MATERI BIMBEL MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS TINGKAT SMA/SMK PERTEMUAN KE 6 Part I Questions 1-7 are based on a selection of reading materials. You have to choose the best answer (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E) to each question. The Jackal Who Saved The Lion Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. One day, when he went to drink water in a river, one of his feet got stuck into the damp mushy mud of the river. He tried a lot of to get out of the mud, but didn’t achieve. He had it lie without food for days because he didn’t find any help. On one fortunate day, a kind Jackal came to drink water from the river. When he saw the lion, he went closer to the lion said , “What is the matter? Why are you resting here?” The lion narrated him the pathetic story. The Jackal instantly made a way out from the sand but the lion was unable to move his feet. As he was set in the same posture for last several days, his body became stiff. The Jackal understood the condition of the Lion and helped him to get out of the mud with an extra effort. The lion was really thankful to Jackal for his kind help. He was very happy to get free after so many days. The Lion appreciated the effort made by the Jackal. He offered the Jackal to live close to him and also promised to give food the lion whenever he caught food. The Jackal accepted the offer and started living with the lion, Thus, they lived happily sharing the food. With the passing time, they expanded their families. The Lion had cubs and the Jackal had kid jackals. Both, the lion and the Jackal were passing their days happily. They didn’t have any idea that their friendship was not liked by their families. One day after a long time, the lioness, lady of lion’s house, told her cubs that she didn’t like the amity between the Jackal and her husband. The cubs passed the message to the kid jackals. The kids complained the matter to the lady Jackal. The lady Jackal passed the complaint to her husband. The Jackal went to the Lion and asked, “I helped you without any thought in return. You had asked me to live with you, so I started living with you. Now, if you don’t want me to live with you, you should have told me yourself. What did you involve your wife and cubs to convey this?”. The Lion was shocked to hear such words. He said, “My dear Friend, what are you saying? I don’t any problem with you or your friendship”. He assured the Jackal that he had no such ill-feelings for the friendship between them. The Lion also assured for that he would talk to talk to the lioness and solve the whole matter. The jackal was intelligent and understood the situation. He said to the lion, “I know you are sincere, but our families could not exactly respond the same level of the friendship. So, let us stay apart and meet often as friends. We could also hunt together. It would be better, if our families stay apart”. The lion agreed to the proposal with a heavy heart. The two families parted from each other as friends. The Jackal and the Lion continued to share the friendship. They often met each other and hunt together. Thus, the two friends shared a healthy friendship throughout their life. Taken from :
1. What is the stories about? a. The friendship between the Lion and the Jackal family b. The rivalry between the Lion and the Jackal c. The evilness of the Lioness d. The friendship between the Lion and the Jackal e. The thoughtfulness of the Lion 2. Who are the main characters of the story? a. The Lion’s family and the Jackal’s family b. The Lion and the Jackal c. The Lioness and the Lady Jackal d. The Lion cubs and the Jackal kids e. The Lion and the Jackal’s family 3. What does the Lion do it return of the Jackal’s help? a. He told the Jackal to always hunt with him b. He told the Jackal to live with him it in his house c. He told the Jackal to live with near the Lion and give him food d. He gave him home e. He gave him a present 4. What did the lioness fells of the Lion’s and the Jackal’s friendship? a. She was not pleased b. She was pleased c. She was delighted d. She was happy about it e. She was content about it 5. From whom did the Jackal heard that the lion’s family doesn’t like the friendship between them? a. The Lion b. The Lion cubs c. The kid Jackals d. The Lady Jackal e. The Lioness 6. The synonym of the word “amity” in the fourth paragraph is …. a. rival b. rivalry c. enemy d. opposition e. friendship 7. How did the story end? a. He Lion and the Jackal apart but still be friends b. The Jackal’s and The Lion’s friendship end c. The Lion and the Jackal live together and hunt together d. The Lion and The Jackal live apart and doesn’t hunt together e. The Jackal very angry and cannot accept the Lion as his friend anymore
Part II In question 8-15, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C) , and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 8. If a glass lizard loses its tails, new ones grow to replace it. A B C
9. North Caroline is the state with the most large production of tobacco products. A B C D 10. Often when the wheather is very hot, people were very thristy but are not very hungry. A B C D 11. An octopus has three hearts to pump blood throughout its bodies. A B C D 12. The lion has long been a symbol of power, strength, and cruel. A B C D 13. When Jack was sick with the flu, his mother makes him eat chicken soup and stay in bed. A B C D 14. After given the medication, the patient became drowsy and more manageable. A B C D 15. Mother objected to their buying this old house withour the approval of my uncle, and A B C my sister does too. D
Part III Questions 16-25 are based on a selection of reading materials. You have to choose the best answer (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E) to each question. All planes need air to presure under their wings to stay up in the air. As they move forward. The higher air pressure underneath their wings pushes them upward and gives them lift.The smooth, streamlined shape of the plane allows the air to flows easily over its surface. This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air. Planes move forward using engines. This movement is called thrust. Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings. If the engines fail, the planes will begin to descend very quickly. The air above the wing moves faster, so it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing. The air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly squashed, so it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wing.
16. What does the text describe? a. How the wings of a plane work b. How the plane move forward c. How the plane is made d. The engine of a plane e. How a plane flies 17. The planes stay up in the air when.. a. A stream of moving air passes over their wings b. There is air pressure under their wings c. The wings move forward d. The engines move faster e. The engines fail 18. “This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allow it to move more rapidly through the air”(Paragraph 2) the underlined word can be replaced by.. a. Slowly b. Quickly c. Smoothly d. Gradualy e. Immediately 19. What is the use of air pressure under the plane’s wings? a. To go down b. To keep moving c. To squash the wings d. To stay up in the air e. To reduce their weights 20. Movement planes forward using engines is called.. a. Trust b. Thurst c. Squash d. Crush e. Streaming 21. “.....the planes will begin to descend very quickly” underlined word means.. a. Go down b. Go up c. Landing d. Starting e. Ending 22. To tell the readers, writer using.. a. Past tenses b. Perfect tenses c. Past perfect d. Present tense e. Continous tense 23. What is the purpose of the text.. a. To persuade the reader about something b. To explain how planes stay up in the air c. To describe about planes d. To entertain the readers e. To tell past event 24. Which statement is false accroding the text.. a. All planes need air to presure under their wings to stay up in the air b. Streamlined shape of the plane allows the air to flows easily over its surface c. Planes move forward using engines d. Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings
e. Planes movement forward is calling as streamlined. 25. The air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly squashed, so... a. it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing. b. it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wing. c. allows the air to flows easily over its surface d. a stream of moving air passes over their wings e. the wings move forward
Narrative Text
Narrative text adalah salah satu jenis teks bahasa inggris yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan suatu cerita yang memiliki rangkaian peristiwa kronologis yang saling terhubung.
The Purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or to entertain the reader with a story. Narrative text bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca tentang suatu kisah atau cerita.
Ada banyak jenis narrative text. Narrative text dapat berupa teks imajiner, faktual, atau kombinasi keduanya. Berikut ini jenis-jenis narrative text: fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience.
Generic Structure
Struktur generik narrative text berfokus pada serangkaian tahapan yang diusulkan untuk membangun sebuah cerita. Dalam narrative text tahap itu meliput: 1. Orientation ( Pendahuluan ) di mana karakter, setting dan waktu cerita ditetapkan . Biasanya menjawab pertanyaan siapa, kapan, dimana. Misalnya: Once upon a time, there was a wolf lived in the forest. 2. Complication or problem Menceritakan awal masalah yang menyebabkan krisis ( klimaks ). Complication biasanya melibatkan karakter utama. 3. Resolution Akhir dari cerita yang berupa solusi dari masalah. Perlu adanya resolusi dari masalah. Masalah dapat diselesaikan dapat menjadi lebih baik atau malah lebih buruk, bahagia atau sedih. Dimungkinkan ada beberapa komplikasi yang harus dipecahkan. Hal ini menambah dan mempertahankan minat dan ketegangan bagi pembacanya. 4. Reorientation/Coda Merupakan pernyataan penutup cerita dan bersifat opsional. Dapat berisi tentang pelajaran moral, saran atau pengajaran dari penulis.
Explanation text
Explanation text merupakan sebuah tulisan, wacana, atau text dengan tujuan menjelaskan mengapa sesuatu terjadi dan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi. Tidak hanya sebatas itu, explanation text juga bisa berbentuk penjelasan mengenai prosedur tertentu. Misalkan ada teks yang menerangkan atau menjelaskan secara detail mengenai cara pembuatan website. Teks tersebut menjelaskan mulai dari cara membuat email, cara membeli nama website, dan cara mengonlinekan website tersebut. Topik-topik yang diikutsertakan dalam explanation text antara lain fenomena alam, ilmu pengetahuan, ilmu buaya, dan sosial. Tujuannya untuk menjelaskan apa, mengapa, dan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi.
Generic structure 1. General Statement General statement merupakan area yang berisi penjelasan umum mengenai fenomena apa yang akan dibahas. General statement dapat berbentuk pengenalan fenomena atau penjelasan dasar mengenai fenomena tersebut. 2. A Sequenced of Explanation Disinilah terjadi penjelasan mengenai mengapa dan bagaimana fenomena tersebut terjadi. Misalkan ada explanation text mengenai sepeda, maka disini dijelaskan mengapa orang memerlukan sepeda dan bagaimana proses pembuatan sepeda tersebut berlangsung. 3. Closing Closing mempunyai dua kubu pengertian. Sebagian menganggap bahwa closing adalah bagian terakhir di sequenced of explanation, sementara sebagian yang lain mendefinisikan bahwa closing itu tidak ada dan bagian yang merupakan closing dianggap sebagai bagian dari sequenced of explanation itu sendiri.
Berbagai ciri kebahasaan dari explanation text antara lain adalah:
1. Menggunakan simple present tense 2. Menggunakan kata penghubung antar kalimat berupa: then, as a result, so, if, because, therefore 3. Menggunakan penanda urutan peristiwa misalnya: first, then, next, after, finally 4. Menggunakan action verbs
KUNCI JAWABAN 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. E 7. A 8. D 9. B 10.B 11.D 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.E 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.E 25.B
it - them the most large – the largest were- are bodies- body cruel-cruelty makes-made after given- after giving my sister does too-my sister did too