Preface The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course & Symposium on Hypertension
Dear colleagues, Welcome to JNHC & SH 2016, The JNHC & SH has been carried out for the last 16 years with the aim to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of nephrology and hypertension in Indonesia. We are very proud to have so many participants including nurses, general practitioners, specialists and consultants from all over Indonesia to attend this meeting every year. Scientific sessions in JNHC always covered up to date topics in all fields of nephrology and hypertension, therefore it is challenging not to overlap discussing last year topics with the topics that we are going to review this year. In these circumstances, speakers are enquired to present the latest aspects in the field as accustomed to what the participants needs. This year theme is The Management of Kidney Disorders in Systemic Diseases. It is well recognized that human body is comprised of many organs that interact each other to build one system. Disturbances in any organ outside kidney may results in disruption of kidney function. Hence physicians are required to understand how to detect and manage these disorders by managing both the underlying disorder and the kidney. The topics include management of renal impairment in patients with malignancy, sepsis, hepatitis-B infection, retroperitoneal fibrosis, systemic lupus erythematosis, urinary tract stones, diabetes mellitus, and in patients exposed to contrast in imaging studies. Furthermore, we will also review topics of hepatorenal syndrome, cardiorenal syndrome, fasting ketosis and alcoholic ketoacidosis as well as drugs nephrotoxicity. The Symposium of Hypertension will address topics on the role of salt in hypertension, resistant hypertension, secondary hypertension, emergency hypertension, hypertension in childhood and office hypertension. JNHC & SH committes invites experts in nephrology and hypertension from across Indonesia to share their knowledge and experiences through the discussion. Hopefully JNHC & SH 2016 will offer various benefit to all the participants. We are looking forward to see you in JNHC and SH 2016 in Jakarta. Best regards,
dr. Ginova Nainggolan, Sp.PD-KGH Chairman of Organizing Committee
dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH President of InaSN
SYMPOSIUM ON HYPERTENSION ”Hypertension Management: From Basic to Clinical Prac ce” May 15, 2016, Borobudur Hotel-Jakarta
The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course & Symposium on Hypertension
Friday, May 13, 2016 Saturday, May 14, 2016 Sunday, May 15, 2016 TIME PROGRAM TIME PROGRAM TIME PROGRAM 07.00-finish Registra on 07.00-finish Registra on and Morning Coffee 07.00-finish Registra on 07.45-08.00 Opening Ceremony & Exhibi on 07.15-08.00 Breakfast Symposium 1 07.15-08.00 Breakfast Symposium 1 “Breaking the Limita on of Hypertension Management With One Treatment 07.15-07.30 To be confirmed 08.00-08.15 Ethics and Pa ent Safety in Chronic Kidney Disease Pa ent Dual Ac on” 07.30-07.45 To be confirmed 08.15-09.45 Symposium I : 07.15-07.30 Nitric Oxide and Its Important Role in Hypertension 08.00-08.45 Breakfast Symposium 2 08.15-08.40 Glomerular Disease in Pa ents With Cancer 07.30-07.45 The Newest An -Hypertensive Agent With Nitric Oxide Benefit to Improve “An hipertensive Strategy to Achieve Target Blood Pressure 08.40-09.05 The Current Insight of Hepato Renal Syndrome Pa ent’s Quality of Life in Target Organ Protec on” 09.05-09.30 Cardio Renal Syndrome: Integrated Problems 08.00-08.45 Breakfast Symposium 2 08.00-08.15 ACE-Inhibitor: The Cornerstone in Hypertension Management 09.45-11.15 Symposium II : “New Fron ers in The Management of Hypertension and Metabolic Disease” Pa ent-Centered Decision Making: Choosing the Right 09.45-10.10 Renal Disease in Viral Infec on: Focus on Hepa s-B 08.15-08.30 Combina on in Hypertensive Therapy The Powerful 24 Hours of Blood Pressure Reduc on With Single Pill 10.10-10.35 Sepsis and Acute Kidney Injury 08.00-08.15 Combina on 08.45-10.15 Symposium I 10.35-11.00 The Kidney in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Prac cal Approach to the Management of Diabe c Pa ents With Renal 08.45-09.10 Sodium in Hypertension 11.15-12.30 Friday Praying 08.15-08.30 Impairment in Clinical Se ng 09.10-09.35 Resistant Hypertension 12.30-13.30 Lunch 08.45-10.15 Symposium III 09.35-10.00 Secondary Hypertension 13.30-14.15 Guest Lecture : 08.45-09.10 Does Prolonged Medica on Effect Kidney Func on? 10.15-10.30 Coffee Break New Guidelines of Adequacy in Hemodialysis Pa ent 09.10-09.35 Contrast Induced Nephropathy: How to Prevent? 10.30-12.00 Symposium II 14.15-15.45 Case Discussion : Pa ent with Hepato Renal Syndrome 09.35-10.00 Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Early Diagnosis and Recent Management 10.30-10.55 Crisis Hypertension 15.45-17.00 Daily Prac ce in Clinical Nephrology 1 10.15-10.30 Coffee break 10.55-11.20 Hypertension in Pediatric Pa ent 15.45-16.15 Urinary Tract Infec on (UTI) 10.30-12.00 Symposium IV 11.20-11.45 Office Hypertension 16.15-16.45 Proteinuria 10.30-10.55 Oral An Diabe c in Chronic Kidney Disease: Which is the Right Choice? 12.00-13.00 Debate 17.00-17.30 Coffee Break 10.55-11.20 Uric Acid Metabolism and Kidney Disorders ”In Elderly People: Is GFR Less Than 60 ml/minute CKD?” 17.00-18.00 Indonesian Advisory Board Mee ng 11.20-11.45 Diagnosis and Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis 13.00-finish Closing and Lunch 17.00-17.10 Welcome Gree ng & Introduc on 12.00-13.00 Lunch Current Approaches in CRF Management With Anemia: 13.00-13.45 Special Lecture 17.10-17.30 Exploring Unmet Needs 13.00-13.15 Standard and Guideline Overview 17.30-17.50 Overview on DW - EPO Clinical Data 13.15-13.30 How to Ensure Op mal Dialysis Dose: Focus on OCM 18.00-19.00 Dinner for all InaSN/PERNEFRI members 13.45-14.15 Coffee break 19.00-19.30 Sponsor Presenta on 14.15-15.45 Case Discussion : Imaging Nephropathy 19.00-19.05 Welcome Gree ng 15.45-17.00 Daily Prac ce in Clinical Nephrology 2 19.05-19.25 Individualized Treatment for CRF Pa ent With Anemia: 15.45-16.15 Hematuria Focus on Pa ent Care Centred 16.15-16.45 Back Pain 19.30-20.30 PERNEFRI Mee ng (all members) 19.00-20.00 Dinner (all par cipants) Dinner Symposium 20.00-21.00 Opening Speech 20.00-20.05 Overcomes Challenges in Managing CRF Pa ent With Anemia 20.05-20.25 A Novel Approach in CRF Management With Anemia: Efficacy and Safety 20.25-20.45 Aspect Treatment
THE 16th JAKARTA NEPHROLOGY AND HYPERTENSION COURSE (JNHC) “Kidney in Systemic Disorders” May 13-14, 2016, Borobudur Hotel -Jakarta
Scientific Table
Program at Glance Friday, 13 May 2016
TIME 07.00-finish 07.45-08.00 08.00-08.15 08.15-09.45
08.15-08.40 08.40-09.05 09.05-09.30 09.30-09.45 09.45-11.15
09.45-10.10 10.10-10.35 10.35-11.00 11.00-11.15 11.15-12.30 12.30-13.30 13.30-14.15 13.30-14.00 14.00-14.15
The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course “Kidney in Systemic Disorders”
PROGRAM Registra on and Morning Coffee Opening Ceremony & Exhibi on Ethics and Pa ent Safety in Chronic Kidney Disease Pa ent Prof. Dr. dr. H. Mochammad Sja’bani, Sp.PD-KGH Symposium I Chairman : dr. Abdurrahim Rasyid Lubis, Sp.PD-KGH dr. Stella Palar, Sp.PD-KGH Glomerular Disease in Pa ents with Cancer Prof. dr. Wiguno Prodjosudjadi, PhD., Sp.PD-KGH The Current Insight of Hepato Renal Syndrome Dr. dr. Ria Bandiara, Sp.PD-KGH Cardio Renal Syndrome: Integrated Problems dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Symposium II Chairman : dr. Ian Effendi N., Sp.PD-KGH dr. Adi awardana, Sp.PD-KGH Renal Disease in Viral Infec on: Focus on Hepa s-B Prof. Dr. dr. Syakib Bakri, Sp.PD-KGH Sepsis and Acute Kidney Injury dr. Rubin Surachno Gondodiputro, Sp.PD-KGH The Kidney in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Dr. dr. Lucky Aziza Bawazier, Sp.PD-KGH, SH, MH Discussion Friday Praying Lunch Guest Lecture Chairman : Prof. dr. Wiguno Prodjosudjadi, PhD., Sp.PD-KGH New Guidelines of Adequacy in Hemodialysis Pa ent dr. Ghazali Ahmad (Malaysia) Discussion
Program at Glance th
The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course “Kidney in Systemic Disorders”
TIME 14.15-15.45
15.45-17.00 15.45-16.15 16.15-16.45 16.45-17.00 17.00-17.30 18.00-19.00 19.00-19.30 19.00-19.05 19.05-19.25
19.25-19.30 19.30-20.30
Friday, 13 May 2016
PROGRAM Case Discussion : Pa ent with Hepato Renal Syndrome Chairman : Prof. Dr. dr. Endang Susalit, Sp.PD-KGH Panelists: 1. Prof. dr. Wiguno Prodjosudjadi, PhD., Sp.PD-KGH 2. Dr. dr. Ria Bandiara, Sp.PD-KGH 3. dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH 4. Prof. Dr. dr. Syakib Bakri, Sp.PD-KGH 5. dr. Rubin Surachno Gondodiputro, Sp.PD-KGH 6. Dr. dr. Lucky Aziza Bawazier, Sp.PD-KGH, SH, MH Daily Prac ce in Clinical Nephrology 1 Chairman : Dr. dr. Yenny Kandarini, Sp.PD-KGH Urinary Tract Infec on (UTI) dr. Ginova Nainggolan, Sp.PD-KGH Proteinuria Dr. dr. Maimun Syukri, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Coffee Break Dinner for all InaSN/PERNEFRI members Sponsor Presenta on Welcome Gree ng Chairman : Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suwitra, Sp.PD -KGH Individualized Treatment for CRF Pa ent With Anemia: Focus on Pa ent Care Centred Korean Speaker (to be confirmed) Discussion PERNEFRI Mee ng (all members)
Program at Glance Saturday, 14 May 2016
TIME 07.00-finish 07.15-08.00
The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course “Kidney in Systemic Disorders”
PROGRAM Registra on Breakfast Symposium 1 “Breaking the Limita on of Hypertension Management With One Treatment Dual Ac on” Chairman : Prof. Dr. dr. Parlindungan Siregar, Sp.PD-KGH
07.15-07.30 07.30-07.45
07.45-08.00 08.00-08.45
Nitric Oxide and Its Important Role in Hypertension Dr. dr. Lucky Aziza Bawazier, Sp.PD-KGH, SH, MH The Newest An -Hypertensive Agent With Nitric Oxide Benefit to Improve Pa ent’s Quality of Life Prof. dr. Jose Roesma, PhD., Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Breakfast Symposium 2 “New Fron ers in The Management of Hypertension and Metabolic Disease” Chairman : dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH
08.30-08.45 08.45-10.15
08.45-09.10 09.10-09.35 09.35-10.00
10.00-10.15 10.15-10.30
The Powerful 24 Hours of Blood Pressure Reduc on with Single Pill Combina on dr. Chandra Irwanadi Mohani, Sp.PD KGH Prac cal Approach to the Management of Diabe c Pa ents with Renal Impairment in Clinical Se ng dr. Ida Ayu K., Sp.PD-KEMD Discussion Symposium III Chairman : dr. Iri Kuswadi, Sp.PD-KGH dr. Widodo, Sp.PD-KGH Does Prolonged Medica on Effect Kidney Func on? Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suwitra, Sp.PD -KGH Contrast Induced Nephropathy: How to Prevent? Dr. dr. Zulkhair Ali, Sp.PD-KGH Alcoholic Ketoacidosis: Early Diagnosis and Recent Management Dr. dr. I Wayan Sudhana, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Coffee break
Program at Glance The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course “Kidney in Systemic Disorders”
TIME 10.30-12.00
10.55-11.20 11.20-11.45 11.45-12.00 12.00-13.00 13.00-13.45 13.00-13.15 13.15-13.30 13.30-13.45 13.45-14.15 14.15-15.45
Saturday, 14 May 2016
PROGRAM Symposium IV Chairman : dr. Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun, Sp.PD-KGH dr. Syafrizal Nasu on, Sp.PD-KGH Oral An Diabe c in Chronic Kidney Disease: Which is the Right Choice? dr. Arwedi Arwanto, Sp.PD-KGH Uric Acid Metabolism and Kidney Disorders dr. Heru Prasanto, Sp.PD-KGH Diagnosis and Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis dr. Atma Gunawan, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Lunch Special Lecture Chairman : dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH Standard and Guideline Overview dr. Pranawa, Sp.PD -KGH How to Ensure Op mal Dialysis Dose: Focus on OCM Dr. med. Michael E er, MD, MBA, MPH (Hongkong) Discussion Coffee break Case Discussion : Imaging Nephropathy Chairman : Prof. Dr. dr. Suhardjono, Sp.PD-KGH, KGer. Panelists: 1. Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suwitra, Sp.PD -KGH 2. Dr. dr. Zulkhair Ali, Sp.PD-KGH 3. Dr. dr. I Wayan Sudhana, Sp.PD-KGH 4. dr. Arwedi Arwanto, Sp.PD-KGH 5. dr. Heru Prasanto, Sp.PD-KGH 6. dr. Atma Gunawan, Sp.PD-KGH
Program at Glance Saturday, 14 May 2016
TIME 15.45-17.00 15.45-16.15 16.15-16.45 16.45-17.00 19.00-20.00 20.00-21.00 20.00-20.05 20.05-20.25
The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course “Kidney in Systemic Disorders”
PROGRAM Daily Prac ce in Clinical Nephrology 2 Chairman : Dr. dr. Rudi Supriyadi, Sp.PD-KGH, MKes. Hematuria Dr. dr. Lestariningsih, Sp.PD -KGH Back Pain dr. Pringgodigdo Nugroho, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Dinner (all par cipants) Dinner Symposium Opening Speech Chairman : dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH Overcomes Challenges in Managing CRF Pa ent With Anemia Prof. Dr. dr. H. Bambang Purwanto, Sp.PD-KGH A Novel Approach in CRF Management With Anemia: Efficacy and Safety Aspect Treatment Korean Speaker (to be confirmed) Discussion
Program at Glance Symposium on Hypertension ”Hypertension Management: From Basic to Clinical Practice”
TIME 07.00-finish 07.15-08.00
Sunday, 15 May 2016
PROGRAM Registra on Breakfast Symposium 1 Theme : to be confirmed Chairman : to be confirmed To be confirmed
To be confirmed
07.45-08.00 08.00-08.45
Discussion Breakfast Symposium 2 “An hipertensive Strategy to Achieve Target Blood Pressure in Target Organ Protec on” Chairman : dr. Tunggul D. Situmorang, Sp.PD-KGH ACE-Inhibitor: The Cornerstone in Hypertension Management Dr. dr. Lestariningsih, Sp.PD -KGH Pa ent-Centered Decision Making: Choosing the Right Combina on in Hypertensive Therapy Dr. dr. Haerani Rasyid, Sp.PD-KGH, MKes, Sp.GK Discussion Symposium I Chairman : Dr. dr. Imam Effendi, Sp.PD -KGH dr. Novadian, Sp.PD-KGH Sodium in Hypertension Dr. dr. Haerani Rasyid, Sp.PD-KGH, MKes, Sp.GK Resistant Hypertension Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Purwanto, Sp.PD-KGH Secondary Hypertension Prof. Dr. dr. Emma Syarifih Moeis, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Coffee Break
08.30-08.45 08.45-10.15
08.45-09.10 09.10-09.35 09.35-10.00 10.00-10.15 10.15-10.30
Program at Glance Sunday, 15 May 2016
TIME 10.30-12.00
10.30-10.55 10.55-11.20 11.20-11.45 11.45-12.00 12.00-13.00
Symposium on Hypertension ”Hypertension Management: From Basic to Clinical Practice”
PROGRAM Symposium II Chairman : Prof. dr. Harun Rasyid Lubis, Sp.PD-KGH dr. Ginova Nainggolan, Sp.PD-KGH Crisis Hypertension dr. Chandra Irwanadi Mohani, Sp.PD-KGH Hypertension in Pediatric Pa ent Dr. dr. Sudung O. Pardede, Sp.A(K) Office Hypertension Prof. Dr. dr. Parlindungan Siregar, Sp.PD-KGH Discussion Debate Topic : In Elderly People: Is GFR Less Than 60 ml/minute CKD? Chairman : dr. Tunggul D. Situmorang, Sp.PD-KGH Speakers : 1. Prof. dr. Jose Roesma, PhD., Sp.PD-KGH (opponent) 2. Prof. Dr. dr. Suhardjono, Sp.PD-KGH (proponent) Closing and Lunch
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The 16th JNHC & SH 2016: 13, 14, 15 Mei 2016 (Dokter Umum, Spesialis, dll / Non Anggota)
Rp. 2.900.000,-
Rp. 3.200.000,-
The 16th JNHC & SH 2016: 13, 14, 15 Mei 2016 (Anggota PERNEFRI)
Rp. 2.700.000,-
Rp. 2.900.000,-
, 2016
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PB PERNEFRI . AKOMODASI Bank Mandiri KCP RSCM Jakarta A/c. : 122 – 00 – 0596363 - 5
Panitia tidak menerima pembayaran tunai kecuali Onsite
, 2016
Peserta adalah Dokter Umum, Internis, Nefrologis, dan Dokter Spesialis lain yang berminat. Seminar ini menggunakan BARCODE sebagai bukti kehadiran. Peserta yang mendapat sertifikat yang sudah diakreditasi IDI adalah peserta yang telah mengikuti seluruh seminar (The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course / JNHC & Symposium on Hypertension / SH 2016) minimal 60%. Peserta yang telah mengikuti seminar namun kehadirannya dibawah 60% akan mendapat sertifikat dengan diberi tanda KEHADIRAN DIBAWAH 60%. Formulir registrasi dapat diambil di Sekretariat PB PERNEFRI (Jl. Salemba Raya No. 22A, RT. 006 RW. 06, Kenari, Senen - Jakarta Pusat 10430, Telp. 021-314 9208, 390 3873, Fax 315 5551, Email : pernefri dan di Website PERNEFRI ( FORMULIR registrasi diisi dengan LENGKAP. Pembayaran registrasi dapat dilakukan dengan TRANSFER melalui Bank. Panitia tidak menerima pembayaran tunai kecuali saat registrasi onsite di hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. a. Pembayaran melalui TRANSFER Bank : Mohon dituliskan tanggal transfer, nama, no telp/hp, instansi/perusahaan pengirim, pada kolom berita dituliskan NAMA LENGKAP, No. HP, dan EMAIL PESERTA. b. Pembayaran melalui ATM. Mohon dituliskan Nama pemilik rekening, no. telp/hp, NAMA PESERTA, No. HP dan EMAIL PESERTA c. Setiap pembayaran melalui TRANSFER atau ATM harus dikonfirmasi ke panitia. d. Biaya Registrasi adalah biaya registrasi peserta untuk acara : - The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course (JNHC), - Symposium on Hypertension (SH) 2016 REKENING REGISTRASI : Atas nama : PB PERNEFRI.REGISTRASI Bank : Bank Mandiri KCP RSCM, Jakarta No. rek : 122 – 00 – 0596362 – 7 Formulir registrasi dan bukti pembayaran melalui TRANSFER atau ATM dapat difax ke : 021 – 315 5551 atau email ke :
[email protected] dengan melengkapi data peserta dan data sponsor untuk mendapatkan kwitansi yang memiliki barcode. Peserta teregistrasi sebagai peserta seminar apabila telah melakukan pembayaran registrasi dan mengisi formulir registrasi dengan lengkap. Pembayaran melalui TRANSFER dan ATM terhitung biaya registrasi masuk ke rekening panitia bukan tanggal transfer/tanggal proses di instansi/perusahaan.
13. 14.
Peserta yang telah melakukan pembayaran akan diberi kwitansi yang telah memiliki barcode. Untuk registrasi ulang peserta menggunakan kwitansi berbarcode dan akan diberikan perlengkapan seminar Panitia tidak menerima pembatalan dan perubahan nama peserta sesudah melakukan pembayaran. Apabila ada peserta yang teregistrasi lebih dari satu kali, baik teregistrasi dari instansi/perusahaan yang berbeda maupun dari instansi/perusahaan yang sama, biaya registrasi tidak dapat dikembalikan dan bukan merupakan tanggungjawab dari panitia. Bagi peserta yang didaftarkan mulai tanggal 28 April 2016, panitia tidak menjamin seminar kitnya. Registrasi di sekretariat PB PERNEFRI tutup tanggal 28 April 2016. Registrasi dibuka kembali mulai tanggal 12 Mei 2016 jam 14.00 – 18.00 WIB di hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. Registrasi ulang secara kolektif dapat dilakukan dengan cara, mengirimkan DAFTAR PESERTA ke sekretariat PB PERNEFRI paling lambat tanggal 28 April 2016. Pengambilan Seminar kitnya dapat dilakukan mulai tanggal 12 Mei 2016 jam 14.00 – 18.00 WIB di hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. Peserta yang telah membayar biaya registrasi dan mengisi lengkap formulir pendaftaran dapat melakukan registrasi ulang mulai tanggal 12 Mei 2016 jam 14.00 – 18.00 WIB di hotel Borobudur, Jakarta.
KETENTUAN AKOMODASI PESERTA 1. Pemesanan akomodasi di Hotel Borobudur melalui panitia. Akomodasi termasuk sarapan pagi. Pemesanan kamar minimal 2 malam. Tipe kamar sbb : Tipe Kamar
Rp. 1.700.000,-
Premier Deluxe
Rp. 1.900.000,-
Extra Bed
2. Formulir akomodasi dapat diambil di Sekretariat PB PERNEFRI (Jl. Salemba Raya No. 22A, RT. 006 RW. 06, Kenari, Senen - Jakarta Pusat 10430, Telp. 021-314 9208, 390 3873, Fax 315 5551, Email : pernefri dan di Website PERNEFRI : 3. Pembayaran dan pemesanan akomodasi di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta dapat dilakukan melaui TRANSFER bank. a. Pembayaran melalui TRANSFER Bank : Mohon dituliskan tanggal transfer, nama, no telp/hp, instansi/perusahaan pengirim. Pada kolom berita dituliskan NAMA sesuai kartu identitas, No. HP dan EMAIL PESERTA, tanggal check in dan check out serta tipe kamar. b. Pembayaran melalui ATM. Mohon dituliskan pemilik rekening no. telp/hp, NAMA PESERTA, No. HP dan EMAIL PESERTA, tanggal check in dan check out serta tipe kamar. c. Setiap pembayaran melalui TRANSFER dan ATM harus dikonfirmasi ke panitia. 4. Formulir akomodasi dan bukti pembayaran melalui TRANSFER atau ATM dapat difax ke : 021 – 315 5551 atau email ke :
[email protected] dengan melengkapi data peserta dan data sponsor. 5. Akomodasi hanya tersedia bagi peserta yang telah membayar ONE NIGHT DEPOSIT atau MEMBAYAR LUNAS sesuai lamanya menginap. Pembayaran one night deposit paling lambat 24 Maret 2016 (diterima di rekening panitia). Pelunasan biaya akomodasi sesuai lamanya menginap paling lambat 1 April 2016. Sesudah tanggal 1 April 2016 apabila pembayaran akomodasi tidak dilunasi, dianggap MEMBATALKAN pemesanan kamar, dan biaya one night deposit yang telah dibayarkan ke panitia tidak dapat dikembalikan. Panitia berhak membatalkan pemesanan kamar, walaupun telah membayar lunas, apabila kamar telah penuh (“first come, first served”). 6. Peserta yang telah melakukan pembayaran akan diberikan kwitansi. 7. Biaya akomodasi tidak dapat dikembalikan apabila terjadi “NO SHOW” / keterlambatan / pembatalan. 8. REKENING AKOMODASI : Atas nama : PB PERNEFRI.AKOMODASI Bank : Bank Mandiri KCP RSCM, Jakarta No. rek : 122 – 00 – 0596363 – 5
Susunan Panitia The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course & Symposium on Hypertension
Pengarah : Prof. dr. Wiguno Prodjosudjadi, PhD, Sp.PD-KGH Prof. Dr. dr. Suhardjono, Sp.PD-KGH, KGer dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH Ketua : dr. Ginova Nainggolan, Sp.PD-KGH Sekretaris : dr. Pringgodigdo Nugroho, Sp.PD-KGH Bendahara : dr. Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun, Sp.PD-KGH Seksi Ilmiah : Ketua : Prof. Dr. dr. Parlindungan Siregar, Sp.PD-KGH Anggota : Prof. Dr. dr. Endang Susalit, Sp.PD-KGH dr. Aida Lydia, PhD., Sp.PD-KGH dr. Syaiful Azmi, Sp.PD-KGH Dr. dr. Zulkhair Ali, Sp.PD-KGH Dr. dr. Ria Bandiara, Sp.PD-KGH Seksi Acara : dr. Dharmeizar, Sp.PD-KGH dr. Ni Made Hustrini, Sp.PD Seksi Pameran : dr. Vidhia Umami, Sp.PD dr. Pujiwati, Sp.PD Seksi Publikasi : Dr. dr. Lucky Aziza Bawazier, Sp.PD-KGH, SH, MH dr. Deka Viotra, Sp.PD
Mitra Kerja The 16th Jakarta Nephrology and Hypertension Course & Symposium on Hypertension
PT. Daewoong Pharmaceu cal Company Indonesia PT. Fresenius Medical Care Indonesia PT. Transfarma Medica Indah PT. Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia PT. Servier Indonesia PT. Sinar Roda Utama - Nipro PT. Dexa Medica PT. Fresenius Kabi Indonesia PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk. PT. Renalmed Tiara Utama PT. Abadinusa Usahasemesta PT. Astellas Pharma Indonesia PT. Bbraun Medical Indonesia PT. Novo Nordisk PT. Pfizer Indonesia PT. Pratapa Nirmala - Fahrenheit PT. Roche Indonesia PT. Takeda Indonesia PT. Combiphar PT. Hospi Medik Indonesia PT. Laboratorium Klinik Prodia PT. Ethica Industri Farmasi PT. Johnson & Johnson Indonesia PT. Masa Lestari Husada PT. Mendjangan PT. Norma Diagnos ka Indonesia PT. Sanofi Aven s PT. Transmedic Indonesia