ISSN 0216-4140
JAI JURNAL AIR INDONESIA (Indonesia Water Journal) Terakreditasi dengan Predikat C Nomor 155/Akred-LIPI/P2MBI/03/2009 Jurnal Air Indonesia (JAI) memuat tulisan yang merupakan hasil penelitian, informasi teknologi maupun gagasan segar tentang masalah teknologi pengelolaan air bersih dan limbah cair, air industri serta pengelolaan sumber daya air dan lingkungan, yang asli dan belum pernah dimuat di media cetak lain. Jurnal Air Indonesia terbit dua nomor dalam setahun.
PEMBINA Prof. Dr. Jana T. Anggadiredja, MS. – Deputi Kepala Bidang Teknologi Pengembangan Sumberdaya Alam Dr. Ir. Kardono, M.Eng – Direktur Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan Prof. Dr. Ir. Yudi Soetrisno Garno, MSc. – Koordinator Bidang Lingkungan PENANGGUNG JAWAB REDAKSI Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng. – Peneliti Utama Bidang Teknologi Lingkungan DEWAN REDAKSI Dr. Ir. Arie Herlambang, M.Si – Bidang Hidrogeologi Lingkungan Dr. Ir. Ikbal, M.Eng. – Bidang Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Anaeorobik Dr. Ir. Rudi Nugroho, M.Eng. – Bidang Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Ir. Nugro Rahardjo – Bidang Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih Drs. R. Haryoto Indriatmoko – Bidang Hidrologi dan Konservasi Air Tanah Ir. Taty Hernaningsih, M.Sc.– Bidang Hidrologi dan Lingkungan Ir. Setiyono, M.Si. – Bidang Teknik Kimia dan Proses Industri Ir. Wahyu Widayat, M.Si – Bidang Teknologi Pengolahan Air Proses Industri Heru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng. M.Kom. – Bidang Teknologi Informasi Sumberdaya Air Drs. Satmoko Yudo, M.Eng. – Bidang Informasi Lingkungan MITRA BESTARI DR. Kukuh Murtilaksono – Bidang Konservasi Tanah dan Air REDAKSI PELAKSANA Imam Setiadi, Ida Mulyawati, Oman Solaeman ALAMAT REDAKSI Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan Gedung II BPPT Lantai 20, Jln. MH. Thamrin No.8, Jakarta Pusat 10340 Telp. 021-3169770, Fax. 021-3169736 E-mail :
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ISSN 0216-4140
Dalam edisi Jurnal Air Indonesia Volume 6 Nomor 2 kali ini memuat 10 (sepuluh) artikel dengan judul Rejection Characteristics of Organoclorine Pesticides by Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane, Uji Coba Proses Koagulasi-Flokulasi Air Baku Untuk PDAM Danau Teloko dan Teluk Gelam Di Kayu Agung Kabupaten Oki Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Pemilihan Teknologi Daur Ulang Air Limbah Domestik di Kantor BPPT, Redisain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) RSUD Timika-Papua, Jakarta, Metoda Penghilangan Logam Berat (As, Cd, Cr, Ag, Cu, Pb, Ni dan Zn), di Dalam Air Limbah Industri, Analisis Kinerja Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik PT. United Can Co. Ltd., Analisis CO Benefit di Sentra Industri Tahu Tahu Adiwerna, Kabupaten Tegal, Teknologi Pemantauan Kualitas Air Berbasis GSM Dengan Metode SMS Di Sungai Kapuas, Uji Coba Aplikasi Pemanenan Air Hujan dan Sumur Resapan di Wilayah Bogor, Depok dan Jakarta, Alternatif Bangunan Air Untuk Penyediaan Air Baku di Pulau Gili-Gili.
Redaksi sangat menghargai kritik dan saran yang membangun dan menerima tulisan dari para peneliti, akademisi maupun praktisi yang merupakan hasil penelitian, informasi teknologi maupun gagasan tentang masalah teknologi pengelolaan air bersih dan limbah cair, air proses industri serta pengelolaan sumber daya air dan lingkungan, yang asli dan belum pernah dimuat di media cetak lain. Informasi lengkap dapat diperoleh di Sekretariat Redaksi Jurnal Air Indonesia. Terima kasih.
November 2010
Pemimpin Redaksi JAI
ISSN 0216-4140
JURNAL AIR INDONESIA Volume 6, Nomor 2, November 2010
Halaman Dewan Redaksi
Pengantar Redaksi
Daftar Isi
Kumpulan Abstrak
Rejection Characteristics of Organoclorine Pesticides by Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane, Woro Nastiti Utami, Rofiq Iqbal, I Gede Wenten.
103 - 107
Uji Coba Proses Koagulasi-Flokulasi Air Baku Untuk PDAM Danau Teloko dan Teluk Gelam Di Kayu Agung Kabupaten Oki Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Petrus Nugro Rahardjo
108 - 113
Pemilihan Teknologi Daur Ulang Air Limbah Domestik di Kantor BPPT, Satmoko Yudo dan Taty Hernaningsih
114 - 123
Redisain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) RSUD Timika - Papua, Setiyono dan P. Nugro Rahardjo.
124 - 135
Metoda Penghilangan Logam Berat (As, Cd, Cr, Ag, Cu, Pb, Ni dan Zn), di Dalam Air Limbah Industri, Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng.
136 - 148
Analisis Kinerja Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik PT. United Can Co. Ltd., Rudi Nugroho
149 - 158
Analisis CO Benefit di Sentra Industri Tahu Tahu Adiwerna, Kabupaten Tegal, Taty Hernaningsih.
159 - 167
Teknologi Pemantauan Kualitas Air Berbasis GSM dengan Metode SMS di Sungai Kapuas, Heru Dwi Wahjono.
168 - 177
Alternatif Bangunan Air Untuk Penyediaan Air Baku di Pulau Gili-Gili, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Diah Affandi.
178 - 186
Uji Coba Aplikasi Pemanenan Air Hujan Dan Sumur Resapan di Wilayah Bogor, Depok dan Jakarta, Arie Herlambang, R. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Satmoko Yudo dan Samsuhadi.
187 - 197
ISSN 0216-4140
ISSN 0216-4140
KUMPULAN ABSTRAK Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPTeknologi Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 108 -113
Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) of County Ogan Komering Ilir has two problematic water treatment units. The first is located in Danau Teloko and the other is in the Teluk Gelam. The main problem is that many organic pollutants (namely peat water) contained in raw water. Therefore, PDAM can not be optimal to supply all the needs of drinking water for the community. PDAM have tried to treat the raw water of peat with the process of flocculation and coagulation, but the results did not meet quality standards as drinking water. This research is a trial test to obtain the optimum condition for flocculation and coagulation processes in water treatment. The results were very succesful and get the optimum pH is about 7.5 and a chemical dose of 80 ppm Aluminum Sulphate as the coagulant. Turbidity of water produced is 4 NTU and visually looks very clean. Better to add a synthetic polymer (PAC) as an additive to the process of flocculation and coagulation. Based on calculations, PDAM Danau Teloko will require the amount of coagulant (Aluminum Sulphate) 138.24 kg per day to produce 40 liters of drinking water per second.
Oleh : Woro Nastiti Utami , Rofiq Iqbal , and I Gede 3) Wenten 1,2) Study Program of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl Ganesa 10 Bandung,
[email protected] and rofiq.iqbal@gmail. com 3) Study Program of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl Ganesa 10 Bandung,
[email protected] JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 103 -107 The increased use of pesticides has led to many benefits such as advanced productivity and lower maintenance costs in agriculture. On the other hand, their adverse effects have also grown : an increase of the risks to the ecosystem and human health. Pressure driven technique such as reverse osmosis and nanofiltration have the potentiality to remove hazardous organic micropollutants such as pesticides. The rejection characteristic of artifical water with 10 ppb concentration of endosulfan and organochlorine pesticides from upper Citarum water shed sample were investigated with a commercial low pressure reverse osmosis unit on laboratory scale. Rejection and flux were measured with a varied operational parameters ; pH, pressure, and feed concentration. Endosulfan rejection was achieved > 80% with all varied operational parameters. There was a little dependence permeate flux and percent of rejection on pH. An increasing pressure caused a higher permeate flux while there was no effect of an increasing pressure to higher percentage of endosulfan rejection. An increasing feed concentration caused a lower permeate flux due to an increasing osmotic pressure. An increasing feed concentration also result in an increasing percent of endosulfan rejection. Organochlorine pesticides found in river water sample which are lindane, aldrin, and heptachlor were all rejected 100%. This may be caused by natural organic matter present in river water and hydrophobicity . Percent rejection was constant to pressure and pH variation.
Keywords : Raw Water, Flocculation, Coagulation, Water Treatment Plant
Oleh : Satmoko Yudo dan Taty Hernaningsih Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPT Jln. MH. Thamrin No.8 Jakarta Pusat. Gedung II Lt.20 JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 114 -123 The increasing variety of industrial activities in Indonesia resulted in ground water reserves in some areas experiencing drought. Exploitation of ground water by industry and the community in some big cities like Jakarta, resulting in the decrease of ground water and ground water quality reduced caused sea water instrusion. While the potential of wastewater produced by industrial and household waste high today. Based on the matters mentioned above and see the use of ground water that will be even greater in the future, then one of alternative that a lot of attention in many countries around the world are using wastewater reuse, particularly urban domestic wastewater (municipal wastewater) as a source of raw water for water supply. BPPT as a government office has made use of wastewater reuse technology, however, when the performance of the appliance is not working properly for it is necessary for re-evaluation and selection of wastewater reuse technology for better and sustainable.
Keywords : Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis, Organochlorine Pesticides, Pressure, Ph, And Feed.
Keywords : Wastewater Reuse Technology, Domestic Wastewater, Water Consumption Survey ==================(4)=================
Oleh : Petrus Nugro Rahardjo
ISSN 0216-4140
treated water, land availability, flow rate of wastewater will be processed and other parameters. In this paper discusses several methods of removal of heavy metals in industrial wastewater such as chemical precipitation and oxidation processes, adsorption and ion exchange process.
Oleh : Setiyono dan P. Nugro Rahardjo Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPTeknologi Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 124 -136
Keywords : Pencemaran Air, Logam Berat, Air Limbah Industri, Metoda Penghilangan
Hospital is playing an important role in serving people who need to get health. On the other hand its occurrence causes some problems as well. One of them is the infectious wastewaters which are potential to cause a dangerous effect for human life. A lot of hospitals in Indonesia do not have the proper wastewater treatment plant yet. The local hospital of County Timika has already had a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), but until now the capacity of the unit can not fulfil the required level of environmental standard yet. One of the problems is the technically improper treatment processes. To solve the problems, the WWTP must be redesigned and modifief by using a combination technique of anaerobik and aerobic biofilter treatment processes.The newly proposed design process of WWTP for the local hospital in TImika has already prepared to be applied.
==================(6)================= ANALISIS KINERJA INSTALASI PENGOLAHAN AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIK PT. UNITED CAN Co. Ltd Oleh : Rudi Nugroho Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPTeknologi Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 189 -196 Now adays, the domestic wastewater have become a big problem in Indonesia especially in Jakarta. The governor has established new regulation of domestic wastewater standard which can be discharge to the environment The regulation namely Pergub 122 tahun 2005. To apply the regullation, PT. United Can Co. Ltd. have already built a domestic wastewater treatment using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter. The wastewater 3 treatment has 130m /day of treatment capacities. During the start-up periods till 3 months, the compossition of influent and efluent were analysed weekly. The results show that the parameter of COD, BOD, TSS, Amonia, pH and MBAS in the effluent have bellow the limit noted in the Pergub 122 th 2005.
Keywords : Medical Wastewater Treatment Process, anerobic/aerobic biofilter ====================(5)=================== METODA PENGHILANGAN LOGAM BERAT (As, Cd, Cr, Ag, Cu, Pb, Ni dan Zn) DI DALAM AIR LIMBAH INDUSTRI
Keywords: Domestic Wastewater, Biofilter, Anaerobic, Aerobic
Oleh : Nusa Idaman Said Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPT. Jl. MH. Thamrin No.8 Jakarta Pusat JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 137 -149
Industry is a potential source of water pollution, it produces pollutants that are extremely harmful to people and the environment. Many industrial facilities use freshwater to carry away waste from the plant and into rivers, lakes and oceans. Inorganic industrial wastes are more difficult to control and potentially more hazardous Industries discharge a variety of toxic compounds and heavy metals. The most pollutans heavy metals are Lead, Cadmium, Copper, Chromium, Selenium, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Arsen and Chromium. Heavy metals are dangerous because they tend to bioaccumulate. Mercury for example, causes damages to the brain and the central nervous system, causes psychological changes and makes development changes in young children. Normally Mercury is a toxic substance which has no known function in human biochemistry. There are several methods to eliminate or remove heavy metals in water such as chemical oxidation process, ion exchange process, adsorption process, an electrochemical process, reverse osmosis process and other alternative methods likes biosorption. Each method has strengths and weaknesses, therefore to choose the method of removing heavy metals in wastewater depending on pollutants conditions such as concentrations of heavy metals in wastewater, types of heavy metal, heavy metal concentrations in
Oleh : Taty Hernaningsih Peneliti di Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 150 -158 “Co-benefits” refers to multiple benefits in different fields resulting from one policy, strategy or action plan. As an example: policy or strategy taken on reducing GHG emission from transportation, would ensure better air quality, health, promoting the use of biofuels and other alternative energy sources. Industrial waste water or domestic wastewater household if not disposed of or treated with either will cause pollution. The high content of organic content in wastewater will lead to GHG emissions impact on society as well as water pollution and odor pollution, Environmental Management in Industry Centers Adiwerna Tofu, Tegal regency was done by the management (cleaner production) and waste water treatment. Co Benefit analysis showed the relationship of environmental quality improvement occurs with the reduction of COD and capture methane gas that can be utilized for the community. The reduction of emissions in air can reduce GHG. Method of estimated GHG reduction can be done by comparing GHG emissions before the project (baseline - BE) and after the implementation of
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projects co-benefits (project - PE). The evaluation was done by grouping into 3 tiers. Evaluation indicators are COD, BOD5, smell, CH4, while other indicators are N, P and hazardous waste indicators concerning health. To get the best results of the evaluation required complete data.
Precipitation that falls on the roof is channeled and put into storage, by first filtering done to reduce the dirt. The volume of rain water storage for each location is 3 10 m , medium intensity rain (15-20 mm/h), sufficient to meet the storage within a few hours. Rain Water Reservoir are equipped with water pump which has a capacity of 25 liters/minute, the water can be used for flushing toilets and spraying crops. If Rain Water Reservoir is full, water overflows into the Artificial recharge well. The results of analysis with Kostiokov calculation method used to calculate the infiltration rate of Artificial recharge well and calculate the cumulative volume of infiltration at the Artificial recharge well. Results of tests conducted are as follows: a). In Depok, the infiltration rate of Artificial Recharge Well is about 12 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 140 minute (2 mm/minute). It also has the ability to recharge 450 liters of water in 140 minutes. b). In South Jakarta, the infiltration rate of Artificial Recharge Well is about 11 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 160 minutes (2.5 mm/minute). Artificial Recharge Well has the ability to recharge 480 liters of water in 160 minutes. c). In Bantarjati, Bogor, Artificial Recharge Well have the highest capacity, namely 45 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 260 minutes (2.5 mm/minute). Artificial Recharge Well has the ability to recharge 1000 liters of water in 150 minutes. Rain Water Harvesting Development Efforts and Artificial Recharge Well very useful to overcome inundation in residential areas, especially during heavy rain, because it can reduce the volume of surface water into the channel simultaneously.
Keywords : GRK, Co-benefit,Tier, Metana, COD ==================(8)================= TEKNOLOGI PEMANTAUAN KUALITAS AIR ONLINE BERBASIS GSM DENGAN METODE SMS DI SUNGAI KAPUAS Oleh : Heru Dwi Wahjono Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPT Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8 Gd. II Lt. 18 Jakarta 10340 JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 159 -168 Kapuas River is the largest river on the Borneo island and become the source of water for the people of this island. In Pontianak City, Kapuas River is become the source of raw water for the local water company (PDAM). To maintain product quality, PDAM Pontianak always monitor this river water quality. During the dry season or during high water, raw water quality Kapuas river becomes salty. Meanwhile, during the rainy season brings torrential river water from upstream mud and water turned into peat. To monitor water quality changes in the Kapuas river in the intake location, PDAM Pontianak has installed an online and real time water quality monitoring system using GSM technology. This paper discusses the installation process online water quality monitoring system starting from the preparation, determination of the location until the process of testing the system. The results of monitoring by the monitoring system is expected to assist the production department to determine the necessary action if there is a change of quality of raw water Kapuas river.
Keywords : Rain Water Harvesting, Infiltration, artificial recharge.
=================(10)================= ALTERNATIF BANGUNAN AIR UNTUK PENYEDIAAN AIR BAKU DI PULAU GILI-GILI, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT Oleh : Diah Affandi Puslitbang Sumberdaya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Jl. Ir. H.Juanda No. 193 Bandung JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 180 -188
Keywords: GSM Communication Based Online Monitoring System, Telemetry System, Intake PDAM Pontianak, Multi Probe Digital Sensor, Water Treatment Plant.
In order to meet water needs during the dry season in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), particularly on small islands in the NTB area needed a facility that can accommodate the rain water in the rainy season, so water supply can be used during the dry season. Characteristics of land in coastal areas in particular, other than flat land also contains sand, so the soil tends to have relatively high permeabilities. To build waterworks facilities suitable to local conditions then, required an assessment of alternative types of water structure adapted to the geological conditions and availability of building materials to be used.
UJI COBA APLIKASI PEMANENAN AIR HUJAN DAN SUMUR RESAPAN DI WILAYAH BOGOR, DEPOK DAN JAKARTA Oleh : Arie Herlambang, R. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Satmoko Yudo dan Samsuhadi. Pusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPPTeknologi Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat JAI,Vol. 6 No. Nopember 2010. Hal 169 -179 Areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Greater Jakarta) is an area with high rainfall (2250 2500 mm/year). The rain that falls in this region often cause flooding problems in the area of rice fields, settlements and even in downtown. Rain is a gift from God to be utilized to the maximum extent possible for everyday purposes. Rain Water Harvesting is an attempt to capture rainwater that falls on the roof. In 2 this study, use of the roof area of about 300 -500 m .
Keywords : Karakteristik Tanah, Alternative Bangunan Air
ISSN 0216-4140