Nederlands fregat naar Arabisch schiereiland DEN HELDER (ANP) - Het standaardfregat Philips van Almonde is maandagmiddag uit de marinehaven van Den Helder vertrokken naar de regio rond het Arabisch schiereiland. Het is het eerste van de drie Nederlandse fregatten die Nederland inzet in de strijd tegen het terrorisme. Het fregat heeft 180 bemanningsleden. Kapitein-luitenant ter zee J. Weyne heeft het commando over het schip. Het fregat wordt begin januari op zijn bestemming verwacht. Het blijft daar zes maanden. Kerntaken De kerntaken van de Philips van Almonde zijn het verzamelen van inlichtingen en escorteren van andere schepen. Het is de bedoeling dat het fregat de scheepvaart in de regio in kaart brengt. Geweldstaken behoren officieel niet tot de opdracht, maar volgens de commandant heeft elk schip het recht op zelfverdediging en mag het de schepen die het escorteert, beschermen. Hiervoor is wel toestemming nodig van de Amerikanen, die het hoogste gezag hebben in het gebied. Het tweede Nederlandse fregat vertrekt 14 januari richting het gebied.
Hr.Ms. Philips van Almonde (F823) Doel: Standaardfregat voor de bestrijding van lucht-, oppervlakte- en onderwaterdoelen Specificaties: Waterverplaatsing 3.600 ton, Lengte 130,5 m, breedte 14,6 m, diepgang 6,2 m, voortstuwing 4 gasturbines (2 voor kruisvaart en 2 voor hoge vaart), snelheid maximaal 32 knopen, bemanning 176. Bewapening: Nato Sea Sparrow geleidewapensysteem tegen luchtdoelen (bereik 12km), Harpoon geleidewapensysteem tegen oppervlaktedoelen (bereik 100 km), torpedolanceersysteem met doelzoekende torpedo´s, systemen voor radarmisleiding, Goalkeeper 30mm snelvuurkanon tegen luchtdoelen op zeer korte afstand, Oto Melara 76 mm kanon (bereik 10 km). De boordhelikopter is van het type Westland Lynx. Rotordiameter 12,80m, lengte 11,92m, hoogte 3,60m, gewicht 4875kg, motoren 2x Rolls Royce GEM42, vliegbereik 520km, kruissnelheid 220km, maximum snelheid 245km, bewapening: doelzoekende torpedo´s en lichte mitrailleur; sensoren: dipping sonar, radar, FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) en een gyrogestabiliseerde kijker. De helikopter
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER beschikt ook over een waarschuwingssysteem tegen luchtdoelraketten en afleidingsmiddelen tegen radargestuurde en hittezoekende projectielen. Achtergrondinformatie Hr. Ms. Philips van Almonde is één van de twee standaard-fregatten van de Kortenaer-klasse die de Koninklijke Marine bezit. Er wordt gesproken over ´standaardfregatten´ of S-fregatten omdat in de zeventiger jaren is besloten de fregatten van de Koninklijke Marine te standaardiseren. Sindsdien zijn er een aantal schepen aan de marinevloot toegevoegd die op het gebied van standaardisatie voldoen aan de NAVO-normen. Het gaat dan vooral over de sensor, wapen- en commandosystemen aan boord. Alle schepen van dit type hebben een boordhelikopter voorzien van ´dippingsonar´. Hiermee wordt de actieradius van het schip belangrijk vergroot. De helikopter kan ver voor het schip de zee afspeuren naar onder- en bovenwaterschepen en vliegtuigen. Ze zijn voorzien van doelzoekende torpedo´s zodat onderzeeboten kunnen worden vernietigd. Ooit waren er meer standaard fregatten bij de marine maar in het kader van de verkleining van de krijgsmacht is er een aantal aan het buitenland verkocht. Naast Hr. Ms. Philips van Almonde is thans Hr. Ms. Bloys van Treslong F824 in dienst. Deze schepen werden respectievelijk in 1981 en 1982 in dienst gesteld. De Almonde wordt in 2002 uit dienst gesteld.
Top : De Philips van Almonde in de Perzische Golf gedurende Desert Storm ( Photo : Piet Sinke ) Inzet: Hr. Ms. Philips van Almonde heeft in het verleden deelgenomen aan verschillende vredesoperaties. Zo loste het schip tijdens de tweede Golfoorlog in december 1990 een Nederlands schip af in de Perzische Golf en maakte het als onderdeel van het permanente NAVO-eskader STANAVFORLANT, deel uit van de internationale vloot in de Adriatische Zee tijdens de Kosovo-operatie. Daarnaast fungeerde de Van Almonde als stationsschip in de West. Op 10 december 2001 vertrok Hr.Ms. Philips van Almonde naar de wateren rond het Arabisch Schiereiland in het kader van de internationale strijd tegen het terrorisme.
EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Prinses Margriet te koop
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER De zeevaartschool op Terschelling wil af van het motorschip Prinses Margriet, dat hier zes jaar dienst deed. Het schip heeft te veel beperkingen in het gebruik. Het kan alleen uitvaren met hoog en stil water, moet daarbij sleepboothulp hebben en heeft te veel diepgang. Het Maritiem handzamer opleidingsvaartuig. De 69 meter lange Pr. Margriet staat te koop bij scheepsmakelaar Van Vliet te IJmuiden, die als bodemprijs 695.000 euro noemt.
Police hunt refugee smugglers
An international police investigation has been launched after the bodies of eight refugees were found in a shipping container in Ireland. Three of the dead were children - a boy aged about four and a boy and girl of 10 or 11 - one was a woman, and four were men, said police. Post mortem examinations are being carried out on the bodies. Five survivors aged from 17 to 35, including one woman, were found unconscious and are now in intensive care in Wexford, where their condition is described as "very serious", but improving. The refugees - thought by police to be from Turkey - were discovered by the lorry driver when he delivered his cargo of office furniture at a business park. Irish police are "actively investigating" the likelihood that the 13 had paid traffickers to organise their journey. Irish Premier Bertie Ahern pledged to track down the criminals responsible. "Those involved in the cruel trade of trafficking in human beings have perpetrated yet another atrocity on the victims of their greed," he said. Police said on Saturday evening they still had to establish exactly where the refugees boarded the container. Translators were called in to speak to the survivors - one of whom is a 17-year-old boy - but they have not yet been able to give much information. Superintendent John Farrelly said Irish police were working with their counterparts in Belgium, Germany and Italy to trace the people responsible. "All the police forces in Europe are aware of the situation," he said. "Let's hope we will find those people responsible, and this will never happen again." Irish Justice Minister John O'Donoughue, who visited the scene and the hospital, said it was nearly impossible to prevent this kind of incident. He said: "You can do your best with legislation, we have done that. You can do your best with resources. We have done that. "We have put an as humane asylum system in this country as we possibly could ... but at the end of the day, there are people who will exploit all vulnerable human beings."
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER Laws questioned The container began its journey in Milan, Italy, on 30 November. It then went to Cologne in Germany and left the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium, on Tuesday evening - arriving at Waterford port in Ireland on Thursday evening. It is believed the refugees may have boarded the container in Belgium. The driver, who was treated in hospital for shock after discovering the bodies, had collected the lorry from Waterford and driven it 40 miles (65km) to a business park in Wexford on Saturday. After hearing noises from the rear of his vehicle, he discovered the seal of the container had been broken and found the refugees. The case has already led to questions about asylum and immigration legislation in Europe. The Irish, Romanian, Italian and British Refugee Councils issued a joint statement describing the deaths as "preventable". "We fear that increased barriers to access to the EU force more people into the hands of the traffickers who show such callous disregard for human life. "On the eve of the Laeken (EU) Summit we renew our urgent appeal to governments to ... ensure that those fleeing persecution have access to their territories without risking their lives in this way." Irish ports have increasingly become targets for refugees, apparently lured by reports of jobs in the Irish economy, which until recently was the fastest growing in the euro zone. Catholic Bishop of Ferns Dr Brendan Comiskey, whose diocese includes Wexford, called for a change of attitude towards the position of refugees. "Europe is becoming known as 'Fortress Europe', instead of a family of nations," he said.
IHC GUSTO ENGINEERING The Dutch based company IHC Gusto Engineering will design and supply various elements of the jacking system for the world’ s first Wind Turbine Installation Vessel under a contract awarded by Mayflower Energy (UK). This unique vessel, serving a new offshore industry, has been ordered from China’ s Shanhaiguan shipyard with an option for a second vessel. The vessel can, after arriving at the installation location, be fully jacked out of the water by its six legs. After jacking the vessel out of the water it will become a stable platform from which a 300 tons crane will be able to safely install the wind turbines. The 130.5m long vessel (38m beam) with displacement of approx. 14,000 tons will be capable of working in water depths of maximum 35 meter. Each 60-meter long leg will be provided with the Gusto’ s designed hydraulic jacking system. The entire system comprises 48 large size hydraulic cylinders enabling the 130-meter long vessel to be fully jacked-up above the water. Two sets of cylinders are applied to each leg and each set is able to provide the 2500t jacking capacity thus enabling to achieve high jacking speeds. The Gusto’ s scope of work comprises the design of the legs, spudcans and jacking system and also the manufacturing and supply of all hydraulic components and control systems. The components are to be delivered to the Chinese shipyard in the second half of 2002 for installation on board the vessel. The first vessel is expected to be delivered early in 2003
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Digitrace certified in the Netherlands
Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate has accredited Digitrace, a service of Notice to Mariners via e-mail. The service satisfies the carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners under Regulation 20 of Chapter V of SOLAS. Several other flag states have already given similar accreditations. The shipping inspectorate has further accredited The Digital Lists of Lights, another service developed by Marine Press of Canada, based in Montreal. Recently, a close co-operation was also started with Xantic, former Station 12 and Spectec. This co-operation will offer reduced file sizes and improved email management via AmosConnect, resulting in lowered communication costs
SHIP SALES THERE seems to have been increased activity when it comes to tonnage being inspected and discussed, however many reports are of incoming offers following inspections at levels well below owners' expectations. This has led to owners holding off from negotiations and seeking further buyers or in some cases withdrawing vessels rather than facing up to the market levels as perceived by the purchasers. Vessels sold for further trading BULK CARRIERS: Grant Mariner: 34,800 tdw blt 9/85 A+P crs 4/25 ts reported sold region US$4,000,000 at auction in Singapore to the financiers. Mira: 24,779 tdw blt 85 Nipponkai derrs 3/25, 2/35 ts Nara sistership blt 85 Nipponkai reported sold region US$4,500,000 each to Far Eastern buyers. Sealady: 31,302 tdw blt 81 Hyundai coiled/coated reported sold region US$5,650,000 to clients of Ancora Investments. DEMOLITION: (All prices per tonne lightweight) ULCC Sea Splendour: 409,400 dwt, blt 1978 Sweden, 49,975 lwt reported sold region US$124 with delivery Pakistan. VLCC Millennia Jewel: 267,911 dwt, blt 1977 Japan, 37,216 lwt reported sold region US$136 with delivery Bangladesh.
CASUALTY REPORTING Turkish ship sinks, Cambodian ship sends distress call ANKARA, Turkey: A Turkish ship carrying iron ore sank in rough waters of the Black Sea on Sunday, while a Cambodian freighter miles apart sent distress calls, the Anatolia news agency reported. The 855-ton (940-metric ton) Kalkavan went down about one mile off the port city of Sinop. Its eight crew members were rescued by a nearby vessel. No risk of pollution was reported, officials said. Meanwhile, Cambodian-flagged the Lady Amar, also carrying iron ore, sent out distress calls Sunday, prompting Turkish military to dispatch a helicopter to the area to evacuate its 20 crew members. The 7,000-ton (7,700 metric-ton) Lady Amar was headed from Romania to Algeria, the agency said. Several other ships were reportedly having troubles navigating rough waters of the Black Sea and the
Aegean Sea.
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Ships rally to Aegean casualty ONE Yugoslav seafarer is missing, feared dead, following the sinking of a small bulk carrier in the Aegean Sea on December 7. The Saint Vincent registered, Croatia classed, 3,060 DWT Medtrader encountered bad weather and developed a dangerous list 25 n-miles south of Skyros island while en route from Constanza, Romania to Crotone, Italy carrying 2,068 tonnes of iron ore. Eleven of its 12 crew members abandoned ship after transmitting a distress signal. They were picked up by the Russian tanker Brothers-1 in a large rescue operation in which another five merchant ships – the containerships Uwe Kahrs and Argentina Star, the bulkers River Tyne and Gracechurch Moon and the tanker Enalios Nireus – as well as two helicopters participated. A 48-hour search for the missing seafarer has produced no result.
Abandoned Emre Bey under tow THE Turkish-flag general cargo ship the Emre Bey 6,230 DWT, was abandoned by its crew in the Ionian Sea on the night of December 6 after its crew reported it flooding and in danger of sinking. The ship was later reported to have been taken under tow by a salvage tug, but its destination is not yet known. All crew members were rescued. The 27-year-old ship had been deleted by class society DNV two weeks earlier. The Emre Bey had been detained by PSC five times in the last two years: in Italy in 1999, France in 2000 and this year successively in Portugal, Spain and Greece. The latest detention, at Alexandroupolis, Greece, in October for 21 days, was for the same safety deficiencies as the 1999 detention, and for failure of the main engine. DNV suspended its class on October 30 because of overdue surveys and recommended work not done. On November 21 the classification society deleted the ship.
The British Naval vessel SCOTT is drifting at present off Aden (Yemen) with engine troubles, the anchorhandling/tug SMITWIJS TYPHOON is at present enroute to the casualty and arrived Monday night on the spot where she will connect to the Scott and tow her to Oman.
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SHIPYARD NEWS MSC (Europe) Limited Awarded Conversion M.V Africa Mercy
Top : The Dronning Ingrid as INGRID moored on the Tyne during 1999 (Photo : Piet Sinke) Southhampton-based marine outfitting company MSC (Europe) Limited has signed a letter of intent that will lead to a thirteen million pound conversion contract to transform the EX Dronning Ingrid into a state of the art hospital vessel for Mercy Ships. MSC (Europe) Ltd., one of Maritime Services Corporation’ s eleven offices worldwide, secured the contract amid strong competition by being able to deliver a complete turnkey package for the owners within the projected eighteen month period.
ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES DFDS Tor Line zal eerste nieuwe roro’ s inzetten op AngloBridge
DFDS Tor Line heeft de eerste van zijn vijf opties op roro-schepen met een capaciteit van 4.000 lijnmeter en een dienstsnelheid van 22 knopen bij de Duitse scheepsbouwer Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft omgezet in een vaste bestelling. De rederij plaatste eerder reeds een order voor drie schepen van dit type. De vier bestelde eenheden zullen tussen september 2003 en augustus 2004 in de vaart komen. De eerste drie schepen zullen worden ingezet op de AngloBridge-dienst tussen Göteborg en Immingham en de capaciteit op die route met 40% omhoog trekken. Dat betekent concreet dat de roro-operator afziet van zijn voornemen om reeds in die eerste fase minstens één van die grote schepen in te leggen op de EuroBridge-dienst tussen Gent en Göteborg. Maar Gent zou in ruil de jongste drie schepen van de rederij krijgen, die in Italië werden gebouwd en 2.800 lijnmeter aan rollende lading aan boord kunnen nemen. Volgens presiding director Ole Frie van DFDS Tor Line zou daar ook het vierde schip van 4.000 lm kunnen bijkomen.
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P&ONL zoekt nieuwe plaats op route Noord-Europa/Zuid-Amerika Tegen half mei 2002 zal de rederij P&ONL de “VSA 3”-groep verlaten hebben. Deze groep, die meerdere rederijen groepeert in een vessel sharing agreement (VSA), is actief tussen Noord-Europa en de ZuidAmerikaanse oostkust. Nu de rederij aan de partners heeft aangekondigd dat ze de groep verlaat, moet ze een andere operationele context zoeken, aangezien ze vast van plan is in deze trafiek te blijven. Dit vertrek geeft de overige leden van de
“VSA 3”ook de gelegenheid hun operaties te herbekijken
Attica launches new ferry Attica Enterprises launched its new Superfast XII at Flender Werft AG in Lübeck, Germany on Friday. Due for delivery in the second quarter of 2002, Superfast XII is the second of a pair of two ultramodern car-passenger ferries currently under construction at Flender Werft AG. Her sister vessel Superfast XI which was launched in August 2001 is due for delivery in the course of the first quarter of 2002. Superfast XI and Superfast XII each have a capacity of 1,550 passengers and garage decks for 130 large trucks and 100 private vehicles. They have four 12cylinder Wärtsilä engines that produce a total output of 48,000 kw and a speed in excess of 30 knots. Superfast XI and Superfast XII have an overall length of 199.9 m., width of 25.0 m, draft of 6.4 m and maximum height at deck 10 of 28.8 m.
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Superfast Ferries will inaugurate a new two-ship direct ferry service between Rosyth in Scotland and Zeebrugge in Belgium in May 2002. With the new Superfast service, Scotland will be directly connected to mainland Europe with daily overnight crossings between Rosyth and Zeebrugge employing a journey time of only about 17 hours.
Marseilles targets 600,000 cruisers MARSEILLES is enjoying phenomenal growth in cruise passenger traffic and could shortly become one of the leading Med cruise centres, according to figures given at the Top Cruise show held in the port city last week. The Port of Marseilles said its 2001 cruise traffic broke all records, with 245,000 passengers and 240 cruise ship calls. Port president Jacques Truau said he expected cruise traffic to represent half a million passengers by 2004 with a target of 600,000 for 2005, similar to figures currently achieved by leaders Barcelona and Genoa. Yannis Vassilakopoulos, French office director for Festival Cruises, Marseilles’premier user, said : “Marseilles is booming while Nice, the traditional French cruise port is stagnating. Marseilles has a solid future as a cruise port.”The port plans to invest euro26M ($23.6M) in new cruise facilities by 2005. They will include one large terminal able to accommodate two 2,000-passenger ships and more at the same time.
NAVY NEWS USS Bulkeley (DDG 84), the newest in a series of advanced Aegis guided missile destroyers built for the U.S. Navy, has been commissioned in New York City. This 509.5-foot, 9,300-ton destroyer is the 34th ship of the DDG 51 program, and the 15th built by the Ingalls Operations of Northrop Grumman's Ship Systems sector. Aegis destroyers are equipped to conduct a variety of missions, from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection, in support of national military strategy. These multimission ships provide primary protection for the Navy's aircraft carriers and battle groups, as well as essential escort to Navy and Marine Corps amphibious forces, combat logistics ships and convoys. DDG 84 carries Tomahawk cruise missiles, as well as Standard missiles to intercept hostile aircraft and missiles at extended ranges. Both Tomahawk and Standard missiles are launched from forward and aft vertical launching systems. DDG 84 is also equipped with the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System. Following DDG 84, Ingalls has contracts and options to produce nine additional Aegis destroyers, with six of those ships in various stages of production
RIJNMOND WEATHER dinsdag 11 december 9 uur 's ochtends : temperatuur: 2 graden kans op neerslag: 5% wind: zwak (8 km/u) uit ONO PSi-Daily Shipping News
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5 uur 's middags : temperatuur: 6 graden kans op neerslag: 15% wind: matig (12 km/u) uit NO
… . SHIP OF THE DAY … .. The Vasco da Gama is one of the largest suction dredgers in the world. It was built by Thyssen Nordsswerke (hull number 525) for the Belgian group Jan de Nul. It will be used on large-scale land reclamation work and offshore projects such as trenching, presweeping and rock dumping in deep water. The Vasco da Gama has an overall length of 201m, 178m between perpendiculars and a moulded breadth of 36.2m. It has a V-shaped aft and U-shaped fore body with bulbous bows. It has a design draught of 13m and a dredging freeboard draught of 14.6m. Its deadweight (at 13.45m draught) is 54,600dwt and 60,000dwt at 14.6m draught. It is operated by a complement of 40. The accommodation block is located forward and topped by the wheelhouse. The ship’ s tanks can hold 3,500m3 of heavy oil and 300m3 of diesel oil. For stability, the water ballast system consists of 3,500m3 tanks forward and 1,500m3 aft. DREDGER OPERATION Vasco da Gama is capable of working at depths exceeding any other dredger. The dredging itself is carried out by twin 1,400mm side suction pipes with wide drag heads. The suction pipes are raised and lowered using four gantries. The dredger normally works at depths of 45-60m. When the pipes are inclined at an angle of 55°, the vessel is suited to depths of around 80m but with the suction pipes inclined at an angle of 60° and extended, it is possible to increase the working depth to 125m by the use of a 5,500kW submerged dredging pump. HOPPER CAPACITY The Vasco da Gama’ s vast hopper has a capacity 33,000m3. This results in the suction dredger transporting two to three times the load of many competing vessels each voyage. The dredging pump can fill the hopper in a duration of just one hour. AFT The pump room and the suction pipe facilities are located aft of the hopper. The dredge pumps consist of two KF/GIW/44x51 MHD110 units. The dual-function dredge pumps operate at either 4,500kW to draw the spoil from the suction pipes to the hopper or 8,000kW for self-discharge through jet spray/bow coupling. The pumps are driven from the forward end of the main engines via three-speed Jahnel-Kestermann A2S13603S pump gearboxes.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER DREDGER ENGINES The power comes from two Man B&W 14V48160 engines with an output of 14,700kW each at 500rev/min. When not used for suction operations, these can be directed at vessel propulsion. The aft end of the engines are linked to Jahne!-Kestermann A1S1520D propulsion gearboxes. These, in turn are connected to two aluminiumcopper-nickel controllable pitch Lips propellers located in nozzles attached to the ship. The propellers are 5.5m in diameter and are designed for a rotational speed of 15rev/min. The engines give the vessel a speed of a huge 16.5km at a 1,300m draught fully laden with her cargo of dredged material. The vessel is steered using two fully independent Becker flap rudders. Manoeuvring is assisted by 4 thrusters. The two Lips bow thrusters have an output of 1,650kW each, while the two Lips stern thrusters have an output of 750kW each. A Simrad Kongsberg Dynamic Positioning (DP) system has been installed. There is a take-off to 2VEM 12,500kW main engine-driven alternators working at 1,200rev/min. In addition, there are also two MAN B&W engines (8L32/40) units, with an output of 3,830kW at 7,200, each of which which are linked to a VEM 3,150kVA alternator and via a Jahnel Kesterman reduction gearbox to a 1,500kW jet pump. HAVE A LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING SITE FOR SHIPPING INFO AND PICTURES OF SHIPS AROUND HOEK VAN HOLLAND AT : http://www.scheepvaarthoek.nl
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