Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) Degree in English Language Studies
Rifky Dora Wijayati Student Number: 086332011
This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody’s else ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta: Nama
: Rifky Dora Wijayati
Nomor Mahasiswa
: 086332011
Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: SHARED WRITING STRATEGY IN TEACHING WRITING Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lainnya demi kepentingan akademis tanpa perlua meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.
Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal
: 10 January 2014
In the process of finishing this thesis, many people have given their love, encouragement and support. First, I would like to thank Allah SWT, for His blessings that I can have alot of opportunities to finish this thesis. I would like to give my precious gratitude to my father, H. Abdul Hannan and my beloved mother Hj. Siti Nga’isah who always pray for the best things for me and support me wherever and whenever I need. I am also indebted deeply to my lovely husband, Muhammad Iqbal for having understood and supported my passion and for being a very good listener in every single time. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to F. X. Mukarto, Ph. D, for his patience, supports and willingness to remind me and guide me in finishing this thesis. Thank you for always giving me outstanding advices during my study. My great thanks go to Dr. Bismoko, the inspiring lecturer from whom I got clear understanding about beliefs and dedication as educator. To Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for his motivation to finish this thesis and for being my inspiration in using technology in English language Learning. My gratitude also goes to Dr. Novita Dewi, M, S, who made me aware of the art of reading from different perspectives. I learned to see beautiful art works of literature and different ways to interprete it. Her smiles always inspired me to finish my thesis. My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Concilianus Laos Mbato, M. A., my thesis examiner for his careful correction, criticism, guidance and patience. I thank him for advising me with constructive feedback throughout the revision time. I would like to say thanks to Azwar Abbas, M. Hum, my former head English Departement for his kindness and patience. The principal of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan for his kindness to support me, and allow me to join this program. My gratitude also goes to Mbak Lely who made me keep doing anything on time and supported me to finish this thesis. May God bless all of your kindness.
Rifky Dora Wijayati vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................................... ii THESIS DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE .................................................................... iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................................. iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN ............................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................ vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. vii LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND CODES .............................................................. xii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... xiii ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................................... xiv ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................................
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1 A. Background of the Study ........................................................................................... 1 B. Problem Identification .............................................................................................. 5 C. Problem Delimitation and Limitation ........................................................................ 9 D. Statement of Research Questions .............................................................................. 9 E. Research Goals ........................................................................................................... 10 F. Research Benefits ....................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................... 12 I.
Theoretical Reviews …………………………………………………………... 12 A. Teaching…………………………………………… ...………………….. 12 1. Definition of Teaching…………... …………………………………. 13 2. Understanding of Teaching….. ………......……………………….… 14 B. Roles of Teacher ………………………….…………....………………… 15 C. Writing...….....………………………………………………………..…… 20 1. Definition of Writing ..…………….…………………………..…… 21 vii
2. Product vs Process..………………....…………………………..…… 22 3. Teaching Writing…………………….……………………………… 24 D. Shared Writing Strategy ….……………............………….……………… 25 1. Strategy ……...………………………………………………….…… 25 2. Shared Writing …………………………………….…………….…… 26 E. The Characteristics of Senior High School Students…………….…...…… 29 1. High School Cognitive Development ……………………….….…… 31 2. High School Social Development …………………………..….…… 33 F. English Teaching Writing in Senior High School in Indonesia………...….36 II.
Pre – Understanding Framework …………………………….…………………38
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY …………………………………. 42 A. Research Method ...……………………………………………………………….. 42 B. Narrative............………………………………………………………………….... 43 C. Research Setting ........................ ……………….…………………………………. 45 D. Research Participant ……………….……………………...................…………….. 45 E. Data Collection Technique....……….…...................………………………….……. 47 F. Research Procedures ....……….…...................………….........……………………. 48 G. Technique of Data Analysis ..…...................………………............………………. 50 H. Data organization..………….…...................………………............………………. 51 I . Trustworthiness.....………….…...................………………............………………. 51 1. Transferability.. ……….…...................……..…………............………………. 52 2. Dependability...... ……….…...................……..…………............……….……. 52 3. Confirmability ...... ……….…...................……..…………............……….…… 52 CHAPTER IV: Description and Intepretation ..……………… ………………….. 54 A. Text of Participant .….……………………………………………….……………. 54 1. Before studying at college ……………………………………….……………... 55 2. College years …………………………………………………….……………... 56 3. Beyond college ……………………….………………………….……………... 56 B. The Participant’s Description ............……………………………………………. 62 1. Teacher’s understanding ……………………………………….……………… 62 viii
2. Teacher’s intention and action .....……………………………………………… 67 a. Beginning Shared Writing .....………………………….....……………… 68 b. Shared Writing Activities .....………………………….....……………… 72 c. Shared Writing Post Activities ………......…………….....……………… 75
C. Interpretation of Emerging Themes ...………………………………………………76 1. Teacher’s faith .........................................................................................……… 77 2. Teacher’s patience……………………………………………………………….77 3. Self-motivated teacher ...........……………………...……….............…………... 79 4. Students’ hope ................ ……………………...………...................…………... 80 5. Equity at the school and in the classroom ..……………………………….…... 81 6. Sharing experiences ………………………………………………….………... 82 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS ……………………… …………………………... 84 A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………....…… 84 B. Recommendation………………………………………………………....………... 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………. 88 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………………96 APPENDIX I : Field Notes ...........…………………………………………… ..96 Field Notes 1 …………………………………………………………………. ..97 Field Notes 2 …………………………………………………………….…….100 Field Notes 3 …………………………………………………………………. 104 Field Notes 4 …………………………………………………………………. 108 APPENDIX II : Interview Transcript ....................……………………………111 Interview Transcript 1 …………………………………………..……………. 111 Interview Transcript 2 …………………………………………..……………. 126 Interview Transcript 3 …………………………………………..……………. 135 Interview Transcript 4 …………………………………………..……………. 140 Interview Transcript 5 …………………………………………..……………. 148 Interview Transcript 6 …………………………………………..……………. 155
LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Characteristics of High School Cognitive Development Table 2.2 Characteristics of High School Social Development Table 2.3 Implication for Teacher of High School Students
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 . The stages of Shared Writing Strategy
: Answer
: Action
: Characteristic
: Reason
Comm : Comment Con
: Concrete
: Experience
: Emergent Themes
: Interview
: Intention
: Question
: Reflection
: Roles of Teacher
: Students
SWS : Shared Writing Strategy Tc
: Teaching
: Teaching English
: Teacher
: Understanding
: Writing
Direction of Reading the Codes A.5.Und.Tcr.Int.1: Answer of question number 5, Understanding, Teacher, 1st Interview
ABSTRACT Wijayati, Rifky Dora. 2014. Shared Writing Strategy in Teaching Writing. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program of English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. The trends in teaching writing are moving towards a focus on facilitating students’ creative thinking processes. Therefore, English language teachers must be able to implement a certain strategy in their teaching writing. Shared writing strategy is one of an innovative methods of teaching which allows a teacher to help students organize their ideas in a text. This study aims to investigate the extent to which the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing have impact on students learning motivation and writing skills as well as on the teaching learning process in general. This study also seeks to describe and interpret the implementation of shared writing strategy by the teacher. In order to reach the aims of the study, the research question is What is the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher like? As it is a case study, it focuses on the implementation of shared writing strategy by an English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. The data for this study was drawn through in-depth interviews with an English teacher and classroom observations. The collected data was then analyzed using a qualitative method of analysis to look for patterns and themes for possible categorization. Based on the data analysis, this study has produced a number of findings. First, the result of this study shows several emerging themes such as the teacher’s understanding of the roles of the teacher, teaching writing and shared writing strategy. Second, the teacher utilized her previous understanding of the major themes as a foundation in applying shared writing strategy in teaching writing to the students. Upon using the shared strategy, the teacher was able to instill in the students positive ideas about writing tasks and to boost the students’ motivation in learning to write. Similarly, the strategy also motivated the teacher to invest her patience in seeking to understand the students’ individual characteristic and learning style, and to cope with the challenges and constraints during the teaching of writing. Second, the students who have been taught with the shared writing strategy were capable of not only producing short paragraph writings during the class but also extending their learned knowledge and skill outside the classroom in the form of wall magazines. Of equal importance, they also developed self-confidence as they felt their involvement was being encouraged and appreciated in the process of producing their writings It can be concluded that shared writing strategy has, to some extent, proven to be an effective way to teach writing in the context of high school students. This claim is particularly true in light of the fact that after being treated with such a strategy, the students show growing interest in writing both in and out of the classroom. This study concludes with some recommendations about teaching writing to be considered for further research in the future. Keywords: strategy, shared writing, teaching writing
ABSTRAK Wijayati, Rifky Dora. 2014. Strategi Menulis Bersama dalam Pembelajaran Menulis. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana, Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Kecenderungan dalam pembelajaran menulis saat ini mulai fokus pada proses memfasilitasi berpikir kreatif siswa . Oleh karena itu, guru bahasa Inggris harus mampu menerapkan strategi tertentu dalam pengajaran menulis mereka. Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah Seperti apakah penerapan strategi menulis bersama dalam pembelajaran menulis oleh guru ? Hal ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki sejauh mana penerapan strategi menulis bersama dalam pembelajaran menulis berdampak pada siswa, motivasi belajar dan keterampilan menulis serta pada proses belajar mengajar pada umumnya. Strategi menulis bersama merupakan metode inovatif pengajaran yang memungkinkan guru untuk membantu siswa mengatur ide-ide mereka dalam sebuah teks . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan menginterpretasikan penggunaan strategi tersebut secara tertulis pengajaran untuk siswa SMA . Karena merupakan studi kasus , berfokus pada pelaksanaan strategi menulis bersama oleh guru bahasa Inggris dari SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan . Data untuk penelitian ini diambil melalui wawancara mendalam dengan seorang guru bahasa Inggris dan observasi kelas . Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode kualitatif analisis untuk mencari pola dan tema untuk kemungkinan kategorisasinya. Berdasarkan analisis data, penelitian ini telah menghasilkan sejumlah temuan. Pertama, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tiga tema berkembang utama seperti pemahaman guru dari peran guru , mengajar menulis dan strategi menulis bersama. Kedua, para guru memanfaatkan pemahaman mereka sebelumnya tema utama sebagai dasar dalam menerapkan strategi menulis bersama kepada siswa selama pembelajaran menulis. Setelah menggunakan strategi bersama, para guru mampu menanamkan pada siswa ide-ide positif tentang menulis tugas dan untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar menulis . Demikian pula, strategi ini juga memotivasi para guru untuk meningkatkan kesabaran mereka dalam berusaha untuk memahami siswa karakteristik individu dan gaya belajar, dan untuk mengatasi tantangan dan kendala selama pembelajaran menulis. Kedua, para siswa yang telah diajarkan dengan strategi menulis bersama yang mampu tidak hanya memproduksi tulisan pendek selama kelas, tetapi juga memperluas pengetahuan yang dipelajari dan keterampilan di luar kelas dalam bentuk pembuatan majalah dinding. Sama pentingnya, mereka juga mengembangkan rasa percaya diri karena mereka merasa keterlibatan mereka sedang didorong dan dihargai dalam proses memproduksi tulisantulisan mereka Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi menulis bersama dalam batasan tertentu, terbukti menjadi cara yang efektif untuk pembelajaran menulis bagi siswa SMA. Pernyataan ini berlaku mengingat fakta bahwa setelah diberi perlakuan dengan strategi tersebut, para siswa menunjukkan minat dalam menulis baik dalam dan keluar dari kelas . Penelitian ini diakhiri dengan beberapa rekomendasi tentang pembelajaran menulis untuk dipertimbangkan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut di masa mendatang . Kata kunci : strategi, penulisan bersama, pengajaran menulis
This chapter presents the information related to the issues in teaching writing and the importance of having the study. There are six majors covered, namely(1) background of the study, (2) problem identification, (3) limitation of the study, (4) statement of research question, (5) research goals, and, (6) the benefits of the study.
A. Background of the study Teaching writing to senior high school students is a compulsory action (PP No. 19/ 2005). It is an attempt to meet the graduate competency for language lesson which emphasizes on literacy education. Literacy education is a language education which prepares the students to be able to take part in the modern life (Hammond, 1992: 171). It proposes that language education has to be education of life skill that is an education that gives abilities so that the students are able to survive in globalisation era. One of the English skills offering a good opportunity in globalisation era is writing. In line with the paradigm stated above, Amado (2010) states that writing is an important vehicle that should be taught for self expression and support students’ creative process. Thus, students can use writing for self expression, which is stating ideas, thoughts and feeling from their own experiences and others. The documentation of written experiences could be a source of life for
them to be ready in a competition outhere. Being exposed with a set of writing activities at the school, the students’ creative process of writing will develop automatically so that they can use the skill to support their life as well. Therefore, as a compulsory skill which is taught at senior high school students, teaching writing requires a skillful English teacher. Danielson (2007) asserts that a skillful English teacher is one of the single most important influences on students’ success. During the teaching time, he or she must be able to perform the roles as a teacher in the classroom, such as, by understanding, engaging, motivating the students and facilitating the instructional process. Dealing with the view, that writing skill can take part in globalisation era, the issues of teaching writing have arisen as well. One of the issues was dealt with the implementation of a strategy in teaching writing. There was a story when I was teaching at senior high school in Muntilan region. The story caught my attention and I wrote it down in this thesis. On April 2008, there was a monthly meeting with all the senior high school English teachers around Magelang regency. One of the topics was a discussion about teaching writing. At that time, three English teachers of different private senior high schools shared their experiences of teaching writing in their classes. There were two teachers who were not interested in teaching writing for several reasons. One of the teachers said that during his teaching time for three years, he was hardly able to engage the students in the writing process. According to the teacher, he used to conduct the writing process by giving out the students several topics and ask them to write based on their choice. Then he collected the
students’ work, checked them as well as gave scores to the submitted works. After that he returned them back to the students. He did those actions for many times. Similarly, a female English teacher uttered that she had difficulties in teaching writing. Not only did the students have low English proficiency, but also the teacher had the problem with time constraints. For her, motivating the students who have low English proficiency to write makes the teaching writing process ineffective. As the consequence, the teaching writing process required longer time On the other hand, another teacher from another private school said that she had applied a certain strategy in teaching writing to her students. The strategy was shared writing. This strategy had helped her to motivate, engage the students to the writing process. Besides, shared writing strategy had helped her in improving the teaching writing process. She was also able to make some reflections of her teaching. In this case, she could monitor the students’ writing progress simultaneously. According the teacher, one of the output of shared writing strategy implementation was writing on a wall magazine. Based on the facts above, there is a kind of gap between the teacher who uses a shared writing strategy in teaching writing and those who do not. The use of a shared writing strategy in teaching writing is considered as an important factor to provide an actual life skill to the students. Therefore, it is important to know information about the teacher who have applied shared writing strategy in teaching writing. The information that must be explored would be about her life stories in implementing the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing.
To support this study, there were some related research on the importance of shared writing strategy used by the teachers in teaching process. The first research is conducted by Kieft, Rijlaarsdam and Bergh (2006) . It is aim at investigating the teachers’ performance as facilitator in using shared writing in teaching literature through writing. The participants of the study were the teachers’ who performed the strategy in their class. In the findings, it is shown that students’ literary intepretation skill have improved significantly by the teachers who performed the shared writing strategy during teaching process. Furthermore, an implication of the study showed that the strategy applied is influenced the students in which those who have taught through shared writing strategy are having better writing skill. The second research is conducted by Coursen in 2007 at Panorama island. Her qualitative research focuses on the connection between sharing, writing and motivation in teaching process. It aims at describing the implementation of shared writing strategy as the umbrella of a set of sharing writing activities in developing students’ writing skill. Besides, the research also explores that teachers are able to motivate the students through the sharing writing activities during the teaching process. The findings show that exposing the students with a set of sharing writing activities of shared writing strategy have developed their writing skill. Afterward, the second finding reveals that a collaboration between students teachers through sharing writing activities have encouraged students’ motivation during the teaching writing process.
To sum up, both research illustrate the usefulness of shared writing strategy in teaching process by the teacher. It is noted that the teacher’s role is very essential in implementing the strategy during the teaching process. To be more specific, teaching writing using shared writing strategy can develop students’ writing skill to be used as a provision in their life while during the teaching process, the teacher who uses this strategy would be able to work together with them as well. It can be concluded that a description of teacher who uses shared writing strategy in teaching writing is really interesting to be explored. Related to the field of teaching, this research aims to describe and intepret the the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. The description and interpretation, then, hopefully will have a significant contribution to education scientifically and practically.
B. Problem Identification Teaching writing is an inseparable part of teaching English. Its specialty is producing some handwriting, such as, a short descriptive paragraph, a simple recount paragraph as obvious evidences of the result of the process of teaching writing. Teachers sometime provide limited time to teach writing inside the class because of time constraints. They rarely notice students’ writing progress simultaneously or even they missed great opportunity to see students’ writing talent. Since writing needs more attention towards the process, tricks to teach writing is an essential act to break the old concepts of teaching writing. Acoording to Oczkus (2007), the old concept of teaching writing asks the students to follow a
writing lesson with a predictable pattern. The predictable pattern is when the teacher gives an assignment then instruct the students to write in twenty minutes. Students seem uncomfortable with the strict instruction even unclear direction. They have no idea at all of what they are going to write in a piece of paper. Thus, there were no adequate sources, examples and clues in it. As the consequence, students feel so haunted when they are asked to write and they become low achieving writers. Therefore the use of strategy in teaching writing is consider as an important tool to current time (Hedge, 2000). It is important because it helps the teacher facilitating his/ her students in the teaching process. According to Eacott (2007) a strategy is a set of establishing practices to reach determined expectations. He adds, the determined expectations refer to the purpose of teaching process while the establishing practices refer to the progressive activities which engages the students in teaching process. On the other words, the use of strategy creates an opportunity for the teacher to facilitate the students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real life experiences. In addition Nunan (2003) states the use of the strategy is useful in which writing almost always improves with practice, the more practices done, the better writer will appear. There is a strategy called shared writing. Shared writing strategy facilitates students to model good writing from the teacher (McKenzie, 1985). It provides an opportunity for students and the teacher to work together in writing activities. The shared writing strategy establishes an activity in which students are gathered around an easel and start a discussion about shared experience that they are studying now or ever experienced before. Students can benefit from practice at
writing about the results of their own research, as well as expressing their own feelings and experiences (Wallace, Stariha, Walberg; 2004:9). Shared writing strategy covers three different stages namely, beginning shared writing activities, shared writing activities, and shared writing post activities (Routman, 1994). In each stage, the sharing activities between the teacher and students are required to be done together so that they have big opportunities to share ideas, thoughts, views and feeling during the teaching process. These chances create a deeper understanding between them (Larkin, Flowers, Reid; 2005: 2). In the past, the role of the teacher was the gatekeeper of information. Teachers had access to the information that their students needed. This was an important role 30 years ago when the classroom was the focal point of information dissemination (Johnson & Mc Elroy, 2010). Information was a sparse commodity, and it was the teacher who held the keys to the knowledge kingdom whereas today’s education should be on the personalization and application of relevant knowledge rather than simply filling them with random facts (Johnson & Mc Elroy, 2010). In 21st century, teachers tend to favor particular modes of instruction which suit either the personality of the teacher, or the materials being used, or the expectations of the learners, or the prescriptions of school administrators, or the subject matter being treated, or the preferences of teachers for certain types of classroom process (Appel, 1995). On the contrary, the roles of teacher nowadays has changed. According to Shirley in Cooper (2010: 20) teacher is trusted as someone who has the most precious resource in which he or she is able to face the glorious diversity of the students and the rigors of individual participation in a
democratic society. It is obvious that the teacher then has to meet the needs of current culture in which he or she should prepare their students for the world of today and tomorrow. In line with the views shift above, a teacher who serves as a facilitator should use a certain strategy in teaching process. The teacher as a facilitator requires a change in standard teaching strategy (Neville, 1999: 27) where he/she has to guide and assist students as they take on more responsibilities for their learning. Teacher, moreover, has to focus on the progress of students’ learning experiences by applying a particular strategy. Therefore, in teaching writing, shared writing strategy gives a chance for the teacher and students to communicate each other by several activities which lead to create better understanding. Based on the elaboration above, the teacher has a big challenge in teaching writing using shared writing strategy. He/ she is strived to place themselves as a facilitator, friend, and motivator for the students. Therefore, the importance of sharing idea through shared writing strategy is needed as the implementation of hearing teacher’s voice through his or her experiences when teaching writing. In sum, this research covers the description and interpretation of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. The description of participant stories can be seen as a case. According to Burke (2012) a case tells a story of interrelated elements in particular setting. He adds, the interrelated elements are the holistic entities of the understanding, actions, operations of a case. Therefore,
this study tries to figure out the complex things happen of the use shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher and intepret it.
C. Problem Delimitation and Limitation As mentioned in problem identification, it is important to break the old of concept of teaching writing. From the teaching with a predictable pattern of writing lesson becomes the teaching with a certain strategy. In teaching writing, the teacher presence is considered important in which he/ she is the one who runs the strategy. Therefore, this research would be limited on the area of description of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. As a matter of time and accessibility, the participant is an English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. The participant was recruited because she could understand the principles of her involvement (Larkin, Flowers, Reid; 2005) in this study. Her consent, willingness to express her experiences, opinions and engagement with the students are counted as a supportive contribution in this study. With the limited number of participants, hopefully a deep and focused story of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing will be elaborated comprehensively.
D. Statement of Research Question To reveal the contribution of the teacher in teaching writing using shared writing strategy, then the research question would be “What is the implementation
of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher like?” This question would lead the research thoroughly to find out the answers.
E. Research Goals In relation to the teaching writing using shared writing strategy, the research aims to describe two main goals, namely, (1) describe the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing (2) interpret the emergent themes that appeared during the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing. To achieve the goals, the narrative description will be employed in this study.
F. Research Benefits There are two benefits from this research. For scientific benefit, firstly, this research provides the description and interpretation of the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. The documentation from the description and interpretation of the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing is useful for the professional parties who are concerned with English education, especially in teaching writing using a certain strategy. According to Oates (2000) using a certain strategy in teaching writing means helping the teacher to have a worth teaching. The teacher who implements a strategy in teaching writing in his or her classroom is also hoped to help the students to overcome their writing difficulties. Secondly, this research presents the opportunities for students to be involved and to be heard in their
writing process. For the government and any parties who are concerned in English education, the implementation of shared strategy writing in classroom activities may be valuable for producing more cordially English materials for writing. It is also hoped that this information would be beneficial to the improvement of English language studies in general. For the practical benefit, since teacher is one of the most important factors in student achievement, it would make sense that this research may become valuable for teachers who are concerned with their own professional development and English education. A series of reflective text of teacher’s performance in the class through shared writing strategy would empower them to perform more efficiently and productively in their work. Reflective teacher is someone who provides the meal for the rest of one’s life (Biggs 2003, p. 7). Her participation to this research is also hoped to be consequential experience to her. It is hoped that she will become more autonomous to improve her professional roles, especially as reflective teacher. Through her autonomy, she will become more empowered and able to do self-actualization in her profession so that finally she can make a continuous improvement in her teaching. As a result, it is hoped that the students will learn better.
In this chapter, I attempt to explain the theories, concepts and preunderstanding that underlay this research. This chapter consists of two main major discussions; (1) theoretical review of the theories (2) pre-understanding framework which functions to connect all parts in theoretical reviews.
I. THEORETICAL REVIEWS Theoretical review discusses all theories that support this research. They are interrelated one to another and become the guideline in conducting the research. Therefore, the discussion falls into several foremost points; teaching, teacher, writing, shared writing strategy and senior high school students.
A. Teaching Teaching often be seen from what the teacher does. It usually refer to the process of imparting knowledge and skills from a teacher to a learner. It encompasses the activities of educating or instructing. It is an act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual.
1. Definition of teaching Teaching can be viewed from two different paradigms, the old paradigm of teaching and the new paradigm. The old paradigm focuses on keeping students on the teacher‟s toes (Cox, 2012) in which students are explored with a set of strict instructions. Edwards, (2007) also adds that the old teaching habits consider the teacher as the expert. He or she is a center of knowledge who can make a list of desirable communication behaviors and responsible for the primary communication to the students. On the other hand, the new paradigm of teaching focuses on providing someone with the opportunity to learn, it is opportunistic process (Jackson in Parkay and Stanford, 2010). Kimble and Garmezy in Brown (2000) agree that teaching is also recognized as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding study or something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or to understand. To sum up, teaching is about establishing effective communication relationships between the teacher and students. The effective communication can be showed through the opportunistic process in which the teacher helps students to learn how to do something, such as, giving instruction, guiding study or something, providing with knowledge, and, causing to know or to understand. Since the opportunitic process as the main focus of the new paradigm of teaching, the students turn out to be the focus of the process. Brown (2000) asserts that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, and setting the conditions for learning. It means that the teachers‟ understanding of
how the learners‟ learn will determine teacher‟s philosophy of education, teaching style, approach, methods, and strategy. Based on the elaboration above, nowadays teaching should enable the teacher to help students by providing opportunities of learning to gain knowledge in a set of activities through effective communication.
2. Understanding of teaching Teaching has two inseparable characters; teacher and students. Rodgers and Roth (2006) affirm that the presence of both characters is important during the teaching process. They add that the teacher presence can connect the students to the teaching process in order to have meaningful result. Eisner (2003) affirms that teacher develops his/ her science by using a carefully planned, fine-tuned lesson that reflects an understanding of many different teaching strategies. He states that the teacher is the one who can create a sucessful teaching process for the students. Moreover, Richard and Farrell (2005) highlight that teaching is a complex cognitive activity and focuses on the nature of teachers‟ belief and thinking and how these influence their teaching and learning. Here, the teacher should engage the students splendidly in the whole of teaching process. In line with the understanding of teaching, a teacher views teaching as the work of art and science in which he or she has control to make decisions from both technical and creative side; he or she is the artist. Teacher sculpts the class using certain planning, activities and evaluation. Furthermore, different strategies applied in teaching process are to gain the desired intellectual, social, affective, or
kinesthetic result in order to decide what the best is for the students. To sum up, the teacher who understands about teaching can create a meaningful teaching through well-planned activities for his/ her students.
B. Roles of Teacher In a teaching process, a teacher still plays some important roles. For most people, a teacher is mostly described as a person who teaches students in classroom. Students frequently consider their teacher as the source of knowledge since the teacher is older than them. Nowadays, the teacher does not merely give all knowledge or materials for the students in the classroom, but they are also supposed to become a facilitator or a motivator for their students. According to Harmer (2001: 57), a teacher is no longer the giver of knowledge, the controller, and the authority, but rather a facilitator and a resource for the students to draw on. It means that students become the center of teaching process. The students should be able to develop their competence from teacher‟s help, but develop mostly by their own experiences. In other words, the students should be independent. However, as a facilitator or the resource, the teacher has to be skillful. It is important for teacher to help the students if they face any difficulties in doing an exercise or understanding the materials. Tylee (1999:48) asserts that the teacher, who is a variable in the classroom context, is charged with the function of acting as an intermediary between the variables outside the classroom and the students to assist the students in their learning. Teacher, therefore, have to be able to facilitate students during the process of teaching and learning.
Furthermore, the roles of teacher in teaching learning process in the classroom should be in line with the responsibilities of teacher as an educator. In a teaching process, the act of communication is built by having a set of planning and structuring learning activities as a fundamental to success in teaching and learning. The teacher has to prepare what will be done in the classroom. Therefore, an active teacher should vary his/her teaching strategies, methods, techniques in order to motivate the students in a learning process. It is different from an active teacher; a passive teacher will rely on the same old teaching strategies, methods, techniques day after day. Ideally, the teacher has to have good planning in creating the teaching process including the materials and the teaching strategies, methods, techniques. So, the materials are well prepared. Therefore, according to the Law of the National Education System number 20, 2003, a teacher is included as an educator, whose duties are planning and implementing teaching learning process, assessing or evaluating outcomes, and conducting guidance and trainings. Some experts believe the teacher roles can be seen as follow; a.
A teacher is a `transferor of knowledge' to `facilitator' (Davies & Crowther, 1995);
A teacher is a `transmitter of knowledge' to `coach', `mentor', `manager of the learning' (Brett, 1996),
A teacher is a person who is in charge of the `sage of the stage' to `guide on the side' (Eastment, 1998);
A teacher is an `expert on learning psychology', `technical expert', „motivator‟ (Soo & Ngeow, 1997);
A teacher is
someone in charge of `telling' to someone in charge of
`facilitating learning' (Laurillard, 1995)
A teacher as a „transferor of knowledge‟ to „facilitator‟ (Davies & Crowther, 1995) means, the act known as powerful and all-knowing character in the classroom, teacher is then expected to bridge himself/ herself as a facilitator who helps his/ her students inside the class. He or she is considered as a person who has full responsibility for everything that goes on in the class (Johnson, Delarche, Marshall, Wurr, & Edwards, 1998). As a facilitator, teacher must bring the students into a successful teaching learning process by providing facilities to discover their own ways of learning and to work independently. Furthermore, the teacher should also asses the students, plan the learning, implement the plan, and evaluate the process authentic materials and experiences in the classroom. Those attempts are expected to obtain meaningful learning for the students as well as evocative teaching for the teacher. Teaching process cannot be far from organizing plan, activities and rhyme of the class (Harmer, 2001: 58). A teacher, therefore, has to be able to run his/her role as planner in the classroom. Planning class activities in the class indicates teacher as professional worker, in which he or she will bring the latest ideas to the class. By bringing new ideas and activities in the class, he/she would be able to maximize the teaching process. Being a planner therefore requires more attempts (Throop, 2007). He or she must be able to choose materials and/ or methods, strategies, techniques before the lesson begins. Another example, when students need to work cooperatively with their friends on a project, they need a person who can manage the activities well. In such situation, they also need manage to manage the class well. As stated by Brett (1996), a teacher is a transmitter of
knowledge to coach, mentor, and manager of the learning, in which as a manager the teacher has a role to organize and manage the classroom environment and student behavior in a way that will optimize the teaching process. A well-managed classroom will result in a meaningful teaching process for both students and teacher, in which it has to be carefully established and maintained. A teacher as an educator, therefore, has to maintain his/ her compassion, patience and understanding towards the students in order to guide the students to be better learners. The students need to be guided wisely during the process of learning because they also have need of model to be emulated in the future. A teacher is a person who is in charge of the sage of the stage to guide on the side (Eastment, 1998). Therefore, the teacher‟s role as a person who guides the students into better learning is emergently needed in order to open the awareness on the importance of meaningful learning. As the consequence, the assistance from the teacher with full of erudite deed will help the students learn better and be responsible with their actions. As a teacher that most of the times sees the progress of the students, he or she sometimes finds the students in the state of at the end of one‟s rope, feeling so down and moody (Xianmei, 2011). She highlights that the teacher will work well with the entire students when he or she understands the individual. Besides, the teacher should make the students feel the hope of success as well. Therefore, to overcome what the students feel, one of the teacher‟s roles suggests teacher to carry out his/ her role as a motivator. He or she has to find ways to motivate the students to be back in the circle of a confidence learner. The teacher also has to
figure out on how to give motivation and spirit to his/her students in order to build students‟ confidence (Soo & Ngeow, 1997; Richards, 2005). He or she also needs to improve students‟ confidence and interest in learning and to build a classroom climate that will motivate students. A teacher is supposed not to give a punishment if his/her students make a mistake in answering or doing an exercise. However, the teacher will continue to support and motivate students to correct or repair the mistake. Besides, the teacher must be able to build the character of his/her students through a variety of activities that can enhance students‟ creativity in building self-motivation. He/ she should always be constructive to adopt innovative teaching strategies by placing the students as the center of learning. It means that the extent of the material presented does not depend on the teachers and the curriculum but it depends on the students. To maintain the success of a teaching process in the classroom, the teacher has to empower the students. The act of teacher then tries to take as little control or direction over the lesson as possible and lets the students make decisions about why they want to learn and how they want to learn it (Richards, 2005). Furthermore, as a part of empowering students, a teacher is also someone in charge of `telling' to someone in charge of `facilitating learning' (Laurillard, 1995). Performing constructive advisory would also uphold the quality of meaningful teaching learning activities, reinforcing the students to be better learners and leading the students to actualize their competency in the classroom. As a conclusion, the teacher must perform different roles in different time during the teaching process. He or she has to be able to facilitate the students to a
meaningful teaching process, for instance, planning classroom activities, managing the class with the certain rules and regulation, and guide them side to side with the same ease and care. Those acts result in a teacher as a facilitator and motivator who always encourages the students to improve themselves in any particular activities. A teacher is responsible to help the students in any situation. As a good listener, a teacher should comfort the students with wise words, build their confident, and make sure that there are lots of things to correct their mistakes. These activities are common actions to motivate the students. In addition, the teacher should take a minimum direction over the lesson so that the students will be able to explore various experiences. This would be part of empowering students during a teaching process.
C. Writing As the subject of the research, literature about writing is necessary to be described in this chapter. The discussion covers three areas, such as, definition of writing, product vs process and teaching writing. To incorporate understandable information, a number of theories will be encompassed to the areas described. As one of the productive skills that have to be mastered by the language learners, writing is considered as the most challenging aspects of second language teaching (Hyland, 2003). The challenges appear when the teacher must develop students‟ writing skill through his/ her teaching time.
1. Definition of Writing Writing is a part of productive performance to identify and to value one‟s competency (Hyland, 2003). The productive performance requires physical and mental act (Nunan, 2003). The physical act focuses on some medium to commit the words or ideas on the paper, while mental act hubs on the process of inventing ideas, thinking on how to express the ideas, and organizing them into written expression that will be clear to the reader. Writing is considered as a means of communication as well (Oates, 2000). It is a means to learn about themselves and the world around them, as well as an important means to express themselves. Through writing, communication would be easier to do without time and space boundaries. Whatever the discussion is, writing becomes a vital connection of every discussion in society. As the consequence, English writing skill is required in an effective communication. Although communicating through writing takes practice, ideal routine practices and a simple strategy would be able to improve the writing skills. In writing, certain considerations are important. Suitable strategy in teaching writing is the most important point. How to engage the students in writing activities, reviewing previous work of students thoroughly and giving feedback to their writing would help students to learn as much as possible. Furthermore, most teachers tend to stick on technical matters of teaching writing such as grammar, punctuation, organization, clarity, conformity and coherence. They occasionally fail to remember that students are creative writers and need to be heard (Cummings in Hyland, 2003: 31). In fact, students‟ idea, thoughts and
opinion could not be blocked with the technical matters. Those technical matters might help students to be skillful writers but it is also significant for teacher to accommodate several perspectives from students, assist students practice, and build beliefs on how students learn to write and conceptualize the teaching in the classroom. Here, the power of sharing between teacher and students is the upmost aspect to consider in order getting better teaching learning atmosphere.
2. Product vs Process Two of the most commonly used approaches to teaching writing are the product approach and the process approach (Murray, 1972). The product approach is a traditional approach, in which students are encouraged to mimic a model text, which is usually presented and analyzed at an early stage. It is also focus on what students write. According to Johns (1987) product approach emphasizes on mechanical aspects of writing, such as focusing on grammatical and syntactical structures. He adds that this approach is primarily concerned with the correctness and form of the final product of written expression. In relation to the teaching writing, White (1988) states that teaching writing was language focused in which it is used to reinforce the spoken form. Furthermore, related to the teaching writing, product approach tends to focus on the forms of the written products that students compose (White, 1988). The writing exercises applied in this approach frequently deal with the sentence writing and paragraph organization. The writing exercises applied in this approach typically deal with the sentence writing and paragraph organization. Here, the students are often given a framework which
illustrates a pattern of rhetorical organization, then, they are asked to fit the ideas into this framework. Thus, the teacher controls both the content and the form which the students are dealt with. It can be concluded that product approach puts the correctness in teaching writing to the students. On the contrary, process approach to writing tend to focus more on the varied classroom activities which promote the development of language use, such as,
brainstorming, group discussion, re-writing. That is supported by White
(1988) who affirms that language teaching should be concerned with the language learner want to say. Here, the students concentrate on conveying message through a creative expression. The process approach also concerns with the process of how ideas are developed and formulated by students (Hyland, 2003). It enables the students to be involved in entire writing process. This approach focuses on how clearly and efficiently the students can express and organize their ideas, not on correctness of form. Moreover, there is no such targeted activities that students should meet in this approach. There is only an assumption that what the students are going to say will become clearer through this process. During the process approach applied, students are also taught writing devices used in marking the organization and in making the general coherence clearer. From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that process approach in teaching writing is able to facilitate the students to learn better and help the teacher to work together with the students. Summarizing about the theories generated by the experts above, writing must be taught through both approaches to the students. It is clear that the teacher
who teaches writing should focus on the process approach which deals with the organization of the writing at first, then followed by the product approach in which focuses on the grammatical matters.
3. Teaching Writing In the previous discussion, it is stated that process takes an utmost point in developing students‟ writing skill. Writing cannot be done perfectly without having mistakes through the process. Famous writers should also pass a writing process before they are able to publish their work. Making drafts, writing the content, revising the content and finalizing the result of writing surely take long time. Second language writing then should be taught continually with patience in a long period. There is no exact time whether the teaching writing would stop after few years or it must be continued in the next few years. Regarded as a process, teaching writing requires lots exercises and practices to get a result. The students who learn to write need time to adjust themselves to get into the writing. On the other hand, a teacher who is responsible to the teaching learning process has to be able to give a chance to the students to develop their writing skill. Teaching second language writing in Indonesia mostly occurs in secondary schools level; junior high school and senior high school. That is supported by the recent studies that have conducted in different school levels. First, a research of teaching and learning writing using teacher‟s written feedback and conference on the 8th grade of SMPN 1 Prambanan, Sleman which is conducted by Irawati and Maharani on 2012. Secondly, Basyirudin, Maharani and Dantes (2013) carry out
a research entitled the investigation of the teaching writing at the 10th grade of senior high school 1 Aikmel in East Lombok. From the related research above, it is obvious that the second language writing are important to be taught in Indonesia. Before writing, students learn a lot through the process of reading and listening. The complexity level of writing in second language is totally different from writing in the first language. According to Silva in Hyland (2003), writing in second language tends to be tenser, more difficult, and less effective than writing in the first language. Every student has a different proficiency level in requiring a second language whereas students‟ proficiency will affect the process of writing. The better second language proficiency they have, the better writing performance would be resulted. As a consequence, teacher as the central part in teaching learning process must develop a set of steps to assist students in second language writing. Teacher, therefore, has to facilitate the students through a variety of interactions in writing and writing instruction as well.
D. Shared Writing Strategy One of strategies offered in teaching writing is shared writing strategy. Shared writing is a powerful teaching strategy, this strategy explains how to use shared writing to teach students in effective way. 1. Strategy The term strategy is frequently used by the educators, practitioners and language pedagogy as the way of teaching. Strategy in common can be defined as
various important parameters of the language teaching process or general approaches to instruction that apply in a variety of content areas and are used to meet a range of learning objectives (Eggen and Kauchak, 2012). Strategy also opens a priority to a student-centered teaching process and an engagement for both teacher and students as well. Therefore, strategy in teaching learning process considers important components to attain meaningful and effective teaching. According to Schwandt (1997), strategy in teaching should evolve as the study proceeds with the flexible option of allowing for and anticipating changes in procedures. In relation, English teaching calls for distinctive strategy to focus on students‟ learning process. Dealing with teaching writing, the use of strategy is believed to result a gradually developing text from the series of composing process (Hedge, 2000) A strategy use also opens a priority to a student-centered teaching process and an engagement for both teacher and students as well. Therefore, strategy in teaching process considers important components to attain meaningful and effective teaching. According to Schwandt (1997), strategy in teaching should evolve as the study proceeds with the flexible option of allowing for and anticipating changes in procedures. In relation, English teaching calls for distinctive strategy to focus on students‟ learning process. 2. Shared Writing Shared writing strategy offers an opportunity that allows the teacher to model good writing for his/her students (Booth & Swartz, 2004). Shared writing is a joint writing strategy in which both tutor and learners contribute to the plan, the
ideas, and the language of the text they construct together (Tertiary Education Commission, 2009). The teacher begins the teaching writing by gathering the students around an easel and starts a discussion about a shared experience, for instance, a topic they all are studying or know about. Afterward, the teacher then elicits information and leads a discussion based on the topic they have decided before. During the discussion, the students share their ideas while the teacher records them on a chart paper in paragraph form. The illustration below is the sequence of shared writing and I also put a short description on it. Figure. 2.1 The stages of Shared Writing Strategy (Routman, 1994: 86; Tertiary Education Commission, 2009). Shared Writing Strategy
Beginning Shared Writing Activities
Shared Writing Whilst Activities
Shared Writing Post Activities
The illustration above shares the idea of the activities using shared writing strategy. Both teacher and students have to play their roles in teaching learning process. The implementation of shared writing strategy raises mutual understanding, positive interaction between teacher and students. The voice of the students is acknowledged as an attempt to put them equally in a meaningful teaching learning process. According to Routman (1994: 87), shared writing is a cooperative instructional activity in which the teacher serves as the scribe. The students contribute their ideas and the teacher negotiates the text. She proposes some recognition for shared writing; a.
Reinforces and supports writing
Makes it possible for all students to participate
Encourages close examination of texts, words, and options of authors
Demonstrates the conventions of writing-spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Focuses on composing and leaves transcribing to the teacher Shared writing strategy provides student-centered activities. Teacher
facilitates the students during the process of writing. Students are able to learn simultaneously through the process without being ordered strictly. Graves (1994:95) adds that students need this kind of instruction to focus on the lesson. Moreover, shared writing requires students‟ participations in all activities. The teacher might facilitate the process with the lesson plan, interesting activities and valuable feedback to the students.
Next, shared writing strategy also encourages close examination of texts, words and options of authors (Routman, 2005: 58). This means that a writing process is a shared experience and it makes an experience visible. During the process of shared writing, teacher also models a certain text to the students. It is done continuously to demonstrate the conventions of writing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar through the process of writing. At last, students may focus on the composing while the teacher helps to do the revision. To sum up, shared writing strategy is a specific method of writing in which teacher models the thought of process to achieve a particular result and allows students to engage in and focus on the process. The teacher, acting as a scribe, frees students from that aspect of the writing process so that they can focus exclusively on the thinking involved in writing. Furthermore, shared writing is considered as a powerful method to teach directly the key skills and concepts needed in a writing process. The power of sharing between students and teacher is tied during the process of shared writing.
E. The Characteristics of Senior High School Students High school students are qualitatively known as early adult learners (Pennington, 2009). They start to know what they want to do and what they are going to be in the future. They also generally demonstrate full, adult and abstract reasoning because previously they have experienced challenges during early period in junior high level. Most high school students have achieved the formal operational stage, as described by Piaget in Pribilova (2008) that in this age,
students become more concerned with the hypothetical, future and ideological problems, means, they are also able to think abstractly and need fewer concrete examples to understand complex thought patterns. In Indonesia, high school students are mostly called as teenagers in which they are between age fifteen and nineteen. They grow physically and develop cognitively during the school days. Their views also develop faster by having social interaction with surrounding society. In teaching learning area, high school students tend to be very skeptic. According to Clark & Starr (1991: 27), that because high school youths entering the formal operation stage of cognitive development may be inclined to be unrealistic, teachers should quiz them about their facts and ask them to back up their theories, hypotheses, and solutions to society‟s problems. Means, they are eager to learn, full of curiosity, energetic, sociable and ready to be a problem solver. In line with Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian Qualification Framework) as cited in Nuh (2010), the level of senior high school students are expected to (1) accomplish a specific task by employing tools, information and standard procedure in order to perform their measurable qualities under supervision, means they are required to draw a close of any tasks given with teacher‟s control (2) have basic competency and factual knowledge in performing their task which can be deduced that high school students need to be fulfilled with authentic tasks in order to have actual basic competencies after they finish their study, (3) responsible on their own tasks and reliable in advising others, means, they have to be conscientious to waht they are doing and able to share with their friends.
Furthermore, the teaching learning process cannot be separated from the teacher‟s presence. Teacher need to be familiar with the students as well. To be au fait with the students, the teacher can teach an old dog new trick by understanding the cognitive and social characteristics of them. It is hoped that he/she would be able to use the right instructional strategies to maximize the learning advantages and address the learning challenges of high school students which can make all the difference in their success. In relation, Pennington (2009) identifies two essentials high school students‟ characteristics namely, cognitive development and social development.
1. High School Cognitive Development In cognitive development, there are five characteristics of high school students. First, high school students as conscious learners generally seek for answers. They mostly curious on what would they do and what they have done during the teaching learning process. Thus, they are able to retain instructions, to visualize learning purpose and organize behavior for effective use. Therefore, their curiosity might be the acceleration of developing cognitive structures (Heckhausen and Farrugia, 2003). According to Pennington (2009), it is customarily known as the need of understanding the purpose and the relevance of instructional activities. Secondly, high school students like to be motivated and challenged. By having competition during the teaching learning process, they are capable to compete with their friends and prospectively prompted to do the best things in
different situation. According to Warren and Cantu (2003) competition rises the qualities of achievement, success, outstanding performance, drive, ambition and motivation. They will internally and externally motivated with different challenges. The more challenges given, the more students would be interested in teaching learning process. Conversely, competition sometimes emerge unsecure feeling towards high school students. Some educators believe that any competition that causes students left behind and even temporarily do not belong in class (Rimm, 1995: 127). Students who have cognitive barriers may pull out themselves far away from the competition. As the result, they lack of confidence because of cognitive barriers. Therefore, sometimes high school students may have “shut down” in certain cognitive areas and will need to learn how to learn and overcome barriers to learning. After they fell down from the competition, the desire of learning would disappear for few moments. However, they are provided with the ability to choose and typically they would be back to catch up what they have left before. Afterward, high school students also like to show their independence, want to establish immediate and long-term personal goals and want to assume individual responsibility for learning and progress toward goals (Wiggins, 1958; 37 Pennington, 2009). Although they ever fail, new adult world impose them to adjust and discover them in. To abridge, high school students have been able to let themselves grow cognitively, think abstractly and wrap up things with their own ability. Therefore, teachers can let their students to find out what the facts are, throw facts at them,
face them with any incongruities in their positions, and face the facts and consider the various sides of issues. It occurs because senior high school students are able to think creatively and originally. Elements of this type of thinking may include an increased ability to think in hypothetical ways about abstract ideas, the ability to generate and test hypotheses systematically, the ability to think and plan about the future, and meta-cognition Table 2.1 Characteristics of High School Cognitive Development (Pennington, 2009) Cognitive Development 1. Need to understand the purpose and relevance of instructional activities. 1. Internally and externally motivated. 2. Have self-imposed cognitive barriers due to years of academic failure and lack self-confidence 3. May have “shut down” in certain cognitive areas and will need to learn how to learn and overcome these barriers to learning. 4. Want to establish immediate and long-term personal goals. 5. Want to assume individual responsibility for learning and progress toward goals.
2. High School Social Development The second characteristic is the growth of social development of high school students. In this phase, they will begin to form many different types of relationships, and many of their relationships will become more deeply involved and more emotionally intimate. During children's younger years, their social sphere included their family, a few friends, a couple teachers, and perhaps a coach or other adult mentor. But during this time, teens' social networks greatly expand to include many more people, and many different types of relationships. As a
result, high school social development involves a dramatic change in the quantity and quality of social relationships. Afterward, they are trying to adjust and discover themselves is a world of diversity of values, tensions and problems, and unexpected challenges (Wiggins, 1958: 42). They are experimenting with adultlike relationships. They are also look for opportunities to be adult-like and to be trusted by others. They want privileges of adulthood without being willing to take the reciprocal responsibilities. As this concern, Pennington (2009) clarifies four characteristics of high school social development as follow; Table 2. 2. Characteristics of High School Cognitive Development (Pennington, 2009) Social Development 1. Interested in co-educational activities. 2. Want adults to assume a chiefly support role in their education. 3. Developing community consciousness. 4. Need opportunities for self-expression. In the first point, it is stated that high school students are interested in coeducational activities. A co-educational activity creates a feeling comradeship in which during the process of teaching learning advocates students equally. There is no differentiation between male and female students; both have the same opportunities, chance and status in the class. They also have a tendency to explore various possibilities and are able to establish a clear sense of identity and selfawareness (Erikson, 1997). As the result, teenagers who always try to communicate with different communities, they apt to be treated as the same as the other person in that group.
The teacher, therefore, have to be able to create various activities, friendly atmosphere and allow the students to express their views openly and assertively in the class, so that the teaching learning process is more interesting and challenging. Secondly, high school students mostly want adults to assume a chiefly support role in their education. During school days, high school students using their new thinking abilities in which adult plays role to support whatever the processes are. By the time, they quest for identity shifts from relying on others to self-reliance (Parkay and Stanford, 2010: 76). In this stage, as stated by Pennington, high school students would also develop their community consciousness as well. They experience themselves in a peer group, with a school or with a cause to test their sense of fidelity. Moreover, by testing themselves into different causes, they would be able to strengthen their confident at the end of the process. At last, high school students which mostly known negatively as wild, rude, irresponsible (Scale, 2001) need opportunities for self-expression (Pennington, 2002). Their array of interests, talents and goals in life call for teacher‟s understanding in order to achieve independence. To go over the main points, since high school students have their own distinctive characteristics, they need a great deal of assistance in making choices for themselves in this important phase of decision making immediately affecting their adult living. Opportunities of sharing and interaction between teacher and students would provide students a large room to develop themselves in achieving their independence in teaching learning process.
Considering those developments, there are some implications for teacher of high school students Table. 2. 3 Cognitive Development Social Development Teacher should………… Teacher should………… Without giving up more concrete Be acutely aware of social instructional tools such as charts, pressures and anxieties among illustrations, graphs, and students diagrams, move students toward Actively encourage non-violent higher-order thinking whenever conflict resolution possible by encouraging them to Attempt to ease anxiety about the explain how they solve problems future by offering assistance Create projects that enable about career choices and options students to experience the tasks for higher education and dilemmas of professionals in Recognize that students may be the disciplines your subject area reluctant to risk their self esteem represents and egos when asked to try a new skill in front of peers Develop, support and enforce policies against gender-related harassment
Retrieved from:, accessed 7/10/2010)
F. English teaching writing in Senior High School in Indonesia In Indonesia, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan or Kemendikbud) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama or Kemenag) are responsible to run the educational system in Indonesia. All citizens must undertake nine years of compulsory education which consists of six years at elementary level and three years at secondary level. Islamic schools are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Moreover, the English teaching becomes their concern in managing the education program in Indonesia.
For many years, Indonesia through the ministries treats English as a foreign language. The Indonesian government through Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2003) stated that English teaching is hoped to help the students to know themselves, their cultures and other people‟s cultures. Knowing themselves means knowing the role of English in their life and enhancing their competency in English mastery. The English mastery, therefore, can be maintained from formal education that is given in junior and high school level. In each level, English has different uses. Basically, English is introduced to familiarize that English might be useful in communication around the world. To summarize, understanding what people say, getting the ideas from the written text, responding to both oral and written forms with standard English become the main reasons of the English teaching in Indonesia. In senior high school level, English is a compulsory subject to be taught in every grade. It is a must since the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan or Kemendikbud) has put it into the educational system. The aim of putting English as a required subject is none other than the importance of English position as lingua franca. Therefore, skills in English have to be mastered in order to get involved in the society. Particularly, the productive skills, speaking and writing, mostly focus on writing as a tool to communicate better in the world. In line with the goal that stated in KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) in which “develop written and spoken communicative competence in order to achieve functional literacy and
informational literacy for high school students”, English teaching, consequently, has to be carefully planned. To be specific, government has put the effort of placing English as one of main subjects to be learned at high school. It also proves that the English teaching in Indonesia supports the intellectual development of the students. For instance, through writing, students would be able to share ideas to the world freely. As a result, English teaching in high school must be carefully and thoroughly prepared from the beginning to the end by the English teacher and must be fully supported by the government as well.
II. PRE-UNDERSTANDING FRAMEWORK This part presents the framework used in this study. It connects and covers the related theories which lead to the pre-understanding of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. This part also states the answer to the research question that is determined tentatively. Reviewing the theories above, teacher has essential roles in teaching writing to high school students. Writing which is considered as the most difficult English skill, is able to be acquired through an appropriate teaching strategy. Implementing an appropriate strategy, the possibility to work together with the students is highly possible so that a meaningful teaching learning process can be achieved by both teacher and students. Moreover, the implementation of shared writing strategy may become the bridge between the teacher and students to succeed in writing.
Shared writing strategy opens a wide range opportunity for both teacher and students. It accommodates teacher to apply his or her roles in the teaching learning activities. He or she has to be able to show the professional side of a teacher to create a meaningful lesson for the students. Therefore, to meet the successful teaching learning process, an effective teacher is necessarily needed. The teacher who teach writing must show enthusiasm, willingness, patience and understanding to the students. However, having those characteristics is not enough to be an effective teacher because pedagogical content knowledge is also significant to complete the action of an effective teacher. To sum up, an effective teacher displays a wide range of skills and abilities that lead in creating a learning environment where all students feel comfortable and are sure that they can succeed both academically and personally. On the other hand, students, particularly senior high school students have certain characteristics. They are cognitively and socially developed by their surroundings. Cognitively, they have immense abilities. For instance, grasping abstract description, doing critical thinking, love challenges, determining goals of life, and working with peers and adult. However, socially, they are still in the stage of early adult life. Most of them love to deal with adult matters and want to be regarded equally with adult as well. In addition, hearing what they are saying, understanding their ideas, providing lots of chances to involve them in a teaching learning process, and caring them patiently would give benefits for both teacher and the students. It is also a part of applying teachers‟ roles that is teacher has to
promote an atmosphere of respect and to engage the students into good communication. In line with the teaching writing, shared writing strategy is a suitable umbrella to bridge the teacher and students‟ difficulties in teaching learning activities. Shared writing strategy also occupies the roles of teacher and abridges the high school students‟ characteristics. The implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing to high school students becomes a new phenomenon in particular setting in Indonesia. Moreover, the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher would be best portrayed in this study to get a thick description on it. In this study, I capture the phenomenon as a case where the main interest is only in understanding the individual experiences and portray it into a thick description. A case refers to a bounded system of elucidation or interpretation of individual or people toward the phenomenon (Burke and Christensen, 2012). It is reflected on my participant‟s concrete experiences and their reflection toward the experiences. The concrete experiences, means the experiences that done throughout intention and actions, however, reflection is the understanding toward the concrete experiences. For that reason, the implementation of shared writing in teaching writing by the teacher is interpreted as what the teaching writing using shared writing strategy means to teacher. It denotes teacher‟s response towards the teaching writing using shared writing strategy and teaching writing to high school students which are reflected on teacher‟s understanding and actions.
Teacher‟s understanding is identified as the expression of values and feelings through teaching writing. Operationally, teacher‟s understanding is recognized in the roles of teacher in teaching process, the understanding of students‟ characteristics and the description and meaning of concrete experiences during the process of teaching writing using shared writing strategy. Moreover, action is the actual deed that someone does that is intentional to reach certain goals. Action, thus, is a set of a real well-planned act that is sketched carefully. In this study, the actions of teacher towards the teaching writing are identified through the implementation of shared writing strategy in his or her class intentionally in order to meet certain goal(s), such as, a meaningful teaching learning process. In addition, the implementation of shared writing in teaching writing by the teacher will lead teacher to be more autonomous as an individual, and to be able to empower him or her and the students along with the ability to selfactualize towards certain phenomena. For the researcher and the audience, this study is intended to develop emphatic understanding, empowerment and selfactualization as well, particularly towards the teaching writing to high school students.
This chapter discusses the methodology and the procedures will be employed in this research. It is vital to the study because it elaborates the appropriate steps of how to answer the research questions systematically. The elaboration covers five primary sections, namely (1) research method, (2) research design, (4) research setting and participant, (4) research procedures, and (5) data analysis and interpretation.
A. Research Method This research belongs to case study which relies on providing a detailed account and analysis of one or more cases (Johnson and Christensen, 2012: 395). The detailed account and analysis of the case will deal with nonnumerical data such as words and pictures. As the branch of qualitative research methods, case study leans on a certain topic or phenomenon which one’s want to discover or learn more about it (Johnson and Christensen, 2012). It indicates that we are going to try to find out what complex things go on in a certain topic or phenomenon. Therefore, this research tries to describe the phenomenon of the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher and intepret the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. Since this is a case study research, the purpose is to illuminate the specific, to identify phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation. 42
In the human sphere this normally translates into gathering deep information and perceptions through inductive, qualitative methods such as interviews, discussions and participant observation, and representing it from the perspective of the research participant. Case study is concerned with the study of a bounded system of distinctive experiences (Moustakas, 1994; Patton, 2002). It focuses on interviewing and gaining understanding of the meaning of the participant’s experiences (Van Manen, 2001). It is also qualitative since the knowledge focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live (Atkinson, 2001). For the researcher, qualitative research is a sunshade to explore the behavior, perspectives, feelings and experiences of people and what lies at the core of their lies, specifically to understand the social reality of individuals, group and cultures.
B. Narrative The problem of the study suggests that this research is a case study with a specific focus on the stories told by individuals or narrative. Narrative performs as well as increases the use of qualitative methods (Atkinson and Delamont, 2006). However, similar elements of narratives appear across most definitions summarized by Kohler Riessman (2008:3): “... a speaker connects events into a sequence that is consequential for later action and for the meanings that the speaker wants listeners to take away from the story. Events perceived by the speaker as important are selected, organized, connected, and evaluated as meaningful for a particular audience”
In short, there is a speaker and an audience and between these actors a sequence of events are communicated which create some kind of shared (even if perceived differently) space in which meaning emerges. In this case, I use narrative to present the teacher’s story. Here, the I also agree with Atkinson and Delamont (2006:xxi) Narratives are produced and performed in accordance with socially shared conventions, they are embedded in social encounters, they are part and parcel of everyday work; they are amongst the ways in which social organizations and institutions are constituted; they are productive of individual and collective identities; they express authority and expertise; they display rhetorical and other aesthetic skills. From the definition of narrative above, it should be clear that narrative is an ideal methodologyy for studying a case study. As Squire (2008: 55) puts it: “stories operate within interpretive communities of speakers and hearers that are political as well as cultural actors. They build collective identities than can lead, albeit slowly and discontinuously, to cultural shifts” In this way narratives are well situated to study a case study which are interpretative and in some way storied. The researcher also draws on Jerome Bruner's constructivist to narrative which holds that “the ways of telling and the ways of conceptualizing that go with them become so habitual that they finally become recipes for structuring experience itself, for laying down routes into memory, for not only guiding the life narrative up to the present but directing it into the future” (1977: p. 114).
C. Research Setting In order to answer the research question, I would like to conduct a study in one of private high schools in Muntilan. The school was founded in 1840 and since then it has developed fast. Today, the school becomes one of favorite schools in Muntilan. Muntilan is known as the closest area to Borobudur Temple in which domestic dan foreign visitors usually come to the temple to enjoy the beautiful sceneries of the world heritage and its surrounding. As one of the closest schools to Borobudur Temple, the school realizes that they have to provide a different program for the students beside the compulsory subjects that have been determined by the government. Therefore, English for Tourism becomes one of alternative programs offered by the school. As a result, the school system provides opportunities for students to develop both their study and talents without any boundaries. SMA Muhammadiyah I, Muntilan is located at Jalan Tentara Pelajar no. 17 Muntilan. SMA Muhammadiyah I is a senior high school that applies KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) and PBKL (Pendidikan Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal) as its curriculum. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is employed because it a standard curriculum for every school in Indonesia. Moreover, PBKL is applied in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan to fulfill and develop the students’ talent based on local richness. D. Research Participant An English teacher assuredly becomes the participant and sources of the text. She teaches at the first grade of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. The
number of participants is restricted in order to go deeper in finding the meaning or lived-experience in teaching writing using shared writing strategy to high school students. The participant is hoped to provide complete and various data needed in the research. The participant of this study is Mrs. N. She is one of English teachers in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. She was born in Magelang and lives there as well. Her educational background is really amazing. She graduates from Universitas Tidar Magelang with an excellent predicate. She has been teaching English since 2001. It was when she was taking undergraduate study. English is her most favorite subject when she was in Junior and Senior High School. She chose English as her major in university because she likes it. During her study, she taught as a private tutor for two years in different places. Sometimes, she had to teach at three different places in a day. She was inspired by her lecturer, which always motivated his students to learn more outside his class. One of his advices was teaching English as a part time teacher in order to develop teaching ability. After she graduated from Universitas Tidar Magelang in 2003, she worked at an elementary school and junior high school at the same time for two years. In 2006, her friend informed her that there was a job vacancy at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. She then applied for the position and she was accepted as an English teacher. As a result, in 2006, she taught at three different places. It was alright in the first three months, but she then chose to resign from the elementary school and focus on her job in junior high school and senior high school in January 2007. When I asked her to be my participant, she said that she was still an amateur
English teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan and needed more time to adapt with the students. From her experience, she would like to share her thought, ideas and passion in teaching English especially in teaching writing.
E. Data Collection Technique For the process of the research, to attain comprehensible description of phenomenon, in-depth interviews, classroom observations, re-interviews, and document checks will be done. The interviews are the main data resources that are used to describe and interpret the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher. The in-depth interviews are conducted continuously and are audio-taped. During the interviews, the researcher takes notes in the event that recording equipment fails. To conduct the interviews, the researcher uses an interview guide based on the thematic interaction concerning the use of shared writing in teaching writing by the teacher. To complete the data, I also use document checks. The documents needed are the lesson plans of the participants. These documents are essential to know whether the teacher actions in the classroom are in accordance with the lesson plans. Furthermore, classroom observations are conducted. These observations are targeted at discovering information on whether the teacher actions in the classroom are in accordance with the teacher statements in the interviews. After conducting classroom observations, the researcher describes the observation data and uses the data to construct a set of interview questions that will be used for conducting the re-interviews. The re-interviews are used to figure out the teacher
reasons of her actions in the classroom. The re-interviews are also used to complete necessary data which is not available in the in-depth interviews. The nature of data in this research is text. The text presented is a narrative in which obtained from in-depth interviews, re-interviews, observation. The data is obtained from a sequence of teacher stories, her teaching practices, and observation of classroom situation The sources of text are (1) one teacher as the participant of the research, (2) recorded in depth-interviews, (3) classroom actions of the participants, (4) reinterviews, and (5) document checks. In brief, the interviews, re-interviews, observations, and document checks are sources of data.
F. Research Procedures Firstly, the researcher made an appointment with the headmaster of SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. Mr. S, as the headmaster was very welcome. The researcher and Mr. S discussed the procedures of conducting the research in the school and time to implement the research. For the implementation, he offered the researcher to start the research before fasting month and then continued the research a week after Idul Fitri 1432 Hijriyah. After that, he asked the researcher to meet directly the English teacher and to discuss about the research with her. Secondly, I met the English teacher and started an observation in 16 July 2012. The researcher took class X.A for an observation, one of classes where she teaches this semester. Class X.A consists of thirty students; 20 female students and 10 male students. The researcher was given her teaching schedule to help
determining when an interview session can be conducted. Since that day was the first day in the semester, she gave her students an overview of English learning teaching activities that would be had during this semester. During the first observation, the researcher took small notes to get some information that can become indicators for the first interview session. In the next observation, taking notes and writing down every single teacher actions in teaching process will be done gradually. The observation finished at the end of September 2012 and the researcher always conducted an interview two days later after her teaching time. The interviews were audio-taped and transcribed to capture the voices of the participant into written text. After gathering the text from the interview, I did text description and reconfirmed the result to the teacher by having re-interview session. Right after the re-interview, the researcher started again to reconnect the text and interpret it to find the meaning. After gathering or acquiring data by conducting interviews, observations, and re-interviews, raw field notes are collected. The first step of the research is coding the relevant data. Coding is the part of the analysis concerned with identifying, naming, categorizing, and describing phenomena found in the text with reference to the research questions. This is done to find out the core content of the interviews or observations in order to determine what is significant. After that, presenting the data will be done. The data presentations can be in forms of a diagram, table, chart, or map which provides a new way of arranging and thinking about more textually embedded data.
Describing the use of shared writing strategy in teaching writing by the teacher, then, is conducted based on the data presentations. As the description is based on the data presentation, it is hoped that it would be free from the interference of the researcher. Next, the interpretation of teacher’s lived experience is included as well. To make the interpretation, I worked back and forth between the data and my own perspective and understanding to make sense of the evidence. The last is to draw a conclusion. I reconsider again the analyzed data. Then, after reviewing the analyzed data, the implications for the research question need to be assessed.
G. Technique of Data Analysis In a case study research, the participant’s account will be presented in narratives. Therefore, the meaning of it will be obtained systematically in this research as well. Here, I presented the ongoing processes of text acquisition and analysis as the major reference for advance description. Earlier, the researcher has set in-depth structured interviews indicators in order to obtain rich narrative from the participant. Then, I also in charge for the in-depth interview as well. To support the interview, classroom observation was also conducted to get more information. Afterwards, composing re-interview indicators was produced based on the class observation too. At last, the management of the re-interview data was prepared well. Next, the personal accounts of the participant are made after the researcher interviewed, observed,
and re-interviewed the participants and then presented all the data into tables that is completed with coding.
H. Data organization Here, the participant’s personal story will be revealed. The story from the participant would be described as texts as well. In order to get a substantial description from participant’s story, it was crucial to refer back to the transcripts of interviews, re-interviews, and observation notes. Therefore, this part contains the personal story of an English teacher in teaching writing using shared writing strategy.
I. Trustworthiness In the quantitative research, the term validity and reliability were used to test the research (Payton, 1979).
In the qualitative research, there is a
triangulation method. Triangulation method
was carried out to support the
trustworthiness of the study. The triangulations of the data were done by comparing the data from the class observations and in-depth interviews. Data form one source was cross-checked with data from other sources. Lincoln and Guba (1985) as cited in Creswell (2007:202) suggest transferability, dependability, and confirmability to describe trustworthiness. During the process, I examined the consistency of the data revealed by the participants. Meanwhile, some data which were not consistent will be considered as invalid and were removed.
1. Transferability Meriam (2002) asserts that transferability refers to the degree to which the results of qualitative research can be generalized or transferred to other contexts or settings. From a qualitative perspective transferability is primarily the responsibility of the one doing the generalizing. Here, I enhanced transferability by doing a thorough job of describing the research context and the assumptions that were central to the research. There were two actions that I conducted to make sure that the process of “transfer” was running well. First, I had to choose the participant carefully based on the appropiate criteria. Secondly, I had to make sure that all information from the research was transferable between the participant and me. Those actions were necessary taken in order to have a connected result from different contexts. 2. Dependability The idea of dependability emphasizes the need for the researcher to account for the ever-changing context within which research occurs (Lincon and Guba, 1985). To achieve dependability, I had to be careful in designing a suitable methodology. The methodology was expected to provide clear shape in conducting this study, since this study is responsible for describing the changes that occur in the setting and how these changes affected the way the research approached the study. 3. Confirmability Confirmability refers to neutrality or objectivity of data Polit et al (2001:315). The issue of confirmability focuses on characteristics of the data. This
means that the research findings are the result of the research and not the researcher’s assumptions and preconceptions. The issue of confirmability focuses on the characteristics of data being dependable. In this way, I path of arriving at the constructs, themes and their interpretation can be followed. According to Holloway and Wheeler (2002:255), inquiry audit can be used to trace the data to their sources. So that, in this study I audited the research process under the supervision of the supervisors.
This chapter presents the detailed narration and description of teacher‟s lived experience in teaching writing using shared writing strategy to high school students. There are three discussions in this chapter namely (1) text of participant (2) the lived experience description and its interpretation, and (3) the emergent themes.
A. Text of Participant The participant of this study was a high school English teacher. She shared her stories of life and experiences related to teaching English specifically in teaching writing using shared writing strategy. In sharing her experiences, she was very cooperative and willing to learn new things from her previous experiences. During the interview session, she divulged her understanding, intention and action from her experiences of teaching writing using shared writing strategy. She also showed the implementation of shared writing strategy during the teaching writing process. Portraying an overview of the participant‟s life stories was the beginning step to know her historical background of life intimately. The portrays of historical background of life stories of participant was proposed to bring about their historicity which attributed the meanings the participant assigned to the teaching writing using shared writing strategy. 54
1. Before studying at college The participant was a female English teacher of a private school. She was a Javanese who was born thirty three years ago. Her childhood was spent in Meteseh, a small village in Magelang regency. Her father passed away when she was three years old. Six years later, at the age of nine, she lived with her uncle and aunt after her mother passed away. She felt fortunate because she had two lovely brothers who always took care of her during the hard situation. Few years later, her brothers graduated from a vocational school and worked at capital city. She wanted to follow their path, taking a vocational school, but her brothers and her uncle asked her to continue her study at a senior high school then go to college. The main reason was because she was a girl who must live close to family. At that time, she still wanted to go to a vocational school and then get a job. However, after she has attended a senior high school and college, she found out that becoming a college graduate was actually one of ways to make her family especially her late parents proud of her. When she should describe about her personality, she considered herself as a discipline person, even as a teacher. Since she lived with her uncle and aunt, she felt ashamed if she did not respect them. She loved reading and novels were her favorite. Shortly, she followed her heart to become an English teacher because she liked English and wanted to share it to others. Her English teacher in Junior High School also inspired her to become what she is now. In addition, she had a thought that English is very interesting and challenging since many people around the world use it as a means of communication. Therefore, she wanted to use and
learn English to actualize her passion to her students so that they will be able to utilize English in the future.
2. College years As English was her favorite subject, she registered in one of private universities at Magelang regency in 2000. At that time, she got a scholarship from the University. In the third semester, she was appointed to be a representative in debate contest. She told me that it was one of wonderful experiences in her life although she did not win. She was also appointed as a representative of writing competition. In the writing competition, she won as the third winner. She was surprised and delighted because she could make her family proud of her. After she won the competition, she started to teach English in the fifth semester in 2002 as a freelance English teacher in one of prestigious private institutions. When she joined that institution, she got a lot of money. “It was really a good start for me”. However, she should stop teaching for a year because she was in the middle of her way to her undergraduate final papers. After she finished her study, her previous principal in Junior High School asked her to teach several classes in a week. She spent three days a week in that school and joined back the previous private institution.
3. Beyond college In 2006, she was offered to teach at a Senior High School around Magelang regency. The offer came from her college friend. It took two weeks to
decide whether she would take the job or leave it. Finally, she took the offer and went to take several tests before officially was accepted in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. At that time, 2006, she started to work in three places in a week. In the first year, she felt everything all right. However, in 2007, she was asked to be a homeroom teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. This new responsibility required her to focus on the students. Then she decided to leave the previous jobs and focused on SMA Muhammadiyah I Muntilan. Started from September 2007, she became a homeroom teacher and English teacher as well. As a teacher, she has notable understanding of teacher‟s roles from her former teacher at Junior High school. She shared stories of her English class and her favorite teacher. Considering her request, I could wrote his initial in this research. Mr. B was her teacher. According to her story, Mr. B was a very loveable teacher. His look doesn‟t give an impression of being friendly, but actually, he was very friendly to her and her friends. In his class, a pleasant atmosphere during an English lesson was always able to make students feel comfortable so that the knowledge transfer went smoothly. He was also very patient and diligent. Although sometimes he looked so displeased, truthfully, he was just very care of the students. The participant adored him very much. She took the good examples from him as a teacher. She had a thought that becoming a teacher should be able to be a loveable character. Loveable means he or she has to be able to teach the students, to make students understand on things and create meaningful teaching learning process in order to give experience to the students as well as the teacher.
She viewed a teacher as a person who is “digugu lan ditiru”, someone who should always be able to be followed and modeled. One of her friends stated the details of being a teacher. He also clarified that becoming a teacher was not an easy job. He or she had to be a good model for students and well-mannered, and should be able to teach students and educate them appropriately. If the teacher got upset, he or she may reveal the anger to the students but he or she should be able to manage it wisely. He added that nowadays, there are two kind of teachers; dedicated teachers and unfaithful teachers. The participant totally agreed with her friend‟s opinion. According to her, teaching was not merely about knowledge transfer. She believed that knowing students was also important in order to create a meaningful teaching learning process. As a Senior High School teacher of a private school, she realized that her students were smart but skeptical. In her opinion, every generation had different traits. It was because the changing of the world. Technology was believed as one of factors that played a significant role in changing the world. She also stated that societies also had an influence in building students‟ characteristics. She considered that knowing and understanding students‟ characteristic would affect her way of teaching. The old fashioned teaching would make a “killer” teacher, so that, she had harmonized the current ideas of teaching, maintained good relationship with students and implemented eastern norms. She hoped that teacher who knew the students will achieve better meaningful teaching learning.
Furthermore, she often stated during an interview session that a teacher actually had important roles. The first role of a teacher is as a facilitator. She felt that becoming a facilitator make a class alive. She liked to use language laboratory to play a short movie to refresh students‟ mind. Then, she asked the students to make a summary and find out the difficult words from the movie. She thought that students needed help to get succeed. They should learn and experience themselves, not only receive information from a teacher. In her point of view, making students active was a vital action to avoid boredom. Secondly, she felt that making a preparation before a class was important. She realized that the competition was getting tighter and she wanted to help her students to be ready for the competitions out there. In fact, having a good preparation made her ready in any condition. If she had an organized lesson plan and prepared power point presentation, media, and other teaching and learning equipments, she would be able to teach well. Her thorough preparation has given real support to her teaching learning process. Furthermore, in the classroom, she acted as a manager, a coach as well as a mentor. For example, she made an agreement or rules for the class, she walked around and repeated explanation about the materials given to the students, and she asked students to have practice over and over with her assistance. With her capabilities, the teaching learning process went smoothly without any significant constraints. As a teacher, she understood that time is crucial. She should be able to manage her time well so that she could teach well. She learned a lot about time management. As a result, she decided to reorganize her plan before she went to the class.
Therefore, as a teacher, her main duty was teaching the students. She knew that teaching a foreign language, especially English, was not easy to do. Since she was keen on writing, using certain strategy was necessary action to apply in her class. For her, writing in English was very challenging since it was known as the most difficult skill to master. On the other hand, she had a different view of learning language. She stated that writing was the window of the world. Written form could change the world. As an illustration, the Wall Street could fall down into a crisis because of the written report. Then, she recognized that writing was essential for her students to produce or reproduce their thinking. Her consideration made me think that writing was not so scary. In fact, it helped people to gain knowledge and to share it to the world. She opened a wide view of teaching writing, in which any information can be produced or written by many people without age boundaries In her view, certain strategies would be able to help her teach writing better. Amongst the many writing strategies available to choose, she chose shared writing strategy. The chosen strategy did not come by the run. She got the idea from her lecturer then implemented the strategy on her PPL (Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan) which was known as field practice program. She ever practiced shared writing strategy during her college time with her friends as well. When she was teaching at elementary school and junior high school, she also used shared writing strategy to teach writing. The implementation of shared writing strategy when she was teaching writing gave her many experiences that the researcher would like to describe on the next part. It was caught my attention because the implementation
of shared writing strategy required the cooperation from teacher and students. Teacher and students had to work together as partner although the teacher still acted as the director of the class who planned and managed the activities. Using shared writing strategy, the cooperation brought an effective communication between teacher and students. As a result, teacher could make the acquaintance of her class well. For instance, she knew how to drill with the students so that the students felt that writing was not difficult to do. During the process, students who were reluctant in writing would try their best. As a result, the unwillingness would fade away ploddingly during the activities that use shared writing strategy. Teaching writing using shared writing strategy had been implemented for several times by the participant. By the time, her experiences with shared writing strategy assembled her on different perspectives of understanding students, materials and her teaching as well. She learned that concrete experiences yielded reflection to herself as teacher too. Her view about the significance of reflection was an unusual occurrence that happened among teachers. It motivated the researcher dig out more information from her. Surprisingly, she has also shared the writing strategy she used to other teachers at her school. She believed that sharing information was a part of learning. As a participant, she was one of the best teachers that the researcher ever met. She gave a new perspective to the researcher about teaching learning process especially in teaching writing in which cooperating with students created huge opportunities in achieving meaningful teaching learning process.
B. The Participant’s Description The previous text of participant was related to the historical context which had presented sequence, provided the initial meaning of the topic of the inquiry. Her history was presented in order to give a view on what she had been through during her life. This part would reveal the main themes of the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing that described concrete experiences and reflection experiences that lived and worthy under teacher‟s understanding, intention and actions of the implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing .
1. Teacher’s understanding During the interview sessions, this theme was asked implicitly. Firstly, the researcher focused on her understanding of becoming a teacher. Mrs. N’s first view was originated from her former English teacher at Junior High School. Next, she agreed with her friend that a teacher had to meet some qualifications to be called as a teacher. However, in her opinion, the one who could transfer knowledge in a small amount, handle the class and teach well was also the criterion of being a teacher. When I was at the first and second grade, Mr. B was my English teacher. It was so delightful. Learning was not looked like learning. He understood the students, so learning process was pleasant. I had a thought, that this is called teacher (A.4.1.Und.Int.1). A teacher is the one who is digugulanditiru. His/ her deeds must be well-mannered and could give good example to the students. His/ her way of talking has to be polite. He/ she might be upset, but it must be done wisely and
carefully (A.10.1.Und.Int.1). Most of teachers are observed from his/ her way of teaching and handle the students well (A.10.2.Und.Int.1). As reviewed previously on the theoretical framework, a teacher did not merely a giver of knowledge and a source of information for the students. He/ she had to stand as someone who assists students to experience different situations of teaching learning process. Afterwards, the participant got many experiences from her former English teacher who had been charged as an intermediately of different contexts. Next, teacher could not only stay as a form. He/she had a role as a professional worker. Throughout the interview sessions, Mrs. N did not explicitly state her understanding of teacher. Conversely, she showed the roles of teacher frequently during her teaching time in the class as well as the story of her earlier teaching experiences. Her performances were the real evidences about her understanding toward the roles of a teacher. Besides, previous experiences when she was in Junior High School built her understanding of teacher‟s roles as well. This point was the researcher‟s second question related to the understanding of teacher roles. Emmm, his way of teaching made me understand of the teacher’s roles. He didn’t act like teacher to, serene, and patient (A.9.Und.RoT.Int.1). In his class, the time management was always precise. Sometimes, it could be a little longer because we haven’t finished doing our task. Usually, it was caused by the students who were joking at the same time (A.9.1.Und.RoT.Int.1). Mrs. N‟s former teacher inspired her much and grew a lot experiences during her journey as a teacher. At some points, the understanding of teacher‟s
roles affected her teaching time at Senior High School. The first point was her consideration of understanding the students‟ characteristics. The current generation is diverse from my time, you and my father. Every generation will be different. Nowadays, Senior High School students are smart and skeptical, asking many things beyond our imagination. We know that they are exposed to gadget, various kinds of society. So that, we have to suit our teaching to their situations, harmonizing our teaching style, up-to-date, including put eastern norms. It would be difficult if we do not ally with students, the impression of killer teacher would appear. Have faith on it, so that it is why we have to know them (A.14.Und.Shs.Chs.Int.1). Since our students need better guidance and we cannot lose them off(A.17.Und.Sts.Chs.Int.1) It was obvious that understanding students‟ characteristic affected her way in teaching. Regarding students‟ situation, Mrs. N suited her teaching style in order to avoid „killer‟ labeled to her. Different exposures from societies to the students gave her an understanding about the importance of functioning eastern norms. The second point was about the understanding of teaching. Teaching previously reviewed as establishing an effective communication relationship between teacher and students. In the participant‟s view, it was recognized as showing understanding and making tally of teaching learning process for both teacher and students. Therefore, she had an understanding that the ability to adapt teaching style stimulated her and students to keep learning. She, as a teacher, taught the students but at the same time she learned feedback of her teaching from students‟ response and behavior. Conversely, students got various experiences from teaching learning process then they would sort out them through a critical
thinking process. The understanding of teaching English and students‟ characteristics were appeared during the interview session. In my opinion, teaching must be flexible and meaningful. Means, we see our students’ characteristics then suit it to the process of teaching and learning (A.13.1.Und.Tc.Int.1). We have to be smart in order to fit our teaching style to the students. We learn, students learn too (A.13.1.Und.Tc.Int.1). Before I went to the Mrs. N’s class, she gave me a description of this class. She assumed that X.A students are mostly active students. There are 18 female students and 12 male students. They tend to be very noisy when she didn’t challenge them with certain games. “This class is attractive” said Mrs. N(Obsvr.I.FN) In relation with her understanding of students‟ characteristics and teaching process, English teaching in Indonesia is a compulsory subject to be taught at Senior High School. As an English teacher, the participant‟s perspectives of teaching English were holistically focused on mastering four English skills, listening, reading, speaking and writing. That’s correct that English four skills must be mastered, even be evaluated as well (A.20.Und.Tc.E.Int.1). English is alike Indonesian, it can be evaluated if we master the four skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) (A.20.1.Und.Tc.E.Int.1). Learning language means could listen well and understand the meaning, read and able to give answer, could speak fluently and ended by writing. The learning process can be done together (A.20.2.Und.Tc.E.Int.1). She clarified that mastering four skills were an essential point to determine someone‟s capability of certain language. She explained that every skill had a different outcome. To her, writing was situated as the most difficult skill to be mastered. She pointed out that Indonesian government only focused on reading skill whereas writing was important to maintain students‟ ability to produce
written product as an information remembrance. She had an understanding that writing must be taught to Senior High School students since it would be the window of the world. Writing is the most difficult part in language learning. Many people say so, I understood in that form as well. Moreover the teaching writing. But it is precisely essential because writing can change the world. The government focused on reading skill, it is weary, and it is easy to forget if there is no productive activity. It is hard but possible. Writing is a window of world, as a bridge as well (A.20.Und.Tc.W.Int.1). The understanding about writing was turning out as the beginning point of the shared writing strategy. The researcher intended to reveal her understanding about shared writing strategy which was applied by her on several classes that she had before. She understood that writing needed a tool to gain students‟ attention. One of powerful tools to teach writing was the implementation of strategy. She chose shared writing strategy to teach Senior High School students since it provided many slots to be explored. Shared writing is a strategy to teach writing using sharing system, sharing experiences, ideas, works until the evaluation. If I am not mistaken, it divided into three parts, beginning activities, whilst activities, and post activities, just like standard teaching. At the beginning, I usually perfumed like last week meeting (delivering pictures, asking students to mention each picture’s ingredients, giving explanation about procedure text through drawing, assigning students to bring unused package contains several instructions), after that, I ask my students to write a text and choose same topic in order to make it easy. Then I draw a mind map just like brainstorming, they are asked to fill out necessary things to be written in their paragraph (A.11.1.Und.SWS.Int.2). The use of shared writing strategy in her class was an attempt to teach writing to her students. She understood that shared writing strategy could facilitate
an effective communication between her and the students. She gradually developed her understanding in order to make better teaching and deliver meaningful teaching learning process to her students. This part was certainly touched the researcher‟s heart because it was clear that she had huge understanding of every single factor on her teaching.
2. Teacher’s intention and action Along with the interview session, an observation was conducted in her class as well. The researcher observed one of her three classes that she taught at that time. It was conducted to verify whether her understanding and belief was actually shown in her intention and action. Even though conformity between the themes are not an absolute thing, it was necessary to see the basic view of the participant and its progression. Since this study was progressive, every phenomena of teaching writing using shared writing strategy to high school students needed to be proven by series of action to divulge the actual meaning of the topic. Action was an actual deed that someone does; it was intentional to reach certain goals. It was well-planned and carefully sketched. Teaching writing using shared writing strategy to High School Students for the participant was a part of her desires to deliver English through meaningful teaching learning process. Her actions were done based on her careful thinking of understanding and belief. As a teacher, she had an intention to good things to the students. One of good things was knowledge about English because she believed that English was
important for students‟ future. English could be used as a means to communicate with people around the world. If the students did not have an opportunity to speak with many people out there, they could speak to them through written expression.
My intention as a teacher is to share knowledge to my students.(A.10.Intn.Tcr.Int.1). She realized that English must be mastered through the learning of four skills; they are, listening, reading, speaking and writing. The students would be evaluated from their ability in using those skills. Since teaching English was a compulsory subject to be taught in Senior High School, a teacher had to be able to have a proper strategy in transferring the knowledge of writing. Globally, it was believed that one of the four English skills was known as the most difficult skill to be mastered. Moreover, it was identified as a proof for critical thinking process. Writing was complicated for teacher to teach and for students to learn. Good intention from teacher created deliberate actions in teaching writing. The following part is the journey of the participant‟s intention and actions of teaching writing using shared writing strategy. The narrative was taken from observation and interview session.
1. Beginning Shared Writing Before going to this phase, the participant had shared a lot about her understanding about shared writing strategy. She had believed that shared writing would help her as a teacher to teach writing to students. Since she had understanding about students‟ characteristics, she believed that students needed to be heard. Through shared writing, she was able to unite every single part of
consideration to her teaching. This stage was applied at the third week of her teaching. She took a procedure text as the discussion that day. The aim of her action was to provide a description of procedure text to the students. Giving a description of a procedure text to her students were actually just a recall because this lesson had been taught at Junior High and this kind of text was easy to find around their surroundings. As a result, the participant had an intention to focus on teaching writing. Last week, I focused on procedure text. I attempted to give a general description, give examples that they usually find in their daily life (A.7.1.Act.Int.2). My intention was synchronizing the material to their world, authentic material is believed to catch students’ attention. That’s why I gave them picture to make them easy to understand (A.7.1.Intn.Int.2). Next, she delivered a piece of paper to every student. In the paper, there was a picture of food and beverages (Obsvr.1.FN). Mrs. N gave explanation about procedure text in front of the class. Previously, she has drawn a glass of iced tea as imaginary picture in the black board. Then she also wrote down the ingredients. After that, she explained the steps of making an ice tea. During her explanation, she always repeated some words, such as, first, next, second, third, prepare, add, pour, dip, stir, and mix. While she was describing the steps, the students were listening to her explanation (Obsvr.1.FN). This text is easy to find wherever they are. Next, I focus on writing in few weeks later. Trying to produce a text from the easiest one (A.8.Intn.Int.2) Earlier, on the theoretical framework, the researcher had listed a figure of shared writing strategy. The beginning shared writing was the first stage of shared writing strategy. The following clarifications were the implementation of the first stage and teacher‟s action and intention during its implementation.
Before beginning the shared writing task, teacher clarified with the students why writing was being done collaboratively.
Teacher clarified the purpose and the audience with the students and discussed the choices and consequences they would need to take into account for the purpose and audience. So today, we will learn about procedure text. There are some essential things that I will explain later about a procedure text. Next, we will try to write a procedure text with our own words, not from the book or cheat from the other book. The aim of this activity is that you will be able to identify every procedure text yet in different topics and create a simple procedure text. We will learn together, I will help you. Besides, you will be able to help your friends as well. Are you agree with me to learn together? (Obsvr.2.FN) From the observation, she had declared two parts of beginning shared
writing in one explanation. The first was her intention of working with students collaboratively and secondly was to get an agreement from the students. She eliminated the choices and consequences because she had modified it. She stated that she would not use all elements of shared writing strategy yet she would deploy most of it. I am not that strict in following every detail of the steps. There are some points that I bring them up together, or even cast some of them. The important thing is the core intention and actions are still same (A.11.1.Act.Int.2). Next, she continued to the next part of this first stage. She provided examples to her students and directed students to answer the questions given related to the procedure text. c.
Teacher discussed the topic with students, activating their prior knowledge, and brainstorming ideas (for example, by drawing a mind map
or listing words that are related to the topic). Teacher may ask probing questions to determine whether the ideas gathered reflected an understanding of the topic and the purpose. d.
Teacher decided on an appropriate text form. Teacher discussed with the students to decide what kind of text would be learnt based on that day‟s objectives of the study. Have you ever read information related to procedure text? Anyone? Raise your hand please? The student were busy talking with their pairs and tried to give the best answer, they were also opened their books and read it. Mrs. N repeated her question to the students. Few minutes later, a female student raised he hand and gave an answer. She replied, “ Emmm, procedure text looks like recipe, there are ingredients, steps. Like that bu, the example looked like previous meeting, how to make an iced tea. Other students, do you agree with her answer? The students replied, Yes, bu. Basically it was related to steps, procedures and how to ...(a male student stated his opinion)(Obsvr.2.FN) The action above was the result whether students understood the general
description of a procedure text in which the participant had drawn a mind map, given a description and listed words that were related to the topic. To make sure that students really comprehended the description of a procedure text, she asked some students to present their work in front of the class. Before the presentation, she allowed the students working together with their friends. During the discussion, she was walking around to the students‟ group while checking their work even having discussion related to their work. Okay class, have you finished your work? We will check some of your work in front of the class. I need a volunteer to explain his/ her work here. Who will try to come here and explain what you have done before? I will help you. Three
students may come here. Panggah, Desi and Upik were three students who were willing to show their work in front of their friends. During their presentation, Mrs. N also asked the students to pay attention on several new information that their friends added on their work. Mrs. N assisted them while they were explaining their work (Obsvr.2.FN) After the presentation ended, she asked the leader of the class to collect his friends work and organize them neatly. Lastly, she summarized a short detail of that day discussion. In this first stage, the participant used most of the activities of shared writing strategy. She also removed some activities that she though unnecessary for students‟ characteristics and need.
2. Shared Writing Activities In this illustration, she applied the next stage of shared writing strategy namely shared writing activities. It was divided into seven parts as follow: a. Teacher modeled how to clarify ideas, choose appropriate vocabulary, and draws on language and text knowledge to compose and revise a text. Teacher helped students to do several activities (in group or individually). b. Teacher worked with students to organize the ideas and plan an outline, reminding them of the outlines they had worked with previously In this phase, activating simplified activities were done by the teacher. She used to unite two or three activities in a row. The aim was to create effective teaching. Firstly, she unified two shared activities into one description. Two and a half hour ago Mrs. N gave me a short description for her class today. She will try to ask her students to make notes from the unused packages. It is used for students’ basic materials in shared writing. She will also ask her students to activate their notes to write a text, specifically, procedure text.
She said that this was the beginning of shared writing strategy. As last week meeting, Mrs. N went to class X. A with lots of stuff. She brought books and pictures for today’s class. She has great expectation that today the students will be able to obtain and memorize some new vocabularies. Afterward, she will ask the students to apply those vocabularies in their writing (Obsvr.2.FN). Next, she grouped the students in order to introduce the meaning of cooperation among them. The students worked collaboratively to analyze the text based on teacher‟s description of a procedure text. During the discussion, teacher ruled herself on supporting each group. She walked around the class to make sure that her students worked with their friends, and assisted the students who had a difficulty in grasping the description of a procedure text. To make it helpful, the participant had unified three activities in a row. c. Working together with the students, the teacher critically analyzed how the main ideas were to be expressed (for example, whether they would be supported by evidence or illustration) d. Teacher wrote with the students, constructing the text together. They discussed the choices that were made by learners and the possible consequences of different choices After she finished explaining procedure text, she asked the students to group them in five, then take a look on their unused package and gave several instructions: 1. Every student in one group has to identify the text organization ( Mrs. N helped the students by writing down some clues on the blackboard) 2. Then they have to write down the language features (imperatives, action verbs, connections) While students are working with their friends, Mrs. N is moving around to each group and checking their work. She sometimes has a little discussion with the students or re-
explained the information that she had explained before (Obsrv.2.FN). The students are busy with their own work. They are drawing a map like Mrs. N has given to them. It is little bit strident because some of them keep calling Mrs. N to make sure that they are doing the right thing. This situation occurs for forty minutes. Mrs. N keeps checking on her students. She sometimes goes back to her desk and sits for a while (Obsrv.3.FN) e. Teacher had a discussion with the students whether appropriate language features had been used to link ideas and whether the text was likely to engage its intended audience. Mrs. N made a map for her writing, the students concentrated on her explanation. After she closed her explanation, she requested the students to do the same thing like what she did. Now you can try to create a mind map like the previous one. After that, you can write down the title and the purpose of the text. Write down the ingredients that needed. Make it short and simple. Use the previous notes to create the text, remember, the language feature is simple present tense. You may work with your pairs and starts writing. I will walk along and help you (Obsvr.3.FN). At the end of this shared writing activities phase, students and teacher checked the writing together. She asked the students to evaluate their friends‟ writing and gave score on it. This activity was ended by collecting students‟ result. f. Modifying the writing, attending to surface features such as spelling, grammar and punctuation if necessary. Teacher and students did grammar checking and other parts if necessary.
g. Review the purpose for writing and adapt content if necessary. The teacher did a quick check on the students‟ writing
Mrs. N asked them to give their work to the friends who sat in front of them and for those who sat in the first line, should give their work to the friends who sat at the last line. She directed the students on checking their friends’ work. Students, I need your attention please? Now, we are going to check your work, your friends’ work. Ok, now check them all carefully. (Mrs. N repeated the instruction for three times and made sure that they put the right score. It took 7 minutes to finish this part (Obsvr.3.FN). Mrs. N asked the students to stop and collect the books in front of the class. She requested the leader and vice leader to help bringing the books on her desk at teachers’ room. Mrs. N said thanks to the students and class ended (obsvr.3.FN)
3. Shared Writing Post Activities The last stage of shared writing post activities was conducted in the fourth meeting. Before it was conducted, the participant evaluated students‟ work comprehensively. She also gave a feedback to every student‟s writing. In this meeting, she asked the students to present their own work in a group after she proofread the text. The aim of the presentation was to obtain feedback from students and their peers. At the end of the meeting, she collected students‟ presentation in a compact disk in order to keep students‟ work as portfolio.
a. Reflecting on ways the text could be presented and choosing a way that best met the purpose of writing. The teacher asked the volunteer among the students to present their work at glance.
Before the presentation, Mrs. N delivered few folded papers containing numbers to determine the order of the presentation. She asked six students to get the papers and mention the numbers on the papers. After that, Mrs. N started to give an instruction for every group that each group had to present two works in front of their friends in six minutes. They had to show with power point slides as she requested last Thursday. At the end of the presentation, there would be two questions for each group and they have to answer it directly (Obsvr.4.FN) Most of the students did not deliver the questions, Mrs. N then asked the reason why they did not raise questions. Most of the students said that they understood the presentation because they had written the same text although with different title, and the content of the procedure text were same, so they clarified that they knew how to write it and deconstruct the procedure text(Obsvr.4.FN) Mrs. N smiled brightly after she listened on students’ answer. Then she asked if the result of the students’ work would be collected in a compact disc as a prove that they had learned about procedure text and probably they can do the same thing for the next discussion (Obsvr.4.FN) b. Proofreading and finalizing the text. The teacher collected students‟ work and checked it again. c. Make the completed text available to the intended audience and seek feedback. In the following week, teacher gave feedback to the students‟ writing. I put the previous result to the evaluation list. It hasn’t ended yet. The scoring was easy. I asked them to give score but I have to check it again. Then I gave feedback to their writing. I also did proofread before giving feedback (Obsvr.4.FN)
C. Interpretation of Emerging Themes In previous elaboration, the implementation of shared writing strategy by the teacher was presented sequence under several main themes. Besides, there were unforeseen themes emerged during the observation and interview session.
The unforeseen themes came up along with the main themes. Those themes were identified as extraordinary occurrences of this study. Here, the researcher would like to reveal the emerging themes of teaching writing using shared writing strategy to senior high school students under several themes.
1. Teacher’s faith This theme came up with careful thinking. During the interview session, the participant mentioned a lot that she had faith that teaching writing was possible to be taught at Senior high school students even though writing was known as the most difficult skill to be mastered. This was proven by implementing shared writing as a strategy to teach writing to her students. Faith of teacher could affect the students‟ mind in which could motivate the students to become a better learner. Moreover, faith was one of required characteristics to be a good teacher. For example, some students that the researcher had interviewed before had stated that they adored the participant very much. Her presence in the class was waited by them. Teacher‟s faith would also raise herself as a valuable asset in that school. To sum up, teacher‟s faith on teaching writing using shared writing strategy could be an inspiration for other teachers.
2. Teacher’s patience The word patience was easy to pronounce yet hard to do. The participant was full of patience. She possessed to endure the most trying of situations in teaching writing using shared writing strategy. For example, in one of the
interview session, she stated that one of her class was messy because due to her appointment as a board member of MGMP she often had to leave the students. Meanwhile, she did not have a well-prepared lesson plan. Besides, the students were not obedient as well. Under those situations above, she made an effort to handle the situations better. She was inspired to use any kinds of reward in teaching them. It was succeed at that time to gain students‟ attention and create enjoyable teaching learning atmosphere. There were many problems in my class. It was my fault and students’ fault as well. At that time, my class management was muddled because I was appointed as a board member of MGMP, constructing examination papers, often went out for meeting and I did not have a well-organized lesson plan. It was really bad. Besides, the students’ characteristic was extraordinary. They were hard to be advised, some of them were intended hard to study. It was not only in English lesson, but mostly in all lessons (A.11.5.Ref.Int.2). Finally, I could solve the problem. How did I solve it? Let me think, if I’m not mistaken, I gave them reward, candies, pencils and pens (A.11.5.Act.Int.2) In short, a teacher should be kind and patient because he or she never knew the background of a student that he or she was teaching. Each student could have different learning styles, emotional problems, etc. A teacher would never know how much her acts can create psychological damage to a student. A teacher was responsible to educate and appreciate the student‟s individual and unique strengths and weaknesses. Without the virtue of patience, a teacher would have difficulty to endure the qualities that were so natural for Senior high school students.
3. Self – motivated teacher This emerging theme appeared since my participant could motivate herself in teaching writing using shared writing strategy to Senior high school students. Motivation was the energy to study, to learn and achieve, and to maintain these positive behaviors over time (Groccia, 1992). Therefore, motivation might be best described as having the desire and willingness to do something. The participant showed a lot of motivation through her actions. As the evidence, she prepared herself to deploy teacher‟s roles. For example, she disciplined herself during her teaching time, prepared a lot of stuff before going to the class, organized the class through pre-agreement, and used a certain strategy based on her own reflection experiences. Her awareness to motivate herself also raised a belief that as a teacher, she had to keep learning to improve her ability in teaching and creating meaningful teaching learning process to her students. To summarize, her concrete experiences and reflections attributed her to be a self-motivated teacher. It was believed that motivation caused physiological changes in the brain (Smith, 2002). Therefore, maintaining the state of motivating herself might create an autonomous teacher. Autonomous suggested the work of emotional intelligence rather that academic intelligence. One of the evidence from her experiences was creating a non-threatening classroom environment where mistakes were viewed as opportunities to learn, reduce tension, open the mind and increase the opportunity for teaching and learning to meet certain goals.
4. Students’ hope Fundamentally, the continuous after effect from self-motivated teacher was building students hope. Hope in common view was known as the state which promoted the desire of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or in the world at large. It was kind of feeling of looking forward of what was wanted or could be had and even an event which would turn out for the best. The students of the participant showed this hope at the observation time. They even could compare the teaching writing style within their previous experiences.
I asked more about writing in English class in accordance to know their feeling and understanding. They said that they do not keen on writing, but they had a willingness to learn to write in English. They realized that English is very important for their future. Besides, I also asked their opinion about few previous writing activities. One of female student said that it was very enjoyable because Mrs. N gave the students lots of help because they are still learning, and she liked the candies very much. The other female student added that she could learn how to write through a simple map and also she compared to her time during Junior High school that her teacher asked her to write without any clues and guidance, as the result, she did the write. Instead, she cheated from her smart friend (Obsvr.4.FN) In line with this theme, it was obvious that teacher‟s help during the process of teaching learning raised students‟ hope to learn better. Showing empathetic acceptance or understanding and assistance would also help students‟ gaining their confidence to learn through experiences.
5. Equity at the school and in the classroom. Diversity among people in society could also be found at school. Specifically, diversity among students should not be an obstacle to reach a meaningful teaching learning process. In fact, the diversity between the students affected the teaching learning process. For example, mixed ability of students, minorities, and limited English proficiency created a hole between teacher and students. In the participant‟s school, the students were grouped based on their competence and capability. Once, she said that it was a good effort to facilitate the teachers in teaching them. Similarity among the students decreased teachers‟ load in teaching them. On the other hand, she argued that the grouping was not fair because the students had the same right to learn in any condition. Another example was the action of representing two works out of five works at the presentation time. She intended to test students‟ cooperation in choosing the appropriate results to be represented at the presentation. Moreover, she added that decision making was not easy to do among the students. The equal opportunity must become the main point of the action. Therefore, this theme attended to issues equity. The ability to respect people was not just merely about politeness. It is more about understanding each other. In the classroom in which teacher and students stand together as the main players, building equity was a necessary resonation for a successful teaching learning process. Actually, it wasn’t fair (grouping students based on their competence), but it is a must in order to promote better teaching (A.18.Eq.Int.1). I did not have an intention to exclude or set aside them, because they have same rights. Exactly, their ability to cooperate with others that I was
going to evaluate. Of course, sharing, making decision were not easy to do (A.6.Eq.Int.5) From the review above, it was obvious that an equitable classroom was established through respect between teacher and students. When the teacher listened to their students and created an environment that valued students‟ feedback, their students felt respected and encouraged to learn. Respect in the classroom promoted the creation of an equitable learning environment because in this space all voices mattered.
6. Sharing experiences One‟s experience was distinctive from others. It could be merely the repetition of good things or same errors. Experience could be learnt from different circumstances; it could be obtained individually yet with other people presence. Most of experience was worth for everyone who lived with it. It would lasts forever, developed gradually through different situations. During the interview, she had shared her experiences to her friends who taught English lesson. I’m a new teacher of this school for two years. Formerly, I was told about shared writing strategy from Mrs. N, at that time I was asked to teach English for Tourism then I did not use it in my class. After one semester, I repeated taught EFT, then I tried to use it one time (A.1.Comm.Int.6). Applying shared writing strategy was not easy for me because in my EFT class the students were exposed with new vocabularies, they were having hard time to remember the words. It took longer beyond my expectation. Previously, Mrs. N told me that patience was the key, unfortunately, I was not a patience types. Hence, in the previous semester, I tried to implement it on my EFT class, in fact it worked. The result was fair. I followed Mrs. N’s suggestion that I had to lower down the target (A.2.Comm.Int.6).
The interview above showed that her life experiences in teaching writing using shared writing strategy was one of her stories between her and the students. She was keeping live with it, so she developed her experiences to experience in other circumstances. Therefore, she was trying to share her experiences in teaching writing using shared writing strategy among other English teachers in her school. She had a hope that her friends could make use of it. One of her friends stated that using shared writing strategy was not easy to do without amount of patience. She had tried two times in order to develop her skill in teaching writing. It was a proof that the participant shared her experiences to bring with other teachers new insights and new meanings of teaching learning process.
This last chapter contains two discussions. The first part is the summary of the study and answers for the research question. Moreover, the second part, there are recommendations which hopefully can develop teacher’s professionalism in teaching writing especially using shared writing strategy to senior high school students. A. Conclusion Fundamentally, every teaching will give various experiences. Stories of every teacher based on his/ her teaching time give a value to the next experiences. Therefore, in this research, I observe and interview the participant in order to dig out a deep description of numerous experiences. The text of participant was collected to reveal experiences in teaching writing using shared writing strategy as a case study. During the reflective process, there are themes that emerge. Teacher is aware that as the most difficult skill to be mastered, writing is necessary to be taught at senior high school. Using a suitable strategy, teaching writing could possibly be done. During the teaching process, teacher has developed understanding that roles of a teacher must be applied inside yet outside classroom. Understanding students’ characteristics would also help teacher in transferring knowledge to the students.
Since senior high school students are known as early adult learner, a teacher plays a significant role during their cognitive and social development. Teacher’s faith is believed as one theme that supports students in gaining positive atmosphere during teaching learning process. Diverse characteristics of students require teacher to put more faith on students. Teacher has a faith that that the differences actually create windows to be explored. Regarding to the teaching writing, developing an appropriate strategy was applied to bridge the circumstances. Patience is needed in teaching writing to senior high school students. During the implementation of shared writing strategy, she could stand bravely under the hard situation. It activates her creative side that she could use a different teaching style in her class. Her patience creates meaningful reflections to her in teaching students. As the result of her creativity to solve problems in the most trying situations, the ability to reflect on her previous experiences affects her teaching. She becomes a self-motivated teacher. She maintains positive attitudes and has unlimited energy to study, to learn, to achieve targeted result and to discipline herself over time. By doing so, it yields an autonomous teacher especially in teaching students with a non-threatening classroom. Furthermore, students usually have a dream of pleasant classroom situation. They would imagine of a loveable teacher, unsay comprehended materials, and pleasant classroom situations. If those illustrations meet students’ imaginations, it would be possible to build students’ hope of a better learning
environment. The cooperation between students and teacher plays essential roles in creating a meaningful teaching learning process. Along with this theme, she shows empathetic acceptance or understanding and assistance in teaching writing using shared writing strategy. She would help students to keep gaining their confidence to learn through experiences. Another result of shared writing strategy implementation was emerged that after being treated with such a strategy, the students show growing interest in writing both in and out of the classroom Lastly, dealing with the teacher in teaching writing who has implemented shared writing strategy would yield another experiences. Therefore, stories of teacher of the implementation needs to be shared in order to empower her friends to do the same thing or even better from her. Building shared experiences would be a powerful tool to develop professionalism on teacher’s professional development. The shared experiences of teaching writing using shared writing strategy to Senior High School students would raise a never ending stock experiences to be discussed among the teachers that support teachers improving their professional life. B. Recommendations For teacher, the implementation of a certain strategy in teaching writing is necessary to do. Shared writing strategy helps the teacher in teaching writing which is providing clear cognitive stages to the students. The stages include planning before writing, working together with the students during the writing process (discussing the topic, creating sequence texts, checking the works), and evalute the writing products.
The main points to consider in implementing shared writing strategy are readiness of the teacher and deliberate considerations of risks taking. Readiness attributes to the teacher’s faith that writing is an important tool to build students’ competence in competing freely after they graduate from their school. Moreover, understanding the students’ cognitive and social development in teaching writing would result in positive attitudes and understanding of better teaching. I would like to recommend English teacher to implement shared writing strategy in teaching writing to develop his/her professional development in teaching writing. Besides, shared writing strategy would attract students in learning how to write easily. Having confidence in implementing shared writing strategy in teaching writing, will also develop an optimist teacher and build students’ writing interest. The implementation of shared writing strategy in teaching writing should be applied continuously with some modifications. In every implementation, it raised different experiences. Concrete experiences of the implementation create reflection experiences that could be used as worth experiences. Therefore, the researcher suggests that teacher should activate the worth experiences to attain suitable teaching strategy to the student. At last, for the researcher, the researcher should learn more about teaching writing. Getting involved deeply to the participant’s life stories makes the researcher realize that the researcher have to broaden her perspectives about teaching writing using shared writing strategy.
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Appendix I Field Note 1 Day, Date
: Monday, September 3, 2012
: 12.30
: X. A
Description : This meeting was the third meeting in the first semester. Most of the students looked very excited with the English class. Previously, the researcher did a short interview with the students by asking their opinion about the previous meeting. They told the researcher that the class was very enjoyable and the teacher was very helpful. The teacher was firm yet patient. Some of students felt happy because they got candies as a reward of their efforts in the class. Today, they have a big wish to get another joyful atmosphere in English class. Time 12.30 - 12.35
Notes Before the researcher went to Niha’s class, she gave the researcher a description of this class. She assumed that X.A students were mostly active students. There were 18 female students and 12 male students. They tended to be very noisy when she didn’t challenge them with certain games. “This class is attractive” said Niha. Today, she would deliver a material about procedure text. She was going to give a description of procedure text to the students. A set of pictures on her laptop and power point presentation had been prepared before the meeting. She would give the students prior knowledge of procedure text. The researcher went to the classroom with .asked the researcher to sit wherever she wanted. So the researcher chose an empty chair at the back of the class. She began the class by greeting the students and asking who didn’t come to the class today. There were three students, Panji, Annisa and Nur who were absent from the class that day. Then she wrote their names on the attendance list.
12.35 – 12.40
Niha began the class by showing random pictures of various kinds of foods and asked the students whether they had got their lunch today. Most of the students already had a lunch, t some of them said that they would get their lunch after school. The students directly mentioned the name of food shown in each picture in Bahasa Indonesia t suddenly Niha said “in English, please”. Then the students used English. She gave a compliment to the students by saying “good, well done”. Niha also asked the students where they went for lunch and what kinds of food did they eat for lunch. The students answered the questions by raising their hands, and she pointed six students to answer the questions. The rest of the students, felt little disappointed because they are not chosen by the teacher. They said “, kulo , ask me ”. Then, Niha gave several questions to retain the rest of the answers. She said “Ok, now, who got their lunch at school canteen? Next, who got their lunch at warung mbak Sri? Who got their lunch from home? (Every student answered the questions while raising hand, finally they felt satisfied)
12.46 – 13. 21
Next, she delivered a piece of paper to every student. In the paper, there was a picture of food and beverages. After they got the papers, the students were asked to write down the ingredients of the food and beverages on the provided column. (Every student looked so sy doing their job and they were allowed to discuss it in pairs. They often opened their dictionary) Niha was looking around and checking the students’ works at glance. Some students asked her “, ini di kamus nggak ada terjemahannya, what must I do?” she came to the students and gave a short explanation. Afterward, she confirmed her explanation by asking her students again. After she was sure that the students had understood her explanation, she smiled and gave them two thumbs up. However, there were also some students who had finished earlier and had nothing to do. Niha went to them and collected their work, and then asked them to read a text from English Zone and instructed them to finish the exercise. A few minutes later, she collected all the papers from the students. Next, she gave several questions to the students. 1). Can you mention the theme of pictures that were given to you? Yes, . Food and beverages, makanan , minuman, sego goreng , fried egg, iced tea, orange juice , bakso , jus duren...banyakk (students answered spontaneously). 2). Did you know the ingredients of each 98
food and beverages? Tau u, sering jajan, masak with my mom , bikin sendiri (students answered). Finally, Niha smiled and gave an appraisal to the students. She said, well done everyone. Now, we are going to learn about procedure text. 13.21 – 14.15
Niha gave an explanation about procedure text in front of the class. Previously, she has drawn a glass of iced tea as an imaginary picture on the black board. She also wrote down the ingredients. After that, she explained the steps of making an ice tea. During her explanation, she always repeated certain words, such as, first, next, second, third, prepare, add, pour, dip, stir, and mix. While she was describing the steps, the students were listening to her explanation. Niha didn’t allow her students to take a note or do other activities. After finishing the explanation, she started to give detailed description of a procedure text using Bahasa Indonesia. (Tadi kalian sudah menyetkan nama makan dan minuman dari kertas yang saya bagikan. Kemudian, kalian juga menulis bahan-bahan yang diperlukan. Apalagi hayo, (Siti said,nganu , tadi i nggambar picture, iced tea). Good. Tadi i ngapain lagi ya? (Fajar said, i njelaske carane nggawe ). Betul. Nah, tadi itu jika diat tulisan dinamakan procedure text. Tujuane untuk memberitahu pembaca, pendengar atau pemirsa tentang pematan sesuatu contohnya seperti kalian nek pas liat Ala Chef di TV, Farah Quinn itu yang sering ngajarin masak. Nah, jika bahan-bahan, cara masaknya ditulis, ya itu setannya teks prosedur atau procedure text. Paham ya.(All students, “iya , paham, ngerti )
14.15 – 14.20
The bell rang. While the students were sy packing their belongings Niha asked them to bring unused pack of instant food, instant drink or other boxes which contained steps or ways to do something. The students were still sy and most of them didn’t pay attention to her instruction. She repeated again until all students understood her instruction. Finally, class finished and all of the students went home.
Field Note 2 Day, Date
: Monday, September 10, 2012
: 12.30
: X. A
Description : Before the class began, the researcher interviewed some female students who were chatting in front on class X.A. The researcher raised some questions about last week meeting. They felt satisfied with the previous class because they saw many pictures and were able to fill out the paper given by the teacher correctly. However, one female student said, “, kelas yang kemarin nggak ada permennya”. It seemed that they really wished for candies for every English class. Then, the researcher asked their understanding about last week materials and explanation from the teacher. “Minggu lalu belajar apa aja ya mbak?” They replied that last week they learned about procedure text. Today, they are ready to have a class and the researcher saw that some male students went to school canteen hurriedly to get some snack package for their English class. Time
Two and a half hour ago gave the researcher a short description for her class today. She would try to ask her students to make notes from the unused packages. It was used as students’ basic materials in shared writing. She would also ask her students to use their notes to write a text, specifically, a procedure text. She said that this was the beginning of shared writing strategy. Similar to what she did in the last meeting, Niha went to class X. A with lots of stuff. She brought books and pictures for today’s class. She had a great expectation that today the students would be able to obtain and memorize some new vocalaries. Afterward, she would ask the students to apply those vocalaries in their writing. Today, Niha and the researcher went to the class hurriedly because Niha had to share many things to the students. She asked the students who were still standing in front of the door to enter the class quickly. As usual, the researcher picked a chair in the corner and brought to the 100
back of the class. Then class began immediately. 12.30 – 12.45
Niha opened her class by greeting the students and asked the students’ condition. No one was absent. Every student came to the class and was ready to join the teaching learning process. Niha then asked the students about last week assignment. “Did you bring any unused package? Sudah bawa ngkus makanan atau barang yang lain? Students replied flashy, “ Yaaa, uu. Yes, u. We have it, sudah bawa ”. Most of students showed the unused package to her and their friends. Niha was moving around in the class while checking her students. Most students brought an instant food package from instant noodle, snacks and other instant food.
12.45 – 13.12
Next, Niha explained about what they would have to do in this class. “Ok class, today we are going to learn more about procedure text. I will share the main points of a procedure text. Afterward, we will try to write a simple procedure text with our own words. Do you know why we have to do this activity collaboratively? Because, you will be able to identify every procedure text with different topic and also write a simple procedure text. Jadi, hari ini kita akan belajar tentang teks prosedur. Ada hal-hal penting yang akan i jelaskan mengenai teks prosedur. Kemudian, kita akan mencoba memat teks prosedur dengan kata-kata sendiri, kan dari ku atau mencontek dari bacaan lain. Tujuannya supaya kalian dapat mengidentifikasi setiap teks prosedur walaupun topiknya berbeda dan juga bisa memat teks prosedur yang sederhana. Nanti kita akan belajar bersama ya, I pasti bantu kalian. Sekaligus kalian juga bisa membantu teman-temannya. Bagaimana? Sepakat kita belajar bersama? Student replied, “Iyaaa u”. A male student also said “ asal nggak angel-angel nggih ”. Niha responded, “Ok, that would be a good start for us”. Now, sekarang i ingin bertanya, Pernahkah kalian membaca informasi tentang teks prosedur? Anyone? Raise your hand please? The students were sy talking with their pairs and tried to give the best answer. They also opened their books and read it. Niha repeated her question to the 101
students. A few minutes later, a female student raised her hand and gave an answer. She replied, “ Emmm, teks prosedur itu seperti resep , ada bahannya, ada caranya. Gitu , ya contohnya kayak minggu lalu itu , gimana caranya at es teh, nasi goreng. Niha smiled and gave her a compliment. Bagaimana dengan yang lain, sepakat dengan jawaban Sri? The students replied, Iyaaa . Pokoknya hungannya sama caracara, prosedur, how to gitu (a male student stated his opinion). 13.12 – 14.00
Niha explained more about a procedure text. She wrote important notes about a procedure text as follow: 1. What is a text? 2. What is a procedure text? (purpose, organization, language features, )
After she finished explaining a procedure text, she asked the students to make a group of five. The students were asked to take a look on their unused package. Then, she gave several instructions: 1. Every student in one group has to identify the text organization ( Niha helped the students by writing down some clues in the blackboard) 2. Then they have to write down the language features (imperatives, action verbs, connections) While students were working with their friends, Niha was moving around to each group and checking their work. She sometimes had little discussion with the students or re-explained the information that she had explained before. “Ok, class, have you finish your work? Sudah selesai? We will check some of your work in front of the class. I need a volunteer to explain his/ her work here. Siapa mau coba maju kedepan kelas dan menjelaskan apa yang sudah dikerjakan. I akan bantu. Tiga orang bisa kedepan? Panggah, Desi and Upik were three students who were willing to show their work in front of their friends. During their presentation, Niha also 102
asked the students to pay attention to several new information that their friends added to their work. Niha assisted them while they were explaining their work. At the end of their presentation, Niha gave them a compliment and applause for their hard work. 14.01 – 14.15
Fifteen minutes before the end of the class, Niha asked the leader of the class to collect the unused packs with the paper work and organize them neatly. She also gave a short summary of today’s discussion. Five minutes before the bell, she asked the students to pack their belongings and reminded the students to reveal the text organization and to find the imperatives, connections and action verbs from the procedure text on their book (English Zone). She added that they have to write them down neatly on their note book and she would like to check it next week. At the end of the class, they prayed and said good bye to the teacher.
Field Note 3 Day, Date
: Monday, September 17, 2012
: 12.30
: X. A
The researcher went to the school thirty minutes before the class began. Hurriedly, the researcher walked to the teachers’ room and looked for . The room was quiet; three teachers were sy typing on their laptop including . The researcher came to her and greeted her. She welcomed the researcher with her bright smile then she asked the researcher to stay for a while at her chair before going to the class. She also gave the researcher a paper for her class today. Next, she explained the use of the paper while she was preparing other books. Right after she finished her preparation, she and the researcher went to the class together. Time
12.30 – 12.42
Niha started the class by greeting her students with a bright smile. Some students looked so gloomy. She asked the students randomly, why they looked so weak today. Several male students said that they just finished a math quiz and it was so hard; they felt downhearted and hopeless. Niha tried to comfort them and led them to English lesson. She asked the students whether they were ready to continue for English class or they still needed time to think about previous math quiz. They thought in silence and answered directly that they were ready for English lesson.
12.43 – 12.59
Afterwards, Niha started the lesson by asking her students to open English Zone and asked the students to take out their homework that she assigned last week. She was moving around to the students’ table and checked their work. She brought a pen and made a stop to see the students’ work one by one. While she was checking the work, some students were joking around with their friends. Niha asked them to stop joking and asked the leader of the class to get some pictures then 104
delivered them to all of his friends. A few minutes later, she finished checking the students’ work and gave a small summary of their work. 12.59 – 13.55
“Ok, class, most of you did a great job. Seemed that you have understood about a procedure text. Sudah pinter semua, kebanyakan dari kalian sudah bisa mengenali teks prosedur, tau mengelompokkan kata-kata dan mengidentifikasi teks dengan tepat. Gampang ya, gimana menurut kalian? One female student raised her hand, “ Iya , teks ini mudah dimengerti, kita sering lihat sih. Oke, karena kalian sudah mampu untuk menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik, ada permen capilanos satu ngkus untuk kelas ini. (The students were so happy and said thank you to Niha) Nah, sekarang kalian lihat gambar yang dibagikan oleh Teguh. Ada yang terima gambar telur, an egg? Bayam, spinach? Wortel, carrot? Kopi, coffee? (The students raised their hand when Niha mentioned the pictures). Kalian tau apa maksudnya i kasih gambar? One female student answered “ Nggak tau , eh tau ding. Ini bahan at bikin teks .” Niha replied, “Iya benar, kalian gunakan gambar terset untuk memat teks prosedur, dimana nantinya kalian akan meggunakan gambar itu sebagai salah satu bahannya . I bantu dengan brainstorming sebagai contoh. I punya gambar daging, meat. Nah, daging ini akan i at sup daging. I will give a title, How to make a Delicious Meat Soup. The purpose of the text is to describe or to tell the readers on how to make a delicious meat soup including the ingredients/ materials, and steps. Sekarang i gambarkan ya, jalan termudah untuk menulis supaya nggak bingung. ( Niha made a map for her writing, the students concentrated on her explanation. After she closed her explanation, she requested the students to do the same thing like what she did). Kalian coba memikirkan apa yang akan diat dengan gambar yang tadi. 105
Setelah itu tulis judulnya dan tujuan dari pematannya. Tulis juga bahan apa yang dituhkan. Bikin yang simpel saja. Make it short and simple. Gunakan catatan kemarin untuk memat steps-nya, ingat, language feature-nya simple present tense. Boleh bekerja sama dengan teman sebangku, dan mulai mencoba menulis. I akan berkeliling dan membantu kalian. The students were sy with their own work. They were drawing a map like Niha had given to them. It was a little bit strident because some of them keep calling Niha to make sure that they were doing the right thing. This situation happened for forty minutes. Niha kept checking on her students. She sometimes went back to her desk and sat for a while. 13.59 – 14.30
At two o’clock, she checked the students’ work and gave order that they have to finish their work immediately. ( Niha) Ok, class. Have you finished with your work? Sudah selesai dan dirapikan pekerjaannya? Mohon dirapikan karena akan kita cek bersama-sama. I beri waktu lima menit. Five minutes for you to make it neat. (Students) Oke , finiiissshh, dah slesai dari tadi , cuman diteliti lagi. Niha gave a compliment to the students, and asked them to give their work to the friends who sat in front of them and those who sat in the first line should give their work to the friends who sat at the last line. She directed the students to check their friends’ work. Students, I need your attention please? Now, we are going to check your work, your friends’ work. Kita akan koreksi milik kalian, milik teman kalian. Firstly, coba cek jenis teks teman anda, apakah sudah semua dalam bentuk teks prosedur? Jika benar, beri poin atau angka satu, give one point at the top of the page. (The students were sy checking the work. They didn’t ask a single question to the teacher). Good, next. Now check whether the purpose of the teks is written well or not. Sekarang kalian cari tujuan dari teks terset, ditulis atau tidak. Jika ditulis dengan bahasa Inggris beri angka satu, jika dalam bahasa 106
Indonesia, beri angka setengah. If there is no information atau tidak ditulis, beri angka nol. Ok, now check them all carefully. ( Niha repeated the instruction for three times and made sure that they put the right score. It took 7 minutes to finish this part) Now, class. Do you still remember the text organization of a procedure text? Mention please? Yess, . Goal atau aim yang tadi udah di cek. Terus materials, bahanbahannya dan steps atau cara-cara (Most of the students replied with correct answers). Good job. Now, please check the materials. Please give score one if the materials are complete. Kasih nilai satu jika bahan-bahannya ditulis disitu. Lalu pada bagian steps atau cara-cara. Kriingggggg. The school bell was ringing loudly. Niha asked the students to stop and collect the books in front of the class. She requested the leader and vice leader to help her putting the books on her desk at teachers’ room. Niha said thanks to the students and class ended.
Field Note 4 Day, Date
: Monday, September 24, 2012
: 12.30
: X. A
As the researcher promised to Niha last week, the researcher went to her office around 11.30 o’clock. She asked the researcher to accompany her, assisting the female students at Mushola to pray dzuhur. Afterward, the researcher asked permission to go to the class earlier. Niha gave her permission and said that she would come to the class very soon. As the researcher departed to the class, some students went to the researcher’s place and had a chit chat with the researcher. They said that they adored Niha very much because she was a very kind teacher. Next, they had a big hope that Niha would be their next teacher in the second grade. The researcher then asked several questions about writing lesson in English class in order to know their feeling and understanding about English writing. They said that they did not keen on writing, t they had a will to learn to write in English. They realized that English was very important for their future. The researcher also asked their opinion about few previous writing activities. One female student said that it was very enjoyable because Niha gave them lots of help. She said that she liked the candies very much. The other female student added that she could learn how to write through a simple map and she also compared to her English writing lesson at Junior High School. When she was at Junior High School, her teacher asked her to write without any clues and guidance. As a result, she cheated from a friend. Suddenly, Niha was standing in front of the door and the students immediately went to their chairs. Time
12.30 – 12.50
As usual, Niha greeted her students with a bright smile and gave an opening that recent days rain came unpredictably. So, she reminded the students to keep fit and eat healthy food. She started to give a perception of previous meeting. Next, she added that today there would be a new discussion related to the narrative text after the presentation. 108
Before the presentation, Niha delivered few folded papers contained numbers to order the presentation. She asked six students to get the papers and mention the numbers on the papers. After that, Niha started to give am instruction for every group. She asked each group has to present two works instead of five in front of their friends in six minutes. They have to show with power point slides as she requested last Thursday. At the end of the presentation, there would be two questions for each group and they had to answer the questions directly. 12.50 – 13. 50
The first presentation went for seven minutes. There was one question from the other group. The question was about the amount of the ingredients. A student said that three tablespoons of salt were too much for fried spinach. Then she recommended that two or three teaspoons of salt would be more reasonable. The presenters said that he did mistype on it, so he agreed with her suggestion. Furthermore, the second presentation was held by the second group. They made all students and Niha laughed because they gave funny pictures in their presentation. The third presentation gave something interesting. The group beautified their presentation with cartoon pictures and some animations. There was no question for this group, just like to the previous group. Then, the next group, the fourth group, made a presentation with short video. They showed a video on how to make an orange float with strawberry jam. The class was so full of good things. The students who were listening to the presentations also took notes everything they thought important on their book. Next, the fifth group presented their works with bringing some media. They were practicing on how to make fresh salad. This group consisted of four male students and two female students. The four of them were sy with the demonstration and the rest of them were presenting the presentation. Many male students were teasing their friends who demonstrated the steps, t Niha tried to stop it. She gave a warning to some students who were interrupting the presentation. She would decrease their presentation scores. A few minutes later, they stopped and followed the presentation. At the end, the last group presented their work using pictures from their own camera. They put together the pictures and gave the words below the pictures. 109
Because most of the students did not deliver the questions, Niha then asked the reason. The students said that they had understood the presentation because they had written the same text although with a different title. They also added that the content of the procedure text were same. They clarified that they knew how to write it and deconstructed a procedure text. Niha smiled brightly after she listened to the students’ answer. Then she said that the result of the students’ work would be collected in a compact disc as a proof that they had learned about procedure text. She also stated that they probably they would do a similar thing for the next discussion. The students agreed with the idea. After all, Niha jogged students’ memory about procedure text. She asked every single thing related to procedure text. The students replied her questions rapidly; it was looked like a race among them. 13.50 – 14. 15
Next, she asked the students to give applause for the class. She came in front of the class and gave another picture series. She requested the students to guess the pictures. No one answered. Then she gave some hints in order to get answers from the students. After the fifth hint, one student shouted, Timun mass u, itu cerita timun mas, Cuma gambar timunnya aneh. Niha said that it was correct and expressed her apology because the cucumber looked like watermelon. All students exploded to laugh. She started to ask how many characters on the pictures and what they are doing. She asked the students to write down on their books.
14.15 – 14.25
She was walking around to the students’ chairs and had a slight conversation with them. Five minutes before class ended, she asked the students to stop writing and she gave an assignment for the next meeting. The class was ended by praying together. After the class, few students asked for the soft file of Niha’s pictures.
Appendix II INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT 1 Interviewee
: (Nh)
: Rf (Rdw)
Day, Date
: Monday, September 3, 2012
: 07.30 – 10.40
: Computer Laboratory
Interview Objectives Information about participant’s background (family, educational background, achievement) and participant’s understanding, belief, intention, action, (teacher, roles of teacher and teaching writing) No. Q.1
Name Topic Transcripts Rdw Assalamu’alaikum Niha. How are you today? A.1 Nh Wa’alaikummusalam mbak, Alhamdulilah, fine. Thank you Q.2 Rdw Could we start our interview i? A.2 Nh Sure, we could. Don’t be too stiff ya mbak, just relax. I guess we can use both Bahasa Indonesia and English as well Q.3 Rdw Ok, .Agreed. Could you give a short introduction and describe about your educational background until you teach here? A.3.1 Nh Okay. Saya, .You can call me Niha. Saat ini tinggal di daerah Meteseh, Magelang. Dihitung-hitung sekitar 1 jam dari sekolah ini. Lumayan ya mbak, t I really enjoy it. A.3.2 Nh Hmm, my life story and educational background. Saya lahir dan besar di Magelang. SD, SMP dan SMA saya juga disana. Bahkan kuliahpun juga di 111
A.3.3 Nh
Magelang. I love Magelang very much. I graduated from Universitas Tidar Magelang in 2004. I spent exactly 4 years for my undergraduate study. I was so lucky because I got a scholarship from UNTID for several semesters. Niha was very fortunate. Then, what makes you like English? Alhamdulilah , hal yang patut saya syukuri. I love English since I was at junior high school. Sebenernya sih suka karena gurunya ganteng dan asik. Jadi suka deh sama Bahasa Inggris. Pas kelas satu sama dua diajar sama beliau, namanya Pak Bambang. Menyenangkan deh pokoknya. Belajar tuh nggak berasa banget. Beliau tuh guru yang ngertiin siswanya. Jadi belajarnya asik. Saya juga mikir, ohh, gini ya yang namanya guru. Tapi sayang, waktu kelas tiga gurunya nggak asik. Sempat bosen, tapi masih bisa ketemu dan ngobrol sama Pak Bambang, jadi nya tetep aja suka sama Bahasa Inggris. Pasti menyenangkan ya , jika suka keduanya, pelajaran dan gurunya juga. Menurut i, apakah jika seorang guru itu menyenangkan, pelajarannya juga pasti disukai oleh siswa? Wah, gimana ya mbak. Menurut pengalaman yang saya lihat sih begitu, kalo gurunya asik ya pasti banyak siswa yang suka sama pelajarannya. Nah, guru Bahasa Inggris saya tuh unik mbak, dia tuh asik, ngajarnya juga bagus, dikit-dikit tapi dapet ilmunya. Jadi, guru yang asik dan 112
Rdw A.7.1 Nh
menyenangkan, pelajarannya disukai oleh siswa ya . Ya nggak selalu mbak. Tapi peran guru sih penting banget mbak dan saya yakin kalau gurunya asik dan menyenangkan dan cara ngajarnya oke, dan bisa bikin paham siswa walaupun dikit, menurut saya sih nggak papa mbak. Daripada banyakbanyak ngasih tapi nggak paham. Lalu, Niha ketika sekolah di SMA juga memiliki pengalaman yang sama seperti saat sekolah di SMP? Maksudnya, ketemu guru Bahasa Inggris seperti saat saya SMP? Iya , itu maksud saya Gimana ya mbak. Agak medeni guru SMA daripada Guru SMP. Tapi cara ngajarnya sih enak mbak. Jadi ya suka sama Bahasa Inggris, tapi gurunya kurang friendly. Nah, pas kuliah, karena lebih bebas, jadinya saya senang ngobrol sama dosen. Intinya melatih skill berbicara dan keberanian. It was a very great story, . Then, is there any other reason why you chose English as your major? Yes, there is. A lot I guess. I found English very interesting. Many people around the world use it. I believe that English is a payuable language. So, mengajar bahasa Inggris itu menantang dan asik mbak.I mean, English never dies. I can use English to actualize my passion and share it to my students, teaching them. Hopefully, they can use English as well. I’m sure they will need English for their future. Selain itu, ya pas SMP tadi yang saya cerita punya guru bahasa Inggris, keren banget, cool, suka banget ikut 113
Q. 9
A. 9
kelas beliau. Berasa sebentar kalau dikelas beliau. Bisa didefinisikan keren dan cool-nya ? Emmm, mungkin karena cara nyampeinnya tuh nggak terlalu menggurui, sabar dan telaten. Beliau sih sebenernya galak gitu, tapi entah ya, galaknya ketutupan sama cara komunikasi yang bagus. Dikelas beliau tuh manajemen waktunya sering tepat. Walopun kadang molor sedikit karena kita belum selesai ngerjain tugas. Biasanya sih karena disambi murid-muridnya guyon gitu. Jadi, hal-hal terset yang memat i berkeinginan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? Selanjutnya, menurut i, sosok seorang guru itu harus bagaimana? Iya mbak, guru saya itu memberi banyak inspirasi. Secara nggak langsung saya mengadaptasi cara beliau mengajar, yang baik-baik saya ambil dan yang kurang saya perbaiki. Walaupun belum semuanya bisa sukses, tapi paling tidak ada hasil sedikit-sedikit. Niat saya sebagai guru itu bagi ilmu mbak.
In the middle of our interview, Niha’s friend came and she was delivering my question to Mr.Irul.
Oiya, tadi nanya tentang sosok guru ya mbak. Wah, berat juga mbak kalau mau jadi guru yang betul-betul guru. Sik, bentar mbak, kita tanya pak guru sik ngganteng dewe, pas banget kesininya pas interview. Abis itu saya deh yang jawab. N: Hei, pak, menurutmu dadi guru ki kudu piye? Pak I: piye yo, rajin ngajar lah, wektune akeh nang sekolah, mangkat esuk, mulih sore. Yo nek pas akreditasi, mulih esuk...hahahaha... N: Weelah, tenanan ki pitakonane. Priye to njenengan. Pak I: O, yo...oke-oke. Nek ukara wong Jowo, guru iku digugu lan ditiru. Tindhak tandukke kudu apik, iso nuladhani muride, mulang sing nggenah, pinutur bahasane kudu sing nglembah manah. Yo nesu keno ning kanthi wicaksono lan tumata. Kuwi kabeh miturut ku lan crito lo jeng. Nek saiki kok bedo yo. Ono sing guru tenanan ono sing ora nggenah prilakune. Yo ngono kuwilah , njenengan wis pirso dewe. 115
N: Mantep pakde, dadine, ora mung ngajar ning yo sak liya-liyane lan sak piturute yo. Pak I: Ho’o , pancen ngono kuwi kudune sakjatine. Tuhh, udah dijawab mbak, lebih kurang sama dengan pendapat pak I. Saya pribadi percaya bahwa yang namanya guru, digugu lan ditiru, yah dari segala segi. Ya guru sebagai guru dan guru sebagai manusia biasa gitu mbak.
Q. 11
Rdw Teacher Roles
Kebanyakan sih dilihat dari cara guru ngajar dikelas dan meng-handle siswa didalam kelas. Jadi, i sepakat dengan pendapat dari Pak I, sekaligus digugu dan ditiru. Kemudian, bagaimana i melihat diri i sebagai seorang guru? Gimana ya mbak, wajib jawab nih? Aneh kayaknya menilai diri sendiri. Tapi yo ora popo yo mbak, sekalikali. Saya tuh disiplin mbak, masuk dan keluar kelas tepat waktu karena saya tinggal dengan om dan lik, jadinya malu kalau numpang dan nggak disiplin. Kebawa akhirnya di setiap hal. Terus saya suka baca ku, novel bahasa inggris, dan isi nya kadang tak pakai at 116
cerita di kelas dan memperkenalkan proverb, kayak a piece of cake, be your own best friend, write down the highlights of the day dll, nggak banyak tapi yang mudah diingat aja. Soalnya kalau anak-anak dikasih contoh kayak gitu malah sering diinget lho mbak, seneng banget mereka. Apalagi ya mbak, owh, kalau dikelas saya sih suka jadi fasilitator anakanak biar berasa hidup kelasnya. Yah mungkin itu sih mbak.
A.11.1.Act.RoT.Int.1 Q.12
Wuah, i cool dan keren. Saya jadi pengen jadi murid i nih. Apakah i juga mempersiapkan lesson plan dan perangkat lainnya sebelum mengajar? Ah. Mbak bisa aja, saya ni lho biasa aja koq. Pengen lebih baik aja mbak, karena saya yakin anak-anak harus belajar, dunia makin kejam mbak, nek mereka nggak siap bersaing, kasian nantinya. Pasti, insyaallah saya selalu siapin, tapi kadang nek pas ada acara dadakan atau acara MGMP biasanya trus anak-anak dapat tugas. Kadang saya yo pakai media, atau di laboraturiom bahasa, muter film pendek, at refreshing lah mbak. Mereka njur 117
Rdw A.13
seneng nek wis gitu, terus rame-rame pada nonton lagi. Nah, kesempatan itu biasane saya kasih tugas at nyari vocab yang susah dan tak suruh bikin ringkasan pendek. Kemudian , guru banyak disorot dari cara mengajar siswa – siswinya ya ? Bisa dicontohkan ? Iya mbak, tadi bener yg diaturke sama Pak I. Trus cara ngajar ya mbak? Emmm, gimana ya mbak. Yen dijlentrehke itu panjang mbak. Nanti lama lho. Bisa jam-jam an mbak. Mboten nopo-nopo , ndak papa. Nek menurut saya ngajar tuh harus fleksibel dan bermakna mbak. Maksudnya, kita lihat murid kita kayak apa dan gimana, terus harus disesuaikan.
Kudu pinter cari cara supaya klik gitu mbak. Ya cara ngajar dan ya diajar juga. Kita belajar, murid ya belajar juga. Bahasa biologine, simbiosis mutualisme mbak, kan parasitisme. Hehehe Bisa dijelaskan tentang murid kayak apa dan gimana ? Ada contohnya ? Oh, gini mbak. Lha anak jaman sekarang kan beda sama jaman saya, mbak dan bapak kita lah. Yo tiap 118
generasi bakal beda. Nah, sekarang ini terutama anak SMA tuh udah pinter dan kritis, nanya hal-hal yang diluar yang kita tahu karena mereka diekspos sama gadget, pergaulan yang makin gaul. Dadine yo nek ngajar harus disesuaikan dengan keadaan mereka mbak, piye supaya seiring sejalan, nggak kuno, up to date tapi tetep nilai-nilai timurnya ada. Susah lho nek nggak blending sama siswa, jadi kesannya guru killer mbak. Percaya deh mbak. Makanya harus tau anak – anak. Hehehe. Iya , guru harus jadi apa yang murid inginkan, kesannya begitu ya , heheheh. Balik ke tadi ya , lalu apakah difokuskan ke semua kemampuan ? Reading, listening, speaking, writing? Contohnya bagaimana ? Ya iya mbak. Cara ngajar itu macem-macem ya mbak. Materi bisa dari mana aja gitu. Yang penting kompetensi siswa yang disasar. Kemaren kan mbak penasaran sama cara ngajar writing, nah contohnya, saya ngajar materi tentang teks prosedur, saya bikin pembelajaran yang menarik.Saya minta mereka aktif nyari bahan ajar diluar yang mudah dan murah. 119
Intinya, mereka belajar walaupun dengan apa yang ada tapi berguna at mereka. Cara ngajarnya lebih ke berbagi mbak. Saya yo berperan ngajar mereka, dan mereka yo ada usaha at belajar.
Terus terang, saya yo mesakke sama anak- anak kalau dijejali materi atau saya ngomong terus didepan kelas, ntar mereka bosen. Jadinya saya minta mereka A.15.Und.Std.Chs.Int.1 yang aktif terus saya menerangkan yang dasar dan A.15.1.Act.Int.1 penting dan harus berulang kali sampai mereka bisa. Berarti i sering menggunakan cara mengajar berbagi yang i terangkan tadi, dan utamanya untuk mengajar writing? Iya mbak, walaupun penerapannya sama, hasilnya mesti beda. Pasti beda karena karakteristik tiap kelas dan tiap anak beda. Jadi hasilnya macemmacem. Ada yang bagus ada A.16.Und.Std.Chs.Int.1 yang kurang. Jadi saya harus tetep belajar mbak, dan ternyata seorang guru itu kudu sinau terus A.16.Ref.Int.1 mbak ben makin lebih baik dalam ngajar dan ngertiin siswanya Kira – kira spesifikasi cara mengajar i lebih ke studentcentered atau ke teacher120
A.19.1 Nh
centered ? Fokus ke writing saja atau semua kemampuan. Ya dua-duanya mbak ke semua skill. Mungkin fiftyfifty mbak. Karena siswa sini masih memtuhkan bimbingan lebih dan nggak bisa teko cul, lepas gitu aja. A.17.Und.Sts.Chs.Int.1 Kita sebagai guru yang kudu banyak ngerti mbak, maklum disini kan swasta, yang pinter ada, sedengan yo ada, sing seadanya yo ada juga. Macem-macem mbak. Saya lebih fokus ke kebermaknaan aja kok mbak. Biar ndak siasia gitu. Walaupun pada akhirnya nek pas kelas 3 biasane njur dioyak sama pemerintah at persiapan UN. Oiya mbak, hari ini jadi masuk kelas kan? Saya ngajar tentang teks prosedur setelah sholat dzuhur. Wah, seharian deh mbak disini. Iya , inshaallah jadi . Ndak papa , maturnuwun kerjasamanya lho . Could we continue ?Oiya , selanjutnya saya akan fokus ke pengajaran writing boleh ? Oke mbak, sama-sama. Bisa dong fokus ke writing mbak, lha ini apa adanya juga kok mbak. Malahane lebih terkonsentrasi. Btw, masih ada berapa pertanyaan to mbak? Akeh yo? Ndak kok , dikit lagi, minggu depan saya kesini lagi ya . Sip mbak. 121
A.18.1 Nh
Kembali lagi ke cara mengajar tadi ya .Sepertinya Niha juga memperhatikan karakteristik kelas dan siswa juga ya ? Bagaimana i menyesuaikan cara mengajar dan karakterisktik kelas dan siswa tadi ? Iya dong mbak,saya percaya hal itu penting karena sedikit banyak memberi gambaran tentang kelas dan siswanya, ntar biar enak cara ngajarnya, nggak terlalu beda banget kemampuan anak-anaknya.Nek disini, biasanya dibedakan lewat angka, ya kelas X.A, X.B dan seterusnya. Sebenernya nggak adil ya dibedakan begitu, tapi ya harus mbak, biar ngajarnya nggak semrawut. Ngajar di kelas yang siswanya mampu sekali dan luar biasa, tau kan mbak, “luar biasa”, jelas harus dibedakan. Trus cara ngajarnya ke kelas – kelas itu sebenarnya sama mbak, explaining materials, sharing experinces practicing together, reinforcement. Materinya sama, Cuma beda tingkat kesulitannya aja, katakanlah, teksnya dicari yang mudah dan yang sulit. Yo nek ini fokus ke semua skill mbak. Iya , jadi intinya cara pembelajarannya atau mengajarnya sama, yang beda tingkat kesulitannya. 122
Oke , Maturnuwun sanget lho . Oiya, nanti saya masuk kelas ya . Oke mbak, sama-sama, saya malah curhat banyak nih. Minggu depan jadi kan? Nggih, . Inshaallah jadi, maturnuwun sanget. Eh , satu pertanyaan lagi boleh ya ? Biasanya dalam belajar Bahasa ada kemampuan dasar yang harus dikuasai, listening, reading, speaking dan writing. Saya ingin fokus ke writing nih , menurut i, apakah pengajaran writing penting untuk siswa SMA? Santai mbak, nambah beberapa juga nggak papa. Bener banget mbak, yo ke empat itu harus dikuasai, bahkan dinilai dari kemampuan itu jugalah. Nek pinter matematika tapi nggak bisa ngobrol pake bahasa yo podo wae mbak, yo mosok mau curhat pakai angka, hehehehe. Menurut saya semua penting mbak. Tambahan lagi nih mbak, Inggris tuh ya sama kayak Bahasa Indonesia, bisanya dinilai jika menguasai keterampilan empat-ing itu. Yo tadi, nek matika kudu itungane bener. Nek sinau bahasa yo kudu iso mendengarkan kanthi apik dan tau maksudnya, baca dan bisa jawab pertanyaan, trus bisa ngomong cas cis cus, 123
dan berakhirlah ke nulis. Yo sinaune bisa barengbarenglah mbak.
Teruss, writing itu the most difficult part in learning language. Banyak orang yang bilang gitu, saya ngertinya juga gitu.Apalagi ngajarnya. Tapi itu justru penting karena menulis bisa mengubah dunia, liat aja mbak, gosip tertulis aja bisa bikin wallstreet ambruk kan mbak. Atau kita bisa kenal raja ampat dari tulisan juga. Jelaslah kalau pengajaran menulis itu penting at anak SMA, lha secara mereka sudah dewasa, belajar juga dalam keadaan sadar. Harus dibangun sense nulisnya, tapi fokus pemerintah untuk bahasa inggris ki akeh moco ne mbak, pegel lah mbak. Mudah lupa juga nek nggak memproduksi gitu. Susah tapi mungkin mbak. Menulis itu jendela dunia, jembatan juga mbak. Jadi i percaya bahwa pengajaran menulis itu penting untuk anak SMA? kemudian tindakan i untuk mengajarkan menulis contohnya apa ? Yo iyo mbak.Emmm,seperti yang saya setin tadi, saya percaya nek ngajar dengan strategi tertentu harus bisa memka celah at kerjasama dengan siswa, bisa sharing, 124
dengerin suara hati mereka, karena mereka punya suara untuk didengar dan dimengerti.
Trus tujuannya atau maksudnya untuk menciptakan pembelajaran bermakna. Intine, abis sinau, ada pengalaman yang didapetlah mbak. Teruss, strategi itu macem-macem mbak, saya ki yo nganggo akeh strategi tapi kadang kenyataan berkata lain..hahahaha, koyo sinetron yo mbak. Nggak ada strategi yang sempurna, tapi nyaris juga ada, lha pinterpinternya kita yang pilih. Saya sih yakin nek strategi tuh membantu at ngajar, tapi tetep kudu selektif mbak. Akeh belajar dari pengalaman mbak. Kita bisa pakai yang pernah kita implementasikan Begitu ya , oke maturnuwun, saya datang lagi nanti siang nggih Oke mbak, makasih juga ya.
: (Nh)
: Rf (Rdw)
Day, Date
: Monday, September 10, 2012
: 07.40 – 09.25
: Computer Laboratory and Counseling Room
No. Q.1. A.1. Q.2 A.2
Q.3 A.3
Name Topic Transcripts Rdw Assalamu’alaikum Niha. How do you do? Nh Wa’alaikumsalam mbak. How do you do Rdw Oiya , lembaran kertas kemarin sampun diisi ? Nh Sudah mbak, ini kertasnya. Wah pertanyaannya dalem ya mbak. Jadinya saya kayak bikin diary, cerita-cerita yang lalu ditulis lagi.He..he..he..jadi geli kalau ingat mbak. Rdw Maaf ya , jadi merepotkan. Bisa kita mulai interview nya ? Nh Ndak papa mbak, malah asik yo mbak. Sembari nulis, mengingatingat dan merefleksi diri sendiri. Nek nggak kayak gini, kapan lagi mbak. Saya yo nek merefleksi diri sendiri tuh seadanya aja mbak, jarang ada pertanyaan kayak punya mbak itu lho. Owh...interviewnya pindah ke ruang BK aja ya mbak, lebih santai, disana ada sofa nya. Rdw Begitu ya . Oke , monggo ke ruang BK Nh Gini kan lebih nyaman to mbak. Oiya, nanti masuk kelas lagi kan mbak? Lha minggu lalu kan belum selesai, inshaallah nanti disamng 126
Nh Rdw
lagi mbak. Tuh medianya udah jadi. Iya , nanti masuk ke kelas i lagi. Wawancara kali ini masih berhungan dengan pembahasan yang lalu nggih , dan lainnya saya ambil dari observasi minggu lalu . Oke, mbak. Saya masih ingat kok. Minggu lalu i ngendiko bahwa cara ngajar ditiap kelas sama, tapi dibedakan tingkat kesulitannya ya . Iya mbak, biasanya saya lakukan itu karena sangat membantu ngasih pemahaman ke siswa terutama at nulisnya mbak. Ya otomatis harus sedia banyak contoh mbak. Kebanyakan dari internet sama ku yang ada gitu. Selain dari internet, apakah i juga menulis sendiri contoh-contoh teks-nya? Iya mbak, tapi nggak banyak juga kok. Biasanya sih yang ada hungannya sama local content, karena kita pakai PBKL (Pendidikan Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal). Lagian bikinnya juga ramerame mbak. Ya sharing sama temen-temen yang lain sambil cerita pengalaman yang sudahsudah gitu. Berarti sering kumpul-kumpul untuk bikin teks yang berbasis local content ya . Asik banget bisa ngobrol bareng gitu . Yo ndak sering mbak, baru beberapa kali kok mbak. Biasa, dulu karena ada akreditasi terus borongan bikin bareng-bareng, abis itu ketemuan lagi sih, tapi biasane dibarengke sama acara pengajian kelas. Itupun yo ndak mesti bikin 127
teks, palingan sharing pengalaman dikelas kita. Wah asik ya , berbagi pengalaman dan ilmu gitu . Lanjut ya , minggu lalu mengajar tentang teks prosedur kan , bisa diceritakan ? Ya begitu mbak, asik bisa bagi cerita. Lha pengalaman yang konkrit biasanya kan bisa jadi referensi ngajar atau refleksi supaya lebih baik lagi mbak. Oiya, minggu lalu fokus ke teks prosedur. Saya berusaha memberi gambaran umum mbak, ngasih contoh yang biasa mereka temui. Niatnya supaya nge-klik-in sama dunianya mereka aja, otentik katanya (authentic material). Makanya minggu lalu tak kasih gambar ben mereka gampang ngertinya mbak. Kemudian kompetensi apa yang disasar ? Ya masih dasar mbak, pemahaman, comprehension gitu. Jenis teks ini kan mudah ditemui dimanapun mbak, jadinya skill baca, mendengar pastinya udah tahu mereka. Nantinya mau fokus ke writing dan beberapa minggu kedepan. Mencoba untuk memproduksi tapi dengan level yang sangat mudah dulu Sehingga minggu lalu i melihat dan memetakan sejauh mana mereka paham ya ? Iya mbak dan feeling juga sih mbak, anak-anak udah pernah belajar dari SMP, dan mereka dah belajar vocab-vocab, lah ini kan tinggal nerangin temporal 128
A.10.1 Nh
conjunction sama action verbs. Terus, simple present tense, pasti udah bisa, apalagi mereka dikelas X.A, saya percaya mereka dah bisa mbak. Nek bagi saya, kalau dah bisa, diulang-ulang jadi bosen, tp nek belum bisa, diulang-ulang terus sampai bosen. Ha..ha..ha.. Tadi i bilang hari ini akan fokus ke pembelajaran writing. Bisa dijelaskan ? Melihat hasil minggu lalu, saya berharap hari ini anak-anak bisa belajar writing. Ya tentunya saya jelasin dulu tentang teks prosedur itu, generic structure nya, grammar focus dan lainnya, setelah itu sedikit-sedikit baru nulis mbak. Menulis itu menajamkan pikir mbak, ada kti nyata, bisa dipelajari. Yo nek lali bisa dika lagi memorinya diku. Apakah tidak memtuhkan waktu lama ? Terus pengajaran dan pembelajarannya menggunakan strategi tertentu, teknik atau bagaimana ? Itu jawabannya jelas mbak, tuh waktu lama, padahal kita dikejar materi, tes, dan lain sebagainya. Tapi ya usaha mbak, supaya anakanak makin suka bahasa inggris dan bisa menggunakannya. Ngajar, setahu saya kan minter-ke siswa, kan maringi bank soal materi ke siswa. Tapi ya memang tuh proses. Terus pengajaran nulisnya tuh pakai strategi yang dulu pernah diajarkan sama dosen saya pas kuliah mbak. Dulu saya pernah ikut mikroteaching, latihan ngajar sebelum praktek lapangan gitu. 129
Terus dosen saya ngasih transparansi, jadul banget ya, masih belum jaman powerpoint. Ada strategi shared writing mbak. Jadi biasanya digunakan at ngajar anak kecil, TK gitu lah. Dosen saya ngasih penjelasan kalau strategi itu bisa dipraktekan di jenjang manapun dan saya juga fotokopi halaman yang nerangin shared writing, lembarannya dikit kok mbak. Sebelumnya udah pernah saya pakai pas saya ngajar di SMP, daerah pelosok Meteseh sana. Hasilnya sih lumayan mbak. Mereka bikin mading di sekolah tiap lan. Tulisan mereka asli tuh tentang profil guru-guru di sekolah. Tapi entah sekarang masih ada atau enggak. Q.11.
Dosen Niha betul-betul inspiring ya . Oiya, boleh saya pinjam fotokopiannya ? Selanjutnya, strategi shared writing itu detilnya bagaimana ? Bisa diceritakan penerapannya saat i mengajar writing di SMP dengan shared writing? Kemudian, mengapa i ingin menerapkan dikelas i hari ini? Iya mbak, pake banget, nggak rugi ketemu sama dosen kayak beliau. Masih ada nggak ya, kalau nggak ada, saya masih inget koq mbak. By the way, lama-lama pertanyaan mbak ini kayak matematika aja, panjang kali lebar kali tinggi. Hahahaha...bisa-bisa bikin ku lho mbak, saya jawab seingat saya yo 130
A.10.Exp. SWS.Int.2
A.11.1 Nh
Rdw A.11.2 Nh
mbak. Maaf lho , sampai panjang begitu. Habisnya asik sekali dengar cerita tentang pengalaman i. Luas gitu , saya juga pengen belajar lebih. Santai mbak, siapa lagi yang mau dengerin kalau kan mbak sama teman-teman se-geng ngajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini. Shared writing itu kayak ngajar nulis melalui sistem sharing, ya sharing semuanya, sharing pengalaman, sharing ide, pekerjaan, sampai evaluasi juga. Kalau nggak salah dibagi tiga bagian, beginning activities, whilst-activities, post-activities, A.11.1.Und.SWS.Int.2 standar kayak ngajar biasanya. Biasanya pas diawal tuh saya ngelakuin pengajaran kayak minggu lalu itu mbak, abis itu saya ngajak anak-anak at nulis seah teks dan milih topik yang sama sekelas, biar mudah, terus saya nggambar kayak brainstroming gitu, mereka tak suruh ngisi yang isinya kirakira akan ditulis diparagraf mereka. Saya sih nggak saklek harus ngikutin step-step dengan detil. Ada juga yang tak jadiin satu atau nggak tak pakai, yang penting intinya sama-lah, niat, tujuan sama aksinya. Sistem sharing yang i gunakan tujuannya apa ya ? Ya at ngertiin anak – anak. Saya mencoba mendengar suara mereka mbak, ideas, thoughts, opinion, kadangpun saya nggak sengaja dapat ide ngajar dari mereka, karena mereka lebih gaul dan up to 131
A.11.3 Nh
A.11.4 Nh
date. Kemudian, tadi langkah-langkah nya njlimet ya , apakah akan selesai ? Apakah ndak mengganggu persiapan ulangan, tes dan yang lainnya ? Nggak juga koq mbak, asal manajemen waktu nya jelas, instruksinya jelas nantinya bisa efektif. Ya nggak semua teks harus dipraktekin nulisnya mbak. Tapi idealnya ya semua, tapi kita yo harus liat karakteristik dan kemampuan anak-anaknya juga mbak. Kalau dulu saya pas ngajar SMP Cuma fokus ke teks deskripsi aja mbak. Tapi kan deskripsi tuh banyak, deskripsi tempat, orang , barang dll. Nah dikelas nanti saya pengennya fokus ke teks prosedur dulu. Terus, ngganggu ulangan, tes..emmm...nggak lah mbak, lha mereka yo belajar koq. Dulu pas saya ngajar SMP juga mraktekin shared writing dan nggak ganggu tuh. Lha wong yang kelas XI sekarang udah pernah saya ajar pake strategi ini. Oh, ternyata i sudah menerapkan beberapa kali dan di jenjang yang berbeda, wah, jam terbangnya sudah tinggi ya . Oiya, kemudian siswa yang kelas XI sekarang sudah bisa memat teks apa aja ? Beberapa kali aja mbak, itupun ya nggak persis seperti yang ada diku koq. yang di kelas XI, dulu juga saya minta bikin teks prosedur dan teks recount. Saya nggak berani nambah lagi teks yang lain karena karakteristik dan kemampuan mereka rada spesial. Dulu sih 132
Rdw A.11.5 Nh
Rdw A.11.6 Nh
mereka bisa mbak, bikin teks sederhana gitu, tapi masih super acak-acakan grammarnya. Itu karena mereka susah banget diminta untuk perhatian dan praktek. Sempat nyerah juga waktu itu, tapi yo akhirnya dari 4 kelas yang saya ajar, mayanlah separuhnya bisa dan mau belajar. Nek sekarang, saya yo ndak tau mbak, coba tanya sama Dewi, yang ngajar kelas XI sekarang. Dulu, kendalanya apa saja ? Dan mengatasinya gimana tuh ? Banyak mbak. Ada salahnya saya, ada karena anak-anak juga. Pas waktu itu manajemen kelas saya kacau, lha saya pas diminta jadi tim inti MGMP, bikin soal sama sering rapat, plus, lesson plan nggak jelas. Dah wis mbak parah pokoknya. Tambah lagi karakter anaknya waktu itu super luar biasa mbak. Angel dikandani, beberapa dari mereka memang nggak mau belajar, kan cuma dikelas bahasa inggris aja, hampir semua kelas gitu. Yo akhire sebisanya mbak. Waktu itu saya gimana ya ngatasinnya, sik...kayaknya saya ngasih banyak hadiah permen, pensil sama pulpen. Untungnya dulu ada acara disini dan sisasisanya boleh dimanfaatkan sama semua guru. Yo wis, daripada nganggur, saya pake aja. Pengalaman apa saja yang bisa i ambil dari tahun lalu ? Ya banyak mbak, harus lebih baik lagi dari segi apapunlah. Perencanaan kelas harus yang bener, manajemen kelas dan waktu 133
juga iya. Instruksi juga harus diulang-ulang biar clear. Bener kata pepatah ya mbak, pengalaman adalah guru yang paling baik. maaf, sudah hampir jam 10. Masih ada waktu untk wawancara mboten ? Iyo yo mbak, dah nyi bel 3x ya. Hahahaha, saking senenge crito ki lho. Kalau mau diteruske yo nggak papa mbak. Saya masih ngajar jam 12.30 koq. tapi having brunch aja kali ya mbak. Besok siang aja diterusin gimana mbak? Jam 9-an gitu gimana? Nggih , besok mawon. Nanti saya masuk kelas lagi nggih . Oke mbak, nanti saya mau minta anak-anak tukar informasi sama bikin catatan kecil at modal nulis minggu depan. Yo nek bisa sih dicicil hari ini. Nggih , maturnuwun. Saya pamit dulu . Nanti siang kesini lagi Nunggu disini aja sama Pak Joko dan Dewi ikut jagain kantor BK. Hehehehe...yo wis mbak, ketemu nanti lagi
: (Nh)
: Rf (Rdw)
Day, Date
: Wednesday, September 12, 2012
: 09.00 – 11.45
: Teachers’ Room
No. Q.1 A.1
Name Rdw Nh
Transcripts Assalamau’alaikum, hello again Niha dah datang. Wa’alaikumsalam mbak, please come here. Have a seat mbak. Bentar ya, saya tak nylesein nyusun koreksian kerjaan kemarin ya mbak. Sini lho mbak, duduk di kursi Pak Harman, ndak papa koq Iya , makasih sekali. Are you sy ? I’m so sorry for bothering you Nope, nggak mbak. Abis menyelesaikan nilai tugas hari senin kemarin tuh lho mbak. Dimasukin ke daftar nilai sementara aja koq, saya simpan di laptop. Lha kita kan udah janjian untuk interview dan penasaran juga hasil observasi kemarin. Pasti banyak salahnya ya mbak. Hehehehe Saya banyak belajar lho dari Niha. Murid i bisa tertib dan lancar semua planning-nya . Bagaimana bisa begitu ya Waaah, yo nggak gitu mbak, saya malu nih. Murid sih jenisnya macam-macam mbak. Ahamdulilah kelas A itu semangat belajar dan ingin taunya tinggi. Mereka agak eksklusif juga, ndilalah to mbak, isine anak wong sugih, jadinya sudah diberi pengertian sama orang tua nya kalau sekolah itu penting. Saya sudah pernah mengajar 135
diberbagai jenis kelas mbak. Asal pinter tarik ulur siswa kita aja. Insyaallah lancar mbak, tapi pas kelas tiga pasti pressurenya beda mbak. Tau sendirilah mbak, at least saya membangun daya sejak mereka kelas satu. Oiya, gimana ngajar saya kemarin mbak. Writingnya baru sedikit je mbak. Mereka tak minta mengidentifikasi sama rewrite dulu. Yang penting tau apa yang mereka tulis, artinya juga tau plus kelas kata nya dikit-dikit. Kelas hari senin kemarin tertib dan lancar jaya . Oiya, saat i memulai akan menerangkan materi hari itu, i selalu memberi penjelasan singkat tentang apa yang akan dilakukan hari itu ya ? Terus, ketika i menerangkan, saya lihat muridmurid nggak ada yang menulis ya . Mereka fokus ke i gitu. Mantra apa nih yang i pakai, hehehehe Iya mbak, apersepsi itu penting, biar bisa kerjasama, mereka kan udah besar, walopun seringnya masih kekanakan juga, tapi tetep harus diberi pengertian, pentingnya belajar materi ini, gitu mbak. Nek mereka nggak nggatekke yo mesti saya ulang pas akhir dari pertemuan itu koq mbak, kalau sempat dan cukup waktunya. Nah, kenapa kelas saya bisa kayak gitu karena pas pertemuan pertama biasanya ada agreement mbak. Kudu greteh mengingatkan murid yang melanggar, tapi kalau sudah kebiasaan, mereka ntar ngerti kok mbak. Ya mantranya tuh persetujuan tadi mbak. Apakah dengan adanya persetujuan itu memat proses mengajar lancar dan sukses ? Bisa dikatakan begitu mbak, sak pengalaman saya sih iya atau paling 136
nggak agreement membantulah mbak. Mereka kan masih perlu dibimbing supaya lebih terarah dan sadar bahwa mereka harus disiplin supaya bisa lebih baik. Oke , sepakat dengan njenengan. Kemudian, saat i meminta murid-murid berkelompok tetapi kenapa mereka tetap harus mengerjakan milik mereka sendiri. Maksud dari kegiatan itu apa ya ? Ohh, itu mbak. Mereka saya kelompokkan supaya mereka belajar bersama dengan teman mereka. Tanya, diskusi walaupun mereka harus mengerjakan dari sumber yang mereka miliki sendiri. Intinya ada teman at diskusilah mbak, walaupun sebenarnya in pairs juga bisa. Selain itu, mereka bekerja dalam kelompok juga membantu saya mengecek sejauhmana mereka menyelesaikannya. Terus, saya bantu juga dengan clues dipapan tulis, ben nggak lali mbak, mereka yo kerjasama, sharing gitu. Oke , lalu adakah murid i yang tidak dapat menyelesaikan tugas yang i berikan? Bagaimana i menyikapinya? Dari hasil yang saya kumpulkan, ada tiga orang yang belum komplit mbak. Mereka kurang teliti nulis action verbsnya. Lainnya komplit semua. Yang belum komplit tuh saya tambahi bagian apa yang belum komplit. Terus saya kasih feedback, complete your work next time, thank you. Gitu aja mbak, biar mereka tau kalau harus lebih teliti. Yang sudah komplit tapi masih salah, ya saya tulisin juga, check your work again, you have done well, thank you. Terus kalau yang komplit dan bener smua, saya kasih tulisan, good job, well 137
A.6.Act.Int.3 SWS
A.7.Act.Int.3 SWS
done, etc. Gitu mbak. Abis itu ditandatangani. Dah beres mbak, murid-murid tuh merasa mereka diperhatikan kalau kita betul-betul menghargai apapun yang mereka kerjakan mbak.Yakin tenan saya mereka bakal senang mbak. Kemudian, i juga bilang bahwa kemarin adalah bagian dari beginning shared writing strategy ya , nah i juga menambahkan bahwa mencoba mendengar ideas, thoughts, opinion dari murid-murid, bisa dijelaskan kembali ? Iya mbak, masih fokus ke transfer knowledge sama comprehension. Ngetest mereka tentang teks prosedur, minta mereka identifikasi dll. Nah, yang mendengar itu hari ini mbak. Mencoba fokus ke satu topik yang nantinya bisa diat jadi paragraf sederhana. Lha saya kan juga minta mereka at nulis identifikasi text organization sama language featuresnya. Nah abis itu, mereka bisa mengelompokkan terus mulai nulis dengan topik yang sama berdasarkan ide dari meraka dan jenis teks yang sama juga. Pastinya saya nggak bisa melepas merekalah mbak, mesti tak bantu pakai brainstroming. Berarti minggu depan, i akan mulai meminta mereka menulis ya ? Iya mbak, lumayan berat karena kondisi saya dan mereka harus bener-bener oke. Mikir banget deh pokoknya, hehehehe. Ni saya baru nyiapin kertas dan clues at mereka. Persis kayak ngajar TK mbak, nyiapin media. Tapi yang penting bisa tertib, ada portofolio juga at mereka. Wuah, i memang planner yang hebat. Oiya , bisa tolong dijelaskan juga rencana untuk senin depan? 138
A.9.Act.Int.3 SWS
Kudu rajin mbak, biar rapi. Ya mulai nulis mbak, sharing,bagi-bagi vocab yang penting tentang topik yang akan dibahas. Nggambar juga kalau perlu. Oiya, minta mereka baca, read aloud, pronounciation juga ada dikit. Minta mereka bikin teks prosedur sebisanya trus ntar direvisi sendiri plus saya cek juga. Ya mungkin itu mbak. Pasti waktunya pas deh, karena cukup exhausted juga kerjaannya. Berarti besok senin saya langsung masuk ruang kelas i ya. Kan interviewnya sudah hari ini ?Bolehkan ? Iya mbak, jelas boleh, tapi kalau mau bantuin saya dulu nggak papa lho. Versi komplitnya besok senin ya mbak. Mbak, sorry banget saya nggak bisa sampai jam 11.30, ada janjian sama bapak i guru yang lain, takziah. Disamng senin ya mbak. Nggih , ndak apa-apa, maturnuwun atas waktunya lho .
: (Nh)
: Rf (Rdw)
Day, Date
: Thrusday, September 20, 2012
: 09.00 – 12.45
: Teachers’ room
Interview pointers No.
Q.1 A.1
Q.2 A.2 Q.3
Name Topic Transcripts Rdw Assalamu’alaikum Niha. Nh Wa’alaikumsalam mbak. Sini mbak, apa kabar? Rdw Alhamdulilah baik . I bagaimana kabarnya? Nh Not so well mbak, kemarin saya nggak masuk sekolah pusing berat. Baru masuk hari ini. Udah sehat sih tapi nggak boleh kehujanan lagi. Rdw Musim hujan , jadi harus lebih hatihati. Nh Iya mbak. Sampai koreksian saya bawa pulang sebagian nih. Rdw I hebat, tetap kerja walaupun sakit. Oiya , bisa melanjutkan interview hari ini? Kulo manut i. Nh Gimana lagi mbak, harus dikerjakan supaya nggak numpuk banyak. Ni aja masih beberapa lagi. Padahal mbak kan mo nanya hasil kemarin ya. Blum jadi semua mbak. Mau nunggu atau minggu depan aja mbak? Maaf lho mbak Rdw It’s ok , saya tunggu saja. Disambi wawancara nggak papa ya . Saya sampun bikin pointers dari kelas hari senin kemarin. Nh Okelah mbak, santai aja, bisa disambi 140
kok. Lagian saya hari ini udah ngajar tadi jam 7. Sekarang udah selo mbak. Senin yang lalu agak kacau ya mbak. Lagi-lagi manajemen waktunya kurang tepat. Saya harus refleksi lagi nih mbak. Tapi nggak papa juga sih, ada bagusnya gitu karena saya bisa ngoreksi pekerjaan mereka. Waktu itu bel nyi dan i sedang menyelesaikan checking bagian akhir dari penulisan teks prosedur ya . Iya mbak, sedikit lagi selesai. t, that’s ok. Malah kebetulan karena saya bisa masukin nilai lebih cepat, hehehe. , ada beberapa hal yang akan saya tanyakan ke i mengenai proses kemarin ya . Pada saat akan memulai pelajaran, sepertinya i memastikan apakah murid-murid i siap untuk belajar bersama i. Alasan i melakukan hal terset apa ya ? Lha kemarin kan mereka lemes mbak, nggak semangat, ogah-ogahan. Terus saya tanya, dan mereka jawab karena ulangan matematika. Pastinya mereka ada rasa gelo nek nggak bisa njawab atau sedih karena jawaban nggak bener. Saya yo pernah sekolah mbak, begitu juga sih. Artinya mereka mikir masa depan mbak dan ingin lebih baik lagi diulangan berikutnya. So, saya kemarin kemaren bilang gitu at ngeyem-yemi plus memastikan mereka move on, hahaha, istilah anak muda sekarang. Yo ditentramkan hati mereka dan mecut mereka ben segera sadar dari penyesalan trus harus bertindak, makanya mereka harus digitukan mbak. Begitu ya . Jadi sebagai guru, harus mengerti keadaan siswanya walaupun 141
Q.10 Rdw
A.10 Nh
tidak ada hungannya dengan mapel i ya? Nah, jika mereka nggak siap ikut belajar bahasa inggris, apa yang akan i lakukan? Iya mbak, guru itu multitasking mbak, ampuh lah. Hehehe. Biasanya mereka saya kasih pilihan sih, saya kasih waktu untuk meneruskan penyesalan mereka atau pelajaran saya ditiadakan pada waktu itu. Rugi waktu dong . Apakah selama i mengajar, pernah ada kelas yang memilih diantara kedua opsi terset? Pernah mbak, dulu pas ngajar di SMP, mereka pilih nggak ada pelajaran. Tapi abis itu saya nyesel dan murid saya yo minta maaf. Sejak saat itu, saya usahakan nggak ngasih pilihan begitu ke anak-anak. Cuma saya hir mereka dan pelajaran tetep jalan kayak biasanya. Ntar kan lamalama ilang nyeselnya. Pilihan yang sulit ya ketika dihadapkan dengan kenyaatan seperti itu. Iya mbak, sayapun nggak pengen dihadapkan dengan masalah seperti itu yang akhirnya harus mengurangi waktu ngajar. Tapi ya harus dihadapi dengan baik mbak, supaya samasama belajar, saya belajar, mereka belajar. Percaya aja sih mbak, nek pasti ada jalan keluarnya walaupun tuh proses lama Kemudian, pengajaran kemarin fokusnya betul-betul menulis ya ? Di bagian apa dari shared writing strategy yang diterapkan ? Iya mbak, itu prosesnya, kalau minggu lalu kan beginning shared writing strategy plus awalan shared writing activities yang bagian 142
Q.11 Rdw
A.11 Nh
Q.12 Rdw
mencontohkan bagaimana clarify ideas, fokusnya deconstruct procedure text dan menyatukan kembali dengan kata-kata mereka di minggu selanjutnya. Nah, yang senin kemarin itu aktivitasnya. Pakai gambar dan catatan tentang imperatives, action verbs, connections sebagai modal mereka nulis. Trus saya bantu dengan brainstroming supaya jalannya mereka searah. Berarti kelas kemarin adalah inti dari penerapan shared writing strategy ya ? Dan satu kali pertemuan saja sudah cukup ? Iya mbak, cukup sederhana kan mbak? Mereka juga pasti semangat dengan permen kemaren. Hehehehe, saya harap mereka nggak ketagihan tapi saya anggap sebagai compliment at kerja keras mereka diminggu sebelumnya. Saya nggak bisa menjamin berapa kali pertemuan sih, tapi tergantung jenis teks nya mbak. Kalau teks prosedur ini kan tergolong tidak terlalu sulit, sehingga satu kali pertemuan sepertinya cukup. Kalau teks narrative, hortatory dan analytical nggak cukup sekali lah mbak. Bisa berkali-kali, karena sulit juga. Lha wong baca teks jenis narrative, hortatory dan analytical aja susah mbak, apalagi atnya. Hehehe, tapi mungkin sekali bisa dilakukan mbak. Cuma saya belum pernah. Ntar kapan saya coba deh. Biasanya writing kan fokus ke struktur kalimat , grammar juga. Nah, gimana cara i yakin bahwa mereka bisa menulis dengan grammar yang bagus juga. 143
A.12 Nh
Q.13 Rdw
A.13 Nh
Ya betul sekali mbak, saya menerapkan shared writing sebagai strategi menulis kan untuk perfection tapi lebih ke process mbak. Paling tidak mereka tau jenis teks, text organization dan language features nya, jadi kalau dikasih topik dan tema yang beda, mereka tetap bisa paham. Diwolak-walik tetep tau dasarnya mbak. Tapi memang grammar kan perkara mudah, jelas ada salah, tapi bisa dipahami dan ditingkatkan juga. Saya belum yakin mereka bisa nulis seratus persen dengan grammar sempurna, tapi simple sentence dengan simple present tense mereka udah cukup bagus mbak. Cuma nambah s/es aja. Balik lagi semuanya ke proses mbak. Sulit sih, tapi insyaallah bisa mbak. Kemudian, senin lalu i juga meminta siswa-siswi untuk meneliti pekerjaan teman mereka. Nah, apakah i yakin mereka menilai atau meneliti dengan benar, padahal teks yang mereka at kan beda topik walaupun jenis teks nya sama. Itu bagian dari sharing mbak, mereka sendiri bisa bandingin teks mereka versus teman yang lain. Terus mereka juga insyaallah bisa tau mana jawaban yang benar dan yang kurang, karena saya juga neliti juga pada akhirnya. Kalau mereka nggak tau kan bakal nanya mbak. Yakinnya, mereka belajar hal baru dan belajar untuk jujur dan dipercaya oleh temannya. Akhlaknya mereka kan juga bekerja mbak. Yakin juga mereka bisa meneliti pekerjaan temannya dengan benar karena teks prosedur mudah dipahami. Selain itu 144
Q.14 Rdw
A.14 Nh
Q.15 Rdw
A.15 Nh
yo dapet pengalaman semuanya mbak, saya dapet, anak-anak juga dapet. Itu sih yang mahal harganya. Seru juga ya , banyak makna yang tersimpan dibalik pengajaran yang i lakukan. Saya harus belajar lagi nih . Lalu sistem evaluasi yang i berikan seperti apa? Kemarin mereka diminta ngasih angka satu, setengah dan nol. Bisa dijelaskan ? Hahaha, saya bisa begitu karena belajar dari guru dan dosen saya dulu mbak. Oiya, nilai-nilai itu saya jumlahkan dan masuk ke daftar nilai. Lha ini mbak belum selesai koreksi nya. Penilaiannya simpel aja. Satu tuh benar, setengah tuh benar tapi pakai bahasa indonesia atau salah sedikit tapi pakai bahasa inggris. Nol udah jelas salah semua. Mereka saya minta menilai tapi saya cek ulang dan saya beri feedback kok. Jadi semua under control. Jadi i selalu melakukan cek ulang ya .Maaf , apakah itu berarti i kurang percaya dengan hasil koreksi mereka? Atau ada pemikiran yang lain? Iya mbak, pasti. Hahahaha, kannya nggak percaya mbak, lha saya sekaligus ngecek dua sisi, siswa yang nulis dan siswa yang koreksi, Nek bener disalahke yo repot mbak, apalagi salah dibenerke, makin repot. Iya to mbak. Walaupun saya punya keterbatasan juga, tapi saya maksimalkan deh. Sekaligus ngecek sejauhmana mereka paham. Strategi penilaian begini sih memang repot mbak, tapi kita jadi tau betul kemampuan anak kita. Nah, besokbesoknya pasti lebih baik lagi. Maklum mbak, wis pengalaman 145
Q.16 Rdw
A.16 Nh
Q.17 Rdw
A.17 Nh
mbiyen-mbiyen begitu klu pas ngasih nilai untuk bagian writing, apalagi pas nerapke shared writing ini. Jadinya yo saya gunain lagi. Hehehehe, begitu ya . Maaf sekali ya . Saya betul-betul ingin tahu lho . Kemudian kegiatan kemarin berhenti sampai dimana ya ? Maksudnya di level atau bagian mana dari shared writing Nggak papa mbak, wajar juga kalau kita nggak percaya sama murid kita sih. Tapi tetap saja harus waspada karena mereka dipercayakan disekolah ini untuk jadi lebih pinter dan baik kan. Kemarin sih udah masuk bagian akhir dari shared writing mbak. Waktu awal-awal kan pernah beberapa dari mereka presentasi hasil dari contoh yang diku. Lha besok juga harusnya begitu mbak, presentasi juga tapi pekerjaan mereka sendiri. at sharing ke temantemannya, bagian yang benar dan bagian yang harus atau sudah saya perbaiki. Supaya mereka tau mbak. Lha saya koreksi ini bagian proofread juga sih. Plus udah saya kasih feedback juga. Wis mbak, rampung. Gpl, alias nggak pakai lama. Tapi ya tetap ada catatan mbak. Bisa cepat karena teks yang ditulis mudah. Jadi sudah selesai nih ? Berarti hasil koreksi i akan segera dibagikan kembali ke mereka sebelum hari Senin ya . Iya mbak, last stage ya besok itu pas mereka presentasi. Saya akan bagikan pekerjaan mereka nanti siang dan ngasih instruksi untuk presentasi minggu depan. Gampang kok presentasinya, mereka harus belajar 146
Q.18 Rdw
A.18 Nh
Q.19 Rdw A.19 Nh Rdw
berani ngomong juga kan selain baca dan nulis. Oke . Minggu depan saya kembali lagi untuk menanyakan beberapa hal yang terkait dengan hasil implementasi shared writing strategy. Pengalaman i yang lalu dikelas-kelas sebelumnya dan yang baru saja selesai dilaksanakan. Oiya , pernah mencoba sharing strategi ini ke teman sesama pengajar bahasa inggris ? Bisa diceritakan? Oke mbak, saya coba betul mengingat-ingat yang dulu ya. Senin lagi kesini ya mbak. Siang aja pas mo ke kelas biasanya. Emmm, pernah sih mbak, tapi pelaksanaannya nggak tau mbak. Saya jarang tanya ke tementemen. Mungkin untuk detilnya, minggu depan kita ngobrol lagi ya . Iya mbak. Saya nih mo rapat juga. Makasih sekali ya mbak Iya sama-sama. Saya pamit nggih,
: (Nh)
: Rf (Rdw)
Day, Date
: Thrusday, September 27, 2012
: 08.00 – 10.40
: Teachers’ Room and Counseling Room
No. A.1
Name Rdw Nh
Topic Transcripts Assalamu’alaikum Niha. Wa’alaikumsalam mbak, sini mbak. Maaf sms mbak semalam baru saya ka tadi pagi. Tenang mbak, I do still remember that today we have interview session. Kebetulan nih, pasukan guru bahasa inggris pada ngumpul. Belum kenal semuanya kan? Sini saya kenalin. Nih, Dewi, Pak Alau. Kalau sama Pak Nanang dan Pak Irul pasti udah kenal banget ya. Rdw Iya , yang penting i ingat kalau saya kangen ngorol sama i, hehehehe. Oiya, Assalamu’alaikum Pak Alau dan Dewi. Pak Nanang dan Pak Irul, how are doing bapak-bapak, hehehe. Nh’s Hello , alhamdulilah, fine. Please come friends and sit here. Long time no see. Hope you find well. I heard that now you’re pursuing master degree. Good to hear that. Share everything to us. Calon master ki, bagi-bagi ilmu yaaa. Gimana nih hasil wawancaranya? Observasinya? Rajin banget ngapelin Niha lho. Rdw Alhamdulilah, sehat ni pak, . You’re right. I’m having a hard time, master degree needs more efforts than I imagined before. I will share everything I’ve got. Gimana ya, lagi 148
Nh’s friend
A.4 A.4
Nh’s friend Nh
mo dilanjutkan, I need your help,your idea, comments and etc. related to shared writing strategy and so on. Would you help me? Please Nambah ilmu iku yo abot , dilakoni lah . Memang kudu ngono, sacrifice what you have. Pengorbanan, jer basuki mawa beya. Hahahaha, nek dewe – dewe iki akeh dolan karo bocah – bocah wae. Opo mau , shared writing strategy. Blum pernah denger sih, tapi worth to listen and so. Wis , monggo dirampungke ngobrol karo Niha, kita mo ke kantin sik, sarapan eh dudu ding, brunch. Iyo pak, lha koq enggal – enggal to. This week atau next week bisa kumpul lagi kayak gini to? Saya nyuwun tulung nggih. Nuwun sebelumnya. Bisa –bisa, mengko ngobrol ae sm Niha, she’s our leader. Sip pokokke. Hahahaha, opo yo, raono leader koq. Santai mbak, mereka sering kumpul koq. Nanti sayakabarin lagi mereka siap di wawancari kapan gitu. Oiya, gimana mbak? Ending kelas saya kemarin? Sip , siap saya.Thanks anyway. Saya salut dengan , kesabaran yang luar biasa memat siswa jadi kreatif begitu. Koq bisa mereka punya presentasi begitu ? Ada instruksi tertentu ? Yang hungannya dengan shared writing strategy Wahhh, mbak ini bisa aja. Biasa aja mbak. Tapi memang yang sekarang lebih hidup daripada kakak kelas mereka sih. Entah karena jenis muridnya atau media yang cukup membantu mereka saat ini. Mbak masih ingat saat minggu lalu saya membagi ku mereka abis saya koreksi? 149
Nah pas mbagiin ku mereka saya minta mereka untuk bikin kelompok, satu kelompok lima orang dan mereka harus presentasi hasil dari dua orang yang ada dikelompok itu. Saya bilang kalau mereka harus kreatif, saya kasih contoh-contohnya dan mereka bisa meniru secara umum tapi kebanyakan sih mereka bisa bikin lebih dari contohnya. Hungannya sama shared writing sih itu bagian dari yang post activities. Itu lho mbak, seek feedback from audience. Sedangkan saya kan udah ngasih pas ngoreksi kerjaan mereka. Jadi, last part-nya feedback dari audience ya , maksudnya dari temanteman mereka. Kemudian, bagaimana dengan hasil yang tidak dipresentasikan? Apakah itu berarti mnge-exclude mereka ? Iya mbak, the final stage. Gimana ya mbak, kalau presentasi semua, waktunya nggak cukup satu kali pertemuan mbak, harus dua kali tuh. Saya nggak bermaksud meng-exclude atau meminggirkan begitu mbak, justru kerjasama mereka yang saya nilai pastinya, sharing ide, decision dll, itu nggak mudah mbak. Alhamdulilah bisa kan mbak. Kemaren bisa lancar, walaupun ada dua grup yang belum bisa presentasi dengan percaya diri. Begitu ya , oke saya paham maksud i. Ternyata cukup panjang juga ya , implementasi shared writing strategy. Kalau tidak salah empat kali pertemuan untuk implementasinya ya . Apakah memang memtuhkan waktu empat kali pertemuan? Lha Bahasa Inggris kan semingggu dua kali mbak. Itungannya sih hanya dua 150
A.10 Nh
Q.11 Rdw Q.12 Rdw
A.12 Nh
minggu aja, tapi kan saya selang – seling mbak. Selain mereka belajar sama saya, mereka juga belajar english for tourism untuk ngikutin PBKL mbak, plus life skill juga. Udah termasuk singkat lho itu. Kalau teksnya makin sulit, yo lenih lama mbak. Tetapi menurut sepengetahuan saya, writing tuh tuh proses mbak, kan instan mbak. Nah strategi kemaren tuh bantu banget mereka mbak. Lha, mereka bisa ngeling-eling apa yang mereka tulis dan pelajari aja wis ampuh mbak. Berarti siswa i akan terlatih secara spoken dan written begitu ? Harapannya begitu mbak, at bekal mbak. Oiya , saya akan mengulang beberapa pertanyaan yang mungkin pernah saya ajukan, terutama berhungan dengan pengalaman i mengajajar menulis dengan shared writing strategy. Agak lama mboten nopo-nopo nggih ? Oke mbak, saya udah nggak ada kerjaan koreksi koq. Jadinya santai juga. Kita pindah ruangan aja yuk mbak. Ke ruang BK plus sambil ngemil ya mbak. Biar seru obrolannya. Ayok mbak. Oke , mari. Niha and I went to Counseling room. Saya mulai ya . Pada saat interview pertama kali, i menjelaskan bahwa pengajaran writing penting untuk anak SMA karena menulis adalah jendela ilmu dan bisa mengubah dunia, begitu ya ? Bagaimana i dapat memiliki opini seperti itu? Yak, betul mbak, Piye yo, saya bisa bilang karena saya suka baca mbak. Lha,famous people, mereka terkenal karena tulisan, dan tulisan itu 151
Q.13 Rdw
A.14 Nh
Q.15 Rdw
A.15 Nh
Q.16 Rdw A.16 Nh
everlasting. Trus, tulisan mahal harganya mbak, karena tuh waktu dan tenaga. Dan yang pasti nek jadi penulis handal, koyo A.Fuadi bisa bagi ilmu dan dapat rejeki, hehehehe, contoh di sekolah kita tuh ada lho mbak. Anak – anak bikin spanduk sama stiker pas life skill, bisa dijual mbak. Pinter mereka. Nek dihungkan sama bahasa inggris yo samalah mbak, nulis pake bahasa apapun hasile sebelas duabelas, mirip gitu. Selanjutnya , bagaimana peran guru atau i dalam pengajaran menulis dalam bahasa inggris, baik didalam dan diluar kelas? Piye yo mbak, secara umum sih sama aja dengan peran guru di semua mata pelajaran. Akeh mbak, at rencana pembelajaran, transfer ilmu, jadi fasilitator pas ngajar, motivator juga, koreksi juga. Selain itu juga guru yo sinau dari pengalaman yang sudahsudah supaya besoknya lebih baik lagi nek ngajar. Guru tuh kudu serba bisa mbak, saktilah mbak. Hahahahaha. Hehehehe, i nih ada acara sakti segala. Oiya , bisa cerita tentang implementasi shared writing strategy? Sudah berapa kali i lakukan dan dimana saja ? Hahahaha, iyo mbak, sekti mandraguna. Panjang lagi ya mbak. Kenal shared writing dari dosen saya, pernah tak coba waktu saya praktek ngajar pas semester 6, di SMP. Trus pas ngajar di SD abis saya lulus, tak praktekin di SMP juga, njur disini dua kali mbak. Akeh yo mbak Dari implementasi terset, pengalaman apa yang i dapatkan? Secara umum aja ya mbak, maksudnya yang paling sering gitu. Satu, 152
Q.17 Rdw
A.17 Nh
Q.18 Rdw
A.18 Nh
manajemen kelas yang baik itu penting. Kedua, mengerti kondisi kelas sama siswa. Ketiga, sabar adalah kunci juga. Dari yang implementasi kemarin yang dilihat mbak, ada tambahan mbak, mengatur jumlah pertemuan sama sistem evaluasi cepat, koyo quick count mbak. Wuah, luar biasa . Pengalaman yang i miliki memat banyak ilmu yang didapat, lagian i masih muda juga, speechless saya . Nah, i pernah share ke teman – teman i? Sesama pengajar bahasa Inggris kan? Bagaimana tanggapan mereka ? Hahahahaha, yo ngono mbak, ibaratnya terbiasa makan tempe, Cuma dibikin dengan rasa yang berbeda, tapi dasare yo tempe itu. Begitulah guru, kudu jeli juga. Oiya, tadi tentang sharing ya, udah sih mbak, tapi yen konco-konco itu kadang kurang sabar. Apalagi nek guru cowok mbak, nggak sabar pake banget lah. Tapi ni Dewi udah mulai ngerasain efek positif ngajar nulis pake shared writing strategy. Coba aja besok mbak tanya ke mereka. Saya pokoknya wis bagi – bagi. Hehehehe. Oke , besok pas interview, saya pasti obrolin sama bapak – i yang lain. Selanjutnya , didalam shared writing strategy ada tiga bagian ya, beginning shared writing activites, shared writing and shared writing post-activities, apakah i mengaplikasikan semua bagian terset? Dulu sih persis sama mbak, dan super repot sendiri karena perfect banget mbak. Terus, saya coba lompat – lompat tapi goalnya ketinggian, abis itu, lompat – lompat tak turunin goalnya, mayan sih. Akhire, saya coba 153
Q.19 Rdw
A.19 Nh
Rdw Nh
tak aplikasiin sesuai dengan ketuhan murid dan setting goalnya agak tinggi, alhamdulilah, ya jadinya seperti kemaren itu mbak. Lalu, dengan implementasi strategi shared writing, i pernah ngendiko bahwa, ingin berbagi, membangun kebiasaan dan memberi bekal kepada murid. Nah tujuan atau maksudnya apa ya , khusus untuk pengajaran bahasa inggris atau khusus pengajaran menulis ya ? Bener banget mbak, jeli juga mbak ini, ngulang apa yang kemaren ya. Betul kuadrat mbak. Pada dasarnya sih secara umum dalam mengajar bahasa inggris, tapi bisa dikhususkan untuk ngajar nulis dengan shared writing strategy. Podo wae yo intine mbak. Hahahaha, itu kali yang harus saya pikirin lagi mbak. Sik mbak dapet sms penting dari Pak Irul nih. Oooo, mereka pada nggak mau diwawancara mbak, isin jarene, piye ki mbak? Nggak papa , hehehe, mungkin lain kesempatan nggih . Oh, ya udah nek gitu, coba nanti tak rayu deh. Dewi aja gimana, kalau dia mau. Ntar gampanglah mbak, tak kabari pokokke.Oiya, mbak, saya mo keluar nih mbak. Ada acara, sementara udah ya, besok nyamng lagi. Sms aja. Nggih , mohon diusahakan, jika Dewi bisa. Monggo kalau mau tindhak, ni list pertanyaanya pas habis koq . Maturnuwun lho .
: (Nh) Dewi Hajar (Dh)
: Rf (Rdw)
Day, Date
: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 (re-interview 1)
: 09.00 – 10.10
: Teachers’ room
Interview pointers No. Name Topic Transcripts Rdw Assalamu’alaikum Niha and Dewi. Nh, Wa’alaikumsalam mbak. Sini duduk dulu Dh mbak. Eh, ayo pindah aja ke ruang BK kayak kemarin. Ben penak mbak. Rdw O, nggih , monggo. Dh Ngene lak penak , adem lan iso lendhetan Nh Hahahaha, hobine njenengan kuwi yo ngene. Ki mbak Rf arep wawancara njenengan. Jarene mung sedilut wae. Dh Opo iki jal, tentang sik njenengan aturke mbiyen kae yo? Nh Ho’o, pengajaran menulis dengan shared writing strategy, nang kelas njenengan. Dh Owh, yo kelingan aku. Ning yo sithik thok, aq isih sinau seko Niha lho. Priye mbak? Q.1 Rdw Begini Dewi, sebelumnya mohon maaf, merepotkan i. Saya ingin tahu mengenai aplikasi shared writing strategy dalam pengajaran menulis dikelas i Dewi. A.1 Dh Owh, rapopo mbak, sante lah. Saya ki guru anyar mbak, gek dua tahun. Dulu pas awal –awal dikasih tau sama Niha tapi pas itu saya dikasih kelas EFT (English for Tourism) jadine nggak saya pake. Terus bar satu semester, eh saya ngajar EFT lagi, njur saya pakai sekali waktu itu. 155
Q.2 Rdw
A.2 Dh
Q.3 Rdw
A.3 Dh
Q.4 Rdw
A.4 Dh
Q.5 Rdw
A.5 Dh
Ada pengalaman menarik dari pengajaran menulis dengan menggunakan shared writing strategy ? Angel mbak, soale kelas EFT tuh banyak kosakata baru dan anak – anaknya susah ngeling-eling kata – katanya. Malah jadi A.2.1.Comm.Int.6 lama, gitu mbak. Dulu sih Niha bilang kudu sabar, tapi saya tuh nggak sabaran mbak. Tapi semester kemaren saya coba dikela EFT lagi, ternyata yo iso sithik mbak, hasilnya lumayan sih. Manut Niha A.2.2.Comm.Int.6 saya, suruh nurunin targetnya. Tak gawe sante mbak. Mengapa i mengaplikasikan kembali shared writing strategy, padahal sebelumnya menurut i cukup sulit? Adakah alasan tertentu ? Hahahahaha, penasaran mbak. Kelasnya Niha koq heboh, hahaha. Anak – anak sik A.3.Comm.Int.6 tenan. Nek dikelas saya anak –anak sik main. Lha tak ajak sinau diluar kelas, EFT gitu lhoo. Hehehehe, saya ketemu guru gaul nih, ada pengalaman yang bisa i pelajari setelah implementasi kedua yang i lakukan? Super gaul mbak. Saya ki tomboy, hahahaha. Pengalaman opo yo mbak? Sabar mbak, tuh waktu agak panjang, yo A.4.Comm.Int.6 paling itu. Lainnya wis lali mbak. Menurut i, apakah pengajaran menulis dengan shared writing strategi memberikan pembelajaran yang bermakna untuk siswa dan untuk i? Ya iyalah, mosok ya iya dong. Semua jenis pembelajaran dengan strategi apapun kayaknya bermakna deh mbak. Yo at anak – anak nemu cara baru dalam belajar, nek saya yo perlu banyak belajar. Hahahaha, A.5.Comm.Int.6 sori mbak, maksude saya nek mau serius ngajar terutama nulis, kudu niat betul dan jibaku mbak. Saya akhire belajar sabar dari strategi itu. Ning yo ora sabar – sabar. 156
Dh Nh Rdw
Malah dadi sur. Hehehehe, begitu ya .Oke , terimakasih banyak atas waktunya nggih . Maturnuwun lho Niha. Uwis ki mbak, sip. Ora suwe mbak, saya ke kantin yaa. Sama – sama mbak. Saya tunggu hasilnya ya. Nggih , saya pamit nggih .