Development of Simple Expert System for Identify Type of Motorcycle in Motorcycle Dealer FAUZAN FAHRUZZAMAN SID 5209100708
Supervising Lecturer Ahmad Mukhlason INFORMATION SYSTEM DEPARTMENT Faculty of Information Technology INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER Surabaya 2009
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title Group Name Blog URL Class
Development of Simple Expert System for Identify Type of Motorcycle in Motorcycle Dealer Kuroijo Kuroijo.wordpress.com C
Fauzan fahruzzaman
[email protected] m
Tagor aditya laga
[email protected]
Syarif hidayatullah
[email protected]
Blog elfahruzzaman.wordpress .com tagoraditya.wordpress.co m rhiveya.blogspot.com
SUBMISSION Surabaya, December 22th 2009
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
ABSTRACT Sistem in merupakan suatu terobosan baru yang dibuat untuk memudahkan manusia dalam melakukan kegiatan mereka sehari-hari, lebih khusunya pada bidang jual-beli antara pengusaha penjualan sepeda motor dan pembeli sepeda motor. Dengan adanya bantuan dari sistem ini pengusaha dan pembeli akan sama-sama diuntungkan. Apabila dilihat dari sisi pengusaha, sitem ini membantu mengurangi pengeluaran dari pengusaha serta mengurangi beban pengusaha untuk membayar karyawan. Pengusaha hanya akan menyediakan beberapa computer untuk disediakan kepada pelanggan yang akan membeli merk sepeda motor yang akan dibeli. Selain itu pengusaha juga tidak usah menanyakan kepada pembeli secara bertele-tele tentang apa jenis motor atau merek sepeda motor yang akan dibeli oleh pelanggan. Melalui sistem ini pengusaha tidak perlu lagi membuka catatan mereka mengenai apa saja persediaan sepeda motor yang saat itu sedang ada dan dengan dalam kondisi baik ataupun siap jual. Sebab dalam sistem ini terdapat database yang menyimpan data-data tentang jenis,merek,tahun produksi, harga serta kondisi sepeda motor saat itu. Pelanggan pun akan merasa lebih nyaman dengan diberi keleluasaan memilih dan memutuskan jenis motor mana yang akan dibeli. Pelanggan juga dapat mencocokkan kondisi keuangan pelanggan dengan kesediaan sepeda motor yang siap dijual.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract………………………………………………………………….ii Table of contents…………………………………………………….iii List of table or figure……………………………………………..iv Acknowledgement……………………………………………………v Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………...1 Chapter 2 Leterature review…………………………………..3 Chapter 3 Expert system design………………………………4 Chapter 4 Expert system development………………..…6 Chapter 5 Expert system test case……………………….…8 Chapter 6 Conclusion………………………………………………9 Bibliography………………………………………………………….10 Author biography…………………………………………………..11 Appendices…………………………………………………………….13
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
LIST OF TABLES/FIGURES The expert system design shown in Figure 3.1. The source of the expert system shown in Figure 4.1 The rule to save shown in Figure 4.2 The example of expert system shown in Figure 4.3 The test case input of expert system shown Figure 5.1 The test case output of expert system shown Figure 5.2
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, most garious, most merciful. Master of the of judgement. Show us the straight way. The way that always get your blessing. With your bless my group, kuroijo group can finish our project with title “Development of Simple Expert System for Identify Motor Type of Motorcycle in Motorcycle Shop”.
Purpose and meaning of writing this project is to fulfill ano of so many duty from discrete methematic lecture. Beside it, writer also prove that our group is a good student by collecting this duty on time. In this occasion we say thank you very much for all parts that support this project finished. Especially Mr. Ahmad Mukhlason who always give us new knowledge,new spirit, and new duty. Eventhough sometimes it makes us very feel difficult to pass it, but we know all af we do is come back to ourselves. We also say thank you for all our friends, discrete methematis C class who always help us if we face some problem and something error. That‟s all of our working, if there are some mistake or weakness, we hope that you can critize us to make our working better.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Motor dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini merupakan alat transportasi yang banyak digunakan oleh semua kalangan. Baik kalangan menengah ke bawah ataupun menengah ke atas. Dalam pembeliannya biasanya kita menggunakan interaksi secara langsung,namun kadangkala terjadi masalah ketika terdapat ketidakseimbangan antara penjual dan pembeli, sehingga pembeli kurang merasa dihormati. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut kami mempunyai suatu cara yaitu membuat prolog yang memudahkan pembeli untuk mencari dan memilih motor yang sesuai dengan merek yang diinginkan serta tahun motor tersebut diproduksi. 1.2 Problem Statement 1. Not all people can operate computer. 2. Not all specification of the motorcycle can be showed by this system. 1.3 Scope 1. This program can work in motorcycle corporation. 2. It only shows brand,type,condition,price, price can reduced or not and when the motor cycle produced. 1.4 Ojectives 1. To help the seller to avoid their problem in servicing their customer. 2. To help the customer get the easiest way in finding their choice.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
1.5 Benefits 1. By using this system seller will be more relax in their job. 2. By using this system customer will be easier to choose and find their best choice. 3. It will make the expense of the seller become smaller,because they don‟t pay the employee.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
An expert system is a computer application that solves complicated problems that would otherwise require extensive human expertise. To do so, it simulates the human reasoning process by applying specific knowledge and interfaces. Expert systems also use human knowledge to solve problems that normally would require human intelligence. These expert systems represent the expertise knowledge as data or rules within the computer. These rules and data can be called upon when needed to solve problems. Books and manual guides have a tremendous amount of knowledge but a human has to read and interpret the knowledge for it to be used. There are several major application areas of expert system such as agriculture, education, environment, law manufacturing, medicine power systems etc. In this article we will review about agriculture, education, environment and medicine expert system. These four applications widely use among the practitioners due to the maturity of the field by revealing the acceptance of the technology by the commercial sectors.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
Step to use this program 1. Type word “mulai.”. 2. After appear =========Selamat datang di kuroijo motor========== =====Silahkan memilih motor yang anda minati===== ==ketik,"find(merek motor yang anda inginkan,tahun produksinya)"== 3. Type “find(the brand,when the motorcycle produced).” 4. Finally, it will show all motorcycle with particular brand, type, condition,price. 5. Don‟t forget to add “.” In end of typing. For example : you write “find(Yamaha,2003).”, So the output is “Yamaha,type of Yamaha,good or not good condition,15 juta)”.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
CHAPTER 4 EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT To make this expert system first we try to find what does our environment need,are there any problem or not. After that, my group see there are some problem in one object. It is service in a motorcycle shop. Sometimes, when the shop is very crowded and busy the seller can‟t service the customer maximally, so we try to solve this problem by making an expert system. First, we write what material that we need,for example : brand, type, year of production,price,etc. Then we begin our project with write the source in notepad. The source looks like the picture below : Figure 4.1
After writing the source in notepad, we save it and give a name with .pl type,like the picture below :
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
Figure 4.2
Third step is consult it in SWI prolog software. We type “mulai.” Word and press enter. Then we type “find(the brand of motor cycle,when the motorcycle produced ).”,don‟t forget to add fullstop at gthe end of writng. For example,the customer want honda‟s motorcycle and produced after 2005. So we type in the SWI prolog “find(Honda,2005).” The output is shown in Figure 4.3:
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
CHAPTER 5 EXPERT SYSTEM TEST CASE 1. Input The input of this system is brand of the motorcycle and the year of production. We can see the picture below (Figure 5.1) :
2. Output The output of this system is all possibility of motorcycle that similar brand and have year of production after the year in the input. To make it clearer we can see picture below (Figure 5.2) :
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION From all explanation and description above, we conclude that this system is very good way to make the job of motorcycle seller more effective and more efficient. It also gives many advantages for customer when they choose their favourite motorcycle. They will feel relax and free. By using this system seller doesn‟t need to spend their money to pay too much for employee, because they are helped by this system. We can say that his system is very useful. This expert system effectively can help seller and customer to determine kind of motorcycle.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
BIBLIOGRAPHY Book Max Bramer, BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, FIEE, FRSA, ILTM,Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,Logic programming with prolog University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom,British. Rosen,Kenneth A and Wright C R B 1999 Discrete Mathematics 4th edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall) A web page, http://websi.its-sbt.edu/elearning.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Biography pertama Alhamdulillah we can finish this job. My name is Fauzan Fahruzzaman. I come from Madiun city. My studying story start in SDN Doho,then SMPN 4 Madiun, then SMA Darul „Ulum 2 Jombang, and now I study in ITS Surabaya. I „m information system department student.
Nama saya adalah TAGOR ADITYA LAGA. Biasa dipanggil Adit, kelahiran Trenggalek 15 juli 1990. Saat ini aku tinggal di kost yang beralamatkan di Gebeng Wetan 17. Asalku dari Trenggalek,rumah disana juga. Saya mahasiswa jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS. Sekian……………………….
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
Nama saya Syarif Hidayatullah, saya lahir pada tanggal 04 – januari – 1992. Saya bersekolah dasar di SD Al – Azhar 13 Surabaya, dan dilanjutkan sekolah menengah pertama di SMP Al – Hikmah Surabaya, lalu selepas itu saya bersekolah menengah atas di SMA Negeri 3 Surabaya. Dan alhamdulillah setelah lulus dari SMA Negeri 3 Surabaya, saya diterima disalah satu PTN favorit di Indonesia, yaitu institut teknologi sepuluh nopember.
KS091201 – Discrete Mathematics
Final Project 2009
Appendices Cover, team information, abstract, table of contents, list of table or figure, acknowledgement, chapter 1 Introduction, chapter 2 Leterature review, chapter 3 Expert system design, chapter 4 Expert system development, chapter 5 Expert system test case, chapter 6 Conclusion, bibliography, author biography, appendices