ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ● 2008. május 26.
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ELEKTRONIKAI ALAPISMERETEK ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2008. május 26. 8:00 Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc
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Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven
középszint — írásbeli vizsga 0811
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Important information You may use a non-programmable calculator as an only auxiliary tool for solving this written examination. Use blue ink pen for writing and black lead pencil for drawing. For solving simple short tests, use the free spaces available below the questions in the test form. For solving complex assignments, use supplementary sheets distributed by supervising teachers, and indicate your name and class on the sheets. Include a page number on each supplementary sheet. When solving questions requiring calculations, take care to write down equations (formulas) correctly, to perform substitutions properly and to carry out calculations correctly. If you omit any of these, points will be deducted. Full points will not be awarded for an end result unless its value and unit of measure are both correct. When solving assignments, take care to produce well-organised and neatly-written work, to apply standard symbols and to meet requirements in terms of engineering, format and aesthetics. Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in a deduction of points. If you make a mistake in your solution, draw a diagonal line across the incorrect section. During the time period allowed for the examination, you may prepare a fair copy too. In that case, prepare a “Draft” copy and a “Fair” copy by applying consecutive page numbers.
írásbeli vizsga 0811
2008. május 26.
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Simple short tests
Maximum points: 40
1.) Determine the DC resistance of a wire with a specific resistance of ρ = 0.0175 Ωmm2/m, a length of l = 80 m, and a cross section of A = 0.5 mm2. (3 points)
R= 2.) Determine the resultant resistance of two resistors connected in parallel. (3 points) Data: R1 = 200 kΩ, R2 = 300 kΩ.
R= 3.) Complete the table below. The table must express the relationship between the voltage and charge of a capacitor. (4 points) U (V)
Q (mC)
4.) Determine the power of a resistance of R = 1 kΩ at a voltage of U = 40 V. (3 points) P= 5.) Complete the table below. The table must express the dependence of inductive reactance on frequency. (4 points) f (kHz)
XL (Ω)
6.) Determine the effective value of the current in a parallel R-C connection connected to AC voltage, if IR = 800 µA, and IC = 600 µA. (4 points)
írásbeli vizsga 0811
2008. május 26.
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
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7.) Determine the exact value of the emitter current of a power amplifier with a DC current amplification factor of B = 50, and a base current of IB = 20 mA. (3 points) IE =
8.) Determine the h11E parameter of a bipolar transistor. Measured values: UBE1 = 0.63 V at IB1 = 30 µA; UBE2 = 0.67 V at IB2 = 40 µA. (3 points) h 11E =
9.) Determine the power amplification of an amplifier. Data: uin = 20 mV, iin = 2 µA, uout = 800 mV, iout = 100 µA. (3 points)
Ap =
10.) Draw the circuit diagram of a common source amplifier by using 1 N-channel closinglayer FET, 3 resistors, and 3 capacitors. (4 points)
11.) Write down and simplify the function represented by the logical network below. (3 points) C
& &
12.) Write down the serial number form of the logical function below. “A” is used as a symbol for the variable with the highest place value. (3 points) F4 = A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ D + A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ D + A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ D
F4 =
írásbeli vizsga 0811
2008. május 26.
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Complex assignments
Maximum points: 60
Assignment 1
Maximum points: 15
Calculate a DC network
C1 C2 U
Data: U = 30 V C2 = 200 nF C4 = 200 nF
C1 = 100 nF C3 = 100 nF C5 = 300 nF
Assignments: a) Determine the resultant capacity (C) and charge (Q). b) Determine the voltage of each capacitor (U1, U2, U3, U4, U5).
Assignment 2
Maximum points: 15
Calculate a frequency-dependent voltage divider I L
Data: Uin = 6 V
XL = 1 kΩ
R = 1.5 kΩ
Assignments: a) Determine the value of current I. b) Determine the values of voltage on the resistor and the coil (Uout, UL). c) Prepare the vector diagram of correct nature for the values of voltage (Uin, Uout, UL) and current (I) in the circuit. d) Determine the absolute value of the phase angle (φ) between the input voltage (Uin) and the output voltage (Uout).
írásbeli vizsga 0811
2008. május 26.
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Assignment 3
Maximum points: 15
Calculate a low frequency amplifier
C2 out
Data: Au = 50 (voltage amplification) R2 = 20 kΩ R1 = 20 kΩ Rt = 2 kΩ
For the purpose of calculation, the operational amplifier may be considered ideal, and the AC resistance of capacitors may be neglected. Assignment: a) Determine the input resistance of the amplifier (Rin). b) Determine the value of amplification (Ai). c) Determine the value of resistor R3. d) Calculate the values of the input and output voltage of the amplifier, if the internal resistance of the control signal source is Rg = 5 kΩ, and the unloaded terminal voltage of it is ug = 50 mV.
Assignment 4
Maximum points: 15
Design a combination network
The Veitch-table of a logical function is provided as follows: C
10 11 13 12
111 110
D Assignment: a) Write down the serial number form of the function. b) Simplify the function by using the graphical method. c) Realize the function by using NOT, AND, and OR gates. (Variables are available in positive form only.) d) Realize the function by using NOR gates. (Variables are available in positive form only.)
írásbeli vizsga 0811
2008. május 26.
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
írásbeli vizsga 0811
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
2008. május 26.
Elektronikai alapismeretek angol nyelven középszint
Question number
Simple short tests
Complex assignments
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Maximum points
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Points scored
3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 15 15 15 15 100 100
TOTAL Written examination score
Points awardable for the topic
Points scored in topic
60 100
Correcting teacher
Date: ................................. __________________________________________________________________________ Programba beírt Elért pontszám pontszám / / Points Points entered scored into programme
Egyszerű, rövid feladatok/ Simple short tests Összetett feladatok / Complex assignments
Javító tanár / Correcting teacher
Jegyző / Notary
Dátum / Date: .................................
írásbeli vizsga 0811
Dátum / Date: .................................
2008. május 26.