ENGLISH for EVERYONE Mgr. Martin Kučera Elišky Krásnohorské 2334 Dvůr Králové nad Labem e-mail:
[email protected] web: www.anglictina-kucera.cz mobil: 604 971 312
PŘIHLÁŠKA DO KURZU ANGLIČTINY Přihlášku vyplňujte čitelně hůlkovým písmem. Zvláště si potom dejte záležet na e-mailové adrese (mezery, pomlčky, podtržítka atd.). Pošlete ale klidně přihlášku a test e-mailem. Děkujeme. POZOR: NEZAPOMEŇTE NA ROZŘAZOVACÍ TEST
Jméno a příjmení:
Datum a rok narození: ................................................................................................. Adresa:
Požadovaný kurz: ........................................................................................................ Zvláštní přání:
Délka semestru:
od 28. září 2015 do 29. ledna 2016 2 hodiny (90 minut) jednou týdně / děti 1 hodina (45 minut)
Cena semestru:
dospělí = 2600,- Kč / děti = 1300,- Kč (žádáme o zaplacení do 28. 9. 2015)
Čas konání:
pondělí – čtvrtek (po 15. hodině) / děti před 15-tou hodinou
Místo konání:
Palackého 110, Dvůr Králové n. L. (vedle obchodu - Auto Šorm)
Ve Dvoře Králové nad Labem dne: ............................................
........................................................................... podpis (u dětí podpis rodičů či zákonných zástupců)
PLACEMENT TEST ROZŘAZOVACÍ TEST pro kurzy angličtiny Test vyplňují všichni (nezáleží na druhu kurzu) kromě úplných začátečníků. Tento test má určit úroveň vaší angličtiny, proto nehádejte, nehledejte odpovědi v učebnicích či slovnících, neraďte se s ostatními. Dostali byste se tak do jiné skupiny, než kam opravdu patříte. Test není omezen časem. Pokud ho chcete poslat s přihláškou e-mailem, doplňujte, prosím, cvičení zelenou barvou. Moc děkuji....
Mírně pokročilí začátečníci:
1. Doplňte (am, is, are) How old is Bob? He __________ five. How old are Kev and Bill? They __________ nine. How old is Lucy’s mother? She __________ thirty-two. How old are you? I __________ ____________. 2. Doplňte zájmena (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) This is Jane. __________ is seven years old. Look at the pencil. __________ is on the table. This is my brother. __________ is very tall. Where are Peggy and Tom? __________ are in the garden. This is me. My name is Harry Potter and __________ am sixteen years old. 3. Doplňte have got nebo has got Tom ______________ blue eyes. We ______________ a new dog. __________ you _____ a sister? Martin _______________ two cats. Henry and Jane _______________ an old car. 4. Napište anglicky 3
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
červená - _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
5. Napište co nejvíce slovíček začínajících na písmeno A, B, C, L, M
Mírně pokročilí
1. Napište, co lidé dělají. Použijte přítomný čas průběhový.
2. Doplňte slovesa ve správném tvaru (LIKE, LIVE, SPEAK, PLAY, GO, READ)
My brother ____________ books about Harry Potter every day. I _____________ English very well. Jane ____________ chocolate ice-cream. Tom doesn’t ____________ to school by bus. His friends ____________ tennis on Monday. My girlfriend doesn’t ____________ in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. 3. Doplňte LIKE
They ________________________ from Australia. He __________________________ Chinese. ___________ they ________________ in the desert? She _________________ not _______________ in a small town. ________________ this animal ______________ the snow?
4. Doplňte otázku či odpověď
__________________________________________ My name is Henry. __________________________________________ I’m twenty-six years old. __________________________________________ I’m from Dvůr Králové nad Labem. __________________________________________ I like hamburgers and coke. Do you play tennis? ____________________________________________ Have you got a brother? ____________________________________________ When do you usually get up? ____________________________________________ 5. Doplňte (využijte slovíčka – fireman, cook, teacher) She _is a nurse_____________________. She _takes care of sick people_________. She _is drinking tea______________ now. She _______________________________. She _______________________________. She __________________________ now. He _______________________________. He drives __________________________. He ___________________________ now. __________________________________. She _______________________________. ______________________________ now.
Středně pokročilí
1. Write the sentences. Use the following verbs
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
2. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the past simple RAIN BE SAIL
Clifton was a small fishing village. When the weather ___________ good, the fishermen _______________ out in their boats. They ____________ a lot of fish. They _______________ the fish in the market. People _____________ from many villages to buy their fish. When it _________________ and the seas _________________ dangerous, the fishermen ____________ at home. They _________________ stories and _______________ their nets.
3. Make questions to match the answers 1.
____________________ ever _____________________ ? No. I've never been to America.
Where ________________________________________ ? She bought her necklace in Egypt.
How often ______________________________________ ? They play football twice a week.
What _________________ if _______________________ ? It the weather's fine, we'll have a picnic.
Who ___________________________________________ ? She was writing to her pen friend.
Why ___________________________________________ ? He wants a new camera because his old one is broken.
4. Put in a/an or the This morning I bought _____ newspaper and _____ magazine. ____ newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put ____ magazine. I saw ____ accident this morning. ____ car crashed into ____ tree. ____ driver of ____ car wasn’t hurt but ____ car was badly damaged. My friends live in ____ old house in ____ small village. There is ____ beautiful garden behind ____ house. 5. Write the words in the correct order
1. cities build we desert Will the in ? ________________________________________ 2. be there life Will moon the on ? __________________________________________ 3. Will build stations we space ? ___________________________________________ 4. you will When come? __________________________________________________ 5. be What it will like space in ? ____________________________________________
6. Choose one of these topics and write an article. My favourite film. Why do I want to study English? My horror experience. A funny story.
1. Complete the sentences with these words FOR
1. Alex is interested _____________ photography. 2. Joe is good _______________ playing the guitar. 3. The vacuum cleaner was invented ____________________ an Englishman. 4. Miss Walker has lived here ______________________ twenty years. 5. She visited China ten years ___________________ . 6. Thor Heyerdahl sailed _____________________ the Atlantic. 7. Some people have sailed ___________________ the world. 8. John has been waiting ____________________ ages. 9. The bird flew _________________________ the open window. 10. The moon was shining ______________________ the mountain tops.
2. Finish these sentences If the weather is fine tomorrow, _____________________________________________________. Joe will be happy if _______________________________________________________________. If I had a lot of money, ____________________________________________________________. Alex would have bought a new camera if ______________________________________________. I would be very happy if ___________________________________________________________. If it had been raining, ______________________________________________________________.
3. Write the sentences in the reported speech
4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets After he ______________ his breakfast, he went to school (finish). When he ______________ the letter, he posted it (write). Have you _____________ Ann (see)? No, I haven’t. She _______________ when I arrived (leave). The gunpowder __________________ in China (invent). Have you done it? No, I haven’t. But I _____________________ on Monday (do). I regret _______________ so much time on _________________ golf (spend, play). Why are you so dirty? I ________________________ the room (paint). Can you come on Tuesday? No because I _____________________ my parents (visit). Tom __________________ his finger when he _________________ dinner (cut, prepare). I’m used to __________________ lunch at 2 p. m. (have). I regret to __________________ you that the flight _______________________ (inform, cancel). My father used to _________________ to school by car (go). I wish I _________________ more time (have). 5. Complete the preposition I will never forgive them ______ what they did. Everybody blamed me ______ the accident. Sun oil can protect the skin ______ the sun. Somebody threw an egg _____ the minister. Judy shouted ‘Catch!‘ and threw the keys _____ me through the window. He has been speaking _____ him for five hours. Albert is 85 and lives alone. He needs someone to look ______ him. What did he die ______ ? A heart attack. I wanted to go alone but they insisted _____ coming with me. I hope you succeed _____ finding the job you are looking ____. Do you prefer tee _____ coffee?