Kuta, 29 - 30 Oktober 2015
Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, S.T., MSc. PhD Prof. Dr. Drs. IB Putra Yadnya, M.A. Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Mahardika, M.S. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, SH., MHum., LLM. Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. Ir. Ida Ayu Astarini, M.Sc., Ph.D Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, MSc, Ph.D Prof. Dr. drh. Ni Ketut Suwiti, M.Kes. Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Alit Karyawan Salain, DEA. Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, MP, Ph.D dr. Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati, SpMK, Ph.D Dr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T. Putu Alit Suthanaya, S.T., M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D. I Putu Sudiarta, SP., M.Si., Ph.D. Dr. Ir. Yohanes Setiyo, M.P. Dr. P. Andreas Noak, SH, M.Si I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang, SSi, MSi, PhD. Dr. Drh. I Nyoman Suarta, M.Si l Udayana University Press, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Udayana 2015, xli + 2191 hal, 21 x 29,7
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ENERGI BARU DAN TERBARUKAN PRODUKSI BIODIESEL DARI BIJI MALAPARI (PONGAMIA PINNATA (L.) PIERRE) Ni Luh Arpiwi ......................................................................................................................................1341 PENINGKATAN EFISIENSI TURBIN DENGAN PEMBAHARUAN DESAIN TURBIN BANKI UNTUK MIKRO HIDRO DI DAERAH TROPIS Lie Jasa, Ardyono Priyadi, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo ............................................................................1348 PEMANFAATAN PIKO HIDRO UNTUK MEMPERCEPAT PERTUMBUHAN IKAN AIR DERAS DI DUSUN PAGI DESA SENGANAN KECAMATAN PENEBEL KABUPATEN TABANAN I Putu Ardana, Lie Jasa ....................................................................................................................... 1336 MODEL DAN SIMULASI KATUP TEKAN MODEL PLAT, BOLA, DAN SETENGAH-BOLA PADA POMPA HYDRAM Made Suarda, Anak Agung Adhi Suryawan, I Nengah Suweden ........................................................... 1363 PENGUJIAN KARAKTERISTIK PENGERING ANYAMAN ATA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN VARIAN BAHAN BAKAR BIOMASSA LIMBAH PERTANIAN SEBAGAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS. I.N. Suarnadwipa, I.W.B. Adnyana .......................................................................................................1371 PENERAPAN MOTEDE KONDENSASI PAKSA TIPE CROSSFLOW PADA PROSES PRODUKSI BAHAN BAKAR ALTERNATIF ARAK TERHADAP KUALITAS DAN KAPASITAS PRODUKSI IGK Sukadana, IGN. Putu Tenaya, IKG. Wirawan ..............................................................................1378 EVALUASI POTENSI SUMBER DAYA BIOMASSA DI BALI Made Sucipta, dan I Wayan Dana .........................................................................................................1391 CONTROLLING HARMFUL GAS HYDROGEN SULFIDE (H2S) BY DESULRUIZER IN SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (STP). CASE STUDY: PATRA JASA BALI RESORT &VILLAS INDONESIA Tjokorda Gde Tirta Nindhia, I Wayan Surata, I Dewa Gde Putra Swastika .........................................1396 PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH BANJAR CEBLONG DESA MENYALI DENGAN MENERAPKAN KINCIR AIR PENGGERAK POMPA AIR M. Sucipta, I N. Suarnadwipa, dan I W. Dana ......................................................................................1400 ARAK SEBAGAI PEREAKSI RAMAH LINGKUNGAN DALAM PEMBUATAN ENERGI BIODIESEL I Wayan Bandem Adnyana, Ni Made Suaniti ..........................................................................................1405 PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI UNSUR GD PADA STRUKTUR KRISTAL SUPERKONDUKTOR SISTEM BISMUTH FASE 2223 : BI2SR2(GD1-XCA1+X)CU3.05OZ Ida Bagus Alit Paramarta, I Gusti Agung Ayu Ratnawati ....................................................................1409
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Udayana University, Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia, 80361, Fax. 0361-8953472,
[email protected] 2 Patra Jasa Bali Resort &Villas, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda South Kuta Beach, Kuta 80361, Bali, Indonesia
ABSTRAK /*85-+4 9;2B*+ 2S) merupakan gas yang berbahaya, dengan demikian keberadaannya harus dideteksi dan */./2'4-1'4/*85-+49;2B*+(+8/4:+8,+8+49/*+4-'43+1'4/93+:8'49658:+2+):854*'43+4-.'2'4-/6+4--;4''4 oksigen pada skala molekul. Hal ini menyebabkan aspisiasi dan berujung kematian akibat kekurangan oksigen pada sel batang otak yang mengatur laju pernapasan. Pada level rendah H2S dapat menggangu system pernapasan dan menimbulkan sakit kepala dan gangguan mata. Jika terpapar H2S pada level tinggi dapat menghentikan seketika pusat pernapasan di batang otak. Pada penelitian ini sumber sumber yang memungkinkan timbulnya gas H2S di Patra Jasa Bali Resort & Villas dideteksi seperti bagian dapur resotran, dapur utama, kafetaria, daerah penyimpan sampah organic, dan Sewage treatment plant (STP). Ditemukan adanya emisi gas H2S pada lokasi Sewage treatment plant (STP) yang limit kesehatan yaitu 20 ppm yang membahayakan kesehatan. Desulfurizer selanjutnya didisain dan dipasang untuk menghilangkan emisi gas H2S sebagai komitmet dari management untuk peduli terhadap keselamatan ':'1;4)//*85-+49;2B*'(+8('.'?'-'9*+9;2,;8/@+81+9+2'3':'4
ABSTRACT 9 ?*85-+4 ";2B*+ 2" '9 ' .'83,;2 -'9 /:9 +>/9:+4)+ 9.5;2* (+ *+:+):+* '4* +2/3/4':+* ?*85-+4 9;2B*+ interferes with the electron transport mechanism and blocks the utilization of oxygen at the molecular level. The result is asphyxiation and ultimately death due to the lack of oxygen in the brainstem cells that control the breathing 8':+ : 25=+8 2+<+29 .?*85-+4 9;2B*+ )'4 (+ /88/:':/4- :5 :.+ 8+96/8':58? 9?9:+3 (+ '995)/':+* =/:. .+'*').+9 and result in conjunctivitis. Exposure to very high levels of H2S can result in almost instantaneous suppression of the respiratory centre in the brainstem. In this research, the possibility source of H2S at the Patra Jasa Bali resort & villas were detected such kitchen of the restaurant, main kitchen, cafeteria, organic waste storage, and Sewage treatment plant (STP). It was found that location of Sewage treatment plant emitting H2S that past safety limit of 20 ppm which is in dangerous level. The desulfurizer is designed and installed to eliminate the H2S emission as a commitment of management concern in safety. +?=58*9?*85-+49;2B*+.'83,;2-'9*+9;2,;8/@+89',+:?
INTRODUCTION )74?4@5>@<0=24>5B74A?428Q2(4E064B@40B<4=B?;0=B()%8=64=4@0;E4@4270@02B4@8H431G)74 primary parameters included pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), Dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), chlorides and sulphates, the ratio of COD to BOD. While secondary parameters are Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) and Sludge Volume Index (SVI) (kumar et al. 2010). The emission of harmful gas from STP is not become any concern of characterization up to recent time . Ecotoxicity tests also only put attention on aquatic (bacterial, algal, crustacean, and plant) toxicity and ignoring air or gas toxicity (Mendonça et al, 2011; Kushwah et al., 2011; Salunke, et al., 2014). 1396 | Kuta, 29-30 Oktober 2015
)74A4E064B@40B<4=B?;0=B70AB745>;;>E8=6C=8BA 0@A2@44=70<14@%@8<0@G;0@8Q4@5>@ Skimming, 3. Aeration Chamber, 4. Equalization Chamber, 5. Sedimentation Tank also called as Settler, 6. Tube settler, 7. Water Collection Tank, 8. Activated Carbon Filter, 9. Filter, 10. Final Water Collection Tank (Sandhu et al., 2014). There is a report regarding odorous emission from Wastewater treatment facilities (Muga, and Mihelcic, 2008). At one time regardless of how well designed may generate odor as byproducts of the wastewater treatment process. The presence of odor in any wastewater treatment facility is typically an aesthetic problem that usually evokes public intervention and sometime regulatory agency involvement. All the treatment systems have the potential to produce odorous emissions. But in this report the type of gas which yield odor problem was not informed. As it can be learnt form the case that happen in Kuwait, Many complaints were received from citizens around the Ardiyah sewage treatment plant (ASTP) about the presence of an odor that might be harmful to their healthy. Others worker near the plant complained of various diseases that took longer than normal to be cured. The formation process of H2S was investigated, specifying the source of emission; the ;>20B8>=A>5B74A4A>C@24AE8B7@4A?42BB>0@454@4=24?>8=B>@>@868=E4@4A?428Q43)742>=24=B@0B8>=>5 H2S as measured by sensors around the plant was reported. Results from the dispersion model showed that the main problem exists inside the ASTP, where 6 ppm of H2S concentration was reported, whereas outside the ASTP, there was no serious problem. Recommendations are suggested according to the model and the real values of H2S concentrations in emissions to solve the odor (Shammiri, 2004). This report introduce H2S detection around the Patra Jasa Bali Resort & Villas as concern of the management to enhance sewage treatment plant system existing at the same time to maintain the safety and health of employees. This is also related to the belief of Balinese spiritualism known as Tri Hita Karana, literally means three reason for prosperity which is put attention to harmony among peoples and environment as responsible to almighty God. 3.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION It is Deserves for the award because part of the kitchen of the restaurant and cafeteria did not reveal any H2S emissions. Also in the kitchen garbage disposal did not reveal any H2S gas emissions. This is caused because it is equipped with cooling system which inhibits the formation of H2S gas from kitchen waste. Furthermore, the H2S gas emission testing on parts of the sewage treatment plant is conducted. It E0A34B42B430RC2BC0B8=62(4<8AA8>=4A?4280;;G0BB7410@A2@44=270<14@B74Q@AB?0@B>5B74A4E064 B@40B<4=B?;0=B0AA7>E=8=86C@4 )74RC2BC0B8>=A@0=68=614BE44= ??< To solve the H2S gas emissions problem at the bar screen chamber, The ventilation holes (vent holes) is created equipped with desulfurizer as shown in Figure 2. )742>=24=B@0B8>=>57G3@>64=AC;Q348=B74A4E4@AGAB4<8A@4;0B43B>B740<>C=B>55@44AC;Q34 present in domestic wastewater. The higher the sulfur contents of the sewage, the greater the concentration >5 7G3@>64= AC;Q34 B70B <0G 14 ?@>3C243=G 2>=38B8>= 8= B74 A4E4@ B70B ;403A B> >FG64= 34?;4B8>= AC270A;>ER>E;>=6@4B4=B8>=?4@8>38A2>=3C28D4B>B7434D4;>?<4=B>50=04@>1822>=38B8>=AE8B7B74 @4AC;B0=B5>@<0B8>=>57G3@>64=AC;Q34(70<<8@8
Kuta, 29-30 Oktober 2015 | 1397
Figure 1. Emissions of H2(60A8A34B42B438=B74?0@B>5B7410@A2@44=270<14@B74Q@AB?0@B>5B74A4E064B@40B<4=B?;0=B
Figure 2. The desulfurizer to remove H2S gas emissions at the bar screen chamber of a sewage treatment plant
CONCLUSION Emission of H2S gas is found on sewage treatment plant, especially at bar screen chamber. The emissions exceed the limit of safety (20 ppm) which is dangerous for human health. Solution is introduced by creating ventilation hole completed with desulfurizer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Part of desulfurizer in this report is a result form the research supported by competitive research grant (penelitian hibah bersaing) that is granted from Udayana University from accumulative years of 2013-2015. REFERENCES Shammiri, M.A. (2004)’ Hydrogen sulfide emission from the Ardiyah sewage treatment plant’, Desalination 170 ( - ), PP. 1-13. Kumar, P, R., Pinto, L.B., and Somashekar, R.K. (2010) ‘Assessment of The Efficiency of Sewage Treatment Plants: A Comparative Study Beween Nagasandra and Mailasandra Sewage Treatment Plants’, Kathmandu University Journal of Science Engineering and Technology , 6 (2), pp. 115125. Muga, H. E., and James R. Mihelcic, J. R.(2008)’Sustainability of wastewater treatment technologies”, Journal of Environmental Management ,88 ( - ), pp. 437–447. Mendonça, E. , Picado,A., Cunha,M.A. and Catarino, J.(2011) ‘Environmental Management in Practice’, Croatia, InTech Europe. 1398 | Kuta, 29-30 Oktober 2015
Sandhu, D., and Pandey, R.(2014) ‘Energy Saving Opportunity in a Waste Water Treatment Plant’, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 3 (9), pp.66-68. Kushwah, R. K., Bajpai, A., and Suman Malik, S.(2011)’Characteristics of waste water in sewage treatment plant of BHOPAL, (India), J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 3(6), pp. 766-771. Salunke, K. A., Prashant.P.Bhave, P. P., and Mata, M.D. (2014)’ Performance Status of Common Effluent Treatment Plant at dombivali Cetp, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 3 (9), pp. 48-52
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