Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9 Projekt MŠMT ČR: EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0536 Název projektu školy: Výuka s ICT na SŠ obchodní České Budějovice Šablona III/2: Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Číslo šablony: VY_32_INOVACE_ANJ_731 Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Poznatky o zemích Autor, spoluautor: Mgr. Veronika Pešková Název DUMu: National sports Pořadové číslo DUMu: 11 Stručná anotace: Cílem materiálu je seznámení žáků se slovní zásobou na téma národní sporty a následné procvičení této látky ve cvičeních prohlubujících schopnost praktického použití nové slovní zásoby v anglickém jazyce. Ročník: Obor vzdělání: Metodický pokyn:
2. 65-42-M/02 Cestovní ruch Materiál je určen k prezentaci v MS PowerPoint v hodině anglického jazyka. Žáci se díky němu seznámí se slovní zásobou na téma Národní sporty a následně si vše procvičí v daných cvičeních.
Výsledky vzdělávání:
Žák aktivně ovládá slovní zásobu na téma Národní sporty a umí ji prakticky použít v anglickém jazyce.
Vytvořeno: 10.4.2013 Určeno pro: 2CR Pokud není uvedeno jinak, uvedený materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora.
National sports
BALL GAMES Football = a team sport called soccer in the USA, popular all over the world - the aim of the game: 2 teams of 11 players try to score a goal by kicking a football between the opponent‘s goalpost - it is played in the pitch or stadium
Different variants of football: American football = a team sport popular in the USA – national event: Super Bowl championship - the aim of the game: 2 teams of 11 players try to score a goal by passing an oval-shaped ball to each other
Rugby = a team sport, originally from England, now popular in all English speaking countries - the aim of the game: 2 teams of 13 players try to score points by carrying or kicking an ovalshaped ball down the field to the opponent‘s goal line
Australian rules football = an Australian variant of football palyed by 18 players scoring points by kicking, handballing and running with the ball
Basketball = a team sport played in a court - the aim of the game: 2 teams of 5 players try to score points by shooting the ball through the opponent‘s basket - They can only move in the court by dribbling, bouncing or passing the ball to each other
Baseball = a team sport, originally from England, a national sport in the USA nowadays - the aim of the game: 2 teams of 9 players try to score runs by hitting a leather ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases in the field
Tennis = a sport originally from England, played in singles (played by 2 players), or doubles (by 2 teams of 2 players) - the aim of the game: players try to strike a ball with a racket over a net into the opponent‘s court - the most famous tournaments: Wimbledon, French Open, Australian Open
Golf = an individual sport played on a course (=green) - the aim of the game: players try to hit a ball with different types of clubs into series of holes by the fewest strokes possible - major championships: The Masters, U.S. Open
WINTER SPORTS Ice hockey = a team sport, a national sport in Canada and in the Czech Republic - the aim of the game: 2 teams of 6 members (2 defenders, 3 forwards,1 goalkeeper) try to score a goal against the opposing team - played in a pitch by a stick and a puck
Skiing = both a recreational and a competitive sport, originally a way of travelling in Scandinavia Downhill skiing (= Alpine) - down a slope with fixed-heel binding ski Cross-country skiing (= backcountry skiing) - free-heel ski used
I. Match the names of the famous sportsmen to the sports they do: 1)Roger Federer 2) Wayne Gretzky 3) Tiger Woods 4) Michael Jordan 5) Lindsey Vonn
a) ice hockey b) skiing c) tennis d) golf e) basketball
II. Match the places and sports and add the equipment you need to use: Course
slope Equipment:
• Golf
• Tennis
• Ice hockey
• Downhill skiing
• Baseball
Answer key: I. Match the names of the famous sportsmen to the sports they do:
2) a)
3) d)
4) e)
5) b)
II. Match the places and sports and add the equipment you need to use: 1) Golf-course-club 2) tennis-court-racket
4) Downhill ski.-slope-fixed-heel binding ski
3) Ice hockey-pitch-stick 5) Baseball-pitch-bat
Zdroje obrázků: Klipart sady Microsoft Office