Název školy: Název práce: Pořadové číslo: Třída: Vyučující: Pomůcky: Zdroje
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ZŠ Brno, Měšťanská 21, Brno -Tuřany Roleplay III_2-11-53 Předmět: Anglický jazyk 8. A Téma hodiny: Nejchladnější místo na zemi Mgr. Milena Polášková Cíl hodiny: Hrát role podle kapitol 1 - 3 scénář Vicary, T. The coldest place on Earth. 2. vyd. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0194229394. Vlastní úprava textu do podoby jednoduchého scénáře. III_2-11-53 Roleplay – Chapter 1.doc 3 Název příloh: III_2-11-53 Roleplay – Chapter 2.doc III_2-11-53 Roleplay – Chapter 3.doc
Pro žáky: - Podle přiřazených rolí čtou žáci jeden po druhém scénář - Ve skupinkách si znovu v tichosti přečtou scénář - Každý sám se naučí zpaměti text Pro učitele: - Rozdělit žáky do tří skupin (podle počtu postav v příběhu a podle počtu žáků ve třídě) - Rozdat žákům scénáře k jednotlivým kapitolám - Zadat role pro všechny žáky - Společně s celou třídou projít všechny scénáře - Zadat každému žákovi, aby se samostatně naučil text zpaměti - Příští hodinu nácvik, další hodinu hraní rolí na známky
Zhodnocení hodiny: - Žáci text znají, a proto jim úprava textu nedělala problémy. Podle jazykové úrovně každému žákovi zadat úměrnou roli tak, aby byl schopný se ji bez problémů naučit. Žáci se SPUCH dostali roli vypravěče a sami si mohli určit, zda se pokusí naučit se text zpaměti, nebo ho chtějí raději číst.
Závěr: Hodina byla odučena 22. 11. 2011
Scénář ACTORS Storyteller - Michal S. (1), Radek H. (2), Mirek M. (3) Roald Amundsen - David S. (1), Anežka S. (2) / Patricie N. (2) Robert Falcon Scott - Marek M. (1), David M. (3) Titus Oates - Dominik P. (1), Lukáš D. (3) Olav Bjaaland - Jaromír B. (1), Lucka K. (2) Helmer Hanssen - Hanka B.(2) Hassel - Hanka B. (2) Lindstrom - Lucka K. (2) Johansen - Lucka K. (2) newspaper man – Honza K. (3)
Chapter 1 -
storyteller – Michal S.
Roald Amundsen – Marek M.
Robert Falcon Scott – Marek M.
Titus Oates – Dominik P.
Olav Bjaaland - Jaromír B.
Chapter 2 -
storyteller – Radek H.
Olav Bjaaland – David S.
Helmer Hanssen – Hanka B.
Hassel – Hanka B.
Lindstrom – David S.
Roald Amundsen – Anežka S. / Patricie N.
Johansen – Lucka K.
Chapter 3 -
storyteller – Mirek M.
Robert Falcon Scott – David M.
newspaper man – Honza K.
Titus Oates - Lukáš D.
Scénář 1 CHAPTER 1 - Two ships Storyteller The race began in the summer of 1910. On June 1st, in London, a black ship, the Terra Nova, went down the river Thames to the sea. Captain Robert Falcon Scott (standing on the Terra Nova, he smiled quietly) Titus Oates (standing on the Terra Nova, smiled at Scott) What an exciting day, Captain. Look at those people. (point at people standing by the river) I feel like an important man. Captain Robert Falcon Scott (laughed) You are important, Titus. And you are going to be famous, too. We all are. Do you see this flag? (he (looked at the British flag at the back of the ship and smiled at Oates) That flag is coming with us. In the Antarctic, I´m going to carry it under my clothes. We are going to be the first men at the South Pole, and that flag is going to be first, too!
Storyteller Five days later, on June 6th, a man opened the door of his wooden house in Norway. Captain Roald Amundsen (at the same time as storyteller, standing outside the house for a minute. He smiled, and walked quickly away from the house to the sea. He got onto the ship, and talked and laughed quietly with his friend – Olav Bjaaland). Olav Bjaaland (smiled at Roald Amundsen) North Pole, here we come, Captain. Captain Roald Amundsen Yes. Fram is going to the Arctic. Storyteller Everyone on the Fram was ready to go to the North Pole, to the Arctic. Amundsen wanted to go there, too. But first he wanted to go south. His friends didn´t know that. At midnight on June 6th, the Fram moved quietly away from Amundsen´s house, out to sea.
Scénář 2 CHAPTER 2 – The race Storyteller The Fram went to an island in the south of Norway. It was a very little island, with only one small woodem house, two trees – and nearly a hundred dogs. Olav Bjaaland Look at that! It is an island of dogs! There are dogs in the water, near the trees, on the house – dogs everywhere! Hassel, Lindstrøm (came out of the house) Captain Roald Amundsen Hassel, Lindstrøm! It´s good to see you! How many dogs do you have for me? Hassel Ninety-nine, Roald. The best ninety-nine dogs from Greenland. And they´re very happy! They don´t work; they just eat and play all day! They´re having a wonderful summer here! Captain Roald Amundsen Good, good. (laughed) But that´s finished now. Hej, Bjaaland! Stop laughing – come down here and help me. Let´s get all these dogs onto the ship! Storyteller It wasn´t easy. The dogs were fat and strong, and they didn´t want to go on the ship. Then Fram went out to sea again. Johansen Why are we bringing dogs with us? We are going thousands of kilometres south, past Cape Horn, and then north to Alaska. Why not wait, and get dogs in Alaska? Helmer Hanssen Don´t ask me. I don´t understand it. Storyteller On September 9th, Amundsen called everyone to the back of the ship. Captain Roald Amundsen (stood quietly and looked at his men. Behind him there was a big map of Antarctica). Boys, I know you are unhappy. Well, I´m going to answer all those questions now, today. We wanted to be the first men at the North Pole. But last year an American found the North Pole. So America was the first to the North Pole, not Norway. Captain Scott, the Englishman, is going to the South Pole this year. He wants to put his British flag there. Well, boys. Do we want the British to put their flag to the South Pole first Let´s go to the South Pole, and put the Norwegian flag there before the British. Olav Bjaaland (laughed) Yes. Why not? It´s a ski race, isn´t it, and the English can´t ski! It´s a wonderful idea, of course. Let´s go!
Scénář 3 CHAPTER 3 – The Ponies Storyteller On October 27th, The Terra Nova arrived in Wellington, New Zealand. Captain Robert Falcon Scott (came off the ship) Newspaper man (walkend up to Scott) Captain Scott! Captain Scott! Can I talk to you, please! Captain Robert Falcon Scott Yes, of course. What do you want to know? Newspaper man Are you going to win? Captain Robert Falcon Scott Win? Win what? Newspaper man Win the race to the South Pole of course. It´s a race between you and Amundsen now. Look at this! (he gave to Scott a newspaper) Captain Robert Falcon Scott Give me that! (he said angrily!) Newspaper man Well, Captain Scott. Who´s going to win this race? Tell me that? Captain Robert Falcon Scott This is stupid! It´s not a race! I´m not interested in Amundsen, or in races! (walked back onto his ship) Storyteller Captain Scott had more more, more money than Amundsen, sixteen men, the motor sledges and ponies. But the ponies were old, and some of them were ill. Titus Oates (asked Scott) Where is their food, Captain? Captain Robert Falcon Scott Here! (he opened a door) Titus Oates (looked inside) We need more food than this, Captain Scott! These ponies are going to work in the coldest place on earth! Captain Robert Falcon Scott We can´t take more food on this ship, Titus. But doesn´t matter! They are the best ponies on earth. Storyteller Later that night, Oates wrote to his mum that Scott made a lot of mistakes and Antarctica is a very dangerous place.