1 Poros HPO dalam regulasi sistem reproduksi wanita Andon Hestiantoro Divisi Imunoendokrinologi Reproduksi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas...
Poros HPO dalam regulasi sistem reproduksi wanita Andon Hestiantoro Divisi Imunoendokrinologi Reproduksi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia RS. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta
Endocrine vs. Nervous System • Major communication systems in the body • Both are crucial to coordinated functions of highly differentiated cells, tissues and organs • Unlike the nervous system, the endocrine system is anatomically discontinuous.
Nervous system The nervous system exerts pointto-point control through nerves, similar to sending messages by conventional telephone. Nervous control is electrical in nature and fast.
Hormones travel via the bloodstream to target cells The endocrine system broadcasts its hormonal messages to essentially all cells by secretion into blood and extracellular fluid. Like a radio broadcast, it requires a receiver to get the message - in the case of endocrine messages, cells must bear a receptor for the hormone being broadcast in order to respond.
LH pulse mean frequency Early follicular phase : 90 minutes Late follicular phase : 60-70 minutes Early luteal phase : 100 minutes Late luteal phase : 200 minutes
Feedback Control of Hormone Production Feedback loops are used extensively to regulate secretion of hormones in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. An important example of a negative feedback loop is seen in control of estrogen ovarian secretion
Ovarium (Estrogen)
Perkembangan poros HPO
Marshall JC, et al. Recent Prog Horm Res 1991;47:155-189
Dampak negatif hiperprolaktinemia • Poros hipotalamus-hipofisis-ovarium pada 3 lokasi – Tingkat hipotalamus • Mempengaruhi tonus dan sekresi siklik GnRH (LHRH)
– Tingkat hipofisis • desensitisasi respons gonadotropin terhadap GnRH
– Tingkat ovarium • Gagal produksi progesteron (an-ovulasi) (oleh sel granulosa ovarium)
Kehamilan dengan prolaktinoma • Mikroadenoma 1-5% akan menjadi makroadenoma • Makroadenoma 25% bertambah besar dan timbul gejala 15-35%
Melatonin dan GnRH
Spinal Cord
Postganglionic Simpatic Nerve
Superior Cervical Ganglion
Serotonin GnRH Melatonin Pineal membrane
The Blood-Brain Barrier • Endothelial cells in blood vessels in the brain fit closely together • Only some molecules can pass through • Protects the brain from foreign molecules and hormones and neurotransmitters from other parts of the body • Can be damaged by infections, head trauma, high blood pressure, etc.