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Bangli Regency Bangli district
From the eight districts and one city in Bali, Bangli District is the only district that does not have coastal areas.
However, Bangli has had the largest lake in Bali, namely Danau Batur, to irrigate most of the agricultural areas in southern Bali.
subak in Bali look Pura Ulun Danu, Danau Batur as a servant to the Deity Vishnu worship, the affairs of Nature.
located at the middle of the mountains and plateaus island of Bali, the temperature in the Bangli region is quite cool all night to Kintamani region.
With the cold weather is always misty and rain, the Bangli region Bangli especially in mountain areas Kintamani, a producer of fruit with a good quality. above 400 meters above sea level, a mountainous area in the north Bangli become the largest producer of bamboo in Bali .
a traditional Balinese building in almost all regions Bali using bamboo as a material for the roof . In addition, the roof of the building in the traditional mountain areas Bangli even using bamboo as a cover for the shingle roof.
Dalam hal sejarah pemerintahan di masa lalu saat jaman kemerdekaan, Bangli pernah memiliki peran yang amat penting terutama pada akhir abad 10 dan awal abad 11 saat masa jaya pemerintahan Raja Udayana dari Dinasti Warmadewa.
In the case of the history of governance in the past when the era of independence, Bangli has been a very important role, especially in the late 10 th century and early 11 century when the victorious government of King Udayana dynasty Warmadewa. Berbagai prasasti temuan dan catatan penting tentang sejarah perjalanan Bali banyak ditemukan di daerah Bangli. Various inscriptions and important findings about the history of travel Bali found in many areas Bangli. Pura Bukit Panulisan di utara Kintamani bisa memberi gambaran perjalanan sejarah Bai dari peninggalan arkeologi yang banyak tersimpan di pura itu. Pura Bukit Panulisan in the north Kintamani can give an
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Generated: 27 January, 2017, 02:37
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overview of the Bai travel history that many archaeological relics are stored in the temple. Gong Gede di Pura Ulun Danu pun dipercaya sebagai peninggalan kuno yang berhasil diselamatkan tatkala Pura Ulin Danu yang berlokasi di lembah Gunung Batur hancur tertimbun lahar sekitar tahun 1926. Gong Gede in the Pura Ulun Sagittarius are as relics of the ancient Temples saved when Ulin Sagittarius, which is located in the valley of Mount destroyed buried lava shelf around the year 1926.
Tatanan masyarakat dan dialek bicara masyarakat di daerah pegunungan Kintamani menunjukkan bahwa bukan saja dokumen prasasti yang membuktikan Bangli memegang peran penting dalam sejarah namun tatanan masyarakat Bali Mula pun masih terpelihara dengan baik. Public order and public speaking dialect in the mountain areas Kintamani shows that not only documents that prove the inscription Bangli important role in the history of public order, but Bali is still maintained Start with the good. Model hunian penduduk di daerah Pengotan, Panlipuran, Bayung Gde, Sribatu, dan desa kuna lainnya membuktikan struktur kependudukan yang tertata baik di masa lalu. Model dwelling population in the region Pengotan, Panlipuran, Bayung Gde, Sribatu, and other villages there to prove the structure of population that fit well in the past.
Selain udara yang sejuk dan pemandangan yang indah di seputar Danau Batur, berbagai peningglan sejarah di daerah Bangli adalah potensi besar yang mendukung perkembangnan pariwisata Bangli. Besides the cool air and beautiful scenery around Lake shelf, the various peningglan Bangli history in the region is great potential to support tourism perkembangnan Bangli. Berbagai sarana penginapan dan restoran pun telah dibangun seiring dengan berkembangnya pariwisata Bali. Various restaurants and lodging facilities was built in line with the development of tourism Bali.
Air Terjun Dusun Kuning (Dusun Kuning Waterfall) Yellow water Hamlet (Hamlet Yellow Waterfall) Di bagian selatan sekitar 6 km dari kota Bangli, di Desa Taman Bali terdapat sebuah air terjun. In the south, about 6 km from the city of Bangli, Village Park in Bali, there is a waterfall. Karena letaknya di Desa Dusun Kuning maka dinamakan air terjun Dusun Kuning. Because of the location in the village of Hamlet called the Yellow waterfall Yellow Hamlet. Air terjun ini berada di ketinggian 25 meter diatas permukaan Sungai Melangit yang mengalir ke arah selatan. This waterfall is 25 meters in height above the surface soar River that flows south. Lokasi ini dapat dicapai dengan beragam jenis transportasi dan dari desa kecil ini dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki sejauh 500 meter. This location can be achieved with a variety of transportation and from the small village can be reached by walking as far as 500 meters. Daerah yang dingin dengan udara yang sejuk dikombinasi dengan hijaunya dedaunan meningkatkan pesona air terjun alami. The region with cold air combined with the cool green foliage enhance the enchantment of a natural waterfall. Dan tidak jauh dari tempat ini terdapat hutan yang dihuni oleh ratusan kera. And not far from this place there is a forest inhabited by hundreds of primates.
Desa Batukaan (Batukaan Village) Village Batukaan (Batukaan Village) Desa Batukaang terletak kira-kira 35 km dari Kintamani. Batukaang village is located approximately 35 km from
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Kintamani. Dikenal sebagai tujuan wisata bagi mereka yang khususnya tertarik pada kebudayaan. Known as a destination for those who are especially interested in the culture.
Gunung Batur (Mount Batur) Mount shelf (servant Mounted) Gunung yang sampai saat ini masih aktif dengan ketinggian 1,500 meter dari permukaan laut dan membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1 jam perjalanan dari Denpasar. The mountain is still active with the elevation of 1500 meters from the surface of the sea and takes approximately 1 hour trip from Denpasar. Dua letusan yang terjadi pada tahun 1917 dan 1926 serta tahun 1994. Two eruption that occurred in the years 1917 and 1926 and 1994. Dengan danau Batur yang terletak di kaki gunung Batur memberikan suasana pemandangan yang menakjubkan. With Grandma located at the foot of the mountain shelf provides stunning views of the atmosphere. Kegiatan hiking menuju puncak kurang lebih 3 jam untuk menyaksikan Gunung Agung dan Gunung Rinjani. Hiking to the peak of activity more than 3 hours to Mount Agung and Mount Rinjani.
Hutan Bambu (bamboo forest) Bamboo Forest (bamboo forest)
Hutan bambu ini terletak di Desa Kubu Kabupaten Bangli, sekitar 5 km dari kota Bangli. Bamboo forest is located in the village of Kubu Bangli District, about 5 km from the city of Bangli. Disini para pengunjung dapat menemukan berbagai jenis bambu seperti bambu Petung, bambu Talang tetapi juga yang menarik dari kebun ini adalah suara dari pohon bambu saat bersentuhan antara yang satu dengan lainnya ketika diterpa angin. Here visitors can find various types of bamboo petung such as bamboo, bamboo Talang, but also the interest of the garden is the sound of bamboo trees when contact between the one with the wind at the other.
Kawasan Batur (Batur Area) Area shelf (shelf Area) Name 0byek Batur area Tourism adjusted to the potential of the Mount Batur and Danau Batur. Pura Batur, yang namanya berasal dari nama Gunung Batur, merupakan salah satu Pura Sad Khayangan yang diemong oleh Warga Desa Batur. Pura Batur, whose name comes from the name of Mount Batur, is one of the Pura Sad Khayangan managed by Village residences. Mount Batur erupted on year 1917, causing the temple was located at the foot of the West with the villagers moved to a place that can look now. From Penelokan able to see Danau Batur and white waves that aside. In this area many boat that serve tourists and passengers serve from the village of Kedisan to Trunyan Village. Para nelayan sibuk mengail ikan mujair dan hasil tangkapannya itu di bawa ke Kabupaten Bangli untuk dijadikan makanan khas Bangli yaitu sate mujair. The fishermen busy fish and carp, java tilapia fish to make sate Mujair, Bangli typical Bangli sate carp, java tilapia. Batur Regions are height of 900 m above the sea level, temperature with cool air in the daytime and cold at night. From the capital city of Province, the area is a distance of 65 km from the capital city as far as 23 km Bangli.
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Pura Batur merupakan tempat Pemujaan Umat Hindu di seluruh Bali khususnya Bali Tengah, Utara dan Timur memohon keselamatan di bidang persawahan. Pura Batur is a place where people of Hindu worship in the entire Bali
Kawasan Toya Bungkah (Toya Bungkah Area) Toya area hunk (Toya chunk Area)
Toyobungkah region, including the Batur Village, located at the foot of Mount Batur or edge West of Danau Batur that are less than 6 km from the Kadiaman village, 38 km from the city of Bangli and 78 km from the city of Denpasar.
Toyobungkah is a source of Hot Spring Nature used to soak the body and can cure diseases especially skin diseases. The water put on a small pond which is located next to Danau Batur.
Because the location of waterspring near Danau Batur, the views of the lake to be free, at a distance where the beautiful scenery of the northeastern village of Danau Batur invisible, Trunyan village surrounded by the green hill.
Besides the scenery is very beautiful, Toyobungkah wheater is cool, so it is not surprising when a famous poet and writer Sutan Ali Syahbana choose Toyobungkah as a place to establish a building called the Hall of Art Toyobungkah the place that is used for a variety of arts.
In the journey to Toyobungkah we will enjoy the beautiful panoramic views, such as panoramic mountain and danau Batur, cempedak or jackfruit trees and other vegetation and piles of former ex-lava, which is a reef that looks beautiful.
In the east the road toward Toyobungkah there is a shrine that is large enough called Pura Jati.
Toyobungkah have beauty, so many foreign and domestic tourists visited to hike Mount Batur, tent, bathing, recreation or the view from near the beauty.
In this place there are two ponds near the hot water is natural hot water pool that can be used for the public, especially people around this place, hot water swimming is
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the one already built with walls penyengker, this place is provided for the foreign tourists and visitors the archipelago.
Narmada Baliraja Narmada Baliraja
In the village Tamanbali can be found park that is a relic (era) that had ruled the kingdom there.
The ponds is used as a place of recreation by the king and the ancient temple to respect the Almighty Slot Tuta Harum Tamanbali. Narmada Baliraja Park is located approximately 5 km south of Bangli.
Pura Pucaksari (Pucaksari Temple) Pura Pucaksari (Pucaksari Temple)
Located in the Pulasasri hills at Peninjoan Village, cool wheather. From the temple visibly the views of south coast of Bali.
At sunrise, sunshine light back from the mountain Agung, in the midst of trees that grow near the temple, seen from a distance, the spread of foliage that looks pure and nature.
From the top of the hill, see how home village are concentrated in the valleys and hills surrounding natural complement, as though a part of all this.
Penglipuran Heroes Monument
Monument was established to commemorate the warrior in Bangli led by Captain Son Agung Gede Muditha with 18 members.
The nine-storeyed Monument was established in 1959, wide areas with 1,5 ha, Balinese style with parking area, the ceremonies field and Cura Yudha building.
Monument was established in the Panglipuran village because in this village, Captain AAAnom Muditha to death by the NICA (The Netherlands) in the Revolution
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Generated: 27 January, 2017, 02:37