Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MENULIS TEKS REPORT DENGAN MENERAPKAN METODE MIND MAPPING PADA SISWA KLS IX A SMPN 24 TANJUNG JABUNG TIMUR Emilia Kalsum Gusli, S.Pd SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur Abstrak: Rendahnya keterampilan siswa menulis teks report dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMPN 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur merupakan suatu permasalahan yang mesti dicarikan solusinya. Keadaan ini tentunya menuntut guru untuk bisa kreatif untuk menerapkan berbagai metode dan model pembelajaran yang sesuai seperti menerapkan metode mind mapping. Dalam hal ini metode mind mapping telah diterapkan dalam pembelajaran di kelas pada siswa kelas IX A SMPN 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur dan hasilnya sangat membantu siswa dalam menulis teks report. Metode mind mapping akan memudahkan siswa dalam merangkai kalimat demi kalimat walaupun tidak sempurna, diharapkan metode tersebut dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks report serta ada peningkatan yang berarti, sehingga siswa memiliki motivasi untuk terus mengembangkan informasi yang telah mereka peroleh lalu dicatat, disusun secara kronologis, dan disimpulkan sendiri. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri dari dua pertemuan. Adapun alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah non tes dan tes. Instrumen non tes meliputi lembar observasi. Instrumen tes adalah hasil tes di akhir pembelajaran untuk melihat pencapaian materi yang telah diajarkan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan ada peningkatan keaktifan belajar siswa dari sebelumnya. Ada 10 aspek keaktifan yang diamati oleh observer. Dari kesepuluh aspek tersebut, persentase peningkatan yang sangat besar ada pada aspek minat dan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis. Hal ini mengindikasikan adanya keberhasilan dari penerapan metode mind mapping dalam meningkatkan motivasi dan partisipasi siswa dan hasil belajar siswa. Pengamatan oleh guru pada tiap kelompok siswa memungkinkan siswa terpantau secara menyeluruh dan keaktifan mereka terekam dengan baik oleh guru. Kata kunci: metode mind mapping, motivasi dan keaktifan belajar.
Bahasa Inggris adalah alat untuk berkomunikasi baik secara lisan maupun tulisan karena menggunakan bahasa tersebut merupakan suatu keharusan pada era globalisasi dewasa ini. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, yang sedang mempersiapkan standar kompetensi dalam kurikulum 2004 menetapkan bahwa kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh para siswa Indonesia adalah memahami dan mengungkapkan informasi, fikiran, perasaan, serta mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan budaya dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris. Saat ini pembelajaran bahasa Inggris diarahkan pada pencapaian kompetensi yang tercermin dalam kemampuan siswa melakukan langkah-langkah komunikasi, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Pada pengajaran writing, Menulis adalah sebuah proses penyampaian ide, pikiran,dan perasaan lewat sistem bunyi atau huruf yang sudah diakui oleh masyarakat pengguna bahasa. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar siswa mampu menuangkan ide-ide yang dimilikinya untuk dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan. Berdasarkan pengalaman keterampilan siswa dalam menulis pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, dalam menulis teks report atau teks lainnya siswa masih sering mengalami kesulitan, itu terbukti saat siswa diberi tugas menulis teks report pada kegiatan akhir proses pembelajaran. Siswa yang dapat menyelesaikan tugas menulis sebuah teks report yang tepat waktu dan memenuhi kriteria hanya beberapa siswa saja, sedangkan siswa yang lain tugasnya ada yang baru setengahnya, atau bahkan ada yang hanya beberapa kalimat saja. Dari empat kemampuan dasar (four basic skills) bahasa Inggris, yakni listening, speaking, reading, dan writing, writing lah yang merupakan skill tersulit dan hal ini sering diungkapkan oleh para pengajar. Padahal penulis yakin para siswa memiliki ide-ide atau pengalaman yang ingin mereka tuliskan. Biasanya kendala siswa dalam menulis teks report adalah mereka bingung untuk memulai, malu karena bahasa Inggrisnya tidak benar, kurang mengerti apa yang tengah dibahas, dan sebagian dari mereka merasa tidak memiliki banyak ide untuk diungkapkan juga karena minimnya kosa kata yang mereka miliki. Dari kendala yang dihadapi penulis tersebut di
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
atas, maka melalui rencana penelitian tindakan kelas ini, penulis mencoba menggunakan metode Peta Pikir (Mind Mapping) untuk memecahkan masalah kesulitan siswa pada keterampilan menulis teks report. Ada beberapa alasan mengapa penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, diantaranya adalah memotivasi siswa agar menguasai Vocabulary atau kosakata sebanyak mungkin, Menuangkan setiap pengalaman para siswa yang telah dilaluinya pada masa-masa atau waktu yang telah berlalu dalam bentuk tulisan. Maka untuk memperbaiki kelemahan para siswa dalam menulis teks report, penulis memilih metode Mind Mapping. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya peningkatan keterampilan menulis teks report dengan menggunakan metode Mind Mapping siswa kelas IX dan diharapkan hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi guru, sekolah dan peneliti yang lain. Menulis dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan menuangkan ide/gagasan dengan menggunakan bahasa tulis sebagai media penyampaian (Tarigan, 1986:15). Menurut Djago Tarigan menulis berarti mengekpresikan secara tertulis gagasan, ide, pendapat, atau pikiran dan perasaan Menulis dapat dianggap sebagai suatu proses maupun suatu hasil. Menulis juga merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang untuk menghasilkan sebuah tulisan. Menurut Heaton dalam St. Y. Slamet (2008:141) menulis merupakan keterampilan yang sukar dan kompleks. Salah satu teks yang membutuhkan kemampuan menulis dalam membuatnya adalah teks report. Teks report berfungsi mendeskripsikan tentang cirri-ciri umum dari suatu jenis benda, hidup maupun mati. Oleh karena itu peran guru sangat penting untuk memfasilitasi usaha siswa membuat dan memahami teks tersebut. Tony Buzan dalam bukunya “Buku Pintar Mind Mapp” menulis bahwa Metode Mind Mapping adalah suatu cara mencatat yang kreatif, efektif dan secara harfiah akan memetakan pikiran-pikiran (Tony Buzan: 2009; 4), sedangkan Caroline Edward mengatakan, metode Mind Mapping adalah cara paling efektif dan efisien untuk memasukkan, menyimpan dan mengeluarkan data dari atau ke otak. Sistem ini bekerja sesuai cara kerja alami otak kita, sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan seluruh potensi dan kapasitas otak manusia (Caroline Edward: 2009; 64). Dari pemaparan di atas dapat kesimpulan bahwa metode Mind Mapping adalah suatu teknik mencatat yang dapat memetakan pikiran yang kreatif dan efektif serta memadukan dan mengembangkan potensi kerja otak baik belahan otak kanan atau belahan otak kiri yang terdapat di dalam diri seseorang (Bobby De Porter, Mike Hernacki: 2003; 153). Menggunakan metode Mind Mapping dapat menghasilkan catatan yang memberikan banyak informasi dalam satu halaman, sehingga dengan metode Mind Mapping daftar informasi yang panjang bisa dialihkan menjadi petakan yang berwarna-warni, sangat teratur dan mudah diingat yang selaras dengan cara kerja alami otak. METODE PENELITIAN Penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan PTK bersiklus dimana prosesnya untuk menemukan dan memecahkan masalah pembelajaran di kelas, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan hasil pembelajaran tertentu. Penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan prosedur kerja yang dipandang sebagai siklus spiral yang mencakup kegiatan perencanaan (planning), pelaksanaan (action), pengamatan (observation), refleksi (reflection). Hal-hal yang dilakukan dalam perencanaan tindakan adalah segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan rencana tindakan yaitu 1) melihat permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh siswa dalam menulis teks report, 2) meneliti dan mengidentifikasi masalah dan berusaha melakukan perbaikan dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut, 3) menyiapkan observasi dan evaluasi, 4) menyiapkan bahan-bahan pelaksanaan tindakan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMPN 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur yang beralamat di Pasar Senin Desa Catur Rahayu Kec. Dendang Kab. Tanjung Jabung Timur. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX A SMPN 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur yang berjumlah 32 orang, dengan jumlah siswa perempuan 16 dan siswa laki-laki 16 siswa pula. Pemilihan kelas IX A semata-mata didasarkan atas pertimbangan bahwa peneliti mengajar di kelas tersebut. Suasana di SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur sangat nyaman dan kondusif karena lingkungan sekitar sekolah masih asri dan hijau sehingga bersih dan sehat untuk kesehatan, sedangkan bentuk fisik dari SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur memiliki fasilitas yang 1826
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
lumayan ada walaupun belum lengkap semua yang terdiri dari 5 rombel, lab. IPA, Perpustakaan, Ruang OSIS, Ruang UKS, Mushola, Fasilitas olah raga, Ruang Guru, TU serta Ruang Kepala Sekolah. Sarana dan Prasarana yang ada masih kurang dan perlu ditambah lagi dari pihak pemerintah agar dapat menunjang proses belajar mengajar yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan / observasi dan refleksi. Tehnik pengumpulan data ada dua yaitu non-tes berupa lembar observasi dan tes berupa hasil belajar. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah berupa instrumen non tes dan tes. Intrumen non tes berupa lembar observasi. sementara instrumen tes berupa soal-soal. HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN Proses Pembelajaran Siklus 1 Adapun kegiatan perencanaan meliputi tahap-tahap sebagai berikut: 1. Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang sesuai dengan metode Mind Mapping. RPP ini digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. 2. Mempersiapkan media pembelajaran. 3. Menyusun dan menyiapkan pedoman observasi selama proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Pedoman observasi digunakan untuk mencatat hasil pengamatan terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran serta digunakan untuk mencatat segala perilaku dan aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. 4. Mempersiapkan nomor untuk siswa agar peneliti mudah mengamati kegiatan mereka. 5. Menyusun dan mempersiapkan Soal Tes untuk siswa sebagai evaluasi. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran Siklus 1 dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, pada saat jam pelajaran 1-2. Jumlah siswa yang hadir pada pelaksanaan Siklus 1 ini sebanyak 32 orang (100%). Peneliti sebagai pelaksana langsung pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan, yakni: 1. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan 2. Guru menerapkan metode Mind Mapping pada proses menulis teks report 3. Guru membentuk enam kelompok siswa dari jumlah 32 siswa 4. Setiap kelompok siswa membuat Mind Mapping sesuai dengan topic yang telah disediakan 5. Guru menilai ke setiap kelompok bagaimana topik tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Mind Mapping oleh siswa 6. Guru memberikan tes tertulis. Semua siswa mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Pengamat (observer) berada di sekitar siswa. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan skenario yang dirancang. Pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh observer berfokus pada siswa. Lembaran observasi digunakan observer untuk mengamati siswa dalam kelompok. Pada waktu pengamatan observer langsung berada di dekat kelompok siswa untuk mengamati, mencatat dan melihat keaktifan siswa, minat, dan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks report. Hasil penelitian Siklus 1 diperoleh dari hasil observasi selama proses pembelajaran. Dari pengamaatan diperoleh hasil bahwa pada saat memulai pembelajaran minat dan motivasi pada saat proses pembelajaran menulis sangat besar dimana hampir sebagian besar siswa berminat dengan persentase 87,5%, sedangkan untuk tanya jawab dan diskusi dengan baik antara siswa dan guru mencapai 62,5%. Keaktifan melakukan tanya jawab dan diskusi antar siswa di dalam kelompok 71,8%. Perhatian siswa cukup baik dalam pembelajaran mencapai 71,8%. Membantu teman dalam kelompok untuk menyelesaikan tugas 56,2%. Dalam berdiskusi dengan teman berkelompok untuk menyelesaikan tugas mencapai 53,1%. Keberanian dalam mempresentasikan tugas kelompok 62,5%., sedangkan menuliskan kesimpulan diskusi 62,5%. Siswa mengumpulkan hasil tulisan mencapai 78,1% serta memajangkan hasil karya mereka di kelas mencapai 81,2%. Dari gambaran di atas dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa terdapat peningkatan keaktifan siswa selama penggunakan metode mind mapping dalam pembelajaran teks report.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
Berdasarkan hasil tes yang diberikan pada siswa dapat diketahui kemampuan siswa. Dari hasil tes dapat diketahui bahwa siswa telah memahami materi yang diberikan sebahagian dengan mencapai rata-rata nilai 64,58 dengan demikian masuk kedalam kategori baik. Jadi untuk refleksi dari pemberian tindakan pada Siklus 1 dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa: 1. Masih ada beberapa siswa yang memperoleh nilai di bawah standar (belum mencapai KKM = 6,4) 2. Masih ada beberapa siswa yang belum memahami menulis teks report dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping. 3. Waktu yang digunakan pada penelitian ini masih dirasa kurang. Dari hasil temuan pada Siklus 1 ini, peneliti mencoba untuk memberikan dan melengkapi permasalahan yg ada di Siklus 1, yang akan diperbaiki pada Siklus 2. Yang diharapkan pada Siklus 2, semua siswa dapat tuntas dalam mencapai kompetensi yang akan dicapai. Proses Pembelajaran Siklus 2 Pelaksanaan Siklus 2 ini dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, jam ke 1-2. Jumlah yang hadir pada siklus ini adalah 32 orang siswa (100%). Sebelum pelaksanaan tindakan, guru menanyakan kabar siswa terlebih dahulu. Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru. Siswa bertanya jawab tentang pelajaran sebelumnya. Siswa menyimak langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru. Kemudian siswa membentuk kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-6 orang. Kemudian siswa diminta guru untuk membuat mind mapping tentang topik yang berbeda dengan topik pada Siklus 1 dan menuliskan hasil diskusi mereka dengan membuat teks report berdasarkan mind mapping yang mereka buat pada masing-masing kelompok. Selanjutnya siswa menampilkan hasil kerja kelompok mereka di depan kelas. Kelompok lain diminta untuk melihat dan mengamati apa yang telah dibuat oleh kelompok tersebut. Siswa memberikan applause terhadap penampilan temannya. Siswa memajang hasil karya mereka di setiap kelompoknya di depan kelas. Pada kegiatan penutup, siswa dan guru mengadakan refleksi dan menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran yang sudah dilaksanakan. Dari hasil pengamatan peneliti, setelah diberikan tindakan perbaikan ternyata siswa menunjukkan peningkatan yang sangat baik dalam menulis teks report dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping. Secara umum, hampir 100% keaktifan siswa meningkat. Proses belajar mengajar pun lebih lancar, dan semua siswa terlihat lebih semangat dan aktif. Penggunaan metode mind mapping pada pembelajaran menulis teks report, dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IX A SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur. Terlihat pada kondisi awal pada Siklus 1 baik, dan pada Siklus 2 menjadi lebih baik. Ini membuktikan bahwa metode mind mapping dapat memudahkan siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menulis teks report di kelas IX A SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur. Selama proses tindakan pembelajaran, siswa aktif, bersemangat, merasa senang dan menaruh perhatian dengan baik dalam pembelajaran menulis teks report. Dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa peningkatan pembelajaran menulis teks report kelas IX A SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur dipengaruhi oleh pemberian tindakan yang efektif dan efisien yaitu melalui metode mind mapping. KESIMPULAN Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa keterampila menulis teks report dapat ditingkatkan dengan menerapkan metode mind mapping pada siswa kelas IX A SMP Negeri 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur yang terlihat pada langkah-langkah Siklus 1 dan Siklus 2, sehingga dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam menulis teks report, dan keaktifan siswa kelas IX A SMPN 24 Tanjung Jabung Timur dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping juga mengalami peningkatan, Untuk menerapkan metode mind mapping dibutuhkan perencanaan dan persiapan pembelajaran yang baik guna mewujudkan proses pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan dan dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang lebih optimal.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
DAFTAR RUJUKAN Bobby de Porter, Mike Hernacki, Quantum Learning: Membiasakan Belajar yang Nyaman dan Menyenangkan ( Bandung,: Kaifa, 2003 ) hlm.153. Buzan, Tony. 2009. Buku Pintar Mind Map, Jakarta: Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Djago Tarigan, HG Tarigan. 1986. Teknik Pengajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa. Edward, Caroline. 2009, Mind Map untuk anak sehat dan cerdas. Yogyakarta: Sakti. St. Y. Slamet. 2008, Dasar-dasar Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar. Surakarta: UNS Press.
THE QUESTIONING STEP: AN OBSTACLE FOR TEACHERS IN APPLYING THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH OF THE CURRICULUM 2013 IN SANGIHE ISLANDS Jelpris Topuh SMP Negeri 6 Tahuna Sangihe Islands Regency ABSTRACT: The change of a curriculum will not always bring any significant change on the quality of education if teachers do not want to change their teaching performance, their way of thinking and perspective. Implementation of the Curriculum 2013 in Sangihe islands is expected to be a new and a challenging experience for all English teachers so that they are able to apply the scientific approach in the class. Problem Based Learning, Project Based Learning, and Discovery Learning hardly ever appear during the process of learning in almost every Junior High School in this Philippines – Indonesia border area. Strong teachers do not teach content, but strong teaching connects learning in ways that inspire kids to learn more and strive for greatness. Inspiring students is not easy and they will not be able to strive for greatness of knowledge if questioning step in scientific approach of the curriculum 2013 is not done well. Since questioning becomes a gap of problem for students, the next steps (collecting information, associating, communicating, and creating) will not be effective because the students will learn the material based on their own way, without any guiding questions for collecting information. Key words: obstacle, questioning step, scientific approach, constructivism
The Curriculum 2013 is a development of the previous curriculum that aims at responding any internal and external challenges in the field of education. It emphasizes on changing the way of thinking, reinforcement on curriculum management, and reinforcement of learning process. Development of curriculum is very important for the progress of science, knowledge, technology, art and culture. Therefore, the implementation of the Curriculum 2013 can be a strategic step on the globalization era, and it becomes a hope for Indonesian society in the future. Implementation of the new curriculum in Sangihe islands has been started this school year (2014) because this border area was not included in the pilot project for the new curriculum implementation last year. In other words, of the 15 regencies/cities in North Sulawesi, a few schools in 5 regencies/cities have implemented the new curriculum since last year. Geographically, Sangihe islands lies between 4O 4‟ 13‟‟ - 4O 44‟ 22‟‟ North Latitude, O 125 9‟ 28‟‟ - 125O 56‟ 57‟‟ East Longitude, which is located in border area of North Sulawesi and Mindanao, South Philippines. Sangihe islands consist of three island clusters namely border islands clusters (Marore, Kawio, Kawaluso, Matutuang, Mamanuk and Kimboleng Islands), Big Island of Sangihe, and Tatoareng clusters. It has 105 islands consisting of 15 districts but some islands are uninhabited and unanimous. Based on this geographical position, the department of education for Sangihe islands divided 57 schools in the regency into 11 clusters and each cluster consists of 5 to 7 schools. Implementation of the new curriculum in Sangihe islands was started with some workshop, training for national instructors, and program of assistance 1829
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
(pendampingan K-13) conducted by ten instructors. The 10 teachers who were recruited from some schools in Sangihe islands were sent to Manado for the training and they were assigned to do dissemination in the regency. The writer has been appointed as one of the national instructors (English) for the curriculum 2013. From 2nd to 8th of June, he joined a workshop for the new curriculum at LPMP of North Sulawesi that was held in Manado then he did the dissemination for all teachers in Sangihe islands and it was held in Tahuna at the end of June. On July (21st to 25th of July), he was invited again to join the workshop for Pendampingan K-13 at Tasik Ria Resort, Minahasa, North Sulawesi then starting from August 22nd 2014 he began to do the dissemination and ongoing (In and On) for all teachers in Sangihe islands. All English teachers were enthusiastic to follow the workshop (IN 1) because they did not understand well about what the scientific approach was in the new curriculum and also about the instrument of evaluation or assessment. The following is arrangement of clusters which is determined based on the location and distances among schools and number of participants from each school especially for English teachers who join the dissemination of the Curriculum 2013: Table 1. Arrangement of Clusters #
Name of School
SMP Negeri 1 Tahuna
2 3 4 5
SMP Katolik Tahuna SMP Negeri 1 Tatoareng SMP Negeri 2 Tatoareng SMP Negeri 3 Satap Tatoareng
SMP Negeri 5 Tahuna
7 8 9 10
SMP Negeri 6 Tahuna SMP Advent Tahuna SMP Negeri 3 Tahuna SMP Kristen Tahuna
SMP Negeri 2 Tahuna
12 13 14 15
SMP Negeri 4 Tahuna SMP Negeri 5 Satap Manganitu SMP Kristen Bellae SMP Negeri 2 Tabukan Tengah
SMP Negeri 1 Tabukan Tengah
17 18 19 20
SMP Negeri 4 Satap Manganitu SMP Negeri 6 Satap Manganitu SMP Kristen Kullur SMP Negeri 4 Satap Tabukan Selatan
Remark Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school
Cluster/ Group
Number of Participant
1/A 1/A 1/A 1/A
1 -
2/A 2/A 2/A 2/A
1 (Instructor) 1 1 1
3/A 3/A 3/A 3/A
1 1 1
4/A 4/A 4/A 4/A
1 1 -
Of the 14 English teachers who were involved in the training (IN), 2 teachers have not done ON or taught at schools. These twenty schools belong to group A or cluster 1, 2, 3 and 4 but 6 schools of the 20 schools above have no representatives because there are no English teachers at the schools except SMP Negeri 1 Tatoareng and SMP Negeri 4 Manganitu which have English teachers but they could not join the dissemination. The list below is clusters 5 to 8 which belong to group B consisting of 22 schools (number of participants is only English teachers).
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
Table 2. List of Clusters 5 to 8 Belonging to Group B No
Name of School
Remark Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school
SMP Negeri 1 Tamako
22 23 24 25
SMP Negeri 1 Manganitu SMP Negeri 2 Manganitu SMP Negeri 3 Manganitu SMP Negeri 7 Satap Tamako
SMP Negeri 2 Tamako
27 28 29 30
SMP Negeri 6 Satap Tamako SMP Negeri 5 Satap Tamako SMP Negeri 4 Tamako SMP Negeri 3 Tamako
SMP Negeri 1 Manganitu Selatan
32 33 34 35
SMP Negeri 1 Manganitu Selatan SMP Negeri 3 Manganitu Selatan SMP Negeri 4 Manganitu Selatan SMP Negeri 5 Satap Manganitu Selatan
Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school
Cluster/ Group
Number of Participant
5/B 5/B 5/B 5/B
1 1 1 1
6/B 6/B 6/B 6/B
1 1 1
7/B 7/B 7/B 7/B
1 1 1 -
Coordinator of 8/B 1 cluster 37 SMP Negeri 3 Satap Tabsel Tengah Target school 8/B 38 SMP Negeri 1 Tabukan Selatan Target school 8/B 1 39 SMP Negeri 2 Tabukan Selatan Target school 8/B 1 40 SMP Negeri 3 Satap Tabukan Selatan Target school 8/B 41 SMP Negeri 2 Satap Tabsel Tengah Target school 8/B 1 42 SMP Negeri 1 Tabsel Tenggara Target school 8/B 1 These schools are located in the south and southeast part of Sangihe islands, so they are included in group B. One temporary English teacher (guru honor) has not done ON in the class (SMPN 5 Satap Tamako in Mahumu Island). 36
SMP Negeri 1 Tabukan Selatan Tengah
Table 3. Schools Located in the Northern Part of Sangihe Islands and in the Vicinity of the Airport No
Name of School
SMP Negeri 1 Tabukan Utara
44 45 46 47
SMP Negeri 3 Tabukan Utara SMP Negeri 4 Tabukan Utara SMP Negeri 5 Tabukan Utara SMP Negeri 6 Tabukan Utara
SMP Negeri 2 Kendahe
49 50 51 52
SMP Negeri 1 Kendahe SMP Negeri 3 Satap Kendahe SMP Kristen Sawang Jauh SMP Negeri 7 Satap Tabukan Utara
Remark Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school
Cluster/ Group
Number of Participant
9/C 9/C 9/C 9/C
1 1 1
10/C 10/C 10/C 10/C
1 1 1 1
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
SMP Negeri 2 Tabukan Utara
54 55 56 57
SMP Negeri 1 Nusa Tabukan SMP Negeri 2 Satap Nusa Tabukan SMP Negeri 3 Nusa Tabukan SMP Muhamadiyah Naha
Coordinator of cluster Target school Target school Target school Target school
11/C 11/C 11/C 11/C
1 1 1
These 15 schools are located in the northern part of Sangihe islands and 4 schools are in the vicinity of the airport. 2 English teachers (SMP N 3 Satap Kendahe and SMP N 7 Satap Tabukan Utara) did not do ongoing teaching at schools.
10 National Instructor for Sangihe Islands together with headmaster of SMPN 3 Marore
According to the technical direction from the department of education of the republic of Indonesia, the national instructors have to do the dissemination to all teachers in the islands (IN) and ongoing for the teachers who joined the dissemination (ON). Therefore, they started doing IN 1 on 22nd of August 2014 at SMP Negeri 1 Tahuna which was attended by all teachers from 20 schools (4 clusters). IN 1 for cluster 5 to 8 was conducted on the 23rd of August 2014 at SMP Negeri 1 Tamako, 30 km away from Tahuna and IN 1 for cluster 9, 10 and 11 was held on 25th of August 2014 at SMP Negeri 1 Tabukan Utara. So, for the dissemination (IN 1) was held for 3 days in the different schools and attended by different participants. Starting from 26th of August 2014, the 10 national instructors began to do ongoing (ON 1) for those who joined the dissemination, so they should visit most schools to do survey and to observe whether or not teachers can apply the scientific approach of the new curriculum. First and the second disseminations of the Curriculum 2013 for English teachers were attended by 48 people and conducted in three different schools. These 45 English teachers were obliged to do ongoing (ON 1) by teaching in their own classes and observed by the national instructors. The writer of this article was assigned as the instructor for English and had to get around the schools to do observation. What he observed at schools became a very terrific experience because he got many lessons, inputs, suggestions as well as motivation on how to handle the classes effectively. He found out that most of the English teachers in Sangihe islands were still confused with the scientific approach of the new curriculum. It seemed to be difficult for them to change their way of teaching, methods, techniques and the way of thinking, even some said that the new curriculum was quite difficult to apply because there were many things they should do during the learning process in every semester.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
DISCUSSION Implementation of the Curriculum 2013 had just been conducted in 57 junior high schools in Sangihe islands in 2014 and 48 English teachers had been involved in workshop in the regency. Among 50 teachers mentioned, 32 were civil servants (PNS) while the remaining were non – civil servants and worked as part timer teachers (guru honor). The Curriculum 2013 becomes a new thing for most teachers because it applies scientific approach so all the teachers need to change their teaching ways, way of thinking, to change their mindset and to improve their performance in teaching. Students centered – learning process as one the main changes in the curriculum needs teachers‟ creativity especially on how to manage and handle the class in effective ways, and how to facilitate students to get a real and contextual learning atmosphere. In this case, a teacher can only be a facilitator in the class and guide students to fulfill their curiosity and lead them to reach their high order thinking. Understanding theories of teaching and learning will enable teachers to select teaching – learning activities, predict learning outcomes, plan activities that suit their needs. Besides, the theories, concepts and teaching principles can help teachers manage their lessons better. Many teachers are still confused on how to apply the scientific approach in teaching because they are used to applying KTSP with its various models, methods and techniques. As one of the national instructors for the new curriculum, the writer has done observation to all English teachers who did ongoing (ON 1) in 15 sub districts in Sangihe islands. Many English teachers have still been confused with the procedures on scientific approach (observing-questioning-collecting information, associating, communicating, and creating) but the writer noticed that scientific approach will be like a scientific work of teaching if a teacher is able to apply its procedure in the class effectively and students can learn and feel different in teaching atmosphere because what they would do is like doing a scientific work in the class. Scientific approach can be a golden bridge for developing attitude, skill and knowledge of the students. Scientific method generally consists of activities such as collecting data through observation or experiment, processing information, analyzing then formulating and making hypothesis. Of the 45 English teachers who did ongoing at their schools, he as well as the observer found that most of them were confused in applying the scientific approach in the class. Why ? Because they were still influenced by their old performance which they had been applying for years, and most of them still applied three phase techniques so they did not care about the procedures in scientific approach. Questioning in scientific approach becomes a new thing for teachers because they used to keep asking students before starting the learning activity in the class. The following is a brief observation on the implementation of the scientific approach that was conducted by the writer in most Junior High Schools in Sangihe islands. Observing In this step, most of the teachers showed and presented pictures which were available in the English Book (“When English Rings a Bell”), which means that they just took pictures from each chapter and they thought that observing was only about observing and looking at the pictures for a couple of minutes. When students did observing, they would not have any ideas or questions about what they had observed. Here teachers sometimes forgot to paraphrase the learning objectives. In connection with the observing step on the scientific approach, the writer thinks that observing is an action in involving at least two senses (reading, watching, listening, looking at the pictures, etc). So, it can train student‟s mind to improve their analytical ability. Questioning Questioning step was assumed by some teachers as a complicated activity when students had questions to ask. The teachers did not encourage the students to ask something related to the lesson material, based on the media (pictures, video, text, audio – visual media, slides, listening script, etc) that students had observed and learning objectives/goals they would reach. On the other hand, many teachers asked students questions, not, the students asked questions to the teachers. The writer noticed that this step was quite difficult for the teachers to do because students had no questions to ask. Why? because observing step was not effective and most of the teachers just presented the pictures on the book itself. They were not creative nor innovative and thought that observing step was only about looking at the pictures, but also reading, listening, watching, etc. In other words, observing is the process of how to involve all students‟
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
senses so that they are able to connect their old experience to a new experience, to a real and contextual fact in front of their eyes, ears, feelings, and their mind. Collecting Information Collecting information is the step in which students have to find out more information about what they are learning and working either in groups or individually in the classes, library, schools environment, laboratory etc. Here, some English teachers could not do it well, because they were not able to facilitate the students to explore more information from any sources like books, other sources, magazines, the Internet, or other supporting media such as videos, films, broadcasting, brochures, TV, cassettes, environmental atmosphere, etc. Interviewing some informants, high achiever students, or teachers is also possible for the students to do collecting information, but no one did it here. Associating Here, most of the teachers did associating like what they did on KTSP (exploration, elaboration, and confirmation). The students discussed and processed the data in groups but the information was not enough so they could not communicate it effectively. In some cases, teachers forgot the time allotment for associating so that the students had no time to present their works. Even, a few teachers could not distinguish the difference between collecting information and associating. The writer tried to explain by giving them illustration. He said that students are like carpenter and teachers are designer. The learning objective is to make a cupboard. If students want to build a cupboard then they need woods, hammer, nails, saw, paints, glue, and other tools. As the students know that they are going to build a cupboard, they must do collecting information by providing some tools above, and then they will do associating by processing the wood and its supporting material for making a cupboard. So, in associating, the students need to process all the available materials and assemble them to be a concrete cupboard. The procedure they use on how to build a cupboard is the result of a scientific work because it is a matter of a product. Communicating In the process of communicating, many students did it based on the teacher‟s instruction and it was not merely done based on their understanding about what they had observed before because teachers were not able to connect their prior knowledge from the observing step to the next steps (questioning to communicating). This simply means the students should not have enough prior and necessary information as they are engaged either in a problem solving process, project based or discovery learning. Creating This step is not always finished on the learning process because time allotment is not enough for the students to create a work either in groups (productive skills). A few teachers already tried hard to do it at the end of main activity but they were lack of time. Why? because students were not able make a product which was related to the learning objectives, while the teachers were not able to present or fulfill students‟ informative needs during the process of observing, questioning, collecting information and associating. Based on this experience, the writer noticed that many English teachers were still inconfident with their performance in the class and even a few were nervous in the class as they did not know what to do. The following is the schedule of ON (ongoing) for the new curriculum in Sangihe Islands. Table 4. The schedule of ON (Ongoing) for the Curriculum 2013 in Sangihe Islands # 1 2
TEACHER’S NAME R. Makapeduah, S.Pd R. Malamtiga, S.Pd
DATE OF ONGOING Agustus 26th 2014
SCORE 2,57
August 26 2014
A. Lambek, S.Pd
SMP Katolik Tahuna
August 27 2014
Susi Indriastuti, S.Pd
SMPN 5 Tahuna
August 28th 2014
M. Pangandaheng, S.Pd
SMPN 3 Tahuna 1834
September 1 2014
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
6 7 8
Windy Kaparang, S.Pd Marieke Laming Meike M.E. Siwu, M.Pd
Rina Onthoni Noffiaty Samodara, 10 S.Pd
SMP Advent Tahuna SMP Kristen Tahuna SMPN 2 Tahuna
August 30th 2014
September 2 2014 September 3 2014
SMPN 4 Tahuna
September 4 2014
SMPN 2 Tabukan Tengah
September 8th 2014
September 9th 2014
12 Yulin Tempone, S.Pd
SMP N 1 Tabukan Tengah SMP Kristen Kullur
September 12th 2014
13 Merry Ambesiang, S.Pd
SMP N 1 Tamako
September 16th 2014
11 Nelly Longadi, S.Pd
14 M. Karaeng, S.S 15 Srya Martha Edam 16 Marchel Pasikuali
SMP N 1 Manganitu SMPN 2 Manganitu SMP N 3 Manganitu
September 17 2014 September 18 2014 September 19 2014
17 Miseri Akulah
SMP N 7 Satap Tamako
September 20 2014
18 Ferdinan Timbowo
SMPN 2 Tamako
September 22nd 2014
19 Meidy M. Letunggamu, 20 Asti Salindeho 19 Novianti Limpong Nasyadin Mangindai, S.Pd 22 Atris Damima, SS 21
23 Salome Karimela 24 Marni Budiman. S.Pd 25 Beatris Sinadia, S.Pd 26 Nolfince Lombantari 27 Yulfien Mendome, S.Pd
SMPN 4 Tamako SMP N 1 Manganitu Selatan SMP N 2 Manganitu Selatan SMP N 4 Manganitu Selatan SMPN 1 Tabukan Selatan SMP N 1 TabSel Tenggara SMP N 1 TabSel Tengah SMP N 1 Tabsel Tengah SMP N 1 Tabukan Utara SMP N 1 Tabukan Utara
28 Etnie Rumbay, S.Pd Novalis Tumanung, 29 S.Pd
SMP N 4 Tabukan Utara
30 Imelda Loing, S.S
SMP N 2 Kendahe
SMP N 5 Tabukan Utara
September 25 2014
September 27th 2014
September 29th 2014
October 1st 2014
October 6th 2014
October 9th 2014
October 2nd 2014
October 2 2014
October 14 2014
October 15th 2014
October 16th 2014
October 13 2014 October 13 2014
October 17 2014
32 Viter Sahentombage
SMP N 1 Kendahe SMP Kristen Sawang Jauh
October 19th 2014
33 Maryolind Adipati
SMP N 2 Tabukan Utara
October 20th 2014
34 Laela Sanggel, S.Pd
SMP N 2 Tabukan Utara
October 20th 2014
31 Margaretha Tangkudung
35 Claudia Mokansi, S.Pd 36 Christin Liuw, S.Pd
SMP N 3 Marore SMP N 6 Tahuna
October 29 2014 th
November 4 2014
2,55 2,95
There were 48 English teachers joining the in house training (IN) but only 36 did ongoing (ON) at schools. Other 12 teachers could not do ongoing because of various reasons. It means that 75% of 48 English teachers in Sangihe already joined the training of the new curriculum. The twelve English teachers were: 1. Grace Rompas, S.Pd - SMP N 1 Tatoareng 2. Chius Manggopa, S.Pd - SMP N 6 Satap Manganitu
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
3. Eksel Birahi - SMP N 1 Tabukan Selatan Tenggara 4. Klaudia Janis - SMP N 3 Satap Tabukan Selatan 5. Belsazar Manginsihi , S.Pd - SMP N 2 Satap Tabukan Selatan 6. Meity Palembang, S.Pd - SMP N 1 Manganitu Selatan 7. Deychrisye Sahentombage, S.Pd - SMP N 2 Kendahe 8. Novia Inka Janis - SMP N 2 Tabukan Utara 9. Andrismus Kumonong, S.Pd - SMP N 3 Kendahe 10. Imanuel Ch. Batahari, S.Pd - SMP N 5 Satap Tamako 11. Yeth M. Kuerah, S.Pd - SMP N 1 Tahuna 12. Jein Mendome, S.Pd - SMP N 3 Marore The above mentioned teachers would do ongoing based on their schedule at their school in the near future.
Teaching Performance Based on the self – made score, the writer thinks that only 8 (eight) teachers got score 3 above, and 4 of them are TEQIP alumni. Some teachers seemed to be hard to change their teaching methods from KTSP to the curriculum 2013. The scientific approach becomes like a very complicated work for them to apply. Most of the teachers were not successful in applying the questioning step in the new curriculum. Why ? The writer observed that the teachers did not understand well about it about what the questioning was. The following is the reasons why the teachers could not apply the questioning step in the classes: 1. Observing step was not effective Most teachers just showed pictures to students and then asked what the pictures were about, and so on, so students were not able to ask questions. 2. Teachers did not present the learning objectives to students before going to the main activities. 3. Teachers used to ask students questions to encourage, guide, assess student‟s thinking ability while in the questioning step, the students are expected to ask questions. 4. They were lack of media for learning English. 5. The teachers became so busy managing the students as they entered the classroom, because they thought that observation sheet for student‟s attitude written n the lesson plan was started soon. 6. The teachers were still confused with three learning models: Problem – Based Learning, Project – Based Learning, and Discovery Learning. 7. It was quite complicated for teachers to distinguish and apply PBL, Problem – Based Learning and Discovery Learning in the classroom. 8. Students could not create their own questions if they had not had previous experience with inquiry – based learning and were not comfortable with the process. 9. Students should not have enough knowledge prior to do questioning and solve the problem. 10. No teacher did attracting and intriguing activities in the observing step. It is important to grab the learner‟s attention with sounds, visuals, power openings, game boards, and more. 11. No teacher tried to use PPP method, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw, or Numbered Head Together, before the main activity or prior to the observing step. Based on the presented reasons, the writer considers that understanding theories of learning will help teachers and enable them to develop suitable teaching – learning activities. Here, the writer takes constructivism theory as a bridge for some teachers to improve their teaching performance. Therefore, he is sure that constructivism theory and personality based learning can be a good model for teachers to improve a teaching – learning activity. According to Von Glasersfeld, 1988 and Matthews, 1994 in Suparno, constructivism is a belief that our knowledge is the result of our own construct. Knowledge is not a representation of the real world but it is the result of a cognitive construction of reality made through a person‟s activities.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
It is, therefore, important for teachers and prospective teachers, according to Northfeild, Gonstone, and Erickson (1996) to always actively construct their knowledge. So, knowledge, according to constructivism, is a result of our own construction, while “learning” is giving meaning to knowledge. In the near future, the writer thinks that scientific Personality – Based Learning can be applied in teaching because teachers will have observation sheet, journal, peer assessment, self assessment sheets for spiritual and social assessment. Here, the writer paraphrases some beneficial advices or suggestions which he thinks are applicable to do questioning in the class: 1. A teacher needs to prepare contextual media for the lesson. 2. He or she must inform the learning objectives to students, and explain how important English is before the main activities. 3. Teachers are not to write so many learning objectives in the lesson plan because reaching many learning objectives in one meeting may bring teachers and students to a confusion. 4. He or she has to encourage students to involve their five senses in observing especially on the lesson material which is presented by the teacher. 5. Guiding students to stimulate their high order thinking by giving any abstract questions or giving illustration. 6. Connecting the student‟s previous experience to the real and contextual learning process, needs attractive media in observing step, so before going to the questioning, a teacher needs to show pictures, slides, texts, audio visual media relating to the lesson they are going to learn. 7. Questions from the students must relate to the learning objectives so in the collecting information and associating, students will focus on how to answer the questions and communicate the result of the discussion in the class. 8. Teachers must facilitate and help students make questions. 9. It would be advisable for teachers not to leave the class during the teaching – learning process. 10. Teachers need to strengthen students‟ perception upon the questions by doing reflection and giving conclusion about the lesson. Finally, the writer concludes that the questioning step in the scientific approach of the new curriculum (the Curriculum 2013) will not run well if the teachers do not do observing effectively. How can students ask if they do not look at pictures, read texts, listen to dialogues/songs, etc, or watch videos/films, see audio visual media? Furthermore, in the writer‟s mind, Personality Based Learning is applicable for teaching because the Curriculum 2013 emphasizes on spiritual and social assessment. These attitudes assessment may bring students to have good relation with God (spiritual), other Human Beings (social), nation and environment. Indonesia has approximately 51 million students and 2,7 million teachers, so it is important for us to have mentality revolution and personality based learning is possible to do during the process of assessment. (Bincang Pagi, Oct 26th at 07.35 wita, Metro TV, by Arif Rachman, expert of education and the reporter). REFERENCE Irawaty, Enny and Andreani, Sri. 2013. Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris. Malang: UM Press Fachrurrazy and Anugerahwati, M. 2013. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan Inovatif. Malang: UM Press., 17 Oct 2014, 9.20 pm Modul Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. 2014. Jakarta: Kemendikbud
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
TEACHING SPEAKING USING INSIDE-OUTSIDE CIRCLE Ruliana Dewi SMPN 5 Muaro Jambi Abstract: Speaking is taught to students in order for them to be able to communicate actively. This article is aimed at discussing an idea to develop students‟ speaking ability using an inside-outside circle. It can be used to encourage discussion among students, and it is also beneficial to develop their speaking skills. In addition, it can be used to enhance students‟ participation to promote interaction among students. Key words: speaking skill, inside-outside circle
Speaking is one of the language skills that is important in human life. Every day, people mostly speak rather than write, listen, and read. Speaking is used in order to be able to communicate or to express ideas. One should have a speaking ability. Therefore, students should develop their speaking ability because by mastering speaking, they can express their ideas, opinions or responses to other. According to CIE IGCSE syllabus in Woods (2005:42), speaking aims at enabling students to develop the ability to use the language effectively for the purpose of practical communication within the country of residence, appropriate, and in all countries where the language is spoken. However, the students in the Indonesian schools, specifically junior high schools are not accustomed to using English in their daily life. They often use their mother tongue in the classroom or outside the classroom. They could not use English correctly, and they could not communicate in English with their friends at schools. Therefore, in learning a foreign language, especially for speaking, they need a good environment to support and to help them learn joyfully and comfortably. If the students do not feel comfortable, they will become uninterested in the lesson; they might get problems in learning to speak. Consequently, teachers must be creative and able to create good atmosphere to make the learning process fun, joyful, and interesting. Teachers must teach them in attractive ways to make them interested in the lesson and get fun in it. There are some useful ways to attract students‟ involvement, fun and comfort during learning process. One of them is learning by using inside-outside circle. Inside-outside strategy provides the students, who normally do not want to talk to interact with others, become interested in talking. This strategy is used to encourage discussion between the students and to develop their speaking skill to interact with others. Teaching Speaking In this part, teaching speaking using inside-outside circle is discussed covering teaching preparation and procedures of inside-outside circle, steps to use inside-outside circle, how to apply inside-outside circle, social skill of inside-outside circle, the benefits of insideoutside circle, the shortcomings of Inside-outside circle. Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998:13). Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997). Brown and Yule (1983) made a useful distinction between the interactional functions of speaking, in which it serves to establish and maintain social relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information, talk as interaction; talk as transaction; talk as performance. Obviously, talking as interaction refers to what we normally mean by “conversation” and describes interaction that serves a primarily social function. When people meet, they exchange greetings, engage in small talk, recount recent experiences, and soon. Talking as transaction refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is the central focus, rather than the participants and how they interact socially with each other. The first type involves situations where the focus is on giving and receiving information and where the participants
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
focus primarily on what is said or achieved. Talking as performance refers to public talk, that is, talk that transmits information before an audience, such as classroom presentations, public announcements, and speeches. Harmer (2007) stated if students want to speak English fluently they have to be able to pronounce correctly. In addition, they need to master intonation, conversation, either transactional or interpersonal conversation. Transactional function has its main purpose conveying information and facilitating the exchange of goods and service, whereas the interpersonal function is all about maintaining and sustaining good relations between people. Students improve their formal speech when teachers provide insights on how to organize their ideas for presentation. Students can give better speeches when they can organize their presentation in a variety of different ways, including sequentially, chronologically and thematically. They need practice in organizing their speech around problems and solutions, causes and results, and similarities and differences. As oral communication skill, speaking is an activity to communicate to others. When communicating his or her idea someone utters English sounds and he or she expects the response from the listener. Harmer (993) puts forward the nature of communication as follows: Communication happens when the listener can give the response to the speaker after the listener understands the message given. Teachers can enable learners to present ideas to individual peers, peer groups and entire classes of students. They can learn to speak on a subject of their own choosing or on teacher assigned topics. There are ten tips for teaching speaking according to Goh and Burns (2013). They include (1) help learners to master pronunciation at segmental (syllable/word sound) and supra-segmental (stress, intonation) levels, (2) focus on pronunciation in context – integrate practice with relevant speaking activities, (3) stress intelligibility and comprehensibility rather than native-speaker-ness, (4) focus on both enabling skills and interaction skills, (5) but always work towards meaning and communication, (6) provide preparation and scaffolding for task completion, (7) provide explicit guidance for skill and strategy development, (8) give multiple opportunities for practicing related tasks, (9) provide feedback on various stages of task performance and on development knowledge about spoken language, core skills and speaking strategies, and (10) be aware of affective factors - anxiety, nervousness, embarrassment. Inside-Outside Circle Inside outside circle is a kinesthetic activity that involves all students in the class and that facilitates short exchanges between students. Learning strategy inside-outside was introduced by Kagan (1994) stating that inside –outside circle is a cooperative strategy where students are in two groups. It provides the students who normally would not talk to interact with other. One group (6 students or more) forms an inside circle and the second group (also 6 students or more) forms a circle around them in the outside circle. Teaching Preparation and Procedures of Inside-Outside Circle In order to run the process of teaching and learning well, the teacher should prepare several things such as choosing the topic and materials and preparing the lesson plan. In choosing the topic, the teacher should consider the level of students. The teacher has to be really capable in the students‟ level. The topic itself should be in real life. It means that it happens in a daily life or in the students‟ life in order to make the students easily to understand what the students learn. The material should be effective and interesting for the students. So, the teacher becomes aware of teaching in the classroom. After preparing the material for inside-outside circle, there are three procedures in the proses of teaching and learning activities that must be done. They are pre teaching, whilstteaching and post –teaching activities. They are presented in the following. Steps to Use the Inside-outside Circle There are some steps can be used to do the inside-outside circle. They include (1) form two concentric circles containing the same number of students, (2) students in the inside circle face a partner standing in the outside circle, (3) asks students from the inside circle to share something with their partner in timed activity, (4) has students reverse roles, (5) the students on
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
the outside circle share with their partner, controls the timing, (6) has the inside circle rotate, and (7) the students turn to face their new partner You can add information here, that you have observed the implementation of I-O-C in an English Lesson in your school conducted by your colleague. By presenting the implementation, (tell readers the goal and objectives of the lesson), you share a good practice of teaching speaking. How to Apply the Inside-Outside Circle There are some ways to apply the inside-outside circle; pre-assign groups, change partners, and monitor the discussions. Obviously, in pre-assign groups we can use letters (a–b– c) to divide the class into two or more groups as needed. The teacher asks the students to sit in the middle of the class and form two circles. The students in one group will forms two circles which called Inside Outside Circle. One circle in the inside (6 students) and another is in the outside circle (6 students). The students will partner and facing each other. In the change partners, move the outside or inside circle at least one step to the right or left so students have the opportunity to communicate with more than one partner. The teacher writes some questions on the board and gives the students a minute to think about their response. The teacher also prepares some cards for the students. The card is used to write questions that are written on the white board and the students may add ask. The teacher asks the students in the outside circles (students B) to ask the question first to the students in the inside circle (students A). Next, the students in the inside circle (students A) respond to the students in the outside circle. One student will answer all the questions. If the students in the outside circle have finished in asking questions for the students in the inside circle, the teacher asks the students to say “pass”. Have the circle to move one step to the left or right and discuss the same question with the new partner in the inside circle. The students can ask some new questions to discuss the equal topic. In monitor the discussions, for common misconceptions and to make sure that students are on task. In this activity, the teacher checks the students „activities. After all students have had their turn in asking the questions and sharing their experience each other, the teacher asks the students to sit on their chair themselves. Then, the teacher checks the students‟ comprehension about the lesson. The Benefits of Inside-outside Strategy There are some benefits in using of inside –outside strategy: They are (1) students participate at their own level, (2) it can be used with students who have minimal literacy in English, (3) it involves authentic communication, (4) it is fun and interactive, and it gets students moving, (5) students can share the idea with friends, and (6) it engages all students in the learning process and creates movement. The Shortcomings of Inside-Outside Circle The shortcomings of inside-outside Circle are (1) need much time to organize, (2) need a bigger room to give space to make the circle, (3) need students‟ active participation and motivation, and (4) need teachers‟ continuous control which can make the teachers exhausted. The results of the implementation of inside-outside circle at Junior High school 5 Muaro Jambi indicate it was able to encourage students to communicate with their friends. In this part, they spoke and interacted with others. They answered the questions from their friends happily and joyfully. Every student tried to answer the questions, every student interacted to friend happily. The teacher was also creative to control the class, because some time students answered the questions from friends by shouting and less of control, so the class situation became more crowded. Conclusions and Suggestions Speaking is the key to communication. By considering what good speakers do, what speaking tasks can be used in class, and what specific needs learners report, teachers can help learners to improve their speaking and overall oral competency. Based on the previous discussion, it can be concluded that in teaching speaking, a teacher has to find a good way or strategy to serve the student interaction in speaking especially 1840
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for communicating with others. Inside-outside circle strategy can be more helpful for students to interact in speaking, because this strategy helps the students to be more active in the learning process, and at the same time make their learning more meaningful and fun for them beside that they feel easily to express their ideas or opinions and sharing with others. Therefore, the teachers should ask the students to practice speaking continuously. The teachers are expected to be more creative in facilitating their students with the interesting materials and topics that happens in real life. The teachers should know the students‟ interest and make an enjoyable learning. REFERENCES speaking.html Brown, G. & George, Y. 1983. Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Brown, H. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Goh & Burns. 2013. Teaching Speaking, A holistic Approach. Sidney: University of South Wales Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Third Edition. Los Angeles: University of California. Kagan, S. 1994. Cooperative Learning. San Juan Capistrano: Kagan Cooperative Learning. Maulida, D.-----------Teaching Speaking to Junior High School Students Through Inside-outside circle Richards , C.J. . Teaching Speaking Theories and Methodologies.______. Cambridge: English Language Teaching. Thormbury, S. 2005., How to Teach Speaking., England: Long man. Woods, C. 2005. Teaching and Assessing Skills in Foreign Languages. New York: Cambridge University.
[email protected] Abstract: One of the English skills that has to be learned by students is writing. Writing is essential to be mastered by the students because this is a form of thinking. It means writing is one of the language skills to express idea, thought, and opinion in written form. Writing skill becomes more important because the progress of knowlegde and information. Writing is not easy. The researcher finds that the eight grade students of SMPN 1 Meliau, second semester school year 2013/2014, have difficulties in writing a descriptive text. The students do not like English. They have poor vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Although it is difficult to learn, students have to do it. Because English is one of the subjects included in the national final exam, set by the govermant. Before the action research the students have low marks (below KKM) and after the action research the students have good marks (achieved KKM). The researcher used pictures as teaching media combined with the cooperative learning (STAD type) method to solve the problems. Keywords: Writing, picture, descriptive text, cooperative learning (STAD type)
English is an important skill that must be taught in the junior high school. The purpose of learning English is to prepare the students to face the globalization era. According to the 1841
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curriculum (KTSP), the target of learning English in the junior high school is to enable the students to communicate using both spoken and written media. It should be achieved through four skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As a matter of fact in SMP Negeri 1 Meliau, there were many students who had poor vocabulary so that they got difficulties to write a descriptive text. By conducting this research the reseacher expected all of the students to able to write a descriptive text well and achieved the KKM. Writing is a way of communication. It is an act to create communication between a writer and a reader. Through writing, the writer can express their ideas, thoughts and experiences in a written form. It is an important skill that should be mastered by the students. Among the four language skills, writing is the most difficult one. There are many things that should be paid attention to. First, students have to be concerned with the choice words. Second, students should be able to organize the idea that is conveyed, i.e. the students have to arrange the idea and thought in a good order. If the ideas are not arranged well, the readers will get confused in understanding the writing. Third, students have to pay heed to the writing mechanics such as spelling, paragraphing, and so forth. All are the important aspects that should be considered in order to be able to write well. There are several texts that are taught in writing at eight grade of junior high school, for example, monolog texts that consist of descriptive, narrative, and recount texts. These kinds of texts should be mastered by the students in writing skill in junior high school. Descriptive text is a text that should be taught at junior high school. It is a text describing a particular person, place, or thing. A description consists of: 1) identification (introduce the person/thing described), 2) description (gives the detail of the person/thing described). It may describe parts, qualities, and characteristics of a person/thing/place. Writing a descriptive text is one skill that must be mastered by the junior high school students in Indonesia. It is not easy task for them. Most of SMP Negeri 1 Meliau students faced some problems in writing a descriptive text. The first problem why the students were not able to write in English well was that they had a limited number of vocabulary. The second problem was that the students felt lazy to look up words that they did not understand in the dictionary or alfalink eventhough they had both facilities. The last problem was that they were too lazy to think and study hard. They really had low motivation and they hardly studied seriously. Based on the reseacher‟s observation and teaching experience mentioned, she was determined to find some solution, so she prepared herself with meaningful activities that enabled her students to write a descriptive text. She wanted to provide teachers with a strategy that can involve the students to write independenly. They should have an effective and meaningful strategy to teach writing a descriptive text to their students. The strategy that the reseacher employed was cooperative learning with STAD (Students Team Achievement Division) type and using pictures as media in the teaching learning process. The implementation of the cooperative learning with STAD type and using pictures was expected to be able to help the students to be able to write a descriptive text well. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Several key terms used in this research need to be addressed and whose meanings need to be explained. The key terms are: 1. Cooperative learning with STAD type 2. Teaching writing skill on descriptive text 3. Pictures as media in the teaching learning process Cooperative Learning Sharan (1994:326) stated that, “Cooperative Learning is a group centered and student centered approach to the classroom teaching and learning”. Thus, we can say that cooperative learning is one of the learning methods that encourages students to be more active or it can also be said that it is a method that is students centered. Thus the reseacher introduced one of the techniques of Cooperative Learning in the teaching and learning process particularly in teaching writing descriptive text namely STAD technique.
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Cooperative Learning: STAD Type The Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) was developed by Robert E. Slavin and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins University. This is the simplest and most straightforward method of the Cooperative Learning approaches. STAD is made up of five mayor components: class presentation, teams, quizzes/test, individual improvement, score and team recognition (Slavin in Sharan, 1994:6): a. Class Presentation Material in STAD is initially introduced in a class presentation. This is most often a lecture-discussion conducted by the teacher, but could include audiovisual presentation. Class presentations in STAD differ from usual teaching only in that they must be clearly focused on the STAD unit. In this way, students realize that they must pay careful attention during the class presentation, because doing so will help them to do well on the quizzes/test, and their quiz/test scores determine their team score. b. Teams Teams are composed of four or five students who represent a cross section of the class in academic performance, sex, and race or ethnicity. The major function of the team is to purpose its members to do well on the quizzes/test. After the teacher presents the material, the team meets to study worksheet or other material. Most often, the study takes the form of students disscussing problem together, comparing answers, and correcting any misconceptions if teammates make mistakes. The team is the most important feature of STAD. At every point, emphasis is placed on team members doing their best for the team, and on the team doing its best to help its members. The team provides the peer support for academic performance that is important for effect on learning, but it also provides the mutual concern and respect that is important for effect on such outcomes as inter group relations, self-esteem, and acceptance of mainstreamed students. c. Quizzes/Test After one to two periods of teacher presentation and one to two period of them practice, the students take idividual quizzes/test. Students are not permitted to help one another during the quizzes/test. This makes sure that every student is individually respossibe for knowing the material. d. Individual Improvement Score The idea behind the individual improvement scores is to give each student performance goal that the student can reach, but only when she or he works harder and performs better than in the past. e. Team Recognition Teams may earn certificates or other rewards if their average scores exceed certain criterion. Based on the above description, STAD technique emphasizes the use of team goals and team success, which can only be achieved if all members of the team learn the objectives being taught. As one of cooperative learning techniques, STAD is in accordance with the principles of CL namely positive independence, in which each member can succeed only if all members succeed. Face to face promotive interaction, during which students assist and support each other‟s effort to achieve. Individual accountability refers to the fact that in STAD technique, the team‟s success depends on the team members in working together and making sure that students will take without teammate help. Interpersonal and small group skill is required for each student to be able to work cooperatively with others and is also group processing, in which group reflect on how well they are working together and how their effectiveness as a group may be improved. The Advantages of STAD Tehnique There are some advantages of STAD technique in learning. One of them is race relations as Slavin in Sharan (1994:5) found that STAD technique increased the number of friedships between black and white students. Besides, studies of STAD also have significant gains in student‟s selft-esteem, liking of class, attendance, and behaviour (Slavin, 1990). Supporting the statement above, Kagan (1994, 17:6) stated that “Research of STAD also has revealed very positive effects on ethnic relations and various types of prosocial
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development. It means that STAD techique ignores the difference among students especially about their ethnicity”. Related to advantages that have been mentioned, the researcher concludes that STAD technique is able to help students in learning especially in writing descriptive text because it can assist students to comprehend about the materials given. Moreover, by working cooperatively students are able to develop their social and mutual interdependence in learning and also all students will have the same chance to write their ideas and in the same time are able to improve their self confidence. Teaching Writing Skill on Descriptive Text Writing is one of the four language skills which is very important to learn. Writing is not easy. Among the four language skills, writing is the most difficult skill to learn because it needs hard thinking in producing words, sentences, and paragraphs at the same time. As Jack C. Ricard and Willy A. Renandya (1986:1) said “writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organizing ideas, but also in translating these ideas into a readable text”. A descriptive text is one of the texts which is difficult enough to learn by the students. A descriptive text is a text that describes the features of someone, something, or a certain place. A descriptive text consists of introduction and description. Introduction includes the part of paragraph that introduces the character, and description is the part of a paragraph that describes the character. The students can use simple past tense, simple present tense and adjective clauses in writing a descriptive text. Gerrot and Wignell (1994) defines that a descriptive text is the text to describe a particular person, place, or thing. By reading a descriptive text, the writer tries to bring up imagination side of the readers; for example, when readers read about place being described in the text, it seems as if they were on that place. According to Abisarma (2001) a descriptive text is a text picturing the person, place, and thing with clear detail to help the readers visualize an object that is being described. By reading a descriptive text, the readers will create their sense of impression and get a clear picture of the object which is described. Pictures As Teaching Media in the Teaching Learning Process Rahman, Aulia (2007) said that teaching by showing pictures will enable the students to remember more, and to make them more impressed, more interested and more focused. Brown (2007) stated that pictures can be used in many stages of the instructional process, to introduce and motivate study of new topics, to clarify misconceptions, to communicate basic information, and to evaluate student‟s progress and achievement. There are some advantages using pictures as media in teaching learning process (Zenger, 1991: 79); these include: stimulate and motivate students to become more observant and express themselves. be inexpensive, many even be free, and fairly easy to locate. be used by individual or in groups. be displayed for as long as necessary so pupils can work at their own rate. be up to date and can bring reality into the classroom. be used to introduce, supplement, or summarize at unit. help clarify misunderstanding. METHOD This research was conducted in SMP Negeri I Meliau, VIII B grade. There were 33 students in this class, 17 girls and 16 boys. The researcher taught about “descriptive text”. She explained about the descriptive text by using a picture as a medium. With the picture, the students learned how to write a desciptive text about animal in their groups.
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Picture 1. The researcher is giving the explanation about the material, i.e. about writing a descriptive text based on the pictures in the first cycle (May, 9th 2014)
In teaching learning process, she gave 3 examples of descriptive texts and the students learned how to write descriptive texts based on the examples. After that, she gave a task to the students and they did the task in their groups. There were 6 groups. Each group consisted of 5-6 students. English KKM at SMP Negeri 1 Meliau was 66.
Picture 2. The students are doing the tasks in their groups in the first cycle. (May,16th 2014)
When they submitted their tasks, however, 10 students got low marks and below KKM. The researcher thought that she had to do the second cycle. In the first cycle, she thought that 10 students did not do the tasks seriously. When she asked about it, they answered that they did not understand about the lesson, i.e. about descriptive texts. As the solution, she gave more explanation about the lesson. She explained about adjectives and simple present tense more detailly using some pictures in the second cycle. So, they started to understand how to write a descriptive text well. Finally, they could get good marks.
Picture 3. The researcher is giving more explanation of the materials about writing a descriptive text based on the pictures in the second cycle. (May, 20th 2013)
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The data were collected based on the tasks from the students done in the teaching learning process. She asked the students to write sentences based on the picture of an animal with a scoring rubric that included the criteria, such as message, vocabulary, and grammar. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The First Cycle In teaching and learning process, the reseacher gave some pictures and the students learned with their friends how to write the descriptive texts based on the pictures. However, as a matter of fact, they did not feel interested because the pictures did not interest them. So, the result was not statisfactory because there were still three groups which only reached the KKM and the other groups below the KKM as can be seen in the following table. Table 1. Students Writing Marks in the Descriptive Text in Cycle 1 Number Name Score of Group Rianda Nur Cahyo 85 Martin Willy 60 Nando Fatra 70 1 Anyun Fiska 70 Dewi Wulansari 60 Gilang Permana 60 Linawati 70 Reynold Fernanda 80 Paula Marina 60 2 James Rickson Chin 80 Adrianus Tanter 60 Stefen Yoranda 80 Welly 70 Rizma Muhardini 80 Patrisius 35 3 Niwang Jati S 75 Maria Enjelina 60 Ayu Leatari 60 Meliyanti 80 Setyo Pambudi 80 4 Esterina R.S 60 Trimo Nugroho 75 Dea Amanda 80 Yulius Ferdinanto 80 Suci Nurmantiyas M 80 5 Renaldi Ajie Pangestu 85 Yeti Trisna 70 Yanti 70 Umi Nurtapiah 80 Voni 80 6 Nadia Simorangkir 80 Linda 60 Jimmi Setiawan 30 K= achieved KKM ( Tuntas) BK= Below KKM ( Tidak tuntas)
The Second Cycle Based on the experiences in the first cycle that the students in their groups had low marks (below KKM) the researcher made the new strategy in the second cycle that aims to increase the students‟ marks in their groups. She gave more explanation about the topic and the situation. Finally, they started to understand how to write a descriptive text well based on the picture given. It was different from that of the first cycle. As a result, in the second cycle all of 1846
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the students in their group got the good scores and reached the KKM , as shown in the following table. Table 2. Students Writing Marks in the Descriptive Text in Cycle 2 Number Name Score of Group Rianda Nur Cahyo 90 Martin Willy 80 Nando Fatra 85 1 Anyun Fiska 85 Dewi Wulansari 70 Gilang Permana 75 Linawati 85 Reyneld Fernanda 85 Paula Marina 80 2 Jumes Rickson Chin 85 Adrianus Tanter 80 Stefen Yonanada 85 Welly 80 Rizma Muhardini 85 Patrisius 70 3 Niwang Jati S 80 Maria Enjelina 75 Ayu Leatari 75 Meliyanti 85 Setyo Pambudi 85 Esterina R.S 80 4 Trimo Nugroho 80 Dea Amanda 80 Yulius Ferdinanto 85 Suci Nurmantiyas M 85 5 Renaldi Ajie Pangestu 85 Yeti Trisna 85 Yanti 85 Umi Nurtapiah 85 Voni 85 6 Nadia Simorangkir 85 Linda 80 Jimmi Setiawan 70 K= achieved KKM (Tuntas)
Statement K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusion In teaching writing, the teacher should be creative and able to create interesting learning atmosphere in the classroom. The teacher also should be able to attract the students‟ attention by choosing topic and learning strategy that are interesting for the students. The teachers should choose a strategy that can involve the students to write independently, especially writing a descriptive text. In teaching a descriptive text, the teachers have to consider about the strategy that will be used. The STAD is a strategy that can be employed to help students to write a descriptive text well. This strategy will help the students to focus on the topic of writing and to organize and generate their ideas easily. They can learn and do the exercises in their groups, and they can share their ideas with each other. Suggestions
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English teachers of Junior High Schools are suggested that they apply STAD in their teaching and learning process. In order to make students interested in writing, especially writing a descriptive text. English teachers of Junior High Schools are suggested\that they follow the procedure and steps of applying STAD as described in this reseacrh that has been proved to be able to improve the students‟ writing ability on descriptive texts.
REFERENCE Abisarma, Nada. 2001. Teaching Writing Approach & Activities. Accessed from http:www.journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 1 No. 2, Maret 2013, Serie C April 4th 2014 Fachrurazy, Anugerahwatywati,M 2013. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif dan Inovatif. Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang. Gerrot, P and Wignell, L. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sidney: Antipodian Educational Enterprises. Accessed from http:www.journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 1 No. 2, Maret 2013, Serie C April 4th 2014 Sharan, 1994. Cooperative Learning. Accessed from http://www.the definition of cooperative April 4th 2014
[email protected] Abstract: This article is to explore the error correction feedback in the teaching of writing skill. Correcting is carried out when something is not right. In the direct corrective feedback, a teacher provides the students‟ work with the correct form after she/he crosses out or underlines the errors or unnecessary words or phrases. Here, the teacher inserts the correct form above or near to the erronous form. By applying the appropriate dirrect correction feedback, the students are able to revise their errors themselves and avoid the same errors that will appear again the next writing exercises. Key words: direct corrective feedback, writing skill.
Writing has always been regarded as an important skill contributing to students language learning. There have been many attempts to help students improve their writing skills and increase their motivation for completing the writing tasks. One of the attempts is providing direct corrective feedback. Giving good corrective feedback is one of the skills that the teachers need to master as a part of formative assesment. After finishing the task or evaluation, the teachers have to check students‟ answer. Mostly the teachers and students just see the mark or score as the result of the of the task. The teacher just put the mark and so far rarely to see the improvement of students‟ English skill. Providing feedback on students‟ writing is one of the teachers‟ duties. Teachers may spend many hours giving comments or corrections on the students‟ writings. When a teacher is correcting students‟ work, she/he can see what the students are struggling to master, what concepts they have misunderstood and what extra work they might need (Lavery, 2001). So, it is very important for both teachers and students to accept the fact that the correcting is a part of teaching learning process. In correcting the students‟ work, a teacher knows in which part of material the students master and vise versa. Corrective feedback can be very powerful if it is done well. It contains information that the students can use. A good corrective feedback addresses both cognitive and motivational 1848
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factors at the same time. Ihe cognitive factor, Brookhart (2008:2) says that good corrective feedback gives students information they need, so they can understand where they are in the learning and what to do next. In the motivational factor, the students feel they understand what to do and why most students develop a feeling that they have controlled over their own learning. So, providing feedback is necessary in providing information that students cannot read beyond their comprehension. . Correcting the students‟ work only becomes useful if the students can do something with this feedback. When the worksheet is returned to the students, the teacher should ensure that the students not just simply see the mark. Good correction strategies include ensuring that the students understand what the mistakes or errors are and how they can be corrected, therefore the same error or mistakes will not appear again in the next exercise. Direct corrective feedback is one of the strategies in giving correction. Sayyad and Sayyadmahaleh (2013:165) state that direct corrective feedback supplies learners with the correct target language form when they make errors or mistakes and the teacher provides the students with the correct form. This feedback strategy is believed to be able to help the students of low or intermediate level of proficiency and has positive effects on students‟ of foreign language. Sayyad and Sayyadmahaleh (2013) did the research about the effect of correctivefeedback. The result confirmed the positive effect of providing direct corrective feedback on EFL learners writing proficiency. Conducting studies like the present one may help effecttively a better teaching and testing writing skill to the foreign language learners. Therefore, in this article, the writer explores the dirrect corrective feedback, expecting that this strategy will be beneficial in improving students‟ grammar accuracy in the writing skills. LITERATURE REVIEWS Writing Skill The human activity of writing is the recent development in the evolution. Harmer (2004:2) states that the first recognised written language was Indust Script, written 5.500 years ago. It was found in 1999 in a place called Harrapa in a region Harappan or Indus civilitation, in the form of incomplete symbol. Since then many different writing systems have evolved around the world. English writing has developed over century from early fourteenth century to the present day. The development includes the spelling, words, grammar, etc. In the context of education, particularly in testing, the students‟ writing proficency is always used to measure their knowledge. Writing is a productive skill that needs practicing. In the teaching of writing, a teacher can either focus on the product of writing or the writing process. Harmer (2004) argues that when concentrating on the product, we are only interested in the aim of a task and in the end product. However, as a process of writing, the teacher spends time with learners on pre-writing, editing, re-drafting and producing a finished version of their work. Therefore, the process of writing is more complex than the product of writing (Raimes, 1983). In writing, the students should consider the language structure, idioms, and vocabulary. When the students write, they also have a chance to be adventurous with the language. Therefore, a teacher helps the students develop effective written production through creating topic sentences, supporting sentences and transition. It is important to remember that learning to write in a foreign or second language mainly involves lingustic knowledge and the vocabulary choices, syntactic patterns, and cohesive devices that comprise the essential building block of text (Hyland, 2003:3). Since English is a foreign language in Indonesia, the teaching of writing mainly focuses on grammar accuracy and the word choice. Direct Corrective Feedback Correction is given when something is not right. The teachers give the correction in the students‟ written on the issues such as syntax (word order), concord (grammatical agreement between subjects and verb) and word choice (Hammer 2004: 108).
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When the teachers correct the students‟ work, it will improve their knowledge and the same mistake or error will not appear in the next exercise. After giving the feedback, the teachers have to check that the students will revise it. When the teachers return corrected work to their students, good correction ensures that the students understand what the mistakes or errors are and how they can be corrected. (Harmer, 2004:108). Some research findings conclude that error correction works to help students improve their writing. The majority of studies suggest that the error feedback is beneficial to students writing. According to Ferris (2004:140), direct correction feedback is one of strategies in giving the feedback in the students‟ worksheet. When the teachers cross out or underline the mistakes, the teachers also provide the correct form above or near it. As Sayyad and Syyadmahaleh (2013) states that in direct corrective feedback, the teachers provide the students with the correct form near or above crossing out or underlining an unnecessray word, phrase or morpheme. Therefore, direct correction feedback is providing the correct form of certain grammar error directly by corsing out or underlining and writing the correct form above or near it. After giving the feedback, make sure that the students will revise it at home or the teacher gives more time at school. And via feedback learners are provided with information or
comments on their The example of direct corrective feedback
Direct corrective feedback is beneficial since it provides learners with clear guidance about how to correct their errors. This is clearly useful if learners do not know the correct form (are not capable of self correcting the error). As suggested by Ferris and Robert (2001) that direct corrective feedback is probably better than indirect corrective feedback with student‟s writing of low or intermediate levels of proficiency. This strategy identifes both the errors and the target forms. Students who received direct feedback made the most accurate revisions. Farrokhi (2012:50-51) adds that this strategy is more helpful to writers because it (1) reduces the type of confusion that they may experience if they fail to understand or remember the feedback they have been given (for example, the meaning of error codes used by teachers; (2) provides them with information to help them resolve more complex errors (for example, syntactic structure and idiomatic usage, (3) offers more explicit feedback and (4) is more immediate. Therefore, direct corrective feedback is beneficial with clear guidance but it may not help students to long-term learning because they do not think it over about their mistakes or errors. The correct one is provided dirrectly by the teachers. Ferris (2004) says that the advantage of this strategy is that it requires minimal processing on the part of the learners, it might help them to produce the correct form when they revise their writing,
Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEQIP (Teachers Quality Improvement Program) dengan tema “Membangun Karakter Bangsa melalui Pembelajaran Bermakna TEQIP” pada 1 Desember 2014 di Universitas Negeri Malang
CONCLUSION Providing corrective feedback on students‟ writing is challenging for teachers. Teachers spend much time giving correction to the students‟ work. Mostly, written correction is time consuming and energy consuming, This activity can be useful if the students can do something with the correction and direct revision, not just simply looking at the grade and looking at glance the mistakes or errors that have already been underlined or crossed out by the teachers. The good correction feedback has three main points. First, the students can do something with the correction. Second, it can impove the students‟ writing skills. Third, it can motivate the students to write more. Direct correction feedback is the strategy to emphasize the direct correctiion on the students‟ errors or mistakes by underlining or crossing out the mistakes and the teacher provides the correct form. It is believed that this strategy has a clear guidance for the students. REFERENCES Brookhart, S.M. 2008. How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students. Association For Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria, Virginia USA. Byrne, D. 1998. Teaching Writing Skills. Longman Group UK Ltd. Farrokhi, F. 2012. The Effect of Direct Written Corrective Feedback on Improvement of Grammatical Accuracy of High-proficient L2 Learners. World Journal of Education. 2(2) accessed on 2 April 2012 from WWW. Ferris, D.R. 2003. Response to Student Writing: Implications For Second-Language Students. California State University. Sacramento. Ferris. D.R., & Roberts, B. 2001. Error Feedback in L2 Writing Classes: How Explicit Does It Need to Be? Journal of Second Language Writing. Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Fourth Edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Hyland, K. 2003. Second Language Writing. Cambridge University Press. Lavery, C. 2001. Language Assistant. Accessed from http://WWW. uk/ Raimes. A. 1983. Techniques in Teaching Writing. Oxford University press. Sayyadmahaleh, M., & Sayyad, F.S. 2013. The Effect Direct Corrective-Feedback On Iranian Intermediate EFL Leaners‟ Writing Proficiency. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
PEMBELAJARAN TERPADU MODEL KETERHUBUNGAN (CONNECTED) Dedi Arman SMP N 1 TANJUNG JABUNG TIMUR, JAMBI Abstract: Pembelajaran terpadu merupakan suatu pendekatan yang secara sengaja mengaitkan beberapa aspek baik dalam intra mata pelajaran maupun antar mata pelajaran. Dengan adanya pemaduan itu, peserta didik akan memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan secara utuh sehingga pembelajaran menjadi bermakna bagi peserta didik. Artikel ini membahas teori tentang pembelajaran terpadu model keterhubungan, kelebihan dan kekurangan model ini, serta tahapan penerapannya. Key words: Pembelajaran Terpadu, connected
Model pebelajaran merupakan suatu perencanaan atau suatu pola yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam merencanakan pembelajaran di kelas (Trianto, 2010: 51). Salah satu prinsip pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum 2013 adalah dari pembelajaran parsial menuju pembelajaran terpadu (Kemendikbud, 2013). Pendekatan pembelajaran terpadu merupakan salah satu implementasi kurikulum yang dianjurkan untuk diaplikasikan pada jenjang 1851
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pendidikan dasar. Pembelajaran terpadu pada hakikatnya merupakan suatu pendekatan pembelajaran yang memungkinkan peserta didik baik secara individual maupun kelompok aktif mencari, menggali, dan menemukan konsep serta prinsip secara holistik dan otentik (Depdiknas, 2006:1). Pembelajaran terpadu merupakan suatu pendekatan dalam pembelajaran yang secara sengaja mengaitkan beberapa aspek baik dalam intra mata pelajaran maupun antar mata pelajaran. Dengan adanya pemaduan itu, peserta didik akan memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan secara utuh sehingga pembelajaran menjadi bermakna bagi peserta didik. Bermakna disini memberikan arti bahwa pada pembelajaran terpadu peserta didik akan dapat memahami konsep-konsep yang mereka pelajari melalui pengalaman langsung dan nyata yang menghubungkan antar konsep dalam intra mata pelajaran maupun antar mata pelajaran. Jika dibandingkan dalam konsep konvensional, maka pembelajaran terpadu tampak lebih menekankan keterlibatan peserta didik dalam belajar, sehingga peserta didik terlibat aktif dalam proses pembelajaran untuk pembuatan keputusan. Setiap peserta didik memerlukan bekal pengetahuan dan kecakapan agar dapat hidup di masyarakat dan bakal ini diharapkan diperoleh melalui pengalaman belajar di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, pengalaman belajar di sekolah sedapat mungkin memberikan bekal peserta didik dalam mencapai kecakapan untuk berkarya. Pembelajaran terpadu memiliki arti penting dalam pembelajaran. Trianto (2010: 59-61) menjelaskan beberapa alasan yang mendasarinya yaitu: dunia anak merupakan dunia nyata, proses pemahaman peserta didik terhadap suatu konsep dalam suatu peristiwa/objek lebih terorganisir, pembelajaran akan lebih bermakna, memberi peluang peserta didik untuk mengembangkan kemampuan diri, memperkuat kemampuan yang diperoleh, dan efisiensi waktu. Selain itu pembelajaran terpadu juga menyajikan beberapa keterampilan dalam suatu proses pembelajaran. Ditinjau dari cara memadukan konsep, keterampilan, topik, dan unit tematisnya, Fogarty (1991:15) membagi sepuluh model dalam merencanakan pembelajaran terpadu. Kesepuluh model tersebut yaitu: (1) fragmented, (2) connected, (3) nested, (4) sequenced, (5) shared, (6) webbed, (7) threaded, (8) integrated, (9) immersed, dan (10) networked. Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas mengenai pembelajaran terpadu model connected. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas dapat diambil suatu rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (a) apa yang dimaksud dengan model Connected (Keterhubungan)?, (b) apa kelebihan dan kekurangan model Connected?, dan (3) bagaimana tahapan penerapan model Connected?. Pengertian Model Keterhubungan Model keterhubungan merupakan gagasan bahwa sebenarnya dalam setiap mata pelajaran berisi konten yang berkaitan antara topik dengan topik, konsep dengan konsep dapat dikaitkan secara eksplisit. Satu mata pelajaran dapat memfokuskan sub-sub yang saling berkaitan. Fogarty (1991: 14) menjelaskan sebagai berikut: “This curricular model focuses on making explicit connections with each subject area, connecting one topic to the next, connecting one concept to another, connecting a skill to related skill, connecting one day’s work to the next, or even one semester’s ideas to the next.” Pengertian tersebut menunjukkankan bahwa fokus model connected adalah pada keterkaitan dalam seluruh bidang, keterkaitan antar topik, keterkaitan antar konsep, keterkaitan antar keterampilan, mengaitkan tugas pada hari ini dengan selanjutnya bahkan ide-ide yang dipelajari pada satu semester dengan ide-ide yang dipelajari pada semester berikutnya dalam satu bidang studi. Model pembalajaran ini menyajikan hubungan yang eksplisit di dalam suatu mata pelajaran yaitu menghubungkan satu topik dengan topik yang lain, satu konsep ke konsep yang lain, satu keterampilan dengan keterampilan yang lain, dan satu tugas ke satu tugas yang berikutnya. Kemendiknas (2011:5) menjelaskan karakteristik model keterhubungan yaitu “membelajarkan sebuah KD, konsep-konsep pada KD tersebut dipertautkan dengan konsep pada KD yang lain”. Pada pembelajaran model ini kunci utamanya adalah adanya satu usaha sadar untuk menghubungkan bidang kajian dalam satu disiplin ilmu. Bila kita memandang konsep koneksi ini, rincian dari satu disiplin ilmu terfokus kepada bagian-bagian yang sebenarnya saling 1852
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berhubungan. Sehingga akan terjadi serangkaian materi satu menjadi prasarat materi berikutnya atau satu materi mendukung materi berikutnya, atau materi satu menjadi prasarat atau berhubungan sehingga apa yang dipelajari menjadikan belajar yang bermakna. Sebagai catatan kaitan antar konsep, topik, atau tema terjadi hanya pada satu mata pelajaran. Berikut diagram peta keterhubungan yang di perlihatkaan pada Gambar 1.
Gambar 1. Diagram peta keterhubungan (diadaptasi dari Trianto, 2010: 40)
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Model Keterhubungan Keunggulan dari model pembelajaran ini adalah peserta didik memperoleh gambaran secara menyeluruh tentang suatu konsep sehingga transfer pengetahuan akan lebih mudah karena konsep-konsep pokok dikembangkan terus-menerus. Beberapa kelebihan dari model keterhubungan (connected) sebagai berikut: (a) dengan mengaitkan ide, konsep, topik lain dalam satu bidang studi, peserta didik memperoleh gambaran yang luas sebagaimana suatu bidang studi yang terfokus pada suatu aspek tertentu, (b) peserta didik dapat mengembangkan konsep-konsep kunci secara terus menerus, sehingga terjadilah proses internalisasi, (c) mengintegrasikan ide-ide dalam suatu bidang studi memungkinkan bagi peserta didik untuk mengkaji, mengkonseptualisasi, memperbaiki, serta mengasimilasi ide-ide dalam memecahkan masalah, dan (d) melihat permasalahan tidak hanya dari satu bidang kajian, dan pembelajaran dapat mengikuti KD-KD dalam standar isi. Model terhubung ini juga mempunyai kekurangan seperti yang dijelaskan Fogarty (1991: 16) yaitu: (1) masih kelihatan terpisahnya interbidang studi, (2) tidak mendorong guru untuk bekerja secara tim, sehingga isi dari pelajaran tetap saja terfokus tanpa merentangkan konsepkonsep serta ide-ide antar bidang studi, dan (3) dalam memadukan ide-ide dalam satu bidang studi, maka usaha untuk mengembangkan keterhubungan antar bidang studi menjadi terabaikan. Tahapan Penerapan Model Keterhubugan Dalam proses pembelajaran, model connected digunakan untuk menghubungkan beberapa materi atau kompetensi tertentu yang memiliki karakteristik yang saling terkait dengan tetap berpedoman pada Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar. Cara menghubungkan materimateri yang saling terkait tersebut ialah dengan membuat “jembatan pengetahuan”. Jembatan pengetahuan dapat berupa tema, wacana, dan lain-lain yang dianggap mampu mengantarkan pemahaman peserta didik dari materi satu ke materi berikutnya. Materi-materi yang tidak memiliki keterkaitan tidak bisa dipaksakan untuk dihubungkan. Jika dipaksakan kemungkinan peserta didik akan semakin bingung dalam merekonstruksi pengetahuan. Sintaks/tahapan dari model pembelajaran terpadu tipe connected (keterhubungan) menurut Prabowo (2000:11 – 14) sebagai berikut: 1. Tahap Perencanaan a. Menentukan Kompetensi Dasar b. Menentukan indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran
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2. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh oleh guru: a. Menyampaikan konsep pendukung yang harus dikuasai peserta didik (materi prasyarat) b. Menyampaikan konsep-konsep yang hendak dikuasai oleh peserta didik c. Menyampaikan keterampilan proses yang dapat dikembangkan d. Menyampaikan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan / dibutuhkan e. Menyampaikan pertanyaan kunci 3. Tahap Pelaksanaan a. Pengelolaan kelas dengan membagi peserta didik kedalam beberapa kelompok b. Kegiatan proses c. Kegiatan pencatatan data d. Diskusi 4. Evaluasi a. Evaluasi proses 1) Ketepatan hasil pengamatan 2) Ketepatan dalam penyusunan alat dan bahan 3) Ketepatan peserta didik saat menganalisis data b. Evaluasi produk/hasil Penguasaan peserta didik terhadap konsep-konsep/materi sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran khusus yang telah ditetapkan. c. Evaluasi psikomotor Kemampuan penguasaan peserta didik terhadap penggunaan alat ukur. Trianto (2010: 64-66) menjelaskan tahapan pembelajaran terpadu yaitu: 1. Tahap Perencanaan a. Menentukan jenis mata pelajaran dan jenis keterampilan yang akan dipadukan b. Memilih kajian materi, kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar dan indicator c. Menentukan sub keterampilan yang akan dipadukan d. Merumuskan indicator hasil belajar e. Menetukan langkah-langkah pembelajaran 2. Tahap Pelaksanaan Prinsip utama dalam pelaksanaan yaitu guru tidak sebagai single actor yang mendominasi proses pebelajaran. Peran guru sebagai fasilitator supaya peserta didik belajar mandiri, pembagian tugas individu dan kelompok harus jelas, guru harus akomodatif terhadap ide yang tidak terpikirkan dalam perencanaan. 3. Tahap evaluasi Tahap evaluasi dapat berupa evaluasi proses pebelajaran dan evaluasi hasil pembelajaran. Model ini digunakan sebagai langkah awal menuju kurikulum yang terintegrasi, seperti yang dijelaskan Fogarty (1991:16) “the connected model is useful as a beginning step toward an integrated curriculum”. Model keterhubungan digunakan sebagai langkah awal menuju model keterpaduan yang memadukan antar mata pelajaran dan intra mata pelajaran sekaligus. Kesimpulan Pembelajaran terpadu model keterhubungan (connected) menurut Fogarty (1991:16) merupakan keterkaitan dalam seluruh bidang, keterkaitan antar topik, keterkaitan antar konsep, keterkaitan antar keterampilan, mengaitkan tugas pada hari ini dengan selanjutnya bahkan ideide yang dipelajari pada satu semester dengan ide-ide yang dipelajari pada semester berikutnya dalam satu bidang studi. Kelebihan model keterhubungan diantaranya: Peserta didik memperoleh gambaran yang luas tentang materi pelajaran. Peserta didik dapat mengembangkan konsep-konsep kunci secara terus menerus. Memungkinkan bagi peserta didik untuk mengkaji, mengkonseptualisasi, memperbaiki, serta mengasimilasi ide-ide dalam memecahkan masalah. Peserta didik dapat melihat permasalahan tidak hanya dari satu bidang kajian. Kekurangan model keterhubungan diantaranya: Masih kelihatan terpisahnya antarbidang studi. Tidak mendorong guru untuk bekerja secara tim. Usaha untuk mengembangkan keterhubungan antar bidang studi menjadi
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terabaikan. Penerapan model keterhubungan dalam pembelajaran melalui tahap-tahap: perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Saran Model keterhubungan sangat baik untuk dilaksanakan dalam pembelajaran. karena model banyak memiliki kelebihan dan sesuai dengan salah satu prinsip pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum 2013, dan pembelelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta didik. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Fogarty, R. 1991. How to Integrate the Curricula?. Illinois: IRI/Skylight Publishing, Inc. Depdiknas. 2006. Panduan Pengembangan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kemendiknas, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi . 2011. Panduan Pengembangan Pembelajaran Terpadu. Jakarta: Kemendiknas Kemendikbud. 2013. Permendikbud Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menegah. Jakarta: Kemendikbud Prabowo. 2000. Pembelajaran Fisika dengan Pendekatan Terpadu dalam Menghadapi Perkembangan IPTEK Millennium III. Makalah disampaikan pada seminar dan lokakarya Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNESA bekerja sama dengan Himpunan Fisika Indonesia (HFI), pada tanggal 10 Februari 2000. Trianto. 2010. Model Pembelajaran Terpadu. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara