Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Dr. Hudi Hastowo Penanggung Jawab
Ir. Falconi Margono, MM Redaktur
Drs. Dendang Hermansyah Penyunting
Abdul Haris, A.Md Medio Venda S. Ani Syamsi Perancang Grafis
BATAN Annual Report 2011
The 2011 annual report has been prepared as a form of responsibility of BATAN in giving information in connection with the results of implementation of programs as well as activities during the year 2011. This year of 2011 is the second year for implementation of the strategic planning (Renstra) of BATAN for the years 2010-2014.
Laporan tahunan 2011 ini disusun sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban BATAN dalam memberikan informasi terkait hasil pelaksanaan program serta kegiatan selama tahun 2011. Tahun 2011 ini merupakan tahun kedua bagi pelaksanaan rencana strategis (Renstra) BATAN 2010-2014.
In line with the direction of the national development policy which is contained in the 2010-2014 Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM), BATAN supports the development program through research programs, development and application of nuclear energy, isotope and radiation as well as activities conducted in phases in accordance to the changes of the strategic environment.
Sejalan dengan arah kebijakan pembangunan nasional yang tertuang di dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) 2010-2014, BATAN mendukung program pembangunan melalui program penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan energi nuklir, isotop dan radiasi serta kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara bertahap sesuai dengan perubahan lingkungan strategis.
This report shows the realization of results that have been obtained during the time from January until December 2011, in the efforts to reach the medium term target which has been stipulated in the Strategic Plan of BATAN 2010-2014.
Laporan ini menampilkan realisasi hasil yang telah diperoleh selama kurun waktu Januari sampai dengan Desember tahun 2011, dalam upaya mencapai target jangka menengah yang telah ditetapkan dalam Renstra BATAN 2010-2014.
The results of the R&D and Designing of BATAN for the period 2010-2014 is directed to support the national development which is focused in resolving issues in the field of energy, food, health, industry as well as environmental issues. Several of the R&D and Designing results are ready to be applied, however, there are still areas to be further developed. Socialization and dissemination conducted by BATAN in order to introduce the results of R&D and design in nuclear Science and technology for peaceful purposes and welfare for the people.
Hasil litbangyasa BATAN periode 2010-2014 ditujukan untuk dapat turut mendukung pembangunan nasional yang difokuskan dalam hal memecahkan permasalahan di bidang energi, pangan, kesehatan, industri maupun permasalahan lingkungan. Beberapa hasil litbangyasa telah siap diaplikasikan, namun masih ada yang perlu dikembangkan. Sosialisasi dan diseminasi dilaksanakan BATAN dalam rangka memperkenalkan hasil litbangyasa iptek nuklir, dan memberikan informasi secara terbuka dan berimbang terkait pemanfaatan iptek nuklir untuk maksud damai dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
The assistance in support as well as the good coordination with other institutions, the government as well as the private sector including the user community is very much needed by BATAN in the frame of producing beneficial products. Besides relevant information, this report is complemented with information regarding the resources of BATAN.
Bantuan dukungan serta koordinasi yang baik dengan instansi lain, baik pemerintah maupun swasta serta masyarakat pengguna sangat diperlukan BATAN dalam rangka menghasilkan produk yang bermanfaat. Selain informasi terkait, hasil laporan ini dilengkapi dengan informasi mengenai sumberdaya BATAN.
It is expected that this report could be of benefit by stakeholders, as well as a means to obtain input for increasing the performance of BATAN.
Diharapkan laporan ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pemangku kepentingan, serta dapat menjadi sarana untuk mendapatkan masukan bagi peningkatan kinerja BATAN.
We hope that Allah, God the Almighty shall always give His Blessings, His grace and His Wisdom to us all, Amen.
Semoga Allah selalu memberikan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua, Amin.
Jakarta, 31 Mei 2012 Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency Kepala Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional
Hudi Hastowo Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
BATAN Annual Report 2011
25 31 39
Development of Superior Material Technology Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Unggul Development of Nuclear Analysis Technology Pengembangan Teknologi Analisis Nuklir Development of Accelerator Technology Pengembangan Teknologi Akselerator
Preparation of Basic Infrastructure Guidance to Support the National Nuclear Energy Program Penyusunan Pedoman Infrastruktur Dasar Pendukung Program Energi Nuklir Nasional Development of the Technology and Safety of the Nuclear Reactor Pengembangan Teknologi dan Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir Development of Nuclear Informatics Pengembangan Informatika Nuklir
47 49
Operation and Utilization of the Multi Purpose Reactor Pengoperasian dan Pemanfaatan Reaktor Serba Guna Development of Nuclear Instrumentation Engineering Pengembangan Perekayasaan Perangkat Nuklir
Development of Technology for Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Monitoring Pengembangan Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Development of Technology for Nuclear Fuel of the Research and Power Reactor Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir Reaktor Riset dan Daya Inventory of Uranium and Thorium Potential Regions in Indonesia Inventarisasi Daerah Potensial Uranium dan Thorium di Indonesia Development of Technology Application of Isotope and Radiation Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi
65 69
Technology Development of Radioisotope Production Process For Medical Application Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Produksi Radioisotop Untuk Aplikasi Medik Socialization of Nuclear Science & Technology (S&T) Sosialisasi Iptek Nuklir
87 95
Dissemination of Nuclear S&T Diseminasi Iptek Nuklir Nuclear Technique Education Pendidikan Teknik Nuklir
Education and Training for State Apparatus Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Aparatur Negara
Standardization in the Field of Nuclear Energy Standardisasi Bidang Ketenaganukliran
Patents of Enisora R&D Results Paten Hasil Litbang Enisora
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
BATAN Annual Report 2011
In the year 1954 when the advance countries were actively conducting nuclear weapon trial testing in the Pacific ocean, the government of Indonesia has answered the possibility of a radioactive fallout by forming a State Committee which has the duties to conduct investigation towards such possibility.
Pada tahun 1954 saat negara-negara adidaya gencar melakukan uji coba senjata nuklir di lautan Pasifik pemerintah Indonesia menyikapi kemungkinan jatuhan radioaktif dengan membentuk suatu Panitia Negara yang bertugas melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kemungkinan tersebut.
Then in the year 1958 through government regulation No. 65 year 1958, on the date 5 December 1958, an official government institution was formed in empowerment and utilization of nuclear energy for the welfare of the people, namely the National Atomic Energy Council and the Atomic Energy Institution (LTA).
Selanjutnya di tahun 1958 melalui peraturan pemerintah No. 65 tahun 1958, pada tanggal 5 Desember 1958, dibentuk lembaga resmi pemerintah dalam pendayagunaan dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat, yaitu Dewan Tenaga Atom Nasional dan Lembaga Tenaga Atom (LTA).
The mastery of nuclear Science and Technology (S&T) continued to be increased after the Atomic Energy Institution was stipulated to become the National Atomic Energy Agency through Law No. 31 Year 1964, regarding the Main Provisions of Atomic Energy. Gradually the building of research centers and nuclear S&T development were conducted in Bandung, Yogyakarta, Pasar Jumat-Jakarta, as well as Serpong-Tangerang, and operated were 3 research reactors which are the Triga Mark II with initial power of 250 kW in Bandung (1965); Kartini Reactor having a power of 100 kW, in Yogyakarta (1979); as well as the G.A. Siwabessy Multi Purpose Reactor having a power of 30 MW in Serpong (1987).
Penguasaan iptek nuklir terus ditingkatkan setelah Lembaga Tenaga Atom ditetapkan menjadi Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional melalui Undang-undang No. 31 Tahun 1964, tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Tenaga Atom. Secara bertahap dibangun pusat-pusat penelitian dan pengembangan iptek nuklir di Bandung, Yogyakarta, Pasar Jumat-Jakarta, serta Serpong-Tangerang, dan dioperasikannya 3 reaktor riset yaitu Triga Mark II berdaya awal 250 kW di Bandung (1965); Reaktor Kartini berdaya 100 kW, di Yogyakarta (1979); serta Reaktor Serba Guna G.A. Siwabessy berdaya 30 MW di Serpong (1987).
For activities in R&D of S&T, nuclear installation/instruments were operated gradually, among them are the Co-60 Cell Gamma Irradiator in Pasar Jumat (1968); The 300 keV Electron Beam Machine (MBE) in Pasar Jumat (1984); The Radioactive Waste Processing Installation in Serpong (1988); The Radioisotope and Radiopharmacy Installation, and the Experimental Fuel Element Installation in Serpong (1989); The Radiometallurgy Installation, The Nuclear Safety and Techniques Installation, and the Mechano Electronic Laboratory in Serpong (1990); Neutron Spectrometry Installation, The Installation for Spent Fuel Element Storage and Movement of Contaminated Material in Serpong (1992); as well as the 2 MeV MBE in Pasar Jumat (1994); and 350 keV/10 mA MBE in Yogyakarta(2003).
Untuk kegiatan litbang iptek, instalasi/perangkat nuklir pun dioperasikan secara bertahap diantaranya: Iradiator Gamma Cell Co-60 di Pasar Jumat (1968); Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE) 300 keV di Pasar Jumat (1984); Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif di Serpong (1988); Instalasi Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka, dan Instalasi Elemen Bakar Eksperimental di Serpong (1989); Instalasi Radiometalurgi, Instalasi Keselamatan dan Keteknikan Nuklir, dan Laboratorium Mekano Elektronik di Serpong (1990); Instalasi Spektrometri Neutron, Instalasi Penyimpanan Elemen Bakar Bekas dan Pemindahan Bahan Terkontaminasi di Serpong (1992); serta MBE 2 MeV di Pasar Jumat (1994); dan MBE 350 keV/10 mA di Yogyakarta (2003).
In the year 1997, in the frame of separating the Regulatory Agency from the Executing Agency in the utilization of nuclear energy, the Law No. 10 Year 1997 regarding Nuclear Energy was stipulated. Lastly through Presidential Decision No. 197 Year 1998, the name The National Atomic Energy Agency was changed to become The National Nuclear Energy Agency.
Pada tahun 1997, dalam rangka pemisahan Badan Pelaksana dan Badan Pengawas penggunaan tenaga nuklir, ditetapkan Undang-undang No. 10 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran. Terakhir melalui Keputusan Presiden No. 197 Tahun 1998, nama Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional menjadi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Position, Main Duty and Function Law No. 10 Year 1997 regarding Nuclear Energy stipulates the formation of an executing agency to conduct research, development and utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia and a nuclear energy regulatory agency to conduct the regulatory function. As a follow up of the Law No. 10 Year 1997, was born a new Presidential Decision No. 103 Year 2001 regarding Position, Duties, Functions, Authorities, Organizational Structure, and Administrative Work Procedure of Non Ministerial Government Institution as amanded several times, which most recently by Presidential Decree No. 64 Year 2005. The main duty of BATAN is to conduct duties in the field of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy
in accordance to the provisions of the valid Laws and Regulations. In conducting its duties, BATAN conducts the following functions: 1. Assessment and preparation of the national policy in the field of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy; 2. Coordination of the functional activities in conducting the duties of BATAN; 3. Facilitation and guidance in activities of the government institution in the field of research, development and utilization of nuclear energy; 4. Conducting guidance and general administration services in the field of general planning, administrative procedures, organization and orderly implementation, employee administration, finance, archive administration, coding, logistics, and household affairs;
Vision, Mission, Objective, and Strategic Target In the frame of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency in conducting the duty and function of BATAN, therefore in the year 2006 a Regulation of the Head of BATAN Number 392/KA/XI/2005 was enacted, regarding the Organization and Administrative Work Procedures of BATAN, with the organization structure consisting of a Head which is assisted by an Executive Secretary of Echelon I level and four Technical Deputies of Echelon I level.
a. Increase the capacity in R&D of nuclear energy, isotope and radiation, as well as utilization/empowerment of the people in support of the national development program. b. Increase the R&D institution management system and accelerate nuclear S&T innovation in the frame of supporting research, development and application of nuclear energy, isotope and radiation as well as to support the national innovation system.
“Nuclear Energy as an Accelerator of the Nation’s Welfare”
Strategic Target
The nuclear S&T development target that is desired to be achieved is : 1. Increase the results of R&D of enisora and utilization / application in the field of food, energy, health and medicine as well as natural resources and environment for the welfare of the people. 2. Increase the capacity, capability of S&T resources and performance of R&D Institution management to support the strengthening of the innovation system and utilization of the results of research, development and application of nuclear energy, isotope and radiation to the people.
a. b
Conduct Research, Development and Application (Litbangrap) of Nuclear Energy, Isotope dan Radiation (Enisora) in Supporting the National Development Program. Strengthening the R&D Institution Management System and Competence in order to Support Activities in Research, Development and Application of Nuclear Energy, Isotope and Radiation.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Kedudukan, Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Undang-undang (UU) No. 10 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran menetapkan pembentukan badan pelaksana untuk melaksanakan penelitian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir di Indonesia dan badan pengawas tenaga nuklir untuk melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan. Sebagai tindak lanjut UU No. 10 Tahun 1997 lahirlah Keppres No. 103 Tahun 2001 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi, Kewenangan, Susunan Organisasi, dan Tata Kerja Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 64 Tahun 2005. Tugas pokok BATAN adalah melaksanakan tugas pemerintahan di bidang penelitian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir sesuai dengan ketentuan
Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam melaksanakan tugas, BATAN menyelenggarakan fungsi: 1. Pengkajian dan penyusunan kebijakan nasional di bidang penelitian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir; 2. Koordinasi kegiatan fungsional dalam pelaksanaan tugas BATAN; 3. Fasilitasi dan pembinaan terhadap kegiatan instansi pemerintah di bidang penelitian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir; 4. Penyelenggaraan pembinaan dan pelayanan administrasi umum di bidang perencanaan umum, ketatausahaan, organisasi dan tata laksana, kepegawaian, keuangan, kearsipan, hukum, persandian, perlengkapan, dan rumah tangga;
Visi, Misi, Tujuan, dan Sasaran Strategis
“Energi Nuklir sebagai Pemercepat Kesejahteraan Bangsa”
Tujuan a. Meningkatkan kemampuan litbang energi nuklir, isotop dan radiasi, serta pemanfaatan/pendayagunaan oleh masyarakat dalam mendukung program pembangunan nasional. b. Meningkatkan sistem manajemen kelembagaan litbang dan memacu inovasi iptek nuklir dalam rangka mendukung penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan energi nuklir, isotop dan radiasi serta mendukung sistem inovasi nasional.
Sasaran Strategis
a. Melaksanakan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Penerapan (Litbangrap) Energi Nuklir, Isotop dan Radiasi (Enisora) dalam Mendukung Program Pembangunan Nasional. b. Memperkuat Sistem Manajemen Kelembagaan Litbang dan Kompetensi untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Penerapan Energi Nuklir, Isotop dan Radiasi.
Sasaran pembangunan iptek nuklir yang ingin dicapai adalah : 1. Peningkatan hasil litbang enisora dan pemanfaatan/ penerapan di bidang pangan, energi, kesehatan dan obat serta sumber daya alam dan lingkungan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. 2. Peningkatan kapasitas, kapabilitas sumber daya iptek dan kinerja manajemen kelembagaan litbang untuk mendukung penguatan sistem inovasi dan pemanfaatan hasil penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan energi nuklir, isotop dan radiasi ke masyarakat.
Dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas dan efesiensi pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi BATAN, maka pada tahun 2006 mulai diberlakukan Peraturan Kepala BATAN Nomor 392/KA/XI/2005, tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja BATAN, dengan struktur organisasinya terdiri dari seorang Kepala yang dibantu oleh Sekretaris Utama setingkat Eselon I dan empat orang Deputi Teknis setingkat Eselon I. Visi
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Organization Structure The Organization Structure of BATAN is prepared based on Presidential Decision No. 103 year 2001 and Regulation of the Head of BATAN No. 392/KA/XI/2005, Regarding Organization and Administrative Work procedures of BATAN, as follows:
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Struktur Organisasi Susunan organisasi BATAN disusun berdasarkan Keppres No. 103 tahun 2001 dan Peraturan Kepala BATAN No. 392/KA/ XI/2005, Tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja BATAN, sebagai berikut:
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Human Resources In accordance to the employee administration data dated 31 Desember 2011, BATAN possesses 3182 employees spread out in 4 (four) Bureaus, 14 (fourteen) Technical Centers, 2 (two) Dissemination/Partnership Centers, 1 (one) Center for Education and Training, 1 (one) Inspectorate, 1 (one) School of Higher Learning for Nuclear Technology, and 1 (one) Center for Standardization and Nuclear Quality Assurance. In general, the level of education of the employees of BATAN, there are 100 people of S3 (Doctoral degree), 290 people of S2 (Post Graduate degree), 1133 people of S1 and D4 (Graduate degree), 434 people consisting of D3/ Bachelor degree, as well as 1225 of < D3/ Bachelor degree education. In the frame of increasing the competence and expertise, the BATAN employees are given guidance to have a career through the functional career program, 1117 employees have careers in 21 functional positions and among these employees, there are 68 noted to possess qualification as Main Researcher (39 people are research professors). PROFILE PEJABAT FUNGSIONAL BATAN (31 DESEMBER 2011) PENELITI 341 PRANUK : 451 AHLI TRPL 178 273
LET. LITKAYASA 60 KLPK USIA JML 21 - 25 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40 41 - 45 46 - 50 51 - 55 56 - 60 61 - 65
0 30 39 44 132 325 315 198 34
GOL JML IV 387 III 717 II 13 I 0 1117
Reformation of BATAN Bureaucracy In the frame of supporting the government program for the government administrative management to reach good governance, BATAN has prepared a 2010-2014 Bureaucracy Reformation Roadmap. The implementation of the BATAN Bureaucracy Reformation until now has progressed in accordance to the schedule of phases contained in the Roadmap document. On the date 9 September 2011 BATAN had applied a Bureaucratic Reformation proposal to the National Bureaucratic Reformation Management Unit (UPRBN) and to the Ministry for the State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reformation, as well as conducting field desk assessment and verification on 26 Oktober 2011.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Implementation of the Bureaucratic Reformation in BATAN in the year 2011 is newly in the preparation phase, which is the perfection and improvement of the system by preparing the documentation for orderly arrangement and strengthening, and that is for the orderly arrangement and strengthening of the organization; work procedures; the apparatus human resources management system; supervision; strengthening accountability; public service quality; and change management, as well as monitoring, evaluation, and reporting progress of implementation of the BATAN Bureaucratic Reformation.
Sumber Daya Manusia Berdasarkan data kepegawaian tertanggal 31 Desember 2011, BATAN mempunyai 3182 orang pegawai yang tersebar di 4 (empat) Biro, 14 (empat belas) Pusat Teknis, 2 (dua) Pusat Diseminasi/ Kemitraan, 1 (satu) Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, 1 (satu) Inspektorat, 1 (satu) Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir, dan 1 (satu) Pusat Standarisasi dan Jaminan Mutu Nuklir. Secara garis besar tingkat pendidikan pegawai BATAN adalah 100 orang S3, 290 orang S2, 1133 orang S1 dan D4, 434 orang terdiri dari tamatan D3/ Sarjana Muda, serta 1225 adalah dengan pendidikan < D3/ Sarjana Muda. Hal tersebut disajikan dalam gambar di bawah. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi dan keahliannya, para karyawan BATAN diarahkan untuk meniti karir melalui jenjang jabatan fungsional, 1117 orang karyawan meniti karir di 21 jabatan fungsional dan diantara karyawan tersebut tercatat 68 orang memiliki kualifikasi Peneliti Utama (39 orang profesor riset). PROFILE SDM BATAN (31 DESEMBER 2011)
S3 100(3,14%)
290(9,11%) 1133(35.61%) 434(13,64%%) D-3/SARMUD
SETTAMA 501 15,74%
PDT 855 26,87%
PTEN 431 13,54%
PTDBR 693 21,78%
PHLPN 702 22,06%
JML 3182
270 120 390
576 224 800
1086 290 1376
134 57 191
356 69 425
2422 760 3182
600 18,86%
< 26
26 - 30
31 - 35
101 207
2213 69,55%
36 - 40 41 - 45
356 11,19%
46 - 50
51 -55
61 - 65
I JML 3182
13 0,41%
JML 3182
I 5 II 22 III 106 IV 218 JLM 351
Reformasi Birokrasi BATAN Dalam rangka mendukung program pemerintah untuk tata kelola pemerintah mencapai good governance, BATAN telah menyusun Roadmap Reformasi Birokrasi 2010-2014. Pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi BATAN sampai dengan saat ini telah berjalan sesuai dengan jadual tahapan yang tertuang dalam dokumen Roadmap. Pada tanggal 9 September 2011 BATAN telah mengajukan usulan Reformasi Birokrasi kepada Unit Pengelola Reformasi Birokrasi Nasional (UPRBN) dan kepada Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, serta telah dilakukan penilaian desk assesment dan verifikasi lapangan pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2011.
Pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi di BATAN pada tahun 2011 baru pada tahap persiapan, yaitu penyempurnaan dan perbaikan sistem dengan menyusun dokumen-dokumen penataan dan penguatan, yaitu penataan dan penguatan organisasi; tatalaksana; sistem manajemen SDM aparatur; pengawasan; penguatan akuntabilitas; kualitas pelayanan publik, dan manajemen perubahan, serta monitoring, evaluasi, dan pelaporan kemajuan pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi BATAN.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
In the year 2012 the implementation of the BATAN Bureaucratic Reformation has been continued in the implementation phase, which is socialization and internalization in order to build similar perception, commitment, consistency, as well as involvement in all levels
of the BATAN employees in conducting the Bureaucratic Reformation, as well as conducting monitoring and evaluation to monitor the implementation of every program and activity phase that has been stipulated in the roadmap of the BATAN Bureaucratic Reformation.
Reformation bureaucracy socialization
Assessment process of reformation bureaucracy
Financial Management in the Opinion of WTP An institution must reduce various deviations in financial management to obtain the opinion of WTP. The best opinion in this financial report is one of the portraits of financial accountability of the state as well as the region. The results of the investigation reports (LHP) with the opinion of WTP, which is the highest opinion to the worthiness of the Financial Report could only be obtained by institutions which have conducted and managed the finance in accordance to the government accounting standards. The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 year 2011 regarding the Accountability of Implementation of the 2010 State Budget, which has been prepared based on the Financial Report of the State Ministry/Institution (LKKL) and the Financial Report of the State General Treasurer (LKBUN) for the Year 2010 which has been audited and given opinion by The Audit Board (BPK). In the elucidation it is mentioned that there are 83 LKKL and 1 (one) LKBUN, from the mentioned number of LKKL, 53 LKKL obtained the opinion of “Reasonable Without Reserve (WTP)”, 28 LKKL obtained the opinion of “Reasonable With Exception (WDP)”, 2 (two)
BATAN Annual Report 2011
LKKL obtained the opinion of “Not Giving Opinion (TMP)”, and LKBUN obtained the opinion of WDP. BATAN is one of 53 LKKL that obtained WTP. LKKL Year 2009, BATAN also obtained an opinion from WTP.
2009 WTP Certification
Pada tahun 2012 pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi BATAN dilanjutkan pada tahap implementasi, yaitu sosialisasi dan internalisasi untuk membangun kesamaan persepsi, komitmen, konsistensi, serta keterlibatan pada seluruh tingkatan pegawai BATAN dalam pelaksanaan Reformasi
Birokrasi, serta dilakukan monitoring dan evaluasi, untuk memantau pelaksanaan setiap program dan tahapan kegiatan yang telah ditetapkan dalam roadmap Reformasi Birokrasi BATAN.
Sosialisasi program reformasi birokrasi
Rapat koordinasi BATAN dengan nara sumber Kemenpan dan RB
Pengelolaan Keuangan dalam Opini WTP Suatu lembaga harus mengurangi berbagai penyimpangan dalam pengelolaan keuangan untuk memperoleh opini WTP. Opini terbaik bagi laporan keuangan ini merupakan salah satu potret pertanggungjawaban keuangan baik negara maupun daerah. Laporan hasil pemeriksaan (LHP) dengan opini WTP, yaitu opini tertinggi atas kewajaran Laporan Keuangan hanya bisa diraih oleh lembaga yang sudah melaksanakan dan mengelola keuangan sesuai standar akuntasi pemerintah. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 tahun 2011 tentang Pertanggungjawaban atas Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Tahun Anggaran 2010, yang disusun berdasarkan Laporan Keuangan Kementerian Negara/Lembaga (LKKL) dan Laporan Keuangan Bendahara Umum Negara (LKBUN) Tahun 2010 yang telah diaudit dan diberikan opini oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK). Dalam penjelasan disebutkan terdapat 83 LKKL dan 1 (satu) LKBUN, dari jumlah LKKL tersebut, 53 LKKL mendapat opini “Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP)”, 28 LKKL mendapat opini “Wajar Dengan Pengecualian (WDP)”, 2 (dua) LKKL
mendapat opini “Tidak Menyatakan Pendapat (TMP)”, dan LKBUN mendapat opini WDP. BATAN merupakan salah satu dari 53 LKKL yang mendapat WTP. LKKL Tahun 2009, BATAN juga mendapat opini WTP.
Sertifikat WTP Tahun 2010
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
BATAN Annual Report 2011
2011 Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Nuclear Radiation Safety Technology and Biomedicine Development of Malaria Vaccine by Radiation Techniques BATAN since 2005 has conducted malaria vaccine irradiation R&D program with the main objective to determine the effective gamma radiation dose which weakens the malaria parasite and obtain the main supporting data to achieve a precise formula from the malaria vaccine material candidate. In the year 2011 the R&D was focused on the blood phase parasites (erythrositic or merozoit form) which is synchronized to become one same form (ring form) which is one of the main aspects in development of the vaccine. From the expression testing of the post irradiation blood phase protein post, it is known that there is a difference in protein profile between the parasite infected mouse blood and the control blood.
The infected blood sample has more protein ribbons compared to non-infection. Irradiation has caused changes of the protein profile in the infected blood by the appearance of several new proteins after irradiation. This protein could be utilized for vaccine material by determining the molecular weight and extracting through the blotting method. Results of the post irradiation immune response testing showed that the radiation dose of 150 and 175 Gy is relatively effective in weakening and suppressing the growth of the parasite. With the ELISA method, the concentration of antibodies in the blood serum of the mouse infected with P. berghei irradiation dose of 150 Gy is the highest compared to 175 Gy.
1 Profie of post irradiation of mouse blood infected by P. berghei . M : marker standard broad range with protein molecule weight of 22, 31, 45, 66 and 97 kDa. K-1 : blood not infected. Profil protein darah mencit terinfeksi P. berghei pasca iradiasi. M : marker standard broad range dengan berat molekul protein 22, 31, 45, 66 dan 97 kDa. K-1 : darah tidak terinfeksi.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengembangan Teknologi Keselamatan Radiasi dan Biomedika Nuklir Pengembangan Vaksin Malaria dengan Teknik Radiasi BATAN sejak 2005 telah melaksanakan program litbang vaksin malaria iradiasi dengan tujuan utama menentukan dosis iradiasi gamma yang efektif melemahkan parasit malaria dan memperoleh data dukung utama untuk memperoleh formula yang tepat dari kandidat bahan vaksin malaria. Pada tahun 2011 litbang difokuskan pada parasit tahap darah (eritrositik atau bentuk merozoit) yang disinkronisasi menjadi satu bentuk yang sama (bentuk cincin) yang merupakan salah satu aspek utama dalam pengembangan vaksin. Dari uji ekspresi protein tahap darah pasca iradiasi diketahui terdapat perbedaan profil protein antara darah mencit terinfeksi parasit dan darah kontrol.
Sampel darah terinfeksi mempunyai jumlah pita protein lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan non-infeksi. Iradiasi menyebabkan perubahan profil protein dalam darah terinfeksi dengan timbulnya beberapa protein baru setelah iradiasi. Protein ini dapat digunakan untuk bahan vaksin dengan menentukan berat molekul dan mengekstraknya melalui metode blotting. Hasil uji respon imun pasca iradiasi menunjukkan bahwa dosis radiasi 150 dan 175 Gy relatif efektif dalam melemahkan dan menekan pertumbuhan parasit. Dengan metode ELISA, konsentrasi antibodi dalam serum darah mencit yang diinfeksi dengan P. berghei iradiasi dosis 150 Gy paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan 175 Gy.
Konsentrasi antibodi yang terbentuk pada mencit yang diinfeksi P. berghei iradiasi
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Technology in Mitigation of Nuclear Accidents and Assesment of the Environment > Development of Techniques in Detecting Radiation and Radioactivity in Nuclear Accidents In the frame of supporting the implementation in mitigation of nuclear accidents, it is therefore needed of a carbon monitoring system which is capable to detect radiation and radioactivity of the environment integratively, mobile and real time which shall be achieved in the year 2014. The results of this activity in the year 2011 is a series of ground surface radioactivity contamination measurement system as part of the carbon monitoring system.
Besides that, in 2011 BATAN began conducting activities in development of an air radioactivity monitoring station in Indonesia in coordination with the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG), Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), and the Environmental Impact Control Facility (SARPEDAL). This activity has the objective to conduct supervision of the ambient air quality in Indonesia. Location surveys have been conducted to which area fulfills the criteria as ‘fixed stationary’ in Pontianak, Medan, Padang, and Bangka Island. Working together with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), an International Noble Gas Experiment Workshop was held on 6-10 December 2011 in Yogyakarta. For measuring xenon gas, CTBTO plans to install a Swedish Automatic Unit for Noble Gas Acquisition (SAUNA II) in the Technology Center for Safety and Metrology of Radiation (PTKMR)-BATAN on January 2012.
System for ground surface radioactivity measurement which consists of data logger, detector, and Multi Channel Analyzer.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengembangan Teknologi Penanggulangan Kecelakaan Nuklir dan Pengkajian Lingkungan > Pengembangan Teknik Deteksi Radiasi dan Radioaktivitas pada Kecelakaan Nuklir Dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan penanggulangan kecelakaan nuklir, diperlukan sistem carbon monitoring yang mampu mendeteksi radiasi dan radioaktivitas lingkungan secara terintegrasi, mobile dan real time yang akan dicapai pada tahun 2014. Hasil kegiatan ini pada tahun 2011 berupa rangkaian sistem pengukuran kontaminasi radioaktivitas permukaan tanah sebagai bagian dari sistem carbon monitoring.
Selain itu, pada 2011 BATAN mulai melakukan kegiatan pengembangan stasiun monitoring radioaktivitas udara di Indonesia berkoordinasi dengan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN), Sarana Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan (SARPEDAL). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengawasan kualitas udara ambien di Indonesia. Telah dilakukan survei lokasi yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai fixed stationary di Pontianak, Medan, Menado, Padang, dan Pulau Bangka. Bekerja sama dengan Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) diselenggarakan International Noble Gas Experiment Workshop pada tanggal 6-10 Desember 2011 di Yogyakarta. Untuk mengukur gas xenon, CTBTO berencana menginstal Swedish Automatic Unit for Noble Gas Acquisition (SAUNA II) di Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasi (PTKMR)BATAN pada Januari 2012.
Sistem pengukuran radioaktivitas permukaan tanah yang terdiri dari data logger, detektor, dan Multi Channel Analyzer.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Development of Cytogenetic Analysis Techniques as a Radiation Biodosimeter
Unstable aberration of chromosome (dicentric and ring)in periphery lymphosit blood cells induced by ionizing radiation.
Process of blood sample irradiation with X-ray and gamma radiation source in BATAN
Prediction of the radiation dosage received by workers or the people in radiation accident cases could be conducted by chromosome aberration investigation in lymphosit blood cells (Cytogenetic analysis) like what is shown in the figure below. For this purpose, Indonesia needs to possess a standard response dose curve for every type of radiation obtained by radiating samples of healthy human blood with various dose variations.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
In the year 2011 a response dose calibration curve for X-ray was obtained which could be utilized as a biological dosimeter for workers and people in the case of excessive radiation exposure to the body.
> Pengembangan Teknik Analisis Sitogenetik sebagai Biodosimetri Radiasi
Proses irradiasi sampel darah dengan sumber radiasi gamma dan sinar-X di BATAN
Prediksi dosis radiasi yang diterima pekerja atau masyarakat dalam kasus kecelakaan radiasi dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan aberasi kromosom dalam sel darah limfosit (analisis sitogenetik) seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah. Untuk keperluan ini, Indonesia perlu memiliki kurva standar dosis respon untuk setiap jenis radiasi yang diperoleh dengan meradiasi sampel darah manusia sehat dengan berbagai variasi dosis.
Pada tahun 2011 telah diperoleh kurva kalibrasi dosis respon untuk sinar-X yang dapat digunakan sebagai dosimeter biologi pada pekerja dan masyarakat dalam kasus terjadinya paparan radiasi berlebih pada tubuh.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Development of an Environmental Radiation Assesment Technique The main target of this activity is in obtaining a radiation and radioactivity map in Indonesia which is targeted to be achieved in the year 2012. The output of the 2011 activity is in obtaining the radiation basic data of the Papua Province (Biak) environment in the frame of completing the data obtained from the previous years. The gamma radiation dose rate is directly conducted by utilizing the GR-130 Model Exploranium surveymeter made in Canada. The map for the gamma radiation rate for the whole of Indonesia was successfully obtained until the end of the year 2011.
Besides that, an assessment of the level of radiation in the environment specifically in the region was also conducted based on the results of the previous survey showing indication as a region with a relatively high natural radiation exposure rate. The regions mentioned are the Karimun in the Riau islands and the Mamuju Regency in West Sulawesi.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Specifically in the Regency of Mamuju with the average gamma dose rate of about 300 nSv/hour, a place is found that has radiation more than 2800 nSv/jam and within the people’s habitat area, the village of Boteng, District of Singkep, measured between 700 – 1000 nSv/ jam. With the incentive program fund for Increasing the Capacity of Researchers and Engineers (PKPP) 2011, measurement of radon and gamma radiation dose have been conducted continually for 3 months using passive radon monitoring equipment with CR-39 nuclear tracking detector and TLD-100 which were installed in 270 houses in the whole Regency of Mamuju. Every house measured have been recorded in its longitudinal and latitude position by using a Global Positioning System.
> Pengembangan Teknik Pengkajian Radiasi Lingkungan
Sasaran utama dari kegiatan ini adalah diperolehnya peta radiasi dan radioaktivitas di Indonesia yang ditargetkan akan dicapai pada tahun 2012. Output dari kegiatan 2011 adalah diperolehnya data dasar radiasi lingkungan Provinsi Papua (Biak) dalam rangka melengkapi data yang telah diperoleh dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Pengukuran laju dosis radiasi gamma secara langsung dilakukan dengan menggunakan surveimeter Exploranium Model GR-130 buatan Kanada. Sampai akhir tahun 2011 telah diperoleh peta laju radiasi gamma di seluruh Indonesia.
Selain itu dilakukan pula pengkajian tingkat radiasi lingkungan khusus di daerah yang berdasarkan hasil survei sebelumnya menunjukkan indikasi sebagai daerah dengan tingkat paparan radiasi alam yang relatif tinggi. Daerah yang dimaksud adalah Karimun di Kepulauan Riau dan kabupaten Mamuju di Sulawesi Barat.
Peta paparan gamma lingkungan Karimun, Kundur dan Bintan
Peralatan pengukuran laju dosis radiasi gamma
Peta radiasi lingkungan di Kabupaten Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat.
Peta Laju Dosis Biak Papua
Peta radiasi gamma di Biak.
Khusus di Kabupaten Mamuju yang rerata laju dosis gamma sekitar 300 nSv/jam, ditemukan tempat yang mempunyai radiasi lebih dari 2800 nSv/jam dan di area pemukiman penduduk, desa Boteng Kecamatan Singkep, terukur antara 700 – 1000 nSv/jam. Dengan dana program insentif Peningkatan Kemampuan Peneliti dan Perekayasa (PKPP) 2011, dilakukan pengukuran radon dan dosis radiasi gamma secara terus menerus selama 3 bulan menggunakan alat pemantau radon pasif dengan detektor jejak nuklir CR-39 dan TLD-100 yang di pasang pada 270 rumah di seluruh Kabupaten Mamuju. Setiap rumah yang diukur akan dicatat posisi lintang dan bujurnya dengan menggunakan alat Global Positioning System.
Peta laju dosis radiasi gamma di Indonesia yang telah diperoleh sampai tahun 2011
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
The results are obtained that the gamma radiation exposure rate received by the inhabitants in the Mamuju region is around 0.4 – 9.2 mSv/year. This dose is relatively high compared to other regions having an average of about 0,5 mSv/year. The rate of release of radon and toron gas from the ground shows that results are relatively high around 567 mBq/m2/second, whereas the world average is 15 mBq/m2/second. The concentration of radon in the people’s houses shows high results between 10 – 715 Bq/m3
the accuracy of estimation by calculating the patients measurement factor with the method of seeking the equivalent area of the patient.
Correction factor of the measurement of the patient in estimation of the CT patient dose.
> Development of a Dosimetry Techniques in the Protection and Environmental Level A technical document has been obtained in estimation of the artificial radionuclide like I-131 internal radiation exposure through an inhalation process which is very much needed in connection with radiation protection towards radiation workers.
Location map of the passive radon instrument installation in the Regency of Mamuju
Development of Radiation Metrology Technology > Development of Medical Dosimetric Techniques Output of this activity in the year 2011 is the achievement of a dose measurement dosimetry method for patients using X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) radiodiagnostics and initial study data of in vivo foton radiotherapy dosimetry method in Indonesia.
Estimation of dose of patients have been based on the measurement of phantom with diameter of 16 and 32cm only, whereas patient measurement always varies, therefore it is necessary to give corrections to the patients measurements. In estimation of dose received by the CT patients, a method was developed to increase Air Sampling Activity
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Diperoleh hasil bahwa dosis paparan radiasi gamma yang diterima penduduk di daerah Mamuju berkisar dari 0,4 – 9,2 mSv/tahun. Dosis ini relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan daerah lain rata-rata sekitar 0,5 mSv/tahun. Laju lepasan gas radon dan toron dari tanah menunjukkan hasil yang relatif tinggi yaitu sekitar 567 mBq/m2/detik, sedangkan rata-rata di dunia adalah 15 mBq/m2/detik. Konsentrasi radon di rumah penduduk menunjukkan hasil yang tinggi yaitu antara 10 – 715 Bq/m3
pengembangan metode untuk meningkatkan akurasi estimasi dengan memperhitungkan faktor ukuran pasien dengan cara mencari luas ekivalen pasien.
Data distribusi pesawat sinar-x CT dan estimassi dosis serap yang diterima organ tubuh pasien CT.
Alat pemantau radon pasif berisi detektor jejak nuklir CR-39 dan TLD-100 yang digantung di dalam rumah.
> Pengembangan Teknik Dosimetri Tingkat Proteksi dan Lingkungan Telah diperoleh dokumen teknis estimasi paparan radiasi interna radionuklida buatan seperti I-131 melalui proses inhalasi yang sangat diperlukan terkait proteksi radiasi terhadap pekerja radiasi.
Pengembangan Teknologi Metrologi Radiasi > Pengembangan Teknik Dosimetrik Medik Output kegiatan ini tahun 2011 adalah telah diperoleh metode dosimetri pengukuran dosis pasien radiodiagnostik sinar-X Computed Tomography (CT) dan data studi awal metode dosimetri in vivo radioterapi foton di Indonesia
Estimasi dosis pasien selama ini hanya berdasarkan pada pengukuran phantom diameter 16 dan 32 cm saja, sedangkan ukuran pasien selalu bervariasi, sehingga perlu diberikan koreksi ukuran pasien. Dalam estimasi dosis yang diterima oleh pasien CT dilakukan Analisa sampel partikulat udara
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Development of Method for Radiation Standardization and Calibration Output of this activity is a standardization method for Eu-152 in solid cylinder form, gamma source with short half life Cl-38 and beta source Sr-90. The Eu-152 source in solid cylinder form may be used for calibration of activity measuring instruments in the case of analysis of materials having solid cylindrical form. The Cl-38 source could be used for calibrating activity measuring instruments up to energy above 2000 keV and for analysis of factory production goods (like plastic) which use a considerable amount of Chloride. Whereas the Sr-90 source is used for calibration of LSC measuring instrument, hand and foot monitor, beta counter, and others.
> Investigation of Radiation Pollution The Technology Center for Radiation Safety and Metrology (PTKMR)-BATAN has conducted certification of radiation pollution analysis of food materials and other daily material needs which are to be exported and imported. In the year 2011 in connection with the accident of Fukushima Daiichi NPP in Japan, the demand for radiation pollution certification for export import of materials has increased drastically in number and types of samples analyzed like raw and processed oil, canned and fresh fish, food additive materials, shortening, milk and its processed products, children food, candy/sweets, various types of beverages (mineral water, sake, beer, wine), bath soap, raw water, waste water, etc. Radiation Safety and Metrology Technology Service PTKMR-BATAN renders services in radiation safety and metrology covering Radiation Free Certification, Calibration of Radiation Measuring Instruments (AUR) and Standardization, Radiation Monitoring Analysis, Clinical Analysis, and Conformance Testing of Nuclear Technology Based Medical Equipment. The 2011 functional PNPB income target plan amounts to Rp. 2.541.575.000,- the achievement obtained until the end of 2011 amounts to Rp. 3.803.922.500,-
Eu-152 source in form of solid cylinder
Utilization of gamma spectrometer for imported food inspection
BATAN Annual Report 2011
> Pengembangan Metode Standardisasi dan Kalibrasi Radiasi Output kegiatan ini adalah metode standardisasi untuk Eu-152 bentuk silinder pejal, sumber gamma berumur paro pendek Cl-38, dan sumber beta Sr-90. Sumber Eu152 berbentuk silinder pejal dapat digunakan untuk mengkalibrasi alat ukur aktivitas dalam hal menganalisis bahan berbentuk silinder pejal. Sumber Cl-38 dapat digunakan untuk kalibrasi alat ukur aktivitas sampai energi di atas 2000 keV dan untuk analisis bahan hasil produksi pabrikan (seperti plastik) yang banyak menggunakan unsur Chlor. Sedangkan sumber Sr-90 digunakan untuk mengkalibrasi alat ukur LSC, hand and foot monitor, beta counter, dan lainnya.
> Pemeriksaan Cemaran Radiasi Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasi (PTKMR)-BATAN telah melakukan sertifikasi analisis cemaran radiasi dari bahan pangan dan bahan kebutuhan harian yang akan diekspor dan impor. Pada tahun 2011 berkenaan dengan kecelakaan PLTN Fukushima Daiichi di Jepang, permintaan sertifikasi cemaran radiasi untuk bahan ekspor impor meningkat drastis pada jumlah dan jenis sampel yang dianalisis seperti minyak mentah dan olahan, ikan kaleng dan segar, bahan aditif makanan, shortening, susu dan produk olahannya, makanan anakanak, permen, berbagai jenis minuman (air mineral, sake, bir, wine), sabun mandi, air baku, air limbah, dan sebagainya.
Sumber Sr-90 cair
Spektrometer gamma yang terdiri dari detektor HPGe, detector cooler dan Multi Channel Analyzer (MCA).
Pelayanan Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasi PTKMR-BATAN memberikan pelayanan teknologi keselamatan dan metrologi radiasi yang meliputi Sertifikasi Bebas Radiasi, Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Radiasi (AUR) dan Standardisasi, Analisis Monitoring Radiasi, Analisis Klinik, dan Uji Kesesuaian Peralatan Medik Berbasis Teknologi Nuklir. Rencana target penerimaan PNBP fungsional tahun 2011 adalah Rp. 2.541.575.000,-. Capaian yang diperoleh sampai akhir 2011 sebesar Rp. 3.803.922.500,- . Pemeriksaan kandungan kontaminasi makanan cair impor
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Superior Material Technology BATAN conducts development of superior material technology for energy, health, and environmental friendly industry. In the year 2011 BATAN has produced: Development of Superior Material Technology for Energy The development of Reactor Structure Material is directed to support mastery of nuclear fuel technology as part of the program in providing the national energy supply through the operation of NPP. The R&D activity is planned to produce zirconium alloy (ZrNbMoGe), which fulfills the specification for fuel tubes and feritic material (FeCrNi) for vessels. Besides making alloys, efforts are made to increase the quality by layering techniques.
Micro structure of FeCrNi after nitridation
> Development of Glass, Polymer Based Micro Battery The R&D conducted develops synthetic new materials for battery components, especially the electrolytic component which is glass based (solid electrolyte) or polymer.
The application which becomes the target of this R&D, possesses two ends, the first is (i) thin layer battery, which is often known as all solid state thin film battery or micro battery, whereas the second is (ii) the Bulk type battery or large battery which is generally found in the market nowadays.
For the thin layer battery, the most simple thin layer structure which is currently being studied is as illustrated in the following diagram.:
Sample of FeCrNi after nitridation for surface layering
The results obtained in the year 2011 is a feritic alloy (FeCrNi) material and zirconium alloy (ZrNbMoGe) in a certain composition and is the result of characterization of the micro structure. The surface layering of this feritic alloy material has also been successful with the nitridation technique and could be confirmed of its nitride layer. The sample obtained from this phase shall be characterized further with standard material specification expected.
Micro structure of the FeCrNi alloy produced by optical microscope Thin layer battery
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Unggul BATAN melakukan pengembangan teknologi bahan unggul untuk energi, kesehatan, dan industri berwawasan lingkungan. Pada tahun 2011 telah dihasilkan : Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Unggul untuk Energi
Ingot hasil peleburan dan pengerolan paduan ZrNbMoGe
Pengembangan Bahan Struktur Reaktor ditujukan untuk mendukung penguasaan teknologi bahan bakar nuklir sebagai bagian dari program penyediaan energi nasional melalui pengoperasian PLTN. Kegiatan litbang direncanakan untuk menghasilkan paduan zirkonium (ZrNbMoGe), yang memenuhi spesifikasi untuk kelongsong bahan bakar dan bahan feritik (FeCrNi) untuk vesel. Selain pembuatan paduan juga diupayakan peningkatan mutu bahan dengan teknik pelapisan.
Struktur mikro paduan ZrNbMoGe
> Pengembangan Baterai Mikro Berbasis Gelas, Polimer Litbang yang dilakukan mengembangkan sintesa material baru untuk komponen baterai, terutama pada komponen elektrolitnya yang berbasiskan gelas (elektrolit padat) atau polimer.
Aplikasi yang menjadi target dari litbang ini, memiliki dua ujung, yang pertama adalah (i) baterai lapisan tipis, yang sering dikenal juga dengan istilah all solid state thin film battery atau micro battery; sedangkan yang kedua adalah (ii) tipe baterai Bulk atau baterai ukuran besar yang lebih lazim ditemukan di pasaran saat ini.
Untuk baterai lapisan tipis, struktur lapisan tipis yang paling sederhana yang tengah dipelajari adalah sebagaimana tergambar dalam diagram berikut:
Kelongsong bahan bakar nuklir untuk PLTN
Hasil yang telah diperoleh pada tahun 2011 berupa bahan paduan feritik (FeCrNi) dan paduan zirkonium (ZrNbMoGe) dengan komposisi tertentu dan hasil karaterisasi struktur mikronya. Pelapisan permukaan bahan paduan feritik dengan teknik nitridasi juga telah berhasil dilakukan dan dapat dikonfirmasi keberadaan lapisan nitridanya. Sampel yang diperoleh dari tahap ini akan dilakukan karakterisasi lanjut dibandingkan dengan spesifikasi standar bahan yang diharapkan.
Baterai lapisan tipis
Ingot hasil peleburan paduan FeCrNi
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
The application of this thin layer battery is quite various, among them are for power supply of RFID card (Radio Frequency Identification Card) which has a variety of potentials in its utilization, including for tracer of animal livestock in the wild, for tracer of library books, inventory of goods in the shop, factory or library, as well as moving transponder (toll, factory instrument, etc.).
The results obtained : For glass based battery, a MASKING equipment has been made, which has been constructed to become a template for the micro battery layers with special design / form. Then with the masking equipment a thin layer of electrolyte from LiPO3, electrode from LiCoO2 and a current collector from Pt and Cu material using a DC sputtering instrument are made. The thin layer produced is then characterized of its chemical composition and its micro structure. Furthermore integration efforts are given for the thin layer to be in the form of a battery cell.
Toll payment transponder
Application of thin layer battery in RFID
Outside this application, the techniques as well as material being developed could also be applied for normal size batteries like coin type batteries, type AA, AAA as well as large size batteries which in the future are planned to be used in electric as well as hybrid vehicles. Several examples of batteries are illustrated in the following figure.
Thin layer integrated in the form of micro battery
Thin film electrode of LiCo02
Thin film electrode of graphite
Coin type battery
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Whereas for polymer based batteries, a chitosan based electrolyte has been made in the form of film containing lithium salt by the casting method. The film produced has been characterized of its micro structure and its electrical characteristics.
Adapun aplikasi dari baterai lapisan tipis ini cukup beragam, diantaranya adalah untuk power supply bagi alat kartu RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Card) yang memiliki potensi penggunaan yang cukup beragam, termasuk untuk penanda (tracer) hewan ternak atau hewan di alam liar, untuk tracer buku perpustakaan, inventaris barang-barang di toko, pabrik ataupun perpustakaan, serta transponder bergerak (tol, alat pabrik dll).
Hasil yang telah diperoleh : Untuk baterai berbasis gelas telah dibuat peralatan MASKING yang telah dikonstruksi untuk dijadikan sebagai template bagi lapisan-lapisan mikro baterai dengan desain / bentuk lapisan yang khusus. Kemudian dengan peralatan masking tersebut telah dibuat lapisan tipis elektrolit dari LiPO3, elektroda dari LiCoO2 dan pengumpul arus (current collector) dari bahan Pt dan Cu menggunakan alat DC sputtering. Lapisan tipis yang dihasilkan kemudian dikarakterisasi komposisi kimia dan dan struktur mikronya. Selanjutnya telah dilakukan upaya pengintegrasian lapisan tipis tersebut dalam bentuk sel baterai.
Berbagai bentuk masking untuk pembuatan lapisan tipis
Aplikasi baterai lapisan tipis dalam RFID
Diluar aplikasi ini teknik serta material yang dikembangkan juga dapat diaplikasikan untuk baterai ukuran biasa seperti baterai tipe koin, tipe AA, AAA maupun baterai ukuran besar yang dimasa depan direncanakan untuk dipergunakan dalam kendaran listrik maupun hybrid. Beberapa contoh baterai ini adalah sebagaimana yang digambarkan dalam diagram berikut.
Lapisan tipis pengumpul arus , elektroda, dan elektrolit
Lapisan tipis elektrolit Li3PO4
Adapun untuk baterai berbasis polimer telah dibuat elektrolit berbasis kitosan dalam bentuk film yang mengadung garam litium dengan metode casting. Film yang dihasilkan telah dikarakterisasi struktur mikro dan sifat kelistrikannya.
Baterai tipe koin Film elektrolit polimer dari kitosan mengandung ion litium
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Superior Material Technology for Health Development of magnetic nanoparticle with high magnetic value becomes the initial R&D activity of magnetic superior material for diagnostic application, especially as an agent in the separation process of the biology unit with the magnetic phenomena based method. For this purpose in the year 2011, BATAN has developed magnetic nanoparticles in the form of core-shells, with Fe nanoparticle cores, and Fe oxide material shell which is prepared by the chemical as well as the physical method. Optimal characteristics have been achieved with the highest magnetic value of 168 emu/gram and particle size of ~20 nm – 50 nm. The results will be further modified in the year 2012 for conjugation of its surface with antibody material for the virus separation process.
Development of Superior Material Technology for the Industry Active carbon magnet composite (Fe3O4-active carbon) and nano zero valence iron (NZVI-Fe0) has successfully been synthesized. The Fe3O4-active cabon material is very effectively used for absorbing contaminant elements from industrial liquid wastes before being released to the environment, therefore does not cause pollution to the environment. Besides that, the Fe3O4- active carbon could be used to take valuable elements existing in a liquid system, for example uranium contained in its nitrate solution. Whereas the Fe0, material has superiority to be used in the remediation process of ground and ground water that are contaminated by dangerous substances. The process of insitu remediation could save cost significantly compared to the conventional waste processing process. Considering that Fe0 is an element that exist also in the ground, the use of Fe0 in the remediation process of the ground and ground water, will not cause additional new pollutant element to the environment.
The Fe3O4-active carbon composite as a result of synthesis
nZVI solution results of synthesis with precipitator (A) NaOH of high concentration; (B) NaOH of low concentration; (C) NH4OH ;(D) TMAOH
Degradation of color of solution of textile coloring substance after going through silica sand media which has been added of a stable nZVI solution.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Unggul untuk Kesehatan
Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Unggul untuk Industri
Pengembangan nanopartikel magnetik dengan nilai magnetisasi tinggi menjadi awal kegiatan litbang bahan unggul magnetik untuk aplikasi diagnostik, terutama sebagai agen dalam proses separasi unit biologi dengan metoda berbasis fenomena magnetik. Untuk itu pada tahun 2011, BATAN telah mengembangkan nanopartikel magnetik dalam bentuk core-shell, dengan core (inti) nanopartikel Fe, dan shell (kulit) bahan oksida Fe yang dipreparasi baik dengan metoda kimia maupun fisika. Karakteristik optimal telah dicapai dengan nilai magnetisasi tertinggi 168 emu/gram dan ukuran partikel ~20 nm – 50 nm. Hasil akan dimodifikasi lanjut pada tahun 2012 untuk dikonjugasikan permukaannnya dengan bahan antibody untuk proses separasi virus.
Komposit magnet karbon aktif (Fe3O4-arang aktif) dan nano zerovalent iron (NZVI-Fe0) telah berhasil disintesis. Bahan Fe3O4- arang aktif sangat efektif digunakan untuk menyerap elemen kontaminan dari cairan limbah industri sebelum dilepas ke lingkungan, sehingga tidak menyebabkan pencemaran terhadap lingkungan. Selain itu bahan Fe3O4arang aktif, juga dapat digunakan untuk mengambil unsurunsur berharga yang terdapat di dalam suatu sistem cairan, misalnya uranium yang terdapat di dalam larutan nitratnya. Sedangkan bahan Fe0, mempunyai keunggulan untuk digunakan dalam proses remediasi tanah dan air tanah yang telah terkontaminasi zat-zat berbahaya. Proses remediasi in-situ dapat menghemat biaya yang cukup signifikan dibandingkan dengan proses pengolahan limbah secara konvensional. Mengingat Fe0 adalah merupakan unsur yang juga terdapat di dalam tanah, penggunaan Fe0 dalam proses remediasi tanah dan air tanah, tidak akan menyebabkan penambahan unsur pencemar baru di lingkungan.
Morfologi partikel hasil pengamatan dengan SEM
Tabel Uji penyerapan uranium dari larutan uranium nitrat oleh masingmasing sistem komposit magnet-arang aktif (KM); Fe3O4 ; dan Arang aktif No
[U] Awal (ppm)
[ U ] Akhir KM
Proses pembuatan bahan nanopartikel magnetik
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Nuclear Analysis Technology The activities in development of nuclear analysis technology are focussed in the field of radiometry, radiobiomedicine and thermophysics of nanofluids in support of the national development program in the field of energy, health and medicine as well as the environment. In order to achieve this target, the activities of litbangrap in thermophysics of nanofluids are directed for development of analysis technology and characterization of nanofluids as material for cooling the reactor system. Whereas the activities in R&D of radiometry are directed to increase the role of nuclear analysis techniques in support of the quality of the environment specifically in obtaining the distribution of pollutants on Java Island, as well as in the field of health is directed to support alleviation of malnutrition through activities in identification of micronutrient content in various foodstock in Java Island. Whereas development activities in radiobiomedicine analysis technique, preparation is conducted to support preparation of radiopharmacy, specifically for diagnosis of cancer and infection. Activities of “Analysis and Characterization of Nanofluids as a Reactor System Cooling Material” which consists of: > Analysis and synthesis of nanoparticle powder for nano fluids (phase 1) : analysis of powdered ZrO2-Mg nanoparticle and ceramic ZrO2-MgO pellets, result of the solgel process technique. From this activity component, obtained are ZrO2 and ZrO2-MgO particle powder. Besides that, the Water-ZrO2 nanofluid could be made from the nanoparticle powder. The results of these activities have been published in “The 4th International Conference on Product Design and Development (IPDD) 2011” which was held at the University of Gajah Mada - Yogyakarta on the dates 9 – 10 November 2011.
Water-ZrO2 Nanofluid
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Process in making solution
> Analysis of the influence of nanoparticle concentration and temperature of nanofluid on corrosion of steel as a material for heat transfer (phase 1) : analysis of corrosion rate of steel alloy in the Water-ZrO2 nanofluid medium as a working fluid with variation of ZrO2 nano particle concentration. From the component of this activity, obtained are results of analysis data of X-ray diffraction of steel alloy before and after corrosion testing in the nano fluid medium, the analysis data of the influence of nano fluid particle concentration towards corrosion potential of material change of steel alloy in nanofluid media containing ZrO2 particles with polarization technique testing. The resuts of this activity has been proposed to be patented with the title “Method in Treatment of Steel Surface and Steel Alloy By Heat Treatment Using Nano Fluid Cooling Medium”.
Pengembangan Teknologi Analisis Nuklir Kegiatan pengembangan teknologi analisis nuklir difokuskan pada bidang radiometri, radiobiomedik dan termofisika nanofluida dalam mendukung program pembangunan nasional di bidang energi, kesehatan dan obat, serta lingkungan. Untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut, kegiatan litbangrap termofisika nanofluida diarahkan untuk pengembangan teknologi analisis dan karakterisasi nanofluida sebagai bahan pendingin sistem reaktor. Adapun kegiatan litbang radiometri diarahkan untuk meningkatkan peran teknik analisis nuklir dalam mendukung kualitas lingkungan khususnya dalam memperoleh distribusi polutan udara di pulau Jawa, serta di bidang kesehatan diarahkan untuk mendukung pengentasan mal nutrisi melalui kegiatan identifikasi kandungan mikronutrisi dalam berbagai bahan pangan di pulau Jawa. Sedang pada kegiatan pengembangan teknik analisis radiobiomedik dilakukan untuk mendukung penyiapan radiofarmaka, khususnya untuk diagnosis penyakit kanker dan infeksi. Kegiatan “Analisis dan Karakterisasi Nanofluida sebagai Bahan Pendingin Sistem Reaktor” terdiri dari: > Analisis dan sintesis serbuk nanopartikel untuk nano fluida (tahap 1): analisis serbuk ZrO2-MgO nanopartikel dan pellet keramik ZrO2-MgO hasil proses teknik solgel. Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh serbuk nanopartikel ZrO2 dan ZrO2-MgO. Selain itu nanofluida Air-ZrO2 telah dapat dibuat dari serbuk nanopartikel tersebut. Hasil kegiatan ini telah dipublikasikan pada “The 4th International Conference on Product Design and Development (IPDD) 2011” yang diselenggarakan Universitas Gajah Mada - Yogyakarta pada tanggal 9 – 10 November 2011.
Serbuk nanopartikel ZrO2
Nanofluida Air-(ZrO2-MgO)
> Analisis pengaruh konsentrasi nanopartikel dan suhu nanofluida pada korosi baja sebagai bahan pemindah panas (tahap 1): analisis laju korosi paduan baja di dalam medium nanofluida air-ZrO2 sebagai fluida kerja dengan konsentrasi partikel nano ZrO2 yang bervariasi. Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh hasil data análisis difraksi sinar X paduan baja sebelum dan sesudah pengujian korosi dalam media nano fluida, data análisis pengaruh konsentrasi partikel nanofluida terhadap perubahan bahan potensial korosi paduan baja dalam media nanofluida yang mengandung partikel ZrO2 dengan pengujian teknik polarisasi. Hasil kegiatan ini telah diusulkan paten dengan judul “Metode Perlakuan Permukaan Baja dan Paduan Baja Dengan Perlakuan Panas Menggunakan Media Pendingin Nano Fluida”.
Serbuk nanopartikel ZrO2-MgO (0,1%).
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Furnacing process to get nanoparticle powder
Nanofluid stirring process
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pemotongan sampel
Pengampelasan sebelum pengujian korosi
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Analysis and development of the correlation of forced convection heat transfer of nano fluid for tubes in triangular pitch arrangement and square pitch arrangement (phase 1): analysis and correlation of heat transfer for water-ZrO2 nanofluid as a working fluid in tube of triangular pitch arrangement. From this activity component, obtained are results of general empyrical correlation of forced convection heat transfer in tubes with triangular pitch which using water-ZrO2 nanofluid as a working fluid with a concentration of nano particles in solution of 0.04 and 0.08%. Particulate counting
> Development of a radiometry analysis technique method through characterization of gamma spectrometry software, the results obtained shows that the BATAN Bandung-NAA software, the result of development by the PTNBR staff as an assisting program in processing gamma spectrum, possesses a spectrum analysis capacity which is comparable to similar commercial software like the Genie-2000, however, validation is still needed to ascertain accuracy of results.
Calibration equipment
The “Radiometry Analysis to Support Quality of the Environment and Public Health” activity consist of: > Radiometry analysis technique for characterization of air particulates in Jakarta (phase 2). From this activity component obtained are the average concentration of soft air particulates (PM2,5) in the ambient air of the Special City of Jakarta which exceeds the annual quality threshold of 15 ug/m3. Identification of pollutant sources result in five pollutant source factors, where the largest pollutant source originates from the contribution of motor vehicles amounting to 31.5%. From the results, it is expected that this could be considered as an early warning which could give contribution, support and promote the government to make the precise and directed policies in the effort to increase the air quality in Indonesia so that health disturbances and larger financial losses could be avoided.
The utilization of gamma spectrometry software
> The radiometry analysis technique for characterization of micronutrient elements in food in the West Java area (phase 2). From this activity component, obtained are data of various elements Al, Br, Cl, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Ti and Zn, whereas this data is expected to become the database of food composition in Indonesia and the parameters to know the daily intake per element, therefore the level of adequate nutrition could be known.
Interview for local eating pattern
BATAN Annual Report 2011
> Analisis dan pengembangan korelasi perpindahan panas konveksi paksa nanofluida untuk sub-buluh vertikal susunan segitiga dan segiempat (triangular pitch arrangement and square pitch arrangement) (tahap 1): analisis dan korelasi perpindahan panas untuk nanofluida air-ZrO2 sebagai fluida kerja dalam sub-buluh vertikal susunan segitiga. Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh hasil korelasi umum empirik perpindahan panas konveksi paksa pada sub-buluh vertikal dengan geometri segitiga dan menggunakan nanofluida air-ZrO2 sebagai fluida kerjanya dengan konsentrasi nanopartikel dalam larutan sebesar 0,04 dan 0,08%.
Identifikasi sumber pencemaran partikulat udara di daerah Jakarta
> Pengembangan metode teknik analisis radiometri melalui karakterisasi perangkat lunak spektrometri gamma, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa software BATAN Bandung-NAA Utility hasil pengembangan staf PTNBR sebagai program bantu pengolahan spektrum gamma memiliki kemampuan analisis spektrum yang sebanding dengan software komersial sejenis seperti Genie-2000, akan tetapi masih diperlukan validasi untuk memastikan keakuratan hasil.
Tes Uji Sub-buluh
Kegiatan “Analisis Radiometri Untuk Mendukung Kualitas Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat” terdiri dari: > Teknik analisis radiometri untuk karakterisasi partikulat udara di Jakarta (tahap 2). Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh konsentrasi rerata partikulat udara halus (PM2,5) di udara ambien DKI Jakarta telah melebihi baku mutu tahunan sebesar 15 ug/m3. Identifikasi sumber pencemar diperoleh lima faktor sumber pencemar, dimana sumber terbesar berasal dari kontribusi kendaraan bermotor sebesar 31,5%. Dari hasil tersebut diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai deteksi dini (early warning) yang diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi, mendukung dan mendorong pemerintah untuk membuat kebijakan yang tepat dan terarah dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas udara di Indonesia agar gangguan kesehatan dan kerugian finansial yang lebih besar dapat dihindari
Foto hasil pengolahan spektrum menggunakan perangkat lunak BATAN Bandung NAA Utility yang dikembangkan oleh staf PTNBR
> Teknik analisis radiometri untuk karakterisasi unsur mikronutrisi dalam bahan pangan di wilayah Jawa Barat (tahap 2). Dari komponen kegiatan ini telah diperoleh data berbagai unsur Al, Br, Cl, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Ti dan Zn, dimana data ini diharapkan dapat menjadi database komposisi bahan pangan di Indonesia dan parameter dalam mengetahui tingkat daily intake per unsur, sehingga dapat diketahui tingkat kecukupan gizi.
Karakterisasi unsur mikronutrisi dalam bahan pangan
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
In general, the development and application of nuclear analysis technology of various fields, specifically in the field of environment and health, is one of the real steps in increasing the role of nuclear analysis technology in increasing the welfare of the people.
The “Radiobiomedicine Analysis to Support the Quality of the People’s Health” activity consists of : > A standard method technology package for analysis of chemo-physical & Biology diagnostic kit using 99mTcGlutation for cancer (purity testing, toxicity testing, stability testing and testing of bio-distribution of radiopharmacy 99mTC-Glutation on cancer tissue). The diagnostic Kit 99mTc-glutation (99mTc-GSH) is a preparation used for cancer diagnosis, specifically cancer of the neck and head. This research is conducted to obtain characteristic data of chemo-physics, biology and quality from the diagnostic Kit 99mTc-GSH. Results of analysis shows that the sterile GSH dry kit, is not toxic, and the purity of the radio-chemistry is 99,54 ± 0,01 % which is stable until 5 hours at room temperature as well as at 40C. Beside that the bio-distribution testing results shows that the diagnostic Kit 99mTc-GSH could be accumulated by the cancer tissue.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
> A standard method technology package for analysis of haematology 99mTc-CTMP and 186Re-CTMP for cancer (influence of administering the CTMP compound to mice). Labelled CTMP with radio Technetium and radio Renium is expected to be used as radiopharmacy for diagnosis and palliative therapy for metastase bone cancer. Toxicity testing in administering radioactive labeled CTMP towards test animals have not yet reflected any internal effects towards the animal body.
Secara garis besar, pengembangan dan aplikasi teknologi analisis nuklir berbagai bidang khususnya bidang lingkungan dan kesehatan, merupakan salah satu langkah nyata dalam meningkatkan peran teknologi analisis nuklir dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Kegiatan “Analisis Radiobiomedik Untuk Mendukung Kualitas Kesehatan Masyarakat”terdiri dari:
> Paket teknologi metode baku analisis hematologi 99m Tc-CTMP dan 186Re-CTMP untuk kanker (pengaruh pemberian senyawa CTMP pada tikus). CTMP bertanda radio teknesium dan radio renium diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai radiofarmaka untuk diagnosis dan terapi paliatif kanker tulang metastase. Uji toksisitas pemberian CTMP bertanda radioaktif terhadap hewan uji belum mencerminkan efek terhadap tubuh hewan tersebut secara internal.
> Paket teknologi metode baku analisis fisiko kimia & biologis kit diagnostik 99m Tc-Glutation untuk kanker (uji kemurnian, uji toksik, uji kestabilan dan uji biodistribusi radiofarmaka 99mTC-Glutation pada jaringan kanker). Kit diagnostik 99mTc-glutation (99mTc-GSH) merupakan sediaan yang digunakan untuk diagnosis kanker, khususnya kanker leher dan kepala. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data karakteristik fisiko-kimia, biologi dan kualitas dari kit diagnostik 99mTc-GSH. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa kit kering GSH steril, tidak toksik, dan kemurnian radiokimianya 99,54 ± 0,01 % yang stabil hingga 5 jam baik pada suhu kamar maupun pada suhu 40C. Selain itu hasil uji biodistribusi menunjukkan bahwa kit diagnostik 99mTc-GSH dapat diakumulasi oleh jaringan kanker.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Accelerator Technology An accelerator is an instrument to increase the speed and energy of charged elementary particles (for example, electron or proton) with the influence of electrical and or magnetic forces. With the accelerator, particles could move at speeds close to the speed of light. There are several types of accelerators, among them are the Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, linear accelerator, cyclotron, synchrotron, and the Van de Graaff generator. The utilization of accelerator technology is very extensive in various fields, for example the Electron Beam Machine (MBE) is used for sterilization of medical instruments, food packaging, tyre industry, as well as preserving spices. The cyclotron could be utilized for short lived radioisotope production which is utilized in PET (Positron Emission Tomography) in the field of health. BATAN develops accelerator technology to contribute in resolving national issues, specifically in the field of industry, health, bio-technology and the environment.
Final construction of MBE
BATAN Annual Report 2011
The results obtained by BATAN in development of accelerator technology, among them are: - Basic Engineering Design Package (BEDP), a system of processing waste gas from Coal Fired Plants by using ion beams. The technical activity had been completed in the year 2007 and the results published in the year 2008. - A Prototype of the Electron Beam Machine (MBE) for latex irradiation. In the year 2011 the installation of this prototype was fully completed and ready for functional testing. Besides the MBE, BATAN also develops the Cyclotron type accelerator. In the year 2011, initial activities have been conducted and a detail calculation had been obtained for the 13 MeV proton Cyclotron components. Activities are still being continued and targetted for the year 2014 where a detailed technical document would be obtained for the design of the 13 MeV Cyclotron for making radiopharmacy, specifically those used for diagnosis or cancer therapy.
Pengembangan Teknologi Akselerator Akselerator adalah perangkat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan energi partikel elementer bermuatan (misalnya elektron atau proton) dengan pengaruh gaya listrik dan atau magnet. Dengan akselerator partikel dapat bergerak mendekati kecepatan cahaya. Terdapat beberapa jenis akselerator, diantaranya akselerator Cockcroft-Walton, akselerator linear, siklotron, sinkrotron, dan generator Van de Graaff. Pemanfaatan teknologi akselerator sangat luas di berbagai bidang, misalnya mesin berkas elektron (MBE) digunakan untuk sterilisasi alat kedokteran, kemasan makanan, industri ban, maupun pengawetan rempah-rempah. Siklotron dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produksi radioisotop umur pendek yang dimanfaatkan pada PET (Positron Emission Tomography) dalam bidang kesehatan. BATAN mengembangkan teknologi akselerator untuk turut memecahkan permasalahan nasional, khususnya dalam bidang industri, kesehatan, bioteknologi dan lingkungan hidup.
Hasil yang telah diperoleh BATAN dalam pengembangan teknologi akselerator diantaranya: - Basic Engineering Design Package (BEDP) sistem pengolahan gas buang PLTU batu bara menggunakan berkas ion. Kegiatan teknis telah selesai pada tahun 2007 dan publikasi hasil pada tahun 2008. - Prototipe Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE) untuk iradiasi lateks. Pada tahun 2011 ini prototipe telah selesai diinstal secara keseluruhan dan siap diuji fungsi. Selain MBE, BATAN juga mengembangkan akselerator jenis Siklotron. Pada tahun 2011 telah dilaksanakan kegiatan awal dan diperoleh perhitungan detil komponen-komponen Siklotron proton 13 MeV. Kegiatan masih akan dilanjutkan dengan target tahun 2014 dapat diperoleh dokumen teknis detil desain siklotron 13 Mev untuk pembuatan radiofarmaka khususnya yang dipergunakan untuk diagnosis atau terapi kanker.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Preparation of Basic Infrastructure Guidance to Support the National Nuclear Energy Program In connection with the plan for development of NPP 1 in Indonesia, as a Non Ministerial Research Institute (LPNK) which is responsible for the utilization of nuclear energy, BATAN has prepared the technical matters in the form of implementation of R&D covering the feasibility study, specifically in connection with R&D of the NPP site in order to support the preparation of the Draft Site Evaluation Report (SER) document, conduct preparation of the User Requirement Document (URD), document for assesment of technology and safety, the Draft Bid Invitation Specification (BIS) document, and the Document for plan of action in development of nuclear infrastructure phase 2 BATAN scope of work. The activities in preparation of the NPP infrastructure document is conducted in the frame of implementation of Law No. 17 year 2007 regarding the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN), President Regulation No. 5 Year 2010 regarding the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and President Regulation No. 5 Year 2006 regarding the National Energy Policy. In year 2011 has been obtained 3 documents with the following details: Document for development of the electricity system with the nuclear option, which consists of: > Document of the Babel electricity study > Preparation of the nuclear energy statistics of the year 2011 Concept document of the infrastructure for the NPP candidate site, consisting of: > Document of the NPP site study, regional dan near regional analysis phase in the Bangka Island of the Bangka Belitung Island province > Document for Development of an NPP Site Information System (Babel, Banten, Muria) > Document for Monitoring Earthquake, Meteorology and Environment in the Muria Site > Document concept of Environmental Impact Study( AMDAL) Rev. 0 > Document for Pre Feasibility Study of Small, Medium Reactor (SMR) for cogeneration in Bangka Belitung (liquification/gasification of coal in Babel) > Document for Monitoring of ground deformation using a GPS geosecond at Muria Site and assesment of vulcanology.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Infrastructure technical document for national participation and HR of NPP, consisting of: > Blue print draft preparation document for participation of the national industry and NPP technology transfer Chapter VI – X > Document of results of evaluation of the preparation of the infrastructure development of NPP phase II Rev 0 > Document preparation of need analysis program of NPP HR and training facility concept Chapter IV – VI > Document for program implementation of activities in empowerment of the people surrounding the selected site > Document of study results for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of NPP A large part of the document prepared in the year 2011 is a continuation or results of updating of documents of the year 2010 specifically the Ujung Watu site. The other documents are new documents for the new candidate sites which are in the Province of Banten and the Province of Bangka Belitung. The selection of the Province of Bangka Belitung as a candidate NPP site is because the condition of the geology is quite stable and far from any volcano threats (Parliament, Government) and other stakeholders.
Penyusunan Pedoman Infrastruktur Dasar Pendukung Program Energi Nuklir Nasional Berkaitan dengan rencana pembangunan PLTN I di Indonesia, sebagai LPNK yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pemanfaatan energi nuklir, BATAN telah mempersiapkan hal-hal teknis berupa pelaksanaan litbang mencakup studi kelayakan, khususnya yang terkait dengan litbang kelayakan tapak PLTN untuk medukung penyusunan dokumen Draft Site Evaluation Report (SER), melaksanakan penyusunan dokumen User Requirement Document (URD), dokumen kajian teknologi dan keselamatan, dokumen Draft Bid Invitation Spesification (BIS), dan dokumen rencana tindak pengembangan infrastruktur nuklir fase 2 lingkup BATAN. Kegiatan penyusunan dokumen penyiapan infrastuktur PLTN dilakukan dalam rangka melaksanakan amanah Undangundang No. 17 tahun 2007 tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN), Peraturan Presiden No.5 Tahun 2010 tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) dan Peraturan Presiden No. 5 Tahun 2006 tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional. Pada tahun 2011 diperoleh 3 dokumen dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
Dokumen teknis infrastruktur partisipasi nasional dan SDM PLTN, yang terdiri dari: > Dokumen penyusunan draf cetak biru partisipasi industri nasional dan alih teknologi PLTN Bab VI - X > Dokumen hasil evaluasi persiapan infrastruktur pembangunan PLTN fase II Rev 0 > Dokumen penyusunan program analisis kebutuhan SDM PLTN dan konsep fasilitas pelatihan Bab IV - VI > Dokumen kegiatan pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat di sekitar tapak terpilih > Dokumen hasil studi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PLTN Sebagian besar dokumen yang disusun pada tahun 2011 merupakan kelanjutan atau hasil updating dokumen tahun 2010 khusus tapak Ujung Watu. Dokumen lainnya adalah dokumen baru untuk calon tapak baru yaitu di Provinsi Banten dan Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Pemilihan Provinsi Bangka Belitung sebagai calon tapak PLTN karena kondisi geologi cukup stabil dan jauh dari ancaman gunung berapi serta adanya permintaan dari Pemda setempat.Dokumen tersebut akan digunakan oleh penentu kebijakan (DPR, Pemerintah) dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.
Dokumen Pengembangan sistem kelistrikan opsi nuklir, yang terdiri dari: > Dokumen studi kelistrikan Babel > Penyusunan statistik energi nuklir tahun 2011 Dokumen konsep infrastruktur calon tapak PLTN, yang terdiri dari: > Dokumen studi tapak PLTN tahap analisis regional dan near regional di pulau Bangka provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung > Dokumen Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Tapak PLTN (Babel, Banten, Muria) > Dokumen Monitoring Kegempaan, Meteorologi dan Lingkungan di Tapak Muria > Dokumen konsep AMDAL Rev. 0 > Dokumen Pra Studi Kelayakan Small Medium Reactor (SMR) untuk Kogenerasi di Bangka Belitung (pencairan/gasifikasi batubara di Babel) > Dokumen Pemantauan ground deformation menggunakan GPS geodetik di Tapak Muria dan kajian kegunungapian
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of the Technology and Safety of the Nuclear Reactor In implementation of activities in mastery and development of technology and safety of the reactor, BATAN conducts conceptual design activities of Innovative Research Reactor (RRI), conceptual design of the Cogeneration Advanced Power Reactor (RDMK) and Evaluation of Technology, Safety and Reliability of the Power Reactor (PWR) with a target to be completed at the end of the year 2014. RRI is being prepared to support R&D of the reactor technology in Indonesia in the future, RDMK is used for following the further generation of NPP progress which shall dominate NPP technology in the future, and Evaluation of Technology, Safety and Reliability of the PWR Power Reactor to be conducted to support the preparation in development of the first NPP in Indonesia.
In the year 2011, obtained are results of activities which among them are : initial design of core configuration, irradiation facility and RRI radiation shielding. For PWR NPP, the capacity obtained is conducting assessment of neutronic design and radiation shielding, the capacity to conduct simulation for accident analysis, assessment of technology and safety of injection systems, the capacity to conduct reliability assessment in reactor protection system and design verification of reactor pressure vessels as well as prototype of PWR NPP simulator. For the RDMK design, results are achieved of a cogeneration advanced power reactor core concept design.
Flowchart of the Cogeneration Advanced Power Reactor
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengembangan Teknologi dan Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan penguasaan dan pengembangan teknologi dan keselamatan reaktor, BATAN melaksanakan kegiatan: desain konseptual Reaktor Riset Inovatif (RRI), desain konseptual Reaktor Daya Maju Kogenerasi (RDMK) dan Evaluasi Teknologi, Keselamatan dan Keandalan Reaktor Daya PWR dengan target selesai di akhir tahun 2014. RRI dipersiapkan untuk mendukung litbang teknologi reaktor di Indonesia di masa mendatang, RDMK dipergunakan untuk mengikuti perkembangan PLTN generasi lanjut yang akan mendominasi teknologi PLTN di masa depan, dan Evaluasi Teknologi, Keselamatan dan Keandalan Reaktor Daya PWR dilakukan untuk mendukung persiapan pembangunan PLTN pertama di Indonesia.
Pada tahun 2011, diperoleh hasil kegiatan diantaranya: desain awal konfigurasi teras, fasilitas iradiasi dan perisai radiasi RRI. Untuk PLTN PWR diperoleh kemampuan melakukan kajian desain neutronik dan perisai radiasi, kemampuan melakukan simulasi untuk analisis kecelakaan, kajian teknologi dan keselamatan sistem injeksi, kemampuan untuk melakukan kajian keandalan sistem proteksi reaktor dan verifikasi desain bejana tekan reaktor serta prototip simulator PLTN PWR. Untuk desain RDMK diperoleh hasil desain konsep teras reaktor daya maju kogenerasi.
Model partikel bahan bakar berlapis RDMK
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Nuclear Informatics In the frame of supporting the R&D activities and institutional management of BATAN, development of nuclear informatics have been conducted by developing simulation software and nuclear S&T computation as well as nuclear S&T management information system software. In the year 2011, 2 simulation software and nuclear S&T computation had been obtained, which are: - Preprocessor, processor dan postprocessor software for temperature distribution analysis during transient condition with element method based linear triangular element until symetrical axis; and - Analysis software for uncertainty and sensitivity for calculation of thermohydraulic analisis of sub channel.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Besides that, 3 nuclear S&T management information System software have been obtained, which are: - Application Software for Human Resources Management Information System; - Application Software for NPP Site Information System; - Application Software for supporting Bureaucracy Reformation.
Pengembangan Informatika Nuklir Dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan litbang dan manejemen kelembagaan BATAN, telah dilakukan pengembangan informatika nuklir dengan mengembangankan software simulasi dan komputasi iptek nuklir serta software sistem informasi manajemen iptek nuklir. Pada tahun 2011 diperoleh 2 software simulasi dan komputasi iptek nuklir yaitu :
Selain itu telah diperoleh 3 software sistem informasi manajemen iptek nuklir, yaitu : - Software Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sumberdaya ; - Software Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Tapak PLTN ; - Software Aplikasi untuk mendukung Reformasi Birokrasi.
- Software preprocessor, processor dan postprocessor untuk analisis distribusi suhu pada keadaan transient dengan elemen segitiga linier berbasis metode elemen hingga axys simetri; dan - Software analisis ketidakpastian dan sensitivitas untuk perhitungan termohidraulik analisis sub kanal.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Operation and Utilization of the Multi Purpose Reactor The operation and utilization of the GA Siwabessy multi purpose reactor is conducted to increase irradiation services by taking into consideration the operation safety limitations. In the implementation of the year 2011, a total amount of 3800 hours of operation time has been conducted. The neutron irradiation services in the irradiation position of the GA Siwabessy – Multi Purpose Reactor, a number of 490 irradiation targets which most are for irradiation of target/ samples of R&D&S activities of the units of BATAN. In the implementation, it is always referring to and increasing the quality system, by conducting internal audit and internal
quality document review, as well as receiving external inspections (IAEA and BAPETEN). Refunctioning of the system has been conducted to the mechanical, electrical as well as the instrumentation and control systems. Improvement of the RSG-GAS safety control system has been conducted covering personnel control in connection to personnel dose, control safety of work area by doing measurements, monitoring of the radiation level, and control of wastes as well as control of the operation safety through control of facility preparation, condition and operation limitations.
Refunctioning of mechanical system
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengoperasian dan Pemanfaatan Reaktor Serba Guna Pengoperasian dan pemanfaatan reaktor serba guna GA Siwabessy dilakukan untuk peningkatan layanan jasa iradiasi dengan memperhatikan batasan keselamatan operasi. Dalam pelaksanaan di tahun 2011, telah dilakukan secara total sejumlah 3800 jam operasi. Adapun layanan iradiasi neutron di posisi iradiasi Reaktor Serba Guna – GA Siwabessy sejumlah 490 target iradiasi yang sebagian besar adalah untuk iradiasi target/sampel kegiatan litbangyasa dari unit-unit BATAN. Dalam pelaksanaan selalu mengacu dan meningkatkan sistem mutu, dengan pelaksanaan audit
internal dan review dokumen mutu internal, maupun menerima inspeksi eksternal (IAEA dan BAPETEN). Telah dilaksanakan refungsionalisasi sistem mekanik, elektrik serta sistem instrumentasi dan kendali. Peningkatan sistem pengendalian keselamatan RSG-GAS dilakukan meliputi pengendalian personil terkait dosis personil, pengendalian keselamatan daerah kerja dengan pengukuran, pemantauan tingkat radiasi, dan pengendalian limbah, serta pengendalian keselamatan operasi melalui pengendalian persiapan sarana, kondisi dan batas operasi.
Perbaikan sistem mekanik
Alat ukur radiasi TLD 700
Batu topaz iradiasi Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Nuclear Instrumentation Engineering The activities of nuclear instrumentation engineering are focused in several fields like nuclear installation, health, as well as the industry. In the field of health, currently the use of nuclear health instrumentation is for therapy and diagnostics which is much used and spread out in the whole of Indonesia. However almost all of the instrumentation are foreign products, therefore this results in dependence to foreign producers, which at the end is a high cost for maintenance and repair. BATAN has conducted efforts to develop and innovate as well as mastery of engineerinjg of nuclear instrumentation which gives priority to local content, therefore giving possibility for cheaper investment and maintenance costs. The results obtained by BATAN in the year 2011 are in development of engineering and innovation of nuclear installation instrumentation, nuclear instrumentation for health and safety, as well as nuclear instrumentation for the industry:
Nuclear Instrumentation for Health and Safety > RIA Counting Technology for Diagnosis of the Thyroid Gland The Radioimmuno Assay(RIA) Counter is an instrument in the field of nuclear medicine and animal husbandry for analyzing substances in body liquids, among them are urine, hormone, and others or medium culture of low content and complexity of its matrix. The techniques in measuring RIA is based on the immunology reaction by using radioisotope as its tracer. Nuclear technique application with the RIA technique in the field of health is used in diagnosis of several diseases like Hepatitis B, Thyroid Gland, Breast Cancer.
Development of Engineering and Innovation of Nuclear Installation Instrumentation > Prototype of a set of Instrumentation Control System of the Research Reactor and the Power Reactor (Local controller DCS level operator). Development of the Instrumentation Control System of the Research Reactor and the Power Reactor (Local controller DCS level operator), is realized with the building of an instrumentation and control system facility in accordance to the concept of Integrated Manufactured Computer with the use of Distributed Control System (DCS) as a whole from the Local Controller, Supervisory dan Management. The hardware used fulfills the industrial standards (Industrial Grade Equipment). In the year 2011, a nuclear reactor control instrumentation system engineering at the Local Controller level which was applied to the research reactor model. The output of the activity is a prototype of an instrumentation and control system as well as a Human Machine Interface nuclear reactor in the local controller level and its implementation.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
In the year 2011, BATAN produced RIA Counting Technology Package for diagnosis of thyroid gland diseases and has gone through functional testing. The simple working principle is the Compound T-4 which is labeled with Iodine-125 competing with T-4 in patient blood samples absorbing a number of certain antibodies. After a period of incubation, labeled T-4 which is bound and those which are free, are being separated by the PEG (Polyethilene Glicol) method. Then the sediment containing the fraction bound to the antibody is counted by a spectrometer system, the concentration of T-4 in the patient’s blood could be read from the standard curve. Innovation is conducted to the automation of the operation system. In the manual system, the positioning of the sample is done one by one manually, then counting is done and there are no memory facilities for data storage. The RIA Counter, result of Litbangyasa (Research, Development and Engineering) of BATAN has been using an automatic system to position the sample and complemented with a data storage facility.
Pengembangan Perekayasaan Perangkat Nuklir Kegiatan perekayasaan perangkat nuklir berfokus pada beberapa bidang seperti instalasi nuklir, kesehatan, serta industri. Dalam bidang kesehatan, saat ini penggunaan perangkat kesehatan nuklir untuk terapi dan diagnostik telah banyak digunakan dan tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Namun hampir seluruh perangkat tersebut merupakan produk luar negeri, sehingga berakibat ketergantungan terhadap produsen luar, yang berujung pada mahalnya biaya perawatan dan perbaikan. BATAN melakukan upaya pengembangan dan inovasi serta penguasaan perekayasaan perangkat nuklir yang lebih mengutamakan muatan lokal, sehingga memungkinkan biaya investasi juga perawatan yang lebih murah. Hasil yang telah diperoleh BATAN pada tahun 2011 dalam pengembangan perekayasaan dan inovasi perangkat instalasi nuklir, perangkat nuklir untuk kesehatan dan keselamatan, serta perangkat nuklir untuk industri : Pengembangan Perekayasaan dan Inovasi Perangkat Instalasi Nuklir > Prototipe Perangkat Sistem Instrumentasi Kendali Reaktor Riset dan Reaktor Daya (Local controller DCS level operator). Pengembangan Sistem Instrumentasi Kendali Reaktor Riset dan Reaktor Daya (Local controller DCS level operator), diwujudkan dengan pembuatan fasilitas sistem instrumentasi dan kendali sesuai konsep Integrated Manufactured Computer dengan menggunakan Distributed Control System (DCS) secara menyuluruh dari Local Controller, Supervisory dan Management. Perangkat keras yang digunakan memenuhi standard industri (Industrial Grade Equipment). Pada tahun 2011 telah dilakukan perekayasaan sistem instrumentasi kendali reaktor
nuklir pada tingkat LocaL Controller yang diterapkan pada model reaktor riset. Keluaran kegiatan adalah diperolehnya prototipe sistem instrumentasi dan kendali serta Human Machine Interface reaktor nuklir tingkat local controller dan implementasinya. Perangkat Nuklir untuk Kesehatan dan Keselamatan > Paket Teknologi Pencacah RIA untuk Diagnosa Kelenjar Gondok Pencacah Radioimmuno Assay (RIA) adalah alat di bidang kedokteran nuklir dan peternakan untuk menganalisis zat-zat yang ada di dalam cairan tubuh, diantaranya urin, hormon, dan lain-lain atau kultur media yang berkadar rendah dan matriksnya komplek. Teknik pengukuran RIA berdasarkan pada reaksi immunologi dengan menggunakan radioisotop sebagai perunutnya. Aplikasi teknik nuklir dengan teknik RIA di bidang kesehatan digunakan dalam diagnosis beberapa penyakit seperti Hepatitis B, Kelenjar Gondok, dan Kanker Payudara.
Pada tahun 2011, BATAN menghasilkan paket teknologi pencacah RIA untuk mendiagnosa penyakit kelenjar gondok dan telah uji fungsi. Prinsip kerja sederhananya adalah Senyawa T-4 yang ditandai dengan Iodium-125 berkompetisi dengan T-4 dalam cuplikan darah pasien memperebutkan sejumlah antibodi yang tertentu jumlahnya. Setelah mengalami inkubasi beberapa lama, T-4 bertanda yang terikat dan yang bebas dipisahkan dengan metode PEG (Polietilen Glikol). Selanjutnya endapan yang mengandung fraksi yang terikat pada antibodi dicacah dengan sistem spektrometer, konsentrasi T-4 dalam darah pasien dapat dibaca dari kurva baku. Inovasi dilakukan pada otomatisasi sistem pengoperasian. Pada sistem manual, penempatan sampel dilakukan manual satu persatu, kemudian baru dilakukan pencacahan serta tidak ada fasilitas memori sebagai penyimpan data. Pencacah RIA hasil Libangyasa BATAN telah menggunakan sistem otomatis untuk penempatan sampel dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas penyimpan data.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Medium Doserate Brachytherapy Package for Cancer of the Cervix Brachytherapy is known also as an internal radiotherapy, radiotherapy with sealed source, curietherapy or endocurietherapy, a form of therapy where the radiation source is placed inside or beside the area needing medication. Brachytherapy generally is used as an effective medication for cervix, prostate, breast, and skin cancer and also could be used for healing tumors in other parts of the body. The principle of radiotherapy is to kill cancer cells by giving the right amount of dose to the tumor/target volume designated and to maintain that the radiation effect to surrounding healthy tissue remains at a minimum. Radiation will destroy cancer cells so that multiplication or the generation of cancer cells will be constrained. In the year 2011, BATAN had developed this Brachytherapy equipment, by developing a remoteafter loading instrumentation or known also with the term Treatment Delivery System (TDS). This instrument needs elevtricity with a voltage of AC 220 Volts/50 Hz. This instrument consists of several parts which are the distributor channel, source container part, and the source driver part. The distributor channel functions in selecting the channel for the source to go through. There are 12 holes for the source to go through regulated by a motor stepper. The source container module, functions as a place for the source when it is not being used, and designed in such a way so that the surrounding radiation exposure shall be within safe limits. This module is made of lead material. The motor driven module, functions in driving the motor placed in the source driven module and the distributor channel module. The motor revolution is regulated by a micro-controller which is connected to the PC. The Micro-controller will regulate the motor movement after getting an order and receiving a motor regulating variable from the PC. > Fluoroscopy X-Ray Machine Technology Package The fluoroscopy x-ray machine Instrument currently existing will produce a figure visualized on a fluorescent screen. From this fluorescent screen, doctors will directly conduct observation for determining diagnostic actions, however, there is a risk of radiation exposure from the x-ray tube. In the year 2011, BATAN produced a fluoroscopy x-ray machine with a feature in reducing the
BATAN Annual Report 2011
risk of radiation to doctors/operators during its use, and this has been function tested. The design and engineering was conducted by transferring data from the results of imaging to a system with computer through a camera, therefore the doctors could see adequately the resulting figure through a monitor placed in the control room and could reduce the danger of radiation exposure. The fluoroscopy x-ray machine is a machine producing x-rays that could be used for medical diagnosis. The x-rays emitted from the imaging results will be captured by a fluorescent screen and received by a camera to be further forwarded to the computer monitor. The imaging data is stored in the computer and could also be used for further processing to increase the picture quality before being shown or printed. From the computer, the picture results from imaging could directly be read by the examining doctor, in the control room which is safe from radiation. The advantages of this Fluoroscopy x-ray machine are: it does not need any film, examination is quick and obtain results directly, safe to the operators/ doctors, the control system and image capturing uses components easily obtained in the market.
Fluoroscopy x-ray machine
> Paket Brachyterapy Medium Doserate untuk Kanker Serviks Brachytherapy dikenal juga sebagai radioterapi internal, radioterapi sumber tertutup, curietherapy atau endocurietherapy, adalah bentuk radioterapi dimana sumber radiasi ditempatkan di dalam atau di samping daerah yang memerlukan pengobatan. Brachytherapy umumnya digunakan sebagai pengobatan yang efektif untuk kanker leher rahim/servik, prostat, payudara, dan kanker kulit dan juga dapat digunakan untuk mengobati tumor dibagian tubuh lainnya. Prinsip radioterapi adalah mematikan sel kanker dengan memberikan dosis yang tepat pada volume tumor/ target yang dituju dan menjaga agar efek radiasi pada jaringan sehat disekitarnya tetap minimum. Radiasi akan merusak sel-sel kanker sehingga proses multiplikasi atau pembelahan sel-sel kanker akan terhambat.
Perangkat Brachytherapy
Pada tahun 2011, BATAN melakukan pengembangan perangkat Brachyterapy ini, dengan mengembangkan perangkat remoteafterloading atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan Treatment Delivery System (TDS). Perangkat ini memerlukan tegangan listrik AC 220 Volt/50 Hz. Perangkat terdiri dari beberapa bagian yaitu bagian distributor channel, bagian kontainer sumber, bagian penggerak sumber. Distributor channel berfungsi untuk memilih jalur yang akan dilewati sumber. Terdapat 12 lubang yang bisa digunakan sesuai dengan obyek yang akan diterapi. Pemilihan lubang yang akan dilewati sumber diatur oleh sebuah motor stepper. Modul kontainer sumber, berfungsi sebagai tempat sumber saat tidak digunakan, dan dirancang sedemikian rupa
agar paparan radiasi disekitarnya ada pada batas aman. Modul ini terbuat dari bahan timbal. Adapun modul penggerak motor, berfungsi untuk menggerakan motor yang terletak pada modul penggerak sumber dan modul distributor channel. Perputaran motor diatur oleh sebuah mikrokontroler yang terhubung ke PC. Mikrokontroler akan mengatur gerakan motor setelah mendapat perintah dan menerima variabel pengaturan motor dari PC. > Paket Teknologi Pesawat Sinar X Fluoroscopy Perangkat pesawat sinar-x fluoroscopy yang ada sekarang ini akan menghasilkan sebuah gambar yang divisualisasikan pada layar pendar (fluorosecent screen). Dari layar pendar ini dokter akan langsung melakukan pengamatan untuk menentukan tindakan diagnosis namun beresiko terkena pancaran radiasi dari tabung sinar-x. Pada tahun 2011, BATAN menghasilkan pesawat sinar-x fluoroscopy dengan keunggulan mengurangi resiko radiasi pada dokter/ operator saat penggunaan, dan telah uji fungsi. Perekayasaan dilakukan dengan cara mentransfer data hasil pencitraan ke dalam sistem komputer dengan melalui sebuah kamera, maka dengan demikian dokter cukup melihat hasil gambar melalui monitor yang ditempatkan di ruang kontrol dan dapat mengurangi bahaya paparan radiasi. Pesawat sinar-x fluoroscopy merupakan sebuah pesawat penghasil sinar-x yang dapat digunakan untuk diagnosa medis. Sinar-x yang dipancarkan hasil dari pencitraan akan ditangkap oleh layar pendar (Fluoroscent screen) dan diterima oleh kamera untuk diteruskan ke monitor komputer. Data citra disimpan di komputer dan dapat pula dilakukan pengolahan lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan kualitas gambar sebelum ditampilkan atau dicetak. Dari komputer, gambar hasil pencitraan dapat langsung dibaca oleh dokter pemeriksa, di dalam ruang kontrol yang aman terhadap radiasi. Keuntungan pesawat sinar-x Fluoroscopy ini adalah: tidak memerlukan film, pemeriksaan cepat dan langsung didapatkan hasilnya, aman bagi operator/dokter, sistem kendali dan penangkap citra menggunakan komponen yang mudah didapat di pasaran.
Pemanfaatan pesawat sinar X Fluoroscopy
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Scintigraphy Instrumentation Technology Package. The instrumentation normally used for diagnosis of diseases is the scintigraphy instrumentation or more known as the gamma camera. In the year 2011, BATAN produced ascinitgraphy instrumentation for imaging small size body organs, a mini size gamma camera and has been function tested. The scintigraphy instrumentation uses a Position Multiplier Photomultiplier Tube (PSPMT), this functions in producing two dimensional images from the metabolism process of a body organ. Diagnosis is conducted by placing a scintigraphy instrumentation detection system at the location of the body organ which is to be diagnosed. Then radionuclides are injected into the patient’s body. The radionuclide will follow the flow of the blood and will also be in the metabolism process of the body organ. The radiation emitted by the radionuclide will be detected by the scintigraphy instrumentation detection system. Crystal scintillation in a detection system will change the radiation to become photons. The photons then are multiplied by the photon multiplier tube of the Position Multiplier Tube (PMT) and changed to an electrical signal. The output signal of the detection system will be processed by the electronic system and changed to digital form. This digital data will be forwarded to the data processing system to be shown/presented. The scintigraphy instrumentation using the PSPMT could detect the position of the coming radiation. By using the PSPMT, the number of PMT which are used could be reduced therefore reducing the the dimension of the scintigraphy instrumentation detection system. Beside that, the electric power used also could be reduced. The instrumentation is suitable to be used to diagnose small size body organs, such heart, kidney, thyroid gland, and others.
Nuclear Instrumentation for the Industry > Technology Package for Shipping Container Imaging System with Gamma Ray Absorption Technique. Using this system, verification and validation of the contents of shipping containers could be conducted automatically. Shipping containers are scanned using gamma rays which are invisible and possessing a large penetrating power, then the rays penetrating the shipping containers will be captured by a detector and processed to become an image. This image will then be verified with the data recorded in the export-import purchase document. In the year 2011 a laboratory scale system was obtained with objective as a basis of calculation for designing the true form or much larger in accordance to the need, which shall be used in seaports. The imaging system consists of : a lab scale dummy shipping container of the size 120cm x 80cm, 4 NaITI detectors with a diameter of 6mm, 1 Co60 10mC source, a collimator with diameter of 6 mm, detector holder and detector motor source to the vertical and horizontal direction with a movement distance of 6mm, an actuator and acquisition microcontroller, software for data storage and compression of the results from acquisition of data processing software, and also a two dimensional image projecting software.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Several advantages in the use of a shipping container imaging system with the gamma ray absorbtion technique : electric power is not needed, specifically for sources, because the source is already emitting radiation on its own, therefore the efficiency could be enhanced; Maintenance is not needed for gamma radiation source, because it has a very long half life, for Co60 the half life is + 5 years with gamma radiation energy of 1.7 MeV and 1.33 MeV whereas for Cs137 the half life is + 30 years and the gamma radiation energy is 0.600 keV.
> Paket Teknologi Perangkat Scintigrapy Perangkat yang biasa digunakan untuk diagnosis penyakit adalah perangkat scintigraphy atau lebih dikenal sebagai kamera gamma. Pada tahun 2011, BATAN menghasilkan perangkat scintigraphy untuk pencitraan organ tubuh berukuran kecil, merupakan kamera gamma bentuk mini dan telah uji fungsi. Perangkat scintigraphy menggunakan Position Multiplier Photomultiplier Tube (PSPMT) ini berfungsi untuk menghasilkan citra dua dimensi dari proses metabolisme suatu organ tubuh. Diagnosis dilakukan dengan menempatkan sistem deteksi perangkat scintigraphy pada lokasi organ tubuh yang akan didiagnosis. Kemudian radionuklida disuntikkan ke dalam tubuh pasien. Radionuklida akan mengikuti peredaran darah dan turut dalam proses metabolisme organ tubuh. Radiasi yang dipancarkan oleh radionuklida akan dideteksi oleh sistem deteksi perangkat scintigraphy. Kristal scintilasi pada sistem deteksi akan mengubah radiasi menjadi foton. Foton kemudian digandakan oleh tabung pengganda foton Position Multiplier Tube (PMT) dan diubah menjadi sinyal listrik. Sinyal keluaran sistem deteksi akan diolah oleh sistem elektronik dan diubah menjadi bentuk digital. Data digital ini diteruskan ke sistem pengolah data untuk ditampilkan.
Perangkat Nuklir untuk Industri
Perangkat scintigraphy menggunakan PSPMT dapat mendeteksi posisi radiasi yang datang. Dengan menggunakan PSPMT jumlah PMT yang digunakan dapat dikurangi sehingga dapat memperkecil dimensi dari sistem deteksi perangkat scintigraphy. Selain itu daya listrik yang digunakan juga dapat dikurangi. Perangkat cocok digunakan untuk mendiagnosis organ tubuh berukuran kecil, seperti: jantung, ginjal kelenjar gondok, dan lain-lain.
Beberapa keuntungan pengunaan sistem pencitraan petikemas dengan teknik serapan sinar gamma: tidak diperlukan daya listrik, khususnya untuk sumber, karena sumber sudah memancarkan radiasi dengan dengan sendirinya, sehingga efisiensi dapat lebih ditingkatkan. Tidak diperlukan maintenance untuk sumber radiasi gamma, karena mempunyai waktu paro yang sangat lama, untuk Co60 mempunyai waktu paro ± 5 tahun dengan energi radiasi gamma 1.7 Mev dan 1.33 Mev sedangkan Cs137 waktu paruhnya ± 30 tahun dan energi radiasi gamma 0.600 keV.
> Paket Teknologi Sistem Pencitraan Petikemas dengan Teknik Serapan Sinar Gamma. Menggunakan sistem ini verifikasi dan validasi isi petikemas dapat dilakukan secara otomatis. Petikemas dipindai menggunakan sinar gamma yang tak tampak dan memiliki daya tembus besar, kemudian sinar yang menembus peti kemas akan ditangkap oleh detektor dan diolah menjadi citra. Citra ini kemudian diverifikasi dengan data yang tercatat pada faktur ekspor impor. Pada tahun 2011 telah diperoleh sistem dengan skala laboratorium yang tujuannya sebagai dasar perhitungan untuk merancang bentuk yang nyata atau lebih besar sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang akan digunakan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan laut. Sistem pencitraan terdiri dari: sebuah dummi petikemas skala lab dengan ukuran 120cmx80cm, 4 buah detektor NaITl diameter 6 mm, 1 buah sumber Co60 10 mC, sebuah kolimator diameter 6 mm, pemegang detektor dan sumber penggerak detektor dan sumber kearah vertikal dan horisontal dengan jarak pergerakan 6 mm, mikrokontroller pengaktuasi dan akuisisi, perangkat lunak penyimpan dan kompresi data hasil akuisi perangkat lunak pengolah data, serta perangkat lunak penampil menjadi citra dimensi dua.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Technology for Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Monitoring BATAN as the executor of nuclear energy in Indonesia, besides its role in conducting activities in research and development in the field of nuclear, it is also responsible towards the management of radioactive waste that appear due to the R&D activities as well as its utilization in accordance to the Laws and Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 1997 regarding Nuclear Energy, Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 18 Year 1999 regarding the Management of Dangerous and Toxic Waste Materials and Government Regulation No. 27 Year 2002 regarding Management of Radioactive Waste.
> Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Irradiated Material in the Connecting Channel of the Temporary Storage of Used Fuel (KH-IPSB3). Activities have been conducted to move 146 bunddles of spent nuclear fuel from the RSG to the KH-IPSB3 and the movement of target transfer from RSG to the Radioisotope Production Center (PPR-BATAN) as much as 8 times of movement.
In the year 2011 the Radioactive Waste Technology Center (PTLR)- BATAN had conducted several activities which are : Development of a Process Technology for Radioactive Waste Processing which covers : > Process in Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing By Evaporation and Cementation. Used resin waste of 1400 liters has been mobilized from the Multi Purpose Reactor (RSG-BATAN), in 4 concrete shells of 950 liters each. > Process in Solid Radioactive Waste Processing By Incineration and Compaction. Processed are 90, 100 liter drums by compaction which are mobilized with slurry cement mixture in 16 drums of 200 liters.
Spent Nuclear Fuel in KH-IPSB3
> Information System of Radioactive Waste Management, is a database for integrated waste, easily accessible and possesses an access control. The Management Information System of radioactive waste uses a Radioactive Waste Management Registry (RWMR) software. Results from this activity is the data entry of used sources of an amount of 409, the used sources are stored in concrete shells of 350 liters and 950 liters. The contaminated solid wastes that have been prepared for compaction process amount to 90 drums of 100 liters. The number of used sources that have been conditioned amount to 81.
Storage place of processed radioactive waste
> Process of B3 Waste of internal BATAN Processing. Identification has been conducted and sorting of B3 wastes originating from BATAN (Serpong, Pasar Jumat, and bandung) which are packaged in 100 liter drums.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
The utilization of Radioactive Waste Management Registry software
Pengembangan Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif dan Pemantauan Lingkungan BATAN sebagai badan pelaksana ketenaganukliran di Indonesia disamping menjalankan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang nuklir, juga bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan limbah radioaktif yang ditimbulkan dari kegiatan litbang maupun pemanfaatannya sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran, Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 18 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 27 Tahun 2002 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif.
> Pengelolaan Bahan Bakar Nuklir Bekas dan Material Teriradiasi di Kanal Hubung Instalasi Penyimpanan Sementara Bahan Bakar Bekas (KH-IPSB3). Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pemindahan 146 bundel bahan bakar nuklir bekas dari RSG ke KH-IPSB3 dan pemindahan transfer target dari RSG ke Pusat Produksi Radioisotop (PPR-BATAN) sebanyak 8 kali pemindahan.
Pada tahun 2011 Pusat Teknologi Limbah Radioaktif (PTLR)BATAN telah melakukan beberapa kegiatan yaitu : Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Pengolahan limbah radioaktif yang meliputi : > Proses Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif Cair Secara Evaporasi dan Sementasi. Telah diimobilisasi 1400 liter limbah resin bekas dari Reaktor Serba Guna (RSGBATAN), di dalam 4 shell beton 950 liter. > Proses Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif Padat Secara Insenerasi dan Kompaksi. Telah diolah sebanyak 90 drum 100 liter dengan cara kompaksi yang diimobilisasi dengan campuran semen slurry dalam 16 drum 200 liter.
Bahan Bakar Nuklir Bekas di KH-IPSB3
> Sistem Informasi Manajemen Limbah Radioaktif, merupakan pangkalan data (database) limbah yang terintegrasi, mudah diakses dan memiliki acces control. Sistem Informasi Manajemen limbah radioaktif menggunakan software Radioactive Waste Management Registry (RWMR). Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu telah di entry data sumber bekas sebanyak 409 buah, sumber bekas tersebut tersimpan dalam shell beton 350 liter dan 950 liter. Limbah padat terkontaminasi yang telah dipreparasi untuk proses kompaksi berjumlah 90 drum 100 liter. Jumlah sumber bekas yang telah dikondisioning 81 buah.
Proses kompaksi limbah
> Proses Pengolahan Limbah B3 Internal BATAN. Telah dilakukan identifikasi dan penyortiran limbah B3 yang berasal dari lingkungan BATAN (Serpong, Pasar Jumat, dan Bandung) yang dikemas dalam drum 100 liter.
Sistem informasi manajemen limbah radioaktif
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Transportation and Temporary Storage – Interm Storage (IS) Radioactive Waste, B3 Waste, and High Activity Waste. Transportation of radioactive waste whether solid, liquid as well as used sources is conducted from the institution producing the waste (BATAN, Hospitals, and the Industry) to the Radioactive Waste Processing Installation (IPLR). The results are as follows : - Transporting of 7 radioactive waste packages of BATAN internally have been conducted and 16 radioactive waste packages externally of BATAN. - Transporting of 6 packages of B3 waste packages of BATAN internally. - Storage has been conducted to the results of processing used resin wastes for as much as 4 concrete shells of 950 liters and 16 drums of 200 liters of processed solid waste which are stored in IS 1. - Weighing and moving of yellow cake from IS 1 to IS 2.
(KNS) is very much expected to show mastery of technology and safety in storage and management of LRA in Indonesia. This matter is to gain the trust of the people in accepting nuclear S&T in all fields specifically energy (NPP). The candidate site study for the disposal of radioactive waste in the operation of NPP in Bangka Belitung is conducted to support acceleration in the development of NPP in the region. The study area is focussed in Java and Babel, with the consideration that most of the activities which have the potency to produce radioactive waste is present in Java Island and the NPP plan in Babel. This matter at the same time also considers the issue of transportation and safety. For safety assessment of storage of radioactive waste originating from non nuclear facility activities is mentioned as Technologically-Enhanced Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM), the study area is connected to the waste creating industry by following the principle of co-location, therefore this could also be outside Java Island and Babel. The objective in permanent disposal of radioactive waste is to isolate the waste, therefore there would be no effect of exposures towards humans and the environment during this era and into the future. The level of isolation needed could be obtained by implementing various storage methods, among them are with a near surface disposal (NSD) and deep geological disposal (DGD) as a general selection and used in several countries. For the above purpose, therefore in the year 2011 activities conducted will be : > Determination of the Selected Site for Radioactive Waste Disposal in Java Island. The results obtained are several selected sites which are evaluated based on systematic scientific assesment and consideration of co-location, which are Ujungjaya (Sumedang Regency), Bancar-Jatirogo (Tuban Regency) and Kragan (Rembang regency), Puloampel (Serang Regency), Serpong Nuclear Area (South Tangerang) and Ujungwatu (Jepara Regency)
Radioactive waste transporting vehicle
Design Concept and Facility for Radioactive Waste Disposal and TENORM Development of technology for radioactive waste disposal (LRA) is based on the need of availability of disposal for radioactive waste from activities in application of nuclear S&T in the field of industry, health and research, as well as the field of energy (NPP) which is still in the planning phase. The availability of disposal facilities for demonstrating radioactive waste disposal in the Serpong Nuclear Area
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Field discussion with IAEA expert in connection with the site selection for disposal in Java Island
> Transportasi dan Penyimpanan Sementara – Interm Storage (IS) Limbah Radioaktif, Limbah B3, dan Limbah Aktivitas Tinggi. Pengangkutan limbah radioaktif baik padat, cair maupun sumber bekas dilakukan dari instansi penghasil limbah (BATAN, Rumah Sakit, dan Industri) ke Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif (IPLR). Hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut : - Telah dilakukan pengangkutan 7 paket limbah radioaktif internal BATAN dan 16 paket limbah radioaktif eksternal BATAN. - Telah dilakukan pengangkutan 6 paket limbah B3 dari internal BATAN. - Telah dilakukan penyimpanan hasil pengolahan limbah resin bekas sebanyak 4 shell beton 950 liter dan 16 drum 200 liter limbah padat olahan yang disimpan di IS 1. - Telah dilakukan penimbangan dan pemindahan yellow cake dari IS 1 ke IS 2.
Untuk kajian keselamatan penyimpanan limbah radioaktif yang berasal dari kegiatan fasilitas non nuklir yang disebut Technologically-Enhanced Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM), wilayah studi melekat pada kawasan industri penimbul limbah tersebut dengan menganut prinsip co-location (kerjasama lokasi), sehingga bisa berada di luar P. Jawa dan Babel. Tujuan penyimpanan lestari limbah radioaktif ialah untuk mengisolasi limbah sehingga tidak ada akibat paparan radiasi terhadap manusia dan lingkungan pada masa kini dan yang akan datang. Tingkat pengisolasian yang diperlukan dapat diperoleh dengan mengimplementasikan berbagai metode penyimpanan, diantaranya dengan model near surface disposal (NSD) dan deep geological disposal (DGD) sebagai pilihan yang umum dan digunakan di beberapa negara. Untuk tujuan tersebut di atas, maka pada tahun 2011 dilakukan kegiatan : > Penentuan Tapak Terpilih Disposal Limbah Radioaktif di Pulau Jawa. Hasilnya telah diperoleh beberapa tapak terpilih yang dievaluasi berdasarkan kajian ilmiah sistematis dan pertimbangan co-location yaitu Ujungjaya (Kabupaten Sumedang), Bancar-Jatirogo (Kabupaten Tuban) dan Kragan (Kabupaten Rembang), Puloampel (Kabupaten Serang), Kawasan Nuklir Serpong (Tangerang Selatan) dan Ujungwatu (Kabupaten Jepara)
Proses pengangkutan limbah radioaktif
Konsep Desain dan Fasilitas Disposal Limbah Radioaktif dan TENORM Pengembangan teknologi disposal limbah radioaktif (LRA) dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan akan tersedianya disposal untuk limbah radioaktif dari kegiatan aplikasi iptek nuklir di bidang industri, kesehatan dan riset, serta bidang energi (PLTN) yang masih dalam tahap perencanaan. Keberadaan fasilitas disposal untuk demonstrasi disposal limbah radioaktif di Kawasan Nuklir Serpong (KNS) sangat diharapkan untuk menunjukkan penguasaan teknologi dan keselamatan dalam penyimpanan dan pengelolaan LRA di Indonesia. Hal tersebut untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat dalam rangka penerimaan iptek nuklir di segala bidang khususnya energi (PLTN). Studi calon tapak disposal limbah radioaktif operasi PLTN di Bangka Belitung dilakukan untuk mendukung percepatan pembangunan PLTN di daerah tersebut. Wilayah studi difokuskan di Jawa dan Babel, dengan pertimbangan bahwa sebagian besar kegiatan yang berpotensi menimbulkan limbah radioaktif ada di Pulau Jawa dan rencana PLTN di Babel. Hal tersebut sekaligus juga mempertimbangkan masalah transportasi dan keselamatan.
Survey lapangan untuk penentuan tapak terpilih disposal limbah radioaktif di Jawa
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Preparation of Conceptual Design for radioactive Waste Disposal demo Facility in the Serpong Nuclear Area. The result obtained is a conceptual design of a demonstration disposal facility for low activity radioactive waste of near surface disposal type. The conceptual design prepared covers the concept of dimension, layout, vault, backfill, drainage system, acceptance of waste and its operation.
> The candidate site study for the radioactive waste disposal in the operation of NPP in Bangka Belitung (Preparation of Concept and Disposal Plan). Thye results of the activities cover prediction of the amount of waste, packaging of waste, criteria for the site and safety of disposal, scope of study and area, research method, resource allocation, roadmap and location review.
Geo-electrical investigation at the disposal demo site in the serpong Nuclear Area
> Technology Management in Support of Facility Safety for Radioacrtive Waste Disposal and TENORM Waste. The results obtained is a safety assessment concept, performance of near surface disposal components, performance of the radioactive waste basin and landfill safety for TENORM waste from the oil and natural gas industry. Spatial planning of the NPP site candidate in the region of Muntok, West Bangka and Simpangrimba, South Bangka
Monitoring of the Surrounding Environmental Radiation
Discussion with IAEA expert connected with the site, technology and safety of radioactive waste disposal
Presentation of activities in IAEA expert mission in connection with disposal siting in Java Island
BATAN Annual Report 2011
As part of the requirements in operation of nuclear facilities in the Serpong Nuclear Area (KNS), PTLR is given the duty to conduct environmental radiology monitoring (PRL), observation of the weather conditions (PKC) and analysis of the environmental radiology impact within a radius of 5 km from the G.A. Siwabessy reactor site. The PRL program covers radiation measurement and sample taking, processing and analysis of environmental samples as well as control in the release of liquid radioactive effluents. Besides that, KNS is complemented with 4 (four) gamma radiation monitoring stations which measure the ambient dose rate continuously and centralized. The four stations are located in the RSG building, Radioisotope and Radiopharmacy Production Installation of PT. Batan Teknologi, the Radiometallurgy Installation Crisis Control Head Quarter (CCHQ) in KNS. The ambient radiation exposure data of each detector is recorded in the local monitoring station, then simultaneously the data is sent to themonitoring center. This system has the objective to early detect any
> Penyiapan Desain Konsep Fasilitas Demo Disposal Limbah Radioakitf di Kawasan Nuklir Serpong. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa konsep disain fasilitas demonstration disposal limbah radioaktif aktivitas rendah tipe near surface disposal. Konsep disain yang disusun meliputi konsep dimensi, tata letak, vault, backfill, sistem drainase, penerimaan limbah dan operasinya.
Penyelidikan geolistrik pada tapak demo disposal di Kawasan Nuklir Serpong
> Studi calon tapak disposal limbah radioaktif operasi PLTN di Bangka Belitung (Penyusunan Konsep dan Rencana Disposal). Hasil kegiatannya meliputi prediksi jumlah limbah, kemasan limbah, kriteria tapak dan keselamatan disposal, lingkup studi dan wilayah, metode penelitian, alokasi sumberdaya, roadmap dan tinjauan lokasi.
Geomorfologi dataran bergelombang di daerah Simpangrimba, Bangka Selatan
> Manajemen Teknologi Pendukung Keselamatan Fasilitas Disposal Limbah Radioaktif dan Limbah TENORM. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah konsep pengkajian keselamatan, unjuk kerja komponen near surface disposal, unjuk kerja wadah limbah radioaktif dan keselamatan landfill untuk limbah TENORM dari Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi.
Litostratigrafi, singkapan granit di pantai daerah Airputih, Muntok, Bangka Barat
Pemantauan Radioaktivitas Lingkungan
Screening TENORM untuk kajian keselamatan pengelolaan limbah TENORM di industri migas
Pelatihan GIS sebagai teknologi pendukung penyiapan tapak disposal limbah
Sebagai bagian dari persyaratan pengoperasian fasilitas nuklir di Kawasan Nuklir Serpong (KNS), PTLR ditugaskan melaksanakan Pemantauan Radiologi Lingkungan (PRL), Pengamatan Keadaan Cuaca (PKC) dan analisis dampak radiologi lingkungan dalam radius 5 km dari tapak reaktor G.A. Siwabessy. Program PRL meliputi pengukuran radiasi dan pengambilan, pengolahan dan analisis sampel lingkungan serta pengendalian lepasan efluen radioaktif cair. Selain itu, KNS telah dilengkapi dengan 4 (empat) stasiun pantau radiasi gamma yang mengukur laju dosis ambien secara kontinyu dan secara terpusat. Keempat stasiun tersebut terletak di gedung RSG, Instalasi Produksi Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka PT. Batan Teknologi, Instalasi Radiometalurgi dan Pusat Kendali Krisis (CCHQ) dalam KNS. Data paparan radiasi ambien dari masing-masing detektor direkam di stasiun pemantauan setempat, kemudian secara simultan data dikirim ke pusat pemantauan. Sistem ini
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
abnormal release through the stack and evaluation of the Multi Purpose Reactor and Supporting Laboratories (RSGLP) towards the radiological impact to the population and environment. The monitoring center is complemented with an alarm system to make easier the immediate mitigation in the case of abnormal release. The system has been fully functioning and dose rate data streaming is stored in the database of the monitoring center. The system is developed for access through the internet network. The software system as well is developed to fulfill the criteria of dose limiter and standard result reporting system. The PKC facility existing in KNS is used for measuring weather data continually, therefore could be utilized for assesment of radiological impact of the release of radioactive effluents to the atmosphere during normal operation condition as well as in nuclear emergencies. The liquid radioactive effluents in all facilities in KNS is integratively controlled by PTLR in such a way, that the released effluents in the Cisalak stream is far below the environmental quality threshold. The results of PRL and PKC are used for analysis of the radiology impact of the radioactive release from the KNS facility towards members of the population and environment.
The results of Research obtained in the year 2011 are: The monitoring of marine radioecology in the Muria Peninsula and Bangka Belitung has the objective to obtain baseline data of the marine environmental radioactivity. Based on the results of the anthropogenic radionuclide (137Cs) in sediments of West Bangka and South Bangka which is around 0,30 – 0,48 Bq.Kg-1 and in water around 0,49 – 0,66 Bq.m-3. The design concept of the Bangka Belitung and Muria Peninsula marine radioecology laboratory in order to obtain a description of a radioecology laboratory in Muria Peninsula. This laboratory is designed to be able to conduct various monitoring of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides, another activity is the modelling of bioaccumulation and radionuclide behavior in marine environmental compartment, modeling of radionuclide distribution in the marine compartment in Muria Peninsula and Bangka Belitung and development of a radionuclide analysis method in marine ecosystem compartment. This method needs to be developed because the concentration of anthropogenic radionuclide in the marine compartment is very small, therefore difficult to detect. On the other side the radionuclide data must be available as a baseline data prior to the operation of NPP. Efforts that have been conducted is development of a concentrated large sample volume method (>100 liters) by using coagulation as well as ion exchange system.
Sample taking activity on the coastline and offshore
Continuous Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring System in the Serpong Nuclear Area (on-site)
Monitoring of Marine Radioecology BATAN considers the need to conduct radioecology monitoring and the marine environment at the NPP location candidate to obtain radioactivity baseline data before operation of the NPP. Radioactivity Baseline data is also needed in anticipation of the possibility of impacts to the plan in development of NPP in neighbouring countries. In anticipation of the impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, BATAN together with 20 countries of the Asia Pacific area have conducted monitoring of the marine environment in RCA Project RAS/7/02 1 Marine benchmark study on the possible impact of the Fukushima radioactive releases in the Asia-Pacific Region.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Radiometric Laboratory of the PTLR Marine Radioecology Section, 3 gamma spectrometer HPGe units, 1 low background Liquid Scintilation Counter unit, 4 Alpha spectrometerunits
Participation of the Marine Radioecology Section in activity of RCA Marine benchmark study on the possible impact of the Fukushima radioactive releases in the Asia-Pacific Region
bertujuan untuk mendeteksi secara dini adanya lepasan yang abnormal melalui cerobong dan mengevaluasi operasional Reaktor Serba Guna dan Laboratorium Penunjang (RSG-LP) terhadap dampak radiologi pada penduduk dan lingkungan. Pusat pemantauan dilengkapi sistem alarm untuk memudahkan penanggulangan segera dalam hal lepasan abnormal. Sistem telah berfungsi penuh dan streaming data laju dosis disimpan dalam database pusat pemantauan. Sistem dikembangkan untuk dapat diakses melalui jaringan internet. Demikian pula sistem software dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kriteria dosis pembatas dan sistem pelaporan hasil yang standar. Fasilitas PKC terdapat di dalam KNS digunakan untuk mengukur data cuaca secara kontinu, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengkajian dampak radiologi lepasan atmosferik efluen radioaktif baik dalam keadaan operasi normal maupun kedaruratan nuklir. Efluen radioaktif cair seluruh fasilitas di KNS dikendalikan secara terpadu oleh PTLR sedemikian, sehingga lepasan efluen tersebut di kali Cisalak jauh di bawah baku mutu lingkungan. Hasil PRL dan PKC digunakan untuk menganalisis dampak radiologi lepasan radioaktif fasilitas KNS terhadap anggota masyarakat dan lingkungan.
Hasil Penelitian yang diperoleh tahun 2011 adalah: Pemantauan radioekologi kelautan di Semenanjung Muria dan Bangka Belitung bertujuan untuk memperoleh baseline data radioaktivitas lingkungan kelautan. Berdasarkan hasil pemantauan baseline data radionuklida antropogenik (137Cs) pada sedimen di Bangka Barat dan Bangka Selatan berkisar 0,30 – 0,48 Bq.Kg-1 dan dalam air berkisar 0,49 – 0,66 Bq.m-3. Konsep desain laboratorium radioekologi kelautan di Semenanjung Muria dan Bangka Belitung untuk memperoleh deskripsi laboratorium radioekologi di Semenanjung Muria dan Bangka Belitung. Laboratorium ini didesain untuk dapat melakukan berbagai pemantauan radionuklida alam dan antropogenik, kegiatan lain adalah pemodelan bioakumulasi dan perilaku radionuklida dalam kompartemen lingkungan laut, pemodelan penyebaran radionuklida dalam kompartemen laut di Semenanjung Muria dan Bangka Belitung dan pengembangan metode analisis radionuklida dalam kompartemen ekosistem laut. Metoda ini perlu dikembangkan karena konsentrasi radionuklida antropogenik dalam kompartemen laut sangat kecil, sehingga sulit untuk dideteksi. Disisi lain data radionuklida tersebut harus tersedia sebagai baseline data pra operasional PLTN. Upaya yang telah dilakukan adalah melakukan pengembangan metoda pemekatan sampel bervolume besar (>100 liter) menggunakan sistem koagulasi maupun penukar ion.
Percobaan bioakumulasi radionuklida dan penggunaan radiotracer untuk studi bioakumulasi polutan
Sistem pemantau laju dosis ambien secara kontinu
Pemantauan Radioekologi Kelautan BATAN memandang perlu melaksanakan pemantauan radioekologi dan lingkungan kelautan di calon lokasi PLTN untuk memperoleh baseline data radioaktivitas sebelum PLTN beroperasi. Baseline data radioaktivitas juga diperlukan sebagai antisipasi kemungkinan dampak dari rencana pembangunan PLTN di negara-negara tetangga. Sebagai antisipasi dampak kecelakaan Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, BATAN bersama-sama 20 negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik melakukan pemantauan lingkungan laut dalam RCA Project RAS/7/021 Marine benchmark study on the possible impact of the Fukushima radioactive releases in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Laboratorium radiometric Bidang Radioekologi Kelautan PTLR, 3 unit gamma spectrometer HPGe, 1 unit low background Liquid Scintilation Counter, 4 unit Alpha spectrometer
Pemodelan sebaran panas dan radionuklida di Bangka Barat dan di Semenanjung Muria
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Technology for Nuclear Fuel of the Research and Power Reactor In the year 2011, in development of technology for the nuclear fuel of the nuclear reactor, obtained are technical documents for the making and characterization of the Zirlo-Mo alloy plate and results obtained are 1 Prototype of the Fuel Element Plate (PEB), Zirlo-Mo Fuel Element Plate Prototype and PEB UMo-Al prototype. Besides that, the result obtained is the basic engineering technical document for U02-UF6 conversion factory through Fluorox capacity of 6000 tonnes/year.
PEB UMo-Al fuel element plate prototype
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Zirlo-Mo fuel element plate prototype
Pengembangan Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir Reaktor Riset dan Daya Pada tahun 2011, dalam pengembangan teknologi bahan bakar nuklir reaktor nuklir, telah diperoleh dokumen teknis pembuatan dan karakterisasi pelat paduan Zirlo-Mo dan telah diperoleh 1 Prototipe Pelat Elemen Bakar (PEB) Zirlo-Mo dan prototipe PEB UMo-Al. Di samping itu telah diperoleh dokumen teknis perekayasaan dasar pabrik konversi U02-UF6 melalui Fluorox kapasitas 6000 ton/tahun.
Pembuatan pelat paduan Zirlo-Mo
Pembuatan pelat paduan PEB UMo-Al
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Inventory of Uranium and Thorium Potential Regions in Indonesia BATAN has conducted inventory of potential regions of Uranium and Thorium in Indonesia, and in the year 2011 the results obtained are : Uranium potential region data in the District of Nalca, Regency of Yahukimo, Province of Papua
Mud Sampling
Geochemical sample taking of the sediment stream
Geological surveillance in Yahukimo, Papua
Geological surveillance in Yahukimo, Papua
Uranium resource data of predicted category in the Sarana, Kalan, West Kalimantan Sector
Rock core obtained from boring
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Nuclear diagraphy data taking (logging)
Inventarisasi Daerah Potensial Uranium dan Thorium di Indonesia BATAN melakukan inventarisasi daerah potensial Uranium dan Thorium di Indonesia, dan pada tahun 2011 diperoleh: Data daerah potensial Uranium di Kecamatan Nalca, Kabupaten Yahukimo, Provinsi Papua
Transportasi personil dan logistik ke Daerah Nalca dengan Pilatus Porter
Pengamatan singkapan
Pengukuran radioaktivitas batuan
Pengamatan geologi dan pengukuran struktur geologi
Data sumberdaya Uranium kategori tereka di Sektor Sarana, Kalan, Kalbar
Pembuatan akses jalan menuju lokasi pemboran
Pembuatan akses jalan menuju lokasi pemboran Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Speculative category of Thorium resources data in Bangka, Bangka Belitung
Former Mining Region
Sample taking by channel sampling
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Geochemical sample taking; heavy minerals by washing
Data sumberdaya Thorium kategori spekulatif di Bangka, Bangka Belitung
Pengamatan daerah bekas penambangan timah
Pengamatan geologi dari hasil kupasan
Pengamatan Geologi pada Singkapan batuan
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development of Technology Application of Isotope and Radiation In the food sector, with the development in application of isotope and radiation, BATAN has contributed to the enrichment of a number of national varieties in Indonesia. This matter is very important because it is expected that with the increase of the number of superior varieties, this will increase productivity, accelerate harvest time, resilient to pests, and other features. Up until the year 2011, the number of varieties produced by BATAN is 17 varieties of rice paddy, 6 varieties of soy bean, and 1 variety of mung bean. Besides crop plants, BATAN also has produced 1 cotton plant variety. Wet Rice Paddy Variety In the year 2011, the wet rice paddy mutant variety, OBS1703-PSJ, one of the results of utilizing nuclear S&T in the field of agriculture has passed the Evaluation team in releasing superior varieties, by the Letter of Decision of the Minister of Agriculture Number: 2257/Kpts/SR.120/2011 dated 2 May 2011 regarding "Release of Wet Mutant Rice Paddy Variety OBS1703/PSJ as a Superior variety with the Name of Inpari Sidenuk". This variety comes from the Diah Suci paddy variety which is radiated with gamma rays with a dose of 0,20 kGy from 60Co. Inpari Sidenuk has the color of leaf and green stalk, the rice form is narrow and clean yellow color with the number of rice grain per spire of 175-200 grains, has a potential result of 9,1 tons/Ha GKG. Several superiority of this Inpari Sidenuk is that it is relatively resilient to the insect pest, the brown stalk wereng of 1, 2 and 3 biotype. Besides that, it is relatively resilient to the bacteria patotype III hawar leaf disease. This rice paddy is suitable to be planted in a wet paddy flat plain field ecosystem in the lowlands until a height of 600 mdpl and not recommended to be planted in the tungro and blas endemic region. With this description and texture of the cooked rice with an amylosa content of 20,6 %, the wet rice paddy variety, Inpari Sidenuk is expected to be able to play a role in increasing the fulfillment of the Indonesian food quality. Besides that, there are 3 (three) superior rice paddy variety with the name of Mugibat, Sulutan 1, and Sulutan 2 which have passed the Evaluation Team for release of variety of the Agriculture Ministry, and currently waiting for the decision Letter of Release.
Sorghum Variety Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) is a cereal plant which is potential to be cultured and developed, specifically in marginal and dry regions in Indonesia. The superiority of sorghum is its extensive agro-ecology adaptive capacity, resilience to pests and diseases compared to other food crops. Besides that, the sorghum plant possesses a high nutrition content, therefore it would be best to be used as a source of food as well as an alternative livestock feed. In the year 2010, BATAN has applied for 3 sorghum mutants which are B-76, B-100 and Zh-30 to be released as a new sorghum variety by the Ministry of Agriculture. The three sorghum varieties possess a high production superiority and very resilient to dry condition. The B-76 variety is grouped as a sweet sorghum with a relatively high sugar content which is 17,6 % and ideal for raw material in making bioethanol. The B-100 variety possesses a relatively high biomass production and ideal for livestock feed (cows, water buffaloes, goats, etc.). The Zh-30 possesses the highest seed productivity with good quality of seeds and flour/powder and ideal for food. The Zh-30 variety has been approved to be released to become a new sorghum variety with the name, Pahat (abbreviation of Healthy Food / Pangan Sehat), however, it still needs minor improvement. Another feature of the Pahat variety among others are : grain/seed results in 5,78 tons/Ha, carbohydrate content 72,86 %, protein 12,80 %, fat 2,42 %, fiber 2,21 % dan low in tanin (0,012 %). The Pahat sorghum variety is recommended to be planted in dry regions at the end of the rainy season.
The Zh-30 Sorghum variety has been released to become the Pahat variety.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi Di bidang pangan, dengan pengembangan aplikasi teknologi isotop dan radiasi BATAN berkontribusi terhadap pengkayaan jumlah varietas nasional di Indonesia. Hal ini sangat penting karena diharapkan dengan meningkatnya jumlah varietas unggul akan meningkatkan produktivitas, mempercepat waktu panen, tahan terhadap hama, dan keunggulan lainnya. Sampai dengan tahun 2011, jumlah varietas yang telah dihasilkan BATAN adalah 17 varietas padi, 6 varietas kedelai, dan 1 varietas kacang hijau. Selain tanaman pangan, BATAN juga telah menghasilkan 1 varietas tanaman kapas. Varietas Padi Sawah Pada tahun 2011 galur mutan padi sawah OBS1703-PSJ salah satu hasil pemanfaatan iptek nuklir di bidang pertanian telah lolos dari Tim penilai pelepasan varietas unggul, dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor: 2257/ Kpts/SR.120/2011 tanggal 2 Mei 2011 tentang "Pelepasan Galur Mutan Padi Sawah OBS1703/PSJ sebagai Varietas Unggul dengan Nama Inpari Sidenuk". Varietas ini berasal dari varietas padi Diah Suci yang diradiasi sinar gamma dengan dosis 0,20 kGy dari 60Co. Inpari Sidenuk memiliki warna daun dan batang hijau, bentuk gabah ramping bewarna kuning bersih dengan jumlah gabah per malai 175-200 butir, memiliki potensi hasil 9,1 ton/Ha GKG. Beberapa keunggulan Inpari Sidenuk ini adalah relatif tahan wereng batang coklat biotipe 1, 2 dan 3. Selain itu juga relatif tahan terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri patotipe III.
Padi ini cocok ditanam di ekosistem sawah dataran rendah sampai ketinggian 600 mdpl dan tidak dianjurkan ditanam di daerah endemik tungro dan blas. Dengan deskripsi tersebut dan tekstur nasi pulen dengan kadar amilosa 20,6 %, padi sawah varietas Inpari Sidenuk diharapkan mampu berperan aktif dalam peningkatan pemenuhan kualitas pangan Indonesia.Di samping itu ada 3 (tiga) varietas unggul padi dengan nama Mugibat, Sulutan 1, dan Sulutan 2 sudah lulus dari tim penilai pelepasan varietas Kementerian Pertanian, saat ini sedang menunggu SK pelepasan. Varietas Sorgum Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L) adalah tanaman serealia yang potensial untuk dibudidayakan dan dikembangkan, khususnya pada daerah-daerah marginal dan kering di Indonesia. Keunggulan sorgum terletak pada daya adaptasi agroekologi yang luas, tahan terhadap kekeringan, produksi tinggi, perlu input lebih sedikit, serta lebih tahan terhadap hama dan penyakit di banding tanaman pangan lain. Selain itu, tanaman sorgum memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi, sehingga sangat baik digunakan sebagai sumber bahan pangan maupun pakan ternak alternatif. Pada tahun 2010 BATAN telah mengusulkan 3 galur mutan sorgum yaitu B-76, B-100 dan Zh-30 untuk dilepas menjadi varietas sorgum baru oleh Kementerian Pertanian. Ketiga galur sorgum tersebut memiliki keunggulan berproduksi tinggi dan sangat tahan terhadap kondisi kekeringan. Galur B-76 tergolong sebagai sorgum manis dengan kadar gula relatif tinggi yaitu 17,6 % dan ideal untuk bahan baku pembuatan bioetanol. Galur B-100 memiliki produksi biomassa yang relatif tinggi dan ideal untuk pakan ternak ruminansia (sapi, kerbau, kambing dsb). Galur Zh-30 memiliki produtivitas biji tertinggi dengan kualitas biji dan tepung yang baik dan ideal untuk pangan. Galur Zh-30 telah disetujui untuk dilepas menjadi varietas sorgum baru dengan nama Pahat (singkatan Pangan Sehat), namun masih diperlukan sedikit perbaikan dalam proposal. Keunggulan lain yang dimiliki varietas Pahat antara lain: hasil biji 5,78 ton/Ha, kandungan kabrohidrat 72,86 %, protein 12,80 %, lemak 2,42 %, serat 2,21 % dan tanin yang rendah (0,012 %). Varietas sorgum Pahat direkomendasikan untuk ditanam di daerah-daerah kering pada saat akhir musim hujan.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Various food plant varieties which have been produced by BATAN are not just limited to the release of varieties only, but in fact have been well benefitted by farmer groups, schools of higher learning, other R&D institutions as well as related and concerned stakeholders.
Sorgum Pahat HQ 1
BATAN Annual Report 2011
The addition of rice paddy varieties produced by BATAN in the year 2011 will promote development of rice paddy production centers in various regions and at the same time will promote increase in the national rice paddy production in the frame of supporting increase in food resilience.
Berbagai varietas tanaman pangan yang dihasilkan BATAN tidak hanya sebatas pelepasan varietas saja, secara faktual telah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat baik kelompok tani, perguruan tinggi, lembaga litbang lainnya serta pihak-pihak (stakeholder) terkait yang berkepentingan.
Pertambahan varietas padi yang dihasilkan BATAN pada tahun 2011 akan mendorong perkembangan sentra produksi padi di berbagai daerah yang sekaligus akan mendorong peningkatan produksi padi nasional dalam rangka menunjang peningkatan ketahanan pangan.
Daftar varietas tanaman pangan hasil litbang BATAN yang telah dilepas sebagai varietas unggul oleh Menteri Pertanian sebagai berikut.
No. Nama Varietas Padi 1 Atomita-1 2 Atomita-2 3 Atomita-3 4 Atomita-4 5 Situgintung 6 Cilosari 7 Meraoke 8 Woyla 9 Kahayan 10 Winongo 11 Diah Suci 12 Yuwono 13 Mayang 14 Mira-1 15 Bestari 16 Pandan Putri 17 Inpari Sidenuk Kedelai 18 Muria 19 Tengger 20 Meratus 21 Rajabasa 22 Mitani 23 Mutiara-1 Kacang hijau 24 Camar Kapas 25 Karisma - 1
Tahun Pelepasan
Dokumen Resmi
1982 1983 1990 1991 1992 1996 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2006 2008 2010 2011
SK Mentan No.879/Kpts/Um/12/1992 SK Mentan No.TP.240/369/Kpts/Um/6/83 SK Mentan No.582/Kpts/TP.240/8/90 SK Mentan No.97/Kpts/TP.240/3/1991 SK Mentan No.606/Kpts/Tp.240/11/92 SK Mentan No.632/Kpts/TP.310/7/1996 SK Mentan No.552/Kpts/TP.240/10/2001 SK Mentan No.553/Kpts/TP.240/10/2001 SK Mentan No.124/Kpts/TP.240/2/2003 SK Mentan No.125/Kpts/TP.240/2/2003 SK Mentan No. 386/Kpts/SR.120/7/2003 SK Mentan No. 573/Kpts/SR.120/10/2004 SK Mentan No. 574/Kpts/SR.120/10/2004 SK Mentan No. 134/Kpts/SR.120/3/2006 SK Mentan No. 1012/Kpts/SR.120/7/2008 SK Mentan No. 2366/Kpts/SR.120/6/2010 SK Mentan No. 2257/Kpts/SR.120/5/2011
1987 1991 1998 2004 2008 2010
SK Mentan No.18/Kpts/TP.240/1/1987 SK Mentan No.106/Kpts/TP.240/3/1991 SK Mentan No.899/Kpts/TP.240/11/1998 SK Mentan No.171/Kpts/LB.240/3/2004 SK Mentan No.1013/Kpts/SR.120/7/2008 SK Mentan No.2602 /Kpts/SR.120/7/2010
SK Mentan No.109/Kpts/SR.120/3/1991
SK Mentan No.337/Kpts/LB.240/3/2008
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Through development of technology application of isotope and radiation, BATAN also produces technology packages in the field of food, health and industry. Technology Package for Development in Application of Isotope and Radiation Technology in the field of Food > Technology Package for Sesbania Organic Fertilizer Formula Increase in availability of soil and production plants by various non-synthetic fertilizer and application of tested planting pattern by nuclear techniques shows that the use of the sesbania green fertilizer on average could reduce the use of urea fertilizer as much as 50% and capable of increasing production of rice paddy 10 - 15%. Currently this method of fertilizing is being applied for patent.
as increasing the body weight of sheep. The increase of body weight of the post milking Ongole descended cows for slaughter in Puspiptek from 0,2 kg/cow/day to become 0.63 kg/cow/day. Whereas the Ongole descended cow in the Pesantren Nurul Ihsan (Serpong) has increased from 0,22 kg/cow/day to become 0,5 kg/ cow/day, if compared to the multinutrient (SPM) food supplement, it is almost the same which is 0,53 kg/cow/ day. Production of milking cows also increased after given SPMTM which is 2,21 l/cow/day, because which are controlled are only 8,99 l/cow/day, with SPMTM becoming 10,22 l/cow/day. Addition of the milking cow body weight from 2 weeks after giving birth until day 85, the cow given controlled food decreased -3,7 kg/ cow/day, however those given SPMTM also declined -5,5 kg/cow/day. After 85 days, addition to the weight of the milking cow body was given control of -4 kg/cow/ hari, but those given SPMTM increased to 3,8 kg/cow/ day. The SPMTM food supplement compared to SPM for female sheep, the result of addition to the weight tend to be higher which is 0.023 compared to 0.01 kg/cow/day. Part of the female sheep given the SPMTM gave birth, after 2 months increased to 0.07 kg/cow/day, the others have not yet given birth.
Sesbania plant being integrated with rice paddy plants just before being immersed
> Multinutrient Food Supplement Formula Without Molasses (SPMTM) The SPMTM multi-location testing in the field is for cows for slaughter, milking cows and female sheep. The objective in testing multi-nutrient food supplement without molasses (SPMTM) is capable as a substitute multinutrient food supplement (SPM) for ruminansia milking livestock. These livestock consist of male cows for slaughter, female cows for slaughter, milking cows, male and female sheep as well as goats. The SPMTM food supplement in research years before, has been tested on male ongole (PO) descended cows, female PO cows, Bali cows and male sheep. The activities in the year 2011, SPMTM was tested on male PO post milking cows in two locations, milking cows in one location and female sheep in one location. The results of the SPMTM testing activity shows that the SPMTM food supplement has the potency as a substitute multinutrient food supplement (SPM) because it is able to increase productivity in the weight of the cow body of post milking cows for salaughter, productivity of milk and improving the body weight of milking cows after giving birth as well
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Weiging Body weight of male cow for slaughter which consume the SPMTM food in the stable of the Nurul Ihsan Pesantren, Momonggor, South Tangerang
> Technology Package for Bio-cyclofarming (BCF) The development of BCF is the result of activities which combine various technology applications produced and technology innovation of PATIR R&D in the field of Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Environment and Fishery with the target to obtain products like food, energy and fertilizer through the use of an environmental friendly integrated farming bio-business cycle model (BCF). The results obtained for animal husbandry is the availability of a crop/food barn and its contents. The application of Rizhosphere microbe isolated organic fertilizer (IMR) for maize/corn and peanut plants that have used manure as an organic fertilizer, the results are maize/corn plants that have been given rizhosphere isolated microbe compared to the control is 4,99 tons/ha compared to 3,62 tons/ha, and peanut plants given IMR the results are 3,15 tons/ha compared to 2,27 tons/ha.
Melalui pengembangan aplikasi teknologi isotop dan radiasi, BATAN juga menghasilkan paket teknologi di bidang pangan, kesehatan dan industri. Paket Teknologi Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi di Bidang Pangan > Paket Teknologi Formula Pupuk Organik Sesbania Peningkatan ketersediaan hara dan produksi tanaman oleh berbagai pupuk non-sintetik dan penerapan pola tanam yang teruji dengan teknik nuklir menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pupuk hijau Sesbania rerata dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk urea sebanyak 50% dan mampu meningkatkan produksi padi 10 – 15%. Pada saat ini cara pemupukan ini sedang diajukan paten.
Ongole di Pesantren Nurul Ihsan (Serpong) meningkat dari 0,22 kg/ekor/hari menjadi 0,5 kg/ekor/hari, bila dibandingkan dengan suplemen pakan multinutrien (SPM) hampir sama yaitu 0,53 kg/ekor/hari. Produksi sapi perah juga meningkat setelah diberi SPMTM yaitu 2,21 l/ekor/hari, karena yang kontrol hanya 8,99 l/ ekor/hari, dengan SPMTM menjadi 10,22 l/ekor/hari. Pertambahan bobot badan sapi perah dari 2 minggu setelah melahirkan sampai pada hari ke 85, sapi yang diberi pakan kontrol menurun –3,7 kg/ekor/hari, tapi yang diberi SPMTM juga menurun –5,5 kg/ekor/hari. Setelah 85 hari, pertambahan bobot badan sapi perah yang diberi kontrol –4 kg/ekor/hari, tapi yang diberi SPMTM meningkat 3,8 kg/ekor/hari. Suplemen pakan SPMTM dibandingkan dengan SPM untuk domba betina, hasil pertambahan bobot badan cenderung lebih tinggi yaitu 0,023 dibanding 0,015 kg/ekor/hari. Sebagian domba betina yang diberi SPMTM melahirkan anak, setelah 2 bulan meningkat 0,07 kg/ekor/hari, yang lain belum melahirkan.
Tanaman padi yang telah dipupuk dengan pH Sesbania rostrata
> Formula Suplemen Pakan Multinutrien Tanpa Molases (SPMTM) Uji multilokasi SPMTM di lapangan pada sapi potong, sapi perah dan domba betina. Tujuan pengujian Suplemen Pakan Multinutrien Tanpa Molasses (SPMTM) mampu sebagai pengganti Suplemen Pakan Multinutrien (SPM) untuk ternak ruminansia. Ternak ruminansia terdiri dari sapi potong jantan, sapi potong betina, sapi perah, domba jantan dan betina serta kambing. Suplemen pakan SPMTM pada penelitian tahun-tahun sebelumnya sudah diuji pada sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) jantan, sapi PO betina, sapi Bali jantan dan domba jantan. Kegiatan tahun 2011, SPMTM diuji pada sapi PO jantan lepas sapih di dua lokasi, sapi perah satu lokasi dan domba betina di satu lokasi. Hasil kegiatan uji SPMTM menunjukkan bahwa suplemen pakan SPMTM potensi sebagai pengganti dari suplemen pakan multinutrien (SPM) karena mampu meningkatkan produktivitas bobot badan sapi potong lepas sapih, produktivitas air susu dan memperbaiki bobot badan sapi perah setelah melahirkan serta peningkatan bobot badan domba betina. Kenaikan bobot badan sapi potong peranakan Ongole lepas sapih di Puspiptek dari 0,2 kg/ekor/hari menjadi 0.63 kg/ekor/hari. Sedangkan sapi peranakan
Penggemukan sapi potong
> Paket teknologi Bio-cyclofarming (BCF) Pengembangan BCF merupakan hasil kegiatan yang mengkombinasikan berbagai aplikasi teknologi yang telah dihasilkan dan inovasi teknologi Litbang PATIR di Bidang Peternakan, Pertanian, Lingkungan dan Perikanan dengan target memperoleh produk-produk seperti pangan, pakan, energi dan pupuk melalui penggunaan model siklus bio-usaha tani terpadu (BCF) yang ramah lingkungan. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk peternakan tersedianya lumbung pakan dan isinya. Aplikasi pupuk hayati isolat mikroba rizhosper (IMR) pada tanaman jagung dan kacang tanah yang telah menggunakan kompos sebagai pupuk organik, hasilnya tanaman jagung yang diberi isolat mikroba rizhosper dibanding dengan kontrol yaitu 4,99 ton/ha dibanding 3,62 ton/ha, dan tanaman kacang tanah yang diberi IMR yaitu 3,15 ton/ha dibanding 2,27 ton/ha.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development Technology Package in Application of Isotope and Radiation Technology in the Field of Health > Technology Pakage of Irradiated Hydrogel The technology package of irradiated hydrogel resulted in a hydrogel bandage product for treatment of wounds. The hydrogel wound bandage is a polymer material that has three dimensional crosslinking structures, usually in the form of a membrane or sheets and could absorb water to a certain amount, therefore providing a moist atmosphere for the wound. Hydrogel is produced through a crosslinking formation process of Polyvynil prolidon or polyvynil polymer using the gamma radiation or electron beam technique. The hydrogel produced could be used as a wound bandage or for lowering fever. The uses of hydrogel among others are: (1) as a wound bandage: for burns, open wounds, leprocy wounds, cut wounds, post operation wounds, and (2) as a fever reducing membrane. Several features of synthetic hydrogel by radiation technique compared to conventional method, which are: (1) free form additive material (initiator, catalist) usually are toxic in nature, (2) simultaneously
Hydogel wound dressing
Application in burn wound
BATAN Annual Report 2011
synthesizing and sterilizing, (3) Radiation could be conducted through an extensive temperature range, (4) easy to control the level of crosslinking or grafting, and (5) utilization could be for various monomers and polymers including monomers that can not be processed conventionally through polymerization. The advantage of hydrogel wound bandage produced by irradiation, are: (1) can not be infiltrated by microorganism or could prevent the entrance of microorganism to the wound area, (2) could absorb exudates and toxic material present on the wound surface, (3) permeable towards gas, (4) has adequate porosity therefore could be passed by moisture, the water vapor permeability is around 1400 g/m2/24 hours at a temperature of 370C, (5) maintaining adequate humidity at the wound area, therefore accelerating the wound healing, (6) not toxic in nature, no allergenic nor hypersensitive, (7) could be well attached to the wound, easily taken off the wound and not causing trauma at the wound area, (8) could be adjusted to the body surface contour especially at the joint area, (9) could reduce feeling of pain, gives comfortable feeling, and (10) sterile.
Paket Teknologi Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi di Bidang Kesehatan > Paket Teknologi Irradiated Hydrogel Paket teknologi irradiated hydrogel menghasilkan produk hidrogel pembalut luka hasil iradiasi. Pembalut luka hidrogel adalah suatu material polimer yang mempunyai struktur ikatan silang tiga dimensi (crosslinking) biasanya dalam bentuk membran atau lembaran dan dapat menyerap air dalam jumlah tertentu, sehingga serta menyediakan suasana lingkungan luka yang lembab. Hidrogel dihasilkan melalui proses pembentukan ikatan silang polimer Polivinil pirolidon atau polivinil alkohol menggunakan teknik radiasi gamma atau berkas elektron. Hidrogel yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai pembalut luka atau penurun demam. Kegunaan hidrogel tersebut antara lain: (1) sebagai pembalut luka: luka bakar, luka terbuka, luka lepra, luka sayatan, luka paska operasi, dan (2) sebagai membran penurun demam. Beberapa keunggulan sintesis hidrogel dengan teknik radiasi dibanding cara konvensional, yaitu: (1) bebas bahan aditif (initiator, katalis) biasanya bersifat
toksik, (2) secara simultan mensintesis dan sterilisasi, (3) Radiasi dapat dilakukan pada range temperatur yang luas, (4) mudah mengontrol derajat crosslinking atau grafting, dan (5) dapat digunakan pada berbagai monomer dan polimer termasuk monomer yang tidak dapat dipolimerisasi secara konvensional. Manfaat pembalut luka hidrogel hasil iradiasi, yaitu: (1) tidak dapat ditembus oleh mikroorganisme atau dapat mencegah masuknya mikroorganisme ke tempat luka, (2) dapat mengabsorbsi eksudat dan bahan toksik yang ada pada permukaan luka, (3) permeabel terhadap gas, (4) mempunyai porositas yang cukup sehingga dapat ditembus oleh uap air, water vapor permeability sekitar 1400 g/m2/24 jam pada suhu 370C, (5) menjaga humiditas yang cukup pada daerah luka, sehingga dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka, (6) tidak bersifat toksik, non alergenik dan hipersensitif, (7) dapat melekat dengan baik pada luka, mudah dilepas dari luka dan tidak menyebabkan trauma, (8) dapat menyesuaikan dengan bentuk permukaan tubuh terutama pada daerah persendian, (9) dapat mengurangi rasa sakit, memberikan rasa nyaman, dan (10) steril.
Plester penurun demam
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Development Technology Package for the Application of Isotope and Radiation technology in the Field of Industry > Technology Package for Viable Irradiated Sterile Food Product for Special Needs Research activities have been conducted in connection with the aspect of socialization and education to the population in general regarding the important meaning of security, quality, nutrition, and storage coming from plants (seasoning) and animal which are beef, bird flesh (chicken) and fish. The products are : steamed/grilled gold fish wrapped in banana leaf, steamed/grilled small fishes wrapped in banana leaf, beef cooked in coconut milk, beef cooked in sweet soy sauce, processed chicken (chicken with yellow seasoning, chicken with sweet soy sauce, and seasoned grilled chicken). Each product is vacuum packed with Polyester/Aluminium foil/LLDPE laminated bags, and then frozen at a temperature of – 20oC and irradiated at a temperature of – 79oC (solid CO2) with sterilization dose of 45 kGy. Post irradiation, each product is quality tested based on parameters of security, quality, nutrition and storage capacity at normal room temperature. Testing is conducted objectively (microbiology: aerobic microbes/bacteria and aerobic are included as pathogenic; physico-chemical; and toxicity: in vitro and in vivo testing) and subjective testing
(organoleptic testing using the hedonic scale numerically of 1 – 5 panelists consisting of tested panelists and voluntary panelists). Irradiated sterile ready to serve processed food could be stored at normal temperature (28-30oC) for 2 years. The objective in making irradiated sterile ready to serve processed food is for : preparation in making SNI towards Indonesian traditional recipe based ready to serve processed food product; making special food which will be consumed by low immune patients; consumption to a group of people that need a supply of processed food without using cooling facilities during transportation, distribution and storage. The end target/impact of making such processed food is : to increase the nutrition status of patients therefore could help in accelerating the healing process through consumption of quality food, could reach the people living in isolated places due to natural disasters, food vulnerability, etc.; the availability of processed food menu variation for Haj pilgrims and others outside the home activities. A number of 3500 irradiated sterile ready to serve processed food packages have been made, which are used for research, socialization and education to the general public. This matter in fact has given positive results, and proven of the existing of research with 7 processing food industries in the form of MOU with PATIR BATAN.
Variety of post irradiation packaged food
Food packages post irradiation
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Paket Teknologi Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi di Bidang Industri > Paket Teknologi Produk Pangan Steril Iradiasi Layak untuk Keperluan Khusus Telah dilakukan kegiatan penelitian terkait aspek sosialisasi dan edukasi bagi masyarakat luas tentang arti penting keamanan, mutu, nutrisi, dan daya simpan berbagai jenis pangan olahan siap saji berbasis resep tradisional dengan bahan baku yang berasal dari nabati (bumbu) dan hewani yaitu daging sapi, unggas (ayam) dan ikan. Produk tersebut adalah: pepes ikan mas, pepes ikan teri, rendang daging sapi, semur daging sapi, ayam olahan (ayam bumbu kuning, ayam kecap manis, dan ayam bumbu bakar). Masing-masing produk dikemas secara vakum di dalam kantung laminasi Poliester/ Aluminium foil (LLDPE), kemudian dibekukan pada suhu -20oC dan diiradiasi pada suhu -79oC (CO2 padat) dengan dosis sterilisasi yaitu 45 kGy. Pasca iradiasi masing-masing produk diuji mutunya berdasarkan parameter keamanan, mutu, nutrisi dan daya simpan pada suhu normal. Pengujian dilakukan secara obyektif (mikrobiologi: mikroba/bakteri aerob dan aerob termasuk pathogen; fisiko-kimia; dan toksisitas: uji in vitro dan in vivo) dan uji subyektif (uji organoleptik menggunakan skala hedonik secara numerik dari 1-5
panelis terdiri dari panelis teruji dan panelis relawan). Pangan olahan siap saji steril iradiasi dapat disimpan pada suhu normal (28-30oC) selama 2 tahun. Tujuan daripada pembuatan pangan olahan siap saji steril iradiasi adalah untuk: persiapan pembuatan SNI terhadap produk pangan olahan siap saji berbasis resep tradisional Indonesia; membuat pangan khusus yang akan dikonsumsi oleh pasien imunitas rendah; konsumsi bagi kelompok masyarakat yang membutuhan pasokan pangan olahan tanpa menggunakan fasilitas pendingin selama transportasi, distribusi dan penyimpanan. Adapun target akhir/impact dari pembuatan pangan olahan tersebut adalah: meningkatkan status nutrisi pasien sehingga dapat membantu mempercepat proses penyembuhan melalui asupan pangan yang berkualitas, dapat menjangkau masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah terisolir akibat bencana alam, rawan pangan, dll.; ketersediaan variasi menu pangan olahan bagi jamaah haji dan aktivitas diluar rumah yang lain. Telah dibuat pangan olahan siap saji steril iradiasi lebih dari 3500 bungkus yang digunakan untuk penelitian, sosialisasi dan edukasi kepada masyarakat luas. Hal tersebut ternyata memberikan hasil yang positif, dan dibuktikan adanya kerma penelitian dengan 7 industri pangan olahan dalam bentuk MOU dengan PATIR BATAN.
Pembuatan tempe pasta untuk keperluan khusus
Tempe pasta paska iradiasi
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
surface of the medium than by mixing it evenly with the soil. The results show that the capacity of storing water is much larger in sand medium compared to soil medium. Technology Package in Development of Isotope and Radiation Technology in the Field of Water Resource and Environment
Irradiation sterile food for special purposes
> Technology Package for a Lubrication Oil Additive Product Formula Enhancement of lubrication viscosity index from styrenenatural rubber latex copolymer. The styrene-natural rubber latex copolymer (KLAS) with concentration of styrene of 50 percent rubber (psk) is irradiated with a dose of 4 and 8 kGy. The copolymer produced is then dissolved in the HVI 60 mineral base lubrication, AP 0732 and AP 0733 synthetic base lubrication. The solution is then determined of its kinematic viscosity, viscosity index, specific weight, total hydroxide figure, sulfate ash content, pouring point, water content and igniting point. Analisis of the function group is conducted using an infrared spectrophotometer. The results of solution testing, an optimal solution could be reached with addition of Chlorbenzene solution. The physico-chemical nature of the formula viscosity index increaser which is mixed with mineral base lubrication as well as synthetic, fulfills the automotive lubrication standard of Decision Letter of Ditjen Migas No.85K/34/DDJM/1998.
> A Tracer Technology Package to Determine Multiphase Flow Speed of Geothermal Field Transmission Pipes for Development of Computed Flow Dynamics In the year 2011, a tracer technology has been obtained to determine geothermal field transmission pipe flow speed in-situ at Kamojang (vapor dominated) to develop computed flow dynamics. In litbangyasa activities in connection with enhanced oil recovery in the year 2010, tracer injection has been applied to find out the interconnection between injection and production wells, determine the effective recovery of oil in production wells, and to determine the swept efficiency of the area. Besides that, beginning in the year 2011 initial research in tracer technique application which is intended to determine residual saturated oil (SOR) which is to find out the content or the amount remaining of oil stored in the bearing formation, until now it is just newly started in laboratory scale with artificial information. Currently only the active tracer partition coefficient at the static column has been obtained. It is expected that within two years from now a SOR technology could be obtained to calculate the remaining oil in the bearing formation.
KLAS in synthetic base lubrication
> Technology Package for Super Water Absorbent (SWA) Formula for Soil Remediation A Super Water Absorbent (SWA) has been produced by synthesis of cassava co akrilat as soil conditioner. The cassava starch (CS) and acrylic acid (Aac) based Super Water Absorbent (SWA) hydrogel has been synthesized successfully, with a concentration of cassava starch (CS) of 5% from the whole formulation.The applicaton method of SWA, it is stored at a depth of 10 cm from the
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Gas sampling in Kamojang
Paket Teknologi Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi di Bidang SDAL
Proses pengemasan makanan sebelum iradiasi
> Paket Teknologi Formula Produk Aditif Minyak Pelumas Peningkat indeks viskositas pelumas dari kopolimer lateks karet alam-stirena. Kopolimer lateks karet alamstirena (KLAS) dengan konsentrasi stirena 50 per seratus karet (psk) diiradiasi pada dosis 4 dan 8 kGy. Kopolimer yang dihasilkan kemudian dilarutkan dalam pelumas dasar mineral HVI 60, pelumas dasar sintetik AP 0732 dan AP 0733. Larutan tersebut kemudian ditentukan viskositas kinematik, indeks viskositas, berat jenis, angka basa total, kadar abu sulfat, titik tuang, kadar air dan titik nyala. Analisis gugus fungsi dilakukan menggunakan spektrofotometer inframerah. Hasil uji pelarutan diperoleh pelarutan optimal dapat dicapai dengan penambahan pelarut antara klorobenzena. Sifat fisika kimia dari formula peningkat indeks viskositas yang dicampur dengan pelumas dasar mineral maupun sintetis memenuhi standar pelumas otomotif SK Ditjen Migas No.85K/34/DDJM/1998.
> Paket Teknologi Perunut untuk Menentukan Kecepatan Aliran Multifase Pipa Transmisi Lapangan Panas Bumi untuk Pengembangan Computed Flow Dynamic Pada tahun 2011 telah diperoleh teknologi perunut untuk menentukan kecepatan aliran pipa transmisi lapangan panasbumi secara in-situ di Kamojang (vapor dominated) untuk pengembangan computed flow dynamic. Dalam kegiatan litbangyasa terkait dengan enhanced oil recovery pada tahun 2010, telah diaplikasikan penginjeksian perunut untuk mengetahui interkoneksi antar sumur injeksi dan produksi, menentukan efektivitas recovery minyak dalam sumur produksi, dan menentukan efisiensi penyapuan area (swept efficiency). Disamping itu, mulai tahun 2011 telah dimulai penelitian awal aplikasi teknik perunut yang ditujukan untuk menentukan saturated oil residual (SOR) yaitu untuk mengetahui kandungan atau jumlah tersisa dari minyak yang tersimpan dalam bearing formation, yang sampai saat ini baru dimulai dalam skala laboratorium dengan artificial formation. Saat ini baru diperoleh koefisien partisi tracer aktif pada kolom statis. Diharapkan 2 tahun ke depan didapatkan teknologi SOR untuk menghitung sisa minyak tinggal di bearing formation.
> Paket Teknologi Formula Super Water Absorbent (SWA) untuk Soil Remediation Telah dihasilkan sintesis Super Water Absorbent (SWA) cassava co akrilat sebagai soil conditioner. Hidrogel Super Water Absorbent (SWA) berbasis cassava starch (CS) dan asam akrilat (Aac) telah berhasil disintesis, dengan konsentrasi cassava starch sebesar 5% dari keseluruhan formulasi. Cara aplikasi SWA disimpan pada kedalaman 10 cm dari permukaan media lebih baik dari pada dengan cara dicampur merata dengan tanah. Hasilnya menunjukkan kalau kemampuan SWA menyimpan air lebih besar di media pasir dibandingkan dengan media tanah.
Sampling gas di Kamojang
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Technology Development of Radioisotope Production Process For Medical Application In order to fulifill the domestic needs, BATAN has the capacity to develop : - Production technology of the radiopharmacy kit for in vivo diagnosis of disease - Production technology of the radioimmunoassay kit (RIA)/ immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) for in vitro diagnosis of disease - Production technology of therapy radiopharmacy - Production Technology of radionuclide generator for diagnosis and therapy - Sealed Source for brachytherapy of cancer disease In the year 2011, one (1) technology package was produced for increasing the production capacity of radioisotope 125I seed brachytherapy for therapy of prostate cancer with low dose rate brachytherapy method. This has been introduced
Production process of 125I Seed brachytherapy
BATAN Annual Report 2011
to several hospitals of the 125I seed with an activity range of 0,97-5,8 mCi/seed (Hasan Sadikin-Bandung Hospital, Yarsi-Surakarta Hospital, and Soetomo-Surabaya Hospital). Currently, it is being prepared for certification including the clinical testing to the Health Ministry. Besides that, 1 laboratory scale production technology package of [Ɣ-32P] ATP has been prepared, as a molecular biology tracer . Also produced is 1 technology to increase the radiopharmacy production capacity of 177Lu-DOTA-Trastuzumab in laboratory scale as a targeted radiotherapy for breast cancer, currently clinical testing is being conducted at the Medical Faculty of Maranatha Catholic University – Imanuel Hospital. In the year 2100 a signing of a cooperation with PT. Kimia Farma (limited) Tbk. had been conducted regarding the production of Brachytherapy Seed Radiopharmacy and RIA/IRMA Kit.
Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Produksi Radioisotop Untuk Aplikasi Medik Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, BATAN telah mampu mengembangkan : - Teknologi produksi kit radiofarmaka untuk diagnosa penyakit secara in vivo - Teknologi produksi kit radioimmunoassay (RIA)/ immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) untuk diagnosa penyakit secara in vitro - Teknologi produksi radiofarmaka terapi - Teknologi produksi generator radionuklida diagnosa dan terapi - Sumber tertutup untuk brachytherapy penyakit kanker Tahun 2011 dihasilkan 1 paket teknologi peningkatan kapasitas produksi radioisotop 125I seed brachytherapy untuk terapi kanker prostat dengan metode brachytherapy
laju dosis rendah. Telah diperkenalkan ke beberapa rumah sakit 125I seed dengan kisaran aktivitas 0,97–5,8 mCi/ seed (RS. Hasan Sadikin-Bandung, RS. Yarsi-Surakarta, dan RS. Soetomo-Surabaya). Saat ini, telah disiapkan untuk sertifikasi termasuk uji klinis ke Kementerian Kesehatan. Di samping itu telah dihasilkan 1 paket teknologi produksi skala laboratorium [γ-32P]ATP sebagai perunut biologi molekuler. Telah pula dihasilkan 1 teknologi peningkatan kapasitas produksi radiofarmaka 177Lu-DOTA-Trastuzumab skala laboratorium sebagai targeted radiotheraphy untuk kanker payudara, saat ini sedang dilakukan uji klinis dari fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Katholik Maranatha – RS Imanuel. Tahun 2011 telah dilakukan penandatangan kerjasama dengan PT. Kimia Farma (persero) Tbk. tentang produksi Radiofarmaka Seed brachytherapy dan Kit RIA/IRMA.
I Seed brachytherapy
Kit RIA 125I-Progesteron
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Socialization of Nuclear Science & Technology (S&T) The socialization activities regarding the utilization of nuclear energy for the welfare of the people is focussed on conveying information and education to the people in a balanced, transparent way, and conducted as planned and continual. The socialization of nuclear S&T that have been conducted in the year 2011: Media Gathering has been conducted 4 times, located in: - Jakarta (2 times), dated 26 October 2011 and dated 5 December 2011. The number of media involved ± 30 media for every event. The total number of media involved is ± 60 Media. - Pangkal Pinang (2 timesi), dated 29 July 2011 and dated 11 December 2011, Number of media participating ± 20 media for every event. So the total media participating amounts to ± 40 media. Type of Media : - Prnting Media, Electronic Media, and Media Online National Exhibitions have been conducted 6 times, with the theme : - Climate Change, JCC, Jakarta, 26-29 May 2011, Visitors ± 100 people - The National Rice Paddy Week (PENAS), Tenggarong, East Kalimantan, 18-23 June 2011, Visitors ± 100 people - Indonesia Energy Week (PEI), JCC Jakarta, 11-14 July 2011, Visitors ± 100 people - National Technology Day (HARTEKNAS), DRN Serpong, Banten, 10 August 2011, Visitors ± 100 people - Marine Exhibition, Surabaya, 20-25 September 2011, Visitors ± 100 people - World Food Day, Gorontalo, 20-23 October 2011 , Visitors ± 100 people Nuclear S&T Workshop conducted 1 time in Jakarta, on May 2011, number of participants 24 people from schools in the Regency of Bangka Belitung City. Technology Presentation (Gelar) conducted 1 time, dated 12 December 2011, in Pangkal Pinang, number of Visitors ± 400 people. Socialization of NPP (Media), advocacy to the people, business world and other relevant stakeholders for the preparation in implementation of the NPP program.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
In the year 2011 the socialization of NPP was conducted through 3 Medias (Printing, Electronic, and Website), which are Talkshow on Television (14 times), Editorial program on Television (6 times), ILM on Television (355 Times), Radio Broadcast (21 Times), Online Editorial program (9 Times), Media Campaign in Newspaper/Magazine (54 Times), Updating Homepage (2 Times), and Website Animation Posting (1 Time). Public Opinion Program Regarding the Development of NPP The utilization of nuclear energy as one of the part of the energy mix in order to support the economic growth in Indonesia, becomes an issue which is quite hot and getting various responses from the people which are pro as well as contra. The public opinion program conducted by PT. Tridacom Andalan Semesta as a third party to maintain independency of the results of the public opinion program was conducted on a national scale with a number of 4500 respondents of the general public. Demography occupation of respondents are students, lecturers, private/ state owned company employees, Household mothers, etc. The methodology in sample-taking used the multi – stage random sampling with technical home visit in the survey area using questionnaires, with an error margin of ± 5% at trust intervals of 95%. The program was conducted on the date 22 October - 4 November 2011. The results of the Public Opinion program are as follows: > Understanding of the People Towards Electricity Generation - A large part of the people has heard about Nuclear however they still Lack Knowledge of the benefit of Nuclear S&T. - The utilization of Nuclear S&T mostly known is about weaponry/military, then for the energy/electricity generation. Their main source for knowing about the benefit of Nuclear S&T is from Television. > Acceptance Towards the Development of NPP - The opinion of the people on a national scale regarding the development of NPP is: 49.5% Agree, 35.5% Do not Agree and 15.0% Do not know. - Their reason in accepting the presence of NPP mostly is for stability of the energy supply and creating jobs. - Meanwhile those who oppose the presence of NPP mostly are worried of occurrences of any accidents/ leakages in the nuclear reactor.
Sosialisasi Iptek Nuklir Kegiatan sosialisasi tentang manfaat energi nuklir untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat difokuskan pada penyampaian informasi dan pendidikan kepada masyarakat secara seimbang, transparan, dan dilaksanakan secara terencana dan berkelanjutan. Kegiatan sosialisasi iptek nuklir yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2011: Media Gathering telah dilaksanakan sebanyak 4 kali, berlokasi di : - Jakarta (2 Kali), tanggal 26 Oktober 2011 dan tanggal 5 Desember 2011 Jumlah media yang terlibat ± 30 media pada setiap event. Jumlah total media yang terlibat sebanyak ± 60 Media - Pangkal Pinang (2 Kali), tanggal 29 Juli 2011 dan tanggal 11 Desember 2011, Jumlah media yang mengikuti sebanyak ± 20 media pada setiap event. Jadi total media yang berpartisipasi sebanyak ± 40 media. Jenis Media : - Media Cetak, Media Elektronik, dan Media Online Pameran Nasional telah dilaksanakan sebanyak 6 kali, dengan tema : - Climate Change, JCC, Jakarta, 26-29 Mei 2011, Pengunjung ± 100 orang - Pekan Padi Nasional (PENAS), Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur, 18-23 Juni 2011, Pengunjung ± 100 orang - Pekan Energi Indonesia (PEI), JCC Jakarta, 11-14 Juli 2011, Pengunjung ± 100 orang - Hari Teknogi Nasional (HARTEKNAS), DRN Serpong, Banten, 10 Agustus 2011, Pengunjung ± 100 orang - Pameran Bahari, Surabaya, 20-25 September 2011, Pengunjung ± 100 orang - Hari Pangan Sedunia, Gorontalo, 20-23 Oktober 2011, Pengunjung ± 100 orang Workshop Iptek Nuklir dilaksanakan 1 kali di Jakarta, pada bulan Mei 2011, jumlah peserta 24 orang dari sekolah Kabupaten Kota Bangka Belitung. Gelar Teknologi dilaksanakan 1 kali, tanggal 12 Desember 2011, di Pangkal Pinang, jumlah Pengunjung ± 400 orang. Sosialisasi PLTN (Media), advokasi masyarakat, dunia usaha dan stakeholder yang terkait lainnya untuk persiapan implementasi program PLTN.
Pada tahun 2011 sosialisasi PLTN dilakukan melalui 3 Media (Cetak, Elektronik, Website), yaitu Talkshow di Televisi (14 Kali), Advetorial di Televisi (6 Kali), ILM di Televisi (355 Kali), Siaran Radio (21 Kali), Online Advetorial (9 Kali), Media Campaign di Surat Kabar/Majalah (54 Kali), Updating Homepage (2 kali), dan Posting Animasi Website (1 kali) Jajak Pendapat tentang Pembangunan PLTN Pemanfaatan energi nuklir sebagai salah satu bagian bauran energi untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia, menjadi isu cukup hangat dan mendapat tanggapan yang beragam dari masyarakat yang pro maupun yang kontra. Jajak pendapat dilaksanakan oleh PT. Tridacom Andalan Semesta sebagai pihak ketiga guna menjaga independensi hasil jajak pendapat, dilaksanakan secara nasional dengan jumlah responden 4500 orang masyarakat umum. Secara demografi pekerjaan meliputi pelajar/mahasiswa, dosen, pegawai swasta/BUMN, Buruh, Ibu Rumah Tangga, dll. Metodologi pengambilan sampel menggunakan multy stage random sampling dengan teknik home visit di area survei menggunakan kuesioner, dengan margin error sampling sebesar ± 5% pada interval kepercayaan 95%. Jajak dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Oktober – 4 November 2011. Hasil jajak pendapat adalah sebagai berikut: > Pemahaman Masyarakat Terhadap Pembangkit Listrik - Sebagian besar masyarakat pernah mengetahui tentang Nuklir namun masih Kurang Mengetahui manfaat IPTEK – Nuklir. - Manfaat IPTEK-Nuklir yang paling banyak mereka ketahui adalah untuk persenjataan/militer. Kemudian untuk energi/pembangkit listrik. Sumber utama mereka mengetahui tentang manfaat IPTEK-Nuklir adalah dari Televisi. > Penerimaan Terhadap Pembangunan PLTN - Penilaian masyarakat secara Nasional tentang pembangunan PLTN adalah: 49.5% Setuju, 35.5% Tidak Setuju dan 15.0% Tidak Tahu. - Alasan mereka menerima keberadaan PLTN sebagian besar adalah untuk kestabilan pasokan energi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja. - Sementara mereka yang menolak keberadaan PLTN paling besar adalah khawatir terjadi kecelakaan/ kebocoran reaktor nuklir.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> Influence of the NPP Accident in Fukushima, Japan The NPP accident in Fukushima, Japan has influenced the opinion of most of the people towards the feasibility of NPP which will be built in Indonesia. > Socialization Media - Two types of information that the people most want to know in connection with NPP is the NPP safety assurance and the impacts in the development of NPP to the surrounding environment. - The resource person that can be most trusted by the people for socialization of NPP is professor/expert/ scientist in the field of nuclear. Whereas for media in presenting information would be the television. - The majority of the people have not yet followed any face to face socialization program of activities directly about NPP/nuclear S&T experts. Less than 1% of the people only have followed the face to face socialization program directly about NPP/nuclear S&T experts.
Media sosialization
BATAN Annual Report 2011
> Pengaruh Kecelakaan PLTN di Fukushima Jepang Kejadian kecelakaan PLTN di Fukushima Jepang mempengaruhi penilaian sebagian besar masyarakat terhadap kelayakan PLTN yang akan dibangun di Indonesia. > Media Sosialisasi - Dua informasi yang paling banyak ingin diketahui masyarakat berkaitan dengan PLTN adalah jaminan keselamatan PLTN dan dampak pembangunan PLTN terhadap lingkungan.
- Narasumber yang paling bisa dipercaya oleh masyarakat untuk sosialisasi PLTN adalah profesor/ ahli/ilmuwan di bidang nuklir. Sedangkan media penyampaiannya adalah berita di televisi. - Mayoritas masyarakat belum pernah mengikuti kegiatan acara sosialisasi tatap muka langsung mengenai PLTN/Iptek nuklir. Kurang dari 1% masyarakat yang pernah mengikuti acara sosialisasi tatap muka langsung mengenai PLTN/Iptek Nuklir.
Sosialisasi melalui media televisi
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Dissemination of Nuclear S&T Utilization of Nuclear S&T, R&D (PHLIN) In agriculture, the activities in Utilization of Nuclear S&T, R&D (PHLIN). Results in the region in the year 2011, involved 14 regional partners (North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Riau, Bangka Belitung, Jambi, Banten, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Jepara, Jember, Bali, South Sulawesi, Maros, West Kalimantan) in the form of superior seeds/seedlings (1) rice paddy varieties Mira-1 & Bestari and (2) the soy bean varieties, Rajabasa, Mitani, and Mutiara. Great Harvest Activity In the field of agriculture in the year 2011, a great harvest activity was conducted for the regional partners: the regional government, university, as well as the seed growers. With the right partner scheme, BATAN expects to conduct fostering to the working partners, so that they will be independent, have the capacity for commercial scale production, among the ABG society (Academic, Business and Government) which are present in the region. BATAN could give technical support and supply breeder seeds (BS) to the seed growers and seed producers, therefore the superior seeds of BATAN could be accepted by the regional agro-business actors. The great harvest activities in the year 2011 among others are:
BATAN Annual Report 2011
> The Great Harvest for the Bestari Superior Variety, on the date 9 July 2011, in the Village of Jempong Baru, Sekarbela, Mataram, NTB: Since the year 2010, BATAN has conducted partnership cooperation with P4S Kuntum Mataram and UP3 Faperta UNRAM, located in Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat in superior seed crop growing. These partners have produced superior rice paddy and soy bean seeds, the result of BATAN R&D, in good quality, even in fact the Bestari variety superior rice paddy produced by P4S Kuntum has spread to all the regions of NTB. During the “Bestari Superior Rice Variety Great Harvest” ceremony, BATAN had introduced the Bestari Variety to all the stakeholders in NTB in the frame of penetrating the market in a larger scale in NTB. The result of estimation by BPS in the city of Mataram is that the demfarm of Bestari rice paddy in an area of 23 Ha is 7,52 tons/Ha. Previously, farmers could only produce an average of 5 - 6 tons/Ha from other varieties. This is a difference of 20% - 40% of the results that gives direct impact to the increase of income to the farmers.
Diseminasi Iptek Nuklir Pemanfaatan Hasil Litbang Iptek Nuklir (PHLIN) Di bidang pertanian, kegiatan Pemanfaatan Hasil Litbang Iptek Nuklir (PHLIN) di daerah tahun 2011, melibatkan 14 mitra daerah (Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Riau, Bangka Belitung, Jambi, Banten, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Jepara, Jember, Bali, Sulawesi Selatan, Maros, Kalimantan Barat) berupa benih unggul (1) varietas padi Mira-1 & Bestari dan (2) varietas kedelai Rajabasa, Mitani, dan Mutiara. Kegiatan Panen Raya Di bidang pertanian pada tahun 2011, telah dilakukan kegiatan panen raya varietas unggul hasil litbang BATAN bekerjasama dengan mitra di daerah yaitu, pemda, universitas, maupun para penangkar. Dengan pola kemitraan yang tepat, BATAN berharap dapat melakukan pembinaan kepada mitra kerja, sehingga mandiri, mampu berproduksi dalam skala komersil, dan mempunyai daya saing. Kegiatan panen raya merupakan sarana untuk membangun komunikasi dan memperluas jejaring dengan kalangan ABG (Academic, Bussiness dan Goverment) yang ada di daerah. BATAN dapat memberikan technical support dan supply breeder seeds (BS) kepada para penangkar dan produsen benih, sehingga benih unggul BATAN bisa diterima pelaku usaha pertanian daerah. Kegiatan panen raya pada tahun 2011 antara lain :
> Panen Raya Padi Unggul Varietas Bestari, pada tanggal 9 Juli 2011, di Desa Jempong Baru, Sekarbela, Mataram, NTB: Sejak tahun 2010, BATAN melakukan kerjasama kemitraan dengan P4S Kuntum Mataram dan UP3 Faperta UNRAM, bertempat di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat dalam penangkaran benih unggul tanaman pangan. Mitra-mitra tersebut telah menghasilkan benih unggul padi dan kedelai hasil litbang BATAN dengan kualitas yang baik, bahkan, benih padi unggul Varietas Bestari produksi P4S Kuntum telah tersebar diseluruh wilayah NTB. Pada acara “Panen Raya Padi Unggul Varietas Bestari” 2011, BATAN memperkenalkan Varietas Bestari kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan di NTB dalam rangka penetrasi pasar dalam skala yang lebih besar di NTB. Hasil taksasi oleh BPS Kota Mataram bahwa demfarm padi Bestari seluas 23 ha adalah 7,52 ton/Ha. Sebelumnya, petani hanya mendapatkan hasil rata-rata 5 – 6 ton/Ha dari varietas lain. Terdapat selisih hasil 20% – 40% yang memberikan imbas langsung kepada peningkatan pendapatan petani.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
> The Great Harvest of the Rajabasa Soy Bean Variety of the Results of BATAN R&D, on the date 10 October 2011, in the Village of Gambirono, Bangsalsari District, Jember, East Java : This great harvest activity is a result of the cooperation between the Jember Regency Agriculture Office and the BATAN Nuclear S&T Dissemination Center (PDIN). The distribution of the Rajabasa variety seed was conducted in an area of 20 Ha which spreads out in the Village of Gambirono, Bangsalsari District in an area of 10 Ha, the Village of Balung Kulon, Balung District in an area of 5 Ha, and the Village of Paleran, Umbulsari District in an area of 5 Ha with an average result reaching 2,7 tons/ Ha. This is quite high compared to the soy bean average production in the Regency of Jember which has reached only 1,5 ton/Ha. > The Great Harvest of the Village of Lumban Pasir Gunung Tua, District of Panyabungan Mandailing Natal (Madina), on the date 24 October 2011, in the Village of Lumban Pasir and the Village of Panyabungan Jae, Regency of Mandailing Natal, North Sumatera : The Great Harvest in cooperation with the Regional Government, Regency of Madina. Referring to the central government program which plans for an increase of production of 5% annually, the productivity obtained
BATAN Annual Report 2011
by the Regency of Madina in the year 2010 was 4,5 tons / Ha and the Regency of Madina must be able to increase reaching the production target of 5% in the year 2011, or equivalent to 4,7 tons/Ha. The distribution of this rice paddy variety was conducted in a land area of 40 Ha which was spread out in the Village of Lumban Pasir in an area of 10 Ha for the Mira-1 variety, and 10 Ha for the Bestari Variety, by involving two Farmer Groups. Whereas for the 20 Ha more in the Village of Panyabungan Jae, for each 10 Ha for the Mira-1 and Bestari Varieties, the results obtained on the average is 7.1 tons/Ha.
> Panen Raya Kedelai Varietas Rajabasa Hasil Penangkaran Litbang BATAN, pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2011, di Desa Gambirono, Kecamatan Bangsalsari, Jember, Jawa Timur: Kegiatan panen raya ini merupakan hasil kerjasama antara Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Jember dengan Pusat Diseminasi Iptek Nuklir (PDIN) BATAN. Penyebaran benih varietas Rajabasa dilakukan pada area seluas 20 Ha yang tersebar di Desa Gambirono Kecamatan. Bangsalsari seluas 10 Ha, Desa Balung Kulon Kecamatan. Balung seluas 5 Ha, dan Desa Paleran, Kecamatan Umbulsari seluas 5 Ha dengan hasil rata-rata mencapai 2,7 ton/Ha. Cukup tinggi dibandingkan produksi kedelai rata-rata di Kabupaten Jember yang baru mencapai 1,5 ton/Ha.
> Panen Raya di Desa Lumban Pasir Gunung Tua, Kecamatan Panyabungan Mandailing Natal (Madina), pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2011, di Desa Lumban Pasir dan Desa Panyabungan Jae, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara: Panen Raya bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah Daerah, Kabupaten Madina. Mengacu program pemerintah pusat yang mencanangkan kenaikan produksi 5% setiap tahun, produktivitas yang diperoleh Kabupaten Madina tahun 2010 adalah 4,5 ton / Ha dan Kabupaten Madina harus mampu meningkatkan pencapaian target produksi 5% pada tahun 2011, atau setara dengan 4,7 ton/Ha. Penyebaran varietas padi ini dilakukan pada lahan seluas 40 Ha yang tersebar di Desa Lumban Pasir seluas 10 Ha untuk Varietas Mira-1, dan 10 Ha untuk Varietas Bestari, dengan melibatkan dua Kelompok Tani. Sedangkan 20 Ha lagi di Desa Panyabungan Jae masing-masing 10 Ha untuk Varietas Mira-1 dan Bestari yang melibatkan satu Kelompok Tani. Setelah dilakukan ubinan untuk Varietas Mira-1, didapatkan hasil rata-rata 7,1 ton/Ha.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Partnership Cooperation Agreement Signing of a partnership cooperation agreement conducted are: > Field of Agriculture: - The KARISMA COTTON, activities conducted for increasing production of seeds in cooperation with BPTP (Plantation plant seed growing office) in the Province of NTB in the District of Gerung, West Lombok Barat in a land area of 2,000 m2 in the month of April 2011. Harvest was conducted in August October 2011 with the results of 300 kg of cotton seeds. Furthermore, the cotton seeds must first be processed to become seeds for Situbondo, East Java and early December this was completely conducted and resulting in 200 kg of seeds. The seeds produced then was distributed in the NTB area itself and South Sulawesi firmly desires to erase imported cotton. - PD. Pembangunan Bireuen, Aceh regarding "Partnership on the R&D Results of BATAN in the Field of Agriculture” on the date 9 October 2011. - Seed Producer PP Kerja Boyolali regarding "Partnership on the R&D Results of BATAN in the Field of Agriculture”, on the date 9 October 2011. - CV. Berkah Alam Lestari, Medan regarding "Partnership on the R&D Results of BATAN in the Field of Agriculture”, on the date 20 June 2011. - PT. Sang Hyang Seri, in Mira-1 and Bestari variety seeds production from the R&D Results of BATAN for the Direct Assistance program of Superior Seeds (BLBU) with the target of at least 3,000 tons for the 2011/2012 planting season.
Submission of MoU documents between PP KERJA Boyolali Jawa Tengah and PKTN-BATAN
BATAN Annual Report 2011
> Field of Health: - BOSIR (Bone Ocular Spherical Implant Radiation), a seminar has been conducted in the utilization of BOSIR in cooperation with PERDAMI (Association of Eye Doctor Specialists of Indonesia) Bali Branch on the date 10 December 2011 and this has been agreed to be followed up by clinical testing activities in the utilization of BOSIR in Bali. - The Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital in South Kalimantan regarding “Cooperation in Renograph Clinical Trial Testing”, on the date 17 November 2011.
Seminar in the utilization of BOSIR in cooperation with PERDAMI Bali
> Field of Industry: - PT. Jatim Graha Utama regarding "Partnership in the Field of Utilization of the Irradiator Machine and the Electron Beam Machine (MBE)”, on the date 2 November 2011. - The Office of Cooperatives and UMKM of the Province of east Java regarding "Synergy in the Cooperative and UMKM Empowerment Program In the Utilization of Radiation Technology Application and Ready to Serve Processed Food in Packaging”, on the date 2 November 2011.
Signing of MoU between the PHLPN-BATAN deputy and Dir. Jatim Graha Utama
Perjanjian Kerjasama Kemitraan Penandatangan perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan yang telah dilakukan: > Bidang Pertanian: - KAPAS KARISMA, dilakukan kegiatan perbanyakan benih bekerja sama dengan BPTP (Balai Pembenihan Tanaman Perkebunan) Provinsi NTB di Kec. Gerung, Lombok Barat pada lahan seluas 2.000 m2 pada bulan April 2011. Bulan Agustus – Oktober 2011 dilakukan panen dengan mendapatkan biji kapas sebanyak 300 kg. Selanjutnya biji kapas harus diproses terlebih dahulu untuk menjadi benih di Situbondo, Jawa Timur dan pada awal Desember telah selesai dilakukan dan diperoleh benih sebanyak 200 kg. Benih yang dihasilkan kemudian disebarluaskan di wilayah NTB sendiri dan Sulsel yang bertekad untuk menghapus kapas import. - PD. Pembangunan Bireuen, Aceh tentang “Kemitraan Hasil Litbang BATAN Bidang Pertanian”, pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2011. - Produsen Benih PP Kerja Boyolali tentang “Kemitraan Hasil Litbang BATAN Bidang Pertanian”, pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2011. - CV. Berkah Alam Lestari, Medan tentang “Kemitraan Hasil Litbang BATAN Bidang Pertanian”, pada tanggal 20 Juni 2011. - PT. Sang Hyang Seri dalam produksi benih hasil litbang BATAN Varietas Mira-1 dan Bestari untuk program Bantuan Langsung Benih Unggul (BLBU) dengan target sebanyak kurang lebih 3.000 ton pada musim tanam 2011/2012.
Penandatanganan MoU antara PP KERJA Boyolali Jawa Tengah dan PKTN-BATAN
> Bidang Kesehatan: - BOSIR (Bone Ocular Spherical Implant Radiation) dilakukan seminar pemanfaatan BOSIR bekerjasama dengan PERDAMI (Persatuan Dokter Ahli Mata Indonesia) Cabang Bali pada tanggal 10 Desember 2011 dan telah disepakati akan ditindaklanjuti dengan kegiatan uji klinis pemanfaatan BOSIR di Bali - Rumah Sakit Ulin Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan tentang "Kerjasama Uji Klinis Renograf", pada tanggal 17 November 2011.
Penandatangan MoU antara RSUD Ulin dan BATAN
> Bidang Industri: - PT. Jatim Graha Utama tentang " Kemitraan Dalam Bidang Pemanfaatan Mesin Iradiator dan Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE)”, pada tanggal 2 November 2011. - Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Provinsi Jatim tentang "Sinergi Program Pemberdayaan Koperasi dan UMKM Dalam Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Teknologi Radiasi dan Pangan Olahan Siap Saji Dalam Kemasan", pada tanggal 2 November 2011.
Penandatanganan MoU antara Deputi PHLPN-BATAN dengan Dir. Jatim Graha Utama
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Centers of BATAN Seeds By looking at the development and prospect of plant varieties produced by BATAN, specifically rice paddy and soy bean varieties, until the year 2012 there are already seed producing centers of BATAN seeds, among others: 1. CV. Fiona Benih Mandiri (Subang) as a production center for the rice paddy Mira-1 and Bestari. 2. Satria Jaya Cooperative (Blitar) as a seed center for the rice paddy Mira-1, Diah Suci and the Soy Bean, Rajabasa. 3. PT. Wirakarya Sakti (Jambi) as seed center for the Rajabasa Soy Bean. 4. PT. Andall Hasa Prima (Lampung) as aseed center for the rice paddy, Mira-1, Mayang and Yuwono. 5. CV. Padi Mas (Jepara) as a seed center for the rice paddy, Padi Mira-1, Diah Suci and Bestari. 6. PD. Pembangunan Bireuen, Aceh regarding "Partnership of the R&D Results of BATAN in the field of Agriculture".
Seed Producer PP Kerja Boyolali regarding "Partnership of the R&D Results of BATAN in the field of Agriculture". 8. CV. Berkah Alam Lestari – Medan regarding "Partnership of the R&D Results of BATAN in the field of Agriculture". 9. PT. Sang Hyang Seri in seed production of the R&D Results of BATAN of the Mira-1 and Bestari Variety for the Direct Assistance program of Superior Seed (BLBU) In the year 2011 it is noted in PT Sang Hyang Seri, the number of superior seed varieties of the results of nuclear S&T R&D of BATAN which are available for BLBU : the Bestari rice paddy variety amounting to 403.785 Kg, and the Mira-1 rice paddy variety amounting to 489.225 Kg (Total = 893.010 Kg). From the remaining planting area which have not yet been harvested it is estimated of an additional amount of 463.600 Kg of the Bestari rice paddy variety, and an amount of 7.600 Kg of the Inpari Sidenuk rice paddy variety.
Production of seeds in cooperation with PP Kerja Boyolali
Production of seeds in cooperation with PD Pembangunan Bireun
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Sentra Produsen Benih BATAN Dengan melihat perkembangan dan prospek varietas tanaman yang dihasilkan BATAN, khususnya varietas padi dan kedelai, sampai dengan tahun 2012 sudah terdapat sentra-sentra produsen benih BATAN antara lain: 1. CV. Fiona Benih Mandiri (Subang) sebagai sentra benih padi Mira-1 dan Bestari. 2. Koperasi Satria Jaya (Blitar) sebagai sentra benih padi Mira-1, Diah Suci dan Kedelai Rajabasa. 3. PT. Wirakarya Sakti (Jambi) sebagai sentra benih Kedelai Rajabasa. 4. PT. Andall Hasa Prima (Lampung) sebagai sentra benih Padi Mira-1, Mayang dan Yuwono. 5. CV. Padi Mas (Jepara) sebagai sentra benih Padi Mira1, Diah Suci dan Bestari. 6. PD. Pembangunan Bireuen, Aceh tentang "Kemitraan Hasil Litbang BATAN Bidang Pertanian".
7. Produsen Benih PP Kerja Boyolali tentang "Kemitraan Hasil Litbang BATAN dengan Pertanian". 8. CV. Berkah Alam Lestari, Medan tentang "Kemitraan Hasil Litbang BATAN Bidang Pertanian". 9. PT. Sang Hyang Seri dalam produksi benih hasil litbang BATAN Varietas Mira-1 dan Bestari untuk program Bantuan Langsung Benih Unggul (BLBU) Pada tahun 2011 tercatat di PT Sang Hyang Seri, jumlah benih varietas unggul hasil litbang iptek nuklir yang telah tersedia untuk BLBU : Bibit varietas padi Bestari sejumlah 403.785 Kg, dan varietas padi Mira1 sejumlah 489.225 Kg (Total = 893.010 Kg). Dari sisa areal tanam yang belum dipanen diperkirakan akan tersedia tambahan bibit sejumlah 463.600 Kg dari varietas padi Bestari, dan sejumlah 7.600 Kg dari varietas padi Inpari Sidenuk.
Penangkaran Kapas Karisma Kerma dgn BPTP_NTB
Penangkaran Benih kerma dgn CV Berkah Alam Lestari Medan
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Nuclear Technique Education
The Nuclear Technology School of Higher Learning (STTN) established through Presidential Decision number 71 year 2001 regarding the Establishment of a Nuclear Technology School of Higher Learning, on the date 8 June 2001 which was followed up by a decision of the Head of BATAN Number 360/KA/VII/2001 regarding the Organization and Administrative Work Procedures of STTN. BATAN through the Nuclear Technology School of Higher Learning (STTN), has given efforts to provide a place for quality education, therefore the graduates of STTN could directly be accepted by the existing labor market in Indonesia. In the year 2011 the absorption of graduates of the Nuclear Technology School of Higher Learning (STTN) in the industry which was targeted at 75% was able to realize 84.2%, from 114 STTN graduates, 96 were given jobs. This shows that the need of the labor market in Indonesia towards STTN graduates is ever increasing.
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Achievement in the method and process of education which is an integrated interaction between students, lecturers, education facility and conducive academic environment has grown independency in conducting the program, therefore students could complete their studies on time with best results. This is evident with the issuance of a decision letter of accreditation No. 006/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/XI dated 9 November 2007 by BAN-PT with a predicate "B" for conducting the Nuclear Technochemistry Diploma IV Study program of the Electronic Instrumentation and Electrmechanical section of STTN, which shall be valid until 9 November 2012. In the year 2011 one of the efforts which have been conducted to increase the absorption of graduates, STTN and PPRBATAN have cooperated together with the Dharmais Cancer Hospital.
Pendidikan Teknik Nuklir
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir didirikan melalui Keppres nomor 71 tahun 2001 tentang Pendirian Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir, pada tanggal 8 Juni 2001 yang ditindak lanjuti dengan Keputusan Kepala BATAN Nomor 360/KA/ VII/2001 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja STTN. BATAN melalui Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir (STTN), berupaya menyediakan tempat pendidikan yang berkualitas, sehingga lulusan-lulusan STTN bisa langsung diterima oleh pasar kerja yang ada di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2011 serapan lulusan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir (STTN) di industri yang ditargetkan sebesar 75% dapat direalisasikan sebesar 84,2% yaitu dari 114 lulusan STTN tahun 2010 yang diterima bekerja sebanyak 96 orang. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa kebutuhan pasar kerja yang ada di Indonesia terhadap lulusan STTN semakin meningkat.
Keberhasilan dalam metode dan proses pendidikan yang merupakan interaksi yang terpadu antara peserta didik, dosen, fasilitas pendidikan dan lingkungan akademik yang kondusif telah menumbuhkan kemandirian penyelenggaraan program, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan studi tepat waktu dengan hasil terbaik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan keluarnya surat keputusan akreditasi No. 006/ BAN-PT/Ak-IV/XI tanggal 9 November 2007 oleh BAN-PT dengan predikat “B” untuk penyelenggaraan program Studi Diploma IV Teknokimia Nuklir, Elektronika Instrumentasi dan Elektromekanika STTN yang berlaku sampai dengan 9 November 2012. Pada tahun 2011 salah satu upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan serapan lulusan, STTN dan PPR-BATAN telah bekerjasama dengan Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais.
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Education and Training for State Apparatus In the year 2011, the education and training activity for state apparatus has been obtained among others : • 8 employees who receives education program for S2/S3 (Post Graduate/Post Doctoral degree) • 735 employees have been trained in competency-based technical training • 90 employees have been trained in “soft competency” training • 24 echelons II/III/IV have been trained in leadership training • 61 new employees have been trained in preposition training for prospective civil servants • 533 people (public) have been trained in training of nuclear science and technology • 398 employees have been trained in training for Radiation Protection Officer • 135 employees have been trained in Radiography training
Physical protection training
National training course on radiography testing - Level 3
BATAN Annual Report 2011
National training course on radiography testing - Level 3
Physical protection training
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Aparatur Negara Pada tahun 2011 telah diperoleh : • 8 orang pegawai yang diterima mengikuti pendidikan program S2/S3 • 735 orang pegawai telah mengikuti pelatihan teknis berbasis kompetensi • 90 orang pegawai telah mengikuti pelatihan “soft competence” • 24 pejabat eselon II/III/IV telah mengikuti pelatihan pimpinan • 61 pegawai baru telah mengikuti pelatihan Prajabatan bagi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) • 533 orang (masyarakat umum) telah mengikuti pelatihan iptek nuklir • 398 orang telah mengikuti pelatihan Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (PPR) • 135 orang telah mengikuti pelatihan Radiografi
Diklat proteksi fisik
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Standardization in the Field of Nuclear Energy Standardization in the field of nuclear energy covers the formulation and stipulation of standards, application of standards, accreditation, certification, guidance and supervision of standardization in the field of nuclear energy which is valid in the environment of BATAN. The implementation of standardization in the field of nuclear energy is regulated in the Regulation of the Head of BATAN Number 158/KA/XI/2008. Standardization of nuclear energy has the objective to support increase of production, usefulness capacity of production, quality of goods, services, processes, system and/or personnel, in order to increase the competitive power, protection towards implementation of activities and stakeholders specifically in safety, health, security and the environment. The stipulation of an Indonesian National Standard Concept 3 (RSNI3) to become an Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is the authority of the National Standardization Agency (BSN), after fulfilling the requirements. In the year 2011 BATAN has
produced 6 RSNI3 in the field of nuclear which have been formulated by BATAN, has been stipulated to become SNI. With the stipulation of the above SNI, it is expected can be applied by the user in a national/international scope, and also would contribute significantly in increasing/ realizing the safety and quality of nuclear S&T in Indonesia. In the month of November 2011, in the Meeting Forum of the Head of the Technical Committee/Sub technical Committee (PT/SPT) at Balai Kartini, Jakarta which is a part of the series of the 2011 Commemoration of the National Quality Month, The National Standardization Agency (BSN) has announced 5 Technical Committees that possess the best performance during the last 2 year period, which are: (1) PT 59-01 Textile and Textile Products (Ministry of Industry), (2) PT 17-01 Radiation Measurement (BATAN), (3) PT 91-01 Building Construction Materials and Civil Engineering (Ministry of Public Works), (4) PT 17-03 Electricity Meter (BATAN), (5) PT 19-01 Non Destructive Testing (BATAN).
List of SNI In The Field of Nuclear 2011 No
Identification No.
Title of SNI
SNI ISO/ASTM 51956:2011
Standard practice for use of thermoluminoscence dosimetry system (TLD) in the process with radiation dosimetry system
SNI ISO/TR 25107:2011
Non destructive testing – Guidance for Non destructive testing training syllabus
SNI ISO 4993: 2011
Cast iron and steel – Radiography inspection
SNI ISO/TS 22809: 2011
Non destructive testing – Discontinuity of specimen for use in qualification testing
SNI ISO 10675.1: 2011
Non destructive testing of welding – cceptance level for radiography testing - Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys
SNI ISO 10675.2: 2011
Non destructive testing of welding – Acceptance level for radiography testing - Part 2 : Aluminium and its alloys
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Standardisasi Bidang Keternaganukliran Standardisasi bidang ketenaganukliran meliputi perumusan dan penetapan standar, penerapan standar, akreditasi, sertifikasi, pembinaan dan pengawasan standardisasi bidang ketenaganukliran, yang berlaku di lingkungan BATAN. Pelaksanaan standardisasi ketenaganukliran diatur dalam Peraturan Kepala BATAN Nomor 158/KA/XI/2008. Standardisasi ketenaganukliran bertujuan mendukung peningkatan produktivitas, daya guna produksi, mutu barang, jasa, proses, sistem dan/atau personel, yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan daya saing, perlindungan terhadap pelaksana kegiatan dan para pemangku kepentingan khususnya dalam keselamatan, kesehatan, keamanan dan lingkungan hidup. Penetapan Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia 3 (RSNI3) menjadi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) merupakan kewenangan Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN), setelah memenuhi persyaratan. Pada tahun 2011 BATAN menghasilkan 6 RSNI3 bidang nuklir yang dirumuskan BATAN telah ditetapkan menjadi SNI.
Dengan ditetapkannya SNI tersebut di atas, yang selanjutnya diterapkan oleh pengguna dalam lingkup nasional/internasional. Diharapkan akan dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam meningkatkan/mewujudkan keselamatan dan mutu iptek nuklir di Indonesia. Pada bulan November 2011, dalam Forum Temu Ketua Panitia Teknis/Sub Panitia Teknis (PT/SPT) di Balai Kartini, Jakarta yang merupakan bagian dari rangkaian Peringatan bulan Mutu Nasional 2011, Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) mengumumkan 5 Panitia Teknis yang memiliki kinerja terbaik selama periode 2 tahun terakhir, yaitu: (1) PT 5901 Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (Kemenperin), (2) PT 17-01 Pengukuran radiasi (BATAN), (3) PT 91-01 Bahan Konstruksi Bangunan dan Rekayasa Sipil (Kemen PU), (4) PT 17-03 Meter Listrik (BATAN), (5) PT 19-01 Uji Tak Rusak (BATAN).
Daftar SNI Bidang Nuklir Tahun 2011 No
No. Identifikasi
Judul SNI
SNI ISO/ASTM 51956:2011
Standar praktik untuk penggunaan sistem dosminetri termoluminisensi (TLD) pada pemrosesan dengan radiasi
SNI ISO/TR 25107:2011
Uji tak rusak – Pedoman untuk silabus pelatihan uji tak rusak
SNI ISO 4993: 2011
Coran besi dan baja – Inspeksi radiografi
SNI ISO/TS 22809: 2011
Uji tak rusak – Diskontinuitas pada spesimen untuk penggunaan pada ujian kualifikasi
SNI ISO 10675.1: 2011
Uji tak rusak pada lasan – Level keberterimaan untuk uji radiografi – Bagian 1: Baja, nikel, titanium dan paduannya
SNI ISO 10675.2: 2011
Uji tak rusak lasan – Level keberterimaan untuk uji radiografi – Bagian 2 : Aluminium dan paduannya
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Patents of Enisora R&D Results Patents/HKI of BATAN R&D results which are registered in the Directorate General for Intelectual Property Rights (HKI), Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, until the year 2011, the Patent proposals of BATAN have numbered 98 patent titles, data and the status of the Patent proposals of which 63 titles are in the process, Patents Granted number 24 titles.
Drs. Sudirman, M.Sc, dkk.
Patent Simple S.00200100068
Granted tgl. 30 Juni 2003 Sertifikat No.ID 0000 417 S Nilai Rp 18.989.000,-
Drs. Sudirman, M.Sc, dkk.
Patent Simple S. 00200200143
Granted tgl. 30 Juni 2003 Sertifikat No. ID. 0 000 420 S Nilai Rp 6.836.000,-
Drs. Agus Santoso, dkk.
Patent Simple S.00200100157
Granted tgl 12 Juli 2006 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 667 S Nilai Rp 48.820.000,-
Dr. Setyo Purwanto.
Paten P. 00200100862
Granted tgl 21 November 2007. Sertifikat No. ID 0 020 165 Nilai Rp 167.228.000,-
Drs. Dani Gustaman Syarif, M.Sc.
Paten P. 00200300391
Granted tgl 15 Mei 2008. Sertfikat No. ID 0 021 177 Nilai Rp 9.097.000,-
Drs. Aloma Karo Karo, M.Sc, dkk.
Patent Simple S. 00200100122
Granted tgl. 12 Maret 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 811 S Nilai Rp 7.511.000,-
Ir. Suprapto, dkk.
Patent Simple S. 00200200185
Granted tgl. 3 April 2008. Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 815 S Nilai Rp 61.654.000,-
Drs. Agus Santoso, dkk.
Patent Simple S. 00200100156
Granted tgl. 25 Austus 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 850 S Nilai Rp 3.170.000,-
Dr. Ir. Anhar Riza Antariksawan, dkk.
Patent Simple S. 00200400192
Granted tgl. 12 Juni 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 829 S Nilai Rp 169.676.000,-
Sukidi, ST, dkk
Patent Simple S. 00200200186
Granted tgl 23 Dsember 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 886 S Nilai 60.865.000,-
Drs. Tono Wibowo, dkk
Patent Simple S. 00200100152
Granted tgl. 05 Februari 2009 Sertifikat No. ID S 0000893 Nilai Rp 31.605.000,-
Yunanto, BE., dkk
Paten Sederhana S. 00200200184
Granted tgl. 23 Desember 2008 Sertifikat No. ID S 00008835 B Nilai Rp 41.505.000,-
Dr. Ir. Suwardi, DEA.
Patent Simple S. 20000198
Granted tgl. 23 Desember 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 880 S Nilai Rp 39.458.000,-
Drs. Endrawanto W. M.APP, Sc, dkk
Patent P.00200300238
Granted tgl. 04 Februari 2009 Sertifikat No. ID 0 022 754
Ir. Prayitno, M.Eng, dkk.
Patent Simple S. 00200100154
Notification Letter about Granted No.HKI.3-HI.05.01.04 5204. Nilai Rp 7.783.000,-
Prof. Marga Utama
Paten P.00200100860
Granted tanggal 02 Juli 2009. Sertifikat No. ID. P 0023728 Nilai Rp 172.178.000,-
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Paten Hasil Litbang Enisora Paten/HKI hasil litbang BATAN yang terdaftar di Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Kemeterian Hukum dan HAM RI, sampai dengan tahun 2011 usulan Paten BATAN berjumlah 98 judul paten, data dan status usulan Paten dalam proses 63 judul, Paten Granted sejumlah 24 judul.
Drs. Sudirman, M.Sc, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S.00200100068
Granted tgl. 30 Juni 2003 Sertifikat No.ID 0000 417 S Nilai Rp 18.989.000,-
Drs. Sudirman, M.Sc, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S. 00200200143
Granted tgl. 30 Juni 2003 Sertifikat No. ID. 0 000 420 S Nilai Rp 6.836.000,-
Drs. Agus Santoso, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S.00200100157
Granted tgl 12 Juli 2006 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 667 S Nilai Rp 48.820.000,-
Dr. Setyo Purwanto.
Paten P. 00200100862
Granted tgl 21 November 2007. Sertifikat No. ID 0 020 165 Nilai Rp 167.228.000,-
Drs. Dani Gustaman Syarif, M.Sc.
Paten P. 00200300391
Granted tgl 15 Mei 2008. Sertfikat No. ID 0 021 177 Nilai Rp 9.097.000,-
Drs. Aloma Karo Karo, M.Sc, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S. 00200100122
Granted tgl. 12 Maret 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 811 S Nilai Rp 7.511.000,-
Ir. Suprapto, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S. 00200200185
Granted tgl. 3 April 2008. Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 815 S Nilai Rp 61.654.000,-
Drs. Agus Santoso, dkk.
Paten sederhana S. 00200100156
Granted tgl. 25 Austus 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 850 S Nilai Rp 3.170.000,-
Dr. Ir. Anhar Riza Antariksawan, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S. 00200400192
Granted tgl. 12 Juni 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 829 S Nilai Rp 169.676.000,-
Sukidi, ST, dkk
Paten Sederhana S. 00200200186
Granted tgl 23 Dsember 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 886 S Nilai 60.865.000,-
Drs. Tono Wibowo, dkk
Paten Sederhana S. 00200100152
Granted tgl. 05 Februari 2009 Sertifikat No. ID S 0000893 Nilai Rp 31.605.000,-
Yunanto, BE., dkk
Paten Sederhana S. 00200200184
Dr. Ir. Suwardi, DEA.
Paten Sederhana S. 20000198
Granted tgl. 23 Desember 2008 Sertifikat No. ID S 00008835 B Nilai Rp 41.505.000,Granted tgl. 23 Desember 2008 Sertifikat No. ID 0 000 880 S Nilai Rp 39.458.000,-
Drs. Endrawanto W. M.APP, Sc, dkk
Paten P.00200300238
Granted tgl. 04 Februari 2009 Sertifikat No. ID 0 022 754
Ir. Prayitno, M.Eng, dkk.
Paten Sederhana S. 00200100154
Srt Pemberitahuan Granted No.HKI.3-HI.05.01.04 5204 ttg Pemberitahuan dapat diberi Paten. Nilai Rp 7.783.000,-
Prof. Marga Utama
Paten P.00200100860
Granted tanggal 02 Juli 2009. Sertifikat No. ID. P 0023728 Nilai Rp 172.178.000,-
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011
Prof. Marga Utama
Paten P. 00200100906
Granted tanggal 19 Agustus 2009 Sertifikat No. ID. P. 0024026
Dr. Marga Utama, APU, dkk
Paten P.00200200493
Granted tanggal 27 April 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028102
Dr. Marga Utama, dkk
Paten P.00200500613
Granted tanggal 02 Mei 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028143
Drs. Dani Gustaman Syarif, M.Sc
Paten P.00200300392
Granted tanggal 26 April 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028085
Drs. Sudirman, M.Sc, dkk.
Paten P.00200400386
Granted tanggal 12 Mei 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028220
Dr. Marga Utama, APU
Paten P.00200400119
Dapat diberi paten Surat Pemberitahuan No. HKI3.HI.05.01.04 11593 tanggal 13 Juni 2011
Prof. Dr. Marga Utama
Paten P. 00200200687
Granted tanggal 25 Juli 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028775
Ir. Moch. Setiadji, MT
Paten P.00200400385
Granted tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028846
Prof. Marga Utama
Paten P. 00200400668
Granted tanggal 18 Oktober 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0029373
Dr. Ir. Suwardi, DEA
Paten P. 00200400335
Granted tanggal 8 November 2011 Sertifikat No ID P0029584
Besides that, in the month of November 2011, 5 researches of BATAN have obtained awards from the State Minister for Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharna Surapranata and entered in 103 innovation most prospective in the year 2011 in the Business Innovation Center (BIC) managed by the Ministry for research and technology and relevant private Companies, as follows. Recipients of Innovation 2011 Award INNOVATION
Reno, Friend of the Kidney (Prevent Kidney Failure without failure)
Joko Sumanto, Wiranto Budi Santoso, Rukmono Pribadi, Cukarya, Hari Nurcahyadi, Ahmad Khaerudin, Rill Isaris, Atang, Susila.
Know Your Enemy Well to Win (Pembuatan Nukleotida Bertanda Phosphorous-32 (g -32P) ATP as Mutation Tracer)
Wira Y. Rahman, Endang Sarmini, Herlina, Triyanto, Hambali, Santi Nubaiti, Abdul Mutalib
3-In-1 Direction in Fighting Cancer (Radiopharmacy Specific Target for Handling Breast Cancer )
Martalena Ramli, Rien Ritawidya, Cecep Taufik, Rustendi, Muchamad Subur, Sri Aguswarini, Karyadi , Cahya Nova Ardiyatno, Titis Sekar Humani
Green Plastic from Nuclear Tapioka (Environmental friendly plastic casted product from Tapioka Waste Composite Using Radiation Technology )
Sudradjat Iskandar
Purify the Iodine to make it Valuable (Modification of Production channel of Iodine-125 for Increase of Product Quality )
Maiyesni, Triani W. , Mujinah, Witarti, Dede K. Triyanto, Abdul Mutalib
BATAN Annual Report 2011
Proses Pembuatan Lateks Pekat Pravulkanisasi Rendah Protein, Lemak, Karbohidrat dan Bebas Nitrosamin
Prof. Marga Utama
Paten P. 00200100906
Granted tanggal 19 Agustus 2009 Sertifikat No. ID. P. 0024026
Dr. Marga Utama, APU, dkk
Paten P.00200200493
Granted tanggal 27 April 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028102
Dr. Marga Utama, dkk
Paten P.00200500613
Granted tanggal 02 Mei 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028143
Drs. Dani Gustaman Syarif, M.Sc
Paten P.00200300392
Granted tanggal 26 April 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028085
Drs. Sudirman, M.Sc, dkk.
Paten P.00200400386
Granted tanggal 12 Mei 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028220
Dr. Marga Utama, APU
Paten P.00200400119
Dapat diberi paten Surat Pemberitahuan No. HKI-3. HI.05.01.04 11593 tanggal 13 Juni 2011
Prof. Dr. Marga Utama
Paten P. 00200200687
Granted tanggal 25 Juli 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028775
Ir. Moch. Setiadji, MT
Paten P.00200400385
Granted tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0028846
Prof. Marga Utama
Paten P. 00200400668
Granted tanggal 18 Oktober 2011 Sertifikat No. ID P0029373
Dr. Ir. Suwardi, DEA
Paten P. 00200400335
Granted tanggal 8 November 2011 Sertifikat No ID P0029584
Disamping itu, pada bulan November 2011, 5 penelitian BATAN memperoleh penghargaan Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi RI, Suharna Surapranata dan masuk dalam 103 inovasi yang paling prospektif tahun 2011 pada Business Innovation Center (BIC) yang dikelola Kementerian Ristek dan Swasta terkait, sebagai berikut. Penerima Penghargaan Karya Inovasi 2011 KARYA INOVASI
Reno, Sahabat Si Ginjal (Cegah Gagal Ginjal tanpa Gagal )
Joko Sumanto, Wiranto Budi Santoso, Rukmono Pribadi, Cukarya, Hari Nurcahyadi, Ahmad Khaerudin, Rill Isaris, Atang, Susila.
Kenali Baik Musuhmu Agar Menang -32 (Pembuatan Nukleotida Bertanda Fosfor-32 (g P) ATP sebagai Pelacak Mutasi)
Wira Y. Rahman, Endang Sarmini, Herlina, Triyanto, Hambali, Santi Nubaiti, Abdul Mutalib
Jurus 3-In-1 Melawan Kanker (Radiofarmaka Spesifik Target untuk Menangani Kanker Payudara )
Martalena Ramli, Rien Ritawidya, Cecep Taufik, Rustendi, Muchamad Subur, Sri Aguswarini, Karyadi , Cahya Nova Ardiyatno, Titis Sekar Humani
Plastik Hijau dari Tapioka Nuklir (Produk Cetak Plastik Ramah Lingkungan dari Komposit Limbah Tapioka Menggunakan Teknologi Radiasi )
Sudradjat Iskandar
Murnikan Si Iodium Supaya Berharga (Modifikasi Alur Produksi Iodium-125 untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Produk )
Maiyesni, Triani W. , Mujinah, Witarti, Dede K. Triyanto, Abdul Mutalib
Laporan Tahunan BATAN 2011