Dr. Maarten F. Van Dijck (Lier, 1980) CONTACT INFORMATION Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) P.O. Box 1738 NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands Telephone: +31 (0)10 4082502 Email:
[email protected] Website: EDUCATION 2011 2007 2004 2002
BKO-training for university teachers (Risbo) PhD in history (University of Antwerp) PhD-research training in social and economic history (N.W. Posthumus Institute) Master in history (Catholic University Leuven)
PRESENT POSITION 20102008-2011
Lecturer at the Erasmus University Rotterdam Postdoctoral researcher of the Research Foundation-Flanders
Criminality and behavior models (14th-18th centuries) Civil societies and public spheres (14th-18th centuries) Sociability and social relations (14th-18th centuries)
PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS 2011 ‘Lay or clerical initiative? Confraternities in Brabant during the late medieval and early modern period’, in: Prosperi, A., Terpstra, N. and Pastore, S., eds., Brotherhood and boundaries/Fraternità e barriere. Atti del Convegno, Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2011. 2011 Collaboration at ‘De stad in al haar facetten. Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2009)’, in: Stadsgeschiedenis, 6, 2011, pp. 7192. 2011 ‘Bonding or bridging social capital? The evolution of Brabantine confraternities during the late medieval and the early modern period’, in: Terpstra, N. and Prosperi, A., eds., Confraternities between laity and clergy in the pre-modern world, Turnhout: Brepols, Europa Sacra series, 2011, 143-170 (in print).
2010 Collaboration at Liesbeth Troubleyn, et al., ‘Consumption patterns and living conditions inside Het Steen, the late medieval prison of Malines (Mechelen, Belgium)’, in: Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries, 1, 2009, pp. 5-47. 2010 ‘Een schitterend jaar! Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2008)’, in: Stadsgeschiedenis, 5, 2010, pp. 72-93. 2009 ‘Tot eigen roem en glorie? Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2007)’, in: Stadsgeschiedenis, 4, 2009, pp. 74-91. 2009 ‘Towards an economic interpretation of justice? Conflict settlement, social control and civil society in urban Brabant and Mechelen during the late Middle Ages and the early modern period’, in: Manon van der Heijden, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, Griet Vermeesch and Martijn van der Burg, eds., Serving the urban community. The rise of public facilities in the Low Countries, Amsterdam: Aksant, 2009, pp. 62-88. 2009 ‘Tussen droom en daad. De beperkte invloed van de centrale overheid op de rechtspraktijk in Antwerpen en Mechelen gedurende de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw’, in: Heirbout, Dirk, Rousseaux, Xavier and Wijffels, Alain, eds., Justitie- en rechtsgeschiedenis: een nieuwe onderzoeksgeneratie, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2009, pp. 299-317. 2006 'De stad als onafhankelijke variabele en centrum van moderniteit. Langetermijntrends in stedelijke en rurale criminaliteitspatronen in de Nederlanden (1300-1800)', in: Stadsgeschiedenis, 1 (2006) pp. 7-26. 2005 'Het verenigingsleven op het Hagelandse platteland. Sociale polarisatie en middenveldparticipatie in de 17e en 18e eeuw', in: Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 2 (2005) pp. 81-108. 2003 'Een strijd om sacrale ruimte en tijd. Processies en torenschietingen in het Hageland (17de-18de eeuw)', in: Trajecta, 12 (2003) p. 25-52. 2003 'Het Werchters driekoningenspel in het licht van de evolutie van de volkskunde', in: Volkskunde, 104 (2003) p. 321-347. ACCEPTED PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS •
(together with Filip Vermeylen and Veerle De Laet) ‘The test of time? Art encyclopedia and the formation of the canon of seventeenth-century painters in the Low Countries’, Empirical Studies of the Arts, accepted. ‘Concurrence entre justice urbaine et justice centrale en Brabant à la fin du Moyen Age. Le cas des villes d’Anvers, Bois-le-Duc et Malines’, in : Revue du Nord, accepted.
(together with Kim Overlaet) ‘Individual genius or urban creativity? The networks of famous and unknown artists in Mechelen during the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century’ ‘A clash of cultures? Violent behavior in Antwerp during the sixteenth century’ ‘The Socialization of a Political Culture. Civil Society in Late-Medieval and Early-Modern Mechelen (1350-1800)’
Antwerp in the Renaissance: edited book in collaboration with Bruno Blondé (University of Antwerp), Bert De Munck (University of Antwerp) and Guido Marnef (University of Antwerp). A history of European civil societies: edited book in collaboration with Bert De Munck (University of Antwerp) and Nicholas Terpstra (University of Toronto). 2
OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2010 (Together with Bruno Blondé and Antoon Vrints) ‘Een Probleemstad? Spanningsvelden tussen burgerlijke waarden en sociale realiteiten’, in: Bertels, I., De Munck, B. and Van Goethem, H., eds., Antwerpen. Biografie van een stad, Antwerp: Standaard Uitgeverij, 2010, pp. 277-307. 2007 (Together with Anton Ervynck, Frank Kinnaer and Liesbeth Troubleyn), ‘Besluit’, in: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer en Anton Ervynck, eds., Het Steen en de burgers. Onderzoek van de laatmiddeleeuwse gevangenis van Mechelen, Mechelen, 2007, pp. 170-172. 2007 ‘De historische gegevens’, in: Liesbeth Troubleyn, Frank Kinnaer en Anton Ervynck, eds., Het Steen en de burgers. Onderzoek van de laatmiddeleeuwse gevangenis van Mechelen, Mechelen, 2007, pp. 89-93. 2006 ‘Botsende belangen. De zielzorg in enkele Norbertijnenparochies in het Hageland gedurende de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw’, in: Analecta Praemonstratensia, 82, 2006, pp. 321-346. 2005 'Het oudste reglement van de Wezemaalse Sint-Sebastiaansgilde (1500) in een vergelijkend perspectief', in: HOGT: Haachts Oudheid- en Geschiedkundig Tijdschrift, 20 (2005) pp. 219-239. 2005 'Botsende belangen. De zielzorg in enkele Norbertijnenparochies in het Hageland gedurende de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw', in: Janssens, H., ed., Norbertijnen en Zielzorg, Averbode, Bijdragen van de contactdag van de Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis in de Nederlanden, 2005, pp. 70-89. 2002 'De Negenjarige Oorlog in Baal, Begijnendijk, Betekom en Gelrode', in: Het Oude Land van Aarschot, 37 (2002) p. 61-84, 121-145. REVIEWS 2011 Joop W. Koopmans and Werner Thomas (eds.), Propaganda en spektakel. Vroegmoderne intochten en festiviteiten in de Nederlanden (Maastricht, Shaker Publishing, 2010), Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 2011, in print. 2009 Jelle Haemers, De Gentse Opstand (1449-1453). De strijd tussen rivaliserende netwerken om het stedelijk kapitaal (Kortrijk-Heule, UGA, 2004), Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 6 (2009) 3, pp. 127-128. 2009 Aukje Zondergeld-Hamer, Een kwestie van goed bestuur. Twee eeuwen armenzorg in Weesp (1590-1822) (Hilversum, Verloren, 2006), Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 6 (2009) 3, pp. 128-130. 2007 Aart Vos, Burgers, broeders en bazen. Het maatschappelijke middenveld van 'sHertogenbosch in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), Noordbrabants Historisch Jaarboek, 25, 2008, pp. 187-189. 2004 Raymond van Uytven e.a. (eds.) Geschiedenis van Brabant van het hertogdom tot heden (Leuven/Zwolle, Davidsfonds/Waanders Uitgevers, 2004), Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis, 87 (2004) 3-4, pp. 457-459. 2004 Fernand Vanhemelryck, Marginalen in de geschiedenis. Over beulen, joden, hoeren, zigeuners en andere zondebokken (Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2004), Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis, 86 (2003) pp. 502-504. 2003 Jenneke Christiaens, De geboorte van de jeugddelinquent (België, 1830-1930) (Brussel, VUBpress, 1999), Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis, 86, 2003, pp. 511-513. 2002 Crimes, pouvoirs et sociétes (1400-1800). Ancien Pays-Bas et principauté de Liège. (Kortrijk-Heule, UGA, 2001), Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis, 85 (2002) pp. 246-248.
PRESENTATIONS AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS 2011 Poster presentation ‘Violence, urbanization and culture. Some evidence from sixteenth-century Antwerp’ at the conference ‘Making Sense of Violence?’ at the University of Berne, September 8th. 2011 ‘The Test of Time. Art encyclopedia and the formation of the canon of seventeenthcentury painters in the Low Countries’ joint presentation with Filip Vermeylen en Veerle De Laet at Art Markets Workshop at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, April 29th. 2011 Expert commentor of the paper ‘A Golden Age of Collections. Small donations to the poor in the Dutch Republic by Daniëlle Teeuwen at seminar 2 of the N.W. Posthumus Institute training program for PhD students, April 14th. 2010 ‘Urban creativity, individual genius, or corporative reproduction? The networks of famous and infamous artists in Mechelen during the sixteenth century’ joint presentation with Kim Overlaet at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Venice, April 10th. 2010 ‘A clash of cultures? Violent behavior in Antwerp during the sixteenth century’ at the European Urban History Conference in Ghent, September 3th. 2010 ‘The test of time? Art encyclopedia and the formation of the canon of seventeenthcentury painters in the Low Countries’ at the Centre for Historical Culture at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, December 2nd. 2009 ‘The Renaissance as the cradle of our modern behavior pattern? Some reflections on the influence of Renaissance rules of conduct’ at the symposium ‘Foundations of modernity’ at Yale University (New Haven, USA), April 4th. 2009 ‘Social control in Renaissance Antwerp. A comparison between a northern metropolis and some Italian cities’ at the workshop ‘Antwerp and the Renaissance’ at the University of Antwerp, May 29th. 2009 joint presentation with James Brown (Oxford University, UK), Sasha Handley (Manchester University, UK) and Anne James (Queen’s University, Canada) with the title ‘Making Publics in Virtual and Actual Space’ at McGill University in Montreal (Canada), July 24th. 2009 ‘Urban social relations and the making of public spheres: lay religion, social control and civil society in Mechelen’ at McGill University in Montréal (Canada), August 10th. 2009 ‘The triumph of lent and the revenge of the body’ at the team meeting of the Making Publics research project at McGill University in Montréal (Canada), August 20th. 2009 ‘From local to global associations: The European expansion and the religious origins of the global civil society’ at the conference ‘The roots of global civil society from the rise of the press to the fall of the Wall’ at Trinity College (University of Cambridge), October 1th. 2009 ‘An introduction to European civil society’ at the workshop ‘Historical trajectories of contemporary societies. The development of civil society in Europe from the middle ages until today’ at the University of Antwerp, November 12th. 2009 ‘Civil society and urban development: the Low Countries during the late medieval and the early modern times’ at the workshop ‘Historical trajectories of contemporary societies. The development of civil society in Europe from the middle ages until today’ at the University of Antwerp, November 13th. 2009 ‘Concluding remarks’ at the workshop ‘Historical trajectories of contemporary societies. The development of civil society in Europe from the middle ages until today’ at the University of Antwerp, November 14th. 2008 'The socialization of a political culture. The case of late medieval and early modern club life in Malines (1400-1800)' at the European Social Science History Conference in Lissabon, February 2nd. 2008 'Jongeren in de laatmiddeleeuwse en vroegmoderne cultuur. Van sub- naar tegencultuur'' at the workshop 'Onstuimige jeugd? Levensloop en mentaliteit in de Oudheid en later' at the Catholic University of Leuven, April 19th. 4
2008 ‘Een veilige haven of stad van criminaliteit. Antwerpse criminaliteitspatroon in historisch perspectief’ in the City Archives in Antwerp, May 24th. 2008 'Bounding or bridging social capital? Lay and religious confraternities in late medieval and early modern Brabant' at the conference 'Brotherhood and boundaries: Lay religion and Europe’s expansion in the Renaissance and early modern period' in Pisa, September 20th. 2008 'De uitdagingen van het stedelijke leven. Stadsvorming, overlast en criminalisering in het laatmiddeleeuwse Brabant' at the conference 'Norm en afwijking, remedie en repressie. De aanpak van het deviante in de middeleeuwen' at the Catholic University of Leuven, October 31th. 2008 ‘Tussen droom en daad. De beperkte invloed van de centrale overheid op de rechtspraak in de Brabantse steden gedurende de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw' at the conference 'Histoire du droit et de la justice: une nouvelle génération de recherches' at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, December 11th. 2007 'De rol van stedelijke samenlevingen bij het ontstaan van een justitieel beleid' at the annual conference of the Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis in Dordrecht, March 26th. 2007 'De genese van een workshop. Waarom sociologen en historici van gedachten moeten wisselen' at the workshop 'Sociologen, historici en sociaal kapitaal' at the University of Antwerp, September 21th. 2007 ‘Concurrence entre justice urbaine et justice centrale en Brabant à la fin du Moyen Age. Le cas des villes d’Anvers, Bois-le-Duc et Malines’ at the workshop ‘Preferant misericorde a righeur de justice. La place de la grâce et de la peine capitale dans la justice aux Pays-Bas (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles)’ at the Université Catholique de Louvain, October 15th. 2007 ‘The administration of justice in some Brabantine towns (1400-1800). The decentralisation of an important public service’ at the congres ‘Civil society and public services in early modern Europe’ at the Leiden University, December 1th. 2006 'Geweld in de stad. Patronen van stedelijke criminaliteit in de Nederlanden (13001800)' at the annual conference of the N.W. Posthumus Institute at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam 2006 '"Weert u als een man". Genderidentiteit en langetermijntrends in vrouwencriminaliteit (1300-1800)' at the workhop ‘Gender in de mainstream’ at the University of Antwerp, February 3th. 2006 'A Great Leap Forward? A hypothesis about the evolution of women's involvement in crime (1300-1800)' at the masterclass 'Inclusion and exclusion in public space' with Barbara Hanawalt at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, February 28th. 2006 'Unmanageable cities, intrusive states: the difficult relation between local and central justice in late medieval and 16th-century Brabant' at the conference 'Metropolis and State in Early Modern Europe (c.1400-1800)' in Londen at the Centre for Metropolitan History (Institute of Historical Research, University of London), March 28th. 2006 'Geweld in de stad. Patronen van stedelijke criminaliteit in de Nederlanden (13001800)' at the annual conference of the N.W. Posthumus Institute at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, April 12th. 2006 'Met vallen en opstaan. Problemen en opportuniteiten van misdaadstatistieken tijdens de laatmiddeleeuwse periode' at the Workshop 'Kwantitatieve technieken en geïnformatiseerde data-verwerking in de mediëvistiek' at the University of Antwerp, November 24th. 2005 'Botsende belangen. De zielenzorg in enkele Norbertijnenparochies in het Hageland gedurende de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw' at the conference 'Norbertijnen en zielenzorg' in Tongerlo, April 16th. 2005 'Straffen in historische context. De strafbedevaart in Antwerpen, Mechelen en 'sHertogenbosch in de late Middeleeuwen en de zestiende eeuw' at the conference
'Met palster ende scerpe. Een symposium over bedevaarten en pelgrims vanaf de Middeleeuwen tot nu' at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, July 1th. 2005 'Falende democratieën? Het Brabantse verenigingsleven in de vroegmoderne tijd' at the conference of the N.W. Posthumus Institute in Groningen, September 2nd. 2004 'Crime and the urban elite in Antwerp (1485-1569)' at the European Social Science History Conference in Berlin, March 23th. ORGANIZATION OF CONFERENCES 2012 Specialist session ‘Urban networks: between individual and collective. Towards a multifaceted approach of medieval and early modern sociability (1300-1850)’ at the 11th International Conference on Urban History (29-08-2012 until 01-09-2012). 2010 Main session ‘Crime and the City: European patterns of crime and policing 15001900’ at the 10th International Conference on Urban History (02-09-2010). 2010 Main session ‘Replacing the family? Civil society, social relations and urban growth, 14th-19th centuries’ at the 10th International Conference on Urban History (03-092010). 2009 Workshop ‘Art and books in the market’ at the Elzenveld in Antwerp (22/11/2009). 2009 Workshop ‘Antwerp and the Renaissance’ at the University of Antwerp (28/29-052009). 2009 ESF-workshop ‘Historical trajectories of contemporary societies. The development of civil society in Europe from the middle ages until today’ at the University of Antwerp (12/13/14-11-2009). 2009 Masterclass ‘Neighbourhoods and social relations in early modern Europe’ with prof. dr. David Garrioch (16-11-2009). 2007 Interdisciplinary workshop ‘Sociologen, historici en sociaal kapitaal’ at the University of Antwerp 2006 Masterclass ‘Gender in de mainstream’ at the University of Antwerp (03-02-2006). SCIENTIFIC HONORS, GRANTS AND AWARDS 2011 Co-applicant of the Scientific Research Community (WOG) of the Flemish Research Community ‘Urban Agency. Setting the research agenda of urban history’ at the University of Antwerp. Team leader of the research theme ‘The civil city’ (2013-2014). 2010 Small research grant of the University of Antwerp for the research project: ‘From medieval estates to modern parliament. A study into the political participation in regional and central institutions in the Low Countries’ 2009 Fellowship of the research program ‘Making Publics: Media, Markets and Association in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700’ at McGill University (Montreal) 2008 Individual postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Foundation-Flanders 2008 Co-applicant interdisciplinary GOA-project ‘Multiple identities in a late medieval and early modern city. Mechelen in the 15th and 16th centuries’ (3 PhD students) 2008 Grant from the European Science Foundation for an Exploratory Workshop 2007 Small grant from the Humanities Faculty of the University of Antwerp for the organization of the interdisciplinary workshop ‘Sociologen, Historici en Sociaal Kapitaal’ 2007 Small research grant of the University of Antwerp for the research project: ‘The sociabilization of a democratic culture in the Low Countries 2006 Small grant from the Humanities Faculty of the the University of Antwerp for the organization of the workshop ‘Gender in the meanstream’ 2002 Encouraging award for historical research of the Province of Flemish-Brabant
TEACHING 20112011201020102008-2010 2008-2010 2008-2009 2007 2003-2005
Methods of Applied Research (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Methods of Social Research (Erasmus University Rotterdam) History Workshop (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Statistics (Erasmus University Rotterdam) History of the Low Countries (University of Antwerp) History Practicum (University of Antwerp) History of the Early Modern Period: global connections (University of Antwerp) Cultural History of the Early Modern Period (University of Antwerp) Introduction into the criminal history (University of Antwerp)
OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 20112009200920072002-2005
Secretary of the History Department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam Member of the European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers Supervision of PhD-project: Kim Overlaet, ‘Heirs, kins and urban networks. City dwellers and their urban, social and kin-based relations in 15th and 16th century Mechelen’. Member of the board of the Flemish-Dutch journal ‘Stadsgeschiedenis’ Secretary of the research seminars of the Centre for Urban History