Public Offering I. The FHB Land- Credit- and Mortgage Bank Ltd., as Issuer publicly offers to launch the below specified Issue Program of 2002/II starting in October 2002. The number, contents and date of the decision on the Issue: based on the No. 30/2002. (2002.07.11.) resolution of the Board of Directors of FHB Ltd. and the No. 60/2002. (2002.07.04.) resolution of the Assets/Liabilities Committee FHB Ltd. launch the second Issue Program of maximum total nominal value 58 billion Forints in 2002, which contains five series to be publicly issued. All of these series are fixed interest rate, three of them have 5-6, two of them have 9,5-10,5 year maturity. Pursuant to the relevant legal regulations FHB Ltd. will use the proceeds from the Issue to finance its mortgage lending operations. The mortgage bonds are to be issued in form of auction/subscription procedure. In the FHB Ltd’s second 2002/II. Issue Program the following Investment Banks and Brokerage Houses as Managers and points of sale (consortion members) will take part: Aegon Hungary Securities Ltd., the CAIB Ltd., the CIB Securities Ltd., the ConCorde Securities Ltd., the Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank Ltd., a Raiffeisen Securities and Investment Ltd. and the Bank of Hungarian Savings Cooperative Ltd. Pursuant the Article 40 of the No CXII Act of 2001 on The Capital Market Act (Tpt), in the case of the stand alone series to be issued under the auspices of the Issue Program the Lead Manager of the series will be one of those Investment Banks and Brokerage Houses mentioned above and it shall bear joint and several liability – as regard the given series – together with the Issuer. Pursuant to Article 31 (3) of the Tpt. the information of the liability shall be published by the Issuer The number and date of the licence granted by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (HFSA) to the Prospectus of the Issue Program starting in 2002 and the disclosure of the public issue: III./10.305/2002. 3. September 2002. Public Offering II. The FHB Land- Credit- and Mortgage Bank Ltd., as Issuer publicly offers to issue the first series part of FHB Covered Mortgage Bond FJ08NF02 with minimum HUF 100,000,000 that is one hundred million Forints nominal value, maximum HUF 10,000,000,000, that is ten billion Forints nominal value, minimum 10,000 pcs, that is ten thousand pieces, maximum 1,000,000 pcs, that is one million pieces, HUF 10,000, that is ten thousand Forints nominal value registered, dematerialised covered mortgage bonds with a maturity date of 16. March 2008, fixed interest rate, annual interest payment, to be issued under the auspices of the second Issue Program starting in the year of 2002. The mode of the issue is auction procedure. The number and date of the licence granted by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (HFSA) to the Prospectus of the second Issue Program starting in 2002 and the disclosure of the public issue: III./10.305/2002. 3.September 2002.. The base of the issue: the No. 30/2002. (11. July) resolution of the Board of Directors of FHB Ltd. and the No. 60/2002, (4. July) and 86/2002 (27. September) resolution of the Assets/Liabilities Committee. Pursuant to the relevant legal regulations the FHB Ltd. will use the proceeds from the Issue to finance its mortgage lending operations. The mortgage bonds shall be issued in form of auction procedure.
Lead Manager:
Aegon Hungary Securities Ltd.,
CAIB Securities Ltd., CIB Securities Ltd., ConCorde Securities Ltd., Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank Ltd., Raiffeisen Securities and Investment Ltd., Bank of Hungarian Savings Cooperative Ltd.
The planned maximum total nominal value of the Series:
Maximum HUF 10,000,000,000 that is ten billion forints
Total nominal value of the Covered Mortgage Bond offered:
Minimum HUF 100,000,000, that is one hundred million forints, maximum HUF 10,000,000,000, that is ten billion forints
Amount to be purchased:
HUF 10,000 nominal value or its multiples
Time of the Auction
On 14 October 2002 between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.
Date of the Issue of this (No. 01) part of the Series:
14 October 2002
First day of the maturity and interest earning of the Covered Mortgage Bond:
16 October 2002
Maturity date of the Covered Mortgage Bond:
16 March 2008
The interest rate:
The fixed interest rate of the Covered Mortgage Bond will be published on October 11, 2002.
Accrued interest:
The accrued interest is 0 % on October 16,2002 that is HUF 0 for each HUF 10.000 Covered Mortgage Bond
Limit price for the Auction
No limit price is established by FHB Ltd.
Interval increment:
In the case of the covered mortgage bonds the interval of price increment is 1 basis point, that is 0.01% in yield
Financial coverage for the performance of the liability::
Possible subscribers of the Covered Mortgage Bond:
Dates of interest payment:
Principal repayment: Upper limit of the Issue:
The Covered Mortgage Bond is a commitment undertaken by FHB Ltd. backed by regular and substitute coverage. The coverage originates from the principal repayments and interest payments received from the mortgage loans. The ultimate coverage is the mortgage registered with FHB Ltd. as mortgagee. The Covered Mortgage Bonds may be purchased by any resident or nonresident natural person and legal entity as well as any such organisation without legal entity. Holding of a securities account is a pre-requisite for subscription. 16. March 2003. 16. March 2004. 16. March 2005. 16. March 2006. 16. March 2007. 16. March 2008. In the secondary market on the dates of the interest rate payment the accrued interest of the Covered Mortgage Bond is 0 %. In one lump sum, upon maturity. The Issuer shall not accept bids for purchase of the Covered Mortgage Bonds in excess of the total of 1,000,000 (one million) Covered Mortgage Bonds offered by the Issuer through the Auction.
Auction counter bidders shall allocate the Covered Mortgage Bonds allocated to them based on the principle of card dealing.
The form of the Covered Mortgage Bond:
Dematerialised Covered Mortgage Bond
Secondary market of the Covered Mortgage Bonds, introduction to the Exchange:
The Part Series of the Covered Mortgage Bonds issued based on this prospectus shall be introduced to the Budapest Stock Exchange on the second day following the closure of the Auction (on 16 October 2002).
Further issues:
The Issuer shall be entitled to issue additional part series from time to time, without consent by the already existing Covered Mortgage Bond holders, the conditions of which shall be identical with those of this Issue, with the exception of the date of the Issue. The Covered Mortgage Bonds issued in this form as part series shall constitute bonds belonging to the same series of bonds with those issued earlier
Notices, place of disclosure of information
All notices to Investors with respect to the Covered Mortgage Bonds issued through a public issue shall be considered as properly made according to Article 37 (5) of the Capital Market Act if they have been disclosed in Hungary in an official journal (in the daily paper disclosing all notices of the Issuer (at present: the daily Magyar Hírlap) or in one printed daily paper publishing official information originating from the participants of the capital market, issued by the Supervision or recognised by the Supervision as such (at present Magyar Tõkepiac). The Issuer shall ensure that the notices are disclosed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Budapest Stock Exchange in the case of Covered Mortgage Bonds that have or are to be published in e- home page of the exchange.
Points of sale
Aegon Hungary Securities Ltd. 1091 Budapest, Üllõi út 1. Tel.:476-2030, fax: 476-2040 Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9.00-14.00 Tuesday: 9.00-15.30 Friday: 9.00-12.00 Aegon Hungary Securities Ltd. Ügyfélszolgálati Iroda 1025 Budapest, Bécsi út 3-5. Tel.:438-4437, fax: 438-4438 Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9.00-14.00 Tuesday: 9.00-15.30 Friday: 9.00-12.00
CA IB Securities Ltd. 1054 Budapest, Nagysándor J. u. 10 Tel.: 374-7921 Fax : 311-3258 Opening hoursi idõ: H-P : 8:30-16:00
ConCorde Securities Ltd.
1051 Budapest, Vörösmarty tér 1. 10. floor Tel.: 484-2222 fax: 484-2244 Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 9.00-17.00 ConCorde Securities Ltd. Internet home page:
[email protected]
CIB Securities Ltd. 1027 Budapest, Medve u. 4-14. Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.30-15.00 Wednesday: 8.30-18.00 Friday: 8.30-13.30 and the following branches of CIB Central European International Bank Ltd. : 1. 1027 Budapest, Medve u. 4-14., Tel.: 212-1330, fax: 212-4200 2. 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 70., Tel.: 302-7701, fax: 374-8680 3. 1052 Budapest, Petõfi Sándor u. 9., Tel.: 266-5318, fax: 485-5096 4. 1014 Budapest, Hess A. tér 1-3., Tel.: 489-5900, fax: 489-5909 5. 1043 Budapest, Munkásotthon u. 22., Tel.: 231-6050, fax: 379-0670 Opening hours of 1-5 branches: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.30-15.00, Wednesday: 8.30-18.00, Friday: 8.30-13.30. 6. 1144 Budapest, Kerepesi út 146., Tel.: 470-4060, fax: 470-4069 7. 1033 Budapest, Flórián tér 6-9., Tel.: 453-5000, fax: 453-5009 8. 1075 Budapest, Károly krt. 3/b., Tel.: 479-7050, fax: 479-7059 9. 1085 Budapest, József krt. 59-61., Tel.:485-5080, fax: 485-5089 10. 1055 Budapest, Szent István krt. 15., Tel.: 474-9040, fax: 474-9049 11. 2045 Törökbálint, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 75., Tel.: (23) 511-100, fax: (23) 511-109 12. 1122 Budapest, Kékgolyó u. 1., Tel.: 489-4280, fax: 489-4289 13. 1013 Budapest, Krisztina tér 10., Tel.: 487-7850, fax: 487-7859 Opening hoursi of 6-13 branches: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.30-12.30 és 13.00-15.00, Wednesday: 8.30-12.30 és 13.00-18.00, Friday: 8.30-13.30. 14. 1026 Budapest, Gábor Áron u. 74-78., Rózsakert Üzletház, Tel.: 392-0640, fax: 392-0649 Opening hours of 14. branch: Monday, Tuesday: 9.30-15.00, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.3012.30 és 13.00-18.00. 15. 6720 Szeged, Kiss Menyhért u. 1., Tel.: (62) 425-425, fax: (62) 425-495 16. 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 2., Tel.: (66) 454-293 és (66) 452-085, fax: (66) 454-293 17. 7621 Pécs, Ferencesek utcája 33., Tel.: (72) 213-700, fax: (72) 213-563 18. 4400 Nyíregyháza, Szarvas u. 7., Tel.: (42) 422-000, fax: (42) 311-741 19. 4025 Debrecen, Simonffy u. 2/a, Tel.: (52) 442-201, fax: (52) 500-529 20. 3525 Miskolc, Déryné u. 11., Tel.: (46) 412-399, fax: (46) 412-443 és (46) 412-516 21. 6722 Szeged, Mérey u. 6/c., Tel.: (62) 554-910, fax: (62) 554-919 22. 9022 Gyõr, Czuczor Gergely u. 26., Tel.: (96) 310-074, fax: (96) 316-996 23. Gyõr, Aradi vértanúk u. 10., Tel.: (96) 511-500, fax: (96) 316-996 24. Székesfehérvár, Távirda u. 2/B, Tel.: (22) 513-500, fax: (22) 513-518 Opening hoursi of 15-24. branches: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.30-15.00, Wednesday: 8.3017.00, Friday: 8.30-13.30. 25. 6800 Hódmezõvásárhely, Deák Ferenc u. 15., Tel.: (62) 246-911, fax: (62) 245-160 26. 6000 Kecskemét, Széchenyi tér 14., Tel.: (76) 415-960, fax: (76) 416-609 27. 7400 Kaposvár, Kossuth Lajos u. 2., Tel.: (82) 529-090, fax: (82) 529-099 28. 2100 Gödöllõ, Szabadság tér 16-17., Tel.: (28) 520-520, fax: (28) 520-529 29. 7100 Szekszárd, Garay tér 1., Tel.: (74) 529-340, fax: (74) 529-349 30. 7570 Barcs, Erkel Ferenc u. 1., Pólus Ring Bevásárlóközpont, Tel.: (82) 565-940, fax: (82) 565-949 31. 8800 Nagykanizsa, Király u. 53., Tel.: (93) 537-280, fax: (93) 537-289
32. 3300 Eger, Érsek u. 1., Tel.: (36) 510-569, fax: (36) 510-569 33. 3100 Salgótarján, Rákóczi út 1-9., Tel.: (32) 520-150, fax: (32) 520-159 34. 3200 Gyöngyös, Szent Bertalan u. 1., Tel.: (37) 505-010, fax: (37) 505-019 35. 5000 Szolnok, Szapáry u. 22., Tel.: (56) 511-290, fax: (56) 511-299 36. 5900 Orosháza, Széchenyi tér 1, Tel.: (68) 510-240, fax: (68) 510-249 37. 2600 Vác, Széchenyi u. 4-6., Tel.: (27) 511-200, fax: (27) 511-209 38. 6500 Baja, Déri Frigyes sétány 1-3., Tel.: (79) 523-130, fax: (79) 523-139 39. 2500 Esztergom, Széchenyi tér 24., Tel.: (33) 510-010, fax: (33) 510-019 40. 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 73., Tel.: (99) 505-720, fax: (99) 505-739 41. 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Kossuth Lajos utca 8-10., Tel.: (92) 328-145, fax: (92) 328-166 42. 2400 Dunaújváros, Dózsa György út 2., Tel.: (25) 402-522, fax: (25) 402-523 43. 9700 Szombathely, Fõ tér 33., Tel.: (94) 340-531, fax: (94) 340-533 45. 8200 Veszprém, Szeglethy u. 1., Tel.: (88) 413-400, fax: (88) 590-367 45. Mátészalka, 4700 Kazinczy u. 2., Tel.: (44) 500-730, fax: (44) 500-749 Opening hoursi of 25-45. branches: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.30-12.30 és 13.00-15.00, Wednesday: 8.30-12.30 és 13.00-17.00, Friday: 8.30-13.30.
Hunagrian Foreign Trade Bank Ltd. 1056 Budapest, Váci u. 38. Tel.: 268-7871 fax: 268-7801 Opening hours: Monday-Thursday: 8.00-16.00 Friday: 8.00-15.00 Raiffeisen Securities and Investment Ltd. 1054 Budapest, Akadémia u. 6. Tel.: 484-4888 fax: 484-4800 and the following branches of Raiffeisen Bank Ltd. : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia utca 18. (Plaza) Tel.: 52/503-350 fax: 52/503-355 9022 Gyõr, Arany János u. 28-32. Tel.: 96/514-860 fax: 96/514-899 6000 Kecskemét, Vágó utca 2-4. Tel.: 76/414-022 fax: 76/412-751 3527 Miskolc, Bajcsy Zsilinszky utca 2-4. (Szinva park) Tel.: 46/501-560 fax: 46/501-566 7621 Pécs, Irgalmasok útja 20. Tel.: 72/215-882 fax: 72/215-883 6722 Szeged, Kossuth Lajos sugárút 9-13. Tel.: 62/549-700 fax: 62/459-701 8000 Székesfehérvár, Palotai út 1. (Albaplaza) Tel.: 22/511-950 fax: 22/511-955 9700 Szombathely, Fõ tér 36. Tel.: 94/506-790 fax: 94/506-690
Bank of Hungarian Savings Cooperative Ltd. 1122 Budapest, Pethényi köz 10. Tel.:202-3777, fax:356-2649 and the following saving banks: 1. Fókusz Takarékszövetkezet 6000 Kecskemét, Szabadság tér 3/a. Tel.: 76/486-711 fax: 76/486-711 2. 6120 Kiskunmajsa, Fõ út 57. Tel.: 77/481-789 fax:77/481-789 3. 6449 Mélykút, Petõfi tér 3. Tel.: 77/460-080 fax:77/460-080 4. Halászi Takarékszövetkezet 9023 Gyõr, Liszt F. u. 34. Tel. 96/315-930 fax:96/315-930 5. 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Magyar u. 17-21. Tel.: 96/578-350 fax:96/578-351 6. Háromkõ Takarékszövetkezet 3100 Salgótarján, Erzsébet tér 5. Tel.: 32/817-399 fax:32/317288 7. Ják és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet 9700 Szombathely, Petõfi S. u. 18. Tel.: 94/323-603 fax:94-326-720
8. Partiscum XI Takarékszövetkezet 6720 Szeged, Horváth M.u.1/b. telefon: 62/426-802 fax:62/426-402 9. Mohács és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet 7700 Mohács, Radnóti ltp. 3. Tel.: 72/513-289 fax:72/226-583 10. 7621 Pécs, Citrom u. 5. Tel.: 69/322-609 fax:69/311-620 11. Orgovány és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet 6000 Kecskemét, Trombita u. 6. Tel.: 42-311-322 fax:42-311-322 12. Polgár és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet 4026 Debrecen, Péterfia u. 4. Tel.: 52/500-610 fax:52/415-205 13. 3580 Tiszaújváros, Szt. István u. 25/b. Tel.: 49/341-988 fax:49/341-988 14. Szigetvár és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet 7634 Pécs, Páfrány u. 2/a. Tel.: 72/552-282 fax:72/552-282 15. 7900 Szigetvár, József A. u. 19. Tel.: 73/514-096 fax:73/514-096 16. 7300 Komló, Kossuth u. 40. Tel.: 72/582-260 fax:72/582-260 17. Tata és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet 2890 Tata, Ady E. u. 17. Tel.: 34/586-355 fax:34/586-355 18. 2890 Tata, Keszthelyi út 8/d. Tel.: 34/381-498 fax:34/381-498 19. Völgységi Takarékszövetkezet 7100 Szekszárd, Széchenyi út 62. Tel.: 74/529-403 fax:72/550947