Handbook ini hanya untuk siswa Sekolah TOEFL
“Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan..”
Handbook ini hanya untuk siswa Sekolah TOEFL
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Handbook ini hanya untuk siswa Sekolah TOEFL
* Tiga Pilihan *
Misal, ada 3 orang yang diberikan uang dengan jumlah yang sama: 20 ribu rupiah. Orang pertama memutuskan untuk memasukkan uang itu kedalam tabungannya. Dia ingin punya uang yang banyak, maka menurutnya menabung adalah kuncinya. Orang kedua memilih pergi ke tempat makan dan menghabiskan uang yang didapat. Menurutnya, hidup itu harus dinikmati; mumpung sedang ada uang, gunakan untuk menyenangkan diri sendiri. Perkara besok bagaimana, nantilah berfikirnya. Orang yang ketiga membagi uang yang didapat menjadi dua lembar 10 ribu. Satu lembar 10 ribu dia berikan pada seorang pengemis yang terlihat kelaparan. Satu lembar lagi dia gunakan untuk membeli makanan. Apa yang dilakukan ketiga orang ini hanya gambaran kecil tentang bagaimana respon orang-orang ketika mendapatkan sesuatu, baik itu uang atau pun sebuah prestasi. Orang pertama adalah gambaran untuk menyimpan apa yang didapat untuk dirinya sendiri, kemudian kembali bekerja untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang baru lagi. Orang kedua adalah gambaran untuk menikmati apa yang didapat untuk diri sendiri; toh, ini didapat dengan usahanya sendiri. Bagaimana nanti ya dipikirkan nanti. Apa yang dilakukan orang pertama dan kedua ini ada satu kesamaan, yaitu berhenti pada dirinya sendiri. Orang yang ketiga adalah contoh seseorang yang ketika mendapatkan sesuatu langsung berpikir bagaimana agar yang didapat ini bisa dibagi ke orang lain. Jadi, yang menikmati apa yang didapatnya menjadi dua orang; dia dan si pengemis yang sedang kelaparan. Nah, ibaratkan anda mendapatkan sebuah beasiswa ke luar negeri, entah untuk sebuah degree atau pun exhange, atau sebuah prestasi berhasil memenangkan sebuah kompetisi. Pertanyaan saya, apa yang akan anda lakukan setelahnya? Anda akan menjadi orang pertama yang setelah berhasil, simpan untuk diri sendiri, tidak mau membagi ke orang lain karena mungkin takut tersaingi. Kemudian, lanjut berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan prestasi yang lainnya. Atau anda akan menjadi orang kedua, menikmati semuanya sendiri, pamer foto-foto di tempat-tempat kebanyakkan orang bermimpi ingin kesana, dan semacamnya. Atau menjadi orang ketiga, langsung berpikir bagaimana agar yang saya dapatkan ini bisa ditularkan ke orang lain; bagaimana agar bisa membantu orang lain meraih apa yang sudah saya raih sekarang; bagaimana agar pengalaman yang saya dapat ini bisa menjadi pelajaran untuk orang lain, dan seterusnya. Tidak ada pilihan yang salah diantara ketiga pilihan itu. Hanya, kalau kita melihat orang-orang yang namanya masih hidup dan diingat hingga sekarang, tidak ada satu pun yang menyimpan apa yang didapat untuk dirinya sendiri; mereka selalu membaginya dengan orang lain. Nikmat itu baru terasa nikmat ketika dibagi, bukan dengan menyimpannya untuk diri sendiri. Yuk, mulai menebar manfaat. Kita tidak pernah tahu kebaikan yang mana yang akan menolong kita disaat kesulitan. - - - - Budi Waluyo Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”. ---- Albert Einstein
Handbook ini hanya untuk siswa Sekolah TOEFL
eek 4 Reduced Clauses
Skill 13: Menggunakan klausa adjective yang dikurangi (reduced adjective clauses) dengan benar.
Di skill tentang penghubung klausa kata adjective, dijelaskan bahwa ada connector seperti which, who, dan that yang kemudian diikuti oleh verb atau tobe. Disini which, who, dan that berfungsi sebagai connector dan subject.
Di skil ini, kita akan membahas bagaimana penghilangan connector terjadi dalam klausa adjective. Artinya, kalian tidak akan melihat adanya connector, tetapi kalimat tersebut memiliki dua klausa, hanya saja connector dan verb dihilangkan, disebut dengan reduced adjective clauses.
Contoh: The woman who is waving to us is the tour guide.
Kalimat ini adalah kalimat sebenarnya, tidak ada pengurangan apapun. The woman sebagai subject, who sebagai connector dan subject, is waving sebagai verb dari connector, dan is adalah verb dari subject woman. Bila di reduced (dikurangi), kalimat ini akan menjadi:
The woman waving to us is the tour guide.
Terlihat di kalimat diatas bahwa who dan is dihilangkan. Ini yang disebut dengan bentuk reduced adjective clause. Didalam soal, yang muncul bisa jadi bentuk kalimat yang sudah direduced. Pola ini juga sebenarnya sama dengan bentuk kalimat present participle yang dibahas di skil sebelumnya dimana -ing disana bukan kata kerja melainkan adjective.
Contoh lainnya: The letter which was written last week arrived today.
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Menjadi: The letter written last week arrived today. The pitcher that is on the table is full of iced tea. Menjadi: The pitcher on the table is full of iced tea.
Perlu diingat, dalam kalimat yang klausa adjective sudah dikurangi hanya memiliki satu subject dan satu verb. Tetapi, kalimat yang bisa di reduced hanyalah yang memiliki connector yang berfungsi sebagai conenctor dan subject. Untuk kalimat yang connector hanya berfungsi sebagai connector dan didepannya ada subject, tidak bisa di reduced.
Contoh: The woman that I just met is the tour guide. The letter which you sent me arrived yesterday.
Dua kalimat ini tidak bisa di reduced karena ada subject setelah connector.
Ada dua aturan membentuk reduced adjective clause: 1. Bila kalimat berbentuk kalimat aktif (active sentence) atau menggunakan tobe tetapi masih dalam bentuk active sentence, maka yang dilakukan adalah: connector dibuang, tobe dihilangkan, kalau ada verb dijadikan bentuk -ing tanpa ada tobe didepannya. Contoh: The man who is sitting at the front seat is my father. Menjadi: The man sitting at the front seat is my father. The lady who brought me here is my mother.
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Menjadi: The lady bringing me here is mother. (kata brought adalah verb 2 dari bring, di bentuk reduced dijadikan verb 1 ditambah -ing). The glass that is on the table is empty. Menjadi: The glass on the table is empty. 2. Bila kalimat berbentuk pasif (passive sentence), maka yang dilakukan adalah: connector dan tobe dihilangkan. Contoh: The white house which is located in Washington is the home of the president. Menjadi: The white house located in Washington is the home of the president.
Bentuk active sentence dan passive sentence yang di reduced ini sama dengan bentuk present participle dan past participles yang dibahas sebelumnya. Juga, bentuk kalimat yang sudah direduced bisa diletakkan ditengah atau diawal kalimat sama seperti appositive yang dibahas di skil sebelumnya. Contoh:
On the table, the glass is empty. Located in Washington, the white house is the home of the president. Bringing me here, the lady is my mother.
Contoh soal:
……….. on several different television programs, the witness gave conflicting accounts of what had happened. (A) He appeared (B) Who Appeared (C) Appearing (D) Appears
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Di soal ini, the witness sebagai subject dan gave sebagai verb. Sudah ada kalimat sempurna. Kalau kalimat sebelumnya mau dijadikan klausa, berarti harus ada connector, subject dan verb. Lihat dipilihan. Bila tidak ada ketiga hal ini, berarti kalimat dalam bentuk reduced adjective clause. Lihat bentuk reduced adjective yang aktive atau passive yang muncul. Pilihan (A) salah, karena tidak ada connector. Pilihan (B) salah, karena adjective lause connetcor tidak bisa muncul di kata pertama dalam kalimat. Pilihan (C) benar, karena bentuk reduced. Pilihan (D) salah, karena hanya kata kerja saja. Kata kerja tidka bisa berdiri sendiri. Kalimat ini aslinya adalah: The witness who appears on several different television programs gave conflicting accounts of what had happened. Connector who dihilangkan dan appear menjadi appearing (bentuk aktive sentence), jadinya: The witness appearing on several different television programs gave conflicting accounts of what had happened. atau di soal diletakkan dimuka: Appearing on several different television programs, the witness gave conflicting accounts of what had happened. Kerjakan Exercise 13 dibawah ini dan siapkan saat Temu Online dengan Mentor. Note:
Maksimal salah 2. Jika lebih dari 2, ulangi baca materi kemudian kerjakan
kembali latihan. Siapkan exercise yang sudah dikerjakan saat Temu Online untuk dikoreksi bersama.
Handbook ini hanya untuk siswa Sekolah TOEFL
Exercise 13
Petunjuk: Setiap kalimat dibawah ini memiliki complete adjective clause atau reduced adjective clause. Tentukan yang mana subject dan verb utama dalam kalimat, dan adjective clausenya. Kemudian, tentukan apakah kalimat tersebut secara Grammar: Benar (B) atau Salah (S).
Contoh: 1. We will have to return the merchandise purchased yesterday at the broadway. Answer: Subject = we. Verb = will have. Reduced adjective clause = purchased yesterday, Kalimat benar. 2. The children sat in the fancy restaurant found it difficult to behave. Answer: Subject = children. Verb = found. Adjective clause = sat in the fancy restaurant. Kalimat salah. Reduced adjective clause seharusnya: sitting in the fancy restaurant. 3. Serving a term of four years, the mayor of the town will face reelection next year. Answer: 4. The brand new Cadillac, purchasing less than two weeks ago, was destroyed in the accident. Answer: 5. The fans who supporting their team always come out to the games in large numbers. Answer: 6. The suspect can be seen in the photographs were just released by the police. Answer: 7. The food placing on the picnic table attracted a large number of flies. Answer: 8. Impressed with everything she had heard about the course, Marie signed her children up for it. Answer: 9. The passengers in the airport waiting room, heard the announcement of the canceled flight, groaned audibly.
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Answer: 10. Dissatisfied with the service at the restaurant, the meal really was not enjoyable. Answer:
Skill 14: Menggunakan klausa kata keterangan yang dikurangi (reduced adverb clauses) dengan benar.
Konsep pengurangan (reduced) pada klausa kata keterangan hampir sama dengan konsep pengurangan pada klausa kata sifat (adjective) sebelumnya. Bedanya, di klausa kata keterangan setelah connector ada subject dan verb,
keduanya dihilangkan, dan jenis conector dalam klausa kata keterangan berbeda dengan yang digunakan dalam klausa kata sifat. Aturan reduced dalam klausa kata keterangan juga ada dua dan sama terdiri dari active dan passive sentences.
1. Bila kalimat berbentuk kalimat aktif (active sentence), tiga hal yang bisa dilakukan: - Jika kalimat memiliki tobe + verb-ing, hilangkan subject dan tobe, sedangkan connector tetap digunakan. - Jika kalimat memiliki kata kerja 1 dan 2 tanpa tobe, hilangkan subject dan verb jadikan verb-ing, connector tetap digunakan. Kalau kalimat menggunakan verb 2, rubah ke bentuk verb1+ing, tanpa tobe di depannya. - jika kalimat hanya menggunakan tobe sebagai predikat, hilangkan subject dan to be, connector tetap digunakan.
Contoh 1:
Although he is rather unwell, the speaker will take part in the seminar. Di kalimat ini, hanya ada tobe sebagai predikat, maka subject dan to be dihilangkan, sedangkan connector tetap digunakan. Kalimatnya menjadi: Although rather unwell, the speaker will take part in the seminar.
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Contoh 2:
Although he feels rather sick, the speaker will take part in the seminar. Di kalimat ini, digunakan verb 1, maka subject dihilangkan dan verb dijadikan verb-ing dengan tanpa tobe di depan. Kalimatnya menjadi: Although feeling rather sick, the speaker will take part in the seminar.
Contoh 3:
Although he is having a problem with his health, the speaker will take part in the seminar. Di kalimat ini, digunakan tobe + verb-ing sebagai predikat, maka subject dan to be dihilangkan. Kalimatnya menjadi: Although having a problem with his health, the speaker will take part in the seminar. 2. Bila kalimat berntuk kalimat pasif (passive sentence), satu hal yang bisa dilakukan, yaitu hilangkan subject dan tobe.
Once it is submitted, your thesis will be reviewed. Di kalimat ini, ada tobe + verb 3 digunakan sebagai predikat, maka hilangkan sbject dan tobe. Kalimatnya menjadi: Once submitted, your thesis will be reviewed.
Penting: bentuk pengurangan ini hanya bisa dilakukan bila saubject di dua
klausa sama. Perhatikan disemua contoh diatas, pada dasarnya subject di klausa pertama dan kedua sama atau satu klausa menjelaskan klausa yang lainnya. Berikut daftar connector yang digunakan dalam klausa kata keterangan:
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Note: When juga bisa digunakan untuk reduces in active.
Kerjakan Exercise 14 dibawah ini dan siapkan saat Temu Online dengan Mentor. Note:
Maksimal salah 2. Jika lebih dari 2, ulangi baca materi kemudian kerjakan kembali latihan. Siapkan exercise yang sudah dikerjakan saat Temu Online untuk dikoreksi bersama.
Exercise 14
Petunjuk: Tentukan adverb connectors dan reduced clauses dalam kalimat dibawah ini. Kemudian, tentukan apakah kalimat tersebut secara Grammar: Benar (B) atau Salah (S).
Contoh: 1. If not completely satisfied, you can return the product to the manufacturer. Answer: Adverb connector = if. Reduced adverb clause = if not completely satisfied. Kalimat benar. 2. Steve has had to learn how to cook and clean since left home.
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Answer: Adverb connector = since. Reduced adverb clause = since left home. Kalimat salah. Seharusnya reduced adverb clause berbentuk aktif = since leaving home. 3. The ointment can be applied where needed. Answer: 4. Tom began to look for a job after completing his master’s degree in engineering. Answer: 5. Although not selecting for the team, he attends all of the games as a fan. Answer: 6. When purchased at this store, the buyer gets a guarantee on all items. Answer: 7. The medicine is not effective unless taken as directed. Answer: 8. You should negotiate a lot before buy a new car. Answer: 9. Once purchased, the swimsuits cannot be returned. Answer: 10. Though located near the coast, the town does not get much of an ocean breeze. Answer:
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Latihan Latihan-latihan dibawah ini diberikan untuk mengingatkan kembali tentang skil-skil yang sudah dipelajari sebelumnya. Kerjakan dengan baik dan usahakan salah maksimal 2 untuk setiap latihan sebagai indikasi sudah memahami skil yang telah dipelajari. Bila salah lebih dari 2, baca kembali skil sebelumnya atau tanya pada Mentor nanti. Exercises (skills 13-14)
Petunjuk: Tentukan yang mana reduced clause dalam kalimat dibawah ini. Kemudian, tentukan apakah kalimat tersebut secara Grammar: Benar (B) atau Salah (S).
1. Though was surprised at the results, she was pleased with what she had done. Answer: 2. Wearing only a light sweater, she stepped out into the pouring rain. Answer: 3. The family stopped to visit many relatives while driving across the country. Answer: 4. The company president, needed a vacation, boarded a plane for the Bahamas. Answer: 5. When applying for the job, you should bring your letters of reference. Answer: 6. She looked up into the dreary sky was filled with dark thunderclouds. Answer: 7. Feeling weak after a long illness, Sally wanted to try to get back to work. Answer: 8. Before decided to have surgery, you should get a second opinion. Answer: 9. The construction material, a rather grainy type of wood, gave the room a rustic feeling.
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Answer: 10. The application will at least be reviewed if submitted by the fifteenth of the month. Answer:
TOEFL Exercise (Skills 13 – 14)
Petunjuk: Pilih jawaban yang benar.
1. When _____ nests during spring nesting season, Canadian geese are fiercely territorial. (A) building (B) are building (C) built (D)are built 2. In 1870, Calvin, along with Adirondack hunter Alvah Dunning, made the first known ascent of Seward Mountain, _____ far from roads or trails. (A) a remote peak (B) it is a remote peak (C) a remote peak is (D)which a remote peak 3. Kokanee salmon begin to deteriorate and die soon _____ at the age of four. (A) they spawn (B) after spawning (C) spawn (D)spawned the salmon 4. _____ behind government secrecy for nearly half a century, the Hanford plant in central Washington produced plutonium for the nuclear weapons of the Cold War. (A) It is hidden (B) Hidden (C) Which is hidden (D)The plant is hiding 5. Until _____ incorrect, astronomers had assumed that the insides of white dwarfs were uniform. (A) they (B) their proof (C) the astronomers recently proven (D)recently proven
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6. _____ artifacts from the early Chinese dynasties, numerous archeologists have explored the southern Silk Road. (A) They were searching for (B) It was a search for (C) Searched for (D)Searching for 7. ln Hailey, the best-known lecturer was women’s rights activist Abigail Scott Duniway of Portland, Oregon, who could usually be persuaded to speak _____ town visiting her son. (A) she was in (B) while in (C) while she was (D)was in 8. The National Restaurant _____ Washington, says that federal efforts to regulate workplace smoking would limit restaurants’ ability to respond to the desires of their patrons. (A) Association in (B) Association is in (C) Association which is in (D)Association, based in 9. _____ in North American waterways a little over a decade ago, zebra mussels have already earned a nasty reputation for their expensive habit of clogging water pipes in the Great Lakes area. (A) The first sighting (B) Although first sighted (C) Zebra mussels were first sighted (D)First sighting 10. Small companies may take their goods abroad for trade shows without paying foreign value-added taxes by acquiring _____ an ATA carnet. (A) a document calls (B) a document called (C) calls a document (D)called a document
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TOEFL Review Exercise (Skills 1 – 14) 1.
Petunjuk: Pilih jawaban yang benar.
In the United States _____ approximately four million miles of roads, streets, and highways. (A) there (B) is (C) they (D) there are
2. _____ twelve million immigrants entered the United States via Ellis Island. (A) More than (B) There were more than (C) Of more than (D) The report of 3. The television, _____ so long been a part of our culture, has an enormous influence. (A) has (B) it has (C) which (D) which has 4. Psychologists have traditionally maintained that infants cannot formulate long-term memories until _____ the age of eight or nine months. (A) they (B) they reach (C) to reach (D) reach 5. _____ a cheese shop has since grown into a small conglomerate consisting of a catering business and two retail stores. (A) In the beginning of (B) It began as (C) Its beginning which was (D) What began as 6. Primarily a government contractor, _____ preferential treatment from government agencies as both a minority-group member and a woman. (A) receives Weber (B) Weber receives (C) the reception of Weber (D) according to Weber‘s reception
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7. Because the project depends on _____ at the federal level, the city and county may have to wait until the budget cutting ends. (A) it happens (B) which happening (C) what happens (D) that it happens 8. _____ definitive study of a western hard-rock mining community cemetery appears to have been done is in Silver City, Nevada. (A) Most (B) The most (C) Where most (D) Where the most 9. One of the areas of multimedia that is growing quickly _____ is sound. (A) yet is easily overlooked (B) is easily overlooked (C) it is easily overlooked (D) that is easily overlooked 10. _____, early approaches for coping with workplace stress dealt with the problem only after its symptoms had appeared. (A) Although well-intending (B) Although it is a good intention (C) Although a good intention (D) Although well-intended
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Tugas Baca esai (TBE) 4 Petunjuk:
Baca esai dibawah ini Komentari isi esai dalam Bahasa Inggris. Minimal sebanyak 2 kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Komentar diberikan lewat status di social media masing-masing siswa. Komentar dapat berupa update status atau pun video singkat. Tag salah satu social media: Line ID: @zux2328h | Twitter @01_budi dan @SekolahToefl | Instagram: sdsafadg dan Sekolah_TOEFL #learnforthefuture #ST The Passion of the Applicant
In the 1970s nostalgia film The Last Days of Disco, Alice, a quintessential ingénue played by a young Chloë Sevigny, frets about how to seduce the boy she likes. Her friend Charlotte recommends that, at some point during their date, she strategically refer to something as “sexy.” The object of sexiness might be a movie, a song, a skyscraper — whatever. The boy will get the hint. Alice seizes her moment when the topic of Walt Disney movies comes up. “There’s something really sexy about Scrooge McDuck,” she observes. Because this is a Whit Stillman movie and not, say, a Farrelly brothers movie, her forced come-on resounds with awkwardness. If you know anything about Scrooge McDuck, you know he’s not exactly sexy. The boy knows that she’s speaking nonsense. Then they dance. *** As distant as this scenario may be from an acceptable application essay topic, Alice holds an important lesson for college applicants. Just as Charlotte encouraged Alice to be indiscriminately sexy — rather than rely on her natural charm — colleges have been pushing an unsettlingly similar notion: passion. Colleges aren’t looking for that type of passion. At least not unless an applicant promises to be the next Danielle Steele. They’re looking for other types of passion. We know them as enthusiasm, energy, dedication, and engagement. For whatever reason, passion is the descriptor that has won the day. Colleges want to see it in spades: they want students to be dripping with, drenched in, and breathless with passion. Having attended recent presentations from college reps, my students have dutifully set out to ensure that their applications convey passion. Yet, despite being strong applicants, many have been frustrated to the point of distress. When they see their lives (or at least the slices that they’ve written about) on paper, their essays don’t always convey the idealized version of passion that colleges say they want.
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An applicant might be smart. She might be thoughtful. She might be personable. She might be sincere. She might be, god forbid, a regular kid. But passionate? In reality, it’s a rare duck. Is Kobe Bryant passionate about basketball? Is Meryl Streep passionate about acting? Is your doctor passionate about medicine? Is Lloyd Blankfein passionate about running the world? Who knows. And, really, who cares? What we do know is that each of them is manifestly dedicated and incredibly competent (or, in the case of your doctor, we hope they are). Asking most people - kids included - to demonstrate passion is like asking Donald Trump to demonstrate modesty. *** If they must buy into this passion thing, students must realize that there are countless versions of and applications for passion. They can be passionate about obvious things like community service, scientific research, or political causes. But they can also be passionate about academics and ideas. They can be passionate about family or politics. They can be passionate about nature or art. They can also be pretty passionate about, say, shoplifting, bullying, and social climbing. Passion alone is neither good nor bad. Even then, having passion doesn’t mean that an essay needs to be written in neon or with the caps lock on. Unless you’re the head cheerleader or the lead in an opera, an essay that shouts “passion!” will be annoying. Too many students confuse passion with ebullience. (And you thought “SAT words” were useless?) If students are truly passionate about something, they can tell their stories, and passion will be implicit. The moment they try to testify to their own passion, well, that’s when the reader knows they’re being put on — Scrooge McDuck-style. (The best way to reveal passion is to let someone else do it for you.) *** I suspect that the fixation on passion actually represents a lack of passion: on the part of admission offices. Nearly every admission rep from nearly every college uses the same rhetoric when they visit high schools and give presentations. That rhetoric almost invariably involves “passion.” They follow their scripts and propagate clichés. One of those clichés is tell applicants to “be themselves.” In other words, “be yourself — but only if you’re passionate!” An admission rep who is truly “passionate” about his school and about kids would come up with more expansive, honest, and nuanced ways to describe the applicants whom they admire. Of course, colleges don’t want un-passionate students. They’d like to avoid pot-smoking laggards and psychopathic career strivers. But a more nuanced view of college (and life) reveals an infinite array of virtues that are at least as good — and must exist in concert with — passion. Think about a few alternatives. How about intellect? How about dedication? How about morality? How about cooperation, spirituality, eloquence, awareness, worldliness, maturity, curiosity, creativity....? I could go on forever. Passion is all right. But it’s hardly the ne plus ultra of virtues. *** Passion also has little to do with the reality of adolescence.
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As business writer Lisa Heffernan wrote recently in a New York Times piece on this same topic: For most children, childhood isn’t about passion, but rather about exploration. Our job as parents is to nurture that exploration, not put an end to it. When we create an expectation that children must find their one true interest so early in life, we cut short a process of discovery that may easily take a lifetime. Passion is thus a red herring. Applicants should not fixate on only one virtue, and definitely not on a narrow conception thereof. The strongest applicants should remain open to exploration, not dedicated immutably to a particular idea or cause. They should consider all of their attributes - including flaws and present them with thoughtfulness, sincerity, and appropriate degrees of enthusiasm.
Josh Stephens, College counselor and specialist in college application essays.
----- End of Week 4 -----
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References: Deborah Philips, The Huffington Post, dan beberapa sumber lain.