Herlambang P. Wiratraman Faculty of Law, Airlangga University
[email protected] 2016
MAIN TOPICS 1. What are position of military and police under Indonesia’s constitutional system? To whom these institutions should be responsible to?
2. What are development of military and police reform system in Indonesia’s post Soeharto? 3. What are the different roles and mandates between military dan police? 4. Why should the division of military and police be seperated, what could be learnt from authoritarian regime of New Order in the past? 5. How have these institutions been playing roles in politics, any should be prohibited? 6. How do you see these institutions involve in various human rights violations?
REFERENCES INDONESIAN MILITARY REFORM: More Than a Human Rights Issue, John B. Haseman, Southeast Asian Affairs (2006), pp. 111-125, Stable URL:
Indonesia: Next Steps in Military Reform, Asia Report N° 2411 Oct 2001, Executive Summary and Recommendations (International Crisis Group) TNI & POLRI: Analisis Tentang Penataan Kelembagaan Politik dalam SSR di Indonesia, Muradi Clark, 2007, Wiratraman, H.P. 2015. Urgensi RUU Kamnas, Politik Hukum dan Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia. Makalah untuk Seminar Nasional RUU Kamnas, Kerjasama Mabes Polri dan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 26 November 2015.
WHAT ARE POSITION OF MILITARY AND POLICE UNDER INDONESIA’S CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM? TO WHOM THESE INSTITUTIONS SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE TO? Political decision to seperate armed forces and Police, 1 April 1999 (Tap MPR/VI/2000 and Tap MPR/VII/2000) TNI under Defence Minister, while Police under Presidential administration.
Shifting the fuction of Minister of Defence and Security, became Defence Minister, while Security is mandated to Police. These all are coordinated by Cooridinating Minister of Politic and Security (Menkopolkam).
WHAT ARE DEVELOPMENT OF MILITARY AND POLICE REFORM SYSTEM IN INDONESIA’S POST SOEHARTO? Minister of Defence could be handled by civil, not always military background.
TNI Commander not always from Army Forces, it could be from Navy Forces or other. Gus Dur also dissolved Badan Koordinasi Bantuan Pemantapan Stabilitas Nasional (Bakortanas) dan Lembaga Penelitian Khusus (Litsus) through Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 38/2000. This decision is aimed to free political control under Presidential administration. End of “military dual function” ++ SSR (Security Sector Reform)
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT ROLES AND MANDATES BETWEEN MILITARY DAN POLICE? Pasal 2 Fungsi kepolisian adalah salah satu fungsi pemerintahan negara di bidang pemeliharaan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, penegakan hukum, perlindungan, pengayoman, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. (UU Polri) Pasal 5 TNI berperan sebagai alat negara di bidang pertahanan yang dalam menjalankan tugasnya berdasarkan kebijakan dan keputusan politik negara. (UU TNI) (a) penangkal terhadap setiap bentuk ancaman militer dan ancaman bersenjata dari luar dan dalam negeri terhadap kedaulatan, keutuhan wilayah, dan keselamatan bangsa; (b). penindak terhadap setiap bentuk ancaman sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a; dan (c). pemulih terhadap kondisi keamanan negara yang terganggu akibat kekacauan keamanan.
WHY SHOULD THE DIVISION OF MILITARY AND POLICE BE SEPERATED, WHAT COULD BE LEARNT FROM AUTHORITARIAN REGIME OF NEW ORDER IN THE PAST? Abusive power from Presidential admnistration Centralized and militeristic for the Police Both used to be legitimized for controlling politics at various arena
Violence and impunity
HOW HAVE THESE INSTITUTIONS BEEN PLAYING ROLES IN POLITICS, ANY SHOULD BE PROHIBITED? Art 47 section 2, TNI active corps may sit in power of department or non-departmet
Law No. 32 of 2004 has been interpreted by political elites to allow TNI active corps to run local election, as required to take leave prior election The return of “dual function” in legalised democratic rules under post Seharto’s administration
NHRI/National Human Rights Institution (Komnas HAM) reported, but no significant impact Inconsistency of Civilian Supremacy KOMPOLNAS is often disregarded Human Rights Court and Impunity Politics
PROBLEMS OF LAW NO. 34 OF 2004 No explicit clause says military under Minister of Defence Allowing military corps to involve in politics and play roles beside defence affairs
‘Execive Authority of TNI Commander to response foreign threat and attack Unclear process of implementing business acquisition of military, hence till present military business still takes place evrywhere (Clark, 2007)
PROBLEMS OF LAW NO. 2 OF 2002 Police budget, still refers to APBN Overlapping between roles and authority, as operational responsibility and taking position for non-operational policies. Effect of the name of National Police, hence local government does not provide budget for Police. Revitalisation of Kompolnas (Komisi Kepolisian Nasional), from think-thank for president became a bridge of society to criticize and control of the Police. (Clark, 2007)