VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl
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The CAPE AFRICA under repair in Cape Town Photo : Ian Shiffman ©
EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Pirate killings hit record high
30 killings reported in six months, while number of attacks falls worldwide
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 (KUALA LUMPUR) Pirates killed more seafarers worldwide in the first six months of this year, sinking efforts to curb lawlessness in shipping lanes, a maritime group said. Thirty killings were reported globally from January through June 2004, compared to 16 during the same months last year, the British-based International Maritime Bureau said in a report released by its piracy watch centre in Kuala Lumpur. But while killings increased, the total number of pirate attacks worldwide fell to 182 so far this year from 234 in the first half of 2003, helped by decreasing attacks in places such as India and the Gulf of Aden. But Indonesia alone suffered 50 pirate attacks, the most of any country.
New initiative: Malaysian special forces conducting an anti-piracy exercise in the Straits of Malacca recently. The IMB wants security agencies to increase their presence in piracy-prone areas and injuries.'
That figure did not include another 20 attacks in the Straits of Malacca. Commenting on the rising reports of violence against seamen, IMB director Captain P Mukundan said in the report: 'Law enforcement agencies should thus increase their presence in these hot spots to prevent the loss of lives
The casualty figures were the highest for the first half of any year since at least 1993, the IMB reported. Fifteen deaths occurred in Nigerian waters, where pirates armed with automatic weapons have launched 13 attacks so far this year on commercial ships plying the coast and passenger ferries. 'The increased ferocity and the number of attacks are linked to law and order problems ashore,' the IMB said. 'The (Nigerian) authorities are under pressure and unable to respond adequately to attacks at sea.' Most of the other fatalities were in Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore last week began their first coordinated naval patrols in stepped up attempts to deter piracy and terrorism in the straits, which 50,000 ships travel through every year. 'Only time will tell whether or not these patrols prove effective,' said Noel Choong, head of the IMB's piracy watch centre. 'The countries involved must put in long-term commitment before the situation in these waters can improve significantly.' Other piracy-plagued nations include Ghana and Venezuela, which each suffered five attacks. Brazil, Colombia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam reported three attacks each.
Tricolor operation nears completion All the large sections of the wreck of the Tricolor, the car carrier which sank in the Channel after a collision on December 14, 2002, have now been brought up from the seabed. All nine transversal hull sections into which the vessel was cut have been recovered, as have sections of the vessel’ s double bottom.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 Five hull sections were lifted last year before weather conditions deteriorated. The four remaining sections have been recovered since operations resumed on May 15, followed by four sections of double bottom. Salvor Combinatie Berging Tricolor said that the condition of the sections which were not recovered last year had deteriorated due to their long stay in the water. As a result, it said, it had not been possible to lift them from the seabed as single sections. Instead, they were brought up by grab, which explained why the double bottoms had to be brought up separately. The French maritime prefecture for the Channel and the North Sea, which announced the news last week, said that 8,000 tonnes of debris had been recovered out of an estimated total 12,000 tonnes. Combinatie Berging Tricolor estimated that recovery of the remaining 4,000 tonnes, including a number of cars, would take until the start of the September. The maritime prefecture said that the most delicate phase of the salvage operation had been completed but warned that large pieces of wreckage could still break away and drift as work continued. It said that the salvors would maintain capacity to recover such wreckage at sea, while the prefecture itself would continue to survey the wreck area from the air.
Seaking: 9.900 euro Politie en Kustwacht willen loze reddingen doorrekenen De politie van de Westkust heeft de Franse marine de factuur gevraagd voor de inzet van een helikopter bij de redding van twee tieners uit het Noord-Franse Colfontaine woensdagavond in De Panne. Als het parket de politie volgt, dan wordt voor het eerst het kostenplaatje gepresenteerd van de nodeloze inzet van een rits hulpdiensten, die een stel waaghalzen uit zee redden. Het is donker op zee en de Kustwacht roept meteen ook de helikopter van de Search and Rescue uit Koksijde bij. Op de Wing Ops (Wing Operation Center) wordt de oproep binnen de zeven minuten beantwoord met het opstijgen van de Seaking met aan boord zijn zeskoppige bemanning van een piloot, co-piloot, operator, vluchtingenieur, medici en een redderduiker.
Boven : een Westland SEA KING Mk 48 welke is gestationeerd op Koksijde – foto : Piet Sinke © De heli is in een fluit boven zee en kan gaan zoeken, 's nachts met schijnwerpers, desnoods met warmtemeters. Volgens Kustwachtchef Jacques Loncke kost de inzet van de Seaking-heli 4.950 euro per uur. Daarin zit eveneens het onderhoud van de oude toestellen, de afschrijving, het
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 grondpersoneel en diets meer vervat. De Seaking kost 9.900 euro. (YNG) Elke nodeloze redding draagt niet zo maar een 'plaatje', maar wordt een enorme factuur: 14.245 euro groot. Toch wordt de hele rits telkens uitgestuurd, bij een oproep niet wetende of dit al dan niet om loos alarm gaat.,,Het klopt dat de politie Westkust momenteel de kostprijs aan het opvragen is voor de reddingsactie van woensdagavond. Ze heeft dat bij de Kustwacht opgevraagd en - naar ik vernam ook bij de Franse marine'', stelt nautisch dienstchef Jacques Loncke van de Kustwacht. ,,Op dit moment zijn er nog geen vervolgingen ingesteld voor loze reddingsacties. Dat komt doordat de parketten totnogtoe niet vervolgen, ook niet voor oproepen die loze oproepen zijn of het gevolg van de onbezonnenheid van drenkelingen. Nochtans kost elk van die reddingsacties een fortuin, dat momenteel gedragen wordt door de Belgische belastingbetaler'', aldus Jacques Loncke. Gepeperde rekening De aanleiding is een reddingsactie van woensdagavond voor de kust van De Panne. Twee Franse jongeren, Julien Thiry (15) en Fabian De Antonis (17) uit het Noord-Franse Colfontaine, voeren met een rubberbootje van het strand van De Panne in zee om, voorzien van het nodige bier, een avondje te gaan vissen op zee. Hun speeltje dreef echter af, dreigde te kapseizen en was al in Franse wateren terechtgekomen toen de Belgische hulpdiensten het twee uur later naar het strand konden leiden. De twee werden verhoord en zullen, als het aan de politie ligt, de gepeperde rekening gepresenteerd krijgen. Aangezien de Franse marine niet in zijn financiële kaarten liet kijken, hebben we het prijzenplaatje van de amper twee uur durende actie gereconstrueerd. De omstandigheden dezelfde, de actoren eveneens. Alleen werd de Franse marinehelikopter vervangen door de Belgische Seaking. De kostprijs is 14.245 euro. Een bedrag dat totnogtoe bij elk loos alarm of roekeloze bader door de gemeenschap der Belgen opgehoest werd.
GREENPEACE IN DOCK FOR BREAKING US ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS ALASKAN prosecutors have filed charges against environmental campaign group Greenpeace, the master of one of its vessels and the local ship’ s agent alleging violations of two of the US state’ s environmental laws. The master and agent could be fined up to US$10,000 each while Greenpeace potentially faces a US$200,000 fine. It is alleged that Greenpeace was criminally negligent for operating in state waters without an oil discharge prevention and contingency plan and for failing to file proof of financial responsibility for oil discharge damages. According to an Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) statement learnt on July 14 that the Greenpeace vessel, Arctic Sunrise, had entered Alaska waters without the required oil spill prevention plan and proof of financial responsibility. The statement continues: “According to the information, Greenpeace’ s ship agent Mr Beekman agreed the vessel would remain on anchor in Ketchikan pending compliance with state law; however, on the morning of July 14th the vessel left port while still in violation.” Greenpeace has claimed that the lack of certificates was due to a clerical error.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 However DEC Commissioner Ernesta Ballard said: “There is no such thing as a paperwork violation." Compliance is not a mere technicality. We require evidence of spill response capability because we know that any ship can hit a rock at any time. The vessel relocated from a safe anchorage to navigate remote, high risk, narrow Southeast waters in traditional subsistence use and environmentally sensitive areas during peak salmon runs; without care or consideration for the catastrophic impacts that would occur from failure to have the necessary resources to initiate a response.”
International Shipping Women will hold annual top meeting in Rotterdam Some hundred of professional shipping women from around the world will converge in Rotterdam the second week of September (6 – 8 September 2004) for their annual conference. The event is being held at Congress Centre “The Doelen”in the centre of Rotterdam, just a few days after the well known Rotterdam event Wereldhavendagen (World Port days) held from 3 – 5 September 2004. The title of the conference is: "WISTA: Innovation & Sustainability, Tomorrows Assets?" and main focus of the conference will be on innovation within the maritime industry divided into four elements: legal, environment, people and safety. The conference will be opened by Dutch Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Mrs Karla Peijs. Several other high-profile shipping industry personalities will give speeches, presentation and/or workshops during the conference, including Mr Rob Grool MSc - Managing Director Wallem Group Ltd, Mr Pieter van Agtmaal MSc - Managing Director Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners, Mr Leendert Muller - Director Multraship Towage & Salvage, and Mr J.A.C. Hans van Rooij - Managing Director Smit Salvage. The conference fee for the three day event is € 500 for members and € 750 for non-members. A limited number of press can register for free. Registration can be done online at www.wista.nl or by contacting the event organisers: Maritime Events Promotion P.O. Box 51290 3007 GG Rotterdam The Netherlands F: +31 (0)10 484 60 71 E:
[email protected] WISTA International has some 500 members from 24 countries and holds yearly conferences with the goal to increase the members’knowledge and competence in shipping as well as to build up a network among professional women in the shipping industry. The annual conference was hosted by South Africa last year, and by Norway in 2002. Next year, the conference will be held in Hamburg, Germany. WISTA (Women’ s International Shipping and Trading Association) is an international organisation for women involved in the shipping and trading industries. WISTA is a non-profit organisation that was founded in the 1970s by professional women in shipping in London.
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Dode door explosie op Nederlandse gastanker Door een explosie op de Nederlandse tanker Charlotte is in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag in de Duitse stad Essen een man om het leven gekomen. Het slachtoffer zou de kapitein van het schip zijn, aldus een woordvoerder van de politie. Een bemanningslid raakte volgens de politie gewond.
Twee van de tien tanks op het schip explodeerden door een nog onbekende oorzaak, waarop het schip vlam vatte. De brandweer kreeg het vuur binnen anderhalf uur onder controle, maar het schip liep aanzienlijke schade op. De tanker had zaterdag in de haven van Essen zijn lading, het zeer brandbare nafta (aardolie), gelost en was in de stadshaven voor anker gegaan. ( Foto´s : coll Leo Kramer )
Nine feared dead in Pakistan ship tragedy The nine crew members from a cargo ship that sank on its way from the United Arab Emirates to Pakistan are probably dead, officials said yesterday. The body of a man washed ashore early on Sunday near Sunera Point, about 30 km west of the ship's destination in the port city of Karachi, said Faisal Edhi, an official at the Edhi Foundation relief agency, which is helping search for the missing sailors. Doctors at a hospital in Sunera Point are trying to establish the identity of the deceased, but they believe he was one of the crew, Edhi said. The Pakistani ship Qadder-ur-Rahman, carrying food and electrical goods, left Dubai for Karachi on July 12 and lost contact with its shipping agent in Karachi on July 19, said Maritime Security Agency spokesman Nadeem Tahir. The ship's wreckage was found three days later about 70 km west of Karachi. No bodies were found in it but there were no signs of survivors, he said. Mr Nadeem said the shipwreck was likely caused by rough seas, which are common during the monsoon season.
ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES PSi-Daily Shipping News
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K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
[email protected] Telex : 24390 wosh nl
P&O Nedlloyd feels heat to go Dutch on services P&O NEDLLOYD is coming under intense pressure from both its Grand Alliance partners and customers to shift some services from Rotterdam to Amsterdam. While four of the five consortium members are ready to move a number of calls to the almost empty Ceres Paragon Terminal, P&O Nedlloyd has so far resisted. The deadlock is said to be causing considerable tension within the alliance, with unanimous agreement needed before any ships can be re-routed. Relations are particularly strained between P&O Nedlloyd and NYK, which owns the Amsterdam terminal. The Japanese line acquired the facility when it bought Ceres Terminals nearly two years ago. The purchase included the Paragon facility in Amsterdam that is designed to work a ship from both sides. However, while the innovative concept has attracted plenty of interest, it has not yet secured any deepsea commercial business. With the major northwest Europe container ports heavily congested right now, most of the Grand Alliance lines back the idea of moving some services to the state-of-the-art facility. “We can’ t really leave Amsterdam empty when ships are suffering from delays at other ports,”HapagLloyd chief executive Adolf Adrion said in support of a move. “Why not use it?” James Kirsop, deputy managing director of NYK (Europe), said moving some Grand Alliance calls to the Ceres terminal “would greatly improve the reliability of the services we are offering through the Benelux ports,”while there would almost certainly be cost savings. The other two Grand Alliance members, OOCL and Malaysia International Shipping Corp, are believed to be of similar opinion.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 Privately, those carriers that want to use Amsterdam claim there is no rational argument against such a move, particularly now that cargo interests have taken up the cause. The Dutch shippers’council EVO last week urged Rotterdam and Amsterdam to set aside their rivalry and work together to solve the congestion crisis at Europe’ s largest port. EVO also issued an appeal to shipping lines “to no longer ignore Amsterdam as a serious alternative”. Deepsea ships are regularly waiting 24 hours to be worked in Rotterdam because of the unprecedented volume of cargo, while barge operators are being crippled by delays of several days. The gridlock is likely to worsen as several more Asia-Europe services start in the coming weeks. But the Amsterdam terminal could bring some relief, and would be able to gear up for mainline services within 24-48 hours, chief executive Pieter Bas Bredius said on Friday. Those keen to take advantage of the pristine facility have identified two Grand Alliance Europe-Asia services that deploy smaller tonnage which would be suitable, loops A and E, and also think some transatlantic services that use medium-size tonnage could switch. P&O Nedlloyd’ s opposition is based partly on the possible disruption such a move would cause to its own inland distribution network and block train services to and from Rotterdam. “It’s not proven,”one P&O Nedlloyd manager said of the Ceres facility. But that position is dismissed by others who claim that Amsterdam’ s hinterland connections and barge links to Rotterdam are perfectly adequate. P&O Nedlloyd is also partnering Rotterdam stevedore ECT in a joint venture to build a dedicated terminal in the port, and is thought to be anxious to protect future calls there. However, the EuroMax facility is not due to be completed until late 2007, and Grand Alliance members wanting to put some traffic through Amsterdam say they need extra capacity now, not in three years time. Both P&O Nedlloyd and ECT have discounted talk that the EuroMax start-up could be even later than that because it has yet to receive European Commission approval. The joint venture will not necessarily require clearance from Brussels, said P&O Nedlloyd director Rutger van Slobbe. “We’ re still discussing whether notification is needed,”he told Lloyd’ s List. The European Commission also dismissed speculation that the project was being investigated by its competition directorate. But in such an awkward atmosphere, there have been plenty of claims and counter-claims. Adding to the less than cordial state of affairs between the alliance’ s two biggest members is the fact Mr Bredius was previously in charge of terminal development at P&O Nedlloyd before moving to Ceres, a sore point in some quarters.
NAVY NEWS Navy to join Rock party The Royal Navy is to mark the 300th anniversary of the capture of Gibraltar next week by despatching the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Alan West, and a small flotilla, it was announced yesterday. The celebrations will infuriate Spain, which claims the Rock and which takes offence at every British formal acknowledgement of its possession. The flotilla, which will include the frigate Grafton and the US guided missile destroyer USS McFaul, is due to arrive on July 31. On Aug 4 Gibraltar's parliament will meet in a special session followed by a "Freedom Parade".
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The Dutch guided missile frigate F 831 JAN VAN AMSTEL operating along the Dutch coast Photo : Capt. Hans Koster ©
Navy Frigate and tanker deploy to Pacific and south east asia The Navy tanker HMNZS ENDEAVOUR will accompany the frigate, HMNZS TE KAHA on a fivemonth deployment to Australia and South East Asia departing Devonport Naval Base on Monday July 26, 2004 at 2:00 pm. The deployment will see the ships represent New Zealand in a variety of operational exercises, activities and Defence Diplomacy visits. The deployment provides an opportunity for the New Zealand and allied navies to train together to enhance practices experienced during operational missions such as Operation Enduring Freedom. Commander Joint Forces New Zealand, Major General Martyn Dunne says "the deployment maintains the Defence Force's combat capability in a maritime environment. It demonstrates New Zealand's ability to contribute effectively to Closer Defence Relations and supporting regional aims and objectives of the Government of New Zealand". Te Kaha and Endeavour will also take part in Exercise BERSAMA LIMA a military exercise in the South China Sea contributing to the security of the Asia Pacific region through the Five Power Defence Arrangement of which New Zealand is a partner.
Two British navy ships dock in Philippines' Subic for exercises Two British navy ships docked in a former US naval base north of the Philippines capital Manila Sunday for joint exercises with local forces. HMS Exeter and RFA Grey Rover will stay in the Subic freeport for four days on a goodwill visit and to demonstrate their ability to operate in areas such as the Asia Pacific, port officials said. The crew of 316 will also be conducting "joint naval training exercises including warfare technical advice" with the Philippine navy, Exeter's commanding officer Andrew Reed said in a statement. British sailors will also be engaged in outreach programs in local communities in the area, he said. Filipino sailors meanwhile will be given hands on training aboard the ships, said Philippine navy spokesman Captain Ernesto Bonifacio.
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The Brazilian aircraft carrier MINAS GERAIS getting scrapped at Alang beach Photo´s : via André Carvalho
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MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.nl
The REGATTA visited Amsterdam Photo : Joop Marechal ©
The ANASTASIS seen here leaving Birkenhead on the Mersey, together with the Adsteam tug BRAMLEY MOORE, on 5th July 2004. Photo : Paul Fazackerley ©
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CAPE TOWN STAR visited the port of Valparaiso in Chile Photo : Silvio Roberto Smera ©
The BRITISH RELIANCE was built in 1950 and was owned by the British Tanker Co , the shipping organisation of ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL Co Ltd, the vessel measured a deadweight of 16.188 ton , and was having a length of 180 mtr and a beam of 23 mtr Photo : coll Henk de Winde
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Ryanair ontslaat cabinepersoneel wegens verblijf op toilet De Ierse luchtvaartmaatschappij Ryanair heeft twee personeelsleden ontslagen omdat ze een overgeboekte vlucht van het Spaanse Gerona naar Dublin bij gebrek aan zitplaatsen hebben doorgebracht op het toilet. De piloot, die toestemming had gegeven, heeft zelf zijn ontslag ingediend. Ryanair maakte het ontslag vrijdag bekend. Volgens de prijsstunter is iets dergelijks in het twintigjarige bestaan van de maatschappij niet eerder voorgekomen. De Ierse luchtvaartdienst is een onderzoek begonnen. An Airbus-321 jet of British Airways parks behind a jet of Malev Hungarian Airlines on the tarmac after the Airbus made an emergency landing at Ferihegy Airport in Budapest, Hungary, on Sunday, July 25, 2004. The 108 passengers and the seven-member crew on board were unharmed. The jet en route from Amman, Jordan, to London was forced to land after the automatic control system cut off one of the engines because of a failure of the fuel system, a spokeswoman of the Hungarian Civic Aviation Authority said.
British Airways will increase its flight schedule between Cape Town and London Heathrow from 7 to 12 nonstop flights a week from the end of October 2004. Lufthansa will introduce daily nonstop flights beween Frankfurt and Cape Town from the end of October. The present daily flight stops at Johannesburg enroute. The new nonstop service will save two hours flying time. South African Airways boosted its nostop service between Cape Town and London from 7 to 9 flights a week from the beginning of July and introduces three nonstop flights to Frankfurt on July 31. ( Info / Photo : Ian Shiffman )
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Vliegtuig Air China gekaapt Een vliegtuig van de luchtvaartmaatschappij Air China is maandag gekaapt. Volgens de Chinese luchtvaartautoriteiten zou het incident met succes zijn afgehandeld. De Boeing 737 was op weg van Peking naar Changsha in de provincie Hunan en landde in Zhengzhou, in het centrum van China. Alle passagiers hebben het toestel ongedeerd verlaten en de Boeing is volgens de autoriteiten onbeschadigd. Een woordvoerder van het vliegveld in Peking verklaarde dat de Boeing 108 passagiers aan boord had. China heeft een reeks kapingen gehad aan het begin van de jaren negentig. De daders probeerden op die manier veelal naar Taiwan te komen. Het land trok daarop de veiligheidsmaatregelen aan. Na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 werden die maatregelen nogmaals aangescherpt, onder meer door air marshals in te zetten
The JANTAR departed Monday afternoon from Rotterdam Photo : Nico Ouwehand ©
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SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail:
[email protected]
SCHEEPVAARTBERICHTEN ACHTERGRACHT 26 te Willemstad, ADMIRALENGRACHT 26 300 w Geraldton nr Durban, ALBLASGRACHT 26 300 o Melbourne nr Melbourne, ALDEBARAN-12 26 te Terneuzen, ALERT 26 te Sevilla, ALLIANCE-4 te Rotterdam, AMELAND 26 z Sardenga nr Villa Garcia, ANET 26 te Taranto, ANJELIERSGRACHT 26 40 n Townsville nr Hachinohe, ARCHANGELGRACHT 26 52 w Oostvoorne nr Southampton, ARKLOW SAND 27 te Sas, ARTISGRACHT 26 te Takoradi, ASSI SCAN LINK 26 te Bremen, ATLASGRACHT 25 1400 ono Tahiti nr Napier, BALTIC 26 pas Dardanelles nr Piraeus, BALTICBORG 26 Thv Stockholm nr Haraholmen, BANJAARD 26 65 z Odessa nr Odessa, BOTERDIEP 26 pas Gibraltar, CAPRICORN 25 600 w Azoren nr Reykjavik, CITO 26 te Duinkerken, CORAL ISIS 25 65 nw La Coruna nr Sines, CORAL RIGIDA 25 60 n Taipeh nr Yosu, CRYSTALWATER 26 14 z Helgoland nr Brunsbuttel, DANIELLA 26 100 w Aden nr Bahrein, DE NUL 26 170 o Cofferdam, DEO VOLENTE 26 te Immingham, DEPENDENT 26 65 n La Coruna nr Immingham, DIEZEBORG 26 pas Kopenhagen nr Rauma, DONGEBORG 26 te rede Damietta, DUTCH AQUAMARINE 26 te Augusta, DUTCH EMERALD 26 20 z Poole nr Livorno, DUTCH ENGINEER 26 te Tees, DUTCH FAITH 26 te Terneuzen, DUTCH MARINER 26 pas Vlissingen nr Tees, DUTCH NAVIGATOR 26 25 no Gijon nr Santander, DUTCH SPIRIT 26 te Liverpool,
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 EEMSDIEP 26 thv Ouessant nr Antwerpen, EENDRACHT 26 20 w Zeebrugge, EGBERT WAGENBORG 25 50 wzw Plymouth nr Philadelphia, EGELANTIERSGRACHT 26 1260 ozo Manila nr Kobe, ELSA 26 vn Paramaribo nr Georgetown, EMERALD 25 175 no Azoren nr Zeebrugge, EMMAGRACHT 70 w Cheju nr Kashima, EUROGRACHT 26 te Antwerpen, FAIRLANE 25 te Engels Kanaal nr Bermuda, FAIRLOAD 26 te Las Palmas, FAST SUS 27 te Aberdeen, FLINTERDUIN 26 vn Pasajes nr Raahe, FLINTERHAVEN 26 te Rauma, FLINTERSPIRIT 26 pas Kaap Finisterre nr Rouen, FLINTERZEE 27 verw te Tornio, GLOBE 26 50 z vn Athene, GOOTEBORG 26 te Rauma, GOTLAND 27 verw te St Petersburg, GRACHTBORG 26 te Garston, GRIEND 26 48 w Noordwijk, HAPPY ROVER 26 115 w Nouakchott nr Lagos, IJSSEL TRADER 25 vn Kwangyang to Naha, IKIENA 26 t a rede Blexen nr Bremerhafen, INGER 25 pas Dover nr Huelva, IRINA 27 te Porto Nogaro, IVER EXACT 25 160 w Jamaica br Coatzacoalcos, IVER EXPERIENCE 25 te Moored Pointe, IVER EXPERT 25 60 w Havana nr George Town, IVER EXPORTER 26 320 o Saigon nr Singapore, IVER EXCEL 25 pas Cabo Blanco nr Balboa, JACOBUS BROERE 26 te Pt Torres, JO CALLUNA 25 90 zw Rio Haina nr Houston, JO CLIPPER 25 240 zw Bermuda nr Sfax, JO LONN 25 240 zw Guadalupe, JO SELJE 26 35 n Casablanca nr Pt Said, JO SPRUCE 25 480 w Sumatera nr Kuala Tanjung, JO SYPRESS 300 zo New Foundland, JUMBO JAVELIN 26 350 wzw Manila nr Singapore, KASTEELBORG 26 te Rotterdam, KONINGSBORG 25 te Agadir, KWINTEBANK 26 900 n Azoren nr Gent, LADON 26 45 wzw Figueira Do Foz nr Aviles, LOOIERSGRACHT 26 55 zzw Monrovia nr Pt Harcourt, LOOTSGRACHT 25 100 w Hokaido nr Ningbo, MAGDALENA GREEN 26 80 zo Nice nr Pt Harcourt, MAINEBORG 26 70 nw Hebriden nr Philadephia, MAKIRI GREEN 27 te New Orleans, MARINUS GREEN 26 260 o Sicilie nr Taranto, MARISSA GREEN 26 300 w Nicobaren nr Kandla, MARNEBORG 25 te Kantvik, MIGHTY SERVANT-3 26 275 zzo Toliara nr Singapore, MISSOURIBORG 25 100 z Sardinia, MOEZELBORG 26 te Duluth,
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 130 MORRABORG 26 Straat van Gibraltar nr Motril, MOSCOW 26 te Vostochny, NEDLL AFRICA 26 60 nw Klang nr Colombo, NEDLL AMERICA 25 510 ozo Socotra nr Jedah, NEDLL ASIA 26 te Jebel Ali, NEDLL CLARENCE 25 50 nw Pt of Spain, NEDLL CLEMENT 25 410 nw Arica nr Arica, NEDLL VERA CRUZ 25 vn Pt of Spain nr Santos, NORMED BREMEN 25 nr Gerisun, NORMED GEMLIK 25 te Hamburg, NORMED HAMBURG 26 te Gijon, NORMED IZMIR 26 pas C Tainero nr Antwerpen, NORTHERN EXPLORER 26 600 zzw Tokyo nr Tokyo, OCEAAN KLIPPER 26 pas Guayaquil nr Stockton, PANDA 26 te Rotterdam, PAUWGRACHT 25 250 z Nagoya nr Brisbane, PELAGIA 26 69 z Limassol, POLARSTREAM 26 150 o Pitcairn nr Balboa, PRINSENBORG 26 90 z Ibiza nr Oshawa, RADESINGEL 26 50 n Cuba nr p Everglade, RHONEBORG 26 140 zw Hong Kong, ROELOF 25 pas Finistere nr Lissabon, ROELOF-12 26 80 nw Gijon nr Lissabon, ROYAL KLIPPER 25 1260 nw Santo Antao nr Santa Marta, SABORG 26 vn Eemshaven nr Philadelphia, SAGITTA 27 te Basse Indre, SANTA MARIA 25 250 no Dominicaanse Republiek nr Portsmouth, SCHELDE TRADER 26 115 zzo vn Nagasaki, SCHELDEDIJK 25 nr Lewenborg, SCHIPPERSGRACHT 26 1040 o Barbados nr Antwerpen, SLOTERGRACHT 25 te Baltimore, SNOEKGRACHT 26 360 o Baltimore nr Baltimore, SPAARNEGRACHT 26 te Rauma, SPUIGRACHT 26 120 w Cadiz nr Gandia, STELLA LYRA 26 pas Smalls nr Fawley, STELLA WEGA 25 36 z Gotenborg nr Antwerpen, STELLANOVA 25 20 n Skikda nr Derince, SWAN 26 40 no La Coruna nr Rochefort, THEODORA 26 33 nnw Terschelling nr Larvik, TRAMPER 26 650 w Azoren nr Philadelphia, TRANSMARE 27 verw te Vaasa, TRINITAS 26 vn Gent nr Norderham, TROUT 26 20 w Hanstholm nr Antwerpen, VARNEBANK 26 50 nw Helsingborg nr Kaliningrad, VECHTBORG 26 70 w Brest nr Casablanca, VELOX 26 te Rotterdam, VICTORIABORG 26 420 o Cape Race nr Menominee, VLISTBORG 26 vn Boulogne nr Pasajes, WESTERBORG 26 250 w Skagen nr St Petersburg, ZEUS 400 nw Azoren nr La Coruna.
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