Číslo projektu
Název školy
Střední škola cestovního ruchu, s. r. o., Benešov
Anglický jazyk
Tematický okruh
Gramatické jevy
Going to
Mgr. Nela Vlachová
Datum výroby
DUM slouží k výuce žáků 1. ročníku v oblasti „ Anglický
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Mgr. Nela Vlachová. Dostupné z u
1. Form – tvoření: SLOVESO BÝT V PŘÍTOMNÉM ČASE + GOING TO + sloveso v základním tvaru Possitive (kladná věta oznamovací) I You He /she/ it
am going to play (budu hrát) are going play (budeš hrát) is going to play (bude hrát)
We You They
are going to play (budeme hrát) are going to play (budete hrát) are going to play (budou hrát)
We You They
aren´t going to play (nebudeme hrát) aren´t going to play (nebudete hrát) aren´t going to play (nebudou hrát)
Are we Are you Are they
going to play (budeme hrát?) going to play (budete hrát?) going to play (budou hrát?)
Negative (záporná věta oznamovací) I You He/she/ it
am not going to play (nebudu hrát) aren´t going to play (nebudeš hrát) isn´t going to play (nebude hrát)
Interrogative (tázací věta) Am I Are you Is
going to play (budu hrát?) going to play (budeš hrát?) going to play (bude hrát?)
2. Use – použití Jisté předpovědi do budoucnosti založené na faktu a aktuální situaci o Oh no – black clouds! It is going to rain! o (You can see no clouds on the sky) It´s going to be a lovely day! Záměr, jisté rozhodnutí (už jsme to promysleli dříve) o I´m going to have chicken tonight. I bought it this morning. Mám v plánu dát si večer kuře. Koupil jsme ho dnes ráno. o He is going to study all night. He has got an exam tomorrow. Má v plánu (bude) studovat celou noc. Zítra má zkoušku. o What are you going to do tonight? – I am going to watch Insidious. Co máš v plánu (co budeš dělat) dnes večer? – Mám v plánu (budu se) dívat na Insidious.
3. Key words – klíčová slova Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow Soon Časová určení budoucnosti: next summer, next year, next month, next week,…
TASK SHEET 6 1. Complete the sentences with the form Going to. a. I ________________________ go to England. (-)
8 / ___
b. My step-son ________________________ visit me. (+) c. Your dogs ________________________ have a rest. (-) d. My friends ________________________ see the Eiffel Tower. (+) e. ________you _______________eat dog-soup? (?) f. My mum ________________________ smoke a cigarette. (-) g. ________ your dad _______________drive you back home? (?) h. I ________________________ focus on my work! (+) 2. Complete the sentences with the form Going to. 8 / ___ a. My sister ______________________________________ with Zak. (not break up) b. ___________ you _________________________________ the bill? (pay) c. Our friends ______________________________________ their tickets. (buy) d. The teachers ______________________________________ about you. (talk) e. How long ____________ she _____________________________ German? (learn) f. Where ____________ you ______________________________the wallet? (look for) g. ____________ she ______________________________him any present? (give) h. He ______________________________________ any film tonight. (not watch) 3. Complete the sentences with the form Going to. 8 / ___ a. Jenny ______________________________________ (play) that game. b. Simon ______________________________________ (not smile) at me. c. Joshua and Farrah ______________________________________ (get married). d. We ______________________________________ (not speak) to each other. e. _____________ you ______________________________(say „Yes“)? f. _____________ he ______________________________(draw) that painting? g. I ______________________________________ (not have) a baby in next 3 years. h. _____________ she ______________________________(make) him angry? 4. Translate the sentences with the form Going to. 10 / ___ a. George má v plánu odpromovat tento rok. b. S přítelem se budeme brát na Fidži. c. Mám plánu nepracovat o vánočních prázdninách. d. Podívej, na ty černé mraky! Bude pršet! e. Můj strýc nemá v úmyslu prodávat svoje BMW. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Decide whether the form Going to or Will is used. (going to = plan / will = decided now) 7 / ___ a. Ester: What do you want for a snack? i. Victor: I don't know. Maybe ________________________________ have a yoghurt. b. Ester: The batch tap is broken. i. Victor: Oh, I ________________________________fix it later. c.
Ester: I've lost my purse.(help) i. Victor: I ________________________________ help you look for it.
d. Ester: Do you want to go to to the shopping mall with me? i. Victor: Sorry, I can't. I ________________________________ study. I've got an exam tomorrow morning. e. Ester: Has Jamie got plans what to do when he graduates? i. Victor: Yes, he ________________________________ study architecture in Kuala Lumpur. f. Ester: Did you sent that email? i. Victor: Oh, I forgot. I ________________________________ do it later. g. Ester: Why are you cleaning the apartment? i. Victor: Mum and dad
visit me
tomorrow afternoon. 6. Decide whether the form Going to or Will is used. 10 / ___ a. David has passed all his exams I ________________________________ buy him some nice gift. b. My
she________________________________ have a boy. c. Why are you wearing your best suit? - I________________________________ have lunch with an important customer. d. Why are your friends dressed like that ? They ________________________________ wash the car. e. There isn't any milk left. I ________________________________ supermarket and get 2 boxes.
go to the
f. Would you like tea or coffee ? I think I ________________________________ have tea. g.
She ________________________________ stay in Austria for a year. She wants to speak German fluently.
h. Your
________________________________ be 17 next month. i.
Perhaps the weather
________________________________ be better at the
weekend. j.
________________________________ get the job? 7. Decide which tense is the best to use in these sentences. 20 / ___ o Present simple (time schedules) o Present continuous (already appointed activity) o Going to (planned activity or something based on the fact) o Will (activity decided now, uncertain future, prediction, think…, maybe…., offers, promises) a. Gustav has just called that he has not received your email yet. - Well in that case I ______ him a message right now. What's his number? i. send ii. am sending iii. am going to send iv. will send b. I've already decided. I ______ Hedwig and there is nothing to make me change my mind. i. marry ii. am marrying iii. am going to marry iv. will marry c. I am hungry. I think I ______ a sandwich. i. am having ii. have iii. am going to have iv. will have d. It's not a good idea to take the car. The traffic jams in Prague are terrible on Monday. - Well in that case I don't think I ______ to Prague after all. i. go ii. am going iii. am going to go iv. will go e. Are you going to Prague by train tomorrow ? I have heard there is going to be a train lockout. - Well in that case I think I ______ a bus instead. i. am taking ii. take iii. am going to take iv. will take
How are you going to get to Tokyo? - Everything has already been arranged. I ______ from Prague at 5,30 on Friday morning. i. fly ii. am flying iii. am going to fly iv. will fly She has got a lot to do. Maybe she ______ after all. i. doesn't come i. is not coming ii. is not going to come iii. won't come If we offer you more money, will chase your mind? - I am not sure so but we ______ about it. ii. think iii. are thinking iv. are going to think v. will think Would you like a drink, sir? - Oh thank you. I ______ a martini, please. i. have ii. am having iii. am going to have iv. will have You don't seem you are enjoying your holiday. - No, in fact we ______ home as soon as soon as possible. i. leave ii. are leaving iii. are going to leave iv. will leave Jill has just told me he couldn´t make it tonight.- That´s shame! I think I ______ the whole party off. i. call ii. am calling iii. am going to call iv. will call What time do we have to be at the bus stop? - Well the bus ______ at 8,50 p.m. i. leaves ii. is leaving iii. is going to leave iv. will leave I've decided, Mike. I ______ work next month. I am too tired in my age. i. leave ii. am leaving iii. am going to leave iv. will leave All the colleagues looks a bit sleepy. I think we ______ in next 5 minutes. i. stop ii. are stopping iii. are going to stop iv. will stop Sasha and Jeremy are going out to a night club. Would you like to come, too? - I don't think I ______ . I'm exhausted from work. i. am
ii. am being iii. am going to iv. will Why have you bought all that paint? - We ______ my bedroom the next weekend. i. redecorate ii. are redecorating iii. are going to redecorate iv. will redecorate We mustn't be late for the cinema. The film ______ at 9,30 p.m. i. starts ii. is starting iii. is going to start iv. will start What are you doing tonight? - I haven't decided,yet. Maybe I ______ for a drink with my co-worker. I don´t know. i. go ii. am going iii. am going to go iv. will go Are you going to ask Anne for a date? - Yes, in fact she ______ round for dinner tonight. i. comes ii. is coming iii. is going to come iv. will come I am not sure i understand this grammar completely. I think I ______ this exercise again. i. do ii. am doing iii. am going to do iv. will do
8. Translate the sentences into English. Use the correct tense – Present Simple, Present Continuous, Going to or Will. 12 / ___ a. Pospěš si, vlak odjíždí za 3 minuty! b. Myslím si, že ten test neudělám. (= Nemyslím si, že ten test udělám.) c. Podívej, jaké má bříško! Je těhotná. d. Mám v plánu udělat si příští rok řidičák. e. Budeme šetřit na dovolenou na Tahiti. f. Volal Hubert. Zítra si zahrajeme squash. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
9. Translate the sentences into English. Use the correct tense – Present Simple, Present Continuous, Going to or Will. 20 / ___ a. Prší. Asi dnes zůstanu doma. b. Příští víkend budeš mít oslavu narozenin? Tak já upeču dort. c. O prázdninách plánujeme jet do Walesu. d. Promiň, nemůžu. Mám domluveného zubaře (= půjdu k zubaři). e. Příští pátek mi bude 18. Hurá! f. Jsem si jistá, že bude překvapený. g. Podívej, jaké má bříško! Bude mít dítě. h. Letadlo odlétá za dvě hodiny. Máme dost času. i. Co budeš dělat o víkendu? (=Co máš v plánu dělat o víkendu.) j. Taťka má v plánu si o víkendu pořádně odpočinout. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________