Junior-Prof. Dr. László Károly Curriculum Vitae László Károly Juniorprofessor Universität Mainz, Seminar für Orientkunde Place and date of birth: Pécs (Hungary), 10 June 1974 Address: D-55122 Mainz (Germany), Hegelstraße 59 Tel.: +49-6131-39-38375 Fax.: +49-6131-39-38378 E-mail:
[email protected]
Professional data: 2002 MA in Turkic (Altaic) Studies. Thesis: A 17. century Chaghatay treatise on medicine written by Sayyid Subxān Qulï Muhammad Bahādur xān (Sayyid Subhān Qulï Muhammad Bahādur kán orvosi traktátuma) 2008 PhD in Altaic Studies. Thesis: Yakut derivational morphology. An historical approach. Deverbal nominals
Teaching activity: 1. Runiform and Old Uygur sources (text reading) 2. Chagatay sources (text reading) 3. history of the Turkic writing systems (lecture) 4. history of the Turkic people (lecture) 5. etymological studies (lecture) 6. Turkic loanwords in Hungarian (lecture) 7. introduction to the Turkic languages (lecture) 8. introduction to the South Siberian Turkic languages (lecture + text reading) 9. introduction to Yakut (lecture) 10. Yakut word formation (lecture) 11. introduction to Oriental Studies (lecture) 12. historical-comparative Turcology (lecture) 13. introduction to Classical Mongolian (lecture + text reading)
Research interest: 1. Yakut language 2. Middle Turkic sources 3. medical systems of the Turkic peoples 4. morphology 5. historical-comparative linguistics 6. the Eastern European Runiform writing systems
2011 October– Junior professor at the University of Mainz, Department of Orient Studies 2009 August–2011 December Assistant professor at the University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies 2009 May–2011 April Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral research in Mainz (Universität Mainz, Seminar für Orientkunde, Lehrstuhl für Turkologie), 2 years 2008 September–2011 July Teaching in Frankfurt am Main (Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Orientalische und Ostasiatische Philologien, Turkologie) and Mainz (Universität Mainz, Seminar für Orientkunde, Lehrstuhl für Turkologie), from 2008/2009 fall semester 2008 July 24 Defence of the PhD thesis 2007 January 15–19 Short term research stay in Turkey (Hacettepe Üniversitesi and Başkent Üniversitesi) 2006 September 23–26 Field research in Ocna de Sus (Romania). Documentation of a hitherto unknown Eastern European runic inscription 2005 November 21–December 4 Research work on Yakut at the University of Kraków, Institute of Oriental Studies with the assistance of Prof. Marek Stachowski 2005 September–2009 July Assistant lecturer at the University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies 2003 October–November Scientific research on Yakut at the University of Kraków, Institute of Oriental Studies with the assistance of Prof. Marek Stachowski 2002 September–2005 August PhD studies at the University of Szeged, Department of Altaic studies. Subject: Yakut derivational morphology 2002 June MA on Turkic (Altaic) Studies
2002–2011 Scientific research on the subject “Turkic loanwords in Hungarian” with Prof. András RónaTas and Prof. Árpád Berta 2001/2002 Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic 2001 April Second price and a special price on the 25th National Scientific Competition (Linguistics Section). Subject: The Old Turkic intervocalic velar gutturals and their antecedents (Az ótörök intervokalikus veláris gutturálisok (VĠV) és előzményeik (*VĠV / *VCĠV / *VCVĠV)) 2000/2001 Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic 2000 June-August Summer university in Turkey (TÖMER, Istanbul) 1997 September–2002 June University student at the University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies
List of publication A) books 1. R. Zakankizi and Károly L. (2001): Qazaqša-mažarša tildeskiš – Kazah-magyar társalgási könyv. Szeged. SZTE BTK Altajisztikai Tanszék. 129 pp. [in Kazakh and Hungarian; Kazakh–Hungarian phrasebook] 2. Károly, L. (2007): Yakut derivational morphology. An historical approach. Deverbal nominals. Szeged. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation] 3. Róna-Tas, A. and Berta, Á. with the assistance of Károly, L. (2011): West Old Turkic. Turkic loanwords in Hungarian. Part I (Introduction, Lexicon »A–K«), Part II (Lexicon »L– Z«, Conclusions, Apparatus), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. XX + 1494 S. 4. Károly, L. (2011): ab blik kitābï – A seventeenth-century Central Asian medical treatise by Sayyid Sub ān Qulï Mu ammad Bahādur khan. The Chagatay text, transcription, and translation with a study, notes and indices, Leiden und Boston: Brill. ca. 400 S. [forthcoming]
B) articles in journals/contributions to books 1. Károly, L. (2001): On the Old Turkic Verb ï:r- ‘to make a notch, or breach’ and its Derivatives. In: Néptörténet – Nyelvtörténet. A 70 éves Róna-Tas András köszöntése. Eds. Károly L. and Kincses Nagy É. (Szeged: SZTE BTK Altajisztikai Tanszék), 71–85. 2. Károly, L. (2005): Some remarks on the Turkic word qart. Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 10. 53–64. 3. Károly, L. (2005): Egy 17. századi csagatáj orvosi könyv mint nyelvi forrás. Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 102. 89–112. [in Hungarian; A seventeenth-century Chaghatay treatise as a linguistic source] 4. Károly, L. (2006): A Seventeenth-Century Chaghatay Treatise on Medicine. Orvostörténeti Közlemények [Communicationes de Historia Artis Medicinae] 194–195. 51–61. 5. Károly, L. (2007): Some remarks on the Yakut suffix +SXt. Turkic Languages 10. 187– 192. 6. Berta Á. and Károly L. (2007): A szertő-tetői kő rovásírásos feliratai. Magyar Nyelv 103. 300–310. [in Hungarian; The runic inscriptions of a stele found at the peak of Szertő (Romania)] 7. Károly, L. (2008): Yakut names for animals in Pallas’s Zoographia. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 61/3. 295–323. 8. Károly, L. (2009): Dominancy in Yakut: An historical approach, International Journal of Central Asian Studies 13. 343–353. 9. Károly, L. (2009): Jakut állatnevek Pallas Zoographiájában, in Vajda Zoltán (ed) Bölcsészműhely 2008, Szeged: JATEPress, 65–76. [in Hungarian; Yakut names for animals in Pallas’s Zoographia] 10. Károly, L. (2011): Türkçe yazılmış İslam tıp eserlerindeki şifalı dualar, Hayat–Sağlık 2011. [in print] 11. Károly, L. (2012): Panaceas and other miraculous cures in Middle Turkic medical writings, Shaman. [forthcoming] 12. Károly, L. (2012): History of the intervocalic gutturals in the Turkic languages, Turkic languages. [forthcoming]
C) published contributions to academic conferences 1. Károly, L. (2003): Lexical Analysis of a Seventeenth-Century Chaghatay Treatise on Medicine. In: Altaica Budapestinensia MMII – Proceedings of the 45th Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) Budapest, Hungary, June 23–28, 2002. Eds. A. Sárközi and A. Rákos (Budapest: Research Group for Altaic Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Inner Asian Studies, Eötvös Loránd University), 171–180.
2. Károly, L. (2005): A Seventeenth Century Chaghatay Treatise on Medicine. In: 38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı (Proceedings of the 38th International Congress on the History of Medicine), 1–6 September 2002 Istanbul-Turkey. Eds. N. Sarı, A. H. Bayat, Y. Ülman and M. Işın (Ankara: TTK Yayınları), 845–853. 3. Károly L. (2008): „Domináns” szuffixumvokálisok a jakut nyelvben. Egy történeti szempontú megközelítés. In: Orientalista Nap 2005, 2007. Eds. Birtalan Á. and Jamaji M. (Budapest: MTA Orientalisztikai Bizottság and ELTE Távol-keleti Intézet), 66–73. [in Hungarian; Dominant vowels of suffixes in Yakut. An historical approach] 4. Károly L. (2008): Toboz és doboz. Két vitatott eredetű szavunk. In: A nyelvtörténeti kutatások újabb eredményei V, 2007. április 26–27. Eds. Büky L., Forgács T. and Sinkovics B. (Szeged: JATEPress), 113–126. [in Hungarian; Toboz ’pinecone’ and doboz ’box’. Two Hungarian words of debated origin]
D) reviews 1. Károly, L. (2007): Wladimir Monastyrjew, JAKUTISCH, Kleines erklärendes Wörterbuch des Jakutischen (Sacha-Deutsch), Turcologica 68, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006, 215 p. Turkic Languages 11/2. 279–284. 2. Károly, L. (2009): Marcel Erdal, A Grammar of Old Turkic, Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section Eight, Central Asia, Volume 3, Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2004, xii + 575 p. Acta Orientalia Scientiarum Academiae Hungaricae 62/2. 241–245. 3. Károly, L. (2009): Ingeborg Hauenschild, Lexicon jakutischer Tierbezeichnungen, Turcologica, Volume 77, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008, ix + 188 p. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 99, 509–512. 4. Károly, L. (2009): Gerhard Doerfer, (unter Mitwirkung von Michael Knüppel), Etymologisch-Ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei), Hildesheim–Zürich–New York: Georg Olms, 2004, 932 p. Acta Orientalia Scientiarum Academiae Hungaricae 62/4, 465–469. 5. Károly, L. (2009): (Bol šoj) tolkovyj slovar jakutskogo jazyka [Saxa tïlïn bïhārïlāx (ulaxan) tïlǰïta], Vol. I [A], Vol. II [B], Vol. III [G–I], Vol. IV [K–küölähiŋnǟ], Vol. V [küälähis gïn–kǟčärä], edited by P. A. Slepcov, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004, 680 p.; 2005, 912 p.; 2006, 844 p.; 2007, 672 p.; 2008, 616 p. Turkic Languages 13/2, 291–296. 6. Károly, L. (2010): [Rez.] Rogers, Leland Liu, The Golden Summary of Činggis Qaγan. Činggis Qaγan-u Altan Tobči, Tunguso-Sibirica 27, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009, Turkic Languages 14/2, 294–297.
E) edited books 1. Károly L. and Kincses Nagy É. (2001): Néptörténet – Nyelvtörténet. A 70 éves Róna-Tas András köszöntése. Szeged. SzTE BTK Altajisztikai Tanszék. 217 pp. [in Hungarian, English and Russian; History of people – History of language. Festschrift for András Róna-Tas on his 70th birthday]
2. Károly, L. (2007): Turcology in Turkey. Selected papers. Studia uralo-altaica 47. Szeged. SzTE Altajisztikai Tanszék and MTA-SzTE Turkológiai Kutatócsoport. XV + 539 pp. [in Turkish, English and German]
F) others 1. Károly L. (2008): In memoriam Berta Árpád (1951–2008), Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 105, 399–402.