´ Miklos ´ Pinter ´ ´ Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem ´ Kvantitat´ıv Management Intezet ´ 7622 Pecs, ´ oczi ´ Rak ut ´ 80.
[email protected] Munkahelyek ´ ´ ´ ´ 1-tol ˝ Egyetemi docens, Kvantitat´ıv Management Intezet, Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem, 2016 februar ´ Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2011 januar ´ 1-tol ˝ 2015 jaEgyetemi docens, Matematika Tanszek, ´ 31-ig nuar ´ Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2006 szeptember 1-tol ˝ Egyetemi adjunktus, Matematika Tanszek, 2010 december 31-ig ´ ´ Matematika Tanszek, ´ Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2002 szeptember 1-tol ˝ Egyetemi tanarseg ed, 2006 augusztus 31-ig ¨ ond´ ¨ ıjas, Matematika Tanszek, ´ Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2000 szeptember 1-tol ˝ 2002 Ph.D. oszt augusztus 31-ig ´ ˝ ıtesek ´ Tudomanyos minos´ ´ o, ´ Kozgazdas ¨ ´ ´ Habilitaci agtudom anyi, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2015 ¨ ´ ´ ˝ ıtes: ´ cum laude Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Ph.D., Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 2005, minos´ ¨ ´ ´ ¨ ´ ´ ˝ ıtes: ´ k´ıKozgazdas agtudom anyi MSc., Budapesti Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyetem, 1999, minos´ ´ o´ val ¨ ´ ´ ´ ˝ ıtes: ´ jo´ Kozgazdas agtudom anyi BSc., Janus Pannonius Tudomanyegyetem, 1996, minos´ ´ tapasztalat Oktatasi Anal´ızis ¨ eselm ´ ´ Dont elet ´ ekelm ´ ´ Jat elet ´ algebra es ´ programozas ´ Linearis ´ ınus ´ ´ ıtas ´ Valosz´ am´ ˝ egsz ´ teruletek Kutatasi ¨ ´ ekelm ´ ´ Jat elet ´ os ´ jat ´ ekok ´ Nem teljes informaci ¨ ´ Matematikai kozgazdas agtan ´ es ´ korlatozott ´ ´ Racionalitas racionalitas ¨ ¨ ıjak D´ıjak, oszt ond´ ´ azat, ´ ´ ekelm ´ ´ ´ modszerek ´ ´ alkalmazasok ´ ´ OTKA paly c´ım: Jat elet: Koncepciok, es (K 119930) statusz:
´ ˝ 2016/19 resztvev o, ´ azat, ´ ¨ esek ´ ´ ınus ´ ´ ´ OTKA paly c´ım: Dont pontatlan valosz´ mellett (K 115538) statusz: vezeto˝ kutato, ˝ egek 2016/19 ¨ az ´ Campus Tudomanyos ´ ´ ori ¨ munkaj ´ a´ ert ´ Elismero˝ Oklevel, ´ BCE Kozg ¨ az ´ Campus ,,A Kozg Diakk ” ´ Tudomanyos ´ ´ Hallgatoi Tanacsa, 2012 ¨ ´ ´ Oszt ¨ ıj, Magyar Tudomanyos ´ ´ Bolyai Janos Kutatasi ond´ Akademia, 2012/15 ´ ´ Bolyai-plakett, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 2012 ´ ´ Kutatocsoport, ´ ´ Lendulet Strategiai Interakciok Magyar Tudomanyos ¨ program, MTA-BCE Lendulet” ¨ ” ´ ´ ´ ˝ 2012/15 Akademia, statusz: resztvev o, ´ azat, ´ OTKA paly c´ım: Game Theory: The many faces of equilibrium and allocation (K 101224) ´ ´ ˝ 2012/15 statusz: resztvev o, ´ an ´ D´ıj, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Kozgazdas ¨ ´ ´ Szabo´ Kalm agtudom anyi Kar, 2010 ¨ ´ ´ Oszt ¨ ıj, Magyar Tudomanyos ´ ´ Bolyai Janos Kutatasi ond´ Akademia, 2008/11 ´ azat, ´ ´ ´ ˝ 2008/11 OTKA paly c´ım: Research in Game Theory (K 72856), statusz: resztvev o, ´ azat, ´ ´ ekelm ´ ´ (K 72856), statusz: ´ ´ ˝ 2004/7 OTKA paly c´ım: Jat elet resztvev o, ˝ tevekenys ´ ´ Szekesztoi eg ¨ ´ ´ SING 8 kul am, Central European Journal of Game Theory, segedszerkeszt o˝ ¨ onsz ´ tagsag ´ Program bizottsagi SING 8, Budapest, 2012 ´ okutat ´ ´ Konferencia, Balatonosz ¨ od, ¨ 2013 XXX. Magyar Operaci asi SING 9, Vigo, 2013 ´ asi ´ tevekenys ´ ´ Referal eg Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, Annals of Operations Research, Central European Journal of Operations Research, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, European Journal of Operations Research, Games and Economic Behavior, International Journal of Game Theory, International Journal of Game Theory Review, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Mathematical Social Sciences, Optimization and Engineering, Szigma, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Theory and Decision ´ ´ Tudomanyos szervezetekbeli tagsag ¨ ´ ´ Econometric Society, Game Theory Society, Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet, Magyar ¨ ´ okutat ´ ´ Tarsas ´ ´ (Elnoks ¨ egi ´ tag 2014-) Operaci asi ag ´ ok ´ Publikaci ´ aval, ´ ´ Tamas ´ 1. ,,Properties and comparison of risk capital allocation methods,” (Balog Dor Batyi ´ oval ´ ´ Csoka ´ ´ ¨ osen), ¨ Laszl es Peterrel koz European Journal of Operational Research, 2017,
259, 614–625., 2. ,,The non-emptiness of the weak sequential core of a transferable utility game with uncertainty,” ´ ¨ osen), ¨ (Nemeth Tiborral koz Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2017, 69, 1-6., 3. ,,A cardinal convex game with empty core,” Mathematical Social Sciences, 2016, 83, 9-10., ´ Peterrel ´ ¨ osen), ¨ 4. ,,On the Impossibility of Fair Risk Allocation,” (Csoka koz The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2016, 16:1, 143–158., 5. ,,Young’s axiomatization of the Shapley value: a new proof,” Annals of Operations Research, 2015, 235:1, 665-673., 6. ,,On axiomatizations of the Shapley value for assignment games,” (Rene´ van den Brink-kel ¨ osen), ¨ koz Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2015, 60, 110-114., 7. ,,On the completeness of the universal knowledge-belief space: A technical note”, International Journal of Game Theory Review, 2014, 16:1, 8. ,,The Shapley value for shortest path games: a non-graph-based approach” (joint with Anna ´ Radvanyi), Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2013, 21:4, 769-781., 9. ,,Cooperation in an HMMS-type supply chain: A management application of cooperative ´ ¨ osen), ¨ game theory,” (Dobos Imrevel koz periodica polytechnica – Social and Management Science, 2013, 21:1, 45-52., 10. ,,Integrative analysis of neuroblastoma and pheochromocytoma genomics data,” (Szabo´ M. ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ Peterrel, Szabo´ Diana Ritaval, Zsippai Adriennel, Patocs Attilaval, Falus Andrassal, Racz ´ ´ ´ ¨ ¨ Karollyal es Igaz Peterrel kozosen), BMC Medical Genomics, 2012, 5:48, 16-19., ´ ´ optimum. Tanulmanyok ´ ´ ´ 11. ,,A Harsanyi-program,” Egyensuly Forgo´ Ferenc 70. szulet ara, ´ es ¨ esnapj ´ ´ ´ ´ szerk. Solymosi Tamas es Temesi Jozsef, Aula Kiado. Budapest. 2012, 23-31., ´ ugyi ´ ozatok ´ ´ ´ Watts (2002) nyoman ´ (Balog Dor ´ aval, ´ ´ 12. ,,Penz hal modellezese Jackson es Batyi ¨ ´ Laszl ´ oval ´ ´ Csoka ´ ´ ¨ osen), ¨ ´ optimum. Tanulmanyok ´ Tamas es Peterrel koz Egyensuly Forgo´ ´ es ´ ´ ´ es ´ Temesi Jozsef, ´ ´ Budapest. Ferenc 70. szulet ara, szerk. Solymosi Tamas Aula Kiado. ¨ esnapj 2012, 150-168., ˝ ´ os ´ modszerek ´ ´ tulajdonsagaik ´ ´ aval, ´ ´ Tamas ´ 13. ,,Tokeallok aci es a gyakorlatban,” (Balog Dor Batyi ´ oval ´ ´ Csoka ´ Peterrel ´ ¨ osen), ¨ ¨ ´ Szemle, 2011, LVIII, 619-632., Laszl es koz Kozgazdas agi 14. ,,Regression games,” Annals of Operation Research, 2011, 186, 263-274., ´ Laszl ´ ereje - altal ´ anos´ ´ ´ jat ´ ekok,” ´ ´ ´ oval ´ ¨ osen), ¨ 15. ,,Az ellenzek ıtott sulyozott szavazasi (Koczy A. koz ´ ¨ ´ Szemle, 2011, LVIII, 543-551., Kozgazdas agi 16. ,,Algebraic duality theorems for infinite LP problems,” Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2011, 434, 688-693., ´ Laszl ´ Peterrrel, ´ ´ ´ oval ´ 17. ,,Convex and exact games with non-transferable utility,” (Csoka Koczy A. ´ P. Jean-Jacques Herings-szel koz ¨ osen) ¨ es European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 209, 57-62., ˝ ´ o´ nem likvid portfoli ´ ok ´ eseten,” ´ ´ aval ´ ´ Csoka ´ ´ ¨ osen), ¨ 18. ,,Tokeallok aci (Balog Dor es Peterrel koz ´ Hitelintezeti Szemle, 2010, 9, 604-616., ´ a bolognai t´ıpusu´ gazdasagi ´ kepz ´ esekben,” ´ ´ ´ ´ Tas19. ,,Matematikaoktatas (Kannai Zoltannal es ´ Attilaval ´ ¨ osen) ¨ ¨ ´ Szemle, 2010, LVII, 261-277., nadi koz Kozgazdas agi 20. ,,The non-existence of a universal topological type space,” Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2010, 46, 223-229., 21. ,,The existence of an inverse limit of an inverse system of measure spaces - A purely measurable case,” Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2010, 126, 65-77., ´ ek ´ axiomatizal ´ asai,” ´ 22. ,,A Shapley-ert Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 2009, 26, 289-315., ´ jat ´ ekok,” ´ 23. ,,Regresszios Szigma, 2007, XXXVIII, 131-148., ´ ekelm ´ ´ ´ 24. ,,Az inverzlimesz egy jat eleti alkalmazasa,” Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 2007, 24, 37-55., ´ a jat ´ ekelm ´ ´ ´ ´ Solymosi Tamassal ´ 25. ,,Bevezetes eletbe,” (Forgo´ Ferenccel, Simonovits Andrassal es ¨ osen), ¨ koz elektronikus jegyzet, 2006
26. ,,Type space on a purely measurable parameter space,” Economic Theory, 2005, 26, 129139., ´ fogalma es ´ tulajdonsagai,” ´ ´ o, ´ 2005. 27. ,,A t´ıpuster Ph.D. disszertaci ˝ asok ´ Megh´ıvott eload 1. ,,Consistent values and two player games,” Workshop ”Games and Optimization”, Saint´ ´ 2016, Etienne, Franciaorszag, ´ 2. ,,Axioms and interpretations,” OSGAD seminar, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, Univer´ site´ Paris I — Pantheon-Sorbonne, 2011, 3. ,,Ordinary and generalized type spaces,” Maastricht University, Hollandia, 2011, ´ 4. ,,Applications and Axiomatizations of the Shapley value,” MINT 2, Saint-Etienne, Francia´ orszag, 2011, ´ 5. ,,On the axiomatizations of the Shapley value,” Tinbergen Intezet, Amsterdam, Hollandia, 2008. ˝ asok ´ Konferenciaeload ¨ ´ ´ ´ 1. ,,Consistent values and two player games,” A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet ¨ eves ´ Budapest, 2016; konferenciaja, 2. ,,On the impossibility of fair risk allocation,” UECE 2016, UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game ´ Theory and Applications, Lisabon, Portugalia, 2016; 3. ,,A new epistemic model,” Games 2016, Fifth World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Maastricht, Hollandia, 2016; ´ 4. ,,A cardinally convex game with empty core,” SING12, Odense, Dania, 2016; ¨ ´ ´ 5. ,,A cardinally convex game with empty core,” A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet ¨ ´ ´ Budapest, 2015; eves konferenciaja, ´ 6. ,,The monotonicity of the nucleolus of assignment games,” OR2015, Becs, Ausztria, 2015; 7. ,,A new epistemic model,” 26th Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA, 2015; 8. ,,The Core of TU Games with Infinitely many Players,” EURO, 27th European Conference on ´ ag, ´ 2015; Operational Research, Glasgow, Egyesult ¨ Kiralys ´ ak ´ fuggetlens ´ er ´ ol,” ˝ XXXI. Magyar Operaci ´ okutat ´ ´ Konferencia, Cegled, ´ 2015; 9. ,,Az axiom eg asi ¨ ¨ ´ ´ 10. ,,The non-emptiness of the weak sequential core,” A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet ¨ ´ ´ Budapest, 2014; eves konferenciaja, ´ 11. ,,The non-emptiness of the weak sequential core,” VOCAL2014, Veszprem, 2014; ´ Lengyelorszag, ´ 12. ,,The W S core of a T U game as the core of an N T U game,” SING10, Krakko, 2014; 13. ,,Every hierarchy of beliefs is a type,” UECE 2013, 5th edition of the UECE Lisbon Meetings ´ in Game Theory and Applications, Lisabon, Portugalia, 2013; 14. ,,On axiomatizations of the Shapley value for assignment games,” GMT 2013, The Seventh In´ ´ Oroszorszag, ´ 2013; ternational Conference ”Game Theory and Management”, Szentpeterv ar, ´ stabil megoldasok ´ ´ ´ jat ´ ekokon,” ´ ´ okutat ´ ´ 15. ,,Monoton es hozzarendel esi XXX. Magyar Operaci asi ¨ od, ¨ 2013; Konferencia, Balatonosz ´ ´ ¨ ´ ´ ´ 16. ,,T´ıpusterek nemaddit´ıv velem enyekkel,” A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet eves ¨ ´ Budapest, 2012; konferenciaja, 17. ,,Common Priors for Generalized Type Spaces,” Games 2012, Fourth World Congress of the ¨ okorsz ¨ ´ 2012; Game Theory Society, Istanbul, Tor ag, 18. ,,The κ-core and the κ-balancedness of T U games with infinite many players,” SING8, Budapest, 2012; 19. ,,Generalized type spaces (short talk with poster),” LOFT 2012, Sevilla, 2012;
¨ ´ ´ 20. ,,T´ıpusmorfizmus invariancia: a Bayesi-Nash-egyensuly,” A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi ´ ´ ´ Budapest, 2011; Egyesulet konferenciaja, ¨ eves ´ ek ´ repul ˝ er ´ es ´ ont ¨ oz ¨ esi ´ jat ´ ekokon,” ´ ´ okutat ´ ´ Konferencia, 21. ,,Shapley-ert XXIX. Magyar Operaci asi ¨ ot ¨ od, ¨ 2011; Balatonosz 22. ,,The Shapley value for airport and irrigation games,” SING 7, 7th Spain, Italy, Netherlands ´ ´ 2011; Meeting on Game Theory, Parizs, Franciaorszag, ´ ek ´ hozzarendel ´ ´ jat ´ ekokon,” ´ ¨ ´ ´ ´ 23. ,,Shapley-ert esi A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet ¨ eves ´ Budapest, 2010; konferenciaja, 24. ,,The Analysis of Bullwhip Effect in a Arrow-Karlin-type Supply Chain,” 16th ISIR, Budapest, 2010; 25. ,,The non-existence of a universal topological type space,” 21st Game Theory Festival, Workshop on Epsitemic Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 2010; 26. ,,Young’s axiomatization of the Shapley value – a new proof,” 21st Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA, 2010; 27. ,,Young’s axiomatization of the Shapley value – a new proof,” SING 6, 6th Spain, Italy, Net´ 2010; herlands Meeting on Game Theory, Palermo, Olaszorszag, ´ ´ ¨ ´ ´ ´ 28. ,,Minden velem enyrangsor t´ıpus,” A Magyar Kozgazdas agtudom anyi Egyesulet eves konfe¨ ´ Budapest, 2009; renciaja, 29. ,,Axiomatizations of the Shapley value on the class of assignment games,” EURO, 23rd Euro´ ´ 2009; pean Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Nemetorsz ag, 30. ,,TU games with countably infinite many players: the core,” SING 5, 5th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, Amsterdam, Hollandia, 2009; ´ es ´ az ,,erkolcsi ¨ ´ ´ ekelm ´ ´ ¨ ıtes,” ´ A Gazdasagmodellez ´ ´ 31. ,,A biztos´ıtas kockazat”: jat eleti megkozel´ esi ´ ´ Konferenciaja, ´ Budatet ´ eny, ´ Tarsas ag 2008; 32. ,,Every hierarchy of beliefs is type,” ESEM, 63d European Meeting of the Econometric Society, ´ o, ´ Olaszorszag, ´ 2008; Milan 33. ,,Every hierarchy of beliefs is type,” Games 2008, Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Evenston, USA, 2008; 34. ,,Regression games,” ESEM, 62nd European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Budapest, 2007; 35. ,,Regression games,” SING 3, Third Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, Mad´ 2007; rid, Spanyolorszag, ´ jat ´ ekok,” ´ ´ okutat ´ ´ Konferencia, Balatonosz ¨ od, ¨ 2007; 36. ,,Regresszios XXVII. Magyar Operaci asi 37. ,,Type space on a purely measurable parameter space,” ESWC2005, 9th World Congress of ´ ag, ´ 2005; Econometric Society, London, Egyesult ¨ Kiralys 38. ,,A Bayesian cooperative game (poster),” WCGT2005, 4th Twente Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory joint with 3rd Dutch-Russian Symposium, Enschede, Hollandia, 2005; 39. ,,Complete type space based on a non-topological parameter space,” SING 1, First Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, Maastricht, Hollandia, 2005; ´ nem topologikus parametert ´ ´ ´ ´ Tarsas ´ ´ 40. ,,Egyetemes t´ıpuster eren,” A Gazdasagmodellez esi ag ´ Velence, 2005; Konferenciaja, 41. ,,Type space on a purely measurable parameter space,” Games 2004, Second World Cong´ 2004; ress of the Game Theory Society, Marseille, Franciaorszag, ´ fogalma, tulajdonsagai,” ´ ´ okutat ´ ´ Konferencia, Gyor, ˝ 2004; 42. ,,A t´ıpuster XXVI. Magyar Operaci asi ¨ ´ A Gazdasagmodellez ´ ´ Tarsas ´ ´ Konferenciaja, ´ Balatonfured, 43. ,,Kozismert racionalitas,” esi ag 2002; ¨ ´ ´ a jat ´ ekelm ´ ´ ´ okutat ´ ´ Konferencia, Debre44. ,,Tudasmodellez es eletben,” XXV. Magyar Operaci asi cen, 2001.
Nyelvismeret ¨ epfok ´ ´ szaknyelvi nyelvvizsga; Angol: ,,C” t´ıpusu, u´ gazdasagi ´ koz ´ ¨ epfok ´ ´ szaknyelvi nyelvvizsga. Nemet: ,,C” t´ıpusu, u´ gazdasagi ´ koz