Vrooy-Fbt Hypothesen General
Bouwheer Opdrachtgever Hoofdaannemer
Van Rooy – Fbt / Planet ENG
Revisie Index
Datum Initialen 2013-03-25 JV 2013-04-04 JV 2013-04-05 JV 2016-02-26 LV
Controle Initialen
Wijzigingen Historiek Eerste uitgave Update – Layout Soil Properties in nota Update – DOV method Update – General update
Inhoudstabel (content table) 1 2 3 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Goal of this QP .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Calculation Template ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Used Software .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Hypotheses – Calculation Methods .................................................................................................................. 10 Soilproperties ....................................................................................... Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. 4.1.1 Density ........................................................................................ Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. 4.1.2 Characteristics ............................................................................ Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. 4.1.3 Cohesion .............................................................................................................................................. 9 4.1.4 Layout ......................................................................................... Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. Loading ................................................................................................ Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. Results – Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Tabellen (tables) Geen gegevens voor lijst met afbeeldingen gevonden.
Figuren (figures) Figuur 5: BW - Calc soil-mechanical parameters ............................................... Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.
Noot: het .pdf document afdrukken met print with comments.
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Introduction Goal of this QP This QP summarizes all general hypotheses made and used in calculations for the company Van Rooy – FBT 2 Calculation Template Depending on works / scope: 3 Used Software Depending on works / scope:
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Add project Project number This chapter explains how to add a project number for the firm Van Rooy FBT. Project are always added on the same PC: Planet PC021. In this example we make a project 16336. - Open the Teamviewer of PC021 - Open PlanetPE, if not already opened, -> click ‘Start ADM PE’ -> click ‘Projects01’
Scroll down the list to the last project. (Make sure you refresh the list so no keywords have been used for filtering) Click the Asterix (*) in front of the row and start filling out the fields according to the info in the screenshot.
o o o o
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Project number always follows the previous number in the table/ PLACE: It’s the place where the site is. You can find this on the soil reports and on the drawings. Make sure you take the correct address because also the address of the builder and arch., etc are on there. Look for words with ‘Werf’ or ‘Bouw’. STREETNAME + N°: This is always the street previous to the PLACE. If there is no number you don’t have to fill in the number. Look at same location as the place. DESCRIPTION: This can be BW, SPW, OS, MP, PB, TPW, SIP, .. For example: BW-SPW. Separate different techniques used on the site by a ‘-‘. You can find the different techniques in the mail or in the sketches with the levels or in the overview drawing. If not ask Planet. BW = Berliner wall SPW = Secant pile wall OS = L-shaped retaining wall (Onderschoeiing) MP = Micropiles PB = Pile Calculation (Paalberekening) TPW = Tangent pile wall SIP = Grouting piles with hollow core pipes. (Schroefinjectiepalen) The rest can be filled in same as in the screenshot.
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If everything is filled out, click the pen at the start of the row and click ‘Project = Succession’
Fill out the field to match the example beneath. After clicking ‘InputLijstDossiersPersonen’, the appropriate line should appear in the bottom yellow field.
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Close the ‘frmDossiersOpvolging’ tab. Note that you end up back on top of the projects list and you have to scroll back down to your project number you created.
Click the first column in front of the project so that an arrow appears and click ‘CopyDir’.
Follow through the message boxes by clicking: ‘Nee’ – ‘Nee’ – 4 x ‘Ja’ – ‘OK’
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PlanetPM items Next up is to add PlanetPM items to the project for the correct map construction. Open PlanetPM and go to the new project you’ve just created. 4.2.1 General Default text for the different execution methods. These name structure will be used for programming so they have to be correct till the last letter. - BW_XX_YY – Berlinerwand - OS_XX_YY – Onderschoeiing - SPW_XX_YY – Secanspalenwand - SMW_XX_YY – Soilmixwand - TPW_XX_YY – Tangenspalenwand - GA_XX_YY – Groutanker - GP_XX_YY – Groutpaal - PB_XX_YY – Paalberekening - DW_XX_YY – Damwand With
XX = Amount of sections in the calculation note YY = Type of note C = Combined Combined means that there are more than one execution methods in the project. i = Indication NC = Not combined
Examples: - SPW_05_C – Secanpalenwand Calculation note for SPW with 5 sections and there are other execution methods used in this project such as BW, OS, … . - OS_02_i – Secanpalenwand Indication note for OS with 2 sections. For all project, add the following items: - 00Arch: XXXXXArchXXWXX Title default: “INPUT-Plannen-Gegevens” Add all the input info gotten + mails - 03Design: XXXXXNota700 Title default: “Sonderingsverslag” Add soil report + digitised excel file - 04CAD +: XXXXXB001 Title: “CAD” This item is created for the CAD file. There is only one CAD file per project. 4.2.2 Calculation note When assigned to make a calculation note, add following items: - 03Design: XXXXXNota701 Title: Default, depending on which to calculate o Add as much items as needed (amount of techniques applicable for the project) Nota701, Nota702, … o These items are created for the files used for the calculation notes but not the DWGs - 03Design: XXXXXNota710 Title: “Werkmapje” This item is created for the working document 4.2.3 Indication note When assigned to make an indication note, add following items: - 03Design: XXXXXNota701i Title: Add “Indication” in front of the default text. o Add as much items as needed: Nota701i, Nota702i, … o These items are created for the files used for the indication notes but not the DWGs Technische Nota
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Hypotheses – Soil properties General - Open the soil report and add the important pages to the note (Annex: Grondonderzoek) in this order: o First page with all the info such as date, location, builder and contractor (sometimes this can be the second page depending on the report) o The page where the soil properties are explained. o The overview drawing of the soil graphs. - Digitise the soil graphs in excel and place them in the main DWG file. o Adjust the layout of the DWG to match the example underneath.
Estimate the soil properties using: 1. The description of the soil in the soil report 2. Qc – values gathered from the soil report 3. The soil properties table: EC7-NAD 4. Your experience
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Adapted properties Properties for Van Rooy - FBT projects 5.2.1 General - S-value = 200 (Unless told otherwise) (Elasplas) 5.2.2 Cohesion - Cohesion: Minimal = 2 kPa - Temporary Situations: Cohesion c=5 possible but only after confirmation Planet Give following text box in the Result page as clarification for the use of c = 5 kPa Verantwoording Cohesie c = 5kPa - Cfr. WTCB Artikel kan er gerekend worden et schijnbare cohesie in onverzadigde zandgronden - Het betreft hier een relatief tijdelijke situatie - Ervaring, visuele controle op de werf geeft aan dat de grond in tijdelijke situatie vrij stabiel is bij uitgraving. - Echter indien de kopverplaatsing van de BW in de praktijk bij uitvoering, dermate zou afwijken t.o.v. de theoretisch berekende waarde in deze nota, dient de aannemer/studiebureau onmiddellijk op de hoogte gebracht te worden, en dienen de nodige maatregelen genomen te worden, teneinde schade te voorkomen. Procedure DOV 5.3.1 DOV – Site graphs
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6 Hypotheses – Side loads In most occasions the load you have to take for the calculation is given in the input. If not you have to estimate the load yourself and ask for verification from Planet. Garden load - Standard = 2 kN/m2, may be reduced to 0.5 kN/m2 if needed. Sidewalk - Standard = 2 kN/m2 when it’s not possible for vehicles to access. - Standard = 5 kN/m2 when it is possible for vehicles to only park here. Public road - Small road = 5 kN/m2 - Big and busy road = 10 kN/m2 Site traffic Standard = 10 kN/m2 – 20 kN/m2, this does not include stacking of material. Buildings 6.5.1 Berliner wall A Berliner wall cannot be placed next to an existing structure. The general rules of the WTCB indicates that the influence zone of the foundation is spread at an angle of 45° towards the BW. This ‘line’ has to be beneath the excavation level and the deformation at this point and under this point cannot be greater than 10mm. If the above statement do not comply -> ALWAYS ask Planet what to do. If Planet agrees to proceed, then ALWAYS mention the following text and illustration on the ‘Besluit’ page of the calculation note. “De uitvoering van deze beschoeiing is niet conform de richtlijnen van het WTCB. Wij kunnen niet anders dan voorbehoud nemen op de uitvoering, vervorming en eventuele schade aan nabijgelegen structuren en woningen.”
6.5.2 Secant pile walls and L-shaped retaining walls Use standard template for line loads of existing buildings: 00Template6.3LineLoadExistingBuilding.xls - Load for secant pile walls will be next to the wall. The biggest line load over the first 1m (Except there is given a distance between foundation and SPW) and the global area load over the remaining zone till max. 10m. - Load for L-shaped retaining walls will be partly on top. The line load comes on top of the OS and the area load next to it till max. 10m. Technische Nota
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Tower crane If a tower crane comes next to the retaining wall add the next text on the ‘Annex: Besluit’ page of the calculation note. Adjust the yellow text in function of the technical info of the tower crane. Planet will provide you the technical fiche of this crane. - The first text: 4.00m x 4.00m means the base of the tower crane found in the technical fiche. - D = 1.5m means the distance between tower crane and retaining wall. If no info keep it 1.5m. - 5.00m x 5.00m are the dimensions of the foundation plate of the crane. Take these values as the base of the crane +1m and round to a multiple of 0.5m. (4.00m x 4.00m + 1 = 5.00m x 5.00m) - 250 kN is the maximal corner load of the tower crane found in the technical fiche. - 125 kN is the corner pressure at the opposite side of the maximal corner pressure. If not found in the technical fiche Rule of thumb: H_1 / 2 - The lower equation then have to be filled in manually. (Add this method to the main template) o The first q_1 load is the load over the first half of the tower crane foundation slab. o The second q_2 load is the load over the remaining half of the foundation slab.
Torenkraan De rekennota beperkt zich tot de analyse van de invloed van de torenkraan op de beschoeiing. Dit omvat niet de algehele fundering en stabiliteit van de torenkraan zelf. Er wordt steeds van uitgegaan dat de torenkraan voldoende gefundeerd is. De torenkraan wordt verondersteld te worden gefundeerd op een algemene funderingsplaat. De wapening van de funderingsplaat dient ervoor te zorgen dat de hoekdrukken ( = H) van de torenkraan worden verdeeld over 1/4e van deze plaat. Het raster van de hoekdrukken van de torenkraan bedraagt 4,00m x 4,00m. De torenkraan bevindt zich op 1.5m (= D) van de beschoeiing. Uitgaande van een funderingsplaat van 5,00m x 5,00m (= 2*L x 2*B) geeft dit volgende verdeelde lasten. Voorste hoekdruk H_1 = 250 kN Achterste hoekdruk H_2= 125 kN ( = H_1 / 2) Indien in voorgaande veronderstellingen en aannames vermeld zijn die niet overeenstemmen met de werkelijkheid dient dit gemeld te worden en ter nazicht te worden voorgelegd aan het studiebureau en zijn volgende berekeningen niet geldig. Verdeelde lasten software (= q): 𝑘𝑁 𝐻 ]= 𝑚2 𝐵 ∗ (𝐿 + 2 ∗ 𝐷) 250 125 𝑘𝑁 𝑞_1 = + = 23 2.5 ∗ (2.5 + 2 ∗ 1.5) 2.5 ∗ (2.5 + 2 ∗ 4) 𝑚2 125 𝑘𝑁 𝑞_2 = =5 2.5 ∗ (2.5 + 2 ∗ 4) 𝑚2 𝑞 [
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Garden wall A garden wall often has a shallow foundation level and a low weight. On the other side of the wall lays the garden (Therefor ‘garden wall’). The line load deriving from the wall is calculated cf. 6.5. The garden load is calculated cf. 6.1. Exceptions - In some cases it is possible to cut off a few meters (2m - 3m) of the public road to reduce the side load (this also goes for sidewalks). - Load for stacking material has to be calculated case per case. - Soil in slope: Add trapeze line load on top -
7 Results – Evaluation IMPORTANT: Always do a decent check of the result pages. These are the only pages that will be taken to the construction site and therefor the most important. Make sure no mistake are made here and that the info matches the calculation results.
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