IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
Materi 2 1. 2.
Konsep Engineering dan Perannya Profesi di Bidang TIK Jalur Pengembangan Profesi
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
Lini A
Finance & accounting Eng. TIK saat Milenium Bug
Engineer TIK Lini B
Engineer Perminyakan & Pertambangan Ahli Hukum
Lini C Hali Manajemen
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
Profil Minimal Yang harus diraih seluruh lulusan
Profil sesuai dengan minat/pilihan
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
Help Desk Operator (H/W dan Jaringan) Help Desk Operator (S/W dan Sistem Operasi)
Help Desk Analyst
Comp. Based System Engineer
Technical Support
Junior Programmer
Junior System Analyst
Senior Programmer Senior System Analyst
S/W Engineer
S/W Developer
Chief Information Officer (CIO) Bussiness Analyst Chief Knowledge Officer
Multimedia Editor
Multimedia Programmer
Multimedia Designer
Multimedia App. Developer
Network Operator
Network Administrator
Network Spesialist
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Kompetensi Global - Memahami metoda dan tools - Mampu mengoperasikan solusi TIK untuk kebutuhan praktis dan problem yang sederhana - Communication Skill - Self Management - Profesional Management - menyatakan dimensi dari problem dalam bentuk kuantitafif
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
- Berperspektif pada level system - Memodelkan System dan Implementasi Model - Kritis mengevaluasi solusi teknologi thd kebutuhan - Adaptif terhadap Perubahan komponen komputasi - Punya pengetahuan terhadap komponen opensource dan bisa melakukan reuse
- Berpengalaman mengerjakan Project dan tim building - Mampu mengelola Sumber daya IT - Memahami kaitan antara Teoritis dan Teknologi Praktis
Definisi Engineering
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
engineering is "the application of scientific principles to the optimal conversion of natural resources into structures, machines, products, systems, and processes for the benefit of humankind.“ ► An engineer is a professional practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical problems. Engineers design materials, structures, machines and systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, safety and cost.[1][2] The word engineer is derived from the Latin root ingenium, meaning "cleverness" ► "Engineering is the scientific art by which a particular group of human beings destroys nature and pollutes the world in ways ►
that are useless or harmful to human life.”
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
•Keahlian Engineer •Design
•defining problems, •conducting and narrowing research, •analyzing criteria, •finding and analyzing solutions, and •making decision (the optimal solution)
•Analysis •testing, •production, •maintenance.
•Specialization • menguasai detil bidang tertentu
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
Contoh – Design Mobil Baru untuk pengusaha konglomerat
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
Desain Produk S/W yang di Gandrungi untuk di install di HP (Android)
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
Apa aplikasi yang akan do download ribuan orang untuk di instal di HP nya Penduduk Indonesia 2010 = 237 juta Jika 0.5% mendownload aplikasi Anda, lalu sekali download diminta membayar Rp 5000, Pendapatan Kotor = 1.15 juta x 5000 = 5.75 Milyar Jika bagian Developer 50% dan Provider 50% maka Anda sudah punya uang 2.825 Milyar RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
Apa aplikasi yang akan di download ribuan orang untuk di instal di HP nya
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
► Tugas
Buat 2 – 5 Slide PPT untuk mempresentasikan Ide Anda tentang aplikasi tersebut. Format Isi Slide ►Identitas
Pembuat ►Deskripsi Fungsi dari S/W Aplikasi ►Rincian siapa saja yang menjadi target pasar (pengguna aplikasi)
Di kirim ke email Asisten Masing-masing paling lambat 29 Oktober 2010 jam 23.00 RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
Kemampuan yang dituntut dari seorang Engineer (sumber ABET)
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
► ► ► ► ► ►
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (d) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (e) a knowledge of contemporary issues (f) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS
IF 186 Pengenalan Informatika
► (g)
an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams ► (h) an ability to communicate effectively ► (i) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context ► (j) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning ► (k) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility RDA-Teknik Informatika UNPAS