Linguistik Terapan 13 (2) (2016): 130-142 Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Pascasarjana Available online
The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in English Teaching-Learning Process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Windasari Safitri Sinambela Siti Aisyah Ginting Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Medan Diterima Mei 2016; Disetujui Juni 2016; Dipublikasikan Agustus 2016 ABSTRACT This study deals with the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in English teaching learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. The aims of this study were to describe the teachers‟ effort in English teaching-learning process by applying scientific approach, to describe the teachers‟ impelementation in English teaching-learning process by applying scientific approach, and to explain the teachers‟ reasons to for the implement the scientific approach on that way. This study conducted by using qualitative research design. The source data of this study were teachers at XI IPA 1 and X IPS 1 SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam comprised two teachers. The data of this study was the implementation of Curriculum 2013 on teaching-learning English process in the classroom. The data was analyzed by using Interactive Model by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. Based on data analysis, it was found that the teachers did not implement all the curriculum 2013 steps correctly, the teachers‟ reasons for the implement curriculum 2013 on their way because the teachers had many experience in teaching, curriculum 2013 was done only because of the rule from the school. Other reasons were because they had short time in teaching and lacked of the books for material in curriculum 2013. Keywords: curriculum 2013, implementation, English teaching learning process, scientific approach How to Cite: Sinambela, S.W. (2016). The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in English Teaching-Learning Process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. Jurnal Linguistik Terapan Pascasarjana Unimed, 13 (2): 130-142 ISSN 0216-5139
Indonesia No. 20 year 2003 about National Education System and Government Arrangement and the Government Regulation No. 65 Year 2013 about the Process Standard of Education for elementary and high school, the Ministry of National Education designed the new curriculum known as the 2013 Curriculum for Elementary and High Schools.
INTRODUCTION The government of Indonesia has paid attention to the education for a long time. It can be seen from the curriculum that had changed several times in order to improve the quality national of education and creates a qualified students based on the development era. In the beginning of 2013, based on the Regulation of Republic 130
The curriculum is the teaching and learning program design guided by educators. According toTaba (1962) that understandingthe curriculumasaplanoflearningissomethingth at isplanned by educators tobe studiedtostudentswhich includesplans. In Addition, Beaucham(1976) states that understandingthe curriculumare a written documentthat containsthe contents ofthe subjectstaughtto studentsthrougha variety of subjects, choiceof disciplines, and the problem ineveryday life. The government also says that the Curriculum of 2013 does not fully change the previous curriculum. The curriculum of 2013 is the development of the previous curriculum that was KTSP. Based on the government about this curriculum there are some materials added which are not presented before in the last curriculum, but it still maintains the material which had been given in the last curriculum and removing less important materials for the development of student‟s competency. The Curriculum of 2013 claims it is different from the previous one, KTSP, in several aspects. One of the differences is that curriculum of 2013 uses the Scientific Approach. In this curriculum, it is expected that Indonesia can promote its national education. This curriculum is intended to empower teachers to develop the competency in learning activities relevant to the learner‟s need, based on actual condition of the school, and the necessity which is linked to the environment. This approach is called a scientific approach. With regard to classroom procedure, the scientific approach is materialized in the learning cycle which comprises of five steps, namely: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. The decision of using scientific approach in language education is to make learners curious about the world around them, to improve skills and exhibit more positive attitudes toward science, to
improve their oral communication and critical thinking. Wachidah (2013) states that the curriculum of 2013 is competence-based, operationally integrating the three domains of competence: “attitudes, knowledge, and skills” Therefore, in curriculum 2013, the competence in English as subject matter defines in larger domains. It does not only cover knowledge (competence) and skills (performance), but also cover moral education (attitudes). In other words, while in one side the concept of curriculum 2013 can be good because it is integrated with the moral education. The Scientific approach has been implemented for elementary and high schools in Indonesia with the enactment of 2013 curriculum. SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam is one of senior high schools which apply the curriculum 2013 which using scientific approach in the teachinglearning process. Curriculum 2013 is in fact the extension of SBC (School-Based Curriculum) in several components. The main purpose of this curriculum is to shape the individuals who are faithful in God, good in characters, confident, successful in learning, responsible citizens and positive contributors to the civilization (Ministry of Education and Cultures, 2012). This framework has been supported by Government Regulations Number 32 Year 2013 (The revision of Government Regulations Number 19 Year 2005 about the National Standards of Education). This regulation is elaborated by Education and Culture Ministerial Regulations Number 67, 68, 69, and 70 on Fundamental Framework and Curriculum Structure from Elementary to Senior Secondary and Vocational Secondary School. According to Regulation of the Ministerof EducationandCulture No.81.A, 2013on the Implementation ofthe Curriculum that the Implementation of C13 in ELT Practice and Some Constraints to Successful Implementation One major point to be discussed in this part was the 131
main finding on the implementation of the C-13 in Englishteaching practices. In implementing the C-13, the teachers were found to be entangled in some old practices andtraditional view of learning and seemed to implement the curriculum incomprehensively with a number of deviations inthe three levels of implementation: the teaching plans, the teaching process and the assessment process.In the teaching plan, the teachers were only required to design their own lesson plans based on some principles set bythe authoritative government. Based on the regulation on Permendikbud No. 81 tahun 2013 lampiran IV in order to achieve these goals, the teachers follow the five steps in teaching and learning process. They are observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking. Each of the steps is presented in the following. 1. Observing Observing is a kind of meaningful learning. Here, students and teachers are provided with objects, real objects, or phenomena. Students are directly involved in learning. It helps teachers to contextualize students learning in the classroom. At the same time, students can learn based on what they see to construct their knowledge. It also facilitates students to fulfill their need of knowing something. In this context, their curiosity will lead them to the construction of knowledge. Contextually is also present because students can connect what they have learned with what they are going to learn.
instruction which includes posing questions during lessons is more effective in producing achievement gains than instruction carried out without questioning students, (2) students perform better on test items previously asked as recitation questions than on items they have not been exposed to before, (3) oral questions posed during classroom recitations are more effective in fostering learning than are written questions, (4) questions which focus student attention on salient elements in the lesson result in better comprehension than questions which do not. Questioning can be used by both teachers and students in the classroom. What are the purposes of teacher‟s classroom questions? A variety of purposes emerge from analysis of the literature, including (1) to develop interest and motivate students to become actively involved in lessons, (2) to evaluate students preparation and check on homework or seatwork completion, (3) to develop critical thinking skills and inquiring attitudes, (4) to review and summarize previous lessons, (5) to nurture insights by exposing new relationships, (6) to assess achievement of instructional goals and objectives, and (7) to stimulate students to pursue knowledge on their own. 3. Experimenting To get the real or authentic learning, learners have to do experiments. For example, students should understand the concepts of science and its relation to everyday life. Learners must have the skills to develop knowledge about the environment, and be able to use the scientific method and scientific attitude to solve the problems they face in everyday life. The application of experimental methods is intended to develop various learning objectives, the attitudes, skills, and knowledge.
2. Questioning The second step is questioning. It is a powerful teaching technique that has been used for years since it was firstly introduced by Socrates. Research indicates that questioning is second only to lecturing in popularity as a teaching method and that classroom teachers spend anywhere from thirty-five to fifty percent of their instructional time conducting questioning sessions. Other findings show that (1)
4. Associating 132
The term “associating” used in Curriculum 2013 is more appropriate than “reasoning”. Associating is to describe teachers and students active participation in the classroom. Of course, students must be more active and are given more opportunities in learning. Associating is the process of thinking logically and systematically over - the empirical facts that can be observed in the form of knowledge to obtain conclusions. In the context of learning, “associating” is focused on students learning activities. That is why; “associating” is used in Curriculum in 2013 because it adopts the ideas of associative learning theories. The term “associating” refers to the ability to group diverse ideas and associate diverse events as experiences. When the experiences are stored in the brain, they will interact with the previous events or experiences. This process is called “associating”. From the perspective of psychology, “associating” refers to the connection between conceptual or mental entities as a result of the similarity between the mind or proximity in space and time. According to the theory of association, the learning process will be managed effectively in if there is a direct interaction between teachers with learners. Interaction is done through stimulus and response (SR) .Thus, the basic principles of the learning process in this theory is an association, which is also known as the theory of stimulus - response (SR). Here, learners' learning process occurs slowly or gradually, not suddenly. How can “Associating” be applied in the learning process? The followings are the activities the teachers can do. (1) Teachers prepare the learning materials in a form that is ready in accordance with the demands of the curriculum, (2). the main task of the teacher is to give a brief but clear instructions with accompanying examples , either by themselves or by means of simulation, (3) the learning materials are arranged in a tiered or hierarchical, starting from the simple to the
complex, (4) results-oriented learning activities can be measured and observed, (5) every error must be corrected or repaired, (6) repetition and practice need to be done so that the desired behavior can become a habit, (7) evaluation or assessment is based on the behavior of a real or authentic, and (8) the teachers record all learners progress. 5. Communicating Communicating is also called collaborative learning. Here, collaborative learning is a personal philosophy, which is more than just learning techniques in the classrooms. Collaboration is the essence of philosophy and lifestyle of human interaction that places and facilitates collective efforts in order to achieve common goals. For teachers, the collaborative learning function is more directive oriented in which the teachers are managers in the students learning. Here, the students are those who are active. In a collaborative situation, the learners interact with empathy, mutual respect, and receive a deficiency or excess, respectively. This allows the learners to face various changes and challenges to learn together. RESEARCH METHOD This study was conducted in qualitative research design with case study in order to describe the implementation of curriculum 2013 in English teachinglearning process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982) qualitative research is as direct source of the data and the researcher is the key instrument, qualitative means finding out how a theory works in different phenomenon whose data collected are in the form of words rather than number. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source. Moreover they also state that descriptive research is unique in the number of variable employed. Like other research, descriptive research can include multiple variables for analysis, yet
unlike other methods, it requires only one variable. The data of this research was the implementation of C-13 on teachinglearning English process in the classroom. The source of data was obtained from two English teachers of X-IPS 1 (TS) and XIIPA 1 (AP) in SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. The researcher chose these classes because they represented whole classes of eleventh grade in terms of implementing the 2013 curriculum in English teachinglearning process. The research took two materials (topics) with four meetings. As Bogdan & Biklen (1992, p.32) state that “the researcher is the key instrument”. It means that everything was controlled by the researcher. The supporting instruments of data collection in this research were tape recorder, observational sheets, camera and video recorder that were used during classroom observation and teachers‟ guided interview. These instruments were used to know the implementation of curriculum 2013 in English teaching-learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. The data were collected in several activities as follows: 1. The researcher observes the lesson plan used and material or topic that taught to students. In this activity, the researcher observe all components of lesson plan such as: learning objectives, material, classroom procedure, and model of teaching used by the English teacher in which it kept the implementation of 2013 curriculum which emphasized scientific approach in teaching-learning process. 2. The researcher observed the English teaching-learning process in the classroom by using video recorder. 3. After the researcher got the phenomenon about the English teaching-learning process, then the researcher interviewed and recorded the English teachers‟ utterances about phenomenon that occurred in terms of what the teachers‟ efforts in applying
scientific approach and why the teaching-learningprocess implemented such way. To analyze the data, the researcher used interactive model by Miles Huberman, and Saldana (2014) which consist of data collection, data condensation, data display, and data verification / drawing conclusion. 1. Data collection referred to the process of collecting all the data from the implementation of curriculum 2013 in English-teaching-learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. 2. Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in the full corpus (body) of written up field notes, classroom observation, documents, or other empirical materials. In this session, the researcher will condensed the data into several activities as follows: a. After all data has been collected, the researcher transcribed the data which has been obtained from the video recorder to see how teacher conducted and implemented the English teaching-learning process in the classroom. The researcher also transcribed the interview. These activities were done to obtain data in terms of what the teachers‟ efforts in English teaching-learning process and why the English teachinglearning process implemented such way. b. The researcher selected the data needed which related to answer the research problems. The data was the teachers‟ utterances which showed their efforts in observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating in the teaching-learning process, and done based on the all components which has been written down in lesson plan, such as learning
objectives, material, classroom preliminary conclusion of teachers‟ procedure, and model of teaching. reason for the implement of scientific c. The researcher focused on these approach in that way before going to phenomena which occurred in the final the conclusion. teaching and learning process. d. Furthermore, the researcher simplified and categorized all the data so it can be analyzed clearly based on the classroom procedure conducted. e. After that, the researcher abstracted the data by summarized the result of data analysis by made it into descriptive. f. Those activities which stated above were done continuously until the Figure 1. Components of Data Analysis: research questions were answered. Interactive Model from:Miles & 3. Data display is the Huberman (2014, P.33) process of organizing, compressing of FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS assembly information or the data 1. Findings which has been condensed. In this Teachers’ Efforts in Implementing activity, the researcher displayed the Scientific Approach in C-13 data into table of category of teachers‟ Based on the interview and effort, teachers‟ implementation of recording the teachers‟ utterances, it was curriculum 2013, and teachers‟ reasons found that there were teachers‟ efforts to for implement the curriculum 2013 on implement the scientific approach in their way. curriculum 2013. The findings can be seen 4. The next step was data verification or on the Table 1. drawing conclusion and verification. In this activity, the researcher took a Table 1. Teachers‟ Efforts in Implementing Scientific Approach in C-13 TEACHERS’ EFFORTS Making Lesson Plan of Curriculum 2013
Teachers’ Utterances T.1 : Iyak… upayanya kita beri mereka pejelasan narrative text yang sudah dibuat sesuai dengan RPP yang sudah tersedia dengan mengajar saya membawa RPP itu ke dalam kelas. (Yes, the effort our give them explanation about “narrative text” it was appropriate in lesson plan, and I brought lesson plan in the classroom).
Reading the Reference Book of Curriculum 2013
T.2 : Ooo.. Mendesain..? saya pikir saya tidak mendesain hanyabegini di buku petunjuk itu sudah ada lengkap untuk kurikulum 2013 itu kayaknya sudah ditentukan disitu apa yang harus kita lakukan di kelas. Yaitu yang 5 M itu ya, yang 5 M itu sudah ada semua disitu, mulai dari mengobservasi, bertanya, kemudian mengasosiasi, dan sebagainya, dan sampai melaporkan, atau mengkomunikasikan sudah ada disitu langka-langkahnya, jadi kita hanya melaksanakan saja dari di buku petunjuk guru itu sudah ada semua, sudah lengkap dibuat disitu. ( Ouh. Designed? I think I did not designed just in guide book that there was complete of curriculum 2013. It‟s like there done to do, what must doing in the classroom.There were all the 5M‟s.start from observing, questioning, then associating and etc till communication there was steps. So we just did from guide teacher‟s book there were compeleted).
Discussing with MGMP
T.1 : Ee.. Saya mendesainnya dengan membuat RPP pertama sekali ya.. yaitu yang berdasarkan kurrikulum 2013. Ini dibantu dengan musyawarah guru mata pelajaran atau juga kami sering ee atau bisa juga kita singkat dengan (MGMP).Jadi kami memusyawarahkannya dulu sesama guru-guru mata pelajaran khususnya yang berbahasa inggris dan mendesain ee..RPP bahasa inggris K-13, dan juga membuat kelompok yang ngerjakan RPP baik di kels X,kelas XI, kelas XII. begitu kalau di sekolah ini buku yang juga kami pakai, adalah buku yang berbasis kurrikulum 2013. Cuma aaa… itulah bukunya ini sangat kurang sekali.
(First, I made lesson plan based on of curriculum 2031. This is assisted by discussion of MGMP. So we discussion specially English lesson and we designed of lesson plan curriculum 2013 and also made groups to did lesson plan; class X, XI, and XII.Then these school was very lacked of English text book of curriculum 2013). Asking the Students to Make a Noteof The Topic
T.1 : Kita menyuruh anak-anak untuk menyalin dengan tulisantangan yang rapi,dengan beberapa contoh klimat direct-indirect speech. Yang sudah kita jelaskan, dan juga disuruh juga orang itu atau siswanya membuat sendiri dan, membuat sendiri dan menyuruhnya untuk kira-kira 10 orang perwakilan untuk menuliskan ke papan tulis, lalu dibahas bersama-sama 10 kalimat itu, dan juga menyuruh untuk membaca buku, mendengarkan-mendengarkan kita sedang memberi arahan memberi penjelasan mengenai direct-indirect speech. (We asked the students to neatly write down some examples of direct-indirect has done teacher‟s explain it an also asked the ten students to write down examples in white board then discussed together, asked the students to reading book,listen we did geve explain about direct-indirect speech).
Making Learning Model
T.1 : Ee… iya saya di RPP saya yang seperti kamu lihat yang materi direct-indirect speech ini saya buat model pembelajaran saya itu adalah discussion, jadi biar mereka pandai berinteraksi sama kawannya, berinteraksi sama kawannya itu nalar mereka itu kadang mereka cakap kawannya lebih connect,(nyambung), dibandingkan nanti apa kata gurunya masih ada yang bingung-bingung dalam diskusi ,yang saya suruh biar mereka berinteraksi dan mencinptakan rasa ingin tahunya untuk bisa memahami direct-indirect speech materi nya tadi itu.
(Yes, My lesson plan, like your see that the topic (Direct-Indirect speech) in my learning of model was discussion. So will be their can interaction with classmate and they more connected speak up with their classmate if compared the language from teacher‟s their still confused. Teacher‟s also asked the students to interaction by discussion so that create curiosity to understand the topic). T.2 : Iya caranya bisa seperti ini, kita buat mereka dalam kelompok lalu mereka berdiskusi, mereka berdiskusi kita tentukan saja, coba kalian cari lagu yang memeng mereka anggota itu menguwasai dan biasa mereka itu ada, ada satu lagu tertentu, malah mereka itu mengatakan begini; di nyanyikan pak? Di depan kelas! Ya seperti itu dia. ( Yes, how can like these. We made their in groups then their discussion. They discussed our made specify, please tried your searched song of their understood and usually from one of them said that; Sir, Singing please! Front of calss, Yesbe like that.).
The above data found that there were teachers‟ efforts in teaching-learning process in the classroom but both of teachers also did not use one of the three models of expected learning of 2013 curriculum on teaching-learning process. They had just used model of leraning discussion and cooperative learning in teaching-learning prosess.
The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Curriculum 2013 Based on the observation and recording the teachers‟ utterances it was found that the teacher implemented the scientific approach not same as the theory that has been stated on Permendikbud No. 81 tahun 2013 lampiran IV. The findings can be seen on Table 2.
Table 2. The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Curriculum 2013 a.
Teachers’ Implement Ask the students to open the book. Ask the students to pay ssattention. Ask the students to read the book. Ask the students to discuss the topic.
STEPS Observing
T.1: yak..udah coba perhatikan yang ada di halaman 56, yang ada di halaman 56 pay attention page fifty six(56), baca dulu. Coba kamu perhatikan kalimat yang ada di direct yang di dalam kalimat 1 sampai 5, ya seperti we will call this child “Issumboshi”, yak itu ya kan? Coba lihat apakah itu kalimat indirect, apa itu atau kalimat direct! T.2 : Ok, alright then, the open your book! we are going to continue our lesson about“ How to confessed somebody else ya” to confessed. What‟s to confess? To make people believed what we say? You‟re stand that!Ok, open your book.(ee) We are going (ee) discuss about exposition, Ok open your book exposition, and this case we are going to talk about Analytical Exposition, Analytical exposition, Ok, chapter eleven (11).Ok, open your book! And we are going to discuss about this, chapter eleven, see chapter eleven.Now let’s see chapter eleven, page hundred and seven (107) yah.One hundred and seven.Nah look this, ok, I would like you to read this first, coba dibaca halaman seratu tujuh (107), ok read back!. a. Ask the topic and give stimulus to motivate the students. Ask the question about the topic. Ask the students‟ opinion. Ask other questions related to the topic.
T.1 : What is the meaning of Direct? Direct Speech. Apa itu artinya Direct speech? Apa Direct? Nouns…!?, Apa itu artinya direct? Di bahasa Indonesia ada itu?... Ada….! Apa direct!? Indirect!?Ya okey , what is direct ?Langsung. Indirect? Tidak langsung.Jadi kalau cerita dengan direct indirect itu ada hubungan dengan tenses. Do you have study about tenses? T.1 : Ok, who‟s absent today? Si citra ? Mana dia ? Ok, yak lihat gambar yang di buku mu yang halaman 62. Ok... yak, What this? According to you? What this picture number 1?Yak malin kundang story.Ok, Number two, number 2?Yak gadang house, oke gadang house ya? Eee.. Traditional house of west Sumatera.Andthen do you see this picture?What picture this? T.2 : Now, look your book page 83, page 83. Look! Number 1, ok, we have discussed.“What do you mean the title “stand by me’, “stand by me”. Ok. What do you think the title “stand by me” means? Apa kira-kira maksud judul itu? Ok. Can you find out in Indonesian?Kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia kira-kira apalah maksudnya “stand by me”?”. T.2: Ok... Let’s see some advertisement on TV!... advertisement on TV Ee.. iklan apa itu, ya? Iklan asuransi,. Pernah kalian lihat? Iklan asuransi ketika si ayah atau si ibu sakit-sakitan, lalu anaknya ternyata belum dimasukan ke asuransi, hilanglah semua. Ingat gak?Apa yang mau disampaikan disana...?What actually advertisements try to tell us? Look! Whatever you see on TV they want to confessed you,so that you buy the product, is it right? yakan? Berbagai macam cara mereka buat bagaimana supaya kamu yakin dan terpengaruh. itulah yang akan kita pelajari sekarang.! a. Ask the students to find out other examples about the topic and students mades a group discussion then observed the students‟ activities.
T.1 : Coba, msing-masing, masing-masing coba buat dulu kalimat langsung, tulis masing-masing harus ada, kalimat langsung tulis kalimat langsung, boleh dari siapa saja kau tulis, dari catatan mu pun jadi. Coba masing-masing cobak dulu, kalimat langsung boleh tenses nya apa saja. T.1 : Nah ya , your task or homework make a.. here, Look from picture like this ya..( menunjuk kearah buku paket ) Like this Traditional story atau the legend I will, I will give you about Danau toba. The legend of Danau Toba. Ok! Ya make like this, only one picture ya..? hanya gambar-gambarnya aja ya!Boleh kamu carikan “Bisa research yah?”!Bisa! oky, you can know about the story! Only The picture ya! Yah only the picture. T.2 : Teacher: Ok, have you get it?Oh, Not yet?Ok, eee Coba baca dulu lyric nya. Now Listen to her!Yak Coba listen to her, dengarkan lirik yang akan dia baca imagine by John Lennon.Ok, start now! T.2 : Maka the rest will be arguments, and the last paragraphs that is reiteration.Ok reiteration!Ok, your task now your underline. Ok coba kamu di garis bawahi! Paham yang saya katakan? a. Relate the topic with the example from other sources that were found by the students. Relate the topic from the lesson in junior high school. Discuss the task with the students.
T.1: Yah kita ini sebenarnya hanya mengulang ini, di SMP kan sudah ada itu!Gak usah kamu cari-cari buku. Kamu kan dah tau, dah ngerti itukan bahasa Indonesia nya yakan?. atau tanya kawan kamu. Itulah nanti kalimatnya!. T.1: Oke, Now, we’re going to pronunciation ya,.. Pronunciation practice ya perhatikan kata – kata dibawah ini. Pay attention this words, and then Listen to me and then repeat me, ok now are you ready? Ok, and then, eee ya semua perhatikan berikutnya, semua lihat bukunya kita baca bersamasama.Untuk menjodohkan kata-kata yang ada di sebelah kiri dengan yang di sebelah kanan. Ok, what is for number 1, Yaa! hidup ……,.. Hidup susah Oke 2.Passed away 2. meninggal 3.Raided 3. Menyerang T.2 :The government of Indonesia recognizes that it is a huge issue that will affect us if attention is not paid to it. The government is making every possible effort they can to tackle this issue but we have to do our part.So that‟s it! itulah reiteration. Nah saya pikir untuk pertanyaan ini, coba lihat pertanyaan nya, Questions!1. In your opinion, is global warming an imminent world threat?! Apakah menurut mu itu ancaman yang begitu besar? Bagaimana ? Tentu kamu harus memberikan argument, Oky! If, yes… why?Atau kamu mengatakan, Oh, No..Ok, questions number tw, 2. What action is the Indonesian government taking to address the issue of global warming? Discuss a.
Ask the students to read the result of group discussion. Ask two students to be model to other students.
T.1 : Ok yak, Sekarang, now! Si.. apa. Would you please to write on the board, ,on the white board.Yak ok ! your sentence yak yang kamu katakan tadi.Siapa. Sini nulis nya bagi dua papannya biar agak bisa nanti biar cukup nanti.Ok, good Ada kurangnya anak ku, itu asks ya s,.. s.. karna itu present.Yak lanjut siapa, itu hallo.. lanjut your sentence.My friend asks me,.?Yak coba perbaiki dulu ya? Coba kita perbaiki dulu kalimatnya,! What is your sister name?
What is your sister name?coba-coba perbaikiWhat,….?“What is your sister name?” Yak, now,.. the next..Nah you..,Ok, “What is your father name?”Coba dirubah dulu, Question mark nya dulu baru tanda kutip. T.1 : Ok, now let’s we answer together, yak.., kita jawab bersama! Ok, who has finished number 1, yah ok, you,.. baca dulu pertanyaanya.Yak... why did…Ya…Ok, ya that‟s good, ee.. We can find this answer, in paragraph? Yak paragraph 1, ok. T.2 : Ok, kita kode kan dulu siapa? Dahlia juga bisa?Oh, yang PD (Pengembanan Diri) Padus (Paduan Suara Sekolah) ya? Yang gak PD Padus pun boleh!Siapa pun boleh! Saya pun boleh saya tidak ikut PD Padus?! Ok‟ baiklah mari kita bernyanyi. Ok, boleh kita ikut news! Nanti kita bahas pertanyaan nya nyayi dulu!. Please ayo! The teacher says: ok Silent please! Next sing please. Student : (ikhram come to the front of the class and sing a song). T.2 : Pahamkan apa yang mau dikerjakan? (guru mendatangi ke meja-meja murid dan guru memonitoring murid dalam menjelaskan materi analytical exposition text)Apa yang kalian kerjakan? Sini saya jelaskan. Perhatikan ini mana thesis yang menjelaskan thesis ini? Maka yang ini thesis nya yang mana? yang inilah dia,paham?Yang benar I am sure?! Kemudian argument1. Argument 1+ elaboration, apa itu elaboration? Iya elaborasi. Coba Apa itu elaborasi?Penjelasan informasi yang berkaitan dengan argument, ya?. Sama dengan argument 1, argument 2.argument 3, and argument 4, nah sekrang liat, disitu ada gak disitu sambil menunjuk buku, lalu last paragraphs nya itulah tadi conclusion reiteration, paham sekarang kan? Nah sekarang kerjakan! Paham apa yang dikerjakan kan?
The Teachers’ Reasons for the Table 2 showed that there were Implement Scientific Approach in teachers had done the implementation of Curriculum 2013 scientific approach but still less same with Based on the interview and the theory, because in question step just observation, it was found some teachers‟ teachers active to ask the questions to reason for the implement of scientific students and the students were not approach curriculum 2013.The finding can accustomed to ask the questions to teacher. be seen on Table 3. It means that the teachers‟ have not really done the theory Permendikbud No. 81 tahun 2013 lampiran IV. Table 3. The Teachers‟ Reasons for the Implement Scientific Approach in Curriculum 2013 TEACHERS’ REASONS a. T.1 : Kalau saya gak buat kayak gitu, siswa ini akan berbeda, siswa kan berbeda-beda kemampuannya di kelas mereka gak ee… malas namun mereka belajar agak lebih nyantai beda dengan anaak-anak- Ipa dan Ips, tadi kan kita dikelas Ips, tapi bukan berarti gak semangat, mereka semangat cuma ya…dengan cara mereka sendiri masing-masing.
b. T.1 : Karena ee…saya buat anak-anak itu bisa untuk menerima apa yang saya terangkan kepada mereka. Jadi dengan apa, membuat ribet yakan? Saya pikir sudah terlaksana proses pembelajran dan ee… anak-anak bisa memahami yang saya jelaskan mereka pun juga disuruh diskusi sama kawannya sudah begitu saya, sudah. Ee… Sudah begitu saya lihat dengan alasan ee.. itulah alasan saya dengan mengimplementasikannya, anak-anak sekaran pun gak suka dengan yang ribet-ribet belajar jadi nanti jadi membuat ribut di kelas. Observing c. T.2 : Ooo.. begini sesuai dengan umur mereka kalau saya lihat mereka itu suka sekali bernyanyi, maka yang pertama bagaimana mereka observing nyanyian atau lagu itu, saya suruh saja dahulu mereka mencari lagu mencari nyanyian yang mereka suka, ada beberapa itu lalu dibuku teks juga sudah ditentukan beberapa. Jadi saya suruh mereka itu bernyanyi kemudian mempelajrai, membaca, kemudian mencari kosakata yang ada dalam teks lagu itu, itu yang saya lakukan. d. T.2 : Ee… karna proses pembelajaran dikelas kan, mereka harus terlibat!Tidak boleh hanya guru yang berbicara, tidak boleh guru saja yang menjelaskan, mereka terlibat, mereka yang harus aktif, jadi dengan memberikan , katakan misalnya soal masalah di kelas mereka bisa mencari data dari luar untuk mendukung pendapat mereka itu. a. T.1 : Saya selalu menjelaskan berulang kali ketika merekabertanya atau tidak paham dengan penjelasan saya, saya mengawasi mereka dengan menyuruh mereka membaca hasil kerja mereka, one-by one dengan mereka berlatih lisan berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan materi direct-indirect speech yang saya ajarkan walaupun ada beberapa dari mereka yang ditanya tetap diam atau masih salah namun antusias niat belajar mereka membuat proses belajar berlangsung dengan adanya respond dan, dari murid, atau feedback.Saya lakukan seperti itu agar anak-anak ini dapat memahami mandiri, direct-indirect speech secara oral maupun tulisan dan keaktifan partisipasi bagi siswa yang akitf saya nilai lebih dengan sikap
mereka yang mau akif berperan merespon stimulus dari gurunya saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. b. T.1 : Ee.. melalui RPP materi narrative text ini saya buat ee…dengan cooperative learning. Yah kita suruh mencari beberapa teks naratif dari berbagai sumber.Selanjutnya siswa berlatih menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu dari teks. Siswa itu kita suruh membacakan text narrative kepada teman dengan mengunakan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat lalu kita beri mereka latihan menyusun kalimat-kalimat yang diberikan menjadi teks narrative. c. T.2 : Ya., karna saya ee.. apa namanya ya? Yang pertama dalam hal belajar bahasa kan yang pertama mereka harus suka lebih dahulu, mereka harus suka. Kalau mereka sudah suka maka kita dengan mudah bisa mengarahkan, menambah meteri ajar yang lain. Karena tentu saja walaupun in meaning through music kan ada hal-hal lain juga yang perlu kita tanamkan bagi mereka. Jadi yang pertama kita buatlah mereka suka itu yang pertama. Kalau sudah suka mereka akan mencari sendiri dan mereka tertarikya, tertarik mereka itu, ee… dalam hal mencari ilmu mereka tertarik, itu yang saya pikir. a. T.1 : Ee.. tujuannya supaya mereka pandai bekerjasama menyelesaikan masalah dan menemukan jawaban masalah itu dengan beridiskusi sama kawannya mereka lebih paham bahasa, kan lebih mereka kan lebih paham kan dengan bahasa mereka sendiri atau dengan sebayanya dan biar ada interaksi social mereka bertanggung jawab dan jujur dalam pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh saya. b. T.2 : Nah experimenting itu ee..saya suruh mereka mencari teks lagu, lalu begini coba kamu nyanyikan, dinyanyikan bersama atau saya katakan dinyanyikan dalam hati dahulu, nah seperti itu. Setelah bernyanyi lalu ada beberapa pertanyaan menyangkut dari tema lagu itu, kemudian bagaimana pendapat mereka tentang lagu itu. Nah kembali ee.. ke yang tadi, ada gak manfaat yang bisa kamu dapat dari lagu itu?, atau itu memotivasi kamu, atau malah membuat kamu down itu saya pikir, jadi artinya kalau mereka bernyanyi masuk kedalam lagu itu, mereka bisa tahu artinya mengalami bagaimana lagu itu sebenarnya. Ikut merasakan bagaimana, jadi bukan hanya bernyanyi. Artinya setiap kalimat, setiap kata makna yang ada disana mereka pahami, jadi misalnya kalau ada lagu sedih tentu mereka juga, ikut apa namanya itu? terbawa perasaanlah sedih itu.
a. T.1 : Ee… iya saya di RPP saya yang seperti kamu lihat yang materi direct-indirect speech ini saya buat model pembelajaran saya itu adalah discussion. Ee… kalau tidak begitu nanti kurang kerjasama mereka dalam interaksi sejawat. Dan ee… saya juga membuat RPP yang dengan model pembelajaran cooperative learning biar ada jiwa sosialnya terbangun. Jadi tidak, ee.. anak-anak itu menjadi apatis nantinya daan juga biar bisa saling tolong menolong dan juga kita,tekankan tidak dia menolong di dalam sedang ujian tapi menolong di waktu dalam pembelajaran. b. T.2 : Tahapan di Associating ini, ee… associating. Kalau Associating saya pikir begini ya, bagaimana mereka kalau dalam Scientific Approach nya itu kanmengumpulkan data kemudian meramu data itu sebelum melaporkan kan? Seperti tadi itu juga kita berikan kepada mereka beberapa pertanyaan mengenai lagu itu. Ada disitu pertanyaan, lalu kita tanya juga pendapat mereka tentang lagu itu. Itu saya pikir Associating, kemudian begini ee.. kalau misalnya lagu-lagu seperti, bertema social seperti itu kita cari lagu-lagu yang lain juga yang hampir sama. Mengimplementasi, Bukan saya mengimplemntasi tetapi mereka, saya yakin mereka bisa dengan mengikuti, mengikuti prosedur tadi mereka jadi paham artinya mereka jadi ikut di dalamnya, itu saya pikir! Jadi mengimplementasi dengan sendirinya.
c. T.2 : Iyaa..mencari data yang lain di tahapan Associating di text analytical expositon. iyah.. untuk menanbah wawasan mereka jadi jangan mereka mengaggap bahwa analytical exposition itu hanya yang ada pada buku itu. Masih luas itu yang lain, masih ada sumber yang lain. Itu alasannya! a. T.1 : Yak…! ouh… ditahapan communicating ! upaya saya di tahap komunikasi ini, saya beri mereka arahan kalau sudah selesai pekerjan mereka yang bekerjakelompok minggu lalu mereka harus mempersentasikan ke depan kelas dengan begitu ada kegiatan komunikasi yang mereka lakukan dalam penyampaian hasil kerja kelompok mereka kepada teman-temannya, dengan teman-teman yang lain wajib mendengarkan dan akan ee…membuat pertanyaan masing-masing dan membuat juga komentarnya dan juga saran dari komentarnya mereka kepada ee… saran dari komentar, komentar mereka tadi dan sehingga persentasi itu lebih hidup, dengan tertib tidak ada yang berkelahi. b. T.2 : Karna tujuan apa itu kan! Ee… Belajar bahasa melalui lagu atau nyanyian itu yang pertama walaupun memang, ee… kadang-kadang kita melupakannyakan? kelancaran mereka dalam listening misalnya, pengucapan kemudian ee.. kosa kata yang ada di lagu itu. Jadi saya berkeyakinan kalau dengan bernyanyi, tanpa apa namanya ya? Tanpa sengaja atau reflex, dia bisa langsung, mengucapkan dan kemudian mendengar, itu dengan medengar nyanyian atau lagu itu mereka terlatih. Jadi sudah berapa yang kita dapat itukan! kemudian dengan benyanyi pengucapan itu dia, maka saya yakin dengan seperti itulah dia. c. T.2 : Nah Communicating, kalau communicating ee.. saya menyuruh mereka menuliskan satu teks setelah dijelaskan tadi, lalu saya suruh perkelompok itu membaacakan, setelah dibacakan lalu semua kelompok yang lain mengomentari, mengomentari bagaimana harusnya, bagaimana pendapat mereka persentasi satu kelompok tertentu. Baik dalam apa namanya itu ya? Teks nya itu, teks structure nya bagaimana? Apakah sudah ada thesisnya disitu, argument nya, sudah adakah Reiteration, jadi memang iya, memang waktu tidak cukup mungkin dalam satu topic itu, dalam hal ini mungkin hanya dua kelompok saja.
fact showed that English teachers at SMA Negeri 1. Lubuk Pakam while teachinglearning process did not use one of the three models of expected learning of 2013 curriculum. The English teachers use discussion and cooperative learning of models in their lesson plan and their activities teaching–learning in the class. As Permendikbud No. 81 tahun 2013 states that students must be creative and able to formulate questions to form the critical thinking. In this research, the teachers had been already good in implementing scientific approach in teaching-learning process. But both of the teachers still had less effort in questioning step, such as their students were still passive in asking the question. Because the teachers‟ in questioning step just focus to explain the topic, asked to students read the topic and the teachers‟ conclude that all students have understood with the topic and teachers‟ asked the students to made group discussion. Then in the observing, experimenting, associating, and communicating steps the teacher‟s have good effort to implement in teachinglearning process, because the students can follow well the all step. It happened the all students collected result all of group discussion and task individual on time when teachers‟ asked in teaching-learning process. Furthermore, as has been explained previously that curriculum 2013 emphasizes the scientific approach which some models of teaching-learning appropriate such as: problem-based learning or project-based learning and discovery learning with the material that will be being taught or learned by the students. However, in fact, the implementation of curriculum 2013 was not applied fully in this school (SMANSA PAKAM). It was showed from the learning model that applied is out of expectation in lesson plan. For example, the learning material of „analytical exposition‟ that emphasizes scientific
Table 3 showed some reason by the teachers‟ in implementing scientific approach in curriculum 2013. It was found the teachers did not really do the scientific approach in curriculum 2013. It happened because they thought that they had many experiences in teaching, so they did the process based on their experiences, the teachers stated that they have short time to discuss all the topics and they also did not use one of the three models of expected learning of 2013 curriculum. The scientific approach only for follow the rule from the school, because their school was chosen as a model for the other school. Besides the researcher also found the teachers‟ reasons for the implement curriculum 2013 on their way was because the problem in time and materials. 2. Discussion After having analysis the data, there are some points as the important one to be discussed in this study. Wachidah, (2013) state that curriculum of 2013 had three competence based (attitudes, knowledge, skills), and five classroom procedure by scientific approach in teaching-learning process, they are: Observing, Questioning, Experimenting, Associating, and Communicating. This researched data obtained by teaching-learning process recording conducted by two teachers (as a data source) in English teaching-learning process at SMA Negeri 1. Lubuk Pakam. The findings of the study showed that the implementation of curriculum 2013 of English teaching-learning process in scientific approach, realized by classroom procedure. SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam is one of senior high schools which applied the curriculum of 2013 which using scientific approach in the teaching-learning process. In this school the English teachers‟ implementation of 2013 curriculum by scientific approach in teaching-learning process. English teacher did not specify the component as has been expected in the curriculum of 2013. The 140
process, the last the teachers‟ active too involved students in activities teachinglearning process in the classroom. 2. The teachers did not implement the three models that have been written in curriculum 2013. It was found that the teachers only active in asking the questions while their students were passive to ask the questions. The students were still passive to ask the questions, they just answered the questions from the teachers 3. The teachers‟ reasons for implement the curriculum 2013 on their way because they assumed that they had many experiences, so the scientific approach was only used as the rule from the school. The teachers‟ reasons there were distinction reason from both of teachers in teaching-learning process ( T.1 said that „the students had different ability‟ and T.2 said that „the teacher‟s made the students like to the topic‟). But both of them did use same model of learning it was Discussion in teachinglearning process. These did not match as expectation that was scientific approach on written of curriculum 2013. The allocation of time and the book for curriculum 2013 were the reason in implementing curriculum 2013.
approach uses the learning through discussion (LTD). It was found that the teacher did not implement all the components in scientific approach. They did not use the learning model that has been written in curriculum 2013. They tend to ask the questions to the students, but one of the goal of curriculum 2013 was made the students to be active to be creative and able to formulate the problem to form the critical thinking. From the guided interview and observation, some reasons are found. From the teachers‟ reasons, it can be said that the teachers did not really do the scientific approach in curriculum 2013. They stated that they had many experiences, because of it; they thought that they only need to use their experience in teaching the students. The scientific approach in curriculum 2013 was only a rule from the school, since their school was chosen as the model for school which implemented curriculum 2013. The teachers also stated that they implemented the curriculum 2013 on their way because the text book of curriculum 2013 was very lack and time allocation still less because just two hours every weeks, while there was many topic that must be discussed in the text book. CONCLUSIONS The study focused on the implementation of curriculum 2013 in English teaching-learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. It was aimed to find out the implemented in English teaching-learning process classroom procedure by Scientific Approach. After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as the following: 1. There were teachers‟ efforts in implementing scientific approach in curriculum 2013. The teachers‟ made lesson plan of C-13, reading the reference book of C-13, discussion with MGMP, asking the students to make a note of the topic, and asking learning of model then teachers‟ also practice the learning of model on teaching-learning
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