English Base Paper for Reading Task 1 Task 2
Military Journal Newspaper Article
Time allowed
60 minutes
Candidates should attempt all the questions. All answers must be written in English. All notes, rough work and answers must be written in the booklets provided. Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch EBP Reading 0707DIP Page 1 of 3
Task 1 Military Journal Your task is to translate the following text. Your translation should convey both the content and meaning, as well as reflect the tone and register of the original passage. This passage concerns NATO policy. NATO has an open door policy on enlargement. Any European country in a position to adhere to the principles of the North Atlantic Treaty and contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area can become a member of the Alliance, when invited to do so by the existing member countries. Countries hoping to join are expected to participate in the Membership Action Plan to prepare for membership. They must also demonstrate their ability to meet the future obligations and commitments of the Alliance. They must then be officially invited by NATO to begin membership talks. Invitations to join the Alliance are issued by the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s principal decisionmaking body.
Since the Alliance was created in 1949, its membership has grown from the 12 founders to today’s 26 members. The fifth, and the largest, round of enlargement in the Alliance’s history took place on 29 March 2004 when seven countries formally joined. This is further evidence that enlargement is in fact an on-going and dynamic process.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch EBP Reading 0707DIP Page 2 of 3
Task 2 Newspaper Article Your task is to translate the following text. Your translation should convey both the content and meaning, as well as reflect the tone and register of the original passage. This passage is about events in Kenya. Death toll rises as Kenyan tribes battle over water The battle for water in the drought-hit north of Kenya has sparked tribal conflicts leaving dozens dead in recent weeks. Aid agencies have warned that the death toll is growing daily.
More aid is needed urgently in drought-hit areas to prevent further violence over scarce water resources and pastures for animals.
The arid northern plains are strewn with the decomposing carcasses of cattle. More than 70 per cent of the region's 260,000 cattle have died, devastating the thousands of nomadic communities that depend on them for wealth, milk and food. As conditions grow more desperate, cattle herders have begun driving their livestock on to each other's lands and stealing animals to replace the dead ones.
Battles between tribes have erupted as a result. There are plenty of weapons in this remote corner of the country: home-made spears, bows and arrows, and guns smuggled in from southern Sudan.
However, tribal clashes are not new in northern Kenya, and farming communities frequently raid each other's cattle and fight for grazing lands.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch EBP Reading 0707DIP Page 3 of 3
DIPLOMA DUTCH JULY 2007 Tapescripts Task 1
Radio Discussion (English Version) Radio Discussion (Dutch Version)
Task 2
News Item (English Version) News Item (Dutch Version)
Task 3
Military Briefing (English Version) Military Briefing (Dutch Version)
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 1 of 13
Listening Task 1 Radio Discussion (English Version) Credit cards and debt A
There is clearly a problem with individual debt in western countries today. I know that in the UK, for example, people owe a huge amount -
Something like a trillion British pounds in personal debt, I heard. I blame the banks myself. If they didn’t spend all their time making it look cool to spend then we wouldn’t be attracted to buy so much on credit.
But it’s not just the banks. You see advertising everywhere telling you to buy all the latest stuff and added to that there’s lots of pressure from friends and colleagues.
That’s true, but if it wasn’t so easy to get credit then people would think twice about buying the latest fashion accessory. They all seem to want to sign you up to a bigger and bigger credit limit. Advertisers only advertise when they know they can sell their product. And they don’t care how much debt you’re in as long as you buy something.
You can’t blame businesses for wanting to sell their goods. If they don’t do that how are they going to make money? And it’s the profits they make that pay people’s wages anyway. So if no-one buys anything it’ll put people out of a job.
I know that, but if you’re only earning let’s say 2000 a month, then what makes you think you can afford an expensive car or a second holiday? And do you really feel better for having those things? After a while the expensive car becomes ordinary and you just start to want something else.
So what you’re actually saying is that people should learn how to manage their money better. Now there I agree with you. The bottom line is it’s up to us to work out how to spend and save. If we all managed that then there would be far less stress and worry about where the money is coming from.
Well obviously, we’re all ultimately responsible. But I think that we should be given help rather than have everyone around us encourage us to spend beyond our means. People get sucked into debt and never get out.
But everyone’s in debt. Just look at finance ministers. They’re always renegotiating loans, borrowing more money to pay for this or that. The US is supposed to have a bigger debt than Latin America.
But there’s a whole team of experts working on this and they have far more resources to repay the money. On a personal level people haven’t got the means.
But countries don’t repay their debts, do they? So why should we? If our leaders are happy with debt, why don’t we follow their example?
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 2 of 13
So you’re saying it’s not a question of how much you owe, it’s whether people believe you can pay?
466 words Marking Guidelines A: • • • •
Businesses happy to have debt Advertising Everyone in debt Countries should manage money better
• • •
Blames banks, credit too easy People encouraged to get into debt Not how much you owe, but if people think you can pay
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 3 of 13
Listening Task 1 Radio Discussion (Dutch Version) A
Het hebben van privé schulden is vandaag de dag in het westen duidelijk een probleem. Ik weet dat mensen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, bijvoorbeeld, een enorm bedrag schuldig zijn.
Ik heb gehoord dat er zo’n triljoen britse ponden aan privé schuld is. Ik geef zelf de banken de schuld. Als ze niet al hun tijd besteedde om geld uitgeven aantrekkelijk te maken, dan zou het niet zo interessant zijn om op afbetaling te kopen.
Maar het zijn niet alleen de banken. Je ziet overal reclame, waarin je aangemoedigd wordt om de nieuwste dingen te kopen en daar bovenop komt nog de druk die je collega’s en vrienden op je uitoefenen.
Ja, dat is wel waar, maar als het niet zo gemakkelijk was om krediet te krijgen, zouden mensen zich wel twee keer bedenken om de nieuwste modespullen te kopen. Ze lijken allemaal wel vooraan te willen staan om een hoger krediet te krijgen. Reclamemakers adverteren alleen als ze denken een product te kunnen verkopen. Het maakt hun niet uit hoeveel schuld je hebt, als je maar iets koopt.
Je kan het de middenstand niet kwalijk nemen dat ze hun produkten willen verkopen. Als ze dat niet zouden doen, zouden ze geen geld kunnen verdienen. Met de winst die ze maken, betalen ze wel de salarisen van mensen. Dus als niemand iets koopt, dan hebben die mensen geen baan meer.
Dat weet ik wel, maar als je nou bijvoorbeeld 1400 Euro per maand verdient, hoe haal je het je dan in je hoofd om te denken dat je een dure auto of een tweede vakantie kunt betalen. En voel je je echt beter als je die dingen hebt? Na een tijd wordt de dure auto ook weer gewoon en wil je weer iets anders.
Je bedoelt dat mensen beter moeten leren omgaan met hun geld. Kijk, daar ben ik het nou mee eens. Het komt erop neer dat we zelf moeten bepalen hoe we ons geld uitgeven en hoeveel we sparen. Als we dat met zijn allen voor elkaar zouden krijgen, zou men veel minder stress en zorgen hebben over waar het geld nu weer vandaan moet komen.
We zijn daar natuurlijk uiteindelijk allemaal verantwoordelijk voor. Maar ik denk dat we eerder hulp zouden moeten krijgen dan dat we een situatie hebben waarin iedereen om ons heen ons aanmoedigt om meer geld uit te geven dan we hebben.
Maar iedereen heeft schulden. Kijk maar naar de ministers van financiën. Ze zijn altijd bezig met het opnieuw onderhandelen over bestaande leningen en lenen steeds meer geld om het een of ander af te betalen. De Verenigde Staten heeft, naar gezegd wordt, meer schuld dan Latijns Amerika.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 4 of 13
Ja, maar er is wel een heel team van deskundigen dat zich daarmee bezig houdt en ze hebben meer middelen om dat geld terug te kunnen betalen. Op privé niveau hebben mensen die middelen niet.
Maar landen betalen hun schulden niet terug, of wel soms? Waarom zouden wij dat dan wel doen? Als onze leiders tevreden zijn met het hebben van schulden, waarom zouden wij dan niet hun voorbeeld volgen?
Dus wat jij bedoelt is, dat het niet een vraag is van hoeveel schuld je hebt maar of mensen geloven dat die schuld terug betaald kan worden of niet?
Ja, precies!
539 words
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 5 of 13
Listening Task 2 News Item (English Version) A group of islanders who were forcibly removed from their homes in the Indian Ocean decades ago celebrated victory at the High Court in London today. After hearing a judgment critical of ministers' actions, islanders called on the Queen to apologise for what her government had done and said they hoped to return home as soon as possible. Lord Justice Hooper and Mr Justice Cresswell ruled that orders made to prevent the return of the Chagos islanders to their homes were not only unlawful but repugnant. The Chagos archipelago was designated a separate colony for defence purposes in 1965, at the height of the cold war. A year later, the British government reached an agreement with the Americans to lease the territories for defence uses for 50 years. About 2,000 islanders were then forcibly removed to make way for the Diego Garcia US airbase, which was later used for bombing raids in Afghanistan and Iraq. The islanders say British promises that they would be given land and good conditions were forgotten and most of the people evicted from the 65 islands now live in abject poverty in Mauritius and the Seychelles, although there is also a small community of islanders living rather more comfortably in the UK. During the case, Sir Sydney Kentridge QC, representing the islanders, described their treatment at the hands of the British government as "unlawful and a breach of accepted moral standards". The barrister acting for the Foreign Office countered, saying that the government had acted within its powers. Outside court, more than 20 islanders and their supporters celebrated the victory. A spokesman said that although they were few in number, they had always had faith in their struggle. Their aim is to return as soon as possible. They were looking for assistance to return to their islands. Their families had lived on Chagos for many generations and they now have the right to return to their birthplace. They also thought that the Queen should apologise. At the court for the verdict was 65-year-old Lisette Taleti, two of whose children died during the evacuation. She said, through a translator, that she was very happy about the decision and couldn’t wait to go home Cynthia Morel, a representative of the organisation Minority Rights Group International, has supported the legal action from the start. She said that it was a stunning legal victory, not just for the Chagos community but for all the dispossessed peoples of the world. She said it was now essential that both the media and international community ensured that the right to return was enforced. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office was given 28 days to appeal. A government spokesman refused to confirm whether the government would appeal but said it would be inappropriate to comment further, given the possibility of continued legal proceedings. He added that they were disappointed with the judgment. 479 words University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 6 of 13
Marking Guide • • • • •
Court case won by islanders dispossessed by British Island used as US air base Want apology from Queen Can’t wait to go home FCO has chance to appeal
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 7 of 13
Listening Task 2 News Item (Dutch Version) Een groep eilandbewoners, die tientallen jaren geleden gedwongen hun huizen in de Indische Oceaan moesten verlaten, vierden vandaag in Londen een overwinning in het hooggerechtshof. Na een vonnis te hebben gehoord dat kritisch was ten opzichte van het gedrag van ministers, deden de eilandbewoners een beroep op de koningin haar verontschuldigingen aan te bieden voor wat haar regering had gedaan en ze zeiden dat ze hoopten zo snel mogelijk weer naar hun huizen terug te kunnen keren. Opperrechter Hooper en rechter Cresswell deden uitspraak dat de bevelen, die gegeven waren om de terugkeer van de Chagos eilandbewoners naar hun huizen tegen te houden, niet onwettelijk waren maar wel weerzinwekkend. De Chagos archipel werd in 1965, tijdens het hoogtepunt van de Koude Oorlog, voor defensiedoeleinden als speciale kolonie bestemd. Een jaar later kwam de Britse regering met de Amerikanen tot een akkoord om het gebied voor defensiegebruik te leasen voor een periode van 50 jaar. Ongeveer 2000 eilandbewoners werden dwangmatig verwijderd om plaats te maken voor de Amerikaanse vliegbasis Diego Garcia, die later voor bombardementen op Afghanistan en Irak gebruikt werd. De eilandbewoners zeggen dat Britse beloften, waarbij hen land en goede leefomstandigheden werden geboden, vergeten waren en dat het merendeel van de 8000 uitgezette mensen van de 65 eilanden tellende diaspora nu in Mauritius en de Seychelles in vernederende armoede wonen, alhoewel er ook een kleine gemeenschap van eilandbewoners iets comfortabeler in het Verenigd Koninkrijk woont. Tijdens de rechtzaak beschreef Sir Sydney Kentridge, de openbare aanklager die de eilandbewoners vertegenwoordigde, de manier waarop ze door de Britse regering waren behandeld als ‘onwettelijk en een schending van geaccepteerde morele waarden’. De advokaat van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken ging daar tegen in door te zeggen dat de regering binnen de wet had gehandeld. Buiten de rechtbank vierden meer dan 20 eilandbewoners en hun aanhangers de overwinning. Een woordvoerder zei dat ze altijd in hun strijd hadden geloofd ook al waren ze klein in aantal. Hun doel is om zo snel mogelijk terug te keren. Ze zoeken nu steun om naar de eilanden terug te keren. Hun families wonen al generaties lang op de eilanden en ze hebben nu het recht terug te keren naar hun geboorteplaats. Ze vonden ook dat de koningin haar verontschuldigingen moest aanbieden. De 65-jarige Lisette Taleti, van wie twee kinderen omkwamen tijdens de evacuatie, was bij de rechtbank voor de uitspraak. Ze zei, via een tolk, dat ze erg blij was met de beslissing en niet kon wachten om weer naar huis te gaan. Cynthia Morel, een vertegenwoordigster van de organisatie Internationale Groep voor de Rechten van Minderheidsgroepen, heeft de wettelijke actie vanaf het begin gesteund. Ze zei dat het een heel bijzondere wettelijke overwinning was, niet University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 8 of 13
alleen voor de Chagos gemeenschap maar voor alle misdeelden in de wereld. Ze zei dat het nou noodzakelijk was dat zowel de media alsook de internationale gemeenschap ervoor zou zorgen dat hun recht op terugkeer werkelijkheid zou worden. Het kantoor voor het buitenland en het Britse gemenebest kreeg 28 dagen om in hoger beroep te gaan. Een woordvoerder van de regering weigerde te bevestigen of de regering wel of niet in beroep zou gaan maar hij zei dat het ongepast was daarover verder commentaar te leveren, vanwege de mogelijkheid dat er verdere wettelijke actie zouden volgen. Hij voegde daaraan toe dat ze teleurgesteld waren met de uitspraak.
557 words
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 9 of 13
Listening Task 3 Military Briefing (English Version) Ladies and Gentlemen, I have three items for you today. Firstly the MOD’s comment on operations in Pakistan, secondly on a new vessel for the Royal Navy and finally on operations in Helmand. We have received reports that American forces missed the opportunity to capture or kill bin Laden two years ago because of a delay in granting permission for operations to take place on Pakistani soil. This has come to light because of the recent raid carried out by US forces in northern Pakistan, apparently without any prior permission from the Pakistani authorities. The Americans are quoting this earlier incident as a justification for not informing the Pakistanis of their intentions. Apparently the Americans had picked up electronic traffic which suggested that bin Laden had sought temporary shelter in a region where the tribesmen are broadly sympathetic to the Taliban and to al-Qaeda. The delay in giving permission for operations on Pakistani soil led to bin Laden being able to escape. The Americans are suspicious of the reasons given for the delay and have suggested that Pakistani intelligence officials caused the delay in order to give bin Laden time to escape. The Pakistanis deny the charge. On to my second item. There has been much speculation in the press about the commitment of the Government to the shipbuilding programme announced by the Government as part of the Strategic Defence Review. This speculation has come on the back of the launch recently of HMS Daring, the first of the Navy’s new Type 45 destroyers. Originally the Government indicated that it required 12 such destroyers but this commitment has now been officially scaled back to 8. However, firm orders for the building of ships number 7 and 8 have not yet been forthcoming. Further, financial cuts of £145m have curtailed some of the more advanced capabilities of the ships. The type 45 is an impressive ship. It has the tallest radar mast of any naval ship built, a flight deck large enough for 20 London buses and a fitness centre for its 190 crew. It is also the first ship to have been designed from the start to have women on board. And finally, I would like to give you the MOD’s assessment of the tasks facing the coalition forces operating in the Helmand region. In the past operations have been largely offensive and focussed on trying to defeat the terrorists. Whilst there have been successes, nevertheless it is true to say that the security situation has worsened. It is important to realise that we are dealing here not only with the Taliban and al-Qaeda but also with local militias and drug war-lords. An incident could be as a result of Taliban or al-Qaeda actions, a drug quarrel or a tribal feud. This region accounts for three quarters of the Afghani opium crop and this is expected to increase this year by over 90%. If we destroy the drug crop and thereby take away the livelihood of the farmers, we will invite actions against ourselves. It is vital therefore that the drug question is tackled and solved before any real improvement in the security situation can be expected. 527 words
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 10 of 13
Marking Guide 75% of the following plus demonstration that the thrust of the item has been fully understood. What does the speaker say about: •
Operations in the Pakistani border regions
Reports received confirming that US missed bin Laden 2 years ago due to delay by Pakistanis approving mission on their territory US made this public to justify recent attack by US in northern Pakistan without prior approval Americans identified bin Laden’s whereabouts from electronic traffic in area where tribesmen are sympathetic The delay in giving permission for ops on Pakistani soil led to bin Laden escaping Americans suspect Pakistani intelligence of deliberately delaying permission so that bin Laden could escape The Pakistanis reject this •
The new Royal Navy
Doubts expressed in press over government's commitment to the new ship building programmes for the Navy New type 45 destroyer just launched Originally 12 were envisaged under Strategic Defence Review but reduced to 8 now Furthermore, no orders have been received to build ships number 7 and 8 leading to doubts Financial cuts (of £145m) have also reduced (some of the more advanced) future capabilities Type 45 an impressive ship (some details: tallest radar mast, flight deck big enough for 20 London buses, fitness centre for its 190 crew) First ship designed from beginning to have women on board •
Operations in Helmand
Assessment of task facing coalition forces in Helmand province In the past ops focussed on defeating the terrorist – were largely offensive Despite this, fair to say security has worsened Must realise that we are dealing not only with Taliban and al-Qaeda but also local militias and drug warlords This region accounts for ¾ of the Afghani opium production If we destroy the drug crop and take away the livelihood of local farmers, we will invite action against ourselves No improvement in situation until this problem is tackled
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 11 of 13
Listening Task 3 Military Briefing (Dutch Version) Dames en heren, ik heb vandaag drie items voor u. Allereerst een opmerking van BZ over de operaties in Pakistan, ten tweede iets over een vaartuig van de Koninklijke marine en als laatste iets over de operaties in Helmand. We hebben berichten ontvangen dat Amerikaanse troepen twee jaar geleden een kans gemist hebben Osama Bin Laden te doden of gevangen te nemen omdat er een vertraging was opgetreden in het geven van toestemming voor een operatie op Pakistaans grondgebied. Dit is aan het licht gekomen vanwege de recente aanval, ogenschijnlijk zonder toestemming van de Pakistaanse autoriteiten uitgevoerd door Amerikaanse troepen in het noorden van Pakistan. De Amerikanen halen dit eerdere incident aan als rechtvaardiging om de Pakistaanse autoriteiten niet over hun plannen te informeren. De Amerikanen hadden, naar het schijnt, electronisch berichten opgevangen waarin gesuggereerd werd dat Bin Laden tijdelijk zijn toevlucht had gezocht in een gebied waar leden van de plaatselijke stammen sympathiseren met de Taliban en Al-Qaeda. De vertraging in het geven van toestemming voor operaties op Pakistaans grondgebied waren er de oorzaak van dat Bin Laden kon ontvluchten. De Amerikanen vinden de redenen die gegeven werden voor de vertraging verdacht en hebben gesuggereerd dat de Pakistaanse inlichtingendienst de vertraging had veroorzaakt om Bin Laden de tijd te geven te ontsnappen. De Pakistanen ontkennen deze aantijging. Voor wat betreft mijn tweede item. Er is veel in de media gespeculeerd over een toezegging van de regering om een programma voor de bouw van schepen op te zetten binnen het kader van het Strategische Defensie Overzicht van de regering. Deze speculatie is na het recentelijk te water laten van de HMS Daring, de eerste van het nieuwe type 45-destroyers van de marine, op gang gekomen. Oorspronkelijk gaf de regering aan dat het 12 van dit soort destroyers nodig had maar deze toezegging is nu officieel teruggedraaid naar 8. Echter, concrete orders voor schip nummer 7 en 8 zijn nog niet binnen. Verder hebben bezuinigingen van £145m ???? see English base mentions million de schepen berooft van hun meer geavanceerde capaciteiten. Het type 45 is een indrukwekkend schip. Het heeft de hoogste radar mast van welk marineschip dan ook, een vluchtdek dat groot genoeg is voor 20 Londense bussen en een fitness centrum voor haar 190 man tellende bemanning. Het is ook het eerste schip dat vanaf het begin ontworpen is om vrouwen aan boord te hebben. En dan tenslotte wil ik u graag het oordeel van BZ geven over de taken die de coalitietroepen, die in het Helmand gebied opereren, het hoofd moeten bieden. In het verleden zijn operaties het meest aanvallend geweest en waren bedoeld om te proberen de terroristen te verslaan. Alhoewel er suksesjes geweest zijn, is het desalnietemin waar dat de veiligheidssituatie is verslechterd. Het is belangrijk om stil te staan bij het feit dat we hier niet alleen te maken hebben met de Taliban en Al-Qaeda maar ook met plaatselijke milities en drugs krijgslieden. Een incident kan plaats vinden vanwege acties van de Taliban of Al-Qaeda, een strijd om drugs of een stammenstrijd. Dit gebied is verantwoordelijk voor drievierde van de Afghaanse opium produktie en dit zal, naar verwachting, dit jaar groeien tot meer dan 90%. Als we de drugs plantages vernietigen en daarmee de broodwinning van University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 12 of 13
de boeren wegnemen, zullen we acties tegen ons uitlokken. Het is daarom noodzakelijk dat de drugskwestie wordt aangepakt en opgelost vóórdat enige verbetering in de veiligheidssituatie verwacht kan worden. 567 words
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Tapescripts 0707DIP Page 13 of 13
Transacting Business General Conversation Consecutive Interpreting Situational Interpreting
Time allowed 55 minutes (maximum) Task 1 Preparation Transaction Task 2 Task 3 Task 4
10 minutes 15 minutes approx. 10 minutes approx. 5 minutes approx. 10 minutes approx.
Contents Page 1 Cover Sheet Page 2 Task 1 Page 3 Task 1 Page 4 Task 1 Page 5 Task 1 Page 6 Task 2 Page 7 Task 3 Page 8 Task 4 Page 9 Task 4 Page 10 Task 4
Transacting Business – Examiners’ Brief Transacting Business – Service Colleagues’ Checklist Transacting Business – Candidates’ Brief Transacting Business – Comparison Sheet General Conversation – Examiners’ Brief Consecutive Interpreting – Examiners’ Brief (English / Dutch Version) Situational Interpreting (English Version) – Service Colleagues’ Brief Situational Interpreting (English/Dutch Version) – Service Colleagues’ Brief Situational Interpreting (Dutch Version) – Examiners’ Brief
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 1 of 10
Task 1 Transacting Business Examiners’ Brief Scenario: Meeting between the British Media Ops officer and the editor of the local newspaper. Candidate Thank you for agreeing to see me. Unfortunately I have received some information that concerns me and I want to discuss the matter with you. We have always had a good, honest relationship and I want to ensure that it remains that way. Well, I understand that you are intending to publish an article tomorrow that states that British troops are deliberately inciting violence through their aggressive behaviour and mal-treatment of locals when in custody.
Examiner What sort of information have you received? You know that I have always done my utmost to ensure that our newspaper supports your work in this area.
Service Colleague The editor has always done his best to support the British Army’s work.
Who has told you these lies? Why should I publish anything that upsets you? If it weren’t for you I would not have the resources I need to produce newspapers. Why would I want to harm our relationship?
I cannot reveal my source – but it is sound. You have not answered my question. Are you intending to publish an inflammatory article?
You have taught me that in a democracy it is important to have free press. It is important that I publish the truth. Now, British soldiers have stopped patrolling on foot as they used to, and now they speed past in armoured vehicles refusing to talk to us. Isn’t that aggressive? I understand that things are becoming increasingly difficult, but we do not have armoured vehicles to move around in. And then there is the question of British tactics with our prisoners. Many people here say that you are getting more and more heavy handed. One of my brothers was arrested last week and, when he came home, he had a bruised face and a broken wrist. But I’m not going to give you my brother’s details – it could cost me my life. I know that we have done some good work together but things have changed. My wife and children have been threatened. I cannot afford to carry on this way. People are saying that I am a collaborator. Life is not safe for my family or me. I cannot afford not to publish an article. I need interesting articles to sell newspapers and I need to show the community that I am not a collaborator. There is nothing you can do to change my mind. My family is too important. Farewell.
Denies that he was going to publish anything inflammatory. Does not want to damage his relationship with the British forces - they provide the resources. Didn’t answer the question. Instead he said a democracy requires a free press. British soldiers now patrol in armoured vehicles and do not talk to the locals – it’s aggressive Understands why the soldiers are using armoured vehicles, but the locals don’t have the same protection. (Now the British are becoming more heavy handed.) One of his brothers was arrested last week, came home with bruised face and broken wrist. Will not give his brother’s details. He feels that he and his family are in danger as they have been threatened. (People are saying he is a collaborator.)
We have had to start patrolling in armoured vehicles because the rebels are using mines that are maiming and killing our troops. If this were not the case, we would be on foot.
British troops know that they must act in accordance with the Geneva Convention. We have strict rules for the handling of personnel in custody. Please give me any details and I will look into this. I know that life is difficult for any locals who work for the British Army. Rest assured if you are in danger we will do all we can to protect you.
We know that conditions here have been hard, but we feel we’ve made lots of progress here. If you publish this article it will undo all the good that’s been done.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Editor has to publish an article to sell newspapers. In addition needs to show community that he is not a collaborator. Editor will not change his mind.
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 2 of 10
Task 1 Transacting Business Service Colleagues’ Check List For reference you have in this set of papers the Examiners’ Brief, the Candidates’ Brief, and at page 5 a Comparison Sheet with the cues for the candidate, for the native speaker examiner, and for you as Service Colleague. Your task in the examination is to check in English the information that the candidate brings back from a dialogue with the native speaker examiner. Scenario: Meeting between the British Media Ops officer and the editor of the local newspaper. The candidate should give you the following information: •
The editor has always done his best to support the British Army’s work.
The editor denied that he was going to publish anything inflammatory. He does not want to damage his relationship with the British forces because they provide the resources he needs for his newspaper.
The editor didn’t answer the question. Instead he said a democracy requires a free press. British soldiers now patrol in armoured vehicles and do not talk to the locals – aggressive stance.
The editor understands why the soldiers are using armoured vehicles, but the locals don’t have the same protection. (Now the British are becoming increasingly heavy handed.)
One of his brothers was arrested last week and came home with bruised face and broken wrist (accept injured). Editor will not give his brother’s details.
He feels that he and his family are in danger as they have been threatened. (People are saying he is a collaborator.)
Editor has to publish an article to sell newspapers. In addition needs to show community that he is not a collaborator. Editor will not change his mind.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 3 of 10
Task 1 Transacting Business Candidates’ Brief Scenario: You are the Media Ops officer. You have been told that the local newspaper editor, who has always supported you, is intending to publish an inflammatory article about the British Army. Your Brigade Commander has asked you to speak to the editor. You have 10 minutes to prepare for the meeting. On completion of the transaction you have 5 minutes to brief your commanding officer (played by the Service Colleague) in English on the outcome. From: Your Brigade Commander To: You Re: Relations with the local newspaper. It has come to light that the local newspaper is going to publish an article about the military. The article will probably be highly critical. Please meet the editor of the paper to discuss this issue. Don’t give all your information away at once. We need as much information as we can get from them. Don’t on any account reveal our sources to the editor. •
Remind the editor of close working relationship – hopefully into future. Explain purpose for meeting and express our concerns.
Gauge his reaction to our information: o Article will say that British troops are inciting violence. o They are aggressive. o Mistreat prisoners.
Find out if he will publish.
Gauge his reaction to the changes in patrolling. o Armoured cars used because rebels use mines.
Inform all soldiers act under the Geneva Convention. We welcome the chance to deal with specific allegations. Can the editor supply any details of incidents?
Remind him that if life is getting too difficult for him, we will do everything in our power to improve his personal security. Gauge his reaction to this.
Gauge his reaction to our relationship with the local community. o Much achieved despite hardship. o Article will destroy this.
Report back on your return. Please include any additional information that is given to you. University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 4 of 10
Task 1 Transacting Business Comparison Sheet Scenario: Meeting between the British Media Ops officer and the editor of the local newspaper. Candidate Thank you for agreeing to see me. Unfortunately I have received some information that concerns me and I want to discuss the matter with you. We have always had a good, honest relationship and I want to ensure that it remains that way. Well, I understand that you are intending to publish an article tomorrow that states that British troops are deliberately inciting violence through their aggressive behaviour and mal-treatment of locals when in custody.
Examiner What sort of information have you received? You know that I have always done my utmost to ensure that our newspaper supports your work in this area.
Service Colleague The editor has always done his best to support the British Army’s work.
Who has told you these lies? Why should I publish anything that upsets you? If it weren’t for you I would not have the resources I need to produce newspapers. Why would I want to harm our relationship?
I cannot reveal my source – but it is sound. You have not answered my question. Are you intending to publish an inflammatory article?
You have taught me that in a democracy it is important to have free press. It is important that I publish the truth. Now, British soldiers have stopped patrolling on foot as they used to, and now they speed past in armoured vehicles refusing to talk to us. Isn’t that aggressive? I understand that things are becoming increasingly difficult, but we do not have armoured vehicles to move around in. And then there is the question of British tactics with our prisoners. Many people here say that you are getting more and more heavy handed. One of my brothers was arrested last week and, when he came home, he had a bruised face and a broken wrist. But I’m not going to give you my brother’s details – it could cost me my life. I know that we have done some good work together but things have changed. My wife and children have been threatened. I cannot afford to carry on this way. People are saying that I am a collaborator. Life is not safe for my family or me. I cannot afford not to publish an article. I need interesting articles to sell newspapers and I need to show the community that I am not a collaborator. There is nothing you can do to change my mind. My family is too important. Farewell.
Denies that he was going to publish anything inflammatory. Does not want to damage his relationship with the British forces - they provide the resources. Didn’t answer the question. Instead he said a democracy requires a free press. British soldiers now patrol in armoured vehicles and do not talk to the locals – it’s aggressive Understands why the soldiers are using armoured vehicles, but the locals don’t have the same protection. (Now the British are becoming more heavy handed.) One of his brothers was arrested last week, came home with bruised face and broken wrist. Will not give his brother’s details. He feels that he and his family are in danger as they have been threatened. (People are saying he is a collaborator.)
We have had to start patrolling in armoured vehicles because the rebels are using mines that are maiming and killing our troops. If this were not the case, we would be on foot.
British troops know that they must act in accordance with the Geneva Convention. We have strict rules for the handling of personnel in custody. Please give me any details and I will look into this. I know that life is difficult for any locals who work for the British Army. Rest assured if you are in danger we will do all we can to protect you.
We know that conditions here have been hard, but we feel we’ve made lots of progress here. If you publish this article it will undo all the good that’s been done.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Editor has to publish an article to sell newspapers. In addition needs to show community that he is not a collaborator. Editor will not change his mind.
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 5 of 10
Task 2 General Conversation Examiners’ Brief Conduct a general conversation with the candidate. The conversation should last approximately 10 minutes and revolve around topics of current interest. The exact nature of the topics will be decided on the day of the exam. Below are boxes for you to make notes for your own guidance. Social or cultural matters at local or regional level
National or regional issues
International issues
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 6 of 10
Task 3 Consecutive Interpreting (from English into Dutch) Examiner’s Brief Instructions (given by Service Colleague) I will play the role of a British Officer giving a press briefing regarding a peacekeeping role. You are required to give a gist interpretation of this short passage in Dutch. You are strongly advised to take notes during the reading, and you should start your interpretation just after I have finished speaking. Ladies and gentlemen. Last night the refugee camp located 30 kms from the capital was attacked. Many of the tents were set on fire and medical supplies and food were taken. It is thought to be the work of militia factions operating in the north of the country. 20 people were killed in the attack. The attackers struck under cover of night. It is not our role to hunt the militia factions. It is within our terms of engagement to protect those in refugee camps. With this in mind we will now mount regular patrols around the perimeter of the camp and install a heavy guard on the main entrance. 110 words Task 3 Consecutive Interpreting (Dutch version) Examiners' Brief Instructions (given by Service Colleague) I will play the role of a British Officer giving a press briefing regarding a peacekeeping role. You are required to give a gist interpretation of this short passage in Dutch. You are strongly advised to take notes during the reading, and you should start your interpretation just after I have finished speaking. Dames en heren. Gisteravond vond er in het vluchtelingenkamp op 30 kilometer afstand van de hoofdstad een aanval plaats. Veel tenten werden in brand gestoken en medische- en voedselvoorraden zijn gestolen. Men denkt dat dit het werk is van groepen milities uit het noorden van het land. 20 mensen werden in de aanval gedood. De aanvallers sloegen toe onder bescherming van de nacht. Het is niet aan ons om achter de groepen milities aan te jagen. Het ligt wel binnen onze bevoegdheid om diegenen die in het vluchtelingenkamp zijn te beschermen. Met dit in ons achterhoofd zullen we beginnen met regelmatig te patrouilleren rondom het kamp en zetten we bij de hoofdingang een zware bewaker neer.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 7 of 10
Task 4 Situational Interpreting (English Version) Service Colleagues’ Brief Your task as Service Colleague is to explain the conduct of the Situational Interpreting to the candidate, and then take part in the scenario. On meeting the examiner, you are required to act out the Situational Interpreting scenario. You should read the following instructions to the candidate: The role play: You will be the interpreter, the examiner will play the part of the native speaker, and I, the Service Colleague, will represent the British military. Scenario: Meeting between UN peacekeeper and a member of a rebel group. The group has been setting up road blocks. NOTE: Please agree pauses for long passages with the examiner prior to the examination. Officer:
Thank you for agreeing to see me. We need to discuss the issue of road blocks that you have been setting up on the roads going out of town.
What road blocks? Our people are at least 20 km away from town. Ever since the ceasefire we have stayed in the villages as agreed.
Our patrols have come across at least three roadblocks on the main road out of town and there is evidence of others on the other roads. They dismantled them and one was back in place on the following day.
I’m not saying the road blocks don’t exist. But it has nothing to do with my force. It will probably be kids trying to get money out of the locals. This sort of thing has been going on all over.
If it is kids, as you suggest, then they will have had to get weapons from somewhere.
Are you suggesting that we are arming the children now? That is a very serious accusation. You’ll be saying that we kidnap children to turn them into soldiers next. We don’t do that sort of thing.
I’m not suggesting anything of the sort. It is surprising, though that you have no knowledge of who is setting up the barriers.
There may be some people who act on their own initiative. We are not the government here, you know. We can’t tell people how to act.
But if you help us it would show who really has the power in the region.
We know who really has the power in this region.
261 words
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 8 of 10
Task 4 Situational Interpreting (English / Dutch Version) Examiners’ Brief On meeting the service colleague, you are required to act out the Situational Interpreting scenario. Your task is to take part in a role-play and assess the candidate's interpreting performance. Scenario: Meeting between UN peacekeeper and a member of a rebel group. The group has been setting up road blocks. NOTE: Please agree pauses for long passages with the Service Colleague prior to the examination. Officer:
Thank you for agreeing to see me. We need to discuss the issue of road blocks that you have been setting up on the roads going out of town.
Welke wegblokkades? Onze mensen bevinden zich op minstens 20 kilometer afstand van de stad. Sinds het staakt-het-vuren blijven we in de dorpen, zoals afgesproken is.
Our patrols have come across at least three roadblocks on the main road out of town and there is evidence of others on the other roads. They dismantled them and one was back in place on the following day.
Ik zeg niet dat er geen wegblokkades zijn maar dat heeft niets met mijn troepen te maken. Het zijn waarschijnlijk kinderen die munt uit de plaatselijke bevolking proberen te slaan. Je vindt dat overal op het moment.
If it is kids, as you suggest, then they will have had to get weapons from somewhere.
Bedoelt u misschien dat wij de kinderen aan wapens helpen? Dat is een zware aantijging. Straks beweert u nog dat we kinderen ontvoeren en er soldaten van maken. Wij doen dat soort dingen niet.
I’m not suggesting anything of the sort. It is surprising, though that you have no knowledge of who is setting up the barriers.
Er zijn misschien een aantal mensen die op eigen houtje handelen. U weet vast wel dat wij hier niet aan de macht zijn. We kunnen de mensen niet vertellen wat ze wel of niet moeten doen.
But if you help us it would show who really has the power in the region.
Wij weten al wie er hier werkelijk aan de macht is.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 9 of 10
Task 4 Situational Interpreting (Dutch Version) Examiners’ Brief On meeting the service colleague, you are required to act out the Situational Interpreting scenario. Your task is to take part in a role-play and assess the candidate's interpreting performance. Scenario: Meeting between UN peacekeeper and a member of a rebel group. The group has been setting up road blocks. NOTE: Please agree pauses for long passages with the Service Colleague prior to the examination. Officier
Bedankt dat u bereid bent mij te woord te staan. We moeten nodig het probleem van de wegblokkades, die u op alle uitvalswegen van de stad aan het opzetten bent, bespreken.
Welke wegblokkades? Onze mensen bevinden zich op minstens 20 kilometer afstand van de stad. Sinds het staakt-het-vuren blijven we in de dorpen, zoals afgesproken is.
Onze patrouilles kwamen minstens 3 wegblokkades tegen op de hoofdweg de stad uit en er zijn bewijzen dat er nog meer zijn op andere wegen. Ze hebben ze afgebroken maar één ervan stond er de volgende dag alweer.
Ik zeg niet dat er geen wegblokkades zijn maar dat heeft niets met mijn troepen te maken. Het zijn waarschijnlijk kinderen die munt uit de plaatselijke bevolking proberen te slaan. Je vindt dat overal op het moment.
Als het kinderen zijn, zoals u suggereert, dan zullen ze toch ergens hun wapens vandaan gehaald moeten hebben.
Bedoelt u misschien dat wij de kinderen aan wapens helpen? Dat is een zware aantijging. Straks beweert u nog dat we kinderen ontvoeren en er soldaten van maken. Wij doen dat soort dingen niet.
Ik beweer helemaal niets. Het is alleen opmerkelijk dat u niet weet wie die wegblokkades opzet.
Er zijn misschien een aantal mensen die op eigen houtje handelen. U weet vast wel dat wij hier niet aan de macht zijn. We kunnen de mensen niet vertellen wat ze wel of niet moeten doen.
Maar als u ons helpt dan zou dat aan iedereen laten zien wie er in dit gebied werkelijk aan de macht is.
Wij weten al wie er hier werkelijk aan de macht is.
University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board
Dutch Examiners’ Pack 0707DIP Page 10 of 10