OUR FAMILY My name is Juraj. I live in a small town with my extended family: my father, mother, brother, sister, and grandparents. My father's name is Juraj and he is 46 years old. He is a private businessman. He has got a lot of hobbies including skiing, tennis, fishing and watching football on TV. My mother's name is Isabela (beautiful name, isn't it?). She is 45 years old and she teaches English and Czech at the secondary school. Her favourite hobby is growing plants. Our house and garden are full of her plants. She also likes to read detective novels. My parents share a lot of hobbies. They both like hiking. Every year, we go for a holiday in the mountains. My parents also like to go to the cinema, go dancing, and spend time visiting their friends. My father is calm. It is very rare that he gets angry and he likes to make a lot of jokes. My mother is always full of life. She is optimistic, but sometimes she talks too much or she gets moody. My sister's name is Dagmar and she is older than I am. She is 25 years old and she got married five years ago. Her husband, my brother-in-law Martin, is 26 years old. He is an engineer in an industrial company. My sister is at home with her three-year-old son, Denis, and one-year-old daughter, Veronika. I became uncle 3 years ago. I enjoy being an uncle because my niece, Veronika, and nephew, Denis, are always doing creative and interesting activities. They all live in a house nearby and we visit each other often. I also have got a younger brother by the name of Roman. He currently studies at the entry level of the same grammar school as I do and he is 15 years old. He has already decided that he wants to become a doctor. We live together in one room, although I would prefer to have a room of my own. He likes to play tennis, go skateboarding and he reads until late at night, which is annoying, but I can't have my own room because my grandparents live with us. My grandmother, Maria, is 65 years old. I love her because she's always nice. She is a great cook and she also likes to bake and knit nice sweaters for us. Her hobbies are working in the garden, where she grows vegetables and flowers, reading historical novels, going for long walks, and visiting her friends. My grandfather, Peter, is 67 years old and I like him too because he is very funny. He keeps busy every day by going fishing, reading the newspapers, and spending a lot of time watching TV. I often watch ice hockey, football, and tennis with him. Sometimes, I help my grandmother in the garden, but often she thinks that I'm too busy to help. My grandpa likes to smoke a pipe of tobacco, but he does it secretly! They are actually my great grandparents, great grandfather and great grandmother. About me: I am 18 years old and this year I am going to graduate from secondary school. I would like to study economy and foreign trade at the university, but first, I must pass the entrance exam. I have a lot of hobbies; some of them are the same as my brother Roman's. The most important thing to me is my dog Filip. I have had him for 5 years. I don't have much spare time, but I like sports, painting, and reading. That was a bit about my family.
HERE IS AN OUTLINE OF MY EVERYDAY LIFE I wake up at 6:30 a.m., but I don't actually get up until 6:45 a.m. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and get dressed. Sometimes, I go for a short walk with my dog before I have breakfast around 7:30 and then I leave for school. I'm lucky that our school is in my hometown so I don't have to take the bus or train. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to school. At school, I leave my jacket and shoes in the locker and put on my slippers. The classrooms are on the first floor. I am at school from 8:00 a.m. to 15 p.m. and I have a different schedule every day. After my last class, I have lunch at the school cafeteria and then I go home. When I get home, I drink some milk or mineral water and relax. Then, I do my homework to prepare for the following day. I go to play football at 5:00 p.m. I've been playing football since I was seven years old and I currently play 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The football training lasts for two hours. I get home at 7:00 p.m. and shortly afterwards we eat dinner. We usually have a cold dinner of bread and salami, cheese, eggs, and greens followed by cake and milk. After we finish dinner we talk about our day and about our problems. At 8:00 p.m., I might study some more or I listen to some music or watch TV. I always take a shower before I go to bed around 10:00 or 11:00 p.m.
MY WEEKEND: SHARING WORK IN OUR FAMILY The weekends are very different from the weekdays. On Saturday and Sunday, I sleep until 9:00 a.m. When I get up, I have breakfast and I hurry to help with the cleaning. We do a big house cleaning on Saturdays and everyone is involved. It's kind of a family tradition. I help do the washing up and the dusting. Then I sweep the floors, and cut the grass around the house. My brother does the shopping, hoovering, and the gardening. My mother does the cooking on the weekends as well as the laundry, the ironing and she usually finds time to help grandma with the baking too. My father takes care of the car and the house. This is our usual Saturday routine, but when it is right before Christmas or Easter it's different. It's like a disaster for me. During that time, my mother organizes everything. We clean the windows, wash the curtains, and clean the bookshelves. Everything has to be clean and shining. Sometimes, I wish I had another sister or brother so there would be one more person to help us. During the spring there is a lot of work in the garden. We till the soil, plant vegetables, and water it regularly. This does not mean that my entire weekend is consumed with chores. l also go skateboarding and play tennis or table tennis with my friends. In the evenings, I usually go to the cinema or a dance club. I get bored very rarely. I like to go with my friends to the pub for a beer and talk and forget about school and cleaning. I love the holidays because I can do whatever I want.
mother mum, mummy father
- matka - maminka - otec
dad, daddy daughter son parents baby child, children an only child twins sister brother sisters and brothers grandmother, granny grandfather, granddad granddaughter grandson grandchild grandchildren aunt uncle cousin
- tatínek - dcera - syn - rodiče - miminko - dítě - jedináček - dvojčata - sestra - bratr - sourozenci - babička - dědeček - vnučka - vnuk - vnouče - vnoučata - teta - strýc - sestřenice bratranec - synovec - neteř - tchyně - tchán - snacha - zeť - švagr - svobodný - rozvedený - ženatý, vdaná - vdova - vdovec - nevěsta - ženich - novomanželé - nevlastní matka - příbuzní - blízcí příbuzní
a/ THE HEIGHT tall of medium height thickset short small
nephew niece mother-in-law father-in-law daughter-in-law son-in-law brother-in-law single divorced married widow widower bride bride-groom just married couple step-mother relatives close relatives
b/ THE FIGURE stout fat plump slim thin skinny a neat figure to be overweight
- vysoký - středně vysoký - podsaditý - malý, nízký - malý
- silný, statný - tlustý - boubelatý - štíhlý - hubený - vyzáblý - pěkná postava - mít nadváhu, být obézní
c/ THE EYES blue, brown, green, black, grey, dark, large, big, light green, … d/ HAIR light, fair, blond dark auburn red, ginger curly wavy straight bald beard moustache sidebeards
- světlé, blond - tmavé - kaštanové - rezavé, zrzavé - kudrnaté - vlnité - rovné - plešatý - bradka, plnovous - knír - kotlety
e/ THE GENERAL SIGHT beautiful, pretty - hezká (o ženě) handsome - hezký (o muži) good-looking - pohledný, dobře vypadající plain - nevzhledný
f/ QUALITIES pleasant friendly lovely efficient bossy reserved generous punctual sensible sensitive considerable inquisitive talkative modest careful careless lazy strict nervous tidy untidy spoilt naughty selfish self-confident clever dull, boring noisy witty merry intelligent thoughtless helpful skilful diligent, hard-working cheeky conscientious rude polite crazy disobedient
HOBBIES - příjemný sympatický - přátelský - milý, hezký - výkonný - panovačný, vůdčí typ - uzavřený, rezervovaný - štědrý - přesný - rozumný - citlivý - ohleduplný - zvědavý - hovorný - skromný - opatrný - neopatrný - líný - přísný - nervózní - pořádkumilovný - nepořádný - rozmazlený - nevychovaný - sobecký - sebevědomý - chytrý - nudný - hlučný - vtipný - veselý - inteligentní - bezohledný - ochotný - zručný - pilný - drzý - svědomitý - hrubý, drzý - zdvořilý - bláznivý - neukázněný
to be fond of to be interested in to be good at to be keen on to like to love to prefer to dislike to hate can
- mít něco rád rád něco dělat - zajímat se o … - být dobrý v … - mít velmi rád … - mít něco rád - milovat - upřednostňovat - nemít něco rád - nenávidět - moci, umět
I am fond of ice-cream. He is fond of reading. She isn‘t fond of ironing. Are you fond of football ? He is interested in stamp collecting. We are interested in sports. Mary isn‘t interested in dancing. I am interested in History. They are good at tennis. I am not good at English. Is he good at swimming? They are keen on Michael Jackson. I am not keen on cooking. Mr. Prokop is keen on driving a car. Is she keen on skiing ? I like to sleep. I like sleeping. He likes to read. He likes reading. Do you like skating ? My sister doesn‘t like dogs. She loves dancing. She loves to dance. I don‘t love tomato soup. They love to walk in the park. I prefer tea to coffee. We prefer sleeping to learning. She prefers washing up to cooking. I hate ironing. We hate rainy weather. They hate singing. They hate to sing. We can play the piano. I can sing very nice. Can you ride a horse ? They can‘t draw.
PHRASES PHRASES - PERSONAL DATA Jak se jmenujete? Jmenuji se Pavel Černý. Jak se jmenuje ona? Jmenuje se Marta. Jak se jmenují?
What is your name? My name is Pavel Černý. What is her name? Her name is Marta. What are their names?
Jaké je vaše křestní jméno?
What is your first name?
Jaké je vaše příjmení?
What is your last name / surname?
Řekněte mi vaše celé jméno.
Tell me your full name.
Kdy jste se narodil? Narodil jsem se 16. srpna 1963. Kde jste se narodil? Narodil jste se v Praze? Narodil jsem se v Brně. V roce 1975 jsem se přestěhoval do Prahy. Od roku 1975 bydlím v Praze.
When were you born? I was born on 16th August 1963. Where were you born? Were you born in Prague? I was born in Brno. I moved to Prague in 1975.
Kolik vám je let? Je mi třicet let. Takže je vám třicet? Jsme stejně staří. Jste o pět let starší než já. Vypadáte mladě.
How old are you? I am thirty. So, you are thirty then? We are of the same age. You are five years older than I. You look young.
Kde jste chodil do školy? Do školy jsem chodil v Praze. Studoval jsem na Karlově univerzitě. Studia jsem skončil v roce 1985.
Where did you go to school? I went to school in Prague. I studied at Charles’s University. I graduated in 1985.
Kdy jste se oženil? Oženil jsem se v roce 1987.
When did you get married? I got married in 1987.
I have been living in Prague since 1975.
PHRASES - FAMILY Máte rodinu? Kolik máte dětí? Mám dvě děti.
Do you have a family? How many children do you have? I have got two children.
Jsem ženatý (vdaná).
I am married.
Kolik je vaší dceři? Je jí dvanáct.
How old is your daughter? She is twelve.
To je moje žena. Je to tvoje sestra? Znám vašeho bratrance. Máš sourozence? Ne, jsem jedináček.
This is my wife. Is she your sister? I know your cousin. Have you any brothers or sisters? No, I am an only child.
Je to moje nevlastní matka. Je to můj nevlastní syn. Jsou to moji nevlastní rodiče. Je to moje nevlastní dítě.
She is my stepmother. He is my stepson. They are my stepparents. He/she is my stepchild.
Jsou to dvojčata. Jsou to trojčata.
They are twins. They are triplets.
Je to můj blízký příbuzný. ... vzdálený příbuzný. Jsou to moji pokrevní příbuzní. ... nepokrevní příbuzní. ... příbuzní.
He is a close relation of mine. ... a distant relation of mine. They are my blood-relations. ... my relations by marriage. ... my relations/relatives.
Před rokem jsem poznala Petra a v březnu jsme se vzali. Loni jsem se oženil. Vzal jsem si Janu. Kdy se budeš vdávat? Chci se vdát (oženit). Chci si vzít Petra. Jana je vdaná za sympatického mladého muže.
I met Peter a year ago and we were married in March. I got married last year. I married Jane. When will you get married? I want to get married. I want to marry Peter. Jane is married to a nice young man.
Já se rozvedu. Já se s ní rozvedu. Rozvedla jsem se před dvěma roky.
I will get a divorce. I will divorce her. I got divorced two years ago.
Mám tři děti z předchozího manželství a jednu nevlastní dceru.
I have three children from my former marriage and one stepdaughter.
Jsem ženatý od roku 1987. Moje manželka se jmenuje Jana. Naše první dítě se narodilo v roce 1990. Máme tři děti. Dva kluky a děvče.
I have been married since 1987. My wife’s name is Jana. Our first baby was born in 1990. We have got three children. Two boys and a girl.
Odkud jste? Odkud pocházíte? Můžete mi říct, jaká je vaše národnost? Jste Angličan? Ne, nejsem Angličan. Mám české občanství, ale jsem polské národnosti. Jsem Čech, ale moje matka má polskou národnost. Narodil jsem se v České republice.
Where are you from? Where do you come from? Can you tell me what your nationality is? Are you English? No, I am not English. I have Czech citizenship but I am Pole. I have Polish nationality. I am Czech but my mother has Polish nationality. I was born in the Czech Republic.
Jaká je vaše adresa?
What is your address?
Bydlím u rodičů.
I live at my parents’ (place).
Jaké je vaše zaměstnání? Jaké je její povolání? Jsem učitel.
What is your job? What is her profession? I am a teacher.
Moji rodiče jsou již v důchodu. Můj otec je v důchodu. Moje matka je v důchodu. Moje matka je v invalidním důchodu.
My parents are already retired. My father is retired. My mother is a pensioner. My mother is a disabled pensioner.
Otec pracoval jako zedník.
My father was a bricklayer.
Moje manželka je na mateřské dovolené. Moje manželka je žena v domácnosti.
My wife is on her maternity leave. My wife is a housewife.
Je to sirotek. Je to starý mládenec. Je to stará panna.
He (she) is an orphan. He is a bachelor. She is a spinster. She is an old maid.
Jak se jmenuje tvoje žena? Moje žena se jmenuje Jana.
What is your wife’s name? My wife’s name is Jane.
Mám tři děti, dvě dívky a jednoho chlapce.
I have got three children, two girls and a boy.
Jak se snášíš se svou tchyní?
How do you get on with your mother-in-law?
PHRASES - EMPLOYMENT, PROFESSION Čím jste? Čím jsi, Petře? Jaké je tvoje povolání? Jsem řemeslník. Jsem prodavač. Jsem úředník. Jsem ekonom. Pracuji jako listonoš. Stal jsem se listonošem. Přijal jsem místo listonoše. Kde pracujete? Pracuji ve státním podniku. ... u soukromé firmy. ... v kanceláři. ... v chemickém průmyslu. ... v zemědělství. ... ve velkém obchodním domě. ... v dílně. Jsem soukromý podnikatel. Jsem soukromý zemědělec. Jsem soukromý autoopravář. Můj bratr je programátor. Moje matka je uklízečka. Můj otec pracoval dvacet let jako řidič. Můj strýc je právník. ... stavební inženýr. ... redaktor. Snažím se založit vlastní firmu. Zabývám se počítači a elektronikou. Už tři roky pracuji v soukromé firmě. Vždy pracuji přesčas. Kolik hodin denně pracuješ? Pracuji osm hodin denně. Ráno začínám pracovat v sedm a končím odpoledne v pět. Pracuji na směny. Můj základní měsíční plat je 5000 Kč.
What are you? What do you do? What are you, Peter? What do you do, Peter? What is your profession? I am a craftsman. I am a shop-assistant. I am an office worker. I am an economist. I work as a postman. I became a postman. I took a job as a postman. Where do you work? I work for a state company. (firm) ... for a private company. ... in an office. ... in the chemical industry. ... in agriculture. ... in a big department store. ... in a workshop. I have my own business. I am a farmer. I am a private car mechanic. My brother is a computer programmer. My mother is a cleaner. My father worked as a driver for twenty years. My uncle is a lawyer. ... a construction engineer. ... an editor. I am trying to set up my own business. I deal in computers and electronics. I have been working for a private company for three years. I always work overtime. How many hours a day do you work? I work eight hours a day. I start work at seven a.m. and finish at five p.m. I work on shifts. My basic pay is 5000 Czech crowns per month.
Jaký je tvůj průměrný příjem? Mám velmi nízký plat. Mám dobrý plat. Vydělávám 10000 korun měsíčně. Hledám práci.
What is your average income? I have a very low salary. I have a good salary. I earn 10000 crowns per month. I’m looking for a job.
Nastupuji na nové pracovní místo.
I’m starting a new job.
Odcházím ze zaměstnání. Jsem nezaměstnaný.
I’m leaving my job. I’m unemployed.
Mám místo v kanceláři. Pracuji manuálně.
I’ve got an office job. I’ve got a manual job.
Mám zaměstnání na plný úvazek. Mám zaměstnání na částečný úvazek. Pracuji na plný úvazek. Pracuji na částečný úvazek.
I’ve got a full-time job. I’ve got a part-time job. I work full-time. I work part-time.
Mám denní / noční směny.
I do day / night shifts.
Pracuji ve dne / v noci. To je ta pravá práce pro mě!
I work days / nights. This is the job for me!
* 1 2 3 4
baker butcher painter artist
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
doctor nurse, male nurse teacher typist cook waiter, waitress actor, actress taxi-driver gardener soldier sailor policeman, policewoman milkman, milkwoman postman, postwoman
** 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
salesman, saleswoman shoemaker dressmaker hairdresser (for women and men) barber (for men) grocer shop-assistant greengrocer chemist dentist clerk carpenter mechanic electrician optician bricklayer docker miner announcer photographer bookseller factory-worker, factory-hand
BABY * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
baby teddy, teddy bear bottle doll (baby) powder (baby) oil (baby) bath (baby) brush (baby) comb (baby) relax chair, baby chair
** 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
thermometer nappy potty bib dummy pram, perambulator playpen cot safety seat safety belt pushchair
*** 23 24 25 26 27 28
cotton bud sticks rattle vanity case carrycot pullalong letter cubes, cube puzzle