Guarantee Secured Satisfy
FOREWORD Globalisation has changed the chart of business world. More open market makes the competition to become increasingly stringent and creates hyper competition. The change of competition chart forces every company to change its basic strategy. The limitation of jobs and tightness of competition between job seekers and the influx of foreign labour is involved in increasing the rate of unemployment. On the other side, human resource who has education, ability, and skill sometimes undisbursed to right place, and people who don’t have proper education, ability, and skill never obtain the chance to develop talents and skills that they have. Based on those thoughts and considerations by using ability, experience, and skilful labour, we are present in the middle of competition and multidimensional crisis by the name PT. Garuda Satria Securindo abbreviated as PT. GSS. We fully realise that without trust, cooperation, and participation from service users, our presence doesn’t have a meaning. For us service users are successful partner that is ready for us to be served and providing the best, our hopes and objectives for this company is that it will provide contribution to reduce unemployment, helping businessmen to overcome difficulties above and also providing affordable solution. In the end, in the name of PT. GSS, we say so many thanks for trust and cooperation given. In order to provide the best service, we are hoping for critics and suggestions to every service users.
Director Rizqi Firmansyah Pradana
Security Services Salah satu layanan unggulan kami adalah jasa pelayanan tenaga satuan pengamanan yang memiliki nilai-nilai luhur serta membantu tugas POLRI dibidang kepolisian terbatas. Dengan komitmen melaksanakan Peraturan Kapolri 24/2007 tentang “Sistem Management Pengamanan” Organisasi, Perusahaan, dan Instansi / Lembaga Pemerintahan. One of our superior service is security employment which has noble values and helping POLRI’s duty in police activities. With commitment in implementing Kapolri’s Regulation 24/2007 about “Management Security System” of Organisation, Company, and Institution/GovernmentInstitution.
Layanan keamanan yangkami lakukan
diantaranya :
Security services that we are able to provide are as follows: • Security untuk tempat komersil, perkantoran dan perumahan.
Security for commercial, office, and residence. • Body guard untuk pengawalan perorangan atau pengawalan khusus perusahaan.
Bodyguard for personal or company guardians. • Tenaga Pengamanan untuk event besar, seperti artist guard, Security event dsb.
Security man power for big events such as actress’ guards, security events etc.
Produk Jasa Pengamanan PT.Garuda Satria Securindo : Memiliki Legalitas yang lengkap :
Surat Izin BUJP Mabes Polri Surat Izin Jasa Penyediaan Tenaga Pengamanan Surat Izin Jasa Pelatihan Keamanan Surat Izin Jasa Penerapan Sistem Peralatan Keamanan Sertifikasi ABUJAPI ( Asosiasi Badan Usaha Jasa Pengamanan Indonesia)
Juga dengan dukungan GSS Monitoring System yang bertujuan untuk : And also with the support of GSS Monitoring System that aims to: a) Efektivitas
pengawasan terpadu,
keterlambatan, dan hal-hal lain yang tidak produktif. Performance effectivity through integrated monitoring system to minimize absence, tardiness, and other unproductive things. b) Efisiensi biaya operasional. Operational cost efficiency c) Memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis yang unik dan teknis dengan layanan kontrol akses yang telah disesuaikan. Fulfilling unique business and technical needs with adjusted access control service d) Penyebaran pengawasan keberadaan kelompok untuk memudahkan koordinasi. The spread of group’s existence monitoring to facilitate coordination.
Rizqi Firmansyah Pradana B.Bus
Kombes pol Drs Edy Suryanto, SH,MM
Serma Ahmad Yani
Suherman, SE
Keisya O.P. SE
Chandra Muhardyan, S.Psi
Wahono Susilo
M. R. Putra K, SE, M.IKom
Kenny Robert, SE
LEGAL Putra Teguh Alliansich Lubis, SH
OUR CLIENT • PT. Abadi Lintang Lestari Indonesia (ALL IN) • PT. Agar Swallow • PT. Dosniroha Cabang: - Jakarta -
Aceh Batam Pekanbaru Padang Solo Jember Makasar Denpasar
- Jambi - Palembang - Bandar Lampung - Bandung - Yogyakarta - Semarang - Kediri - Banjarmasin
Gandaria 8 Office Tower, 8th Floor Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan12240 Telp : (021) 29851676 Email :
[email protected]