A CASE STUDY of ExeLSA: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ExeLSA AND ITS RELATION TO STUDENTS’ SELF-REGULATED LEARNING IN INTERPRETING CLASS B A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Dogma Uli Student Number: 121214056
A CASE STUDY of ExeLSA: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ExeLSA AND ITS RELATION TO STUDENTS’ SELF-REGULATED LEARNING IN INTERPRETING CLASS B A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Dogma Uli Student Number: 121214056
Uli, Dogma. (2016). A Case Study of ExeLSA: The Implementation of ExeLSA and Its Relation to Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in Interpreting Class B. English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. The research discussed the implementation of ExeLSA as a learning management system which was used by the English Education Study Program. ExeLSA was implemented to support the teaching and learning process in this study program since 2008. This phenomenon was also noted in one of the missions of the ELESP about integrating technology to an educational process. One of the examples of the implementation of ExelSA could be seen in Interpreting class B. There were two research questions in this research. Those were 1) How is the use of ExeLSA as a learning management system to support e-learning in Interpreting class B best described? and 2) To what extent do learning activities provided in ExeLSA facilitate the English Language Education Study Program students’ self-regulated learning in Interpreting class B? The researcher used mixed methods. It was in the form of a case study in ExeLSA as a learning management system. To answer the questions, the researcher distributed questionnaire sheets in Interpreting class B. Then, the researcher conducted interviews to obtain further information and understand the phenomenon in depth. Moreover, students’ self-reflections and documents were also used by the researcher to enrich the findings. The respondents of the research were 25 students of Interpreting class B academic year 2015/2016 and the lecturer of Interpreting course class B. The results showed that ExeLSA supported the process of blended learning which occurred in Interpreting class B. Then, it also showed that ExeLSA facilitated students’ self-regulated learning in four aspects of self-regulated measurements. Therefore, it could be concluded that ExeLSA had an important role in the process of the blended learning in the class. Then, the study program was recommended to do evaluation regarding the implementation of ExeLSA in class. Moreover, students were also recommended to support the implementation of ExeLSA by actively participating in the learning process. They were also recommended to develop better understanding regarding their self-regulated learning in their learning processes. Key words: ExeLSA, learning management system, e-learning, self-regulated learning, Interpreting
Uli, Dogma. (2016). A Case Study of ExeLSA: The Implementation of ExeLSA and Its Relation to Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in Interpreting Class B. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, JPBS, FKIP, Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma. Penelitian ini mendiskusikan penerapan ExeLSA sebagai sistem manajemen pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh Program Study Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. ExeLSA diterapkan untuk mendukung proses mengajar dan belajar di program study ini sejak tahun 2008. Fenomena ini juga dicatat dalam salah satu misi dari Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris mengenai integrasi teknologi pada proses pendidikan. Salah satu contoh dari penerapan ExeLSA dapat dilihat pada kelas Interpreting B. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu 1) Bagaimana penggunaan ExeLSA sebagai sebuah sistem manajemen belajar untuk mendukung e-learning di kelas Interpreting B dideskripsikan? dan 2) Sejauh apa aktivitias belajar yang disediakan di ExeLSA memfasilitasi regulasi belajar mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di kelas Interpreting B? Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian campuran dalam bentuk studi kasus mengenai ExeLSA sebagai sebuah sistem manajemen pembelajaran. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, peneliti membagikan kuisioner di kelas Interpreting B. Kemudian, peneliti melakukan wawancara untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dan memahami fenomena yang terjadi lebih dalam. Selain itu, refleksi mahasiswa dan dokumen juga digunakan oleh peniliti untuk memperkaya penemuan penelitian. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah 25 mahasiswa dari kelas Interpreting B tahun ajaran 2015/2016 dan dosen dari kelas Interpreting B. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ExeLSA mendukung proses dari blended learning yang terjadi di kelas Interpreting B. Kemudian, hasilnya juga menunjukkan bahwa ExeLSA memfasilitasi regulasi belajar mahasiswa dalam 4 aspek pada pengukuran regulasi belajar. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ExeLSA memiliki sebuah peran yang penting dalam proses blended learning di kelas tersebut. Kemudian, program studi disarankan untuk melakukan evaluasi berkenaan dengan penerapan ExeLSA di kelas. Selain itu, para mahasiswa juga disarankan mendukung penerapan ExeLSA dengan secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Para mahasiswa juga disarankan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih baik berkenaan dengan regulasi belajar mereka dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci: ExeLSA, learning management system, e-learning, self-regulated learning, Interpreting vii
I dedicate my thesis to my only God, Jesus Christ. He always strengthens me. He lifts me up. He is always with me through my ups and downs. I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Markus Budiraharjo, M.Ed., Ed.D., for helping me finish my thesis. He supported me and guided me to be the best version of myself. I also thank my academic advisor, Veronica Triprihatmini, M.Hum., M.A., for helping and supporting me during my study in this study program. I also thank all my lecturers in this study program. I have learned many things from them. I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents, Brandan Swardi Sihombing and Rohaya Sinaga. I still remember how happy they were when they knew I was accepted in this study program. They always support and strengthen me. I thank them for always understanding me. I also thank my beloved sisters and brother, Dany Theresa, Nadia Narulita, and Dionisius Andrean Sihombing. I thank them you for being the coolest siblings I ever have. I would like to thank my best friend, Anchieta Ave Avillanova. I thank her for being my academic partner and best friend from the beginning of my study until now. We have faced and passed similar problems and difficulties and enjoyed the same happiness during our study in this study program. For my best friends and partners in “crime” Giovanni Agnes Utami, Roosefine Shierly S, and Chezia Eufresia Isworo, I thank them for always supporting me. viii
For all my classmates in class B, I thank them for being my classmates for four years. I thank them for all the moments, togetherness, and memories that we have. I also thank Sri Maryati and Dirtya Sunyi Paradewari, for helping and supporting me during my difficult time. I thank them for giving me some good advice and encouragement. I thank all my seniors for being very kind to me as their junior. They are good sisters and brothers. Moreover, I also thank Fabiola Nimas Ayu Sukeswari, Rafaela Anindita, Christoforus Sigit, and all my juniors. I thank them for always supporting and cheering me up. I would like to thank all members of the ELESP batch 2012, Joint Society for Nature Community, Stand Up Comedy USD, Publication Division of Campus Ministry, Titanium Group, English Club PGSD, KKN 39, and Kos Wisma Surya, for being “my home” in Jogjakarta. At the end, I would like to thank the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University for giving me a chance to study there.
Dogma Uli
TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGES .......................................................................................ii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ............................................. iv PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .............................................. v ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... vi ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................................................................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................xii LIST OF APPENDICES ..............................................................................xiii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. B. C. D. E. F.
Research Background ....................................................................... 1 Research Problems ........................................................................... 6 Problem Limitation .......................................................................... 6 Research Objectives ......................................................................... 7 Research Benefits ............................................................................. 7 Definition of Terms .......................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description .................................................................. 10 1. 21st Century Learning ............................................................... 10 2. Learning Management System ................................................. 12 3. E-Learning ................................................................................ 13 4. Self-Regulated Learning .......................................................... 15 5. Self-Reflexivity ........................................................................ 16 6. Interpreting ............................................................................... 17 B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 18 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ........................................................................... 21 B. Research Setting ............................................................................ 22 C. Research Participants .................................................................... 23 x
D. E. F. G.
Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques ................................ Data Analysis Techniques .............................................................. Research Procedure ....................................................................... Triangulation of Data Analysis .....................................................
24 27 29 30
CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. The Implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B ................ 32 B. The Relation between ExeLSA and Students’ Self-Regulated Learning ............................................................... 54 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusions ................................................................................... 70 B. Recommendations ......................................................................... 72 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 74 APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 77
Table 3.1 Sample questionnaire ...................................................................... 28 Table 4.1 The implementation of 21st century learning in Interpreting class B ..................................................................... 42 Table 4.2 ExeLSA as a learning management system in Interpreting class B ..................................................................... 46 Table 4.3 The functions of ExeLSA as a learning management system ........... 49 Table 4.4 Self-regulated learning measurements (1) ...................................... 55 Table 4.5 Self-regulated learning measurements (2) ...................................... 62
Appendix A. Questionnaire Blueprint.............................................................. 77 Appendix B. Matrix of Questionnaire ............................................................. 79 Appendix C. The Questionnaire ........................................................................ 85 Appendix D. The Results of Questionnaire ...................................................... 89 Appendix E. The Result of Lecturer’s Interview .............................................. 92 Appendix F. The Result of Students’ Interview................................................ 99 Appendix G. Students’ Self-Reflections ........................................................ 113 Appendix H. Evaluation Data of Interpreting Course ..................................... 118 Appendix I. Syllabus of Interpreting Course .................................................. 120
This chapter is the introduction of the research. It is divided into six parts namely the research background, the research problems, the research limitation, the research objectives, the research benefits, and the definition of terms.
A. Research Background In this 21st century, technology has been developed in many aspects in our lives. One of the aspects which is influenced by the development of technology is education. Oetomo and Priyogutomo (2004) state that communication and information from educators to students are part of the educational process. Education itself cannot be separated from its educational information and elements as the source of information, and also media. Moreover, they also state that the students themselves are also influenced by the educational development (as cited in Darmawan, 2014). The issue of technology and education is also supported by Laurillard (2013), who mentions about “Information and Communication Technology-free” in the past and “Information and Communication Technology-aware” in the future. She defines that education is a transitional phase between technology-free and technology-aware. It means that the process of the educational development from the past to the future is influenced by the existence of technology.
2 The existence of technology in education brings up some other kinds of learning which are used by people nowadays. One of them is e-learning. Soekarwati, Haryono, and Librero (2002) define e-learning as: a generic term for all technologically supported learning using an array of teaching and learning tools as phone bridging, audio and videotapes, teleconferencing, satellite transmissions, and the more recognized webbased training or computer aided instruction also commonly referred to as online courses. In other words, e-learning is the learning process which is integrated into electronic tools as media to support the learning process. E-learning is provided with learning materials, placement, management, assessment, setting of environment, and learning condition (Darmawan, 2014). Furthermore, e-learning needs a learning management system to manage the learning process. Graf (2008) states that learning management system is as a space which is used by an institution for students or learners where they can access any information or knowledge related to their learning processes (as cited in Roqueta, 2008). Learning management system provides educators and students with some tools or features. Those tools are for uploading materials and doing online discussion, quizzes, surveys, and reports (Darmawan, 2014). As part of education field, the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University (ELESP) has responded to this issue through one of its missions. The mission is presented in three points. The first point is implementing education. It is presented that the mission of this study program is to implement education for teacher candidates of the ELESP. The second point is Ignatian Pedagogy as the underlying principle. This point highlights the
3 implementation of Ignatian Pedagogy integrated into contexts, experiences, reflections, acts, and evaluations. The third point is the characteristics of the teacher candidates as the results of the learning. Those characteristics are smart, professional, and forceful. Moreover, they are also expected to be able to integrate technology into learning processes. The researcher underlines the point which is to integrate technology into learning processes. It is noted that students as teacher candidates are able to integrate technology to their learning processes. Thus, the ELESP as an educational environment also implements technology in teaching and learning processes as a model for the students. Responding to the mission of the study program which is related to the issue of technology and education, the study program has implemented a learning management system named ExeLSA or Experiential E-learning of Sanata Dharma. It has been implemented since 2008 in the ELESP and other study programs. In ELESP, ExeLSA is implemented in many courses. One of the courses is Interpreting (KPE 423). Interpreting is a course which is designed to introduce students to modes and principles of interpreting (Tutyandari, Prasetyo, Kristiyani, & Bram, 2012). This course is offered in semester 7. Besides learning about the theories, students are also given chances to practice Interpreting. Students practice interpreting texts or videos from English into Indonesian and vice versa. In this course, ExeLSA is used to support the learning process. In this study program, face-to-face learning is the main activity. All the learning processes such as lecturing, discussing, doing assignments, and practicing are done in class. However, it is limited by time and space. Therefore, ExeLSA is
4 provided to support the face-to-face learning process. It is created to overcome the limitation between educators and students, especially in terms of time, space, condition, and situation (Darmawan, 2014). Therefore, the learning process is possibly done outside the class. Students can access the materials of the course, do quizzes, get information, and communicate with lecturers and other students through ExeLSA. Those activities can be done anywhere and anytime. As part of university students who ever experienced the learning process in 20th century learning, the researcher realizes that technology gives very great impacts on the learning process inside and outside the classroom. Most people believe that technological tools and media in a learning process are helpful to develop learning activities. On the other hand, another thing that should be considered in implementing e-learning is the role of students as part of the learning process. The success of the learning process in a class also depends on the students who receive the information from the teacher. Students are expected to be independent and able to have the ability of managing their own learning. According to Palloff and Pratt (1998), in order to be successful online learners, students need to take an active approach to learning. Additionally, Zariski and Styles (2000) also suggest students to be selfdirected learners. It will require them to be highly self-regulated, responsible for organizing their learning, and reflective. Furthermore, Darmawan (2014) states that e-learning is closely related to self-regulated learning. He believes that the theory of self-regulated learning is relevant to e-learning. In order to do a learning process through e-learning, students
5 need self-regulated learning to control their learning systems. According to Zimmerman and Schunk (1989), self-regulated learning refers to self-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions. Those are systematically oriented towards attainment of students’ own goals. In short, e-learning also influences students’ self-regulated learning. Soekartawi (2003) proposes some benefits of e-learning for students. He states that students can use structured and scheduled learning materials, review learning materials, and get information easily. He also states that there is a change of students’ role from passive to active. In this case, ExeLSA has a main role as a medium to support e-learning (as cited in Darmawan, 2014). Last, Whipp and Chiarelli (2005) also state that students in a conventional class are not prepared for the higher degree of self-regulated learning control which is required in web-based or distributed courses. In a web-based learning context, the physical absence of the teacher has an impact on the increased responsibility of the students. They will be more active in the learning process. However, this may be difficult for students who have low self-regulatory skills. Additionally, in a webbased learning context, students are often asked to engage in collective or distributed learning interactions such as online discussion, collaborative problem solving, and exploration. Therefore, through this research the researcher wants to find out to what extent learning activities which are provided in ExeLSA facilitate the English Language Education Study Program students’ self-regulated learning in Interpreting class B.
6 B. Research Problems Considering the background of this research, two research problems have been formulated as follows: 1. How is the implementation of ExeLSA as a learning management system to support e-learning in Interpreting class B best described? 2. To what extent do learning activities provided in ExeLSA facilitate the English Language Education Study Program students’ self-regulated learning in Interpreting class B?
C. Research Limitation This research is limited to ExeLSA as a learning management system which is used by the English Language Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University and Interpreting class B. The objects of this research are ExeLSA, twenty five students of the ELESP batch 2012 who have joined Interpreting class B in semester 7 academic year 2015/2016, and the lecturer of Interpreting class B. The problem limitation is limited to the description of the implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B and the relation between e-learning and students’ self-regulated learning in the class. The researcher conducts the research by using questionnaires, interviews, self-reflection sheets, and documents. The questionnaire is used to limit students’ answers. The researcher chose Linkert scale to develop the questionnaire. Meanwhile, the interview, self-reflection, and document are used to enrich the data and understand the phenomenon in depth.
7 D. Research Objectives The aim of this research is to see how ExeLSA as a learning management system is implemented in Interpreting class B. Through this research, the researcher would like to present further findings and deeper understanding about the implementation of ExeLSA in the learning situation of Interpreting class B. Moreover, through this research the researcher would like to achieve and present deeper knowledge regarding the relation between ExeLSA and students’ selfregulated learning in the class.
E. Research Benefits This research is beneficial in some ways. The researcher elaborates the research benefits for the researcher, the ELESP students, the study program, and further studies. 1.
For the Researcher The results of this research are helpful for the researcher as an English
teacher candidate to have deeper understanding of the importance of students’ selfregulated learning and how technology through a learning management system can facilitate it. Moreover, the knowledge about self-regulated learning is also important for the researcher as a teacher candidate. It can help the researcher in a teaching and learning process in a class. 2.
For the ELESP Students This research is beneficial and important for the students of the ELESP to
understand their own self-regulated learning and improve it. Moreover, as teacher
8 candidates, students are also expected to understand the role of technology in learning process and development. 3.
For the English Language Education Study Program This research is beneficial for the study program as a reference to see to
what extent ExeLSA contributes to students’ learning processes, especially their self-regulated learning. This research can help the study program to see what things need to be improved from many aspects which are found in this research. Therefore, the implementation of ExeLSA as a learning management system can be more effective and efficient. 4.
For Further Studies This research is also beneficial for further studies related to 21st century
learning, learning management system, e-learning, and self-regulated learning. This research can be a reference for related studies in the future.
F. Definition of Terms There are some terms which need to be explained in order to make the readers have the same understanding with the researcher. The terms which are related to this research are: 1.
E-Learning E-learning is defined by Stockley (2006) as a delivery program of learning,
training, or education which is integrated into electronic tool such as computer or other facilities in order to give training, education, or learning material.
9 2. Self-Regulated Learning Zimmerman and Schunk (1989) define self-regulated learning as selfgenerated thoughts, feelings, and actions. They state that those terms are systematically oriented towards attainment of students’ own goals. Moreover, Lidner and Harris (1992) state that it consists of six measurements. Those are epistemological beliefs, motivation, metacognition, learning strategies, contextual sensitivity, and environmental utilization or control. 3. Interpreting Course (KPE 423) Interpreting is a course which is designed to introduce students to modes and principles of Interpreting. In this course, students will practice to interpret English into Indonesian and vice versa (Tutyandari, Prasetyo, Kristiyani, & Bram, 2012).
This chapter presents two important parts namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description focuses on 21st century learning, learning management system, e-learning, self-regulated learning, self-reflexivity, and Interpreting. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework is the summary of the theories which were used by the researcher to answer the research problems.
A. Theoretical Description There are six main theories which are used in this research. Those theories are 21st century learning, learning management system, e-learning, self-regulated learning, self-reflexivity, and Interpreting.
21st Century Learning
Definition The concept of 21st century learning is defined in some ways by many
influential organizations and experts. According to The Center for Education, the idea of 21st century learning comes from the fact that technology has changed the world through automation and globalization (as cited in Jerald, 2009). Meanwhile, Frieser and Jardine (2009) define 21st century learning as “a set of skills from critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration and teamwork, and communication.” Additionally, Ball (1990) suggests that there must be some 10
11 movements to make a teaching and learning process more innovative and inclusive. He states that passive learning must be replaced with active participation (as cited in Forman, Nyatanga, & Rich, 2002). Furthermore, Oliver (2002) mentions the role of information and communication in education as we progress into 21st century learning. She believes that it has strong impacts on four aspects in a learning process. Those aspects are what is learned, when and where learning will take place, and how the learning will occur. b.
Characteristics of 21st Century Learning The change of 20th century learning into 21st century learning basically
cannot be separated from the change of those two eras. It is clear that they have different needs and characteristics. Partnership for 21st Century Learning Skills (2011) attempted to see how they are different by comparing the language classroom in the past and today. Then, the characteristics of a language classroom in 21st century learning are presented as follows:
Students learn to use the language
Learner-centered with teacher as facilitator or collaborator
Focusing on the three modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational
Backward design focuses on the end goal
Using thematic units and authentic resources
Emphasizing on learners as “doers” and “creators”
Emphasizing on the relationship among the perspectives, practices, and products of the culture
Integrating technology into instruction to enhance learning
Using language as the vehicle to teach academic content
Differentiating instructions to meet individual needs
Personalizing real world tasks
Seeking opportunities for learners to use language beyond the classroom
Assessing to find out what students can do
Students know and understand criteria on how they will be assessed by reviewing the task rubric
Learners create to “share and publish” to audience more than just the teacher.
Learning Management System Graf (2008) defines learning management system as a tool which is used to
manage the transfer process of knowledge from educators and make it available for students (as cited in Roqueta, 2008). Then, Cole (2005) arranges some functions which should be provided in a learning management system. a.
Uploading and Sharing Materials A learning management system provides educators to publish materials,
articles, syllabuses, or other documents easily. When documents are published through a learning management system, students can access those documents. b.
Forums and Chats This is a communication service for both students and educators. This also
facilitates students to give their opinions or have discussion with other students.
13 c.
Quizzes and Surveys A learning management system is also provided with quizzes and surveys
for students. This also allows students to give direct feedback or responses based on their abilities and knowledge. d.
Gathering and Reviewing Assignments Students are able to check their results and scores through a learning
management system. e.
Recording Grades A learning management system also provides educators with another
function namely recording students’ grades automatically. It depends on educators’ configuration or setting from the beginning of the class.
E – Learning
Definition According to Naidu (2006), e-learning refers to the use of information and
communication technology in a learning process. Besides e-learning, there are various terms which refer to the same concept. Those terms are online learning, virtual learning, distributed learning, and web-based learning. Meanwhile, Stockley (2006) defines e-learning as a delivery program of learning, training, or education which is integrated into an electronic tool such as computers or other facilities in order to give training, education, or learning materials.
14 b.
Models Rashty (1999) classifies e-learning into three different models. The
classification is based on the delivery system models. The three models are adjunct, mixed/blended, and fully online learning (as cited in Darmawan, 2014). 1) Adjunct This model is also called as a traditional plus learning process. In this learning, the traditional learning is supported by an online learning system. However, the existence of e-learning is only as a supplement for the learning process. 2) Mixed/blended This learning is the combination of the traditional learning and e-learning. In this learning, e-learning is not only as a supplement, but also part of the learning process. In other words, e-learning and face-to-face learning cannot be separated. 3) Fully online This model is where all learning processes are done through e-learning or online learning. Learning materials are provided by linking to other sources in the internet. The main characteristic of this model is there is an online collaborative learning. c.
Functions According to Siahaan (2003), there are three functions of e-learning in a
classroom learning process. Those functions are as a supplement, complement, and substitution (as cited in Darmawan, 2014).
15 1) Supplement The function of e-learning as a supplement is when students have the right to choose whether they want to use it or not. In this function, using e-learning is not an obligation. Nevertheless, students who access it must get more knowledge than others who do not. 2) Complement In this function, learning materials are provided to complete learning materials which have been received by students in the class. In other words, elearning is programmed as a reinforcement or remedial for students in following a conventional learning. 3) Substitution The function of e-learning as a substitution is to substitute the traditional learning in a classroom. Some universities in other countries give an opportunity to their students to choose an alternative learning model. The aim is so that students can flexibly manage their learning activities depends on their time and daily activities.
Self-Regulated Learning
Definition Zimmerman and Schunk (1989) define self-regulated learning as self-
general thoughts, feelings, and actions. They believe that those are systematically oriented toward attainment of students’ own goals in their learning processes.
16 Furthermore, Lidner and Harris (1992) identify six self-regulated learning measurements as follows:
Epistemological beliefs: students’ understanding about their own knowledge systems
Motivation: students’ eagerness to learn and have better achievements which come from internal or external motivation
Metacognition: students’ knowledge about their own cognition, learning, and thinking awareness
Learning strategies: the strategies of students who know and can utilize it in their learning
Contextual sensitivity: students’ abilities in understanding particular learning situations and identify problems
Environmental utilization/control: students use other external sources to obtain solutions
Self-Reflexivity According to Nagata (2004), self-reflexivity is having an ongoing
conversation with someone’s whole self about his or her experience. In other words, being self-reflexive is to engage in the meta-level of feelings and thoughts while being in the moment. Furthermore, Dowling (2008) defines reflexivity as “qualitative researchers’ engagement of continuous examination and explanation of how they have influenced a research project.” She also states that reflexivity is as a key role in many types of qualitative researchers.
17 She defines four types of reflexivity which are used by qualitative researchers. The first type is objectivist reflexivity. In this type, researchers keep diaries or journals of researchers’ thoughts and feelings which are related to the study. The second type is epistemological reflexivity. In this type, researchers ask questions
of their methodological
making and think about
epistemological decisions. Besides, it is also similar with objectivist reflexivity, where researchers can keep diaries or journals. The third type is where reflexivity is critical. The fourth type is more about the relation between researchers and participants. Participants’ experiences and reflections are used by researchers to describe the important meaning (ibid).
Interpreting Interpreting course has its own unique position in the curriculum of the
English Language Education Study Program. Its unique position is presented in its goals, modes of learning, and assessments. a.
Goals According to Ginori and Scimone (2001), the main purpose of interpreting
is communication. They state that in interpreting “the relationship between language and communication is one which transcends the normal dimension and scope of words utterance in order to transmit thoughts from one person (or group) to another.” The word “interpreting” itself means “to transfer orally a text from a language into another.”
18 b.
Modes Ginori and Scimone (2001) define two main areas of specialization in
interpreting namely consecutive and simultaneously. In consecutive nterpreting, an interpreter listens to someone’s speech in a source language before translates or summarizes the speech into a target language. For practical purposes, consecutive interpreting is divided into two types. Those types are sentence-by-sentence interpretation and summarizing the whole speech. Sentence-by-sentence interpretation requires a good memory training, while summarizing the whole speech requires excellent memories and note-taking skills. Then, simultaneously interpreting is often used in large meetings such as conferences and conventions. In the process of simultaneously interpreting, an interpreter interprets the speech while listening to the speech. Therefore, it requires a specialized training and equipment (ibid). c.
Assessment Schjoldager (1995) suggests a marking sheet to assess simultaneously
interpreting. This can be used by interpreters or students to do a self-evaluation on their performances. There are four major components which are included in the marking sheet. Those are comprehensibility and delivery, language, coherence and plausibility, and loyalty (ibid).
B. Theoretical Framework In this section, the researcher presents how related theories answer the research problems in the previous section and how they support this research. This
19 research is conducted to investigate a case study of the implementation of ExeLSA as a learning management system to support e-learning in Interpreting class B and its relation to students’ self-regulated learning in the class. From the research, the researcher is going to find out the answers of the two research problems. The first research problem is how the implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B is best described. To answer this question, the researcher used 21st century learning, e-learning, and learning management system theories. Those theories help the researcher to define the implementation of ExeLSA in depth. The researcher will see the learning characteristics in the class by using the characteristics of 21st century learning based on Partnership for 21st Century Learning Skills (2011). Then, the theories of e-learning and learning management system help the researcher to find further understanding regarding the use of ExeLSA as a learning management system in e-learning environment. It supports the researcher to explain the relation between ExeLSA and e-learning. The focus is on how they work together and cannot be separated. The functions of learning management system which are developed by Cole (2005) will be a reference for the researcher to identify the implementation of ExeLSA in this class. The second research problem is to what extent learning activities provided in ExeLSA facilitate the English Language Education Study Program students’ selfregulated learning in Interpreting class B. Self-regulated learning theory is the main theory which is used by the researcher to answer this question. The researcher focuses on six self-regulated learning measurements which are developed by Lindner and Harris (1992). The answer of the second research question will be
20 supported by the findings of each measurement. Moreover, Darmawan (2014) states that self-regulated learning theory is relevant to e-learning theory, so e-learning theory also supports the researcher to answer the second question.
In this chapter, the researcher discusses how the research was conducted. This research consists of six parts namely research method, research setting, research participants, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.
A. Research Method This research was a mixed-method research. According to Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2009), it involves three big points in a research. Those are collecting, analyzing, and interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data in the same study. Then, Denscombe (2008) states that a mixed-method research allows the researcher to increase the accuracy of the data and enable the researcher to elaborate the analysis of the data. Moreover, it also provides the researcher with more complete description about the phenomenon under the study and aid sampling (as cited in Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, 2011) Then, this research was in the form of a case study. According to Merriam (2002), a case study “is an intensive description and analysis of a phenomenon or social unit such as an individual, group, institution, or community.” By focusing on a single phenomenon or case, this research tries to describe it in depth. Furthermore, Nisbet and Watt (1982) state that a case study is frequently conducted to get or describe a more general principle (as cited in Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2000). 21
This case study was done by distributing questionnaire sheets to the students of Interpreting class B and interviewing some of the students. The researcher used a questionnaire to depict the phenomenon in general. Then, the researcher interviewed the lecturer of Interpreting class B and some students to get deeper understanding about the results. Moreover, the researcher would use respondents’ self-reflection sheets to enrich the data. Through self-reflection, the researcher wanted to see their feelings and understanding about their own experiences.
B. Research Setting This research was done in Sanata Dharma University. It was done in three steps. First, the researcher distributed the questionnaire in Interpreting class B on 2 December 2015 in Multimedia Laboratory 2. Second, the researcher interviewed the lecturer of Interpreting class B. The interview was done on 10 December 2015. Then, the researcher interviewed the students. The interview was done in three days. Three students were interviewed on 13 December 2015, one students was interviewed on 14 December 2015, and two students were interviewed on 15 December 2015. Moreover, the researcher also asked the students to make reflections of their experiences in using ExeLSA. It was done at the end of the semester. Third, the researcher used some documents which were related to this research. One document was a syllabus of Interpreting course, the other one was an evaluation document which was obtained from Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu of Sanata Dharma University on 20 March 2016.
C. Research Participants The research participants of this research were the lecturer and twenty five students of Interpreting course class B. The students were still studying in Sanata Dharma University. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the twenty five students in the class. Actually, there were thirty students in the class, but only twenty five students filled the questionnaire sheets. After that, the researcher selected the students and chose six students to be interviewed. The interviewees were chosen by using cluster sampling. Johnson and Christensen (2012) define cluster sampling as a type of sampling in which clusters are randomly selected. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2011) add that cluster sampling is widely used in a small scale research. It helps the researcher to select a specific number of participants. Thus, the researcher divided the participants into three groups. The groups were the students with high, moderate, and low total of answers. From the results of their answers in the questionnaire, the researcher tried to indicate their levels of self-regulated learning. Then, the researcher confirmed the results to the lecturer. It was done because the researcher wanted to see the different answers from different levels of self-regulated learning. Furthermore, in the interview, the students were asked about the implementation of ExeLSA and how it facilitated their self-regulated learning in the class. Students had the chances to share their experiences in using ExeLSA in the class. They also had chances to give reasons about their opinions. Meanwhile, the lecturer was asked about the use of ExeLSA and its role as a learning management system to support e-learning in the class.
In the analysis, this would not be bias because the researcher confirmed the statements of the interviewees. The students who were interviewed would be called A, B, C, D, E, F and the lecturer would be called Ms. X. The use of initial is for neutrality and respecting the research participants.
D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique There were three instruments which were used in this research. Those were questionnaire, interview, self-reflection, and document. 1. Questionnaire Johnson and Christensen (2012) define questionnaire as an instrument in the form of self-report data collection which are filled by research participants. They believe that the purpose of questionnaire is to obtain information about the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, values, perceptions, personalities, and behavioural intentions of research participants. Questionnaire can be used for a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method research. In this research, the researcher provided a closed-ended questionnaire in the form of Likert scale. Likert scale provides a range of responses to each statement of question (ibid). The range of responses can be (1) not at all, (2) very little, (3) a little, (4) quite a lot, and (5) a very great deal or (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) neither agree nor disagree, (4) agree, and (5) strongly disagree. In the questionnaire, the researcher provided five responses which were strongly disagree (SD), disagree (D), undecided (U), agree (A), and strongly agree (SA). Furthermore, the questionnaire was a quantitative questionnaire. Johnson and
Christensen (2012) states that a questionnaire which consists of mostly close-ended questions is called quantitative questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of twenty six close-ended questions. The questionnaire was addressed to twenty five students in Interpreting course class B. The aim of using questionnaire was to gather general information about students’ point of views towards the implementation of ExeLSA and how they see the role of ExeLSA in their self-regulated learning. The results of the questionnaire helped the researcher to answer the first and second research questions. 2. Interview According to Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007), an interview consists of oral questions which are asked by the interviewer and oral responses which are given by interviewees. Basically, an interview is done by interviewing one participant at a time. However, now some researchers are interested in doing a group interview. In an interview, interviewees will answer questions using their own words and their answers will be recorded by the interviewer. Additionally, Seidman (1991) defines that as a research instrument, interview has some advantages. By using an interview, researchers can investigate for more details. Researchers also have the flexibility to explore more interesting and unexpected ideas which are given by research participants. The interview also gives high credibility and flexibility to research participants, since they are able to describe their feelings and opinions using their own words. In this research, the researcher used an unstructured interview. This interview was in an open situation. The researcher had more flexibility and freedom
26 in the process of the interview. Kerlinger (1970) suggests that “although the research purposes govern the questions asked, their content sequence and wording are entirely in the hands of the interviewer.” The researcher interviewed the lecturer and six students of Interpreting class B. The interview consisted of several questions related to the implementation of ExeLSA and students’ self-regulated learning. The results of the interview would be used to answer the first and second research questions. 3. Self-Reflection Besides doing an interview, the researcher also asked each of the student in the interview to make a self-reflection. The results of self-reflection helped the researcher to see their feelings and experiences in the class deeply. It was done after the researcher interviewed the students. Each student was asked to make a selfreflection and sent it via email. 4. Document In this research, the researcher also used some documents to enrich the findings of the research. There were two documents which were used in this research. Those were the evaluation data from Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu of Sanata Dharma University and the syllabus of Interpreting course. Those documents became references for the researcher in analyzing the findings which were obtained from the lecturer and students.
E. Data Analysis Technique After gathering the data, the researcher would analyze the data which were gained from the questionnaire, interview, self-reflection, and document. The questionnaire was used to gather the data from the whole class, while interview was used to verify the answers. Besides, it was also used to enrich the data so that the researcher would get better and deeper understanding about participants’ answers and experiences. As stated before, the questionnaire was distributed to twenty five students in the class. The questionnaire was in the form of Likert’s scale, so it consisted of five degrees of response to the statements. The five degrees of response were strongly disagree (SD), disagree (D), undecided (U), agree (A), and strongly agree (SA). Then, the researcher calculated the number of responses for each statement.
Table 3.1 Sample Questionnaire
You learn interpreting by doing and practicing in class
SD: Strongly Disagree; DA: Disagree; U: Undecided; SA: Strongly Agree; A: Agree
After the researcher got the results of the questionnaire, the final data were presented in the form of percentage. In order to get the percentage of each statement, the researcher used a formula as follows:
28 𝑥 𝑛
x 100%
x = The number of the students based on the degree agreement n = The number of all participants Then, the researcher used content analysis to analyse the results of the interviews, students’ self-reflection sheets, and documents. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010), the focus of content analysis is on analyzing and interpreting recorded materials to have deeper understanding about human behaviour. The recorded materials can be in the form of public records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, diaries, themes, reports, and other documents. As the researcher explained before, this research used some interviews, selfreflection sheets, and documents. In analyzing the results of those three instruments, the researcher focused on the content of the results. Since the results of the interview were in the form of voice records, the researcher made a transcript of each voice record. For the transcript of the lecturer’s interview, the researcher made a table to ease the researcher in analyzing the lecturers’ answers. Then, the researcher made a table for the students’ interview results. This helped the researcher to see and compare the answers of the students. In analyzing the content of the interviews, self-reflection sheets, and documents, the researcher focused on the main idea of each answer. The main ideas which were obtained were based on the questionnaire and related to theories used by the researcher. It is supported by Wahyuni (2012) that “a summative content analysis involves counting and comparisons, usually of keywords or content, followed by the interpretation of the underlying context.”
F. Research Procedure In this part, the researcher presents the research procedure of conducting the research. The procedure is presented as follows: Consulting the topic to the advisor Asking the advisor whether the topic was accepted or not Asking for permission to the lecturer of Interpreting class B to conduct research in her class Arranging the questionnaire Consulting the questionnaire to the advisor Doing the first data gathering using a questionnaire at the end of the class in the last meeting of Interpreting class B Explaining the topic of the research Distributing the questionnaire to the twenty five students in the class Collecting all sheets of the questionnaire Analysing the results of the questionnaire Conducting questions of the interview for lecturer and students Consulting the questions to the advisor Contacting the lecturer to have an interview with her Doing an interview with the lecturer Confirming the lecturer’s statements orally Consulting six chosen students as the participants of the interview to the lecturer Contacting all chosen participants Confirming their willingness as participants
30 Doing some interviews in three different days Explaining the participants about the interview Asking some questions to the participants Taking some notes while listening to the participants’ answers Recording the interview Confirming the participants’ statements Analysing the data
G. Triangulation of Data Analysis This research was a mixed-method research. It relied on quantitative and qualitative data instruments in gathering the data. In this case, the researcher was the member of Interpreting class B which was studied by the researcher. Therefore, the data triangulation was achieved by following this procedure. First, the researcher investigated deep understanding of the theoretical framework of this research. The theoretical framework was conducted by using some theories related to this research. Second, empirical data were obtained through the questionnaire, interview, self-reflection, and document analysis. From the questionnaire, the researcher depicted the general phenomenon in the class. Third, the results were confirmed to the lecturer to meet further information. It was also confirmed to the students. Then, the researcher could see deeper ideas and information from two sides; the lecturer and the students. Moreover, the results of the interview with the student were supported by self-reflection and documents. Last, the researcher conducted data analysis independently based on the theoretical
framework and findings which were obtained. It was presented to the thesis advisor to obtain constructive enhancement of the analysis.
This chapter presents and discusses the results of the research based on the research findings. It consists of two major points. Those are about the implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B and to what extent the learning materials provided in ExeLSA facilitate students’ self-regulated learning in the class.
A. The Implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting Class B The following discussion presents the answers to the first research question, i.e. regarding the implementation of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B. The discussion of the implementation of a teaching and learning process means talking about the whole process. Following McTighe & Wiggins (2012), an instructional procedure can be summarized into three major components, namely goals identification, assessment, and implementation. To meet the purpose of the thesis, the three components will be subsequently presented under three sections, i.e., preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Thus, in this part the researcher presents the findings which are related to those three major parts. 1. Preparation Preparation becomes important since it is the first step in a teaching and learning process. Before implementing a learning, an educator needs to prepare several things such as learning materials, activities, and media. Based on the 32
33 findings, there were three important points in the lecturer’s preparation. Those were purpose, plan, and orientation. a.
Purpose Before implementing ExeLSA, the lecturer of Interpreting class B sought
some information regarding the instructional purposes by considering students’ needs and some technical things. The lecturer stated that one of the purposes in using ExeLSA was the effectiveness of time. According to the lecturer’s experience, Interpreting course without using ExeLSA would be more complicated. It also needed much time. It was because the students could not access the materials at once. Therefore, the lecturer had to distribute the materials one by one to the students. She stated: Karena menurut saya sih jadi jauh lebih ribet karena pada saat itu saya harus mendistribusikan file yang video untuk latihan itu ke satusatu, setiap mahasiswa satu, jadi mereka ngga.. ngga bisa langsung streaming at the same time, tapi harus dikasih satu-satu, gitu. For me, it was much more complicated because at that time I had to distribute the videos which would be used to practice to the students one by one. Therefore, they could not directly access the video once. This indicated that by using ExeLSA the lecturer could save time and manage it better. It was because she did not have to distribute the videos or other files to the students one by one, but asking the students to access it in ExeLSA at the same time. What she needed to do was only giving instructions to the students while they were accessing it. Moreover, she added that face-to-face learning in the class would not be enough for the students due to its time limitation. Since Interpreting course needed
more time to practice, it was good for the students to have their own time to practice outside the class. Jadi semua materi saya upload di situ, karena interpreting kan harus banyak latihan dan kalau hanya mengandalkan waktu tatap muka di kelas untuk latihan itu kurang maka saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan ExeLSA platform moodle untuk memberikan materi kepada para mahasiswa supaya mereka dapat berlatih sendiri di luar kelas. So, I uploaded all materials there. It was because interpreting needed more practice and if we only relied on face-to-face learning in class to practice, it was not enough. Therefore, I decided to use ExeLSA platform moodle to give materials to students so they could practice by themselves outside the class. It was clear that the lecturer considered the time well. As she explained before, the students needed more time to practice interpreting. However, the time estimation which was provided in the class would not be enough for them. Thus, the lecturer believed that it would be better if the students could access the learning materials outside the class, so they could have more practice by themselves. Furthermore, she also believed that each student had his or her own learning speed. Since they could access all materials through ExeLSA, they could practice by themselves with their own speed. Moreover, she also mentioned the advantage of using ExeLSA for the students in the future. She believed that the ability in using technology would be useful for the students in the future. Sedangkan kalau mereka punya materinya dan aa.. bebas mengaksesnya di manapun, kapanpun sesuai dengan pace learning speed mereka masing-masing itu akan lebih efektif. Lalu, kedua juga supaya mahasiswa itu terbiasa menggunakan teknologi aaa… yang mungkin akan berguna kalau mereka nanti suatu saat akan menjadi guru atau mungkin profesi lain yang mengharuskan mereka menggunakan teknologi, mereka sudah terbiasa menggunakan itu.
Whereas, if they had the materials and accessed it freely wherever and whenever depended on their own pace learning speed, it could be more effective. Then, the students could habitually use technology which perhaps would be useful if someday they would be teachers or other professions which required them to use technology. They had used it habitually. These findings indicated that the lecturer paid attention to the needs of the students. She reflected what she had done in the previous class and planned to make it better. She decided to develop the teaching and learning process by using ExeLSA. She paid attention to the students’ needs, background, and time estimation which were provided by the study program. Then, she found that ExeLSA was an appropriate provider to cover all those things. This was how 21st century learning works in reality. Ball (1990) states that in order to conduct more innovative and inclusive teaching and learning processes, the lecturer needs to make some movements. He offers active participation to replace passive learning (as cited in Forman, Nyatanga, & Rich, 2002). In this case, the lecturer provided the students to be more active in practicing interpreting. By providing all materials in ExeLSA, students were expected to be proactive in their own learning. This was also one of the characteristics of 21st century learning which was conducted by Partnership for 21st Century Learning Skills (2011). The characteristic is the role of the teacher in a class as a facilitator or collaborator. In this class, the lecturer put the students as the center of the learning. The students had important roles in the process of learning. Furthermore, it is also mentioned that 21st century learning emphasizes the students as “doers” and “creators”. In this class, the students were not only as listeners, but the ones who interpreted and created some examples of interpreting by recording it.
In a more general view, the purpose of using ExeLSA in this class was to integrate technology into instruction in order to enhance learning. This characteristic strongly supported the phenomenon which had happened in this class. The lecturer creatively integrated technology into the teaching and learning process to enhance students’ learning in terms of effectiveness of time, learning speed, and accessibility. b.
Plan After the clarification of the purposes, the next part was making some plans.
In implementing ExelSA, the lecturer said that lecturers needed to plan the features, materials, and activities. She stated: Kalau misalnya mau menggunakan ExeLSA kan berarti harus diplan sejak awal. Karena kalau menggunakan ExeLSA kan harus diplot ini nanti untuk berapa meeting, lalu meeting pertama mau apa, meeting kedua mau apa dan harus sudah ada bahan-bahannya. If we want to use ExeLSA, it means it should be planned from the beginning. It is because if we want to use ExeLSA, it means it should be plotted the number of the meetings. Then, what we will do in the first and second meeting and the materials should have been prepared. Therefore, she devised some plans which were related to learning materials and activities in the class. In developing those plans, she did not only consider the topics of the course, but also the features which were used in ExeLSA. Since the learning activities were done through ExeLSA, the lecturer had to integrate the learning activities to the features which were provided there. She offered: Iya, jadi bukan hanya materi tapi juga aktivitasnya, aktivitasnya mau kayak apa. Karena kan fitur di ExeLSA banyak dan… dan… apa oiya.. untuk membuat aktivitas dari menggunakan masing-masing fitur itu ya butuh waktu juga.
Yes, so it is not only about the materials, but also the activities. How the activities will be. It is because there are many features in ExeLSA and to make activities using each feature also needs time. The findings about the features which were used by the lecturer were discussed further in implementation. c.
Orientation In implementing ExeLSA, it was important for the students to know
ExeLSA. Therefore, the role of the lecturer was to explain about ExeLSA and how to use it. This was to make sure that the students could use ExeLSA appropriately. In the interview, the lecturer emphasized that in implementing ExeLSA lecturers or educators needed to give an orientation to the students. She said: Kalau misalnya itu diberikan kepada mahasiswa baru berarti meeting pertama harus digunakan untuk semacam orientasi, memberikan orientasi kepada mahasiswa supaya mereka tahu bagaimana caranya mengoperasikan ExeLSA. If it is given to the new students, it means that the first meeting should be used to give an orientation. Therefore, they know how to operate ExeLSA. Responding to this, the students shared their experiences in using ExeLSA in the class. According to the students, they had been familiar with this learning management system. It was because ExeLSA was used by the students since the first semester. Although the students had known ExeLSA, the lecturer introduced them to ExeLSA as the main medium which was used in Interpreting class B. In the reflection paper, A stated: Pada awal perkuliahan di mata kuliah interpreting, dosen sudah menjelaskan bahwa adanya penggunaan ExeLSA di dalam kelas sebagai bentuk dari E-learning. Dosen menjelaskan bagaimana cara mengakses Exelsa dengan benar dan tepat. Tidak hanya itu, dosen
juga menjelaskan pada kami apa saja yang akan diberikan di dalam ExeLSA. In the beginning of Interpreting course, the lecturer had explained the use of ExeLSA in the class as the form of e-learning. She explained how to access ExeLSA correctly and appropriately. Moreover, she also explained us what things would be given in ExeLSA. Meanwhile, C stated that: Penggunaan ExeLSA sendiri tidak diperkenalkan secara mendetail saat kelas interpreting. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan Excelsa sendiri sudah dimulai sejak semester awal. The use of ExeLSA itself was not introduced specifically in Interpreting class. It was because ExeLSA itself had been started from the first semester. So, maybe students did not need to be explained specifically about how to use ExeLSA. These findings showed that the lecturer introduced ExeLSA as the main medium in the class and explained how they would use it. However, considering that the students had known ExeLSA before, the lecturer did not explain it in detail.
Implementation In this part, there were three main points which were presented by the
researcher. The first point is the features and materials of ExeLSA. The second point is the function of ExeLSA as a blended learning. The third point is the function of ExeLSA as a learning complement. a.
Features and Materials Cole (2005) offers some functions of learning management system. There
are five functions such as uploading and sharing materials, chatting, doing quizzes and surveys, gathering and reviewing assignments, and recording grades. In ExeLSA, there were some features which were provided. In Interpreting class B,
the lecturer said she only used two of the provided features. Those were to have discussion with the students and upload files, she stated: Kalau feature-featurenya yaa, kalau fitur-fiturnya sih banyak, cuma yang saya gunakan untuk kelas interpreting ini ya hanya sebatas forum diskusi dan upload file saja. There are many features, but in Interpreting class I only used the features for discussing and uploading files. Furthermore, through the features which were used in ExeLSA, there were some kinds of learning materials which could be provided. The lecturer said that she provided the students with some kinds of learning materials. The learning materials were in the form of video, power point, and text. She shared: Ada video, lalu ada power point, ada bacaan teks juga bisa dalam bentuk word maupun pdf. Kalau ppt terkadang. Supaya mereka lebih jelas untuk apa, mengerti instruksi yang harus dilaksanakan. Tapi kalau bahan bacaan seperti pdf, word, itu biasanya, harapannya sih mereka membacanya di luar kelas. There were videos and power points. There were also reading texts which could be in the form of word or pdf. Sometimes, it was power point. So, they could understand the instructions which should have been done clearly. As noted above, there were two features which were used by the lecturer. The first feature was discussion forum. The discussion forum was used by the lecturer to do a virtual discussion. In the discussion forum, the lecturer would give some questions related to the topic of the day. Then, the students were asked to answer the questions based on their opinions. There, all of the students could see other students’ answers and give some comments. The second feature was to upload materials. The most common use of ExeLSA was to upload materials. The lecturer uploaded materials in the form of
video, Microsoft word, power point, and PDF. All materials could be accessed by the students inside and outside the class. Then, further findings were obtained from the students. As D shared in the interview: Misalnya kayak itu, yang aku tahu ya, aku tuh ngga ngerti tentang fitur. Yang aku tahu di ExeLSA itu misalnya kita mau, ada misalnya mau ke mana tuh namanya misalnya ke home, misalnya mau lihat grade kita. Grade itu kan juga bisa dilihat, mislnya nilai kita udah sampai mana sih, ada skornya di situ. Terus mau lihat timeline hari minggu ini ngapain, minggu ini ngapain juga ada. Terus, udah sih setauku itu. I do not really understand about the features. What I know in ExeLSA is that we could see our grades there. Then, we could also see timeline of each week. That is all. From this statement, the researcher could add more information about the features. Besides to have a discussion forum and upload materials, ExeLSA was also used to provide students’ grades and timeline of the class. Then, A also added: Kalau soal media atau fitur itu, selain kita mengakses materi kayak nonton-nonton video itu kita juga bisa mengakses kayak attachments kayak materi dalam bentuk PPT atau word dari Ms. X. Itu kita bisa ngunduh lewat ExeLSA dan juga kita bisa menulis refleksi atau menulis apa ya opini kita dari berdasarkan kita menonton sebuah video atau membaca materi yang diberikan Ms X. Itu kita bisa langsung komen di situ dan langsung send ke Ms X. I could not only access materials and watch videos, but also attachments of materials in the form of power point or word from Ms. X. We could download from ExeLSA and write reflections or our opinions based on what we had watched or read. We could directly comment there and send it to Ms. X. In this statement, the researcher highlighted the finding that students were able to give direct feedback or reflection about what they had learned and discussed in the class. The findings were appropriate with the theory about
learning management system. The findings showed that ExeLSA provided the lecturer and the students with the functions of learning management system. Both the lecturer and A mentioned the use of ExeLSA to upload or share materials and have forum chats. Moreover, D also mentioned the use of ExeLSA to record grades. Then, A indirectly stated that the use of ExeLSA was also to submit quizzes or assignments. From these findings, it could be seen that ExeLSA as a learning management system provided the members of the class with some features and materials. The features referred to the functions of learning management system which are defined by Cole (2005). b.
Blended learning According to Rashty (1999), e-learning is classified into three different
models. Those are adjunct, mixed/blended, and fully online learning (as cited in Darmawan, 2014). This part presents the findings about the types of e-learning which occurred in Interpreting class B. To analyze the types of learning in this class, the researcher focused on two kinds of learning, namely conventional learning and e-learning. The researcher would present the results related to conventional learning. In the interverview, the lecturer stated: Jadi, selain tatap muka tradisional yang terjadi di dalam kelas, itu juga saya mengintegrasikan penggunaan teknologi dalam bentuk ExeLSA supaya terjadi semacam blended learning, jadi tidak hanya pertemuan tatap muka secara tradisional tapi juga melibatkan mahasiswa untuk ikut menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran mereka. Besides traditional face-to-face learning which happened in the class, I also integrated the use of technology in the form of ExeLSA. So, blended learning was implemented. It was not only a traditionally
face-to-face meeting, but also involved students to use technology in their learning. From the questionnaire, the same results were obtained. Table 4.1 presented the results of the questionnaire regarding the use of ExeLSA in the conventional learning.
Table 4.1 The Implementation of 21st Century Learning in Interpreting Class B
ExeLSA's use to meet digital learning 80
72 64
60 40
32 24
30 20 10
0 0
0 0
0 0
28 20
16 0
8 0 0
0 Learning by doing
Knowledge use Learning to guide participation learning
Strongly Disagree
Technology Effective Sharing ideas mastery communication and information
Strongly Agree
Table 4.1 presented the results of the first six questions in the questionnaire. The questions were related to the six points which were drawn by the researcher in the questionnaire. Those points were about the implementation of 21st century learning in the class. This finding was closely related to 21st century learning, since the lecturer stated that she integrated face-to-face learning into technology. The two main points of 21st century learning are learning by doing and the characteristic of 21st century classroom which produces students who are highly productive effective, inventive, and able to master technology.
43 The data showed that the use of ExeLSA met the needs of 21st century learning principles in this class. The self-reported data which were gained from the questionnaire demonstrated that most of the students found that the use of ExeLSA appropriately addressed their learning needs. In detail, the results showed that learning by doing, knowledge use to guide learning, learning participation, and sharing ideas and information had positive responses from the students. It was presented that more than 90% of the students agreed and strongly agreed. Meanwhile, more than 50% of the students gave positive answers and less than 10% of the students gave different responses to technology mastery and effective communication. This indicated that the implementation of 21st century learning in Interpreting class B was very good, even though the different results were obtained for technology mastery and effective communication aspects. The deep and further results were obtained by the researcher through the interview. In the interview, the students also shared their experiences related to those points. B shared about how learning activities in the class were done. She said: Practice, terus ya kan lecturing. Itu lecturingnya terus practice. Ya udah sih, itu aja. Ya kita lihat video, terus kita belajar untuk menginterpretkan itu, gitu. Practicing, then lecturing. That was lecturing, then practicing. Yes, that was it. We watched a video, then we learned to interpret it. She tried to explain that in this class she learned by practicing interpreting. Students were asked to watch a video. Then, they were asked to practice interpreting the video. That was how they learned by doing it.
Then, one of the students also shared her experience about how knowledge was used to guide learning in this class. A said: Nah, itu dia minta kita untuk nonton video itu, lalu dikasih pertanyaan. Menurut kamu, apa bedanya interpreting dan translation based on those videos. Nah, terus kita langsung komen di situ. Jadi, kita langsung komen. Terus, juga ada baca materi tentang beberapa macam interpreting. She asked us to watch that video, then she gave us a question. In your opinion, what are the differences between interpreting and translation based on those videos? Then, we directly commented there. So, we directly commented. Then, we also read materials about some kinds of interpreting. In this class, students were not only asked to watch videos. However, they were also asked to analyze the videos to understand the knowledge of interpreting. Then, the materials about the theories in interpreting were also provided by the lecturer. By understanding the theories which were given by the lecturer, the students could use the theories to guide them in practicing interpreting. Then, one of the characteristics of 21st century learning is students’ participation. In 21st century learning, students are expected to be more active in the learning process. The findings of the questionnaire showed positive results of learning participation. It was supported by students’ statement. C said: Berlatih interpreting sama teman, diskusi kelompok, atau presentasi. Practicing interpreting with friends, having a group discussion, or doing a presentation. In this case, the lecturer had a good strategy to make the students more active in the learning process. In the class, the learning activities were not only done individually. The learning activities were also done in pairs or groups. In order to finish the learning activities, students needed to communicate to each other and
work together. This gave students more chances to be more active in the class. This was as noted in the syllabus of Interpreting course. It was noted that the learning strategies of the class would be meaning-focused input activities, group work, pair work, and individual work. Then, the next two statements were about effective communication and sharing ideas and opinions. Responding to these statements, A shared in her reflection: Tidak hanya mengakses materi yang ada di dalam kelas, namun kami juga diajak oleh dosen untuk berdiskusi di ExeLSA dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang diberikan berdasarkan topik yang sedang diajarkan pada hari itu. Not only accessing materials in the class, but we were also invited by the lecturer to have a discussion in ExeLSA by answering some questions which were given based on topic of the day. Discussion was a great idea to invite all of the students in the class to participate in the learning process. As the researcher explained before, a discussion forum was also conducted in ExeLSA. It meant that the discussion could be done in the class or through ExeLSA. In the discussion forum, students were invited to give their opinions about the topic. Then, at the same time, they also built effective communication among the members of the class. The following parts were the results of the questionnaire related to the use of ExeLSA as a learning management system to support e-learning in Interpreting class B. Four points were presented in the table. Those points were presented as follows:
Table 4.2 ExeLSA as a Learning Management System in Interpreting Class B
ExeLSA as a learning management system 90
80 70
60 44
50 36
40 30
20 10
12 12
0 Supporting teaching and learning
The use of other online sources
Strongly Disagree
Part of teaching and learning
Accessing ExeLSA inside and outside the class Strongly Agree
Table 4.2 presented the results of the questionnaire from number 7 to 10. This table clearly presented that more than 95% of the students agreed with the statements about the use of ExeLSA to support their teaching and learning process, the use of other online sources, and ExeLSA as part of the teaching and learning process. These results were confirmed by the students. A shared: Kalau penggunaan ExeLSA sebagai e-learning di kelas interpreting sangat sangat digunakan. Menurutku sangat bermanfaat. Karena, selain kita bisa mengakses materi yang dikasih dosen di dalam kelas, di luar pun kita bisa berlatih melalui e-learning itu, melalui ExeLSA. ExeLSA as an e-learning in Interpreting class was very useful. It was because, besides we could access materials which were given by the lecturer inside the class, we could also practice through ExeLSA, ouside the class. A directly said that ExeLSA was very useful. It provided her to access the materials inside and outside the class. This proved that ExeLSA supported the teaching and learning process in this class. It was also clear that ExeLSA was part
of the teaching and learning process in this class. The existence of ExeLSA helped the students to manage their learning whenever and wherever. Then, since A said that they could access materials and practice interpreting whenever and wherever, it meant that all materials were online sources. Furthermore, the researcher found some different answers in the last point. From the questionnaire, more than a half of the students agreed with the statement, but the rest disagreed. Since there were two different answers, some interviews were conducted to reveal further results. In the interview, the researcher found some findings related to this issue. B said: Kalau misalkan satu hari sebelum mata kuliah itu biasanya sering itu, sering ngecek ExeLSA. Soalnya takutnya, apalagi interpreting kan interpreting itu ExeLSAnya jalan terus jadinya aku sering banget ngecek. I often checked ExeLSA a day before the course. It was because I was afraid. ExeLSA in Interpreting class was always used, so I often checked it. From this statement, B wanted to say that she often checked ExeLSA because she needed to update the materials and topic about interpreting. Meanwhile, E said: Kalau untuk interpreting sendiri jarang. Karena, interpreting biasanya cuma sebelum kelas dicek apa ada, nanti kita-kira mau belajar apa, udah. Tapi juga cuma tak liat ngga tak download. For interpreting, it was rarely. It was because it was usually only checked before the class, if there were any materials, what we would learn, that was all. But only I checked, I did not download it. This statement showed the different finding from the previous statement. In this statement, the student emphasized that he rarely checked ExeLSA. Then, if he checked it, he did not do anything with the materials.
From the two different statements above, it was clear that each student had his or her own response about why he or she accessed ExeLSA. Each student also had the different act towards the existence of ExeLSA. Even though not all of the students accessed ExeLSA outside the class, most of the students accessed it. Mostly, the reason why they checked it was to get the materials. The findings regarding conventional learning and e-learning in Interpreting class B above clearly explained how blended learning occurred in this class. The results of the research showed that ExeLSA was used in this class to support blended learning. It meant that ExeLSA as a learning management system supported both conventional and online learning. The use of ExeLSA enabled the lecturer to manage the learning process inside and outside the class. Hence, ExeLSA was part of the teaching and learning process. It meant that it could not be separated from the learning process. c.
ExeLSA as a Learning Complement Siahaan (2003) defines three functions of e-learning. Those functions are as
a supplement, complement, and substitution (as cited in Darmawan, 2014). ExeLSA as a learning management system is part of e-learning. Its existence is to help the process of e-learning. In this part, the researcher elaborated the findings regarding the function of ExeLSA in Interpreting class B.
Table 4.3 The Functions of ExeLSA as a Learning Management System
ExeLSA as a complement 80 68
70 60
30 20 10
12 4
0 ExeLSA as a complement
Materials equipping
Strongly Disagree
Materials provided as Materials provided as reinforcement remedial
Strongly Agree
Table 4.3 presented the students’ responses towards the questions from number 11 to 14. There were four statements which were presented in Table 4.3. Those are about the functions of ExeLSA to support e-learning in Interpreting class B. The results of the first and second statements were positive. More than 70% of the students agreed with those statements. Although, there were less than 10% of the students disagreed with the statements. These positive results were also proven by the students’ statements in the interview. E said: Karena di ExeLSA ada video-video untuk berlatih interpreting, ada juga materi-materi yang nanti diajarkan, ada materi-materi dan teori-teori tentang interpreting dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan interpreting. It was because in ExeLSA there were some videos to practice interpreting. There were also materials which would be taught later. There were some materials and theories about interpreting. Then, A also shared her experience in her self-reflection by saying:
Dosen menghimbau juga pada kami untuk tidak hanya mengakses ExeLSA di dalam kelas, namun juga pada saat dalam proses belajar di luar kelas. Beliau menghimbau untuk secara berkala mengakses ExeLSA apabila ada materi tambahan atau tugas yang harus dikumpulkan. The lecturer encouraged the students to not only access ExeLSA inside the class, but also outside the class. She appealed the students to access ExeLSA just in case there was some additional materials or tasks which should have been submitted. The first statement proved that all materials were provided in ExeLSA. The materials involved materials which were given in the class and other additional materials and sources. Since the students could access the materials outside the class, the students could use provided materials to get more knowledge. Then, the second statement indicated that accessing ExeLSA outside the class was also part of the teaching and learning process. The lecturer encouraged the students to regularly checked and accessed ExeLSA. It was because the students needed to update the materials. In other words, it was an obligation for the students to access it. The findings above led the researcher to the characteristics of e-learning as a complement. Siahaan (2003) states that the function of e-learning as a complement is to complete learning materials which have been received by the students in class (as cited in Darmawan, 2014). Materials were provided in a learning management system. That was the role of ExeLSA to support e-learning in Interpreting class B. Furthermore, e-learning as a complement is divided into two types. Those are reinforcement and remedial. Reinforcement means that materials which are provided in a learning management system are used by the students to enhance their
knowledge and understanding about the materials. Meanwhile, remedial means that the materials are used to help students to understand difficult materials (ibid). The researcher found that the students in this class gave different responses towards the function of ExeLSA in supporting e-learning. As showed in Table 4.3, less than 60% of the students agreed with the third and fourth statements and 20% of the students disagreed with the statements. Then, the researcher found further explanation about these results in the interview. C said: Kalau untuk saya, saya jadi tahu materi apa yang akan dijelaskan di kelas nanti. Jika saya bisa mempelajarinya terlebih dahulu, di kelas nanti saya akan lebih mudah mengikuti. For me, I could know what materials were being to be explained in the class later. If I could study the materials before the class, in class it would be easier for me to follow the learning process. In this statement, C wanted to emphasize that the materials in ExeLSA helped her to prepare herself before coming to the class. By accessing the materials, she wanted to increase her knowledge about some particular topics. In other words, she used it to enhance her knowledge about interpreting. Moreover, she also added: Karena sebenarnya mahasiswa dapat melihat dan ya mungkin membaca-baca sendiri di rumah tentang materpi yang diupload oleh dosen. Because actually student could see and perhaps read the materials which were uploaded by the lecturer by themselves. This indicated that providing materials in ExeLSA enabled the students to review the materials by themselves. It was an advantage for the students, since they could review the materials as many as they wanted until they understood the materials.
On the other hand, 20% of the students disagreed with the last two statements. B stated: Kalau yang apa, satu hari sebelumnya itu kan ngecek materi untuk hari berikutnya. Kalau yang apa di luar kelas lainnya ya iseng-iseng aja sih. I checked it one day before the class to check the materials for the next day. Outside the class, I did it without any purpose. From this statement, she honestly shared that she accessed ExeLSA without any purpose. She did not plan what she would do with the materials. In short, she had nothing to do with the reinforcement and remedial. She just checked it without giving further acts. These findings clearly presented that most of the students felt that the materials could help them in their learning processes. Therefore, they accessed it. However, some other students only checked it regularly and did not have specific purposes in accessing it.
3. Evaluation After preparing and implementing, the last part of a teaching and learning process is evaluation. Evaluation is needed to evaluate the teaching and learning process which has been implemented. In this part, the researcher analyzed the findings about the students’ evaluation towards the teaching and learning process in Interpreting class B. The findings were the students’ evaluation from Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu of Sanata Dharma University. It was obtained from the archival data gathering.
From the data, each student gave his or her evaluation on the teaching and learning process in this class. Each student gave different response and opinion. Then, the researcher noted some of them as follows: Student #2 gave the evaluation by saying: Dosen memberikan cara pengajaran yang menyenangkan dan kreatif. Saya dituntut untuk lebih belajar mandiri lagi. The lecturer gave a fun and creative way of teaching. I was expected to study more independently. This statement showed the student’s positive feedback towards the teaching and learning which was done in this class. The student noted that the lecturer had a fun and creative way in delivering the materials. The student also mentioned that the lecturer expected the students to study independently. Then, student #8 gave a feedback and suggestion as noted below: Penggunaan media sangat mendukung proses belajar baik di luar maupun di dalam kelas. Waktu yang tersedia untuk berlatih sangat banyak. Saran: lebih banyak pemberian tugas atau project interpreting. The use of media really helped the learning process outside and inside the class. Time which was provided to practice was a lot. Suggestion: more tasks or interpreting project. In this evaluation, the student appreciated the use of media in the class. The student also stated that the media really helped the teaching and learning process inside and outside the class. Then, the student gave a suggestion to the lecturer. The student suggested her to give more tasks or projects to the students, so they could practice more and more. This statement was also supported by another student.
Student #10 gave a feedback by saying: Mungkin perlu ditambahkan kegiatan dimana mahasiswa mendapat kesempatan untuk melakukan interpreting di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Perhaps some activities are needed to add, so the students get chances practice interpreting inside and outside the class. This meant that some students felt they needed more activities to practice interpreting. Even though maybe the lecturer had provided some activities for the students, adding some more activities would be better for the students’ learning processes.
B. The Relation between ExeLSA and Students’ Self-Regulated Learning In this part, the researcher discusses the findings related to ExeLSA and students’ self-regulated learning in Interpreting class B. This part answers the second research question which is to what extent ExeLSA facilitates students’ selfregulated learning in Interpreting class B. The results involved self-reflexivity as part of both researcher and research participants. Nagata (2004) states that selfreflexivity refers to have an ongoing conversation with someone about what he or she is experiencing. To answer the second research question, the researcher conducted an ongoing conversation with the students in the interview. The researcher tried to understand their stories and experiences during the learning process in the class. The researcher identified students’ self-regulated learning using selfregulated learning measurements. Lindner and Harris (1992) state that there are six aspects of self-regulated learning measurement. Those are epistemology beliefs,
motivation, metacognition, learning strategies, contextual sensitivity, and environmental utilization or control. The results of the measurements are presented in two tables. Those tables presented the answers of the questionnaire from number 15 to 24. The first table was about epistemology beliefs, motivation, and metacognition. The second table was about learning strategies, contextual sensitivity, and environmental utilization or control.
Table 4.4 Self-Regulated Learning Measurements (1)
Epistemology beliefs, motivation, metacognition 80
60 50
44 36
40 30
24 12 0 0
20 10
ExeLSA supports
12 4
12 4
16 8 0
0 Knowledge system understanding
Strongly Disagree
The role of ExeLSA
Ability in Knowlegde on learning and self-regulation practicing
Strongly Agree
Epistemology Beliefs Epistemology beliefs refer to students’ understanding about their own
knowledge systems (Lindner & Harris, 1992). Table 4.4 showed positive results of the two statements related to epistemology beliefs. More than a half of the students agreed with the statements. This proved that most of the students were really aware
and able to understand their own knowledge systems. However, not all of the students felt that ExeLSA helped them to understand their knowledge systems. There were 12% of the students who disagreed with these statements. Further findings related to this issue were obtained by the researcher. In the interview, the different answers were given by the students. A shared her experience by saying: Sejauh ini paham, paham banget. Karena dari Ms. X sendiri lewat ExeLSA udah ngupload materi, udah ngupload, bahkan bahan ujian aja diupload disitu. So far I understand, really understand. It was because Ms. X uploaded all materials through ExeLSA, even materials for the tests. She was really sure that she understood her knowledge system. She also stated that ExeLSA helped her to understand it. This indicated that providing materials in ExeLSA did not only help the students to easily get the materials, but also helped them to understand their knowledge systems in the class. However, another student gave a different answer. E said: Lumayan paham. Engga paham-paham banget sih. Tahu kita belajar apa, tahu bagaimana belajarnya, tahu cara-caranya, tapi kalau tahu tahu kan belum tentu bisa. Pretty understand. I was not really understand actually. I knew what we learned, how to learn it, knew the ways, but knowing does not mean I could. E said that he understood about his knowledge system. However, he emphasized that it did not mean that he could do that. He also did not mention that ExeLSA helped him to understand his knowledge system. Therefore, it could be said that ExeLSA facilitated the students to meet deeper understanding about their own knowledge systems in the class. It was
believed that it helped the students through learning materials which were provided by the lecturer.
Motivation Motivation refers to students’ eagerness to learn and have better
achievements which come from internal and external motivation (Lindner & Harris, 1992). In other words, students are motivated to learn and practice more and more so they can improve. The definition of motivation is specifically elaborated into three components. Those are awareness of the relationship between effort and outcome, sense of mastery or competence, and desire to learn (ibid). The findings about students’ motivation in Interpreting class B were good. There were 68% of the students who motivated themselves to learn and practice interpreting. This percentage was higher compared to the percentage of the students who did not motivate themselves. However, the different result was found regarding the role of ExeLSA in facilitating the students to motivate themselves. From 68% of the students who motivated themselves, only 28% of the students who agreed that ExeLSA helped them to do that. The rest of the students disagreed with this statement. In the interview, the students elaborated different reasons and experiences about how and why they motivated themselves. B shared: Ya, ini sih dengan materi yang menarik kalau aku. Jadi, kalau misalkan ada materi yang menarik gitu aku lebih kayak wah ini! Misalkan videonya, videonya topiknya menarik gitu nanti bikin ayolah coba-coba, gitu.
For me, it was because the materials were interesting. If the materials were interesting, I would try them. On the other hand, C stated another reason. She said: Ya, karena saya melihat hasil mid-test saya yang pertama kurang maksimal, saya kemudian belajar dan harus memotivasi diri saya bahwa saya harus bisa lebih baik. It was because the result of my first test was not good. Therefore, I learnt and motivated myself that I should have been better. The two students above clearly explained how this self-regulated learning measurement occurred in their learning processes. The statement of B was the example of motivation in terms of desire to learn. She was excited in practicing and learning more. Meanwhile, the statement of C referred to her awareness of the relationship between the effort and outcome. She realized that what she had done before did not give her a good result, so she tried to motivate herself to be better. The other findings were obtained from the other two students. D said: Iya, pasti. Karena ini kuliah teori terakhir jadi harus semangat. Yes, of course. It was because this was the last theoretical course so I have to be full of spirit. Then, he added: Karena, dengan adanya ExeLSA ini sangat membantu ya. Maksudnya dari segi materi, dari segi latihan-latihan yang diberikan oleh dosen, ini sangat memotivasi saya untuk semakin belajar lagi. It was because ExeLSA was very helpful. I mean from the aspects of the materials and exercises which were given by the lecturer, it really motivated me to study more. He shared that he was really excited and motivated to join the class. Since Interpreting course was his last theoretical course, he really motivated himself. Besides, the existence of ExeLSA helped him to motivate himself. It was because
ExeLSA helped him to access the materials and exercises which were given by the lecturer. This statement indicated two things related to motivation. It showed that he had an internal and external motivation. Internal motivation came from himself who was full of spirit to join the class. The external motivation came from the support of ExeLSA for him. On the other hand, F gave her different response to this. She said: Engga terlalu sih. Maksudnya, selain dari ExeLSA kan aku masih bisa ngakses yang lain. Not really. I mean, besides ExeLSA I could access from other sources. In the interview, she said that ExeLSA did not make her motivated. It was because she felt that she could access other sources. This meant that she felt ExeLSA was not the one and only source. She also could get other materials from other sources. Therefore, even though she did not say ExeLSA motivated her, other sources could be also seen as the external motivation for her. In short, students’ self-regulated learning in terms of motivation in this class was very good. However, the results showed that most of the students did not agree that ExeLSA facilitated them to motivate themselves. Although, some students still agreed that ExeLSA could facilitate them to motivate themselves through the learning materials and activities which were provided there.
Metacognition Metacognition refers to students’ knowledge about their own cognition,
learning, and thinking awareness. Lindner and Haris (1992) mention that the
definition of metacognition involves three aspects. Those are regulation of cognition, knowledge about cognition, and self-reflective awareness. Regulation consists of three parts which are planning or deciding, monitoring, and evaluation or checking. Students’ knowledge about cognition involves knowing what to do, how to do, when to do, and where to do. In this case, metacognition was related to students’ awareness in their own learning. In this part, the researcher tried to understand students’ awareness about their abilities and self-regulation in the learning process. The results of the questionnaire in terms of metacognition were good. The percentage of the students who understood their abilities and self-regulation was higher than the students who did not. The percentage of the students who did not agree with this statement was less than 10%. The further finding was that ExeLSA facilitated the students to understand their abilities in the learning process. This positive result was confirmed by the students. D stated: Yang saya tahu, dengan adanya fitur ExeLSA itu saya bisa belajar ini dari video. Jadi, dari video tersebut saya tahu bahwa kemampuan saya seperti ini. Ketika saya ulang-ulang lagi, kemampuan saya mulai mulai membaik. I could learn from the videos in ExeLSA. Therefore, from the video I could know how my ability was. When I repeated again, my ability started getting better. Then, regarding his understanding about his self-regulation, he added: Oh, kalau merencanakannya ngga tahu sih. Kalau memonitor iya, jadi melalui melalui jadi disitu kan ada grade, maksudnya ada nilai atau skor. Nah, itu bisa dilihat dari situ sih bagaimana kemampuan saya bisa dicek terus dipantau terus di ExeLSA.
I did not know about planning, but I knew about monitoring. My scores were provided there. It meant my ability could always be checked and monitored in ExeLSA. This statement showed a strong result that ExeLSA facilitated him to know and understand his ability in learning how to interpret. Based on the statement, students could understand their abilities by practicing through ExeLSA. It allowed the students to access videos in order to practice by themselves. Besides, they could also monitor their abilities through grades or scores which were given by the lecturer in ExeLSA. Then, ExeLSA also allowed the students to understand their self-regulation by practicing it. By checking and monitoring their learning processes and results in ExeLSA, it indicated that they were aware about their learning processes. In this case, D elaborated his knowledge about cognition. By practicing interpreting through videos, he could identify the level of ability he had. Responding to that, he started thinking about what to do, that was practicing more and more. Moreover, he knew that how to practice was by repeating the videos and interpreting it. Meanwhile, knowing when to do and where to do should have depended on his own time management, since he could access and practice wherever and whenever. Additionally, in his elaboration, he clearly mentioned that ExeLSA helped him to monitor and check his learning process and result. He was able to do a self-evaluation through grades and scores which were given by the lecturer in ExeLSA. Therefore, it could be concluded that metacognition aspect in Interpreting class was good. ExeLSA as a learning media in this class also took an important
role in facilitating students in metacognition aspect. The process of metacognition occurred by the support of ExeLSA in providing materials for the students. In the following parts, the researcher discusses about the other three measurements in self-regulated learning. Those were learning strategies, contextual sensitivity, and environmental utilization or control. The results of these measurements were presented in Table 4.5 below.
Table 4.5 Self-Regulated Learning Measurement (2)
Learning strategy, contextual sensitivity, environmental utilization 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
80 68 60 52
16 8
20 12
Learning strategies
ExeLSA supports
Strongly Disagree
8 0 0
28 20
12 4
Understanding The role of and identifying ExeLSA to problems understand and identify problems Disagree
The use of external sources
20 8
The role of ExeLSA to find external sources
Strongly Disagree
Learning strategy Learning strategies refer to strategies of students who know and can utilize
their learning strategies in their learning (ibid). One of the important things in selfregulated learning is to see whether students have their own learning strategies or not. Each student has different learning strategy.
63 The researcher presented the results of the students’ learning strategies in Interpreting class B. The results were good. They showed that more than a half of the students in this class had their own strategies in learning and practicing interpreting. They agreed that ExeLSA supported their learning strategies. Even though some students disagreed with the two statements, the percentage was lower compared to the students who agreed. Responding to this, E said: Cara belajarku kan pakai ExeLSA itu tadi. Kan kita cuma ikut kelas kan berarti ikut ExeLSA. Videonya di situ semua kan ya ikut videonya itu. The way I learned was by using ExeLSA. It was because we joined the class, it meant we followed ExeLSA. All videos were provided there, so I followed the videos. In this statement, he wanted to emphasize that ExeLSA was the main medium he used to learn interpreting. His learning strategy was by using ExeLSA to access videos. D also agreed to the statement above. He said: Strategi ya itu tadi cuma mengulang-ulang video-video yang sudah diberikan oleh dosen yang membuat saya lebih tahu bagaimana ini vocab yang seperti ini bagaimana termsnya dari Indonesia – Inggris, Inggris – Indonesia seperti apa. The strategy was only repeating the videos which were given by the lecturer. It made me know how and what terms of this vocabulary from Indonesia to English and vice versa. Thus, it was proven that ExeLSA supported students’ learning strategies. Some of the students even chose ExeLSA as one of the strategies to learn and practice interpreting. Students who practiced interpreting through videos could access it through ExeLSA.
On the other hand, A responded differently to the statement about the learning strategy. She said: Kalau strategi belajar, kalau aku malah modelnya bukan yang misalnya ujian terus spanneng latihan di rumah gitu, engga sih. Lebih ke, yaudah pokoknya lebih ke rileks aja. I was not that kind of person who got stressed and then practiced at home when I had a test. I was more relax. She did not mention any learning strategy. She noted that she practiced interpreting, but she preferred to do it spontaneously. It meant that she did not design or plan any learning strategy to learn interpreting, but only practicing. In short, ExeLSA facilitated the students in terms of learning strategy measurement. Students’ learning processes in this class involved ExeLSA as a medium for the lecturer and students. Therefore, it became part of students’ learning strategies. How it took a role was by facilitating students’ accessibility to the learning materials.
Contextual sensitivity Lindner and Harris (1992) mention that contextual awareness or sensitivity
involves students’ abilities in identifying learning situation in a class. Specifically, contextual awareness or sensitivity refers to students’ abilities in gauging task demands, balancing task demands with personal resources, and judging the relationship between learning task and assessment (ibid). In detail, these findings led the researcher to the specific definitions of contextual awareness or sensitivity. In contextual sensitivity, the researcher wanted to find out how students understood some particular learning situation and
identified problems. In this class, they faced a different learning situation. They had to deal with technological tools and learning media. The results showed that more than 90% of the students could understand and identify the difficulties in learning and practicing interpreting. It was proven by the students. They could mention the difficulties and challenges in this class deeply. As D stated: Jadi, kesulitannya kemarin itu bagaimana menemukan kata-kata yang cocok untuk di bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris tersebut. Mungkin misalnya yang kesulitan dalam bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia, ketika speed atau kecepatan berbicara seseorang itu sangat cepat. Jadi, kadang-kadang ada beberapa konten yang miss. The difficulty was how to find the appropriate words in Indonesian or English. Maybe, for example the difficulty in English to Indonesia. I was difficult when the speaking speed of speaker was too fast. So, sometimes I missed some contents. In this case, the challenge was the speed of the speaker. It was difficult for him to think about the appropriate terms or words while listening to the speaker. This was also confirmed by C who had the same problem. She said: Lebih ke kosakata. Karena terkadang jika kita harus menginterpret sesuatu dan dalam jangka waktu yang cepat, kata-kata yang seharusnya mudah jadi susah untuk kita utarakan. It was more about vocabulary. It was because sometimes if we had to interpret something within a short time, the words which should have been easy was getting difficult to say. In short, the two big challenges in interpreting were speed and vocabulary. These things were related to each other as the two students elaborated before. Furthermore, the results of the questionnaire showed that the percentage of the students who agreed that ExeLSA facilitated them in contextual sensitivity was not
even a half of the students. This indicated that the role of ExeLSA in contextual sensitivity was low. On the other hand, the researcher found that the students were able to identify the learning situation in the class. C shared her experience in her selfreflection: Menurut saya, mata kuliah ini tidaklah mudah karena saya harus benar-benar berpikir cepat dan harus menguasai banyak kosa kata baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Oleh sebab itu, saya sadar bahwa saya harus berlatih dengan sungguh-sungguh agar saya dapat mengikuti mata kuliah ini dengan baik. In my opinion, this course was not easy. It was because I had to think quickly and master many vocabularies in both Indonesian and English. Therefore, I realized that I needed to practice seriously so I could follow the class well. What she wrote in her self-reflection explained that she was aware of the environment of the class which was different from other classes. This phenomenon referred to contextual sensitivity. The results showed that the students were able to gauge the task demands and balance it with their own personal resources. They did not only understand the difficulties of the tasks, but also measured their own abilities in interpreting. However, the researcher did not find any further information about the role of ExeLSA in this aspect, since none of the students mentioned that ExeLSA helped them in this aspect. On the other hand, the existence of ExeLSA as a medium for the students to understand the situation was still helpful. It was because the materials and videos which were mentioned by the students previously were provided in ExeLSA.
67 Therefore, these findings showed students’ good abilities in terms of contextual sensitivity. Almost all of the students believed that they could identify problems and learning situations in the class. However, the findings showed that ExeLSA did not directly helped the students in this issue.
Environmental Utilization or Control Environmental utilization or control means that students use other external
sources to obtain solutions. This is still related to the previous aspect. In environmental utilization, students independently find other sources to support their learning processes and obtain solutions when they face some difficulties. In this measurement, the students are expected to know where to find assistance (Lindner & Harris, 1992). This aspect helped the researcher to understand whether students in Interpreting class B used other sources or not. Besides, the researcher also wanted to know how ExeLSA facilitated this measurement. The findings showed that 68% of the students agreed that they used other external sources. Although, 12% of the students disagreed with this statement. On the other hand, the next statement did not get positive responses from the students. The percentage of the students who agreed and disagreed that ExeLSA facilitated them to find external sources were equal. The percentage was only 28% of the students for each degree. Then, the researcher tried to find further information from the students. D said: Yang paling sering ya cuma lihat di YouTube sih. Jadi, belajar menginterpret video-video yang durasinya pendek misalnya dua menit tiga menit baru diinterpret.
I often saw it on YouTube. So, I learned to interpret videos which had short duration, for example two to three minutes then I interpreted it. Then, being asked about the role of ExeLSA to find other sources he said: Saya rasa tidak. I think no. This opinion was also supported by E. He said: Ya. Itu tadi kayak dari google itu tadi. Cari videonya dari google apa dari YouTube. Cari sendiri di YouTube, cari yang gampang. Yes. It was from google. I found the videos from google or YouTube. I found it by myself on YouTube, finding the easy ones. Being asked about the role of ExeLSA, he also confirmed: Engga. No. These findings clearly explained that the students used external sources to support their own learning in the class. However, they did not think that ExeLSA took a role in supporting them to find external sources. They were sure they could find it independently. On the other hand, one of the students gave a different answer related to this. When B was being asked about the role of ExeLSA to find external sources, she answered: Aku belum pernah sih. Maksudnya, belum pernah nyoba buka ExeLSA buat nyari sumber yang lain gitu, emang belum pernah sih. Tapi, kalau ngga salah inget kayaknya ada link-link deh di ExeLSA itu yang menuntun kita buat ke sumber-sumber lain.
I never did it. I mean, I never tried to check ExeLSA to find other sources, I never. But, if I am not mistaken there were links in ExeLSA which led us to go to other sources. A significant finding was obtained by the researcher from this answer. She said that ExeLSA provided links which could lead them to find external sources. It indicated that actually ExeLSA provided the students to find other sources. However, not all of the students knew about this feature. In this case, the students really knew where to go when they needed assistance or other external sources. They could go to other channels and online sources to get materials or references. However, regarding the role of ExeLSA in facilitating them, not all of the students agreed with it. Therefore, it could be concluded that the positive results were obtained in terms of environmental utilization or control in this class. However, the use of ExeLSA in facilitating them to find external sources did not get good responses.
There are two parts in this chapter. The first part is the conclusion of the research. The second part is some recommendations from the researcher based on the results of the research.
A. Conclusions Based on the research findings and discussion, the implementation of ExeLSA as a learning management system to support e-learning in interpreting clas B was also related to the implementation of 21st century learning in the class. It could be seen from the use of technology in the learning process. The findings showed that this class had the characteristics of 21st century learning. Moreover, the implementation of e-learning in this class was also seen from three major components in a teaching and learning process. Those were preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Each component had its own role in the teaching and learning process. Preparation was the first step for the lecturer to prepare and develop the learning materials, media, and activities for the students. In this part, the lecturer constructed some plans and ideas. The findings also showed that elearning which occurred in this class was in the form of blended learning and as a complement for the students. Blended learning referred to the combination of conventional or face to face learning and e-learning. The function of e-learning as a complement meant that it completed the learning materials which were given by 70
the lecturer in the class. Students were able to access the materials outside the class. In this case, ExeLSA took a strong role in facilitating blended learning in this class. It was the main media in which all learning materials were provided by the lecturer. In short, ExeLSA supported the existence of blended learning in the class. Furthermore, it can also be concluded that ExeLSA facilitated students’ selfregulated learning in six aspects of self-regulated learning measurement. Those aspects were epistemological beliefs, motivation, metacognition, learning strategies, contextual sensitivity, and environmental utilization. From the research results, the researcher obtained positive responses from the students about their epistemological beliefs, motivation, metacognition, learning strategies, contextual sensitivity, and environmental utilization in learning and practicing interpreting. However, the role of ExeLSA in facilitating these measurements was not seen in all measurements. Students gave positive responses about ExeLSA in facilitating their epistemological beliefs, metacognition, learning strategies, and contextual sensitivity. On the other hand, they did not feel that ExeLSA supported them in motivation and contextual utilization measurements. Additionally, it was clearly found that ExeLSA facilitated the students by helping them to access materials easily. The features, learning materials, and activities which were provided there supported them to follow the learning process of Interpreting class inside and outside the class.
B. Recommendations In this part, the researcher would give some recommendations to the English Language Education Study Program, the students of this study program, and further researchers. 1.
For the English Language Education Study Program Integrating technology to the teaching and learning process in a class is a
great idea to give a real example for the students in terms of education and technology. Moreover, it is part of the mission of the English Education Study Program as an educational institution. Considering the findings of this research, the researcher recommends the study program to evaluate the implementation of ExeLSA as a learning management system which is used by the study program. The evaluation would be important for the study program to know what things that should be improved. Therefore, the use of ExeLSA as a learning management system in the study program can be more effective and efficient. 2.
For the English Education Study Program Students As teacher candidates, it is important for all of the students to know and
understand ExeLSA as a learning management system which is used by the study program. It is also good for the students to use ExeLSA actively. By actively using ExeLSA, the students support the implementation of ExeLSA and the developing of 21st century learning in the study program. 3.
For future researchers This research can be a reference for future researchers who are interested in
the phenomenon of e-learning and self-regulated learning. Moreover, future
researcher can also use other research methods to conduct the study such as qualitative and quantitative methods.
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Questionnaire Blueprint
Number 1
Items 6
Descriptions Students’ knowledge and understanding about the implementation of 21st century learning in Interpreting class
Students’ knowledge and understanding about the use of ExeLSA as an e-learning in Interpreting class
The aspects which can measure students’ selfregulated learning and its relation with the use of ExeLSA in Interpreting class
The cycle phase of self-regulated learning and its relation with the use of ExeLSA in Interpreting class
No 1.
21st Century Learning In 21st century learning,
1. You learn interpreting by
the focus is not learning by
doing and practicing in class
information but on learning
how to learn. By doing that,
you have got in order to help
you to practice interpreting
information they have studied
3. You are expected to
and learn.
21st century classroom
learning process
is different from the 20st
4. You master the use of
century classroom because its
technology in interpreting
focus is on producing students
who are highly productive,
effectively and actively to
inventive thinkers, and masters
your lecturer and friend
of technology.
6. You share your ideas and opinions
Interpreting 2.
E-learning is a generic
7. ExeLSA as an e-learning
term for all technologically
is used to support teaching
supported learning using an
and learning in Interpreting
array of teaching and learning
tools as phone bridging, audio
8. Interpreting class uses
online sources, audio, or
video to support the teaching
transmissions, and the more
and learning process
recognized web-based training or computer aided instruction also commonly referred to as
9. ExeLSA is used as the
online courses.
part of teaching and learning
process in class
In this model, e-learning as delivery online system is the part of traditional learning process. It is different with adjunct model because in this model online or e-learning and
inside and outside the class
learning are not separated.
is an obligation
supplement is when students have
whether students want to use it or not. In this context, using and accessing e-learning is not an
learning materials which
students who use and access
must get more knowledge than
others who do not.
12. You access the learning
complement In
materials in ExeLSA outside the class to enhance your
materials which are provided in
e-learning in order to complete
13. You access the learning
learning materials which have
materials in ExeLSA outside
been received by the students in
class. In other words, e-learning
understand the materials you
have not understood before
reinforcement or remedial for students
conventional learning.
learning 14. You understand your own
measurements 1) a
Epistemological beliefs: knowledge system in learning self-understanding
of Interpreting
someone from his or her 15. You understand your knowledge system
knowledge system in learning using ExeLSA 16. You motivate yourself to
learning learn and practice Interpreting
desire or enhancement to be 17.
better which come from internal become more motivated in 13 or external
practicing ExeLSA 18. You understand your
knowledge about cognition and learning Interpreting thinking awareness and self- 19. You have knowledge learning
about your self-learning in Interpreting class
strategies: 20. You have your own
strategy of student who knows strategy
and can make use of learning learning Interpreting process
supports you to conduct your learning strategy 22. ExeLSA is the part of your 5) the
Contextual ability
sensitivity: learning strategy to practice understand interpreting
particular learning situation and 23. You are able to understand how to identify and solve and identify the difficulties in problem
interpreting 24. ExeLSA helps you to 6)
identity the difficulties in using practicing interpreting
external sources to achieve 25 You use external sources in solutions
solutions 26. ExeLSA helps you to find the external sources you need
Questionnaire Dear respondents, This questionnaire is aimed to complete the data about the use of ExeLSA in facilitating students’ self-regulated learning in Interpreting class B. Your answer will not affect your mark in this course. Therefore, please do it honestly and seriously based on your experience. Name
Student number
Phone number/email : Read the statements carefully and give your response on each statement by putting a tick mark () in the column which represents your answer. 1 = SD (Strongly Disagree) 2 = D (Disagree) 3 = U (Undecided) 4 = A (Agree) 5 = SA (Strongly Agree) Thank you for your cooperation. Self-regulated learning refers to someone’s process of planning, controlling, and evaluating his or her own learning process and behaviour.
No 1
Statements You learn interpreting by doing and practicing in class You can use information and theories you
have learned to help you in practicing interpreting You are expected to participate actively in
learning process
You master the use of technology in Interpreting class You communicate effectively and actively to your lecturer and friends You share your ideas and opinions related to interpreting ExeLSA as an e-learning is used to support
teaching and learning process in Interpreting class Interpreting class uses online source,
audio, or video to support the teaching and learning process
ExeLSA is used as the part of teaching and learning process in class You access ExeLSA inside and outside the class You get more knowledge by accessing ExeLSA All learning materials are provided in ExeLSA You access the learning materials in
ExeLSA outside the class to enhance your knowledge about interpreting You access the learning materials in
ExeLSA outside the class to help you in understanding the materials you have not understood before You understand your own knowledge
system in learning interpreting
You understand your knowledge system in learning by using ExeLSA You motivate yourself to learn and practice interpreting ExeLSA makes you more motivated in practicing interpreting You understand your ability in learning and practicing interpreting You have knowledge about your own selfregulated learning in Interpreting class You have your own strategy in learning and practicing interpreting ExeLSA helps and supports you to conduct learning strategy in Interpreting class You are able to understand and identify the
difficulties in learning and practicing interpreting ExeLSA helps you to identify the
difficulties in learning and practicing interpreting
You use external sources in helping you to achieve solutions ExeLSA helps you to find the external sources you need
You learn interpreting by doing and practicing in class
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (4%)
8 16 (32%) (64%)
You can use information and theories you have learned to help you in practicing interpreting
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
15 8 (60%) (32%)
You are expected to participate actively in learning process
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (4%)
16 8 (64%) (32%)
You master the use of technology in Interpreting class
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
6 12 5 (24%) (48%) (20%)
You communicate effectively and actively to your lecturer and friends
0 (0%)
1 (4%)
7 13 4 (28%) (52%) (16%)
You share your ideas and opinions related to interpreting
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
5 18 (20%) (72%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (4%)
9 15 (36%) (60%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
5 20 (20%) (80%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
6 (24%)
ExeLSA as an e-learning is used to support teaching and learning process in Interpreting class Interpreting class uses online source, audio, or video to support the teaching and learning process ExeLSA is used as the part of teaching and learning process in class
2 (8%)
19 (76%)
You access ExeLSA inside and outside the class
2 3 3 11 6 (8%) (12%) (12%) (44%) (24%)
You get more knowledge by accessing ExeLSA
0 (0%)
1 (4%)
6 17 (24%) (68%)
All learning materials are provided in ExeLSA
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
3 11 9 (12%) (44%) (36%)
You access the learning materials in ExeLSA outside the class to enhance your knowledge about interpreting
2 3 7 12 (8%) (12%) (28%) (48%)
1 (4%)
1 (4%)
You access the learning materials in ExeLSA outside the class to help you in understanding the materials you have not understood before You understand your own knowledge system in learning interpreting You understand your knowledge system in learning by using ExeLSA You motivate yourself to learn and practice interpreting ExeLSA makes you more motivated in practicing interpreting You understand your ability in learning and practicing interpreting You have knowledge about your own self-regulated learning in Interpreting class You have your own strategy in learning and practicing interpreting ExeLSA helps and supports you to conduct learning strategy in Interpreting class You are able to understand and identify the difficulties in learning and practicing interpreting ExeLSA helps you to identify the difficulties in learning and practicing interpreting
2 3 6 13 (8%) (12%) (24%) (52%)
1 (4%)
0 (0%)
6 18 (24%) (72%)
1 (4%)
0 3 9 11 (0%) (12%) (36%) (44%)
2 (8%)
0 3 5 15 (0%) (12%) (20%) (60%)
2 (8%)
1 3 14 6 (4%) (12%) (56%) (24%)
1 (4%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (4%)
3 17 4 (12%) (68%) (16%)
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
8 14 (32%) (56%)
1 (4%)
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
4 17 (16%) (68%)
2 (8%)
0 3 5 15 (0%) (12%) (20%) (60%)
2 (8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
20 3 (80%) (12%)
1 6 7 10 (4%) (24%) (28%) (40%)
You use external sources in helping you to achieve solutions
1 (4%)
2 (8%)
ExeLSA helps you to find the external sources you need
2 5 11 5 (8%) (20%) (44%) (20%)
1 (4%)
5 13 4 (20%) (52%) (16%) 2 (8%)
Questions 1. How is the
Answers Bagaimana penggunaan teknologi di kelas interpreting? Aaaa…
ya penggunaan teknologinya dalam bentuk aa.. penggunaan
of technology
ExeLSA. Jadi semua materi saya upload di situ, karena
as an e-learning interpreting kan harus banyak latihan dan kalau hanya in Interpreting
mengandalkan waktu tatap muka di kelas untuk latihan itu
menggunakan ExeLSA platform moodle untuk memberikan materi kepada para mahasiswa supaya mereka dapat berlatih sendiri di luar kelas. 2. How is the
Ya, e-learning kan emm.. kalau dalam opini saya e-learning itu
berarti kan aa.. pembelajaran yang mengikutsertakan apa
of ExeLSA
pemanfaatan teknologi. Jadi, yaa.. selain tatap muka
itself as an e-
tradisional yang aa.. terjadi di dalam kelas, itu juga saya
learning in
mengintegrasikan penggunaan teknologi dalam bentuk
ExeLSA aa.. supaya terjadi semacam blended learning, jadi
tidak hanya pertemuan tatap muka secara tradisional tapi juga melibatkan mahasiswa untuk ikut menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran mereka.
3. What are the
Aa.. yang pertama sih karena apa mahasiswa, supaya
purposes of
mahasiswa bisa punya materi untuk berlatih lebih banyak lagi
using ExeLSA
karena seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya itu, kalau hanya
in this class?
mengandalkan pertemuan tatap muka di kelas itu tidak cukup. Sedangkan kalau mereka punya materinya dan aa.. bebas mengaksesnya di manapun, kapanpun sesuai dengan pace learning speed mereka masing-masing itu akan lebih efektif. Lalu, kedua juga supaya mahasiswa itu terbiasa menggunakan teknologi aaa… yang mungkin akan berguna kalau mereka nanti suatu saat akan menjadi guru atau mungkin profesi
lain yang mengharuskan mereka menggunakan teknologi, mereka sudah terbiasa menggunakan itu.
4. How ExeLSA
Yaa, sangat bisa. Karena materinya kan, jadi sebelum
can facilitate
pertemuan saya selalu mengupload materi yang akan kita bahas
the teaching
itu sebelumnya, sebelum kelas itu. Dan juga ada forum diskusi
and learning in
yang saya harapkan bisa menjadi wadah, apa, untuk berdiskusi
di luar kelas karena kan tidak semua mahasiswa percaya diri
untuk, misalnya mengungkapkan pendapat masing-masing dan kalau kita tanya satu-satu waktunya juga akan habis hanya untuk diskusi. Jadi, yaa… apa, forum diskusi di ExeLSA itu sangat berguna untuk mengetahui pandangan dari tiap-tiap mahasiswa.
5. What kinds of
Kalau feature-featurenya yaa, kalau fitur-fiturnya sih banyak,
media which
cuma yang saya gunakan untuk kelas interpreting ini ya hanya
are used in
sebatas forum diskusi dan upload file saja.
ExeLSA? Ada video, lalu ada power point, ada bacaan teks juga bisa dalam bentuk word maupun pdf. Emm.. kalau ppt terkadang. Supaya mereka lebih jelas untuk apa, mengerti instruksi yang harus dilaksanakan. Tapi kalau aa.. bahan bacaan seperti pdf, word, itu biasanya, harapannya sih mereka membacanya di luar kelas. Supaya di dalam kelas itu nanti tinggal latihan dan forum diskusi juga ada yang, kadangkadang ada yang dilakukan di dalam kelas supaya saya bisa, apa ya, memonitor mereka gimana sih jalannya diskusi itu dan ada juga yang diberikan di luar kelas.
6. In what activity
Emm, aktivitasnya sih hampir di.. apa ya.. seluruh sesi latihan
is ExeLSA
di kelas. Karena sesi latihan di aa.. interpreting kan
kebanyakan menggunakan video. Ya, jadi ketika kelas itu mereka melihat halaman ExeLSA itu sendiri dan streaming video-video itu, apa… dengan kecepatan mereka masingmasing. Emm.. kalau ppt terkadang. Supaya mereka lebih jelas untuk apa, mengerti instruksi yang harus dilaksanakan. Tapi kalau aa.. bahan bacaan seperti pdf, word, itu biasanya, harapannya sih mereka membacanya di luar kelas. Supaya di dalam kelas itu nanti tinggal latihan dan forum diskusi juga ada yang, kadang-kadang ada yang dilakukan di dalam kelas supaya saya bisa, apa ya, memonitor mereka gimana sih jalannya diskusi itu dan ada juga yang diberikan di luar kelas.
7. How ExeLSA
Sangat bisa mendukung ya. Karena, apa, e-learning sangat
can help can
memfasilitasi. Kita.. kita bisa mengakses materi itu kapan
help students’
saja, di mana saja sesuai dengan kemampuan kita masing-
masing. Jadi kita tidak usah berada dalam satu ruangan, semua
process outside
mem… apa.. memulai pada waktu yang sama. Tetapi, lebih…
the class?
akan lebih nyaman kalau itu diserahkan kepada mahasiswa sendiri supaya mereka bisa apa memutuskan ya sesuai dengan waktu yang nyaman untuk mereka sendiri
8. Is there any
Mungkin.. tantangannya lebih kepada motivasi diri aja. Jadi,
difficulties and
emm.. bagi beberapa yang sangat autonomous atau sangat
mandiri tentunya ExeLSA ini akan sangat menolong. Karena
which are faced mereka jadi punya akses yang tidak terbatas untuk me.. apa.. by students in
untuk belajar ya. Tapi, kalau bagi mahasiswa yang sudah
using ExeLSA
terbiasa semua materinya itu disampaikan di dalam kelas, jadi
as the part of
mereka belum terlalu terbiasa untuk belajar mandiri, nah itu
their learning
akan menjadi kurang termotivasi atau agak malas untuk
mengakses sendiri materi-materi tersebut. Jadi, ya memang ada
inside and
dua.. dua sisi.
outside the
Yaa.. lalu juga ada mungkin faktor apa.. teknis ya, kalau
misalnya kita mau akses internet lalu ngga ada wifi, atau ngga ada sinyal, nah itu terkadang juga bikin males. Atau kalau misalnya lagi mau streaming tapi loadingnya lama banget. Nah itu jadi motivasinya jadi turun, itu juga termasuk salah satu tantangan.
9. How do you
Hm.. saya rasa ExeLSA sangat memfasilitasi mahasiswa agar
see the relation
semuanya kepada dosen pengampu, tapi mereka.. mereka
ExeLSA and
sendiri punya kebebasan dan aaa.. akses untuk belajar
students’ self-
semua materi secara mandiri.
regulated in Interpreting class? 10. Seberapa
Hmmm.. yaa… sangat bisa meningkatkan karena mau ngga
mau kan mereka dipaksa ya, karena kalau memang
jalannya perkuliahan sudah ritmenya seperti itu, mau ngga
mau kan mereka harus mengikuti. Jadi, mungkin bagi yang
belum terbiasa dengan emm.. apa nih, cara belajar mandiri
seperti ini yaa, mereka saya pikir akan termotivasi oleh teman-
teman mereka yang mungkin sudah tahu tugas sebelum ini..
learning para
perkuliahan mulai, lalu mereka tahu dari temannya itu, dan
mahasiswa di
mereka akan mengakses, akan apa.. menjadi agak dipaksa untuk
mengakses materi tersebut juga.
11. How
Sangat recommended, terutama untuk mata kuliah yang apa
ya… membutuhkan banyak latihan seperti ya misalnya
ExeLSA is in
interpreting lalu mungkin matakuliah speaking juga bisa karena
apa.. kita tidak membatasi waktu mereka latihan hanya pada saat
bertemu di kelas saja tapi di luar kelas juga bisa. Iya, karena mereka jadi punya semaca apa… ee… akses untuk bisa belajar di manapun dan kapanpun, tidak terbatas oleh apa… waktu yang ditentukan oleh universitas untuk bertemu tatap muka. Ya, saya rasa ExeLSA sih bisa digunakan untuk semua mata kuliah. Jadi, bukan hanya, tidak terbatas hanya interpreting dan speaking. Contohnya, emm.. untuk mata kuliah LTM juga saya menggunakan ExeLSA . LTM juga butuh banyak baca, baca di luar sehingga nanti di kelas tinggal diskusi saja. Karena kalau kita apa yaa.. menghabiskan.. maksudnya kalau bacaan itu diberikan di kelas, ya waktunya akan habis hanya untuk membaca, gitu. Jadi, untuk semua mata kuliah, pada dasarnya sih bisa diterapkan.
12. Do you have
Saran… kalau saran sih lebih ke… apa ya kalau misalnya mau
some advices
menggunakan ExeLSA kan berarti harus diplan sejak awal.
for other
Karena kalau menggunakan ExeLSA kan harus diplot ini
instructors in
nanti untuk berapa meeting, lalu meeting pertama mau apa,
using e-
meeting kedua mau apa dan harus sudah ada bahan-bahannya.
learning in
Supaya kita pada awal kelas itu sudah mengupload semua
materi dan nanti pada setiap minggunya kita tinggal
memberikan akses kepada mahasiswa. Jadi, sarannya kalau mau
menggunakan ExeLSA ya harus plan ahead. Dan dipastikan
98 juga apa… emm.. mahasiswa itu sudah.. sudah at least sudah pernah membuka itu. Kalau misalnya itu diberikan kepada mahasiswa baru berarti meeting pertama harus digunakan untuk semacam orientasi, memberikan orientasi kepada mahasiswa supaya mereka tahu bagaimana caranya mengoperasikan ExeLSA. Iya, jadi bukan hanya materi tapi juga aktivitasnya, aktivitasnya mau kayak apa. Karena kan fitur di ExeLSA banyak dan… dan… apa ya.. untuk membuat aktivitas dari menggunakan masing-masing fitur itu ya butuh waktu juga. Jadi memang butuh belajar lagi, bagaimana kita bisa menggunakan fitur-fitur ExeLSA dengan efektif dan juga aaa… willingness to plan ahead. 13. Have you
ever taught this subject without ExeLSA? 14. Are there any
Perbedaan ada. Karena menurut saya sih jadi jauh lebih ribet
karena pada saat itu saya harus mendistribusikan file yang
video untuk latihan itu ke satu-satu, setiap mahasiswa satu,
jadi mereka ngga.. ngga bisa apa… langsung streaming at
the same time, tapi harus dikasih satu-satu, gitu.
with and
Kalau menurut saya lebih efektif yang menggunakan ExeLSA.
Sama handout juga, kalau dulu pas belum pakai ExeLSA kan
harus ngeprint dan fotokopi sejumlah mahasiswa, tapi sekarang pakai ExeLSA yaudah tinggal upload soft copynya aja.
The Results of Students’ Interview 1 A
How do you see the use of technology Interpreting class? Penggunaan teknologi di kelas interpreting kalau menurutku sangat sangat penting. Karena kan kita di situ belajar untuk menginterpretasi entah itu dari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia atau dari bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris, di mana kita ngga mungkin kan misalnya dari dosen sendiri aaa… beliau harus yang apa namanya memberikan materi. Materi kan kita dapat kayak dari youtube atau dari film atau dari mana yang kita butuh batuan teknologi gitu lho. Karena di lab itu kan kita juga ada banyak komputer, kita dapat satu-satu di mana kita bisa ngakses lewat youtube ataupun lewat materi yang diberikan dosen dengan mudah. Yaitu, kalau menurutku teknologi memudahkan itu sih di kelas.
Teknologi di kelas interpreting itu benar-benar digunakan dengan maksimal. Soalnya kan kita kan tiap pertemuan di kelas interpreting itu kan pasti selalu menggunakan teknologi. Jadi, menurutku, penggunaan teknologi di kelas interpreting itu udah bagus banget. Menurut saya, penggunaan teknologi di kelas interpreting sudah bagus. Karena sebagian besar eee.. pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dilaksanakan menggunakan teknologi, baik kita belajar untuk ee.. menginterpreting dengan melihat video dan kita langsung eee.. untuk menginterpret apa yang ada di dalam video tersebut. Atau dosen sudah menggunakan teknologi misalnya power point untuk menjelaskan eee.. hal-hal yang penting mengenai interpreting. Oh, secara umum sih sudah bagus ya. Apalagi untuk akses internet juga sudah lumayan cepat, terus emmm.. LCD segala macam tentang komputer juga sudah ready untuk kita pakai, Terus emm.. apalagi software yang digunakan kayak ExeLSA itu, facebooknya kita itu, sangat membantu kita dalam belajar. ee.. teknologi di kelas interpreting itu malah semuanya pakai teknologi. Kayak… kita ngga ada pake buku malah, semuanya berbasis computer dan berbasis internet dan semua pakenya pasti e-learning. Misalnya e-learning itu tadi. Eee… dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Soalnya kita setiap minggu juga harus buka ExeLSA karena setiap materinya kan juga diupdate di ExeLSA itu. Jadi, kalau buat aku penggunan medianya udah cukup bagus. How do you see the use of ExeLSA as an e-learning in Interpreting class?
3 A B C D E F
Kalau penggunaan ExeLSA sebagai e-learning tu di kelas interpreting tu sangat sangat digunakan. Menurutku sangat bermanfaat. Karena, aaa.. selain kita bisa mengakses materi yang dikasih dosen di dalam kelas, di luar pun kita bisa berlatih melalui e-learning itu, melalui ExeLSA. Aa… beda kalau kita misal diberi sama dosen itu.. diemail gitu lho, itu kan beda. Sedangkan kalau kita di ExeLSA kan kita bisa cuma tinggal log in terus udah itu ada di situ, tanpa kita nge-save atau apa itu semua udah di situ dan itu updatenya lebih cepet karena langsung nyebar ke semuanya. Jadi, kalau menurutku itu sangat memudahkan. Itu.. kalau ExeLSA di kelas interpreting itu membantu banget ya. Jadi, kita tu ngga keteteran tu lho. Jadi, semua aa.. vi… misalkan kita kan dikasih video di sana. Nah, itu tu videonya udah di situ semua tertata dengan baik, gitu. Jadinya, aaa… ExeLSA tu membantu kita tu biar belajarnya tu ngga kemana-mana tu lho. Jadi, udah langsung tersedia ya itu yang dipelajari, gitu. Menurut saya, penggunaan ExeLSA cukup baik. Karena eee… sebenarnya eh.. karena mahasiswa dapat eee.. melihat dan yaa mungkin membaca-baca sendiri di rumah tentang materi yang diupload oleh dosen. Yang saya lihat bahwa dengan adanya ExeLSA itu dosen juga bisa memantau kita, bagaimana aaa.. kita belajar, terus kita juga bisa mendapatkan bahan-bahan atau materi juga dari ExeLSA yang sangat membantu kita dalam latihan-latihan. Soalnya kan kalau di kelas itu yang saya tahu bahwa kita diajak untuk mandiri belajarnya, ngga dituntun terus menerus, dan kita banyak lebih practice di interpreting. ExeLSA di kelas interpreting digunakan dosen untuk misalnya mengupload materi dan menunjukkan apa yang akan diajarkan nanti, dan semua yang diperlukan biasanya ada di ExeLSA. Penggunaan ExeLSA.. aaa… udah bagus sih sebenarnya. Aaa… bisa lihat.. bisa lihat agenda. Maksudnya, hari ini kita mau belajar apa. Cuma kadang ini ya dosen kita tu kurang ini kurang ngupdate materi apa yang dipelajari besok. Cuma, aku ingetnya cuma tiga minggu pertama itu. Sampai tiga minggu pertama itu aaa… terus diupdate kan materimaterinya apa yang mau dipelajari. Tapi, setelah di tengah-tengah udah ngga diupdate lagi. Does ExeLSA help and facilitate you to study and practice interpreting? Iya Ya. Ya, lumayan. Iya.
4 A
5 A
How does ExeLSA help and facilitate you to study and practice interpreting? Kalau memfasilitasi sih, jujur, aaa.. di kelas sangat membantu. Maksudnya, kita kan diminta dosen untuk mengakses itu memang, lewat ExeLSA. Bukan lewat… aa… apa namanya aaa.. disebarin ke komputernya atau apa gitu engga. Cuman kalau di luar, sejujurnya memang jarang sih buat mengakses ExeLSA. Lebih ke menggunakan ExeLSA, belajar lewat ExeLSA ya waktu di kelas. Tapi kalau di luar jarang. Eee.. jadi dosen biasanya mengupload video, beberapa video, dan materi mengenai interpreting tersebut. Eee.. sebelum saya belajar untuk menginterpreting saya membaca tentang teorinya dahulu dan eee.. sebelum pelajaran dimulai biasanya saya mencoba untuk membuka ExeLSA, barangkali dosen sudah mengupload video yang akan digunakan eee.. untuk kegiatan perkuliahan di siang hari dan saya mencoba mendengarkan, ya paling tidak mendengarkan dahulu agar nanti pada saat kelas mungkin dapat lebih mudah. Seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan sebelumnya dengan adanya ExeLSA itu saya juga bisa belajar melalui video-video yang ada. Jadi, bisa belajar di rumah maupun di manapun ketika senggang saya bisa belajar melalui ExeLSA. Karena di ExeLSA ada video-video untuk berlatih interpreting, ada juga materi-materi yang nanti diajarkan , ada materi-materi dan teoriteori tentang interpreting dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan interpreting. Memfasilitasi materi. Bisa buat belajar juga sih. Contohnya kan aaa… kita di kelas interpreting belajarnya lewat video kan. Videonya tu diupload di ExeLSA, jadi aaa… lebih gampang aja sih ngakses videonya. What kinds of medias or features are provided in ExeLSA? Kalau soal media atau fitur itu… selain kita mengakses materi kayak nonton-nonton video itu kita juga bisa mengakses apa… kayak attachments kayak materi dalam bentuk PPT atau word dari ms. X. Itu kita bisa ngunduh lewat ExeLSA dan juga kita bisa aaa… menulis refleksi atau menulis aaa.. apa ya opini kita dari berdasarkan kita menonton sebuah video atau membaca materi yang diberikan ms X. Itu kita bisa langsung komen di situ dan langsung send ke ms X. Ya, paling kalau aku ya sering.. karena aku suka iseng kan jadi aku tu sering lihat yang apa aa.. pengakses terakhir tu loh itu yang paling tak inget. Jadi kan ada kan tu setiap kelas pengakses terakhirnya siapa, kayak gitu. Itu aja sih. Sama kalau misalkan ExeLSA ya tinggal nge-klik mata kuliah yang tak pengenin apa gitu aja sih. Sama ada silabus dulu awalnya kalau misalkan awal-awal, baru bawah-bawahnya materi-materi, gitu.
6 A
Hmmm… komen, emmm media.. ya media itu ngga sih.. eee… ya cuma itu tahunya. ya untuk materi-materi itu Aaa.. misalnya kayak itu.. aa… yang aku tahu ya, aku tuh ngga ngerti tentang fitur. Yang aku tahu di ExeLSA itu misalnya kita mau me.. ada misalnya mau ke eee.. mana tuh namanya… misalnya ke home, misalnya mau lihat grade kita. Grade itu kan juga bisa dilihat, mislnya nilai kita udah sampai mana sih, ada skornya di situ. Terus mau lihat ee.. timeline hari minggu ini ngapain, minggu ini ngapain juga ada. Terus… ee.. udah sih setauku itu. Ohh.. eee… apa aja ya hehehe… yang jelas kana da yang dari dosen, materi-materi dari dosen, terus ada apa lagi ya, sebenarnya kalau kita mau komentar-komentar dengan dosen juga bisa tapi jarang ada yang makai kan. Kita mau chat juga sebenarnya kan bisa, tapi jarang banget di pake, itu. Ada juga nilai di situ, tapi jarang juga ada dosen yang pake. Setauku cuman.. ms X nilainya juga cuman ada satu ngasih kita nilai di ExeLSA. Eee… untuk mengunggah materi, terus untuk evaluasi perkuliahannya, apa lagi yak? Hehehe. Evaluasi buat diri sendiri juga. Maksudnya kan, kalau habis aaa…. Setelah lihat video kan sering ada tugas eee.. apa yang kamu dapatkan melalui video itu. Nah, itu kalau buat aku sih kayak aaa… seberapa paham sih aku dengan penjelasan di video itu. What kinds of materials are provided in ExeLSA? Kalau buat materi ya itu tadi, pertama dalam bentuk PPT kayak powerpoint tentang materi yang dikasih di kelas hari itu. Terus dalam Microsoft word kayak latihan artikel-artikel yang buat kita progress test 1 sama 2 itu semua diupload sama ms X di sana. Dan juga ada videovideo dari youtube yang berisi tentang aaa… kayak seminar-seminar buat kita interpreting. Entah itu ke bahasa Indonesia – Inggris atau Inggris ke Indonesia. Aaa.. ya mulai dari aa.. apa.. video, terus habis itu aaa.. power point, terus apa.. ujian, untuk ujian itu, deskripsi ujian atau apa itu syarat-syarat. Dalam bentuk teks dan video. emmm.. ah! Link. Kadang juga attachment, itu bisa word bisa power point, ya gitu. Materi-materi ya yang related sama interpreting sih, misalnya kebanyakan kemaren dikasihnya eee.. video-video dari youtube yang bisa kita translate baik dari Indonesia – Inggris maupun Inggris – Indonesia. Selain itu, juga dari dosen juga memberikan materi atau PPT tentang teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan interpreting. PPT kalau engga ee… word. Ya, materi yang berhubungan dengan interpreting, video, teori-teori.
F 7 A
Power point, word. Bentuk materi. Mungkin kayak yang Microsoft word gitu ya, terus PPT, paling banyak video sih. What activities are done in learning process of interpreting? Yang menggunakan ExeLSA itu, jadi kadang ms X minta kita untuk nonton video. Lalu, dia berdasarkan video itu, kapan itu ada materi tentang bedanya interp… interpreting and translating. Nah, itu dia minta kita untuk nonton video itu, lalu dia kasih pertanyaan. Aaa… menurut kamu, apa bedanya interpreting dan translation based on those videos. Nah, terus kita langsung komen di situ. Jadi, kita langsung komen. Terus, juga ada baca materi tentang beberapa macam interpreting. Nah, itu simultaneously dan apa apa apa, nah itu kita juga bisa langsung komen di situ. Itu sih kegiatannya. Aaa.. practice, terus ya lec.. kan lecturing. Itu lecturingnya lecturing, terus practice. Ya udah sih, itu itu aja. Ya kita lihat video, terus kita aa.. belajar untuk menginterpretkan itu, gitu. eemmm.. di awal-awal.. minggu-minggu awal belajar materi, teori, eee.. kemudian lebih banyak latihan dari video yang diupload di ExelSA. Latihan.. jadi dosen sudah menyediakan video dan mahasiswa harus mengakses ExeLSA untuk mendapatkan video tersebut. Mungkin pertama mendengarkan dulu isi video tersebut tentang apa, kemudian langsung berlatih menginterpret video tersebut. Kadang juga latihan sama teman, in pairs. Kegiatan yang dilakukan ya itu ada di forum group discussion yang dibuka oleh dosen. Kita diberikan ee.. semacam artikel kita disuruh membaca dan kita mengungkapkan apa sih yang terjadi di artikel tersebut dan pendapat kita mengenai aaa.. hal itu. Selain itu, kita juga aaa.. belajar melalui youtube, kita mentranslate aaa.. atau menginterpret video-video tersebut. Selain itu, juga bisa berlatih apa ya.. membaca artikel.. itu kan kemaren sempat dikasih artikel terus kita coba untuk meng.. menginterpretasikan. Nah, itu juga bisa belajar dari situ. Emmmm.. ya berlatih interpreting… sama teman, diskusi kelompok, atau presentasi. Ya, kalo misalnya sama teman nanti kita misalnya baca suatu kalimat, nanti teman kita yang interpret kalimat itu ke bahasa… misalnya kita bahasa Inggris nanti mereka bahasa Indonesia atau sebaliknya, gantigantian. Kalau pake video itu ya misalnya nanti di video itu kita didengerin video langsung kita coba untuk interpret langsung apa namanya itu… itu ada kok tapi aku lupa, apa itu… simultaneous… Aaaa… latihan interpreting. Eee.. latihanya, aaa kita lihat video. Lah, itu kan setiap di video itu kita menginterpret apa yang di aaa… apa yang dibicarakan aaa… speakernya di video itu. Tapi biasanya latihannya ini sih, in pairs.
8 A
Do you access and check ExeLSA regularly outside the class? Engga sih. Jarang e.
B C D E F 9 A
Iya. Iya. Ya, di rumah. Ya. Jujur, jarang. How often do you check ExeLSA outside the class? Tapi pernah pas itu mau latihan yang progress test 2. Nah, itu aku membaca artikel-artikel itu. Tapi kalau buat progess test 1 sama yang terakhir tu engga aa.. kalau misalkan satu hari sebelum mata kuliah itu biasanya sering itu.. sering ngecek ExeLSA. Soalnya takutnya.. apalagi interpreting kan interpreting tu ExeLSAnya jalan terus jadinya aku sering banget ngecek. Jadi, satu hari sebelum kelas aku pasti ngecek ExeLSA. Ya, kalau ngecek-ngecek sih pernah. Cuma asal ngecek aja. Tapi ngga.. ya cuma pengen aja liat. Kadang-kadang pengen liat gitu.
F 10 A
Seminggu sekali. sebelum interpreting Emm.. yang pasti seminggu.. seminggu sekali pasti buka ExeLSA. Kalau untuk interpreting sendiri jarang. Karena, interpreting biasanya Cuma sebelum kelas dicek apa ada, nanti kira-kira mau belajar apa, udah cuma tapi. Tapi juga cuma tak liat ngga tak download. What are your purposes in accessing ExeLSA outside the class? Untuk persiapan ujian. Supaya ujian lebih siap. Karena materi cuman ada di situ dan ms P ngga ngasih itu ya bisa akses di situ ya udah akses ExeLSA Kalo yang.. apa.. satu hari sebelumnya itu kan ngecek materi untuk hari berikutnya. Kalo yang.. apa.. di luar kelas lainnya ya iseng-iseng aja sih. Kayak selo itu ya kayak liatin siapa yang terakhir ngakses gitu, dosennya kapan ya terakhir liat gitu. Aaa… kalau untuk saya, saya jadi tahu materi apa yang akan dijelaskn di kelas nanti. Jika saya bisa mempelajarinya terlebih dahulu, di kelas nanti saya akan lebih mudah mengikuti. aaa.. untuk mengetahui aaa.. apa saja, misalnya hari itu ada materi baru atau tidak, mengecek ada tugas-tugas atau tidak, seperti itu. Untuk tahu materi nanti apa yang diajarin, apa yang mau diajarkan. Sama untuk upload tugas ding. Tapi jarang ExeLSA, ngga ada deh kayaknya. Eh, kalau interpreting ngga ada deh kayaknya.
11 A
Nyari materi. Nyari materi interpreting. Misalkan aaaa… ada tugas ini.. nah itu kayak tadi aaa… apa sih.. tugas misalnya apa yang kamu dapat dari video ini atau apa yang kamu tahu tentang materi yang sudah diberikan. Nah, itu biasanya kan kalau udah ngga ada waktu di kelas kadang aku ngerjainnya juga di luar kelas. Jadi, mau ngga mau buka ExeLSA. Atau belajar buat UTS, materi yang ada di ExeLSA itu apa aja gitu. To what extent do you understand your learning process in Interpreting class? Sejauh ini paham paham banget… banget. Karena dari ms X sendiri lewat ExeLSA udah ngupload materi, udah ngupload… bahkan bahan ujian aja diupload disitu. Jadi, ngga ada… ngga ada apa ya, ngga ada abstrak atau ngga ada blur yang “wah ini ujian bingung mau bahannya apa atau selama ini belajar apa di interpreting,” engga sih. Paham – paham banget. Memahami. Karena dari awal kan aaa… kita udah bener-bener di kasih tahu aaa… ini menggunakan ExeLSA ini pokoknya nanti di ExeLSA ada materi-materi dan isi materi di ExeLSA itu sendiri udah aaa… meminta kita untuk memahami membedakan antara interpreting dan translation itu beda tu lho. Kalau kita di sini belajar lebih ke verbal, kita lebih apa ya menterjemahkan dari bahasa target ke bahasa asalnya itu tu bukan kayak translation. Kalau kita harus langsung. Ini jenis-jenisnya, cara-caranya. Dilatih kita dari awal dulu, awal pertemuan sampai akhir kita bener-bener dilatih buat itu. Kalau aku memahami proses belajarku, ya kalau aku sih, ya maksudnya aku sadar tu loh kalo misalnya kelas interpreting itu susah. Jadinya, kalau untuk proses belajarku ya aku iseng-iseng buka video-video lain, gitugitu sih. Buat belajar itu. Eeee… ya lumayan sih. Jadi, untuk interpreting biasanya untuk persiapan mid atau ya persiapan mid. Biasanya kan mid-nya itu in pairs kan, eee.. dikasih teks. Biasanya saya mencari.. membaca dan menginterpret teks tersebut baik dalam bahasa Indonesia bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. Karena, menurut saya jika saya latihan terlebih dahulu nantinya akan dapat lebih mudah ketika saya harus menginterpret beberapa kalimat di mid. Kalau untuk video ya saya mencoba untuk mendengarkan video terseut terlebih dahulu, kemudian belajar untuk menginterpret. Yang saya tahu, eee.. dengan adanya fitur ExeLSA itu saya bisa belajar aaa.. ini dari video. Jadi, dari video tersebut saya tahu bahwa kemampuan saya seperti ini. Ketika saya ulang-ulang lagi, kemampuan saya mulai aa..mulai membaik. Jadi, dengan adanya pengulanganpengulangan dari video-video yang diberikan itu membuat saya lebih.. lebih lagi untuk menginterpretasikan sesuatu.
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B C D E F 13 A
Yaaa… lumayan paham. Engga paham-paham banget sih. Tahu kita belajar apa, tahu bagaimana belajarnya, tahu cara-caranya, tapi kalau tahu tahu kan belum tentu bisa. Masih bingung sih. Do you motivate yourself to study during your learning process in Interpreting class? Kalau itu iya. Kalau di dalam kelas, iya. Maksudnya, aaa… itu kan susah kan. Maksudnya, bukan sesuatu yang kita lakukan setiap hari. Cuman kita tahu ada interpreter aja tapi kita ngga pernah latihan. Jadi, kalau di kelas yaa.. aku sebisa mungkin kalau lihat video itu kalau bisa sambil dalam hati tu, walaupun dalam hati tu sambil ikut ya interpret sambil nonton tu sambil “oh, iya itu bener atau engga ya” gitu. Iya. Iya. Lumayan. Iya, pasti. Karena ini kuliah teori terakhir jadi harus semangat Jarang. Iya. How do you motivate yourself? Biasanya dengan cara… apa ya, kalau ngelihat, maksudnya aaa… ngelihat video kayak gitu cuman nyemangatinya tu kayak cuman “in ngga susah” gitu lho. Maksudnya, aaa… gimana pun juga yang penting tu kita banyak latihan tu lho. Aaa.. entah bener atau engganya, entah lancar atau engganya itu urusan nanti. Tapi yang penting tu latihan. Karena dari ms X sendiri dia juga bilang kita butuh latihan latihan latihan banyak dan ya bakalan berulang kali salah. Kayak dia aja kan juga belajar banyak soal itu. Jadi, menurutku di interpreting itu ya progress test 1 nilainya ngga begitu bagus, progress test 2 bagus, menurutku itu juga udah buat memotivasi diri sendiri sih, nilai-nilai ujian itu. Yaa, ini sih dengan materi yang menarik kalau aku. Jadi, kalau misalkan ada materi yang menarik gitu tu aku lebih kayak wah ini! Misalkan videonya, videonya topiknya menarik gitu nanti bikin ayolah coba-coba, gitu. Ya, karena saya melihat eee.. hasil mid-test saya yang pertama kurang maksimal, saya kemudian belajar dan harus memotivasi diri saya bahwa saya harus bisa lebih baik. Memotivasinya ya.. karena saya menganggap ini sangat penting buat dunia ke depan jadi kalau misalnya besok tidak jadi guru, kita mempunyai aaa.. pekerjaan lain menjadi interpreter. Soalnya ini juga kebetulan saya mendapatkan aaa.. job untuk menjadi interpreter dan ini sangat aa.. dari kelas interpreting sendiri sangat berguna untuk me.. mendukung saya dalam bekerja nanti.
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Memotivasi diri itu… gimana ya… ya gara-gara lihat nilainya jelek terus termotivasi. Aaa.. dengan cara apa ya… lihat video tentang interpreting. Maksudnya, lihat video orang yang jadi interpreter itu oh keren banget. Nah, itu jadi motivasi aku buat belajar. Walaupun sebenernya aku mikir ah interpreting tu ah susah banget, mending-mending translation, kalau aku sih. Soalnya interpret… ah susahlah. Does ExeLSA make you more motivated in learning interpreting? Ya. Emmm.. untuk minggu-minggu awal.. masih. Semakin ke sini ya agak kurang. Ya, jelas. Emm.. biasa aja sih. Aaaa… engga terlalu sih. Maksudnya, selain dari ExeLSA kan aku masih bisa ngakses yang lain. How does ExeLSA make you more motivated? Memotivasinya itu dengan cara dia memfasilitasi aku buat mengakses materi dengan lebih mudah. Maksudnya, kalau di youtube kan aaa… misal aku harus cari sendiri gitu video kan aku ngga ngerti video yang… maksudnya aaa… memang cocok untuk kita sebagai anak PBI yang bergelut di dunia pendidikan, aku kan ngga ngerti. Maksudnya, yang.. video yang cocok atau yang apa. Tapi, kalau di ExeLSA tu udah disediain sama dosen tu, kita udah yang langsung “wah, ini nih. Oh, ini video-video yang aaaa… maksudnya qualified gitu lho.” Maksudnya, aaa… bisa buat dipelajari oleh kita yang cukup susah tapi juga tetap bisa kita kerjain gitu lho. Aaa.. ExeLSA tu runtut ya, jadinya tu enak tu lho. Jadi tu di tu udah tersusun dengan rapi. Jadinya tu kayak oh yaudah tinggal ini sretsereret gitu. Jadi ngga buang-buang waktu. Ya, seperti yang sudah saya bilang eee.. saya ingin dapat lebih mengerti tentang materi apa yang diajarkan, jadi saya membuka ExeLSA. Karena, dengan adanya ExeLSA ini sangat membantu ya. Maksudnya dari segi materi, dari segi latihan-latihan yang diberikan oleh dosen, ini sangat memotivasi saya untuk semakin belajar lagi. Do you understand your ability in learning and practicing intepreting? Ya. Iya. Ya. Iya. Heeh.
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Oh, belum bagus-bagus amat sih, biasa aja sih. Hehehhe… engga . Aku jujur aku sebenernya ngga bisa interpreting. Ya, aku paham kemampuanku. How do you understand your ability in learning and practicing interpreting? Salah satunya tu dengan ujian sih. Maksudnya, dengan ujian itu aaa… kan itu pasang-pasangan ujiannya. Nah, waktu aku interpret mungkin kalau menurutku wah aku udah lumayan lah ya. Nah, aku saat mendengarkan partnerku tu interpret aku bisa membandingin gitu lho. Oh, berarti pemahamanku aaa.. maksudnya hasil yang keluar dari diriku sendiri itu tu lebih baik. Dan itu terbukti dengan nilai ujian. Kalau aku sih lebih ini sih.. apa… kayak apa yang udah tak capai itu lho. Jadi kalau misalkan, apa.. misalkan dulu ngga bisa ini gitu belum bisa lancar banget gitu sekarang udah agak lancar banget kayaknya udah.. yo berarti proses belajarku berhasil. Gitu ngga sih? Menurut saya, saya masih kurang memiliki kemampuan untuk interpreting dengan baik, interpret dengan baik. Aaa.. ini dengan.. dengan adanya tes-tes yang diberikan. Kayak misalnya kemaren progress test 1 dan 2 itu terlihat bahwa kemampuan saya semakin hari semakin baik dengan adanya banyaknya latihan tersebut. Dari tes. Lewat latihan. Eee… ya lewat nyoba nginterpret video. Do you understand your regulation in studying? Ya. Ngga terlalu sih sebenernya. emmmm… kadang-kadang. Eeee.. ya kadang-kadang. oooo… iya berarti. Oh, kalau merencanakannya ngga tau sih. Kalau memonitor iya, jadi melalui apa.. melalui jadi di situ kan ada grade, maksudnya ada nilai atau skor. Nah, itu bisa dilihat dari situ sih bagaimana eee.. kemampuan saya bisa dicek terus dipantau terus di ExeLSAnya. Lumayan. Iya. Do you have your own learning strategies? Kalau strategi belajar… kalau aku malah modelnya bukan yang misalnya ujian terus spanneng latihan di.. di mana.. di rumah gitu, engga sih. Lebih ke, aaa.. yaudah pokoknya lebih ke rileks aja. Karena kalau menurutku, interpreting tu aaa.. ya memang latihan latihan latihan. Tapi, kalau kita udah banyak latihan, pada saat kita harus interpret kita ngga santai tetep itu bakal kacau. Jadi, menurutku mending latihannya ya ngga usah
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banyak-banyak ngga usah yang spanneng. Pokoknya apa yang tetap dipelajari, vocab-vocabnya ya, tapi tetap lebih ke spontan kalau aku. Aaa.. punya tapi ngga maksudnya ngga.. ngga.. intensif ya kadang. Kalau aku sih orangnya kan suka iseng tu lho. Jadi, misalnya ada acara TV apa itu pakai bahasa Inggris ah coba ah, gitu-gitu aja sih. Heeh. Jadi, asal ada apa gitu, kadang-kadang ada video apa tu tak cobacoba. Tapi, ngga semuanya juga sih. eeemmm.. ngga ada. Normal-normal aja. Maksudnya, ya kalau ada teks latihan, ada video latihan, ya gitu sih. Strategi ya itu tadi cuma mengulang-mengulang video-video yang sudah diberikan oleh dosen yang membuat saya lebih tahu bagaimana… ini vocab yang seperti ini bagaimana terms-nya dari Indonesia – Inggris, Inggris – Indonesia sepeti apa. Ya. Karena dari dosen sendiri memberikan materi-materi yang sangat baik untuk kita latihkan setiap hari. Ya, ada. Engga juga sih. Cuma ikut kelas aja sih. Apa ya, kalau aku sih menurutku pada umumnya sih strategi belajarku. Strategi belajarnya ya… hehehe… latihan sebelum ujian, gitu. Tapi, kadang di kelas juga tetep… tetep latihan. Does ExelSA support your learning strategies in Interpreting class? Iya. Ya. Ya. Iya. Sejauh ini iya, kalau di kelas interpreting. How does ExeLSA support your learning strategies? Karena ee.. dosen menyediakan teks dan video-video yang sangat… yang banyak. Jadi, dari video-video tersebut saya bisa belajar interpreting dengan baik. Karena dari dosen sendiri memberikan materi-materi yang sangat baik untuk kita latihkan setiap hari. Melalui video-video. Cara belajarku kan pakai ExeLSA itu tadi. Kan kita cuma ikut kelas kan berarti ikut ExeLSA. Videonya di situ semua kan berarti ya ikut videonya itu. Can you identify the difficulties and challenges during your learning process in Interpreting class? Ada. Bisa. Iya sih. Iya. Dapat.
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Ya. Ya. Iya. What are the difficulties and challenges? Kesulitannya tu lebih ke eee… menyeimbangkan antara kamu harus mendengarkan dan kamu harus mengingat. Kalau nyari kata-kata tu, gampang lah, maksudnya eee… di semester yang udah ketujuh ini, kita kan vocabulary atau pengetahuan tentang kata-kata bahasa Inggris tu bisa dibilang udah lumayan gitu lho. Itu bukan hal yang berat. Tapi untuk mengingat kata-kata yang kita dengarkan, sembari kita berpikir eee.. gimana cara menginterpret itu tu, itu susah kalau menurutku. Jadi, aku masih kesulitan di situ eee.. aku harus berpikir tapi aku juga harus ndengerin. Aaa.. kalau untuk interpretingnya sendiri tu, kalau aku sih karena memang aku ngga terlalu pinter ya kalau di suruh kayak gitu langsung gitu. Jadinya tu kayak, oke, tu kayak misalkan harus mikir dulu lah, harus tahu, kadang-kadang tu telat tu lho. Misalkan apa, video.. apa, yang ngomong sampai mana aku baru nyusul sampai mana, gitu. Gitu aja sih. Ngga ada sih, cuma itu aja. Maksudnya, emang akunya ngga terlalu, aaa.. maksudnya ngga… ngga terlalu suka juga, juga ngga terlalu bisa juga di interpreting itu. Jadinya, ya kayak gitu. O Eeee.. lebih ke kosakata. Karena terkadang eee.. jika kita harus menginterpret sesuatu dan dalam jangka waktu yang cepat, eee… katakata yang seharusnya mudah jadi susah untuk kita utarakan. Ya, mungkin lebih memperbanyak kosakata dan… yaitu harus fokus. Karena kalo ngga fokus dikit langsung hilang semuanya. Emmmm… ini… apa… short-term memory. Yang pertama kan interpreting itu harus tahu eee.. vocab-vocab yang umum atau yang baku yang sering digunakan. Terus termsnya antara eee.. bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia itu seperti apa. Jadi, kesulitannya kemarin itu bagaimana menemukan kata-kata yang cocok untuk di bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris tersebut. Eee… mungkin.. kar…ee misalnya yang kesulitan dalam bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia, ketika speed atau ee.. kecepatan ngom.. ee.. berbicara seseorang itu sangat cepat. Jadi, kadang-kadang ada beberapa konten yang miss. Yang susah itu, apa, short-term memory. Kalau, sebenarnya kalau cuma mau translate sih bisa gampang, tapi kalau inget-ingetnya itu loh susah hehehehe.. Kalau dari luar itu kelasnya. Komputernya sering rusak
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Kesulitannya sih lebih ke ini, lebih ke apa ya, ke… mungkin kemampuanku dalam interpret untuk menginterpret ya. Aku kan orangnya kalau misalkan menginterpret secara apa sih, secara simultaneously, heeh. Nah, itu tu, selalu… selalu aaa… yang menjadi penghalang tu aku selalu aaa… apa ya ngga ngga ngga tak cari inti dari kalimat itu apa. Tapi, aku terlalu … terlalu ndengerin dan terlalu menghapal, jadi aku malah ngga bisa. Ngga bisa memproduce kalimatnya dengan baik. Vocab. Do you use other learning sources? Engga. Cuma ExeLSA memang. Ya. Eee.. mungkin waktu awal-awal minggu itu mau mid-test pertama, karena dosen tidak menyediakan teksnya ya mungkin mencari sendiri dan mencoba ee… menginterpret sendiri. eee… yang paling sering ya cuma lihat di youtube sih. Jadi, belajar menginterpret video-video yang masih… durasinya pendek misalnya dua menit tigas meni baru diinterpret. Ya, cari-cari video seperti itu. Nah, cara mengatasi kesulitan ya cuman lebih sering berlatih sih, terus cari-cari vocab di kamus atau di mana yang menurut kita belum tahu artinya apa. Ya. Itu tadi kayak dari google itu tadi. Cari videonya dari google apa dari youtube. Cari sendiri di youtube, cari yang gampang. Iya. Kalau aku internet biasanya… inikan aku sukanya nyari video ya, video untuk interpret, youtube, heeh. Does ExeLSA help you to find other sources? Aku belum pernah sih. Maksudnya, belum pernah nyoba buka ExeLSA buat nyari sumber yang lain gitu, emang belum pernah sih. Tapi, kalau ngga salah inget kayaknya ada link-link deh di ExeLSA itu yang menuntun kita buat ke sumber belajar lain. Ngga. Saya rasa tidak. Engga. Engga.
Self-reflection student A REFLEKSI E-LEARNING Pada awal perkuliahan di mata kuliah interpreting, dosen sudah menjelaskan bahwa adanya penggunaan ExeLSA di dalam kelas sebagai bentuk dari E-learning. Dosen menjelaskan bagaimana cara mengakses ExeLSA dengan benar dan tepat. Tak hanya itu, dosen juga menjelaskan pada kami apa saja yang akan diberikan di dalam ExeLSA. Kami dapat mengakses materi interpreting seperti video, power point atau bahan ujian interpreting yang sangat penting dan berguna bagi pembelajaran kami di dalam dan di luar kelas. Dosen menghimbau juga pada kami untuk tidak hanya mengakses exelsa di dalam kelas, namun juga pada saat dalam proses belajar di luar kelas. Beliau menghimbau untuk secara berkala mengakses ExeLSA apabila ada materi tambahan atau tugas yang harus dikumpulkan. Saya sendiri merasa dipermudahkan dengan adanya penggunaan ExeLSA ini, karena saya bisa mengakses materi dimanapun saya berada secara online. Penggunaan ExeLSA sendiri pun sudah diajarkan oleh dosen sehingga tidak ada kesulitan pada saat mengakses. Tidak hanya mengakses materi yang diajarkan di dalam kelas, namun kami juga diajak oleh dosen untuk berdiskusi di ExeLSA dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang diberikan berdasarkan topic yang sedang diajarkan pada hari itu. Menurut saya sendiri penggunaan ExeLSA ini sangat praktis dan multifungsi. Praktis dalam hal dosen tidak harus menyimpan kertas lembar jawaban dari mahasiswa, multifungsi dalam hal baik dosen maupun mahasiswa dapat melihat kembali jawaban ataupun pertanyaan diskusi. 114
Self-reflection student B REFLEKSI E-LEARNING Penggunaan E-Learning, terutama di kelas Interpreting, menurut saya sudah efektif. Penggunaan E-Learning di kelas kebanyakan yaitu menggunakan Excelsa. Penggunaan Excelsa sendiri tidak diperkenalkan secara mendetail saat kelas Interpreting. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan Excelsa sendiri sudah dimulai sejak semester awal. Jadi, mungkin mahasiswa tidak perlu penjelasan mendetail mengenai cara penggunaan Excelsa. Selama proses pembelajaran, Excelsa digunakan di hampir setiap pertemuan. Penggunaan Excelsa sendiri yaitu sebagai media bagi dosen untuk memberikan materi ajar pada mahasiswa. Di dalam kelas, mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah mengakses materi-materi yang akan diajarkan. Mulai dari video, power point, dan materi word juga ada di dalam excelsa. Excelsa sendiri juga berguna karena dapat diakses di luar kampus. Mahasiswa dapat belajar materi yang akan diajarkan sebelum kelas dimulai. Dengan bantuan excelsa mahasiswa jadi dapat lebih siap mengikuti pembelajaran. Dosen sendiri selalu mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk membuka excelsa. Nilai tugas, dan juga bahan ujian semua ada di excelsa. Jadi, mau tidak mau memang mahasiswa harus membuka excelsa. Kelengkapan Excelsa sendiri menurut saya sudah bagus. Tidak perlu ada peningkatan yang berarti karena memang sudah masuk kategori lengkap jika untuk sebuah E-Learning.
Self-reflection student C Di kelas Interpreting ini, kami dituntut untuk bisa menafsirkan dan menerjemahkan kalimat secara langsung. Menurut saya, mata kuliah ini tidaklah mudah karena saya harus benar-benar berpikir cepat dan harus menguasai banyak kosa kata baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Oleh sebab itu, saya sadar bahwa saya harus berlatih dengan sungguh-sungguh agar saya dapat mengikuti mata kuliah ini dengan baik. Menurut saya, penggunaan e-learning di kelas interpreting sangat membantu. Hal ini karena dosen memberikan berbagai fasilitas yang dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa untuk melatih kemampuan interpreting. Di awal perkuliahan, dosen menginformasikan kepada mahasiswa bahwa kami akan menggunakan ExeLSA sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran. Sebagai contoh, dosen menyediakan beberapa artikel mengenai cara interpreting yang baik dan apa saja yang harus diperhatikan dalam interpreting. Materi ini disediakan di ExeLSA yang bisa diakses dengan mudah oleh semua mahasiswa, termasuk saya. Dosen juga menyediakan video-video sebagai latihan. Dosen biasanya mengupload video-video tersebut di ExeLSA agar semua mahasiswa dapat mengaksesnya dengan mudah. Sebelum perkuliahan, saya biasanya membuka ExeLSA saya dan melihat, apakah ada video atau materi yang sudah diupload atau belum kelas interpreting. Biasanya dosen sudah mengupload materi yang akan diajarkan di kelas pada pagi hari. Hal ini membuat saya bersemangat untuk membaca artikel atau melihat video yang telah disediakan dan menggunakannya sebagai bahan latihan, sehingga di kelas nanti saya dapat mengikuti perkuliahan dengan baik. Dalam proses perkuliahan di kelas, dosen juga biasanya memberikan tugas kepada mahasiswa untuk menyampaikan apa yang sudah kami dapat setelah membaca artikel atau melihat film mengenai interpreting. Dosen memanfaatkan fitur yang ada di ExeLSA yaitu forum diskusi dimana kami dapat langsung memberikan tanggapan kami terhadap artikel dan video yang telah kami bahas. Di sini kami juga dapat melihat komentar dari mahasiswa lain yang telah memberikan 116
tanggapan. Dosen juga tidak lupa memberikan penilaian terhadap pekerjaan mahasiswa yang bisa dilihat di ExeLSA juga. Hal ini sangat menarik, tetapi sebaiknya dosen memberitahukan juga kepada mahasiswa jika nilai sudah dapat dilihat di ExeLSA, karena tidak semua mahasiswa tahu kalau pekerjaan mereka di ExeLSA diberi nilai. Dalam hal lain, dosen juga menyiapkan beberapa video yang telah diupload di ExeLSA, yang 2 di antaranya nantinya akan digunakan dalam final test. Hal ini sangat membantu mahasiswa terutama saya untuk berlatih sendiri di rumah, sehingga nantinya saya dapat menghadapi final test dengan baik. Di akhir masa perkuliahan, dosen juga memberikan waktu kepada mahasiswa untuk mengisi penilaian dosen (evaluasi dosen) di ExeLSA. Hal ini terbilang baik karena mahasiswa dapat benar-benar menyediakan waktu untuk mengisi evaluasi sebagai bahan perbaikan.
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Semua sudah baik :) Dosen memberikan cara pengajaran yang menyenangkan dan kreatif. Saya dituntut untuk lebih belajar mandiri lagi. mungkin dalam penyampaian materi bisa lebih dibuat menarik supaya mahasiswa tidak merasa bosan. Mata kuliah ini membuka perspektif baru untuk saya; sebuah ilmu dan profesi. Saya belajar banyak dari mata kuliah ini, dosen memberikan banyak ilmu dan wawasan baru yang sangat berguna bagi saya. Lebih melibatkan mahasiswa dengan berbagai kegiatan yang "memaksa" mahasiswa untuk terus berlatih untuk menterjemahkan secara oral. this course is quite difficult, but ms. patrice helps me a lot so that I can understand the things that are related to interpreting. thanks miss :) pemanfaatan materi di kelas sering kali melebihi batas waktu kegiatan belajar mengajar. dosen seharusnya dapat lebih mendorong siswa untuk semangat mengikuti kelas dengan pemanfaatan waktu yang tepat dan pemberian materi yang inovatif Yang pertama saya ingin mengapresiasi karena kelas ini selalu diawali dengan doa bersama. Saya juga sangat mengapresiasi dosen pengampu yang menerapkan diskusi dan sharing dalam proses belajar. Saya merasa dihargai dalam memberikan pendapat dan pertanyaan. Penggunaan media sangat mendukung proses belajar baik di luar maupun di dalam kelas. Waktu yang tersedia untuk berlatih sangat banyak. Saran: lebih banyak pemberian tugas atau project interpreting. mahasiswa seharusnya diajarkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ingatan jangka pendek. kebanyakan mahasiswa sebenarnya mampu untuk menerjemahkan secara langsung, namun, kebanyakan mahasiswa lemah di hal ingatan jangka pendek, maka mereka jadi sulit untuk menerjemahkan secara langsung. Mungkin perlu ditambahkan kegiatan dimana mahasiswa mendapat kesempatan untuk melakukan interpreting di dalam maupun di luar kelas. using this course I can learn how to be a good interpreter...but by the sharing that Miss Patrice gave us about her experience... I can understand how challenging to become a interpreter..and also it helps me to response to the problem that maybe i will face it when I become an interpreter..thanks... Saya merasa senang bisa mengikuti kuliah Interpreting ini. Menurut saya, kuliah ini sangatlah penting karena suatu saat nanti, saya pasti akan membutuhkan keterampilan untuk interpreting. Proses pembelajaran di kelas ini dilakukan dengan santai tetapi saya dapat memahami materi dengan baik. Menurut saya, mata kuliah ini sebenarnya sulit tetapi menyenangkan. Kami dituntut untuk meguasai berbagai macam kosa kata dan berpikir dengan cepat. Mungkin cara pembelajaran yang santai tetapi tetap fokus pada materi ini baik untuk kedepannya karena mahasiswa tidak terlalu terbebani. bacaan untuk ujian sedikit tidak adil karena beberapa mendapat yang mudah dan beberapa mendapat yang sulit dam rumit Mata kuliah ini membutuhan skill siswa yang sebagian sudah memilikinya, sementara sebagian lainnya tidak. Mungkin diberikan cara lebih efektif lagi untuk melatih short term memory. Karena tips yang diajarkan sudah dicoba terus tapi belum menuai hasil. Tapi mungkin faktor individu dari saya sendiri. Maybe you can make interpreting more fun to learn, but its all good, i can still understand it. Thank you! ms Patrice mengajar dengan semangat dan menarik. saya harap dosen lebih menjelaskan lagi kriteria pengambilan nilai saat tes karena untuk progress test katanya hanya mengambil stu yang terbaik tetapi dari rekaman saya mendapat tiga rekaman milik saya dan saya bingung mana yang dipilih untuk dimasukkan menjadi nilai. latihan yang diberikan terlalu banyak terlebih bahan untuk ujian sehingga kurang fokus dan susah dalam menafsirkan bacaan/pidato sebaiknya untuk bahan ujian lebih di spesifik an dan yang lain bisa untuk latihan. terima kasih :)