Curriculum Vitae
Réka Geambașu 2 Ugocsa St, 1126 Budapest (Hungary) +36-70-4152793
[email protected],
[email protected] Sex Female | Date of birth 16 October 1979 | Nationality Romanian
WORK EXPERIENCE 25/11/2013 – present
research fellow Hétfa Research Institute
teaching assistant Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Sociology and Social Work
research fellow HCSO Demographic Research Institute
PhD-student Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Sociology and Social Work
international relations officer Babeș-Bolyai IUniversity, International Relations Office
PhD studies Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Sociology and Social Work
postgraduate research scholarship University of Oxford - OSI/FCO/Chevening Scholarship Scheme, Oxford (Great Britain)
MA in Anthropology (Cultural Anthropology and Multicultural Studies) Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies
MA in Sociology (The Management of Regional and Community Problems) Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Sociology and Social Work
BA in Sociology Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Sociology and Social Work
PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
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Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Cambridge Advanced English Test
German French
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Computer skills
MS Office, SPSS, Atlas.ti
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Research projects and individual scholarships
November 2013 – February 2014 Project title: SEEMIG (Managing Migration and its Effects in South-East Europe) Institutional framework: Hungarian Central Statistical Office – Demographic Research Institute, Budapest Tasks: participant of international research project (coordinator of a WP); foresight scenario in Hungary
January 2013 – January 2014 Project title: The comparative analysis of women’s employment in Romania and Hungary Financial support: ERSTE Stiftung, Vienna Tasks: interview based study in Romania and Hungary, analysis, research report
February–November 2012 Project title: The evaluation of Hungarian policies targeting the improvement of employment Institutional framework: Hétfa Research Institute, Budapest, financial support: National Development Agency Tasks: coordination of survey, data analysis, research report
2009–2013 Project title: Researchers' Night Hungary Financial support: EU FP7 (coordinated and hosted by BZAKA, Hétfa Research Institute) Tasks: social impact assessment (survey, focus group interviews)
March–May 2012 Project title: The role of retail franchise networks in improving employment possibilities of the low educated population Institutional framework: Hétfa Research Institute Tasks: coordination of the survey, research report
January–July 2010 Project title: Kárpát Panel survey Institutional framework: Max Weber Foundation for Social Research Tasks: participation at the coordination of the survey, research report
February–July 2010 Project title: The effects of the Bologna reform upon the MA-programs of the universities of Cluj Institutional framework: The Association of Hungarian PhD students and Young Researchers from Romania Tasks: participation at the coordination of the survey, coordination of the focus group research, research report writing
December 2009–September 2011 Project title: Trade Union Revitalisation Strategies in Poland, Slovenia, Estonia and Romania Financial support: Project HOM/2009/8B), University of Wroclaw (dr. Adam Mrozowicki) Tasks: carrying out the Romanian case study (automotive industry and retail sector): desk research, interviews, research report writing
September 2009–November 2010 Project title: BELAmI project “The acceptance of AAL-applications by the elderly” Institutional framework: Bay Zoltán Applied Research Institute –IKTI, dr. Kardon Béla Tasks: conducting Hungarian case study, end user interviews, analysis
September 2003–November 2004 Project title: Teaching Anthropology - Means and Meanings Institutional framework: Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Sociology and Social Work Financial support: Higher Education Support Programme (Open Society Institute, Budapest)
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Curriculum Vitae
Tasks: building university curricula, field research
November 2001–September 2002 Project title: First generation rural immigrants in Cluj (team leader: dr. Neményi Ágnes) Financial support: Sapientia Foundation – Institute for Research Programs Tasks: interview based research, writing research report
February–July 2001 Project title: The Hungarian youth of Romania – structural integration? (team leader: dr. Horváth István) Financial support: Sapientia Foundation – Institute for Research Programs Tasks: interview based research, writing research report
Membership in professional organisations
▪ International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA) (from 2005) ▪ President of t The Association of Hungarian PhD students and Young Researchers from Romania (2004-2006) ▪ Member of the board of the Max Weber Sociological Foundation (from 2004) ▪ Membership in editorial boards: WEB (2003-2008), Háló (Szociális Szakmai Szövetség, Budapest) (2009-2010), Erdélyi Társadalom (from 2009)
▪ September 23–28, 2013, Turin Workshop title: ERSTE Autumn School Paper presented: Part-time work among women in Romania and Hungary
▪ May 23–24, 2011 Budapest Conference title: GGP: First User Conference. Demographic and Social Challenges in an Aging Europe Paper presented: Pathways to and Positions on the Labour Market. Working and Homemaking Young Women in Romania and Hungary
▪ May 5–7, 2011, Wroclaw Conference title: Trade Union Revitalisation Paper presented: Revitalisation from Bottom-Up? (co-authors: Adam Mrozowicki, Tatiana Bajuk-Sencar)
▪ April 28–30, 2011, Tallinn Conference title: TransEurope Workshop. Women’s Employment in an Enlarged Europe Paper presented: Female Employment from a Comparative Perspective: Romania and Hungary
▪ September 7–10, 2011, Geneva Conference title: Social Relations in turbulent times (European Sociological Association) Paper presented: The Role of Ambient Intelligence in the Home-Based Care of the Elderly. Results of a research (co-authors: Eszter Kelemen, Boldizsár Megyesi)
▪ December 2–4, 2010, Cluj Conference title: Remaking the Social. New Risks and Solidarities (The first international conference of the Romanian Association for Sociology) Paper presented: Patriarchy Between and Beyond the Household Walls
▪ December 2–4, 2010, Cluj Conference title: Remaking the Social. New Risks and Solidarities (The first international conference of the Romanian Association for Sociology) Paper presented: Bologna Process from Below. Reshaping the Meanings of Higher Education in Students' Perceptions (co-authors: Ágnes Pakot, Júlia Szabó)
▪ January 23–24, 2009, Cluj Conference title: Social Change. Minorities from Transylvania in the Context of Romania’s EU-accession (Academic Committee from Cluj) Paper presented: Gender Inequalities Among the Population aged 20–45 in Transylvania
▪ August 25–29, 2008, Nagykanizsa Conference title: The Summer School of the European Society for Rural Sociology Paper presented: The Community of Rural Immigrants in Cluj
▪ October 25–27, 2007, Berlin Workshop title: Migration into cities: patterns, processes and regulation (Irmgard Coninx Foundation Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, Osnabrück University) Paper presented: Rural-Urban Migration and the Creation of “The New Socialist Man” in the Communist Romania
▪ June 7, 2007, Oxford Workshop title: Work-in-Progress (Centre on Migration Policy and Society, University of Oxford) Paper presented: Building Socialism and “The New Socialist Man”. Some Aspects of the Romanian
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Socialist Urbanisation. The Case of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg
▪ February 23–25, 2007, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Conference title: Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia: Defining Ourselves and Being Defined: Globalization, Regionalism and Multiculturalism (Center for Russian and East European Studies, Graduate Student Organization for the Study of Europe and Central Asia) Paper presented: The Urban-Rural Divide. Rural Immigrants in Romanian Cities
▪ January 26, 2007, London Workshop title: Romanian and Moldovan Research Group (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College, London) Paper presented: Rural-Urban Migration in Romania: Changes in the Population of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1948–2002
▪ July 20–22, 2006, Warsaw Conference title: Warsaw East European Conference. Second Annual Session Paper presented: Rural-Urban Migration in Romania
▪ May 26–29, 2005, Belgrade Conference title: Urban Life and Culture in Southeast Europe (InASEA) Paper presented: The Dynanimcs of Social Network Management among Rural Immigrants
▪ January 27–29, 2005, Thessaloniki Workshop title: Gender, Diversity and (Urban) Space (ATHENA) Paper presented: The “Target Group”. Students about the Gender Issue
▪ May 7–8, 2004, Cluj Conference title: Social Romania. The Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Sociology Paper presented: The Influence of Social Capital on Subjective Assessment of Personal Economic WellBeing Among Rural Immigrants
▪ June 18–20, 2003, Cluj Conference title: Renegotiating Socio-Cultural Identities in the Post-Socialist Eastern Europe (Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, Desiré Foundation) Paper presented: Rethinking Rural Immigrant Culture
▪ April 14, 2003, Debrecen Conference title: OTDK Paper presented: Nőiesség-értelmezések (Interpretations of femininity)
▪ April 11–12, 2003 Cluj Conference title: RODOSZ Annual Conference Paper presented: The First Generation Rural Immigrants of Cluj
▪ March 22–23, 2002, Cluj Conference title: RODOSZ Annual Conference Paper presented: Femininity. Feminine Roles. Deconstructable Categories?
▪ September 26–27, 2002, Budapest Conference title: Annual Conference of the Teleki László Institute Paper presented: The Political Values of Hungarian Students of Cluj (co-author: Gyöngyi Pásztor)
List of publications
Books 2013 Thirst for science? Social conceptions of the research activity, the factor influencing career choices and the social impacts of Researchers’ Nights Co-authors: Ágnes Patakfalvi-Czirják, Boldizsár G. Megyesi, Béla Kardon Publisher: Hétfa Research Institute - RCISD, Budapest
2004 A rurális bevándorlók. Az elsőgenerációs kolozsvári városlakók társadalma [The Rural Immigrants. The Society of First Generation Urban Inhabitants in Cluj] Co-authors: Krisztina Csedő, Kálmán Ercsei, Gyöngyi Pásztor Publisher: Scientia, Cluj
Articles published in edited volumes 2012 Az állam redisztributív szerepével kapcsolatos attitűdök összehasonlító vizsgálata Európa államaiban. [The Comparative Analysis of Popular Attitudes towards States’ Redistributive Role in European Countries] In: Közösségi viszonyulásaink. A családdal, az állammal és a gazdasággal kapcsolatos
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Curriculum Vitae
társadalmi attitűdök, értékek európai összehasonlításban [Social Attitudes and Values Regarding Family, the State and Economy] (coord. Vera Messing, Bence Ságvári), p. 7–29. Co-authors: Borbála Bányai, Anna Légmán, Boldizsár G. Megyesi Publisher: MTA Institute of Sociology, Budapest
Erdélyi magyar feminizmus: érdeklődés hiányában elmarad? [Hungarian Feminism of Transylvania: Postponed Due to Lack of Interest?] In: Szociológiai mintázatok. Erdélyi magyarok a Kárpát Panel vizsgálatai alapján [Sociological Patterns. Understanding Hungarians from Transylvania Based on the Kárpát Panel Survey] (coord. Valér Veres, Attila Z. Papp), p. 117–140 Publisher: Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Max Weber Foundation for Social Research, Cluj
2011 Paths and detours to the labour market. Working and homemaking of young adult women in Hungary and Romania from a comparative perspective Publisher: European Science Foundation, TransEurope Working Paper 32.
2009 Nemek közötti egyenlőtlenségek Erdélyben és Magyarországon a 21–44 év közötti népesség körében [Gender Inequalities Among the Population aged 20–45 in Transylvania]. In: Párhuzamok. Anyaországi és erdélyi magyarok a századfordulón [Parallels. Hungarians from Hungary and from Transylvania at the Turn of the Century] (coord. Zsolt Spéder), Research Reports 86., p. 243–274. Publisher: HCSO DRI, Budapest
2008 Durkheim hatása Radcliffe-Brownra a brit strukturalista-funkcionalista iskola kontextusában [Durkheim’s Influences on Radcliffe-Brown in the Context of the British Structuralist-Functionalist School]. In: Anthropo Lenyomatok. Amprente. Imprints (coord. Hajnalka Harbula, Enikő MagyariVincze), p. 317–326. Publisher: EFES – BBU Cluj
2004 Rethinking Rural Immigrant Culture. In: Performing Identities. Renegotiating Socio-Cultural Identities in the Post-socialist Eastern Europe (coord. Enikő Magyari-Vincze, Mândruț Petruța), p. 243-264 Publisher: EFES – BBU Cluj
A kolozsvári elsőgenerációs városlakók életmódmintái [The Lifestyle of Rural Immigrants from Cluj]. In: RODOSZ Conference Volume (coord. Valér Veres) Publisher: Kriterion, Cluj
2003 A női kérdés lehetséges megközelítéseiről való gondolkodás terminusai [The Terms of Thought On the Feminine Issue]. In: RODOSZ Conference Volumes III. (szerk. Valér Veres, Zsolt Gyarmati), p. 75–100. Publisher: Kriterion, Cluj
Egyetemisták és politikai értékek. [Students and Political Values] In: Etnopolitika. A közösségi-, magánés nemzetközi érdekek viszonyrendszere Közép-Európában [Ethnopolitics. Communitarian, Provate and International Relation in Central Europe] (coord. Nándor Bárdi, Csilla Fedinec) Co-author: Gyöngyi Pásztor Publisher: Teleki László Foundation, Budapest
A Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem romákra vonatkozó „pozitív diszkriminációs” oktatáspolitikájának lehetséges értelmezései. [Possible Interpretations of the Positive Discrimination Targeting Roma Students at the Babeș-Bolyai University] In: Szociológiai tanulmányok erdélyi fiatalokról. Sapientia Könyvek [Sociological Studies of the Youth of Transylvania. Sapientia Books] (coord. Sorbán Angella) Publisher: Akadémia Publishing House, Cluj-Budapest
Papers published in journals 2011
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Women's Work: Female Labour Practices and their Normative Context among Ethnic Hungarians from Transylvania. Romanian Journal of Population Studies, Vol. V, No. 1, 2011, 53–82. 2008 Patriarchátus a háztartás falain belül és kívül. Nemi egyenlőtlenségek az erdélyi munkaerőpiacon. [ Patriarchy Between and Beyond the Household Walls. Gender Inequalities on the Transylvanian Labour Market] Erdélyi Társadalom VI. 1-2. 117–146. 2005 Vitalitatea şcolii de la Chicago. [The Vitality of the Chicago School] Sociologie Românească Vol. III. Nr. 1., 110–127. Co-authors: Petru Iluț, Laura Nistor
2004 A „tusványosi táborlakók” ifjúsági státusának és politikai beállítottságának vizsgálata. [Youth Status and Political Orientation Among the “Campers of Tusványos”] Erdélyi Társadalom 2., 113–131. Co-authors: Kálmán Ercsei
Imigranţii rurali: capital material şi reţele sociale. [Rural Immigrants: Material Capital and Social Networks] Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai 1. Hová lett a szocialista család? Átstrukturálódó rokoni viszonyok. [Where Has the Socialist Family Disappear? Restructuring Kinship Networks] Korunk 2004/3., 26–40. 2003 A kolozsvári elsőgenerációs városlakók. [Rural Immigrants from Cluj] Erdélyi Társadalom 2003/2, 67– 84. Co-authors: Krisztina Csedő, Kálmán Ercsei, Gyöngyi Pásztor
A kolozsvári roma elit kialakulásának társadalmi folyamata. [The Formation of the Roma Elite in Cluj] Erdélyi Társadalom, 1/2003, 67–86. Dekonstrukció és intézménylétesítés. [Deconstruction and Institutionalisation] Erdélyi Társadalom, 1/2003, 147–153. Szociálpolitika Romániában a szocialista és a piacgazdaságra való átmenet időszakában. [Social Policy in Romania during Socialism and in the Transition to Capitalism] WEB 11/2003 2002 Politikai beállítottság a kolozsvári Báthory Líceum végzős diákjai körében. [Political Orientations Among the Students of the Báthory Highschool in Cluj ] WEB 10/2002 Reviews 2010 Lalive, R. – Zweimüller, J.: How Does Parental Leave Affect Fertility and Return to Work? Evidence From Two Natural Experiments. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. August 2009, 1363–1402. Štastna, A., Sobotka, T.: Changing Parental Leave and Shifts in Second and Third-Birth Rates in Austria. Working Papers, Vienna Institute of Demography 7/2009, 1–28. Demográfia 2010/1, 109-112. 2002 A teljesség igényével. A Központi Statisztikai Hivatal Népességtudományi Kutatóintézetének 2000. és 2001. évi Történeti Demográfiai Évkönyvének recenziója. [Offering a Holistic Perspective”. Review of the 2000 and 2001 Annual of the Hungarian Statistical Institute] Korunk 2002/2 2001 A demográfiai átmenet elméleti kerete és romániai sajátosságaiCornelia Mureşan: Evoluţia demografică a României. Tendinţe vechi, schimbări recente, perspective (1870-2030) c. tanulmánya alapján [The Theoretical Framework of the Demographical Transition. The Case of Romania. Book
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Review: Mureşan, Cornelia: “The Demographical Evolution of Romania. Old Tendencies, Recent Changes, Perspectives [1870-2030]]. Demográfia 2001/1-2.
Volume editing 2005 RODOSZ Conference Volume III. Social sciences and humanities Publisher: Kriterion, Cluj Translations 2003 Gabriel Troc „A blokkok mögött” avagy a posztkommunista munkásnegyedek jelenlegi állapotáról. [Behind the Blocks or About the Present State of Worker Neighbourhoods ]WEB 2003/11 2001 D. J. van de Kaa Europe’s Second Demographic Transition, WEB 8-9/2001 (with Zsuzsa Plainer)
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