EFFECTIVENESS OF EIGHTH ORDER RUNGE-KUTTA METHOD TO SOLVE THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF MALARIA DISEASE TRANSMISSION Reza Mega Ardhilia12 , Dafik13 , Susi Setiawani14 Abstrak. Banyak permasalahan di lingkungan kehidupan kita yang dapat dibentuk ke dalam model matematika sehingga dapat dianalisis secara matematik. Salah satu permasalahan itu adalah kejadian endemi, seperti transmisi penyakit malaria. Model matematika transmisi penyakit malaria berbentuk system Persamaan Diferensial Biasa (PDB) non linier orde satu. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas efektivitas dan efisiensi metode Runge-Kutta orde delapan yang dibandingkan dengan metode Adams Bashforth-Moulton orde sembilan. Selain itu juga akan dicari sifat-sifat, formula, konvergenitas, dan format pemrograman MATLAB dari metode itu. Efektivitas suatu metode bergantung pada error. Sedangkan efisiensi bergantung pada waktu tempuh suatu metode untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode dokumentasi dan eksperimen. Hasil dari tulisan ini yaitu sifat dan formula metode Runge-Kutta orde delapan, pembuktian konvergensi metode tersebut secara teoritis, dan format pemrograman yang hasilnya digunakan untuk menentukan metode yang paling efektif dan efisien untuk menyelesaikan model transmisi penyakit malaria. Kata kunci : Efektivitas, Efisiensi, Metode Runge-Kutta, Transmisi malaria.
INTRODUCTION Malaria remains a global health problem. In any given year, nearly ten percent of the global population will suffer a case of malaria [5]. If the disease is not treated immediately, human will be injury or even die. To study this situation, a mathematical model is needed to know the transmission of the disease. Such that we can choose the best preventive measures. Mathematical model for malaria transmission which is developed by Chitnis [6], is a first order non linear system of ordinary differential equation (ODE). To solve the model we use numerical method. Runge-Kutta method is one of numerical method which tries to achieve a high degree of accuracy [9]. The order of RungeKutta method in this study is eight because it has not been researched yet. The previous researches of developed Runge-Kutta method are third order Runge-Kutta method [11], fourth order Runge-Kutta method [1], fifth order Runge-Kutta method 12
Alumna in Mathematics Education, University of Jember Lecturer in Mathematics Education, University of Jember 14 Lecturer in Mathematics Education, University of Jember 13
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 60 ————————————— °
[2], sixth order Runge-Kutta method [10], and seventh order Runge-Kutta method [4]. Therefore in this paper we will discuss the properties and formula of eighth order Runge-Kutta method, its convergence, its program in MATLAB, and its effectiveness and efficiency to solve malaria transmission by comparing to ninth Order Adams Bashforth-Moulton method [7]. Model is a simple description of reality that is expected to represent the current reality [8]. In mathematics, a model is formed in mathematic language, such as differential equation. For example a mathematical model for malaria transmission. The model which is developed by Chitnis [6] is as follows: dSh dt dEh dt dIh dt dRh dt dSv dt dEv dt dIv dt
= Λh + ψh Nh + ρh Rh − λh (t)Sh − fh (Nh )Sh ,
= λh (t)Sh − νh Eh − fh (Nh )Eh ,
= νh Eh − γh Ih − fh (Nh )Ih − δh Ih ,
= γh Ih − ρh Rh − fh (Nh )Rh ,
= ψv Nv − λv (t)Sv − fv (Nv )Sv ,
= λv (t)Sv − νv Ev − fv (Nv )Ev ,
= νv Ev − fv (Nv )Iv ,
Where fh (Nh ) = µ1h + µ2h Nh is the per capita density-dependent death and emigration rate for human and fv (Nv ) = µ1v + µ2v Nv is the per capita densitydependent death for mosquitoes. Total human population size is Nh that is divided into sub population susceptible human (Sh ), exposed human (Eh ), infected human (Ih ), and recovered human (Rh ). While total vector population size is Nv that is divided into sub population Sv , Ev , dan Iv , with, dNh = Λh + ψh Nh − fh (Nh )Nh − δh Ih , dt dNv = ψv Nv − fv (Nv )Nv , dt
Reza dkk, Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method · · · —————— 61 —————————————————————————————————————
and the force of infection from mosquitoes to humans and the force of infection from humans to mosquitoes respectively are λh and λv . With: λh = bh (Nh , Nv ) · βhv ·
Iv Nv
λv = bv (Nh , Nv ) · (βvh ·
Ih Rh + β˜vh · ) Nh Nh
b is the total number of mosquito bites on humans that is defined as: b = b(Nh , Nv ) = σv σh N . σv (Nv /Nh )+σh v
While bh and bv respectively are the number of bites per human per
unit time and the number of bites per mosquito per unit time that is defined as: bh = bh (Nh , Nv ) = b(Nh , Nv )/Nh , and bv = bv (Nh , Nv ) = b(Nh , Nv )/Nv . The state variables (Table 1) malaria model satisfy equations (1) up to (7). Parameter values for mathematical model of malaria disease transmission are written in [6]. In this study, the initial values of Sh , Eh , Ih , Rh , Sv , Ev , and Iv respectively are 400, 10, 30, 0, 1.000, 100, and 50. Table 1: The state variable for the malaria model Variable Sh Eh Ih Rh Sv Ev Iv
Number Number Number Number Number Number Number
Description of susceptible human of exposed human of infected human of recovered human of susceptible vectors of exposed vectors of infectious vectors
Unit human human human human mosquitoes mosquitoes mosquitoes
Here is a general useful definition in deriving the formula of eighth order RungeKutta method. Definition 1. Runge-Kutta method generally is defined by: yn+1 = yn + h
m X i=1
b i ki
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 62 ————————————— °
ki = f (xn + ci h, yn + h
i−1 X
aij kj ),
i = 1, 2, . . . , m
with assumption that: ci =
m X
aij , dan
m X
bi = 1
The value of a, b, and c can be written in Butcher array below. 0 c2 c3 .. . cm
a21 a31 .. .
a32 .. .
am1 b1
am2 b2
... ...
amm−1 bm−1
Now, in this study we will discuss the Runge-Kutta method which has eighth order (m = 8).
METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Data collection methods of effectiveness of eighth order Runge-Kutta method for malaria transmission used documentation and experimental methods. In this study, method of documentation is used to find mathematical model for malaria transmission. While the experimental method is used to analyze output of the program in order to choose the most effective and efficient method both Runge-Kutta method and Adams Bashforth-Moulton method. The research techniques are as follow: (1) determining the properties of eighth order Runge-Kutta method; (2) deriving formula of eighth order Runge-Kutta method; (3) determining the convergence of the method; (4) using mathematical model for malaria transmission; (5) formulating model numerically; (6) making a pattern algorithm; (7) making program in MATLAB; (8) executing the program; (9) collecting the data such as error, iteration, time, and figure; (10) analyzing the data and comparing to Adams Bashforth-Moulton method; (11) concluding the most effective and efficient method.
Reza dkk, Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method · · · ——————— 63 —————————————————————————————————————
THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH Formula of eighth order Runge-Kutta methods has k1 , k2 , k3 , . . . , k8 . We use equations (9), (10), and (11) to derive the formula of the method. After deriving the formula, we will have the properties of eighth order Runge-Kutta method such as Lemma 1. Furthermore, mathematicians have developed the properties of RungeP Pm Kutta method. That is: m i=1 bi = 1 and ci = j=1 aij . Lemma 1. Eighth Order Runge-Kutta method has the following properties: 8 X
bi cri =
i=2 i−1 X bi ( crj aij ) i=3 j=2
8 X
1 , f or r = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 7 r+1
1 , f or r = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (r + 1)(r + 2)
Proof. Based on Definition 1, the eighth order Runge-Kutta method is defined by P yn+1 = yn + h m i=1 bi ki where m = 8 ,so we can write: yn+1 = yn + h(b1 k1 + b2 k2 + b3 k3 + b4 k4 + b5 k5 + b6 k6 + b7 k7 + b8 k8 ) where, k1 = f (xn , yn ) k2 = f (xn + c2 h, yn + ha21 k1 ) k3 = f (xn + c3 h, yn + h(a31 k1 + a32 k2 )) k4 = f (xn + c4 h, yn + h(a41 k1 + a42 k2 + a43 k3 )) k5 = f (xn + c5 h, yn + h(a51 k1 + a52 k2 + a53 k3 + a54 k4 )) k6 = f (xn + c6 h, yn + h(a61 k1 + a62 k2 + a63 k3 + a64 k4 + a65 k5 )) k7 = f (xn + c7 h, yn + h(a71 k1 + a72 k2 + a73 k3 + a74 k4 + a75 k5 + a76 k6 )) k8 = f (xn + c8 h, yn + h(a81 k1 + a82 k2 + a83 k3 + a84 k4 + a85 k5 + a86 k6 + a87 k7 ))
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 64 ————————————— °
The value of k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 , k5 , k6 , k7 , and k8 must be determined such that the previous equation will equal to Taylor algorithm. By expanding y(xn+1 ) into xn , we get, 1 2 (2) 1 1 h y (xn ) + h3 y (3) (xn ) + h4 y (4) (xn ) + 2! 3! 4! 1 5 (5) 1 6 (6) 1 7 (7) 1 8 (8) h y (xn ) + h y (xn ) + h y (xn ) + h y (xn ) + 5! 6! 7! 8! 1 9 (9) h y (xn ) + . . . 9!
y(xn+1 ) = y(xn ) + hy (1) (xn ) +
After that, derivation of y(xn ) is determined such that we have, y (1) (xn ) = f y (2) (xn ) = fx + fy f y (3) (xn ) = fxx + 2f fxy + f 2 fyy + fy (fx + fy f ) y (4) (xn ) = fxxx + 3f fxxy + 3f 2 fxyy + f 3 fyyy + fy (fxx + 2f fxy + f 2 fyy ) + · · · + f fyyy y (5) (xn ) = fxxxx + 4f fxxxy + 6f 2 fxxyy + 4f 3 fxyyy + f 4 fyyyy + fy (fxxx + 3f fxxy + 3f 2 fxyy + f 3 fyyy ) + · · · + f fyyyy y (6) (xn ) = fxxxxx + 5f fxxxxy + 10f 2 fxxxyy + 10f 3 fxxyyy + 5f 4 fxyyyy + f 5 fyyyyy + fy (fxxxx + 4f fxxxy + 6f 2 fxxyy + 4f 3 fxyyy + f 4 fyyyy ) + · · · + f fyyyyy y (7) (xn ) = fxxxxxx + 6f fxxxxxy + 15f 2 fxxxxyy + 20f 3 fxxxyyy + 15f 4 fxxyyyy + 6f 5 fxyyyyy + f 6 fyyyyyy + fy (fxxxxx + 5f fxxxxy + 10f 2 fxxxyy + 10f 3 fxxyyy + 5f 4 fxyyyy + f 5 fyyyyy ) + · · · + f fyyyyyy y (8) (xn ) = fxxxxxxx + 7f fxxxxxxy + 21f 2 fxxxxxyy + 35f 3 fxxxxyyy + 35f 4 fxxxyyyy + 21f 5 fxxyyyyy + 7f 6 fxyyyyyy + f 7 fyyyyyyy + fy (fxxxxxx + 6f fxxxxxy + 15f 2 fxxxxyy + 20f 3 fxxxyyy + 15f 4 fxxyyyy + 6f 5 fxyyyyy ) + f 6 fyyyyyy + · · · + f fyyyyyyy
Reza dkk, Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method · · · ——————— 65 —————————————————————————————————————
Next, the derivation is shorten by defining the following notations, J = fx + fy f K = fxx + 2f fxy + f 2 fyy L = fxxx + 3f fxxy + 3f 2 fxyy + f 3 fyyy M = fxxxx + 4f fxxxy + 6f 2 fxxyy + 4f 3 fxyyy + f 4 fyyyy + . . . N = fxxxxx + 5f fxxxxy + 10f 2 fxxxyy + 10f 3 fxxyyy + 5f 4 fxyyyy + f 5 fyyyyy + . . . O = fxxxxxx + 6f fxxxxxy + 15f 2 fxxxxyy + 20f 3 fxxxyyy + 15f 4 fxxyyyy + 6f 5 fxyyyyy + f 6 fyyyyyy + . . . P = fxxxxxxx + 7f fxxxxxxy + 21f 2 fxxxxxyy + 35f 3 fxxxxyyy + 35f 4 fxxxyyyy + 21f 5 fxxyyyyy + 7f 6 fxyyyyyy + f 7 fyyyyyyy + . . . Therefore the expansion of y(xn+1 ) can be written as, 1 1 1 2 h J + h3 (K + Jfy ) + h4 (L + Kfy ) + 2! 3! 4! 1 5 1 6 1 7 h (M + Lfy ) + h (N + M fy ) + h (O + N fy ) + 5! 6! 7! 1 8 1 9 (9) h (P + Ofy ) + h y (xn ) + . . . 8! 9!
y(xn+1 ) = y(xn ) + hf +
By expanding k1 , k2 , k3 , . . . , k8 like expansion of Taylor series of two variables and substituting the notations J, K, L, M , N , O, and P , we get the new value of ki . Then, we substitute equations of k1 , k2 , k3 ,. . . , k8 to the equation of yn+1 . Next, by comparing the coefficients of both equations, we will get the properties of eighth order Runge-Kutta method.
Corollary 1. For step size h then the formula of eighth order Runge-Kutta method (RK8B1)is:
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 66 ————————————— ° h (5257k1 + 25039k2 + 9261k3 + 20923k4 + 20923k5 + 120960 9261k6 + 25039k7 + 5257k8 )
yn+1 = yn +
with, k1 = f (xn , yn ) h 1 k2 = f (xn + , yn + hk1 ) 7 7 h 2 (7538k1 − 7160k2 )) k3 = f (xn + h, yn + 7 1323 3 h k4 = f (xn + h, yn + (549k1 + 4882k2 − 2869k3 )) 7 5978 4 h k5 = f (xn + h, yn + (−693k1 + 682k2 − 211k3 + 466k4 )) 7 427 h 5 (−79k1 + 322k2 + 224k3 + 126k4 − 323k5 )) k6 = f (xn + h, yn + 7 378 6 h k7 = f (xn + h, yn + (−2537k1 + 2568k2 + 1021k3 + 511k4 + 7 3577 511k5 + 992k6 )) h k8 = f (xn + h, yn + (−61k1 + 102k2 + 428k3 − 112k4 + 126k5 + 1502 242k6 + 777k7 )) Proof. To prove the corollary, we can use Lemma 1. By solving the lemma we can determine the coefficients. Lemma 1 has 13 equations with 36 variables. The system can be solved by letting the value of c1 , c2 , c3 , . . . , c8 , then substituting them into the properties of the method such that we get the value of b1 , b2 , b3 , . . . , b8 that satisfy P8 P8 1 2 3 i=1 bi = 1 and ci = i=1 aij . In this case we let c1 = 0, c2 = 7 , c3 = 7 , c4 = 7 , c5 = 74 , c6 = 57 , c7 =
6 7
and c8 = 1. To find the value of a32 , a42 , a43 , . . . , a87 , we must P P 1 modify the equation (19) into 7i=2 crj ( 8j=i+1 bj aji ) = (r+1)(r+2) , for r = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 P P8 P8 and let j=i+1 bj aji = A for i = 2, j=i+1 bj aji = B for i = 3, . . . , 8j=i+1 bj aji = F for i = 7. Then, we have new equations in those variables. By solving the new equations we have the value of a21 , a31 , a32 , . . . , a87 . It can be expressed as butcher array in table 3.
Reza dkk, Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method · · · ——————— 67 —————————————————————————————————————
Table 2: Coefficient Matrix of RK8B1
1 7
1 7
2 7
7538 1323
−7160 1323
3 7
549 5978
4882 5978
−2869 5978
4 7
−693 427
682 427
−211 427
466 427
5 7
−79 378
322 378
224 378
126 378
−323 378
6 7
−2537 3577
2568 3577
1021 3577
511 3577
511 3577
992 3577
−61 1502
102 1502
428 1502
−112 1502
126 1502
242 1502
777 1502
5257 120960
25039 120960
9261 120960
20923 120960
20923 120960
9261 120960
25039 120960
5257 120960
Not only that, we can find the other formula by using the equal value of c but it has a minimum matrix as follows. Corollary 2. For step size h then the formula of eighth order Runge-Kutta method is: h (5257k1 + 25039k2 + 9261k3 + 20923k4 + 120960 20923k5 + 9261k6 + 25039k7 + 5257k8 )
yn+1 = yn +
dengan, k1 = f (xn , yn ) h h k2 = f (xn + , yn + k1 ) 7 7 2 h k3 = f (xn + h, yn + (−163k1 + 181k2 )) 7 63 3 h k4 = f (xn + h, yn + (621k1 − 255k3 )) 7 854
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 68 ————————————— ° 4 k5 = f (xn + h, yn + 7 5 k6 = f (xn + h, yn + 7 6 k7 = f (xn + h, yn + 7 k8
h (−350k1 + 594k4 )) 427 h (143k1 − 53k5 )) 126 h (279k1 + 159k6 )) 511 h = f (xn + h, yn + (725k1 + 777k7 )) 1502
Theorem 1. Eighth order Runge-Kutta methods is a convergent method because it satisfies the following property
||en || ≤
ˆ h8 M9 (e(xn −x0 )L −1), ˆ 362880L
ˆ is Lipschitz where L
constant. Proof.The exact solution of a differential equation on x = xn is called y(xn ) and numerical solution is called yn . The numerical solution of Runge-Kutta method is got in the equation of yn+1 . Next, we will estimate how much the global error en . Based on definition of global error [3], en = y(xn )−yn , so en+1 = y(xn+1 )−yn+1 . We can write as: en+1 = en + h(y(xn )(1) − yn(1) ) +
1 2 h (y(xn )(2) − yn(2) ) + 2!
1 3 1 h (y(xn )(3) − yn(3) ) + h4 (y(xn )(4) − 3! 4! 1 1 yn(4) ) + h5 (y(xn )(5) − yn(5) ) + h6 5! 6! 1 (y(xn )(6) − yn(6) ) + h7 (y(xn )(7) − yn(7) ) + 7! 1 8 1 h (y(xn )(8) − yn(8) ) + h9 y(η)(9) 8! 9!
By using Lipschitz requirement [3] and assumed |y(η)(9) | < M9 then, h3 h2 L2 en + L3 en + 2! 3! h4 h5 h6 L4 en + L5 en + L6 en + 4! 5! 6! 7 8 h h h9 L7 en + L8 en + M9 || 7! 8! 9!
||en+1 || ≤ ||en + hL1 en +
Reza dkk, Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method · · · ——————— 69 —————————————————————————————————————
ˆ n || + = (1 + hL)||e
h9 M9 362880
ˆ is Lipschitz constant. Using the facts of ||en || and solving the inequality, we will L have: ˆ n ≤ enhLˆ = e(xn −x0 )Lˆ (1 + hL) so, h8
M9 (e(xn −x0 )L − 1) ˆ 362880L h8 ˆ lim ||en || ≤ lim M (e(xn −x0 )L − 1) ˆ 9 h→0 h→0 362880L lim ||en || ≤ 0 ↔ lim ||en || = 0 ||en || ≤
where limh→0 ||en || ≤ 0 is always a positive numbers. Then, we can write that limh→0 ||en || = 0. Therefore eighth order Runge-Kutta method is a convergent method.
Test of Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method Here is the results generated from the effectiveness program execution on MATLAB of Runge-Kutta and Adams Bashforth-Moulton methods. Table 3: Data of Effectiveness RK8 dan ABM9 Iteration RK8B1 100 0, 147911262777939 735 0,007174493565799 1.000 0,007898917337201 1.650 0, 00654220253841 5.000 0, 001487336759965 10.000 0, 001153049869686 100.000 0, 000622439069957
Error in method RK8B2 0, 147911263547030 0, 007174493752999 0, 007898917404049 0, 00654220254819 0, 001487336759965 0, 001153049869686 0, 000622439069957
ABM9 0,147910998122370 0, 007174502496213 0, 007898918969971 0,00654220248384 0,001487336742457 0,001153049869345 0,000622439069843
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 70 ————————————— °
Based on Table 4 we can analyze that Runge-Kutta method has bigger error than Adams Bashforth-Moulton for iterations 100, 1.650, 5.000, 10.000, and 100.000. Although for iteration 735 up to 1.000, Runge-Kutta method has less error. Thus, we can conclude that Eighth order Runge-Kutta method is not more effective method that Ninth order Adams Bashforth-Moulton method.
Test of Efficiency of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method Here is the results generated from the efficiency program execution on MATLAB of Runge-Kutta and Adams Bashforth-Moulton method. Table 4: Data of Efficiency RK8 dan ABM9 Output
Tolerance (e) 0,001 Iteration 0,0001 0,00001 Time 0,001 (second) 0,0001 0,00001
RK8B1 42.180 313.024 1.226.780 34,835 248,618 3294,257
RK8B2 42.180 313.024 1.226.780 25,599 240,932 3275,148
ABM9 42.180 313.024 1.226.780 36,847 329,940 3518,133
Based on Table 5 we can analyze that Runge-Kutta and Adams BashforthMoulton method has equal value of iteration for all value of tolerance. Runge-Kutta method is faster to solve the model of malaria transmission for every tolerance. It is proven by the data on the table. So that, we can say Runge-Kutta method is more efficient that Adams Bashforth-Moulton method in solving the problem.
CONCLUSION Based on the result of discussion, we can conclude that: 1. Eighth order Runge-Kutta method has the following properties,
Reza dkk, Effectiveness of Eighth Order Runge-Kutta Method · · · ——————— 71 —————————————————————————————————————
8 X
bi cri =
i=2 i−1 X bi ( crj aij ) i=3 j=2
8 X
1 , f or r = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 7 r+1 1 , f or r = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (r + 1)(r + 2)
2. One of the found formula of eighth order Runge-Kutta method is: h (5257k1 + 25039k2 + 9261k3 + 20923k4 + 20923k5 + 120960 9261k6 + 25039k7 + 5257k8 )
yn+1 = yn +
where, k1 = f (xn , yn ) h 1 k2 = f (xn + , yn + hk1 ) 7 7 2 h k3 = f (xn + h, yn + (7538k1 − 7160k2 )) 7 1323 3 h k4 = f (xn + h, yn + (549k1 + 4882k2 − 2869k3 )) 7 5978 4 h k5 = f (xn + h, yn + (−693k1 + 682k2 − 211k3 + 466k4 )) 7 427 5 h k6 = f (xn + h, yn + (−79k1 + 322k2 + 224k3 + 126k4 − 323k5 )) 7 378 6 h k7 = f (xn + h, yn + (−2537k1 + 2568k2 + 1021k3 + 511k4 + 7 3577 511k5 + 992k6 )) h (−61k1 + 102k2 + 428k3 − 112k4 + 126k5 + k8 = f (xn + h, yn + 1502 242k6 + 777k7 ))
3. Eighth order Runge-Kutta method is a convergent method. 4. Programming of eighth order Runge-Kutta method in solving the mathematical model of malaria disease transmission can be made and applied.
c Kadikma, Vol.4, NO.2, hal 59-74, Agustus 2013 72 ————————————— °
5. Eighth order Runge-Kutta method is not more effective than ninth order Adams Bashforth-Moulton method, but it is more efficient.
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