GERAKANPRAMUKA KWARTIRNASIONAL JalanMedanMerdekaTimurNo.6 . Jakarta10110. lndonesia Q02B -oo-H Nomol Lampiran : 1 (satu)berkas Perihal
: 3I"t Asia Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree2017
KepadaYth. 1. ParaKetuaKwartir DaerahGerakanPramuka 2. PamKetua GrrgusDepanPramukadi PerwakilanRI 3. ParaPimpinaaSatuanKomunitas(SAKO) GerakanPramuka SalamPramuka" Berdasarkanir:fomrasi butetin I dan 2 yatg kami terima dan The Scout Associqtion of Mongolia, kami beritahukandenganhormat bahwakegiatan 3/" Asia PaciJicRegionalScout Jamboree2017 akandilaksanakanpadatanggal27 Juli s.d. 2 Agustus 2017 di LJlaanbaatar, Mongolia. Kwartir Nasional GerakanPramukamemberikankesempatankepadaPramulhaPenggalang, Penegakdan Pembina Pramuka untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini denganpersyaratansebagai berikut: A. Persyaratanpesefia: 1. PramukaPenggalangPutra/PutridanPenegakPutralPutri 2. Benrsiaantara12-17 tahun 3. . Berbadansehat,dinyalakandenganSuratKeteranganDokter 4. Suratijin tertulis dari keduaorangtua ditandatanganidi atasmaterai6 ribu, asli 5. Suratijin dari Kepala Sekolah,asli 6. FotocopyKartu Keluarga(KK) 7. FotocopyKTP keduaorangtua 8. FotocopyAkta kelahiran 9. FotocopySuratNikah orangtin 10.Pasfoto berwamauntuk pembuatanVisa 2 (dua)buatr"ukuran4 x 6 11. Mendaoatrekomendasitertulis dari Ka Kwardanva 12.Dapatberbahasa lnggrisdenganbaik 13.Memiliki Karhr TandaAnggotaGerakanPramuka 14. Sanggupmembayarbiaya yang diperlukan(terlampir). pembinapendamping: B. Persyaratan 1. PembinaPramuka 2. Pemah menjadi pembina pendampingpada kegiatan Intemasional atau minimal memiliki lazahKMD 3. Berusia21 s.d.55tahun 4. No. 3 s.d. 14 samadeneandi atas.
Telp.:(021)3507645 Fax.:(021)3507647 ^ .
[email protected] E-mail: kwama6@pramuka,or.ld . i{omepage:
lzternational ServiceTeam(IST) C. Persyaratan 1. PramukaPandegadanPembinaPramuka 2. Pemah'meqiadi pembina pendampingpada kegiatan Intemasional atau minimal memiliki ljazah KMD 3. Berusia18 s.d.55 tahun 4. No. 3 s.d.14samadengandi atas. Rincianbiaya meliputi biayatiket Jakarta- ChinggisKhaanIntemationalAiryod @P),canp /ee, visa danperlengkapankontingen,terlampir. Kami mengharapkanpemberitahuankeikutsertaanpesertadan peltmasanbiayajamboredapat tanggal30 April 2017. diterimaKwamasselambat-lambatnya PembayaranFeedapatdikirimkan melalui rekeningKwarnas: KwarnasGerakanPramuka Bank BRI KCK Jakarta Nomorrekening: 0206-01-000056-30.8 Mohon edara:rini dapatditeruskankepadaparaKa Kwarcabdi jajaran Kwarda Kakak. Demikian,atasperhatiandan kerja samaKakak, kami ucapkanterima kasih' GerakanPramuka
KepadaYth.: 1 . Menteri Luar Negeri RI J.
Ketua Kwamas Gerakan Pramuka Para Gubemur selaku Ka Mabida Gerakan Pramuka'
3 4
USD ($) Biaya ttket pesawat Jakarta Chingiis 17.500.000 Khaan Fee peserta dan Pembina Pendampins Fee IST Visa Perlengkapan dan biaya pemantapan
Dengan pesawat Korean Air (PP)
200 180 JJ
Catatan: 1. Jumlahbiaya keseluruhanyan€ diperlukanper peserta: a. Pesertadan PembinaPendamping = 1) Tiket pesawat : 2) Feepeserta:200 USD ($) xRp. 13.398,: 3) Visa : 53USD ($) x Rp. 13.398,: 4) Perlengkapandan biaya pemantapan Jumlah TST l) Tiket pesawat 2) Feepeserta: 180USD ($) xRp. 13.398,3) Visa: 53 USD ($) x Rp. 13.398,-
4) Perlengkapan danbiayapemantTffirr"O
: : : = =
Rp. RP, Rp. Rp. Rp.
Rp. Rp. Rp. Rp. Rp.
2. Harga tiket diperoleh dari sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. 3. lnformasi harga dolar diperoleh dari klikbca per tanggal 9 Januari 2017
4. Nilai tukar dolar harapdisesuaikanpadasmt k€bemngkatan. Januari2017
Whatis in Bullotin . Welcome . Contingentregistrationand payments . Registrationsteps ' \ /hats includedin the Jamboreefee . Entrypoints .Applyingfor a visa . HomeHosPitality . International ServiceTeam . Medicalcare at the Jamboree . FirstHeadsof ContingentVisit
BayarjargalDamdindagva, Chairman,APR ScoutJamboreeCommittee, SecretaryGeneral ScoutAssociationof Mongolia
DearScouts, Monulaanbaatar, as manyas 8,000scoutsandscoutersJromall oveltheworldin Nalramdal, ln twoyears,wewillbe welcoming and of Mongolia ttadltion and culture to see you to Mongolia a visit offer greaiopportunity to golia.We areveryexcitedaboutthis modernlife. in in thefirstissueof Bulletin,a wordnomaddescribed As described is: Go Nomad. Ourthemefor the3lstApR ScoutJambofee place to anolher' movingfromone 1ocations, Wkipediais a memberof a comirunityof peoplewholivein different to meetwith all over theworld,givinga lot of opportunities from of scouts energy with will b; fllled Jamboree that the we envisage of nature, fill beduty and their lives to witlbringinnovation andthattheJamboree thoughts newfriend;,barn newideasanddifferent ofscouts,thosewhowilllivein muchsmaller to thedevelopment willbea greatplaceto contribute lll"u"rlyu""ur"otnuttheJamboree world. with1stHeadof contingent conjunction (Pre-Jamboree) Jamboree ln the summerof 2016,we willbe holdingthe2ndInternational jamboree an actualcamp' to visit an opportunity leaderc pacific contingent offering willbe Scout Regional Msitof 3lstAsia in 20'17' of yourgreattripto Jamboree adventure andexperience Pleasetakethisopportunity
31stA$lA PACIFICREGIONALSCOUTJAMBOREE Contingentregistralionand payments
Remittanceof FeG
for the 31st Asia PacificRegional Contingentregistration will be managedby JamboreeRegistration scoutJamboree form shouldbesendregistration Eachcontingent Departmenl file participanis' datain separate by emailandeditindividual It is noeded.
Fee must be remittedto the followingbank account:
AccountName:ScoutAssociationof Mongolia
needto takein orderto comHerearetlvostepsContingents pleteparticipant registration.
Swiftcode:TDBM MN UB
form(FromMay2016to endof April 1. SendingRegistration 20171 pleasecontact fom willbe available Registration Jamboree shouldbe sendregoffice'Eachcontingent withJamboree foimbeforeendofApril2017. istration fee Jamboree 2. Transferring of eachcontingent therogistration Aftervouhavecompleted feetorfollowing sumof Jamboree appropriate neediransfer bankaccount, untilfullpayment willnotcomplete Pleasenotethatregistration indicatedon the formis receivedby the JamboreeOfiice'
UnitLeadfeeforParticipants' The3lstAPRScoutJamboree ers.IST t$T Unltleaders Particioants,
Nameof the Bank: TradeDevelopmentBankof Mongolia. AccountNumber: 499032319
Addressof the Bank: 142'10PeaceAvenue 19, Sukhbaatardistrict,1st khoroo' Mongolia Ulaanbaatar, Addressof the AcoountHolder: Chingelteidistrict,3rd khoroo,Baruunselbe,Building8/E, Unit47 Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia
notethe followingwhen makingbanktransfsrs: Please ' ' Each transtermust inctudeboth the name of your Nationat Scout organizationand a referenceto what the "deposit for 100 fayment snoud cover (for example people") Pleaseinformthe JamboreeOflice abouteverytransfer the vou mat", includingthe date ihe transferwas sent' information reference the sent, was it wnlctr 6ant trom you believewe shall relou inciuaeo and the amount ceive. The amountcreditedto your NationalScout Organiza' bank charges4ppliedby your bank tion*ttt u" nut ot "ny AND our bank upon receiptof the transfer' please ensure When tollowingthe payment schedule' to be transfers bank for time sutficient itrai vou attowshown' dates the to orr a""o,nt accordingto "iJoiieo (AmericanDollar) All paymentsmust be made in USD
What'sincludedin the Jamboreefee
Payment schedule earlypaymentof in orderto encourage Overseascontingents as folfoes,a discountsystemhasbeendeveloped Jamboree beforelstApril2017, mustbe received lows.Thefinalpayment 5%willbe charged. or an additional 10%discount by 31stMay Fullfeereceived 2016 Full fee received from 1st June2016by 3'1stDecember 2016
from1stJanu- Nodiscount Fullfeereceived ary2017until1stApril2017 after1stAPril 5% addltionalcharge received Payment 2017
Each Contingentwill needto determinethe fee payableby each memberofthe Contingentfor the 3'l st Asia PacificRegionalScout JamboreeIncludingthe additionalcosts such as lnlandtravelandinsumnce.Beloware the itemsincluded in the Jamboreefee. The Jamboree fee for participanls includes: 1. The JamboreeProgramme 2. All mealsfor the durationof the Jamboreefrom dinner on 27lh July2017 untildinneron 2th August2017. 3. Upon arrival,transportfrom one of the specifiedentry pointsto lhe Jamboreesite. 4. Atthe end oflhe Jamboree,transportfrom the Jamboree site to a specifiedexit Point Unitcookingequipment. 6. Medicalcare in the case of illnessor accidsnts,including minorsurgeryor treatmeit when necessaryduring the oeriod ol the Jamboree.edicationand any costrs are NOT includedin the fee. relaiingto hospitalization
The Jamboree fee for memb€rs of the International ServiceTeam (lST) includes: 1. Brieflngand faining (includingrole specifictraining) Driorto the arrivalof Participants. 2. The JamboreeIST Experience,includinga programme of actlvitiesfor when not requiredto work. 3. All mealsfor the durationof the Jamboreefrom dinner on 25th July 2017 untillunchon 3rd August2017. 4, Upon arrival,transportfrom one of the specifiedentry points. 5. At the end of the Jamboree,transportfrom the Jamboree site to a specifiedexit Point. 6. Medicalcare in the case of illnessor accidents,includ' ing minorsurgeryor treatmentwhen necessaryduring the periodof the Jamboree.edicationand any costs are NOT includedin the fee relatingto hospitalization
Entry points
Applylngfor a visa
Transport to andftomthedesignated entrypointsis included in theJamboree fee.
It any memberof you[ Contingentrequiresa visa to enter Mongolia,except for those bearingpassportsof countries that are exemptfrom the visa requirement,pleasetake the followingsteps to ensurethat the requirementsfor entry to Mongoliaarb satisfiedfor everymemberof your Contingent.
For ISTand CMTmembers, transportwill be available on 25thand26th(AM)ofJulyandon 3fdofAugust.ForparticipatingScoutsandUnitLeaders, transport willbe available on 26thand27th(AM)ofJulyand3rdofAugust.
1. t
ln additionto theseentrypoints,eachContingent canalso to and makeitsownarangement for arrivinganddeparting sitedirectly. fromtheJamboree Flightsto ulaanbaatar chinggisKhaanInternationalAirport fromTokyoandOsaka(Japan),Seoul(South are available (Germany), lstanbul(Turkey), Korea),Bedinand Frankturt Beijing(China)andHongKong. lrkutsk(Russia), Moscow, Staton:Therearerailwayconnections Railway Ulaanbaatar railwayvia Naushkiandto the Chito the Trans-Siberian neserailwaysystemviaJining. aboutconentrypointinfuturebulletin Wewillmoreupdates nectionflightandnewairportin underconstruction.
5. 6. 7.
Decideto send a Contingentto 3lAPRSJ Sendthe Headof contingentForm Sendthe ContingentRegistrationFormto the Jamboree Office. Check whether nationalsof your Contingentrequirea visa in orderto enterMongolia,lf a visa is required,follow the prescribedapplicatlonprocedureio obtainone. Pleasefind if your Contingentneededvisa to this Bul letin{Appendix1) Completethe registrationof individualparticipant. Transferthe Jamboreefee. Book air tickets for travel between your country and Mongolia Contactthe JamboreeOffice, requestingvisa support letter.(Pleasenotethatwe cannotsendthe letterunless steps 4-6 are already completed.)Please send along with passportcopy. Submit your applicationto a MongolianFmbassy or Consulate.
Home Ho$pitality
Medicalcare at the Jamboree
Home Hospitalityprogrammewill be availablefor members ,JfContingents attendingthe 3lstAsia PacificRegionalScout Jamboreeat no additionalcost.Scoutswill staywithfamilies in Mongoliafor 2-3 days beforeor afterthe Jamboree.
Therewill be a healthcareserviceat the Jamboree24 hoursa day to providecare in the event of injuryor illnessthat cannot be treatedat the Unit or the Contingent.Medicationand any are not includedin the fee. costsrelatedto hospitalization Contingentsshouldbe aware of all pre-existingconditionsof all their membersand should note that medicalcare for preexistingconditionsis not coveredby the Jamboreefee.
The Home Hospitalityprogrammewill be a great opportunlty for Scoutsto deepentheir understandingof Mongolian culture,customs,and way of liig, and to cultivatemutualunderstanding. Pleasenote that oach contingentwlll be asked to arrange the transportationto/fromthe designatedHome Hospitality areas.To help us in planning,we have very limited list of home hospitalityContingentsare asked to provldean estimate ofthe numbersof Scoutsand LeadersPlease note that the Home HospitialityProgrammewill be anangedon a first-come,first servedbasis
1. JamboreeHospital The JamboreeHospitalwill providethe most comprehensive levolof careavailableat the Jamboreesite. lf complicatedsurgery or diagnosisis required,.thepatientwlll be transferredto an offsltehospital.Any treatmentat the offsitehospitalwill be availableat cost, and Unit Leaderswill need to accompany the patient.In addition,cases may arise in whlch contingents need to arrangetheir own transportationto/from the offsite hospital. 2. FirstAidPoints FirstAid Pointswitl be locatedaroundthe Jamboreesite during the programme.FirstAid Staffwill be stationedto provide treatmsntfor injuryand illness.
lnternational$ervice Team of lSTwillbeneededto run that1,000members Weestimate ServiceTeam(lST)is open TheInternational the Jamboree. to activeScoutsagedat least'18at thestartof theJamboree. In addioftheISTshouldbeableto speakEnglish. Members of the fromtheevening to beavailable tiontheyareexpected of the3 August2017. 25 July2017untiltheafternoon The IST membersare expectedto work hardand fulfilla participants andsupporting vitalrolein termsof motivating programme, Some andtacilities, theservlces, andprovlding rolesmayrequirelongworkinghours,or workingat night. the is to ensurethatalltheyoungPeopleattending Their.iob thattheywill recall Jamboreehavean inspiringexperience theirlives.All lsT throughout andsatisfaction withpleasure andotheradultstaffwillb6 campingin theAdultcampArca partof th€Jamboree site locatedin thesouthwestern appointan ISTcontact thateachContingent Werecommend oerconwhois focusedon ISTissues
VISIT FIRSTHEADOF CONTINGENT which is Jamboreesite of 3l stAPR Scout First Headsof ContingentVisit will be held from 29thto 30thJuly 2016at Nairamdal, to at each contingentto send representatives We recommend pl;nning to have two Headsof ContingentVisits. iur!oi"". W" "r" possible both). leastone of them (if of a 31APRSJHesdof contingentvisit will be held This will be a Duringthe 2nd InternalionalJamboreewhich is pre-jamboree great;pportunityto visitthe Jamboreesite' and get an imageofthe Jamboreein Nairamdal'
Arrival and DeParture
Visitwillbe heldat the Naifamdal, ihe Headsof continge-nt ScoutJamboree siteof3lstAsia PacifiiRegional Jamboree
Who shouldattend
and is fol Headof Contingent TheHeadsof ContingentVisit have lfyou ManagementTeams' oftheContingent members Officeof yourHeadof contheJamboree notyet informed the as tinq;nt.Dleasedo so as soon possibleYouwillfind 'l Bulletin from Form of Contingent HeaO ot no-oointrnent
For arrivaland departure,transportfrom the followingtwo oointswill be arranged: Airport,and UlaanbaatarStabhinggisKhaanInternational tion. '12:00pmol Particioantsare requestedto arriveon before of 29thoi Julv 2016,ind leavein the afternoon 31st of July from thesetwo arrivatpoints.As for arrival,sinceprogrammewill startin afternoonof 29thofJuly 2016' Pleasenotethat if you are consideringarrivingand departyour inq otherthan meniioneddate' you will needto make oin travelarrangementsto the abovetwo poinisor directly to the Nairamdal.
Programme 29thJuly
Arrival sitevisit Jamboree
Headof Contingentmeeting ClosingCoremony_
Visas please register-as f vouneeda visato enterMongolia, informathe necessary Oncewereceive aspossiUte you apply which with "Jon letter an invitation will issue tion.we ioi vis".pteas"tindif youneededvisato thisBulletin " shouldobtainan entryvisabefore zt. Participan-t iLoounJi* or ConEmbassy fromtheMongolian to li,longorid ir"'":"r'ns cities sulatein mostcaPital
PackaqeOPtions: 'eliii6""til's""t can choose from the 3 options below AII the transportationbetweenulaanbaatarand ;;ti"^; ilui"
Remittance of Fee bankaccount: to thefollowing Feemustbe remitted
andrelevantdocuments on 3othJuly,lD card'Neckerchief
NameoftheBank: Bankof Mongolia' TradeDevelopment
fromtbeLunchon29thJulvto Dinner iliruiit* iit", meals in Nairamdal .. Ootion1: Dormitory suchas toiletand ifri-.*oi" *iff sharea room'Facilities the domitoryand within located are bath) ip"lri" Pleasenotethatprivate partlcipants' "h"*!r. *m i'irrii" "tier the Nairamdal' at "t':,!"J available not "t" "nor"it*ifiti"" Fee:100USD Option2: Hotel be a betteroprfi* otet"tto havea Privatespace'thiswill and ulaanbaataar in room hotet '"'rir'[""i iihgle] vi" to" andfromtheNairamdal' transport "irange Fee:SoUSD+ HotelEe mn/) . E-rv"ngofHot"ttt'ttp://www'bayangolhotel . GrandHillHotel Ootion3. OwnAnanoement please lit" to urrangeyourownaccommodation' iioii*-id iniormtheJamboree Fee:50USD canstayforonemoreday'sothat participants Uponrequest, i.s-s-:Tdtte closing^c^eremonv',Yhicl ilL-v*n'purti"iput" costol :t it L additional at 2016 Julv 3'lst of ui"i contingent of "Head the """ning Please.retum Uiir'sd. n"ga*,i"": 2 to thisBulletin2' Appendix viiitform"attlacneo
AccountNumber:499032319 of Mongolia AccountName:ScoutAssociation swiftcode:TDBMMNUB of the Bank: Address district'1stkhoroo' p,""nue19,sukhbaatar iiii6:p*"" Mongolia Ulaanbaatar, of theAccountHolder: Address 8iB' Building iningult"ioit,n",,3rdkhofoo'Baruunselbe' Mongol'a Unit47 Ula'anbaatar'