JAKARTA, 27-29 MEI 2009
Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Software Company,2005-2008 For Evaluation Only.
BAGIAN A Seksi 1
MANNING ...........................................................................................................................4 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................4
BAGIAN B.......................................................................................................................................................6 Seksi 2 .............................................................................................................................................................6
Definition : ....................................................................................................................................................6 BAGIAN C .................................................................................................................................................... 14 Seksi 3
Categorization .................................................................................................................... 14
BAGIAN D ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Seksi 4
Training and Examination............................................................................................15
Seksi 5
Certification and Endorsment .................................................................................... 19
Seksi 6
Pengawakan Kapal /Crewing of vessel ................................................................. 38
Requrement s for a Certificate of Competency ................................................................46
Seksi 7 .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Navigation ............................................................................................................................. 55 Compasses ............................................................................................................................. 55 Automatic pilot....................................................................................................................... 55 Meteorology ............................................................................................................................ 55 Watchkeeping......................................................................................................................... 55 Celestial Navigation .............................................................................................................................59 Terrestrial Navigation.......................................................................................................................... 59 Compass – magnetic and gyro ..................................................................................................... 60 Steering control systems .................................................................................................................. 60 Meteorology.............................................................................................................................................. 60
Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Software Company,2005-2008 For Evaluation Only.
Safe working practices: .................................................................................................................. 100 Safety management ......................................................................................................................... 106 Safe working practices: .................................................................................................................. 114 Seksi 8
Crew Qualifications ..................................................................................................... 117
A medical practitioner issuing a certificate of medical fitness should specify the date the examination was undertaken, and the period for which the certificate of medical fitness is current. ........................................................................................................ 124
WAKTU KERJA ............................................................................................................... 125
Seksi 9
Kesejahteraan Awak Kapal .................................................................................. 125
Seksi 1
1.1. The STCW Convention
The key to maintaining a safe shipping environment and keeping our oceans clean lies in all seafarers across the world observing high standards of competence and professionalism in the duties they perform on board. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978, as amended in 1995 (STCW-95), sets those standards, governs the award of certificates and controls watchkeeping arrangements. Its provisions not only apply to seafarers, but also to ship-owners, training establishments and national maritime administrations. The Convention was adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in 1978 and came into force in 1984. During the late 1980s, it was clear that STCW-78 was not achieving its aim of raising professional standards world-wide, and so IMO members decided to amend it. This was done in the early 1990s, and the amended Convention is now referred to as STCW-95. Whereas the STCW-78 Convention focused almost entirely on knowledge, the emphasis of STCW-95 has been shifted to practical skills and competence underpinned by theoretical knowledge. The standards set by the Convention applies to seafarers of all ranks serving on sea-going merchant ships registered under the flag of a country Party to the Convention. The Administration should adopt measures, each for its national ships, for the purpose of ensuring that, from the point of view of safety of life at sea, all ships should be sufficiently and efficiently manned. Every ship to which the Regulations apply should be provided with an ap propriate safe manning document or equivalent issued by the Administration as evidence of the minimum safe. Since the project is concentrating on development of the Indonesian non-convention vessel standards, with regard to that this initial standard doesn’t refer fully to the STCW 1978 as amended due to different standard requirements geographically and needed. Therefore, the following initial drafting will be developed by modifying existing STCW standards with the addition of national requirements Berkaitan dengan pengawakan kapal perlu diperhatikan dengan daerah pelayaran, tipe kapal, ukuran kapal, jenis dan besarnya tenaga penggerak kapal. Selain hal hal tersebut diatas perlu dipertimbangkan juga dengan keselamatan kapal, keselamatan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan awak kapal dan keamanan
muatannya sehingga pengawakan kapal perlu menjadi perhatian selain jenis sertifikat, jumlah awak kapal, faktor lingkungan kerja, serta waktu kerja . Tujuannya agar menjamin bahwa pelaut bekerja dikapal untuk keselamatan, efisiensi dan keamanan kapal saat beroperasi. Adapun Kepelautan adalah segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan, pelatihan, sertif ikasi, kewenangan jabatan serta hak kewajiban pelaut dan pengawakan kapal.
Sehingga kapal harus diawaki oleh sejumlah awak kapal yang bekerja cukup untuk menjamim bahwa kapal dioperasikan dengan selamat ,efisien dan aman pada semua kondisi cuaca dengan memperhatikan tingkat kelelahan pelaut sesuai dengan kondisi alam, kondisi pelayaran, serta juga memperhatikan tingkat kesejahteraan sesuai dengan pengupahan, jaminan kesehatan dan lingkungan kerja. Ketika menetapkan awak kapal juga harus memperhatikan jam kerja awak kapal untuk menjamin waktu istirahat awak kapal ,demikian juga harus diperhatikan tentang makanan mereka sesuai ketentuan. Daerah pelayaran di Indonesia berdasarkan kondisi geografi dan meteorologi dengan urutan sebagai berikut: Daerah Pelayaran Semua Lautan Daerah Pelayaran Kawasan Indonesia Daerah Pelayaran Lokal Daerah Pelayaran Terbatas Daerah Pelayaran Pelabuhan dan Daerah Pelayaran Perairan Pedalaman
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1.2. Application
Standar pengawakan ini berlaku bagi kapal-kapal Indonesia : • •
Ukuran (GT ) < 500 berlayar Internasional Semua ukuran yang berlayar didalam negeri (Domestik)
BAGIAN B Seksi 2
Definition : 1. Pelayaran adalah satu kesatuan system yang terdiri
atas angkutan
diperairan,kepelabuhanan ,ke selamatan dan keamanan serta perlindungan lingkungan disemua lautan adalah daerah pelayaran untuk semua lautan
2. Pelayaran didunia
3. International voyage as a voyage from a port in a state to another port out side such state
4. Daerah kawasan Indonesia adalah daerah pelayaran yang meliputi daerah
yang dibatasi oleh garis yang ditarik dari titik 10˚lintang utara dipantai barat Malaysia sepanjang pantai Malaysia ,Singapura,Thailand ,Kamboja , Vietnam Selatan sampai di Tg Tiwan dan garis garis garis yang ditarik antara Tg Tiwan
dengan Tg Baturampon di Pilipina ,sepanjang pantai selatan philipina sampai TG San Agustin ke titik lintang 00 ˚-00’ -00 “ bujur 140- 00 00 timur ,ditarik ke hingga ttk lintang 09˚ 10.00 S / dan bujur 141 ˚ 00,00 T , kelintang 10 ˚ 11,00 S dan bujur 121- 00,00T ke lintang 09˚ 30.00 S / dan bujur 105 ˚00,00 T ke lintang 02 - 00,00 U dan bujur 094 00,00 T sampai dengan lintang 10 00,00 U dipantai barat Malaysia
5. Perairan Indonesia adalah laut teritorial Indonesia beserta perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman
atau sampai pantai
negara tetangga bila
perjanjian ( bilateral agreement)
6. Daerah Pelayaran Lokal adalah daerah pelayaran yang meliputi jarak dengan radius 500 mil dari suatu pelabuhan tertunjuk dan tidak memasuki wilayah perairan negara lain .Jarak ini diukur antara titik titik terdekat batas batas perairan
pelabuhan sampai pelabuhan yang
lazim .Apabila
tertunjuk dimaksud terletak pada sungai atau perairan wajib pandu maka jarak tersebut diukur dari atau sampai anak pelampung terluar atau sampai muara sungai atau batas luar dari perairan wajib pandu
7. Daerah Pelayaran terbatas adalah daerah pelayaran
yang meliputi jarak
dengan radius 100 mil dari suatu pelabuhan tertunjuk,jarak ini diukur antara titik titik terdekat batas batas perairan pelabuhan sampai tempat labuh yang
lazim .Jika pelabuhan tertunjuk dimaksud terletak pada sungai atau perairan wajib pandu maka jarak diukur dari atau sampai anak pelampung terluar atau sampai muara sungai atau batas luar dari perairan wajib pandu 8. Daerah Pelayaran Pelabuhan adalah perairan didalam daerah lingkungan kerja dan daerah lingkungan kepentingan pelabuhan 9. Daerah perairan Daratan adalah perairan sungai ,danau ,waduk ,kanal dan terusan 10. Angkutan
penumpang dan atau barang dengan menggunakan kapal 11. Angkutan laut pelayaran rakyat adalah usaha rakyat yang bersifat tradisional dan mempunyai karakteristik
tersendiri untuk melaksanakan angkutan
diperairan dengan menggunakan kapal layar ,kapal layar bermotor dan atau kapal mortor sederhana berbendera Indonesia dengan ukuran tertentu
12. Kapal adalah kendaraan air dengan bentuk dan jenis tertentu ,yang digerakkan dengan tenaga
angin ,tenaga mekanik ,energi lainnya ,ditarik ,ditunda
,termasuk kendaraan yang berdaya dukung dinamis ,kendaraan dibawah permukaan air,serta alat apung dan bangunan terapung yang tidak berpindah pindah
13. Kapal Indonesia adalah kapal yang memiliki kebangsaan Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Pemerintah
14. Kapal asing adalah kapal yang berbendera selain bendera Indonesia dan tidak dicatat dalam daftar kapal Indonesia
15. Pelaut adalah setiap orang yang mempunyai kualifikasi keahlian atau keterampilan sebagai awak kapal
16. Nakhoda adalah
salah seorang dari awak kapal yang menjadi pimpinan
tertinggi diatas kapal dan mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab tertentu sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang undangan
17. Awak kapal adalah orang yang bekerja atau dipekerjakan diatas kapal oleh pemilik atau operator kapal untuk melakukan tugas diatas kapal sesuai dengan jabatannya yang tercantum dalam buku sijil
18. Masinis (engineer Officer ) Adalah perwira bagian mesin
19. Operator radio ( Radio Operator) adalah perwira kapal yang bertanggung jawab atas tugas jaga radio (Means
a persons holding
an aprropriate
certificate issued or recognized by administration under the provision of the radio Regulation)
20. Dinas radio(Radio Duty ) include ,as appropriate watch keeping and technical maintenance and repair conducted in accordance with the radio regulations, the international Convention discretion
for the Safety
of life at Sea
of each Administration , the relevant
and , at the
Organization. 21. Officer means a member of the crew, other than the master, designated as an officer by national law or regulations or, in the absence of such designation, by collective agreement or custom;
22. Mualim1 ( chief Oficer ) adalah perwira kapal bagian deck yang jabatannya setingkat lebih rendah dari nakhoda kapal dan yang akan menggantikan tugas nakhoda kapal bila mana nakhoda kapal tidak cakap/ tidak mampu
incapacity / disable ) untuk melaksanakan tugasnya
23. Kepala Kamar Mesin (Chief Engineer officer ) :adalah perwira kapal bagian
mesin yang bertanggung jawab atas penggerak mekanis kapal serta operasi dan perawatan instalasi mekanis dan listrik kapal.
( chief engineer means the senior engineer officer responsible for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the vessel)
24. Masinis I (chief Engineer ): Adalah perwira kapal yang jabatannya setingkat lebih rendah dari Kepala Kamar mesin yang akan menggantikan tugas Kepala Kamar Mesin bila Kepala Kamar Mesin tidak cakap (incapacity /disable ) untuk melaksanakan tugasnya
25. Rating means a member of the vessel's crew other than the master or an officer;
26. Serang
( Boatswain ) adalah kepala kerja seluruh bintara dan tamtama
bagian deck
27. Juru mudi (Quarter master Able Bodied Seaman) adalah tamtama bagian deck
28. Kelasi ( Ordinary Sailor) tamtama bagian deck
29. Koki ( juru masak ) adalah yang mengurus perbekalan permakanan diatas kapal 30. Mandor Mesin ( Engine Foreman) adalah kepala kerja bintara dan tamtama bagian mesin 31. Juruminyak ( oiler ) adalah tamtama bagian mesin
32. Assistant engineer officer means a person under training to become an engineer officer and designated as such by national law or regulation 33. Certificate Means a valid document , by what ever name it may be know , issued or recognized by authority and authorising the holder to serve in a capacity appropriate to the certificate 34. Appropriate Certificate means certificate issued and endorsed in accordance with the provision of this annex and entitling the lawful hoilder thereof to serve in the capacity and perform the function involved at the level of of type ,tonnage ,power and means
responsibility specified therein on a ship
of propulsion concern while engaged on the particular voyage concerned
35. Certificate of Competency a document issued by an Authority recognising that the holder has met the requirements for the specified grade and permitting the
holder to serve in a vessel as a crew member with deck or engineering
responsibilities . Certificate of Competency includes certificates of proficiency,
recognition, service and validity and also a permit, authority or licence and any renewal or revalidation of a Certificate of Competency. It also includes restricted Certificates of Competency and temporary permits to serve. It does not include a certificate of medical fitness
36. Sertifikat Keterampilan khusus Pelaut adalah bukti pengakuan kecakapan dan keterampilan untuk melakukan tugas dan fungsi khusus dikapal
37. STCW Code means the Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code as adopted by the 1995 Conference resolution 2, as it may be amended; and STCW Convention means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended.
38. Passenger ship is a ship which carries more than twelve passengers 39. A cargo Ship is any ship which is not passenger ship
40. Oil tanker means a vessel constructed and used for the carriage of petroleum and petroleum products in bulk;
41. Chemical Tanker Means a ship constructed or adapt and used for carriage in bulk of any liquid
product listed inchapter 17 of the international gas
carrier code.
42. Liquid gas tanker Means a ship constructed or adapt and used for carriage in bulk of any
product listed in chapter 19 of the international gas
carrier code.
43. Ro ro passenger ship means
a passenger ship with roro cargo space or
special category spaces as defined in the International Convention for safety of life at sea 1974 ,as amended. 44. Kapal Penangkap ikan adalah kapal yang digunakan sebagai kapal penangkapan ikan ,paus ,anjing laut ,ikan duyung atau hewan yang hidup dilaut 45. Penangkapan ikan adalah kegiatan untuk memperoleh ikan diperairan yang tidak dalam keadaan dibudidayakan dengan alat atau cara apapun ,termasuk
kegiatan yang menggunakan kapal untuk memuat ,mengangkut ,menyimpan ,mendinginkan menangani ,mengolah dan atau mengawetkan 46. Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit adalah kapal yang digunakan pengeboran lepas pantai
untuk kegiatan
47. Kapal layar adalah kapal yang dilengkapi dengan alat layar sebagai alat
penggerak utama dan bukan kapal yang ditunda.
48. Kapal layar motor adalah kapal layar yang dilengkapi dengan mesin uap atau motor
yang hanya dalam keadaan keadaan tertentu sebagai ganti alat
layar digunakan sebagai
dan bukan kapal yang
49. Kapal pesiar pribadi kapal yang tuidak digunakan untuk berniaga
50. Perusahaan adalah Badan Hukum Indonesia yang bertanggung jawab atas pengoperasian kapal
51. Perjanjian Kerja laut adalah perjanjian kerja perorangan yang ditanda tangani oleh pelaut Indonesia dengan pengusaha angkutan perairan
52. Certificate Holder In relation to a certificate ,means the person identified as holder by that certificate
53. Kepelautan adalah segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan ,sertifikat ,kewenangan serta hak dan kewajiban pelaut dan pengawakan kapal
54. Pendidikan Kepelautan adalah pendidikan dalam berbagai jalur ,jenis , dan jenjang untuk mendapatkan dan atau meningkatkan keahlian dan keterampilan guna memperoleh ijazah atau sertifikat keahlian pelaut
55. Pendidikan dan pelatihan Kepelautan selanjutnya disingkat Diklat Kepelautan adalah pendidikan
kepelautan untuk mencapai tingkat keahlian dan
keterampilan tertentu sesuai dengan jenjang dan jenis kompetensi yang ditujukan untuk pengawakan kapal niaga 56. Diklat Keahlian Pelaut adalah diklat dalam berbagai jalur ,jenis dan jenjang untuk meningkatkan keahlian guna mendapatkan sertifikat keahlian pelaut
57. Diklat Keterampilan khusus pelaut adalah kecakapan
diklat untuk mendapatkan
keterampilan untuk melakukan tugas dan atau fungsi tertentu dikapal 58. Ujian Keahlian Pelaut adalah ujian kompetensi untuk mendapatkan sertifikat keahlian pelaut bagi peserta didik dengan metode ujian tulis dan ujian komprehensif 59. Ujian tulis adalah ujian yang yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi / menilai pengetahuan dan ilmu kepelautan yang telah dikuasai untuk melaksanakan
tugas tugas dikapal atau sector lain yang terkait 60. Ujian komprehensif adalah ujian yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi / me-nilai kompetensi terhadap pemahaman dan kecakapan yang telah dikuasai untuk melaksanakan tugas tugas dikapal atau sector lain yang terkait 61. Lembaga Diklat Kepelautan
adalah lembaga
diklat yang diselenggarakan
oleh pemerintah atau masyarakat sesuai ketentuan peraturan per undang undangan
62. Badan Diklat adalah Badan yang memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab dibidang pendidikan dan pelatihan perhubungan
63. Rekomendasi adalah hasil penilaian pemenuhan kriteria penyelenggaraan pendidikan kepelautan.
64. Sistem Standar mutu adalah sistem Standar Mutu Kepelautan Indonesia yang ditetapkan
Menteri Perhubungan
Pendidikan Nasional dan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi.
65. Komite Nasional Pengawasan Mutu Kepelautan Indonesia adalah lembaga non struktural yang mempunyai tugas melakukan pengawasan sistem standar mutu kepelautan Indonesia
66. Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan ,isi,dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai
penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan diklat kepelautan
67. Vokasi adalah pendidikan tinggi yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk memiliki pekerjaan dengan keahlian terapan tertentu maksimal setara dengan program strata
68. Praktek laut adalah bagian dari kegiatan
pada diklat
keopelautan berupa praktek berlayar untuk peserta pendidikan dan pelatihan kepelautan dikapal niaga dengan ukuran kapal ,tenaga penggereak utama dan daerah pelayaran yang ditetapkan.
69. Approved means approved by the Party in accordance with these regulation 70. Approve course means a course of study or training which achieves all of the outcomes to appropriate the standard in accordance whit a whole or part of syllabus for a subject and is approved by authority 71. Assessor a person having the relevant vocational competencies and qualified in accordance with National Training Authority Guidelines Authority the statutory marine authority of the Indonesian Government 72. Pengukuhan adalah pemberian kewenangan jabatan diatas kapal
73. Sertifikat Pengukuhan
dengan jenis dan tingkat sertifikat ,ukuran kapal dan daerah pelayaran adalah sertifikat yang memberikan kewenangan
kepada pemegang sertifikat yang memberikan kewenangan kepada pemegang sertifikat tersebut untuk menduduki suatu jabatan dikapal
74. Certificate of medical fitness or a medical certificate a certificate issued by a
registered medical practitioner, or, in the case of an eyesight test, a registered medical practitioner, optometrist, or officer of an Authority.
75. Short courses stand alone training modules delivered by an RTO which deliver specific competency requirements for Certificates of Competency.
76. Watchkeeping service(Jaga Laut ) Means service on a vessel in charge of a watch or service as understudy to or in training by a master ,whilst holding a certificate
of competency as required
by this section approved training
course or program a training course or program approved by an Authority Sea Going
77. Service Means service on board a ship relevant to the issue of a certificate or other qualification , performance of a duty related to the fuction normally permitted to the holder of a certificate for which the service qualifies
78. Tonnage is the tonnage of the ship as measured in accordance with the Indonesia Standard Tonnage Measurement
79. Tonase Kotor yang selanjutnya disebut GT adalah satuan volume kapal Table 2 — Length-tonnage relationships Length
Equivalent gross
12 24 30
20 80 200
NOTE:This table applies to trading vessels. The NSCV is length based. International conventions for trading vessels are tonnage based. Not all small vessels are aware of their tonnage which is a relatively complicated measurement based on the enclosed volume of the vessel. The length-tonnage relationships in this table allow for readers to understand where the length cut-offs relate to the international conventions such as STCW-95 80. Propulsion power means the total maximum continuous rated output power in
kilowatts of all the vessel's main propulsion machinery which appears on the vessel's certificate of registry or other official document
81. Kilowatt yang selanjutnya disebut KW adalah satuan kekuatan mesin kapal
82. Minimum Crew the minimum number of qualified and unqualified deck and engineering crew required to enable a vessel to be navigated in a passage situation within the designated operational area in reasonable conditions.
83. Operating conditions in the context of the definition of sea service, operating conditions includes when the vessel is underway, as well as some periods of vessel preparation, maintenance or other work where persons utilise relevant professional skills
84. Watch keeping service sea-service on a vessel in one of the following positions while holding a Certificate of Competency as required by this Part: a) b) c) d)
In charge of a watch. As Master, Mate or Engineer. As understudy to a Master or an Engineer. In training by a Master or an Engineer.
Seksi 3
Category A :Kapal standar pengawakannya memenuhi ketentuan-ketentuan internasional yang dikeluarkan oleh badan dunia terkait beserta protokol, koda dan amandemennya. Meliputi : Daerah Pelayaran semua lautan
Category B : Kapal Standar pengawakanya memenuhi kriteria standar kapalkapal nasional/standar kapal non-konvensi Indonesia yang dikompilasikan berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku, dan ketentuan-keten-tuan internasional yang sejenis dan setara. Meliputi : Daerah Pelayaran Kawasan Indonesia; Daerah Pelayaran Lokal;
Daerah Pelayaran Terbatas;
Category C : :Kapal Standar pengawakannya yang persyaratannya disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan. Meliputi : Daerah Pelayaran Pelabuhan dan; Daerah Pelayaran Perairan Daratan
Seksi 4
Training and Examination
Referenced Document The following documents are referred to in this Part. Any document referenced in this Part shall be considered to be the latest revision of the document including amendments. ii) Indonesia Regulation : a. PP no. 7 tahun 2000; b. PP no. 51 tahun 2002; c. KM. 70 tahun 1998; d. KM. 9 tahun 2005; e. KM. No.43 tahun 2008; iii) Internasional Regulation : a. ILO ( Berkenaan dengan kesejahteraan) b. STCW ( Berkenaan dengan kompetensi) c. WHO
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
4.1.1.Pendidikan Kepelautan meliputi Diklat Keahlian Pelaut diselenggarakan melalui jalur formal dan non formal dan Diklat Keterampilan khusus diselenggarakan melalui jalur non formal Diklat tersebut diseleng-garakan oleh Diklat Pemerintah pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah atau masyarakat yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang undangan. 4.1.2.Program Diklat Kepelautan dilakukan pengesahan (Approval) oleh Direktur Jendral setelah diberikan rekomendasi setelah memperhatikan jenis dan jenjang kemampuan profesi yang dihasilkan dengan akreditasi yang ditetapkan pemerintah. 4.1.3.Diklat Kepelautan tersebut pada butir 4.1.2 harus memenuhi sistem penyelenggaraan sesuai dengan ketentuan Sistem Standar Mutu Kepelautan Indonesia yaitu STCW 78 amandemen 95 dan standar pendidikan kapal non konvensi Indonesia. 4.1.4.Kurikulum Diklat keahlian Kepelautan ditetapkan oleh Kepala Badan Diklat dengan mengacu kepada persyaratan nasional dan internasional dan standar konvensi yang ditetapkan pemerintah 4.1.5.Penilaian memenuhi standar pada 4.1.3 diatas dilakukan evaluasi secara berkala paling sedikit 1 ( satu ) kali dalam satu tahun oleh seorang assesor yang telah disyahkan oleh pemerintah. 4.1.6.Diklat Keahlian Pelaut yang diselenggarakan melalui jalur formal sebagaimana pada butir 4.1.2 melalui jalur formal mencakup pendidikan vokasi dan Kejuruan. 4.1.7.Diklat Keahlian Pelaut yang diselenggarakan melalui jalur formal pada butir 4.1.1 terdiri atas Keahlian Pelaut Menengah dan Diklat Keahlian Pelaut Tinggi.
4.1.8. Standar kompetensi keahlian pelaut dan keterampilan khusus pelaut ditetapkan oleh Direktur Jenderal dengan mengacu pada standar nasional dan internasional. 4.1.9. Diklat keterampilan khusus pelaut diselenggarakan oleh UPT Badan Diklat atau Masyarakat,Program Diklat Keterampilan Khusus penye-lenggaraannya dilaksanakan setelah mendapat rekomendasi dari Badan Diklat atas nama pemerintah.
Diklat Keterampilan Khusus Pelaut terdiri atas Program :
a. Diklat keterampilan dasar keselamatan (basic safety training); b. Diklat keterampilan penggunaan pesawat luput maut dan sekoci penyelamat (survival craft and rescue boats); c. Diklat keterampilan sekoci penyelamat cepat (fast rescue boats); d. Diklat keterampilan pemadam kebakaran tingst lanjut (advanced training in fire fighting);
e. Diklat keterampilan pertolongan pertama (medical emergency first aid); f.
Diklat perawatan' medis (medical care);
g. Diklat keterampilan pengoperasian radar simulator (radar simulator); h. Diklat keterampilan pengoperasian radar ploting otomatis (Authomatic Radar Plotting Aids /ARPA); i.
Diklat sistem keamanan dan bahaya maritim global (Global Maritime Distress And Safety System/GMDSS);
Diklat keselamatan kapal tangki: 1)
familiarisasi kapal tangki (tanker familiarization);
pelatihan kapal tangki minyak (oil tanker training);
pelatihan kapal tanki bahan kimia (chemical tanker training); dan
pelatihan kapal tanki gas cair (liquefied gas tanker training).
k. Diklat keselamatan kapal penumpang dan kapal penumpang ro ro: 1). pelatihan manajemen pengendali masse (crowd management training); 2). pelatihan pengendali krisis dan perilaku manusia (crisis management and human behavior training). j.
Diklat pengendalian sumberdaya di anjungan (bridge resource management);
k. Diklat bahasa Inggris maritim ( Maritime English); l.
Diklat perwira keamanan kapal (ship security officer);
m. Diklat perwira keamanan perusahaan pelayaran (company security officer);
n. Diklat perwira keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan (port facility security officer); dan o. Diklat lain yang diwajibkan/disarankan oleh konvensi/code/ circular yang diterbitkan oleh IMO dan atau atas permintaan perusahaan pelayaran
4.2. Pelaksanaan Ujian
4.2.1. Direktur Jenderal berwenang dan bertanggung jawab dalam penye-lenggaraan ujian keahlian pelaut dalam pelaksanaannya dibentuk Dewan Penguji Keahlian Pelaut (DPKP) dan Pelaksana Ujian Keahlian Pelaut (PUKP) yang bertugas membantu penyelenggaraan ujian keahlian pelaut. 4.2.2. Peserta pendidikan kepelautan yang lulus ujian diberikan sertifikat keahlian pelaut sesuai dengan jenis dan jenjang pendidikan kepelautan yang ditempuh 4.2.3. ljazah diberikan dikepada Peserta Diklat Kepelautan yang melalui jalur formal,bagi Peserta Diklat Kepelautan melalui jalur non formal yang telah dinyatakan lulus ujian diberikan Surat Tanda Tamat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepelautan (STTPK). 4.2.4. DPKP mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai berikut:
a) menyelenggarakan kegiatan ujian keahlian pelaut untuk mendapatkan Sertifikat Keahlian Pelaut; b) melaksanakan administrasi penyelenggaraan ujian keahlian pelaut; c) menghimpun, meneliti dan menyusun soal-soal ujian keahlian pelaut untuk disimpan di dalam Bank soal dan dapat diakses oleh masyarakat yang memerlukan; d) melakukan verifikasi terhadap persyaratan pendaftaran peserta ujian; e) menetapkan jadual ujian, tata tertib ujian dan sistem penilaian; f) menjaga kerahasiaan naskah ujian yang akan diujikan; dan g) melaporkan dan mempertanggung jawabkan penyelenggaraan ujian keahlian pelaut kepada Direktur Jenderal.
The local knowledge requirements
a. b. c.
shall be clearly defined and administered so that they do not become a barrier to mutual recognition Local Requirement. Local knowledge requirements shall be kept to the minimum required for the safe operation of vessels in such areas. An Authority may impose a local knowledge requirement on operators of certain classes of vessels operating in certain areas within its jurisdiction.
4.2.6.Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara penerbitan Sertifikat Keahlian Pelaut dan Sertifikat Keterampilan Pelaut sebagaimana dimaksud diatur dengan Keputusan Menteri;
4.2.7.Pelaksanaan ujian sertifikasi keahlian pelaut dimana untuk mendapatkan sertifikat keahlian pelaut harus lulus ujian yang dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Penguji yang mandiri (Independen) sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan
Ujian komprehensif meliputi : Bidang Keahlian Nautika Niaga : 1) 2) 3) 4) b.
navigasi; penanganan dan pengaturan muatan; pengawasan terhadap pengoperasian kapal dan perlindungan terhadap orang di kapal; dan Bahasa Inggris maritim.
Bidang Keahlian Teknika Niaga : 1) 2) 3)
permesinan kapal; listrik, elektronika dan sistem kontrol; pengawasan terhadap pengoperasian kapal dan perlindungan terhadap orang di kapal perawatan dan perbaikan permesinan kapal; dan Bahasa Inggris maritim.
4) 5)
Bidang Keahlian Nautika Penangkapan lkan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
navigasi; penanganan dan pengaturan hasil tangkap/muatan; pengawasan terhadap pengoperasian kapal dan perlindungan terhadap orang di kapal; dan Bahasa Inggris maritim.
Bidang Keahlian Teknika Periangkapan Ikan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
permesinan kapal; listrik, elektronika, dan sistem kontrol; pengawasan terhadap pengoperasian kapal dan perlindungan terhadap orang di kapal; perawatan dan perbaikan permesinan kapal; dan Bahasa Inggris maritim.
Seksi 5
Certification and Endorsment
5.1. Certification of Competency
5.1.1. Certificate of Competency a document issued by an Authority recognising that the holder has met the requirements for the specified grade and permitting the holder to serve in a vessel as a crew member with deck or engineering responsibilities includes certificates of proficiency, recognition, service and validity and also a permit, authority or licence and any renewal or revalidation of a Certificate of Competency. It also includes restricted Certificates of Competency and temporary permits to serve. It does not include a certificate of medical fitness.
5.1.2. An Authority may issue a Certificate of Competency, where the applicant can demonstrate an equivalent level of competency to that required by this Standard, and meet all the other requirements specified for that certificate.This competency may have been gained by prior training, qualifications, or experience (or a combination thereof) gained outside of the provisions of this Standard,
5.1.3. Eligibility for issue of a Certificate of Competency
To be eligible for the issue of a Certificate of Competency, a person shall have: a. b.
satisfactorily completed all the requirements specified for the Certificate of Competency sought; and demonstrated to the issuing Authority that he/she possesses to be able to undertake safely all the duties and responsibilities permitted by the Certificate of Competency.
5.1.4. Cancellation or suspension of Certificates Of Competency Cancellation or suspension with due process
An Authority may cancel or suspend a Certificate of Competency, or mutual recognition of that Certificate of Competency, in
whole or in part where the Authority, having followed due process according to the laws of that jurisdiction, believes that the holder of a Certificate of Competency— a)
b) c) d)
is incompetent, negligent or has engaged in misconduct relating to the safe navigation, management or working of a vessel; is unable, for whatever reason, to fulfil properly the duties appropriate to the Certificate of Competency; has made a false or misleading representation in obtaining the Certificate of Competency; or has forged or altered the Certificate of Competency.
A cancellation or suspension shall be advised to Indonesia marine authorities and any relevant overseas Marine Safety Authority.
A cancellation or suspension has effect throughout Indonesia.
Normal administrative appeals procedures of the relevant jurisdiction apply with regard to such actions by an Authority
5.1.5. Immediate cancellation or suspension
An Authority may immediately suspend, restrict, refuse to grant or to mutually recognise a Certificate of Competency of a crew member where it believes that the vessel, the environment, other water users, crew or members of the public could be put at serious risk
5.1.6. Restricted Certificates of Competency
Where an Authority considers that it is unreasonable or impractical to fulfil all the requirements for the issue of a Certificate of Competency, a restricted Certificate of Competency shall be issued provided the safety of the vessel is not compromised. A restricted Certificate of Competency shall have the nature and extent of the restriction clearly printed on the certificate, with the word “RESTRICTED” clearly visible in the title of the Certificate of Competency
5.1.7. Recognition of foreign qualifications
A current Certificate of Competency issued in a country other than Indonesia may be recognised as equivalent in whole or in part towards the issue of a Certificate of Competency in accordance with this Standard provided the following conditions are met: a) The Certificate of Competency shall be referred to Indonesian Sea Transportation regulation for
verification before being considered for recognition. b) The recognition of the Certificate of Competency shall include any conditions imposed by the original issuing agency. c) The period of validity of the recognition of the Certificate of Competency shall not exceed the period of validity of the foreign Certificate of Competency, or 5 years whichever is the lesser. d) The Authority confirms the competence of the holder through an oral examination
A Certificate of Competency issued by an Authority in recognition of a foreign Certificate of Competency shall state that the Certificate of Competency was issued in recognition of the foreign Certificate of Competency. A Certificate of Competency issued in recognition of a foreign Certificate of Competency shall not be recognised by other Authorities without reference to the original foreign Certificate of Competency.
5.1.8. Changing from a fishing to a trading Certificate of Competency
Should the holder of a fishing Certificate of Competency wish to obtain an equivalent or lower trading Certificate of Competency , the requirements for the new Certificate of Competency shall be met. The new certificate shall be subject to the requirements of this standard, including those pertaining to revalidation and renew
An Authority may exempt a person from fulfilling all the requirements necessary for the issue of a Certificate of Competency. This provision applies, but is not limited to, Certificates of Competency for use in the operation of vessels in sheltered and inland waters or areas in and adjacent to ports. A restricted Certificate of Competency is for use only within the jurisdiction of the issuing Authority and it may not be recognised by another Authority.
5.2. Jenis Sertifikat Pelaut Indonesia
Sertifikasi pelaut Indonesia untuk kapal Katagori A pelaut Indonesia Katagori A mengacu kepada STCW 78 amandemen 95 terdiri sertifikat keahlian pelaut Sertifikat
(Certificate Of Competency/COC)dan sertifikat keterampilan pelaut (Certificate of Proficiency / COP)
Jenis jenis sertifikat keahlian pelaut (COC) terdiri dari:
1) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut nautika : Sertifikat ahli nautika tingkat I (ANT I) Sertifikat ahli nautika tingkat II (ANT II) Sertifikat ahli nautika tingkat III (ANT III) Sertifikat ahli nautika tingkat IV (ANT IV) Sertifikat ahli nautika tingkat V (ANT V) Sertifikat ahli nautika tingkat dasar
a. b. c. d. e. f.
2) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut tehnika permesinan : Sertifikat Sertifikat Sertifikat Sertifikat Sertifikat Sertifikat
keahlian keahlian keahlian keahlian keahlian keahlian
tehnika tehnika tehnika tehnika tehnika tehnika
tingkat tingkat tingkat tingkat tingkat tingkat
a. b. c. d. e. f.
3) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut radio elektronika a. b. c. d.
Sertifikat Sertifikat Sertifikat Sertifikat
radio elektronika ( REK I ) radio elektronika ( REK II ) operator radio umum ( ORU ) operator radio terbatas ( ORT )
Sertifikat kompetensi untuk kapal niaga Katagori B dan Katagori C terdiri dari
1) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut nautika . a. b. c. d. e.
Nautika Tingkat I Nautika Tingkat II Nautika Tingkat III Nautika Tingkat IV Nautika Tingkat V
2) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut tehnika permesinan . a. b. c. d. e.
Tehnika Tingkat I Tehnika Tingkat II Tehnika Tingkat III Tehnika Tingkat IV Tehnika Tingkat V
Jenis sertifikat keahlian pelaut kapal penangkap ikan terdiri dari:
1) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut nautika penangkap ikan . a. b. c.
2) Sertifikat keahlian pelaut tehnika permesinankapal penangkap ikan . ATKAPIN I ATKAPIN II ATKAPIN III
a. b. c.
5.3. Sertifikat keterampilan khusus (Certificate of proficiency /COP) 5.3.1. Sertifikat keterampilan dasar pelaut yaitu sertifikat dasar keselamatan ( Basic Safety Training / BST ) 5.3.2. Sertifikat Keterampilan Khusus terdiri dari :
1) Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki
a. Familiarisasi kapal tangki (tanker familiarization) b. Program pelatihan tingkat lanjut tentang pengoperasian kapal tanki minyak (advance training program on oil tanker operation) c. Program pelatihan tingkat lanjut tentang pengoperasian kapal tanki bahan kimia (advance training program on chemical tanker operation) d. Program pelatihan tingkat lanjut tentang pengoperasian kapal tanki gas cair (advance training program on liquid gas tanker operation)
2) Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – Ro yang terdiri dari: a. Pelatihan Manajemen Pengendalian masa (Crowd Manage-ment Training) b. Pelatihan Familiarisasi kapal penumpang Ro ro (Familiarisasi) c. Pelatihan Keselamatan untuk personil yang memberikan pelaya-nan langsung kepada penumpang pada ruangan ruangan penumpang (Safety Training for personel providing direct service to passenger in passengers space)
d. Pelatihan keselamatan penumpang ,muatan dan kekedapan lambung (passenger safety,cargo safety and hull integrity training) e. Pelatihan pengendalian krisis dan perilaku manusia ( Crisis management and human behaviour training ) f. g. Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut (AFF) g. h. Sertifikat Keterampilan pertolongan pertaman (medical first aid / MFA)
3) Sertifikat Keterampilan penggunaan pesawat luput maut (SCRB) 4) Sertifikat Keterampilanperawatan medis diatas kapal (medical care on board / MC) 5) Pengendalian Sumber Daya di anjungan (Bridge resource Management) 6) Radar Simulator (Radar Simulator) 7) Alat bantu plotting radar otomatis(radar observation dan auto-matic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator) 8) Operator Radio Umum(GOC for GMDSS) 9) Operator Radio Terbatas (ROC for the GMDSS) 10) Fast Rescue Boat 11) Ship Security Officer 12) Company Security Officer 13) Port Facility Security Officer 14) Bahan bahan berbahaya dan beracun(dangerous and hazardous Material) 15) Electronics Charts Display and Information System /ECDIS
No 1 2
Jenis Sertifikat Sertifikat Keahlian ( CoC) Sertifikat Keterampilan (CoP)
Masa berlaku Seumur hidup Berlaku 5 tahun
1. Sertifikat Operator Radio Umum (GOC for the GMDSS) 2. Sertifikat Operator Radio Terbatas (ROC for the GMDSS) 3. Pelatihan Khusus Kapal Tanki Minyak (Oil Tanker
No 1
Jenis Sertifikat Masa berlaku Sertifikat Keahlian ( CoC) Seumur hidup Specialized Training) 4. Pelatihan Khusus Kapal Tanki Bahan Kimia (Chemical Tanker Specialized Training) 5. Pelatihan Khusus Kapal Tanki Gas Cair (Liquid Gas Tanker Specialized Training) 6. Pengendalian masa (Crowd Management) 7. Keselamatan ,penumpang ,muatan dan keutuhan lambung (Passenger safety ,cargo safety and hull integrity) 8. Pengendalian krisis dan perilaku manusia (crisis management and human behaviour) 1. Radar Simulator Tanpa dibatasi 2. ARPA Simulator 3. Familiarisasi kapal tangki (tanker familiarization 4. Sertifikat keterampilan dasar pelaut yaitu sertifikat dasar keselamatan (Basic Safety Training / BST ) 5. Sertifikat Keterampilan penggunaan pesawat luput maut (SCRB) 6. Fast Rescue Boat 7. Sertifikat Keterampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut (AFF) 8. Sertifikat Keterampilan pertolongan pertama (medical first aid / MFA) 9. Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal (medical care on board / MC) 10. Pengendalian Sumber Daya di anjungan (Bridghe resource Management) 11. Ship Security Officer 12. Company Security Officer 13. Port Facility Security Officer 14. Bahan bahan berbahaya dan beracun (dangerous and hazardous Marterial ) 15. Electronics Charts Display and Information System /ECDIS)
5.5. Sertifikat Keterampilan yang wajib direvalidasi a. b. c. d. e. f.
Sertifikat Operator Radio Umum (GOC for the GMDSS) Sertifikat Operator Radio Terbatas (ROC for the GMDSS) Pelatihan Khusus Kapal Tanki Minyak (Oil Tanker Specialized Training) Pelatihan Khusus Kapal TankiBahan Kimia (Chemical Tanker Specialized Training) Pelatihan Khusus Kapal Tanki Gas Cair (Liquid Gas Tanker Specialized Training) PengeKeselamatan ,penumpang ,muatan dan keutuhan lambung
(Passenger safety ,cargo safety and hull integrity)
Pengendalian krisis dan perilaku manusia (crisis management and human behaviour)
5.6. Sertifikat yang harus dimiliki oleh Awak Kapal Bagian Deck Katagori A Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT ≥ 3000
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran ≥ 3000 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal ( medical care on board / MC ) Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
4 5 6 7 8
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT 500 s/d < 3000
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran 500 GT dan < 3000 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observation dan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal ( medical care on board / MC ) Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut (AFF) 26
2 3
4 5 6 7
Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT ≥ 500 Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran 500 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observation dan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal (medical care on board / MC ) Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
2 3
4 5 6
7 8
No Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT < 500 1 Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran <500 GT 2 Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) 3 Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) 4 Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro 5 Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier 6 Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal ( medical care on board / MC ) 7 Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) 8 Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No Mualim dikapal GT ≥ 500 1 Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai mualim untuk ukuran ≥ 500 GT 2 Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) 3 Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) 4 Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro 5 Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil
No Mualim dikapal GT ≥ 500 tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier 6 Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) 7 Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No Mualim dikapal GT < 500 1 Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai mualim untuk ukuran < 500 GT 2 Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) 3 Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) 4 Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro 5 Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier 6 Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) 7 Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1 2 3
Rating bagian deck yang lainnya wajib memiliki Sertifikat keterampilan dasar pelaut yaitu sertifikat dasar keselamatan (Basic Safety Training / BST ) Sertifikat Keterampilan khusus sesuai dengan jenis kapal Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
5.7. Sertifikat yang harus dimiliki oleh Awak Kapal Bagian Mesin Katagori A
No 1 2 3 4 5
No 1 2
KKM (Chief Engineer) dan Masinis II ( Second Engineer) dikapal dengan tenaga penggerak 750 s/d < 3000 KW Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai Kepala Kamar Mesin dan Masinis II untuk kapal dengan tenaga penggerak 750 s/d 3000 KWatau lebih Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Masinis yang melakukan tugas jaga Sertifikat Keahlian Masinis Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro –ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro
4 5
No 1 2 3 4
Rating bagian mesin yang melakukan tugas jaga Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai rating bagian mesin Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) bagi yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengendalian pemadaman kebakaran . Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) bagi yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengendalian pemadaman kebakaran . Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
5.8. Untuk Kapal Katagory B Bagian Deck Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT ≥ 3000 Katagori B
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran ≥ 3000 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal ( medical care on board / MC ) Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT 500 s/d <3000 Katagori B
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran 500 GT dan < 3000 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observation dan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal ( medical care on board / MC ) Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT100 < 500 Katagori B
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran <500 GT
2 3
4 5 6
2 3
4 5 6 7
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT100 < 500 Katagori B
Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Keterampilan perawatan medis diatas kapal ( medical care on board / MC ) Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
4 5 6 7
Mualim dikapal 100 < 500 Katagori B
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai mualim untuk ukuran ≥100 GT < 500
Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT < 100 s/d 35 Katagori B
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran <500 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic
4 5 6
2 3
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT < 100 s/d 35 Katagori B
radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) bagi yang dilengkapi dengan radar arpa Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Sebagai Mualim
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran <500 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) bagi yang dilengkapi dengan radar arpa Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
dikapal GT < 100 s/d 35 Katagori B
4 5 6
No Rating bagian deck yang lainnya wajib memiliki 1 Sertifikat keterampilan dasar pelaut yaitu sertifikat dasar keselamatan (Basic Safety Training / BST ) 2 Sertifikat Keterampilan khusus sesuai dengan jenis kapal 3 Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
5.9. Awak Kapal Bagian Mesin Katagori B
No 1 2 3 4 5
KKM ( Chief Engineer)dan Masinis II ( Second Engineer ) dikapal dengan tenaga penggerak 750 s/d < 3000 KW Katagori B Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai Kepala Kamar Mesin dan Masinis II untuk kapal dengan tenaga penggerak 750 s/d 3000 KWatau lebih Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran ti ngkat lanjut ( AFF) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1 2
Masinis yang melakukan tugas jaga Kapal Katagori B Sertifikat Keahlian Masinis Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kerampilan pemadaman kebakaran tingkat lanjut ( AFF) bagi yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengendalian pemadaman kebakaran . Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
3 4 5
Rating bagian mesin yang melakukan tugas jaga Katagori B Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai rating bagian mesin Sertifikat Keterampilan Keselamatan kapal Penumpang Ro – ro yang berlayar dikapal penumpang Roro Sertifikat keterampilan keselamatan kapal tanki bagi yang bekerja dikapal oil tanker / chemical carier / gas carrier Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1 2 3
Untuk Awak Kapal Bagian Deck Katagory C
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT 35< 100 atau panjang kapal>12 mt Katagori C
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran 500 GT 35 <100 Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observation dan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator )bagi yang dilengkapi dengan radar arpa Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Sebagai Mualim
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran <500 GT Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Keterampilan pengoiperasian radar simulator dan alat bantu plotting radar otomatis ( radar observationndan automatic radar ploting aid simulator / ARPA simulator ) bagi yang dilengkapi dengan radar arpa Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
2 3
2 3
dikapal GT35< 100 atau panjang kapal>12 mt
Nakhoda dan Mualim I dikapal GT 7 < 35 atau panjang kapal <12 mt
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran GT 7< 35 Sertifikat Keahlian pelaut radio elektronika sekurang kurangnya sertifikat operator radio umum ( ORU) Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Sebagai Mualim
1 2
Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai nakhoda dan mualim I untuk ukuran GT 7< 35 Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Rating bagian deck yang lainnya wajib memiliki
dikapal GT 7 < 35 atau panjang kapal <12 mt
1 2
Sertifikat keterampilan dasar pelaut yaitu sertifikat dasar keselamatan (Basic Safety Training / BST ) Sertifikat Keterampilan khusus sesuai dengan jenis kapal
Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1 5
Awak Kapal Bagian Mesin untuk Katagory C
KKM ( Chief Engineer ) dan Masinis II ( Second Engineer ) dikapal dengan tenaga penggerak 750 s/d < 3000 KW Katagori B Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai Kepala Kamar Mesin dan Masinis II untuk kapal dengan tenaga penggerak 750 s/d 3000 KWatau lebih Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1 5
Masinis yang melakukan tugas jaga Kapal Katagori C Sertifikat Keahlian Masinis Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
No 1 2
Rating bagian mesin yang melakukan tugas jaga Katagori C Sertifikat Keahlian sebagai rating bagian mesin Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku
Sertifikat Pengukuhan
Penerbitan Sertifikat
5.12.1. Pengukuhan adalah pemberian kewenangan jabatan diatas kapal sesuai dengan jenis dan tingkat sertifikat ,ukuran kapal dan daerah pelayaran 5.12.2. Sertifikat Pengukuhan adalah sertifikat yang memberikan kewenangan kepada pemegang sertifikat yang memberikan kewenangan kepada pemegang sertifikat tersebut untuk menduduki suatu jabatan dikapal
a. Sertifikat Pengukuhan penerbitannya berdasarkan sertifikat keahlian pelaut yang digunakan untuk memenuhi persyaratan jabatan dikapal , berlaku 5 tahun dan dapat diperbaharui sesuai ketentuan serta ditanda tangani oleh Direktur Jendral atau pejabat yang ditunjuk b. Pengukuhan atas sertifikat keahlian pelaut ditetapkan Direktur Jendral atau pejabat yang ditunjuk c. Where a specific operation requires crew to have undertaken additional training and possess experience relating to that operation, specific endorsements shall be made by an Authority on the Certificate of Competency d. Where an Authority other than the issuing Authority makes an endorsement on a Certificate of Competency, a copy of the endorsement shall be sent to the Authority that issued the original Certificate of Competency.
Ujian Pengukuhan
Ujian dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah atau Diklat yang sudah ditunjuk Diklat Kepelautan diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Perhubungan, pemerintah daerah, atau masyarakat sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang- undangan.
Revalidasi terhadap Sertifikat Pengukuhan Authority to revalidate
A Certificate of Competency, or an endorsement to a Certificate of Competency, shall only be revalidated by the Authority that issued the certificate or the endorsement.
1) Memiliki Sertifikat Pengukuhan yang telah habis masa berlakunya harus memenuhi persyaratan :
a. Memiliki Sertifikat Kesehatan yang masih berlaku dari rumah sakit yang ditunjuk b. Memiliki masa berlayar minimal 12 (dua belas) bulan dalam jabatan yang sesuai dengan sertifikat yang dimiliki nya dalam rentang waktu 5 tahun , atau c. Melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi dibidang keselamatan pelayaran atau bertugas sebagai pengajar pada lembaga diklat kepelautan minimal 12 ( dua belas) bulan dalam rentang waktu 5 tahun terakir, atau d. Mengikuti diklat penyegaran ( refreshing training ) pada lembaga diklat kepelautan yang program diklatnya telah mendapatkan telah mendapat pengesahan ( approval ) dari Direktur Jendral , atau e. Lulus ujian komprehensif untuk sertifikat keahlian pelaut tingkat I,II, damn III bagi sertifikat keahlian pelaut tingkat IV,V dan dasar melalui ujian lisan , atau f. Berlayar minimal 3 ( tiga ) bulan dengan jabatan satu tingkat lebih rendah dari kewenangan tertinggi .
5.16. Inclusion of competencies that apply to lower grade Certificates of Competency Where a candidate is being assessed for their first deck or engineering Certificate of Competency, the competencies that applied to all relevant lower grade Certificates of Competency shall be included in the assessment.
5.17. Oral examination by an Authority
The oral examination by an Authority should be undertaken when all other requirements for the issue of a Certificate of Competency have been successfully completed.
5.18. Remission of sea-service for completion of an approved training program or course Where training in an approved training course or program involves structured on-the-job training that enhances the quality of sea-service
(including watchkeeping service) an Authority may agree that completion of specified approved courses or programs could result in a remission of up to 33 per cent of the sea-service required for the Certificate of Competency .
5.19. Remission of assessment
5.20. STCW-95 Endorsement
Where training in an approved training course or program that is competency based has been assessed by an Authority as providing a level of competence equivalent to that gained by sea-service, an Authority may accept demonstration of these competencies in lieu of part or all of the sea-service requirements for a Certificate of Competency.
Where a STCW-95 Endorsement is required for a trading Certificate of Competency, the holder of that Certificate of Competency may apply to Indonesia Sea Transportation for the issue of an appropriate endorsement. Certificates of Competency issued in accordance with this Standard shall not be deemed to satisfy the provisions of STCW-95 unless the Certificate of Competency has been endorsed to that effect.
Sertifikat Pengukuhan penerbitannya berdasarkan sertifikat keahlian pelaut yang digunakan untuk memenuhi persyaratan jabatan dikapal, berlaku 5 tahun dan dapat diperbaharui sesuai ketentuan serta dirtanda tangani oleh Direktur Jendral atau pejabat yang ditunjuk.
Pengawakan Kapal /Crewing of vessel
6.1. Safe manning
Seksi 6
In establishing the minimum safe manning for a vessel, the Administration shall observe the broad principles set out , as far as is practicable and reasonable, take into account the guidelines the principles agreed by the Organization. In all cases the Administration shall ensure the capability to:
1) maintain safe navigational, engineering and radio watches in accordance of the Indonesian Standard, and also maintain general surveillance of the vessel; 2) moor and unmoor the vessel safely; 3) manage the safety functions of the vessel when employed in a stationary or near-stationary mode; 4) perform operations, as appropriate, for the prevention of damage to the marine environment; 5) maintain the safety arrangements and the cleanliness of all accessible spaces to minimize the risk of fire; 6) provide for medical care on board the vessel; 7) ensure safe carriage of cargo during transit; and 8) inspect and maintain, as appropriate, the structural integrity of the vessel. 9) And In addition, the Administration shall ensure the ability to: a. operate all watertight closing arrangements and maintain them in effective condition, and also deploy a competent damage control party; b. operate all on-board fire-fighting and emergency equipment and life-saving appliances, carry out such maintenance of this equipment as is required 38
watchkeeping; hours of work or rest; safety management; certification of seafarers; training of seafarers; occupational health and hygiene; and crew accommodation
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.
to be done at sea, and muster and disembark all persons on board; and c. operate the main propulsion and auxiliary machinery and maintain the machinery in a safe condition to enable the vessel to overcome the foreseeable perils of the voyage. d. In applying the principles , the Administration should also take account, as appropriate, of existing International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organisation, International Telegraphic Union and World Health Organization instruments in force which cover :
The following on-board functions, when applicable, should also be taken into account when determining safe manning:
1) ongoing training requirements for all personnel, including the operation and use of fire-fighting and emergency equipment, life-saving appliances and watertight closing arrangements; 2) specialized training requirements for particular types of vessels; 3) provision of proper food and drinking water; 4) need to undertake emergency duties and responsibilities; and 5) need to provide training opportunities for entrant seafarers to allow them to gain the training and experience needed.
A vessel must at all times when under way or operating carry sufficient competent and trained crew so that:
a. The vessel can safely navigate, berth and unberth. b. The essential vessel systems can be operated and monitored safely. c. Immediate and appropriate emergency action can be taken when there is a failure of an essential system. 39
d. Immediate and measured response can be provided in an emergency situation. e. The crew can safely abandon the vessel if required. NOTE: The minimum crew is not tailored to the nature of trade or particular activities, functions, or business carried out on the vessel.
In addition to the minimum crew, a vessel must at all times when underway or operating, carry sufficient crew in terms of both number and competence to:
a. Eliminate or control to acceptable levels risk associated with the nature of the activity conducted by the vessel. b. Provide a measured response to emergencies or risks that may threaten the vessel or persons onboard during normal or abnormal conditions when considering all facets of the vessel’s operation. c. Facilitate the rapid and safe evacuation of all persons onboard the vessel.
1. Determination of minimum crew
Minimum crew shall be determined by adopting either the deemedtosatisfy solution or a local equivalent solution
i. Deemed-to-satisfy solution
A vessel is deemed to meet the minimum crew requirements of this Standard . An Authority may specify that a local equivalent solution shall apply in place of the deemed-to-satisfy solution.
ii. Local equivalent solution for minimum-crew
An Authority may determine a minimum-crew that is different from that specified after considering local factors and the operation of the vessel. In such cases, the Authority shall ensure the required outcome
iii. Validity of local equivalent solution for minimum-crew
A local equivalent solution is only valid— a. within the jurisdiction of the Authority making the determination; and b. for operations within the parameters that were used for the determination. If a vessel for which a local equivalent solution for minimum crew has been determined operates in another jurisdiction, then the deemedto-satisfy solution for minimum crew shall apply.
6.5. DETERMINATION OF ADEQUATE CREW In determining the adequate crew required, the risks to the vessel and to the persons onboard (crew and passengers) shall be evaluated.
The evaluation shall take into account, but is not necessarily limited to, the following factors:
a. Task or employment (i.e. passenger carrying, fishing, etc.) of the vessel and any particular demands on the crew that the task imposes on the vessel in addition to its safe navigation. b. Number of persons carried on the vessel. c. Design characteristics of the vessel including its machinery and equipment. d. Expected conditions including weather, climate and water temperatures. e. Length of voyage. f. Fatigue. g. Foreseeable emergencies. h. State and repair of the vessel and its machinery and equipment. i. Safe and timely evacuation of all people from the vessel in an emergency. j. Risks to the environment, and other persons. k. Skills and experience of crew. l. Support available to the vessel and its crew. m. Any factors identified by an Authority as relevant to safe operation. n. Any other identified factors, operational practices or known risks.
NOTES: 1. The adequate crew for a vessel may change from day to day depending on operating conditions and other circumstances. For example the number of passengers on a particular voyage.
6.6. Additional crew
2. Specifies requirements for emergency preparedness and safety management systems that will need to be taken into account when determining adequate crewing. 3. Legislation may specify specific requirements for the determination of adequate crew. 4. Legislation may require an owner to identify the basis on which the adequate crew was determined. It may also require any owner to prove the effectiveness of the adequate crew and their training by conducting a drill simulating as closely as practicable to situations considered in the determination of the adequate crew.
1) It shall be the duty of an owner of a vessel to which this regulation applies to notify in writing to the Administration -
a. the geographical limits within which he proposes that the vessel be navigated; b. the number of crewmen in addition to the master whom the owner considers it appropriate that the vessel should carry when being navigated within the geographical limits so notified; and c. whether the owner considers it appropriate that, when the vessel is being so navigated, a crewman should be the holder of a licence of any grade under these Standard.
2) The Administration may approve -
a. the number of crewmen notified ; and b. that a crewman is to be, or that no crewman need be, the holder of a licence in accordance with a notification under
3) A vessel to which this regulation applies shall not proceed on a voyage or excursion unlessa. the Administration has been notified in accordance with b. the Administration has given an approval in accordance with I; and c. the manning of the vessel is in accordance with the approval given under .
6.7. FIRST-AID REQUIREMENT A vessel operating under this standard shall carry a crew member with a current first-aid qualification.
6.8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNERS The owner shall ensure that a vessel underway carries the minimum or adequate crew.
Note: Generally speaking, adequate crew is going to be more than the minimum crew but under certain circumstances it may be same as the minimum crew. Owners shall ensure all crew receive ship specific training to familiarise them with all procedures and equipment relating to their areas of responsibility.
All crew should ensure that at all times while working on board a vessel, they are not prevented from carrying out their duties or responsibilities safely due to illness, injury, fatigue or the effects of medicinal preparations. No member of the crew shall be under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs while carrying out their duties.
Jumlah Minimum Pengawakan kapal Niaga Katagori A
≥ 3000 GT <3000 GT ≥500
GT <500
Tug Boat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Nakhoda Mualim 1 Mualim jaga KKM Masinis 1 Masinis jaga Serang Jurumudi Kelasi Koki Pelayan Mandor mesin Juruminyak Wiper Jumlah
1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 21
1 1 1 1 1 1
KW 0 ≥ 3000 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1
1 3 1 19
3 13
Katagori B berlayar di Kawasan Indonesia Jabatan
≥ 3000 GT
GT <3000 ≥500
GT <500
Tug Boat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nakhoda Mualim 1 Mualim jaga KKM Masinis 1 Masinis jaga Serang Jurumudi Kelasi Kaki Pelayan Mandor mesin Juruminyak Wiper Jumlah
1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
KW ≥ 3000< 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 21
1 3
13 14 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Katagori B berlayar di Perairan Lokal Jabatan
Nakhoda Mualim 1 Mualim jaga KKM Masinis 1 Masinis jaga Serang Jurumudi Kelasi Kaki Pelayan Mandor mesin Juruminyak Wiper Jumlah
≥ 3000 GT
GT <3000 ≥500
GT <500
Tug Boat
1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
KW 3000< 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 19 orang
6.13. Kapal Katagori B berlayar di Perairan Terbatas yaitu jarak dari pelabuhan pemberangkatan < 100 mil s/d >60
Nakhoda Mualim 1 Mualim jaga KKM Masinis 1 Masinis jaga Serang Jurumudi Kelasi Kaki Pelayan Mandor mesin Juruminyak Wiper Jumlah
≥ 3000 GT <3000 GT ≥500
1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1
GT <500
Tug Boat
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
KW 3000< 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 19 orang
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
6.14. Kapal Katagory C berlayar disekitar pelabuhan sampai sejauh < 30 < 60 mil dari pelabuhan pemberangkatan, perairan Darat GT 100 ≤500 GT atau Tug Boat No 1 2 2
Jabatan Nakhoda Mualim KKM Jumlah
Jumlah 1 1 1 3
6.15. Kapal berlayar dipelabuhan sampai sejauh s/d 30 mil dari pelabuhan pemberangkatan atau di perairan daratan GT 7 ≤35 GT No 1 2
Jabatan Nakhoda KKM Jumlah
Jumlah 1 1 2
Seksi 7 7.1.
Requrement s for a Certificate of Competency Ruang Lingkup
Kualifikasi Alternatif
Kualifikasi yang lebih besar dari pada Table A,B,C,dan D dapat diterima oleh Standard ini .
Kualifikasi Alternatif yang dapat diterima untuk tugas tugas deck dan untuk tugas mesin.
Section ini adalah kualifikasi khusus yang harus dipegang oleh minimum awak kapal yang berlayar dikapal yang mengacu pada standard ini . Untuk menyesuaikan dengan Standar Nasional bagi kapal non konvensi, sertifikat Keterampilan ( COC) minimum harus dimiliki oleh awak kapal dan awak kapal yang sesuai dengan Tabel A dan B untuk deck table C dan D untuk awak kapal bagian mesin .
The use of a fishing Certificate of Competency on a trading vessel in a noncommand role is limited to Certificates of Competency issued under this Standard and subject to revalidation or renewal
Tabel A untuk Operational Level bagian Deck
1) Setifikat Nautika Tingkat V
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika V Training Qualification Pengalaman 6 month as seafarer Age 18 Years Formal Education Secondary School (SMP) Duaration of training
30 Days
Medical Test for seafarers standard
a. Matematica b. Fisika a. Characteristic of small power driven vessel ( laden and lighty laden ) effect of displacement and planning hulls ,outboard and inboard engine ,rudder and propeller b. Handling small vessel at in strong tidal stream , bad weather ,heavy swel and surf ,crossing a bar and use of sea anchor c. Handling small vessel if partially disable d. Towing and being towed ,tonnage arrangement for towage at sea and in sheltered water e. Berthing and unberthing ,in various and tidal condition a. Action to be taken in an emergency situation b. Step to be taken after collision, grounding or other marine casuality and resulting hull damage c. Action to be taken in event of lost of rudder ,lost or fouled propeller d. Action to be taken when vessel is completely disable e. Beaching with and witout heavy surf f. Rendering assistance to other in distress ,man over board procedures for recovery g. Disposition of persons and equipment0n board to ensures satisfactory stability and trim h. Obligation and duties toward all persons on board i. Knowledge of first aid to render in case of injury ,burns , sickness of apparent drowning a. Knowledge of the statutory requirement pertaining to lifesaving appliances and fire fighting appliances b. Knowledge of the maintenance of lifesaving appliances and fire fighting appliances carried on small vessel c. Knowledge of the correct use of all lifesaving appliances and fire fighting appliances carried on small vessel d. Use of distress signals ,penalty for misuse
Syllabus Basic Knowledge Ship Handling
Emergency and Safety
Safety Equipment
Weather report
Collision Regulation and Port Operation
Practical Seamanship
Navigation and Local Knowledge
a. Knowledge of the coastline: Prominent features, isolated dangers, tidal streams and navigational aids; b. Knowledge of the use of a compass and understanding of basic information contained in a navigation chart. Cargo Handling And Ship Stability ( General)
Cargo Handling for operational Management Controling on board operation cluding Pengendalian operasi kapal dan penjagaan personel di kapal Basic Marine Engine
a. Matematica b. Fisika a. Knowledge of resources available for obtaining weather report and warning .Types of reports available b. Correct interpretation of weather information received c. Action to be taken on receiving adverse weather report ,and on encountering heavy weather d. Knowledge of local weather patterns a. An adequate knowledge of the International Regulation for the prevention of collisions at sea appropriate to small vessel operating within shelter waters and inshore limits b. Appreciation of manoeuvring difficulties of larger vessels c. Knowledge of IALA buoyage system A a. Demonstrate common knots and splices; b. Knowledge of basic structural parts of a small vessel
Basic Knowledge
1. Control System ( General ) 2. Marine Polution 3. Ship Construction 4. Local Regulation 5. Onboard Communication Basic Marine Engine (General ) a. A working knowledge of routine checks required with the operation of propelling machinery, ancillary equipment and other mechanical equipment in small vessels. b. What to do in the case of malfunction and emergencies. Preparation for the use of such equipment; c. Basic knowledge of the factors associated with the safe operation of propelling and ancillary equipment; d. Basic knowledge of water cooling and bilge pumping arrangements in a small vessel; e. Care and use of low voltage electrical systems on a small vessel including precautions f. necessary when charging batteries; g. Fire prevention on a small vessel; h. Action that should be taken in the event of fire or explosion; i. Precautions necessary for the prevention of fire or explosion associated with use of petrol, j. LP gas and distillate and with the charging of batteries; k. Knowledge of precautions to take when refuelling.
2) Nautika tingkat IV
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika IV Training Qualification Pengalaman Have not less than 12 month qualifying service on vessel which Nautika tingkat V within the last year as master or officer Age 18 Years
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika IV Formal Education Secondary School (SMP) Duaration of training
30 Days
Medical Test for seafarers standard
a. Know the principal parts of a small vessel and their various functions; b. Practical appreciation of how the watertight integrity of a small vessel is maintained; c. Practical knowledge of fuel, fresh water and ballast water arrangements, including d. pumping, sounding and venting facilities; e. Practical knowledge of bilge pumping arrangements; f. Practical knowledge of deck machinery of small vessels; g. Practical knowledge of the steering arrangements of a small vessel; h. Practical knowledge of maintenance of small vessels; i. Knowledge of methods of docking and slipping of small vessels. a. A general understanding without calculations of the stability of a small vessel, and the use of basic b. stability information provided on a vessel to ensure safety in relation to:adding and removing weights; water on deck; slack tanks; rolling period; stiff and tender vessel,additions or alterations to vessels. a. Relationship between compass, magnetic, true and gyro courses and bearings. Relativebearings. The use of a deviation card without mathematical interpolation. Finding the variation from the chart. Compass error from transit bearings or by bearings taken from a known position; b. Laying off a safe course on a chart; c. Measuring distance on a chart; d. Relating coastal features to a chart; e. The effects of current and of leeway on the course and speed of the vessel (without calculations). Recognising the presence of either or both factors; f. Fixing the vessel's position by simultaneous bearings, transits of coastal features, and byrunning fix; (g) Fixing the vessel's position by radar ranges and bearings; (h) Obtaining bearings on small vessels; (i) Using a single position line; (j) Using soundings in determining position; (k) Determining the times and heights of high and low water or local tide tables for any port and the relevance of chart datum; (l) Interpreting the set and drift of the current from
Small Vessel Construction
Ship Stability
Coastal Navigation
Marine Legislation
information available on the chart or local tide tables and sailing directions; h. The information given on a chart or plan, particularly buoyage, hazards to navigation, depth and nature of bottom, lights, tides and tidal streams. i. Recognition of the coast. Selection of suitable points for bearings. Selection of a suitable anchorage or shelter; j. Use and limitations on the use of electronic position fixing equipment found on small vessels. a. Factors affecting performance and accuracy; b. Setting up and maintaining displays; c. Detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes, sea return, etc.; d. Range and bearing; e. Identification of critical echoes; f. Application of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea, 1972; g. Basic understanding of use of radar for navigation and collision avoidance. a. Knowledge of certificates required to be carried by small vessels; b. A working knowledge of the laws relating to the following, with reference to the class ofvessel: Lifesaving Appliances; Fire Appliances; Distress, Urgency and Safety signals; c. Knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of the Master with respect to marine legislation; d. Responsibilities with respect to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment; e. A working knowledge of the content of publications and Marine Notices with respect to:Search and rescue. Navigational warnings (including firing practices). Precautions concerning submarine cables and pipelines. Other information relating to the safe navigation of a small vessel in coastal waters; f. Understanding of the importance of maintaining a log book or vessel record book. a. A knowledge of basic meterological terms b. Practical knowledge of sources of weather fore cast and the interpretation of that information in simple term c. Ability to read the aneroid barometer and to interpret the information obtained. d. A basic knowledge of tropical revolving storms and the weather associated with such storms. a. Demonstrate a working knowledge of content, application and intent of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea, 1972; b. Demonstrate knowledge of the recommended basic principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch on board vessels less than 24 metres in length;
c. Demonstrate knowledge of the IALA buoyage system 'A'; d. Knowledge of duties at sea, at anchor and in port. Instrument Demonstrate a working knowledge of the use of wheelhouse equipment normally found in vessels less than 24 metres in length including, for example, compass, automatic pilot, echo sounder, alarm devices. Emergency Procedures A general knowledge of safe practices in the following: a. Use and care of lifesaving appliances; b. Use and care of fire fighting appliances; c. Prevention of fire and fire fighting; d. Action to be taken in the event of a fire, collision, grounding, damage to the vessel, man overboard; e. Measures for the protection and safety of all persons onboard in emergencies; f. Abandoning the vessel; g. Rescuing persons in distress; h. Survival procedures in lifeboats and liferafts; i. Assisting a vessel or aircraft in distress; j. The use of EPIRBs in search and rescue. Penanganan dan pengaturan 1. Penanganan dan Pengaturan Muatan dan muatan pada tingkat operasional stabilitas (pengenalan umum) Small vessel manoeuvring Demonstrate the manoeuvring and handling of a small vessel in all conditions including the following: and handling a. - berthing, unberthing and anchor work under various conditions of wind and tide; b. manoeuvring in shallow water c. management and handling of small vessels in heavy weather, including appropriate speed, d. particularly in following and quartering seas; e. means of keeping a vessel out of a trough; f. lessening drift and use of oil; g. manoeuvring the vessel during operations with special regard to factors which could h. adversely affect the vessel's safety during such operations; i. towing and being towed j. precautions in manoeuvring for launching boats or liferafts in bad weather. Practical Seamanship Demonstrate a practical ability in the following: a. Knots, hitches and bends in common use; b. Eye splice, short splice and back splice of fibre and synthetic ropes; c. Eye splice in wire rope; d. Care in use of rope, wire and chains; e. Rigging stages and rope ladders; f. Working knowledge of gear used and an understanding of its safe use. Maintenance of gear. Rigging gear and appreciation of the maximum allowable load on this gear including power blocks; g. Driving a winch and windlass, use of the windlass in anchor work; h. Safe handling of moorings; i. Stowage of cable and securing anchors for sea;
3) Nautika Tingkat III
j. Securing hatches, doors, sky-lights, air pipes, etc.; k. Lashing and securing of moveable equipment, especially on deck; l. Understanding of breaking stress and safe working load on gear; m. Knowledge of securing a vessel for rough weather.
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika III Training Qualification Have watchkeeping service acceptable to the authority based upon the following requirements: a. for the holder of a certificate as Nautika Tingkat IV, 18 months watchkeeping service, since obtaining that certificate; Age 19 Years Formal Education Secondary School (SMP) Medical
30 Days
Medical Test for seafarers standard
Ship Constrution
a. General Knowledge of the principal structural members of a vessel and the proper names of the various parts; b. A practical knowledge of the 'conditions of assignment' of load lines; c. A practical knowledge of arrangements for restricting the spread of fire; d. General knowledge of testing of tanks and other watertight work; e. Knowledge of the significance of weathertight and watertight integrity and how this ismaintained.
a. General understanding of:Centre of gravity. Centre of buoyancy. Reserve buoyancy. Metacentric height. Righting lever. Righting moment. Range of stability. Stiff and tender vessels. Period of roll.Synchronisation. Free surface effect; b. Demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting stability by means of simplecalculations concerning displacement, dead-weight, fresh water allowance, changes of draft and trim, fuel consumption. Adding and removing weight, free surface effect; c. Demonstrate the ability to use a vessel's simplified stability information;
d. A general understanding of the effects upon stability during loading and discharging operations including heeling moments from gear and loads. e. (a) 2 1/2 hour written examination in coastal navigationpass mark 70%; and Navigation and position determination
Position Determination
a. voyage planning between departure and arrival position by plane sailing; b. determining a dead reckoning position or estimated position; c. allowances to be made in waters affected by tidal streams, currents, restricted visibility, restricted waters; d. Determining the times and heights of tides at standard and secondary ports for any state of the tide.Knowledge and practical understanding of the following: a. Using terrestrial observations determine a vessel's position using individually or in combination with other methods: 1. rising and dipping distances of lights 2. ranges and/or bearings from radar; d. Using modern electronic navigational aids to determine a vessel’s position including: e. use of typical modern equipment using satellite technology a. use of hyperbolic systems b. use of differential GPS c. coverage areas d. use of plotters f. use of electronic charts 1. sources and causes of errors 2. determination of accuracy of a fix 3. use and care of equipment; e. Error of a compass using amplitudes or azimuths of theSun. Practical ability to safely and efficiently use and care for instruments including but not limited to: - Alarm devices including off-course and watch alarms - Bottom logs - Automatic pilot - Echo sounder - Magnetic and gyro compasses - Azimuth mirror a. Demonstrate thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea, 1972, including those Annexes concerned with safe navigation; b. Demonstrate knowledge of recommended basic principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch onboard vessels. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the manoeuvring and handling of a vessel i in all conditions including the following: a. berthing, unberthing and anchor work under various conditions of wind and tide; b. manoeuvring in shallow water; c. management and handling of vessels in heavy weather, including appropriate speed,particularly in following and quartering seas, assisting a vessel or aircraft in distress, meansof keeping a vessel out of a trough, lessening drift
Voyage plan
Wheelhouse Equipment
Vessel Manoeuvring and Handling
Maritim Law
and use of oil; d. manoeuvring the vessel during operations with special regard to factors which could adversely affect the vessel's safety during such operations; e. precautions in manoeuvring for launching boats or liferafts in bad weather; f. methods of taking on board survivors from lifeboats or liferafts. a. Knowledge of the State Acts, Regulations, Notices, Determinations or other legislation b. applicable to the operation of trading vessels for which the certificate will be valid; c. Knowledge IMO legislation concerning safety of life at sea; d. General knowledge of the Shipping Laws and in particular e. Emergency Procedures and Safety of Navigation; f. international conventions for the prevention of pollution from ships.
4) Nautika Tingkat II
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika II Training Qualification Have not less than 24 month as officer at trading vessel which nautical III Age Formal Education
22 Years Yunior High School Secondary (SMU) + Nautika Tingkat III
Medical Duration
12 months
Medical Test for seafarers standard
Knowledge ,understanding and profesiency
Competence :Controlling the operation of the ship and care Plan and conduct a coastal passage and determine position.
Knowledge ,understanding and profesiency
Matematica Fisica
Navigation Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of: Land marks Aids to navigation, including lighthouses, beacons and buoys Dead reckoning, taking into account wind, tides, currents and estimated speed;
Thorough knowledge of and ability to use navigational charts and publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ship’s routeing information;
Reporting in accordance with the Guidelines and Criteria for Ship Reporting Systems (note : this item is only required for certification as master) Navigational aids and equipment
Ability to operate safely navigational aids and equipment commonly fitted on board the ships concerned.
Knowledge of the errors and corrections of magnetic compasses; Ability to determine errors of the compass using terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors.
Automatic pilot
Knowledge of auto pilot systems and procedures and change over from manual to automatic control and vice ersa; Adjustment of controls for optimum performance.
Ability to use and interpret information obtained from shipborne meteorological instruments; Knowledge of the characteristics of the various weather systems, reporting procedures and recording systems; Ability to apply the meteorological information available.
Maintain a safe
Watchkeeping 55
Competence navigational watch
Knowledge ,understanding and profesiency Thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea; Knowledge of content of the Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch;
Respond to emergencies.
Use of routeing in accordance with the General Provisions on Ships’ Routeing. Emergency procedures, including:
precautions for the protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations initial assessment of damage and damage control action to be taken following a collision or a grounding. In addition, the following material should be included for
certification as master:
emergency steering arrangements for towing and for being taken in tow rescuing persons from the sea assisting a vessel in distress appreciation of the action to be taken when emergencies arise in port. Respond to a distress Search and rescue signal at sea. Knowledge of contents of the IMO International Aeronautical Maritime Search and Rescue manual
( IAMSAR). Ship Manoeuvring and Handling
Knowledge of factors affecting safe manoeuvring and handling Manoeuvre the ship and operate small ship power The operation of small ship power plants and auxiliaries; plant. Monitor the loading, stowage, securing and unloading of cargoes and their care during the voyage.
Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring. Cargo handling, stowage and securing
Knowledge of safe handling, stowage and securing of cargoes including dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes and their effect on the safety of life and of the ship;
Use of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code Ensure compliance with Prevention of pollution of the marine environment and antipollution-prevention pollution procedures requirements Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution
Knowledge ,understanding and profesiency of the marine environment and anti-pollution procedures; Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment.
Maintain sea-worthiness Ship stability of the ship. Working knowledge and application of stability, trim and stress tables, diagrams and stress-calculating equipment; Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the event of partial loss of intact buoyancy;
Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity. Ship construction
General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship and the proper names for the various parts.
Prevent, control and fight Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances fires on board Knowledge of fire prevention Ability to organized fire drills;
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire; Knowledge of fire-fighting systems;
Knowledge of action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems.
Operate life-saving appliances.
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBS, SARTs, immersion suits and thermal protective aids;
Apply medical first aid on board ship.
Knowledge of survival at sea techniques. Medical aid
Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship.
Monitor compliance with legislative requirements
Monitor compliance with legislative requirements Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea and protection of the marine
Operate propulsion machinery and auxilliary equipment
1. SOLAS, 1974 as amended 2. SOLAS-subdivision and stability 3. SOLAS-fire protection, detection and extinction 4. SOLAS-LSA and arrangements (LSA code) 5. SOLAS-radiotelegraphy and R/T 6. SOLAS-radio communications (amended chapter IV) 7. SOLAS-carriage of grain 8. SOLAS-carriage of dangerous goods 9. STCW ’95, as amended 10.IMO 11.ITU-radio regulations 12.LOADLINE 1966 13.ISM 14.STP, 1971 15.SPACE STP, 1973 16.PAL, 1974 and tonnage 1969 Basically main engine propulsion; Main fuel; Auxilliary engine; Cooler; Pump arrangement Drive train assembly; Bilge and fire pumping arrangement; E ngine monitoring; Engine trouble shooting.
5) Nautika Tingkat I To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika II Training Qualification Have not less service than 24 bulan as officer in trading vesssel which Nautika Tingkat II Age 22 Years Formal Education Yunior High School Secondary (SMU) + Nautika Tingkat III Medical
12 months
Medical Test for seafarers standard
Celestial Navigation
Plan and conduct a Ability to use celestial bodies to determine the ship’s position. passage and determine position. Solar system 1. Matematika 2. Fisica 3. Celestial sphere and equinoctial system of co-ordinates 4. Hour angle 5. Daily motion and horizontal system of co-ordinates 6. Sextant and altitude correction 7. Amplitude 8. Time and equation of time 9. Nautical Almanac 10. Latitude by meridian altitude 11. Pole Star observation 12. Position fixing. Terrestrial Navigation Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of:
Land marks Aid to navigation, including lighthouse beacon and buoy Dead reckoning, taking into account wind, tides current and estimated speed.
Thorough knowledge of and ability to use navigational charts and publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routing information. Note : ECDIS systems are considered to be included under the term “charts”. Electronic Systems of position fixing and navigation
Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of electronic navigational aids. Plan and conduct a Echo-sounders passage and determine position (continued). Ability to operate the equipment and apply the information correctly. Plan and conduct a passage and determine position (continued). Compass – magnetic and gyro
Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-compasses;
Ability to determine errors of magnetic and gyro-compasses, using celestial and terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors. Steering control systems
Knowledge of steering control systems, operational procedures and change-over from manual to automatic controls and viceversa; Adjustment of controls for optimum performance. Meteorology
Plan and conduct a Ability to use and interpret information obtained from shipborne passage and determine meteorological instruments; position (continued). Knowledge of the characteristics the various weather systems, reporting procedures and recording system; Ability to apply the meteorological information available. Watchkeeping
Maintain a safe navigational watch.
Thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of the International Regulation for Preventing Collision at sea; Thorough knowledge of the principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch; Thorough knowledge procedures;
The use of routing in accordance with the General Provisions of Ship’s Routing. Radar Navigation
Use of Radar and ARPA Knowledge of radar and automatic radar plotting aid ( ARPA); to maintain safety of Ability to operate and to interpret and analyse information
obtained from radar, including the following :
Note : Training and assessment in the use of ARPA is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with ARPA.
Performance, including : Factors affecting performance and accuracy Setting up and maintaining displays Detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes, sea return, etc., Racons and SARTs
This limitation shall be Use, including : reflected in the endorsement issued to range and bearing the seafarer concerned. course and speed of other ships time and distance of closest approach of crossing, meeting overtaking ships identification of critical echoes, detecting course and speed changes of other ships, effect of changes in own ship’s course speed or both Application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea plotting techniques and relative and true motion concept parallel indexing;
Principal types ARPA, their display characteristics, performance standards and dangers of over-reliance on ARPA; Ability to operate and to interpret and analyse information obtained from ARPA, including : System performance and accuracy, tracking capabilities and limitations and processing delays; Use of operational warnings and system tests Methods of target acquisition and their limitations True and relative vectors, graphic representation of target information and dangers areas Deriving and analysing information, critical echoes, exclusion areas and trial manoeuvres. Emergency Procedures
Respond to emergencies.
Precaution for the protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations; Initial action to be taken following a collision or a grounding; initial damage assessment and control; Appreciation of the procedures to be followed for rescuing persons from sea, assisting a ship in distress, responding to emergency, which arise in port.
Respond to a distress Search and Rescue signal at sea. Knowledge of the contents of the IMO International Aeronautical Maritime Search And Rescue manual (IAMSAR). Use the Standard Marine English Language Navigation Vocabulary as replaced by the IMO Adequate knowledge of the English language to enable the Standard Marine officer to use chart and another nautical publication; Communication Phrases and use English in written Understand meteorological information and messages and oral form. concerning ship’s safety and operation; Communicate with other ships and coast stations;
Transmit and receive information by visual signalling.
Perform the officer’s duties also with a multilingual crew, including the ability to use and understand the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases. Visual Signalling
Manoeuvre the ship.
Ability to transmit and receive signals by Morse light; Ability to use the International Code of Signals. Ship Manoeuvring and Handling
Knowledge of the effect of deadweight, draught, trim, speed and UKC on turning circles and stopping distances; Knowledge of the effects of wind and current on ship handling; Knowledge of manoeuvres and procedures for the rescue of person over board; Squat, shallow-water and similar effects;
Knowledge of proper procedures for anchoring and mooring.
6) Function:Cargo handling and stowage at the operational level
COMPETENCE Monitor the loading, stowage, securing and unloading of cargoes and their care during the voyage.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Cargo handling, stowage and securing Knowledge of the effect of cargo, including heavy lifts on the seaworthiness and stability of the ship; Knowledge of safe handling, stowage and securing of cargoes including dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes and their effect on the safety of life and of the ship; Ability to establish and maintain effective communications
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY during loading and unloading. Inspect and report defects Knowledge and ability to explain where to look for damage and and damage to cargo defects most commonly encountered due to: spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks. loading and unloading operations corrosion severe weather conditions; Ability to state which parts of the ship shall be inspected each time in order to cover all parts within a given period of time;
Identify those elements of the ship structure which are critical to the safety of the ship; State the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces and ballast tanks and how corrosion can be identified and prevented;
Knowledge of the procedures on how the inspections shall be carried out;
Ability to explain how to ensure reliable detection of defects and damages;
Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements.
Understanding of the purpose of the enhanced survey program Preventions of pollution of the marine environment and anti-pollution procedures Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment; Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment.
The precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment: 1. MARPOL 73/78
Anti-pollution procedures and associated equipment: 2. Regulation 26-Annex 1 MARPOL 73/78 3. Anti-Pollution Equipment
.Function : Controlling the operation of the ship and care for person on board at the operational level
Maintain seaworthiness of Ship stability the ship. Working knowledge and application of stability, trim and stress tables, diagram and stress-calculation equipment; Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the event or partial loss of intact buoyancy; Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Ship construction General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship and the proper names for the various parts.
1. Ship dimensions and form 2. Ship stresses 3. Hull structure 4. Bow and stern 5. Fittings 6. Rudders and propellers 7. Load lines and draft marks. Prevent, control and fight Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances fires on board. Knowledge of fire prevention; Ability to organized fire drills;
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire; Knowledge of fire-fighting systems;
Knowledge of action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems.
Operate life-saving appliances.
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBS, SARTs, immersion suits and thermal protective aids;
Apply medical first aid on board ship.
Monitor compliance with legislative requirements.
Knowledge of survival at sea techniques. Medical aid
Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship. Monitor compliance with legislative requirements Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
SOLAS, 1974 as amended SOLAS-subdivision and stability SOLAS-fire protection, detection and extinction SOLAS-LSA and arrangements (LSA code) SOLAS-radiotelegraphy and R/T SOLAS-radio communications (amended chapter IV) SOLAS-carriage of grain
Operate propulsion machinery and auxilliary equipment
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY 8. SOLAS-carriage of dangerous goods 9. STCW ’95, as amended 10.IMO 11.ITU-radio regulations 12.LOADLINE 1966 13.ISM 14.STP, 1971 15. SPACE STP, 1973 16. PAL, 1974 and tonnage 1969 Basically main engine propulsion; Main fuel; Auxilliary engine; Cooler; Pump arrangement Drive train assembly; Bilge and fire pumping arrangement; E ngine monitoring; Engine trouble shooting.
Table B for Management Level Deck Department 1) Nautika Tingkat V To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika V Training Qualification Pengalaman Have not less than 12 months qualifying service bulan Nautika Tingkat V Age 18 Years Formal Education Secondary School (SMP) Medical
30 Days
Syllabus Basic Knowlegde
Matematica Fisika a. Characteristic of small power driven vessel ( laden and lighty laden ) effect of displacement and planning hulls ,outboard and inboard engine ,rudder and propeller b. Handling small vessel at in strong tidal stream , bad weather ,heavy swel and surf ,crossing a bar and use of sea anchor c. Handling small vessel if partially disable d. Towing and being towed ,tonnage arrangement for towage at sea and in sheltered water e. Berthing and unberthing ,in various and tidal condition a. Action to be taken in an emergency situation b. Step to be taken after collision, grounding or other marine casuality and resulting hull damage c. Action to be taken in event of lost of rudder ,lost or fouled propeller d. Action to be taken when vessel is completely disable e. Beaching with and witout heavy surf f. Rendering assistance to other in distress ,man over board procedures for recovery g. Disposition of persons and equipment0n board to ensures satisfactory stability and trim h. Obligation and duties toward all persons on board i. Knowledge of first aid to render in case of injury ,burns , sickness of apparent drowning a. Knowledge of the statutory requirement pertaining to lifesaving appliances and fire fighting appliances b. Knowledge of the maintenance of lifesaving appliances and fire fighting appliances carried on small vessel c. Knowledge of the correct use of all lifesaving appliances and fire fighting appliances carried on small vessel d. Use of distress signals ,penalty for misuse a. Knowledge of resources available for obtaining weather report and warning .Types of reports available b. Correct interpretation of weather information received c. Action to be taken on receiving adverse weather report
Ship Handling
Medical Test for seafarers standard
Emergency and Safety
Safety Equipment
Weather report
Practical Seamanship Navigation and Local Knowledge
a. Control System ( General ) b. Marine Polution c. Ship Construction d. Local Regulation e. Onboard Communication f. Basic Marine Engine (General ) l. A working knowledge of routine checks required with the operation of propelling machinery, ancillary equipment and other mechanical equipment in small vessels. m. What to do in the case of malfunction and emergencies. Preparation for the use of such equipment; n. Basic knowledge of the factors associated with the safe operation of propelling and ancillary equipment; o. Basic knowledge of water cooling and bilge pumping arrangements in a small vessel; p. Care and use of low voltage electrical systems on a small vessel including precautions q. necessary when charging batteries; r. Fire prevention on a small vessel; s. Action that should be taken in the event of fire or explosion; t. Precautions necessary for the prevention of fire or explosion associated with use of petrol, u. LP gas and distillate and with the charging of batteries; (h) Knowledge of precautions to take when refuelling. g. Training requirements relating to leadership and management skills, situational awareness and decision-making
Cargo Handling for operational Management Controling on board operation cluding Pengendalian operasi kapal dan penjagaan personel di kapal Basic Marine Engine
Collision Regulation and Port Operation
,and on encountering heavy weather d. Knowledge of local weather patterns a. An adequate knowledge of the International Regulation for the prevention of collisions at sea appropriate to small vessel operating within shelter waters and inshore limits b. Appreciation of manoeuvring difficulties of larger vessels c. Knowledge of IALA buoyage system A a. Demonstrate common knots and splices; b. Knowledge of basic structural parts of a small vessel c. Knowledge of the coastline: Prominent features, isolated dangers, tidal streams and navigational aids; d. Knowledge of the use of a compass and understanding of basic information contained in a navigation chart. Cargo Handling And Ship Stability ( General)
2) Nautika IV
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika V Training Qualification Pengalaman Have not less than 12 months as officer of watch service as Nautika Tingkat V Age 18 Years
Formal Education
Secondary School (SMP)
30 Days Medical Test for seafarers standard
a. Know the principal parts of a small vessel and their various functions; b. Practical appreciation of how the watertight integrity of a small vessel is maintained; c. Practical knowledge of fuel, fresh water and ballast water arrangements, including d. pumping, sounding and venting facilities; e. Practical knowledge of bilge pumping arrangements; f. Practical knowledge of deck machinery of small vessels; g. Practical knowledge of the steering arrangements of a small vessel; h. Practical knowledge of maintenance of small vessels; i. Knowledge of methods of docking and slipping of small vessels.
Minimal kompetensi Small Vessel Construction
Ship Stability
A general understanding without calculations of the stability of a small vessel, and the use of basic stability information provided on a vessel to ensure safety in relation to: adding and removing weights; water on deck; slack tanks; rolling period; stiff and tender vessel, additions or alterations to vessels.
a. Relationship between compass, magnetic, true and gyro courses and bearings. Relativebearings. The use of a deviation card without mathematical interpolation. Finding the variation from the chart. Compass error from transit bearings or by bearings taken from a known position; b. Laying off a safe course on a chart; c. Measuring distance on a chart; d. Relating coastal features to a chart; e. The effects of current and of leeway on the course and speed of the vessel (without calculations). Recognising the presence of either or both factors; f. Fixing the vessel's position by simultaneous bearings, transits of coastal features, and by running fix; g. Fixing the vessel's position by radar ranges and bearings; h. Obtaining bearings on small vessels i. Using a single position line; j. Using soundings in determining position; k. Determining the times and heights of high and low water or local tide tables for any port and the relevance of chart datum; l. Interpreting the set and drift of the current from information available on the chart or local tide tables
Marine Legislation
and sailing directions; m. The information given on a chart or plan, particularly buoyage, hazards to navigation, depthand nature of bottom, lights, tides and tidal streams. Recognition of the coast. n. Selection of suitable points for bearings. Selection of a suitable anchorage or shelter o. ;Use and limitations on the use of electronic position fixing equipment found on small vessels. a. Factors affecting performance and accuracy; b. Setting up and maintaining displays; c. Detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes, sea return, etc.; d. Range and bearing; e. Identification of critical echoes; f. Application of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea, 1972; g. Basic understanding of use of radar for navigation and collision avoidance. a. Knowledge of certificates required to be carried by small vessels; b. A working knowledge of the laws relating to the following, with reference to the class ofvessel: Lifesaving Appliances; Fire Appliances; Distress, Urgency and Safety signals; c. Knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of the Master with respect to marine legislation; d. Responsibilities with respect to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment; e. A working knowledge of the content of publications and Marine Notices with respect to:Search and rescue. Navigational warnings (including firing practices). Precautions concerning submarine cables and pipelines. Other information relating to the safe navigation of a small vessel in coastal waters; f. Understanding of the importance of maintaining a log book or vessel record book. a. A knowledge of basic meterological terms b. Practical knowledge of sources of weather fore cast and the interpretation of that information in simple term c. Ability to read the aneroid barometer and to interpret the information obtained. d. A basic knowledge of tropical revolving storms and the weather associated with such storms. a. Demonstrate a working knowledge of content, application and intent of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea, 1972; b. Demonstrate knowledge of the recommended basic principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch on board vessels ; c. Demonstrate knowledge of the IALA buoyage system 'A'; d. Knowledge of duties at sea, at anchor and in port. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the use of wheelhouse equipment normally found in vessels less including, for example, compass, automatic pilot, echo
a. - berthing, unberthing and anchor work under various conditions of wind and tide; b. manoeuvring in shallow water c. management and handling of small vessels in heavy weather, including appropriate speed, d. particularly in following and quartering seas; e. means of keeping a vessel out of a trough; f. lessening drift and use of oil; g. manoeuvring the vessel during operations with special regard to factors which could h. adversely affect the vessel's safety during such operations; i. towing and being towed j. precautions in manoeuvring for launching boats or liferafts in bad weather.
sounder, alarm devices. Emergency Procedures A general knowledge of safe practices in the following: a. Use and care of lifesaving appliances; b. Use and care of fire fighting appliances; c. Prevention of fire and fire fighting; d. Action to be taken in the event of a fire, collision, grounding, damage to the vessel, man overboard; e. Measures for the protection and safety of all persons onboard in emergencies; f. Abandoning the vessel; g. Rescuing persons in distress; h. Survival procedures in lifeboats and liferafts; i. Assisting a vessel or aircraft in distress; j. The use of EPIRBs in search and rescue. Penanganan dan 2. Penanganan dan Pengaturan Muatan dan stabilitas pengaturan muatan pada (pengenalan umum) tingkat operasional Demonstrate the manoeuvring and handling of a small vessel in Small vessel all conditions including the following: manoeuvring and
Practical Seamanship
Demonstrate a practical ability in the following:
a. Knots, hitches and bends in common use; b. Eye splice, short splice and back splice of fibre and synthetic ropes; c. Eye splice in wire rope; d. Care in use of rope, wire and chains; e. Rigging stages and rope ladders; f. Working knowledge of gear used and an understanding of its safe use. Maintenance of gear. Rigging gear and appreciation of the maximum allowable load on this gear including power blocks; g. Driving a winch and windlass, use of the windlass in anchor work; h. Safe handling of moorings; i. Stowage of cable and securing anchors for sea; j. Securing hatches, doors, sky-lights, air pipes, etc.; k. Lashing and securing of moveable equipment,
especially on deck; l. Understanding of breaking stress and safe working load on gear; m. Knowledge of securing a vessel for rough weather.
Training requirements relating to leadership and management skills, situational awareness and decisionmaking
3) Nautika Tingkat III
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika III Training Qualification for the holder of a certificate as Nautika tingkat IV, 18 months watchkeeping service, since obtaining that certificate Age 19 Years Formal Education Secondary School (SMP) Medical
30 Days
Medical Test for seafarers standard
Ship Constrution
a. General Knowledge of the principal structural members of a vessel and the proper names of the various parts; b. A practical knowledge of the 'conditions of assignment' of load lines; c. A practical knowledge of arrangements for restricting the spread of fire; d. General knowledge of testing of tanks and other watertight work; e. Knowledge of the significance of weathertight and watertight integrity and how this ismaintained.
a. General understanding of:Centre of gravity. Centre of buoyancy. Reserve buoyancy. Metacentric height. Righting lever. Righting moment. Range of stability. Stiff and tender vessels. Period of roll.Synchronisation. Free surface effect; b. Demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting stability by means of simplecalculations concerning displacement, dead-weight, fresh water allowance, changes of draft and trim, fuel consumption. Adding and removing weight, free surface effect; c. Demonstrate the ability to use a vessel's simplified stability information;
d. A general understanding of the effects upon stability during loading and discharging operations including heeling moments from gear and loads. e. (a) 2 1/2 hour written examination in coastal navigationpass mark 70%; and Navigation and position determination Voyage plan
Position Determination
a. voyage planning between departure and arrival position by plane sailing; b. determining a dead reckoning position or estimated position; c. allowances to be made in waters affected by tidal streams, currents, restricted visibility, restricted waters; d. Determining the times and heights of tides at standard and secondary ports for any state of the tide. Knowledge and practical understanding of the following: a. Using terrestrial observations determine a vessel's position using individually or in combination with other methods: 1. rising and dipping distances of lights 2. ranges and/or bearings from radar; b. Using modern electronic navigational aids to determine a vessel’s position including: c. use of typical modern equipment using satellite technology e. use of hyperbolic systems f. use of differential GPS g. coverage areas h. use of plotters i. use of electronic charts 1. sources and causes of errors 2. determination of accuracy of a fix 3. use and care of equipment; j. Error of a compass using amplitudes or azimuths of the Sun. Practical ability to safely and efficiently use and care for instruments including but not limited to: - Alarm devices including off-course and watch alarms - Bottom logs - Automatic pilot - Echo sounder - Magnetic and gyro compasses - Azimuth mirror a. Demonstrate thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea, 1972, including those Annexes concerned with safe navigation; b. Demonstrate knowledge of recommended basic principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch onboard vessels. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the manoeuvring and handling of a vessel i in all conditions including the following: a. berthing, unberthing and anchor work under various conditions of wind and tide; b. manoeuvring in shallow water; c. management and handling of vessels in heavy weather,
Wheelhouse Equipment
Vessel Manoeuvring and Handling
Maritim Law
1. 2.
Bridge team management; Training requirements relating to leadership and management skills, situational awareness and decisionmaking
including appropriate speed,particularly in following and quartering seas, assisting a vessel or aircraft in distress, meansof keeping a vessel out of a trough, lessening drift and use of oil; d. manoeuvring the vessel during operations with special regard to factors which could adversely affect the vessel's safety during such operations; e. precautions in manoeuvring for launching boats or liferafts in bad weather; f. methods of taking on board survivors from lifeboats or liferafts. a. Knowledge of the State Acts, Regulations, Notices, Determinations or other legislation b. applicable to the operation of trading vessels for which the certificate will be valid; c. Knowledge IMO legislation concerning safety of life at sea; d. General knowledge of the Shipping Laws and in particular e. Emergency Procedures and Safety of Navigation; f. international conventions for the prevention of pollution from ships.
4) Nautika Tingkat II
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika II Training Qualification Age Formal Education
22 Years Yunior High School Secondary (SMU) + Nautika Tingkat III
12 months
Medical Test for seafarers standard
Navigation at the management level
COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Co-ordinate search and A thorough knowledge of and ability to apply the procedures rescue operations. contained in the IMO International Aeronautical Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR). Establish watch-keeping Thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of the arrangements and International regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea; procedures. Thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY the Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch;
Effective bridge teamwork procedures. Maintain safe navigation An appreciation of system errors and thorough understanding through the use of radar of the operational aspects of modern navigational systems, and ARPA and modern including radar and ARPA; navigation systems to assist command decision- Blind pilotage techniques; making. Evaluation of navigational information derived from all sources, Note: including radar and ARPA, in order to make and implement command decisions for collision avoidance and for directing Training and assessment the safe navigation of the ship; in the use of ARPA is not required for those who The inter-relationship and optimum use of all navigational data serve exclusively on ships available for conducting navigation. not fitted with ARPA. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned. Respond to navigational Precautions when beaching a ship; emergencies. Action to be taken if grounding is imminent, and after grounding; Re-floating a grounded ship with and without assistance;
Action to be taken if collision is imminent and following a collision or impairment of the watertight integrity of the hull by any cause; Assessment of damage control; Emergency steering;
Emergency towing arrangements and towingprocedures. Manoeuvre and handle a Manoeuvre and handling a ship in all conditions, including: ship in all conditions. manoeuvres when approaching pilot stations and embarking or disembarking pilots, with due regard to weather, tide, headreach and stopping distances handling ship in rivers, estuaries and restricted waters, having regard to the effects of current, wind and restricted water on helm response application of constant rate of turn techniques manoeuvring in shallow water, including the reduction in under-keel clearance caused by squat, rolling and pitching interaction between passing ships and between own ship and nearby banks (canal effect) berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind, tide and current with and without tugs
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY ship and tug interaction use of propulsion and manoeuvring systems choice of anchorage; anchoring with one or two anchors in limited anchorages and factors involved in determining the length of anchor cable to be used dragging anchor; clearing fouled anchors dry-docking, both with and without damage management and handling of ships in heavy weather, including assisting a ship or aircraft in distress; towing operations; means of keeping an unmanageable ship out of trough of the sea, lessening drift and use of oil precautions in manoeuvring to launch rescue boats or survival craft in bad weather methods of taking on board survivors from rescue boats and survival craft ability to determine the manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused by own ship’s bow wave and stern wave use of, and manoeuvring in and near, traffic separation schemes and in vessel traffic service (VTS) areas.
5) Function : Cargo handling and stowage at management level COMPETENCE Plan and ensure safe loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and unloading of cargoes.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Knowledge of and ability to apply relevant international regulations, codes and standards concerning the safe handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes; Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of cargoes and cargo operations;
Use of stability and trim diagrams and stress-calculating equipment, including automatic data-based (ADB) equipment, and knowledge of loading cargoes and ballasting in order to keep hull stress within acceptable limits; Stowage and securing of cargoes on board ships, including cargo-handling gear and securing and lashing equipment;
Loading and unloading operations, with special regard to the transport of cargoes identified in the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing General knowledge of tankers and tanker operations.
Assess reported defects and damages to cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks and take appropriate action.
Knowledge of the limitations on strength of the vital constructional parts of a standard bulk carrier and ability to interpret given figures for bending moments and shear forces; Ability to explain how to avoid the detrimental effects on bulk carriers of corrosion, fatigue and inadequate cargo handling.
Carriage cargoes.
dangerous International regulations, standards, codes and recommendations on the carriage of dangerous cargoes, including the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and the Code for Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code); Carriage of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes; precautions during loading and unloading and care during the voyage.
6) Function : Controlling the operation of the ship and care for person on board at the management level KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Control trim, stability and Understanding of fundamental principles of ship construction and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and stress. measures necessary to preserve trim and stability;
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability. Knowledge of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions; Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects:
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken;
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems.
certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and their period of validity responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships maritime declarations of health and requirements of the International Health regulations responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions. A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea);
Organization of fire and abandon ship drills;
Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems; Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies;
Develop emergency and damage control plans and
Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding. Preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies;
handle emergency situations.
Ship construction, including damage control; Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction;
Functions and use of life-saving appliances. A knowledge of personnel management, organization and training on board ship;A knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation. Organize an manage the A thorough knowledge of the use and contents of the following provision of medical care publications: on board. International Medical Guide for Ships or equivalent national publication Medical section of the International Code of Signals
Organize and manage the crew.
Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods
7) Nautika Tingkat I
To be Eligible for isue of a Certificate of Competency as Nautika II
Training Qualification Age Formal Education
Have not less service than 24 bulan as officer in trading vesssel which Nautika Tingkat II 22 Years Yunior High School Secondary (SMU) + Nautika Tingkat III
12 months
Medical Test for seafarers standard
8) Navigation at the management level
Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means.
Position determination in all conditions:
by celestial observations by terrestrial observations, including the ability to use appropriate charts, notices to mariners and other publications to assess the accuracy of the resulting position fix
Using modern electronic navigation aids, with specific knowledge of their operating principles, limitations, sources of error, detection of misrepresentation of information and methods of correction to obtain accurate position fixing. Determine and allow for Ability to determine and allow for errors of the magnetic and compass errors. gyro-compasses; Knowledge
principles of
magnetic and
compasses; An understanding of systems under the control of the master gyro and a knowledge of the operation and care of the main types of gyro-compass. Co-ordinate search and A thorough knowledge of and ability to apply the procedures rescue operations contained in the IMO International Aeronautical Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR). Establish watch-keeping Thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of the arrangements and International regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea; procedures. Thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of the Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch;
Effective bridge teamwork procedures. An appreciation of system errors and thorough understanding of the operational aspects of modern navigational systems, including radar and ARPA; Blind pilotage techniques;
Maintain safe navigation through the use of radar and ARPA and modern navigation systems to assist command decisionmaking.
Evaluation of navigational information derived from all sources, including radar and ARPA, in order to make and implement command decisions for collision avoidance and for Training and assessment directing the safe navigation of the ship; in the use of ARPA is not required for those who The inter-relationship and optimum use of all navigational serve exclusively on ships data available for conducting navigation. not fitted with ARPA. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned. Forecast weather and Ability to understand and interpret a synoptic chart and to oceanographic conditions. forecast area weather, taking into account local weather conditions and Note:
information received by weather fax;
Knowledge of the characteristics of various weather systems, including tropical revolving storms and avoidance of storm centres and the dangerous quadrants; Knowledge of ocean current systems; Ability to calculate tidal conditions;
Use all appropriate navigational publications on tides and currents.
Respond to navigational a. Precautions when beaching a ship; b. Action to be taken if grounding is imminent, and after emergencies. grounding; c. Re-floating a grounded ship with and without assistance; d. Action to be taken if collision is imminent and following a collision or impairment of the watertight integrity of the hull by any cause; e. Assessment of damage control; f. Emergency steering; g. Emergency towing arrangements and towing procedures.
Manoeuvre and handle a Manoeuvre and handling a ship in all conditions, including: ship in all conditions. manoeuvres when approaching pilot stations and embarking or disembarking pilots, with due regard to weather, tide, headreach and stopping distances handling ship in rivers, estuaries and restricted waters, having regard to the effects of current, wind and restricted water on helm response application of constant rate of turn techniques manoeuvring in shallow water, including the reduction in under-keel clearance caused by squat, rolling and pitching interaction between passing ships and between own ship and nearby banks (canal effect) berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind, tide and current with and without tugs ship and tug interaction use of propulsion and manoeuvring systems choice of anchorage; anchoring with one or two anchors in limited anchorages and factors involved in determining the length of anchor cable to be used dragging anchor; clearing fouled anchors dry-docking, both with and without damage management and handling of ships in heavy weather, including assisting a ship or aircraft in distress; towing operations; means of keeping an unmanageable ship out of trough of the sea, lessening drift and use of oil precautions in manoeuvring to launch rescue boats or survival craft in bad weather methods of taking on board survivors from rescue boats and survival craft ability to determine the manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused by own ship’s bow wave and stern wave practical measures to be taken when navigating in or near ice or in conditions of ice accumulation on board use of, and manoeuvring in and near, traffic separation schemes and in vessel traffic service (VTS) areas. Operate remote controls of Operating principles of marine power plants; propulsion plant and
engineering systems and services.
Ships’ auxiliary machinery; General knowledge of marine engineering terms.
9) Function :Cargo handling and stowage at management level KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Knowledge of and ability to apply relevant international regulations, codes and standards concerning the safe handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes; Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of cargoes and cargo operations;
COMPETENCE Plan and ensure safe loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and unloading of cargoes.
Use of stability and trim diagrams and stress-calculating equipment, including automatic data-based (ADB) equipment, and knowledge of loading cargoes and ballasting in order to keep hull stress within acceptable limits;
Stowage and securing of cargoes on board ships, including cargo-handling gear and securing and lashing equipment;
Loading and unloading operations, with special regard to the transport of cargoes identified in the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing; General knowledge of tankers and tanker operations; Knowledge of the operational and design limitations of bulk carriers; Ability to use all available shipboard data related to loading, care and unloading of bulk cargoes; Ability to establish procedures for safe cargo handling in accordance with the provisions of the relevant instruments such as BC Code, IMDG Code, MARPOL 73/78, Annexes III and V and other relevant information;
Ability to explain the basic principles for establishing effective communications and improving working relationship between ship and terminal personnel. Assess reported defects Knowledge of the limitations on strength of the vital and damages to cargo constructional parts of a standard bulk carrier and ability to spaces, hatch covers and interpret given figures for bending moments and shear forces; ballast tanks and take appropriate action. Ability to explain how to avoid the detrimental effects on bulk carriers of corrosion, fatigue and inadequate cargo handling. Carriage of dangerous International regulations, standards, codes and recommendations on the carriage of dangerous cargoes, cargoes including the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and the Code for Safe Practice for Solid Bulk
Cargoes (BC Code); Carriage of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes; precautions during loading and unloading and care during the voyage.
10)Function : Controlling the operation of the ship and care for person on board at the management level COMPETENCE
Control trim, stability and Understanding of fundamental principles of ship construction and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and stress. measures necessary to preserve trim and stability;
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken;
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability. Knowledge of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions;
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems
Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects: certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and their period of validity responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships maritime declarations of health and requirements of the International Health regulations responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions a. A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea); b. Organization of fire and abandon ship drills; c. Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, firefighting and other safety systems; d. Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies; e. Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire,
explosion, collision or grounding Develop emergency and Preparation of contingency plans for response to damage control plans and emergencies; handle Ship construction, including damage control; emergency situations Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction; Functions and use of life-saving appliances. Organize and manage the A knowledge of personnel management, organization and crew training on board ship;
A knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation. Organize an manage the A thorough knowledge of the use and contents of the provision of medical care following publications: on board. International Medical Guide for Ships or equivalent national publication Medical section of the International Code of Signals Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Good
1) Teknika Tingkat V
Persyaratan minimum
Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman Umur Pendidikan
Minimal 6 bulan bekerja di atas kapal 18 tahun 3 hari
Memiliki sertifikat kesehatan standar pelaut
Minimal kompetensi Permesinan Kapal
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum) a. Fisika b. Matematika c. Mengenal tiap bagian dari motor secara keseluruhan d. Pengetahuan dasar motor 2 tak dan 4 tak e. Instalasi bahan bakar f. Sistem pendingin dan pelumasan g. Cara menjalankan motor dan pemeliharaannya h. Susunan Instalasi Permesinan i. Dinas jaga j. Prosedur Darurat dan SAR
k. Pencegahan Pencemaran l. Keselamatan Kerja
2) Teknika Tingkat IV (200 ≤ Kw < 500 ) Persyaratan minimum Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
Umur Pendidikan
Minimal 6 bulan bekerja di atas kapal dengan mempergunakan sertifikasi dengan Kw < 200 atau minimal 12 bulan sebagai juru minyak diatas kapal niaga 18 tahun 3 hari
Minimal kompetensi
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum) a. Mengenal tiap bagian dari motor secara keseluruhan b. Cara kerja motor 2 tak dan 4 tak c. Instalasi bahan bakar d. Sistem Pompa e. Sistem pendingin dan pelumasan f. Cara menjalankan motor dan pemeliharaannya g. Susunan Instalasi Permesinan h. Dinas jaga i. Prosedur Darurat dan SAR j. Pencegahan Pencemaran Keselamatan Kerja l. Pengetahuan kelistrikan Kapal
Permesinan Kapal
3) Tehnika Tingkat III (500 ≤ Kw < 750 Persyaratan minimum
Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman Umur Pendidikan
Minimal 6 bulan bekerja di atas kapal dengan mempergunakan sertifikasi dengan 200 ≤ Kw < 500 atau minimal 12 bulan sebagai juru minyak di kapal niaga 18 tahun 3 bulan
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
Minimal kompetensi Permesinan Kapal
1. Permesinan (Pengenalan umum) a. Teknologi Bahan b. Perbengkelan c. Desain dan gambar Permesinan d. Teknik Listrik dan Elektronika e. Prosedur darurat f. Bahasa Inggris Maritim g. Mesin Induk h. Permesinan Bantu
i. Sistem Kontrol j. Sistem Perawatan k. Pencegahan Pencemaran l. Hukum Maritim Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kapal
Bangunan kapal
4) Tehnika Tingkat II (750 ≤ Kw < 3000 ) Persyaratan minimum Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
Umur Pendidikan
Minimal 12 bulan bekerja di atas kapal dengan mempergunakan 500 ≤ Kw < 750 sertifikasi 18 tahun 9 bulan
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum)
Bangunan kapal
a. Teknologi Bahan b. Perbengkelan c. Desain dan gambar Permesinan d. Teknik Listrik e. Elektronika f. Prosedur darurat g. Bahasa Inggris Maritim h. Mesin Induk i. Permesinan Bantu j. Sistem Kontrol k. Sistem Perawatan l. Perawatan Permesinan m. Pencegahan Pencemaran n. Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kapal o. Hukum Maritim Konstruksi dan stabilitas kapal
Permesinan Kapal
5) Tehnika Tingkat I (≥ 3000 Kw ) Persyaratan minimum Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman
Minimal 24 bulan sebagai perwira diatas kapal niaga 750 ≤ Kw < 3000 sertifikasi Umur 23 tahun Minimal Pendidikan umum SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) 9 bulan
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
Permesinan Kapal
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum)
Teknologi Bahan Perbengkelan Desain dan gambar Permesinan Teknik Listrik Elektronika Prosedur darurat Bahasa Inggris Maritim Mesin Induk Permesinan Bantu Sistem Kontrol Sistem Perawatan Perawatan Permesinan Pencegahan Pencemaran Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kapal Hukum Maritim
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o.
Bangunan kapal
Konsruksi dan bangunan kapal
6) Function : Marine engineering at the operational level for grade V (tingkat v)
Use appropriate tools for fabrication and repair operations typically performed on ships.
Characteristics and limitation of materials used in construction and repair of ships and equipment; 1. Mechanical properties and uses 2. Heat treatment processes Characteristics and limitations of processes used for fabrication and repair;
Processes for fabrication and repair: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Basic metallurgy, metal and processes Non-metallic materials Materials under load Sources of vibration
Safe working practices:
Application of safe working practices in the workshop environment.
Use hand tools and Use of hand tools, electrical and electronic measuring and test measuring equipment for equipment for fault finding, maintenance and repair. dismantling, maintenance, repair Maintain a safe engineering watch. Thorough knowledge of Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch, including:
duties associated with taking over and accepting a watch routine duties undertaken during a watch duties associated with handing over a watch
Safety and emergency procedures; change-over of remote control of all systems;
Operate pumping systems and associated control systems.
Safety precautions to be observed during a watch and immediate actions to be taken in the event of fire or accident, with particular reference to oil systems. Pumping systems:
routine pumping operations operation of bilge, ballast and cargo pumping systems
7) Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level COMPETENCE Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Prevention of pollution of the marine environment and antipollution procedures Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment and anti-pollution procedures; Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment. Ship construction
Maintain sea-worthiness of the ship (continued).
General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship and the proper names for the various parts. Prevent, control and fight fires on board
Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances
Knowledge of fire prevention; Ability to organized fire drills;
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire; Knowledge of fire-fighting systems;
Knowledge of action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems.
Operate life-saving appliances.
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, Knowledge of survival at sea techniques.
TABEL UNTUK MANAGEMENT LEVEL 1) Teknika Tingkat V Kw< 200 Persyaratan minimum Minimal 12 bulan bekerja di atas kapal 18 tahun 30 hari
Memiliki sertifikat kesehatan standar pelaut
Minimal kompetensi Permesinan Kapal
Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman Umur Pendidikan
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum)
a. Mengenal tiap bagian dari motor secara keseluruhan b. Pengetahuan dasar motor 2 tak dan 4 tak c. Instalasi bahan bakar d. Perhitungan bahan bakar e. Sistem pendingin dan pelumasan f. Cara menjalankan motor dan pemeliharaannya g. Susunan Instalasi Permesinan h. Dinas jaga i. Prosedur Darurat dan SAR j. Pencegahan Pencemaran k. Keselamatan Kerja
2) Teknika Tingkat IV (200 ≤ Kw < 500) Persyaratan minimum
Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman Umur Pendidikan
Minimal 6 bulan bekerja di atas kapal dengan mempergunakan sertifikasi dengan Kw<200 (SKK Teknika Tingkat V ) 18 tahun 3 hari
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
Minimal kompetensi Permesinan kapal
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum)
a. b. c. d. e. f.
Mengenal tiap bagian dari motor secara keseluruhan Cara kerja motor 2 tak dan 4 tak Instalasi bahan bakar Sistem Pompa Sistem pendingin dan pelumasan Cara menjalankan motor dan pemeliharaannya
g. Susunan Instalasi Permesinan h. Dinas jaga i. Prosedur Darurat dan SAR j. Pencegahan Pencemaran k. Keselamatan Kerja l. Pengetahuan kelistrikan Kapal Konstuksi dan stabilitas kapal
Bangunan Kapal
3) Tehnika Tingkat III (500 ≤ Kw <750)
Minimal 6 bulan bekerja di atas kapal dengan mempergunakan sertifikasi dengan 500 ≤ Kw < 750 / Tingkat III
Umur Minimal Pendidikan
Persyaratan minimum Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman
SMP 18 tahun 3 bulan
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
DR AF Pendidikan
Minimal kompetensi Permesinan kapal
Bangunan Kapal
2. Permesinan (Pengenalan umum) a. Teknologi Bahan b. Perbengkelan c. Desain dan gambar Permesinan d. Teknik Listrik dan Elektronika e. Prosedur darurat f. Bahasa Inggris Maritim g. Mesin Induk h. Permesinan Bantu i. Sistem Kontrol j. Sistem Perawatan k. Pencegahan Pencemaran l. Hukum Maritim Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kapal
4) Tehnika Tingkat III (750 ≤ Kw < 3000 ) Persyaratan minimum Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman
Lama Pendidikan
6 bulan
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
Umur Pendidikan Minimal
Minimal 12 bulan bekerja di atas kapal sebagai mualim I atau nakhoda dengan mempergunakan 35 ≤ GT < 105 sertifikasi 18 tahun SMU
Minimal Kompetensi Permesinan Kapal
Permesinan (Pengenalan umum) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o.
Bangunan Kapal
Teknologi Bahan Perbengkelan Desain dan gambar Permesinan Teknik Listrik Elektronika Prosedur darurat Bahasa Inggris Maritim Mesin Induk Permesinan Bantu Sistem Kontrol Sistem Perawatan Perawatan Permesinan Pencegahan Pencemaran Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kapal Hukum Maritim
Konstruksi dan stabilitas kapal
5) Tehnika Tingkat 1 ≥ 3000 Kw
Persyaratan minimum Kualifikasi Pendidikan Pengalaman Umur Minimal Pendidikan umum
Minimal 12 bulan sebagai perwira diatas kapal niaga 18 tahun SMU (Sekolah Menengah Umum)
12 bulan
Memiliki sertifikasi kesehatan standar pelaut
a. Function : Marine engineering at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Plan and schedule Basic Mechanics operations. 1. Friction Operating principles of ship power 1. Diesel engine performance
Practical knowledge Operation and maintenance of:
marine diesel engines
Practical knowledge:
Operation and maintenance of:
Maintain safety of engine equipment, systems and services.
Start up and shut down main propulsion Operate, monitor and evaluate engine performance and capacity.
Manage fuel
marine diesel engines
Operation and maintenance Operation and maintenance of machinery
Operation and maintenance of marine diesel engines: 1. Engine components 2. Engine lubrication 3. Fuel injection
Use internal communication systems.
Operation of all internal communication systems on board. 1. Internal communication systems on board.
b. Function: Electrical, and Control engineering at the management level COMPETENCE
Operate electrical
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Theoretical knowledge: Marine electro-technology, electronics
1. electronics and electrical equipment: Application of Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws - series circuits - parallel circuits Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Practical knowledge: Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical
c. Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures.
Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures: 1. Preparation for maintenance - theoretical knowledge
2. Planned maintenance practical knowledge dismantling and inspection assembly and testing
3. Records keeping of correct Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults: 1.Unplanned maintenance
actions are safe seniors are advised and advise sought Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults. Practical knowledge:
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults. Ensure safe working practices.
Organizing and carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures Practical knowledge: Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage. Practical knowledge:
Safe working practices.
safety management system
Function : Marine engineering at the management level Theoretical knowledge: Plan and schedule
Start up and shut down main propulsion
Operating principles of ship power installations diesel Basic Mechanics Operating principles of ship power
Operate, monitor and evaluate engine performance and
1. Diesel engine performance Practical knowledge
Operation and maintenance of:
marine diesel engines
Operation and maintenance of marine diesel engines: 1. Engine components 2. Engine lubrication 3. Fuel injection
Practical knowledge:
maintain safety of engine equipment, systems and services.
Operation and maintenance of:
marine diesel engines
Operation and maintenance Operation and maintenance
1. Safety valves Operation
Manage fuel
Operation and maintenance of machinery
Use internal communication systems.
Operation of all communication systems on board: 1. Internal communication systems on board.
Function: Electrical and Control engineering at the management level Operate electrical Theoretical knowledge:
Marine electro-technology, electronics and electrical equipment: 2. Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems. 3. Application of Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws series circuits parallel circuits Practical knowledge:
Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures.
Technical knowledge:
Marine engineering Organize safe repair procedures:maintenance and practice Preparation for maintenance theoretical knowledge . Planned maintenance Practical knowledge: dismantling and inspection assembly and testing
Records keeping of correct
Organizing and carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedure Practical knowledge: Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage.
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults.
.Unplanned maintenance -
Ensure safe working practices.
actions are safe
seniors are advised and advise sought Practical knowledge:
Safe working practices. Safety management
ship’s safety management system Function : Marine engineering at the management level Plan and schedule Theoretical knowledge: operations. Mechanics and hydro-mechanics Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission: 1. Steady flow energy equation 2. First and second law of thermodynamics 3. Vapours 4. Behaviour of gases 5. Thermal efficiency 6. Auxiliary steam plant 7. Principles of nozzles for steam plant 8. Engine trial data 9. Refrigeration 10. Heat transfer Air compressors Operating principles of ship power installations (diesel) and refrigeration;
Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants; Technology of materials;
Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Theoretical knowledge: a. Thermodynamics and heat Basic Mechanics and Hydromechanics: transmission; b. Friction c. Inertia d. Circulation motion e. Periodic motion f. Dynamics of rotation g. Work and energy h. Impulse and momentum i. Hydrostatics j. Hydraulics
COMPETENCE Start up and shut down main propulsion and auxiliary machinery, including associated systems.
Mechanics and hydro-mechanics;
Operating principles of ship power installations (diesel, steam and gas turbine) and refrigeration;
Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants; Technology of materials; . 1.Metallurgy of steel and
2. cast iron 3. Testing and properties of materials
Operate, monitor and evaluate engine performance and capacity.
Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control. Practical knowledge Operation and maintenance of: Engine components
marine diesel engines marine steam propulsion plant marine gas turbines
Operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, including pumping and piping systems, auxiliary boiler plant and steering-gear systems; Operation, testing and maintenance of control systems;
Maintain safety of engine
Operation and maintenance of cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery. Practical knowledge:
COMPETENCE equipment, systems and services.
marine diesel engines marine steam propulsion plant marine gas turbines
Operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, including pumping and piping systems, auxiliary boiler plant and steering-gear systems; Operation, testing and maintenance of control systems;
Manage fuel and ballast operations.
Operation and maintenance of cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery. Operation and maintenance of machinery, including pumps and piping system.
1. Bilge, including bilge water separator and emergency bilge procedures 2. Bunkering procedures 3. Fire main 4. Prevention of pollution by the sea
Use internal communication systems.
sewage and sludge Operation of all internal communication systems on board. Internal communication systems on board.
d. Function:Electrical,Electronic and Control engineering at the management level COMPETENCE Operate electrical and electronic control equipment. Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Theoretical knowledge: Marine electro-technology, electronics and electrical equipment;
Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems. Practical knowledge:
Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and electronic control equipment, including fault diagnostics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
practical work Power-factor improvement Poly-phase supplies AC generators Automatic voltage regulation
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY 6. AC switch gear 7. Generator protection 8. Single and parallel operation of generator 9. Transformers 10. Rectification 11. Distribution 12. Circuit protection 13. Cables 14. DC and AC motors 15. Motor control and protection 16. Cells and batteries 17. Lamps
Marine engineering practice
Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures.
Tanker electrical safety systems e. Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Technical knowledge:
Practical knowledge:
Organizing and carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures. Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures: 1. Preparation for maintenance - theoretical knowledge
2. Planned maintenance -
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults.
practical knowledge dismantling and inspection assembly and testing
3. Records keeping of correct maintenance administration Practical knowledge: Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage.
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults:
Unplanned maintenance
actions are safe seniors are advised and advise sought priorities are scheduled
errors are acknowledged and corrective actions taken.
Ensure safe Practical knowledge: working practices. Safe working practices: 1. Safety management
ship’s safety management system flag state regulations PPE and its use use of lifting equipment recognition of hazards record keeping enclosed spaces environment testing equipment use and stowage of gas welding systems
2. Pressure vessels and pipe work maintenance (undersupervision) f. Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Control trim, 1. Understanding of fundamental principles of ship stability and construction and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and measures necessary to preserve trim stress. and stability; 2. Effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken 3. Theories affecting trim and stability Fundamental principles of ship construction, trim and stability: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Shipbuilding materials Welding bulkheads Wathertight and weathertight doors Corrosion and its prevention Surveys and dry-docking Stability
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken; Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability. Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability:
1. Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Conventions and Codes.
Knowledge of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions;
Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects:
certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and their period of their legal validity responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships maritime declarations of health and requirements of the International Health regulations responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships knowledge of national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions. A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea);
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of lifesaving, firefighting and other safety systems.
Organization of fire and abandon ship drills;
Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, firefighting and other safety systems;
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies; Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding.
Develop emergency and damage control
Preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies;
COMPETENCE plans and handle emergency situations.
Organize and manage the crew.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Ship construction, including damage control; Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction; Functions and use of life-saving appliances. A knowledge of personnel management, organization and training on board ship; Personnel management a. Organization of staff b. Training on board ships
A knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation.
g. Function : Marine engineering at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Theoretical knowledge:
Operating principles of ship power installations diesel Plan schedule operations.
and Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants;
Start up and shut down main propulsion and auxiliary machinery, including associated systems.
Technology of materials;
Naval architecture and ship construction. Theoretical knowledge:
Operating principles of ship power installations diesel.
Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants; . Diesel engine performance
a. Basics of physical and chemical properties of oils b. Combustion c. Oil purification d. Lubricating oils
Fuel and lubrication problems, testing and analysis ;Technology of Materials and Mechanics: Metallurgy of steel andcast iron a. b. c. d. e. f.
Testing and properties of materials Heat treatment of metals Alloying elements in irons and steel Non-ferrous metals Non-metallic materials Packing materials
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY g. Welding principles Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control. construction, including damage control: 1. Movement of the centre of gravity
2. Ship structures 3. Flotation 4. Transversal static stability 5. Effect of liquids on stability 6. Correcting the angle of loll 7. TPC and displacement curves 8. Form coefficients 9. Areas and volumes of ship shapes 10. KB, BM and meta-centric diagrams 11. List 12. Moments of static stability 13. Trim 14. Dry-docking and grounding 15. Ship motion 16. Vibration sources in ships 17. Rudders 18. Resistance, powering and fuel consumption Propulsion and rudder
Basic Mechanics and Hydro-mechanics:
Operate, monitor and evaluate engine performance and capacity.
Friction Practical knowledge
Operation and maintenance of:
marine diesel engines marine steam propulsion plant marine gas turbines
Operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, including pumping and piping systems, auxiliary boiler plant and steering-gear systems; Operation, testing and maintenance of control systems;
Maintain safety of engine equipment, systems and
Operation and maintenance of cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery. Practical knowledge: Operation and maintenance of:
COMPETENCE services.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY marine diesel engines marine steam propulsion plant marine gas turbines Operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, including pumping and piping systems, auxiliary boiler plant and steering-gear systems; Operation, testing and maintenance of control systems;
Manage fuel and ballast operations.
Operation and maintenance of cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery. Operation and Maintenance of machinery, including pumps and piping systems:
Bilge, including bilge water separator and emergency bilge procedures Bunkering procedures Fire main Prevention of pollution by the sea Sewage and sludge Operation of all communication systems on board:
Use internal communication systems.
1. Internal communication systems on board
h. Function: Electrical, Electronic and Control engineering at the management level COMPETENCE Operate electrical and electronic control equipment.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Theoretical knowledge: 4. Marine electro-technology, electronics and electrical equipment 5. Application of Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws - series circuits - parallel circuits - combined series and parallel circuits - Wheatstone bridge 6. Electromagnetism
Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems. 1. 2. 7.
Control theory Pneumatic systems
Hydraulic systems
Marine electro-technology, electronics and electrical equipment; Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems;
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition.
Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and electronic control equipment, including fault diagnostics Theoretical knowledge:
Practical knowledge:
Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and electronic control equipment, including fault diagnostics. i. Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Organize safe Technical knowledge: maintenance and repair Marine engineering practice procedures. Practical knowledge: Organizing and carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures. Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures: 1. Preparation for maintenance - theoretical knowledge
2. Planned maintenance -
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults.
practical knowledge dismantling and inspection assembly and testing
3. Records keeping of correct maintenance administration Practical knowledge: Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage. 1. Unplanned maintenance -
actions are safe seniors are advised and advise sought priorities are scheduled errors are acknowledged and corrective actions taken
COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Ensure safe Practical knowledge: working practices. Safe working practices. 1.Safety management ship’s safety management system flag state regulations PPE and its use use of lifting equipment recognition of hazards record keeping enclosed spaces environment testing equipment use and stowage of gas welding systems
2. Pressure vessels and pipe work maintenance (undersupervision) j. Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Control trim, Understanding of fundamental principles of ship construction stability and and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and stress. measures necessary to preserve trim and stability; Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken;
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability. Knowledge of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions;Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects:
certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and their period of their legal validity responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships maritime declarations of health and requirements of the International Health regulations responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships knowledge of national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY International maritime law embodied in international conventions:
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of lifesaving, firefighting and other safety systems.
1. Certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions 2. Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines 3. Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 4. Responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 5. Maritime declarations of health and the requirements of the International Health Regulations 6. Responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo 7. Methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships 8. National legislation for implementing agreements and conventions. A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea);
Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations.
Organize and manage the crew.
Organization of fire and abandon ship drills;
Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, firefighting and other safety systems;
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies; Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding. Preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies; Ship construction, including damage control;
Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction;
Functions and use of life-saving appliances. Personnel management, organization and training on board ship: 2. 3. 4.
Personnel management Organization of staff Training on board ships
Related international maritime conventions and national legislation:
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Related international maritime conventions and national legislation
STANDARD COMPETENCE FOR ATT – IV a. Function : Marine engineering at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Plan and Theoretical knowledge: schedule operations. Thermodynamics and heat transmission; Mechanics and hydro-mechanics;
Operating principles of ship power installations (diesel) and refrigeration; Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants; Technology of materials;
Start up and shut down main propulsion and auxiliary machinery, including associated systems.
Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control. Theoretical knowledge: Thermodynamics and heat transmission; Mechanics and hydro-mechanics;
Operating principles of ship power installations (diesel, steam and gas turbine) and refrigeration;
Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants; Technology of materials;
Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control. Basic Mechanics and Hydro-mechanics: k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s.
Friction Inertia Circulation motion Periodic motion Dynamics of rotation Work and energy Impulse and momentum Hydrostatics Hydraulics
Operating principles of ship power installations and refrigeration: 1. Diesel engine performance
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY 2. Refrigeration and air conditioning Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants: 1. Production of oils from crude oil
e. Basics of physical and chemical properties of oils f. Combustion g. Combustion equipment h. Oil purification i. Lubricating oils j. Lubrication k. Fuel and lubrication problems, testing and analysis l. Greases Technology of Materials and Mechanics:
1. Metallurgy of steel and cast iron
4. Testing and properties of materials 5. Heat treatment of metals 6. Alloying elements in irons and steel 7. Non-ferrous metals 8. Non-metallic materials 9. Packing materials 10. Welding principles 11. Direct stress and strain 12. Stress in pressure vessels 13. Shear and torsion
Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control: 1. Movement of the centre of gravity
19. Ship structures 20. Flotation 21. Transversal static stability 22. Effect of liquids on stability 23. Correcting the angle of loll 24. TPC and displacement curves 25. Form coefficients 26. Areas and volumes of ship shapes 27. KB, BM and meta-centric diagrams 28. List 29. Moments of static stability 30. Trim 31. Dry-docking and grounding 32. Ship motion 33. Vibration sources in ships
Operate, monitor and evaluate engine performance and capacity.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY 34. Rudders 35. Resistance, powering and fuel consumption 36. Propulsion and rudders Practical knowledge Operation and maintenance of:
marine diesel engines marine steam propulsion plant marine gas turbines
Operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, including pumping and piping systems, auxiliary boiler plant and steering-gear systems; Operation, testing and maintenance of control systems;
Operation and maintenance of cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery. Operation and maintenance of marine diesel engines: 1. Engine components 2. Engine lubrication 3. Fuel injection
Maintain safety of engine equipment, systems and services.
4. Scavenging and supercharging - four and two stroke - turbo chargers 5. Starting and reversing 6. Cooling systems 7. Diesel engine control 8. Compressed air 9. Multi-engine propulsion arrangement - arrangements - couplings Practical knowledge: Operation and maintenance of:
marine diesel engines marine steam propulsion plant marine gas turbines
Operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, including pumping and piping systems, auxiliary boiler plant and steering-gear systems; Operation, testing and maintenance of control systems;
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Operation and maintenance of cargo-handling equipment and deck machineryand hydraulic control 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Controllers Control Circuits Remote control-diesel propulsion Air supply Monitoring systems
Operation and maintenance of cargo handling equipment and deck machinery: 1. Deck machinery Operation and Maintenance of machinery, including pumps and piping systems: 1. Ballast
Manage fuel and ballast operations.
2. Bilge, including bilge water separator and emergency bilge procedures 3. Bunkering procedures 4. Fire main 5. Prevention of pollution by the sea 6. Sewage and sludge Operation of all internal communication systems on board.
Use internal communication systems.
Operation of all communication systems on board:
1. Internal communication systems on board. b. Function: Electrical, Electronic and Control engineering at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Operate electrical Theoretical knowledge: and electronic control Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control equipment. systems. Practical knowledge:
Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and electronic control equipment, including fault diagnostics Marine electro-technology, electronics and electrical equipment: 8. 9.
Application of Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws series circuits parallel circuits combined series and parallel circuits Wheatstone bridge Electromagnetism
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems:
Marine electro-technology, electronics and electrical equipment; Fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and control systems;
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition.
1. Control theory 2. Pneumatic systems 10. Hydraulic systems Theoretical knowledge:
Practical knowledge:
Operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and electronic control equipment, including fault diagnostics.
Practical operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and electronic control equipment, including fault diagnostics: 18. Practical work 19. Power-factor improvement 20. Poly-phase supplies 21. AC generators 22. Automatic voltage regulation 23. AC switch gear 24. Generator protection 25. Single and parallel operation of generator 26. Transformers 27. Rectification 28. Distribution 29. Circuit protection 30. Cables 31. DC and AC motors 32. Motor control and protection 33. Cells and batteries 34. Lamps 35. Tanker electrical safety systems
c. Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level COMPETENCE KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Technical knowledge: Marine engineering practice Organize safe maintenance and repair
Practical knowledge: Organizing and carrying out safe maintenance and repair
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COMPETENCE procedures.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY procedures. Organize safe maintenance and repair procedures: 1. Preparation for maintenance - theoretical knowledge 2. Planned maintenance
3. Records keeping of correct maintenance administration Practical knowledge: Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage.
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults.
practical knowledge dismantling and inspection assembly and testing
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults:
1. Unplanned maintenance
Ensure safe working practices.
actions are safe seniors are advised and advise sought priorities are scheduled errors are acknowledged and corrective actions taken Practical knowledge: Safe working practices: 1. Safety management -
ship’s safety management system flag state regulations PPE and its use use of lifting equipment recognition of hazards record keeping enclosed spaces environment testing equipment use and stowage of gas welding systems
2. Pressure vessels and pipe work maintenance (under supervision) d. Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level
COMPETENCE Control trim, stability and stress.
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY Understanding of fundamental principles of ship construction and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and measures necessary to preserve trim and stability; Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken;
Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects:
knowledge of national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions.
International maritime law embodied in international conventions:
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability. Knowledge of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions;
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of lifesaving, firefighting and other safety systems.
9. Certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions 10. Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines 11. Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 12. Responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 13. Maritime declarations of health and the requirements of the International Health Regulations 14. Responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo 15. Methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships 16. National legislation for implementing agreements and conventions. A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea); Organization of fire and abandon ship drills;
Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, firefighting and other safety systems;
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies; Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire,
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY explosion, collision or grounding. Knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations; Organisation of fire and abandon ship drills; Maintenance of operational condition of life- saving, fire fighting and other safety systems; Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies;
Ship construction including damage control;
Methods and aids for fire protection, detection and extinction;
Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations.
Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding. Preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies;
Organize and manage the crew.
Functions and use of life-saving appliances. A knowledge of personnel management, organization and training on board ship; Personnel management, organization and training on board ship: 5. 6. 7.
Personnel management Organization of staff Training on board ships
Related international maritime conventions and national legislation: 2.
Related international maritime conventions and national legislation
Seksi 8 8.1.
Crew Qualifications3
a. This section, specify levels of competence to be attained and other conditions to be satisfied in order to gain qualifications as a Master, Mate, Deck Watchkeeper,chief engineer,Engineer, Engine Watchkeeper b. The objective of this Chapter and Annexes is to provide regulators, vessel owners, and Certificate of Competency applicants and holders, with details of the requirements to be met in order to obtain, renew or revalidate a Certificate of Competency. c. In addition, this Chapter and Annexes provide details of the operations permitted by holders of Certificates of Competency. 8.2.
1) Certificate of medical fitness 2) Currency of a certificate of medical fitness
A certificate of medical fitness is current for a period of two years from the date of issue, or such lesser time as may be specified by the issuing medical practitioner.
3) Declaration of medical fitness 4) A declaration of medical fitness in accordance is required for the issue or renewal of a Certificate of Competency under this Standard as a: a. Master, Chief Officer, Chieh Engineer , Engineer , whatchkeeper b. Requirement to undergo a medical examination c. An Authority may, for good reason, require the holder of a Certificate of Competency, an applicant for a Certificate of Competency, or an applicant for the revalidation, renewal or recognition of a Certificate of Competency, to obtain further evidence as to their medical condition or medical fitness. In such cases the Authority may specify the medical practitioner/s from whom additional evidence of the person’s medical condition shall be obtained. d. After due consideration of the advice of the medical practitioner/s, an Authority may either decline to issue a Certificate of Competency or cancel a Certificate of
Competency in or may restrict the duties or areas of operation of a Certificate of Competency e. Decisions of an Authority with regard to medical fitness shall be subject to the administrative appeal process of the particular State or Territory.
5) Satisfactory level of medical fitness
A holder of a Certificate of Competency shall ensure that whenever the certificate is being used, the holder has a medical fitness at a level that shall not in any way adversely affect the safe operation of the vessel or the performance of the holder’s duties. The satisfactory level of medical fitness is specified in Annex C.
6) TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Recognition of existing certificates
A Certificate of Competency issued or recognised under the Indonesia NCSV , or laws preceding the adoption of this Standard (pre-NSCV Certificate), shall, for the remainder of the period of currency of the certificate be recognised as a Certificate of Competency
Such a certificate may continue to be revalidated or renewed under the terms and conditions that applied at the time of issue or last revalidation or renewal provided there is no extension to the duties and service permitted by that certificate beyond those specified at the time this Standard was adopted.
Arrangements made by an Authority for recognition of Certificates of Competency issued by that Authority under Indonesia NCVS or in accordance with laws preceding the adoption of this Standard by that Authority, shall be recognised by other Authorities
8.3. MEDICAL FITNESS 8.3.1. Certificate of medical fitness
Where a certificate of medical fitness is required, the following requirements specified in this Annex shall be met: a. Eyesight (vision) as specified i. b. Eyesight (colour-vision) as specified in Clause C5. c. Medical as specified .
A person is deemed to hold a certificate of medical fitness if they can demonstrate that they have satisfactorily met these requirements.
8.3.2. Declaration of medical fitness Where a declaration of medical fitness is required, the requirements specified in medical requirements of this section shall be met.
An Authority shall determine the form and manner in which the declaration will be made. Where the declaration shows that the applicant suffers from a condition an Authority may require a medical examination i.
8.3.3. Satisfactory level of medical fitness Where a satisfactory level of medical fitness is required, the following requirements specified in this Annex should be met:
Eyesight (vision) as specified in Clause C4. Medical as specified in Clause C6. Where a holder of a Certificate of Competency’s level of medical fitness alters so that it no longer meets these requirements, the person shall advise the Authority of the change prior to operating under this Certificate.
In this Annex the following definition applies: 1.
Aids to vision glasses or contact lenses which have been prescribed by a qualified optometrist or eye specialist to correct refractive error of a persons eye.
EYESIGHT (VISION) Vision tests
Vision tests shall be conducted by a suitably qualified optometrist, eye specialist, medical practitioner, or an officer of an Authority, who will provide the applicant with documentation (eg. Medical Certificate) to testify to the result.
8.3.5. Use of aids to vision Aids to vision are the only optical aids which may be used in a vision test. A person whose certificate of medical fitness indicates that an aid to vision was used for the purpose of being found medically fit shall, at all times when on duty on a vessel, use such aid when appropriate, and keep a spare aid to vision available.
8.3.6. Deck crew
Deck crew are required to demonstrate that their vision meets the standard specified in Table 5 Persons with only one eye, or poor vision in one eye (i.e. monocular vision) may be issued with a Certificate of Competency. NOTE: Persons with monocular vision and those employing or supervising persons with monocular vision need to be aware of the dangers of operating cranes and other similar lifting appliances where monocular vision may limit depth perception and impact safety.
Tabel 1 Eyesight (Vision) tests — Deck Crew With or without aids to vision Snellen Principle 6/6 (0.0 LogMar) in the better eye.
Without aids to vision Snellen Principle 6/60 (1.0 LogMar) in each eye.
Snellen Principle 6/9 (0.2 LogMar) in the other eye.
8.3.7. Engine crew
NOTE: Candidates should achieve the standards provided in both columns.
Engine crew are required to demonstrate that their vision meets the standard specified in Table 6
Persons with only one eye, or poor vision in one eye (i.e. monocular vision) may be issued with a Certificate of Competency.
NOTE: Persons with monocular vision and those employing or supervising persons with monocular vision need to be aware of the dangers of operating cranes and other similar lifting appliances where monocular vision may limit depth perception and impact safety
Tabel 2 Eyesight (Vision) tests — Engine Crew With or without aids to vision
Snellen Principle 6/9 (0.2 LogMar) in one eye.
Without aids to vision
Snellen Principle 6/60 (1.0 LogMar) in each eye.
Snellen Principle 6/9 (0.2 LogMar) in the other eye.
NOTE: Candidates should achieve the standards provided in both columns.
EYESIGHT (COLOUR-VISION) 1) Colour-vision tests
Colour-vision tests shall be conducted by a suitably qualified optometrist, eye specialist, medical practitioner, or an officer of an Authority, who will provide the applicant with documentation (e.g. Medical Certificate) to testify to the result.
Colour-vision testing is not required for revalidation or renewal of Certificates of Competency. For the purposes of upgrading to a higher level Certificate of Competency, an additional colour-vision test shall only be required where an Ishihara or Holmes-Wright lantern test Type “B” was not conducted for the original certificate, and where such a test is a requirement for the new certificate being sought. 2)
Use of aids to vision
Aids to vision, provided they are not coloured or tinted, are the only optical aids that may be used in a colour-vision test. Colour correction devices shall not be worn for colour testing.
8.3.9. Deck crew
Deck crew are required to demonstrate that they have passed one of the following: d. The Ishihara Test. e. Holmes-Wright Lantern Test type “B”.
In the case of applicants for Nautika I, Nautika II Nautika III Nautika IV Nautika V Nautika I Nautika I sebagai nakhoda ,mulaim 1 atau Oficer on watch , an Authority may, in lieu of the above requirement, accept a statement from a suitably qualified optometrist, eye specialist or medical practitioner, that after having examined the applicant, the applicant suffers no greater abnormality in colour-vision than could be tested by the Ishihara Test.
Engine crew
Applicants for a Tehnika I. Tehnika II Tehnika III Tehnika IV Tehnika V sebagai Chief Engineer , 1 st Engineer or Engineer on the watch ,are not required to undertake a colour-vision test. Applicants for Tehnika I. Tehnika II Tehnika III Tehnika IV Tehnika V sebagai Chief Engineer , 1 st Engineer or Engineer on the watch are required to pass one of the following tests: a. The Ishihara Test. b. Holmes-Wright Lantern Test type “B”. c. A colour-matching test .
If an applicant fails to meet the requirement for colour-vision, an Authority may accept a letter from an employer (not necessarily in shipping), to say that the person has satisfactorily performed similar engineering duties, over a 2-year period, as a deemed-to-satisfy solution for the colour-vision requirement.
8.3.11. Conduct of Ishihara test The Ishihara test shall be conducted according to instructions for the test. In order to pass, a candidate shall correctly identify at least 13 of the first 15 plates in the 24-plate version. Where an applicant wishes to appeal the failure of an Ishihara colourvision test, the applicant may be re-examined. A Holmes-Wright lantern test type “B” may be used in lieu of the Ishihara.
8.4.1. Examinations
For the purpose of gaining a certificate of medical fitness, medical examinations shall be conducted by a suitably qualified medical practitioner, who will provide the applicant with documentation (e.g. Medical Certificate) to testify to the result.
8.4.2. Requirements
Medical fitness should be based on normal criteria.
In determining whether or not an applicant meets the medical fitness requirements in this Standard, due account should be taken by the medical practitioner in the case of an examination for a certificate of medical fitness, or the applicant in the case of a declaration of medical fitness, of the following: a. The nature of employment for which certification is intended. b. The medical and employment history of the person. c. The requirements specified in Clauses C6.3 to C6.10.
These standards are applicable to candidates for all levels of a certificate, and shall be met before a Certificate of Competency can be issued, renewed or revalidated except where otherwise stated
These requirements are to ensure the person can perform the relevant duties without creating an unacceptable risk to him/herself, other members of the crew or the safe operation of a vessel. Marine Orders Part 9 may be used to provide further information on standards and their reasoning.
Where there is difficulty meeting the requirements in Clauses C6.3 to C6.10 an Authority may review the case and, considering the circumstances and level of risk involved, may issue a restricted Certificate of Competency in accordance with Clause 1.9.1, or a Temporary Permit to Serve in accordance with Clause 1.9.2, or impose any other special conditions on the use of the certificate.
NOTE: This will provide alternative methods of managing the risks associated with safe operation of the vessel. 1) Hernia
No condition of hernia, unless satisfactorily corrected by a curative operation with the exception of— a. a small inguinal hernia where there is no risk of strangulation and where there is surgical opinion to state that there is no clinical indication for surgery and the applicant may be accepted as fit for lifting tasks; and b. a diaphragmatic hernia without disabling reflux oesophagitis or other symptoms.
An applicant’s speech should be clear and without hesitation such that orders can be communicated effectively to other crew during times of emergency and messages can be transmitted and understood on a radio. 3)
The whispered voice, a watch, or other proven tests should test hearing ability. However, where there is doubt as to the fitness of a person, testing should be conducted by means of an audiogram. When an audiogram is used the hearing requirements are: a. Hearing loss in the better ear shall not be greater than 40 decibels (AMA standard) for the frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz. b. Where hearing level is less than the above standards, hearing aids may be accepted, providing the above levels can be reached when using the aid.
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Persons with hearing below the required standard in one ear may be issued with a Certificate of Competency provided the standard can be achieved with the other ear. 4)
Artificial limbs
Artificial limbs shall not interfere with the normal duties the holder of the certificate would be expected to perform and each case will be considered by an Authority on its merit. 5) Cardiac pacemaker
6) Epilepsy
A person with a cardiac pacemaker shall not serve on a vessel unless a medical practitioner, taking into account the nature of the disease and the reliability of the pacemaker, provides a statement that the person can undertake the normal duties the holder of the certificate would be expected to perform, and that the safe operation of the vessel will not be affected.
A person with confirmed, current epilepsy, irrespective of control medication’s shall not serve on a vessel. A person with a past history of epilepsy, including febrile convulsions as a child, a single seizure or cluster of seizures due to exceptional and non-repeatable circumstances, who has demonstrated a seizure-free period of two years while not on any anticonvulsant medication, is fit for service in a vessel. 7) Diabetes
A person suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes may be approved to serve on a vessel providing a medical practitioner provides a statement that the person is managing the diabetes effectively. 8) Tuberculosis
A person who has been affected by pulmonary tuberculosis shall not serve on a vessel unless the disease is controlled or has been inactive in that person for at least the previous six months
A medical practitioner issuing a certificate of medical fitness should specify the date the examination was undertaken, and the period for which the certificate of medical fitness is current. The period of validity for certificates of medical fitness should not exceed two years.
Seksi 9
Kesejahteraan Awak Kapal
References to a person being on duty are references-
a. in the case of a master who has command of a vessel in the course of his employment, to being on duty, whether for the purpose of having the command of a vessel to which this Chapter applies or for other purposes, in the employment of the person who employs him in that employment or in any other employment under that person; and b. in the case of a master who has command of a vessel for the purposes of a trade or business carried on by him, to having command of a vessel to which this Section applies for the purposes of that trade or business or being otherwise engaged in work for the purposes of that trade or business, being work in connection with such a vessel or the passengers carried by it. c. A master or engineer shall so far as is reasonably practicable ensure that he or she is properly rested when first going on duty on any working day, the working day of a master or engineer shall not exceed 16 hours. d. master shall not on any working day con a vessel or vessels to which these regulations applies for periods amounting in the a ggregate to more than 10 hours e. Where on any working day a master has been on duty-for a period of 6 hours and the end of that period does not mark the end of the working day; or for periods amounting in the aggregate to 6 hours and there has not been between any of f. Jam kerja bagi awak kapal ditetapkan 8 (delapan) jam setiap hari dengan 1 (satu) hari libur setiap minggu dan hari-hari libur resmi. g. Perhatian gaji jam kerja bagi awak kapal ditetapkan 44 (empat puluh empat) jam setiap minggu. h. Jam kerja melebihi dari ketentuan sebagimana dimaksud dalam ayat (2) dan dipekerjakan pada hari-hari libur sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) dihitung lembur. i. Setiap awak harus diberikan waktu istirahat paling sedikit 10 (sepuluh) jam dalam jangka waktu 24 (dua puluh empat) jam yang dapat dibagi 2, yang salah satu di antaranya tidak kurang dari 6 (enam) jam kecuali dalam keadaan darurat. j. Pelaksanaan tugas-tugas darurat demi keselamatan berlayar dan muatan termasuk latihan-latihan di kapal atau untuk memberikan
pertolongan dalam bahaya sesuai peraturan keselamatan pelayaran, tidak dihitung lembur. k. Pelaut muda atau pelaut yang berumur antara 16 tahun sampai dengan 18 tahun dan dipekerjakan sebagai apapun di atas kapal, tidak diperbolehkan untuk : a. Dipekerjakan melebihi 8 jam sehari dan 40 jam seminggu. b. Dipekerjakan pada waktu istirahat, kecuali dalam halhal sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (5).
3) UPAH MINIMUM a. Upah minimum bagi awak kapal dengan jabatan terendah ditetapkan oleh Menteri yang bertanggung jawab di bidang ketenagakerjaan, berdasarkan ketentuan upah minimum tenaga kerja sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. b. Upah lembur per jam dihitung dengan
Upah Minimum X 1,25
Rumus =
Hari libur yang dibayar dihitung untuk setiap bulan 4 (empat) hari kerja, yang besarnya setiap hari 1/30 (sepertigapuluh) dari gaji minimum bulanan.
Setiap awak kapal berhak mendapatkan cuti tahunan yang lamanya paling sedikit 20 (duapluh) hari kalender untuk setiap jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun bekerja.
Atas permintaan pengusaha angkutan diperairan, awak kapal yang mendapatkan hak cuti tahunan dapat mengganti hak cutinya dengan imbalan upah sejumlah hari cuti yang tidak dinikmatinya.
a. Pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib menyediakan makanan dan alat-alat pelayanan dalam jumlah yang cukup dan layak untuk setiap pelayaran bagi setiap awak di atas kapal. b. Makanan harus memenuhi jumlah, ragam serta gizi dengan jumlah minimum 3.600 kalori per hari yang diperlukan awak kapal untuk sehat dalam melakukan tugas-tugasnya di kapal. c. Air tawar harus tetap tersedia di kapal dengan jumlah yang cukup dan memenuhi standar kesehatan. d. alat-alat pelayanan seperti peralatan dapur dan atau peralatan memasak, serta perlengkapan ruang makan, harus tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup
a. awak kapal yang habis masa kontrak kerjanya harus dikembalikan ke tempat domisilinya atau pelabuhan di tempat perjanjian kerja laut ditandatangani. b. Jika awak kapal memutuskan hubungan kerja atas kehendak sendiri, pengusaha angkutan perairan dibebaskan dari kewajiban pembiayaan untuk pemulangan yang bersangkutan. c. Apabila masa kontrak dari awak kapal habis masa berlakunya pada saat kapal dalam pelayaran, awak kapal yang bersangkutan diwajibkan meneruskan pelayaran sampai di pelabuhan pertama yang disinggahi dengan mendapat imbalan upah dan kesejahteraan sejumlah hari kelebihan dari masa kontrak. d. biaya-biaya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (10) dan ayat (3), merupakan tanggungan pengusaha angkutan di perairan, yang meliputi biaya-biaya pemulangan, penginapan dan makanan sejak diturunkan dari kapal sampai tiba di tempat domisilinya. e. Apabila terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja oleh pengusaha angkutan di perairan karena kapal musnah atau tenggelam, pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib membayar pesangon kepada awak kapal yang bersangkutan sebesar 2 (dua) kali penghasilan bulan terakhir dan hak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. f. Apabila terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja oleh pengusaha angkutan di perairan karena dianggurkan, atau di jual, pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib membayar pesangon kepada awak kapal sesuai perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
a. b.
Pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib menanggung biaya perawatan dan pengobatan bagi awak kapal yang sakit atau cidera selama berada di atas kapal. Awak kapal yang sakit atau cedera akibat kecelakaan sehingga tidak dapat bekerja atau harus dirawat, pengusaha angkuatan di perairan selain wajib membiayai perawatan dan pengobatan juga wajib membayar gaji penuh jika awak kapal tetap berada atau dirawat di kapal. Jika awak kapal sebagimana dimaksud dalam ayat (2) harus diturunkan dari kapal untuk perawatan di darat, pengusaha angkutan di perairan selain wajib membiayai perawatan dan pengobatan, juga wajib membayar sebesar 100 % dari gaji minimumnya setiap bulan pada bulan pertama dan sebesar 80 % dari gaji minimumnya setiap bulan pada bulan berikutnya, sampai yang bersangkutan sembuh sesuai surat keterangan petugas medis, dengan ketentuan tidak lebih dari 6 (enam) bulan untuk yang sakit dan tidak lebih dari 12 (dua belas) bulan untuk yang cedera akibat kecelakaan. Bila awak kapal diturunkan dan dirawat di luar negeri, selain biaya perawatan dan pengobatan, pengusaha angkutan di perairan juga menanggung biaya pemulangan kembali ke tempat domisilinya.
Besarnya ganti rugi atas kehilangan barang-barang milik awak kapal akibat tenggelam atau terbakarnya kapal, sesuai dengan nilai barangbarang yang wajar dimilikinya yang hilang atau terbakar. Jika awak kapal setelah dirawat akibat kecelakaan kerja, menderita cacat tetap yang mempengaruhi kemampuan kerja, besarnya santunan ditentukan :
Kehilangan satu lengan
Kehilangan kedua lengan
100 %
Kehilangan satu telapak tangan
Kehilangan kedua telapak tangan
Kehilangan satu kaki dari paha
Cacat tetap yang mengakibatkan kemampuan kerja hilang 100 %, besarnya santunan minimal Rp. 150.000.000,- (seratus lima puluh juta rupiah); Cacat tetap yang mengakibatkan kemampuan kerja berkurang, besarnya santunan ditetapkan sebesar persentase dari jumlah sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam huruf (a), sebagai berikut : %
Kehilangan kedua kaki dari paha
100 %
Kehilangan satu telapak kaki
Kehilangan Kedua telapak kaki
Kehilangan satu mata
Kehilangan kedua mata
100 %
Kehilangan pendengaran satu telinga
Kehilangan pendengaran kedua telinga
Kehilangan satu jari tangan
Kehilangan satu jari kaki
c. Jika awak kapal kehilangan beberapa anggota badan sekaligus sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) huruf (b), besarnya santunan ditentukan dengan menjumlahkan besarnya persentase, dengan ketentuan tidak melebihi jumlah sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam ayat (1) huruf (a). d. Jika awak Kapal meninggal dunia diatas kapal, pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib menanggung biaya pemulangan dan penguburan jenasahnya ke tempat yang dikehendaki oleh keluarga yang bersangkutan sepanjang keadaan memungkinkan. e. Jika awak kapal meninggal dunia, pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib membayar santunan : i. Untuk Meninggal karena sakit besarnya santunan minimal Rp. 100.000.000,- (seratus juta rupiah); ii. Untuk meninggal akibat kecelakaan kerja besarnya santunan minimal Rp. 150.000.000,- (seratus lima puluh juta)
Santunan sebagimana dimaksud dalam ayat (2), diberikan kepada ahli warisnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
1) Location, structure and arrangement of crew accommodation spaces and means of access thereto, should be such as to ensure adequate security, protection against weather and sea and insulation from heat and cold, undue noise, vibration or effluvia from other spaces. 2) Where in view of operational requirements the competent authority has permitted sleeping rooms to be placed in the fore part of the vessel, they should be placed aft of the collision bulkhead. 3) Bulkheads and decks between accommodation spaces and fish-holds; machinery spaces; fuel tanks; galleys, engine, deck and other store-rooms; drying rooms, communal wash-places or water-closets, should be so constructed as to prevent the infiltration of fumes and odours. Direct openings into sleeping rooms from such places should be avoided wherever reasonable or practicable. That part of bulkheads separating such places from sleeping rooms, and also external bulkheads, should be gastight and, where necessary, should prevent the passage of water. 4) Accommodation spaces should be adequately insulated to prevent loss of heat, condensation or overheating. Care should be taken to provide protection from heat effects of steam and/or hot-water service pipes. 5) Fuel oil and steam piping, except steam heating systems, should not be led through accommodation spaces unless such arrangement is approved by the competent authority. 6) In the choice of materials used for construction of accommodation spaces, account should be taken of properties potentially harmful to the health of personnel, or likely to harbour vermin and mould. Surfaces, including decks, of accommodation and furnishings should be of a kind easily kept clean and hygienic, as well as impervious to damp. 7) All practical measures should be taken to protect crew accommodation and furnishings against the admission of insects and other pests 8) Mess rooms should be as close as practicable to the galley. 9) The dimensions, furnishings and equipment of each mess room should be sufficient for the number of persons likely to use it at any one time. 10) Mess rooms should be planned, furnished and equipped to provide appropriate facilities for recreation. 11) Mess room accommodation separate from sleeping quarters should be provided in all vessels regularly carrying a crew of more than ten persons. Wherever reasonable and practicable it should be provided also in
vessels carrying a smaller crew.75 12) Akomodasi awak kapal di atas kapal harus memenuhi persyaratan keamanan dan kesejahteraan awak kapal. 13) Penempatan, tata susunan dan pengaturan seta hubungan dengan ruangan lain dari akomodasi awak kapal harus sedemikian rupa sehingga menjamin keselamatan awak kapal yang cukup, perlindungan terhadap cuaca dan air laut, dan disekat dari panas dan dingin serta kebisingan dari ruangan-ruangan mesin dan ruangan-ruangan lainnya, serta tidak ada pintu-pintu langsung ke kamar tidur dari ruangan muatan, ruangan mesin atau dari ruangan dapur dan ruangan-ruangan penyimpanan. 14) Bagian dari sekat, harus memisahkan ruangan-ruangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (2) dari kamar tidur dan sekat luar harus dibuat dari baja atau bahan sejenis yang diakui dan harus kedap air dan kedap gas. 15) Semua kamar tidur harus terletak lebih tinggi dari garis muat di lambung kapal. 16) Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (4) dapat dikecualikan bagi kapal-kapal tertentu atau kapal-kapal penumpang tertentu. 17) Semua ruangan tempat tinggal awak kapal harus dilengkapi dengan pencegah masuknya serangga melalui pintu-pintu, jendela-jendela dan lubang-lubang ke dalam ruangan. 18) Semua ruangan tempat tinggal awak kapal harus tetap dirawat dan dijaga dalam keadaan bersih dan baik dan tidak boleh diisi dan digunakan untuk menyimpan barang-barang lainnya. 19) Ketentuan luas lantai ruangan tidur untuk setiap awak kapal adalah :
a. Paling sedikit 2,00 M2 untuk kapal-kapal lebih kecil dari GT. 500. b. Paling sedikit 2,35 M2 untuk kapal-kapal dengan ukuran GT. 500 ke atas. c. Paling sedikit 2,78 M2 untuk kapal-kapal dengan ukuran GT. 3.000 ke atas.
20) Setiap perwira harus mempunyai satu kamar tidur untuk sendiri, sedangkan untuk rating satu kamar tidur untuk 2 (dua) orang, kecuali di kapal-kapal penumpang. 21) Untuk kamar tidur rating di kapal-kapal penumpang yang satu, kamar tidur terdapat 4 (empat) tempat tidur, maka luas lantai per orang minimal 2,22 M2. 22) Luas lantai sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (3), termasuk luas lantai untuk menempatkan tempat tidur, meja, lemari, laci tempat menyimpan dan kursi. 23) Bagi setiap awak kapal harus disediakan sebuah tempat tidur yang
25) 26)
layak yang tidak boleh diletakan rapat satu sama lain. ukuran setiap tempat tidur minimal 180 X 68 cm dan bahan tempat tidur harus menggunakan bahan standar yang diakui. Tinggi langit-langit kamar tidur minimal 190 cm dari lantai. Jika suatu kamar tidur dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur bertingkat, tempat tidur terbawah tingginya minimal 30 cm dari lantai, dan tempat tidur atas, di pertengahan tinggi antara tempat tidur bawah dan sisi bawah langit-langit. Semua tempat tidur yang telah dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur, lemari, laci tempat menyimpan, meja dan kursi, harus mempunyai kenyamanan yang layak. Setiap kapal harus dilengkapi dengan ruang makan baik untuk perwira maupun rating yang dilengkapi dengan pantri, meja dan kursi makan yang layak. Setiap kapal harus dilengkapi ruangan atau ruangan-ruangan untuk bersantai bagi awak kapal jika tidak sedang bertugas, yang cukup luas disesuaikan dengan ukuran kapal dan jumlah awak kapal. Setiap kapal dengan ukuran lebih besar dari GT. 3.000 harus mempunyai ruangan rekreasi yang terpisah dari ruang makan untuk perwira dan rating, yang baik letaknya dan dilengkapi dengan peralatan dan perabotan yang cukup untuk fasilitas rekreasi .Ruangan untuk bersantai dan rekreasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) dan ayat (2) di tempat yang terbuka, harus dilengkapi dengan atap tenda pencegah sinar matahari.
9) Sanitary facilities
Sufficient sanitary facilities including wash-basins and tubs and/or showerbaths and water-closets should be provided on a scale approved by the competent authority. Wherever practicable, such facilities should be provided as follows:
a. one tub and/or shower-bath for every eight persons or less; b. one water-closet for every eight persons or less; c. one wash-basin for every six persons or less. d. Provided that when the number of persons exceeds an even multiple of the specified number by less than one half of the specified number, this surplus may be ignored for the purpose of this paragraph.
Cold fresh water and hot fresh water or means of heating water should be available in all wash-places.
All sanitary equipment and systems should be of a design, construction and size approved by the competent authority. In particular, showers should have anti-scalding valves of an approved type, sufficient drainage should be provided, and soil and waste discharge pipes should be of adequate dimensions and constructed so as to facilitate cleaning. International standards concerning shipboard sanitary facilities contained in the WHO Guide to Ship Sanitation, 1967, may serve as guidance Soil and waste discharge pipes should not pass through fresh water or drinking water tanks or, where practicable, provision stores. Neither should they, where practicable, pass overhead in mess rooms or sleeping accommodation. Such pipes should be fitted with anti-siphon closures.Facilities for washing and drying clothes should be provided on a scale appropriate to the number of the crew and the duration of intended voyages. Setiap kapal harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas sanitasi yang cukup dan layak untuk seluruh awak kapal. Fasilitas sanitasi berupa kamar mandi dan tempat cuci untuk setiap kapal penumpang di luar fasilitas kamar mandi yang ada di kamar ditentukan :
a. Minimum 1 (satu) kamar mandi untuk setiap 8 (delapan) orang awak kapal. b. Minimum 1 (satu) tempat cuci untuk setiap 8 (delapan) orang awak kapal.
Fasilitas sanitasi berupa jamban untuk setiap kapal, selain kapal penumpang adalah :
a. Kapal lebih kecil dari GT. 800 minimum sebanyak 3 (tiga) buah; b. Kapal dengan ukuran GT. 800 ke atas minimum sebanyak 4 (empat) buah; c. Kapal dengan ukuran GT. 3.000 ke atas minimum sebanyak 6 (enam) buah.
Untuk kapal-kapal penumpang dengan jumlah awak kapal lebih dari 100 (seratus) orang, jumlah fasilitas sanitasi ditentukan sesuai keperluan.
Setiap kapal harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas air tawar yang cukup, yang bersuhu dingin maupun panas yang disesuaikan dengan daerah pelayaran kapal
Semua ruangan sanitasi harus dilengkapi dengan ventilasi ke udara luar.
FASILITAS RUANG KESEHATAN 1) Setiap kapal dengan jumlah awak kapal 15 (lima belas) orang atau lebih harus dilengkapi dengan ruang perawatan kesehatan yang layak
2) 3) 4)
1) Adequate heating facilities in accommodation spaces should be providecdas required by climatic conditions. Heating facilities should be capable of maintaining a satisfactory air temperature in crew accommodation under normal conditions of service of a fishing vessel and as prescribed by the competent authority. 2) Facilities for heating should be designed so as not to endanger health or safety of the crew or the safety of the vessel. 3) Accommodation spaces should be adequately ventilated. Ventilation systems should be capable of control so as to maintain the air in a satisfactory condition and to ensure a sufficiency of air movement in all conditions of weather and climate. The ventilation of galley, sanitary and hospital spaces should be to the open air and, unless fitted with a mechanical ventilation system approved by the competent authority, be independent from that for other crew accommodation. 4) Accommodation spaces of vessels regularly engaged on voyages in the tropics and in similar climatic conditions, except in deckhouses with satisfactory natural ventilation, should be equipped with mechanical ventilation and, if necessary, with additional electric fans or air conditioning, in particular in mess rooms. When necessary to ensure satisfactory ventilation, vessels engaged elsewhere should be equipped either with mechanical means of ventilation or with electric fans. 5) Drying rooms or lockers for working clothes and oilskin lockers should have adequate ventilation. 6) Sleeping rooms should be so planned and equipped as to ensure reasonable comfort for the occupants and to facilitate tidiness. The clear head room should, whenever possible, be not less than 1.9 m.
dan memiliki kamar mandi dan jamban tersendiri. Fasilitas ruang perawatan kesehatan tidak boleh dipergunakan untuk keperluan-keperluan lain selain untuk perawatan orang sakit. Pada setiap kapal harus tersedia obat-oabatan dan bahan-bahan pembalut dalam jumlah yang cukup. Untuk pemberian pelayanan kesehatan di kapal, Nakhoda dalam keadaan tertentu dapat meminta bantuan nasehat dari tenaga medis di darat. Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai jenis obat-obatan dan tata cara permintaan bantuan nasehat sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (3) dan ayat (4) diatur dengan Keputusan Menteri.
7) KAMAR UNTUK CALON PERWIRA Bagi kapal-kapal dengan ukuran GT. 500 atau lebih harus menyediakan akomodasi, untuk taruna / calon perwira sebagai awak kapal yang melakukan praktek berlayar.
8) AKOMODASI KAPAL IKAN Akomodasi awak kapal untuk kapal penangkap ikan, kapal sungai dan danau diatur tersendiri dengan Keputusan Menteri