Warta IHP/J.of Agro-based Industry Vol. 10. No. 1-2, pp. 1-6, 1993 Penelitian/Research ISOLASI KOMPONEN BETA-KARONETA DARI MINYAK SAWIT DENGAN CARA ABSORPSI The isolation of Beta-carotene Component from Crude Palm Oil Using Absorption Method Agus Sudibyo dan Suprapto Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP), Jl. Ir. H.Juanda No. 11, Bogor 16122
ABSTRACT-This report deals with a study on the effects of bleaching earth type used and methods of adding the bleaching earth on the isolation of beta-carotene content from Crude Palm Oil (CPO) using absorption method. The type of bleaching earth used were Master Brand, Champion and Bentonit Alam Indonesia, while the bleaching earth concentration used was 15% which given in three methods i.e. first it was given at once addition only, second at twice addition and third at three times addition. It was shown that the combination treatment between Bentoni Alam Indonesia bleaching earth, gave the best result with 55,08% beta-carotene content, 11,00% loss quantity of Crude Palm Oil and 53 ppm beta-carotene content of Crude Palm Oil after bleaching process.
Warta IHP/J. Agro-Based Industry Vol 10, No. 1-2, pp. 7-9, 1993 Penelitian/Research PEMBUATAN FLAVOR SALAK IMITASI DENGAN PENDEKATAN METODE INSTRUMENTASI The Production of Artifical ”Salak” Flavor Using Instrumental Method Approach Ngakan Timur Antara (a), Hendarti (b) dan Eddy Sapto Hartanto (b) (a)
Balai Pengembangan Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Indusri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
ABSTRACT – The study of imitating ”salak” (fruit of Salacca eduils) flavor has been done by instrumentation approach. Six components of “salak” flavor, which are probably he key-flavor of “salak”, were identified. Bycompounding the identifiedcomponents namely ethyl butyrate, isoamyl acetate, alyl caproate , amyl butyrate, linalool and geraniol with anither chemicals such as aldehyde C19, diphenyl oxid, Peru balsam, lemon oil, lime oil, glyserine, ethanol 96%, properlyene glycol and canaga oil originated from Irian, the artificial “salak” flavor has been created seccesfully. From the sendory point of view, all of panels detected the “salak” flavor of the product, and 6 out of 21 detected another flavor beside the “salak” flavor itself.
Warta IHP/J. of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 10 No. 1-2, pp. 10-13, 1993 Penelitian/Research PENGARUH LAMA PENYULINGAN DAN UKURAN BAHAN TERHADAP HASIL DAN SIFAT FISIKO KIMIA MINYAK LIMBAH LADA PUTIH (Piper Ningrum Linn.) Effect of Distillation Time and Particle Size on The Yield and Physico-Chemical Properties of White Pepper Oil Waste (Piper ningrum Linn.) Lucyana a) dan Sumarsi b) a)
Balai Pengembangan Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Balai Pengembangan Makanan ,Minuman dan Fitokimia Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
ABSTRACT – A study on the effect of distillation time and particle size on the yield and physicochemical properties of white pepper waste been done. The particle size were ground pepper and whole pepper, and the distillation method was water and steam distillation for 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 Hours. The yield of pepper oil of whole pepper were 1.56, 1.84, 2.56, 2.77, and 2.97% respectively. For the ground pepper the yield were2.50, 2.77, 2.81, 2.88, and 3.24%. The main components of the oil were alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene, and beta-caryophyllene. The physico-chemical test showed that the oil wassuied the reqruitmens of EOA (Essential Oil Association of America).
Warta IHP/J. of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 10, No. 1-2,pp. 14-17, 1993 Penelitian/Research PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN KHITOSAN DAN LAMA PENGENDAPAN TERHADAP HASIL PENANGANAN LIMBAH CAIR INDUSTRI PENYAMAKAN KULIT The Effect of Chitosan Addition and Sedimentation Time on Wastewater Treatment of Leather Tanning Industries Eddy Sapto Hartanto (a), Syarif Bastaman (a), dan Padomo Citroreksoko (b) (a)
Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasli Pertanian (BBIHP Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor
Puslitbang Bioteknologi, LIPI Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 18, Bogor
ABSTRACT – The use of chitosan as a flocculant in the treatment of liquid waste of leather tanning industry has been studied. Chitosan was used together with commercial polymers PA 322 and PN 161. It was found that the addition of 1% solution of chitosan and polymers significantly affected the decrease of turbidity, suspended solid, COD, and chrom content. The use of1% along with 90 minutes setting gave the best resukts i.e. lessened the turbidity 98.8%, suspended solid 97.9%, COD 84%, and chromcontent 100%.
Warta IHP/J. Agro-Based Industry Vol.10, No, 1-2, pp. 18-21, 1993 Penelitian/Research PENENTUAN KOMPOSISI MINYAK KAPOL (Ammomum cardamomum) PERBANDINGAN DENGAN KOMPOSISI MINYAK KAPOLAGA (Elettaria cardamomum) SECARA KROMAOGRAFI GAS CAIR The Determination of the Composition of Kapol Oil (Ammomum cardamomum) and Its Comparison with Kapolaga Oil (Elettaria cardamomum) by GLC Analysis Achmad Moestafa dan Sumarsi Balai Pembangunan Khemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 11, Bogor 16122
ABSTRACT – Kapol and Kapolaga are the localname in Indonesia far cardamom. Although their botanical name has already clear for each species, nevertheless there were still some confusions in regional name. Some people call it kapol for kapolaga orin turn kapolaga was called kapol. An attempt to distinguish which is which a GLC analysis on their essential oils were determined. From the result distinctly can be recognized due to their GLC finger print did not match each other so their composition were not the same. Kapol oil was totally different from kapolaga oil since its main component was 1,8-cineol, while kapolaga oil contained 1,8-cineol, terpinil acetate and geranilacetate as its main component. According to purseglove (1981) the first was belong to Ammomum cardamomum and the latter was belong Elletaria cardamomum. Since the latter type was more popular and recognized in international market, the first type was called as false cardamom. This is not fair since every type of cardamom had their on application and market. The result of this study will be used as data to support the International Standard Organization (ISO) proposal.
Warta IHP/J. of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 10. No. 1-2, pp. 22-26, 1993 Penelitian/Research FIKSASI RASA DAN AROMA BAWANG MERAH KECIL DAN BAWANG DAUN SOP Flavour Fixation of Shallot and Soup Leek Salya Sait dan Enny Hawani Lubis Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir.H. Juanda No. 11, Bogor 16122
ABSTRACT – The flavours of shallot (allium cepa Linn.) and soup leek (A. fistulosum. Linn.) were separated from their natural sources using solvent extracion technique as well as juice expression. In the forms of viscous extract liquid and juice concentrate, the flavours were then fixed using the fixation formula US Patent 3,619,212; November 9, 1971. The stability of aroma and the resistance to microorganisms during storage, and the aroma preference of all fixatives produced were also studied. The result showed that relatively the best stability of aroma was possessed by the fixatives derived from the extract obtained via the solvent extraction using ethanol 1 : 1, the resistance to microorganisms of all fixatives was excellent, and the result of sensory evaluation indicated that the aroma of fixatives derived from the juice concentrate were preferred over those from the ethanol extract.
Warta IHP/J. of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 10 No.1-2, pp.27-29, 1993 Penelitian/Research MEMPELAJARI PENGARUH CARA PENGOLAHAN TERHADAP KADAR TANIN DAN ASAM FITAT PADA TALAS (Colocasia esculenta (L) SCHOTT) Study on the Effects of Process on Tannin and Phytic Acid Content in Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L) SCHOTT) M.Maman Rohamana), Adriana Wahyu Ramdanib), Faisal Anwarb), Hadi Riyadi b), dan Solechan a). a)
Balai Penelitian Makanan, Minuman dan Fitokimia Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122 Jurusan GMSK, Fakultas Pertanian IPB Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor
ABSTRACT – A research on the effects of process on tannin and phytic acid content of taro corm has been conducted. The study was done on fresh, boiled, steamed and roasted taro corm and also taro flour. The result showed that uncooked taro contained 750.5 mg of tannin and 374 mg of phytic acid per 100 gram. Boiling treatment showed the decrease of tannin of 50.17% and decrease of phytic acid of 13.57%. The steaming treatment resulted in the decrease of tannin of 49.90% and the decrease of phytic acid 16.30%. Roasting treatment showed the decrease of tannin of 53.63% and phytic acid of 51.11%, and flour treatment showed the decrease of 35.31% tannin and 64.37% phytic acid.
Warta IHP/J. of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 10 No.1-2, pp.31-34, 1993 Ulasan/Review PROSPEK PENGGUNAAN KARBON AKTIF DALAM INDUSTRI The Prospect of The Use of Activaed Carbon in Industry HG. Pohan Balai Pengembangan Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir.H. Juanda No. 11, Bogor 16122
ABSTRACT – Activated carbon is an amorphous or microcrystalline form carbon which have very large surface area, ranging from 300 – 2000 m2/gr. There are two processes of activation, chemical and physical process. The quality of activated carbon depend on their raw material and activation method. Acivated carbon are largely used in multivarious industry i.e food and beverage, pharmaceutical, waste treatment and chemical industries.