Technical Information No. : 055 - 2016 25 April 2016 Kepada
: Semua pengguna jasa BKI
: Laporan Singkat IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee sesi ke 69 (MEPC 69)
Ringkasan Informasi Teknik ini merupakan ringkasan hasil pertemuan ke – 69 dari IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 69) yang diselenggarakan dari tanggal 18 sampai dengan 22 April 2016, bertempat di Kantor Pusat IMO di London. Informasi Informasi yang disediakan dalam Informasi Teknik ini adalah yang berkaitan erat dengan pekerjaan BKI. Segala informasi maupun saran yang tersedia pada dokumen ini bukan merupakan tanggung jawab BKI dan BKI tidak dapat diperkarakan oleh siapapun dari kehilangan, kerusakan atau kerugian biaya akibat ketidakakuratan data yang disampaikan. Beberapa agenda yang didiskusikan selama pertemuan tersebut antara lain: Nomor Agenda
Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments
Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water
Air pollution and energy efficiency
6 7
Further technical and operational measures for enhancing the energy efficiency of international shipping Reduction of GHG emissions from ships
Amendments to MARPOL Annex V, Form of Garbage Record Book
Use of electronic record books
Inadequacy of reception facilities
Reports of other sub-committees
Promotion of implementation and enforcement of MARPOL and related instruments
Agenda diatas adalah beberapa isu teknis yang dibahas pada saat pertemuan. Lampiran singkat terkait isu teknis disampaikan pada lampiran dokumen ini. Informasi lebih lanjut Pertanyaan sehubungan dengan Informasi Teknik ini dapat ditujukan ke: BKI Statutory Division Yos Sudarso 38-40 Jakarta, 14320 Indonesia Phone : +62 21 436 1899, 436 1901, 436 1903, 436 1904 Fax : +62 21 4390 1974 Email :
[email protected]
Direktur Klasifikasi - TTD Capt. Iman Satria Utama
___________________________________________________________________________ Informasi Segala informasi maupun saran yang tersedia pada dokumen ini bukan merupakan tanggung jawab BKI dan BKI tidak dapat diperkarakan oleh siapapun dari kehilangan, kerusakan atau kerugian biaya akibat ketidakakuratan informasi yang disampaikan
INFORMASI SINGKAT PADA IMO MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTE SESI KE-69 (MEPC 69) A. CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO MANDATORY INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 3) Amandemen berikut di bawah ini akan diberlakukan mulai 1 September 2017: MARPOL Annex II, appendix I Komite mengadopsi draft amandemen MARPOL Annex II, appendix I, Guidelines for the categorization of noxious liquid substances. Amandemen tersebut terkait dengan revisi revised GESAMP hazard evaluation procedure, berikut dengan resolusi MEPC terkait. Amandemen tersebut antara lain: -
Kolom A & B Aquatic environment Penambahan kategori untuk Aquatic Toxicity dengan B2 ≤0.001 mg/l ditambahkan pada rating keempat dan biodegradation dinamai dengan A2.
Kolom C & D Human Health (Toxic Effects to Mammals) Penambahan kriteria untuk Sensitising to skin (Ss) dan Sensitising to respiratory system (Sr)
MARPOL Annex IV Berikut merupakan amandemen untuk ‘Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships’ MARPOL Annex IV: -
Tanggal pemberlakuan Baltic Sea Special Area yang telah diadospi dijelaskan sebagai berikut
Berlaku mulai 1 June 2019 untuk kapal bangunan baru passenger ships
Berlaku mulai 1 June 2021 untuk kapal bangunan lama passenger ships sebagaimana didefinisikan pada regulasi
Berlaku mulai 1 June 2023 untuk kapal bangunan lama yang mempunyai rute langsung dari atau ke pelabuhan yang berlokasi pada special area dan hanya dari atau ke pelabuhan yang berlokasi pada bujur 28°10’ E yang berada diantara special area.
Amandemen terkait dengan definisi untuk kapal penumpang. Dimana kapal penumpang didefinisikan sebagai kapal yang mengangkut lebih dari 12 (dua belas) penumpang.
kapal penumpang bangunan baru didefinisikan sebagai kapal dengan kontrak pembangunan atau keel laid pada atau setelah 1 Juni 2019; atau tanggal delivery nya pada atau setelah 1 Juni 2021.
Pelarangan discharge sewage untuk kapal penumpang diantara special area untuk kapal penumpang bangunan baru diberlakukan sesuai dengan tanggal yang di tentukan oleh organisasi yang diatur dalam MARPOL Annex IV, namun tidak boleh diberlakukan sebelum tanggal 1 Juni 2019. Dan untuk kapal penumpang banguna lama tidak boleh diberlakukan sebelum 1 Juni 2021.
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Amandemen pada appendix MARPOL Annex IV terkait dengan perubahan minor dan perbaikan editorial pada form International Sewage Pollution Prevention (ISPP) Certificate, serta pengembangan for baru untuk of type approval for sewage treatment plants.
MARPOL Annex VI Amandemen pada MARPOL Annex VI beserta dengan resolusi MEPC pada paragraph 6 dan 7 anex 2, terkait dengan penambahan ketentuan untuk mendokumentasian kapal yang keluar masuk daerah ECA (Emission Control Area). Ketentuan pendokumentasian tersebut diberlakukan untuk kapal yang disertifikasi dengan NOx Tier II dan Tier III atau Tier III saja. Pendokumentasian meliputi status pergantian (on/off) untuk marine diesel engine diatas kapal, selanjutnya pendokumentasian tersebut harus di catat pada logbook sebagaimana dipersyaratkan oleh admistration saat kapal memasuki dan keluar ECA. NOX Technical Code 2008 Komite mengadopsi amandemen NOx Technical Code 2008 dan resolusi MEPC (paragraphs 8 to 10 and annex 3) terkait dengan pengetesan untuk kapal berbahan bakar gas dan dual fuel. Amandemen yang dutambahkan meliputi perubahan definisi untuk marine diesel engine, dimana marine diesel engine juga didefinisikan sebagai mesin berbahan gas maupun dual fuel. Sehubungan dengan amandemen pada definisi tersebut, maka persyaratan yang mengatur karakteristik mesin berbahan bakar gas dan dual fuel serta prosedur pengetesannya. Amandemen regulasi tersebut diberlakukan untuk kapal yang dibangun setelah 1 Maret 2016.
B. HARMFUL AQUATIC ORGANISMS IN BALLAST WATER (AGENDA ITEM 4) BWM status of ratification and convention implementation Konvensi BWM (Ballast Water Management) mempersyaratkan untuk diratifikasi minimal 30 negara anggota dan mencakup minimal 35% dari total Gross Tonnage dunia. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, IMO mengupdate status konvensi BWM dimana BWM telah diratifikasi oleh 49 negara anggota dan telah mencapai 34.79 % dari total Gross Tonnage dunia. Sehingga kekurangan Gross Tonnage adalah sebesar 0.21%. Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) Approvals Untuk saat ini terdapat 65 sistem BWM yang sudah tersertifikasi sebagai type approved. Berikut merupakan sistem BWM yang baru disetujui sebagai type approved sesuai dengan laporan GESAMPBWWG 32 (MEPC 68/2/10) : -
AHEAD®-BWMS ballast water management system, diajukan oleh the China pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.2
NiBallastTM Ballast Water Management System, diajukan oleh the China pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.3
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Seascape® Ballast Water Management System, diajukan oleh the China pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.4
YP-BWMS ballast water management system, diajukan oleh the China pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.5 MEPC 69/INF.5
SeaCURE BWMS SC-1500/1 (formerly named SiCURETM Ballast Water Management System) diajukan oleh Germany pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.13
Van Oord Ballast Water Management System, diajukan oleh Netherland pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.15
EcoGuardian™ Ballast Water Management System, diajukan oleh Republic of Korea pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.31
BlueZone™ Ballast Water Management System, diajukan oleh Republic of Korea pada dokumen MEPC 69/INF.32
BWM Convention Draft amandemen terkait dengan Konvensi BWM berikut telah disetujui oleh Komite: -
Draft amandemen untuk regulasi B-3 international convention for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments, 2004. Amandemen tersebut berupa perubahan patokan batasan tahun batasan regulasi menjadi berpatokan pada renewal survey.
Draft MEPC resolusi yang berkaitan dengan perubahan tanggal pada amandemen regulasi B-3 diatas. Draft amandemen resolusi ini menjelaskan bahwa tanggal yang disebutkan pada regulasi B-3 diartikan sebagai tanggal renewal survey sesuai dengan setifikat Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) dan sesuai dengan the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL), Annex I, dan setelah tanggal pemberlakuan Konvensi BWM ditetapkan.
Berikut beberapa isu terkait dengan dengan pengkajian terhadap Guidelines for approval of BWMS (G8) yang telah disetujui oleh Komite: a. Jika pengoperrasian system BWM dibatasi oleh terminologi kriteria inlet, maka hal tersebut harus disebutkan dalam sertifikat Type Approval. Type approval certificate harus mencantumkan deskripsi teks "Limiting Operational Conditions" beserta dengan batasan batasan parameter range nilai operasional dan batasan kondisi yang ada. b. Efek temperature saat pengetesan. Amandemen untuk Guidelines meliputi range temperature operasional kapal pada 0°C hingga 40°C. Jika sistem BWM mempunyai sertifikat type approval tanpa referensi temperature sebagaimana yang dibatasi untuk kondisi operasi, maka sistem BWM harus dapat dibuktikan dapat beroperasi pada range temperaturnya. Selain itu, sistem BWM harus dapat dibuktikan untuk dapat beroperasi pada range temperature pada land-based, shipboard atau pengetesan bench-scale. Attachment of Technical Information No: O55 - 2016
c. Untuk pabrikan yang ingin mendaftarkan sistem BWM yang menggunakan Active Substances dapat mengusulkan 2 (dua) worst case untuk senyawa kimia yang digunakan terkait dengan pengkajian efeknya terhadap kesehatan manusia untuk air ballast yang diambil dari tanki dan pengkajia resiko / efek terhadap lingkungan untuk air ballast yang dibuang. d. Jika sistem ballas menggunakan air minum maka harus memenuhi procsedur G9. C. AIR POLLUTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY (AGENDA ITEM 5) Amendments to The 2010 Guidelines for Monitoring the Worldwide Average Sulphur Content of Fuel Oils Supplied for Use On Board Ships (Resolution MEPC.192(61)) Komite telah mengadopsi draft resolusi MEPC terkait dengan amendments to the 2010 Guidelines for monitoring the worldwide average sulphur content of fuel oils supplied for use on board ships (resolution MEPC.192(61)). Amandemen tersebut mengklarifikasi bahwasanya pada saat ini terdapat 4 provider yang dikontrak oleh IMO untuk melakukan sampling dan pengetesan terkait dengan guidelines tersebut. Amandemen lainnya adalah ketentuan untuk menghitung rata rata kadar sulfur dimana semua jenis bahan bakar dengan kadar sulfur kurang dari 0.05% dihitung sebagai kadar 0.03%. Recommendation on the exemption from Regulations in Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI Pada dasarnya, kapal domestik tidak wajib untuk memiliki SEEMP. Namun jika kapal tersebut harus beroperasi di perairan internasional, maka secara otomatis harus mengikuti regulasi tersebut meski hanya melakukan single voyage untuk repair atau penjualan. Dan setelah kapal tersebut kembali beroperasi di perairan domestik, maka kewajiban untuk mematuhi regulasi akan gugur. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, Komite telah menyetujui untuk memberlakukan pembebasan terhadap regulasi MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4 untuk kapal yang dalam keadaan tertentu harus melakukan single voyage ke perairan internasional. Pembesasan tersebut dimuat dalam MEPC.1/Circ.863. Review of the status of the technological developments for improvement of energy efficiency on the EEDI Regulation Komite mencatat adanya beberapa isu terkait dengan factor koreksi untuk EEDI pada guidelins perhitungan EEDI. Terkait dengan hal tersebut maka pengkajian factor koreksi lebih mandalam untuk kapal ice class, ro-ro cargo ships dan ro-ro passenger ships. Namun, data yang ada untuk kapal ro-ro cargo ships dan ro-ro passenger ships masih sangat sedikit yang terkumpul. Sehingga, telah disetujui bahwa untuk memetakan serta merencanakan pengembangan teknologi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energy, diperlukan untuk melakukan studi kasus untuk jenis kapal tersebut pada reduction rate fase 2. Development of Calculation method for the EEDI for ships with dual fuel engines in 2014 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships Pada ‘’Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships’’’edisi 2014 terdapat rumus perhitungan nilai EEDI untuk kapal dual fuel. Selajan dengan Attachment of Technical Information No: O55 - 2016
perkembangan pembahasan terkait formulasi tersebut, terdapat wacana untuk merevisi guna dapat mengakomodir kondisi aktual sistem dual fuel pada kapal. Dalam pembahasan, dijelaskan bahwa perhitungan EEDI untuk mesin dual fuel harus menentukan terlebih dahulu apakah bahan bakar gas digunakan sebagai bahan bakar utama atau bukan. Kriteria yang digunakan ungtuk menentukan apakah gas digunakan sebagai bahan bakar utama adalah sebagai berikut:
Jika FDgas ≥ 50% maka gas digunakan sebagai bahan bakar utama
jika FDgas < 50% maka gas bukan merupakan bahan bakar utama.
Wacana perubahan formulasi tersebut akan dibahas lebih lanjut pada siding berikutnya dan direncanaka untuk diamandemenkan pada MARPOL Annex VI. Global 0.50% sulphur cap date of implementation Komite menyetujui untuk sesegera mungkin menentukan tanggal pemberlakuan batasan kadar shulphur 0.50% secara global pada MEPC 70. Tanggal pemberlakuan yang diusulkan adalah tanggal 1 Januari 2020. Penentuan tanggal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memberikan waktu yang cukup bagi stake holder seperti pemilik kapal, operator maupun penyedia bahan bakar untuk dapat mempersiapkan diri agar dapat memenuhi batasan sulfur tersebut. Persiapan bagi industry penyedia bahan bakar dianggap perlu untuk memastikan ketersediaan bahan bakar yang sesuai dengan regulasi tersebut. Bagi pemilik kapal, kepastian tanggal pemberlakuan tersebut sangat berguna untuk dapat mempersiapkan diri khususnya bagaimana memodifikasi atau menambahkan system baru di kapal seperti exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) atau konversi bahan bakar gas guna mencapai batasan sulfur tersebut.
D. FURTHER TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL MEASURES FOR ENHANCING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING (AGENDA ITEM 6) Amandemen terhadap MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4 terkait pengambilan dan pelaporan data konsumsi bahan bakar kapal Sejak sesi MEPC terakhir, Komite memahami pentingnya keberadaan sistem pengambilan data untuk menganalisa efisiensi energi, dan agar analisis ini bisa berjalan efektif maka data konsumsi bahan bakar dan transport work perlu dikumpulkan. Pada MEPC 68, Komite menyepakati pengembangan sistem pengambilan data di kapal mengikuti pendekatan tiga langkah: pengambilan data, analisis data, dan diikuti dengan pengambilan keputusan untuk langkah berikutnya, jika diperlukan. Oleh karena itu, pada MEPC 69 ini disetujui draf amandemen terhadap MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4, dengan rencana diadopsi (adoption) pada saat MEPC 70. Beberapa butir penting dalam amandemen MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4 adalah sebagai berikut: -
Penerapan pengambilan data ini berlaku wajib bagi semua kapal dengan tonase kotor 5.000 dan lebih
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Periode konsumsi bahan bakar yang dilaporkan adalah untuk satu tahun kalender, yaitu dari 1 Januari sampai dengan 31 Desember
SEEMP yang ada saat ini perlu direvisi dengan memasukkan metodologi pengambilan data dan proses yang ditempuh untuk pelaporan, dengan bersumber pada ketentuan dalam Resolusi MEPC.213(63), 2012 Guidelines for the Development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) yang masih dalam proses amandemen. Revisi tersebut harus sudah dilaksanakan sebelum pemberlakuan pengambilan data yang dipersyaratkan dalam MARPOL Annex VI regulasi 22A. Apabila revisi SEEMP sudah dilakukan, maka kapal akan diberikan ‘confirmation of compliance’
Himpunan data yang harus diambil adalah: Nomor IMO, tipe kapal, tonase kotor dan tonase bersih, bobot mati/deadweight, tenaga keluaran (rated power) dari mesin induk dan mesin bantu [Kw], EEDI dan ice class1, konsumsi total bahan bakar selama setahun per tipe bahan bakar [mT], metode yang digunakan untuk pengambilan data konsumsi bahan bakar, jarak tempuh dari dermaga ke dermaga/berth to berth, dan durasi waktu [jam] tidak berada di dermaga
Data harus dilaporkan oleh kapal, untuk kemudian diverifikasi oleh Pemerintah atau Organisasi yang diberikan kewenangan oleh Pemerintah
Sebagai bukti bahwa kapal telah mengambil dan melaporkan konsumsi bahan bakarnya, maka Statement of Compliance akan diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah atau Organisasi yang diberikan kewenangan oleh Pemerintah
Statement of Compliance akan berlaku untuk tahun kalender saat ia diterbitkan dan lima bulan pertama dari tahun kalender berikutnya
Data harus diajukan oleh Pemerintah ke IMO, dengan mengikuti format standar pelaporan data yang disepakati
Amandemen terhadap 2012 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Mempertimbangkan keterbatasan waktu pada sesi ke-69 ini, MEPC menyepakati pembentukan intersessional correspondence group untuk pengembangan dari draf amandemen terhadap Resolusi MEPC.213(63), yaitu 2012 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). Amandemen tersebut bertujuan memberikan petunjuk metodologi yang akan dipergunakan dalam pelaporan data sesuai persyaratan MARPOL Annex VI regulasi 22A.1 dan 22A.3, dengan rencana finalisasi pada MEPC 70. Pekerjaan lanjutan terkait pengambilan dan pelaporan data konsumsi bahan bakar di kapal Komite memutuskan untuk membentuk intersessional correspondence group terkait sistem pengambilan data konsumsi bahan bakar di kapal. Selain pekerjaan grup tersebut dalam menyusun draf amandemen SEEMP Guideliness, jika waktu memungkinkan grup diminta untuk mengembangkan:
draf dari guidelines for Administration data verification procedures, sesuai dengan regulasi 22A.7
format pelaporan komunikasi elektronik dan data baku, sesuai dengan regulasi 22A.9
Jika berlaku
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draf dari guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database, termasuk cara agar kapal tetap anonim dan untuk meyakinkan kelengkapan dari database, sesuai dengan regulasi 22A.9, 22A.11 dan 22A.12
draf dari guidelines to address non-party ships submitting data to the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database
E. REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS (AGENDA ITEM 7) Pada Paris Agreement yang diselenggarakan pada 12 Desember 2016 telah menyetujui beberapa hal penting terkait dengan upaya untuk menghadapi perubahan iklim dan langkah langkah nyata untuk memitigasi efek perubahan iklim tersebut. Negara anggota menyetujui adanya kebutuhan mendesak untuk mengurangi pemanasan global dibawah 2°C, dan dalam agreement tersebut juga disetujui bahwa terdapat keharusan berupa komitmen yang nyata untuk dapat mencapai tujuan penurunan efek gas rumah kaca dalam waktu sedekat mungkin. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, Komite menyadari bahwa peranan IMO sangat signifikan dalam upaya untuk memitigasi efek gas rumah kaca dari aktivitas maritime. Dalam hal tersebut, Komite memprioritaskan system pengumpulan data untuk aktivitas kapal terkait efisiensi energy, termasuk penerapan 3 step approach yag sedang dikembangkan oleh IMO yang meliputi: (1) pengumpulan data, (2) analisis, dan (3) pengambilan keputusan. Sehingga, pada MEPC sesi 69 ini Komite menyetujui untuk membentuk Working Group terkait hal tersebut pada MEPC ke 70. F. AMENDMENTS TO MARPOL ANNEX V, FORM OF GARBAGE RECORD BOOK (AGENDA ITEM 8) Kolom tambahan pada Garbage Record Book Beberapa delegasi menyampaikan kepada Komite terkait adanya inkonsistensi antara regulasi dalam MARPOL Annex V dan format dari Buku Catatan Sampah. MARPOL Annex V regulasi 7 memperbolehkan pembuangan sampah untuk alasan keselamatan dari kapal dan pembuangan sampah makanan ketika kapal sedang berjalan. Sebagai tambahan, persyaratan dalam MARPOL Annex V regulasi 4, 5, 6 dan paragraf 2.12 dari 2012 Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V (Resolusi MEPC.219(63)), mensyaratkan sampah makanan dan animal carcasses untuk dicacah atau dipecah-pecah sampai dengan ukuran tertentu sebelum dibuang ke wilayah yang diizinkan. Akan tetapi format dari Buku Catatan Sampah yang ada saat ini belum memiliki kolom pengisian untuk jenis pembuangan diatas. Proposal lainnya adalah membagi catatan menjadi dua bagian yaitu Bagian 1 untuk pencatatan semua sampah selain residu muatan dan Bagian 2 untuk pencatatan residu muatan. Proposal ini secara prinsip disetujui oleh Komite. Komite menyetujui draf amandemen dari MARPOL Annex V terkait klasifikasi dan deklarasi dari muatan curah padat yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan laut (harmful to the marine environment HME), dan draf amandemen Buku Catatan Sampah, dengan rencana adopsi pada MEPC 70. Penanganan sampah elektronik (electronic waste e-waste) Resolusi MEPC.219(63) 2012 Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V tidak Attachment of Technical Information No: O55 - 2016
menyediakan panduan untuk penanganan sampah khusus seperti sampah elektronik yaitu instrument elektronik, perlengkapan, komputer, cartridge dari printer, kartu elektronik, gawai, layar monitor, terkecuali baterei. Komite secara prinsip menyetujui sampah elektronik klasifikasi baru. Akan tetapi terkait definisi dan batasan jumlah perlu disetujui lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu, Komite mengundang delegasi yang berminat untuk mengajukan proposal terkait sampah elektronik pada MEPC 70. G. USE OF ELECTRONIC RECORD BOOKS (AGENDA ITEM 9) Memperhatikan keterbatasan waktu, MEPC 68 sepakat untuk meneruskan pembahasan buku catatan elektronik kepada MEPC 69. Pada sesi ini didiskusikan dokumen terkait buku catatan elektronik, yang didefinisikan sebagai peralatan atau sistem untuk mencatat secara elektronik pembuangan, pemindahan, dan operasi lain sesuai MARPOL. Terkait pembahasan pada MEPC 69, Komite sepakat untuk meneruskannya untuk dikembangkan secara menyeluruh pada PPR 4, yang berisi: - penerapan buku catatan elektronik yang terkait MARPOL - menyusun langkah agar format catatan yang ada dapat memenuhi persyaratan MARPOL - menyusun langkah bagaimana buku catatan elektronik dapat diatur dan diberlakukan H. INADEQUACY OF RECEPTION FACILITIES (AGENDA ITEM 11) Komite pada sesi ke-69 ini menyetujui revisi terhadap buku manual “Port Reception Facilities – How to Do It” dan meminta IMO untuk dapat mempublikasikannya. Beberapa butir penting dalam amandemen manual tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: -
Amendments to chapter 14 have been made to ensure consistency with the
Bahasa yang bernada wajib (mandatory) dirubah menjadi bahasa tidak wajib (non-mandatory), kecuali yang merupakan ketentuan dari regulasi Referensi ke MARPOL Annex III telah dihapus karena tidak ada ketentuan terkait fasilitas penerima/reception facilities dalam MARPOL Annex III Perubahan redaksional untuk menjamin konsistensi dengan bahasa lazim konvensi IMO Semua limbah kotoran/waste sebagai hasil dari operasi kapal dan operasi muatan terkait MARPOL, BWM, dan AFS digolongkan sebagai ‘residu/limbah dari kapal’ / ‘ship-generated wastes/residues’ Teks tambahan pada butir 7.2.1 untuk memberikan penjelasan terkait pra-pencucian (pre-wash) dan pencucian tambahan terkait pemuatan NLS pada MARPOL Annex II Amandemen pada Chapter 14 untuk menjamin konsistensi dengan 2012 Guidelines for the development of a regional reception facilities plan
(resolusi MEPC.221(63))
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I. REPORTS OF OTHER SUB-COMMITTEES (AGENDA ITEM 13) Pengecualian persyaratan survey dan sertifikasi MARPOL bagi kapal tongkang tanpa penggerak sendiri yang tidak berawak / unmanned non-self-propelled (UNSP) barges Komite mendiskusikan draf amandemen MARPOL terkait pembebasan tongkang UNSP dari persyaratan survey dan sertifikasi dan mendiskusikan draf Guidelines for exemption of unmanned nonself-propelled (UNSP) barges from the survey and certification requirements under the MARPOL Convention. Komite menyetujui: - pembebasan yang diberikan dibatasi tidak lebih dari lima tahun - sertifikat pembebasan agar diberikan bagi setiap pembebasan tiap Annex dari MARPOL - terdapat persyaratan untuk pembebasan survey dan sertifikasi MARPOL Annex IV - referensi terhadap MARPOL Annex I regulasi 17.1 terkait buku catatan Oil Record Book agar tetap dipertahankan - draf guidelines tersebut, ketika sudah disetujui Komite, diterbitkansebagai MEPC circular Komite menginstruksikan III 3 untuk memfinalisasikan draf amandemen MARPOL terkait pembebasan survey dan sertifikasi MARPOL (Annex I, IV, VI) dan draf guidelines terkait, dengan memperhatikan keputusan Komite diatas, untuk diajukan pada MEPC 70. J. PROMOTION OF IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF MARPOL AND RELATED INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 14) Interpretasi seragam (Unified Interpretation) untuk memfasilitasi penerapan yang seragam terhadap 2012 Guidelines on implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for sewage treatment plants IACS menginformasikan revisi dari IACS Unified Interpretation (UI) MPC 88 untuk memfasilitasi penerapan yang seragam terkait frase ‘dipasang pada atau sesudah 1 Januari 2016’ / ‘installed on or after 1 January 2016’ pada 2012 Guidelines on implementation of effluent standard and performance test for sewage treatment plants. Komite secara prinsip menyetujui peraturan terkait instalasi pengolah kotoran (sewage treatment plant) untuk wilayah khusus (special area) akan berlaku sejak tanggal diresmikannya wilayah khusus dalam MARPOL Annex IV seperti yang diinterpretasikan IACS UI MPC 88, dan menginstruksikan sekretariat IMO untuk mengembangkan amandemen yang terkait untuk mengikutsertakan klarifikasi seperti termuat pada IACS UI MPC 88, dan menyampaikannya ke MEPC 70. Interpretasi seragam (Unified Interpretation untuk memfasilitasi penerapan yang seragam terhadap Revised Guidelines and Specifications for pollution prevention equipment for machinery space bilges of ships IACS menginformasikan IACS Unified Interpretation (UI) MPC 127 untuk memfasilitasi penerapan yang seragam terkait kalibrasi dari alarm bilga 15 ppm, seperti dipersyaratkan dalam paragraf 4.2.11 dari Resolusi MEPC.107(49), the Revised Guidelines and Specifications for pollution prevention equipment Attachment of Technical Information No: O55 - 2016
for machinery space bilges of ships. Komite secara prinsip menyetujui interpretasi dalam UI MPC 127 terkait akurasi dari alarm bilga 15 ppm dicek melalui kalibrasi dan pengujian yang dilakukan oleh pabrik pembuat, atau orang yang diberikan wewenang oleh pabrik pembuat, pada interval tidak lebih dari lima tahun. Untuk itu Komite menginstruksikan Sekretariat IMO untuk mengembangkan draf amandemen untuk mengikutsertakan klarifikasi seperti termuat pada IACS UI MPC 127, dan menyampaikannya ke MEPC 70. Instrumen stabilitas yang disyaratkan oleh MARPOL Annex I regulasi 28.6 Komite memperhatikan dokumen IACS yang bertujuan mendapatkan klarifikasi dari penerapan ketentuan instrument stabilitas dalam MARPOL Annex I regulasi 28.6 bagi kapal FPSO, FSU dan kapal tongkang tanpa penggerak sendiri yang tidak berawak UNSP. Sehubungan dengan opini yang bervariasi dari beberapa anggota delegasi, keputusan resmi tidak dapat diputuskan dan oleh karena itu, Komite mengundang delegasi dan organisasi internasional yang berminat untuk mengajukan proposal terkait pada sesi MEPC mendatang.
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Technical Information No. : 055 - 2016 25 April 2016 To
: All BKI Customers
: Summary Report on IMO Meeting of Marine Environment Protection Committee 69th Session (MEPC 69)
Summary This Technical Information summarizes the result of 69th Session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 69) that was held from the 18 to 22 April 2016, at the IMO headquarters in London. Information The information provided in this Technical Information is the ones which have high relevance with the work of BKI. Any information or advice provided in this document shall be no responsibility of BKI and BKI shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense cause by its reliance. The following agenda are among those discussed during the meeting : Agenda Number
Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments
Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water
Air pollution and energy efficiency
6 7
Further technical and operational measures for enhancing the energy efficiency of international shipping Reduction of GHG emissions from ships
Amendments to MARPOL Annex V, Form of Garbage Record Book
Use of electronic record books
Inadequacy of reception facilities
Reports of other sub-committees
Promotion of implementation and enforcement of MARPOL and related instruments
The Agenda above are several technical issues discussed during the meeting. A brief coverage among the issues are expressed in the attached document. More info Inquiries concerning the subject of this Technical Information should be directed to: BKI Statutory Division Yos Sudarso 38-40 Jakarta, 14320 Indonesia Phone : +62 21 436 1899, 436 1901, 436 1903, 436 1904 Fax : +62 21 4390 1974 Email :
[email protected]
Classification Director - SIGNED Capt. Iman Satria Utama
___________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer Any information or advice provided in this document shall be no responsibility of BKI and BKI shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense cause by its reliance.
BRIEF INFORMATION ON IMO MEETING OF MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE 69TH SESSION (MEPC 69) A. CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO MANDATORY INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 3) The amendments in this agenda are describes as these following sub chapter and shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 March 2017 and shall enter into force on 1 September 2017 upon their acceptance. MARPOL Annex II, appendix I The Committee adopts the draft amendments to MARPOL Annex II, appendix I, Guidelines for the categorization of noxious liquid substances. The draft amendments related to the revised GESAMP hazard evaluation procedure, together with the associated MEPC resolution (paragraphs 4 and 5 and annex 1). The amendment described as follows: -
Columns A & B Aquatic environment The category of Aquatic Toxicity for B2 ≤0.001 mg/l is added on the rating 4 th and the Biodegradation classification is named with A2.
Columns C & D Human Health (Toxic Effects to Mammals) The additional criteria for Sensitising to skin (Ss) and Sensitising to respiratory system (Sr)
MARPOL Annex IV These following existing ‘Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships’ MARPOL Annex IV has been adopted and amended by the committee: -
The effective date for Baltic Sea Special Area has been adopted and described as follows:
on 1 June 2019 for new passenger ships
on 1 June 2021 for existing passenger ships as required on the regulation
on 1 June 2023 for existing ships en-route directly to or from a port located outside the special area and only to or from a port located east of longitude 28°10’ E within the special area, without making any other port calls within the special area.
The amendment for the definition of passenger ship which defined as a ship which carries more than twelve passenger
The new passenger ship is defined as a ship which building contract is placed, or in absence of a building contract, the keel of which laid, or which is in similar stage of construction, on or after 1 June 2019; or the delivery date is on or after 1 June 2021.
The discharge of sewage from passenger ships within special area shall be prohibited for new passenger ships on a date determined by the Organization pursuant to regulation of the Annex IV,
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but in no event prior to 1 June 2019. Furthermore, for the existing ships no event prior to 1 June 2021. -
The amendment on Appendix of the MARPOL Annex IV regarding the minor changes and editorial improvements to the Form of the International Sewage Pollution Prevention (ISPP) Certificate, and the development of a new form of certificate of type approval for sewage treatment plants, separately.
MARPOL Annex VI The record requirements for operational compliance with NOX Tier III emission control areas has been amanded by the Committee and amended into MARPOL Annex VI, together with the associated MEPC resolution (paragraphs 6 and 7 and annex 2). That record amendment requires the tier and on/off status for marine diesel engine installed on board ship. For the marine diesel engine certified to both Tier II and Tier III or only Tier II; shall be recorded in such logbook as prescribed by the Administration at entry into and exit from an ECA (Emission Control Area). NOX Technical Code 2008 The Committee adopts the draft amendments to the NOX Technical Code 2008 related to the testing of gas-fueled and dual fuel engines, together with the associated MEPC resolution (paragraphs 8 to 10 and annex 3). The amendment covers the uniform definition of the marine diesel engine and further requirements for the gas engine characteristic as well as the testing procedures. In this regard, the marine diesel engine on the ships that constructed after 1 March 2016 is defined as engine fueled with gas or dual fuel. B. HARMFUL AQUATIC ORGANISMS IN BALLAST WATER (AGENDA ITEM 4) BWM status of ratification and convention implementation The International BWM convention requires minimum 30 members of states to ratify the convention as well as to meet the 35%GT of world fleet threshold. The current status, the convention has been ratified by 49 states with having in total 34.79 % GT of the world fleet. Therefore, condition for entry into force needs an additional 0.21 % to meet the requirement of 35% of the world’s gross tonnage. Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) Approvals In total, there are 65 BWM type approved BWMS. Furthermore, the Committee noted the report of GESAMP-BWWG 32 (MEPC 68/2/10) and agreed to grant Basic Approval to: -
AHEAD®-BWMS ballast water management system, proposed by the China in document MEPC 69/INF.2
NiBallastTM Ballast Water Management System, proposed by the China in document MEPC 69/INF.3
Seascape® Ballast Water Management System, proposed by the China in document MEPC 69/INF.4
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YP-BWMS ballast water management system, proposed by the China in document MEPC 69/INF.5 MEPC 69/INF.5
SeaCURE BWMS SC-1500/1 (formerly named SiCURETM Ballast Water Management System) proposed by Germany) in document MEPC 69/INF.13
Van Oord Ballast Water Management System, proposed by Netherland in document MEPC 69/INF.15
EcoGuardian™ Ballast Water Management System, proposed by Republic of Korea in document MEPC 69/INF.31
BlueZone™ Ballast Water Management System, proposed by Republic of Korea in document MEPC 69/INF.32
BWM Convention These following draft amendments of BWM Convention have been approved by the Committee: - Draft amendments to regulation B-3 of the international convention for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments, 2004. The amendment is required until the renewal survey instead of the year as stated before. - Draft MEPC resolution on Determination of the date referred to in regulation B-3, as amended, of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004. This draft amendment explains that the date in paragraph 9 of regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention is the date of the first renewal survey for the ship associated with the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate pursuant to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL), Annex I, after the date of entry into force of the BWM Convention. These following issues regarding the review of Guidelines for approval of BWMS (G8) are agreed by the Committee: a. If the effective operation of a BWMS is restricted in terms of the inlet criteria, therefore it should be should be clearly stated on the Type Approval Certificate. The Type Approval Certificate should be annotated on the front page with the description "Limiting Operational Conditions" and each restricted parameter stated together with the actual effective operational value range and other limiting conditions or circumstances as appropriate." b. The effect of temperature on testing. The amendment of the Guidelines covers the specific range of temperatures that a ship is expected to operate in: 0°C to 40°C. If a BWMS to have a Type Approval Certificate without reference to temperature as a Limiting Operational Condition, the BWMS should be proven to work within this entire range of temperatures. In addition, a BWMS can be proven to work within a range of temperatures may employ, among others, land-based, shipboard or bench-scale testing. c. The applicants for approval of BWMS making use of Active Substances may propose two worst-case concentrations of Relevant Chemicals, one for human health assessment, Attachment of Technical Information No: O55 - 2016
taken from the ballast water tank, and the other for environmental risk assessment, taken from the discharged ballast water d. If BWMS using drinking water should seek approval in accordance with Procedure (G9). C. AIR POLLUTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY (agenda item 5) Amendments to The 2010 Guidelines for Monitoring the Worldwide Average Sulphur Content of Fuel Oils Supplied for Use On Board Ships (Resolution MEPC.192(61)) The draft MEPC resolution on the amendments to the 2010 Guidelines for monitoring the worldwide average sulphur content of fuel oils supplied for use on board ships (resolution MEPC.192(61)) has been adopted by the Committee. The amendments clarify that currently there are 4 (four) providers of sampling and testing services under these Guidelines. In addition, the amendment requires that for the calculation of yearly average, any fuel oils less than 0.05% of sulphur should be calculated as 0.03%. Recommendation on the exemption from Regulations in Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI It is realized that there is the need of uniform application for the exemption from requirements in Chapter 4 MAPROL Annex VI including the requirement of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) on board ship in the case of ship which is not engaged in international voyages. Therefore, the Committee approved the Recommendation on the exemption from requirements in chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI for ships which are not normally engaged on international voyages that in exceptional circumstances required to undertake a single international voyage (such as sale or repair) may be exempted by the Administration from any of the requirements. Those recommendations are described in the MEPC.1/Circ.863. Review of the status of the technological developments for improvement of energy efficiency on the EEDI Regulation The Committee noted the issues regarding the correction factors in EEDI calculation guidelines. The correction factors in EEDI calculation guidelines would closely related to the reduction factor of EEDI in regulation 21 of MARPOL Annex VI. Therefore, the Committee agreed to review of the correction factors for ice class ships, ro-ro cargo ships and ro-ro passenger ships. However, the EEDI data are very few for ro-ro cargo ships and ro-ro passenger ships. Therefore, it need a further review to consider the status of technological development for these ship types and invite for case studies of the reduction rate for EEDI for phase 2 period for these ship types. Development of Calculation method for the EEDI for ships with dual fuel engines in 2014 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships The calculation for determining the EEDI value for dual fuel engine in the 2014 guidelines was discussed and developed. Several considerations are reviewed and planned to be amended into the further Guidelines. The main consideration was: If the ship is equipped with dual fuel main engines, what should be determined at first is whether or not gas fuel is used as the "primary fuel". The criteria of primary fuel define if fDFgas is equal to or larger than 50%, gas fuel is regarded as "primary fuel", or Attachment of Technical Information No: O55 - 2016
otherwise. This consideration will be further discussed and assessed by the IMO. Global 0.50% sulphur cap date of implementation The date of implementation for the limitation of global 0.50% Sulphur on 1 January 2020 or will be postponed, will be decided at MEPC 70 (24 to 28 October 2016). This early decision will help the ship operators and oil refiners to require as much time as possible to prepare for implementation. The oil refining industry will need to take important decisions to ensure that sufficient quantities of compliant fuel will be available. Ship-owners will need to take important decisions about whether to invest in alternative compliance mechanisms such as exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) or the use of low sulphur fuels such as LNG.
D. FURTHER TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL MEASURES FOR ENHANCING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING (AGENDA ITEM 6) Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4 concerning fuel consumption data collection and reporting Since previous sessions of MEPC, the Committee realized the importance of data collection system to analyze energy efficiency, while for this analysis to be effective, fuel consumption and some transport work data needs to be gathered. During MEPC 68, the Committee agreed on the development of a data collection system for ships that follow a three-step approach: data collection, data analysis, followed by decision-making on what further measures, if any, are required. Therefore, during this 69th session, MEPC approved the draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4, with a view to adopt these amendments at MEPC 70. Several highlights to amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4 are as follow:
Application of mandatory data collection is for all ships of 5.000 gross tonnage and above
The fuel consumption reporting period is for a calendar year, means the period from 1 January to 31 December
Ship’s SEEMP is to be revised to include the methodology to collect the data and process that will be used to report the data with reference to upcoming amendments to Resolution MEPC.213(63), the 2012 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). Such revision had to be in place prior to collecting data under regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI is enforced. On the compliance of the SEEMP revision, the ship will be given a document ‘confirmation of compliance’
The set of data to be collected are: IMO number, ship type, gross and net tonnage, deadweight, power output (rated power) of main and auxiliary engines [Kw], EEDI and ice class1, total annual
If applicable
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fuel consumption by fuel type [mT], methods used for collecting fuel consumption data, distance travelled from berth to berth, and hours not at berth Parameter 'distance travelled' should be regarded as distance travelled from berth to berth, while parameter "service hours" should be defined as 'hours not at berth'
The data shall be reported from ships and to be further be verified by the relevant Administration or Organization duly authorized by it
As a proof that a ship had been collecting and reporting its fuel consumption data, a Statement of Compliance will be issued by the Administration or Organization duly authorized by it
The Statement of Compliance will be valid for the calendar year of its issuance and for the first five months of the following calendar year
At the end, data shall be submitted by Administration to IMO, by following the standardized data reporting format
Amendments to the 2012 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Considering the time constraint during this 69th session, MEPC concurs to establish intersessional correspondence group to further develop the draft amendments to Resolution MEPC.213(63), the 2012 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). The amendments are intended to provide guidance on the methodologies and processes that will be used to report the data as required by regulations 22A.1 and 22A.3 of MARPOL Annex VI, with a view to finalization at MEPC 70. Further works concerning the collection and reporting of ship fuel consumption data The Committee decided to establish an intersessional correspondence group on a data collection system for fuel consumption. Apart from drafting amendments to SEEMP Guideliness, if time permits the group is requested to develop: -
draft guidelines for Administration data verification procedures, in accordance with regulation 22A.7
electronic communication and standardized data reporting format, in accordance with regulation 22A.9
draft guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database, including means to keep the ships anonymized and to ensure the completeness of the database, in accordance with regulations 22A.9, 22A.11 and 22A.12
draft guidelines to address non-party ships submitting data to the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database
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E. REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS (AGENDA ITEM 7) Paris Climate Agreement held on 12 December 2015; agreed to common objectives in order to adapt to climate change and mitigate its impact. State parties recognized the urgent need for measures to hold "the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels”. In addition, committed themselves to "aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible" and "to undertake rapid reductions thereafter". Regarding to this issue, the Committee recognized the role of IMO in mitigating the impact of GHG emissions from international shipping. The need for the common understanding that the approval and adoption of the data collection system was the priority as well as its endorsement of the three-step approach consisting of data collection, analysis and decision making. Therefore, it is agreed to establish a working group under this item at the next session MEPC 70, with a view to a depth discussion on how to progress the matter. F. AMENDMENTS TO MARPOL ANNEX V, FORM OF GARBAGE RECORD BOOK (AGENDA ITEM 8) Additional columns in Garbage Record Book Several delegations notified the Committee on the inconsistencies between the regulations of MARPOL Annex V and the form in garbage record book. MARPOL Annex V regulation 7 permits the discharge of garbage for the reason of safety of the ship and the discharge of food waste while the ship is en route. In addition, the requirement in MARPOL Annex V regulations 4, 5 and 6 and paragraph 2.12 of the 2012 Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V (Resolution MEPC.219(63)), requires food wastes and animal carcasses, to be comminuted/ground or split to appropriate sizes before discharging into the designated area. However, the current garbage record book format has no column to indicate the recording of above cases. Another proposal is to expand the record by dividing it into Part 1 for all garbage except cargo residue and Part 2 for cargo residues. The Committee approved them in principle. The Committee agreed to the draft amendments of MARPOL Annex V concerning classification and declaration of solid bulk cargoes as harmful to the marine environment (HME), and the draft amendments to Garbage Record Book, with a view to adoption at MEPC 70. Handling of electronic waste (e-waste) Resolution MEPC.219(63) on 2012 Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V does not provide any guidelines on special waste such as e-waste of electronic equipment, computers, printer cartridges, electronic cards, gadgets, monitors, except for batteries. The Committee approved in principle the new classification of e-waste. However, the definition and limit quantity need to be decided. The Committee invited interested delegates to submit text proposal to the MEPC 70.
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G. USE OF ELECTRONIC RECORD BOOKS (AGENDA ITEM 9) MEPC 68, owing to the time limit, decided to discuss the issue of electronic record books in MEPC 69. In this session, the use of electronic record books, defined as device or system used to electronically record the entries for discharges, transfers and other operations as required under MARPOL Annexes, were discussed. Considering the submissions made to MEPC 69, The Committee decided to forward them to PPR 4 to develop the amendments in whole package, which consists of: - application of electronic record book under MARPOL - consider relation to current format to comply with compulsory provisions under MARPOL - consider how can the introduction and compliance of electronic record format can take place H. INADEQUACY OF RECEPTION FACILITIES (AGENDA ITEM 11) The Committee at this session approved the revision of Manual on “Port Reception Facilities – How to Do It” and request IMO to publish it. The highlights of the amendments are as follow: -
Mandatory language has been changed to non-mandatory, except the provision of regulations
References to MARPOL Annex III had been deleted since no requirement of reception facilities in MARPOL Annex III
Redactional amendments had been made to provide consistency with the language in the IMO conventions
All waste as result of operational and cargo operations related to MARPOL, BWM, and AFS are defined as ‘ship-generated wastes/residues’
Additional text to section 7.2.1 to provide explanation on prewash and additional wash related to carriage of NLS under MARPOL Annex II
Amendments to chapter 14 have been made to ensure consistency with the 2012 Guidelines for the development of a regional reception facilities plan (resolution MEPC.221(63))
I. REPORTS OF OTHER SUB-COMMITTEES (AGENDA ITEM 13) Exemption of unmanned non-self-propelled (UNSP) barges from the MARPOL survey and certification requirements The Committee discussed the draft amendments to MARPOL concerning the exemption of UNSP barges from survey and certification requirements and associated draft Guidelines for exemption of unmanned non-self-propelled (UNSP) barges from the survey and certification requirements under the MARPOL Convention. The Committee decided that: -
any exemption should be limited to no more than five years
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exemption certificates should be provided under individual MARPOL annexes
MARPOL Annex IV should be included in the exemption from survey and certification requirements
the reference to regulation 17.1 of MARPOL Annex I regarding the Oil Record Book should be retained
the draft guidelines, once approved by the Committee, should be issued as an MEPC circular
The Committee instructed III 3 to finalize the draft MARPOL amendments concerning exemption of UNSP barges from MARPOL (Annex I, IV, VI) survey and certification requirements and the associated draft guidelines, taking into account the decisions above, for submission to MEPC 70. J. PROMOTION OF IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF MARPOL AND RELATED INSTRUMENTS (AGENDA ITEM 14) Unified Interpretation to facilitate the uniform implementation of the 2012 Guidelines on implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for sewage treatment plants IACS informed the revised version of IACS Unified Interpretation (UI) MPC 88 to facilitate the uniform implementation of the phrase "installed on or after 1 January 2016" in 2012 Guidelines on implementation of effluent standard and performance test for sewage treatment plants. The Committee approved in principle that the provision for sewage treatment plant for special area will be applicable since the date of establishment of the special area under MARPOL Annex IV as contained in IACS UI MPC 88, and instructed IMO Secretariat to also develop relevant amendments to cover the clarification contained in IACS UI MPC 88 and submit them to MEPC 70 for consideration. Unified Interpretation to facilitate the uniform implementation of the Revised Guidelines and Specifications for pollution prevention equipment for machinery space bilges of ships IACS informed its Unified Interpretation (UI) MPC 127 to facilitate the uniform implementation of calibration of the 15 ppm bilge alarms, as required in paragraph 4.2.11 of Resolution MEPC.107(49), the Revised Guidelines and Specifications for pollution prevention equipment for machinery space bilges of ships. The Committee approved in principle with interpretation in UI MPC 127 that the accuracy of 15 ppm bilge alarms be checked by calibration and testing of the equipment conducted by a manufacturer, or persons authorized by the manufacturer, at intervals not exceeding a maximum of five years. Consequently, the Committee instructed IMO Secretariat to develop draft amendments to cover the clarification contained in IACS UI MPC 127 and submit them to MEPC 70 for consideration.
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Stability instrument as required by regulation 28.6 of MARPOL Annex I The Committee considered IACS document that seeks clarification on the application of the stability instrument provisions in regulation 28.6 of MARPOL Annex I to FPSOs, FSUs and unmanned ships not propelled by mechanical means. Due to mixed opinions expressed by delegates, formal decision had not been made and therefore, the Committee invited interested Member Governments and international organizations to submit a proposal for a new output to a future session of the Committee.
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