INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL BUREAUCRACY REFORMATION AND WORKING CULTURE THROUGH EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE TOWARDS ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE SOUTH LAMPUNG REGENCY OF LAMPUNG PROVINCE. ROMI SAPUTRA ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of organizational bureaucratic reformation working culture through employees’ performance towards organizational performance in South Lampung Regency of Lampung Province. This study was a quantitative research using explanatory survey research design. This design is intended to test hypotheses of the study and interpret the influence of independent variable ( X ) on dependent variable ( Y ) . This study used survey method of explanatory type. This study was intended to describe and study the influence of organizational bureaucratic reform and working culture through employees’ performance toward organizational performance in the delivery of public services. Based on results of discussion, it was known that the organizational performance is influenced by changes in variable of bureaucratic reform, working culture, and the employees’ performance by 68.1%. The remaining portion of 31.9 percent is described (influenced)by other by variables or factors beyond this research model. It means that any changes in bureaucratic reform, working culture and employees’ performance have positive contribution to organizational performance. The Author’s ssuggestions can suggest in this study that it is necessary to have support from officials/employees with high competency and professionalism, to improve the character and moral quality of the officials or employees, and it is also necessary to have character building both individually and organizationally within the framework of working culture that is free of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism to have better delivery of services. South Lampung regency government needs to re-establish the policy of bureaucratic reform inthe form of regulations that emphasize the empowerment of apparatus, encourage innovation and spaces of discretion, clear and non-discriminatory distribution of authority. For further research, it should be noted to add other factors affecting the organizational performance with restriction on problem as conducted by the researcher. Keywords : bureaucratic reform, work culture, performance
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557 organization.. Schein (2004:1) explained that: Culture is both a dynamic phenomenon that surrounds us at all times, being constantly enacted and created by our interactions with others and shaped by leadership behavior, and a set of structures, routines, rules, and norms that guide and constrain behavior. When one brings culture to the level of the organization and even down to groups within the organization, one can see clearly how culture is created, embedded, evolved, and ultimately manipulated, and, at the same time, how culture constrains, stabilizes, and provides structure and meaning to the group members. These dynamic processes of culture creation and management are the essence of leadership and make one realize that leadership and culture are two sides of the same coin.
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background Government Paradigm nowadays is refer to the optimization of professional, honest, fair and transparency government apparatus in implementing government duties, development and social. Therefore, apparatuses’ image become very important because they are the main key in implementing government works, particularly in the effort to implement vision, mission and development strategy. (Lubis, 2014). Apparatuss are the key of resource that very important in the government organization because they are not only as the object that should give attention and protection from the government directly role as subjects but also can determine the condition of a government organization. To realize the role, the apparatuss need to direct, counseled, motivated, guided, etc, to do their functions based on the organization’s hope as the place where the apparatus work. Human resources who have dedication and high loyality to their job gained if the management party creates working condition that can improve performance for their employees. Furthermore in working condition that is full of pressure either in long term of working or working responsibility often become problems in organization environment. Based on it thus an employee should able to work professionally. Employees demand to implement for the job responsible to them more professional, that means employees should always thinking, work hard, working all the time, discipline, honest, high loyality and full dedication for the success of their job (Hamid, 2003:40). Therefore absolutely need a condition that able to create job satisfaction and growing working motivation thus employees still able to show high individual performance along with the consciousness for the duty and responsibility. An organization basically doing change from time to time. Many factors that able to influence organization condition into dynamic, one of them is culture in the
Schein’s opinion reflected that a culture is a dynamic phenomenon in a human activities, that keep on happen and created by interaction with other and made by behavior and structure unity, routinity, rules and norms which guide and limited behavior. When a culture brings by an individu to an organization level and to group in an organization and even to a group in an organization, thus clearly show how culture created, planted, developed and finally manipulated and at the same time, how culture enforced, stabilized and supplied structure and meaning to a group members. Dynamic process creates culture and management as the leadership points and culture as two sides from the same coin. Speaking of Public Servants in Indonesia, people consider them as to many in quantity, lazy person, also do not have skills. The character is made by many things related each other, started from the early selection process that is not transparence, uncertain carrier level, unfirm job assessment, low income, less professional, etc. Therefore, crucial problem in the
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
government organization is how to improve apparatuss’ quality. (Unisosdem, 2015). At the time of doing their jobs, they still lack of motivation either motivation from inside in form of self consciousness to work better or giving the best for themselves, or to their organization performance. Lack of public servants discipline with violation of working hour also other discipline that balance with giving fair sanction. The weaknesses of law sanction will influence other working spirit. Thus also with giving concrete reward to apparatuss who have good performance not yet made, meanwhile do not giving warning for apparatuss who do not complete their job. Therefore apparatuss have not showed inovation and their impression because of doing routine job is not always right. This situation soon or later will decrease apparatuss’ working motivation as the effort of better government performance. The reality shows, either directly or indirectly, working environment also has role in determining apparatuss’ performance. Physical working environment such as room office, placing office stationary, lighting, ventilation have not fully the principles of room management, thus the condition has not secured apparatuss’ comfort or society who need service. Working condition environment apparently has not created condition that stimulate the supply and apparatuss’ need to make relationship cooperation and influenceive communication, thus happen disharmony which hamper the implementation of duties. Most of Indonesia public servant also have not had the right public administration, only some of them who understood organization’s aims, eventhough know it, the activity in implementing their duties oriented to the achievement of organization’s aims established. Public servants behavior that consider become the master and not as a servant and public servants are real example from apparatuss’ attitude and behavior. To achieve national aims, thus apparatuss’ orientation should change, including improvement capacity and performance. Changing process and improvement still need time because part of
them related with social, economic, political and cultural conditions. Grand design reformation bureaucracy which has established hope to make more understand for main duties and functions as public servants. Basically, Bureaucracy Reformation is a significant changing of bureaucracy elements such as institutional, human resources, management, accountability, apparatuss, supervision and public service, that do consciously (rebureaucracy) in order to adjust themselves with dynamic environment. The changing do to implement the role and function of bureaucracy properly, quick and consistent, to have result based on constitucy amandement. To a better changing, is the reflection of all need contrary with the facts of bureaucracy role at this time still far from hope. This reality, actually showed consciousness that there are discrepancy for what really hope, with the real situation on the bureaucracy role nowadays. In the state life of free and sovereign, bureaucracy has important role and function in doing the life in a state. However, high influence of power and politics make bureaucracy is unprofessional or malfunction. Bureaucracy with the culture developed, inclined to be bussier to serve the master than doing their main function as public servants. For example, in the field of public service, the effort do by determining standard public service, with hope of quick, right, cheap and transparency services have not yet realized fully. Those efforts have not gained by people, because the implementation system and procedure service are less influenceive, efficient, complicated, slow, do not respond to customers/people interest to bureaucracy. All of this as the reflection that bureaucracy condition nowadays in giving service to the public, have not based on hope and wish of public. Unsatisfaction to the performance of public service, can be find out by public unwilling to relate with government bureaucracy or in other words with the impression to as far as possble avoiding government bureaucracy. Less responsive phenomenon, less informative, less coordination, do not want to hear complaint,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
suggestion, advice or inefficient pubic aspiration and bureaucracy are the condition of public service feel by the public all this time. These caused because many overlap roles of Ministry or Institution, the government considers still centralistic, less infrastructure, still have serving culture not to serve culture, transparency of budget and unclear service procedure, also insentive system/reward and sanction are not maximum. In the context of Reformation bureaucracy in the government environment, the effort to manage and increase the welfare of public servants are basic needs, because of closed relationship with the mission of culture changing in public servants, thus with the new structure of wage, every employee hope will have maximum immunity to the material reward or money from collution. “Bureaucracy Reformation and Slenderize Bureaucracy Organization are hierarchy administration system designed to relate with some of routine jobs, which most of them followed a group of rigid rule and impersonal”(Gunarjo, 2011). Post-validation of Laws Number 5 in the Year of 2014 on Public Civil Apparatuss, Indonesian legislative Assembly and government established Government Administration Laws No 30 in the Year of 2014. This Government Administration Law is an important elements in the process of bureaucracy reformation process and remanagement of government administration system is like arranging “brain, hand and feet” of government apparatuss. The government want to use this law to strengthen government bureaucracy that often called as the four pillars of modern of three politics, in line with the power of legislative, executive and yudicative. The existence of executive pillar in the system of check and balance state power often cause the executive restricted, even cooped by political system in the parlement or legilstative. That makes executive power often does not immunity to pressure (interest) of politics (political actors) in the legislative body. To prevent disturbance of government bureaucracy performance in
implementing their main functions to serve the public, bureaucracy power need to strengthen and have immunity to have the real function as the administrative power. In latin word, administration originally comes from the word administrare which means to serve. Bureaucracy power which is not function as it suppose to be, to do administrare, causing porous of executive power pillar. In this laws, all law action of public administration do by the body or government apparatuss hopefully to be transparency. The authority of body or government apparatuss arrange carefully, either from the authority substancy, yurisdiction geographic/territorial or the valid time. By seeing experience from some states showed that bureaucracy reformation is the early step to get a progress of a state. Through bureaucracy reformation, do management to the ininfluenceive government implementation and efficient but also bureaucracy reformation become backbone in the life of nationality and state. Bureaucracy reformation indeed will implement into the ministry line and government institution. Reforming ministry bureaucracy and institution are now the right time to do based on situation and condition demand nowadays. Where bureaucracy demand to serve the public fast, right and professional. (Abubakar (2007) in Prasojo (2007: 87)) Bureaucracy is the determining factor in reaching national development aims. Therefore reformation ideal of bureaucracy is to implement professional government, to have rule of law, transparency, participative, accountable and having credibility also developing culture and bureaucracy development based on ethics, service and public responsibility also integrity to serve in doing misson of nation to accomplish state goals and aims. Bureaucracy reformation in reality is the effort to do reformation and basic changing to the government implementation system particularly related to institution aspects (organization), management and apparatus human resources. Bureaucracy reformation in Indonesia placing the importance of bureaucracy rasionalization
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
which creates efficiency, influenceiveness and productivity through working division of hierarchy and horizontal that balance measured with rasio between volume or duties responsibility with sum of resources along with formalistic working system and tight monitoring. Structuring government organization either in central or local is based on vision, mission and strategic target, policy agenda, program and performance activitivies that planned and directed for bureaucracy image with duties
and open responsibility and accesion. Simplification of working system in intra and inter relationship apparatuss with public and business world oriented to the criterion and impersonal mechanism directed to prima service implementation. Bureaucracy reformation is also a strategic step to develop professional public apparatuss resources, to be useful and fruitful professionaly in order to support the implementation of government and national development.
Table 1. 1 The Description of Public Servants No
Short Description
Public Servant Allowance Demand Improving Performance Thursday, 26 September 2014 02:08:59pm WIB Bad Performance of Public Servants, added budget .id Friday, 28 February 2014
The Governor of Lampung demanded public servants in the local government environment to improve performance based on the main duties and functions and public needs as the implication of performance allowance give. At that chance, he said public servants as the front line in government service to public. Every employees, he says, should able to understand well main duties and function well.
ICW: Improve Public Servant and Bureaucracy Performance www.voaindones Tuesday, 20 January 2015 08:09am West Indonesia Time Zone
The Head of National Employees Body (BKN) Eko Sutrisno said, promised to discharge public servants who proved to have bad performance. However, this government promise is consider only as bluffing. The observer Indef Eni Sri Hartati doubt with the government firmness to discharge bad public servant. According to Eni, bad public servants only will move to other division. Furthermore, spoilled public servants by the government clearly seen at the time of budget post for public servants wage is higher. This was admitted by the vise ministry of PAN-RB Eko Prasojo. Eko said, employees’ cost increased 116,7% since five years ago. Increasing employees’ cost caused by complicated public organization structure but do not follow with the increasing of government productivity and service. The Coordinator of Political Corruption Division ICW Adek Irawan stated that bad performance of public servants only to the employees because of the way they work but also follow government institution apparatuss. He added there are three steps that should be done to change Public Servants’ performance become better than before and followed by bureaucracy improvement. “ If speaking about this bureaucracy we talk about structure, hierarchy, so will not happen anything if the upper level is also not doing the same, especially the most important thing there is mapping about public servants, the basic problem of this basic public servants are complicated and corrupt, the second is about
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
4. bureaucracy politic either in national level or local level because of bad bureaucracy as the impact of bureaucracy politics, the third for the citizen I think efforts made to monitor in line for example to the service give by Public Servants” Says Adek Irawan. The members of (KORPRI) should leave upper classes mental, because all this time the era of upper classes mental is over and become the era of bureaucracy to serve. KORPRI also should be the unity of nation, by leaving sectoral ego or locally ego. Thus clearly stated by the President of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the time of leading the ceremonial of HUT KORPRI the 43rd in the field of Silang Monas, Jakarta, Monday (1/12). “Give the most fast, right, easy and cheap service. Leave upper level classess. Be bureaucrat to serve fully for the prosperity of nation and people welfare,” Jokowi Says.
President : KORPRI (The Indonesian Civil Service Corps) should leave Upper Classes Mental www.menpan.go. id Tuesday, 20 January 2015 Sources : Some Data processed, 2015
in form of time still often present in every SKPD, where the working team should started at 08:00 am to 04:00 pm do not obey by some of employees, from the facts many employees come to the office more than the started working hours and still there are many employees absent. As the early data on the field, it can be seen from the Table 1.2 on the presency absency of employees at the Local Secretariat South lampung regency as follow:
Based on the real condition and early data the writer gained on the field in Regional Work Unit (SKPD) in the South lampung regency the Province of Lampung consists of 40 SKPD, still has not appeared maximally the success of bureaucracy reformation as the indicators of there is no corruption meanwhile in the South lampung regency indicated corruption in form of budget has not proved, however corruption
NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Table 1. 2 List Presency of Morning Ceremony of Public Servants Local Secretariat South lampung regency Period of June--December 2014 Percentage PRESENCE Working Months of presence Days S I C TB DL TK DPB (%) JUNE 21 84,94% 1 12 44 23 215 16 21 JULY 18 91,95% 1 33 0 18 72 10 18 AUGUST 20 83,71% 1 37 0 31 243 10 20 SEPTEMBER 22 83,59% 3 38 22 30 239 25 22 OCTOBER 23 87,57% 3 23 23 24 189 15 23 NOVEMBER 20 87,71% 2 25 0 20 180 11 20 DECEMBER 21 83,08% 2 54 84 21 179 12 21 Source: Local Secretariat South Lampung Regency in 2014 Information: S : Sick I : Permission C : Furlough TB : Studying Job
Based on the table 1.2 can be find out that the level presence of morning ceremony in July was the higher (91,95%)
than other months. In this month clearly saw that employees more doing activity in the office because right in the fasting month,
: Official Journey : Absent : Conjuct Job
Total 332 152 342 379 300 258 373
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
thus for the official journey was minimum. In December the percentage of low presence (83,08%) than other months because in the end many employees who take yearly furlough. In June employees doing collective furlough because of there is ““nyadran/to visit the family graveyard” the days before the fasting month. This furlough use by some apparatuss to visit family graveyard and family gathering. In June there were 22 apparatuss who did collective furlough with sum of furlough 2 times in a month.
the local government South lampung regency during 2010-2011only 20 people with different level and types of punishment. From this facts that reward and punishment still not do consistently and continously. Data showed that the government organization structure The South lampung regency still has not showed the right organization with the right measurement and functions (right sizing). Based on the characteristics of main duties and function performed, public servants in SKPD South lampung regency often duties more than working hours or on duty on the holiday. This condition makes working stress and boring to the employees, thus will decrease the motivation to do the job well, it need adjustment of personnel in each division to do the duties easier and simplify duties in each part. The writer gave Public Servants Data South lampung regency can be seen from the following table:
Other indication is based on the research data did by Pristi (2012), although the local government South lampung regency has established Government Rule Number 53 in 2010 on Public Servants’ Discipline, sum of Public Servants’ Violation from 2010 to 2011 were totally 511 public servants however they were not giving sanction of disciplin punishment in
Table 1. 3 Recapitulation of Public Servants in South Lampung Regency Based on Group Level Group I
Group II
Group III
M W M W M W 59 6 933 822 1.980 2.393 Total sum of men : 4.306. Women : 5.116 THLS: 1.554 TOTAL 10.976 Source: BKD South Lampung Regency 2014 In the research by Pridarsanti (2013), based on Gibson et al. (1994), outlined by grouping factors that can influence employees’ performance as follows: (1) Individual factors that cover abilities (knowledge and skills) and related employees’ demography, (2) psychology factors that cover perception (included stress), attitude, commitment, personality and related employees’ motivation and (3) organization factors cover organization resources, organization culture, leadership and relationship with partners, reward/wage, structure (bureaucracy reformation) and working design (carrier)
Group IV M 1.334
W 1.895
THLS M 926
W 628
Performance is a working attitude quality hope by an organization to achieve organization aims. There is no absolute standard to know employees’ performance level to various division in various areas or organization thus each organization need to make standard performance for employees in the organization. The problem nowadays is to the quality of human resources in the bureaucracy that can measured by Public Servants’ performance in doing main duties and functions based on the job position and in giving service to the public. Public Servants either in quantity or quality hope able to decrease bad image of bureaucracy.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
Actually, bureaucracy reformation is not performance exposure transparently able to influenceive public servants’ (Gie, 2003). performance by paying attention to the Below is a description data of problem of bureaucracy management performance description in South Lampung division those are unclear planning and Regency in period 2013, 2014, and 2015 can duties, recruitment system is not based on be described as follow: the procedure and needs, low enforcement system of reward and punishment, also there Table 1. 4 South Lampung Regency Performance Achievem Achievem No Description Indicators ent ent 2013 2014 a. Composing and a. Sum of policy implementing 70 % 72% Implementing the policy bureaucracy reformation made of bureaucracy b. The Quality level of Implementing reformation. standard refomation based on the central policy c. Percentage who accept socialization b. The Improvement a. The level of apparatus discipline 67% 70% influenceiveness of based on the establish rule apparatus monitoring b. Following action from the result of local government apparatus monitoring
Achievem ent 2015 75 %
The Improvement of working relationship between executive and legislative
a. Sum of executive and legislative meeting b. Sum of Law product examined c. Sum of law products made
The Efficiency of Local Government Organization Structure
The Development of stabilization policy of government apparatus
a. Sum of Department/Institution adjust based on the needs b. Influenceiveness Level of Department/Institution Sum of Local Rule, Regent’s Decision
Implementing Cariier Level based on the achievement
The level of implementing Carrier Level based on the Law
Source: LAKIP South Lampung Regency, 2013, 2014, 2015 Performance data above showed that program implemented related with bureaucracy reformation has not done well. Based on the outline above, the writer interested to make research with the title “Influences of Organization Bureaucracy Reformation and Working Culture Through Employees’ Performance towards
Organization Performace South Lampung Regency of Lampung Province. 1.2
Problem Identification From the research background outline above, thus can be identified some problems as follow:
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
Still weakness implication of working culture in the organization from the low discipline of public servants with many discipline violations occur. 2. Still many employees who come late and go home before the working hours end 3. Working facilities are less supporting the implementation of office job. 4. Employees’ performance has not based on hope, this was seen from the implementation service that differing citizens. 5. The implementation of reward and punishment still have not done consistently; 6. Organization structure government of South Lampung Regency still has not showed the right measurement and function of organization (right sizing). 7. Bureaucracy reformation has not run well because of organization has not had hierarchy and span of control to under. 8. Less implementation in regulation because of there is no Standard Operational 9. The monitoring implementation of bureaucracy reformation is not yet done well 10. Employees’ Performance consider only filling absency and less productivity. 11. Politics Occupation is contrary with bureaucracy carrier occupation 12. Working culture consider unproductive because of weak monitoring pattern
government organization performance South Lampung Regency? 2. Is working culture influenced positively toward government organization performance South Lampung Regency? 3. Is bureaucracy reformation influenced positively toward public servants’ performance South Lampung Regency? 4. Is working culture influenced positively toward public servants’ performance South Lampung Regency? 5. Is working culture through employees’ performance influenced positively toward organization government performance South Lampung Regency? 6. Is organization bureaucracy reformation through employees’ performance influenced positively toward organization government performance South Lampung Regency? 7. Is organization bureaucracy reformation with working culture through employees’ performance influenced positively toward organization government performance South Lampung Regency? 1.5 Research Aims The aims of this research do by the writer in this case are: 1. To investigate and analyze the influence of organizational bureaucracy reformation to government organization performance South Lampung Regency. 2. To investigate and analyze the influence of working culture to government organization performance South Lampung Regency. 3. To investigate and analyze the influence of organizational bureaucracy reformation to public servants’ performance South Lampung Regency. 4. To investigate and analyze the influence of working culture to public servants’ performance South Lampung Regency. 5. To investigate and analyze the influence of working culture through public servants’ performance is influenced positively toward government organization performance of South Lampung Regency.
Problem Limitation This research focused on the Influence of Bureaucracy Reformation, Working Culture Through Employees’ Performance toward Organization Performance in South Lampung Regency Lampung Province. 1.4 Problems Formulation Based on the identification and problem limitation outline above, thus can be formulated this research problems as follow: 1. Is organization bureaucracy reformation influenced positively toward
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557 6.
To investigate and analyze the influence of bureaucracy reformation through public servants’ performance influenced positively toward government organization performance of South Lampung Regency. To investigate and analyze the influence of bureaucracy reformation with public servants’ performance through public servants’ officer influenced positively toward government organization performance of South Lampung Regency.
2. THE RESEARCH RESULT 2.1 Conclusions Conclusions of this research are Bureaucracy Reformation and working Culture to Regional Work Unit (SKPD) South Lampung Regency Lampung Province can run well with the support from Public Servants and Organizational Performance. The conclusion gained through findings from this research as follow: a.
There is positive influence bureaucracy reformation to organizational performance Regency of South Lampung. The influence quantity of bureaucracy reformation to organizational performance determined by leadership and working system which cover courage, commitment, synergy, responsiveness, profesionalism, discipline, initiative, able to make people surrounded have performance and motivation indicators. That means, leadership and working system become the important parts in the efforts to make change There is positive influence of working culture to government organization performance South Lampung Regency. The quantity of working culture determined by behavior dimension at the time of working, working ethics, attitude to time and the way or equipment used. Organizational bureaucracy reformation influenced positively toward public servants’ performance
South Lampung Regency. It means there is an improvement of bureaucracy reformation thus will followed by the improvement of employees’ performance Working Culture influenced positively toward public servants’ performance South Lampung Regency. It means working culture developed and arranged well in the organization will influence the improvement of employees’ performance. Working culture through Public Servants’ performance South Lampung Regency influenced positively toward organization performace. It means if low working culture thus employees’ performance will bad thus organization performance will low. Bureaucracy reformation through employees’ performance influenced positively to organization performance, it means if there is no bureaucracy reformation thus employees’ performance will be bad then organization performance will be low. Bureaucracy reformation and working culture through employees’ performance influenced positively toward organization performance. It means getting better Bureaucracy Reformation and Working Culture influenced positively toward employees’ performance and organizational performance. 2.2
Suggestion Based on the researach finding outlined in the conclusion above, can be made suggestion as follow: a.
Theories Aspects (Scientific) 1) To enrich government science concept, it needs a quantitative research on Bureaucracy Reformation, Working Culture, Employees’ Performance and Organization Performance”, need to do researchs with other variabels (such as leadership variable and apparatus’ abilities variable)
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557 2)
Although bureaucracy reformation grouped well, still there is an opportunity and need work hard to achieve better bureaucracy reformation performance. At least there are six indicators that should become attention for the government of South Lampung Regency to improve bureaucracy reformation performance, those are indicators of similarity, correspondence, balance role also suitability of function, feasibility and the most weakness is the clarity indicator. For all, the efforts to improve structure dimension and relationship system hopefully will increase bureaucracy reformation performance. Bureaucracy reformation related with employees’ commitment thus need efforts to improve employees’ job satisfaction through the creation of positive working environment. To enrich the concept of bureaucracy reformation, thus the research on the influence of bureaucracy reformation in Indonesia beside using a quantitative approach need also to use qualitative approach, thus can be find out in deep the conceptual dimensions from the bureaucracy reformations. To enrich the concept of working culture, employees’ performance and organization performance, thus a research on working culture, employees’ performance and organization performance beside using quantitative approach need to do also a qualitative research, thus able to find out in deep conceptual dimensions from the three variables. Should there is a consistent monitoring toward the implementation organization bureaucracy reformation in
South Lampung Regency, thus the policy program of organization bureaucracy reformation will simultaneously implemented well that have positive influence toward employees’ performance and government organization performance South Lampung Regency. The government of South Lampung Regency is better continuously to implement evaluation toward the implementation program reformation bureaucracy organization and the improvement of working culture in all Regional Work Unit (SKPD) South Lampung that will simultaneously with the implementation will influence positively toward employees’ performance and organization performance the government of South Lampung Regency.
Practical Aspects (Value in use) 1) For the Local Government South Lampung Regency need to recompose bureaucracy reformation policy in form of regulations more to the elements of apparatus empowerment, stimulating apparatus inovation and discretion rooms, clarity authority division and with non-discriminative characters. 2) The Ministry of PAN and RB need to do a review policy to improve the quality of public service by improving employees’ performance and organization performance by monitoring the implementation bureaucracy reformation in every area simultaneously as the approach effort of organization performance based on duties, roles and functions of local government organization.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2017. Vol.47. No.1 © 2012-2017 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557
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