Rémusz Szikszai Actor, director Personal Information Date of Birth: 27th February 1969 Address: Hungary, Budapest, 1056 Szerb u. 8. 1/4 Phone: +36- 70 -576-0774 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.szinhaz.hu/szikszairemusz Rémusz Szikszai, actor and director founder of the Vádli Occasional Theatre Company
He was born in 1969 in Romania. Education and training: 1990-1994 - „Szentgyörgyi István” University of Theatre, Film and Television – Theatre Departement – Tárgu-Mures (Marosvásárhely), Romania . He has been awarded with the UNITER prise „Best acting co-work”for the play „Tom Paine”. In 1994 he started to work as actor in the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj in Romania. In 1997 he has been called to Hungary and became one of the founding members of Bárka Theatre Budapest. In 2005 he has been awarded with the "Best acting co-work" at the International Festival in Calisia, Poland for the role he played in The Party by Mrozek (Bárka Theatre). His first theatre directing was Caligula's Governor by Jànos Székely in 2011 and since then his list of credits as theatre director includes 10 performances. Plays he directed: János Székely: Caligula’s Governor, VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2011. Bulgakov: Molière (Intrigue of hypocrites), VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2012. Béla Pintér –Benedek Darvas: Peasantopera, Temesvári Csiky Gergely Theatre, 2013. Shaffer: Amadeus, Belvárosi Theatre, 2014. Paul Foster: I. Erzsébet, VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2013. Ernő Szép: May and The Directror (two one act plays) – Dunaújvárosi Bartók Theatre, 2014 Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead, VÁDLI Theatre Company 2014. Moliere: Tartuffe – Tatabányai Jászai Mari Theatre– 2015 Ernő Szép: The Smell of Humans, VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2015. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Debreceni Csokonai Theatre, 2016. Martin Mcdonagh: Pillowman, Radnóti Theatre, 2016 Csaba Székely: Dog-Bite, VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2016 György Spiró : Imposztor, – Tatabányai Jászai Mari Theatre, 2016. Attila Bartis: Direction, Víg Theatre, 2017. Ernő Szép: Bridegroom – National Theatre Kecskemét 2017
Work Experience 2011- founder of the VADLI OccasionalTheater Company 2005 - Free-lance 1997-2005 - member of the Barka Theater – Budapest 1997- founder of the Barka Theater – Budapest 1994-1997 - member of the Hungarian State Theatre Cluj Napoca Education and training 1990-1994 - „Szentgyörgyi István” University of Theatre, Film and Television – Theatre Departement – Marosvásárhely, Romania 1983 - 1987 - Liceul Industrial Nr.1 Carei, Highschool, section Mathematics – Physics Important Directors: Jiri Menzel, Vlad Mugur, Catalina Buzoianu, Tim Caroll, Victor Ioan Frunzá, Tompa Gábor Director: Székely János: Caligula helytartója, 2011 - nominated to theatre critic award Bulgakov: The Cabal of Bigotts, 2012 Pintér Béla – Darvas Benedek: Parasztopera, 2013 – festival of Kisvárda Paul Foster: Elisabeth the I., 2013 – nominated to theatre awards, Szép Ernő: Május, 2014 Stoppard: Rosancrantz and Guildernstein are dead, 2014 Shaffer: Amadeus, 2014 Actor: Ganeymed goes europe - wenn es soweit ist P. Blake: Roman Vacation – Erwing Radovich R. Crane: Brothers Karamazov– Dimitrij T. Middleton – W. Rowley: Metamorphoses - De Flores Steinbeck: East of Eden – Will Hamilton Michael Frayn: Noises off - Roger Lillicap (Gerry) Kurt Weill - Bertolt Brecht: The Beggar's Opera - Tigris Brown Mrozek: The Party - B lad Goldoni – Mohácsi: The Coffee Shop– Don Eugenio Moliére: Tartuffe – Tartuffe W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Julia – Pater Lorenzo W. Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream – Lysander A.P. Csehov: Three sisters – Andrej Urs Widmer: Top Dogs – Bihler Gombrowicz: Operett - Professor John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi –Antonio
H. Pinter: Homecoming – Joey L. Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of An Author – The Boy W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Julia – Tybalt M. Maeterlinck: Pelléas és Mélisande - Little Yniold Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The blind – Palamedes P. Oswald: Fair Ladies at a Game of Poem Cards - Yoshitsugu Csehov: Ivanov – Dr.Lvov Foster: Tom Paine – Town Crier Stoppard: Rosencrantz és Guildenstern – Alfréd Goldoni: The Two Venetian Twins – Segnior Pancratio Hungarian Plays: Déry Tibor: Szerelem – Főkapitány Heltai Jenő: Naftalin - Dr. Szakolczay Bálint Závada Pál: Jadviga’s pillow - Miki, Captain Gyurkovics, Kurilla Tasnádi István: Finito - Pál, celebrity Fráter Zoltán: Hát hogy szeret maga engem - Krúdy Parti Nagy Lajos: A pecsenyehattyú és más mesék Tenkes kapitánya - báró Eberstein Eckbert ezredes Forgách András: A kulcs (kortárs komédia) – Öcs Sárosi István: Gyilkos etüdök – Halál Á-dúrban, két szólamra, hat hangszerre Rejtő Jenő: Csontbrigád - Sirone kapitány Rudyard Kipling - Csergoffy Judit - Deák Tamás: Dzsungel – Ká Kárpáti Péter: Díszelőadás – Becsirovics Tasnádi István: Titanic vízirevü – Vasile Szép Ernő: Lila ákác – Lali Kárpáti Péter: Világvevő – Misi Kárpáti Péter: Tótferi – Tótferi Egressy Zoltán: Kék, kék, kék - Indigo Spiró György: Fogadó a Nagy Kátyúhoz -Szellemfi Film rolles and TV-series: De ce Eu? (Why me?) director: Tudor Giurgiu, 2015 Dumapárbaj (Stand up express combat) director: Béla Paczolay, 2015 The ambassador to Bern, director: Attila Szász, 2014 Nejem, nőm, csajom, (My wife, my woman, my girl) director: Péter Szajki, 2013 Best interntions, director: Adrian Sitaru, 2011 9 and ½ dates, director: Tamás Sas, 2008 Budapest, womancity, director: Maria Vizy, 2007 7 months later, Rogozsin, director: Daniel Béres, 2005 Light’s path, director: Attila Mispál, 2005
Jóban Rosszban – Várnagy Előd, television series Kiss Ottó: Csillagszedő Márió, 2009, tvfilm Kikötő – cultural moderator, Duna Televízió VÁDLI Theatre Company (THE CALVES Theatre Company)
The VÁDLI Theatre Company was founded in 2011. That was the year when Rémusz Szikszai theatre director invited a few of outstanding Hungarian actors for creating a theatre project in the program of the festival Zsámbék Theatre Base, and with the same gesture founded a temporary theatre group which doesn't operate as a permanent company but whose members have been working together since years. The director and actor Rémusz Szikszai created in this year the performance Caligula’s Governor. The production had big succes, it was nominated for the best independent theatre production’s award. It was included into the Contemporary Drama Festival’s program. Caligula's Governor won the admission of the Hungarian theatre scene: the Hungarian Theatre Critics' Association nominated the show for the Prize of the Best Independent Theatre Show of the Year, and it has been selected to the program of the Contemporary Drama Festival in Budapest. As a company VÁDLI found its real home at Szkéné Theatre, where the troupe kept on working on further material: they opened The Cabal of Hypocrites by Bulgakov in 2012, Elisabeth I. by Paul Foster in 2013 — which has been invited to the official program of the National Theatre Festival POSZT and won the prize of the Best Actor in a Leading Role and also the Best Actor in a Supporting Role — and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead by Tom Stoppard in 2014.
“Rémusz Szikszai cast the queen roles to men hardly for the sake of loyalty to the period, he was rather interested in the genuine theatrical-histrionic opportunity and risk. Because what happens if Tamás Fodor plays Elizabeth? Well, that after the initial, and invincible, chuckle it becomes all natural.” – Judit Csáki on hvg.hu
Photos by Mészáros Csaba “The Elizabeth I is an exceptionally well selected and a cleverly used play: Szikszai exploited the possibilities given by the dramatic text and instructions with big precision. He addressed almost from scene to scene their final boundaries and balanced on them while formulating his doubts about the world and its paradoxes. “What is successful is always just” – declares Elizabeth, the mighty queen of England. And she must be certainly right, for several reasons straight. To start with the end, Paul Foster’s Elizabeth I produced by the Vádli Occasional Theatre Company has achieved a poignant success. Rémusz Szikszai’s direction was greeted with a bursting standing ovation from the audience, and this alone could be enough to label the performance as significant, justified, what’s more, current.” – Zsuzsanna Komjáthy on szinhaz.net
“Speaking of Rémusz Szikszai and the Vádli Occasional Theatre Company, it must be emphasized though that the director profile of Szikszai, who coordinates a virtual, since production-based but more or less permanent team, gets more and more pronounced: after three important shows it is most certainly established in what and why the director is interested in, who fortunately didn’t give up his actor career, either.” – Tamás Jászay on revizoronline.hu Bulgakov: Molière (Intrigue of hypocrites), VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2012
János Székely: Caligula’s Governor, VÁDLI Theatre Company, 2011
Moliere: Tartuffe – Tatabányai Jászai Mari Theatre– 2015