Formai követelmények: – A dolgozatot 2 példányban (egy bekötött és egy főzött példányban) géppel írva kell elkészíteni, valamint pdf formában is be kell nyújtani. – A külsı borítón fel kell tüntetni: a „záródolgozat” szót, a hallgató nevét, szakját és a záródolgozat készítésének évét. – A belsı borítón fel kell tüntetni: a „záródolgozat” szót, a záródolgozat címét magyarul és angolul, továbbá a készítés évét. – A bal alsó sarokban a témavezetı nevét és címét (rangját), a jobb alsó sarokban a hallgató nevét, szakját és a záródolgozat készítésének évét. – A záródolgozathoz csatolni kell egy nyilatkozatot arról, hogy a munka a hallgató saját szellemi terméke. – Terjedelme: legalább 40 ezer karakter, azaz 20 oldal (max. +10%). Ebbe csak a tényleges szövegoldalak számítanak, a címlap, tartalomjegyzék, bibliográfia stb. nem. – Betőméret: Times New Roman 12-es betőnagyság, a sortávolság 2-es, 2,5 cm-es margókkal. – A záródolgozat nyelve az angol.
Tartalmi követelmények: Mőfaja: hagyományos záródolgozat. Témaválasztás: a 4. félévben május 31-ig. Címbejelentés: az 5. félévben október 15-ig le kell adni. Témaválasztás: zárt. Minden tanszék kiír konkrét témákat, és csak azokból fogad el záródolgozatot. A témakínálat évente változhat. Ez a tanszékvezetı kompetenciája. A témaválasztást a hallgató köteles egy – általa felkért – témavezetıvel ellenjegyeztetni. A témavezetı az Intézet bármely oktatója lehet. A témaválasztást a tanszékvezetınek jóvá kell hagynia. Egy oktató maximum 6 záródolgozat témavezetését vállalhatja. A témavezetıt a hallgató konzultáció céljából felkeresi. A hallgatónak összesen 3 konzultációs lehetıség jár. Ebbıl egy a témakeresés fázisában, kettı pedig az anyaggyőjtés és anyagfeldolgozás során lehet. Magát az írást a hallgató teljesen önállóan végzi, a témavezetı nem javítgatja a fejezeteket, hiszen saját maga lehet a bíráló is. A konzultáción történı megjelenést a témavezetı aláírásával igazolja. – Színvonal: a záródolgozattal a hallgatóknak bizonyítaniuk kell, hogy képesek az elsajátított ismeretek szintetizálására, a tudományos munkához szükséges kezdeti lépések megtételére, valamint az angol nyelven való értekezésben megkívánt módszertani és stiláris eljárások alkalmazására. – Szakirodalom: elengedhetetlen, hogy a dolgozat hivatkozzon a téma szakirodalmának mértékadó munkáira (közülük mintegy 5-10 nyomtatott munkára). – – – –
A záródolgozat beadási határidejét, elbírálásának rendjét, az elégtelen dolgozat ismétlésének módját az intézményi szabályzatok és a szakirány elıírásai tartalmazzák.
A BA-s záródolgozatokat az Intézet zárt adatbázisban, pdf formában győjti. Záróvizsgát csak az tehet, aki záródolgozatát pdf formában beküldte az Intézet által késıbb megnevezendı címre. A „második szak szakterületi ismeretei”-bıl (minor) nem kell záródolgozatot írni.
Értékelés: A dolgozat érdemjegyét a bíráló állapítja meg. A bírálót a tanszékvezetı jelöli ki a dolgozat beérkezése után. A bíráló lehetıség szerint nem azonos a témavezetıvel. Ennek eldöntése a tanszékvezetı kompetenciája. A dolgozat érdemjegye két részjegybıl áll össze 2/3 – 1/3 arányban. 1. szakmai jegy 2. nyelvi jegy. Mindkét jegyet a bíráló adja. Ha bármelyik jegy elégtelen, a záródolgozat végsı jegye elégtelen. A nyelvi értékelés kritériumait a DEAL dolgozza ki és bocsátja a tanszékek rendelkezésére.
BA szakzárás követelményei: Az alapszakos záróvizsgára bocsátás feltétele az elfogadott záródolgozat, az elıírt tanegységek elvégzése és a kötelezı kreditmennyiség megszerzése. Záróvizsga célja, hogy a jelölt bemutassa a három év alatt szerzett irodalmi, történelmi és nyelvészeti ismereteit, bizonyítsa, hogy mindezt szabatos angol nyelven képes megfogalmazni. A záróvizsga két részbıl áll: a dolgozat védésébıl valamint a fı- és a melléktárgyból tett vizsgából.
A záróvizsga menete: – A záródolgozat védése – Fıtárgy (a záródolgozat alapján a fıtárgyat a tanszékvezetı jelöli ki a címbejelentéskor; a záródolgozathoz szorosan kapcsolódó tételt tételhúzás elıtt kivesszük) – Melléktárgy (a melléktárgyat a záródolgozat leadásakor írásban be kell jelenteni a tanszéken; ha a hallgató nem jelöli meg a melléktárgyat, nem osztjuk be államvizsgára)
A záróvizsga értékelése: A szaktárgyakból a hallgató egy állandóra kihirdetett tételjegyzék alapján készül fel, amely felöleli a BA-képzés során oktatott tantárgyak tematikájának legfontosabb elemeit.
Szaktárgyi területek Az angol szakirány szaktárgyi területei (5 témakör, á 12 tétel): – irodalom (angol, amerikai) – történelem (Nagy-Britannia, USA) – kultúra, országismeret – nyelvészet – alkalmazott nyelvészet Az amerikanisztika szakirány szaktárgyi területei (4 témakör, á 12 tétel): – amerikai kultúra – amerikai nyelv és nyelvészet – amerikai irodalom – amerikai történelem
Nyelvi értékelés: A nyelvi értékelés célja, hogy meggyızıdjünk arról, a végzıs hallgató képes lesz-e az angol nyelvvel hivatásszerően foglalkozni, képes-e formális körülmények között a gondolatait szabatosan megfogalmazni, kifejteni, szükség esetén érvelni és ellenérvekre felelni.
A szóbeli nyelvi jegyet az elnök adja meg a bizottság véleménye alapján. Záróvizsga eredménye az írásbeli (záródolgozat) és a szóbeli rész átlaga. Az esetleges kerekítés a szóbeli vizsgaeredmény irányában történik. Szükség esetén a hallgató kaphat kisegítı kérdést, de ha az is elégtelen, záróvizsga adott része elégtelen. Az záróvizsga ezen részét leghamarabb a következı záróvizsga idıszakban lehet megismételni.
További információk a szakzáráshoz: tételsorok, szakirodalom a felkészüléshez Tételek: Angol szakirány Irodalom 1. Old and Middle English literature. Introduce the background and the various literary genres current in the period (597–1066–1450). The heroic epic, the romance, lyric poetry. Talk in more detail about Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, analysing two particular tales. Bibliography: Introductions to the pieces in The Norton Anthology of English Literature (any ed.); Andrew Sanders: The Short Oxford History of English Literature, preferably Second edition, OUP, 2000; R. D. Fulk: A History of Old English Literature, Blackwell, 2003; A Concise Companion to Chaucer, ed. Corinne Saunders, Blackwell, 2006, or the volumes of the Cambridge Companion series 2. English drama from medieval times to the Renaissance. Introduce the main developments in, and the major dramatic genres of, the period (theatrical traditions, performances, audiences; tragedy, comedy, tragi-comedy, the chronicle play, the romance). Discuss, in detail, one comedy and one tragedy either by Marlowe or Shakespeare. Bibliography: David Scott Kastan and Peter Stallybrass (eds.): Staging the Renaissance: Reinterpretations of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama, New York and London: Routledge, 1991; Russ McDonald: The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: an Introduction with Documents, Second. ed. Bedford and St. Martin’s, 2001; Louise McConnell: ‘Exit, pursued by a bear’: Shakespeare’s characters, plays, poems, history and stagecraft, Bloomsbury, 2003; David Scott Katsan (ed.): A Companion to Shakespeare, Blackwell, 2000; Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard (eds.): A Companion to Shakespeare’s Works: The Tragedies, Blackwell, 2003; Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard (eds.): A Companion to Shakespeare’s Works: The Comedies, Blackwell 2004 3. English poetry from Wyatt to Milton. Introduce the main developments in the history of the genre in the period (the birth of new poetical forms in England, the reception of the Continental Renaissance, etc.). Discuss, in detail, three representative works of the genre written in the period. Bibliography: Andrew Sanders. The Short Oxford History of English Literature, OUP (any edition),; Peter Conrad: Cassell’s History of English Literature, (any edition), Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, The Age of Shakespeare, Penguin, 1982; Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, From Donne to Marvell, Penguin, 1982 4. The long eighteenth century. Provide an overview of the era, highlighting the major developments in its literature (Restoration drama; the rise of the novel; diverse trends in eighteenth century poetry). Discuss, in detail, one longer work (drama, novel) or two major poems from the period. Bibliography: Roger Lonsdale (ed.):. Penguin History of Literature in the English Language, Dryden to Johnson, Penguin,1971, 1993; Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, From Dryden to Johnson, Penguin, 1982; Terry Eagleton: The English Novel: An Introduction, Blackwell, 2005; Clive T. Probyn: The English Fiction of the Eighteenth Century 1700-1789.
Longman Literature in English Series, Longman, 1987; Richard W. Bevis: English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789, Longman Literature in English Series, Longman, 1988; John Sitter (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth Century Poetry, Cambridge UP, 2001; Herbert Grierson – J. C. Smith: A Critical History of English Poetry, Penguin, 1962 5. Romanticism. Provide an overview of the era, highlighting the major developments in its literature (the emergence of Romanticism: the historical context, the intellectual and poetic inheritance; the first generation of Romantic poets; the second generation of Romantic poets). Discuss, in detail, two representative works from the period. Bibliography: Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, from Blake to Byron, Penguin, 1982, Marilyn Butler: Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries: English Literature and its Background 1760-1830, OUP 1981; Stephen Prickett (ed.): The Romantics, The Context of English Literature Series, Methuen, 1981; Stephen Bygrave (ed.): Romantic Writings, Approaching Literature Series, Routledge and The Open University, 1996; Stuart Curran (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism, Cambridge UP, 1993; Duncan Wu (ed.): Romanticism: A Critical Reader, Blackwell, 1995 6. The Victorian age. Provide an overview of the era, highlighting the major developments in its literature (the Romantic tradition; Victorian realism; transition towards modernism). Discuss, in detail, one novel, or two major poems from the period. Bibliography: Richard Daniel Altick: Victorian People and Ideas: A Companion for the modern Reader of Victrian Literature, Norton, 1973; Isobel Armstrong: Victorian Poetry: poetry, poetics and politics, Routledge, 1993; Alan Horsman: The Victorian Novel, Clarendon Press, 1990; Walter E. Houghton: The Victorian Frame of Mind 1830-1870, OUP, 1957; Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literarture, From Dickens to Hardy, Penguin, 1990; Valentine Cunningham (ed.): The Victorians, Blackweel, 2000; Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom (eds.): Victorian Prose and Poetry, OUP, 1973 7. The English novel from the 1890s to the 1960s. Introduce the main developments in the history of the genre in the period (modernism, realism, allegory and satire, utopia and dystopia, etc.). Discuss, in detail, one representative novel. Bibliography: Bényei Tamás. Az ártatlan ország: Az angol regény 1945 után, Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2003; Malcolm Bradbury: The Modern British Novel, Secker & Warburg, 1993; Douglas Hewitt: English Fiction of the Early Modern Period, 1890-1940, Longman, 1988; Marina MacKay and Lyndsey Stonebridge (eds.): British Fiction After Modernism: The Novel at Mid-Century, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007; Randall Stevenson: Modernist Fiction: An Introduction, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992 8. English drama from the 1890s to the 1960s. Introduce the main developments in the history of the genre in the period (the comedy of ideas, turn-of-the century experimentation, modernism, the theatre of the absurd, the “Angries” and the kitchen-sink drama, etc.). Discuss, in detail, one representative drama. Bibliography: Robert Brustein: The Theatre of Revolt: An Approach to the Modern Drama, Methuen, 1965, Richard F. Dietrich: British Drama, 1890-1950: A Critical History, Twayne, 1989; Masrtin Esslin: The Theatre of the Absurd, Methuen, 2001; E. Fischer-Lichte: A dráma története, Jelenkor, 2001; Bamber Gascoigne: Twentieth Century Drama, Hutchinson: 1962; Christopher Innes: Modern British Drama, 1890-1990, Cambridge UP, 1992; Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century, Cambridge UP, 2002
9. English poetry from the 1890s to the 1960s. Introduce the main developments in the history of the genre in the period (early and “classical” modernism, the “engaged” poetry of the 1930s and 1940s, New Romanticism, the Movement, etc.). Discuss, in detail, two representative poems. Bibliography: Richard Ellmann and Robert O’Clair (eds.): The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, W. W. Norton, 1988; Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, From James to Eliot, Penguin, 1996, Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, From Orwell to Naipaul, Penguin, 1995; Martin Dodsworth (ed.): The Penguin History of Literature, The Twentieth Century, Penguin, 1990; David Perkins: A History of Modern Poetry, From the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode, Belknap Press, 1976, David Perkins: A History of Modern Poetry. Modernism and After, The Belknap Press, 1987 10. Contemporary English literature. Highlight some characteristic developments in the literature of the recent past. Introduce the work, in some detail, of a major writer or poet (Salman Rushdie, John Fowles, Angela Carter, Tom Stoppard, Seamus Heaney). Bibliography: Richard Ellmann Robert O’Clair (eds.): The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, W. W. Norton, 1988; Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, From James to Eliot, Penguin, 1996, Boris Ford (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, From Orwell to Naipaul, Penguin, 1995; Martin Dodsworth (ed.): The Penguin History of Literature, The Twentieth Century, Penguin, 1990; David Perkins: A History of Modern Poetry. Modernism and After, The Belknap Press, 1987 11. American poetry and drama. Discuss one of the following topics in detail: American poetry from the period of Colonization to the age of Enlightenment; The poetry of Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson; High modernism and radical modernism (Ezra Pound, Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams), the Harlem Renaissance (Langston Hughes); Postmodern poetry (the Black Mountain Poets, the Beats, the Confessionals, the San Francisco Renaissance, the New York School, the Language Poets); Modern American drama (Eugene O'Neill, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee). Bibliography: Bollobás Enikı: Az amerikai irodalom története, Osiris, 2005; Emory Elliott (ed.): Columbia Literary History of the United States, Columbia UP, 1998; Richard Ruland and Malcolm Bradbury: From Puritanism to Postmodernism, Routledge, 1991; The Norton Anthology of American Literature, I-II, 3rd ed.; The Heath Anthology of American Literature, I-II, 2nd ed. 12. American prose and fiction. Discuss one of the following topics, in detail: American prose from the period of Colonization to the age of Enlightenment; Aspects of 19th century prose (Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Henry James); American Transcendentalism (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller); 19th century women writers and the slave narrative; Modernist fiction (F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner); Twentieth century women writers (Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton, Villa Cather, Toni Morrison), Postmodern fiction (Thomas Pynchon, John Barth, Robert Coover, Kurt Vonnegut). Bibliography: Bollobás Enikı: Az amerikai irodalom története, Osiris, 2005; Emory Elliott (ed.): Columbia Literary History of the United States, Columbia UP, 1998; Richard Ruland and Malcolm Bradbury: From Puritanism to Postmodernism, Routledge, 1991; The Norton Anthology of American Literature, I-II, 3rd ed.; The Heath Anthology of American Literature, I-II, 2nd ed. Történelem 1. Outlines of Roman Britain. Anglo-Saxon England c. 450 to 1066. 2. The Norman Conquest and the early feudal system 1066-1199. 3. Magna Carta and the early parliaments 1208-1295.
4. The Hundred Years’ War: causes, history and consequences. The Great Plague, The Peasants’ Rising and Wycliffe. 5. Tudor England: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I. 6. Cromwell’s revolution, restoration, and the Williamite settlement (Glorious Revolution) 16421690. 7. Georgian Britain: the industrial, social and political revolution of the 18th century. 8. The rise and decline of Victorian Britain. Party politics, Empire and social upheaval. Crises in Ireland. 9. The road to the First World War. The Great War and its consequences for the British political, social and economic scene. 10. Britain during the Inter-war years; Appeasement; and the Second World War. The Beveridge Report (1920-1945). 11. The post-war Labour government and its achievements; the Suez Crisis, 1956. The post-war consensus in Britain until 1979. 12. Margaret Thatcher’s economic and social revolution (1979-1990) and its legacy to the present day. Kötelezı bibliográfia BA angol/brit történelem államvizsga-tételekhez: 1. Frank, Tibor and Magyarics, Tamás. Handouts for British History. A Study Guide and Workbook, Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1994. 2. Roberts, C and Roberts, D. A History of England, 3rd edition, 2 vols, Englewood Cliffs, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1998. 3. Plumb, J H et al eds. The English Heritage, St. Louis, Missouri: Forum Press, 1978. 4. Schama, Simon. A History of Britain, 3 vols, London: BBC, 2003. 5. Lee, Christopher, This Sceptred Isle, London: Penguin, 1998. 6. Lee, Christopher, This Sceptred Isle. The 20th Century, London: Penguin, 2000. Ajánlott irodalom: 1. Davies, Norman. The Isles, A History, London: Macmillan, 1999. 2. Elton, Geoffrey R. England Under the Tudors, London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1955. 3. Williams, Glyn and Ramsden, John. Ruling Britannia. A Political History of Britain, 1688-1988, London: Longman, 1990. 4. Hobsbawm, E.J. Industry and Empire, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968. 5. Marr, Andrew. A History of Modern Britain, London: Macmillan, 2007. Kultúra, országismeret 1. Studying Culture (main concepts, features of culture and its impact) Compulsory reading: Brislin, R. (1993). Understanding Culture’s Influence on Behavior. Fort Worth TX: Harcourt Brace & Company. (Chapters 1&2 pp. 1-58.) 2. Experiencing everyday culture (definitions, elements, features, levels of cultures, cultural awareness, cross-cultural awareness, culture bumps) Compulsory reading: Archer, C. M. (1986). Culture bump and beyond. In: Valdes, J. M. (ed.) Culture Bound. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pp. 170-177.) Polyák I. (2004) Cross-cultural Communication. Budapest: Perfekt. - (Chapter 1 pp. 9-38.) 3. The role of culture in communication (components of communicative competence; importance of pragmatics and non-verbal features in cross-cultural communication) Compulsory reading: Byram, Michael (1997). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence.
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. (pp. 7-30.) Polyák I. (2004) Cross-cultural Communication. Budapest: Perfekt. - (Chapter 2 pp. 39-69.) 4. Comparing cultures (dimensions of national cultures: relating to self and others, to context and situations, to time, to communication) Compulsory reading: Hall, E.T. & Hall, M. R. (1990). Understanding Cultural Differences. Yarmouth ME: Intercultural Press. (Part 1 pp. 1-31.) Polyák I. (2004) Cross-cultural Communication. Budapest: Perfekt. (Chapter 4 pp. 80-114.) 5. Exploring cultures (ways of exploring cultures; emergence of cultural stereotypes; core values and perceptions of an English speaking culture) Compulsory reading: Fox, K. (2004). Watching The English. London: Hodder. (Introduction pp. 1-22). Hall, E.T. & Hall, Mildred R. (1990). Understanding Cultural Differences. Yarmouth ME: Intercultural Press. (Part 4. pp. 137-177.) 6. Culture learning (important features of enculturation; the process and stages of acculturation; role and forms of learner ethnography) Compulsory reading: Enyedi, Á. (2000). Culture shock in the classroom. Novelty, 7, 1, 4-16. also available at: Fenner, A. (2000). Cultural awareness. In A. Fenner & D. Newby, Approaches to Materials Design in European Textbooks: Implementing Principles of Authenticity, Learner Autonomy, Cultural Awareness (pp. 141-150). European Centre for Modern Languages. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Available at Nemetz-Robinson, G.L. (1985) Cross-Cultural Understanding. Processes and Approaches for Foreign Language ESL and Bilingual Educators. Prentice-Hall. (Chapter 6 pp. 73-84) 7. Language and culture (using language for describing reality, linguistic relativity, the role of context) Compulsory reading: Pinker, S. (1994): The language instinct . Penguin Books, London, New York. (pp.55-82.) Whorf, B.L. (1940): Science and language. In: Carroll, J. b: ( ed.) Language, thought and reality. Selected writings of B.L. Whorf. The MIT press, Cambridge, Mass. 1989, 19th printing, (pp. 207-209.) 8. Language and Identity (speech and discourse communities; language use as an act of identification; code switching) Compulsory reading: Kramsch, C. Language and culture. Oxford:OUP. (Chapters 6&7. 65-84.) 9. Discourse and culture (reader and writer responsibility, contrastive rhetoric, text features, types of text structure) Compulsory reading: Connor, U. (1996). Contrastive rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 3: Historical evolution of contrastive rhetoric: from Kaplan’s 1966 study to diversification in languages, genres, and authors (pp. 28-55). 10. Translation and culture (cultural mediation, transfer, text (re)production, standards of textuality, equivalence vs. appropriateness) Compulsory reading: Connor, U. (1996). Contrastive rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 7: Contrastive rhetoric and translation studies (pp.117-125). 11. Intercultural competence (limitations of communicative competence models; the intercultural speaker construct; aspects of intercultural communicative competence; skills for intercultural communication) Compulsory reading: Byram, M., Gribkova, B. and Starkey, H. (2002). Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching: a practical introduction for teachers. Council of Europe (pp. 9–13, 17–18). Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence.
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. (pp.64-73.) Kramsch, C. (1998) The priviledge of the intercultural speaker. In: Byram & Fleming (eds). Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective. Approaches through drama and ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 12. National cultures as reflected in films, literature and the media (Here students can choose one of the three areas to show some more in-depth familiarity with aspects of a particular contemporary English speaking society, which they are expected to have acquired through lectures, optional seminars and/or a thesis. Readings are to be chosen by the students.) Nyelvészet Intro Victoria Fromkin & Robert Rodman.(1998). An Introduction to Language (Sixth Edition). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. David Crystal. (1997) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge University Press. The areas of linguistics. Definition and components of grammar. Other areas of linguistics. Distinction between phonetics/phonology, semantics/pragmatics, descriptive/prescriptive grammar. Language variation. Codes and situations. Language and dialect, standard and non-standard, speech and writing. Style. Language acquisition and learning. Native language vs. second language. The stages of child language acquisition. Language Change. Historical linguistics. Sound change, grammatical change, lexical change. Language families, their branches. Proofs for the relatedness of languages. Phono Peter Roach (1983/2000) English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nádasdy Ádám (2006) Background to English Pronunciation (Phonetics, Phonology, Spelling). Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Katalin Balogné Bérces and Szilárd Szentgyörgyi (2006) The Pronunciation of English, A textbook for BA students of English. Bölcsész Konzorcium, Budapest. Speech sounds, phonemes, allophones, distributions, phonetic similarity, alternations, neturalization. The connection between spelling and pronunciation, regular and irregular spelling, the indication of tense and lax vowels in spelling. Segmental rules: r-dropping or r-insertion, breaking, broadenig, yod-dropping, tense/lax alternations (vowel shift). Structure dependence, strong- and weak-boundary affixes. Stress rules, word stress, compound stress, sentence stress, stress clash, stress shift; intonation. Syntax Newson, Mark, Marianna Hordós, Dániel Papp, Krisztina Szecsényi, Gabriella Tóth and Veronika Vincze (2006) Basic English Syntax with Exercises, Bölcsész Konzorcium, Budapest. Cook, Vivian and Mark Newson (2006) Chomsky's Universal Grammar: An Introduction, Blackwell, Oxford, England. Haegeman, Liliane and Jacqueline Guéron (1999) English Grammar: a generative perspective, Blackwell, Oxford, England. Radford, Andrew 1988 Transformational Grammar, CUP, Cambridge, England. Radford, Andrew 1997 Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English, CUP, Cambridge, England.
Syntactic Aspects of Words: word categories; distribution; categorial features; thematic and functional categories; subcategorisation; the lexicon. Structure: hierarchical structure (constituents); phrases; grammatical functions; tests for structure; the X-bar framework (heads, complements, specifiers); adjunction. The verb phrase: subcategories of verbs (unaccusative, causative, ergative, transitive, intransitive, prepositional, clausal complement, phrasal and multiple complement verbs); the role of light verbs; aspect and the role of auxiliary verbs. Clause Structure: tense and inflections (finite and non-finite), the subject, the complementiser system (and its role in sentence force); wh-movement and inversion; non-finite clauses (ECM, raising and control structures). Alkalmazott nyelvészet 1. Second language acquisition theories Ellis, R. (1997). Second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Linguistic analyses in SLA research. Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M. (1991). An introduction to second language acquisition research. London and New York: Longman. Chapter 3. Ellis, R. (1985). Understanding second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapters 3-4. 3. Communicative competence and performance Canale, M. (1983) . From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy. In J. C. Richards & R. W. Schmidt (Eds.), Language and communication, pp. 2-27. Harlow: Longman. Canale, M. & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 1-47 Celce-Murcia, M. Dörnyei, Z. & Thurrell, S. (1995). Communicative competence: a pedagogically motivated model with content specifications. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 6, 5-35. 4. Discourse analysis: cohesion and coherence Widdowson, H. G. (2007). Discourse analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Károly, K. (1999). Recent advances in the study of lexical cohesion and repetition. Sprachtheorie and Germanische Linguistik, 9(2), 239-262. 5. Discourse analysis: text types Widdowson, H.G. (2007). Discourse analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 6. Pragmatics Yule, (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 7. Sociolinguistics Trudgill, P. (2000). Sociolinguistics: An introduction to language and society. 4th ed. London: Penguin Books. 8. Psycholinguistics Scovel, T. (1998). Psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9. Individual differences in SLA (age, aptitude, affective states, personality) Lightbown, P. M. & Spada, N. (1999). How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 3. Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner. Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. 10. Motivation and motivating in the foreign language classroom Kormos Judit, Csizér Kata, Menyhárt Adrienn & Török Dóra (2008). “Great expectations”: The motivational profile of Hungarian English majors. Arts & Humanities in Higher Education, 7 (1), 65-82. Dörnyei, Z. (2001). Teaching and researching motivation. London: Longman. 11. Learning styles and strategies Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner. Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
12. The assessment of foreign language skills Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1-3. Amerikanisztika szakirány 1. Amerikai kultúra The ideological origins of the U.S. Constitution The Legislative The Executive The Judiciary The First Amendment Rights The Due Process of Law The History of the Political Parties The Presidential and Congressional Elections The Interest Groups The Federal System The Living Constitution Critical Issues in Present-Day American Society David A. Hollinger and Charles Capper, The American Intellectual Tradition, I-II. New York: Oxford UP, 1989 (1993, 1997). Richard W. Fox and James T. Kloppenberg, A Companion to American Thought. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. Luther S. Luedtke, ed., Making America. The Society and Culture of the United States. USIA: Forum Series, 1987. C. K. McFarland, Readings in Intellectual History: The American Tradition . New York: Holt, Rinehardt, and Co., 1970. Richard M. Pious, American Politics and Government. 2. Amerikai nyelv és nyelvészet 1. The history of American English 2. The study of American dialects 3. Dialects of American English 4. American slang 5. British-American differences 6. Theories of British-American differences 7. Issues in human cognition 8. Categorization 9. Mental frames 10.Metonymy 11.Metaphor 12. Culture and cognition Zoltán Kövecses, ed., New Approaches to American English. Budapest: ELTE Amerikanisztika Tanszék, 1995. Zoltán Kövecses, American English. An Introduction. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2000. Zoltán Kövecses, Language, Mind, and Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. H. L. Mencken, The American Language. New York: Knopf, 1919. Friedrich Ungerer and Hans-Jörg Schmid, An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. London: Longman, 1996. 3. Amerikai irodalom 1. The Literature of Colonization and Puritanism: histories, poetry, the captivity narrative 2. The American Enlightenment: the Revolution and the Early Republic (Franklin, Paine, Jefferson)
3. 19th century women writers and the slave narrative 4. Discuss American Transcendentalism in general, and chose one author for detailed discussion.( Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller) 5. Compare the poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. 6. General aspects of XIXth century prose: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Henry James; chose one for detailed discussion 7. Twentieth century women writers: the first and second generation (Chopin, Jewett, Freeman, Gilman, Wharton, Cather; Plath, Bishop, Rich, Morrison, Walker, Silko, Oates, Lorde, Angelou ) Chose one author from each generation for detailed discussion 8. Modernist poetry: high modernism and radical modernism (Pound, Frost, Eliot, Stevens, Williams, Stein, H.D., Loy) 9. Modernist fiction (Stein, Barnes, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner, Wright) 10. Describe general aspects of the Harlem Renaissance and chose one author for detailed discussion. (Alain Locke, DuBois, Hurston, Hughes, Wright, Larsen) 11. Modern American drama (O'Neill, Williams, Miller, Albee), chose one for detailed discussion 12. General aspects of postmodern poetry and fiction (the Black Mountain Poets, the Beats, the San Francisco Renaissance, the New York School, the Language Poets, Pynchon, Barth, Coover, Barthelme, Gass, Hawkes, Vonnegut; Suckenick, Federman, Reed, Abish) Bollobás Enikı, Az amerikai irodalom története. Budapest: Osiris, 2005. Emory Elliott, ed., Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York: Columbia UP, 1998. Richard Ruland and Malcolm Bradbury, From Puritanism to Postmodernism. London: Routledge, 1991. The Norton Anthology of American Literature, I-II, 3rd ed. The Heath Anthology of American Literature, I-II, 2nd ed. Amerikai történelem 1. Nagy-Britannia amerikai gyarmatai a 17. és 18. században (The American colonies of Great Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries) 2. Az amerikai függetlenségi háború (The American War of Independence) 3. Az Egyesült Államok területi növekedése, kialakulása (The territorial growth of the U.S.) 4. Rabszolgatartás és az amerikai társadalom (Slavery and American society) 5. Az amerikai polgárháború és a rekonstrukció (The Civil War and Reconstruction) 6. Amerika mint a bevándorlók nemzete (’A Nation of Immigrants’) 7. Az Egyesült Államok az I. világháborúban (The U.S. in World War I) 8. F. D. Roosevelt elnök és a ’New Deal’ gazdaság-és társadalompolitikája (President F. D. Roosevelt and the New Deal) 9. Az Egyesült Államok az II. világháborúban (The U.S. in World War II) 10. Az Egyesült Államok és a hidegháború (The U.S. in the Cold War) 11. A nık szerepe, a nıi egyenjogúság alakulása az amerikai történelemben (The role of women and the rise of gender equality in American history) 12. Amerikai-magyar kapcsolatok a történelemben (U.S.-Hungarian relations in history) Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. William H. Chafe, The Unfinished Journey. New York & Oxford: Oxford UP, 1986. Robert Kelley, The Shaping of the American Past. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1975. Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994. Tamás Magyarics and Tibor Frank, Handouts for U.S. History. Budapest: Panem McGraw-Hill, 1995.
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