Kumpulan Abstrak Jurnal Psikologika Nomor 12 Tahun VI - 2001 TRANSISI DARI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN KE DUNIA KERJA : Desain Sistem Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri terhadap Karir Siswa Tekad Wahyono Universitas Wangsa Manggala Intisari Peralihan dari dunia pendidikan ke dunia kerja sering menimbulkan permasalahan serius, tidak hanya menyangkut permasalahan ekonomi, tetapi juga psikologis. Memperhatikan kondisi tersebut program persiapan menuju dunia kerja yang terintegrasi sangat perlu dilakukan untuk membantu siswa mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul. Sistem pembelajaran yang mampu menghubungkan jenis pendidikan yang dilakukan di sekolah dengan persyaratan dunia kerja bertujuan untuk meningkatkan struktur efikasi diri siswa terhadap karirnya. Sistem pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan keyakinan efikasi diri siswa terhadap karir tersebut dinamakan pembelajaran kontekstual (contextual learning), pembelajaran berdasarkan permasalahan (problem-based learning). Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memahami cara peningkatan efikasi diri terhadap karir siswa melalui desain sistem pembelajaran agar dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang muncul selama masa transisi dari dunia pendidikan ke dunia kerja. Kata Kunci : Sistem pembelajaran, Efiaksi diri trhadap karir, Siswa
Persepsi terhadap Diri dan Lingkungan pada Remaja Penyalahguna NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif) Tina Afiatin Universitas Gadjah Mada Abstract The purpose of this research is to know the perception to the characteristic of themselves and the environment on adolescents abuser of narcotic, psychotropic and addictive substance. The characteristic of themselves includes physical condition aspect, psychological, social and religious life. While the environtment mean the family, the school and the society around subjects. Carrying out a depth interview and observation to 10 (ten) adolescents abuser of narcotic, psychotropic and addictive substance (7 males, 3 females) collected the data. They lived in Sleman, Jogjakarta territory. Besides that also the information about the subjects life were inquired to 10 (ten) informants who knew about the subjects life. The result of data analysis qualitatively showed that the subjects perception to themselves generally (80%) felt not satisfied enough with their physical conition. Psychologically, they had lack of self-confidence, they felt inferior in the social interaction and they felt less of religious life experience. Their perception to the family, they felt that they were not quite accepted, they were not quite understood and they often felt be neglected. They were also not close with their father particulary. Perception to the school environtment, generally (70%)they felt were accepted and popular although tjey realized also that their popularity in negative cases. Most subjects (90%) were not active and involved in the school activities. Perception to the society environtments generally (80%) they felt they could be accepted, even they felt closer compared with in school environtment. The social activities in their area more emphasized physical evelopment aspects, they had less of interest on education aspect and guiding of religious life. The result of information from informants generally (90%)they states that most subjects (80%) were spoiled by their parent with material, they got lack of attention and they were usually egoist. They commonly was easy to be persuaded by their friends to follow negative deeds, such as sitting idly on the street and disturbed other people, rinking alcoholic drink, drug abuse. Nevertheless, actually some subjects (8) also had helpful character in the social activities. Key Words : Persepsi, remaja, NAPZA
Tingkat Stress Dosen Perempuan UII Ditinjau dari Dukungan Suami Retno Kumolohadi Universitas Islam Indonesia Abstract This research aimed to examined the relationship between level of stress and social support from husband. The hypothesis was tested there was a negative correlation between level of stress and social support from husband. The subjects of this research were 30 women lecturer from Islamic university of Indonesia. The data collection was done using the quitionnaire method for the scale of stress and social support from husband. The relationship between level of stress and social support from husband used by product moment analysis. The result of correlation analysis was r = .558; p = 0.001 (one tailed analysis). This means that the higher social support from husband, the lower level of stress. Social support from husband give 31.17% contribution. Level of stress womwn lecturer of Islamic University of Indonesia is lowest. Social support from her husband is highest. Key Words : Stress lecturer woman, Social support from husband.
Keterkaitan Pola Belajar Siswa Kelas 6 SD dengan NEM yang Diperoleh Asmadi Alsa Purba Hardjito Universitas Gadjah Mada Intisari Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola belajar yang digunakan siswa kelas 6 sekolah dasar terhadap perolehan Nilai Ebtanas Murni (NEM) pada Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Nasional (EBTANAS) mereka. Cara penelitian adalah dengan mengambil sebanyak enam kelas (239 siswa kelas satu) pada tiga SMP Negeri di Kotamadya Jogjakarta. Subjek diminta mengisi angket pola belajar sewaktu mereka duduk di kelas 6 sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitiannya adalah sebagai berikut: Tidak ada keterkaitan antara pola belajar yang digunakan oleh siswa kelas 6 sekolah dasar dengan NEM yang diperoleh. Faktor intelegensi nampaknya lebih dominan pengaruhnya terhadap tinggi rendahnya perolehan NEM siswa, dan diperoleh indikasi bahwa proses mengajar-belajar pada siswa kelas 6 sekolah dasar di Kotamadya Jogjakarta dapat memberi bekal pada siswanya untuk menghadapi EBTANAS sepanjang siswa aktif mengikuti proses belajar di kelas dan mengerjakan tugas-tugas PR yang diberikan guru secara tertib. Kata Kunci : Pola belajar, NEM, Intelegensi
Meta-Analisis tentang Perilaku Koping Preventif dan Stres Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Syamsul Bachri Thalib Universitas Negeri Makasar Abstract This meta-analysis study focused on preventive coping and stress. Individual’s study don’t shows the result tat not always consistent and sometimes contradict each other. So, it is ifficult to get the inclusive and integrative conclusion. The purpose of this study is to integrate the result of the study that varie about the relation between preventive coping and stress through meta-analysis procedure. The subject analysis contained 15 studies that consist 2816 sample size. The result of this study reveals that (a) there is arelation between preventive coping and stress (rho = -0.383, interval convidence 95% = -0.02< p < 0.74); (b) varience due to sampling error = 0.0043 (15.09%); (c) variance due to variation of reliability = 0.0012 (4.18%). This meta-analysis support conclution in the current literature. The relation between preventive coping and stress became consistence if we consider the research artifact, either the amount of the sample, subject characteristics of research instruments. Key words : Meta-analysis, Perilaku koping preventif dan Stress
Analisis Permasalahan Pengembalian Bantuan Modal Kerja Bergulir dengan Metode Zopp: Studi Kasus di BKM Berkah Mulyo, Jogjakarta Arief Fahmie Universitas Islam Indonesia Intisari Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan bantuan modal kerja bergulir di BKM Berkah Mulyo Jogjakarta dengan menggunakan metode ZOPP (Ziel Orientierte Project Planung = Perencanaan Proyek Berorientasi pada Tujuan) sehingga dapat diupayakan langkah-langkah penyelesaiannya. Berdasarkan data penelitian maka dapat diidentifikasikan bahwa permasalahan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor situasional, institusional, dan individual. Analisis lebih lanjut menyimpulkan bahwa intervensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah survey di KSM yang mengajukan permohonan bantuan modal kerja, sosialisasi kepada masyarakat, melakukan pelatihan motivasi dan ketrampilan wirausaha, kewajiban mengikuti pelatihan bagi KSM yang mengajukan permohonan bantuan modal kerja, dan perbaikan susunan pengurus. Kata Kunci : bantuan modal kerja bergulir, Peran, ZOPP