Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
Schotland is een land van vier seizoenen Bij Knowle B&B, drumnadrochit kunt u ook in de herfst en winter terecht - p7. Schotland Digizine wordt gratis via e-mail verspreid met het ideaal om zoveel mogelijk in Schotland geïnteresseerden van een diversiteit aan info te voorzien. Onderwerpen kunnen bijvoorbeeld zijn: Schotse activiteiten in Nederland en info over Schotland - Schotse winkels - Schotse restaurants - Schotse ruiten [tartans] Schotse evenementen - Schotse verenigingen - Schotse verhalen - Reistips - Schotse geschiedenis - Schotse achtergronden - Schotse whisky
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verschijning [in geval van genoeg input en inspiratie]: om de twee maanden Het volgende nummer zal begin december 2012 verschijnen info enzo graag aanleveren vóór 15 november 2012
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
agenda 3 clan macbeth pipe band 4 Tartans Authority 6 drumnadrochit 7 kings & queens of scotland 8 scottish sayings 11 Hadrian’s & antonine wall 13 foto’s van internet 14 utop travel 14 tartan & Whisky 16 west scotland tourism 18 recepten - friar’s omelette en helensburgh toffee 20 wwwschots 21 leen 22 kilkerran 22 Whisky proevers event 24 de whisky proevers 25 bas baan - bijzondere eiland malts 26 whiskywoordenlijst 27 whisky & whiskey 29 whiskyshoppen.nl 30 whisky quotes 35 whisky tartan & whiskey & bourbon tartan 36 wwwhisky 37 de voorpagina:
Schotland is in ieder jaargetijde bijzonder. Zo bijzonder zelfs dat het zowel in de lente, zomer, herfst als winter zeker de moeite waard eens te bezoeken en de charmes te beleven. De Nederlandse eigenaars Bert en Mirjam van Knowle B&B in Drumnadrochit staan het hele jaar klaar om hun gasten in de watten te leggen. Zie ook pagina 7.
agenda oktober 2012
| 5 t/m 7
november 2012
Pott Still Festival, Amersfoort potstillfestival.com
| 16 t/m 18
International Whisky Festival, Den Haag whiskyfestival.nl
oktober 2012
| 6
januari 2013
| 26
The Strong Taste, Capelle aan den IJssel debodega-vanwijk.nl
Burns Supper, Robert Burns Society Maastricht, kasteel Rijckholt robertburnssocietymaastricht.nl
oktober 2012
februari 2013
| 6
| 15 en 16
Walking Whiskey Dinner, Downtown Ridderkerk i.s.m. Whisky & Whiskey downtownridderkerk.nl/agenda.php
Hielander Whisky Festival, Alkmaar grotekerk-alkmaar.nl/evenementen/whisky2012/index.html (nog van 2012)
oktober 2012
maart 2013
| 13
Whisky & Rum aan Zee, IJmuiden zeewijck.nl
oktober 2012
| 1 en 2
Whisky Festival Zuid Nederland, Eindhoven wfzn.nl
| 27
maart 2013
| 16 en 17
Whisky Proevers Festival, Papendrecht whiskyproevers.nl
International Malt Whisky Festival, Gent, België whiskyfestival.be
november 2012
maart 2013
| 3
| 22 t/m 24
Concert 25 jaar The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band, Groningen clanmacbeth.nl
Whisky Festival Noord Nederland, Groningen wfnn.nl
november 2012
maart 2013
| 10
Scottish Dinner & Dance, Assen scots-in-assen.nl
| 27 en 28
Whisky Fair, Limburg an der Lahn, Duitsland whiskyfair.com
wilt u ook úw activiteit vermeld zien, mail deze dan naar
[email protected] 3
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
clan macbeth pipe band Nederlandse pipe bands vieren jubileum Drie jubilerende doedelzakbands in concert tijdens Schotse Avond Er zijn dit jaar nogal wat Nederlandse doedelzakband die een jubileum vieren. De pipe bands uit Leewarden, Wijk bij Duurstede, Hilversum, Borculo en Groningen vieren allemaal feest. The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band uit Groningen viert zaterdagavond 3 november haar 25 jarige jubileum met een groot concert. Gasten zijn onder andere de 50 jarige Beatrix Pipe Band uit Hilversum en de 15 jarige Highland Valley Pipes and Drums uit Borculo. Belangstelling voor pipe bands gestegen Nederland kent, anno 2012, heel wat Schotse pipe bands. Het exacte aantal is niet geheel bekend. Bij de Nederlandse Organisatie van Doedelzakbands (NOvDB) zijn er zo’n 28 aangesloten maar in werkelijkheid zijn het er meer. Met de name kleine groepen zijn niet bij de koepelorganisatie NOvDB aangesloten. Het aantal bands is de afgelopen jaren gestegen. Zo zijn er in de kop van Noord-Holland, in het midden en het het Oosten van ons land diverse bands bij gekomen. Vaak zijn dit afscheidingen van al langer bestaande pipe bands. Over het algemeen kan men wel zeggen dat de belangstelling voor het bespelen van de doedelzak, of great highland bagpipe zoals het instrument officieel heet, gestegen is de laatste tijd. Alleen het aantal Schotse drummers blijft achter bij deze ontwikkeling. Diverse bands zitten te springen om nieuwe leden die Schots drummen willen leren spelen. Een aantal van de Nederlandse pipe bands viert dit jaar een jubileum. Allemaal bands die de afgelopen jaren hun stempel hebben gedrukt op de ontwikkeling en promotie van de Schotse cultuur in Nederland. Bands die te zien en horen waren, 4
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
clan macbeth
en dit nog steeds zijn, tijdens bijvoorbeeld taptoes, parades, highland games en nationale evenementen. Een aantal van deze bands is ook actief in het nationale en internationale competitiecircuit. Band staan stil bij hun jubileum The Graham Lowlanders Pipes and Drums uit Leeuwarden vierde hun 40 jarig jubileum met een reünie en een parade door de stad. In Wijk bij Duurstede vierde The Saint Anthony Pipe Band haar 35 jarige verjaardag met een Schotse Dag. De op een na oudste vereniging van ons land is The Beatrix Pipe Band uit Hilversum die 50 jaar bestaat. De band was in haar rijke geschiedenis veelvuldig op televisie te zien met bekende popsterren, zoals LUV en Rod Steward, en in diverse tv-programma’s. Beatrix Pipe Band organiseerde een bandweekend voor haar leden en is 3 november te zien en horen tijdens een groot jubileum concert in Groningen. The Highland Valley Pipes and Drums uit Borculo bestaat 15 jaar, maar is te druk bezig met haar grote Schotse muziekshow om echt stil te staan bij een jubileum. Haar showprogramma, de Musikschau Schottland, trekt al enkele jaren volle zalen in Duitsland. Voor het seizoen 2012/2013 staan onder andere de steden Saarbrücken, Trier, Erfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Flensburg en Krefeld op de agenda. Op 23 maart staat deze enorme show, met een cast van 200 pipers, drummers, zangeressen, danseressen en andere muzikanten in Apeldoorn. Een must voor iedere liefhebbers van Schotse muziek. Drie jubilerende doedelzakbands in concert tijdens Schotse Avond The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band uit Groningen bestaat 25 jaar en heeft het jubileum aangegrepen om flink uit te pakken. De band organiseerde begin juli al een receptie voor leden, oudleden en relaties. En in augustus was de band een week in Schotland voor optredens in Bridge of Allan en Glencoe en deelname aan de competitie in Perth. De drummers van de Groningse band behaalden daar een 4e plaats. Het jubileumjaar wordt afgesloten met een groot concert op zaterdag 3 november tijdens de traditionele Schotse Avond. The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band Drum Major Kees Westerkamp 5
Jaargang 7
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oktober 2012
clan macbeth
The y t i r o h t u A Tartans use can ! t r o p p u s r you
Muthill Road :: Crieff :: Perthshire :: PH7 4HQ Scotland T +44 (0)1764 655444 :: F +44 (0)1764 654242 E
[email protected] :: I tartansauthority.com 6
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
Hoogtepunten uit de Schotse muziek Drie jubilerende pipe bands treden tijdens die Schotse Avond op. Behalve de 25 jarige The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band zijn er ook optredens van de 50 jarige Beatrix Pipe Band uit Hilversum en de 15 jarige Highland Valley Pipe Band uit Borculo. Deze drie doedelzakbands verzorgen een concert bestaande uit alle hoogtepunten van de Schotse muziek uit de afgelopen jaren zoals Amazing Grace, Highland Cathedral, When The Pipers Play, Conquest of Paradise, The Millenium Prayer en Scotland The Brave. Ook speelt een deel van de cast van de Musikschau Schottland muziek uit de show die al enkele jaren volle zalen trekt in Duitsland. The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band participeert sinds september 2011 in deze show met maandelijks een optreden in een Duitse stad. Tijdens de Schotse Avond op 3 november zijn ook The MacBeth Folk Group, bestaande uit leden en oudleden van de vereniging, en Folkband Triefel te horen. The Highland Valley Dancers en Castle Band demonstreren een Schotse zwaarddans. De Schotse Avond wordt gehouden op zaterdagavond 3 november. Het voorprogramma start om 19.00 u met muziek van Harpiste Henriëtte Kool-de Groot en fluitiste Leonie Hemme. Bovendien kan het publiek terecht voor Schotse en Keltische produkten bij de stands van Carrynette Highland Outfitters, Mystic Raven Keltische Kleding en Freubels & Zo. Het concert begint om 19.30 u (voorprogramma: 19.00 u, zaal open: 18.30 u). Locatie: de aula van het Gomarus College aan het Vondelpad 1 in Groningen. Toegangsprijs: € 6,- (in de voorverkoop) en € 7,50 (aan de zaal). Kinderen tot en met 12 jaar gratis toegang mits ze onder begeleiding zijn van een volwassene. Reserveren van plaatskaarten is mogelijk: zie website voor de informatie: clanmacbeth.nl of stuur een mailtje naar
[email protected]
knowle bed & breakfast
Schotland is een land van vier seizoenen en we zien al weer uit naar de prachtige warme kleuren van de herfst en het uitzonderlijk mooie sneeuwlandschap tijdens de winter. We nodigen u van harte uit om ook eens in het late najaars- of het winterseizoen naar Schotland te komen. De dagen zijn weliswaar korter dan in de zomer, maar nog steeds lang genoeg voor frisse wandelingen of mooie auto-tochten in de directe of wijdere omgeving van ons B&B, dat in de verte uitzicht biedt op Loch Ness en omringende heuvels. Als er sneeuw ligt kunt u zelfs van ons uit een dagje gaan skiën in Fort William - een uur rijden vanuit Drumnadrochit!
Loch Ness is the largest and best known of the lochs in the Great Glen that along with the connecting canals make it possible to travel by boat from coast to coast in the Scottish Highlands. Loch Ness stretches from 5 miles outside of Inverness in a south westerly direction alongside the A82 Inverness to Fort William road starting at Lochend passing close by Drumnadrochit where the river Enrick flows out of Glen Urquhart into Loch Ness and washes round Castle Urquhart on its way to Fort Augustus at its southernmost end. The Area around Loch Ness includes the larger villages of Drumnadrochit and Fort Augustus, and the glens, Glen Urquhart and Glen Moriston as well as the the Great Glen which reaches across Scotland from Fort William in the west to Inverness in the east and to the east of Loch Ness there is Dores, Foyers and many small communities. In this district there is a wealth of things to do with excellent accommodation for the Holidaymaker. Activities range from riding stables, cruise boats, fishing trips, cycling, visitors centres, looking for the Loch Ness Monster “Nessie” with a choice of lodgings ranging from B&B’s (for instance Knowl B&B, lochnessguesthouse.co.uk) to Guest Houses and Hotels offering Bed and Breakfast lodgings to Tea Rooms, Restaurants, And hotels serve Meals as well as having accommodation and often there is highland entertainment in the evenings, all this amongst magnificent scenery making it the perfect place for a vacation.
De kortere dagen zijn ook ideaal om uw verblijf bij ons te combineren met een Schots Kookarrangement: vanaf 15.30 uur bent u welkom om in onze keuken mee te helpen met en instructie te krijgen over het bereiden van typisch Schotse maaltijden, waar u rond 18.00 uur uiteraard ook uitgebreid van kunt genieten. Zelf zalm of kaas roken in onze eigen rokerij is ook een optie en u kunt rekenen op een paar overheerlijke toetjesrecepten en niet te vergeten het recept voor Millionaire’s Shortbread - dit is zo lekker dat het inmiddels wereldwijd de ronde doet! Voor uitgebreide informatie over dit alles en meer verwijzen we u graag naar onze website www.lochnessguesthouse.co.uk. Graag tot ziens!
Bert & Mirjam Wigman
Vlieg met naar Knowle
Knowle B&B 136 Balmacaan Road • Drumnadrochit • Inverness-shire • Scotland • IV63 6UP T +44 (0) 1456 45 06 46 •
[email protected] www.lochnessguesthouse.co.uk • www.lochness-smokehouse.co.uk
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
drumnadrochit.co.uk Drumnadrochit with Urquhart Bay Loch Ness as seen from Craigmony, we hope you enjoy your visit to our site, your comments be they criticisms and/or suggestions will be welcomed, the pages listed on the left will be under constant revision and added to from time to time.
celtic britain
kings & queens of scotland King Edmund of Scotland (1094 - 1097) Name: King Edmund of Scotland Father: Malcolm III, King of Scotland Mother: Margaret, daughter of Edward the Aetheling son of Edmund II of England Relation to Elizabeth II: 25th great-granduncle House of: Canmore Ascended to the throne: November 12, 1094 Married: Did not marry Children: none Buried at: Montacute Abbey, Somerset Succeeded by: his brother Edgar Edmund became joint ruler in 1094 with his half-brother Donald III (Donald Bane) after Donald regained the throne on the death of his nephew Duncan II. Edmund ruled South of the Forth, and Donald the North. He and Duncan were deposed Edmund’s brother Edgar in 1097. Duncan was imprisoned, and Edmund fled to England where he became a monk at Montecute Abbey, Somerset, where he died later. The date of his death is unknown. King Edgar of Scotland (1097 - 1107) Name: King Edgar of Scotland Father: Malcolm III, King of Scotland Mother: Margaret, daughter of Edward the Aetheling son of Edmund II of England Relation to Elizabeth II: 25th great-granduncle House of: Canmore Born: c. 1072/74
Jaargang 7
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oktober 2012
kings & queens
Ascended to the throne: October, 1097 Married: Did not marry Children: none Died: January 8, 1107, in Dundee or at Edinburgh Castle Buried at: Dunfermline Abbey, Fife Succeeded by: his brother Alexander Edgar (Étgar mac Maíl Choluim) was the 3rd son of Malcolm III. In 1097 King William II of England helped Edgar depose his brothers Donald and Edmund from the Scottish throne. His treaty with Magnus ‘Barefoot’ in 1098 allowed the Norse to regain many of the Western Isles. The marriage of his sister Edith to Henry I of England in 1100 brought peace and encouraged the settlement of Anglo Normans in the Scottish lowlands. Edgar moved the royal residence from Dunfermline to Edinburgh. He died unmarried and was succeeded by his brothers Alexander and David. Timeline for King Edgar of Scotland 1097 Edgar deposes his uncle Donald and brother Edmund and becomes king 1098 Edgar cedes the Western Isles to Magnus Barefoot 1100 Edith known as Matilda, daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland, marries King Henry I of England. 1107 Edgar dies and is succeeded by his younger brother, Alexander I King Alexander I of Scotland (1107 - 1124) Name: King Alexander I of Scotland Father: Malcolm III, King of Scotland Mother: Margaret, daughter of Edward the Aetheling son of Edmund II of England Relation to Elizabeth II: 25th great-granduncle 9
Jaargang 7
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oktober 2012
kings & queens
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Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
House of: Canmore Born: c. 1077/78 Ascended to the throne: January 8, 1107 Married: Sybilla, illegitimate daughter of Henry I of England, c. 1107 Children: none Died: April, 1124, at Stirling Castle Buried at: Dunfermline Abbey, Fife Succeeded by: his brother David Alexander (Alaxandair mac Maíl Coluim) was the 4th son of Malcolm III. He succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother Edgar, and married Sybilla and illegitimate daughter of Henry I of England who had married Alexander’s sister Edith (Matilda). Sybilla was not well received by the Scots and said to ‘lack both beauty and modesty’. Alexander helped Henry I in his campaigns in Wales, and earned the name ‘The Fierce’ for the way in which he put down an uprising in Moray. He sought to continue the work of his mother Margaret and introduced English style reforms into the Church and reform of civil government introducing the offices of chancellor and sheriffs. The earliest known Scottish coins dated from his reign. He appointed his mother’s biographer Turgot as see to St Andrews which was influential in her eventual canonisation. He died without legitimate children and was succeeded by his brother David I. Timeline for King Alexander I of Scotland 1107 Alexander I become king 1114 Alexander aids Henry I in his Welsh campaigns 1124 Alexander dies and is succeeded by David I
Scottish sayings This is where you can have a look at some of our fine old Scottish sayings that go back not only to grandma’s day, but for generations beyond. Most of them are not used anymore, and maybe that’s just as well as they can even confuse some Scots, depending which part of the country you are from of course. The Scottish dialect is so much varied from The Highlands to South Ayrshire, and from the East Coast to the West Coast. You see, people in different parts of Scotland can use different words that can mean the same thing. Old Scottish SayingsHonestly, some of these sayings will have you scratching your head, as I did, but I will translate the meanings, as I understand them. Like they say “a nod’s as guid as a wink tae a blind horse”, meaning, explain yourself properly, and make your meaning clear. If you understand phrases like that, you’re halfway there! Most Scots use slang occasionally and think nothing of it. It’s only when you read some you can see how funny it is.
Handgemaakte Kilts en Handgemaakte bagpipes Kilts & bagpipes gemaakt volgens Schotse traditie.
Here I take a look at a mixture of some of the old Scottish sayings.
Nederlands enige Kilt– en bagpipemaker!
Jaargang 6
Jaargang 7
Voor meer informatie kijk op: www.lamersbagpipes.com of mail naar:
[email protected] • Nummer 6 • augustus
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
The old ones... - I’ll gie ye a skelpit lug! - I’ll give you a slap on the ear. - Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye! - What’s meant to happen will happen. - Skinny Malinky Longlegs! - A tall thin person. - Lang may yer lum reek! - May you live long and stay well. - Speak o’ the Devil! - Usually said when you have been talking about someone they usually appear. - Black as the Earl of Hell’s Waistcoat! - Pitch black. - Failing means yer playin! - When you fail at something at least you’re trying. - Mony a mickle maks a muckle! - Saving a small amount soon builds up to a large amount.
scottish sayings
- Keep the heid! - Stay calm, don’t get upset. - We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns! - We’re all God’s children, nobody is better than anybody else - we’re all equal. - Dinnae teach yer Granny tae suck eggs! - Don’t try to teach someone something they already know. - Dinnae marry fur money! - Don’t marry for money - you can borrow it cheaper. - Is the cat deid? - Has the cat died? Means your trousers are a bit short - like a flag flying at half mast. - Haud yer wheesht! - Be quiet. - Noo jist haud on! - Now just hold it, slow down, take your time. - Hell slap it intae ye! - Means it’s your own fault. - I’m fair puckled! - I’m short of breath. - Do yer dinger. - Loudly express disapproval. - Gie it laldy. - Do something with gusto. - Ah dinnae ken. - I don’t know. - It’s a dreich day! - Said in reference to the weather, when it’s cold, damp and miserable. Some Scottish sayings that are not so old... - Gonnae no’ dae that! - Don’t do that. - Pure dead brilliant - Exceptionally good. - Yer bum’s oot the windae - You’re talking rubbish. - Am pure done in - I’m feeling very tired. - Am a pure nick - I don’t look very presentable. - Ah umnae - I am not. - Ma heid’s mince - My head’s a bit mixed up. - Yer oot yer face! - You’re very drunk. - Yer aff yer heid - You’re off your head - a little bit daft. scotland-welcomes-you.com 12
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
Hadrian's & antonine wall Wilden de Romeinen ooit Schotland veroveren? Waarom legden de Romeinen de Muur van Hadrianus aan en namen ze Schotland niet in? historianet.nl De Romeinen hielden lang delen van Schotland bezet. Rond 80 n.Chr. drongen troepen onder gouverneur Gnaeus Agricola het land binnen dat de Romeinen Caledonia noemden. Zuidelijke stammen werden onderworpen en het leger rukte op langs de oostkust. Een vloot zou om de Britse Eilanden gevaren zijn. Maar Agricola werd naar Rome teruggeroepen voor heel Caledonia bezet was, en het leger trok zich geleidelijk terug. Historici vermoeden dat de Romeinen het barre, onvruchtbare land niet de moeite waard vonden. In 122 n.Chr. begon de bouw van de Muur van Hadrianus, maar deze diende slechts kort als grens. Al 20 jaar later verschoof de grens naar de Muur van Antoninus in het noorden. Pas rond 164 lieten de Romeinen Caledonia geheel schieten - waarschijnlijk omdat ze hun troepen elders nodig hadden. Hierna was de Muur van Hadrianus weer de grens, tot de Romeinen rond 410 Engeland verlieten.
Hadrian’s Wall en.wikipedia.org 13
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
Antonine Wall
, Foto s
utop travel
van internet
The perfect Highland Hideout! Together with the Winnock Hotel in the charming village of Drymen not far from the shores of Loch Lomond, we have created perfect “Highland Hideout”. Your TIME OUT if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of a hectic urban life! A deserved break for you, where you can either relax in this cosy, charmingly traditional 3-Star Hotel, or have plenty of activities right at your door step to keep your interests going, returning back each evening to a typical warm Highland welcome, without breaking the Bank! Here are some ideas of things you could do during your stay: A day on the wild side! A day trip through the Loch Lomond and Trossach Nature reserve! Here you could go walking, cycling; fishing, or a Boat ride, play a round of Golf and enjoy the magnificent scenery of this truly unique area of Scotland. Or just take a leisurely drive along Loch Lomond to Callander and return via the scenic rout of the Trossachs Nature Reserve, back to Drymen. OR The Water of Live and the Royals! A visit to the Glengoyne Distillery, with a guided tour and tasting, then on to Stirling and a visit to the 14
Jaargang 7
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oktober 2012
utop travel
magnificent Stirling Castle, taking some time out in Stirling for a leisurely lunch. OR Whisky Galore! For people who would like to find out more about the famous Scottish “Water of Live” this is a special day. First you will join the “Master Blender Session” at the Glengoyne Distillery. In the afternoon to give you an even deeper insight of the secrets of this truly amber nectar you will join the “Ultimate Auchentoshen Experience” at the Auchentoshen Distillery near Glasgow. OR The Wild West! (A long day, but well worth it!) A leisurely drive will take you along the shores of Loch Lomond to the charming village of Inveraray. From there on through Kilmarten Glen and the along the stunningly beautiful and rugged Scenery of the Scottish West coast you will reach the Fishing port of Oban, just in time for Lunch. Back through the “Argyllshire Mountains” you return to Drymen in the late afternoon. A day out in Glasgow’s culture! Glasgow is THE shopping city in Scotland. Buchannan Street offers the finest shops in the country. foksuk.nl 15
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
tartan & whisky
utop travel
Scottish weather, the series 10 degrees below zero People in Miami cease to exist
People in Scotland lick flagpoles
From high fashion to Scottish tartan gifts, this area has something for everyone. But Glasgow also held it’s own after it became the City of culture in 1990. Museums, art galleries, from Macintosh to Turner, everything is on offer. Also please note all public museums are free of charge and are easily reached also by public transport. “E” is for Edinburgh! Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital City is not to be missed. To leave shopping aside, you could start with a tour on one of the many open top busses to get a bit of the history and some orientation in Edinburgh (you can hop on and off as often as you like throughout the day). Then perhaps a visit to Edinburgh Castle, to marvel at the crown jewels and/or The palace of Holyrood House, the queens official residence when she is in Scotland, or the royal yacht Britannia, or the National Museum, or the Portrait Gallery, or, or, or, or, or……..!
Prices include depending on the dates: Either 4 Nights stay at the Wynnock Hotel, with a 3-couse choice Dinner, Bed and full Scottish Breakfast, a glass of wine with each dinner and a Bar allowance of £ 15.00 per person per night during your stay, based on 2 persons sharing a twin or double room. Or 3 Nights, stay at the Wynnock Hotel, with a 3-couse choice Dinner, Bed and full
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
utop travel
Scottish Breakfast, a glass of wine with each dinner and a Bar allowance of £ 15.00 per person per night during your stay at the Wynnock Hotel, and 1 night Edinburgh or Glasgow on a B+B basis, based on 2 persons sharing a twin or double room. Turkey and Tinsel: Nov 29th 4 nights All Inclusive (Edinburgh Christmas Market Date) Dec 10th 4 nights All Inclusive (Edinburgh Christmas Market Date) Dec 13th 4 nights All Inclusive (Edinburgh Christmas Market Date) Dec 16th 4 nights All Inclusive (Edinburgh Christmas Market Date)
£233 p.p. £209 p.p. £175 p.p. £145 p.p.
Car rental: Car rental from first to last day Edinburgh/Glasgow (5 days) based on a class 1 car incl. all insurance. From: £ 191.94 Not included: Entrance fees, private expenses, fuel, Tattoo Tickets, any arrangements for Golf or other out door activities.
Utop Travel Ltd Registered Office Address: 13 Springfield Crescent :: South Queensferry West Lothian :: EH30 9SB :: Scotland :: United Kingdom T/F +44(0) 131 3311843 E
[email protected] 17
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oktober 2012
M +44(0) 78 91 54 50 92 I utoptravel.co.uk
west scotland tourism Holiday Accommodation in West Coast of Scotland Also Wildlife Trips, Things to see & do.... West Scotland Tourism. Holidays & Accommodation on the West Coast of Scotland - For self catering holiday cottages & caravans, bed & breakfast, Boat Charter, Things To Do, Guest Houses, Hotels. In Ardnamurchan, Fort William, Loch Eil, Appin, Inverawe, Oban, Loch Lomond, Glencoe, Loch Ness, Invergarry, Fort Augustus, Cairngorm National Park, Isle of Seil Easdale, Loch Melfort Kilmelford, Carna Island, Loch Awe, Morvern, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Isle of Coll, Benderloch, Connel and Kilchrenan in Argyll Scottish Highlands, Wester Ross Scottish West Highlands. Also B&B near Manchester Airport, UK. west-scotland-tourism.com
Lochaline Pier, Morvern
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
Jouke macAukema
Jouke MacAuckema is al vele jaren actief in de Schotse, Ierse en Keltische folkmuziek. Jouke is zanger, entertainer en multi-instrumentalist. Naast gitaar speelt hij ook mandoline, luit, bodhran, mandola, 6en 12-snarige gitaar, banjo, dulcimer en shruti box. Het Wapen van Schotland is een gezellig Schots restaurant in het centrum van Hooghalen waar u kunt genieten van al het goeds dat de Schotse en de Drentse Hooglanden u bieden. U kunt gezellig een aperitiefje nuttigen aan onze typisch Schotse whiskybar met zijn ruime en nog steeds groeiende collectie whisky. Er is ook speciaalbier en Schots bier op de tap! Op onze uitgebreide menukaart vindt u naast traditionale Schotse gerechten zoals: Haggis, stoofschotels, zalm, hert en lamsvlees ook bekende gerechten zoals schnitzel, varkenshaas en spare ribs. Tevens zijn er volop visgerechten.
Alle dagen geopend vanaf 10.00 uur. Keuken vanaf 12.00 uur. * Lunch * Diner * Afhaal gerechten * Terras * Whiskybar * Eigen parkeerplaats * Kinderspeelkamer
Hoofdstraat 1 - Hooghalen Tel. 0593 - 592205
[email protected] www.hetwapen.nl
Jaargang 7
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oktober 2012
Jouke is een muzikant die graag akoestisch optreed en steeds het contact zoekt met zijn publiek. U kunt Jouke MacAuckema solo boeken maar ook als duo onder de naam King’s Court, samen met Janny Ireland, of voor de grotere locaties als band onder de naam Loarns Four. Tijdens verschillende gelegenheden heeft Jouke inmiddels zijn passie met het publiek kunnen delen. Zo treed Jouke MacAuckema regelmatig op tijdens diners, whiskyproeverijen, openingen van tentoonstellingen, markten, festivals en Schotse feesten.
M 06 41 82 27 39 E
[email protected]
recepten Friar’s Omelette
Helensburgh Toffee
This sweet omelette was first published by a Lady Forbes around 1910. In addition to being made with apples, you can use rhubarb, plums (with stones removed) or blackberry instead. The quantities make sufficient for four servings.
There are many different varieties of toffee, tablet and fudge catering for the sweet tooth of many Scots. This “toffee” named after Helensburgh (a town overlooking the lower reaches of the river Clyde) has the consistency of thick fudge, rather than chewy toffee.
Ingredients 6 medium cooking apples 4 ounces (125g or one stick) butter plus butter for greasing a baking dish 2 ounces (50g or 4 tablespoons) white sugar 1 ounce (25g or rounded tablespoon) white sugar for decoration 2 eggs, well beaten 4 ounces (125g or 1 cup) breadcrumbs A squeeze of lemon juice Method: Remove the peel and core from the apples, slice and place in a saucepan with about quarter pint (150ml) water. Cook until soft (similar to apple sauce). Remove from the heat and add 4 ounces (125g or one stick) butter, sugar and lemon juice and mix well. When cold, add the well-beaten eggs. Butter a deep baking dish and spread the breadcrumbs around it so that they stick to the bottom and the sides - but keep back enough for the top. Add the apple and egg mixture into the dish and cover the top thickly with breadcrumbs. Bake in a moderate oven (350ºF/180ºC/Gas Mark 4) for about half an hour. Turn out onto a flat dish and sprinkle with sugar before serving.
Ingredients 2 ounces (50g or half stick) unsalted (sweet) butter 1 pound (450g or two cups) caster (superfine) sugar Two teaspoons (10ml) golden syrup (light corn syrup) 7 fluid ounces (200ml or small can) condensed milk 4 tablespoons (60ml) milk Half teaspoon (2.5ml) vanilla essence (extract) Method: Melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan, then add the sugar, syrup, condensed milk and milk. Heat very gently until all the ingredients have dissolved. Then bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Continue to heat, stirring gently until the mixture has reached 115ºC/240ºF on a sugar thermometer (or until a teaspoonful of the mixture forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water). Remove from the heat and add the vanilla essence. Beat well until thick and creamy. Pour into shallow greased tins (pans) and mark into squares with a knife. Leave to cool and set. Cut into pieces and store in an airtight container.
hebt u zelf ook overheerlijke recepten, mail deze dan naar
[email protected] 20
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oktober 2012
www schots
meer op www.schotlanddigizine.nl
restaurants Hielander, Alkmaar Stadsboerderij De Koebrug, Stavoren Het Wapen van Schotland, Hooghalen
schotsrestauranthielander.nl dekoebrug.nl hetwapen.nl
dansscholen Royal Scottish Country Dance - Delft Branch rscds-delft.nl School of Highland Dancing carieke.nl pipebands Batavorum Pipes and Drums, Nijmegen Dronten & District Pipe Band, Dronten Inter Scaldis pipes and drums, Vlissingen Pipe’s & Drums The Islanders, Ameland Piper society Duan Albanach Saint Andrews Pipe Band The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band The Dutch Military Pipes & Drums The First Haarlem Pipeband The Red Rose of Lochbuie
batavorum.com drontendistrict.nl interscaldis.nl doedelzakbandameland.com schotsedoedelzak.nl sapb.nl clanmacbeth.nl blueguards.nl haarlem-pipe-band.tmfweb.nl redroseoflochbuie.nl
winkels Carrynette carrynette.com De Schotse Ruit deschotseruit.nl Kiltshop - Schotsewinkel schotsewinkel.nl Old Henry’s oldhenrys Scottish Pimpernel scottishpimpernel.nl Kiltmakers Tommes Kilts 21
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members.ziggo.nl/tgwm.lamers/ •
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oktober 2012
verenigingen Middeleeuws re-enactment en geschiedenis Scots In Assen Scots Heritage Vlaams Caledonische Society vzw
widoeghe.nl scots-in-assen.nl scotsheritage.nl caledonian.be
celtic britain Celtic Forum, WebMerchant en Magazine
overnachten in Schotland Knowle B&B
Schots lekkers Mackie’s of Scotland
Reizen in Schotland McLean Scotland Utop Travel
mcleanscotland.com utoptravel.co.uk
Schots water Deeside Natuurlijk Mineraal Water
gifts with a sparkle Finnley’s finnleys.nl Tartans Authorities Scottish Tartans Authority
Tartans Whisky Tartan
De bodega,
capelle a/d IJssel
Welkom bij de Bodega, uw speciaalzaak op het gebied van dranken! Naast het meest gevarieerde aanbod van Capelle en omstreken in whisk[e]y, rum, cognac, jenever, wijn en bier kunt u bij ons terecht voor een vakkundig advies en ouderwetse service. Uitgebreid advies en zelf proeven! Bent u op zoek naar een speciaal cadeau of een zeldzame whisky of wijn? Bij de Bodega kunt u niet alleen kiezen uit honderden whisky’s, rums, wijnen en andere dranken uit alle windstreken, maar bent u ook welkom voor een uitgebreid advies. Voor wie er echt niet uitkomt is er zelfs de mogelijkheid zelf te proeven, want wij beschikken over een proeflokaal achter onze winkel. Proeverijen, feestverzorging en geschenken In ons proeflokaal organiseren wij geregeld interessante en gezellige proeverijen. Ook kunnen wij u helpen met de complete verzorging van uw feest, en vindt u bij ons de mooiste kerstpakketten en geschenken. Kom snel eens langs voor ons assortiment van ruim 450 whisky’s, rums uit 26 landen, circa 500 wijnen van over de hele wereld, onze Capelse producten en talloze andere dranken. U bent van harte welkom! Leen en Wilma Wijk Thevan strong taste
5 oktober 2013
Slijterij-Wijnhandel De Bodega Bermweg 296a :: 2906 LH Capelle a/d IJssel T 010 450 69 07 ::
[email protected] debodega-vanwijk.nl 22
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oktober 2012
kilkerran BRAND NEW DISTILLERY - SAME OLD FAMILY Officially opened on 25th March 2004 by Dr Winnifred Ewing MP, and Mr Hedley Wright, Chairman of J & A Mtchell and Co Ltd, the Mitchell’s Glengyle Distillery is the first distillery to open in Campbeltown in over 125 years, and the first new distillery in Scotland this millennium. The first 6 casks of Kilkerran Single malt filled at the distillery had previously held Bourbon, Oloroso Sherry, Fino Sherry, Port, Rum and Madeira. On 21st May 2009 at an open day held at the distillery, the global launch of Kilkerran ‘Work in Progress” Single Malt took place. This first release of 12,000 bottles will be part of the “Work in Progress” series and will allow you to follow Kilkerran Single Malt as it matures from 5 years old towards it full release age of 12 year old. The whisky produced at the Mitchell’s Glengyle Distillery is called Kilkerran Single Malt. Why Kilkerran? Well, for two reasons. Firstly, because the name Glengyle is already used for a Vatted Highland malt and Mitchell’s Glengyle Ltd. were not able to buy the rights to use the name. They also wished to avoid any possible confusion between the newest Single Malt to come from the Campbeltown region and a preexisting vatted Highland malt. Secondly, and more importantly, Mitchell’s Glengyle Ltd. are very proud to be continuing and adding to the great Campbeltown Distilling tradition and the choice of name reflects that. Kilkerran is derived from the Gaelic ‘Ceann Loch Cille Chiarain’ which is the name of the original settlement where Saint Kerran had his religious cell and where Campbeltown now stands. Kilkerran is thought to be a suitable name for a new Campbeltown Malt since it was unusual for the old Campbeltown distilleries to be called after a Glen, a custom more usually associated with the Speyside region.
Work In Progress 4 This 2012 release is the 4th bottling of the series and is limited to 9,000 bottles. Although this whisky is only 8 years old and is described as “Work Work in progress” the tasting notes make it sound like they may be almost there.... Colour: Hay & straw. Nose: Home made marmalade. Incredibly rich with copious amounts of oranges, rhubard and ripe pear amongst the sweetness of brown sugar and honey. Palate: The Tangy and zesty nose continues on to the palate and is enriched with flavours of toffee, fudge and cream buns stuffed with vanilla custard and coated with icing sugar. Finger licking good. Finish: Sweet and spicy, with hints of aniseed and liquorice. 85 Longrow :: Campbeltown :: Argyll :: PA28 6EX :: kilkerran.com
Glengyle distillery Kilkerran Work In Progress 4 23
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oktober 2012
Whisky proevers event
Whisky Proevers Event Zaterdag 27 oktober te Papendrecht Wok Planet & The Bridge Parkweg 1-3, 3356 LM Papendrecht van 13.00 uur tot 17.00 uur Keuze uit ruim 80 verschillende Schotse Malt whisky’s bottelingen van onder andere: Murray McDavid - Chieftains - Hart Brothers - The Cooper Choice - Glenfarclas Benriach - Glendronach - Tullibardine - Bruichladdich - Port Charlotte - Octomore Port Askaig - Ardbeg - Signatory en nog veel meer bijzondere en befaamde whisky’s uit de Speyside, Highlands, Islands en Islay Met bijdrage van: Kremers Slijterij en Wijnhandel te Papendrecht Tijdens het Whisky Proevers Event optreden van: Lachlan Irish & Scottish Folk Music Duo :: lachlan.nl Deeside Scottish Natural Mineral Water Als je moet geloven wat dit water allemaal voor positiefs met je doet, zou je zo afreizen naar Schotland om een kratje of wat in te slaan. Deeside Water heet dit wonderwater. Maar, voordat je gaat gillen van enthousiasme dat je het ook wilt hebben: het is niet hier te koop. Blijkbaar mag het, om welke reden ook, het eiland niet af... 24
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oktober 2012
Whisky proevers Een Whisky proeverij bij u thuis ! Bij Whisky Nosing & Tasting gaat het er om, de kenmerken en smaken van een aantal verschillende whisky’s te leren onderscheiden en te ervaren. Het is vaak leerzaam en ook gezellig om met meerdere personen zo’n proeverij te houden.
Dit water ontspringt in de heuvels in het noordoosten van Schotland, volgens onderzoekers zou dit water je verjongen omdat het je lichaam beschermt tegen vrije radicalen en rimpels doet vervagen. Nu voor iedere bezoeker van het Whisky Proevers Event bij binnenkomst een Petfles van 50 cl. Finnley’s Creative Gifts De webwinkel met de leukste, lekkerste en lolligste artikelen uit Schotland en UK is ook aanwezig!
Wij zijn gericht op en gespecialiseerd in de Schotse Malt Whisky’s en kunnen hier in huiselijke kring leuke en leerzame presentaties bij houden. De duur van een Nosing & Tasting wordt dan ongeveer 2 tot 2 ½ uur.
Schrijvers als: Michael Jackson, Charles Mclean maar ook Robin Brillemans en Hans Offringa hebben allen mooie en interessante whiskyboeken op hun naam. Volop lectuur te zien en te koop tijdens het Whisky Proevers Event.
Wij gaan uit van tenminste 10 deelnemers bij een proeverij of workshop op locatie. Bent u met minder personen, met 2 tot 12 deelnemers bent u welkom in ons Proeflokaal te Ridderkerk.
Wokken na de Whisky Bij overleg van uw gebruikte entreekaart ontvangt u € 3,50 euro korting in het Wok restaurant.
Bezoek ook ons
Whisky Proevers Event te Papendrecht Op 27 oktober 2012 van 13.00 tot 17.00 uur Wok Planet & The Bridge, Parkweg 1-3 whiskyproevers.nl
De Whisky Proevers Whisky proeflokaal :: Merel 63 :: 2986 BC Ridderkerk T 0180 43 38 00 :: 06 1590 1537 ::
[email protected] whiskyproevers.nl 25
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oktober 2012
De Entree kaart van 27,50 euro Met de suggestie 8 whisky’s, 3 hapjes en 2 water. Elk hokje heeft gelijke waarde en wenst u meer whisky en minder culinair of water dan is dit geheel aan u. De BOB kaart van 7,50 euro Bij de BOB kaart staat er een kruis door de whisky’s. U bent vrij tussen het kiezen van culinair en water, frisdrank, koffie of thee. Kaarten reserveren bij
[email protected] maximaal aantal bezoekers is beperkt tot 120
b a s b a a n - BIJZONDERE EILAND MALTS The Six Isles - Island Blended Malt Scotch Whisky ‘A TRUE reflection OF THE ISLES’ (Ian Macleod Distillers - ianmacleod.com) “One of the most important new whiskies to have come onto the market for a very long time.This is Island whisky to the max!” - Jim Murray, Malt Advocate 2003. 6 full-bodied Single Malts in every bottle: One from each of the 6 whisky producing islands of Scotland; Islay, Jura, Skye, Mull, Orkney and Arran. From Islay in the west to Orkney in the north, every distinctive style and flavour has been brought together in this unique Island Blended Malt. From the peaty and smoky malt from Islay to the soft, heathery, honey and iodine notes of the Orcadian malt make The Six Isles a sensory voyage through the malt whiskies of the islands of Scotland. “Wow! Fresh, alluring, sensuously smoked with an underlying intense barley charisma... beautifully oily and lush; long, increasingly spicy: a glorious array of vanilla and barley” - Jim Murray, Whisky Bible 2004. Bottled in the traditional way, at natural colour and unchill-filtered. Distinctive embossed gift tin adds value and greater shelf presence.
bijzonder aanbod SIX ISLES BLENDED MALT 43% Samengesteld van zes verschillende island malts. Peaty whisky van Orkney, Skye, Mull, Jura, Islay en Arran Fles 0.7 l. in blik verpakt € 33,50 nu € 28,50 SIX ISLES PETRUS/GAIA 46% Zelfde eilanden, maar met Cask finish van Petrus en Gaia Fles 0.7 l. € 49,50 nu € 44,50 SIX ISLES RUM FINISH 46% Ook van de zes eilanden en nu met american oak cask finish van rum St. Etienne Fles 0.7 l. € 53,50 nu € 48,50
Six Isles Blended Malt
Jaargang 7
Six Isles Petrus/Gaia finish
Nummer 1
Six Isles Rum finish
oktober 2012
wijnhandel slijterij
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MCLEANSCOTLAND Tours of Scotland, whisky tours our speciality
Zowel op flessen whisky als bij verhalen over distilleerderijen of het productieproces van whisky staan soms woorden of termen vermeld waarvan niet altijd duidelijk is wat ze betekenen. Onderstaand een lijst met ver voorkomende “whiskywoorden”: Age The age on a label is the age of the youngest whisky in the bottle. Whisky is aged by storing in oak wood. By law, Scotch whisky must be aged at least three years. Angel’s Share This is the amount of whisky that evaporates from the casks while in storage (duty is paid on the amount of whisky stored when it is intially warehoused so the angel’s share has effectively already had the tax paid on it). It usually amounts to about 2 percent annually and is also referred to as ullage. (The angels are reputed to be very happy in Scotland.) Barley The grain germinated to produce malt, the raw material from which whisky is produced.
Sherry hogsheads
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oktober 2012
MCLEANSCOTLAND SCOTTISH WHISKY TOURS Every distillery in every region. Individual and group tours. One night – 100 nights!
Barrel A small cask that contains about 40 gallons or 180 litres. Blended Malt Mixture of 2 or more single malt whiskys. Blended Whisky A whisky made from a mixture of grain and malt whiskys. Better blends contain higher amounts of malt whisky. Blended whiskys are made to appeal to a wider range of tastes and are usually less expensive than single malts. Most blended whiskys contain anywhere between 15 to 40 single malts at levels of 15 to 60 percent volume. Blenders are the highest paid position in Scotland’s whisky industry. Blending The process of mixing together of whiskys. If they are all single malts the resulting product is a blended malt. If grain whiskys are added the resulting product is a blended whisky. Butt Largest sized cask generally in use at distilleries. Contains 108 gallons or 491 litres.
Whisky schools, educational tours, Tasting tours, whisky & golf tours. MCLEANSCOTLAND are one of the best whisky tour companies in Scotland – if not the best!
Jaargang 7
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oktober 2012
Stills at Glenmorangie distillery
Achterom 50 | 3311 KC Dordrecht t +31 (0)78 614 14 02 e
[email protected] i www.whiskyenwhiskey.nl | www.gall.nl
Bij besteding van elke minimaal € 30,-* gratis Cadenhead’s miniatuurtje * Zolang de voorraad strekt. Geldig in oktober en november 2012
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oktober 2012
Caramel Used to color most blended whiskys (grain whisky is clear) and sometimes also used in commercial single malts. Cask Strength New whisky is filled into casks at about 64 percent alcohol by volume. This also refers to whiskys that have been bottled straight of the casks without dilution. Given the evaporation known as the angel’s share, the resulting strength of cask strength bottlings drops as the whisky ages. Chill-filtration Filtration of the whisky at a low temperature to remove clouding which occurs when unfiltered whiskys get too cold. Chill filtering also removes other constituents that change the character of the whisky. Nearly all blended whiskys are chill filtered since they are generally served over ice. Cling The trails left on the inside surface of the glass when it is swirled around. This is caused by fusel oils it the malt and is usually used to determine the amount of maltinblendedwhiskys. You’ll sometimes see folks doing this with single malts, but they always produce excellent cling since fusel oils are quite high in most single malts. Also known as “legs”. Condenser A system of copper pipes used to cool the vapors from the still to produce distillate. Cooperage Workshop where casks are made and maintained by coopers. Culm The dried rootlets still attached to the malt grains after kilning. Cutting The practice of diluting cask strength whisky with water to reduce it to a lower strength for bottling. Most whiskys are diluted to 80 proof before bottling. Dark Grains Cattle food produced by combining the distillery by-products of draff and pot ale.
“Our angels share some more passions”
Whisky’s van
golden oldies tot
modern classics Nu bij besteding van elke minimaal € 25,-* gratis Cadenhead’s miniatuurtje * Exlusief verzendkosten. Zolang de voorraad strekt. Geldig in oktober en november 2012.
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oktober 2012
Draff Waste material left in the mash tun after draining off the extraction waters. Primarily malt husks. Feints Feints are the third fraction of the distillation process from the spirit still. These are returned to the spirit still for redistillation in the next batch fed to the spirit still. First Fill This refers to casks which are being filled with whisky for the first time, even though they may have been previously used for Bourbon or Sherry Foreshots This is the first fraction produced by the spirit still. The first distillate that comes off the spirit still is pure, raw alcohol, which slowly drops in proof as the pot still run continues. The stillman watches the proof as it drops and determines when to begin collecting the potable spirits, or “heart of the run”. The foreshots are returned to the spirit still for use in the next distillation run The foreshots are not collected because they contain all the extremely volatile components which are toxic and sometimes poisonous. (ask me about bootleggers...) Fusil Oil One of the heavier alcohols contained in the feints, some of which are kept along with the heart or middle cut to add character to the whisky. Grain Whisky Whisky made primarily from cereals, usually wheat. Distillation usually occurs in a patent or coffey still (continuous still used to produce the bulk of alcohol in the world today. (as an aside, malt whisky is made in a batch process.) Grist The fine powder which results from milling malted barley. Grist is passed into the Mash Tun to be mashed with hot water. Heads and Tails Foreshots and feints, respectively
Heart The heart is the second fraction of the distillation process from the spirit still and produce the final potable spirits that is then stored in casks and aged for varying lengths of time. Hogshead Most common size of casks used in distilleries (about 55 gallons or 250 litres). Kiln A huge, building-sized oven used to dry the malted barley after it’s sprouted to fix the sugar in the grain. Lees Also known as spent lees - this is the material left in the spirit still and is usually run to waste. Low Wines These are the product of the first distillation that is then run into the spirit still for further distillation. Low wines are usually about 25 percent alcohol by volume. Lyne Arm The vapor delivery pipe that connects the top of the still to the condenser. Malting Barley that has been allowed to germinate, and then dried in the kiln to fix the sugers in the barley. Malt Whisky Whisky distilled from a fermented solution derived entirely from malted barley. Mashing The process of soaking the grist in hot water to dissolve all the fermentable sugars from the malted barley. Mash-tun A large circular tank where the malted barley is mashed with hot water in order to dissolve the soluble sugars. Milling The process of grinding the malted barley into grist for mashing.
Highland Park malting floor
Bruichladdich open mash tun 31
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oktober 2012
Mothballed Distilleries that are temporarily closed - usually due to downturns in the industry or from overstock in the warehouses. New Spirit The middle cut from the spirit still before maturing. Nosing The method of sampling whisky by smelling only. Blenders determine how to combine whiskys by nosing only, since the nose is much more sensitive than the palate. Oak The wood used for whisky casks. Bourbon casks are made of American oak while sherry casks are made of european oak. Octave A small cask with a capacity of about 1⁄4 hogshead. Pagoda The characteristic style of roof found on distillery buildings used for venting smoke and moisture from the kiln. Peat Organic fuel created by plants left in a waterlogged condition for thousands of years. Used to impart the smoky flavor of many whiskys. Pot Ale The liquid left in the wash still after the first distillation. Also known as burnt ale. Usually mixed with draff to produce cattle food. Quarter A small cask with a capacity of about 1⁄2 hogshead. Single Malt The malt whisky produced by a single distillery. It can be of mixed ages. Sparging Pouring hot water on the grist in the mash tun Spirit Safe Locked glass case through which the raw spirit passes on its way to the spirit reStrathisla distillery - Pagoda’s 32
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“If you don’t belong you may never taste the delights of a full strength unfiltered dram. For the malt whisky lover a subscription to the Scotch Malt Whisky Society might be the ultimate gift.” Derek Cooper THE SCOTCH MALT WHISKY SOCIETY. BV VIJFHUIZENBERG 103 POSTBUS 1812 NL-4700 BV ROOSENDAAL Telephone: (31)-(0)165-529905 Fax: (31)-(0)165-540067 E-mail:
[email protected] www.smws.nl
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oktober 2012
ceiver. It contains equipment for measuring the specific gravity and is locked so no whisky can be taken from the process without taxation Spirit Still The low wines from the wash still are redistilled in the spirit still (the second still used in the process) which is similar in appearance to the wash still but generally smaller because the amount of liquid to be handled at this stage is less than that fed to the wash still. Three different fractions are produced and handled differently from the spirit still - the foreshots, the potable spirit and the feints. The foreshots and feints are returned to the spirit still and redistilled with the next charge from the wash still. The residue in the spirit still is referred to as the lees and is run to waste (usually for cattle feed). The potable spirit is collected from about 80 percent to 55 percent to produce a whisky for maturing of about 68 percent. Wash The wort technically becomes wash when yeast is added to it to start fermentation. Generally though, was refers to the liquid that is drawn off at the end of fermentation. The wash is then added to the wash still for the first distillation. The wash contains yeast, crude alcohol, unfermentable matter and the by-products of fermentation. The wash is generally about 6 - 7 percent alcohol. Wash Still The still that receives the wash from the fermenting process for the first distillation. The spirit is boiled off, run through water-cooled condensers and the liquid from the stills is collected is referred to as the Low Wines which is collected for redistilling in the spirit still. Low wines come off the still at about 25 percent alcohol. The wash stills are critical for determining the flavor and character of the whisky. The liquid left in the wash still at the end of the process is known as pot ale – which is also run to waste. Whisky vs Whiskey Whisky is the traditional spelling of distilled spirit produced in Scotland while whiskey has traditionally referred to Irish spirit and most other distilled spirits across the world.
Worm The worm is contained in a surrounding bath of cold running water to form the condensers used traditionally. The worm is actually a copper coil of decreasing diameter that is attached to the arm leading from the head of the pot still. The vapors from the pot still condense to form the distillate collected from both the wash and spirit stills. Worm condensers have been replaced at most distilleries by modern tubular condensers (Edradour still uses a worm condenser cooled by river water – this distillery must close whenever river flows decrease and the river temperatures increase.) Wort The liquid drawn off the mash-tun where the malted barley has been mashed in warm water. This liquid contains the sugars from the cereal and a range of secondary components. It is cooled and then passed to the fermentation vessels.
Peat cutting on Islay Big Peat 34
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oktober 2012
whisky quotes No married man is genuinely happy if he has to drink worse whisky than he used to drink when he was single. H. L. Mencken My own experience has been that the tools I need for my trade are paper, tobacco, food, and a little whisky. William Faulkner You know these love letters mix with whisky, just don’t light a match when you kiss me. Jon Bon Jovi Between his eyes, there were four lines, the marks of such misery as children should never feel. He spoke with that wonderful whisky voice that so many Spanish children have, and he was a tough and entire little boy. Martha Gellhorn A glass of whisky in Scotland in the thirties cost less than a cup of tea. Catherine Helen Spence I just did an interview where I was asked whether I drink beer or whisky, and I was sad to reveal that I’m pounding spring water. Brad Delson I like my whisky old and my women young. Errol Flynn Big Peat Christmas release 2012 A special Christmas edition of Big Peat Islay blended malt whisky. Big Peat is made by vatting whisky from only Islay distilleries. This special edition has been bottled at Cask Strength and has had its label and presentation tube festively redesigned. 70cl / 53.6% 35
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oktober 2012
We’d boil this whisky because we thought that would make it stronger. So we thought we were getting drunk, but in fact there’d be no alcohol left in it. Neneh Cherry
the tartan that tells the whisky story warehouses
gist barrels
Established in 1970
angel’s share gebottelde whisky
(wit=fles, geel=whisky)
2-in-1 rok
Scottish Regalia Ltd.
vruchtbare grond
Kilt pin
Pagode t-shirt
www.whiskytartan.com 36
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Burnett’s & Struth Scottish Regalia Ltd. Official Supplier of the Whisky Tartan & Whiskey & Bourbon Tartan in North America
oktober 2012
meer op www.schotlanddigizine.nl
(speciaal)slijterijen Appeldoorn Velp appeldoorn.nl Bas Baan Zwijndrecht wijndrecht.nl Bottelier Landelijk bottelier.nl Bottelier Götz Assen botteliergotz.nl Cadenhead’s Amsterdam cadenhead.nl De Bodega Van Wijk Capelle a/d IJssel debodega-vanwijk.nl De koning ‘s Hertogenbosch whiskykoning.nl Dirck III Landelijk dirckiii.nl Drankenshop Broekmans Heusden-Zolder (B) drankenshop.be Frans van den Hoogen Dordrcht winestore.nl Gall & Gall Landelijk gall.nl Hans Reijnders Sluis whiskeyhouse.nl ‘t Hekeltje Alkmaar hekeltje.nl Herfkens Slijterijen Landelijk herfkens-slijterijen.nl Het Plein Veenendaal slijterij-hetplein.nl Jurgen’s Whiskyhuis Zottegem (B) whiskyhuis.be Kraakman’s Wijnhandel Alkmaar kraakman.nl Liquid Gold Haarlem liquidgold.nl Mitra Landelijk mitra.nl Single Malt Whisky Shop Geel-Zammel (B) fisser.be/prikentik/whiskyshop.php The Old Pipe Sint-Oedenrode theoldpipe.com Van Wees Whisky Shop Amersfoort whiskyworld.nl Van Zuylen Loosduinen whiskyvanzuylen.nl Verhaar Bilthoven whiskyshop.nl Versailles Nijmegen versaillesdranken.nl Vidra Wervershoofd slijterij-vidra.nl Whisky & Whiskey Dordrecht whiskyenwhiskey.nl Whisky Place Berkel en Rodenrijs whiskyplace.nl Whisky Store Muizen (B) whiskystore.be 37
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Nummer 1
oktober 2012
Whiskycorner Houthalen (B) whiskycorner.be WhiskyKopen.nl Leek whiskykopen.nl Whiskysite Leiden whiskysite.nl Wijn & Whisky Schuur Scharnegoutum wijnwhiskyschuur.nl
bars Café De Toeter Groningen cafedetoeter.nl MasterClass BarStudio ‘t Loo Oldebroek masterclassbar.nl North End Leiden north-end.nl The Quiach Bar Schotland craigellachie.com/quaich-bar.asp Whisky Bar Scotch Corner Stavoren http://dekoebrug.nl/nl/ whiskybar/scotch/corner Whiskycafé L&B Amsterdam whiskycafe.nl
magazines De Kiln Whisky Passion Whisky etc.
levenswater.nl whiskypassion.nl whiskyetc.nl
verenigingen Angels Whisky Club, Schotland International Whisky Society King’s Court Whisky Society Scotch Malt Whisky Society Scotch Single Malt Whisky Society Usquebaugh Society
angelswhiskyclub.com whiskysociety.nl kcws.nl smws.nl ssmwsociety.nl levenswater.nl
importeurs Bresser & Timmer Whisky Import Nederland
bressertimmer.nl whisky-import.nl
Aberlour aberlour.co.uk Abhainn Dearg Distillery abhainndearg.co.uk Arran arranwhisky.com Ardbeg ardbeg.com Auchentoshan auchentoshan.co.uk Balblair balblair.com Benromach benromach.com Ben Nevis bennevisdistillery.com Bladnoch bladnoch.co.uk Blair Athol discovering-distilleries.com Bowmore bowmore.co.uk Bruichladdich bruichladdich.com Edradour edradour.co.uk Glenfarclas glenfarclas.co.uk Glengoyne glengoyne.com Glenmorangie glenmorangie.com Glenrothes theglenrothes.com Glenrothes glenrotheswhisky.com Glen Garioch glengarioch.co.uk Glen Moray glenmoray.com Highland Park highlandpark.co.uk Jura isleofjura.com Kampen Destillateurs Bruinisse (NL) kampendestillateurs.nl Laphroaig laphroaig.com The Balvenie thebalvenie.com The Glenlivet theglenlivet.com The Glenrothes glenrotheswhisky.com The Glenturret glenturret.com The Macallan themacallan.com
Bas Baan, Zwijndrecht De Whisky Proevers, Ridderkerk De Bodega Van Wijk, Capelle a/d IJssel Whisky & Whiskey, Dordrecht
Jaargang 7
Nummer 1
oktober 2012
wijndrecht.nl whiskyproevers.nl debodega-vanwijk.nl whiskyenwhiskey.nl
Whisky festivals De Bodega Van Wijk debodega-vanwijk.nl Hielander Whisky Festival grotekerk-alkmaar.nl International Whisky Festival whiskyfestival.nl Maltstock maltstock.com Potstill Festival potstillfestival.com Whisky by the Sea whiskybythesea.com Whisky & Rum aan Zee whiskyenrumaanzee.nl Whisky Festival Noord Nederland wfnn.nl Whisky Festival Zuid Nederland wfzn.nl Whisky Fair Twente whiskyfairtwente.nl Whisky in Leiden whiskyinleiden.nl
Whisky webwinkels WhiskyShoppen.nl WhiskyShoppen.nl
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