalnya pasti sulit kan karena belum terbiasa sama temen yang itu, tapi lama-kelamaan saya mungkin bisa beradaptasi dengan anggota kelompok juga, karena saling share, saling berkomunikasi, saling bercanda, pasti jadi temen..jadi bergaul juga sama teman yang awalnya saya kurang dekat itu.
: Menurut adek temen yang punya karakter seperti apa yang enak untuk diajak kerja kelompok?
Student 4
: Yang serius tapi santai.
: Harus pintar tidak?
Student 4
: Pintar tidak harus, sih. Soalnya kalau kita punya ide, temen kita juga punya ide, itu kalau digabungkan hasilnya pun juga bisa bagus, asalkan mengerjakannya sungguh-sungguh. Jadi tidak terlalu berpengaruh kalau kepintaran. Yang paling penting itu koordinasi, kerja sama antar anggota kelompok.
: Jadi teman yang asik atau yang nyaman itu teman yang mau diajak kerja sama gitu ya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Sipp. selanjutanya nomer lima ya, tugas kelompok Bahasa Inggris dapat mengembangkan hubungan kerja yang baik dengan teman. Jawabannya 'sangat setuju' ya. Kenapa?
Student 4
: Ya..karena jadi itu kita saling kerja sama, belajarnya makin baik, karena dari kelompoknya juga asik.
: Oh..gitu. Eh iya, kalau kerja kelompok itu kelompoknya dipilihkan oleh Mam Ike. Nah pernah gak disuruh milih sendiri?
Student 4
: Mmm...pernah sesekali.
: Lebih suka dipilihkan atau memilih sendiri?
Student 4
: Ya....pilih sendiri. Karena teman-teman yang kita pilih pastinya sudah saling akrab.
: Kalau pun temennya itu belum akrab sama adik, apakah hubungan kerja di dalam kelompok itu bisa tetap baik?
Student 4
: Ya..tergantung orangnya, dia mau join ke kita atau tidak.
: Maksudnya mau kerja sama atau tidak, gitu ya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Yang nomer enam, jawabannya ini setuju, untuk pernyataan 'dengan tugas kelompok, partisipasi saya dan teman-teman saya adik lebih meningkat'. Coba tolong bayangkan dan bandingkan bagaimana partisipasi adek maupun teman-teman adek di kelas, ketika Mam Ike memberikan tugas individu, dibandingkan dengan ketika diberikan tugas kelompok. Apakah ada perbedaan partisipasi atau minat mereka antara ketika diberi tugas individu dan kelompok?
Student 4
: Ya..pasti berbeda. Kalau kerja kelompok biasanya lebih minat karena bisa saling bercanda, jadi tidak cepat bosan. Nah kalau mengerjakan secara individu, terkadang merasa bosan dan kurang minat.
Interviewer : Tetapi kalau mengerjakan di dalam kelompok apakah tidak memungkinkan untuk terlalu banyak bercanda lalu tugasnya jadi tidak selesai? Student 4
: Ya...itu tergantung orangnya juga sih kalau menurut saya. Kita harus mengerjakan juga walaupun kita bercanda. Jadi kita tetap bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas kita.
: Tapi partisipasinya jadi lebih tinggi kalau mengerjakan secara kelompok ya? 44
Student 4
: Iya.
: OK. Nomer tujuh jawabannya sangat setuju, 'kerja kelompok dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat mengembanggkan kreativitas atau ide-ide adik' daripada bekerja secara individu. Kenapa sangat setuju?
Student 4
: Ya...itu ide-ide kelompok „kan berbeda-beda. Nah, kalau misalnya teman saya punya ide, saya punya ide, kreativitas di dalam kelompok pun bisa menjadi lebih berkembang. Kalau misalnya individu kita kan belajarnya sendiri, jadi ide-ide yang saya punya ya cuma berasal dari saya sendiri.
: Jadi kalau gabung-gabung jadi tambah berkembang begitu ya idenya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Kalau misalnya ya, ide dari temen sekelompok itu ada yang melenceng, apa yang adik lakukan?
Student 4
: Ya kita 'adu'kan lah, istilahnya dimusyawarahkan.
: Oh jadi cari titik tengah itu ya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Baik. Kemudian yang nomer delapan jawabannya 'setuju' ya, 'kerja kelompok dapat membuat kita lebih mudah belajar atau lebih mudah memahami pelajaran Bahasa Inggris'. Kenapa setuju dek?
Student 4
: Ya...itu tadi. Kalau mengerjakan secara individu itu biasanya monoton. Nah itu biasanya..kalau anak-anak biasanya jadi males belajarnya. Nah kalau kelompok jadi lebih enak, lebih gampang, lebih mudah memahami pelajaran karena di dalam kelompok bisa saling sharing tentang pelajaran yang diajarkan oleh guru, jadi lebih mengerti.
: Jadi lebih mudah memahami ya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: OK. Yang nomer sembilan, jawabannya 'sangat setuju'. Bahasa Inggris di dalam kelompok dapat melatih kita untuk menghargai pendapat orang lain. Kenapa?
Student 4
: Ya itu tadi. Jadi kalau misalnya kerja kelompok, saya punya ide, teman kita juga punya ide yang mungkin beda. Kita punya ide, lalu teman kita juga punya ide lain, nah kita tidak bisa memaksakan ide kita. Kalau kita memaksakan, hubungan kerja di dalam kelompok justru jadi tidak enak, anggotanya jadi jadi canggung. Jadi kalau misalnya teman saya punya ide, saya punya ide berbeda, kita bisa mencari kesimpulannya atau berdiskusi untuk mencari kesepakatan bersama.
Interviewer : Pernah gak dapet temen kelompok yang tidak mau mengalah, dengan kata lain pendapatnya harus diterima seperti itu? Student 4
: Oh iya, pernah pasti.
: Lalu bagaimana sikap adek menghadapi teman yang seperti itu?
Student 4
: Ya kalau misalnya masih bisa diarahkan, ya kita arahkan sedikit, kalau tidak mau ya apa boleh buat.
: Menuruti pendapatnya?
Student 4
: Iya..tetapi ya dipertimbangkan dulu jawabannya salah atau tidak.
: Supaya suasana kelompok tetep enak gitu ya?
Student 4
: Iya..dan pasti pun pendapatnya tidak terlalu jauh, cuma berbeda sedikit.
: Baik. Lalu yang nomer sepuluh, jawabannya 'setuju' ya. Thomas jadi lebih nyaman atau senang mengerjakan tugas kelompok Bahasa Inggris daripada secara individu. Kenapa?
Student 4
: Ya itu..karena ada teman- teman. Kalau misalnya mengerjakan sendiri tidak enak, ibaratnya monoton, jadi justru timbul malas gitu.
: Oh, jadi kalau sendiri malah males?
Student 4
: Iya, soalnya terlalu sering diberi tugas individu. Kalau kerja kelompok saya bisa saling share dengan teman-teman, pokoknya asik suasananya.
: Lalu nomer sebelas jawabnnya 'setuju' ya, tugas dapat terselesaikan atau terorganisir dengan baik bila diselesaikan secara berkelomppk. Kenapa setuju?
Student 4
: Ya...idenya jadi banyak, jadi lebih banyak ide jadi isinya lebih terperinci lah, maksudnya lebih baik. Karena berasal dari ide-ide yang beberapa orang, jadi tidak cuma satu sumber idenya.
: Oh iya, jadi lebih maksimal begitu ya idenya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Lalu di dalam kelompok, apakah pernah membagi tugas, misalnya ada teman yang yang menulis, ada yang membaca, lalu yang lainnya misalnya menjawab pertanyaan, nah seperti itu. Pernah tidak, dek?
Student 4
: Pernah.
: Itu bagi sendiri apa dibagi Mam Ike?
Student 4
: Kita bagi sendiri, lah. Tetapi yang dapat tugas menulis juga masih bisa ngasih pendapat tidak cuma menulis kerjanya.
: Menurut adek itu penting tidak pembagian kerja di dalam kelompok? Misalnya kamu ngerjain bagian satu, temen selanjutnya yang bagian ke dua, dan seterusnya. Bagaimana?
Student 4
: Ya..kalau itu sih tidak terlalu penting ya, karena kalau ngerjain sendirisendiri sama aja kita mengerjakan individu kan?
: Oh begitu. Lalu bagaimana seharusnya megerjakan tugas di dalam kelompok menurut adek?
Student 4
: Ya ini kita bareng. Misalnya part satu ngerjain bareng, part dua bareng, part tiga bareng. Tetapi yang nulis mungkin satu orang, atau saling bergantian.
Interviewer : Baik. Selanjutnya nomer terakhir ya nomer dua belas, jawabannya 'setuju', untuk pernyataan saya lebih suka kalau guru saya memberikan tugas kelompok daripada tugas individu. Mengapa setuju dek? Berarti suka kerja kelompok? Student 4
: Iya.
: Kenapa ini?
Student 4
: Ya kalau tugas individu itu kurang enak, kurang asik, kurang menarik, sendiri, seperti jadi malas mengerjakannya.
: Oh, begitu. Baik, lalu lanjut ke romawi dua, apakah ada opini lain berkaitan dengan tugas kelompok di dalam Bahasa Inggris?
Student 4
: Menurut saya seharusnya di dalam kelompok itu harus beranggotakan yang nyambung orangnya.Ya misalnya yang dipilihin guru, itu kelompoknya acak. Jadi kadang saya dapat kelompok yang kurang nyaman begitu, jadi kurang nyambung saat berdiskusi. Jadi mungkin lebih baik kalau kelompoknya memilih sendiri, adi kita bisa tahu mana yang bisa kita ajak kerja sama, dan mana yang tidak. Tapi itu memang bukan masalah, kalau misalnya emang teman sekelompok saya itu nyambung sama siapa pun, enak sama siapa pun, mudah berbaur, itu tidak masalah, pasti jadi nyaman juga.
: Jadi faktor 'teman' ini berpengaruh penting di dalam kerja kelompok ya?
Student 4
: Iya.
: Menurut adek selain teman, apa lagi faktor penting apa lagi yang mempengaruhi kerja kelompok?
Student 4
: Ya itu tadi kita juga harus ingat untuk mengerjakan jangan hanya asikasik, bercanda, tapi lupa akan tugasnya.
: Jadi harus fokus ya?
Student 4
: Iya harus fokus.
: Apakah ada pendapat lain?
Student 4
: Tidak ada, cuma itu.
: Ya, terima kasih banyak untuk Thomas. Tuhan memberkati.
Student 4
: Iya, sama-sama.