Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 PPI Prancis
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 PPI Prancis
Desain Sampul: Candracoret Setting layout: Comadesain
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 PPI Prancis
14,5 x 21 cm, 112 halaman ISBN: 602-25594-5-6
Diterbitkan oleh: Penerbit Bagaskara Perum Soka Asri Permai AB 11 Purwomartani Kalasan Sleman email:
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Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Sambutan Dubes RI Paris Rezlan Ishar Jenie................... Kata Pengantar Ketua PPI Prancis 2010/2011 ................. Kata Pengantar Ketua OKTI II/2011 ............................... RINGKASAN KEGIATAN OKTI 2011 ........................ ABSTRAK PAPER PEMENANG OKTI II/2011 Pemuliaan dan Bioteknologi Tanaman Cabai Sebagai Salah Satu Sayuran Utama di Indonesia........................... Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Isolat Probiotik (L. casei dan L. plantarum) dalam Medium Fermentasi Berbasis Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) Selama Proses Fermentasi (Kajian jenis Isolat dan Jenis Tepung Ubi Jalar).............. Analisa Bahan Bakar Terbarukan Dari Ganggang Mikro: Potensi Bagi Dunia Dan Kesempatan Bagi Indonesia....................................................................... ABSTRAK PAPER FINALIS OKTI II/2011 Potensi Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) sebagai Pangan Fungsional untuk Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan Indonesia....................................... Sinergi Ajaran Agama Islam dan Pancasila dalam Memperbaiki Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia.................. Service Oriented Architecture, Untuk Mewujudkan Excelent Service Bidang Kesehatan (Rumah Sakit) Di Indonesia.......................................................................
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Meninjau Dan Menemukan Kembali Wilayah Epistemologis Sebuah Sinergi Multidisiplinaritas......... Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Risiko Dengan Aplikasi Stochastic Graphical Matrix Model Pada Pemilihan Skema Energi Terbarukan Berdasarkan Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan........................... Pengembangan Energi Angin Pada “Building Integrated Wind Turbines” Untuk Mengatasi Krisis Energi Di Daerah Perkotaan Di Indonesia................... Pengembangan Desain Informasi Ergonomis Berbasis Teknologi “Eye Tracking”............................................. Smart Car System To Reducing The Car Distance In Solve To Exceed Big Cities Jammed In Indonesia........ Studi Konvergensi Absolut Dan Tingkat Dispersi Pada Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia............................ Psikologi dalam Penegakan Hukum: Menjabarkan Bentuk dan Dampak Kekerasan Psikis.......................... Adopsi Teknologi Rekayasa Genetika Untuk Tanaman Pangan Di Negara-Negara Berkembang: Suatu Studi Perbandingan................................................................ Penggunaan Strategi Politik oleh Transnational Corporations Dalam Mempengaruhi Hasil Akhir Sengketa Hukum: Studi Kasus di Indonesia................. Inovasi Mesin Pembuat Beras Untuk Kebutuhan Kesehatan dan Pemenuhan Gizi Masyarakat Dengan Kebutuhan Khusus........................................................ Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Di Indonesia.......................................... Modifikasi Bambu sebagai Sustainable Material Melalui Sustainable Technology dan Non-Toxic Chemicals : Studi Sorption Isotherm, FSP dan Data Kesetimbangan Fasa...................................................... Kajian Perilaku Plagiarisme Mahasiswa Indonesia....... 4
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HPLC-Based Profiling untuk Penentuan Senyawa Aktif dari Produk Bahan Alam Secara Cepat dan Sederhana – Penapisan Antiparasit untuk Pengobatan Penyakit Tropis.............................................................. Aplikasi Pemodelan Aliran Airtanah Dalam Konsep Pengelolaan Air tanah Berbasis Cekungan................... Mengunggah Jati Diri BangsaMelalui Pelestarian Kawasan dan Bangunan Bersejarah Berbasis Teknologi Virtual-Reality............................................................... ABSTRAK PESERTA OKTI II/2011 Pengaruh Penambahan Starter Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Dan Streptococcus Thermophillus Serta Lama Inkubasi Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia Dan Organoleptik Soyghurt.................................................. Hak Asasi Manusia Dan Korupsi: Kasus Indonesia Dalam Mendamaikan Universalism And Relativism ............................................................ Relationship Between Age and Density of Bronchial Smooth Muscle Fibers In Sprague-Dawley Rats At Age Neonates, Adolescents, and Adults...................... Study Of Tidal Power Utilization Potency In Community-Based Maritime Tourism Development.... Efek Taman Nasional Banc D’arguin (Mauritani) Melalui Peningkatan Populasi Ikan Pendekatan Melalui Indikator.......................................................... Pengelolaan Keragaman Hayati Dan Lingkungan Untuk Pertanian Berkelanjutan Menuju Ketahanan Pangan Dan Energi Di Indonesia ................................. Peningkatan Akses Pendanaan Bank/LKNB untuk UMKM di Indonesia: Profil, Kendala, dan Model Pendanaan.....................................................................
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Peningkatan Manajemen Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai Destinasi Wisata Warisan Budaya Kota dari Perspektif Pemangku Kepentingan................................................ Peranan Riset Baterai Sekunder dalam Mendukung Penyediaan Energi Bersih Di Indonesia 2025............... Supervisi Lintas Kebijakan Berbasis Syariah Sebagai Upaya Pengelolaan Sbsn Secara Efektif Dan Efisien (Studi Praktis Mitigasi Risiko Fiskal Oleh Bank Indonesia)..................................................................... Naval Watcher Radar To Detect Early Foreign Ship In the Border Indonesia Ocean Region ............................ Optimation Solar Cell With Concentrator And Solar Cell Attacker Based Microcontroller............................ Planning Design Optimation Solar Cell Use Electronic Waste Based Microcontroller........................................ Pseudo Diplomacy dalam Realitas Buruh Migran Perempuan (TKW)....................................................... Pengembangan Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan Dalam Bidang Budidaya Tambak Di Indonesia........................ Memperbaiki Kualitas dan Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Ibukota Jakarta dengan Program Taman Asuh. Filter Air Keramik Dengan Pompa Angin Sebagai Alternatif Penyedia Air Bersih Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia....................................................................... Aspek Teknis dan Sosio-Teknis dalam Penerapan Systems Engineering: Tantangan dan Solusi bagi Indonesian Expatriate Engineer.................................... Konsep “Value Capture” Sebagai Alternatif Dalam Upaya Menyediakan Sarana/Prasarana Air Bersih Bagi Masyarakat di Indonesia...............................................
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Penelitian Struktur Odor dan Essens Menggunakan Tekhnologi Spektroskopi Molecular Beam Fourier Transform Microwave (MB-FTMW) dan Teori Kimia Kuantum........................................................................ Film Dokumenter Pendek Mahasiswa Doktoral, Sarana Membangun Kepribadian Bangsa Dan Generasi Muda Untuk Cinta Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi........... Menuju Dosen Kelas Dunia Berkebangsaan di Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia: Sebuah Model dan Pola Pikir............................................................................... Performa Indonesia Dalam Publikasi Ilmiah Internasional Selama 1996-2010: Sebuah Studi Komparatif Komprehensif ............................................ Kontribusi Pembiayaan Usaha Kecil terhadap Kinerja Perbankan Indonesia: Kasus pada Bank-Bank Publik.. Paradoksi Kebijakan Otonomi Daerah dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat: Kalimantan Timur Kaya Tapi Miskin.................................................................................... Perancangan Tracking System dan Telemetri Sebagai Inovasi dalam Distribusi Biodiesel untuk Mendukung Roadmap Biodiesel Nasional........................................ Kebijakan Pengembangan Energi di Indonesia dan Teknologi Smart Gridi.................................................. Penerapan Kontrol Kognitif pada Proses Pembelajaran Teknologi Baru (Studi Kasus Perbandingan Model Penelitian di Indonesia dan Jerman)......................... 99 Bisakah Mahasiswa Indonesia Belajar Mandiri? Konsep Belajar Bahasa Jerman Secara Mandiri Melalui Bimbingan Belajar......................................................... Linked Open Data dan Jejaring Sosial untuk Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak................................................................ “Heal the World” dengan Mengurangi Emisi Karbon Dioksida melalui Teknologi Berbasis Kimia Terapan....
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Dinamika Sosial Gerakan Guru di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru........................................................................................ Car Navigation Systems based on Driver’s Behaviour by Using Adaptive Neural based Fuzzy Inference Sytems (ANFIS)........................................................... Penggunaan Geosynthetic Supported Piled Embankment Pada Konstruksi Perkerasan di atas Tanah Lunak................................................................. Penerapan Model Saint-Venant dan Metode Volume Hingga dalam Beberapa Masalah Bencana Alam ........ The Reliabilityof GUI for DiaHDL: A Development of Web-Based VHDL Code Generator............................. Transportasi Massal Effektif, Effisien, Hemat Energi serta Berteknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk Indonesia ......................................................................
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Sambutan Dubes RI Paris Rezlan Ishar Jenie
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Rekan-rekan mahasiswa dan pelajar yang saya banggakan, Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas suksesnya penyelenggaraan acara Olimpiade Karya Tulis lnovatif (OKTI) di Balai Budaya Kedutaan Besar Republik lndonesia di Paris pada tanggal 8-9 Oktober 2011. Keberhasilan penyelenggaraan ini sudah tentu merupakan hasil kerja keras semua pihak yang terlibat didalamnya, khususnya panitia penyelenggara, dewan juri dan para peserta OKTI 2011, serta PPI Prancis selaku pemrakarsa kegiatan OKTI. Terobosan-terobosan kreatif dan inovatif yang dilakukan kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa lndonesia di luar negeri khususnya Prancis melalui penyelenggaraan OKTI 2011 sudah sepatutnya kita sambut dan hargai. Sesuai semangat yang tercermin dalam tema "Sinergi Karya Multidispliner Mahasiswa Indonesia di Luar Negeri dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Indonesia", prakarsa dan gagasan para pelajar lndonesia di luar negeri diyakini mampu memberikan sumbangsih kongkrit dalam mewarnai khazanah keilmuan di tanah air menuju tenruujudnya masyarakat lndonesia yang cerdas dan kreatif. Kegiatan OKTI 2011 yang melibatkan kalangan organisasi perkumpulan pelajar lndonesia di dunia kiranya perlu terus dipertahankan dan dikembangkan keberadaannya di masa-masa mendatang. Peran sertamahasiswalpelajar bagi Perwakilan Rl merupakan hal yang strategis. Para mahasiswalpelajar diharapkan untuk terus secara aktif membantu menjaga dan meningkatkan citra lndonesia di 9
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luar negeri. Untuk itu, Kedutaan Besar Republik lndonesia di Paris akan dengan senang hati memfasilitasi dan mendukung kegiatan-kegiatan PPl, khususnya yang memberikan kontribusi positif bagi kepentingan bangsa. Perhelatan OKTI 2011 telah berhasil melahirkan sejumlah pemikiran dan rekomendasi sebagai masukan yang berguna bagi kalangan perumus kebijakan untuk membangun masa depan kehidupan bangsa dan Negara lndonesia yang lebih baik. Menyadari arti penting peran serta dan sumbangsih pemikiran kalangan mahasiswalpelajar saya berharap PPI Prancis untuk terus menerus berkreasi dan berinovasi dengan gagasan-gagasan baru terutama di bidang- bidang keilmuan masing-masing. Penuangan kreasi dan inovasi keilmuan tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui forum-forum diskusi ilmiah seperti seminar, simposium, lokakarya, dan sejenisnya untuk membahas isu-isu tematik yang bersifal aktual dan bersentuhan langsung dengan kepentingan publik. Para mahasiswa dan pelajar yang saya banggakan, Dalam konteks hubungan bilateral lndonesia-Prancis dapat saya sampaikan bahwa saat ini sudah terdapat kesepakatan untuk membina suatu kemitraan strategis. Kesepakatan yang dihasilkan pada saat kunjungan Perdana Menteri François Fillon ke lndonesia pada bulan Juli 2011 lalu memprioritaskan lima pilar bidang kerjasama, yang salah satunya adalah di bidang pendidikan tinggi. Terkait dengan pilar kerjasama di bidang pendidikan, saya berharap para pelajar dan mahasiswa lndonesia di Paris dapat turut mengisi dan memanfaatkan momentum kemitraan tersebut untuk kepentingan kemajuan dunia pendidikan nasional kita. Mahasiswa dan pelajar adalah kader pewaris masa depan bangsa dan negara. Melalui pendidikan dapat diperoleh kedewasaan dalam berpikir kritis dan kematangan dalam perilaku sebagai faktor penting dalam membentuk sosok generasi penerus yang berkepribadian luhur, cerdas dan santun. Sekali lagi saya merasa bangga dengan kiprah aktif mahasiswa dan pelajar lndonesia di 10
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Prancis yang telah memprakarsai penyelenggaraan Olimpiade Karya Tulis lnovatif (OKTI) di Paris. Forum lomba karya tulis ini tidak hanya menjadi tempat untuk menempa generasi penerus bangsa di bidang penguasaan keilmuan namun juga mengasah jiwa kepemimpinan serta rasa tanggap dan peduli mereka terhadap isu-isu yang berkembang di sekitarnya. Terima kasih dan selamat kepada PPI Prancis ! Terima kasih. Wassalamualaikum Warah matullahi Wabarakatuh.
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Kata Pengantar Ketua PPI Prancis 2010/2011
Assallamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia-Nya kepada kita semua. Alhamdulillah, berkat ridha-NYA Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovasi (OKTI) II dapat terselenggara dengan baik dan lancar OKTI II yang diselenggarakan oleh PPI Prancis tanggal 8-9 Oktober 2011 adalah manifestasi peran nyata mahasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri terhadap pembangunan bangsa dan masyarakat Indonesia. Kontribusi ide atas inovasi-inovasi mahasiswa yang tengah study di berbagai negara ini merupakan sumbangsih kami atas berbagai persoalan yang tengah terjadi di tanah air khususnya terkait pengembangan ilmu,pengetahuan,dan teknologi. OKTI II yang diikuti oleh 67 peserta dari 19 negara memberikan spirit dan motivasi bagi kami untuk terus berkarya, menjalin interaksi keilmuan dengan kawan-kawan dari berbagai negara, mengembangkan networking dengan berbagai asosiasi keilmuan dan semua pihak yang kelak akan berguna saat kami kembali ke tanah air. Kami menyadari sepenuhnya, bahwa fase study ini selayaknya dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin untuk kepentingan jangka panjang membangun tanah air Indonesia di berbagai bidang. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak khusunya sponsorship TOTAL Indonesia, bantuan & dukungan KBRI Paris serta kontribusi Universitas Gunadarma, Ikatan Ilmuwan Internasional Indonesia (I4), radioppidunia, dan rekan-rekan PPI dari berbagai negara atas kerjasamanya untuk kesuksesan acara ini. Terima kasih juga atas bantuan luar biasa 12
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para juri dari awal proses seleksi hingga final. OKTI II ini dapat terselenggara dengan baik juga atas kerja keras kawan-kawan PPI Prancis, PPI Paris dan semua pihak yang tidak bisa kami sebutkan satu persatu. Akhirnya semoga out-put Proceeding OKTI II ini dapat bermanfaat sebesar-besarnya untuk kepentingan pengembangan ilmu dan pengetahuan, serta kontribusi ide dan pemikiran yang dapat dikembangkan untuk pembangunan bangsa dan masyarakat Indonesia. Terima kasih banyak untuk semua bantuan, semangat, perhatian dan kerjasama semuanya. Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan dan kehilafannya. Salam Indonesia Sampai jumpa pada OKTI III 2013 Wassallamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Ade Kadarisman Ketua PPI Prancis 2010-2011
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Kata Pengantar Ketua OKTI II/2011 Assalamulaikum Wr. Wb, salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Prancis yang didukung oleh KBRI untuk Prancis dan Kepangeranan Andorra dan Monaco telah berhasil menyelenggarakan Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovasi atau OKTI II/2011 pada tanggal 8-9 Oktober 2011. Kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan rutin yang diselenggarakan tiap 2 tahun sekali yang bertujuan untuk menjadi wadah karya kolektif pemikiran para pelajar Indonesia yang sedang berada di luar negeri maupun di dalam negeri. Dengan mengusung tema ”Sinergi karya multidisipliner mahasiswa indonesia dalam rangka mendukung pembangunan Indonesia”, kami berharap OKTI II/2011 mampu kembali memberikan sumbangsih nyata dalam rangka mendukung pembangunan Indonesia. Pada kesempatan ini, kami sampaikan bahwa OKTI II/2011 telah berhasil mengumpulkan 67 karya tulis inovasi baik karya tulis inovasi individu maupun kelompok yang terbagi kedalam lima kategori tematik. Ke-67 peserta ini berasal dari Inggris, Irlandia, Prancis, Jerman, Belanda, Norwegia, Swiss, Italia, Portugis, Rusia, Australia, Amerika, Arab Saudi, Jepang, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea Selatan, dan Indonesia. Setelah melalui seleksi administratif atau format penulisan tahap pertama, dari ke 67 karya tulis inovasi tersebut, kami menetapkan 61 karya tulis inovasi yang layak untuk lolos tahap kedua. Ke-61 karya tulis ini terdiri dari kategori A Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan dan Humaniora sejumlah 13 karya tulis, kategori B Teknologi Informatika dan Elektronik sejumlah 11 karya tulis, kategori C Percepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi, Pengembangan Wilayah dan Lingkungan sejumlah 10 karya tulis, kategori D Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat sejumlah 5 karya tulis 14
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dan kategori E Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, Ketahanan Pangan dan Energi sejumlah 22 karya tulis. Semua karya tulis yang lolos pada tahap pertama ini akan langsung dimuat ke dalam proceeding OKTI II/2011. Selanjutnya melalui proses seleksi ketat yang dilakukan oleh juri-juri umum dan juri-juri khusus sesuai bidang karya tulis masing- masing peserta, dari 67 karya tulis pada tahap ke dua tersebut dinyatakan 20 Finalis yang berhak maju ke tahap final untuk mempresentasikan karya tulis inovasi nya di hadapan bapak / ibu juri final di KBRI Paris pada tanggal 8 Oktober 2011. Seperti kata pepatah ‘Avec nos pensées, nous créons le monde’, yang artinya dengan akal pikiran atau gagasan, kita ciptakan dunia kita. Harapan kita bersama semoga karya tulis inovasi para finalis dapat berkontribusi dan memberikan manfaat positif bagi negara kita. Wassalamulaikum Wr. Wb Aprillia Firmonasari Ketua OKTI II/2011
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
RINGKASAN KEGIATAN OKTI 2011 Ilmu pengetahuan adalah salah satu faktor yang memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup dan pembangunan peradaban suatu bangsa. Tuntutan terhadap aktualisasi ilmu pengetahuan menjadi penting dalam menghadapi pergerakan dunia yang sangat dinamis dengan isu-isu terkini yang menyentuh berbagai bidang seperti kemajuan teknologi di negara barat, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan problematika kependudukan di kawasan Asia, konflik politik di Timur Tengah dan ketahanan pangan di Afrika. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang di kawasan Asia mengusung semangat perubahan dan percepatan Pembangunan Nasional dan memperlancar seluruh saluran komunikasi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan dan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Percepatan pembangunan tersebut didasarkan pada prinsip menyelesaikan masalah secara terpadu melalui lintas-disiplin ilmu. Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovasi (OKTI) PPI Prancis tahun 2011 meneruskan tradisi tahun 2009 sebagai wadah untuk mengintegrasikan pemikiran para pelajar Indonesia di seluruh dunia dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk peningkatan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembangunan Indonesia. Selain itu, OKTI II/2011 juga menjadi ajang aktualisasi dan diharapkan dapat memotivasi pelajar Indonesia dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah. Dengan mengusung tema “Sinergi karya multidisipliner mahasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri dalam rangka mendukung pembangunan Indonesia”, OKTI 2011 diharapkan mampu memberikan sumbangsih nyata untuk negeri. Karya Tulis Inovasi yang berhasil dikumpulkan pada OKTI II/2011 terbagi ke dalam lima kategori keilmuan, yaitu kategori A ilmu sosial, pendidikan dan humaniora, kategori B Tekhnologi 16
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Informatika dan Elektronik, kategori C Percepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi, Pengembangan Wilayah dan Lingkungan, ketegori D Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan ketegori E Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Tekhnologi, Ketahanan Pangan dan Energi. Kategori Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan dan Humaniora mengedepankan pentingnya (1) perbaikan Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia seperti kajian terhadap plagiarisme di kalangan pelajar, (2) peningkatan efektifitas program pengurangan kemiskinan dengan menggunakan pendekatan konvergensi untuk membidik tepat sasaran daerah miskin, (3) pendekatan psikologis dalam menangani permasalahan hukum Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT), dan (4) pemahaman kembali secara epistemologis atas sinergi multidisiplin dalam penyelesaian masalah bangsa. Kategori Teknologi Informatika dan Elektronik mengangkat beberapa tema seperti pentingnya (1) penanganan kemacetan di kota besar di Indonesia salah satunya dengan pendekatan Smart Car System, (2) penggunaan sistem jaringan informatika berupa Service Oriented Architecture dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan rumah sakit dan (3) aplikasi teknologi Virtual Reality yang dimungkinkan untuk pelestarian kawasan dan bangunan bersejarah di Indonesia. Kategori Percepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi, Pengembangan Wilayah dan Lingkungan mengedepankan pentingnya (1) pencitraan wilayah dengan mengangkat ciri khas sebuah wilayah dalam rangka peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berujung pada peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat dan (2) pengawasan lingkungan dengan menggunakan penerapan Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan (IKL) untuk mendukung pembangunan pada tingkat daerah dan nasional. Kategori Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat mengangkat tema mengenai percepatan penapisan senyawa antiparasit indigenous dari Indonesia untuk pengobatan dengan menggunakan pendekatan teknologi seperti High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). 17
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Kategori Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, Ketahanan Pangan dan Energi mengedepankan pentingnya beberapa tema. Bidang Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi mengangkat tema mengenai (1) pengembangan desain informasi ergonomis berbasis teknologi “Eye Tracking” yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam bidang ilmu berbasis visual seperti pendidikan dan marketing, (2) modifikasi bambu sebagai sustainable material untuk mendukung kebutuhan kayu, serta (3) penerapan pemodelan air tanah dalam rangka memahami potensi dan prediksi hidrogeologis untuk sistem air tanah berbasis cekungan. Bidang Ketahanan Pangan mengemukakan pentingnya (1) diversifikasi pangan dari pengenalan umbi porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) sebagai potensi pangan lokal hingga produksi bakteri probiotiok menggunakan medium lokal berbasis ubi jalar, (2) keberlanjutan penerapan bioteknologi untuk percepatan produksi pangan dan pemuliaan tanaman lokal Indonesia seperti cabe. Bidang Energi mengusung tema (1) penerapan model Stochastic Graphical Matrix untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam merencanakan skema energi terbarukan untuk Indonesia serta (2) analisis cermat terhadap inovasi bahan bakar terbarukan menggunakan ganggang mikro di Indonesia.
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Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Pemuliaan dan Bioteknologi Tanaman Cabai Sebagai Salah Satu Sayuran Utama di Indonesia Awang Maharijaya
PhD Candidate Plant Research International Wageningen University and Research Centrum Droevendalsesteeg 1 6708 PB Wageningen E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Pepper (Capsicum) is one of the most produced horticulture commodity in Indonesia as well as in the world which can be used as both fresh or cooked vegetables, herbs, spicy, pharmacy and other industries. Pepper production is constrained by numerous stress caused by abiotic and biotic agents which can led to decrease in production quantity and quality. Utilization of resistance varieties is more reliable and efficient. This can be achieved by performing many breeding programs to produce new resistant peppe varieties. Rapid development of new pathogen strains and insect herbivore biotypes had forced plant-breeding program to be conducted as fast and as efficient as possible. Advances in plant biotechnology may help to speed up plantbreeding program through integration of both technologies. Keywords : Capsicum, stress, abiotic, biotic
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Isolat Probiotik (L. casei dan L. plantarum) dalam Medium Fermentasi Berbasis Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) Selama Proses Fermentasi (Kajian jenis Isolat dan Jenis Tepung Ubi Jalar) Irma Sarita Rahmawati M. Sc Candidate Applied Microbiology (Double Degree Program) King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonbury Bangkok Thailand and BrawijayaUniversity Malang Indonesia Tel : +682139874025 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Sweet potatoes contain fibre components among other fraction of oligosacharides that including raffinose, verbacose, and stachyose, which have potency as prebiotic that content of substrate capable to stimulate growth of probiotic bacteria. Definition effect of sinbiotic is if prebiotic in natural digestion fermented by “good bacterium” (such as Lactobacillus) yield short chain fatty acid ( SCFA) especially acetate, propionate, and butirate acid. L. casei is adaptive, and insulation from raw milk product and fermented. Lactobacillus plantarum is also include as probiotic bacteria. The aims of this research is to compare viability of probiotic bacterias like Lactobacillus plantarum and L. casei at fermented medium based on sweet potatoes flour and to know how change of flour component of sweet potato from three kinds of sweet potatoes during fermentation process. This Research used two factors consist of 6 levels by 3 replication. First factor is kind of probiotic bacterias (L.casei and L. plantarum) and second factor is kind of sweet potato flour (white, yellow and purple sweet potatoes flour). From that treatment obtained 18 set of attempt. Data is analysed with ANOVA and BNT test with 5 % α value. The best treatment is chosen by Multiple Attribute method. Based on the result of this research shown that treatment 22
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of different kind of sweet potatoes flour in fermented medium influence to the viability of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum during fermentation process. Different kind of sweet potato flour has different significance (1 % α value) for the acidity (pH), total acid, total BAL, starch content and reductive sugar. Different kind of probiotic bacterias has difference significance (1 % α value) for the acidity (pH), total acid, total BAL, total sugar, crude fibre, reductive sugar and total N and (5 % α value) for starch content. Different kind of sweet potato flour and probiotic bacterias has a different significance (1 % α value) for the acidity (pH), total acid, total BAL, and reductive sugar. The best treatment according to the chemical and microbiological parameter is fermented medium that consist of purple sweet potato flour (10%b/v) fermented by L. plantarum, with the total value of Lactobacillus plantarum 1,55x1010 cfu/ml, total acid 0,953 %, acidity (pH) 4,267, total sugar 1,647 %, starch content 2,567 %, crude fibre 0,066 %, reductive sugar 3,139 %, and total N 0,023 %. Keywords: Sweet Potato Flour, Fermented Medium, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum
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Analisa Bahan Bakar Terbarukan Dari Ganggang Mikro: Potensi Bagi Dunia Dan Kesempatan Bagi Indonesia Vidia Paramita
Masters of Science, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Cornell University 2160 Snee Hall Ithaca, New York, USA 14853 Tel : +1 (713) 517 7010 E-mail : paramita.
[email protected]
Bekerjasama dengan: Michael Johnson, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Michael Franke, Masters of Engineering, Cornell University
Profesor pembimbing:
Prof. Jefferson W. Tester David Croll Chair, Sustainable Energy Systems Associate Director, Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
Abstract: In recent years, research on biofuels produced from microalgae has rapidly developed to find novel ways of producing liquid fuels sustainably. The potential of using microalgae as fuel feedstock stems mainly from its high growth rate and its ability to be grown in infertile land without the need to use fresh water. Despite some promising advantages,at this nascent stage of the industry, it is unclear whether microalgal biofuel will be a viable alternative fuel due to many unknown factors and its immature technology. This study uses the life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology to assess the energetic and environmental benefits of microalgal biofuel. LCA is coupled with sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulations to ensure that many uncertainties in the process are captured. With this method, we would be able to determine the bottlenecks in the process train and suggest improvements and areas at which more research works should be focused on. In Indonesia, there has not been a lot of ongoing research in this field, although the country has high potential to realize this concept in terms of natural resources availability. 24
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Microalgal biofuel potentials are compared to Indonesia’s current main producer of biofuel which is palm oil to determine if it could be a promising alternative for future biofuel production. Resource assessment is also conducted as a method to foresee the viability of its implementation in Indonesia. Keywords: ganggang mikro, energi biomasa, life cycle analysis, Monte Carlo,ketahanan energi
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Potensi Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) sebagai Pangan Fungsional untuk Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan Indonesia Ahmad Thontowi1, Mochammad Gerry Yudha2 dan Prihastabrata Putranto2
Institut of Biochemistry, University of Greifswald, Felix-HausdorffStraße 4, 17487 Greifswald, Jerman, 2)Human Biology, University of Greifswald, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 15a, 17489 Greifswald, Jerman
Abstract : Food security is an great importance issue in the world. The efforts to strengthen it are with diversify the type and food consumption. Currently, foods are not intended only for satisfy the hunger but also to provide necessary nutrients for human, it prevents nutrition-related diseases, improve physical and mental well-being of the consumers. Furthermore, functional foods play an outstanding role and one of the food component that can be utilized as a functional food is oligosaccharide. Oligosaccharide is a functional simple sugar that consisting 2-10 monomers and has benefits as a prebiotic, increasing calcium absorption, increase body immunity, anti-cancer compounds, anti-aging, antioxidant, low in calories and rich in fiber, it suitable for a diet for diabetics. One source of oligosaccharide is porang tuber (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume). Porang is a local plant that contains high mannan carbohydrate in the tuber. The community is still minimal in consuming the tuber, nonetheless the porang tuber will give great value by producing it oligosaccharide. Oligosaccharide can be used as a functional food components in the food industry and pharmacy by biotechnology methods. Mannan was hydrolyzed became the oligosaccharide by using mananase enzyme. Several research results indicates that enzymatic reaction has the potential improvement to developed as a functional food-based industries. The local foods that have better function value will be increasing sales and competitiveness. This situation will enhance the success 29
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of food diversification programme, the nutritional quality and strength of food security. Keywords: Amorphophallus muelleri Blume, functional food, food diversification, Food security
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Sinergi Ajaran Agama Islam dan Pancasila dalam Memperbaiki Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia Aqdi Rofiq Asnawi
Licentiate Candidate Islamic University of al-Madinah al-Munawwaroh Unit 6, PO Box 170, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Telp: +966566326784 E-mail:
[email protected]
Mohammad Ridlo
Licentiate Candidate Islamic University of al-Madinah al-Munawwaroh Unit 8, PO Box 170, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Telp: +966540724427 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Education is the foundation of a country’s national development. It influences the process of all aspects of development. It is also the main asset toward a developed country. As a big country and still in the development process, Indonesia should be supported by a high quality education, so it can compete with other countries. But, nowadays, Indonesia has problems due to the problems in educational system. The educational system itself is considered as the root of various problems faced by this country, such as corruption, terrorism and violent conflict. This paper describes how the best way to improve Indonesia’s education system is, namely by combining the Islamic teaching and Pancasila. For some people, both of them are often considered as the two contradictory things. But, this paper outlines the cooperation between these two contradictory things in various aspects. The potentials of the Islamic teaching and Pancasila to improve the educational system of Indonesia are explicitly described at the beginning of this paper. It continues to the three main programs as manifestations of the synergy of Islamic teaching and Pancasila. Realizing a right orientation of education, character building and teachers quality development are three main programs proclaimed in this paper. Each one consists of a comprehensive study of the 31
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synergy form of Islamic teachings and Pancasila, and influences that possibly emerge. This paper does not only study the theories, but also recommends the steps needed to be carried out by related parties to improve education system of Indonesia. Keywords: education system, Islamic teaching, Pancasila.
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Service Oriented Architecture, Untuk Mewujudkan Excelent Service Bidang Kesehatan (Rumah Sakit) Di Indonesia Aries Muslim
PhD Candidate Informatique, Le2i-UMR CNRS 5158 Groupe Database & Web Semantique Université de Bourgogne 9 Av. Alain Savary 21078 Dijon Telp : +33686736537 E-mail :
[email protected]; amuslim@staff. gunadarma.ac.id
Cut Maisyarah Karyati
PhD Candidate Informatique, Le2i-UMR CNRS 5158 Groupe Imagerie Médicale Université de Bourgogne 9 Av. Alain Savary 21078 Dijon Telp. +33640143094 E-mail :
[email protected]; csyarah@staff. gunadarma.ac.id
Abstract: Health information system is a complex system. Health information system must be uptodate, valid, reliable, and still uphold the level of security and user convenience. Indonesian government, in this regard the President through the Minister of Health has launched a program HEALTHY INDONESIAN 2015, which made the referral health care system as a basis for action to a patient in receiving health care. In this paper will discuss about Service Oriented Architecture which is a mix of WEB Service Architecture, Business Planning, and Returns the significantly of Invesment value and the high level of costumer satisfaction. In the other side, It will also discuss the concept of excellent services as one of the milestones to be achived by a public institution to gain recognition as an institution “Clean Governance”. In the end of this paper we will be presented architecture-based Health Service with SOA in Indonesia, which the final goal is the realization of architecture as an integrated hospital information system service, sustainable and low cost. Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, Excellent Services, Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit 33
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Meninjau Dan Menemukan Kembali Wilayah Epistemologis Sebuah Sinergi Multidisiplinaritas Bambang Alfred Sipayung
Master of Arts in Development Studies Specialization: Conflict Reconstruction and Human Security Institute of Social Studies – Eramus University Kortenaerkade 12 2518 AX The Hague, The Netherlands E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: A sinergy of multi-disciplines oftern starts with an interest and a a response of a certain social situation. In that context, sinergy often assumes ahistorically about an epistemological and methodological domination of a certain knowledge or science. This article intends to put the historical, conflictual and search for epistemological domain by taking into consideration critically the historical model of domination in the Indonesian student’s sinergy. The article argues that there is a need for historical understanding to find again the dormant and oppressed epistemological domain repressed by the influence of power and domination. Keywords: ilmu pengetahuan, dominasi, multidisiplinaritas, kritik, epistemologi
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Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Risiko Dengan Aplikasi Stochastic Graphical Matrix Model Pada Pemilihan Skema Energi Terbarukan Berdasarkan Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Jui-Sheng Chou, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Professor. Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech). 43 Sec.4, Keelung Rd.,Taipei,106, Taiwan Phone: +886-2-2737-6321 Fax:+886-2-2737-6606 E-mail:
[email protected]. tw
Citra Satria Ongkowijoyo
Master of Science in Engineering, Graduate Research Assistant. Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) 43 Sec.4, Keelung Rd.,Taipei,106,Taiwan Phone: +886-975-729-479 E-mail:
[email protected]. edu.tw
Abstract: A sustainability enhancement is generally measurable by its environmental, economic, and socio-cultural effects. To apply this concept, this study developed and empirically tested a risk-based method for evaluating renewable energy policy. The proposed graphical matrix approach coupled with Monte Carlo simulation identifies and measures critical performance indicators at an acceptance level of reliability when comparing alternative renewable energy schemes. The mathematical model reliably prioritizes alternatives by majority voting to address uncertainty in the multi-criteria decision making process. Compared to conventional deterministic method, the stochastic approach provides more reliable estimation accuracy, decision quality, and efficiency in sustainable and renewable energy decision making. Keywords: Multi-criteria decision making; Monte Carlo simulation; graph theory; stochastic processes; reliability; renewable energy. 35
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Pengembangan Energi Angin Pada “Building Integrated Wind Turbines” Untuk Mengatasi Krisis Energi Di Daerah Perkotaan Di Indonesia Dany Perwita Sari
Staff Peneliti Lab. Konstruksi, UPT Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomaterial – LIPI Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana, Teknik Angin, Jurusan Teknik Aristektur, Wonkwang University – Korea Selatan E-mail :
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract: Energy crises in Indonesia nowadays become global issues in recent years which make alternative energy becomes more necessary than fossil fuels which limited availability. Indonesian Government policy to develop nuclear energy (PLTN) seems to be reviewing after seeing the negative effects of Fukushima, Japan, nuclear accident. Wind energy is one of the most mature renewable technologies, cheap, secure and environment friendly. The use of wind generation in urban environments has increased in scale in recent years and provides significant potential. There has been an increasing interest in BIWT (Building Integrated Wind Turbine) which becomes “New Icon of Green Building” in urban area. This paper will introduce BIWT as a solution for energy crises in Indonesia. However, to employ BIWT, it is important to design the building shape (aerodynamic building) and wind turbine location carefully to increase wind velocity. Some of numerous design forms of BIWT will be explained in this paper using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis to find the most effective BIWT design in urban area and then validate using wind tunnel experiment. This paper does not focus as much on the direct comparison of the CFD/Wind-tunnel experiment results, but the guidance that the results lead to. The result shows that, building energy can be optimized through aerodynamic building design and wind turbine position to get the maximum wind power for building energy consumption. 36
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Keywords: Energy Crises, Building Integrated Wind Turbines, CFD Analysis, Wind Tunnel Experiment, Wind Velocity
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Pengembangan Desain Informasi Ergonomis Berbasis Teknologi “Eye Tracking” Dian Kemala Putri
PhD Candidate Université de Bourgogne LEAD/CNRS-UMR5022 Pole AAFE, Esplanade Erasme, 21065 Dijon, France Telp: +3367363853 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Eye tracking is a technique to determine eye movement and fixation patterns of a person’s eyes. Recording and analyzing eye movements may allow researchers to better understand how the subject comprehends the information visually. Many studies has been done by using an eye tracking technology in scientific fields, especially in the study of computer and human interaction, usability, and also in learning a complex system. This paper aims to present eye tracking technology and its use as an aid in designing ergonomic information. Research was carried out by designing a format the presentation of information in static and animated performance. It based on an eye tracking technology as a tool of analysis in designing ergonomic information. Eye movements are captured during the format of presentation and three indicators level of the system integration were defined: configuration, local kinematics and functional mental model. The eye tracking data indicated that the learners were more focus on dual format than single format presentation. Eye tracking offers a unique measure of human attentional behavior and it is particularly important in evaluating present and future environments in which humans do and will work. Keywords : eye tracking, display, information, ergonomic
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Smart Car System To Reducing The Car Distance In Solve To Exceed Big Cities Jammed In Indonesia Dimas Okky Anggriawan
Fourth semester Sepuluh nopember institute of technology Sidokerso RT:37 RW:16 troketon pedan klaten, jawa tengah,indonesia Telp: 085642310707 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Nowadays the problem of jammed in the big cities in Indonesia become a serious problem for the government and Indonesia peoples. Its because of the loss of the giant jammed. Dr. Firdaus Ali, Msc (the environment expert, UI Technic Faculty ) said in Jakarta the loss of total estimate from the thump of jammed reached Rp. 28,1 billion (www.kompas.com, 2010). While according survey that done by PT Pomintori, the jammed in Jakarta can lead the loss about Rp. 48 billion per year. The jammed grade in the big cities in Indonesia is already in the anxious level. The government actually has taken the steps of strategy to solve this jammed problem like ATCS ( Area Control Center System ) that is a system to coordinate the traffic that can manage traffic area by coordinate with branch off the road, adding the road, making monorail and making underground train but it is not be able to solve the jammed of the big city in Indonesia. Research provider traffic data its name Inrix di Amerika conclude that reducing 3 percent by car users will decrease jammed level until 30 percent. Its very effective than decrease jammed level until 30 percent by street expansion it certain will spend very much cost. Therefore, Smart Car system come to solve the jammed of the big cities in Indonesia. This Smart Car system has more in cultivate the distance of the car data that is by using microcontroller and handphone. 39
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Microcontroller is a chip that functioned to control electronic tools and can save the inside program. The main overloaded from microcontroller there is flash memory, RAM and I/O tools to complete so microcontroller easy to control electronic tools. In the new car has sensor tools to detect rotation and result of the detect sensor rotation is found data to know distance of the car that usually name ECU (Electronic Control Unit). Usually that data is appeared in the speedometer. The data that is found by ECU (Electronic Control Unit) will cultivate microcontroller and then microcontroller order handphone to send sms that contain the car data distance to handphone in car tax center. Car tax center is a central data of a car distance so there is a computer to save data of a car distance. Car tax center is built by government to give fine if the car users in a day pass the maximum car distance that has disserve by government. This Smart car system is expected be able to reduce the distance every car users until 30 percent so the jammed level in big cities in Indonesia will decrease until 300 percent and finally there is not jammed again in Indonesia.
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Studi Konvergensi Absolut Dan Tingkat Dispersi Pada Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Dyah Wulan Sari
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Abstract: Percentage of poor regions in Indonesia can be said relatively high. On the other hand, a relatively high economic growth was also not able to reduce the percentage of poor regions. Many poverty reduction programs carried out but have not provided meaningful results. Therefore this study aims to identify the lagging regions in Indonesia in order to that the poverty reduction programs can be started from those regions. The mapping can be viewed through the convergence rate of gross regional domestic product (GRDP) per capita growth and the level of dispersion. The result of this study states that most of the regions/provinces in Indonesia can not catch up. Twenty-six of thirty provinces in Indonesia indicates that their GRDP per capita are divergence and fifteen provinces have increasing dispersion. This means that the twenty-six provinces have difficulty to catch up. In addition, an increased despersion level indicates unequal GRDP distribution. In contrast, only four provinces, namely Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung and West Java that their growth of GRDP per capita show convergence and can catch up and the only province of West Java that the level of dispersion showed a declining tendency. Keywords: Convergence of absolute, dispersion, economic growth.
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Psikologi dalam Penegakan Hukum: Menjabarkan Bentuk dan Dampak Kekerasan Psikis Ester Lianawati
PhD Candidate Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société Université de Rouen Bâtiment Honegger 419 Cité Universitaire du Panorama Boulevard André Siegfried- B.P. 218 76130 Mont Saint Aignan Telp: +33671332594 E-mail: ester.lianawati@etu. univ-rouen.fr, esterlianawati@ yahoo.com
Kristi Poerwandari
Professor and Head of Department of Women Studies Universitas Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya No.4 Telp: +62213160788 E-mail: k.poerwandari@gmail. com
Abstract: For better implementation of the Law on the Eradication of Domestic Violence (no 23/2004), the research examines ‘how can psychological violence be clearly defined and operasionalized in the legal process’. The research integrates interviews and FGD to resource persons (survivors, legal workers, social workers, psychologists, and law enforcers), and textual analysis of domestic violence laws from other countries. The result indicates detail dimensions of psychological violence, ranging from devaluing and humiliating, neglecting, implementing double-standard, threatening, inconsistent behavior, slandering, exploitation of emotions, damaging property, and depriving others of freedom and rights. In accord with the law that psychological violence is defined from its effects, this research also concretized these impacts. Urgent measures are to implement restraining orders and protection of survivors, psychological counseling to perpetrators and alternative solutions other than imprisonment. The research result is condensed in pocket book of ‘guideline to operationalize 42
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psychological violence to handle domestic violence’, completed with interview guide, principles in handling domestic violence, discussion of other solutions (other than imprisonment), and some cases to study –, intended to legal enforcers, namely the police, prosecutors and judges. Keywords: psychological violence, psychological impact, domestic violence, Law on domestic violence
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Adopsi Teknologi Rekayasa Genetika Untuk Tanaman Pangan Di Negara-Negara Berkembang: Suatu Studi Perbandingan Fittonia Elgina
Master program of Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Southern Federal University Balshaya Sadovaya St. 105/42 344006 Rostov on Don, Russia Telp : +79885861481 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Food sustainability has become an actual topic of discussion through these years as the world’s population continues to grow. The demands of food are increasing by year while the productivity of crops to provide those demands is not increasing on the same rate. Such problem is also seen in Indonesia, for example in the case of rice demand and productivity. Hunger and poverty are increasing in the world, part of it are caused by the increasing prices of food. To solve this problem, an alternative approach to improve agricultural production is needed. The technology of genetic engineering to create transgenic food crops can be one of the alternatives. This technology has been adopted by several developing countries, but not included Indonesia. In this paper, the result of the technology’s adoption in three developing countries- Brazil, Philippines, and South Africa, were discussed. The result showed a significant positive impact on the social-economy aspect in those three countries, but also indicates the presence of some social-ecological problems. This paper also discussed the perspective of adopting this technology by Indonesia. It was concluded that this technology has big potential to bring benefits for Indonesia, although improvement and development in the research, biosafety, and regulation activities for this field are much needed. Keywords: Transgenic crop, biotechnology, genetic engineering, Indonesia, developing countries 44
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Penggunaan Strategi Politik oleh Transnational Corporations Dalam Mempengaruhi Hasil Akhir Sengketa Hukum: Studi Kasus di Indonesia* Iman Prihandono
Ph.D Candidate Room 343, Building W3A, School of Law Macquarie University, Balaclava Road, North Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia Telp: +61 2 98504274 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstrak: Transnational corporations (TNC) in Indonesia apply three political strategies to safeguard their interest against possible unfavorable decisions by Indonesian courts. These strategies include (1) the exit threat; (2) home government pressure; and (3) political partner. This paper discusses how extensively the use of political strategies by TNCs has influenced judicial decisions. The results of cases where the interests of TNC conflict with the public interest are also examined. This article present five court cases: four which have TNC as actual defendants and one, recent case which could seriously affect the interests of TNC. These cases were examined according to three periods of judicial reform in Indonesia: the reform attempts in 1999, 2004, and 2009. The court decisions and other facts surrounding the cases indicate that TNC may have actively applied political strategies in order to influence government policy in all five cases. The government’s position in these cases had therefore affected the courts’ decisions and contributed to determine the results of the cases. Furthermore, Indonesia’s lack of an independent and credible judiciary has been the main reason that has allowed the
* Tulisan ini adalah draft awal dari artikel dengan judul ‘Political strategies of transnational corporations and judicial decisions: a case study of Indonesia’, dan akan diterbitkan kedalam jurnal ilmiah. Isi dari tulisan ini hanya dapat dikutip dengan persetujuan dari penulis. 45
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government to interfere in or influence court decisions. This, in turn, provides strong incentives for TNC to use political strategies in cases where their interests are at stake. Keywords: transnational corporations, strategi politik, kekuasaan kehakiman
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Inovasi Mesin Pembuat Beras Untuk Kebutuhan Kesehatan dan Pemenuhan Gizi Masyarakat Dengan Kebutuhan Khusus Iwan Harianton
PhD Candidate Institute for Product Engineering, Department of Transportation Systems & Logistics Universitat Duisburg Essen 3-9 Keetmanstr – 47058 Duisburg Germany
Ayi Ruswandi Yuliadi Erdan Arief Fadillah
Senior Lecture Senior Lecture Technician in & Researcher & Researcher Product Desain in Product in Mechatronic Engineering Engineering Engineering Politeknik Politeknik Politeknik Manufaktur Manufaktur Manufaktur Bandung Bandung Bandung Jl. Kanayakan Jl. Kanayakan Jl. Kanayakan No. 21 No. 21 No. 21 Bandung 40135 Bandung 40135 Bandung 40135 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia
Abstract: Dari hasil penelitian HKI-DIKTI tahun 2010, paper ini disiapkan sebagai publikasi aktual dalam meningkatkan kualitas pangan nasional. Benar, kuantitas beras telah menunjukan angka yang stabil yaitu sebesar 28-30 juta ton per tahun, dari sekitar 2 juta hektar sawah di Indonesia yang dapat memberikan kecukupan persediaan pangan sebanyak 0,33 kg beras per hari per orang Indonesia. Tetapi ternyata kecukupan kuantitas belum dibarengi dengan kajian kualitas sehingga berpotensi negatif terhadap angka kesehatan nasional yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya penderita penyakit Diabetes dengan usia penderita yang cenderung lebih muda. Dari penelitian awal kami, ternyata beras diolah dengan proses pecah kulit diikuti pemutih bahkan ada grinding yang membuat beras benar-benar putih, tetapi kandungan gizinya berisi karbohidrat sementara vitamin B komplek yang diperlukan tubuh justru terbuang menjadi dedak 47
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halus. Sehingga, dengan pola konsumsi orang Indonesia, angka penderita Diabetes akan terus meningkat. Penelitian terkait telah dilakukan di Universitas Gajah Mada untuk komposisi beras gizi seimbang, tetapi rekayasa mesin pembuatnya masih belum ada. Desain produk mesin ini menghasilkan beras melalui adonan pasta, sehingga komposisi beras dapat diatur sesuai dengan kebutuhan gizi tubuh. Mesin ini menghasilkan beras dari bahan tepung-tepungan dengan komposisi gizi unggul termasuk beras lembut, tepung sagu, tepung singkong, tepung sukun ditambah dengan zat gizi lain yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Bahkan dengan adonan tertentu kandungan proteinpun dapat dimasukan sebagai unsur nutrisi penting bagi kecukupan gizi. Sehingga, beras dari mesin ini tidak hanya dapat mengatasi masalah peningkatan penderita Diabetes, tetapi juga sangat cocok untuk penyediaan pangan untuk penanggulangan bencana, recovery gizi buruk dan penyedia makanan khusus para atlet. Kata kunci: Desain mesin, pengaduk, ekstrusi pasta, rol pembentuk, pengering, sistem kendali dan adonan beras sehat.
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Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Di Indonesia Meilanie Buitenzorgy
PhD Candidate Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 101 Wallace Theatre Basement, Science Road, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia Telp: +61 2 9351 4903; Fax: +61 2 9351 4953 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Environmental Quality Index (EQI) is a very useful tool to reduce a set of environmental indicators to a simpler form but still retains the essence of the state of the environment. The construction of Indonesia EQI is important to assist developing a comprehensive review on environmental condition both in national and regional level. The Indonesia EQI framework is a modification of the framework of Yale’s Environmental Performance Index. EQI is divided to two objectives: public health and ecosystem vitality. Due to the problem of data availability, at the end, there are only eight indicators employed to establish the EQI. Each indicator is weighted by adopting the Yale’s Environmental Performance Index weight formulation. EPI’s weights are subjectively decided based on opinion of experts who works in the specific environmental area. Result at the province level shows that East Kalimantan, Banten, and North Sulawesi are the highest EQI performers, while Central Java has the lowest EQI. Although the Indonesian national EQI stayed at a similar score of 76 in the year of 2006 and 2007, an alarming indication of an environmentally unsustainable development exists. Keywords: Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan, kesehatan publik, vitalitas ekosistem, pembangunan berkelanjutan, EPI
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Modifikasi Bambu sebagai Sustainable Material Melalui Sustainable Technology dan Non-Toxic Chemicals : Studi Sorption Isotherm, FSP dan Data Kesetimbangan Fasa Silviana 1
PhD Candidate Feststoffverfahrenstechnik Institut fur Thermo- und Fluiddynamik Fakultät fur Maschinenbau Ruhr-Universität Bochum Gebäude IB6/33 Universitätstrasse 150, 44810 Bochum, Deutschland Telp: +49 (0)234 32-264375 E-mail:
[email protected]
Muhammad Iman Santoso2
Dr-Ing. Candidate Universität Duisburg&Essen Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften Institut für Produkt Engineering Transportsysteme und &logistik Keetmanstraße 3&9, Duisburg SK Building & Room 008 Telp: +49 203 379&7702 Telp&fax: +49 203 379&3048 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: The demand for wood in Indonesia is much higher than the supplies offered. One reason is the steadily decreasing forest areas in Indonesia. Bamboo has a big potential as another ligno-cellulosic stuffs become wood substitutes in Indonesian. The same as wood, bamboo has several drawbacks, i.e short durability against water and temperature due to its hydroxyl group content. Research is therefore focused on sustainable technologies and non-toxic approaches to improve the durability of bamboo culms, i.e using supercritical CO2, acetic anhydride, vegetables oil and derivatives through acetylation and mixed esterification reactions. In this research used three kinds of bamboo from Indonesia, i.e Dendrocalamus asper, Giganthlocoa robusta Kurz, dan Bambusa arundinacea. The objectives of the part of this research are to obtain properties of bamboo before treatment further, i.e. sorption isotherm curves and Fiber Saturation Point, to obtain the phase equilibrium data for supercritical CO2 -vegetable oils systems. 50
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Kajian Perilaku Plagiarisme Mahasiswa Indonesia Sony Kusumasondjaja
PhD Candidate in Marketing Curtin University Perth WA 6086 Australia Tel : +61401727341 E-mail : sony.kusumasondjaja@ postgrad.curtin.edu.au
Dian Ekowati
PhD Candidate in Management University of York York YO105GD United Kingdom Tel : +447545273134 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: This exploratory paper investigates some issues regarding the plagiarism behavior amongst Indonesian university students. There were more than 400 Indonesian undergraduate students studying at three leading Indonesian universities and four Australian universities participating in this study. In-depth interviews with Indonesian academics teaching at university level in Australia and UK were also conducted. Findings implied that different meanings and boundaries of plagiarism behavior were perceived by students. It was also informed the most frequent ways used by students when conducting plagiarism and the underlying factors were found to drive the cheating behavior. There is a difference between Indonesian students studying in Indonesia and in Australia regarding how they perceive plagiarism and whether or not they plagiarize. Findings from the interview suggest several factors contributing to plagiarism behavior among Indonesian students. Keywords: plagiarisme, pendidikan, perilaku mahasiswa, Indonesia, Australia
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HPLC-Based Profiling untuk Penentuan Senyawa Aktif dari Produk Bahan Alam Secara Cepat dan Sederhana – Penapisan Antiparasit untuk Pengobatan Penyakit Tropis Tasqiah Julianti
PhD Candidate Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology Universitat Basel Pharmazentrum Klingelbergstrasse 50 4056, CH-Basel Tel : +41 612671637 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstrak: Kami terapkan proses pencarian produk bioaktif alami dari cara konvensional yang panjang dan relatif kompleks menjadi suatu proses yang lebih singkat dan penggunaan material penelitian yang lebih sedikit melalui pembuatan perpustakaan larutan ekstrak terfokus dan penerapan HPLC-based activity profiling. Pada pencarian senyawa aktif sebagai antiparasit dari 300 macam ekstrak dalam perpustakaan larutan ekstrak yang berasal dari tanaman Afrika Selatan, dapat ditentukan ekstrak yang paling berpotensi untuk diteliti lebih lanjut melalui konfirmasi uji biologis in vitro menjadi hanya pada 3 macam ekstrak dan mengeliminasi sebagian besar ekstrak yang tidak kurang poten. Sedangkan penerapan HPLC-based activity profiling pada ekstrak aktif etil asetat akar Saussurea costus sebagai antitrypanosoma memungkinkan identifikasi senyawa aktif costunolide dan dehydrocostuslactone dalam ekstrak secara langsung dan lebih akurat. Metode ini merupakan pendekatan yang efisien, baik dalam pembuktian konsep keaktifan suatu ekstrak maupun penentuan senyawa aktif ekstrak. Kata kunci: Obat tradisional, perpustakaan larutan ekstrak terfokus, HPLC-based activity profiling, antiparasit, antitrypanosomal in vitro. 52
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Aplikasi Pemodelan Aliran Airtanah Dalam Konsep Pengelolaan Air tanah Berbasis Cekungan Thomas Triadi Putranto
PhD Candidate Institute of Hydrogeology RWTH Aachen University Germany Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52064 Aachen, Germany Telp: +49 (0) 241 80 99776 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Semarang urban and its suburban like other cities in Indonesia have the problem about groundwater overexploitation as an impact of increased urbanization. Groundwater modeling is one of the main tools used in the hydrogeological sciences for the assessment of the resource potential and prediction of future impact. The presented study deals with concept of groundwater basin and groundwater modeling also an example of integrated study of groundwater modeling. Groundwater modeling studies in Neckar Basin (Germany) is used to give a comprehensive study. The model obtained a better understanding of groundwater studies in a basin scale and also in urban area. Learning from the comprehensive studies, an application of groundwater modeling in Semarang Demak Basin was carried out to give a quantitative assessment of the actual situation and to facilitate simulations of the groundwater level in response to social and economic demands. Understanding of natural systems and developing of conceptual model are the stages of the research which currently being done based on the geology, hydrogeology and hydrology data. Keywords: groundwater model, groundwater management, Semarang Demak Basin
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Mengunggah Jati Diri BangsaMelalui Pelestarian Kawasan dan Bangunan Bersejarah Berbasis Teknologi VirtualReality Yudi Nugraha Bahar
PhD Student, Université de Bourgogne and Arts & Métiers ParisTech Institut Image,Equipe Gunzo - Rue Porte de Paris 71250 Cluny, France Telp: +33602309823 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Indonesia comprises the most extraordinary collections of cultural heritage within various historical places. Those heritage sites in all over Indonesia longingly present its own spirit of place, genius loci, as perform on its unique artifacts, and the community’s cultural resources. The legacy of Indonesian collective past such as the built environment, artifacts, shrines and temples, buildings and monuments, sites and districts from the village to the center city are some significant heritages that very important for our national identity.Unfortunately, many heritage objects have been neglected towards the modernization. The conservation of old and historic buildings could prove to be difficult due to a lack of understanding of public. Public do not have a proper understanding of the significance of conserving heritage buildings and not aware of its integration possibilities with the ICTs as did by developed countries. Moreover, many relevant ICT developments in Indonesia are not specifically aimed for heritage preservation, so that people or even researchers and professionals may not be fully aware of the it developments and, therefore, are unprepared to adopt and adapt to the new technologies on this matter. Virtual reality (VR) is a specific emerging technology that can make a big difference on human thinking and highlighted to illustrate the possible new paradigms of presenting the past. The combination of interaction, immersion, and the digital computer 54
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make VR a unique medium for representing a building as well as a town in a certain time. Nowadays, VR offers many useful applications on building conservation and preservation that has greater attention from some governments, researchers and professionals. VR represents a high-end technology that has an exciting and explorative quality to complement more traditional methods of building reconstruction. Increasingly it is developing into a necessary component in architecture as tools to educate and to afford opportunities to learn and even experience historical environments, which for reasons of time and distance cannot be experienced or learnt in an engaging and meaningful way. VR’s possible utility as a preservation tool derives from its potential to create virtual experiences that people may accept as substitutes for real visitation to a vanished and damaged building or threatened sites. This paper also describe a new approach technique to save our heritages using an advanced type of VR technologies, to introduced, to explored and to reveal its great potentials on preservation of historical buildings and areas. As VR is further integrated into conservation and preservation field new questions and challenges clearly will emerge. It is anticipated that the results from these innovation will enable everybody to deliver new concept of preserving valuable heritage to our society across the time, space and other boundaries with high efficiency and great ease in the future. Keywords: Bangunan bersejarah,Heritage,Virtual Reality
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Pengaruh Penambahan Starter Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Dan Streptococcus Thermophillus Serta Lama Inkubasi Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia Dan Organoleptik Soyghurt Addion Nizori
PhD Candidate Food chemistry School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University GPO Box 2476 V, VIC 3001, Australia E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: This research was carried out to study the effect of Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus concentration and the length of incubation time on physics, chemicals and sensory properties of fermented soymilk. The experiment was used a completely random design with factorial, 1,2 and 3 % Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus concentration as a first factor and 3, 5, 7 hours of incubation time as a second factor respectively. The result showed that there was an interaction between Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus concentration and incubation time on pH, Acid lactic total, total soluble solids, moisture content, texture, taste, flavor and overall performance acceptability. In general, 2% Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus concentration and 5 hour incubation was the best results based on physics, chemicals and sensory properties. Keywords: Fermented, soymilk and soyghurt
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Hak Asasi Manusia Dan Korupsi: Kasus Indonesia Dalam Mendamaikan Universalism And Relativism Agus Wahyudi
Northern Arizona University
Abstract: This essay is aimed to examine the two conflicting views of the human rights and corruption nexus, and to reconstruct an understanding of their relationships by drawing a lesson from the phenomena of political corruption in Indonesia. It is argued that the mainstreams views are more plausible than the non-mainstream ones as the former is better able to explain the relationship between human right and corruption by considering both instrumental and intrinsic justification than the latter. Moreover, while a dominant liberal human rights discourse is applicable for understanding the corruption and the violations of human rights in Indonesia given the Indonesia’s government reception of a perfectionist state, it is suggested that the liberal human rights discourse is less able to capture the true nature of human rights violations and political corruption in Indonesia. With this, we have attempted to find a balance between a pretentious and unrealistic universalism on the one hand, and a paralyzing cultural relativism, on the other hand, and at least, to recognize that there seems to be a way, to bridge the gap between the Western perceptions and non-Western ones with regard to the issues of human rights and corruption. Keywords: Human rights, corruption, universalism, relativism, Indonesia
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Relationship Between Age and Density of Bronchial Smooth Muscle Fibers In Sprague-Dawley Rats At Age Neonates, Adolescents, and Adults Anissa Syafitri
Co-Assistant Universitas Indonesia Kostrad Raya Komplek Pusri No.A14 Jakarta Selatan 12260 Telp: 021-5853831 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract : Age is a risk factor of degenerative lung diseases. As we get older, body’s aging and loss some tissues, including in lungs. Smooth muscle is one of the most important component of the lung due to play a role in maintaining the function of compliance and recoil that can run an optimal ventilation. This study aims to determine relationship between age and density of bronchial smooth muscle fibers at the age of the neonate, adolescent, and adult in Sprague-Dawley rats used as experimental animals. The design of this study was analytic cross-sectional. Smooth muscle fiber density calculations performed at the Laboratory of the Department of Histology Faculty of Medicine on May 16 until 30, 2011. Density is calculated by dividing the number of cells with the large of area covered by smooth muscle fibers, and then analyzed using Anova test. A total of 30 samples divided into three groups according to age range: neonate, adolescent, and adult. From the observations and calculations, it is found that density of bronchial smooth muscle in the neonates group is 910 cell/mm2, in adolescents is up to 1499 cell/mm2, and in adults dropped to 1197 cell/mm2. Anova test resulting p value at <0.001 which means that there are significant differences in the density of bronchial smooth muscle fibers between the age group of neonates-adolescents, adolescents-adults and neonatesadults. Therefore it can be concluded that there is a relationship between age and density of bronchial smooth muscle fibers at the 61
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age of neonates, adolescents, and adults. Keywords : smooth muscle density, intrapulmonar, Sprague-Dawley rat, age, aging
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Study Of Tidal Power Utilization Potency In Community-Based Maritime Tourism Development Aryo Harris Pana Adilantip1, Rizal Adam Zulkarnaen2
Oceanography, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia Electrical Power Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia 1
Abstract: Indonesia is an archipelago which has the longest coastline in the world with all its wealth and natural beauty contained there. This condition should be used as a support for the national economy especially in the field of marine tourism. However, this condition has not been optimized. Many coastal areas which have tourism potency is still not properly managed and empowered. Potential areas are generally still lack access of good infrastructure, especially electricity access which is still not been fulfilled, so it requires the solution of the problems. This problem is generally referred into the electrification ratio that continuesly to be pursued for the equitable distribution of Indonesia power supply availability. In solving these problems, the most effective solution in the development of tourism is the provision of renewable electricity generation infrastructure that utilizes the ocean tides that called Tidal Power Plant Technology (TPP). TPP has a lot of added value, so this technology should be used and managed properly. In this paper the authors take a case study at Makassar Strait region, where the coasts in this area actually have a lot of potencies but not fully utilized due to limited infrastructure. The study covers the analysis of marine tourism potency, data processing and data analysis of the physical conditions of the sea that cover currents, tides, and coastal morphology, and the study of the most appropriate tidal power technology. Based on tides data obtained from Department of Oceanography ITB in 2008, the data processing in the field of oceanographic 63
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study using admiralty methods show that the physical conditions in the tidal area is ideal for the TPP development. Further study of energy conversion. The combined study produce the required electrical capacity data. With these data correlate, then created the grand design of implementation strategies utilized of its utilization. To supply the electricity needs of people in one village, designed micro scale power plants with an average capacity of 20 kilowatt. Electric power capacity can fulfill the electricity needs for tourism facilities owned by local society, such as a simple lodging, public toilets, mosque, food stalls, and others. In addition to lighting, electricity can be used to pump clean water. Utilization is very helpful for local community activities for the necessities of life. To that end, the extension system needs to be made use of the system with programs that build self employment as an entepreneurship program. Using an integrated system of coastal empowerment particularly in the tourism sector, TPP’s construction is expected to support the local community economy independently and sustainably which indirectly affect the Indonesia economic development. Keywords: Renewable Energy, Tidal, Coastal Tourism, Sustainable Development
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Efek Taman Nasional Banc D’arguin (Mauritani) Melalui Peningkatan Populasi Ikan Pendekatan Melalui Indikator Awaluddin Halirin Kaimuddin
(Penerima Beasiswa Unggulan, Double Degree MPPSK – UNDIP) (
[email protected], PPI Brest, Prancis) Dibawah bimbingan : Dr. Raymond LAE (IRD - IUEM, Brest, France) Dr. Luis Tito MORAIS (IRD – IUEM, Brest, France)
Abstract: Marine Protected Area (MPA) is increasingly taken into account in coastal areas as an instrument of preserving wildlife vagile fauna and habitat against the detrimental effects of fishing. But, it would be premature to conclude that MPA are always effective to fisheries management. In conclusion, if the positive impacts of MPA on ecosystems seem obvious, it is important to analyze with precision and certainty. In this study, we attempted to evaluate the effects of MPA Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (PNBA) in Mauritania at the community level of fish. The average abundance in the PNBA area is much higher than the levels measured in exterior zone which exploited by artisanal and industrial fisheries, the difference between these values is significant. This is also the same for the means value of biomass but the test of means biomass shows that there is no difference between the zone of PNBA, zone of 10 km and zone of 20 km. Biological responses to protection are variable between spesies. Most non-target spesies appear insensitive to the effects of protection, but the spesies targeted by the fishing activity generally respond faster and stronger than the non-target spesies. This study provides a number of elements on the positive effects of the Park National on the conservation of fish populations internal and enrichment in the zones adjacent. In addition, the results suggest that improvement of community comes not from habitat differences but measures to restrict fishing positively affect 65
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the spatial distribution of abundance of fish. Keywords: MPA, PNBA, Mauritania, Fish, Abundance, Biomass, Community, Spesies, Targeted, Non-targeted, Fishing
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Pengelolaan Keragaman Hayati Dan Lingkungan Untuk Pertanian Berkelanjutan Menuju Ketahanan Pangan Dan Energi Di Indonesia Awang Maharijaya
PhD Candidate Plant Research International Wageningen University and Research Centrum Droevendalsesteeg 1 6708 PB Wageningen E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Indonesia has a comparative advantages because of its position in tropical climate area. Having tropical climate makes possible to have huge number of biodiversity and environment that support many agricultural practices such as crops farming, livestock, fisheries, and forestry as source for food and renewable energy. Those high diversity unfortunately is followed by various challenges from diverse agro-climate that posses different ecological threads. Tropical climate is also suitable for many unwanted organism is agricultural practices such as weeds, pests and patoghens. As a result, there is a huge gap of potential yield of agricultural product with their actual yield in the field which could threaten national agricultural production as well as food and energy security. It is needed to have research-based policy to maximize its potential and minimize the challenge properly. Sinergy between related research in natural resources conservation and environment management, with research related to plant breeding and biotech need to be done to optimize the utilization of biodiversity and its environment to support food and energy supply. Management of biodiversity and environment for sustainable agriculture needs a comprehensive strategy so that natural resources can be better utilized to incrase national prosperity. Keywords : National prosperity, agriculture, fisheries, livestock 67
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Peningkatan Akses Pendanaan Bank/LKNB untuk UMKM di Indonesia: Profil, Kendala, dan Model Pendanaan Bowo Setiyono
PhD Candidate Laboratoire d’Analyse et Prospective Économiques (LAPE) Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques Université de Limoges 5 rue Félix Éboué, BP 3127 87031 Limoges Cedex 1 Telp/Fax : 05 55 14 92 51 ext. 218 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract: Micro, small and medium enterprises have drawn much attention from analysts and policy makers around the world. For Indonesia, they have been one of economy pillars in terms of GDP contributions, employment provision as well as economy buffer during crisis periods. Unfortunately, these acknowledgement and importance do not come with an adequate financing access that for this regard becomes one of the biggest problems for them to grow. In this paper, we first present current Indonesia micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) characteristics and their importance to the economy. We observe that low financing access of MSMEs could be related to some factors namely legal status, business feasibility, high level of interest rate, lending-related illiteracy, risk preference and financing decesions. On the other hand, when processing lending proposals, bank and other financial institution as fund supplier have to deal with regulatory contraints, asymmetric information and limited credit reference, low level of rural branching, and high cost of funds. We highlight a plausible financing scheme that hopefully reduces MSME’s problems while taking the banking sector’s concerns into account. Improving the financing access need to be carried out with MSMEs capacity building supported by stakeholders. Keywords: micro, small and medium enterprises, financing access, financing scheme 68
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Peningkatan Manajemen Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai Destinasi Wisata Warisan Budaya Kota dari Perspektif Pemangku Kepentingan Cecep Rukendi
MBA Student on Hospitality and Tourism Management Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand. 80 Moo 1 Vichtsongkram Road, Kathu, Kathu, Phuket, 83120, Thailand. Telp : (Thailand) +66842635076 Telp : (Indonesia) +628129983230 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: This study plans to critically analyze the management of Jakarta Old Town (JOT) as an urban cultural heritage tourism destination from stakeholders’ perspectives. This study focuses on the “6 A’s” of tourism destination management practices (Attractions, Accessibility, Amenities, Available Package, Activities, and Ancillary Services), as well as stakeholders’ involvement/participation.The multi-method qualitative research approach is applied in this case study through indepth interviews, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group meeting; these three form a triangulation of data from informants. The management of the tourism destination and the stakeholder theory are used to analyze both primary and secondary data with content and SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats) analysis.Primarily, this study concludes that in order to have a successful urban cultural heritage tourism destination---especially in the context of colonial heritage--management must include appropriate planning, special institution authority, reinterpretation of the heritage, sustainable program implementation, and the participation of all levels of stakeholders.Time constraints can be considered as a limitation due to 5 weeks field work as well as conceptual language barriers of 69
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English and Indonesia. This research can be seen as a benchmark for the management of other urban cultural heritage tourism destinations, especially in the contexts of developing countries and early-growth stage tourism destinations. Keywords: Manajemen destinasi wisata, wisata warisan budaya kota, partisipasi pemangku kepentingan, Kota Tua Jakarta
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Peranan Riset Baterai Sekunder dalam Mendukung Penyediaan Energi Bersih Di Indonesia 2025 Chairul Hudaya
Ph.D Student Advanced Energy Materials Processing Laboratory Energy Storage Research Center Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract : The oil shock in 2008 and the concerns on climate change nowadays have brought into many new alternatives of clean energy provision which are mostly converted into electricity. In order to support this endeavour, it is just as important, however, to develop the technologies that can store the energy in a portable form and this leaves the secondary battery as the answer. In fact, there are broad range applications of secondary batteries. However, in this paper, the author focuses on the application for the electric vehicle and solar power system as they utilize and produce clean energy and release almost zero emissions. The paper highlights the importance of the research in the field of secondary battery in Indonesia in order to provide the clean energy sources in the future (2025). The proposed roadmap for the energy storage reserach development, identification of the existing battery industries and raw material reserves and resources for secondary battery in Indonesia are outlined. Keywords: research and development, secondary battery, clean energy
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Supervisi Lintas Kebijakan Berbasis Syariah Sebagai Upaya Pengelolaan Sbsn Secara Efektif Dan Efisien (Studi Praktis Mitigasi Risiko Fiskal Oleh Bank Indonesia) Daya Laras Dika
BBA Candidate SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University, #17-2, Jayang-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea, 300718 Telp: 010-6686-2282 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: A high economic growth has been important for developing country like Indonesia. However, it is the fact that their national income is unable to support it. Budget deficit will become an important tool in order to stimulate Indonesian economic growth. The only financial instrument that still has capacity is debt, particularly debt issued by Islamic Public Debt Securities. However, this step brings consequences, such as threatening risk and cost, hence it is very vital to consider harmonious analysis steps by authority figure in managing the debt. This research aims at identifying the role of Bank of Indonesia in financial risk management by intensively focusing on exchange risk and refinancing risk that emerges as the result of the release of Islamic Public Debt Securities. The kind of this research is descriptive research by using library research, documentation and interview. The results of this research are; first, from organization point of view, the role of Bank of Indonesia is not yet optimal, in terms of coordination, conflict management, etc. Second, there is ineffectiveness of debt cost. This is an indication that the implementation of the policy and coordination conducted by BI is not optimal. Third, the effective coordination between BI and government will result in the accuracy of targets that will provide a positive impact. At the end of the discussion, the researcher recommends a policy called “Islamic based inter-supervision” by 72
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focusing on the performance of BI in managing fiscal risks due to issuance of SBSN. Keywords: nilai tukar, refinancing, SBSN
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Naval Watcher Radar To Detect Early Foreign Ship In the Border Indonesia Ocean Region Dimas Okky Anggriawan
Fourth semester Sepuluh nopember institute of technology Sidokerso RT:37 RW:16 troketon pedan klaten, jawa tengah,indonesia Telp: 085642310707 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Nowadays, there is many foul foreign ship be done in the border indonesia ocean consist from ocean force academy from other country or thief fish from other country. Indonesia suffer many financial loss. Incident foul from foreign ship in the border indonesia ocean because little tools and technology be haven indonesia ocean force academy to detect existance foreign ship pass border indonesia ocean. Naval Watcher Radar present as solution increase safety and defense in indonesia ocean region with cost cheaply. Naval Watcher Radar is group tools consist from radar, camera, computer and satellite modem. Group tools be put in the border indonesia ocean region. Radar and camera have purpose to know situation real as realtime, computer have purpose as processing information be got from radar, camera and web server while internet modem have purpose to connect between server computer and internet network. With use Naval Watcher Radar situation in the border indonesia ocean can be seen so information and situation in border indonesia country can be access wherever as realtime.
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Optimation Solar Cell With Concentrator And Solar Cell Attacker Based Microcontroller Dimas Okky Anggriawan
Fourth semester Sepuluh nopember institute of technology Sidokerso RT:37 RW:16 troketon pedan klaten, jawa tengah,indonesia Telp: 085642310707 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Energy source is categoried become 2 part that is nonrenewable energy and renewable energy. The most of using energy in the world this time to fuel electricity inciter or industri use nonrenewable energy as fossil energy. This fossil energy source is cough and oil. Fossil energy can give the biggest contribution damage environment. In the world because this fossil energy to it’s burning get out SO , NO2 and CO2 can make global warming and acid rain. Using solar energy it’s one of them is solar panel can change photon sunlight energy become electricity inciter. Indonesia, a country is passed of equator line and accept sunlight is better than other country, Indonesia have the biggest potential to develop solar panel as alternative substitute fossil fuel for clean, not pollution, safe and supply unlimited. Cost production that expensive to making solar panel still become problem cause cost solar panel is expensive so the beginning investment is got out make solar panel can far better expensive than other electricity inciter with amount electicity power is resulted same. Therefore, need effort to increase efficiency solar panel so cost investment making solar panel can far better cheap dan result electricity power is big. Title innovation technology “optimation solar panel with concentrator and solar panel attacker is based microcontroller” is hoped can increase ability and efficiency from solar panel conventional. 75
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Concentrator have purpose to focus intensity wide sunlight is big to a focus point. With this concentrator so small solar panel have electricity power same with wide solar panel is big. Concentrator use fresnel lens have character as convex lens can be function focus sunlight. Concentrator have weakness as must stand erecly with direction come sunlight so can is needed solar panel attacker to can detect solar panel and move suitable direction come sunlight. Solar panel attacker use two LDR or light censor, microcontroller and motor servo. Work method from solar panel attacker is two LDR can be put in east and west suitable with move from direction come sunlight. If LDR is hit sunlight so resistant from LDR become small, input from two LDR will be sent to microcontroller to execute and compare data from two input LDR then microcontroller will send command to motor servo move to resistant LDR is very small as LDR be hit sunlight so this solar panel attacker move suitable direction come sunlight. Optimation solar panel with concentrator and this solar panel attacker is based calculation so be got intensity sunlight can be accepted increase 625 % so electricity power is resulted increase 625 %. Cost to make solar panel conventional with electricity power is resulted 50 watt amount Rp.1.625.000 with electricity power is resulted same, cost is used to make optimation solar panel with concentrator and solar panel attacker to need cost amount Rp. 875.000 so optimation solar panel with concentrator and solar panel attacker better cheap and result electricity power better big.
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Planning Design Optimation Solar Cell Use Electronic Waste Based Microcontroller Dimas Okky Anggriawan
Fourth semester Sepuluh nopember institute of technology Sidokerso RT:37 RW:16 troketon pedan klaten, jawa tengah,indonesia Telp: 085642310707 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Energy source is devided become two that is renewable energy and non renewable energy. The most of using energy in the world use non renewable energy, one of them is fossil energy. This fossil energy source is cough and oil if fossil energy is used continuously make more thin energy fossil reserve so can cause energy crisis. Fossil energy can give the biggest contribution damage environment. In the world because this fossil energy to it’s burning get out SO , NO2 and CO2 can make global warming and acid rain. Damage environment not only be resulted for using fossil energy but electronic waste from fast technology development will very influence destruction environment. Electronic waste is kind waste from electronic things whom don’t wear again by user. Destruction environment is resulted for waste electronic among other human can hit cancer disease, destroy system brain serve and exist poison chemical material. One of ways to exceed problem energy crisis and destruction environment is first effort to do recycle electronic waste but information electronic producer explain that number recycle is very low and second develop electricity inciter solar power but exist weakness for electricity inciter solar power, one of weakness is solar panel production still be very expensive so with electricity power is resulted same, solar panel production better expensive than other electricity inciter. 77
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Therefore, the title of innovation “Planning design optimation solar cell use electronic waste based microcontroller” present to exceed problem energy crisis and electronic waste. Solar cell change sunlight become electricity energy identical with material semiconductor. In part of electronic waste is like TV, Radio exist material semiconduktor among other transistor and diode. Solar cell production in this innovation use transistor from electronic waste. Optimation solar cell use concentrator and solar cell attacker. Concentrator use remain compact disk (CD) or compact disk (CD) wasn’t worn again. Compact disk (CD) have characteristics is like even mirror because compact disk (CD) can bounce back come light and come light angle same with rebound angle. Compact disk (CD) exist to concave mirror so happen focusing sunlight. Concentrator have weakness among other have to standing erectly with sunlight so be needed solar cell attacker. Solar panel attacker use two LDR or light censor, microcontroller and motor servo. Work method from solar panel attacker is two LDR can be put in east and west suitable with move from direction come sunlight. If LDR is hit sunlight so resistant from LDR become small, input from two LDR will be sent to microcontroller to execute and compare data from two input LDR then microcontroller will send command to motor servo move to resistant LDR is very small as LDR be hit sunlight so this solar panel attacker move suitable direction come sunlight. Optimation solar cell with concentrator and solar cell attacker is based calculation wide solar cell 0,1256² and wide concentrator 3,14 m² so be got intensity sunlight can be accepted increase 2500 % so electricity power is resulted increase 2500 %. Optimation solar cell use electronic waste, concentrator and solar cell attacker is hoped can increase electricity power and decrease damage destroy environment from electronic waste.
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Pseudo Diplomacy dalam Realitas Buruh Migran Perempuan (TKW) Dwi Setyowati
PhD Candidate in Political Science Université de Toulouse I Capitole CU Tripode B Chambre 4312 118 Route de Narbonne 31077 Toulouse Telp: +33 6 37 06 97 38 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: The background of this research was the pseudo diplomacy in social reality of Indonesian women migrant workers (TKW). Its number is increasing every year and by 2010 it is up to 4.25 million people spread through Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Hongkong. At the same time, the number of untoward incidents happening to TKW such as sexual abuse, torture, and murder, is increasing as well. TKW was silenced, muted, subordinated in the society, both in homeland and abroad, and government has not stopped sending women migrant workers, as there are policies to ease the sending. This research’s objective is to critic the social reality of women migrant workers using Habermas’s “critical hermeneutic” which stresses the power of interpretation or exclamations of text and context with three criteria; work, interaction and power in the society and Badie’s conception of “diplomatie de connivence” that define the contemporary international system in which actors are in between cooperation and competition. As qualitative research, this paper combines objectivity and subjectivity. Critical theories being used are the muted theory, standpoint theory, and queer theory. The result of this interpretation research has shown that crack symbol or break meaning in systematic distortion in reality of TKW. This problem rooted in government programs in reducing poverty in the midst of a strongly patriarchal culture in this country. The implication of the research was the emancipatory diplomacy and 79
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communication to fulfill all interests in society. Keywords: diplomasi, TKW, critical theories.
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Pengembangan Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan Dalam Bidang Budidaya Tambak Di Indonesia Ega Dioni Putri
Master Cyber Informatics Universitas Keio – Kampus Shonan Fujisawa 5322 Endo, Fujisawa 251-0057 Kanagawa, Jepang Telp: +818044377995 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Harvest of aquaculture sector holds the important role for Indonesia because it contributes as one of top ten non-migas commodities export. The exported stock that originated from aquaculture pond production is larger than wild sea. However, most of aquaculture ponds in Indonesia are still run traditionally and ranges in extensive and semi-intensive management without involvement of experts. Currently, availability of expert is only found in professional ponds, while those ponds also have limitation since expert does not stay at field every time, even not as long as workers. To reduce the lack of expert, we propose the comprehensive knowledge based system for aquaculture pond with extracting expertise in cultivation areas. We focus on problem solving knowledge in a variety of aquaculture pond either various level of pools or various species. This research combines two principles of knowledge based system, namely expert system and machine learning. Expert system paradigm is to lead us developing effective system for helping or replacing the real human expert. Machine learning viewpoint is applied in order to data gained by system can be utilized to perform personalized features for user. Whole system is built as web based regarding high mobility of managing pond people and wide area. In further work, system will be integrated with ubiquitous sensor network to embed the pond monitoring tools which are separated each other. Qualified production is expected to increase in both professional pond and 81
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traditional pond by providing veritable knowledge about proper aquaculture pond management within this ongoing research system. Keywords: Tambak, akuakultur, sistem berbasis pengetahuan, sistem pakar
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Memperbaiki Kualitas dan Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Ibukota Jakarta dengan Program Taman Asuh Ence Ramli Alrasid
Mahanusa Capital Fellowship Paramadina University Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav 97 Jakarta, Indonesia 12790 Telp : +6289-7751-8002 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Environment is a gift of Almighty God that must be preserved and developed their ability to remain a source of life support for humans and other living beings for the sake of continuity and quality of life peningakatan itself. Climate change is increasingly uncertain and outside the predictions, is increasingly demanding the role of each individual or group to maintain its existence and preservation lingkunganya order to coexist with nature. Jakarta as the capital of the state and as epicentrum all forms of activities, day by day decreasing environmental quality. Data based on research conducted Ministry of Environment, noted that the Jakarta index of environmental quality of life was ranked 28 of all major cities or provincial capitals throughout Indonesia. It happened due to lack of attention to the people of Jakarta will be the quality and sustainability of the environment. And problems that include air pollution caused by fumes, lack of open green areas and water catchment areas, as well as the high intensity of development and population in Jakarta. The purpose of this paper is to address existing environmental problems in Jakarta and how to create one solution that can be applied to improve the quality and sustainability of the environment in Jakarta. Foster and Parks Program is an innovative and effective programs in order to support the improvement of environmental quality and preservation of the environment in Jakarta in order to create a better living environment in the future. 83
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Keywords: UU No. 23 Tahun 1997, Climate Change, Jakarta Environmental Quality Index, Foster Park Program
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Filter Air Keramik Dengan Pompa Angin Sebagai Alternatif Penyedia Air Bersih Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia Fritz Harland Astri L. Wardhani Master Student – Graduate Master Student - Hydrogeology Lab Institute of Ferrous Technology Science Building 2 Room # 305 (GIFT) Departement of Geology, Pohang University of Science and College of Natural Sciences Technology (POSTECH) Kyungpook National University San31, Hyoja-dong, Nam-Gu, 702-701 # 1370 Sankyuk-dong, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, 790-784, Buk-gu, Korea Daegu, Korea Telp. : +821090577187 Telp.: +821040681028 Email :
[email protected] Email :
[email protected]
Abstract: Pure and clean water is enormously needed as human’s primary needs. Unfortunately, awareness and necessity of pure water as an important health primary factor hasn’t become a top priority of people in developing countries including Indonesia. To note, until this day many Indonesian who live in the tropical zone haven’t got fine access to pure and clean water. This fact is compounded by poorly constructed infrastructure that obstructs the provision of pure water. So that, ceramic water filter is hoped to be an alternative pure and clean water supply. This kind of water filter already used by people, but it has problem with the velocity of filtering, because it will take too much time for filtering, almost 4.5 hours for 1 liter water. Therefore, we offer a modified water filter by adding the air pump on it so the filtering will be faster. This type of filter is can be produced in a home industry scale which will improve the welfare of society and build the entrepreneurship creativity. Finally, this new modification of filter and continuously education of clean water awareness in the society may escalate the life quality index of Indonesian citizens. Keywords: pure water, ceramic, filter, air pump 85
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Aspek Teknis dan Sosio-Teknis dalam Penerapan Systems Engineering: Tantangan dan Solusi bagi Indonesian Expatriate Engineer Ika S. Windiarti
PhD Candidate in Systems Engineering Defence and Systems Institute (DASI), University of South Australia, Australia SPRI Building, W2.43-14, Mawson Lakes Boulevard, Mawson Lakes, South Australia, 5095 Telp: +61 423 786 180 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Globalization stimulates distribution of people to work in other countries. Engineer is one of the professions that allow people to work globally. Engineering projects around the world are performed by people from different countries with different cultural backgrounds which results in diversity in project teamwork. Based on Indonesian expatriate engineers’ experiences, cultural adaptation in the workplace is an issue that needs to be resolved because of limitations of their cross-cultural abilities. The skill of engineers to manage and work in diverse cultural background teams influences the effectiveness of engineering projects. In this research we interviewed 18 Indonesian engineers who work outside Indonesia in multicultural project teams about the implementation of systems engineering practices in their project or company with respect to their cross-cultural perception. The paper provides a solution framework for Indonesian expatriate engineers in the technical and social aspects of systems engineering practices to promote improved engineering project performance. This paper reports the elements of the specific needs of Indonesian engineers working off-shore with respect to cross-cultural abilities. The recommendations from this research could be used to assist predeparture, in-house, or specific project education and training. Keywords: cross-cultural communication; Indonesian engineer; multikultural; Systems Engineering 86
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Konsep “Value Capture” Sebagai Alternatif Dalam Upaya Menyediakan Sarana/ Prasarana Air Bersih Bagi Masyarakat di Indonesia Laksmi Tungga Dewi Jaya Wisnu Wardani Darmoyono PhD Student Department of Planning Department Spatial Sciences University of Groningen, The Netherlands Telp: +31616725361 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Clean water is a vita element for all living organism in the world. However, in most developing countries, clean water is becoming more difficult to access not only because of pollution but also becase the ‘high price’ of water. High price of water makes only people with financial capacity can access, while the rest have to find another ‘creative’ strategy to fulfill the needs of water. Indonesia is also facing clean water problem. Inefficiency and overuse of water have created clean water scarcity in some cities, in Indonesia. The government and PDAM have tried several approaches to improve PDAM performance, such as costrecovery tariff or privatization. Unfortunatelly, until now these approaches have not show significant improvement and limit low-income people to access clean water. This paper tries to offer value capture concept as an alternative to help the government and PDAM provide clean and safe water for citizen in Indonesia. Keywords: clean water, cost-recovery tariff, privatization, value capture concept
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Penelitian Struktur Odor dan Essens Menggunakan Tekhnologi Spektroskopi Molecular Beam Fourier Transform Microwave (MB-FTMW) dan Teori Kimia Kuantum Dipl.-Chem. Lilian W. Sutikdja
Ph.D. Candidate Institute of Physical Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy Research Unit RWTH Aachen University Landoltweg 2 52056 Aachen Telp: +49 241 80 94753 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Many analytical researches on perfume and flavor compounds using different techniques have been caried out. Nevertheless, only little are known about the odorstructure relationship. With our contribution in the microwave spectroscopy, we are able to provide reliable structure of some esters which are mostly found in fruits. The rotational spectrum of two esters, ethyl pivalate and ethyl isovalerate, has been recorded and assigned using molecular beam Fourier transform microwave (MB-FTMW) spectrometers in the frequency range of 3-26.5 GHz and 26.5-40 GHz. However, a collaboration with the quantum chemical theory is needed, especially for the prediction of the geometries of the molecules. By comparing the spectroscopic data to the quantum chemistry data, we could estimate the geometries. For the molecule ethyl pivalate, two conformers were found, which one of them has Cs-symmetry and the other one C1-symmetry. For the molecule ethyl isovalerate, 11 conformers has been successfully calculated on the MP2/6‑311++G** and B3LYP/6‑311++G** level. One of the calculated conformer agreed with the spectroscopic data and therefore the geometry could be estimated. 88
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Keywords: Spektroskopi rotasional, MB-FTMW, gelombang mikro, transformasi Fourier, teori kimia kuantum, ester, odor dan essens, studi konformasi dan struktur.
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Film Dokumenter Pendek Mahasiswa Doktoral, Sarana Membangun Kepribadian Bangsa Dan Generasi Muda Untuk Cinta Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi Luth
PPI Rennes, Prancis E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Education is very important for the nation progress. In addition to formal education, non-formal education is essential to build the nation’s identity and the younger generation. Film is one way of non-formal educations and it is easy thinking. The short documentary film of Doctoral student is a great alternative to build the nation’s identity and the young generation for love knowledge and technology. The number of doctoral students is relatively less altought they are in the top levels of education will be easier to introduce good values to people at lower levels. The activities to make the short documentary film of Doctoral student in France can be adapted in Indonesia. If these activities and the indonesian norm are adapted together, it can build nation’s identity and increases the love of science and technology. Keywords : film dokumenter, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kepribadian bangsa
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Menuju Dosen Kelas Dunia Berkebangsaan di Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia: Sebuah Model dan Pola Pikir Mauritz Panggabean
Department of Telematics Norwegian University of Science and Technology N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Telp: +47 98 01 32 58 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Three facts act as the background of this paper: the low level of research and international scientific publications in Indonesian universities, the increasing attention and effort of leading Indonesian universities to gain the status of world-class university, and Indonesian young people at graduate studies abroad who still wish to build academic careers in Indonesian universities despite the lack of resources for research. Based on systematic analytical study on the ramifications of these facts, this paper synthesizes a model with a systematic paradigm as its two main contributions. The model describes an elementary operating system in Indonesian university with the center on the envisioned world class lecturer with deep sense of nationality. It describes how the lecturer relates to all important components of the system which are all within his/her circle of influence. The goal of the model is to enable a lecturer in any Indonesian university to be productive in research and international scientific publication through creative ways in tackling the lack of resources. The paradigm serves as a more detailed and practical description on the implementation of the model. Logical implications and important insights from them are also presented with inspiring examples, with the sincere hope towards a more competitive Indonesia in the future. Keywords: Dosen, kelas dunia, berkebangsaan, model, pola pikir
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Performa Indonesia Dalam Publikasi Ilmiah Internasional Selama 1996-2010: Sebuah Studi Komparatif Komprehensif Mauritz Panggabean
Department of Telematics Norwegian University of Science and Technology N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Telp: +47 98 01 32 58 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: This paper presents the data on Indonesia’s international scientific publications in 1996-2010 that has been processed from SCImago and Scopus database. The data covers 27 subject areas and 264 sub-subjects in natural and social sciences as well as engineering. The publications considered are papers published in international journal and conferences that are indexed by the database. The focus of this study is on three aspects, i.e. quantity, quality and international collaboration. The number of documents, the H index and the percentage of documents with more than one country are three parameters used to quantify the three aspects, respectively. Furthermore, also in comprehensive way, Indonesia’s performance in international scientific publication on the three aspects is compared to those of five ASEAN countries that are regional leaders in research. Those countries are Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam. Analysis on the data reveals insights that serve as an objective and quantitative description on the current strength and weaknesses of Indonesia’s scientific research and international scientific publication. Hopefully they can also be a positive feedback not only for Indonesian researchers and lecturers, but more importantly to the decision makers in the government towards a more competitive Indonesia in the future. Keywords: Publikasi ilmiah internasional, kolaborasi internasional, indeks H 92
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Kontribusi Pembiayaan Usaha Kecil terhadap Kinerja Perbankan Indonesia: Kasus pada Bank-Bank Publik Mokhamad Anwar
PhD Student in Finance School of Management, University of Leicester, University Road Leicester LE1 7RH United Kingdom 35 Lonsdale Street, Leicester LE2 1BP E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to explore small business financing in Indonesia especially that has been carried out by Indonesia public banks and investigate its relationship with those banks’ performance within the period of 2004-2007. The study employed descriptive and inferential statistics to explain the data characteristics of small business financing and banks performance and then to verify the significance of their relationship. Data were collected from the website of Bank Indonesia. The result of the study showed that the small business financing has significantly influenced bank performance in Indonesia in terms of bank profitability and capital adequacy fulfillment, especially for public banks within the study period. The result has also shown that small business financing has become a better predictor for bank performance instead of other financing for corporate and consumer sectors and interbank placement. Keywords: Small business financing, bank performance
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Paradoksi Kebijakan Otonomi Daerah dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat: Kalimantan Timur Kaya Tapi Miskin Muhammad Ali
Kandidat Doktor School of Social Science and Psychology Faculty of Arts Education and Human Development Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Telp: +61 3 99194444 Mobile: +61413048151 Fax: +61 3 99194324 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: East Kalimantan is a province full of paradox. This region has considerable economic potential measured in terms of its abundant endowments of natural resources, including oil, natural gas, gold, coal and forestry. Yet, East Kalimantan still lacks infrastructure, has poor human resources and high levels of unemployment, factors which condemn much of the population to a life of poverty and hardship.The new system of regional autonomy, which has been implemented since 2001, was expected to give more benefit to the regions, as regional governments have held relatively more power and fiscal capacity. Law 22/1999, which has been revised twice, has provided more authority to regional governments to manage their respective regions. The introduction of fiscal decentralisation through Law 25/1999, further revised in Law 33/2004, has favoured regions rich in natural resources such as East Kalimantan. As it has abundant natural resources, this region has received greatly increased funds from the central government due to the implementation of sharing revenue formula generated from the exploitation of natural resources. These supposed to give more opportunity for the rich regions such East Kalimantan to accelerate regional development and bring their people to greater prosperity. Nevertheless, East Kalimantan has realized neither the objectives of regional autonomy nor the 94
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community aspirations for a more prosperous society.This paper aims to examine the extent to which the regional autonomy laws have impacted on people welfare in East Kalimantan. Keywords: Otonomi daerah, pemerintah daerah, masyarakat, kemiskinan, kesejahteraan
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Perancangan Tracking System dan Telemetri Sebagai Inovasi dalam Distribusi Biodiesel untuk Mendukung Roadmap Biodiesel Nasional Muhammad Iman Santoso1 Dr-Ing. Candidate Universität Duisburg-Essen Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften Institut für Produkt Engineering Transportsysteme und -logistik Keetmanstraße 3-9, Duisburg SK Building - Room 008 Telephone: +49 203 379-7702 Tele-fax: +49 203 379-3048 E-mail: muhammad.santoso@ stud.uni-due.de
Silviana 2 PhD Candidate Feststoffverfahrenstechnik Institut fur Thermo- und Fluiddynamik Fakultät fur Maschinenbau Ruhr-Universität Bochum Gebäude IB6/33 Universitätstrasse 150, 44810 Bochum, Deutschland Telephone: +49 (0)234 32264375 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Many Indonesian natural resources have been studied and used for Biodiesel. Several studies have been conducted to produce and optimize the production process. Unfortunately only a few among those who consider the possibility of degradation of biodiesel was, they only think of production and optimization only. In fact, biodiesel is essentially fatty acid methyl esters are easily triggered into unsaturated fatty acids and has an auto-oxidation. This condition can encourage the formation of soluble products that is harmful to engines that use them, especially on the fuel injection pump. This research study focuses on tracking and telemetry system design for storage and distribution of biodiesel. As a precaution the oxidation was made an embedded systems that optimize biodiesel storage and distribution system. The goal is to create conditions for biodiesel that can be monitored in nearly real-time, so the driver or the operator can constantly monitor the state of biodiesel and can take immediate preventive before an indication of oxidation. This system if implemented can support the National Biodiesel Roadmap and became one 96
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of the alternatives that can be used for the National Biodiesel Accreditation Systems. Besides the actual progress of research in the form of hardware and software are displayed, Composite Structure Diagrams and the concept of Problem Frames are also used to illustrate this system. Keywords: Biodiesel, Tracking System, UML, the Problem Frame, Storage and Distribution of Biodiesel, Telemetry.
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Kebijakan Pengembangan Energi di Indonesia dan Teknologi Smart Grid1 Normansyah Syahruddin PhD Student in Economics and Engineering Management University of Bergamo and Ministry of Agriculture, Republic Indonesia Sala Dottorandi 101, Via Marconi 5 Dalmine (BG), 24044, Bergamo, Italia Telp: +39-3277474543 E-mail: norman.syahruddin@ unibg.it
Jauhary Arifin
PhD Student in Economics and Finance University of Verona and PhD Student in Economics University of Lugano Vicolo Campofiore, 2 37129, Verona, Italia Telp: +39-3472544611 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: To date, the ratio of electrification still considerably low in certain region in Indonesia and potentially hindered the development of those regions. Thus, the utilization of renewable energy to its fullest is inevitable. In this paper, we discuss the energy utilization issues and the prospect of using renewable energy resources to support the economic growth in Indonesia. Specifically, we underline the previous findings that there are exists causality running from renewable energy consumption to GDP, and no significant causality is found between non-renewable energy consumption and GDP. Smart grid technology is also discussed as an alternative system that is able to gather and mix the electricity power produced from both renewable and non-renewable energy resources and then automatically distribute them to end-user. Finally, we provide some suggestions to be considered in the energy sector. Keywords: Energy utilization, renewable energy, smart grid, Indonesia
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Penerapan Kontrol Kognitif pada Proses Pembelajaran Teknologi Baru (Studi Kasus Perbandingan Model Penelitian di Indonesia dan Jerman) Novie Susanto
PhD Candidate IAW RWTH Univervsity Aachen Bergdriesch 27, D-52062 Aachen, Germany Telp: +49 17 636 287 552 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Developments of existing technology make life cycle and the learning period become shorter. These conditions encourage the emergence of the learning process model which have effective and efficient methods, so as to follow the life cycle of technology development and prepares the time to learn the next new technology. This study aimed to compare the research model of the learning process in new technology with the use of cognitive control in Indonesia and Germany. Methods of analysis used is the assessment of work performance of the subjects in Indonesia during the work specified by the researcher, both based on the completion time of tasks during the learning or the use of knowledge mapping. Comparative analysis performed on the model of research that applies cognitive control unit in the learning process in the German state. The results suggest a model of learning self-taught in Indonesia gives completion time is shorter than the task of instructional and accommodate long-term memory to receive new information in the learning process on the new software office. The existence of cognitive control gave positive results on learning experiences, especially with an emphasis on the function of purpose and procedure level. Model studies in Germany can accommodate the application of cognitive control based on the concept of division of the functions allocation of between operators and Cognitive Control Unit (CCU) without considering the level of cognitive control. Keywords: learning, cognitive control, cognitive control unit (CCU), assembly 99
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Bisakah Mahasiswa Indonesia Belajar Mandiri? Konsep Belajar Bahasa Jerman Secara Mandiri Melalui Bimbingan Belajar Nuki Nurhani
PhD Candidate Sprachlehrforschung Fakultät fur Philologie Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätstrasse 150, 44810 Bochum, Deutschland Telp: 0049 (0)176 37035427 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Autonomous learning is defined a novel of how to learn for Indonesien students. It is approved from the interview result with Indonesien students who have been studying in Germany and have already learned or have been learning the germany language. Commonly they study the germany language in the language course or private course and they never learn to do autonomous learning before in the informal class. Autonomous learning concept is based on lately learning idea of germany language blowing in Germany. This idea refers to germany language learners to learn it with themselves in the informal class and without teacher assistances. According to Holec, autonomous learning denotes how to learn everything self-determined involving learning objectives, subjects, and strategy of learning until the learning evaluation. It requires high motivation of germany language learners. In addition also it requires the ability to develop several learning strategy to obtain desired learning objectives. For Indonesian students who have not been accustomed to autonomous learning it is not easy. Therefore it needs the learning guidance to direct them to apply how to learn autonomously. In this guidance, they are trained to specify the objectives and the subjects what they want, to develop several learning strategy and to evaluate the learning output by themselves. 100
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To know the successful application of autonomous learning through the process tutorial I make the research regarding to this idea by means of my dissertation. Keywords : autonomous learning, the learning guidance
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Linked Open Data dan Jejaring Sosial untuk Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Nur Aini Rakhmawati
PhD Candidate Digital Enterprise Research Institute National University of Ireland Galway IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, Galway, Ireland Tel : +353863054826 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Mother and Baby health is one important factor in Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by reducing the rate of Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality. There are exist approaches to increase quality of mother and baby health such as utilizing Information Technology(IT). IT becoming important role in our life is already taken by Indonesian government and society in different methods. However, their methods only comply to web 1.0. It is caused user can not take role for updating data as well as monitoring mother’s activity. Furthermore, the final report data can not be re-used by other application. Therefore, we introduce our ongoing research which called Keyrani, an mobile application that is fully integrated with popular social networking such Facebook and Twitter and publish its data by adopting Linked Open Data. Social networking in Keyrani aims to monitor mother activity during her pregnancy and motherhood, whereas Linked Open data could be benefit for re-using data in analysis and visualization purposes. Keyword : Web1.0, Sosial Networking, Mother and Baby health, Linked Open Data
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“Heal the World” dengan Mengurangi Emisi Karbon Dioksida melalui Teknologi Berbasis Kimia Terapan Nurwenda Novan Maulana Master Microbiology, Immunology, and Biopharmaceuticals National Chiayi University Tel : +88695719540 E-mail : nurwendanovan@ gmail.com
Ajeng Anggraeni
Master Forestry and Natural Resource National Chiayi University Tel : +8869750165443 E-mail : ajenganggraeni@gmail. com
Abstract: Burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal and petroleum raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect and global warming. At present, the most powerful and the most effective way to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere is plant tree many more. However, industry development leads to reduce the land for agricultural and of course also contribute to severity of greenhouse effect and global warming. Create new technology to heal the world by reduce the emission of CO2. Samples smoke causes of CO2 from vehicles and factories were analyzed in a chemistry laboratory. Processing to convert the gases into a liquid made with a various treatments. Low temperature and high pressure combined to provide more optimal results. Once the liquid is formed, the liquid was analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), to observe dangerous substances which possible for the remediation and impossible for remediation. This technology represents a new breakthrough by utilizing the simple idea that has been done to the process of making liquid smoke. Convert substances that cause global warming into substances that are environmentally friendly. A real effort is able to extend the age of the earth from destruction caused by humans. Keywords: Emission, high performance liquid chromatography, global warming, green house effect 103
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Dinamika Sosial Gerakan Guru di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru Rakhmat Hidayat
PhD Candidate Sciences de l’education Université Lumière Lyon 2 Lamy Residences 180/182 Avenue Roger Salengro 69100 Villeurbanne Lyon-France Telp: +33634437223 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: This article aims to (1) describes the dynamics of teacher movement in Indonesia after New Order era. This phase is marked by the emerging various teacher organizations in Indonesia and (2) explain how the contribution of Indonesian teachers movement in the stage of democracy in Indonesia. There are two important conclusions in this paper are (1) Indonesian teacher movement that developed after the New Order era is the manifestation and articulation of a political system that supports the emergence of these movements (2) the movement of Indonesian teachers become an important social group in the transition to democracy in Indonesia after New Order . The methodology used is the study of literature by examining a variety of related references teachers’ movement in Indonesia. Movement teachers in Indonesia have to do the strengthening and consolidation of networks both national and international networks. Their movements will be more solid, structured and institutionalized as an important actor in the transition to democracy in Indonesia. Keywords: gerakan, guru, konsolidasi, demokrasi
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Car Navigation Systems based on Driver’s Behaviour by Using Adaptive Neural based Fuzzy Inference Sytems (ANFIS) Raras Tyasnurita
Master Candidate of Industrial Management Department National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 43, Sec. 4, Keelung Rd., Taipei, 106, Taiwan, R.O.C. Telp : +886975722540 E-mail :
[email protected]
Abstract: Technology in transportation nowadays becomes more progressive whose advantages are essential in increasing quality of life and civilization development. This welldeveloped innovation not only prevents driver from getting lost, but also greatly decreases the time spend on searching the best route. However the increasing population causes traffic congestion become a challenging issue. One promising option among Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) which enables driver in having less frustrated driving experience by providing valuable real time information. Even though this systems capable in guiding driver to reach destination, the recommendation will not always be the optimal one because different drivers have different personal preferences. Even a same driver also has a different preferences based on situations. The route selection system which based on multiple vague attributes will be a challenge for systems to generate a right recommendation for driver. Due to these facts, navigation systems requires to be able to personalize to individual driver by adapt to driver’s behavior. Therefore, Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) is used to model the vague attributes which are come from driver’s feedback and then learn it by itself. It has both advantages of Fuzzy Logic which has a role as an excellent 105
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tool for modeling human thought and Neural Network for the learning capability. Finally the systems will continuously improve the model and at the end be able to act like driver’s thinking logic by providing a better route suggestion corresponding to driver’s inclination. Keywords: : Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) , Shortest Path Algorithm, Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Penggunaan Geosynthetic Supported Piled Embankment Pada Konstruksi Perkerasan di atas Tanah Lunak Slamet Widodo
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 1, 09599 Freiberg (Sachsen), Germany E-mail :
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract : In Indonesia there is almost 30 percent of soft soil covering the land area. Utilizing traditionally wooden piles are often met on application of civil engineering for building or pavement engineering. But availability and sustainability of this material as raw material gradually would be decrease or shrinking amount and can not supply in the future to support a considerable development region. Generally, thickness of pavement construction vary from 0.25 to 0.75 m. In other hand, road embankment is low embankment. Besides geosynthetic as a reinforcement for pavement, piles have also be installed together to support the embankment. When the existence of soft soil is so deep in certain area, so that the use of floating piles are a good choice. There are several methods to construct a road pavement over soft soil. At least there are 2 (two) methods that familiar and well known in geotechnical engineering namely British Standard BS 8006 (1995) and German Standard EBGEO (2010). Keywords : wooden pile, geosynthetic, floating pile, soft soil, BS 8006, EBGEO
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Penerapan Model Saint-Venant dan Metode Volume Hingga dalam Beberapa Masalah Bencana Alam Sudi MUNGKASI
PhD Candidate Department of Mathematics The Australian National University Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia Telp.: +61 413160408 E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Indonesia is one of Asian countries which prone to natural disasters. Of course, natural disasters may result in catastrophic collapses. Minimising the effects of disasters is an urgent theme for Indonesia. One way to do the minimisation is by making a well-planned development of spatial area. In this paper, I present analytical and numerical mathematical models, which can be used to simulate some natural disasters, such as flood, tsunami, and landslide. The analytical model is called the SaintVenant model, due to a famous French mathematician, while the numerical model is the finite volume method used to solve the Saint-Venant model. The motivation is that the models and simulations in this paper can help in making such a well-planned development of spatial area. Keywords: banjir, tsunami, tanah longsor, Model Saint-Venant, metode volume hingga
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
The Reliabilityof GUI for DiaHDL: A Development of Web-Based VHDL Code Generator
Wildan Thoyib
Departement of IT Convergence Application Engineering Pukyong National University, Korea E-mail :
[email protected]
Anita Ratna Dewi Susanti Departement of Electrical Engineering Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: The VHDL generator tools aim is to translate designed component diagram tosynthesizable VHDL code. The tools is web based, its provides a graphical user interface thatallows the user to select a digital component, customize their parameter and generate the VHDLcode.The Reliability inception in this VHDL code generator is a probability method for measurement the tools in complicated parameter to be simplified. To support the VHDL generator code tools, development of Graphic User Interface(GUI) is presented. Beginning with designing ideas of the interface within the tools based onprinciples of good interface design, the implementation of the design for the tools is to provideinterface which address the needs of its users.Designing an interface for users its requires to deal with a number of issue. The Userinteraction mechanism with the tools is being the main concern to improve the tools interface forbeing able performed effectively with the user.The research study, it’s to develop graphic user interface of DiaHDL tools, which is ableto provide both functional and aesthetic visualization in design. The Graphical user interface isable to represent information into pleasing visualization. Keywords: Reliability, Graphical User Interface (GUI), VHDL code generator, component diagram.
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Transportasi Massal Effektif, Effisien, Hemat Energi serta Berteknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk Indonesia Yuliarti Kusumawardaningsih
Doctoral Candidate Universität Kassel Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau (IKI) Fachgebiet Massivbau Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3, 34109 Kassel, GERMANY E-mail :
[email protected]
Kurniawan Wijaya
Hilf-Wissenschaftler Universität Kassel Fachbereich Elektro/ Informationsteknik Institut für RegelungsSystemtheorie Fachgebiet Regelungs- und Systemtheorie Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, 34121 Kassel, GERMANY E-mail: kurniawan.wijaya@ mytum.de
Abstract: A well defined, sophisticated, clean and comfortable mass transportation system is a reflection (measurement) of a good management governance. The current condition of mass transport in Indonesia is reflected by its bad public transport management. Public indiscipline, high frequency of traffic and rail accidents, and disobedience of law leads to public unwillingness to use public transport services. There is a need for good synergy and continuously cooperation among government, private sector and public community to build, manage and maintain mass transportation network in Indonesia. Revitalization recommendation for rail and bus transportation systems in Indonesia, which is based on effective and successful transport systems in well developed countries, is expected to minimize traffic jams occurrence; which are caused by the explosion of population density and and high use of personal vehicles. Keywords: transportasi massal, transportasi publik, kereta, tram, bus
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis
Olimpiade Karya Tulis Inovatif 2011 | PPI Prancis